HomeMy WebLinkAbout19960975 Ver 3_Public Notice_20120208R6- C 9'15 U3 Dennison, Laurie From Hardman Lisa D SAW [Lisa D Hardman @usace army mil] Sent Wednesday February 08 2012 9 14 AM Subject US Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice Columbus County Municipal Airport SAW 2008 00851 (UNCLASSIFIED) Classification UNCLASSIFIED Caveats NONE As you requested you are hereby notified that Wilmington District United States Army Corps of Engineers has issued a Public Notice The text of this document can be found on the Public Notices portion of the Regulatory Division Home Page Each Public Notice is available in ADOBE ACROBAT (pdf) format for viewing printing or download at www saw usace army mil /wetlands As with all a mail attachments be sure to check for viruses prior to opening the attachment The current notice involves Columbus County Municipal Airport is seeking Department of the Army authorization for a discharge of dredged and/or fill material into waters of the United States associated with constructing a parallel taxiway and connection taxiways improving a runway safety area relocating on site mitigation wetlands to off site location and installing a culverted road crossing at the Columbus County Municipal Airport located at 467 Airport Road in Whiteville Columbus County North Carolina Corps Action ID # SAW 2008 00851 Classification UNCLASSIFIED lDrENR Caveats NONE LL55 V D EB 8 2012 WATER QUALITY ds $ a'a.af� n.1, 1 1 US Army Corps PUBLIC NOTICE Of Engineers Wilmington District Issue Date February 7 2012 Comment Deadline March 7 2012 Corps Action ID # SAW 2008 00851 The Wilmington District Corps of Engineers (Corps) received an application from the Columbus County Municipal Airport seeking Department of the Army authorization for a discharge of dredged and /or fill material Into waters of the United States associated with constructing a parallel taxiway and connection taxiways Improving a runway safety area relocating on site mitigation wetlands to off site location and Installing a culverted road crossing at the Columbus County Municipal Airport located at 467 Airport Road In Whiteville Columbus County North Carolina Specific plans and location information are described below and shown on the attached plans This Public Notice and all attached plans are also available on the Wilmington District Web Site at http / /www saw usace army mil /Wetlands/ Applicant Columbus County Municipal Airport attn Mr Phil Edwards 467 Airport Road Whitevllle North Carolina 28472 Agent (if applicable) Authority Talbert & Bright Inc attn Mr John M Massey 4810 Shelley Drive Wilmington North Carolina 28405 The Corps will evaluate this application and decide whether to Issue conditionally Issue or deny the proposed work pursuant to applicable procedures of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U S C 1344) Background On October 28 1996 the Corps verified the use of the Nationwide 26 Permit (NWP 26) under Corps Action ID # SAW 1992 02002 for permanent Impacts to 4 76 acres of wetlands In association with extend the existing runway constructing a turn around at the southwest runway terminus partial construction of a parallel taxiway at the Columbus County Municipal Airport As part of the required compensatory mitigation for this work the applicant was required to restore hydrology to 8 6 acres of wetlands on site adjacent to the existing runway Location The proposed project area is the Columbus County Municipal Airport located on 293 acres of Columbus County property at the south end of Airport Road approximately 0 5 mile south of its intersection with Prison Camp Road south of Whiteville in Columbus County North Carolina (34 2717° N 77 7157° W) The proposed project is located in wetlands abutting Camp Branch which drains via White Marsh into the Waccamaw River a Section 10 Navigable Waterway Existing Site Conditions The proposed project area is located at the Columbus County Municipal Airport within the Coastal Plain Ecoregion in the Lumber River sub basin USGS 8 digit hydrologic unit 03040206 Wetlands on the active airport property are primarily mowed /maintained freshwater herbaceous in nature and include approximately 14 acres in the northeast and approximately 10 acres in the southwest portions of the site Camp Branch a channelized perennial stream flows through the northeast extent of the site The site is bordered to the north by Prison Camp Road to the east by NC Highway 130 to the south by mostly agricultural fields and forests and to the west by Pleasant Plains Church Road The majority of the surrounding site area is undeveloped and covered by a combination of pine forest and freshwater forested /scrub wetlands Elevation in the immediate vicinity of the site ranges from approximately 103 feet above mean sea level (MSL) at the southwestern extent of the existing airport to 58 feet MSL at the northeastern extent along Camp Branch Dial Cordy and Associates Inc consultants for Columbus County Municipal Airport conducted a jurisdictional delineation for the proposed site in 2008 The jurisdictional boundaries were verified by the Corps and surveyed and mapped by a registered land surveyor a Jurisdictional Determination (JD) was approved on March 30 2010 (USAGE ID No SAW 2008 0085 1) A thorough analysis of the effected environment was provided by the applicant in the Final Environmental Assessment (EA) prepared for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) dated November 2011 posted at http / /www saw usace army mil /Wetlands /Projects /index html for review Applicant's Stated Purpose The purpose of this project is to improve overall airport safety based on FAA design standards and regulations Project Description Endangered Species The U S Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) in a letter dated January 6 2011 stated that the proposed project is not likely to adversely affect federally protected species in the project area during construction and subsequent maintenance of the proposed project The District Engineer based on available information is not aware that the proposed activities requiring DA authorization will affect any species or their critical habitat designated as endangered of threatened pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973 Evaluation The decision whether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impacts including cumulative impacts of the proposed activity on the public interest That decision will reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization of important resources The benefit which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the proposal must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detriments All factors which may be relevant to the proposal will be considered including the cumulative effects thereof among those are conservation economics aesthetics general environmental concerns wetlands historic properties fish and wildlife values flood hazards flood plain values (in accordance with Executive Order 11988) land use navigation shoreline erosion and accretion recreation water supply and conservation water quality energy needs safety food and fiber production mineral needs considerations of property ownership and in general the needs and welfare of the people For activities involving the discharge of dredged or fill materials in waters of the United States the evaluation of the impact of the activity on the public interest will include application of the Environmental Protection Agency s 404(b)(1) guidelines Commenting Information The Corps of Engineers is soliciting comments from the public Federal State and local agencies and officials including any consolidate State Viewpoint or written position of the Governor Indian Tribes and other interested parties in order to consider and evaluate the impacts of this proposed activity Any comments received will be considered by the Corps of Engineers to determine whether to issue modify condition or deny a permit for this proposal To make this decision comments are used to assess impacts on endangered species historic properties water quality general environmental effects and the other public interest factors listed above Comments are used in the preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA) and /or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Comments are also used to determine the need for a public hearing and to determine the overall public interest of the proposed activity A copy of this Public Notice and all pertinent plans and specifications can be found at htta / /www saw usace army mil /Wetlands/Notices /index html or by contacting the Wilmington Regulatory Field Office at (910) 251 4633 Compensatory Mitigation The applicant proposes to mitigate for permanent wetland losses by purchasing credits from the Stone Farm Mitigation Bank located within the USGS 8 digit hydrologic unit 03040206 in Brunswick County North Carolina No compensatory mitigation is proposed for impacts to streams Other Required Authorizations This notice and all applicable application materials are being forwarded to the appropriate State agencies for review The Corps will generally not make a final permit decision until the North Carolina Division of Water Quality ( NCDWQ) issues denies or waives State Certification required by Section 401 of the Clean Water Act (PL 92 500) The receipt of the application and this public notice combined with appropriate application fee at the North Carolina Division of Water Quality central office in Raleigh will constitute initial receipt of an application for a 401 Water Quality Certification A waiver will be deemed to occur if the NCDWQ fails to act on this request for certification within sixty days of the date of the receipt of this notice in the NCDWQ Central Office Additional information regarding the Clean Water Act certification may be reviewed at the NCDWQ Central Office 401 Certification and Oversight 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh North Carolina 27699 1650 All persons desiring to make comments regarding the application for certification under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act should do so in writing delivered to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality ( NCDWQ) 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh North Carolina 27699 1650 Attention Mr Ian McMillan by February 29 2012 Essential Fish Habitat This notice initiates the Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) consultation requirements of the Magnuson Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act The Corps initial determination is that the proposed project will not adversely impact EFH or associated fisheries managed by the South Atlantic or Mid Atlantic Fishery Management Councils or the National Marine Fisheries Service Cultural Resources The Corps has consulted the latest published version of the National Register of Historic Places and is not aware that any registered properties or properties listed as being eligible for inclusion therein are located within the project area of will be affected by the proposed work The State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) concurred via a North Carolina State Clearinghouse Intergovernmental Review letter dated January 25 2011 that they had no comment on the proposed projects effects on National Register of eligible properties located within the project area of potential effect Installation of a 30 culvert in an existing stream is required for the Airport to gain access to a recently acquired property located in the Runway 24 Runway Protection Zone (RPZ) This access will allow the Airport to more effectively maintain the RPZ free of obstructions This will result in 30 linear feet of stream impacts A temporary 25 x 55 construction access area will be required to install the proposed culvert this will result in temporary wetland impacts of 0 03 acre to be removed and returned to preconstruction conditions following use This Public Notice includes the applicant s project plans proposed impacts and narrative An analysis of three identified alternatives were also provided by the applicant in the Final Environmental Assessment (EA) prepared for the FAA dated November 2011 including construct a parallel taxiway on the southeast side of the runway construct a parallel taxiway on the northwest side of the runway 240 from the runway centerline and no build These items are posted at http //www saw usace army mil /Wetlands /Projects /index html for review Avoidance and Minimization Information According to the applicant impacts to all waters of the U S cannot be avoided due to site and cost constraints and the requirements and standards set by the FAA specifically FAA Advisory Circular 150/5300 13 Appendix 16 New Instrument Approach Procedures and FAA Advisory Circular 150/5200 33B Hazardous Wildlife Attractants on or Near Airports The following further description of Avoidance and Minimization efforts is adapted from the applicant s proposal The taxiway and Runway Safety Area are both fixed by function and have specific requirements for a class B II airport which is Columbus County Airport s FAA classification The proposed taxiway profile was lowered as much as possible to still meet FAA grading design criteria which reduced the required fill in wetlands and decreased the amount of wetland impacts In addition the proposed side slopes for the parallel taxiway will be constructed to the maximum slope allowed by the FAA when tying into the existing grade to minimize wetland impacts The longitudinal and transverse grades of the Runway Safety Areas will be constructed at the maximum allowable slope that FAA grading design criteria allows Best management practices (BMPs) will be used to control sediment and prevent erosion and manage stormwater runoff Excessive levels of dust emissions noise debris waste and vehicular traffic are not anticipated during construction Once construction is completed any area disturbed during construction will be returned to its original state so as not to generate impacts beyond the duration of construction Construction vehicle access to the airport will be achieved via Airport Road the only road leading to the airport and access to the construction site itself will occur on airport property Construction will be performed in accordance with FAA Advisory Circular 150/5730 l0E Standards for Specifying Construction of Airports so as to conform to FAA guidance The following description of work is adapted from the applicant s proposal Columbus County Municipal Airport (CPC) proposes to undertake the following four projects to improve the safety of the Columbus County Municipal Airport I Construct a full length parallel taxiway system on the northwest side of and 300 from Runway 6/24 2 Improve /extend the Runway Safety Area (RSA) from the current 200 beyond the end of the runway to 300 beyond the end of the runway 3 As required by the NC Division of Aviation wetlands created on the airport in 1997 need to be relocated to an offsite mitigation bank (included in this will be the mitigation required for the other portions of the proposed action) and 4 Install a culvert along approximately 30 of Camp Branch Stream to allow airside access to the land recently acquired and encompassing the Runway Protection Zone and approach to Runway 24 CPC is proposing to construct a full length 35 wide parallel taxiway on the northwest side of Runway 6/24 The taxiway will be 300 from the runway (centerline to centerline) and will connect both runway ends to the apron in front of the terminal FAA s standards for Runway Safety Areas dimensions and grading criteria require CPC to extend their RSA to 300 and grade and maintain it in accordance with FAA guidance Currently CPC is not in compliance with FAA safety regulations since the safety area extends only 200 beyond the runway therefore a 100 extension of the RSA is necessary CPC will place fill material and grade an additional 100 per FAA requirements In order to comply with FAA Advisory Circular 150/5200 33B and as required by the NCDOT — Division of Aviation the airport must relocate approximately 8 6 acres of on site wetlands used to mitigate impacts from CPC s runway extension in 1997 The original wetlands disturbance with the runway extension project was 4 67 acres The Airport created 8 6 acres of wetlands onsite by constructing an embankment and drainage control structure In order to meet the requirement of the Division of Aviation and FAA the Airport is requesting that offsite mitigation be provided by purchasing 8 6 acres of wetlands credits in an existing wetland bank This project will involve removal of the embankment and drainage control structure thus draining the wetland mitigation area and returning it to non wetland status Off site mitigation is also required for the impacts associated with the taxiway construction RSA improvements and the stream piping The wetland impacts from the parallel taxiway project will be 7 51 acres and the impacts from the safety area improvements will be 0 46 acres Table 1 Proposed Permanent Wetland Impacts Table Taxiway Construction acre RSA Improvement acre On site Mitigation Relocation acre Total Wetland Impacts acre 751 046 860 1657 Any person may request in writing within the comment period specified in this notice that a public hearing be held to consider the application Requests for public hearings shall state with particularity the reasons for holding a public hearing Requests for a public hearing shall be granted unless the District Engineer determines that the issues raised are insubstantial or there is otherwise no valid interest to be served by a hearing Written comments pertinent to the proposed work as outlined above will be received by the Corps of Engineers Wilmington District until 5pm March 7 2012 Comments should be submitted to David E Bailey Wilmington Regulatory Field Office 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington North Carolina 28403 telephone (910) 251 4469 Distribution Ian McMillan North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) Raleigh NC Ron Sechler National Marine Fisheries Service Pete Benjamin U S Fish and Wildlife Svc Fish /Wildlife Enhancement Mr Ronald J Mikulak Chief Wetlands Regulatory Section Water Management Div USEPA 61 Forsyth Street SW Atlanta GA 30303 Ms Jennifer Derby Chief Wetlands Protection Section Water Management Division U S Environmental Protection Agency Region IV 61 Forsyth Street Atlanta GA 30303 Ms Becky Fox Wetlands Regulatory Section USEPA 1349 Firefly Road Whittier NC 28789 Applicant Agent (Talbert & Bright Inc ) ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS (attached) Addresses that requested all NC Public Notices and Addresses receiving for CESAW RG L Honorable Mike McIntyre United States Postal Service Postmaster Whiteville Brunswick APPLICATION FOR DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT OMB APPROVAL NO 0710 0003 (33 CFR 325) EXPIRES 31 August 2012 Public reporting burden for this collection of Information is estimated to average 11 hours per response Including the hme for reviewing Instructions searching existing data sources gathering and maintaining the data needed and completing and reviewing the collection of information Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information Including suggestions for reducing this burden to Department of Defense Washington Headquarters Executive Services and Communications Directorate Information Management Division and to the Office of Management and Budget Paperwork Reduction Project (0710 -0003) Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law no person shall be subject to any penalty for falling to comply with a collection of Information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number Please DO NOT RETURN your form to either of those addresses Completed applications must be submitted to the Dlstnct Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Authorities Rivers and Harbors Act Section 10 33 USC 403 Clean Water Act Section 404 33 USC 1344 Marine Protection Research and Sanctuaries Act Section 103 33 USC 1413 Regulatory Programs of the Corps of Engineers Final Rule 33 CFR 320 332 Principal Purpose Information provided on this form will be used in evaluating the application for a permit Routine Uses This Information may be shared with the Department of Justice and other federal state and local government agencies and the public and may be made available as part of a public notice as required by Federal law Submission of requested Information is voluntary however If Information is not provided the permit application cannot be evaluated nor can a permit be issued One set of original drawings or good reproducible copies which show the location and character of the proposed activity must be attached to this application (see sample drawings and Instructions) and be submitted to the District Engineer having jurlsdichon over the location of the proposed activity An application that Is not completed in full will be returned (ITEMS 1 THRU 4 TO BE FILLED BY THE CORPS) 1 APPLICATION NO 2 FiELD OFFICE CODE 3 DATE RECEIVED 4 DATE APPLICATION COMPLETE (ITEMS BELOW TO BE FILLED BYAPPLICANT) 5 APPLICANTS NAME B AUTHORIZED AGENTS NAME AND TITLE (an agent is not required) First Phll Middle Lost— Edwards First John Middle M Last— M y Company— Columbus county Municipal Airport Company — Talbert 8 aright I o Email Address — PEDWARDS@COLUMBUSCO ORO E mall Address — JMASSEY @TBIILM COM 6 APPLICANT'S ADDRESS 9 AGENTS ADDRESS Address 487 Airport Road Address 4810 Shelley Drive City — Whiteville State— NC Zip— 28472 Country — USA City— Wilmington State— NC Zip— 28405 Country — usA 7 APPLICANTS PHONE NOs W /AREA CODE 10 AGENTS PHONE NOS W /AREA CODE a Residence b Business c Fax a Residence b Business c Fax (910) 642 6187 (910) 763 5350 (910) 762 6281 STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZATION 11 I hereby authonze John M Massey PE to act in my behalf as my agent in the processing of this application and to furnish upon request, supplemental ation in support of this permit application Ell APPL ANTS SIGNATURE DATE NAME LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OR ACTIVITY 12 PROJECT NAME OR TITLE (see mstrucWns) Cot mbus Cou ty Airport P raaol Taxiway Runw y Safety Improvemo is Wetland Relocation a d M ftatlon and Installation of Cult' it gee associated Environmental Assessme 1, USAGE Action ID SAW 2008-00851 13 NAME OF WATERBODY IF KNOWN (dapplicable) 14 PROJECT STREET ADDRESS (rr ppricabie) Camp Branch (Lumber River Basin) Address 467 Airport Road p 15 LOCATION OF PROJECT Latitude N 34 18 28 Longitude W T8 47 es City Whiteville State — NC Zp 28472 16 OTHER LOCATION DESCRIPTIONS IF KNOWN ( as tn*uchons) State Tax Parcel ID so Aita hm m 01 Municipality Section— s"AjucNmmul Township— LeeulMW06 Range - 17 DIRECTIONS TO THE SITE From ILM US 76 West to US 701 Bypass South to Airport Road Continue down Airport Road and arrive at 467 Airport Road (Dead End) ENG FORM 4345 SEPT 2009 EDITION OF OCT 20D4IS OBSOLETE Proponent. CECW OR 18 Nature of Activity to sc plion of p rect lud air featu s) Construction of a parallel Taxiway along Runway 6 24 and connection (Stub) Taxiways Improvements /Expansion of Runway End 24 Safety Area Ciffsite Relocation of Wetlands Mitigation and Culvert Installation see attachment # 2 19 Project Purpose (D scribe the reason or p rpo a of lh p o) ct see instructions) The Taxiway and Runway Safety Area construction and Wetland Relocation projects are to Improve overall Airport Safety based on FAA Design Standards and Regulations see attachment # 3 USE BLOCKS 20 23 IF DREDGED AND /OR FILL MATERIAL IS TO BE DISCHARGED 20 Reason(s) for Discharge Fill material must be placed to allow construction of the taxiway and runway safety area Improvements to elevations necessary to meet grading criteria based on FAA Design Standards 21 Type(s) of Material Being Discharged and the Amount of Each Type in Cubic Yards Type Type Type Amount in Cubic Yards Amount in Cubic Yards Amount in Cubic Yards 46 100 CY (Soil) 22 % rface Are-i in Acres of WeU*inds or Other Waters Filled (se tru bo ) Acres 7 86 AC (Parallel Taxiway) 0 5 AC (Runway Safety Area Improvements) 8 6 AC (Wetlands Mitigation to be relocated offsite) Or Liner Feet 30 feet (culvert) 23 Description of Avoidance Minimization and Compensation (see instructions) M W R=M q Nw ere L &Md W NXW W M pedit r.f� «e. br a v, .trim aWrl. Cl- 14pW as MW M. U. p�W.1ed A. f —.d um u t .M nkArWS t m.00 .014 nM S.df —.M - W'rdh,, H .6111. Vw�mpwca W.W6 F.r PYW 1,6 —VLtled m. aMun Lk'.p. %-dWme M Am 9 Mme a�A+ VM �— i.UWw�QM p. A.k"9 —9redl. R sM.y Nee —m . IMnadmirn W—tb ripe M9.9.9 my mWUWm 24 Is Any Portion of the Work Already Complete? Yes o No b1 IF YES DESCRIBE THE COMPLETED WORK 25 Addresses of Adjoining Property Owners Lessees Etc Whose Property Adjoins the Walerbody (ti more tha can be entered here please alta h a supplemental l t) Address- SEEATTACHMENT #1 City — State — Zip — 26 List of Other Certifications or Approvals/Denials Received from other Federal State or Local Agencies for Work Described in This Application AGENCY TYPE APPROVAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER DATE APPLIED DATE APPROVED DATE DENIED SEE ATTACHMENT #4 for AGENCY COORDINATION Would include but is not restricted to zoning budding and flood plain permits 27 Application is hereby made for a perrnt or permits to authorize the work described in this dpplicabon I Leitify that the information in this application is complete and accurate I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the work de cnbed heroin or am acting as the duty authorized agent of the applicant SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE NATUR OF ENT DATE The application must be signed by the person who desires to unde ke proposed activity ant) or it may be signed by a duly authorized agent if the statement in block 