HomeMy WebLinkAboutKinston Bypass (15)MINUTES FROM THE DETAILED STUDY ALTERNATIVES (CP2) CONCURRENCE MEETING ON NOVEMBER 17, 2011 To interagencv Merger Process Team K Othei Meeting Attendees Fiom Chris Weiner PE Date Februai v 16 2012 Subject S I iP Number R 2553 Kinston Bypass I enoir Countv North Carolina A Section 404 /NFPA interagency Merger Process Team (Merger learn) Meeting was held 'it 8 00 AM on Thursdav November 17 2011 in the NCDOT Century Center Complex Structure Design Conference Room 1 hose in attendance are shown on the itt iched sign in sheet Pui pose of Meeting 1 he purpose of the meeting was to review information presented to the public at Citizens Informational Workshop #2 review public comments received review Draft Preliminary Corridors information and obtain Merger Team Concurrence on selection of Detailed Studv Alternatives Carried Forward (DSAs) Merger Meeting Summary 1 om Steffens (USACE) initiated the meeting by rev iew ing the purpose of today s meeting and holding introductions As a follow up to FEMA Buvout Property questions identified at the July 21 2011 Interagency Merger Team Infornwitionil Meeting Mark Pierce (NCDOI) introduced John Mello of the NC Div ision of Emergency Management Hazard Mitigation Grant Pro_izram John Mello provided the Merger Team with a review of FFMA s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) totmerly referred to as FEMA Buyout Properties Key points of Mr Mello s discussion included the following • Variances may be issued for projects resulting in impacts to HMGP properties tune frame for vat iances to be approved is between 18 and 24 months • It was questioned whether a preliminary determination of variance could be issued prior to preparing the State Draft Fnvironmentil Impact Statement John Mello explained typically a project packet is prepared as a part of the request for a variance The packet tN pically reviews the alternative development process the types of impedances /impac,ts to the HMGP properties and potential for mitigation • It was noted for documentition within the State Dtaft Lnvironmental Impact Statement the HMGP ptoperties will be treated the same as other resources within the project study area with similar avoidance and minimization efforts • John Mello will coordinate with FEMA National to deteunme it a preliminary deter mmation of wirianc.e can be obtained R 25�j CP2 CONCURRENCE MEETING MINUTES Februan 16 2012 Paee 2 of 4 Presentation on CP2 Detailed Studs Altci natives Cal rigid For n m d Chris Werner (URS Corporation) then reviewed the project background 'history the GIS Pilot Process information presented at Local Officials Meeting #4 information presented at Citizens Informational Workshop 92 comments received revisions to the Draft Preliminary Corridors and recommendations for Draft Prehmmary Corridors to be eliminated from consideration as Detailed Study Alternatives C armed For ward Figures 2 and 4 from the Intcragc nc} 47crger Process Alfccttng Packt t for Ccincurrencc Point 2 Detailed Study Alternatives Carried Forvmard (Merger Packet) are ittached for reference Kev discussion points regarding the recommendations included the tollovsmg ■ Scott McLendon (USACF) ehprtssed concern over the use of wetland impacts as means for eliminating Draft Preliminary Corridors Fhe tJSAC L felt confident in the riparian wetland data that the wetland model produced given field vetificatmon meetings were htld with USAGE in attend ince however there was concern over the upland wetland d ita as no field verification meetings have been held to date it was noted that while the impacts presented today are based on the wetland model data this data is more reliable than the National Wetland Inventor> (NWI) data which is typically used at this stage in the decision making piocess It was agreed that future field verification meetings w ill be held in order for all to be comfortable with the wetland model data which will continue to be used in future stages of the project ■ The Merger Team agreed to tlnnmate corridors with the follow segments or segment combinations from further consideration • Segment 29B due to high wetland impacts • Segment Combination 2513 28A 29A due to higher wetland impacts than Segment Combination 25A 27A This also resulted with the elimination of Segment 24B • Segment Combination 23B 25A due to higher wetland impacts than 23A 26B Segment Combination • Segment 9A due to high wetland impacts This also resulted with the elimination of Segment 5A and 8A • Segment 8B due to other similar options having less impacts to the NeUSe River crossing and corresponding floodplains I his also resulted with the elimination of Segment 7B however the Merger Team requested a new segment be added named Segment 7C to be located south and parallel to Segment 7A 1 he intent of adding Segment 7C was to pros ide a segment further aw a} from the Kennedy Memot ial Home Historic District campus core while trving to minimize the impacts to the multiple conservation easements south and east of Segment 7A • Segment 19A due to other similar options that have a more narrow and perpendicular crossing of the Neuse River crossing and corresponding floodplams This also resulted with the elimination of Segments 18A and 39B • Segment 15A due to other more direct options which have fewer impacts to the Stony ton creek natut al system ■ The tollowing segments were discussed is possibilities for elimination and/or consolidation however it was decided by the Merger Team that corridors with these segments should be kept until additional information is provided in upcoming stages of the project R25--).) CP2 CONCURRENCE MEETING MINUTES February 16 2012 PaSe 3 of 4 • While Segment 7A is close to the Kenned} Memorial Home Historic, District campus core and impacts multrplt conservation easements it was decided this segment should be kept due to its connection /link to the Felix Harvev Parkwa) • it was recommended that segment 26A and segment combination 26B 27B be combined into one best fit location due to proximit} with one another however given both options impact the Wvse Fork Battlefield which is currently being studied for nomination toi inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places as a Histoi is District the Merger Team prefetred both options be carried forward until contributing elements can be identified • It was recommended Segment 4B be eliminated due to engineering constraints with the connection to US 258/ Felix Harvey Parkwati multiple crossings of the Falling Creek natural s} stem and impacts to neighborhoods however it was decided this segment should be kept until additional engi nterrrng investigation is performed ■ It was agreed to by the Merger ream that Segment Combinations 20A 21 A and Segment 20B should be combined to allow for the best interchange connection to existing US 70 ■ The USACE asked what types of facilities will be considered for the Upgrade Existing US 70 Corridot NCDOT stated that Upgrade Existing US 70 Corridor will be developed as a lull control of access treewav to fulfill the Purpose and Need of the project Upon summai izing the above recommendations no additional suggestions to add of remove segments were provided by the Merger f eam resulting with the Mergei Team achieving Concurrence Point 2 Detailed Studv Alternatives Carried Forward as described on the attached Concuiitnce form and shown on the corresponding figure Summary of the attached agreement includes the following Detailed StudN Alternatives Carried Forward and recommendations • Upgrade Existing US 70 Corridor 1 • Northern BN pass Corridors 2 3 5 53 54 56 57 61 and 62 • Southern B) pass Corridors 10 11 12 30 31 32 35 36 50 51 and 52 • New Corridors as a result of adding Segment 7C • Combining Segment Combinations 20A 21 A and Segment 20B Upon implementing the above tecommendations by the Merger learn the tollowing corridors resulted • Upgrade Existing US 70 Cott dor 1 • Northern B> pass Corridors ■ 5 -)6 57 ■ 2 (combined Corridors 2 and 3 as a result of cleating bulged area for Segment Combinations 20A 21 A and Segment 20B) ■ 5' ) (combined Corridors -)3 and 54 as a result of creating bulged area for Segment Combinations 20A 21 A and Segment 20B) ■ 61 (combined Corridors 61 and 62 as a result of creating bulged area for Segment Combinations 20A 21 A and Segment 2013) R25.