HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080638 Ver 2_Year 2 Monitoring Report_201202031111111111 Jill Jill FAST-LANE 31849 o ®� 0 0 0 SAME D Y 0 0 MW o o a m o o t ff o a - a NEXT DAY aq aa�w ,'C0 'IT9 FROM S & EC 11010 RAVEN RIDGE ROAD RALEIGH, NC 27614 PICKUP DATE Al /Wb� PICKUP TIME DRIVER # OF PIECES_! - __WEIGHT I BILL TO ( SHIPPER RECEIVER 3RD PARTY CAR VAN ROUND TRIP: CHARGES TO ' E i'1 C. -K J z DWQ 2321 CRABTREE BLVD RALEIGH, NC 27604 828 -0303 s:ft, . o:qa) PROJECTOC-l- rl i( rZ aby). . SIGNATURE PRINT a4�- DA TEL'��TIhAE____________ • -- _W. _,.._ _ ��.�...�...._.._� -... ... ... . , - ,- .lay -,.. - ...,.x- . _ ___ _ .._ . -.. _ _.. __ _ _ . _., _. _. Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA To: Transmittal We Transmit to you Herewith: ❑ Drawings ❑ Specifications ❑ Brochures or photos ❑ Correspondence 9 As per your request Remarks: Project #: / r 3_3 V4 Date: 131-1� Project Name: File: ❑ For your information and files l54 For comment or approval ❑ Returned for correction, resubmit ❑ Approved as noted If enclosures are not as listed as above, kindly notify us at once. -\ In C cc: Under Separate Cover: ❑ By mail Ef By courier ❑ By express vJ7�� AN 3 ' 2012 DENR • WATER QUALITY WETLANDS AND STQRMWATER BIRMCN Environmental Consultants, PA Road • Raleigh, North Carolina 27614 • Phone: (919) 846 -5900 • Fax: (919) 846 -9467 www.SandEC.com January 31, 2012 S &EC Project No. 7238.E2 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Raleigh Regulatory Field Office Attn: Mr. James Shern NCDENR — DWQ 401 Oversight and Express Permits Unit Attn: Mr. Eric Kulz 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 1650 Mail Service Center Wake Forest, NC 27587 Raleigh, NC 27699 -1650 Reference: Year Two Annual Monitoring Report Hammond Road Stream & Wetland Restoration Site Raleigh, NC Enclosed please find the Year Two Annual Monitoring Report dated December 2011 for the above referenced site. As you will find in the report, it is our opinion that the restored stream reach and its adjacent wetlands are currently stable and functioning as intended. Please review the enclosed document and provide any comments at your earliest opportunity. We thank you for your assistance to date. Sincerely, SOIL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, PA 4 David Gainey Project Manager Attachments: Year Two Monitoring Report dated December 2011 Cc: Mr. Victor Bell, Bell Investments Limited Partnership Hammond Road Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Year Two Monitoring Report Wake County, North Carolina December 2011 Cataloging Unit — Neuse River Basin 03020201 Prepared For: Bell Investments Limited Partnership Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 11010 Raven Ridge Road • Raleigh, North Curol na 27614 • Phone; (919) 846 -5900 • Fax: (919) 846 -9467 www.SandB.C.com 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction This monitoring report has been prepared by Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA (S&EC) in order to present and evaluate site monitoring data for the period January 1, 2011 through December 1, 2011 for the Hammond Road Stream and Wetland Restoration Site in Raleigh, North Carolina. This year serves as Year Two of the required five year monitoring period. This report includes the following: Project History Wetland Hydrologic Monitoring Stream Bank, Riparian Buffer, and Wetland Vegetation Monitoring Stream Physical Monitoring Stream Biological Monitoring Monitoring Success Figure 1 — Vicinity Map Sheet 1— Monitoring Plan Appendix A — Stream Photo Station and Bankfull Event Photos Appendix B — Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Appendix C Stream Geomorphologic Data Appendix D — Stream Pebble Count Data Appendix E — Wetland Soil Data 1.2 Project History The project site is located immediately northwest of the intersection of Hammond Road and Rush Street in south Raleigh, North Carolina (Wake County). The total property is under the sole ownership of Bell Investments Limited Partnership and consists of approximately 49.7 acres. In conjunction with the widening of Hammond Road, a reach of stream adjacent to