11 has been filled out -ind signed 18 U S C Section 1001 provides that Whoever in any manner within the junsdichon of any department or agency of the United Stales knowingly and willfully falsifies conceals or covers up any trick scheme or disguises a material fact or makes any false fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false fictitious or fraudulent statements or entry shall be fined not more than $10 000 or imprisoned not more than five years or both CNG FORM 4345 SEPT 2009 Attachment 1 Property Map and Deeds Columbus County Municipal Airport Wetlands Permit Application 2206 1101 /January 2012 Attachments f C. u. i STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA p ' f COUNTY OF COLUMBUS 130UK�'��E — U � f 'i THIS DEED made this 7th day of March, 1979 by l9EiITF i VILLE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION a non profit corporation duly - organized under the laws of the State of North Carolina herein after referred to as party of the first part to COLMLBUS COUNTY a municipal corporation and body politic under the laws of the j State of North Carolina hereinafter referred to as party of the I if second part ' f� W I T N E S S E T H Ii That the said party of the first part in consideratio j C14 , of ONE DOLLAR ($1 00) and other valua�le considerations to it paid' >'o by the said party of the second part, the receipt of which is hereby t! acknowledged has bargained and sold, akd by these presents does bargain sell and convey unto sard party of the second part, its 6'r successors and assigns a trac- or parcel of land in Columbus F ► County State of North Carolina, and bounded and described as follows viz BEGINNING at a point on the western edge of Camp Branch said point being South 24 00 Egst 2095 feet from a concrete monument located on the northern right of uay line of Road Number 1170 thence from said beginning point with the run of Camp Branch the following directions and distances North 36 00 East 212 feet North 19 0011 I East 430 feet North 63 00 East 211 feet South 8.L 00' East 198 feet South 32 °00 East 223 feet North 80 00 East 2,6 feet North SS *001 East 235 feet South 78 00' East 300 feet runs thence South 35 00 'Vest 906 feet to a point thence South 3991S hest 2641 feet to a point thence South 80 001 West 1826 feet to a point thence) CNorth 14 00 )Pest 2000 feet to a point thence North 79 00 East p 3085 feet to a point of beginning containing 140 acres more or �t less and being a portion of the premises conveyed to Hernan C Williams by deed recorded in Book 147 at pace 315 of the Columbus County Registry I Being the same as conveyed by deed dated Augu ` 6, 196, from the State of North Carolina to hhiteville Development Corporation and recorded in Bool. 229 at page 349 Office of the Register of Deedsj of Columbus County f ' Reference is made to a prior deed from Whiteville Development l Corporation to the Torn of Whiteville dated September 12 1963, recorded in Bool. 232 at page 461 ihich conveyed s_\ty nine acres of the lands above described and to a slbsequent deed fiom the Torn of Whiteville to the County of Coltmbus dated March 10 1969 recorded in Book 253 at page o59 which rconteyed the same sixty nine acres f The purpose of this instrument is to convey the balance or the lands nox oined by the grantor herein which were originally acquired fiA% the State of North Carolina for the purpose of constructing in air port the grantor being of the opinion that said lands should be if I li enu, U9 ME 295 — set apart and conveyed to the County and reserved for airport pur poses since the bllance of the lands lie adllcent to and North an South of the airport properties TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid tract or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging to it the said party of the second part, and its successors and assigns forever That said party of the first part does covenant that it is seized of said premises in fee and has the right to con%e) the same in fee simple that the same are free and clear from all encumbrances and that it will warrant and defend the said title to the same against the claims of all persons zhomsoever IN TESTIMONY WFEREOF the said party of the first parr !' has caused this deed to be signed in its corporate name by its II President and attested by its Secretary and sealed with its commor corporate seal on the day and year first above -ritten WHITE LE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION resi ent ATTESTf Secretary }� _ ��,.� { STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA�� iCOUNTY OF COLII�IB aa�3t I + a Notary Public i certify that ANNE W SMALL personally came before me this day and acknowledged that she is Secretary of(WHITEVILLE DEVELOPMENT II CORPORATION a corporation and that by authority duly given and 11 as the act of the corporation the foregoing instrument was signet K in its name by RALPH T BEASON its President sealed with its ._x,v goo�grate seal and attested by herself as its Secretary r G'� y!� qf� pZ� ,� Witness my hand and official seal this _1day of p p ! larcfK,�1979 O IC: (SLAT r b ��asrI V ; t`.om Lxp —9- 4/-L0 a NORTK CAROLINA COLUMBUS COUNTY � THE FOREGOIW �G�J G OR ANNEYED CERTIFICATE (0) OF ./� v,_�)� _ ISIARE CEgTIFIED TO 8E_.,C,�0RRECT rRESE`N�TED FOI I G SnPTION ! aD RECORDED 114 T14 OFFIC W COOK ad /y PAGE -yf THIS THE // DAY OF D% 197 9 A" _' AGO CL t� n 11 GILiED -. � REGISTER OF DCEDo I BY �.T �L /f� �I ✓ �.1. t % U z �N w P� H ri rr 1 966 c01-11116US coum uC 10196 i 2 71, , 22 ST ><n �f $596 00 OpOVNA � Real Estate A U1, Excise Tax Boon 519 PACE 168 g 96 O'C 20 Pt 13 Sts 600 P 7U -r (Spa Abov For Ua Sy R Disto f Dcods o8[eo only) THIS INSTRUMENT WAS PREPARED BY JAMES E HILL JR STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COLUMBUS COUNTY DEED THIS DEED made this 27th day of November 1996 by CARL E BUTLER and wife HILDA W BUTLER (hereinafter sometimes called the grantors parties of the first part to COUNTY OF COLUMBUS (North Carolina) (hereinafter called the grant ee") party of the second part WITNESSETH That in consideration of the sum of Ten ($10 06) Dollars and other sufficient good and valuable consideration to the grantors paid by the grantee receipt of which is hereby acknowledged the grantors have granted bargained sold and conveyed and by these presents do grant bargain sell and convey to the said grantee in fee simple the following described tract lot or parcel of land situated in Whiteville Township Columbus County North Carolina and more particularly described as follow to wit Lying and being in Whdeville Township Columbus County North Carolina about 1500 feet east of SR 1166 and south of SR 1170 and bounded on the northeast by other lands of Columbus County Airport on the southeast by Hazel Williamson and Earl T Boswell on the southwest by J P Jones and on the northwest by other lands of Carl E Butler and being more particularly described as follows BEGINNING at an existing concrete monument, the most eastern corner of that tract shown on a plat recorded in Plat Book 36 Page 1 Columbus County Registry and runs thence as an original southeast line south 51 degrees 53 minutes 03 seconds west 1742 18 feet to an existing iron pipe a comer of Earl T Boswell thence south 50 degrees 26 minutes 59 seconds west 1943 93 feet to an existing angle iron thence South 50 degrees 24 minutes 48 seconds west 243 05 feet to an existing iron pipe a corner of J P Jones thence as Jones north line north 63 degrees 56 minutes 02 seconds west 1067 24 feet to an iron rod set, thence south 20 degrees 03 minutes 58 seconds west 336 98 feet to an iron rod set in J P Jones line thence north 33 degrees 15 minutes 11 seconds west 328 48 feet to an iron rod set- thence north 46 degrees 38 minutes 44 seconds east 3270 35 feet to an iron set a south comer of J I McQueen and in the Columbus County Airport property thence as the Columbus County Airport west line south 15 degrees 37 minutes 38 seconds east 594 00 feet to an existing concrete monument the southwest comer of the airport property thence as a south line of the airport property north 78 degrees 16 minutes 53 seconds east 1811 12 feet to the BEGINNING containing 9147 acres and being a portion of the lands conveyed to Carl E Butler by deed recorded in Deed Book 379 Page 736 Columbus County Registry Bearings to NC Grid Nad 1983 North Meridian Said land being shown and delineated on a plat entitled Survey for Columbus County Airport One Tract Carl E Butler Property by William C Mcllwain Jr HILL & NIGH LLP Atiomeys at Law 102 Courthouse Sq re 1NhdevM KC 24472 BUCK 519 PAC! 169 Registered Land Surveyor dfited October 1996 and being recorded in Plat Book 62 at Page 1 Columbus County Registry Reference is hereby made to said plat for more clarity and particulanty of description NO A.S C S CROP ALLOTMENTS ARE TO BE TRANSFERRED WITH THIS DEED AND ALL ALLOTMENTS ARE RETAINED BY THE GRANTORS TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described tract lot or parcel of land together with all privileges appertaining to the said grantee in fee simple to its only use and behoof forever And the said grantors for themselves and its heirs executors and administrators covenant with the said grantee and the heirs and assigns of the grantee that they are seed of said premises in fee simple and have right to convey the same in fee that same is free and dear from any encumbrance and that they do hereby and will forever warrant and defend the title to the same against the claims of all person whomsoever IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF the grantors have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written !� �O� ✓ (SEAL) CARL E BUTLER Air & (SEAL) HILDA W BUTLER STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF COLUMBUS I AEcE�J B a Notary Public do hereby certify that CARL E BUTLER and wife HILDA W BUTLER personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged due execution of the foregoing Deed WITNESS my hand and official seal or stamp this the 19f %ay of December 1996 %o"' a1b REG /STS Notary3ai ltWi C My Commission Expires -/T .?oo / = Cl zr STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA I o� US cDJ�` • of is n% COUNTY OF COLUMBUS The foregoing or annexed certificate of A"& Notary Public of Columbus County State of North Carolina is certified to befcorrect. Presented for registration and recorded in this office in Booj& Page /eft This the _2 day of December 1996 at o do��dc _ �_ PP_ENNY _p—� REGISTER OF DEEDS BY 2f2J�[� Delivered To GMvp91VXMreatedt ffierryyAee HR.L 8 HIGH, LLP ARwneys at law 102 Courftuse Sq re white i0e N.0 26472 2 Z0/ 393 bath Dyers do not Join an any of the covenants and warranties of title HAVE AND TO HOLD the of re aid tr ct() r parcels) of land and all privileges and ap c s :th:j; belaigg or irw anywise appertaining to th said partie f th stood part and their i and ns to restri i ns and iti fiereinabove set forth And the pridgen Bros htiterprieses Inc for itself and its successors coven is with the said parties the second part and their heirs and assigns that it as seized of aid es in See and has right ormey in fee simple that the same are free and clear from all en cos and that it do-3 hereby f r Warrant and will forever defend the said title to the same vest tie lazms f all persons whoms ver subject to the reservations covenants restrictions and nditions hereinabov- t forth Ad valorem taxea r the current year (1972) hall b paid as follows grantor IN MMD}M OJHEMF the said Pridgon Bros Enterprises Inc ha. ed these presents t be iEned in its name by its idcnt and is rpo ate al to be aff and t be attested by its Secretary all by authority its Board of Directors duly given and R H Burns Jr Trust and said Mary Elizabeth Dyes ve hereunto set their hands and s the day and year first ab ve written RHOS ENTERPRISES INC n ATTEST Jerry pdgen (LS) y N J Pridgen S cretary (Stamps 9R6 00) President R H Berns Jr (SEAT.) Trustee Mary Elisabeth Djte (SEAL) Mary Elizabeth Dyess STA%S OP NORTH CAROLINA COLUIBUS COUNTY This 21st day of June A D 1972 pars came before no Alice L Babb a Notary Public I-blbur J Pridgen who being by me duly svrorn says t he is President of Pridgen Bros Enterpris In and that the seal affixed to the foregoing (o ) iwstrument in writing is the orporate scal T the tawny and that said writing was sign and waled by him in behalf of said rporation by is authority duly given And the aid 7Silbur J Prid aNamiledged th said writing to be the t and de-d of said corporation Witness my hand and official seal the 21st of June 1972 My casmtssion expires Aug 5 1976 (LS) Alice L Babb Notary Public STATE OF NOM CAROLINA ODLM40EUS COIAITY I Sue Cafree a Notary c do hereby certify that H Bruns Jr Trustee personally appeared before me this day acknaKledged the due *=cation of th foregoing instrument qitness my hand and of vial seal this 22nd day of Jane 972 My C*mmssion esprses /13/75 (IS) s Caff (forme ly Sire c ma tin) Notary Public STATE OF FLORIDA DUVAL COUNTY I Arnie L ter a H tary Public do hereby certify that Mary both Mass personally appeared before me this and acknmdedged the due execution of th foregoing trwmelot Witness hand and official seal this 12th day of June 1972 My commssi expires Feb 27 1979 (LS) Annie L ►Tin N Public NORTH COUNTY foregoing or annexed certificate( ) of Alice L Babb a N P of Columbus ty N C and Sue Caf f rmerly Sue C Martin a N P f Columbus County N C and Ann L wlinter a N of State o are certified to be orre t Pre ented f registration and rec riled in this Offi Bo k 264 e 392 This the 20 Day of duly 1972 at 10 30 0 clock A M � � � R ter of Deeds J STATE OF NORTH CAPOLRLI CourmoF OOlMS THIS DEED Mad and entered into this 13th day of July 1972 by and between WRITEVILJS Wr=FMENT CORPORATION a non - profit c rporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of North Ca o- lino party of the fast part and HOWARD GORE and Wife ETNA M CORE, f Colrmbes County North Caro- aim parties of the second part ' "DIESSETH That where. the party of the first part owns a tract of land in hitevx1le Township Columnbus County North Carolina on which is located th Columbus County Airport and td ich surrounds that property anveyad to C lumbus County for airport purpos AND WHEREAS the Parties of the a and ha ted an easement to olnmbus Cant a11- -F a clear Zane as required re tions and the only onsideratlon therefor was tie proceeds of the timber which was cut and old from the lands owned by the parties of th sand part AND WHEREAS and r the easement to C lumbus County th lauds in questio are being take out f timber fund must be cone ted to some other use which conforms with the clear zone regairemGn under FAA gulations and wh reas th party „e and part have reque ted Whit villo Dowlopmont Corpo Lion to grant to them a perpetual easement from their lands through th lands of th party f th first part t th airport r runway prope provided that the easems t d of in any way interfere with or vary AA regulations ad pted f r th us of th airport AND WHEREAS the party of the first part through its direct rs has adopted a resolution directing its officers to execute such an easement so as to allow the partie f the econd part t malt use f their prop rty with acre s to the airport NOW THEREFORE the party of the first part in consideration of the sum of On Dollar and the further onsid rati n recited above doe hereby give grant and onvey unto th parties of the second part th nr h it and assigns rrpetual right or easea,eni of ingre s eg es and regress o er their lands for the purposes a. aforesaid in —Wfh rapht to move vehicles aircraft or to make any further m eme is o r aid lands of the party of the first part as are consistent with rules and regulations now ldopted or to be later adopted by the Federal Aviation Authority Said asement to cover the lands described as follows BEGINNING at the point where the nonthmwest orner f the Howard Gore tra t of land joins the south astern line f the tilnteville Development Corporation lands and covering a torrid r sixty (60) fe t wid to the east of said beginning point measured at right angl to the runway (the magnetic bearing of the r—QY being North 51 East) and going fro th Gore Property to the Airpo t property as de cribed in d d t Columbus County in B ok 253 at page 359 thence wastwardly parallel to the runaway and along th dge f the line referred to in th deed above cited along another sixty (60) foot corridor as far as is required t have access to th runway proper TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said right and easement to them the said parties of the second part and their heirs and assigns foreve yt being agreed that the right and easement hereby granted is appurtenant and rL= with the land now awned by the parties of the coed part it bung understood that this instrument Is intended to convey to the parties of the second part a right to mare such use of their lands and to have such rights to enter said airport property by way of the easement herein granted in as full and ample a mane as th parties of the first part are able to grant it being understood horaeve that any use of this property and the easement herein granted shall be consistent with the rules now in effect or later pramilgated by the Federal Aviation Authority IN TESTINDAY WHEREOF said party of the first part has executed this agreement in its corporate capacity on the day and year first above written ATTEST Anne B Small (SEAL) (LS) WHITEVI= DEVEMPNENT CORPORATION secretary By Ralph T Beason STATE OF NORTH CAROIiNA President COUNTY OF COLMMUS I Ina J Brown a Notary Public certify that Arnie W Small personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged that she is Secretary of NNITEVILi5 DKVKLDPMMT CORPORATION a corporation and that by authority duly given and as the act of the orporation th f regoing instrument was signed in its name by its President sealed with its corporate seal and atte ted by h rself as its S cretary Witness map hand and offyeial seal this 13th day of July 1972 toy cam Excp 4 16-75 Ina J Brown (,,EAT,) Notary Publi. NORTH CAROLINA COLUMBUS COUNTY Th foregoing or annexed certificate of Ina J Brawn N P C lumbus Cc N C is certified to be correct Presented for registration and recorded in this office in Book 264, page 393 This the 21 Day Of July 1972 t 10 00 0 clock A N O�1 — /-/ Re�sssttero f Deeds By Gladys G Wooten Deputy YSTATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF COLMOUS THIS DEED OF SEPARATION made and executed this day of July 1972 by and between RAYMOND YATES JB and his wi. CARDLYN YATES both parties being from Columbus County North Carolina herernaftwr referred to as RAYMOND and tAFK= tSETH Whereas said parties have heretofore been and now are lawfully married and have two (2) children to wit Christopher Yates age seven (7) years and Rae Lynn Yates age two nd ere half (2 1/2) years AND WHEREAS the parties moved by good and adequate reasons verily believe that they cannot live together as husband and wife and that it rs necessary for them to live eparate and apart an actual s paration having taken place an parch 20 1972 E NOW TRSBSFORE said parties for and in consideration f the acts and things herein respectfully by than weed to be done and performed do mutually agree each with the other as follows I 1 It is agreed that from and after the date of this deed the said RAYMOND and CAROM shall and will lice separately and apart each from th ther as fully and ampletely and in the same manner and to th ams extent as though they had never been married I- - ---- 1 ' Iv i 11141, i 431 -0.M Y`LLA ..'7. i 1.-M m ,! t io 12 ra _ f 'Sop.enb - 19 3 ay -= i.Z - oo= -tlo_ 0- tL i- under ta- lava o' t- .e of F -th -olum -ith its prancli -1 3°±ce is lu„abus om'y orth rr_ lint. -uorty se M--st part to the 70-' 0? "'=f-r ,,8 a municipal co nor tion a_ o2s=.ras omt-I orth - iraliu )ar`y o the eco-d part "" MS3�' W Mitt t.. ei y--vv o tae rs ?r_-t is covsa ae , iex o° On Huddred (�100 00) ,o�L.r- Ord .ma^ a- u.,.bl nsia ^Sonar t it 9-id by th al p,_-ty - tha so and pa_-t th se i o- --i-A is 3 reby clw -rleda d has ba..ined end -A on- by t:ese pre eats does bargain 11 and Lonny un 1 party the and part nd it ne a-cra and essi,�., a tract r parcol f land is t_ C =7 f C luabos and State of -aetn Core"— is Shiteville Tovasaip end bonded as f 11 w - in5 a tra t of land in C lumbus aunty ia:th era in- about a adla outhore t f the To= of Brunswick - C and nth * 41son -sap do 062 aid tract of land con -W 1y 69 ac-e aaa boarg a Par` at tbd 7hitav3l3.e Da-ml pmont Co-p ati a la-A: parcha.od frma The St ta: of Earth Ca_ -alum " r the pwPoco f d val pmcnt f oa ai=p rt and industrial faeilitia for the Torn of fit villa Beginning at a c ae-^ct monumut the southaes rear t As rSgaaal eruct purchas d from the St to f Barth C- Volt— by deed dot d August 5 1962 end recorded in Bobk 229 at page 349 in the Offit f the Gist.- f Deeds of olambus -oca`y mid beginning orner beama too vesternant corns- f ai-stria lands he- einafter conveyed and rans then.s Nrth 14 degrees 00 minur.c 9 t 305 f t th at Vorth 51 degro 3 00 minute Sant 560 fee- theme North 39 den- 00 minutes vest 165 f t th no Vorth 13 d am 00 zzinatec 7e It 270 feet =sacs Earth 51 degrees 00 m-aat Sant 700 to t thrice aerth 25 degrees 00 mantes Salt 85 fee- .se=e Borth 8 degre 00 urinate 7 105 's t thence Barth 79 degrees 00 minutes Bast 60 feet hence south 39 degrees 00 minute East 495 f t thence Borth 51 dogro 00 nl=t s 8a.-t 3.740 feet thence South 32 dopee 00 manut East 90 to t th no North 80 degree 00 minute Bast 236 feet theme Barth 55 degrees 00 =teat East 235 feat th a South 78 degrees 00 miaate Bast 300 feet thence South 35 degre 00 mini-to Jo t 260 feet then South 51 d Sm s 00 mi=te Ve^t 2660 feet thence South 21 dogro 00 minuto 4 t 200 f t tbasee South 51 dogre 00 tdnutes 7 150 f t thence South 81 do=es 00 minute J at 200 f at too= South 51 degre 00 minutes Vest 1170 to t th no South 80 doSm 00 ¢!ante Jost 570 to t to th bo_girmiza ecatoiain„ 69 acre more or less and being that po_-ti n of the ]and above refer -od to vhich have been laid out f - the Miteville }A =cipal Airport and vb=h are so rdang to a plat therea- prepared by J ba Talbott $ Ass ciates Engine re and vaich bas be n fled with the Pederal Gavernmout ac zx ibit A in he application of the 20= 0' 7hiteville 'Or federal aid in the omstruetion of the airport. Par chain of tit! reference is made to he deed from the t t of 3 -th Cw0lina referred o abov and t art in deed from 3e%%= C M iam conveying the property to the state of Nor—% C=a11aa as sum is ro *-dad in Be k 147 at pago 315 in the OM of the Register of Deeds f C 2umbus County TO BA13 A10 TO 30LD th ataxe ad tra t or part 1 of lane and all ;a1vilegos and appmr`enaree theroUmto belonging to -.h 2wm of '3i'evi11 tae 3210 p..rty f he second park and its ant ssax and a.sigms fo -ever ?bat sand party of tae first par' dst'h o venaut that it is se-z d of aid pdemises in f a and sea the rltht t onvoy the am in t simple the the ame are tree from inombrance -no that it gill warrant and dot ad th said till to the same aGm-=' tae !aims of an p -moons who=a vcr j = TrSTJr .rr ^ LS W? the aid party of the first piL�- has arced this deed to be signed is Its rporato Lane by its Pro ident and Ott rte by its Secretary and s aced vita its ousom o-p -ate s 21 on h day and ya.s first Bove written. ATM" (LS) - rl�- DrvBwR =- Cos -+D: ATMU Ge age Gold BY B.L aianant (SETS.) Secretary P- esiceat BURT? C VLIa7A eaLeRaus Co'm 7. Racnol 7 Byrd R ary 'ubli c rtify that George - Gold PI-saw-13.y came bef re me this day and acne - -odged that he s Se - 6-d_-7 - =teville Dave- pent 6o ooratioa a corps- -anon and .hat by auths -+ty dUj given and as the act f the Co- vwation the fo- egoing instrument was igned in its name 7rf at Presideu Baled -dth its carpaeate al and att sted by himself as Its Secretary 51.aone 47 hand had notarial m- ,him 12 any of Seeteaber 1963 Ey 0=1143S UM -aahel 7 3�vrd Mw) 5-4-04 -7 Lary 3ab-a j-0,0; A?OLL- A COW -= 10"TM via tosoLaimg -anti t t 4-che1 Myra P C lu-bus onty i ad,udg is b rro t i Let the inst_nnaat v+tm the rtific to ao regi- toned. 