HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040977 Ver 1_Monitoring Report Year 5_20100212l \ 1 1 � J J �i City Pond Mitigation Project Anson County, North Carolina Year 5 Monitoring Report Prepared for Environmental Banc and Exchange, LLC 909 Capability Drive, Suite 3100 Raleigh, NC 27606 1iJ Prepared by WK Dickson and Co., Inc. 720 Corporate Center Drive Raleigh, NC 27607 (919) 782 -0495 And Ecosystem & Land Trust Monitoring PO Box 1492 3674 Pine Swamp Road Sparta, NC 28675 P February 2010 �� City Pond Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2009 (Year 5) Table of Contents ! _ 1.0 SUMMARY ............................................................................................ ............................... i February 2010 2.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................. ............................... I 2.1 Project Description ....................................................................... ............................... 1 2.2 Project Purpose ............................................................................. ............................... 2 2.3 Project History & Schedule .......................................................... ............................... 5 3.0 VEGETATION ........................................................................................ ..............................5 - ; 3.1 Vegetation Success Criteria .......................................................... ............................... 5 3.2 Description of Species and Vegetation Monitoring ...................... ............................... 5 3.3 Results of Vegetation Monitoring ................................................. ............................... 6 3.4 Vegetation Observations & Conclusions ...................................... ............................... 7 4.0 STREAM MONITORING ..................................................................... ............................... 7 4.1 Stream Success Criteria ................................................................ ............................... 7 4.2 Stream Morphology Monitoring Plan ........................................... ............................... 8 `= 4.2.1 Cross Sections ..................................................................... ............................... 8 4.2.2 Longitudinal Profile ............................................................ ............................... 8 -� 4.2.3 Hydrology ............................................................................ ..............................8 4.2.4 Photo Reference Stations .................................................... ............................... 8 _ 4.3 Stream Morphology Monitoring Results ...................................... ............................... 9 4.3.1 Cross Sections ..................................................................... ............................... 9 4.3.2 Longitudinal Profile ............................................................ ............................... 9 4.3.3 Hydrology ......................................................................... ............................... 17 4.3.4 Climate Data ..................................................................... ............................... 17 4.4 Stream Conclusions ................................:................................... ............................... 19 5.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................... ............................... 20 i February 2010 City Pond Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report.1br 2009 (Year 5) List of Figures Figure1. Vicinity Map .................................................................................... ............................... 3 Figure2. USGS Map ....................................................................................... ............................... 4 Figure3. Monitoring Plan View .................................................................... ............................... 10 Figure 4a -e. Stream Problem Areas ............................................................... ............................... 12 Figure 5. 2009 Precipitation for City Pond ................................................... ............................... 18 List of Tables Table 1. Project Mitigation Structure and Objectives ..................................... ............................... 2 Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History ............................................. ............................... 5 Table3. Project Contacts ................................................................................. ............................... 