the road right -of -way and its adjacent wetlands was restored. Site restoration work included the construction of approximately 625 linear feet of stream channel and approximately 0.33 acres (14,375 square feet) of wetlands along an unnamed tributary of Wildcat Branch. Restoration including stream and wetland construction was performed by Kenneth -West Grading of Raleigh, NC between August 25 and September 22, 2009. Restoration utilized generally accepted natural channel design and construction methodologies to restore an appropriate dimension, pattern and profile for the stream. In- channel log and boulder structures, and coir and excelsior matting were utilized to stabilize the newly graded channel alignment and portions of the buffer area. Bank, buffer and wetland planting consisting of live stakes and bare root seedlings of various native tree and shrub species was performed by Gregory, Inc. of Angier, NC between January 27 and January 29, 2010. Herbaceous wetland plugs were also utilized within the restored wetland areas along with select on -site transplants. 2.0 MONITORING As -built data were collected following construction, between February I Oth and February 171`, 2010. Year Two data were collected on April 131i and April 10, 2011. Benthic Monitoring initiated in the Spring of 2010 and will be performed annually through Year Three as verbally agreed upon with NCDENR -DWQ staff This section includes; 1) wetland hydrologic monitoring, 2) vegetative monitoring, 3) stream physical monitoring, 4) stream biological monitoring, and 5) evaluation of overall site monitoring success. These data are provided for comparison of As -built through Year Two monitoring data. 2.1 Wetland Hydrologic Monitoring During the as -built limited- engineering survey on February 12, 2010, the approximate boundaries of relocated wetlands (transplanted wetland soils) were identified. Annual hydrologic monitoring within these boundaries includes visual observation and soil evaluation utilizing shallow hand auger borings performed by Mike Ortosky, LSS of S &EC, NC Licensed Professional Soil Scientist ( #1075), as described below. Three soils monitoring points (A, B and C, see as -built plans) were established in February 2010 in order to establish a baseline for ongoing evaluation of the hydric soils within the wetland areas. The as -built evaluation of the soils in February 2010 (prior to growing season — high groundwater season) indicated hydric soil indicators in all three boring sites. The Year Two evaluation of the soils was performed on November 3, 2011 here again by Mr. Ortosky. Wet conditions and hydric soil indicators were observed at all three boring locations. Slightly darker colors in surface horizons are likely due to increased moisture and organic matter content. Also, some variations in soil texture and depth are a result of slightly offset location of soil borings. Similar evaluation of soil conditions during the late growing season will be performed for future monitoring years. Please refer to Appendix E for soil descriptions of the on- site relocated wetlands. Based on our site observations and wetland soil evaluation and the abundant and diverse wetland plant coverage (described below) within the relocated wetlands, these areas currently meet the criteria for jurisdictional wetlands. 2.2 Stream Bank, Riparian Buffer, and Wetland Vegetation Monitoring Success criteria for riparian buffer and wetland vegetation are based on the average number of live stems per acre across the site. A mean density of 260 stems per acre is required for riparian buffer and wetland vegetation plots at the end of the five -year monitoring period. Success criteria for bank vegetation are based on the survival of 50 percent of the planted live stakes, as counted during the as -built monitoring. Six (6) sample plots are located across the site to monitor vegetation within the restored wetlands, within the riparian buffer, and on the stream banks. The two (2) wetland vegetation monitoring plots are rectangular 5 meters x 20 meters (100 square meters, or approximately 1,075 square feet). The two (2) riparian buffer vegetation monitoring