HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061726 Ver 2_Application_20110929�5rAre STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA its 6' DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION "44i; Sq ;Rpv �? BE,v ERLY EAVFS PERDUE GOB E(L \OR EUGENE A N, F(. R ETARY September 29 2011 U S Armv Corps of Engineers Regulatory Field Office Post Office Box 1000 Waslungton N C 27889 1000 Attention Bill Biddlecome oCo- r� The North Carolina Department of Transportation Ferry Division is requesting a permit to increase the channel depth at the State Emergency Ferry Channel and Basin at Stumpy Point from 8 mlw to 10 mlw The proposed depth change will stay within the current parameters and will result in approximately 59 111 cubic yards with the additional 2 depth This will allow for the safe passage of ferries carrying emergency equipment supplies and essential personnel in the event HWY 12 is impassable Tlus was the case after Hurricane Irene in August 2011 when HWY 12 had multiple breaches This will also reduce the frequency the channel and basin need to be dredged I have attached a drawing with the current depths showing the proposed work I am also asking for a minor modification to CAMA Major Permit 38 02 to complete this activity The current Corps of Engineer permit the Ferry Division has on file has action id SAW 2006 - 41252 -128 and expires Dec 312011 The WBS # for this project is 16 71044 Please send the modification to the following address 8550 Shipyard Road Manns Harbor NC 2795' ) If you need any additional information or have any questions concerrung this project please call meat 252 473 3461 Sincerely Lance Winslow Ga�� E Gtl nvironmental Supervisor/Dredge Superintendent T N C Ferry Division T Cc Garcv Ward DWQ _ T R APPLICATION FOR DEPARTMENT Oc THE ARM f PERMIT (33 CFR 325 OB APPROVAL NO 0710 0003 December 31 2004 `he Public burden for this collection of information 's sebtimated o average 10 hours per response although the majority of applications should regr ire 5 hours or less This includes the time for reviewing instructions searching existing data sources gathering and maintaining the data -leeded ar d completing and reviewing the cc lection of information Send omr -ents regarding this ourden estimate or any other aspect of this ccilection cf information including suggestions for reducing this burden to Department of Defense Washington Headquarters Sery ce Directorate of Information Operations and Reports 1215 Jeffersor Davis Highway Suite 1204 Arlington VA 22202 4302 and to the Office of Management and Budget Paperwork Reduc ion Project (0710 0003) Washington DC 20503 Respondents should be aware that notwiths aiding ary other prow stun of law no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information of R does not display a currently valid OMB control number Please DO NOT RETURN your form to either of those addresses Completed applications must be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Authorities Rivers and Harbors Act Section 10 33 USC 403 Clean Water Act Section 404 33 USC 1344 Marine Protection Research and Sanctuaries Act 33 USC 1413 Section 103 Principal Purpose Information provided on this form will be used in evaluating the application for a permit Routine Uses This Information may be shared with the Department of Justice and other federal state and local government agencies Submission of requested information Is voluntary however if information Is not provided the permit application cannot be evaluated nor can a permit be issued One set of original drawings or good reproducible copies which show the location and character of the proposed activity must be attached to this application (see sample drawings and instructions) and be submitted to the District Engineer having u sd ction over t e locat or of the activity An application that is not completed in full will be returned g g ~ p �Gc�ed /ITEMS 1 THRU 4 TO BE FILLED BY APPLICATION NO 2 FIELD OFFICc CODE 13 DATE RECEIVED 5 APPLICANTS NAME NCDOT Ferry Division 6 APPLICANTS ADDRESS 3550 Shipyard Road Manns Harbor NC 27953 a Residence b Business 252- 473 -3461 W 4 DATE APPLICATION COMPLETED 8 AUTHORIZED AGENT S NAME AND TITLE (n o u or ea edl Lance Winslow Environmental Sup 9 AGENT S ADDRESS Same 0 AGENT S PHONE a Residence b Business Same I hereby authorize to act in 'urnish upon request supplemental information in support of this permit application my behalf as my agent in the processing of this application and to APPLICANT S SIGNATURE DATE NAME LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OR ACTIVITY 12 PROJECT NAME OR TITLE( ee n r r,cr Dredging of Stumpy Point State Ferry Channel and Basin 13 NAME OF WATERBODY IF KNOWN ii r o m Stumpy Point Bay 15 LOCATION OF PROJECT Dare NC COUNTY STATE is OTHER LOCATION DESCRIPTIONS IF KNOWN cr list.... rut Emergency Ferry Ramp at Stumpy Point NC 7 DIRECTIONS TO THE SITE 14 PROJECT STREET ADDRESS rr PW—b /el US 264 Stumpy Point NC From Manns harbor take US 264 towards Stumpy Point Turn at eptrarce to Stumpy Point Emergency Ferry Ramp EDITION OF FEB 94 - -' ` (Proponent CECW OR i8 Nature of Activity IV— ur fp, — f u e - - trrently tre Ferry Div_slor is perri t ed to dredge the State Fe-r,, C'�arrel to a detoth of 8 -t below r^ean low water The charnel and bas-n are essen_,-al to rove people and g.oas to ,r-' rrom rIat =teras Islard