5 Table4. Planted Tree Species ......................................................................... ............................... 6 Table 5. Results of 2009 Vegetation Monitoring ............................................ ............................... 6 Table 6. Stream Areas Requiring Observation in 2009 ................................. ............................... 11 Table 7. Crest Gauge Summary Data for Years 1 - 5 .................................... ............................... 17 Table 8. County and On -site Rainfall Data ................................................... ............................... 18 APPENDICES Appendix A As -Built Survey Appendix B 2009 Profile and Cross Section Data Appendix C 2009 Site Photos Appendix D Morphological Parameters Comparison Table ii February 2010 �J �i City Pond Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2009 (Year 5) 1.0 SUMMARY The City Pond Stream Mitigation Project site is located near the town of Wadesboro in Anson \ ` County, North Carolina. The project involved the restoration and enhancement of 10,574 linear feet of channelized stream on several unnamed tributaries to City Pond. All restoration is being monitored for five years to document success. Baseline data on stream morphology and vegetation were collected immediately after construction and planting were complete. This information is documented in the As -Built Report completed in 2005. The As -Built survey is included as Appendix A of this report. Information on stream morphology and vegetation will be collected each year and compared to the baseline data and data from previous monitoring years. This Annual Monitoring Report presents the monitoring data collected during Year 5 at the City Pond Stream Restoration Site. Data collected for 2009 include crest gauge readings, on -site rain gauge readings, monthly observations of current conditions, cross sections survey, profile survey, digital images, observations of potential stream stability problems and vegetation survival. The design for the City Pond project involved the restoration of channel dimension, pattern, and profile on eight separate reaches, and the enhancement of dimension and profile on one reach. After construction, it was documented that 9,869 linear feet of stream had been restored, and 705 linear feet of stream had been enhanced. The data presented in this Annual Monitoring Report is from 3 crest gauges, 20 cross sections, and 3,400 linear feet of longitudinal profile on 8 reaches, as required in the approved Restoration Plan for this site. Digital images were recorded at all 20 cross sections and all in- stream structures that could be located. Planted tree density from five 1 /10th acre plots randomly located within the riparian buffer estimate trees per acre. The 2009 stream monitoring data documents that little has changed in the stream channel pattern and cross - sectional dimensions since last year's monitoring efforts. Most in- stream structures are stable and continue to function as designed. There were minor cases of bed erosion in reaches R1 and S1. During 2009, the stream channel experienced multiple bankfull events. It was concluded that the site has achieved the stream success criteria as specified in the Restoration Plan. Vegetation monitoring indicated a range of tree density between 490 and 670 stems per acre. The site met the initial vegetation survival criteria of 320 stems per acre surviving after the third growing season and has met the final vegetation survival criteria of 260 stems per acre surviving after the fifth growing season. The vegetation looks healthy and consistent throughout. 2.0 INTRODUCTION 2.1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The City Pond Stream Restoration Project is located near the town of Wadesboro in Anson County, North Carolina (Figure 1 & Figure 2). The stream systems that historically flowed through the site were channelized and highly incised prior to restoration. The design for the restored streams involved the construction of new meandering channels across the low slope valleys, and restored step pool channels in the higher slope valleys. The site has a history of pasture and hay production, preceded by row crop production. Ditches were used to increase land use and improve drainage when the land was under crop production. The streams on the project site were channelized, and riparian vegetation was cleared in most February 2010 City Pond Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2009 (Year S) locations. Stream and riparian functions on the site had been severely impacted as a result of agricultural conversion. The project involved the restoration and enhancement of 10,574 linear feet of channelized stream on several unnamed tributaries to City Pond. The project restored 9,869 linear feet of channel dimension, pattern, and