plots are square, 10 meters (32.8 feet) on each side (100 square meters, or approximately 1,075 square feet). The two (2) stream bank vegetation monitoring plots are each located along approximately 25 linear feet of the restored stream channel to monitor success of live stakes. The locations of all vegetation plots are identified on the Monitoring Layout (Sheet 1 of 1). Photos of each vegetation plot are included as Appendix B. As -built (baseline) vegetation counts were performed on February 11 h and February 17t', 2010 by S &EC. Vegetation counts for Monitoring Year Two were performed on April 10, 2011 by S &EC. Vegetation monitoring data for riparian buffer and wetland vegetation plots was collected using Level 1 of the Carolina Vegetation Survey monitoring protocol. Live stake survival from the as -built monitoring count to Monitoring Year Two for the site overall is approximately 73 percent. Live stake counts by species and by plot are presented in the following tables: Live Stakes - As -built — Februa 17'b 2010 Common Name Species Bank 1 Bank 2 Species Total % of Total Silky Dogwood Corpus amon:um 24 21 45 50% Silky Willow Salix sericea 18 11 29 33% Elderberry Sambucus canadensis 5 10 15 17% TOTAL 47 42 89 Live Stakes - Year Two — Apr 10 2011 Common Name Species Bank 1 Bank 2 Species Total % of Total Silky Dogwood Corpus amomum 16 16 32 49% Silky Willow Salixsericea 14 6 20 31% Elderberry Sambucus canadensis 2 11 13 20% TOTAL 32 33 65 100% Live Stake Survival = 68% 79% 1 73% (overall survival Based on the vegetation monitoring plots, the overall site planted woody stem density is 910 stems per acre for the as -built monitoring and 496 stems per acre for Monitoring Year Two. Tables indicating the total number of live, planted woody stems and species diversity in each riparian buffer and wetland sample plot for the as -built and Year Two are included below: Plot Numbers Buffer 1 Buffer 2 Wetland 1 Wetland 2 Total Planted Woody Box Elder Acer ne ndo 0 0 1 Stems- As -built 19 18 25 28 90 Planted Woody 2 Buttonbush Ce halanthus occidentalis 1 0 1 Stems- Year One 7 0 20 22 49 Planted Woody Stems, As -built Monitoring (2/2010) Plots As -built Totals Buffer 1 Buffer 2 Wetland 1 Wetland 2 Box Elder Acer ne ndo 0 0 1 0 1 River Birch (Betula nigra) 2 0 0 0 2 Buttonbush Ce halanthus occidentalis 1 0 1 1 3 Silky Dogwood Cornus amomum 1 0 7 12 20 Green Ash (Fraxinus enns lvanica) 1 0 0 0 1 Tulip Poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) 2 5 0 1 8 Black Gum N ssa s lvatica 0 0 0 1 1 Willow Oak (Quercusphellos) 1 0 0 0 1 Unknown Oak uercus s. 1 3 0 1 5 Black Willow (Salix ni a ) 3 0 4 0 7 Silky Willow Salix sericea 0 0 5 0 5 Elderberry (Sambucus canadensis) 0 0 1 11 12 Unknown Species 7 10 6 1 24 As -built Totals 19 18 25 28 90 Calculated Plot Live Stem Density (stems /acre ) 769 728 1,012 1,133 Site Average Live Stem Density — As -built 911 Planted Woody Stems, Year Two Monitoring 4 /2011) Plots Year Two Totals Buffer 1 Buffer 2 Wetland 1 Wetland 2 Box Elder Acer ne ndo 0 0 1 0 1 River Birch etula nigra) 0 0 0 0 0 Buttonbush Ce halanthus occidentalis 1 0 I 1 3 Silky Dogwood Cornus amomum 1 0 7 12 20 Green Ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica) 1 0 0 0 1 Tulip Poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) 1 0 0 0 1 Black Gum (Nyssa lvatica 0 0 0 1 1 Willow Oak (Quercus hellos 1 0 0 0 1 Unknown Oak (Quercus s. 1 0 0 0 1 Black Willow Salix ni ra 0 0 4 0 4 Silky Willow Salix sericea 1 0 5 0 5 Elderberry (Sambucus canadensis) 0 0 1 8 11 Unknown Species 0 0 1 0 1 Year Two Totals 7 0 20 22 49 Calculated Plot Live Stem Density stems/acre 283 0 809 890 Site Average Live Stem Density — Year Two 496 There is a total of eleven (11) different identifiable planted woody species represented within the six (6) sample plots. In general, the survival rate of planted vegetation within wetland areas and along stream banks is high. Within portions of the stream buffer, the survival rate of planted vegetation was low at the time of the Year Two monitoring. Areas on -site with low planted vegetation survival were identified and have been brought to the attention of the Owner. Select