7itnass my a-,m hi. 12 der of S pt 1963 y Jr -a. :.liivaat I 2s L 2os.: 3yperio� o,M Pie far -t -d t 4 P -- opt 12 196 -nd - eco-6ed and vo- ifiodojptt -7 - 6 'togiste -of 7Pods STATE OF BORTH CAROLINA CCUNTY 0 COUJMBOS The due execution of the for going instrament by E S Mayes & Guilf rd Strickland the grantor therein named and f th parpos s therein xpress d we this day proved before me by a statement under oath or B F Floyd the s bs ribed with ss ro the t that the mak rs a h signed th instrue t in his Ares ne and acknowledged to ham the xecution th eof Let the instrument with th certificate be 'registered WrrNESS my hand and notar al seal this 28 day f August 1967 Jewel H TAuii nt Ass t C S C Filed f r rec rd August 28th 1967 at 11 00 A M and record d and verified' September 5 1967 Res ste of Deeds 4 STATE OF NORTH >,AROLINA COLUMBUS COUNTY THIS DEED made this the 20th day of April 1967 by and between the TOWN Or HRITEOILIB a manic pal rporation rganized and existing laws f the Stat of N rth Carolina tarty f the first part and the STATE OF NORM CAROLINA a body politic and roorate party of the s cond part WTNESSETB That said party of the first part in on &deration of One ($1 00) Dollar and oth valnabl considerations to it paid by said party of the second part the receipt f which is hereby acknowledged (Ref rent being also made to H use Bill 133 of Public Local Laws ratified March 10 1967 wherein authority of the Town of Nbitevill was granted tar legislation enactment t cake this c nveyance ) has bargained and sold and by these p sents d s h r by grant bargain s 11 and co vey to said party or the second *art its successors and assigns a certai tract or parcel of land in Columbus County State f N rth Carolina and bounded f llows viz Being a tract or parcel of land lying in dwitevill Township Columbus County North arol2ma about a mile south or the Town of Brunswick and con tituting a small portion of that tract or land conveyed by &itevill Development Corporatio to Town of %hiteville by deed dated September 12 1963 and recorded in Book 232 page 031 in the office of the Register of Deeds of olumbus Countv and being particularly des ribed as follows BEGINNING at a concrete monument the southwest corner of the parcel h rein des ribed said moms ment being located North 38 38 West 225 0 feet from a point in a base lane of the rorarav as shown on the plat hereinafter referred to said point in the base lane being North 51 22 East 1688 9 r t from the ncrete monument or control corner hown on said map (said ^ontrol corner bein_ the south western orner of the original tract of land conveyed by the State f North Carolina to the dtitevtlle nevelopment Corporation by dead dated August 6 1962 and rec rded in Book 229 at *age 349 an the o fice f the Regist r of Deeds of Columbus County) and running thence fr" the beginning corner of the tract herein described North 380 38 West 51 4 f t t noth oncrete monument (this being an original corner of the tract of land conveyed to the Town f Whiteville to an airport which was referred to above) thence continuing North 38 38 West 165 0 feet to concret monirent th no North 120 38 West 49 0 feet to a concrete monument thence North 510 22 East 190 n feet to a c nerete monument thence South 380 38 East 260 4 feet to a concrete nommient thence South 510 22 West 2113 feet to the original beginning corner containing 1 25 acres more or less Reference is made to a map of the lands abov desc ibed made by Gilman G Crean Jr and dated July 12 1066 from an a tail survey made bar ham said nap being rec rd d in the Offic of the Register f Daed of Columbus County in Plat Book _ at page TO HAVE AND TO NOW the aforesaid tract o pare 1 f lard and all privileges and apparte antes thereto belonging to said party of the second part its successors and assigns to their onl�v use and behoof forever And the said party of the first part for its if and its successors and assigns covenants with said party of the second part and its success rs and assigns that it is seized of said premise in fee and has the right to convey in f e simple that the same are free and clear c rom all ncumbrances and that it does hereby forever warrant and will forever defend the said title to the same against the claims of all persons whensoever IN TESTIHOXr WHEREOF th party of the first part has caused this instrument to be executea in its name bar Horace B Whitley its Mayor and its corporate s al affixed and attested by it Town Clark all f th order of the Town Council of th Town of Vhiteville TOWN Or WMWIi1Z ATTESTED- (S) By Horace B Matl y (SEAT.) Jane S Smith — MAYOR — Town Clerk J6 &)OK a53 STATE OV NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF COLOMSUS 7Pa% 361 3513 THIS DEED made this 10th day f March 1969 by the OF WhQTEC1LLE a nunieipal corporation a,a Columbus County1 stet of North Carolina Party of the rut part to 22AIDOS Ooely= a political nab- division in the State of North Carolina party of the ecoad part WIMMSSRTB That whereas the City of Whitevillo is the owner of certain real state onveyed to it by the WHitevillc Development Corporation by decd dated September 12 1%3 and recorded in Hook 232 page 43$ Columbus County Registry which property was conveyed to the City of Whiteville for the specific puprose of developing an airport and whereas th said City of Mdteville conveyed a small portion there £ containing 1 25 acres Marc or less to the State of North Carolina by deed dated April 24 1967 and recorded in Roak 246 page 693 Cgludbus County Registry and whereas a resolution was duly adopted by the City Council of the Town of Wbitaville authorizing the lease of said airport property to Columbus County until the convoaing f the North Carolina General As ambly in January 1%9 at which time a Special Act of the Legislature would be enacted whereby the City of Whiteville would b authorized and empowered to coav y the said loads hereinafter described constituting the Whitevillc airport to said County and whereas a bill was introduced into the House of Representatives being House Bill DSH -778 and designated as AC- 146 -L aatheriztag the sand City of Whiteville and the Whiteville Airport Authority to convey said airport property to Columbus Canty and whereas said Act of the General Assembly was duly ratified on the 3rd day of March 1969 and is included in the North Carolina Session Laos of 1969 Chapter 28 and pursuant t the authority ooataiaed in said Act the said Town cE VhatevilFA has by these presents duly conveyed the premises hereinafter described to the County of Columbus upon the terms and conditions authorized XDW THEREFORE said party f th first part for and in consideration of the sum of ONE DOM AR ($1 00) to it in hand paid by the party of the second part the receipt of which is hereby acknow- ledged has bargained and sold and by these presents does berehybargain sell and convey to the said party of the second part its successors and ess3gns a tract or parcel of land In NUteville Township County of Columbus and State of North Carolina and bounded an fol]ays Being a tract of Land in Columbus County North Carolina about a mile Soatbvest of the Town of Brumvict North Carolina and South of Prison Camp No 062, said tract of land containing appreatmttely 69 acres and being a part f the lands purchased by the 11hitaville Development Corporation from the State of N rth Carolum for the outpace of development of an airport and Industrial facilities and havink been conveyed to the Tern of Whiteville and being described as F llows *sore particularly BF7GDMM at a concrete monument the southwest corner of the original tract pponcbasad from the State of North Carolina by deed dated August 6 1962 and recorded in Hook 229 p 349 in the Office of the Register of De do of Columbus County said beginning career being the westeramast corner of airstrip lands beraieaftet conveyed and rims then= North 14 degrees 00 mdautes West 305 a feet thence North 51 degrees 00 -]antes Mt 1560 feet thence North 39 degrees 00 minutes West 165 feet thence North 13 degrees 00 minutes West 270 feet thence North 51 degrees 00 mfmtes East 700 feet thdnc North 25 degrees 00 minutes East 85 feet thonee North 8 degrees 00 minutes Vast 105 feet thence North 79 degrees 00 mduutes EAst 60 fee North 51 degrees 00 minutes Ent 1740 fee�naaA%P � �t thence North 55 degrees 00 minutes LUt 235 feet thence South 78 degrees 00 minutes East 3DO feet thence South 35 degrees 00 minutes Vest 260 feet thence South 51 degrees 00 minutes West 2660 feet thence South 21 degrees 00 minutes Went 200 feet thence South 51 degrees 00 minutes Vest 150 feet thence South 81 degrees 00 mInuces Asst 200 feet thence South 51 degrees 00 minutes West 1170 feet thence Sauth 80 degrees 00miontes Went 570 f t to the beginning containing 69 acres more or less and being that portion f the leads above referred to which have been laid out for the Mdtaoille MouLcipal Airport and which are according to a plat thereof prepared by Jobs Talbott 6 Associates Engineers and which has been filed with the Federal Goverment as Exhibit A an the application f the Tam d vbitevllle for fed al aid In th cons trucctian of the airport For the chain of title reference Is mad to the Dead from the State of North Carolina referred to above and to a certain Deed from Roman C Williams conveying the property to the State of North Carolina as sate is recorded in Book 147 page 315 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Columbus County Also Deed from North Carolina prison Department to Whiteville Development Corporation dated Argent 6 1962 and recorded in Rook 229 page 349 Col—use County Registry and Dead from Wbiteville Development Corporation to the Town of Whitevilla by aced dated September 12 1963 and recorded in Hook 232 page 431 Columbus County Registry BUT EXCEPTING however from the above described lards a small portion thereof containing 1 25 acres more or less as described In Deed from Tam of Whiteville to State of No th Cmanliea dund24 April 24 1967 retarded in Book 6 page 693 CO—b- County Registry and dcacrib d as BEGINNING at a concrete moatmment the southwest turner of the parcel hernia described surd monument being located North 38 degrees 38 minutes Vest 225 0 feet from a p fat in a base line of Me :tansy as sbowa on the plat hereinafter referred to said point in the base Use being North 51 degrees 22 minutes Fan 1688 9 goat from tho concrete monument of central corner slows on aid map ( aid control burner being the southwestern eoroer of the ordainal tract of laud conveyed by the State of North Carolina to the Wbitewille Development Corporation by Deed dated August 6 -962 and recorded In Rook 229 at page 349 in the Office of the Register of Deeds eE Colmabes County) ann ramal g thence from the bgizuning turner of the tract herein, described North 38 degrees 38 minutes West 51 4 feet to another concrete mmnumeat (this being as original corner are t% tract of land conveyed to the Town of Whiteville for an airport which was referred to above) thence eantimaing,Narth 38 degrees 38 Minutes West 165 0 feet to A concrete mmoaument thence North 12 degrees 38 minutes We t 49 0 feet to a concrete mounment thence South 38 degrees 38 minutes Fast 260 4 feet to a concrete monument thence South 51 degrees 22 minutes East 211 3 f at to the a L57/511 R QtrAwt ftdA�5 OD�g 90019 p yy �� STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA T = _ PQQ / I — COUNTY OF COLbDS ) D B fi D Sb THIS DE+D mad this 31st day of March 1970 by the STATE OF NORTH CAROLNA party of the first part to th CODNNff OF COIDNEUSS a political subdivision of the State of North Carolina party of the% e se and part VITNESSETH THAT WHEREAS by deed dated April 24 1967 recorded in Deed Hook 246 page 693 Ye Columbus County Registry the Tom of Whiteville a manicipal corporation located in Columbus County North Carolina conveyed to the State of North Carolina the tract or psi of Sand hereinafter d s- cribed and M s 018100 5 0 9189 WHERBAS the County of Columbus now requir a said tract of land for devel pment of a master plan for Columbus County Airport and I L S A L (milk WHEREAS the Comity of Columbus has agreed to lease aid tract of laid to the State of North Caro- lina for a period of ninety -nine (99) years at a total rental of ORR DOISAR� and fl r ®eh n WHEREAS the Comity of Columbus has agreed that in the event it b comes ne sary ift the develop- ment of the Airport to utilise said tract hereinafter d Bribed all improvements of the State of North Carolina located upon said tract x111 be removed to another suitabl tract of land having access to the runways of said Columbus County Airport at no expense to the party of th first part herein and that said new or ubstitut tract of land will be pla ad under the said ninety-nine-year Erase and WHEREAS the North Carolina Department of Conaervatidn and Development has authorised and approved the conveyance of the land hereinafter described to the pifty of the second part and VHMEAS the emcecution of this conveyance for and on behalf of the State of North Carolina has been Ciity of Raleigh North Carolina on the 19th dayfof March 1970 ion adopted at a meeting held rn the NOW THEREFOAB for and in consideration of the sun of TEN DOLLARS paid by the party of the second Put to the said party of the first part the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged the party of the first part bas bargained and sold and by these Iaesente does hereby bargain sell and convey to the party of the second part its successors and a igns all of that ertain tract or parcel of land situate in Colmebus County Borth Carolina and bounded and more particularly described as follows Being a tract or parcel of land lying in Whiteville Township Columbus County., North Carolina about a mils south of the Tom of Brunswick and constituting a small portion of that tract of land conveyed by Wbiteville Development Corporation to Town of Whitevill by deed dated September 12 1963 and recorded in Hook 232 page 431 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Columbus County and being particularly described as follows WINNING at a concrete monument the southwest corner of the parcel herein d scribed said mom - mest being located North 38 degrees 38 mimrLes West 225 0 f at from a point in a base line of the rmm way as shorn on the plat hereinafter referred to said point in the base line being North 51 degrees 22 minutes East 1688 9 fast from the concrete mommant or control corner shown on said cap (said con- trol corner being the southwestern corner of the original tract of land conveyed by the State of North Carolina to the Nhiteville Development Corporation by d ed dated August 6 1962 and recorded in Hook 229 at page 349 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Columbus County) and running thence from the beginning corner of the tract herein described North 38 degrees 38 minutes West 51 4 feet to another concrete Van mment (this being an original corner f the tract of land conveyed to the Town of Whiteville for an airport which was ref rred to above) then continuing North 38 degrees 38 minute West 165 0 test to a concrete mwounment thence North 12 degrees 38 mLnbes West fag 0 f at to a ==rate monument thence North 51 degrees de 22 minutes Bast 190 0 feet to a concrete monument thence South 38 degrees 38 minutes Bast 260 4 3eet to a concrete mommment, thence South 51 d grees 22 minutes West 2113 feet to the original bagnnin corner ogntaining 1 25 acres more or less Reference sn made to a nap of the lands above described made by Gilman G Green Jr and dated Ju]p 3.2 1966 4Yom an actual survey made by him said map being r corded in th Ofii a of the Register of Deeds of Columbus Comity in Plat Book at page TO HAVE AND TO HVID the aforesaid tract or parcel of Land together with all privileges apporten- am tenements and hereditaments thereunto b longing or in any manner appertaining mwto the said Party of the second part its smeasaors and assigns in fee simpl IN WITRESS WHEREOF the State of North Carolina has caused this deed to be executed in its name by Robert W Scott Governor attested by Thad Ears Secretary of State and the Great Seal of the State f North Carolina hereunto .frIzed by virtue of It power and estbority aforesaid STATE OF maRTH CAROLINA ATTEST Thad Ewe Robert W Scott Secretary of State Governor �F6�6 AiwPROPSD AS TO PORN - 2 93 APPRAVED FOR DISPOSITION Robert Morgan W L Turner Attorney General Director of Admiafatration Parks H Iwxnbo»r Assistant Attorney General f Go(; K �4 S.ASB OP LC?:S R LIMA O,-" OF COLIIL"'OS � I P.achal 7 3yid a =7 Pab11 is and f - tae County and S a at resaid do hereby ce^tif- tir frorCe 7 Gold pe-soh al caws bofo"a me thio day and acknowledged teat he is S ezeta7 f th lh-t v:LU 7e m1ppment Corporation and twat by ut*_ -sty duly Siam .dd as an t the said 7h_tev3ll Davel moat C -p - -ation th fox -oing inutn=m ams Teed by 3.L F nna•t Pre ident f -id Corp ti n at t d by ai=elf as acre tar and sled with oa3am s a_ tees CW ased ± d s tarial ..eel tai 27 day t June 1962 s'jr arms --ien expire- 5-4-64 (1S 3_en 1 Ayrd tart' Puo,.io A3 OF 11033233 CIL LalA OLT..3OS O wr Tao foreCOimg ruricat ° 'laisc Zustman Michel b 1 -442 unty - awhel 7 W d B P C I=bn County are ae4udgod t be --a t Let to a- with the rtilleat be regi..terad. 7 taws zU -a-A and fti al eal this 5 day of S pt 1962 Mary Lou 741te Asat 0terk Sgpetior Court Piled for record at 4 30 a 5. ..ept 5 1962 and recorded and verifi d Sept 6 1962 B ,}star f Deeds 4S_ARS OF 9C8TR C&IMML D 8 8 D awl--Y OF OLUa3OS MUS DESD made and onto--ad iat thin the 6 dry of Attfym t 1962 by and be-eean the Stets of .Torth Caroline party I th ft-ot pert and th ]hi�,e DewloOmaat CornoraN_ a� a non -protYt eorp atioa organized and eidsting nude- the lams of tae °ta�o��1 —U Ce-oliar with its prsxipal odfLe in 7Sit villo Forth Oazoliwa party f th and art 71EMSSVM TnAT 2W=AS th 11 rth '-aroliaa Priron Departnout auth rim d and approved t.o onvey=c of tho land he- ozaaft r d scribed to th party f the se and part and TOREi5 tho Governor and vouno 1 f t t of N rth arol3na at r me tins hold in the City of .Ral ish on the 3 day f Aucust 1962 a prows this onvoyane and a=voted the exacution Y tads inetztaeaat 761 2PM3B0M In ca„sidera ion o+ the sum of T3MVR MrSAED PI9B MMRw IIOia m (312 500 00) to it is head paid the +eceipt f which is a ruby acknowledged the aid party of the first part haw bargained and s Id and it' these pre not d as bargain 11 and convey to the party f the aeeond part its uc ease= and as igas all of that certain tract r p,,xce f land lying, in Colm4bas County North Carolina and core partseularly dose+2bed as fhllaws Boginning at a p in oa th we t rn dgo f Cep Breach aid point beleC South 24 dogreos 00 misntos Zest 2095 feet ibom oaazet marker loaat d as th northern right of may 1=0 of Road 8wnbar 2170 thecae from aid beginning p Snt with the ran £ Camp Eranoh the foncalmg dirt ticas and dictana North 36 dc6zo a 00 .,LM-00 Beat 212 f at North 19 degree 00 mnute„ Bas' 430 feet Borth 63 degrees 00 mi.,-ute Bas` 211 f of South 81 d gre a 00winute Most 198 foot South 32 dogioo 00 miant Scat 223 f 2 Borth 80 degre 00 zd=tea Salt 236 feet Sort► 55 degrees 00 aaaaxtem Bast 235 f t South 78 degre 00 ni ate East 300 feet -has thence South 35 degrees 00 edema 7 t 90 f t t point; t_ 330 South 39 degre 15 minutes H t 2641 f e to a point theac S nth 80 d graoa 00 eiaute - st 1826 feet to a oint thence Earth 14 degree- 00 minutes t 2000 feat t a p int thence N rth 79 d gre a 00 minute Bast 3085 f t to a p in f beginning ntatn -ug 140 acre no_-a or 1 as and Doing a portion of the pzemis a onvayed by Eerman C 7 liens by d ad r rdad i_ Book 147 page 315 of the Colupas Cornett' degistry TO BAYBAED TO BOLD th of re aid Bract or para 1 f 1=4 and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to it th aid party Y toe nd past its auc a a+S mad sssiGns foster IN TBSTIW"lr 7EMM the St To of uo-th Carolina has us d th.2- deed t be extent d in Its nags by Terry Sanford Oovaraor att t d ay Thad Mm retery f State and the Cheat Seal of the State of Bo_^ta Carolina heraunt affix d by virtuo of the won r and nutho_ -ity aforesaid. III S II (LS) STA= OP NO2M CAROLINA 3Y "e's7 Seafo -d ATWST governor Thad Bure So -start' of St to APPROYSD FOB DISPO.TIZIOS APa30TED AS ro PM B r Cae1 D eter Iff AdrisS.staati n 7 Bruton Attorney General By Ports if Icenham Zeal P- operty Attorney III S II Attachment 2 Nature of Activity (Proposed Action) Columbus County Municipal Airport Wetlands Permit Application 2206 1101 /January 2012 Attachments Wetlands Permit Application for Parallel Taxiway Runway Safety Area Improvements Wetland Relocation and Mitigation and Installation of Culvert PROPOSED ACTION DESCRIPTION Columbus County Municipal Airport proposes to undertake the following four projects to improve the safety of the Columbus County Municipal Airport 1 Construct a full length parallel taxiway system on the northwest side of and 300 from Runway 6/24 2 Improve /extend the Runway Safety Area (RSA) from the current 200 beyond the end of the runway to 300 beyond the end of the runway 3 As required by the NC Division of Aviation wetlands created on the airport in 1997 need to be relocated to an offsite mitigation bank (included in this will be the mitigation required for the other portions of the proposed action) and 4 Install a culvert along approximately 30 of Camp Branch Stream to allow airside access to the land recently acquired and encompassing the Runway Protection Zone and approach to Runway 24 CPC is proposing to construct a full length 35 wide parallel taxiway on the northwest side of Runway 6/24 The taxiway will be 300 from the runway (centerline to centerline) and will connect both runway ends to the apron in front of the terminal FAA s standards for Runway Safety Areas dimensions and grading criteria require CPC to extend their RSA to 300 and grade and maintain it in accordance with FAA guidance Currently CPC is not in compliance with FAA safety regulations since the safety area extends only 200 beyond the runway therefore a 100 extension of the RSA is necessary CPC will place fill material and grade an additional 100 per FAA requirements In order to comply with FAA Advisory Circular 150/5200 33B and as required by the NCDOT — Division of Aviation the airport must relocate approximately 8 6 acres of on site wetlands used to mitigate impacts from CPC s runway extension in 1997 The original wetlands disturbance with the runway extension project was 4 67 acres The Airport created 8 6 acres of wetlands onsite by constructing an embankment and drainage control structure In order to meet the requirement of the Division of Aviation and FAA the Airport is requesting that offsite mitigation be provided by purchasing 8 6 acres of wetlands credits in an existing wetland bank This project will involve removal of the embankment and drainage control structure Off site mitigation is also required for the impacts associated with the taxiway construction RSA improvements and the stream piping The wetland impacts from the parallel taxiway project will be 7 51 acres and the impacts from the safety area improvements will be 0 46 acres Columbus County Municipal Airport 2206 1101 /January 2012 Wetlands Permit Application for Parallel Taxiway Runway Safety Area Improvements Wetland Relocation and Mitigation and Installation of Culvert Installation of a 30 culvert in an existing stream is required for the Airport to gain access to a recently acquired property located in the Runway 24 Runway Protection Zone (RPZ) This access will allow the Airport to more effectively maintain the RPZ free of obstructions Columbus County Municipal Airport 2206 1101 /January 2012 Attachment 3 Project Purpose and Need Columbus County Municipal Airport Wetlands Permit Application 2206 1101 / January 2012 Attachments Wetlands Permit Application for Parallel Taxiway Runway Safety Area Improvements Wetland Relocation and Mitigation and Installation of Culvert PURPOSE AND NEED INTRODUCTION Columbus County Municipal Airport (CPC) is located on 293 acres in the central part of the unincorporated part of Columbus County NC It is a non towered facility owned by the county Columbus County consists of approximately 954 square miles with a population of 54 221 according to the U S Census Bureau s 2009 estimate Designated in the National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS) as a general aviation / airport CPC has one available runway Runway 6/24 is 5 500 long by 75 wide and has Medium Intensity Runway Lights and non precision instrument runway markings in good condition Both runway ends have RNAV (GPS) approach procedures but neither runway end has an instrument approach procedure Runway 6 has a 2 light PAPI and Runway 24 has a 4 light VASI Currently there is no taxiway system at CPC except for one apron access point Aircraft must taxi along the airport s only runway Additionally only the Runway 6 departure end has turnaround areas PURPOSE The purpose of the proposed project is to 1 Improve operational safety by constructing a 35 wide parallel taxiway along the northwest side of the runway 2 Meet FAA standards by extending and improving the Runway Safety Area on the Runway 24 end 3 Correct wildlife hazards by eliminating the previously mitigated on site wetlands and provide for off site mitigation with an existing wetland bank and 4 Provide access to recently acquired property to allow the Runway 24 approach and Runway Protection Zone to be maintained NEED A parallel taxiway significantly increases the safety at a non towered airport by separating the taxiing aircraft from aircraft operating on the runway It also increases the ability for aircraft to land during inclement weather by allowing for the development of instrument approaches Currently there is no taxiway system at CPC except for one apron access point — aircraft must taxi along the airports only runway Additionally only the Runway 6 departure end has turnaround areas This means that aircraft must taxi along the runway making the runway Columbus County Municipal Airport 2206 1101 / January 2012 Wetlands Permit Application for Parallel Taxiway Runway Safety Area Improvements Wetland Relocation and Mitigation and Installation of Culvert unusable for landing or taking off when an aircraft is taxiing and also increasing the potential for a runway incursion CPC averages approximately 35 operations per day Additionally FAA Advisory Circular 150/5300 13 Appendix 16 New Instrument Approach Procedures requires a parallel taxiway in order to accommodate non precision instrument approach procedures with approach minimum visibility greater than' /4 mile and less than I mile An instrument approach procedure would supplement the existing RNAV (GPS) approach in that not all aircraft operating in and out of CPC have the equipment necessary to fly a GPS procedure Current FAA standards dictate that airports like Columbus County Municipal Airport provide a runway safety area (RSA) a minimum of 300 beyond the end of the runway Grading criteria for RSAs state that they be smoothly graded and have slopes that do not exceed 3% within the first 200 of the runway end and a maximum of 5% after the initial 200 In order to meet current FAA standards the Columbus County Municipal Airport is required to extend and grade its Runway 24 RSA by 100 Table 1 1 details the existing vs required RSA dimensions TABLE 1 1 EXISTING vs REQUIRED RSA DIMENSIONS * Runway 24 end When CPC s runway was extended to the south in 1997 it impacted 4 76 acres of existing wetlands The Airport was directed by the USACE and NCDWQ to restore approximately 8 6 acres of wetlands on site According to FAA Advisory Circular 150/5200 33B Hazardous Wildlife Attractants on or Near Airports dated 8/28/2007 the FAA recommends immediately correcting any wildlife hazards arising from existing wetlands located on or near airports Both FAA and NCDOA strongly discourage on airport wetlands mitigation due to the potential creation of a wildlife hazard In 2008 the NCDOA began coordination with the USACE to allow the wetlands to be mitigated off site The airport recently acquired 46 67 acres of land along the approach to Runway 24 This purchase allows CPC to control the land encompassing the inner portion of the Runway 24 approach and Runway 24 s Runway Protection Zone (RPZ) and to remove obstructions in the approach to Runway 24 In order to effectively monitor and maintain that land airport maintenance personnel and vehicles must be able to easily access those areas from the airside Columbus County Municipal Airport 2206 1101 /January 2012 Prior to Landing 200 300 100 Beyond Runway End 200 300 100 Width 1 150 1 150 1 0 * Runway 24 end When CPC s runway was extended to the south in 1997 it impacted 4 76 acres of existing wetlands The Airport was directed by the USACE and NCDWQ to restore approximately 8 6 acres of wetlands on site According to FAA Advisory Circular 150/5200 33B Hazardous Wildlife Attractants on or Near Airports dated 8/28/2007 the FAA recommends immediately correcting any wildlife hazards arising from existing wetlands located on or near airports Both FAA and NCDOA strongly discourage on airport wetlands mitigation due to the potential creation of a wildlife hazard In 2008 the NCDOA began coordination with the USACE to allow the wetlands to be mitigated off site The airport recently acquired 46 67 acres of land along the approach to Runway 24 This purchase allows CPC to control the land encompassing the inner portion of the Runway 24 approach and Runway 24 s Runway Protection Zone (RPZ) and to remove obstructions in the approach to Runway 24 In order to effectively monitor and maintain that land airport maintenance personnel and vehicles must be able to easily access those areas from the airside Columbus County Municipal Airport 2206 1101 /January 2012 Attachment 4 Agency Coordination Columbus County Municipal Airport Wetlands Permit Application 2206 1101 / January 2012 Attachments North Cai ohna Depal tment of Administration Beverly Raves Pcrdlle, Governor Pebtuary 1, 2011 Mr Jim Halley Cohunbus County c/o Talbert & Bright 4610 Shelley Drive Wilmington, NC 26405 Door Mr Halley Moses Carey, Jr, Secretary Ike SCIt [tile 011 ia.