profile, and enhanced 705 linear feet of channel dimension and /or profile. Table 1 shows the as -built lengths and restoration type for each reach. The 2009 monitoring season represents the fifth and final year of monitoring for this site. Table 1. Project Mitigation Structure and Objectives Reach Name As -Built Length (feet Stream Mitigation Units Restoration Approach R1 705 470 Enhancement I R2 2,611 2,611 Restoration R3 777 777 Restoration S1 734 734 Restoration S2 1,150 1,150 Restoration S3 710 710 Restoration S4 1,711 1,711 Restoration S5 1,744 1,744 Restoration S6 432 432 Restoration Total 10,574 10,339 2.2 PROJECT PURPOSE Monitoring of the City Pond Mitigation Site is required to demonstrate successful mitigation based on the criteria described in the City Pond Mitigation Plan. Both stream and vegetation monitoring are conducted throughout the growing season. Success criteria must be met for five consecutive years. This Annual Report details the results of the stream monitoring for 2009 at the City Pond Stream Mitigation Site. 2 February 2010 a 0 1 x c x N �I �• S Y gShe PVT N �O HARGRAVE �•� •.. <�ticT Wadesboro .,,, 00 �• ; O,y Ng� \L� %ASP .. \\, ➢ �, . +. P O- t RlNGF�ECO �'YS�O Z N� •! `• � �.. i %1. IANSFORD ` Vat <q�e RFFMgN ,q�b � T�F Q i i 1 w 4' 1 Q O .y �L Q� PVT Q I City Pond Project Site Figure City Pond Stream Mitigation Site Project Location Map Anson County, NC 1 inch IMF equals 2,000 feet Y �.. so .1�•�,Q� G� °.1y °e� °�y pry �o�? gSyF 5 N `" Q� � ccy� it `� ,i '�, a• y� O HARGRAVE '.`� %r Wadesboro °`i9 .G'� , �•� P� •�.. oaf 00-5 3 f ' gUR PE` ��' ••:\• • ^ �� SPRY F �tiS N �1_ �•rPP ` 3 i oP? �GP`�. 4 / • 9 t NG rElp �pRO = O� �.•�� I der park ',` tUOO. R LANSFORD F l\ W'�. 7 '640 �1 ! / R�'f( Q •` T OVVNSEND 1�11UUUU�ijj l/ {Y 1' \ A O Hanna 9 -- 5 F _ _ •'ate] • • �• _ , J m ° 40 = �� '� V�'�� °:;p � � .. �� �j,��-. Gam.• � C a �c ( -- i i ' f G�- �' lL • 450 _ O PVT • V?' v '4d ,ate. • � � � City Pond Project Site l '� • � 1. - 1, �,`�`� •�((� / ` A' -:O• •�j ,'� 4i � I r i• i � Ch+ ? J 1 000 s —. .4.._ - Figure A. Anson • 1 inch equals 2,000 feet City Pond Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2009 (Year 5) 2.3 PROJECT HISTORY & SCHEDULE This project was identified by EBX in the spring of 2004. The following table outlines project history and milestones, as well as background information (Table 2). Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Date Action Performed November 2004 Construction Be an May 2005 Construction Completed May 2005 Planting Completed June 2005 Post Construction Monitoring Gauges Installed August 2005 As -Built Report Submitted November 2005 1 st Annual Monitoring Report February 2006 Replanted 3.5 acres with two year old trees November 2006 2nd Annual Monitoring Report November 2007 3rd Annual Monitoring Report November 2008 4th Annual Monitoring Report November 2009 5th Annual Monitoring Report Table 3. Project Contacts Contact Firm Information Project Manager EBX -Neuse 1, LLC Norton Webster (919 ) 608 -9688 Designer Buck Engineering PC Kevin Tweedy, PE 919 463 -5488 Monitoring Contractor WK Dickson and Co., Inc Daniel Ingram 919 782 -0495 3.0 VEGETATION 3.1 VEGETATION SUCCESS CRITERIA The final measure of vegetative success for the City Pond Mitigation Plan is the survival of 260 5- year -old planted trees per acre at the end of Year 5 of the monitoring period. Up to 20 percent of the site species composition may be comprised of volunteers. Remedial action may be required should volunteers (i.e., sweetgum, red maple, etc.) exceed 20 percent composition. 3.2 DESCRIPTION OF SPECIES AND VEGETATION MONITORING The following tree species were planted in the riparian buffer: 5 February 2010 City Pond Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2009 (Year S) Table 4. Planted Tree Species -No. 'Common Name Scientific Name , FAC Status 1 Shagbark Hickory Carya ovata FACU 2 Willow Oak Quercus phellos FACW- 3 Persimmon Diospyrus virginiana FAC 4 Green Ash Fraxinus pennsylvan. FACW 5 Yellow poplar Liriodendron tulipifera FAC 6 Sycamore Platanus occidentalis FACW- 7 Water Oak Quercus nigra FAC 8 American Elm Ulmus americana FACW 9 Laurel Oak Quercus lauri olia FACW The following monitoring protocol was designed to predict vegetative survivability. Five plots were established on the City Pond Mitigation Site that covers approximately 2 percent of the site. The vegetation monitoring plots were designed to be 1 /10th of an acre in size or 50 feet x 87 feet dimensionally. The plots were randomly located and randomly oriented within the riparian buffer. Plot construction involved using metal fence posts at each of the four corners to clearly and permanently establish the area to be sampled. Ropes were then hung connecting all four corners to help in determining if trees close