overplanting is being coordinated for the upcoming 2011/ 2012 planting season. The average number of planted woody stems per sample plot is 22 (buffer and wetland plots only) for the as -built monitoring and 12.25 for Monitoring Year Two. Volunteer woody and herbaceous species are appearing due to surrounding forested areas and the seed bank in the transplanted soil. Volunteer trees on -site are mainly Sweet Crum (iiquidambar styraciflua) and Red Maple (Acer rubrum) seedlings. Herbaceous vegetation within the wetland and stream bank areas on -site is dense and includes Tearthumb (Polygonum sagittatum), Climbing Hempvine (Mikania scandens), Asters (Symphyotrichum sp.), Beggar Ticks (Bidens sp.), Sedges,(Carex sp.), St. John's Wort (Hypericum sp.), Pennsylvania Smartweed (Polygonum pensylvanicum), and others. With an average of 496 stems per acre during Monitoring Year Two, the vegetative component of the mitigation effort currently meets the established success criteria of at least 260 live stems per acre by the end of Monitoring Year 5. 2.3 Stream Physical Monitoring Four (4) cross - sections consisting of two (2) riffle -pool pairs were established on -site and are shown on the Monitoring Layout (Sheet 1 of 1). S &EC completed the as-built stream record, including a longitudinal profile and all cross - sections, on February 17th, 2010. S &EC completed the field work for Monitoring Year Two on April 13ffi, 2011. Comparative cross - section and longitudinal profile data from the as -built and Monitoring Years One and Two data collection are included as Appendix C. Pebble counts were performed at each riffle and pool cross - section location. A total of 100 substrate particles were collected and measured at each cross - section in order to characterize substrate composition and gauge any change in substrate over time. The comparison of as -built and Year Two pebble count data shows that substrate composition varies within the restored stream section. The substrate within Riffle 1 consists mainly of fine to coarse gravel, the substrate within Riffle 2 consists mainly of medium to coarse gravel, the substrate within Pool 1 consists mainly of very coarse sand to very coarse gravel, and the substrate within Pool 2 consists mainly of very coarse sand to very fine gravel. Pebble count data from the as -built and Year Two monitoring is presented in Appendix D. Based on visual observation of the entire restored stream channel and in- channel structures, followed by the comparative analysis of the as -built and Year Two data sets; the restored channel is stable and exhibits little departure (vertical or horizontal) from the as -built conditions. Success criteria have been met in that the stream bedform features and cross - sections have remained stable (i.e. the stream has retained its restored Rosgen stream -type classification) through the current monitoring year. Accordingly, it is our opinion that Year Two monitoring of the stream channel confirms morphological success. 2.4 Stream Biological Monitoring On February 11 t, 2010 and April 10, 2011, qualitative aquatic species assessments were performed to evaluate the post - construction and initial recolonization of the restored stream reach by benthic macroinvertebrates, fish, and amphibians. Samples were taken via kicknet, dipnet, and visual inspection of rocks and leaf packs within the active channel. Benthic samples were taken both within the restored stream reach and, for comparison, upstream of the restored stream reach. The biological sampling performed during As -built Monitoring showed that the Restoration Reach contained the following aquatic taxa: • Amphibians o Two -lined Salamander (Eurycea cirrigera) —1 adult o Green Frog (Rana clamitans) — 20+ tadpoles • Aquatic Isopods — 1 • Crustaceans • White River Crayfish (Procambarus acutus) —1 adult, 4 juveniles • Crayfish (Cambarus latimanus) —1 adult, 20+ juveniles • Ostracods —1 • Nematodes — 2 • Mollusks • Physid Snails— 50+ adults, 100+ egg masses • Limpets — 5 • Insects • Trichopterans ■ Freeliving/Netspinning Caddisflies -- 20+ larvae • Dipterans Chironomid Midges • Cricotopus sp. larvae — 20+ • Chironomus