-0000 0157, SCOPINC, Construction of a parallel taxiway, runway s.lfety area improvements, wetland ullttgation and culvert Installation foi the Columbus County Municipal Airpoi t Tlic above ref a nced envimumental impact information lias been submitted to the State Clearinghouse under the provisions of the National Poviromuental Policy Act Aecordilig to G S 113A 10, when a state agency is rewired to prepare an environmental document under the provisions of federal low, the environmental document mats the provisions of the State Pnvironmental Policy Act Attached to this letter for your consideration arc the comments made by agencies in the course of this review If any further cnvlro in-.ntal review documents are prep'ired for this project they should be fotwardcd to this office for nitergoverninental review Should yon have any questions, please do not hesitate to call Sincerely, Sl c a tircen State Environmental Review Clearinghouse Attachments cc Region O MallhwAdkas ref(phale (919)807 -242S Lacedonddolur 1301 Mall SenrlecCrew im(919)733 9571 116ftflJonesSitcrl as dAWC 276991301 StatecW114 051 0140 Rakwl Ikatholatigh e mall score elearlu OoraeWwAv*or An Equal Oppw4wr0 ,1Affl a(hv Acfkn FWo)w ' '...�'. i C Forth Carohna Dt putment of En%tronment and Natural Resources t lk %eriy navel Perdue Dee Rrelman Governor Secretary M91 onntmvM TO Sheila Breen State Clearinghouse FROM Melba McGee IV- govironmontal ltovlew coordinator REt 11 -0157 seeping, Construction of a Parallel Taxiway, Runway Safety Area Impivvements wetland Mitigation and Culvert Installation for the columbuo county Municipal Airport in Columbus county DATFt Jnnuar$ 27, 2011 The Department of Environment and Natural Resources has reviewed the proposed project The attached cofimenCs Oro Poi the applieant'e consideration isore specific coument.e will be provided during the environmontal review process Thank you For the opportunity to respond Attaeludent 1001 Haft Senke Wlei Itelel lk No101 CN011na 278991801 ]\IUn tilCeltU Il k Phone 010 733 40041 FAX. 010 715 3000 IMoinol %mv em stole mus Win t ME Qf69R�ntylllR�ltt6tvAtCMfroMrYy�Y BOy1Re� J110KPoSlCor,SUMetP+A� 1►• inY (IONoith Caioli>r a Wildlife Resouiees Commission 0 „ Gordon Myers I'Nccutl►c Director MI'MORANDUM TO Melba McGee epics. off cgisl7tI%% & Inle o%ccinmental Affair) PROM Molly llll%vood IC41 3j Southp.Mern Pennd Coordinator Ilabitat (onse►7dion frognm DATI Jauuan 2S 2011 SUI)XICT Columbus Count) Municipal Airport parallel 7 axiway Runw -ly S 'kfct) Area Impruvpments Witkind Mittbatnon and C ilved Instalhition Columbus County OLIA 0110157 Biologists from the N C Wildlife Resoun et ( ormtusslott (NCWRC) Ila►c revlc►►cd the proposed project desi.ription Our comnnnts an. provided ht actiordmiLe m Ith cetlaln pro► Isions of llto North 0trulna E nvtro nmental folic) Act (O S 113A 1 through 113A 10 1 NCAC 25) and lite risk Ind Wildlife CoordinMron Ad (48 Slat 401, as amended 16 U S C, 661et seq ) Columbus County Municipal Airport (Airport) is requesting to construct a parallel flAway, update their noway safety areas to comply) lilt FAA standards, provide mdib-thon for associated wetland impacts and install a culvert in Columbus Count) I he proposed wort. %%III result in Impacts to approximately 3 07 acres orwetlands Mitigation for the ►vctiands Is proposed to be afisite 1 ho NC%%IRC is cwaccrtt►d th it tlww could N gre-iter avoidance and minhal7ation and request tho follo►►ing information to fielidalo foturt. penntl to%wws sk Tito N(.WltC requests that an ai(ematives anal) sts bo provided in future ponult requests which oleirly shows that the Airport his selected ttte aliernativo a dh the least environmental impacts. Pro% iding tho al(ernative) anal)sis ►►ill provido heeded infonnntion to assess tho ovoldanco and mininumllon taken for time selected aitertwtke fie scophig document st-ttes that the prolmed mitigation will be off sito The NCWRC requests that any off site mitigation be ulthin the smite 8 digit I IUCas the project location 03040206 Ftdure permit requosts Junild Includo ntoro debit about the off site mitigation specifically its location and its available credits a please Include a deccriptian orao) stre -intt or aril -inds thv ma) Ire affeeled by the pmJect and how theso Impacts have been avoided and minimi7ed to the greatest extent practicable CAomt•sU mly httmttqut Airyttt PIS12 Jertwy 1$ 2011 • Co%cr type maps shm Ing t%vtland acre -ibes impacted by The project Welland acreiges should Includo all projc, t r iIvd antis That ma) undergo h)druloglo chongo as a result of ditching, other dmtnago, ur lillotg fur projvv.t coms1nrc(tott Wotland idcntificitioit uta) be accomplished through coordination with Cite U S Arm Corps of t nghtcers (USACr) If the USACC Is not consulted, tho person delineating ►vetlnuds should he Identified and critoria listed A dLsign plan for thv proposed l.IAM should be included thatsho%%% how the culvert Is approprialef) slixd for the crominR anti uill he boned to a minimum of 20% of the diameter to Am% for aquatic life paswtgt • Discus, the cumuhtivt, iutplc(s of sccoadv) development facilitated b) the proposed projccl Such discussion should t►vtbh thv economic benefits of such growth against the costs of associated cmironmcntil dogradillon o Include specific requirements for both residential and industrial developments and Best Mauagentcnt Pmclim (lihil'►) that will lie required Include spccifit. nicasurca flint %ill he used to protect stream corridors riparian habitat and a minimum orthe 100 )►car floodplAn front fillint, and development Wo offer the follm Ing r vommendatiom to address secandary and eumul -Itive impacts and to reduce impacts to uquativ and tLm,stri d H ildfifo resourvas Additional information regarding Iho$c rceonu iondndons can be found In NCIVIZC s QWks» cue llwuo)wudunr 1OAJ*0" and A1711gale Secondar3 and ( aundallve iurpaclt to Agimillc and 7'esnrslrloi 1i'!!d!(fe Resources aid lsalts Quaky (August 2002) fhis document is located on the sveb tit hill! ►� v Itt.►t i lilfc pWJpg07 WI1dlifc, t J0Qon 7c3, tt lrac"- f • Description of ftshO) and aildhfc resources ulthl the project area including a listing of fedcrall) or state d,.sirn ticA thrviu ned endangered or special concern species A listing of dosirttato.d plani speevs Lnn be dcteloped Through consultation with Ind NC Natural I lerilap 1'rogmin Dept of Povlrunntcal & Natural Resources 1601 Mail Svr%b6c 01enter Raleigh NC 27699 1601 (919) 733 7795 NCDA flint Conservation P1%mnI P O Box 27647 Ralelot N C 27611 (919) 733 3610 Think you for tho opportunity to provide input lit the earl) planning stages for this project If ►►e can furthtr assist ) our alfi, o pie-ISO contact me at (910) 796 7427 r R®Cs® R North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Office of Conservation, Planning, and Community Affairs I%* Eaw,.s Perdw Cotonor t inda Pearsall, Director tree Fret(oart Secretary January 24 2010 To Melba McGee Environmental Coordinator From tiura Gadd Natural Areas Specialist NC Natural Heritage Program f /A— Re Scoping Report Construction of a parallel taxiway runway safety area Improvements wetland mitigation end t culvert installation for the Columbus County Municipal Airport i I Project 110157 Tire NC Natural Heritage Program has one record of a rare species and one Significant Natural Hentage Arei within one mile of the project area shown on Figure 2 Included in the project description of the proposed work at the Columbus County Municipal Airport Bare Specks within one mile of the project area I Venus Flytrap (oionaea muscipute) — NC Special Concern n Our records Indicate this population of Venus Flytraps has been extirpated however, it also indicates an Increased potential for other populations occurring within the project area if suitable habitat exists there Please contact the NC c Natural Heritage Program and /or the NC Wildlife Resources Commission if these or other rare species are found within the project area Significant Natural Heritage Area (SNHA) within one mile of the project area White Marsh Swamp — This site is significant for the state because it supports the best known population of Grassleaf Arrowhead (Sagirtarla sveotherblano) In the state It Is also host to one of the best examples of a Cypress —Gum Swamp (Intermediate Subtype) natural community in the region The boundary of this 5NHA and the natural community is within one mile of the project site but does not appear to overlap Wo recommend avoiding damage to this SNHA, If possible Ahhough no rare species have yet been reported from the immediate project area, the use of Natural Heritage Program data should not be substituted for actual Held surveys, particularly if the project area cont-cins suitable habitat for rare species significant natural communities or priority natural areas You may check the Natural Heritage Program database wobsite atwvnv ncnhp org for a listing of rare plants and animals and significant natural communities in the county and on the quad map Our Program also has a new wobsite that allows users to obtain information on element occurrences and significant natural heritage areas vtlthin two miles of a given location httpj /nhpwob enr state ne us/nhlqpubilelgniap7!i_maliLphtriiI The user name Is ' public' and the password Is "heritage° You may want to click "Help' for more information Please do not hesitate to contact me at 919 715 7808 if you have questions or need further Information 1601 mail Senice Center, Raleigh, florth Carolina 276991601 �o iii�C�1 O�ln2t Phone 919715 41051 FN( 919 7153080 inletnel twAl oneNCHalurally erg Xiih ��� M Epulb{�oiher1y1M6msaihtomemEmf*1 fA3 'I;Egc(fdtlDt6Pa3tConsuraPepat Y DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURALRESOURCES DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Inter Agency project Review Response Project Name Colanrbgs Conuh 'type of Project Pro)ect Plumber 111 MCI County Columbus Waning Consrrgrt parallel ta�ta�i.rumraYsafetf are% (mrpras ergents. nrtland infIl adon & culrcrr tust-Qatten furColumbns Countv,ltunicWI AIT-04 ❑ The applicant should be advised that plans and specification for all water system improvedments must be approved by the Division of Environmental Heats prior to the award of a contract or the Initiation of construction (as requited by 16A NCAC 18C 0300o1. seq.) For Information contact the Public Water Supply Section (919) 733 -2321 ❑ This projoct will be classified as a non community public water supply end must comply with stato and federal drinking water monitoring requirements For more information the applicant should contact the Public Water Supply Section (919) 733 2321 I� if this project Is constructed as proposed we will recommend closuro of feet of adjaeonl waters to the harvest of shellfish For information regarding tfie sheiglsh senitagon program the applicant should contact the Shellfish Sanitation Section at (262) 720 -8927 ❑ The soil disposal area(s) proposed for this project may produce a mosquito breeding problem. For Information concerning appropriate mosquito control measures the applicant should contact the Public Hoallh Post Management Sootton at (019) 733 -8107 I] Thu applicant should be advised that prior to the removal or demolition of daaptdetad structures an extensive rodent control program may be necessary in order to prerent the migration of the rodents to adjacont areas For Information concerning rodent eon!4 contact Ilia local health department or the Public Health Pest Management Section at (919) 733.6407 ❑ The applicant should be advised to contact the local health department rcgardIng their reguhamenis for septic tank installations (as required under 15A NCAC 18& 1900 et sep) For information concerning septio tank and other on-site waste disposal methods contact the On Site Wastewater Sechon at (010) /33 2895 ❑ The applicant should be advised to contact the local health department regarding the sanitary facibltes required for gds project rlelocatition most be submittod octhedU the Environment l Health the water One Water Supplyrts 278 9 -1ti34 ical er ices Branch 1634 Mail Service Center, Raleigh. North 0 for Regional and Con(rd Office comments see the reverse side of this form 1 Jim McR(0ht PWSS 01i=011 i Reviewer SeclionrBranch Date Slate of North CA Mina I , t Department of KnAronmeul anti Natural 12csourres Rt% cw wsumer tv enjtn"ICep*wtotntt 1NTFUGOVERr'A NTAL REVIt 'li'l, PROJECT CONIMP NI S 11101fit lfwAmq---Mrn" - -e- -1 /1/ AflteIt lot Oki a*thit p.tinda(s)s%AVetay^ra eh(ndsr 1.4msyr-adtobtebtt! d nattesfv,Rltrrauc, c p! MN03% owhoYley Q, s ttonntttAIqb?,AtitprmatsIt pull t.Rddizntdloi tReetv10 }IltefrAntdon thesettaeotiterars Altztp mfors,t If nmlmthds k 1 s i4ew1 to aline rUrasrArt iss1%=* %liMplofro-ntteInchRcgre+s101rt l t` waAnSaurreAtmitrcgalrcil WItItANCAC 306aid _ 1 itacm Noma Ti, _ ___ PER \pIS SPECIAi APPLICATION PROC'EOURI 101 ItEQUIRI]iC\ IS M the St tamttm h aili cvte witclAeted 1973maltrptiysdyatV )rtstYd for aa)CanldvMholtutniq Art sosum& 114$ C ( IteraytoterslmlRtyatlth tatttos�tsvessn•trl Gc lae,Xtr+as)slcmestutcheslCsexc ystcMt APPlftttronSOdUSb�( erctmdtnmram�ttitoatav�ysdoteenvuctta 10dajs (99Ehtsj t (10d,)s) autdu<1 gugfi at x s face�aett aswstu Ursk nspetlsAt 1' astopP)rt :dostaMxaltmfutoctaanl _ __� __ AW61onl&( IdstsUaeb.-SInatmtyOn SAC (nsytctanl4eytptritin tonttrcrtcvwisAAddrtsoroln Alain pnnit10caaatrc{►v)slrvattr ` hrDES 41 I)Odlys () pylrhlodravtanAeprstiractl nt yte fx(Idiee 11014xrA(atila} ubud:llrs�Pt IA t lylium 3Dt3psoettete(ttor 13 dtstbu {iogCYOSSSttsat(stewstnt plsisotsssr efNPOfSpenmlofitttnrrisisttr 303s)s (dOda)s) I i iPattt Lose Pettetil � PreoiV3acstionstcU calcot iroxe&-swHyeetessmy 30da }s (v 1) I u ~ mys (is eam t I tteut atv.ttoatkar(t CNrpp. 4.ttorplxatontranMtccchoig "lraacsssutdrprotothe Io,nllit m ofa sarlt t STccalCtondCL=Kcltm1rrYio It 22 0, At t&eb9 \>Y' Os 6a 11FatslRtstettttstquikd'I(iHOA OW r va Icsof>Jetsnitkstsnfa It ituascal thn( I dsy (1.14 Appktatkikeop yMuttet .milwi 9% ner 1 I ! Ik:�tx4h71itnroA On'SilarfrslwdSKrF to9jpN of lomw(Qt1Ae1AvllTIImbI'laysopim taunuri tow fiamNeit yatnuotorAdmfninut�nlaa3FtJtral si+►)s {98ds)s) E d R fc}nd racilma i)•td4vsod rill tte,taa. - Ap tratim must 1 %SUNW]ca}sedpyaiinchilvdputtto ,m+ n I(a�rmttsmiitt4isdtiatwtnux(rcNtsi gOdsys __.�._`., _ tr)tin sAtcrfRrcd q}ditaticttClst!a)sl��fahhaH eorouittth At`seersv lt PpnAtoea +ssrvclRt�eattAbPaUutosAbatcrrns GtOat,- svnA G[rictinRmtta lfANCAC I pit p,eualix+sr`tcpwtwnofthettwrcr and > n ! (QO 2(LOi 1 nklLxs(1(�a1113► �� i 1 lltrnulattrtnwta `ot`trris7wn}�tar�itatltYi^ App} tiatasnunNestfim8ttdsttnnt90da )srritvtncamauctuYCt 90dgs r ISAN(AC(2US){1102Qfi40 {) ,nc4 lkallonotdsoaan1c -- � srpM[e npkuo0. ,_____ _ 11 ) Ottnohlttmorterw »t�wasufrhuttuet rss'�intnyy i asbtsus ,oxetisleunttelYhYmpGttxh ssiOt 1S A WA 6pcG)s {.`) NCACl Aitfo(>) tI)a9rkttscgoiftsootifirnkulatsf (90d ss) ttrami rem teduraw ioo.ftoa+atlAstaWsCOMA ti ......etnvn_eeen l t` waAnSaurreAtmitrcgalrcil WItItANCAC 306aid _ the St tamttm h aili cvte witclAeted 1973maltrptiysdyatV )rtstYd for aa)CanldvMholtutniq Art sosum& 114$ sNkrctuxiaslcteuppvtiwtitsictika{ iftn. "tote cw$ II& dtstaI M) Plan ol edeitlspscptrRrglmal Oak, PAR491ad)y 20di)s mbn) At trallIDdg,skfOrit�.11-MLlFttttY'A)Af toefS6 5fW ltAAl lYit eMan) ra40 (7niceAnespcesstr►9eaiVISM1b (10d,)s) aN(bbl vtaaAAAkto) fora w�- i ) redl t nal tatottdNOi tOn< MAAS1MUlbtiQdttittdt9AKQCdsnteY NC0�T9fpCtoYNPN.tr+an PastiatLeattenttansL4uh }t yntnto �tityTili #if{aiLllteq Ota ra}wl7tei�i mite $ warrantt ra -orl ditimas arnat tltl44 sWM%jtcrmm%gvt Vatssdt Ads pOds)s) — _ 1) t ss Oitssp�ct3tAtttwt Ss;ttyl�aral flkd PotA t \ii nOtl) �7[UUt li Kf 13 AttA71$�� gililt)peML1 srAOnarttH'fOfantaOfalrKlettxW Attyaltnirad>p►shY thsnctwactet< uslb�psnsittc4ltn :ppwftsstetan4trwtbttcechrd 303s)s (dOda)s) Itfxt It* pen It ton lie twtd ~ t\ y 1 1 tbnfiCWroGsuBom:gsRiwA AlsBeMs}cstltmlyhP ttrti&Aq loctstittcoatcatfrvmil" v*4Asys i t STccalCtondCL=Kcltm1rrYio It 22 0, At t&eb9 \>Y' Os 6a 11FatslRtstettttstquikd'I(iHOA OW r va Icsof>Jetsnitkstsnfa It ituascal thn( I dsy (1.14 tetrdrsittwttti \C wi0saguttcltltc 104 tiyttst.t Last Ito dsabtrart3 tall 6-31 u p sons Zi. y j) E d R fc}nd racilma .__ NrA `A 20 +ia }s t l ) __.�._`., _ tr)tin sAtcrfRrcd q}ditaticttClst!a)sl��fahhaH eorouittth At`seersv lt — __.. M wt t in W yut f44 tst xz M PYPs a f7ss4 a C.n 4 t �rmru-trm (s arnvdmg e. M appro vil pttsss Ma) skis icgaire > n ! ltsrnsr&tytkrlul yut tu�dNOxvq» otwvol }+rg+atnAnJa <fllprnm{frtvn(tapsef FAgFims. AeleVectinv( sttti, steesclglotcufjlbatd (ISsslHtattaaA 3Q days ((Adl)s) nwanar►fteefSl+tOeitr txcv1pimaydtrp hat un J4 sJJt119"f prKiixttft�tkatalAldpctt�t Athtte lslr�t;et {ttatNlUb.itaptihd -- � srpM[e npkuo0. ,_____ _ 11 IlerrslPrrvssl %c (sblawy Ik a I n n) ITRA1ItS SPECd1LAPPUCATION MWEDURI 5aRrQWRL%IFWS F1 Moores ifte Regional office () PnmAlod�fUecpxnlecyoifecgsstrdl "1 IuXWMJ0fsS, QMM16EhRftubit *SUtoWcorAblonflsMt assyp c11OPW dUydcal"tvsksl (,srynnalaadjraccm.WP )JiteJ }o ff }y Safalu)anoa, NC 28778 Gcop }ptcaEipSontiatrmn4 ocomfm ttgVi Ato6%Rtt*sard fow WA I ApAtsiroaSIM vMIWRisksuf0da)sVk(tofiatotMmh AtpS atfoabyiatrr \allaalaMatlrktotiel6vo A}{dkatfaa r�'es'lss� wzil c1 �rs4e &char t t t of clatc tksatrti ns to dip MA U Releigh Regional Mee �� dip ^IS 20 d1 10 (i u1 ,t mta(04wfutlIMPams AdrowinoofstmctvcfipwofoFami M111 fill tf s NIA Wnlcton Salem NC 27107 (9)0) 4313100 aPt rtY (136) 7715000 ( _ _ t01 Na «Qwl�tylitt0artkct WA 4 MV 11oa1 sL n CA %fAPainitkrl�fAlORdttalK.re�t flSltbORemcstoatm +l+laya,�ltndaa fSd1)s (ISdd !r) ( I CAMAMmlltaeMMORdovItMV41 SSOQOfromyssatxaa}asya, irallon Itt alit rol.tcnmumtrtsml %a nX11101 Ojectast lfa�rato+ o: txrtnrts6siotrsnscafa LttrojJl {KCtmit} ?I dig (1S 1s} ) 11 n S GeWak S arty not 376111Ibleiafa. M 21611 11 Atwirnm, lotanynellr, Nttgo!< e. ltaofhlnccer�attaeLlhltlSASuleh PwIledift totllig( oaofAttcel�Ytcitauiofltceatl► ymS .1(t4aFhanvn&IpoaAs case Imb0.1 )arelutorettadtawny adaolmaw. U 11 oe CcarpllMtVdA hIMNCACtn1000 WWII S3atMAUFROL *11 taai" (A!A) t l T* Pant toot thwt 11k4din aufAr hula ttgc +ad — -- e as atatuu) k4itcrssaln toot rml M eAmby REGIONAL ORICKS; Questions regarding these peml)ts should be addrt csed to the Regional Office marled bol o%% n Asho-, I)Ie Regional Oftb.o F1 Moores ifte Regional office 0 w1fillingtou Regtount Office 2090 US Ribliway 70 610 Past Center Avenue, Suite 301 127 Cardinal Anve P- menslon Safalu)anoa, NC 28778 Mooresville, NC 2811 S Wilmington NC 28405 (828) 2964500 (704) 663 1699 (910) 796 7215 11 Pita Met)lle Regional office U Releigh Regional Mee D Winston Salelll Iteglon -il Offlcc 223 Forth Grt cn Sifea.t Suite 714 1800 Rarrett Drive, Suite 101 581 Woughtoan %cat I ayettel Ille )\C 28101 5043 Rejeigll, NC 27609 Wnlcton Salem NC 27107 (9)0) 4313100 (919) 7914200 (136) 7715000 rl Washington Regional OMCP 943 Washla),ton Square Mall Washington, NC 27859 (252) 946 6491 NORTH CAROLINA STATE CLEARINGHOU DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION INTRRGOVERNMENTAL REVIEW COUNTY# COLUMBUS F03sAIRPORTS MS RFNEE, G1,90HILL- BARLEY CIEARINGHOUSE COORDINATOR DEPT OF CULTURAL RESOURCES STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE. MSC 4617 - ARCHIVFS BUILDING RATFIGR NC REVIEW DISTRIBUTION CAPE, E EAR COG CC &PS - DIV OF EHERGERCY NANAGENENT DENR - COASTAL MGT DENR LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS DEPT OF AGRICULTURE DEPT Ot CULTURAL RESOURCES DEPT OE TRANSPORTATION PROJECT INFORMATION APPLICANT: Columbus County TYPES National Environmental Policy Act Scoping 1,! (( i sii�'!I 01 S alJINN 0 3 2011 , "UM ERs 114 -6000 -0157 !CE kvkdwbmb Wp0r 2010 AG&MY RESPONSE: 01/24 /2011 RFVIBK CLOSED: 01/20/201) 09Cka 14,z 11 lI i I l A- Nxg /gT6 �j � v�vsfpP DhSC Construction of a parallel taxiway, runway safety area improvements, wetland mitigation and culvert installation for the Columbus County Municipal Airport The attached project has been submitted to the N C State Cloaringhouse for Intergovernmental review Please review and submit your response by the above Indicated date to 1301 Nail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699 -1301 IF additional review time is needed, please contact this officio at (919)007 -2425 AS A RESULT OF THIS RhVIFAI THE FOLIMING IS SUBMITTED: K NO COMMENT [] C0M14FNT3 ATTACHED SIGNED BY --e_- / Q 5 3l► DAM /f tit °tt #hS�slO A Cy ,IAN 0 5 2011 North Carolina Depaitment of Admin><stiation Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor Moses Carey Jr Secretary October 21, 2011 Mr Jim Halley Columbus County Municipal Airport c/o Talbert & Bright 4810 Shelley Drive Wilmington NC 28405 Dear Mr Halley Re SCH File # 12 -E 0000 -0076, EA, Construction of a parallel taxiway, runwa) safety area imptlovements, wetland mitigation and culvert installation for the Columbus County Municipal Airport The above referenced environmental impact information has been submitted to the State Clearinghouse under the provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act According to G S 113A 10 when a state agency is required to prepare an environmental document under the provisions of federal law the environmental document meets the provisions of the State Environnicntal Policy Act Attached to this letter for your consideration are the comments made by agencies in the course of this review If any further environmental review documents are prepared for this project, they should be forwarded to this office for intergovernmental review Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to call Sincerely Je C�r— William E H Crecch Attachments cc Region O M1f rl(Ing Address Telephone (919)807 2125 Loeallon address 1301 Mad Seance Center Fax (919)733 9571 116 Went Jones Street Raleigh NC 27699 1301 StateCouner #Sl Ot -00 Raleigh North Carolina enroll state clearinghouseca doa tic g r An Equal Oppor(umt)IAJJtrmnrure Action Employer PCD'E)4WkR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor MEMORANDUM TO FROM SUBJECT DATE °Cr Zell Zeke Creech State Clearinghouse Melba McGee ,�✓ Environment 1l Review Coordinator 12 0076 Runway Safety Improvements for the Columbus County Municipal Airport October 17 2011 The Department of Environment and Natural Resources has reviewed the proposed information The attached comments are for the applicant e information Thank you for the opportunity to review Attachments Dee Freeman Secretary 1601 Mall Service Center Raleigh North Carolina 27699 1601 Phone 919 707 56001 Internet hitpJ /portal ncdenr erg �An Equal Oppa U* 1 AMrmetwO Action EmP"Y - 30% RMded Strafe of nut Ill Caroled i 1) 1) i l l oom ED MIN 11011111ent gild N-11111 it Rcsourcts it VOL s on ice 1;rtmmylan Rtt,i Fiji 00 a v" INTERCOVERKMEATALREVIEW PROJECTCONIMEI\7S Pm)tc1humbez,�-0,0a Due pare O°63"1 A [ter cet m w of this pro)t.ct it has be n del in led that she bKR pt nnit(s) and/or appr rats 19th vied n at n ed to be obiarntd to order for this pn jest to n + l'ty t tl u rlh Carolina Low Questions n6ardin} chest. p -ratios should be addressed to the Regional Officer ind'cai -t oat the re%xrso orihe fonts All appi cAtons intorrnalt rand guidelines resat e c to these plans and permna jrc a+-atlalik from the same Regional0f ice tromvlPrtiecssT is (a13su,4Oart time {mmu.) PERMITS SPCCIAL AI PLICA ri0\ PRQCFDLIRFS or t(LOL 11(Ch1ENI S Ll 1 ennit to construct & operate %0519 eater treatment facilities sc ALT system emens'ons & stwrr s stems Application 90 days before begin construction or award of et: itstrucutin Post 30 da)a daysl not discharbing into state