to the plot boundary were inside or outside of the plot. Trees right on the boundary and trees just outside of the boundary that appear to have greater than 50 percent of their canopy inside the boundary were counted inside the plot. A ten -foot piece of white PVC pipe was placed over the metal post on one corner to facilitate visual location of the site throughout the five -year monitoring period. All of the planted stems inside the plot were marked with orange flagging and a 3- foot -tall piece of half -inch PVC to distinguish them from any colonizers, and to help in locating them in the future. Each stem was then tagged with a permanent, numbered aluminum tag. 3.3 RESULTS OF VEGETATION MONITORING Table 5 presents stem counts for each of the monitoring plots. The species ID numbers across the top row correspond to the numbered species listed in Table 4. Each plot is identified down the left column. Table 5. Results of 2009 Vegetation Monitoring Average Stems per Acre: 558 Range of Stems per Acre: 490 -670 February 2010 Species,ID_Number (from -Table 4) Plot 1' 2 „ 3 .4 ' 5` 6 7 -8 9 Total,, Sterns per", : acre CPI 0 19 6 1 4 9 5 10 0 55 550 CP2 0 23 0 1 1 4 0 28 0 57 570 CP3 2 4 27 1 2 8 0 7 0 51 510 CP4 0 9 11 20 0 1 13 13 0 67 670 CPS 0 10 3 5 9 9 5 4 4 49 490 Average Stems per Acre: 558 Range of Stems per Acre: 490 -670 February 2010 City Pond Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2009 (Year 5) Volunteer woody species were observed in most of the vegetation plots, but were deemed too small to tally. Volunteer species have been monitored throughout the five year monitoring period. Sweetgum (Liguidambar styrac�flua) is the most common volunteer, though privet (Ligustrum spp.), loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) and red maple (Ater rubrum) was also observed. 3.4 VEGETATION OBSERVATIONS & CONCLUSIONS This site was planted in bottomland hardwood forest species in March 2005. The 2009 vegetation monitoring documented that the site has an average tree density of 558 stems per acre with a range of 490 to 670 stems per acre. This site met the minimum success interim criteria of 320 trees per acre at the end of the third growing season and met the final success criteria of 260 trees per acre at the end of the fifth growing season. At the beginning of the 2006 growing season, two year old trees were replanted in proximity to and including Plot 5 due to high mortality the previous year. The five year old saplings are healthy and growing and the mortality rate is consistent with what is found throughout the site. After construction of the mitigation site, a permanent ground cover seed mixture of Virginia wild rye (Elymus virginicus), switch grass (Panicum virgatum), and fox sedge (Carex vulpinoidea) was broadcast on the site at a rate of 10 pounds per acre. These species are found on the site. Naturally occurring hydrophytic herbaceous vegetation is also occurring on site. Cattails (Typha spp.), rush (Juncus effitsus), spikerush (Eleocharis obtusa), knotweed (Polygonum persicaria), iris (Iris spp.), arrow -leaf tearthumb (Polygonum sagittatztm), and sedge (Carex spp.), all hydrophytic herbaceous plants, are frequently observed across the site, particularly in areas of inundation. Woolgrass (Scirpus cyperinus), an obligate wetland plant, is dominant in the central wetter zone of the site. The presence of these herbaceous wetland plants helps to confirm the presence of wetland hydrology on the site. There are zones of weedy species occurring on the site, though none seem to be posing any problems for the woody or herbaceous hydrophytic vegetation. The majority of the weedy species are annuals and seem to pose very little threat to survivability onsite. Commonly seen weedy vegetation includes hay, dallisgrass (Paspalum dilatatum), dogfennel (Eupatorium capillifolium), broomsedge (Andropogon spp.), buttercup (Ranunculus spp.) and blackberry (Rubus spp.). 4.0 STREAM MONITORING 4.1 STREAM SUCCESS CRITERIA As stated in the approved Restoration Plan, the stream restoration success criteria for the site includes the following: Bankfull Events: Two bankfull flow events must be documented within the five -year monitoring period. Cross sections: There should be little change in as -built cross sections. Cross sections shall be classified using the Rosgen stream classification method and all monitored cross sections should fall within the quantitative parameters defined for "E" or "C" type channels. Cross section data will be collected annually. Longitudinal Profile: The longitudinal profiles should show that the bedform features are remaining stable, i.e. they are not aggrading or degrading. Bedforms observed should be February 2010 City Pond Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2009 (Year S) consistent with those observed in "E" or "C" type channels. Profile data will be collected in monitoring Years 1, 3, 4, and 5. Photo Reference Stations: Photographs will be used to subjectively evaluate channel aggradation or degradation, bank erosion, success of riparian vegetation and effectiveness of erosion control measures. Photos will be taken annually at permanent cross sections and grade control structures. Benthic Macroinvertebrate Sampling: Benthic macroinvertebrates will be sampled annually in monitoring years 1, 2, and 3. Benthic macroinvertebrate samples will be identified and a tolerance value will be calculated. 