In the e ent Hw 12 _s cc- promisea Die to the ferries d- aLtirg 6 6 5 ft the Ferry Div s_or is pr000s-^g to be allowed to dredge to to ft celow -ea- lot Atater Tn_s w_11 allow the sane passage or Terries in ar emerge-c% sicuatior 19 Project Purpose (.,,be rbe a ew pu po f r yr r�T ee .u- AT n -he purpose of the dredging oL the State Ferry Charnel and Basir to 10 instead of 8 a mean low water is to allow the safe passage or Terries it an emergency sicaation This shoula also make the need for aredg_ng this area less often USE BLOCKS 20 22 IF DREDGED AND OR FILL MATERIAL IS TO BE DISCHARGED 20 Rea on( ) for Di charge Discrarge dredged material _rto ar,oron-ia *e snoil smote at t"-- ci.rre ^t desig -at=d aiea - i Tvpel ) of Material Bema Di charged and the Amount of Each TVpe in Cubic Yard- Discharge will be mostly sand material The proposed added 2 depth will result in aooro.cimately 19 704 cubic yards 22 Surface Area in Acres of Wetlands or Other Waters Filled f re r M No wetlands or waters will be filled All dredged material will be discharged into the approved spoil site located across Stumpy point Bay into the U S Fish and Wildlife site 23 Is Any Portion of the Work Already Complete? Yes = No IF YES DESCRIBE THE COMPLETED WnRK This area has been dredged in the past in accordance with the permits already recieved to a depth of 8 below mean low water 24 Addresses of Adjoining Property Owners Les ees Etc Whose Property Adjoins the Waterbody (If more than can be entered here please attach a supplemental list) U S Fish and Wildlife Service P 0 Box 1969 Manteo NC 27954 Robert Midgett 178 Bayview Drive Stumpy point NC 27978 Marietta W Trainor P 0 Box 634 Manteo NC 27954 25 Lrt of Other Certifications or Approvals /Denial Received from other Federal State or Local Agencies for Work Described in This Application AGENCY TYPE APPROVAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER DATE APPLIED DATE APPROVED DATE DENIED DCM CAMA DWQ 1401 Would include but is not restricted to zoning building and flood plain permit 26 Application is hereby made for a permit or permits to authorize the work described in this application I certify that the information in thi appucation is complete and accurate I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the work described herein or am acting as the duly authorized agent of the applicant -- - �✓ - �- 3 - SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE SIGNATURE OF AGENT DATE The application must be igned by the per on who de ire to undertake the proposed activity (applicant) or it may be signed by a duly authorized agent if the statement n block 1 1 has been filled out and signed 18 U S C Section 1001 provides that Whoever in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United State knowingly and willfully falsifies conceal or covers up any trick cheme or disgui es a material fact or makes any false fictitious or fraudulent tatements or repre entation or makes or use any false writing or document knowing ame to contain any fal a fictitious or fraudulent statement- or entry shall be fined not more than $ 10 000 or imprisoned not more than five years or both Instructions for Preparing a Department of the Army Permit Application fSiocks 1 through 4 To be completed by Corps of Engineers Block 5 Applicant s Name Enter the name of the responsible party or parties If the responsible party is an agency cor-^pany corporation or other organization indicate the responsible officer and title If more than one party is associated with the application please attach a sheet with the necessary information marked Block 5 Block 6 Address of Applicant Please provide the full address of the party or parties responsible for the application if more space is needed attach an extra sheet of paper marked Block 6 Block 7 Applicant Telephone Numbe is) p►ea,e pro\,ide the -iumbcr where you can usually be reached during normal business hours Blocks 8 through 11 To be completed if you choose to have an agent Block 8 Authorized Agent s Name and Title Indicate name of individual or agency designated by you to represent you in this process An agent can be an attorney builder contractor engineer or any other person or organization Note An agent is not required Blocks 9 and 10 Agent s Address and Telephone Number Please provide the complete mailing address of the agent along with the telephone number where he /she can be reached during normal business hours Block 11 Statement of Authorization To be completed by applicant if an agent is to be employed Block 12 Proposed Project Name or Title Please provide name identifying the proposed project (i a Landmark Plaza Burned Hills Subdivision or Edsall Commercial Center) Block 13 Name of Waterbody Please provide the name of any stream lake marsh or other waterway to be directly impacted by the activity If it is a minor (no name) stream identify the waterbody the minor stream enters Block 14 Proposed Project Street Address If the proposed project is located at a site having a street address (not a box number) please enter here Block 15 Location of Proposed Project Enter the county and state where the proposed project is located If more space is required please attach a sheet with the necessary information marked Block 15 Block 16 Other Location Descriptions If available provide the Section Township and Range of the site and /or