-)-) CP2 CONCURRENCE MEETINV MINUTES FebruarN 16 2012 Page 4 of 4 o Southern By pass Corridors ■ 10 11 12 30 31 32 3.-) 36 50 51 52 ■ 63 64 and 65 (new co►►►dors created as a ►esult of adding Segment 7C) Updatts to Merger Packet Figures 2 and 4 are attached which ►effect the above recommendations b) the Merger Team Next Steps NC DOT intends to hold C itizens Informational Workshop #3 in the spring of 2012 Piior to doing so NCDO F w ill review and smooth the centerlines f6i corridors identified as Detailed Study Alternatikes Carried Forwaid resulting with a best fit centerline and corresponding corridor NCDOT will also review the project schedule to determine if the meeting for Concurrence Point 2A Bridging Decisions and Alignment Rei ieiti can be held Boone► than the current projection of mid 2013 The Merger Team indicated it would be beneficial to the project schedule if the field meeting were held sooner rather than later as additional corridors could be eliminated from further considetation Action Items • NCDOT will follow up with John Mello who w►11 coordinate with FEMA National to determine if a preliminary determination of variance can be obtained • NCDOT will determine if Concurrence Point 2A Bridging Decisions and Ahiznmcnt Revielt can be held sooner than the current projection of mid 2013 • The Intetagenc) Team will conduct additional field meetings and verifications of GIS data for upland wetlands ��,KxNo US 70 Kinston Bypass STIP R -2553 Lenoir, Craven and ]ones Counties, ' November 17, 2011 Interagency Merger Team Meeting North Carolina (CP2) Name Organization Email Address 11%n I-t NLIZOT IV F, S e6b%awte @ ne-j.- 9,0 ✓ M ' f✓�C�1�ixz� CDor - 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Page 3 Section 4041 NEPA Interagency Merger Process Concurrence Agreement Concurrence Point No 2 •- Detailed Study Alternatives Carried Forward US 70 Kinston Bypass Lenoir Craven and Jones Counties North Carolina WBS Element No 34460 STIP Project R 2553 Detailed Study Alternatives Carried Forward Include Preliminary Corridor #1 Preliminary Corridor #10 Preliminary Corridor #2 Preliminary Corridor #11 Preliminary Corridor #3 Preliminary Corridor #12 Preliminary Corridor #5 Preliminary Corridor #30 Preliminary Corridor #53 Preliminary Corridor #31 Preliminary Corridor #54 Preliminary Corridor #32 Preliminary Corridor #56 Preliminary Corridor #35 Preliminary Corridor #57 Preliminary Corridor #36 Preliminary Corridor #61 Preliminary Corridor #50 Preliminary Corridor #62 Preliminary Corridor #51 Preliminary Corridor #52 Segment 7C will be added south and parallel to segment 7A Corridors with segment 20B and segment combination 20A 21A will be combined resulting one overall area Note Preliminary Corridors selected as Detailed Study Alternatives Carried Forward will be renumbered for evaluation in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement The Project Team has concurred on this date of November 17 2011 with the Detailed Study Alternatives Carried Forward for the proposed project as stated above and shown on the attached figure USACE NCDOT T Steffens Marl, Pierce USE P-� --- _- Chris Militscher NCDWQ 111W111 David W#1 Wright `�ro� USFWS f4 ' (Jaq Jorda NCWRC �" ,•'" Travis Wilson NOAA Fisheries �By, /3 /zcIz) Ron Sechier USCG Terry Knowles NO � _Wwol C.) i a I O'l "I'll". y C 0 t 0 j3 U) o z a. 'ou + CL Cil (1) C Z G) OIJ 0 0 0�, 0 0 N, CL =r @ (D M ti M 0 W 3 0 � _Wwol C.) i a I O'l "I'll". y C 0 t 0 j3 U) o z CL 0 70,) + CL Cil (1) C Z G) OIJ 0 0 0�, 0 0 N, 2 =r @ (D M ti M 0 W 3 0 CL a O 0 41 C CL 0 F, CL IN 2i 0 CL (D )> ID S ESE' � _Wwol E� C.) i a I O'l "I'll". y C 0 t 0 j3 U) o z CL 0 70,) + CL Cil (1) C Z G) 0 0 0�, 0 0 N, 2 =r @ (D M ti M 0 W 3 0 CL a O 0 E� � ll� E Wlr,te? MDROM 0_/ 0 z 0 t 0 j3 U) o z CL 0 + CL (1) C Z G) 0 0 0�, 0 0 N, 2 =r @ (D M ti M 0 W 3 0 CL a O 0 C CL 0 F, CL 0 2i 0 CL (D )> ID S ESE' vs C 0 C7 Vi in to j 2 f� 2 > 0 Zym 0 0 w cn 0 0 ti-1 � ll� E Wlr,te? MDROM 0_/ 0 0 t 0 j3 CL 0 CL 4, N,