4.2 STREAM MORPHOLOGY MONITORING PLAN To document the stated success criteria, the following monitoring program was instituted following completion of construction on the City Pond Site: 4.2.1 Cross Sections According to the As -Built Report written in August 2005, 20 cross sections are to be monitored along the restored tributaries R2, R3, S3, S4, S5, and S6. Locations of these cross sections are specified in Figure 3. Each cross section was marked on both banks with permanent pins to establish the exact transect used. Permanent cross section pins were surveyed and located relative to a common benchmark to facilitate easy comparison of year -to -year data. The annual cross section surveys include points measured at all breaks in slope, including floodplain, top of bank, bankfull, inner berm, edge of water, and thalweg. In addition, any fluvial features present will be documented. Permanent cross sections for 2009 (Year 5) were surveyed in July 2009. Data and photos of each cross section are included as Appendix B. 4.2.2 Longitudinal Profile Longitudinal profile will be surveyed in years one, three, four, and five of the five -year monitoring period. The profile survey will be conducted for a length of restored channel of at least 30 percent of the total restoration length or 3,000 feet, whichever is greater. Features measured will include thalweg, inverts of stream structures, water surface, and top of bank on either side of the channel. The longitudinal survey of 3,400 linear feet of stream channel was conducted for 2009 (Year 5) in July of 2009. 4.2.3 Hydrology Three crest gauges were installed on the site to document bankfull events. These gauges record the highest out -of -bank flow event that occurs each month and are checked in the last week of every month during the growing season. The gauges are located on the downstream portions of R1, R2, and S4 (Figure 3). 4.2.4 Photo Reference Stations Photographs are used to visually document restoration success. Although specific photo points are not set up across the City Pond site, photos were taken at every located structure. Reference photos are taken at each permanent cross section from both stream banks, as well as facing upstream and downstream. The survey tape is centered in the photographs of the bank, and the water line is located in the lower edge of the frame with as much of the bank as possible included in each photo. Problem area photos and general photos of the site are located in Appendix D. February 2010 City Pond Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2009 (Year 5) 4.3 STREAM MORPHOLOGY MONITORING RESULTS 4.3.1 Cross Sections The cross sections were surveyed during the monitoring set -up, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, and in July 2009 for Year 5. The baseline data has been compared with the Year 1 through Year 5 monitoring data in Appendix B. Also included in Appendix B are the surveyed cross sections for Year 4 and Year 5. Compared to the documented data from the Year 4 survey, the Year 5 channel cross sections showed that overall stream dimensions remained stable during this fifth growing season. Some localized areas of bed scour and /or aggradation were noted; however, these adjustments are common and indicate a movement toward greater stability. There is very little difference between the baseline cross sections, and Years 1 through 5 cross sections. 4.3.2 Longitudinal Profile A longitudinal profile survey was conducted along four separate reaches of the restoration project, totaling approximately 3,400 linear feet. Survey was conducted in reach R2 from STA 27 +50 (XS 4) to STA 39 +50 (XS 6), in reach R3 from STA 44 +00 (XS 7) to STA 49 +00 (XS 8), in reach S4 from STA 15 +50 (XS 13) to STA 23 +50 (XS 15), and in reach S5 from STA 14 +00 (XS 10) to STA 23 +00 (XS 12). The longitudinal profile information documents the elevations and locations of streambed features and in- stream grade control structures. The profile and cross sections show there has been little adjustment to stream profile or dimension since construction. Table 6 summarizes stream areas requiring observation. Figures 4a -4e shows the locations of the stream problem areas observed. All of the problem areas observed are minor and localized. SPA2 and SPA3 are localized and are expected to stabilize and become vegetated. Problem area SPAS, SPA6, and SPAT are not affecting channel stability and have good vegetative cover on the adjacent banks and floodplain. SPA 10 is a small head -cut that is expected to stabilize. Upstream of this are a number of stable grade control structures that will halt progression if necessary. Vegetation along the banks at this area is still filling in and is expected to provide additional stabilization. No remedial actions are necessary. 