the latitude and longitude You may also provide description of the proposed project location such as lot numbers tract numbers or you may choose to locate the proposed project site from a known point (such as the right descending bank of Smith Creek one mile down from the Highway 14 bridge) If a large river or stream include the river mile of the proposed project site if known Block 17 Directions to the Site Provide directions to the site from a known location or landmark Include highway and street numbers as well as names Also provide distances from known locations and any other information that would assist in locating the site Block 18 Nature of Activity Describe the overall activity or project Give appropriate dimensions of structures such as w►ngwalls dikes (identify the materials to be used in construction as well as the methods by which the work ►s to be done) or excavations (length width and height) Indicate whether discharge of dredged or fill material is involved Also identify any structure to be constructed on a fill piles or float supported platforms The written descriptions and illustrations are an important part of the application Please describe in detail what you wish to do If more space is needed attach an extra sheet of paper marked Block 18 Block 19 Proposed Project Purpose Describe the purpose and need for the proposed project What will it be used or a-id why? Also Include a brief description of any related activities to be developed as the result of the proposed project Give the approximate dates you plan lo both beg n and ,,ompiete all work SIcck 20 Reason(s) for Discharge If the activity involves the discharge of dredged and/or fill material Into a wet'a d or ntrer waterbody inciLding the temporary placement of material explain the specific purpose of the placement of the material (such as erosion control) Block 21 Type(s) of Material Being Discharged and the Amount of Each Type in Cubic Yards Describe the material to be discharged and amount of each material to be discharged within Corps jurisdiction Please be sure this desc iption will agree with your illustrations Discharge material includes rock sand clay concrete etc Block 22 Surface Areas of Wetlands or Other Waters Filled_ Describe the area to be filled at each location Specifically Identrfy the surface areas or part thereof to be filled Also include the means by which the discharge is to be cone (backhoe dragline etc ) If dredged material is to be discharged on an upland site identify the site and the steps to be taken (if necessary) to prevent runoff from the dredged material back Into a waterbody If more space is needed attach an extra sheet of paper marked Block 22 Block 23 Is Any Portion of the Work Already Completer Provide any background on any part of the proposed project already completed Describe the area already developed structures completed any dredged or fill material already cischarged the type of material volume in cubic yards acres filled if a wetland or other waterbody (in acres or square legit) IT the worK was aone under an existing Corps permit ioennry Ine autnorizdtlon IT posslDie Block 24 Names and Addresses of Adjoining Property Owners Lessees etc Whose Property Adjoins the Project Site List cornpiete names ana run mailing aaaresses or me aajacent property owners (puDiic ana privates lessees etc whose property adjoins the waterbody or aquatic site where the work is being proposed so that they maybe notified of ine proposes activity (usuaiiy oy puniic notice) it more space is neeaea anacn an extra sneer of paper marKea BIOCK 24 Information regarding adjacent landowners is usually available through the office of the tax assessor in the county or counties wnere the project is to oe developea Block 25 Information about Approvals or Denials by Other Agencies You may need the approval of other Federal state or iocai agencies Tor your project ioentiry any appueauonb you nave sumninea ana ine status it any (approved or denied) of each application You need not have obtained all other permits before applying for a Corps permit Block 26 Signature of Applicant or Agent The application must be signed by the owner or other authorized party (agent) This signature shall bean affirmation that the party applying for the permit possesses the requisite property rights to undertake the activity applied for (Including compliance with special conditions mitigation etc) DRAWINGS AND ILLUSTRATIONS General Information Three types of Illustrations are needed to properly depict the work to be undertaken These Illustrations or drawings are identified as a Vicinity Map a Plan View or a Typical Cross Section Map Identify each Illustration with a ngure or attachment number Please submit one original or good quality copy of all drawings on 8 1/2x1 1 Inch plain white paper (tracing paper or film may be substituted) Use the fewest number of sheets necessary for your drawings or Illustrations Each Illustration should Identify the project the applicant and the type of illustration (vicinity map plan view or cross section) While illustrations need not be professional (many small private project illustrations are prepared by hand) they should be clear accurate and contain all necessary information J - = V 1 i \10 I cn LOT S. p ' (y �l U \5 \ t. o� 3 V i Stumpy Point Ferry Project Dare County 0.3 Stumpy Point, Dare County ivlllu