surrace waters contacts On-sac inspection applicautn technical conference usual (90 i\Ppf.S permit to discharge Into surface water and'or Applicau n 180 days before Ix6in acts ty On site inspection Pre appincatst n conference usual Addflmnalf) obtain pemmt to construct masit.utaur 90 hit days 0 p tmh to operate and construct s ssl ater facilities drscharbm6 into stater Surface wYters In.amteor facrirtyegranteJ after )ePDES Reply limn. 30 days offer reee pi of (WA) Water Use Permit plans or iss o oNPDES permit whichm er is later Pre application technical conference usually necessary 30 d0)% (N)A) n Wall Construesrorr Permit Complae application must be received and permit issued prior to the 7 days _ m5talktlon of n %mil (1 s sla)s) Application copy must be served n ea h adjacent trpuna propenyonner L") Dredge and Fill Permit On site u*wctlm u Pre applicaimn con ferunc0 usual Filir 6 tiny tequlie SS da)Y Easement to Fill from N C Department of Administration and Federal (90 days) Dred6e and Fro Permit Permit to construct & operate Air I ollution Abatement Application must be submmed and permit received prior to eomovcdon and opeauon ofthe source Ifs pemtrt is required m an C"1 racnhsies andror Emission Sources as per 15 A NCAC (2Q 0100 thru 2Q 0300) area without kcal coning then there are additional requirements and 90 days uniclrnes (IQ Oil 3) (I Pennd to constrict & ommte Transpnnition Facility as Appluat on nuiss be submitted Fit least 90 days pr or to construction Fit 90 days r I S A NCAC 2D 0300 2 0601 } cart ( Q mode catron of the source L ) Any open bums% associated with sub) vt Proposal muu be in compliance with IS A NCAC "D 1900 Demolition or reitotainons of structures comrining asbestos material must be In compliance with 1S A NIA 60 date O NCAC 201110 (a) (1) which requires notification and (90days) removal prior to demolition Contact Asbestos Control Group 919 707 5930 Complex Source Permit requited under IS A NCAC M 2D usuo The Sedimentation Pollution Control Act ofI973 must be properh addressed for any bed dssiur( ing petit ay An erosion & sedimentjt on control plan will ha required ifnne or more o 'es tin be disturbed Plan filed w ith p oper Regional Office (Leal Quality 20 days Smilon) At least 30 days before beginning aeti icy A ko ofS65 forthe fast acre orany past fan nc c An cxpmss rcvict option is (30 dn)s) available pith additional fees Sedimentation and erosion control must be addres ed in accordance with NCDOrs approved program Particular aticnnon should be given to (30da)s) design and installation of oppmpnote penn+eter sedimem tmpping dev eesas wcli as arable stoituuater oon - cyhric s and oullcm On site inspection ususL Surety bond tiled with EhRBond amount canes C.J hSinmg P milt with t+pe mme mw noaber of acres of offected land Any are mined Water 30 days than one am must be permitted. The appropriate bond must be received (60 days) berate the penno can he issued (I Not tb Carolina lfumm6 permit On site imspeelmtn by N C tihvistnn forest Resources irperms eacceds 4 Jays 1 day (r1IA) 1'-1 Cpoujl Ciround C }carance Ijumnny) i ems +t 22 On -site inspection b) N C Pit 'Sion Forest Resources niq red ref more than rive )day wutttces to coastal N C with Or> ante suits aorta or6round clearing a tit it es are imolvcd Inspe.vuas should be req esiod at least ten days bet it actual burn h planned ('.JA) C) Oil Refrniny Facilities NIA 90 120 days (NIA) )rpennn regiourd oppbcali a 60 days heroic begin construction. Applicant must hin, N C qualified engineer to prepare plops tn$pttl consimaton ceps) eunstruawa is 3ccordun6 to LAR opprot ed plans May assn require r i I)rrri 3,tlbiy Pcmut pt.rnut under r4mqutto coalml program And a 404 permit rani Chips or 30 days ftmeirm An mspcYtion ofsde is n ca sap to trify Ilammd ('ilcsiliwuon A (h0 de+s) mtninium fe of S►I)O0p mot accamiUny the aliiihcauon An add tiunat proct.sstrtg fee hssed to a Ir wt m.Obe at the total project ca t +Fill be required tipun eompietnn — REGIONAL OFCICES Questions regarding these pemnIts should be addressed to the Regional Office marked betow i7 Mimi 111c Regional Office 2090 US Highway 70 Swannanoo, NC 28778 (828) 296 4500 0 Hoorem file Regional Office 610 East Center Avenue Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28) 15 (704) 663 1699 Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington NC 28405 (910) 796 7215 0 Fa% et te,. life Regional Office 0 Raleigh Regional Ofiice 0 Winston Salein Regiun:01 Ol'iice 225 No,th Green Stiret Suite 714 3800 Barrett Drne Suite 101 585 Waughtown Strect Fayettex isle NC 25301 5043 Raleigh NC 27609 Winston Salem NC 271 07 (9 10) 433 3100 (919) 7914200 (336) 7715000 0 Washington Regonal Office 943 Washington Square Mall Washington NIC 27889 hutntal Pnwvss Tim (statuturyume limit) PFRNITS 51 t:CIAL APPLICATION PROCEDURES orRCQUIREMENTS File surety bond of SS 1it10 i uh EAR runo nb to State of NC conditional that 10 days L7 K mot t Jnil exploratory oil or yu a tl any n el! opened by drill nperator shall, upon abandonment be plu@ged A/A (impbysical raplararion Penn t accordinb to EAR rutis and rlcolalions 1`1 APpl Callon f led ulih L%R at bast 10 days prior to issue ofp"rmil Appi cation by loner Nostaridard application fami l h As Appliicatron rCcs boxed ( to stn lure size is charged Must intiude descnpt ons 15 20 days I sralc Lakes Conginichon I enuit & draa uiga of structure ,& proororoNnership or npartan NIA ro art 60da)s 0 401 %atcrQualityCedificanon ALA (170days) SS days (150 days) O CAMA Permit for MAJOR developnie t 525o 00 fee must accompany application C3 CAMA Permit for MINOR development 550.00 fee must aceotnpan) application 22 days (25 da)s) several Seodel a monuments arc located in or nearthe prgleet area. If any monum at needs lobe moved or destroyed please nonfy l 1 N C Geodetic Sun ey Box 27697 Rale*k NC 27611 rj Abandonnumtofanyuvlis ifrequircdmirAbeInaecordancewith 'nitel5A Subchapier2C0100. 0 Notification of the proper regional office Is requested if rorphan underground storage tanks (LISTS) are discovered duting any excavation nperalron. 0 Compliance with 15A ACAC 2H 1000 (Coastal Stomiu10ter Risks) rs required ys aS da(AfA) ) F1 Tor Pamlico pr Aeuse Riparian Duffer Rules required * Other comments (attach adddiorul paces as necessary, being certain to cute comment uuthonty) DwQ 110l .ac+dtvtdwJAf rM* t>.+sv 6a etr+vtiot /y! ft,14& a �+d wwtrilrnvoJ �! ae r ,�/ �u.IQ G* ALP aYd r1AqCt MGM MrAP2wiio�s eta /yiGt��ii4,f r /Ke.af'e.d to QQr REGIONAL OFCICES Questions regarding these pemnIts should be addressed to the Regional Office marked betow i7 Mimi 111c Regional Office 2090 US Highway 70 Swannanoo, NC 28778 (828) 296 4500 0 Hoorem file Regional Office 610 East Center Avenue Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28) 15 (704) 663 1699 Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington NC 28405 (910) 796 7215 0 Fa% et te,. life Regional Office 0 Raleigh Regional Ofiice 0 Winston Salein Regiun:01 Ol'iice 225 No,th Green Stiret Suite 714 3800 Barrett Drne Suite 101 585 Waughtown Strect Fayettex isle NC 25301 5043 Raleigh NC 27609 Winston Salem NC 271 07 (9 10) 433 3100 (919) 7914200 (336) 7715000 0 Washington Regonal Office 943 Washington Square Mall Washington NIC 27889 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND Project Number NATURAL RESOURCES 12 0076 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES County PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY SECTION Columbus Inter Agency Project Review Response Project Name Columbus Counts Municipal Type of Project EA Parallel taxiway, Aiirgort runway sarejy area nprruvements. wetland location & mili¢atiun, Comments provided by __cut z.rt jnstaI1s(lou ❑ Regional Program Person ® Regional Supervisor for Public Water Supply Section ❑ Central Office program person Name Debra Nenoy Wtlntington RO Date 09/20/2010 Telephone number 11.0 - !a `_U M T�,t l m n ReA vv-s Program within Division of Water Resources Public Water Supply � � i � other Name of Program /�go�3 . Oct 2Dfr Response (check all applicable) No objection to project as proposed C-0 Oft r� ❑ No comment ❑ Insufficient Information to complete review ❑ Comments attached ❑ See comments below rzuzum zo Public Water Supply Section Environmental Review Coordinator for the Division of Water Resources DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND Project Number NATURAL RESOURCES 120076 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES County PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY SECTION Columbus Inter Agency Project Review Response Project Name Coiumbu; Coggjy Municipal Type of Project EA Parallel tpxiwav, &Mort runw_ar safety arch improvements, welinnd location & mitieation . culvert installation ❑ The applicant should be advised that plans and specifications for all water system Improvements must be approved by the Division of Water Resources /Public Water Supply Section prior to the award of a contract or the Initiation of construction (as required by 15A NCAC 18C 0300et seq ) For information contact the Public Water Supply Section (919) 7332321 ❑ This project will be classified as a non- community public water supply and must comply with state and federal drinking water monitoring requirements For more Information the applicant should contact the Public Water Supply Section (919) 733 2321 XIf existing water lines will be relocated during the construction plans for the water line relocation must be submitted to the Division of Water Resources Public Water Supply Section Technical Services Branch 1634 Mail Service Center Raleigh North Carolina 27699 1634 (919) 733 2321 ® For Regional and Central Office comments see the reverse side of this form Jim McRight PWSS 09/20/2011 Review Coordinator Section/Branch Date Oct North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission NCWRC would prefer that the mitigation stayed within their HUC but do not know of any other locations other than Columbus County Municipal Airport s current selection to use the Stone Farm mitigation Bank With that being said the NCWRC does not have any significant concerns pertaining to the project at this time Please feel free to contact me If there are any questions or concerns i R®ENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H Sullins Governor Director October 17 2011 MEMORANDUM TO Melba McGee Department of Environment and Natural Resources THRU Jeff Manning, Supemsor co Ajar. <0\ Basinwide Planning Unit ,q FROM Hannah Headrick, DWQ s SEPA Coordinator SUBJECT Columbus County — Columbus County Municipal Airport r DWQ #14393, DENR#12 -0076 Dee Freeman Secretary The Division of Water Quality (DWQ) has reviewed the subject document The applicant will need to provide DWQ with a letter of acceptance from the Stone Farm Mitigation Bank referenced in their EA before the protect can proceed to a Finding of No SiVdficant Impact Please contact me at 807 -6434 of i can be of any further assistance Thank you Cc Jim Gregson — WiRO 1617 Mail Sen m Centel Mehl% NoM C=Sna 276991817 lambm 51211. Sarsboiy $t Rebbb NA Cambna 27604 rU r ag Phone 81 9- 807.83001 FAX 919807.84921 Custaw SeMms 1$77- 5238748 Cara 1nlem& wwwxc�va"ualdy" AnWalOpport OIAtUwMAcftEw*yer COUNTY COLUMBUS NORTH CAROLINA STATE CLEARINGHOUSE DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVIEW F03 AIRPO MS RENEE GLEDHILL- EARLEY CLEARINGHOUSE COORDINATOR DEPT OF CULTURAL RESOURCES STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE MSC 4617 - ARCHIVES BUILDING RALEIGH NC REVIEW DISTRIBUTION CAPE FEAR COG CCGPS - DIV OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT DENR - COASTAL MGT DENR LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS DEPT OF AGRICULTURE DEPT OF CULTURAL RESOURCES DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION SEP 2011 KrAWEb 85s�0" 4 V, 'art 7► i i t�� �� PROJECT INFORMATION APPLICANT Columbus County Municipal Airport TYPE National Environmental Policy Act Environmental Assessment STATE NUMBER 12 -E- 0000 -0076 DATE RECE IVED 09/15/2011 AGENCY RESPONSE 10/12/2011 REVIEW CLOSED 10/17/2011 I ICLt=iw� C2_1> DESC Construction of a parallel taxiway, runway safety area improvements, wetland mitigation and culvert installation for the Columbus County Municipal Airport CROSS- REFERENCE NUMBER 11 -E- 0000 -0157 The attached project has been submitted to the N C State Clearinghouse for intergovernmental review Please review and submit your response by the above indicated date to 1301 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699 -1301 If additional review time is needed, please contact this office at (919)807 -2425 AS A RESULT OF THIS REVIEW THE FOLLOWING IS SUBMITTED SIGNED BY Pt.4-a_ �` • j NO COMMENT a COMMENTS ATTACHED DATE -( OQC5 // United Stntes Deptu t,llent of the 111te, lit Ant Halley l ulbett & Bright 4810 Shelley Drive W►hnington, NC 28405 (SI I AND W11 U) II 0 SHRVICP Raleigh Mold Oflico Post Office Box 33176 Italciglr No►th Carothn 27636 3176 January 6, 2011 Re RA Gblatmbus County Municipal Ahpol I Dear Mr Halley RECEIVED JAN 14 All I ALi RR1 & BRIGrrt, INC This letter is to inform you that a list of ail federally protocicd endangered and threatened species with known occurrences in North Carolina is now available on the U S Fish and Wildlife Service's (Service) web page tit http./ /tw %% f%t s govh aleigh Ther9efore, If you havo projects that oeetn within the Raleigh ]?tell Orrice s nice of teaponsibitity (see attached county list), you no longer aced to contact rho Raleigh Fick) Ofrco for a list of k4craliy pxgtcctcd species Otn wcb pago contains n complete tied "ttently upclnted list of all endangered mid thrvatened species protected by (Ito provisions of Iho Bndangeed Species Act of 1973, as anionded (1 G U S C 1531 of seq )(Act), mid a list of fc doral species of co►ce ni that are known to occur in each county In North Carolina Scelion 7 of the Act requires flit all federal agencies (o) their designated Icon federal representative), in consultation with (lie Set Ylcc, insutc that any action federally authotizcd, ftindcd, o carried out by such agencies is not likely to pop udize the continued cxistcnc o ofany !odor al ly listed endangered of thrc atened speoics A biological asscs4mcut o evaluation maybe prepared to Iltlftll That requirennetnt and in deterinhiing whethot additional consultation with the Scrv►co Is necessary In addition to the fedctnlly protected species list, lntbrnlation oil (Ile species' life histoiios and habitats and information on completing a biological Assessment or cvaluMion and can be found on out web page at http / /www t'ws govbaicigh Please chock lho web site often tot updated information or changes i 1110 tarn!' fedem(speciea of concern" roan to those sikcies which 1116 Sorvice believes might Ito iq need of cotcenimted constrvalton aotiont Itedeml speclo4 of concern recohe jib let,id protection and Q1cir dosIPM ton does 1101 tt"cessonly Inyrly that the species trill mutually be propmA for Intuit. as a federally codaogcrod or threatened 1;1*dcs HoweNcr fro m- conune ►ul ibal all pmeticnbte measures be takon to avoid o minimiye odverse hnpaets to fcdeml spedin ofconcern s If you project contains suitable habitat fo any of the federally listed species known to be present within the county where your piojem om urs the proposed action has the potential to adversely affect those species As such, we recommend that surveys be conducted to detcrinhre the species, inrescnce o► absence within (lie project area The use of North Carolina Natuini [lei stage progrtnn data should not be substituted for actual fiord sw vcys if you detennine that (lie proposed action may affect (i c, likely to adversely affect or not likely to adversely affect) a federally protected species, you should notify this office will► you► determination, the results of your surveys, survey methodologies, and an analysis of the cfi'ects of the action on listed species, including considenttion of dhect, indirect, and cumulative effects, before conducting any activities that might affect (Ito species if you detcunhic that rho proposed notion will have no offcet (i o, no henefielnl or adverse, direct o indirect effect) on federally listcd species, then you aro not required to contact our office rot concurrence (unless an 13m ironnterntal Impact Statement is prepared) [however, you should maintain a complete record of (lie assessment, including steps lending to your determination of effect, the qualified personnel conducting the assessment, habitat conditions, site photographs, and any other related articles With regard to the above -refe heed project, wo offet the following rcanarks Our comments are submitted pursuant to, and in accordance with, provisions of the Undangored Species Act Based on the information provided and other information available, it appears that (lie proposed action is not likely to adversely affect oily fede illy listed endangered or threatened species, their formally designated critical habitat, of species currently proposed for listing under the Act at these sites Wo believe that the rcqulremenis of section 7(a)(2) of the Act iutvo been satisfied for your pmjcct Plem rennembcr that obligations under section 7 consultation must be reconsidered ifs (l) new information rcvcnls impacts of this Identified action that nmy affect listed species or critical hattiM hi a mamtci not previously considered, (2) this action Is subsequently modified in a mam►c► dint was not considered is this review, or, (3) a now species Is listed or critical habitat determined that may be affectod by the identified action 11owevei, the Service is concerned about tiro potential Impacts the proposed action night have on aquatic species Aquatic romurccs arc highly susceptible to sedimentation Therefore, the reconmmeod that all practicable ineastues be taken to avoid adverse impacts to aquohc species, Including implementing directional boring mothods and stringent sediment and erosion control ntcahtrics An erosion and sedimentation control plan should be submltled to and approved by the North Carolina Division of land Resources, Land Quality Section prior to construction Brosion and sedimentation controls should be installed and maintained between (lie construction site and oily nearby down gradient sru face wale's. In addition, we recommend maintaining natural, vegetated buffet on all simans and seeks acjacent to the project site. The Will Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission has developed a Guidance Memorandum (a copy can be found on our websrte at (http llwww Avs govimleigh) to address and mitigate secondary and cumulative impacts to aquatic and terrestrial wildlife ncsources and water quality We mconmcnd that you consider this document in the development of your dxnjccts mid in completing an hillintton package for consultation (if nceessary) 2 List of Counties lit the set l lee's Raleigh Field Qlllee At en of Responsibillty Alantnnco Pettiuinmmns fleaufo►t Person Bettie, Ptit Bladen Randolph Brunswick Richmond Camden Robeson Catte►el Rockunghan Caswell Sampson Cimihum Scotland Chown Tyrrell Columbus Vance Craven Wake Cumbetland Warren Cutrituck Washington Dare Wayne Duplin Wilson Durham Rdgccombc Franklin antes Granvillo Greene Oullfotd Halifax Hatitolt Hertford Hoke, Hydo Johnston Jones I ee Lenoir Martin Montgomery Moore Nash New llanove► Northampton Onslow Orange Pamlico Pasduotank Petdet 4 From Weaver, Cameron [malito,cameron weaverencdenr gov] Sent Tuesday, May 17, 20112 40 PM To Robin Austin Cc Nelson, Christine, Shiver, Ride Subject: R6 WIRO Intergwemmental Review 110157 HI Robin Per our conversation regarding the SFPA project review for the Columbus County Municipal Airport, I went and talked with Ride Shiver who Initialed the review sheet here at WIRO TI►e box checked for Coastal State Stormwater rules compliance was checked in error and does not apply In this case shoe the waters do not dr- in to Cake Wacc-imaw and the classification of the receiving stream Is correct If you have any questions feel free to contact me C Cameron Cameron Weaver 1 Stop Permit Coordinator NCDENR / Division of Environmental Assistance and Outreach (DFAO) 127 Cardinal Drive Wilmington NC 28405 910 796 7303 (F) 910 350 2004 NOTE NEW EMAIL ADDRESS and Phone Cameron Weaver@ncdenr gov and 810 796 7303 E mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Caw and may be disclosed to third parties. From Nelson, Christine Sent Tuesday, May 17, 20112 04 PM To Robin Austin Cc: Weaver, Cameron Subject: RE WIRO Intetgomitmental Review Robin I ve forwarded your e-mail on to Cameron Weaver who will help to track down an answer for you Christine I magmn-esl►oucknee No cmdfW a lidsachhvss wqt he sahJect to tlh %urth ( ►nr►Ihnr I nhlic Rrauds l air curl tinny & dluiosed to thhrllxardes From: Robin Austin [mallto raustIn@tbillm com] Sent Tuesday, May 17, 2011149 PM To Nelson, Christine Subject WIRO Intergovernmental Review Christine, Who there at the Wilm office would have done a review for an EAR It s DENR assigned project number is 110157, and the comments are dated 1124/11 There s no name on what the Clearinghouse sent us but I ve got a really quick question on one of the comments Robin Austin, PE 1 WWI t & Bright 4810 Shelley Drive Wilmington NC 28405 910 763 -5350 910 762 6281/Fax [puslinOtbift com Attachment 5 Wetlands Delineation Stone Farm Mitigation Bank Letter of Acceptance Columbus County Municipal Airport Wetlands Permit Application 2206 1101 / January 2012 Attachments `-�t . . . . .. .. .. .. "H \7i bl .sue ----------- a -13 ENO - - ee vs, . . . . . . . . . . . 1, . . . . . . . . . . . `-�t . . . . .. .. .. .. "H \7i bl .sue a -13 ENO - - ee vs, . . . . . . . . . . . `-�t M, . . . . .. .. .. .. "H . . . . . . . . . . . . M, . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . -13 ENO - - . . . . . . . . . . . 1, --O-.=� ri z4l.. . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . -13 . . . . . . . . . . . 1, --O-.=� ri z4l.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . --O-.=� ri z4l.. -j . . . . . . . . . . . . -j STONE FARM MITIGTION HANK PRELIMINARY CREDIT ACCEPTANCE October 25, 2011 TO: Jim Halley Talbert & Bright 4810 Shelley Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 Project: Columbus County Municipal Airport Dear Mr. Halley: FROM: Stone Farm Mitigation Bank 2618 New Village Way Wilmington, NC 28405 Pursuant to your recent request, Stone Farm Mitigation Bank (Bank) is providing preliminary acceptance to supply wetland and /or stream compensatory mitigation credits for potential impacts associated with the proposed improvements at the Columbus County Municipal Airport. At this time it is understood that up to 33.2 credits may be required to satisfactorily mitigate for wetland and /or stream disturbances. The proposed project is located in the Lumber River Basin (8 -digit HUC 03040206). Upon determination of specific credit types and quantities needed, we request for the applicant (or their agent) to complete the attached Credit Request Form. Once this form is received, the Bank will reserve the credits for a period of up to nine months. Please note that it is anticipated that sufficient stream and riparian wetland credits will be available for purchase in November 2011. Non - riparian wetland credits are currently available. Note also that the Bank utilizes the same price structuring asihe North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP). For reference, the current fee schedule is as follows: Fee Category Credit Unit 1Fee per Unit (Higher Fee HUs); lFee per Unit (Lower Fee HUs)" i Stream r-- -1 i lineal r foot $349-001 $264.00 Nonriparian Wetland acre $46,230.001 $23,774.00 Riparian Wetland acre $64,077.00 $36,228.00 *Refer to NCEEP website for maps of higher and lower fee Hus. Upon completion of the Credit Request Form and receipt of payment, Stone Farm Mitigation Bank will take responsibility for providing the compensatory mitigation. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that the credit types and amounts requested are, consistent with the compensatory mitigation requirements of the permit(s) issued. The Bank and /or its agents are not responsible for determining the applicant's mitigation requirements. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at 910 - 341 -5758 or by email at nancy@dwenterprises.net. Sincerely, I . A In !x� Nancy VcKain Strickland Stone Farm Mitigation Bank encl. Credit Request Form Attachment 6: Supporting Documentation Columbus County Municipal Airport Wetlands Permit Application 2206-1101 /January 2012 Attachments WESTERN BOARDMAN r WELCH CREEK FAIR .BLUFF l3r N ' %I BRUNSWICk OLTON RANSOM BLUI� WB06UE BTAROR W CCANtAW LUM S LION 'LEES- BUG HILL Evdgieen twna� �0'Ry Z x Columbus County 701 Municipal Airport - 74 M.xew Jact� N vi h� 76 Mdrew Jackaonw "'Y 76 - 0... 7,�yrcr! Jxksocr 76 A-_ Jack— HIn �O - - ce,ocO Map excerpt taken from 9amaoasHM Lake 7e 7a IN http: / /www.rivers.gov /maps /conus- 200.pdf Waccamaw unswick a Lake Wacc rnaw �e�t`'''•-. ,- - Columbus County - Municipal Airport �y Ur Cherry 707 130 Grove ' 904 410 m � y F c c? 3s Sea ffi 5�e� �1es m t Columbus County Municipal Airport Wetlands Permit Application Location Map January 2012 TALBERT & BRIGHT, INC. ®I SNOIS 38 z T M31A NVId lIV83A0 0 t; S1N3VM08dV41 V3 8V A13AV5 ONV XVMIXVI 13111t8Vd 0 IHC)I'dq '19 I'dHg-IVJ- z z "C,WNIIO�V H18ON 0 61V IV&OlNnW AINnoo snmmoo u li " I �' I Ii V) w w cn ..� \ I Ili �� I i UJ I I $ � s iii LCI L J it SNOISA38 (S do t 133NS) z e sax. an eras Np1°�10 NVId LnOAYI UNV ONWHO W O M 5 m�u >. auawr wva•me as S1OVdAl ONYU 3: O 5 Y r. �S1NtllLlSNO�JNINNtlidSUN [tl33N1�N3 , S1N3VGA08dNI w,C - ^ -- V38Y A133YS ONY AVMIXVI 1311V8Vd W Z v~i LHJI2Ig 19 I2I$g IdI NIIOVO OtldI71NnWA Nn0� Snervmon ° o R & L'. 133X5 335 00M1 Y1S - 3X1 1 L- 9j I i I i I II � S � 8 I I I I I o S w q j i oa $ ou oa $ $ $ o p I � I� �I N F r F F F wmwWwwww� �I $+ 4 In i �d.. ns�w.�u n+re cuo -a ro. seas SNOISA38 (S JO Z 133HS) ZZ 110 Mp1A1Oi0 ;WT. 