9 February 2010 > Cl) O Co CIVN 00 Z3 a 0) c: LI: O V) 0 o" %Z--! City Pond Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2009 (Year 5) Table 6. Stream Areas Requiring Observation in 2009 I I February 2010 Recommended ID Station Feature Problem Severity Action SPA1 R1 11 +50 Channel Small headcut Minor None R1 13 +80 Lack of vegetation and SPA2 to Left Bank Minor None R1 14 +10 erosion SPA3 R1 16 +30 Left Bank Lack of vegetation Minor None Aggradation of sand in SPA4 R1 16 +75 Channel Minor None channel Beaver dam across SPAS R2 33 +00 Channel Minor None channel Beaver dam across SPA6 R2 34 +50 Channel Minor None channel Beaver dam across SPAT R2 38 +20 Channel Minor None channel SPA8 R2 43 +15 Channel ATV Crossing Minor None SPA9 S l 12 +00 Log Weir Erosion behind structure Minor None SPA10 Sl 15 +85 Rock Vane Erosion behind structure Minor No I I February 2010 tip ! lj z 5 0"� LU LU z _3 +: c4 � 0 RR CW lax lu LLI I U) cz -0 E C: >1 L 0 4— E cz a) H A D 0 CRI + + Z 2 LLL c Lli —VI COD LU Z C-4 04 411 X N, bT. + z egv� tu z v, 0 ui a uj LU Lij z -.1 2 A A N Q F- Q j I1u .T- H J V Q N OF 1 V' ad U) � N - i Q 1 V' ad NR, .Is Q I S- H o Q 0 LM 4— CL La Lqq Z2717+ZZ NOUVIS 9 J.32HS BMINDIM -SS" S zz 00 Ilk EF u Z zoo R, 5o rn ILI w Ay LO CD I'l . :ilpa D, La 161 0 Ai M '17 ua Ph r T11 uj rF 7 All- C:! LJ' LU SM14 City Pond Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2009 (Year S) 4.3.3 Hydrology During the 2009 monitoring season, three crest gauges were monitored to determine if there were any out -of -bank flow events in the City Pond stream channel. Between the months of February and July, three bankfull events have been documented during the monthly onsite visits. Crest Gauge 1 (Reach R1) and Crest Gauge 3 (in Reach S4) did not register any out -of -bank flows. Crest Gauge 2 (Reach R2) registered three out -of -bank flows. The largest stream flow documented for Year 5 by the onsite crest gauges was a flow that occurred during February and was 0.95 feet above the bankfull stage. The hydrology success criteria have also been satisfied by bankfull events in previous monitoring years. Table 7. Crest Gauge Summary Data for Years 1 - 5 Month Recorded Crest Gauge 1 Crest Gau e 2 Crest Gau e 3 YR 1 YR 2 YR 3 YR 4 YR 5 YR 1 YR 2 YR 3 YR 4 YR 5 YR 1 YR 2 YR 3 YR 4 YR 5 January NA - -- - -- - -- - -- NA - -- - -- - -- - -- NA - -- - -- - -- February NA NA - -- - -- 0.00 0.00 NA - -- - -- 0.60 0.95 NA - -- - -- 0.00 0.00 March NA 1.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA 1.75 1.00 0.65 0.80 NA 1.50 1.20 0.00 0.00 April NA 1.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA 0.00 0.70 1.05 0.35 NA 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.00 May NA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA 0.00 2.10 0.00 0.00 NA 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 June NA 1.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA 2.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA 1.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 July NA 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA 2.10 0.00 3.50 0.00 NA 0.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 August NA 0.12 0.00 0.40 0.00 NA 1.60 0.00 1.50 0.00 NA 0.05 0.00 0.70 0.00 September NA 0.75 0.00 0.70 0.00 NA 0.15 0.00 2.30 0.00 NA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 October NA 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA 0.15 0.00 0.00 NA 0.00 0.00 0.00 November NA 0.15 - -- - -- NA 0.55 - -- - -- NA 1.45 - -- - -- December NA - -- - -- - -- NA - -- - -- - -- NA - -- - -- - -- NA - Data not available. 4.3.4 Climate Data Precipitation levels at the Wadesboro monitoring station near the City Pond site fell below the normal range for much of the spring and summer. In May, the precipitation level fell within the normal range (Figure 5 and Table 8). 17 February 2010 City Pond Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report, for 2009 (Year 5) Table 8. County and On -site Rainfall Data Month Average Normal Limits Wadesboro Precipitation On -Site Precipitation 30 Percent 70 Percent January 4.66 3.31 5.78 2.13 - -- February 3.56 2.18 4.37 1.57 - -- March 4.61 3.28 5.58 1.96 3.98 April 2.94 1.54 3.78 1.51 3.78 May 3.44 2.18 3.93 2.82 4.60 June 4.56 2.74 5.84 1.93 3.43 July 5.26 3.26 6.06 1.45 1.63 August 4.41 2.67 5.36 1.98 3.85 September 4.25 2.15 5.87 0.40 0.62 October 3.66 1.85 4.87 - -- - -- November 3.1 2.14 3.86 - -- - -- December 3.28 2.16 3.83 - -- - -- Average - -- 43.21 50.80 - -- - -- Total 47.72 - -- - -- 1 15.80 21.89 Figure 5. 