attenuatus larvae — 2 e" Tipulid Cranefly Larvae — 5 • Hemipterans ■ Water Boatman — i The biological sampling performed during As -built Monitoring showed that the upstream Reference Reach contained the following aquatic taxa: • Amphibians o Green Frog (Rana clamitans) — 20+ tadpoles • Amphipods — 3 • Crustaceans o Crayfish (Cambarus latimanus) — 5 juveniles • Mollusks o Physid Snails — 10+ adults o Limpets — 5 • Insects • Trichopterans ■ Freeliv ing/Netspinning Caddisflies — 1 larva • Dipterans ■ Chironomid Midges • Cricotopus sp. larvae — 3 • Chironomus attenuatus larvae — 2 ■ Tipulid Cranefly Larvae — 2 Syrphid Fly Larvae (Rat - tailed Maggots) — 2 The biological sampling performed during Monitoring Year Two showed that the Restoration Reach contained the following aquatic taxa: 7 • Amphibians • Green Frog (Rana clamitans) — 100+ tadpoles, several adults • Leopard Frog (Rana sphenocephala) —1 adult • Aquatic Isopods — 20+ • Reptiles o Snapping Turtle (Chelydra serpentina) —1 adult • Crustaceans o White River Crayfish (Procambarus acutus) —100+ adults, several juveniles • Mollusks o Physid Snails —100+ adults, 50+ egg masses • Insects • Trichopterans ■ Freeliving/Netspinning Caddisflies — 50+ larvae ipt • Hemerans ■ Water Boatman — 20+ ■ Giant Water Bug — 2 adults • Odonates ■ Dragonfly Larvae —100+ ■ Damselfly Larvae _ 50+ Hirudinea o Leeches — 3 adults The biological sampling performed during Monitoring Year Two showed that the upstream Reference Reach contained the following aquatic taxa: • Amphibians o Green Frog (Rana clamitans) — 20+ tadpole • Crustaceans o White River Crayfish (Procambarus acutus) — 20+ adult • Mollusks o Physid Snails — 100+ adults Based on the presence of the above - listed aquatic invertebrates and amphibians, we anticipate that future samples will show continued progression towards a diverse aquatic fauna. As vegetation grows and provides shade and decreased water temperatures for the restoration reach, invertebrates and other aquatic organisms will likely continue to recolonize this area. 2.5 Monitoring Success — Year Two Based on vegetation data collected within the vegetation monitoring plots, wetland evaluation, and stream physical and biological data, the site has met the required success criteria. I d0 I InOA` i 9NNOIINOW # llln9 -5v :'ON P,4J 77� germs D . 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STREAM PHOTO STATION AND BANKFULL EVENT PHOTOS Appendix A Stream Photo Station and BankfuH Event Photos Riffle 1, As -Built Condition, 2/17/2010 Riffle 1, Year One, 7/23/2010 Hammond Road Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Year Two Monitoring December 2011 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA S &EC Job No. 7238.E2 Appendix A Stream Photo Station and BankfuH Event Photos Riffle 1, Year Two, 4/13/2011 Hammond Road Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Year Two Monitoring December 2011 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA S &EC Job No. 7238.E2 Appendix A Stream Photo Station and Banld'ull Event Photos Pool 1, As -Built Condition, 2/17/2010 Pool 1, Year One, 7/23/2010 Hammond Road Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year Two Monitoring S &EC Job No. 7238.E2 December 2011 Appendix A Stream Photo Station and BankfuR Event Photos Pool 1, Year Two, 4/13/2011 Hammond Road Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year Two Monitoring S &EC Job No. 7238.E2 December 2011 Appendix A Stream Photo Station and Bankfull Event Photos Rif:ie 2, As- Built 'ondition, 2/17/2010 Riffle 2, Year One, 7/23/2010 Hammond Road Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Year Two Monitoring December 2011 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA S &EC lob No. 7238.E2 Appendix A Stream Photo Station and Bankfull Event Photos Riffle 2, Year Two, 4/13/2011 Hammond Road Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year Two Monitoring S &EC Job No. 723812 December 2011 Appendix A Stream Photo Station and Bankfull Event Photos Pool 2, As -Built Condition, 2/17/2010 Pool 2, Year One, 7/23/2010 Hammond Road Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Year Two Monitoring December 