HomeMy WebLinkAboutU-4726DE (2)FW U 4726DE Homestead Chapel Hill High School MUP Orange Co Page 1 of 1 FW U- 4726DE, Homestead - Chapel Hill High School MUP, Orange Co Euless, Amy Sent Tuesday February 07 2012 3 00 PM To Witherspoon Lauren Cc Carrillo Sonia EPA comments for the Bolin Creek greenway file - - - -- Original Message---- - From Chris Militscher [mailto Militscher Chris @epamail epa aov] Sent Tuesday February 07 2012 10 40 AM To jbrubaker @townofcarrboro org Cc Euliss Amy andrew e willi.ams2 @usace army mil Subject U- 4726DE Homestead - Chapel Hill High School MUP Orange Cc Mr Brubaker EPA is providing comments to your 1/16/12 project initiation letter regarding the above referenced project EPA has no 1 environmental concerns for the proposed project s purpose and need and the coordination with other multi. -use projects in the study area Regarding the potential environmental impacts we offer the following comments 1 Impacts to Bolin Creek and any adjacent tributaries should be avoided and minimized to the extent practicable 2 The proposed bridge across Bolin Creek should be designed to minimize any adjoining wetlands and the 100 -year floodplain to the extent practicable 3 Blue lines connecting to Bolin Creek and Jolly Branch shown on Figure 1 are not showing up in EPA s NEPAssist database as being jurisdictional features (tributaries) EPA requests that you directly coordinate with N C Division of Water Quality and the U S Army Corps of Engineers to determine if they are jurisdictional 4 For the proposed trail underpass at Homestead Road EPA would recommend that the Town of Carrboro consider solar - powered lighting equipment should it be deemed a safety requirement for future pedestrian /bike users 5 The Town of Carrboro may also wish to consider the use of native plants species for any replanting required after construction (avoiding the use exotic invasive plant species) EPA does not require any permits or approvals concerning the proposed project Thank you for the opportunity to comment Christopher A Militscher REM CHMM USEPA Region 4 NEPA Program Office 919- 856 -4206 or 404 - 562 -9512 https //mail nc gov /owa/ ?ae= Item &t =IPM Note &id= RgAAAADMSzLcd9W2TJH14 %2bm 2/23/2012