2009 Precipitation for City Pond 18 February 2010 City Pond Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2009 (Year S) The on -site rain gauge recorded normal to above normal rainfall for most of the spring and summer. In May, the precipitation was above normal. In July, the precipitation was below normal. By July, the Wadesboro rainfall total was 6.44 inches below the monthly averages. 4.4 STREAM CONCLUSIONS All potential problem areas are minor and localized, and no corrective actions are recommended at this time. All monitored cross sections fell within the quantitative parameters defined for "E" or "C" type channels. Three bankfull events in 2009 were documented on Reach 2 during site visits with the on site crest gauge and visual evidence of out -of -bank flow. The hydrology success criteria have been satisfied by bankfull events in previous monitoring years and 2009. In- stream structures installed within the channel include constructed riffles, cross vanes, log vanes, log weirs, root wads, and step - pools. Visual observations of structures throughout the 2009 growing season indicated the structures are stable and that most structures are functioning as designed. Localized bank erosion is occurring in several spots along R1. No remedial action is recommended. One log weir on reach S1 was undercutting but is still functioning properly. A small head cut has formed in S 1 at a rock grade - control structure, but does not appear to pose any problem because of multiple grade control structures upstream and increasing vegetative stabilization in the channel. Except for localized minor erosion, the banks appear stable throughout the site and no action is required. This site meets the success criteria and no remedial actions are necessary. Appendix D summarizes the morphologic parameter. 5.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Stream stability data collected during monitoring Year 5 and observations of conditions at the site indicate that the project continues to be successful. The stream morphology is stable. Several in- stream structures are experiencing slight scour, but appear to still be functioning properly. Vegetative growth along the channel banks has increased channel stability. Some siltation is occurring throughout the various reaches, resulting in vegetation growth in the channel. It was concluded that the site has achieved the stream success criteria specified in the Restoration Plan. • Vegetation monitoring efforts documented that the average number of stems per acre on site to be 558, which is a survival rate of 88 percent based on the initial planting count of 632 stems per acre. The range of surviving planted stem density is 490 to 670 stems per acre. The vegetation success criteria have been met for the fifth growing season. 19 February 2010 i� APPENDIX A As -Built Survey p 4 7 in " M, ® I {� .. s ,j" .i. yf Aj in " M, ® I a w W 1 Z U w a m� G _wo V m w a- Oa JimF aN iz 0`n LO G ti Z O H H y h w w tD w Z J S I � v �o 1 3 :gas fill 61:66 uK q s ti! _ - �J Is Ii N•.e �o$ S w �N �. 9• r - — y;;�• -,� � s; ,�� _ �.•LV - roc �"� „ • r ! 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U=l z of ID lc'o 0 cc ZW 0 C LU Z% LL, 0 z Lu �wl r 0 99 2,05 < Lu Lu LLI z uj ZO fL F- < n ILI 50 w z C, A : N V�. lx� z J. Lu < -CO rD w Z W is Cc co z w 00 F- 8 a, lu (4 x uj LLI LLJ LU z Ul U) z uj LLJ > LLJ cr in Lli z 00) < < 9L 0 z 2 z 0 2 0 LLI Lu z 7 -j C9 C U) z 0 he LU Z < (9 0 c!) < .'d W C30DE= 2 oocrwzwo o LU LU Of 0 3:W<06<2 0 rn M �- 5 f,- 0p oujmmrz� CL LL w 0 -, (5< c w CA 800 — 0 Uj w U. = U) > 03, co co < C) CL -6P*Cl-'J3A.38-X83-U99t0 \ru*1l\u6ts o \w WADOI APPENDIX B 2009 Profile and Cross Section Data J m O H O O O N m O Of O O N m O J O O O N O x LO a m M O O J O Cn Cl O O N N CL c 0 c N � O L O U O O N cr- N N O N I� O O O N N O a- 04 O O N I O O N O O O O O r -1 I O O O U C OJ D O O 0 O C CD cD L U O O L(7 O O O O M O O N O O r + -- - ✓ -- O O O 00 � CO U') It M N O OD O � tl- r- ti r- ti � r- � I- (4) UOgena13 u X ti m O F- -j O O O N X m O H J O O O + O O N O O fn "c > O O EL C O -O N U � ■ U) M L U m f� O O O N CU m N C C f6 L U rn O O N O m C C N L U �I O O N + • + • + • X ■ • x X • + • + ■ • x X +• +• I + ■ x •+ i -I• • + O O 0 O O O Ict O LO M I i O O M CU U' C cu O U) LO 0 N N C I C c6 L U O O N O LO i O O r i O LO O co d' N O 00 CO 'IT N O I� f- Il- ti Cfl CD CD C0 C0 (4) U01J2n813 m O F- w O O O N m O F- O! ti O O N + m O F- J O O O N X m O F- J ti O O O LO N t M • N O U> LO