2011 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA S &EC Job No. 7238.E2 Appendix A Stream Photo Station and Bankfull Event Photos Pool 2, Year Two, 4/13/2011 Hammond Road Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Year Two Monitoring December 2011 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA S &EC Job No. 7238.E2 Appendix A Stream Photo Station and Bankfull Event Photos Evidence of Bankfull Event, 7/23/2010 Evidence of Bankfull Event, 7123/2010 Hammond Road Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year Two Monitoring S &EC Job No. 7238.E2 December 2011 Appendix A Stream Photo Station and BankfuR Event Photos Evidence of BankfaH Event, 11/3/2011 Evidence of Bankfull Event, 11/3/2011 Hammond Road Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Year Two Monitoring December 2011 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA S&EC Job No. 7238.E2 APPENDIX B - VEGETATION MONITORING PLOT PHOTOS Appendix B Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Buffer Vegetation Monitoring Plot 1, As -Built Condition, 2 /10/2010 Buffer Vegetation Monitoring Plot 1, Year One, 7/23/2010 Hammond Road Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Year Two Monitoring December 2011 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA S&EC Job # 7238.E2 Appendix B Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Buffer Vegetation Monitoring Plot 1, Year Two, 4/13/2011 Hammond Road Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Year Two Monitoring December 2011 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA S &EC Job # 7238.E2 Appendix B Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Buffer Vegetation Monitoring Plot 2, As -Built Contrition, 2/10/2010 Buffer Vegetation Monitoring Plot 2, Year One, 7/23/2010 Hammond Road Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Year Two Monitoring December 2011 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA S&EC Job # 7238.E2 Appendix B Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Buffer Vegetation Monitoring Plot 2, Year Two, 4/13/2011 Hammond Road Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Year Two Monitoring December 2011 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA S &EC lob #/ 7238.E2 Appendix B Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Wetland Vegetation Monitoring Plot 1, As -Built Condition, 2/10/2010 Wetland Vegetation Monitoring Plot 1, Year One, 7/23/2010 Hammond Road Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year Two Monitoring S&EC Job # 7238.E2 December 2011 c _ Appendix B Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Wetland Vegetation Monitoring Plot 2, As -Built Condition, 2/10/2010 Wetland Vegetation Monitoring Plot 2, Year One, 7/23/2010 Hammond Road Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Year Two Monitoring December 2011 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA S&EC Job # 7238.E2 Appendix B Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Wetland Vegetation Monitoring Plot 2, Year Two, 4/13/2011 Hammond Road Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Year Two Monitoring December 2011 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA S&EC Job # 7238.E2 Appendix B Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Bank Vegetation Monitoring Plot 1, As -Built Condition, 2117/2010 Bank Vegetation Monitoring Plot 1, Year One, 7/25/2010 Hammond Road Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Year Two Monitoring December 2011 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA S &EC Job # 7238.E2 Appendix B Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Bank Vegetation Monitoring Plot 1, Year Two, 4/1312011 Hammond Road Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Year Two Monitoring December 2011 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA S &EC Job # 7238.E2 Appendix B Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Bank Vegetation Monitoring Plot 2, As -Built Condition, 2/17/2010 Bank Vegetation Monitoring Plot 2, Year One, 7/25/2010 Hammond Road Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Year Two Monitoring December 2011 