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I a 1 8 1 ` CD N N N y O \\ / O 09 U ° ° \ U ° os 8 ^ / ELEVATION ELEVATION / N NOI1VA313 NOLLVA313 0 o o O O N p a _ ^ n S \� p p + N °o \ w $ ye = \/� O1 °o 8 c N o° _� es w 8 ffi h °0 1` w o9 8 O ` ` `i a c o w LL 99 I In In o N U 00 8 U °0 ELEVATION ELEVATION �N 0 0 K�OQ Of/INO W ° °O~F ou.O avWiNLL Environmental Assessment for Parallel Taxiway, Runway Safety Area Improvements, Wetland Relocation and Mitigation and Installation of Culvert CHAPTER THREE ALTERNATIVES 3 1 SCREENING CRITERIA USED TO DEVELOP ACTION ALTERNATIVES Potential action alternatives will be screened based on the following criteria 1 The action alternatives must meet the project purpose and need 2 The action alternatives must meet FAA design and safety criteria 3 The action alternatives must not result in a reduction of operational capabilities that is landing takeoff and accelerate stop distances for operations on either end of Runway 6/24 should not be less than the current runway length 4 The action alternatives should be economically feasible in terms of initial construction cost mitigation costs and long term maintenance cost and 5 Environmentally sound mitigation can be accomplished and is fiscally feasible 3 2 ALTERNATIVES NOT CARRIED FORWARD FOR DETAILED EVALUATION 3 2 1 ALTERNATIVE 1 CONSTRUCT A PARALLEL TAXIWAY ON THE SOUTHEAST SIDE OF THE RUNWAY This alternative includes the same items as proposed in items 2 through 4 of the proposed action but locates the parallel taxiway on the southeast side of the runway instead of on the northwest side Either the 240 or 300 runway to taxiway separation is an option with this alternative FAA Advisory Circular 150/5300 13 Airport Design lists 7 design criteria for taxiways 1 Provide each runway with a parallel taxiway or the capability therefore 2 Build taxiways as direct as possible 3 Provide bypass capability or multiple access to runway ends 4 Minimize crossing runways 5 Provide ample curve and fillet radii 6 Provide airport traffic control tower line of sight and 7 Avoid traffic bottlenecks This alternative is not being carried forward for additional study because it does not conform to criteria 2 and 4 of the above referenced design standards A parallel taxiway on the southeast side of the runway is not the most direct taxiway system option available Constructing a taxiway that leads directly from the apron to the runway ends would be the most direct and would remain Columbus County Municipal Airport 2206 1001 /November 2011 Page 5 Environmental Assessment for Parallel Taxiway Runway Safety Area Improvements Wetland Relocation and Mitigation and Installation of Culvert exclusively on the northwest side of the runway Perhaps the most important design criterion that is not met by this alternative is that it does not minimize crossing runways This alternative forces every aircraft that must travel, between the only apron (located on the northwest side of the runway) and the taxiway to cross an active runway without the guidance of a control tower At an airport without a control tower crossing an active runway to gain access to the only taxiway goes against the purpose of improving safety at CPC Thus this alternative is being not carried forward for detailed evaluation 33 ALTERNATIVES CARRIED FORWARD FOR DETAILED EVALUATION 3 3 1 ALTERNATIVE 2 CONSTRUCT A PARALLEL TAXIWAY ON THE NORTHWEST SIDE OF THE RUNWAY 240' FROM THE RUNWAY CENTERLINE Many airport geometry standards are based on the aircraft approach category and airplane design group of the critical aircraft operating at a given airport As defined by FAA Advisory Circular (AC) 150/5300 13 Airport Design an aircraft approach category is a grouping of aircraft based on 13 times their stall speed in their landing configuration at the certificated maximum flap setting and maximum landing weight at standard atmospheric conditions The same advisory circular defines an airplane design group as a grouping of airplanes based on wingspan or tail height The standards defining each are as follows TABLE 3 1 AIRCRAFT APPROACH CATEGORIES Qm3w - gvfo=*� A <49 B 49 to <79 C 79 to <115 D 118 to <171 E 171 to <214 TABLE 3 2 AIRPLANE DESIGN GROUPS (ADG) i ' I <49 <20 II 49 to <79 20 to <30 III 79 to <115 30 to <45 IV 118 to <171 45 to <60 V 171 to <214 60 to <66 VI 214 to <262 66 to <80 Columbus County Municipal Airport 2206 1001 /November 2011 Page 6 Environmental Assessment for Parallel Taxiway Runway Safety Area Improvements Wetland Relocation and Mitigation and Installation of Culvert CPC is currently a B II airport with the intent to become a C II airport AC 150/5300 13 states that the minimum distance between the centerlines of a runway and a parallel taxiway must be 240 for B 11 airports for runways with not lower than 3/4 statute mile approach visibility minimums The same Advisory Circular states that the minimum distance between the centerlines of a runway and a parallel taxiway must be 300 for C II airports for runways with not lower than 3/4 statute mile approach visibility minimums Alternative 2 includes the same items as proposed in items 2 through 4 of the proposed action but lessens the separation between the runway and taxiway centerlines from 300 to 240 While this alternative meets the requirements for a B II airport it would minimize the ability to obtain lower minimums which affects the safety of aircraft landing at CPC and nothing less than the 300 separation offered by the Proposed Action would allow CPC to gain C II status With this alternative approximately 13 76 acres of wetlands would be impacted 2 84 acres less than the proposed action Additionally no land acquisition is required for this alternative whereas land acquisition is required for the Proposed Action Other than the decrease in affected wetlands and the elimination of the need to acquire land all other impacts to the affected environment and the environmental consequences would be the same as those associated with the Proposed Action Alternative 2 is shown in Figures 3 1 A and 31 B 3 3 2 ALTERNATIVE 3 NO BUILD For the No Build Alternative no parallel runway would be constructed and an access crossing would not be installed to traverse the stream beyond the end of the runway however the RSA would still be extended and the existing wetlands would be eliminated and moved off airport property The safety offered by the construction of a parallel taxiway would not be realized and the airport would have no direct access to clear and maintain the land encompassing the Runway 24 approach and RPZ This alternative is being carried forward in order to measure the other alternatives against it Approximately 9 09 acres of wetlands would be impacted by this alternative 8 6 acres from the removal of existing wetlands and 0 49 acres from the RSA improvements Alternative 3 is shown in Figures 3 2A and 3 2B Columbus County Municipal Airport 2206 1001 / November 2011 Page 7 Environmental Assessment for Parallel Taxiway Runway Safety Area Improvements Wetland Relocation and Mitigation and Installation of Culvert TABLE 3 3 ALTERNATIVES SCREENING Columbus County Municipal Airport 2206 1001 / November 2011 Page 8 Meets Meets FAA Meets FAA Can Option Purpose Design Safety Econoniically EnvironinentaIR, and Need? Criteria:' C•.riteria•' Feasible,' , Sound Mitigation be Accomplished ' off a I Alternative I Alternative 3 • Columbus County Municipal Airport 2206 1001 / November 2011 Page 8 Environmental Assessment for Parallel Taxiway Runway Safety Area Improvements Wetland Relocation and Mitigation and Installation of Culvert CHAPTER FOUR AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES 41 INTRODUCTION Per FAA Order 1050 1 E this section shall succ nctly describe existing environmental conditions of the potentially affected geographic area(s) For the purposes of this project the potentially affected geographic area is defined as the existing airport property the land proposed to be acquired and the area immediately surrounding the airport property Figure 4 1 details the airport and the surround area The potential environmental impacts for the Proposed Action and all alternatives are discussed in detail in Chapter 4 As shown below in Table 4 1 all environmental impact categories in 1050 1E Appendix B and subcategories outlined in Airports Environmental Desk Reference were considered for applicability in defining /establishing the affected environment and environmental consequences for the proposed action and all alternatives Table 4 1 details the coordination with the relevant agencies and their responses and comments regarding the project More detail regarding agency coordination is provided in Appendix C (scoping letters to the agencies) and Appendix D (responses and comments received) TABLE 4 1 AGENCY COORDINATION Columbus County Municipal Airport 2206 1001 / November 2011 Page 9 e NC Department of Administration 12/22/10 See agency response in Appendix D 2/1/2011 U S Department of Agriculture 12/22/10 No response received N/A US Forest Service 12/22/10 No response received N/A National Park Service 12/22/10 No comments 1/21/2011 U S Fish and Wildlife Service 12/22/10 See agency response in Appendix D 1/6/2011 U S Army Corps of Engineers 12/22/10 Requested information regarding the 1/7/2011 wetland delineation (provided to them) Waccamaw Siouan Tribe 12/22/10 No response received N/A U S Environmental Protection Agency Region 4 12/22/10 No response received N/A U S Environmental Protection Agency 12/22/10 No response received N/A Office of Air and Radiation NC Department of Environment and 12/22/2010* See agency response in Appendix D 2/1/2011* Natural Resources (NCDENR) Columbus County Municipal Airport 2206 1001 / November 2011 Page 9 Environmental Assessment for Parallel Taxiway Runway Safety Area Improvements Wetland Relocation and Mitigation and Installation of Culvert TABLE 4 1 AGENCY COORDINATION continued * Via the NC Department of Administration s State Clearinghouse Table 4 2 indicates the potential environmental consequences related to all environmental impact categories listed in 1050 1 E Appendix B TABLE 4 2 AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES L m C MON % 3 NC Wildlife Recourses Commission 12/22/2010* See agency response in Appendix D 2/1/2011* NCDENR Office of Conservation Planning and Community Affairs 12/22/2010* See agency response in Appendix D 2/1/2011 * NCDENR Division of Environmental Health 12/2212010* See agency response in Appendix D 2/1/2011 * NCDENR Coastal Management 12/22/2010* No response received N/A NC Department of Agriculture 12/22/2010* No response received N/A NC State Historic Preservation Office 12/22/2010* No comments 2/1/2011* NC Department of Cultural Resources 12/22/2010* No response received N/A NC Department of Transportation 12/22/2010* No response received N/A NCDENR Legislative Affairs 12/22/2010* No response received N/A NC Department of Crime Control and Public Safety Division of Emergency Management 12/22/2010* No response received N/A Cape Fear Council of Governments 12/22/2010* No response received N/A * Via the NC Department of Administration s State Clearinghouse Table 4 2 indicates the potential environmental consequences related to all environmental impact categories listed in 1050 1 E Appendix B TABLE 4 2 AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES L m C s 3 Air Quality No Impact No Impact No Impact Coastal Resources No Impact No Impact No Impact Compatible Land Use No Impact No Impact No Impact Construction Impacts No Impact No Impact No Impact Dept of Transportation Act Sec 4(f) No Impact No Impact No Impact Farmlands No Impact No Impact No Impact Fish Wildlife and Plants No Impact No Impact No Impact Floodplams No Impact No Impact No Impact Hazardous Materials Pollution Prevention and Solid Waste No Impact No Impact No Impact Historical Architectural Archeological and Cultural Resources No Impact No Impact No Impact Light Emissions and Visual Impacts No Impact No Impact No Impact Columbus County Municipal Airport 2206 1001 /November 2011 Page 10 Environmental Assessment for Parallel Taxiway Runway Safety Area Improvements Wetland Relocation and Mitigation and Installation of Culvert TABLE 4 2 AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES continued 7 51 acres to be impacted by the construction of the parallel taxiway 0 49 acres to be impacted from the RSA improvements and 8 60 acres to be relocated 4 67 acres to be impacted by the construction of the parallel taxiway 0 49 acres to be impacted from the RSA improvements and 8 60 acres to be relocated 10 0 acres to be impacted by the construction of the parallel taxiway 0 49 acres to be impacted from the RSA improvements and 8 60 acres to be relocated 4 2 PROJECT LOCATION The proposed project area is located along the northwest side of the airport parallel to the existing runway The airport is located in central Columbus County approximately 3/4 mile southwest of the unincorporated town of Brunswick and 4 miles south of the incorporated City of Whiteville The airport is bordered to the north by Prison Camp Road to the east by NC Highway 130 to the south by mostly undeveloped fields and to the west by Pleasant Plains Church Road Figure 4 3 shows the area of potential effect associated with this project 4 3 AIR QUALITY The Clean Air Act (CAA) established 6 criteria pollutants under the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) 40 CFR Part 50 Those pollutants along with the measurement standards for each pollutant are as follows Columbus County Municipal Airport 2206 1001 / November 2011 Page 11 Natural Resources and Energy Supply No Impact No Impact No Impact Noise No Impact No Impact No Impact Secondary (Induced) Impacts No Impact No Impact No Impact Socioeconomic Impacts Environmental Justice and Children s Environmental Health and Safety Risks No Impact No Impact No Impact Water Quality No Impact No Impact No Impact Wetlands 16 60 acres' 13 76 acres' 9 09 acres' Wild and Scenic Rivers No Impact No Impact No Impact 7 51 acres to be impacted by the construction of the parallel taxiway 0 49 acres to be impacted from the RSA improvements and 8 60 acres to be relocated 4 67 acres to be impacted by the construction of the parallel taxiway 0 49 acres to be impacted from the RSA improvements and 8 60 acres to be relocated 10 0 acres to be impacted by the construction of the parallel taxiway 0 49 acres to be impacted from the RSA improvements and 8 60 acres to be relocated 4 2 PROJECT LOCATION The proposed project area is located along the northwest side of the airport parallel to the existing runway The airport is located in central Columbus County approximately 3/4 mile southwest of the unincorporated town of Brunswick and 4 miles south of the incorporated City of Whiteville The airport is bordered to the north by Prison Camp Road to the east by NC Highway 130 to the south by mostly undeveloped fields and to the west by Pleasant Plains Church Road Figure 4 3 shows the area of potential effect associated with this project 4 3 AIR QUALITY The Clean Air Act (CAA) established 6 criteria pollutants under the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) 40 CFR Part 50 Those pollutants along with the measurement standards for each pollutant are as follows Columbus County Municipal Airport 2206 1001 / November 2011 Page 11 Environmental Assessment for Parallel Taxiway Runway Safety Area Improvements Wetland Relocation and Mitigation and Installation of Culvert TABLE 43 NATIONAL AMBIENT AIR QUALITY STANDARDS (NAAQS) ppm = parts per million ppb = parts per billion mg /m' = milligrams per cubic meter of air pg/m = micrograms per cubic meter of air (1) Not to be exceeded more than once per year (2) Final rule signed October 15 2008 (3) The official level of the annual NO2 standard is 0 053 ppm equal to 53 ppb which is shown here for the purpose of clearer comparison to the 1 hour standard (4) To attain this standard the 3 year average of the 98th percentile of the daily maximum 1 hour average at each monitor within an area must not exceed 100 ppb (effective January 22 2010) (5) Not to be exceeded more than once per year on average over 3 years (6) To attain this standard the 3 year average of the weighted annual mean PM2 5 concentrations from single or multiple community oriented monitors must not exceed 15 0 pg /m3 (7) To attain this standard the 3 year average of the 98th percentile of 24 hour concentrations at each population oriented monitor within an area must not exceed 35 pg/m3 (effective December 17 2006) (8) To attain this standard the 3 year average of the fourth highest daily maximum 8 hour average ozone concentrations measured at each monitor within an area over each year must not exceed 0 075 ppm (effective May 27 2008) (9) (a) To attain this standard, the 3 year average of the fourth highest daily maximum 8 hour average ozone concentrations measured at each monitor within an area over each year must not exceed 0 08 ppm (b) The 1997 standard —and the implementation rules for that standard —will remain in place for implementation purposes as EPA undertakes rulemaking to address the transition from the 1997 ozone standard to the 2008 ozone standard (c) EPA is in the process of reconsidering these standards (set in March 2008) Columbus County Municipal Airport 2206 1001 /November 2011 Page 12 Tib:er. -jig 9 ppm 8 hour (1) Carbon Monoxide 3 105 None ppm 1 hour (1) 40 m m3 0 15 µg/m3 (2) Rolling 3 month Average Same as Primary Lead 1 5 µg/m3 Quarterly Average Same as Primary 53 ppb (3) Annual (Arithmetic Average) Same as Primary Nitrogen Dioxide 100 ppb 1 hour (4) None Particulate Matter (PM,o) 150 µg/m3 24 hour (5) Same as Primary Particulate Matter 15 0 gg/m3 Annual (Arithmetic Average) (6) Same as Primary (PM2 5) 35 µg/m3 24 hour (7) Same as Primary 0 075 ppm (2008 standard) 8 hour (8) Same as Primary 0 08 ppm (1997 standard) 8 hour (9) Same as Primary Ozone 0 12 ppm 1 hour (10) Same as Primary 0 03 ppm Annual (Arithmetic Average) Same as Primary 0 14 ppm 24 hour (1) 0 5 ppm 3 hour (1) Sulfur Dioxide 75 ppb (11) 1 hour None ppm = parts per million ppb = parts per billion mg /m' = milligrams per cubic meter of air pg/m = micrograms per cubic meter of air (1) Not to be exceeded more than once per year (2) Final rule signed October 15 2008 (3) The official level of the annual NO2 standard is 0 053 ppm equal to 53 ppb which is shown here for the purpose of clearer comparison to the 1 hour standard (4) To attain this standard the 3 year average of the 98th percentile of the daily maximum 1 hour average at each monitor within an area must not exceed 100 ppb (effective January 22 2010) (5) Not to be exceeded more than once per year on average over 3 years (6) To attain this standard the 3 year average of the weighted annual mean PM2 5 concentrations from single or multiple community oriented monitors must not exceed 15 0 pg /m3 (7) To attain this standard the 3 year average of the 98th percentile of 24 hour concentrations at each population oriented monitor within an area must not exceed 35 pg/m3 (effective December 17 2006) (8) To attain this standard the 3 year average of the fourth highest daily maximum 8 hour average ozone concentrations measured at each monitor within an area over each year must not exceed 0 075 ppm (effective May 27 2008) (9) (a) To attain this standard, the 3 year average of the fourth highest daily maximum 8 hour average ozone concentrations measured at each monitor within an area over each year must not exceed 0 08 ppm (b) The 1997 standard —and the implementation rules for that standard —will remain in place for implementation purposes as EPA undertakes rulemaking to address the transition from the 1997 ozone standard to the 2008 ozone standard (c) EPA is in the process of reconsidering these standards (set in March 2008) Columbus County Municipal Airport 2206 1001 /November 2011 Page 12 Environmental Assessment for Parallel Taxiway Runway Safety Area Improvements Wetland Relocation and Mitigation and Installation of Culvert (10) (a) EPA revoked the 1 hour ozone standard in all areas although some areas have continuing obligations under that standard ( anti backsliding ) (b) The standard is attained when he expected number of days per calendar year with maximum hourly average concentration above 0 12 ppm is -, i (11) Final rule signed June 2 2010 To attain this standard, the 3 year average of the 99th percentile of the daily maximum I hour average at each monitor within an area must not exceed 75 ppb Source EPA 2010 In accordance with the CAA an area can be designated as an attainment area (an area with better air quality than the NAAQS) a non attainment area (an area with worse air quality than the NAAQS) or a maintenance area (an area that is transitioning back to attainment) According to the EPA s air quality website (http //www epa gov /oar /oaqps /greenbk/ancl3 html) as of December 2010 no part of Columbus County was listed as a non attainment or a maintenance area for any of the 6 NAAQS criteria pollutants Therefore a conformity determination is not required by the CAA Additionally NEPA indicates that general aviation airports with more than 180 000 forecast annual operations have the potential to negatively impact air quality According to CPC reported operations data there are approximately 12 775 annual operations at CPC Therefore a NEPA air quality analysis is not required Greenhouse Gas Emissions Based on FAA data operations activity at CPC represents less than 0 025% of U S aviation activity Therefore assuming that greenhouse gases occur in proportion to the level of activity greenhouse gas emissions associated with existing and future aviation activity at CPC would be expected to represent less than 0 025% of U S aviation based greenhouse gases Therefore we would not expect the emissions of greenhouse gases from this project to be significant Because aviation activity at CPC represents such a small amount of U S and global emissions and the related uncertainties involving the assessment of such emissions regionally and globally the incremental contribution of this action cannot be adequately assessed given the current state of the science and assessment methodology I 4 4 COASTAL RESOURCES The Coastal Barrier Resources Act (CBRA) prohibits federal financial assistance for development within the Coastal Barrier Resources System containing undeveloped coastal barriers of the coasts of the Atlantic Ocean Gulf of Mexico and the Great Lakes The Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) ensures that a proposed action is in accordance with approved coastal zone management programs CPC is not located on a coastal barrier island and is not in ' NEPA Regulations Council on Environmental Quality 40 CFR 1502 22 Incomplete or unavailable information Columbus County Municipal Airport 2206 1001 / November 2011 Page 13 Environmental Assessment for Parallel Taxiway Runway Safety Area improvements Wetland Relocation and Mitigation and Installation of Culvert one of the North Carolina Division of Coastal Managements 20 counties covered under the Coastal Area Management Act Coastal resources will not be affected by either the Proposed Action or any of the alternatives Figure 4 4 shows the Coastal Barrier Resources System for North Carolina and Figure 4 5 shows the CZMA Estuarine Body Map 4 5 COMPATIBLE LAND USE Land use compatibility surrounding an airport revolves predominantly around the airport s noise impacts and the surrounding allowable land uses Noise attributable to an airport is measured by Day Night Average Sound Level (DNL) DNL is an annualized average of the airport s average noise level over 24 hours with a 10 dB artificial increase factored into noise occurring between the hours of 10 00 p m and 7 00 a m This 10 dB penalty reflects the added intrusiveness of noise at night due to an estimated 10 dB decrease in community background noise during that time More discussion on airport noise can be found in the Noise section of this assessment Compatible land uses inside certain DNL contours are dictated by Federal Aviation Regulation Part 150 the Airport Noise and Capacity Act of 1990 and the Aviation Safety and Noise Abatement Act of 1979 A Part 150 Noise Study has never been performed for CPC and one is not anticipated to be performed as the number and type of operations at CPC do not warrant that a study be performed Columbus County currently has no zoning ordinance current or future land use map or thorough development review process to analyze or regulate land use A records search of the properties surrounding CPC show the following current land uses surrounding the airport TABLE 4 4 LAND USES SURROUNDING CPC C1�0 Correctional Facility 1 600 north of midfield Residential 2 000 south of midfield Residential 2 200 southwest of the Runway 6 approach end Residential 2 300 south of the Runway 6 approach end Residential 2 500 northwest of the Runway 6 approach end Residential 3 000 northwest of the Runway 6 approach end Residential 3 100 north of the Runway 6 approach end Residential 2 000 north of the Runway 24 approach end Residential 2 200 northeast of the Runway 24 approach end Church 1 550 southeast of the Runway 24 approach end Church 3 200 northeast of the Runway 24 approach end Day Care Facility 1 2 100 north of the Runway 24 approach end Day Care Facility 3 200 northeast of the Runway 24 approach end Columbus County Municipal Airport 2206 1001 / November 2011 Page 14 Environmental Assessment for Parallel Taxiway Runway Safety Area Improvements Wetland Relocation and Mitigation and Installation of Culvert Figure 4 6 shows the county land uses surrounding CPC Figure 4 7 shows the Brunswick and Whiteville citv limits along with zoning within the limits of Whiteville Based on the number and type of operations at CPC none of the land uses are incompatible with the airport at those distances As shown on the property map in Figure 4 2 the