C LO O O O d C N _O "o ■ U � "t C/) U U p O O N O m O C C m L U rn O O N 70 N m N C C cu L U ti O O N • + • + • +• + • + + • + + • + • + • + - • + t + • t - • + • • + + • +• t t + • + • • + • + + • + • + • t •+ • + • •+ • + O O O O O ti O O LO N U C N C:) En � i5 7 C C ca t O O M O O N O O T- O ti LO O In (n (n Ict LO co LO N LO P- (O 1- Vj ~ ~ cM rl- N r r ti rl- ti I- r- (14) UOIJeA913 A co O o� O N iE Im 0 I- O O N m 0 J Ip O N X m 00 O M J N � O iO O N O -0 + I • 0 o_ o U) U � o L o co N U � U N in 5 C c m t U rn 0 0 N i 'a N im �N c c co U O O N co co 00 00 0 (14) UOIJenaj�j 0 C) 00 0 0 ti I LO N U C cB 0 c c c� o U 0 It 0 0 O O N O 0 0 ti •+ • +• Xx •+ xX • + X• • • + • W+ • AN Me x OF X X • + I •+ • + • x X + + I VEX • • + + • X • i ; • + • OF X • + • co co 00 00 0 (14) UOIJenaj�j 0 C) 00 0 0 ti I LO N U C cB 0 c c c� o U 0 It 0 0 O O N O 0 0 ti Y C f0 t Y O O J Y C R d J C Y O O J I� v M I M d u IE M N IO N J :J f i U 3 d c 0 4 U y y x CC I O d c I (g) uOIJBAOlg Y i f0 Z f0 C Y O O J i V � } I o ,M. } u � v I G N C � IO y 0 L � M 3 y U o IQ OC. U ° N � N Gcl w O N cd cp m N Q GJ � O O a` 0 0 LL 0 N O °" 00 r- �0 h M N °S 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (g) u011RA31g 1 1 0 0 A o � v � A d } I M A � N L M I O _ Qn 0 3 a U d N O a g U � o N w Y� m O � 0. � LL I O 0 0 00 r- (1j) uoraen01g Y C t9 L Y O O J r T =r r o 0 a a+ T v 3 d U c v Y G _ R m O� 00 N r n n n n n n r (U) UOI;EAO[g • Y C f0 rr t f�6 Q1 C Y 0 J n 7 ro lu I O M 7 I 61 G M I N C } C O M _ lu 3N L N I'O C a° U v m w x _ m c 8 n. 0 ° (ij) uoilenalg ` (7j) UOIIRAOlg i u } I o M Y :J p7 N a o rr. u r r — CYa i L _ n Q �.i O +. N O O d O N u A � d G a 0 (U) UOTIVAOIg Y C W L w L C1 Q: W Cf C Y O O J v v' a I M d O a vi r. C o O M � � N C p .F a N r% Q C O O > O d p O O, 00 1- �o 7 M N f- r- n r- n r r t- F- (U) UOgEA2[g 1 0 r `m } u w h v i w �i N i � a u CA 'd � � app � y ¢ U C O a u w C L `n O e h I 0o o a, oo r m r r r o v v (g) U09RA319 s o � r ° I M � C N Wu C M ^ 0 x = � 3 m Vi y tC+l Q U c v, � Qy N G O U u 0 N 4: C v A � C O o. 0 0 (13) UOIJUA31g Y C f0 t I.L Y O O J Y C f6 J a1 C Y O O J rt Y 7 A M N I 1 M I O C N � y � v� I C O a+ N _ u u L N o L (, O N 'O C O 6. C V � d O I a 0 �Oa �� 00 0 ({j) U011EA2(g =r I l Y } I M 3„ �.S • -mac+ ' . a.. r U C 3 N :fit =r I ,I r M A } I M r U C N H � 3 'n L d e 0 U U !J Y G � U A C O d O v� x O x x x ( 13) UOIIEA31g Y C t4 L C7 Q' 0 0 J o � M � M � NW' Y! N O N C O � � m y 0 L U 0 O 0. C C.J 1 _ w it 0 n, 0 0 o i 0 a oo r- (1j) UOI)UA31g 0 APPENDIX C 2009 Site Photos City Pond Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2009 (Year S) SPA 1 -Small head cut in channel @ station 11+50 (R 1) SPA2 - Left bank erosion and lack of vegetation from station 13 +80 to 14 +10 (RI) City Pond Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2009 (Year S) SPA3 - Left bank erosion and loss of vegetation @ station 16 +30 (R1) SPA4 - Sand aggradation in channel @ station 16 +75 (R 1) City Pond Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2009 (Year S) SPA5 - Beaver dam across channel @ station 33 +00 (R2) SPA6 - Beaver dam across channel @ station 34 +50 (R2) City Pond Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report,for 2009 (Year 5) SPAT - Beaver dam across channel @ station 38 +20 (R2) SPA8 - Right bank ATV trail crossing channel @ station 43 +15 (R2) City Pond Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2009 (Year S) SPA8 - Left bank ATV trail crossing channel @ station 43 +15 (R2) SPA9 - Erosion behind log weir structure @ station 12 +00 (S 1) 0 City Pond Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2009 (Year S) SPA 10 - Erosion behind rock vane structure @ station 15 +85 (S 1) Constructed Riffle (typical) City Pond Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2009 (Year S) Pool (typical) Riffle (typical) City Pond Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2009 (Year S) Log grade control (typical) Root wad (typical) City Pond Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2009 (Year S) Log vane (typical) City Pond Vegetation Plot 1 City Pond Mitigation Site Annual Monitoring Report for 2009 (Year S) City Pond Vegetation Plot 2 City Pond Vegetation Plot 3 � t a i Appendix D Morphological Parameters CL 1 �_i aA DA N M N O O\ N�c O� O\ O M O� 9 M vi 00 00 O O\ O (+� "D M O M 00 Cd 4) N t �O 01 O N N DD M N 00 O O M C\ ,I: O\ M l- vi C-j �p 00 V'1 h N O - 0 6 M N O N N 0d c N M M 00 �h N O 00 O\ N .--i N 00 I 00 F.r l� h M O\ O O 00 In M 00 CQ N fi O\ O 00 Vl 00 �O O� 00 "O O in O '� M O� O, �O [� M o0 N vn O wi Cd N .--� M Q� M v'� N O Ol O j 06 O 00 O 7 ,-• tq N O N �O �O kn * Q� to CV M �O O M fV N 9 R r i cd Qom. ^ cam ^ ; ca a�i � .� a� Q a � a�i C .� aai Q i . � Ca a. o a� Q o aQi Q o Q .0 D y x cd h � C h O W N cd # C -2 � x A u3b�°'�3b°'�3b A g a 3 a a I A 1 �_i