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA S &EC Job # 7238.E2 Appendix B Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Bank Vegetation Monitoring Plot 2, Year Two, 4/13/2011 Hammond Road Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Year Two Monitoring December 2011 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA S&EC Job # 7238.E2 APPENDIX C - STREAM GEOMORPHOLOGIC DATA w z O O N _ o LL. z � o O + Ql� awU) OC � H O 0 U Q Z O Q i _ 1 0 m co N u LO Nr ►n IT It IT It N N N N N N N (4221) UOIICA213 0 0 0 0 0 0 i o v o O N + O o_ 0 ED 1Q I 0 i i N w z QO oC O UN pC J O o Z O � J v ^ - m �zm O t o — Q L Q N LLJ o" oU Q 0 Z O Q OLO m co v N N N N N (4221) uoi -4rA212 I It N N O O O O O t O if tv, C O o O N + O O + O O O O N CO U) I N L t6 1� 1 i i No. OLO m co v N N N N N (4221) uoi -4rA212 I It N N O O O O O t O if tv, C O o O N + O O + O O O O N CO U) I N L t6 1� 1 w Z O O J LL- Z LL- N � 3 Z � C) O m Q � N w Q 0 n Z 2 2 Q (1221) U014EA21:1 0 0 O + O O O O O O O O O o6 t-: 6 L IT V N N N N N N N � m y N O i I O N r+ E (1221) U014EA21:1 0 0 O + O O O O O O O O O o6 t-: 6 L IT V N N N N N N N (1221) U014EA21:1 0 0 O + O m C9 o � y N O O O N + O O O + O W z O O F- (!i z g 0 z Q Q H Q Q O z O a J Q.. N N z C) + + V Q W � O OC U o m Ln It N N N N (1271) UOlgeAP12 u Ln � I- � N N N 0 0 M 0 0 m O N � + CO 0 u Ot!7. tp 0 y N m + 1 O T O 0 0 0 °o 0 0 o � o 3 C� s .I I i o m Ln It N N N N (1271) UOlgeAP12 u Ln � I- � N N N 0 0 M 0 0 m O N � + CO 0 u Ot!7. tp 0 y N m + 1 O T O 0 0 0 °o 0 (S) -o W T — cn WHO CZ �- z o (n p O Q►_-0 oZQ oo�, z O Q O m Ln �1 V N N N ►n d m Nr N N N N N (4994) NOIIVAQI;l N — �r �r N N O O m O Ln + N O O + N O Ln 0 0 O Ln + O O O O N 0 Q 1 L U L (S) x Ln O D- O w m X m Q L N I L c� U n i q 1 I a_: f, i• X OL N X l 1 s �x r O m Ln �1 V N N N ►n d m Nr N N N N N (4994) NOIIVAQI;l N — �r �r N N O O m O Ln + N O O + N O Ln 0 0 O Ln + O O O O N 0 Q 1 L U L (S) x Ln O D- O w m X m Q L N I L c� U O �\ _� LU O � O � w O �-- z O + Q CO (V z o O (S) O Q L i 0 �i � N x V1 jr �1 O Ln N N N N N N N N (4 -9a4) N O UVAIT I N - N N O LD O Q0 + O + LO 0 �r O + O + m O o m N z O Q N N L V M L VJ x Qn -1� C O w m m lQ T L L APPENDIX D - STREAM PEBBLE COUNT DATA CO CD a. r- -------------------------------------- - --- --- —'- --- ------- --- -- --- --- --- -- --- ----------------- --- -- -- --- --- -- --- ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- - -- ---- -- --- --- -- --- --------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ 4 ----- ----- ` ----- ,---------------- ~ ----- ~----- ----- " ----------------- ______ _______ __ _ ----------------- ______ _______ _ ----------------- --------------------------- __ --- -- ---- ----- --- --- '--- --- -- --- --- - --- ---- -- ---- --- ---- -- [-----F--7----T— --[---1---1----�-----U---1--�� / | | | | | | | U | `| / / / u __ __ ------ ___ __ __ ___ -'— -- -'--- - — -- -- --''' --'— -- ---~ -- - - --- --- - — - -- - - — - - - - - — - - - —'- — - - - ___ ___ _ ___ __ _ _ _ ___ __ _ _ _____ --' --- ---- -------------------------------------- - '_- --------_---_--_----------------------------------- 0 0) co fl- (C) w) v m om �- n- | �� 0 �~ CD �- co c� v- n- � � T- co � � CL CO ----------------- -------------------------------- --- --- - - -------------------------------- - ---- ----------------- ----- -- --- -- - --- --- --- ----------------- ---- --- --- ---- ----- --- ---- ----------------- --- -- -- ---- --- -- -- ___ __ _ ____ ____ __ __ ____ ___ __ ___ ----------------- ---- --- --- --- --- --- ---- I-_--_--__--____--------_-~__-^__-^----~__-^ ,MIN --- --- ---- --- ------ — — --- ------ — --- ------- — __ _______ ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ ___ _ ___ __ ___ ___ _ CO CL __ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ ____ ----------------- --- -- --- ---- ---- -- --- --- ----- ----- -------------- --- -- - __-------- .~_--___`_----__-^__~-.