airport owns land between 1 500 and 2 000 beyond each end of the runway along the extended centerlines and between 500 and 750 + along each side of the runway Though Columbus County lacks a zoning ordinance and land use guidance to specifically prevent land use compatibility issues surrounding CPC the airports ownership of the land surrounding the runway should prevent future encroachment that would lead to incompatibility issues However neither the Proposed Action nor any of the alternatives will affect the operations at CPC either in terms of the number aircraft type or schedule of operations or the procedures /flight tracks to and from the airport Thus neither the Proposed Action nor any of the alternatives will cause any change in the land use compatibility currently surrounding CPC 4 6 CONSTRUCTION IMPACTS The impacts related to the construction of the Proposed Action and all alternatives involve the effects of dust heavy equipment emissions noise vehicular traffic debris and waste and stormwater runoff containing sedimentation or petroleum Per the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System s ( NPDES) Construction General Permit requirements for construction activities disturbing one or more acres the airport is required to develop a stormwater management plan implement sediment erosion and pollution prevention control measures and to obtain coverage under North Carolinas NPDES permit Coverage under North Carolinas NPDES permit is obtained by receiving a local or state approved Erosion and Sedimentation Control Permit through the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) In their response to the scoping letter requesting comments on the project the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources noted that the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act of 1973 must be addressed for any activity that will disturb land and that an erosion and sedimentation control plan is required if one or more acres is to be disturbed Those requirements will be met for the construction of this project Best management practices (BMPs) will be used to control sediment and prevent erosion and manage stormwater runoff Excessive levels of dust emissions noise debris waste and vehicular traffic are not anticipated during construction Once construction is completed any area disturbed during construction will be returned to its original state so as not to generate impacts beyond the duration of construction Construction vehicle access to the airport will be Columbus County Municipal Airport 2206 1001 / November 2011 Page 15 Environmental Assessment for Parallel Taxiway Runway Safety Area improvements Wetland Relocation and Mitigation and Installation of Culvert achieved via Airport Road the only road leading to the airport and access to the construction site itself will occur on airport property Construction will be performed in accordance with FAA Advisory Circular 150/5730 l0E Standards for Specifying Construction of Airports so as to conform to FAA guidance 4 7 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ACT SECTION 4(1) According to FAA Order 1050 1 E the Department of Transportation Act Section 4(f) recodified as Section 303(c) Title 49 U S Code provides that the Secretary of Transportation will not approve any program or project that requires the use of any publicly owned land from a public park recreation area or wildlife and waterfowl refuge of national State or local significance or land from an historic site of national State or local significance as determined by the officials having Jurisdiction thereof unless there is no feasible and prudent alternative to the use of such land and such program and the project includes all possible planning to minimize harm resulting from the use There are no public parks or recreation lands wildlife or waterfowl refuges or historic sites located in the study area Neither the Proposed Action nor any of the alternatives proposed would impact or include the purchase or relocation of any lands covered under Section 4(f) A January 11 20022 call from the National Parks Service in response to a scoping letter requesting comments (located in Appendix C) indicated that the NPS had no comments on this project 4 8 FARMLANDS The Farmland Protection Policy Act (FFPA) details the protection to be afforded to prime unique statewide or local important farmlands The proposed action s impacts on relevant farmlands was coordinated through the U S Department of Agriculture s Whiteville NC Natural Resource Conservation Service office Approximately 0 2 acres of the project site to be disturbed consists of Norfolk Loamy Fine Sand 2 to 6 percent slopes which is considered soil that could be used as prime farmland Therefore A Farmland Conversion Impact Rating form (AD 1006) was submitted in order to evaluate the project s potential impacts to farmlands Form AD 1006 uses multiple FFPA criteria and scores a project based on potential impacts with a maximum possible score of 260 A score of 160 points or less requires no further action a score between 161 and 200 points indicates there is the potential to adversely affect farmlands and a score between 201 and 260 indicates that a project will most likely have significant impacts on farmlands and methods to reduce the score should be implemented or an alternative site sought Our office assigned the project site a score of 26 on the form submitted on May 12 2011 As of June 3 2011 the Whiteville NRCS had not yet returned the AD 1006 and the Airport is still awaiting the final impact rating score It is not anticipated that the NRCS will have further Columbus County Municipal Airport 2206 1001 / November 2011 Page 16 Environmental Assessment for Parallel Taxiway Runway Safety Area Improvements Wetland Relocation and Mitigation and Installation of Culvert comments related to the proposed development however this section will be updated once the completed form is returned and an impact rating score has been assigned A copy of the AD 1006 submitted to the NRCS is located in Appendix C A map detailing the farmlands surrounding CPC is provided in Figures 4 8A and 4 8B 4 9 FISH, WILDLIFE, AND PLANTS On December 19 2010 a report was received from Dial Cordy detailing their recent wetland delineation and protected species assessment at CPC Beginning on Page 4 of the report Dial Cordy details their assessment of federally and state listed threatened or endangered species The 7 federally listed species for Columbus County are as follows 1 Red cockaded Woodpecker (Picoides borealis) Endangered 2 Wood Stork (Mycteria americana) Endangered 3 American Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) Threatened due to similarity of appearance 4 Shortnose Sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum) Endangered 5 Waccamaw Silverside (Menidia extensa) Threatened 6 Rough leaved Loosestrife (Lysimachia asperulaefolia) Endangered and 7 Cooley s Meadowrue (Thalictrum cooleyi) Endangered None of the seven were found within one mile of the proposed project site and Dial Cordy s survey did not find suitable habitat for any of the seven species within the project area Additionally of the 46 species listed either as federal species of concern or state listed as endangered threatened or of special concern none were found within the project area and the project area did not provide a suitable habitat for any of them A complete list and analysis of these species can be found in the report in Appendix F A January 6 2011 letter from the U S Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) states that based on the above referenced information which was provided to them the Proposed Action is not likely to adversely affect any federally listed endangered or threatened species their formally designated critical habitat or species currently proposed for listing In this letter included in Appendix D FWS notes that aquatic species are susceptible to sedimentation and recommends that all practicable measures be taken to avoid adverse impacts to aquatic species including implementing directional boring methods and stringent sediment and erosion control measures An erosion and sedimentation control plan should be submitted to and approved by the North Carolina Division of Land Resources Land Quality Section prior to construction Erosion and sedimentation controls should be installed and maintained between the Columbus County Municipal Airport 2206 1001 / November 2011 Page 17 Environmental Assessment for Parallel Taxiway Runway Safety Area Improvements Wetland Relocation and Mitigation and installation of Culvert construction site and any nearby down gradient surface waters In addition we recommend maintaining natural vegetative buffers on all streams and creeks adiacent to the project site The project will be constructed using the above referenced recommendations so as to limit impacts to aquatic species In their January 24 2011 letter included in Appendix D The North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) indicated that there is a record of one rare species (Venus Flytrap) and one Significant Natural Heritage Area (White Marsh Swamp) within 1 mile of the project site Habitat requirements for Venus Flytrap include nitrogen and phosphorous poor environments such as bogs The plants thrive in sunny locations High sun exposure is necessary to create the humid conditions the plants need The flytraps grow in soil that is soft and moist The spongy soil is nutrient poor mostly acidic and contains peat moss and sand Frequent wildfires play an essential role in the flytrap s natural habitat Wildfires destroy plants that compete with the flytrap for light without disrupting the flytrap s bulb beneath the surface According to the web soil survey the project site soils primarily consist of Norfolk loamy fine sand which is a well drained soil and inconsistent with the habitat requirements Additionally the Airport routinely mows the project site thereby facilitating grass growth and potential invaders that suppress an environment for flytrap propagation White Marsh Swamp is located approximately 2 5 miles from the project site However the wetlands and floodzone associated with the swamp are approximately 0 8 miles from the project site Sufficient sediment and erosion control measures and stormwater management BMPs required for the project site will minimize sedimentation in Camp Branch which drains to White Marsh Swamp thereby reducing impacts to the Significant Natural Heritage Area Per NCDENR s recommendations all efforts to avoid impacting White Marsh Swamp will be made and any indication of the presence of Venus Flytrap or any other threatened endangered or special concern species will be noted and reported to state and federal agencies FAA Order 1050 1 E states that a significant impact to Federally listed threatened and endangered species would occur when the U S Fish and Wildlife Service or the National Marine Fisheries Service determines that the proposed action would be likely to jeopardize the continued existence of the species in question or would result in the destruction or adverse modification of Federally designated critical habitat in the affected area The involvement of Federally listed threatened or endangered species and the possibility of impacts as potentially serious as extinction or extirpation or destruction or adverse modification of designated critical habitat are factors weighing in favor of a finding of significance However an action need not involve a threat of extinction to Federally listed species to meet the NEPA standard of significance Lesser impacts including impacts on non listed species could also constitute a significant impact As noted in the Dial Cordy report and in accordance with the above referenced guidance neither the Columbus County Municipal Airport 2206 1001 / November 2011 Page 18 Environmental Assessment for Parallel Taxiway Runway Safety Area Improvements Wetland Relocation and Mitigation and installation of Culvert Proposed Action nor any of the alternatives would constitute a significant impact on fish wildlife and /or plants 410 FLOODPLAINS All of the property encompassing the Proposed Action is located in Zone X (unshaded) which indicates an area beyond the limits of the 500 year flood level A map showing this is located in Figure 4 9 FAA Order 1050 1 E states that floodplain impacts would be significant pursuant to NEPA if it results in notable adverse impacts on natural and beneficial floodplain values Neither the Proposed Action nor any of the alternatives would result in notable impacts on natural and beneficial floodplain values 411 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, POLLUTION PREVENTION, AND SOLID WASTE The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) governs the generation treatment storage and disposal of hazardous waste The Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) details potential need for consultation with natural resources trustees and requires the cleanup of any release of a hazardous substance (not including petroleum) into the environments FAA Order 1050 1E s Analysis of Significant Impacts states that additional information or analysis is needed only if problems are anticipated with respect to meeting the applicable local State Tribal or Federal laws and regulations on hazardous or solid waste management Additional data needed may include results of any further consultation with affected agencies and measures to be taken to minimize the impacts Disposal that would adversely affect water quality or other environmental resources may be discussed under those sections of the environmental analysis addressing affected resources with the hazardous material section cross referencing those sections FAA Order 1050 1 E also notes that actions that involve property listed (or potentially listed on) the NPL are considered significant pursuant to NEPA by definition In other cases only an unresolved issue may warrant an EIS NPL sites usually encompass relatively large areas such as an entire military base an electric power generation facility or even a dumping ground of several million used automobile tires Not all of the physical grounds within the boundaries of an NPL site are contaminated which leaves space for siting a facility on clean land within the boundaries of an NPL site If an FAA action involves acquiring property on an NPL site by definition it normally is considered a major action with significant impacts Both FAA NEPA Columbus County Municipal Airport 2206 1001 /November 2011 Page 19 Environmental Assessment for Parallel Taxiway Runway Safety Area Improvements Wetland Relocation and Mitigation and Installation of Culvert and EDDA guidance require consideration of exposure to hazardous materials and minimizing further contaminant releases through pollution prevention design when siting on or near contaminated properties These considerations warrant thorough NEPA environmental analysis However an EIS is not necessarily required Chapter 4 paragraph 405g of this order allows for mitigating impacts to thresholds below significance such as siting on clean grounds within contaminated properties or NPL sites Therefore if appropriately mitigated acquisition of land within the boundaries of an NPL site does not always have to be viewed as a mayor action with significant impacts No problems involving the ability to meet local State Tribal or Federal laws and regulations pertaining to hazardous or solid waste management are anticipated The study area does not involve any property listed (or proposed to be listed) on the National Priorities List (NPL) according to EPA s NPL website at http Hwww epa gov /superfund /sites /npl /index htm Therefore no hazardous material pollution or solid waste effects are anticipated as a result of either the Proposed Action or any of the alternatives There is one Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Site located within one mile of the project location It is shown in Figure 4 10 There are no Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability System (CERCLIS) sites located in the immediate vicinity of CPC In the event that previously unknown contaminants are discovered or a spill occurs during construction work will stop until the National Response Center (NRC) is notified at 1 800 424 8802 and any required action is taken 412 HISTORICAL, ARCHITECTURAL, ARCHEOLOGICAL, AND CULTURAL RESOURCES The National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) of 1966 and established the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) and the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) under the National Parks Service (NPS) The NHPA also governs federal agencies preservation and use of historic buildings and requires the consideration of the potential effects on properties on or eligible for inclusion in the NRHP There are currently 3 Columbus County sites currently listed in the National Register of Historic Places and no sites listed as eligible for inclusion The Columbus County Courthouse (NPS 79001695) is located 4 miles north of the project site the Lake Waccamaw Depot (NPS 83001842) is located 10 5 miles northeast of the project site and the Powell House (NPS 78001940) is located 18 miles west of the project site Since construction associated with the Proposed Action and all alternatives is limited to the current airport property it is anticipated that none of these sites will be impacted by the proposed action A January 11 20022 call from the Columbus County Municipal Airport 2206 1001 /November 2011 Page 20 Environmental Assessment for Parallel Taxiway Runway Safety Area Improvements Wetland Relocation and Mitigation and Installation of Culvert National Parks Service in response to a scoping letter requesting comments (located in Appendix C) indicated that the NPS had no comments on this project According to the North Carolina Commission of Indian Affairs the Waccamaw Siouan Tribe has a settlement in Columbus County However as construction of the Proposed Action and all alternatives is limited to the current airport property the Waccamaw Siouan Tribe would not be affected It is not anticipated that either the Proposed Action or any of the alternatives will affect any historical architectural archaeological or cultural resources If it is determined that and action will affect any of the above mentioned resources immediate notification will be made to the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office Figure 4 11 shows the Federal Register listed sites located in Columbus County 413 LIGHT EMISSIONS AND VISUAL IMPACTS While there are no specific local state or federal laws or regulations pertaining to light emissions and visual impacts FAA Order 5040 4B states that the threshold for significant light emissions is when the emitted light attributable to the proposed action would create an annoyance or interfere with normal activities The current airport lighting environment consists of medium intensity runway edge lights runway end identifier lights a two light precision approach path indicator (PAPI) on the Runway 6 end a two light vertical approach slope indicator (VASI) on the Runway 24 end a clear /green (lighted land airport) rotating airport beacon and a lighted segmented circle The only change in light emission that would result from the Proposed Action or any of the alternatives would be medium intensity taxiway lights installed on the new taxiway Since these are ground mounted lights used to direct pilots along the taxiway no significant light interference would result from the either Proposed Action or any of the alternatives as there are no high intensity strobe lights and no lighting would be directed towards surrounding residences (the closest of which is approximately 2 050 to the southeast) Table 4 4 in Section 4 5 details the distances between the airport and potential light pollutant receptors Additionally the information provided in Table 4 4 is shown on Figure 4 6 in Section 45 4 14 NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENERGY SUPPLY The only portion of the Proposed Action or any of the alternatives that would result in additional use of energy is the installation of the medium intensity taxiway lights In an effort to incorporate sustainable designs into the project the following initiatives will be examined Columbus County Municipal Airport 2206 1001 / November 2011 Page 21 Environmental Assessment for Parallel Taxiway Runway Safety Area Improvements N1 etland Relocation and Mitigation and Installation of Culvert — The use of LED lights in order to achieve a reduction in energv consumption compared to traditional incandescent taxiway lighting systems — The establishment of airfield lighting controls and procedures to turn off the lighting system when not in use (pilot controlled lighting) — The installation of metering /monitoring devices and energy management control systems for use with airfield lighting systems — Develop a baseline for typical energy consumption associated with taxiway lighting and monitor the project s energy consumption against the baseline Aside from the energy consumption required by the taxiway lights it is not anticipated that the Proposed Action or any of the alternatives would involve the consumption of scarce or unusual materials affect existing or planned resources in the vicinity of the project or influence fuel consumption by aircraft using the airport No increase in energy or natural resource demand is expected as there are no major facilities (major airfield lighting terminal improvements /construction etc ) proposed with this project A temporary and minor increase in overall fuel consumption is anticipated as associated with the construction equipment related to the project 415 NOISE FAA Order 5040 4B National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Implementing Instructions for Airport Actions indicates that a significant noise impact results when an action compared to the no action alternative for the same timeframe would cause noise sensitive areas located at or above DNL 65 dB to experience a noise increase of at least DNL 1 5 dB An increase from DNL 63 5 dB to DNL 65 dB 1s a significant impact Additionally FAA Order 1050 1 E Environmental Impacts Policies and Procedures states that no noise analysis is needed for proposals involving Design Group I and 11 airplanes (wingspan less than 79 feet) in Approach Categories A through D (landing speed less than 166 knots) operating at airports whose forecast operations in the period covered by the EA do not exceed 90 000 annual propeller operations (247 average daily operations) or 700 jet operations (2 average daily operations) Columbus County Municipal Airport currently operating as a B II airport has approximately 12 775 annual aircraft operations and neither the Proposed Action nor any of the alternatives are expected to affect the number of aircraft operations at CPC nor would they affect any departure arrival or enroute procedures As discussed earlier in the Land Use Compatibility section there are no current or projected noise sensitive areas near the airport and no evident land use compatibility issues Therefore no noise impacts related to aircraft operations are expected as a result of the Proposed Action or any of the alternatives Columbus County Municipal Airport 2206 1001 / November 2011 Page 22 Environmental Assessment for Parallel Taxiway Runway Safety Area Improvements Wetland Relocation and Mitigation and Installation of Culvert As noted earlier in the Land Use Compatibility section Columbus County does not have any zoning or land use plans to prevent incompatible uses Snecifically Columbus County does not have preventative measures in place that would prohibit noise sensitive uses from encroaching into areas of incompatible noise levels as defined by the FAA However as stated neither the Proposed Action nor any of the alternatives will affect the operations at CPC either in terms of the number or schedule of operations or the procedures /flight tracks Thus the Proposed Action and the alternatives will not cause any change in the noise impacts surrounding CPC 4 16 SECONDARY (INDUCED) IMPACTS The proposed action does not induce such factors as shifts in patterns of population movement and growth changes in public service demands or changes in business and economic activity to the extent influenced by airport development Additionally no impacts to aircraft operations as a result of the proposed action are anticipated 4 17 SOCIOECONOMIC IMPACTS, ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE, AND CHILDREN'S ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND SAFETY RISKS None of the alternatives involve the need to relocate any residences or businesses None of the alternatives will divide or disrupt established communities or disrupt orderly planned development There are no social or environmental justice impacts for any of the alternatives There are no residential areas in the immediate vicinity of the location of the Proposed Action or the alternatives There are no children s health and safety risks for any of the alternatives Therefore no socioeconomic or environmental impacts and no children s environmental health and safety risks are anticipated Table 4 5 details the historical and forecast population and demographics of Columbus County TABLE 4 5 DEMOGRAPHICS AND POPULATION DATA (Taken from the U S Census Bureau's Quick Facts) Columbus County Municipal Airport 2206 1001 / November 2011 Page 23 1 Population 2009 estimate 54 221 9 380 884 307 006 550 White persons percent 2009 (a) 650% 737% 796% Black persons percent 2009 (a) 304% 216% 129% American Indian and Alaska Native persons percent 2009 (a) 33% 13% 10% Asian persons percent 2009 (a) 03% 20% 46% Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander percent 2009 (a) Z 01% 0 2% Persons reporting two or more races percent 2009 10% 