�--^ __ ____________ _ --- ---- --- ---- -- — -- --- -- --- - -- --- --- -- — ------------------ ----------------- -------------------------------------- ----------------- -------------- ------------------- ----------------- --------------- ---------------------- __ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ ----------------------- F--l-'--] ----- l ----- [-' -l----lF---�-----�-- ---- -- - - -- ----- --- --- -- --- -- -- - - -- -_-- __- __ __ __ _ -- __ ����� [ - - ---- -__ --------------------------------------- ----------- I -----T-- --[---1---1----- ----1-- - - ---L-------l-----L-----------l---L-------- n- �- c� �z �~ c� v- � � V- E "_ ci C*4 CD � a. � � CD ci 0 CD 0 (f) cm v- C*4 CD � a. � � 2 La nj CL ----------- -- --- --------------------- ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ - ------ --- ------- --- --- _ ___ __ ___ ______ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ ____ __ __ ___ ____ __ __ ___ ___ __ __---__`i~~--~__------_____-----------__-_---, m" mh..- ---- ---- ----- �---- ----------- � ___ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ _______ _ ___ _ _ __ __ ______ ----------------- ___ __ ___ ___ ___ _ _ -- - - - - - - --- --- --- --- - — - - --- - - '' '---- ---- ---- --- - -- -- ---- --- - '-- ----------- ----- --------------------- � ����� 1-- -'- ----------- __- __- ---- --_ _-_ -__ ��- ---- ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ _____ ___ '-- - ---- --- --- ---- -- ---- -- -- ----------- ------ --- -- ---- --- ---- --- -__ I _ - I---______-_--- -`-___-_-^- _~-_-- v- n- n- �o �- �- v~ C; � � = a. CN a. � IL �~ �� IR 1 CA lat 11--0 Q 0 0 0 cr) cm T~ � � = a. CN a. � IL Cl) c 0 -.0 N O V E CN V m 0 0 E E ca 0 0 CL- ---------- - ---------- ----------------- ----------- ----------- 11 ---------- ----------------- ---------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ---- ----------------------------- ------ I - ----- ------- ------- ------ ----- ----- - ----- ----- ----- ----------- ----- ---- ------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ --------- I ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ----------- ------ ------ ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------ ------ - ------ - ------ - ------ - ------ ------ - ------ - - - - - ------------------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- - - - - - ------ - - - - -- ------ ----- - - - -- ------- ------- ----- - - - - - - ----------- ----- ------ ---------- - - - - - ------------------------- ------ ------ - - - - -- ---------- ----- ------- ------- ----- ---- ------ ----- ------ ----- I - - ------ -------------------------------------------- -------------- -- ------------- ----------- ---------------------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ------ ------ ----------------------- ------ ------------ ----------- ----- ------- Cf) C*4 ------ ----------------------------------------- tN- ------ ------------- ----- ------ ------ ---------- -- - - ------------ ---- ---------- ----------- - - - -- ---------------- - - -- - - - -- -------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----- ----- ------------------------- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- --- - ---- ------ - -- - ----- ------------------- --- --------------- ---- - - - -- ----- ---------- - - - - - - ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- -- --- - - - - - - ------------------------- ------------------------- ----- - - - - - - - - - - - ----- ------ - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- --- - - - - - - - ---- ---- ---- - I-, - : _- ------- --- - - - - - - -- ---------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - U84JL JOUI-A IUGDJGd I 0 0 T- O O E 1� (D N co 4) C4 a- m CL 4) IL J? (L O 0) Go I,- co U) le Cf) C*4 U84JL JOUI-A IUGDJGd I 0 0 T- O O E 1� (D N co 4) C4 a- m CL 4) IL J? (L APPENDIX E - WETLAND SOIL DATA Mmond Road Site - Soils Monitoring Mdse Ortosky — NCLPSS Boring "A" 0 " -10" 10 YR 4/2 sandy clay loam 10' -14" 10 YR 5/2 sandy clay loam Boring "B" 0 "-6" 10 YR 4/2 sandy clay loam 6" -14" 10 YR 4/3 sandy loam Boring "C" November 3W , 2011 0" -3" 10 YR 3/2 sandy clay loam 3 " -12" 10 YR 4/2 sandy loam 12 "46" 10 YR 4/2 sandy loam w/pockets of 10 YR 5/4 loamy sand Free water at 10" Refer to site as -built plan for bod* monitoring locations. Site is more heavily vegetated with herbaceous and some woody material since 2010 site visit J