13% 17% Columbus County Municipal Airport 2206 1001 / November 2011 Page 23 Environmental Assessment for Parallel Taxiway Runway Safety Area Improvements Wetland Relocation and Mitigation and Installation of Culvert TABLE 4 5 DEMOGRAPHICS AND POPULATION DATA (continued) (Taken from the U S Census Bureau's Quick Facts) (a) includes persons reporting only one race (b) Hispanics may be of any race so also are included in applicable race categories Z Value greater than zero but less than half unit of measure shown 418 WATER QUALITY CPC is located within the Lumber River Basin There is a perennial stream located in the project area Camp Branch Stream which discharges to White Marsh Swamp The stream has been channelized and contains dredge spoil berms along the margins of the channels The stream is classified as C Sw by the NCDENR Division of Water Quality (DWQ) as is White Marsh Swamp Class C waters are those protected for uses such as secondary recreation fishing wildlife fish consumption aquatic life including propagation survival and maintenance of biological integrity and agriculture Class Sw waters are those with low velocities and other natural characteristics which are different from adjacent streams Figure 4 12 shows the location of CPC in relation to nearby waterways The Proposed Action and Alternative 2 would result in an impact to the Camp Branch Stream due to the proposed 30 culvert to be placed to provide vehicular access to the approach area to the northeast of the runway The size and type of structure will be determined using AC 150/5320 5C Surface Drainage Design which is based in U S Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration and supplemented or modified as appropriate and required for consistency with design practices of the U S Army Corps of Engineers The culvert will be sized for the 10 year storm event Sediment and erosion control measures will be put in place during construction to minimize impacts to water quality Columbus County Municipal Airport 2206 1001 / November 2011 Page 24 fth4w fto UAW, Persons of Hispanic or Latino origin percent 2009 (b) 35% 77% 1580% White persons not Hispanic percent 2009 618% 668% 651% Households 2000 21 308 3 132 013 105 480 101 Persons per household 2000 250 249 259 Median household income 2008 $33329 $46574 $52029 Per capita money income 1999 $14415 $20307 $21 587 Persons below poverty level percent 2008 219% 146% 132% Land area, 2000 (square miles) 93680 48 710 88 3 537 438 44 Persons per square mile 2000 584 1652 796 (a) includes persons reporting only one race (b) Hispanics may be of any race so also are included in applicable race categories Z Value greater than zero but less than half unit of measure shown 418 WATER QUALITY CPC is located within the Lumber River Basin There is a perennial stream located in the project area Camp Branch Stream which discharges to White Marsh Swamp The stream has been channelized and contains dredge spoil berms along the margins of the channels The stream is classified as C Sw by the NCDENR Division of Water Quality (DWQ) as is White Marsh Swamp Class C waters are those protected for uses such as secondary recreation fishing wildlife fish consumption aquatic life including propagation survival and maintenance of biological integrity and agriculture Class Sw waters are those with low velocities and other natural characteristics which are different from adjacent streams Figure 4 12 shows the location of CPC in relation to nearby waterways The Proposed Action and Alternative 2 would result in an impact to the Camp Branch Stream due to the proposed 30 culvert to be placed to provide vehicular access to the approach area to the northeast of the runway The size and type of structure will be determined using AC 150/5320 5C Surface Drainage Design which is based in U S Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration and supplemented or modified as appropriate and required for consistency with design practices of the U S Army Corps of Engineers The culvert will be sized for the 10 year storm event Sediment and erosion control measures will be put in place during construction to minimize impacts to water quality Columbus County Municipal Airport 2206 1001 / November 2011 Page 24 Environmental Assessment for Parallel Taxiway Runway Safety Area Improvements Wetland Relocation and Mitigation and Installation of Culvert Columbus County has a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) that requires %isual monitoring of Its industrial outfalls The Airport will visually monitor Camp Branch downstream of the project area during construction as part of the SWPPP and NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Land Quality Section Self Inspection Reporting in order to verify that erosion control measures are working properly and that water quality is being preserved As both the Proposed Action and Alternative would temporarily create an increase in erosion and sedimentation all construction will be done in accordance with the erosion and sediment control measures detailed in FAA AC 150/5370 10E Standards for Specking Construction of Airports Item P 156 Temporary Air and Water Pollution Soil Erosion and Siltation Control Both the Proposed Action and Alternative 2 would result in an increase in the amount of impervious paved surfaces at the airport due to the paving of the parallel taxiway The project will be designed with stormwater management BMPs that will minimize potential impacts to water quality from runoff in accordance with NCDENR Division of Water Quality s State Stormwater Program Fill material placed in wetlands and the culvert placed in the stream are considered proposed discharges by the USACE Physical substrate consists of the discharge for wetlands and is composed of material excavated from a local borrow source located near the site Existing wetlands within the limits of the project consist of Norfolk loamy fine sand and Muckalee sandy loam It is likely that the Contractor for the project will use a borrow source located close to the site to reduce hauling expenses Permitted active borrow pits are located in the western portion of Columbus County and typically consist of Autryville sand This soil is typical for the normal substrate that will used to fill the wetlands where it will be compacted and used for the parallel taxiway Norfolk loamy fine sand and Autryville sand are similar in that both consist of loamy sand over sandy clay loam Native materials are expected to be free of contaminants Filling of the wetlands is expected to have some impact on the shallow groundwater subsurface movement however the impacts will be minimal and not measureable The proposed stream crossing is not expected to affect water circulation fluctuation and salinity because a culvert will be installed to maintain flow within the stream The culvert will be designed based on a 10 year storm event As noted in the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources comments (Appendix D) the Sedimentation Control Act of 1973 must be properly addressed for any land disturbing activity and an erosion and sedimentation control plan will be required if one or more acres is to be disturbed Additionally a Section 401 Water Quality Certification Permit must be obtained Columbus County Municipal Airport 2206 1001 /November 2011 Page 25 Environmental Assessment for Parallel Taxiway Runway Safety Area Improvements Wetland Relocation and Mitigation and Installation of Culvert and compliance with 15A NC Administrative Code 2H 1000 (Coastal Stormwater Rules) is required These requirements will be fulfilled throughout the duration of the project FAA Order 1050 1 E notes that the threshold for significant Impact as follows - There is the potential to exceed water quality standards - Water quality problems cannot be avoided or satisfactorily mitigated - Obtaining required permits may be difficult It is not anticipated that any of these items will be an Issue for the Proposed Action or any of the alternatives Impacts to wetlands are discussed in Section 4 19 419 WETLANDS The project area includes perennial streams forested wetlands and disturbed herbaceous wetlands One of the purposes of the project is to remove 8 6 acres of existing wetlands When CPC s runway was extended to the south in 1997 it impacted 4 76 acres of existing wetlands The Airport was directed by the USACE and NCDWQ to restore approximately 8 6 acres of wetlands on site According to FAA Advisory Circular 150/5200 33B Hazardous Wildlife Attractants on or Near Airports dated 8/28/2007 the FAA recommends immediately correcting any wildlife hazards arising from existing wetlands located on or near airports Both FAA and NCDOA strongly discourage on airport wetlands mitigation due to the potential creation of a wildlife hazard In 2008 the NCDOA began coordination with the USACE to allow the wetlands to be mitigated off site In addition to the 8 6 acres of wetlands to be relocated the Proposed Action and the alternatives will impact additional wetlands due to the construction of the parallel taxiway and the RSA improvements Table 4 6 details the wetland impacts associated with the Proposed Action and both alternatives TABLE 4 6 WETLANDS IMPACTS Columbus County Municipal Airport 2206 1001 / November 2011 Page 26 Environmental Assessment for Parallel Taxiway Runway Safety Area Improvements Wetland Relocation and Mitigation and Installation of Culvert The anticipated wetland impacts associated with the Proposed Action Alternative 2 and Alternative 3 are shown in Figures 4 13 4 14 and 4 15 respectively On December 16 2008 Dial Cordy and Associates Inc submitted their report detailing their wetland delineation for Columbus County Municipal Airport The delineation was performed in accordance with the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual and was signed by Richard Spencer of the U S Army Corps of Engineers on March 30 2010 As noted in their report (Appendix F) Dial Cordy studied two tracts of land at the airport — a 45 acre tract along the northeastern end of the runway (Area 1) and a 44 acre tract that parallels the northwestern edge of the runway (Area 2) Dial Cordy notes that a Section 404 wetland permit and compensatory mitigation would be necessary if the wetlands identified would be impacted On March 30 2010 CPC received a U S Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Jurisdictional Determination (Appendix E) for the wetland delineation for this project The USACE Project Action ID is SAW 2008 00851 Outside of the wetland filling and grading required as part of the RSA improvements methods that minimize soil and root mat disturbance will be used in all clearing of vegetation associated with the Proposed Action and any alternatives so as to minimize additional wetland impacts 4 19 1 STREAMS There is one perennial stream located in the project area Camp Branch Stream which discharges to the White Marsh Swamp The stream has been channelized and contains dredge spoil berms along the margins of the channel The stream s in stream habitat has been heavily impacted by sedimentation With the exception of the proposed 30 piping of Camp Branch Stream to allow access to the RPZ and approach area no impact to either stream is anticipated 419 2 FORESTED WETLANDS Forested wetlands are located adjacent to both streams Vegetation inhabiting the forested wetlands in Area 1 includes the following Trees — Swamp tupelo (Nyssa biflora) — Red maple (Acer rubrum var trilobum) — Green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) — Tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera) — Sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua) — Swamp laurel oak (Quercus laurifolia) — Water oak (Quercus nigra) Columbus County Municipal Airport 2206 1001 / November 2011 Page 27 Environmental Assessment for Parallel Taxiway Runway Safety Area Improvements Wetland Relocation and Mitigation and Installation of Culvert — Loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) Shrubs — Swamp dogwood (Cornus amomum) — Virginia willow (Itea virginica) — Arrow wood (Viburnum dentatum) — Titi (Cyrilla racemiflora) — Sweetbay (Magnolia virginiana) — Swamp red bay (Persea palustris) — Cane (Arundinaria gigantean) Ferns — Virginia chain fern ( Woodwardia virginica) — Netted chain fern (Woodwardla areolata) As detailed in Dial Cordy s report Area 1 is a 45 acre tract located at the northeastern end of the existing runway and Area 2 is a 44 acre tract that parallels the northwestern edge of the existing runway No forested wetlands in Area 1 would be directly impacted by the Proposed Action or any of the alternatives However coordination to clear all of Area 1 s forested wetland vegetation occurred and the vegetation has been previously cleared Per Dial Cordy s report all of Area 2 s forested wetlands have been previously cleared of woody vegetation and are periodically maintained by mowing The clearing was done in accordance with FAA standards and BMPs These wetlands have been disturbed through ditching grading mowing and the channelization of the streams Common vegetative species include the following — Common rush (Juncus effusus) — Cottongrass bulrush (Scirpus cypermus) — Spike rush (Eleocharis tuberculosa) — Sedges (Carex spp ) — Giant plume grass (Erianthus giganteus) — Bushy broom sedge (Andropogon glomeratus) — Witch grass (Dichanthelium sp ) — Tear thumb (Polygonum sagittatum) — Smartweed (Polygonum hydropiperoides) — Alligator weed (Alternanthera philoxeroides) — Joe pye weed (Eupatorium fistulosum) — Boneset (Eupatorium perfoliatum) — Blue flag (Iris virginica) Columbus County Municipal Airport 2206 1001 / November 2011 Page 28 Environmental Assessment for Parallel Taxiway Runway Safety Area Improvements Wetland Relocation and Mitigation and Installation of Culvert — Virginia meadow beauty (Rhexia virgmica) — Coinieaf (Centella asiatica) Area 2 s wetlands are connected to Camp Branch by a series of ditches which have not been maintained Through sedimentation these ditches have been converted to shallow swales with thick herbaceous vegetation 4 19 3 WETLAND CLEARING METHODS Per Dial Cordy s report the following guidelines were utilized to minimize the Impacts to regulated wetlands — Trees will be cut by hand or with low Impact mechanized equipment The use of low Impact mechanized equipment will be considered only when soil disturbance can be avoided — Trees may be cut at the stump but the stumps will remain in place — There will be no land leveling grubbing or any disturbance of the root mat — The use of tracked equipment will be prohibited unless on mats — The use of heavy mechanized equipment for cutting windrowing or other clearing operations is prohibited — Logging mats will be used any time heavy mechanized equipment is needed to transports felled trees out of the wetland area — The use of heavy mechanized equipment such as backhoes or bulldozers with sheer blades rakes or discs is prohibited — The construction of access roads is prohibited — Permanent stockpiling of debris is prohibited All debris and felled trees will be removed from the wetland area and disposed of in an upland area Fill material placed in wetlands and the culvert placed in the stream are considered proposed discharges by the USACE Physical substrate consists of the discharge for wetlands and is composed of material excavated from a local borrow source located near the site Existing wetlands within the limits of the project consist of Norfolk loamy fine sand and Muckalee sandy loam It is likely that the Contractor for the project will use a borrow source located close to the site to reduce hauling expenses Permitted active borrow pits are located in the western portion of Columbus County and typically consist of Autryville sand This soil is typical for the normal substrate that will used to fill the wetlands where it will be compacted and used for the parallel taxiway Norfolk loamy fine sand and Autryville sand are similar in that both consist of loamy sand over sandy clay loam Native materials are expected to be free of contaminants Filling of the wetlands is expected to have some impact on the shallow groundwater subsurface Columbus County Municipal Airport 2206 1001 /November 2011 Page 29 Environmental Assessment for Parallel Taxiway Runway Safety Area improvements Wetland Relocation and Mitigation and Installation of Culvert movement however the Impacts will be minimal and not measureable The proposed stream crossing is not expected to affect water circulation fluctuation and salinity because a culvert will be Installed to maintain flow within the stream The culvert will be designed based on a 10 year storm event 4 19 4 USACE COORDINATION In a January 7 2011 email (Appendix D) Dave Bailey of the USACE detailed his comments regarding the project His comments included the following 1 The project will require Department of Army authorization through the Individual Permit Process 2 The USACE will perform Its own environmental assessment during the Individual Permit Process Information needed as indicated in the USACE s Template EA (Appendix D) must be provided through this assessment 3 The USACE requests to be allowed to review the EA prior to it being signed in order to allow the USACE to offer comments on requirements related to theiUSACE s EA 4 Any Impacts to mitigation wetlands from previous permit requirements will likely require mitigation for the Impacts themselves as well as the lost mitigation amount 5 Permanent forested to herbaceous wetland conversion associated with the project may require mitigation for the loss of wetland function All of the USACE s comments have been noted and will be abided by throughout the duration of the project 4 19 5 MITIGATION Mitigation for any impacts to wetlands for the Proposed Action or any of the alternatives will be accomplished off site per FAA Advisory Circular 150/5200 33B Mitigation will occur at the ratio determined by the USACE and will include mitigation for 1 Impacts to mitigation wetlands from previous permit requirements including mitigation for the original impacts themselves as well as the lost mitigation amount 2 Impacts to existing wetlands from proposed construction activities and 3 Impacts to permanent forested to herbaceous wetland conversion associated with clearing for the Runway Safety Area Columbus County Municipal Airport 2206 1001 / November 2011 Page 30 Environmental Assessment for Parallel Taxiway Runway Safety Area Improvements Wetland Relocation and Mitigation and Installation of Culvert The Regulatory Division is currently involved in developing a wetland function assessment methodology for use in North Carolina Ratios are based on the type and quality of aquatic resource impacted temporal lag in replacing lost functions or the probability for success of a given mitigation proposal For the purposes of this EA a ratio of 2 1 is assumed The anticipated wetland impacts off site mitigation and net increase in wetlands are as follows TABLE 4 7 WETLAND MITIGATION 4 20 WILD AND SCENIC RIVERS As shown on Figure 4 16 there are four wild and scenic rivers in North Carolina the closest to CPC being the Lumber River approximately 17 miles northwest of the airport Neither the Proposed Action nor any of the alternatives would impact any of the wild and scenic rivers in North Carolina 4 21 CUMULATIVE IMPACTS 40 CFR 1508 7 defines the cumulative impact as the impact on the environment which results from the incremental impact of the action when added to other past present and reasonably foreseeable future actions regardless of what agency (Federal or non Federal) or person undertakes such other actions Cumulative impacts can result from individually minor but collectively significant actions taking place over a period of time This project does not induce such factors as shifts in patterns of population movement and growth public service demands and changes in business and economic activity to the extent influenced by airport development therefore no cumulative impacts are anticipated No impacts to aircraft operations as a result of the alternatives are anticipated The only existing development consists of the runway an aircraft parking apron a terminal building and several hangars on the north side of midfield Figure 4 17 shows the proposed improvements at CPC as detailed in Tables 4 8 Columbus County Municipal Airport 2206 1001 / November 2011 Page 31 Proposed 1660 3320 1660 Action 2 1 Alternative 2 1376 2752 13 76 Alternative 3 909 1818 909 4 20 WILD AND SCENIC RIVERS As shown on Figure 4 16 there are four wild and scenic rivers in North Carolina the closest to CPC being the Lumber River approximately 17 miles northwest of the airport Neither the Proposed Action nor any of the alternatives would impact any of the wild and scenic rivers in North Carolina 4 21 CUMULATIVE IMPACTS 40 CFR 1508 7 defines the cumulative impact as the impact on the environment which results from the incremental impact of the action when added to other past present and reasonably foreseeable future actions regardless of what agency (Federal or non Federal) or person undertakes such other actions Cumulative impacts can result from individually minor but collectively significant actions taking place over a period of time This project does not induce such factors as shifts in patterns of population movement and growth public service demands and changes in business and economic activity to the extent influenced by airport development therefore no cumulative impacts are anticipated No impacts to aircraft operations as a result of the alternatives are anticipated The only existing development consists of the runway an aircraft parking apron a terminal building and several hangars on the north side of midfield Figure 4 17 shows the proposed improvements at CPC as detailed in Tables 4 8 Columbus County Municipal Airport 2206 1001 / November 2011 Page 31 Environmental Assessment for Parallel Taxiway Runway Safety Area Improvements Wetland Relocation and Mitigation and Installation of Culvert TABLE 4 8 PROPOSED FUTURE DEVELOPMENT Columbus County Municipal Airport 2206 1001 /November 2011 Page 32 This project includes construction of the partial parallel taxiway east of the terminal area, towards Runway 24 Parallel Taxiway East 1 The intent would be to construct the west parallel 2012 End and Hangar Taxilane taxiway at the same time as the east parallel taxiway In addition the runway 24 safety area improvements will be made with this project This project will include installation of a new 2 Box PAPI for Runway 24 2 PAPI on the Runway 24 End including installation of new cables back to airfield lighting vault GCO Not Shown This project will include installation of a Ground 2013 Communications Outlet at the Airport Hangars and Hangar Includes construction of new hangars (1 8 Unit T Taxiways Phase 1 4 Hangars) and apron for both T Hangars located on the 2013 west side of the terminal area Standard Instrument 5 Establish LNAV and LPV approach to Runway 24 Approach Procedure (Survey and coordination costs only) Relocate Existing Forest 6 Removal of Existing 40 x90 Forest Service Hangar and 2014 Service Hangar construction of a new 40 x90 Hangar Project includes construction of a 170 x170 Apron Apron Expansion 7 Expansion to provide additional aircraft parking on the 2014 west side of the existing apron This project includes construction of the partial parallel taxiway west of the terminal area to connect with the Parallel Taxiway West taxiway turnaround at Runway 6 Design of the full End 8 parallel taxiway and associated wetlands permitting will 2012 be completed under project number CPC 09 01 The airport would like to complete this construction together with the east end partial parallel taxiway Runway Rehabilitation Project involves rehabilitation and strengthening of the (2 Overlay) and 9 existing runway pavement including crack cleaning and 2014 Widening sealing application of a DBST and 2 Bituminous Overlay and widening runway to 100 New Terminal Building (Disaster Recovery 10 Includes construction of a new terminal building 2014 Center) Hangars and Hangar Includes construction ofl 8 unit T Hangar 3 new 50 x50 Taxiways Phase 2 11 corporate hangars and taxiways on the west side of the 2015 Phase i hangars Perimeter Fencing Not Shown 6 high Chain Link Fence installed in the terminal area 2016 Columbus County Municipal Airport 2206 1001 /November 2011 Page 32 Environmental Assessment for Parallel Taxiway Runway Safety Area Improvements Wetland Relocation and Mitigation and Installation of Culvert TABLE 4 8 PROPOSED FUTURE DEVELOPMENT continued * Fiscal year funding will be requested for the proposed project not year in which construction will begin Columbus County Municipal Airport 2206 1001 /November 2011 Page 33 This protect includes rehabilitation of the existing terminal area pavement The existing pavement is in poor condition and has severe cracking This project includes cleaning and sealing the existing cracks Apron Rehabilitation Al performing full depth pavement repairs where necessary 2012 placement of a double bituminous sa face treatment to help retard reflective cracking and placement of 2 bituminous surface course The intent would be to complete design with the parallel taxiway project and perform rehabilitation if funding is available With the recent completion of the approach clearing for Runway 24 and upcoming LPV approaches being Approach Light System Not Shown published the airport is interested in installing Approach 2016 Light System�for Runway 24 to reduce visibility minimums * Fiscal year funding will be requested for the proposed project not year in which construction will begin Columbus County Municipal Airport 2206 1001 /November 2011 Page 33 _.� <� _— §•(, C-0 ~ ONMINION3 ' m >m_ a�� !:� ■§ 1R� 1� Yi m, z», _ _m, _. o § _f _ ;!! |!! , B2 ` I) \ � .« ! ! 4 ! . §) j) \� ]� /§ ). . 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