HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120069 Ver 1_CAMA Application_201201267LA 20120069 NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Beverly Eaves Perdue Braxton C Davis Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary January 25 2012 MEMORANDUM TO Karen Higgins Webscape Unit Supervisor Division of Water Quality Raleigh FROM Doug Huggett Major Permits Processing Coordinator SUBJECT CAMA/DREDGE & FILL Permit Application Review Applicant BCS Enterprises, Inc Protect Location 1336 Duck Road (NC 12) Duck Dare County Proposed Protect Bulkhead pier platform with jet ski lifts & install security fencing Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by If you have any questions regarding the proposed project please contact Ron Renaldi at (252) 264 3901 When appropriate in depth comments with supporting data are requested REPLY This agency has no objection to the project as proposed This agency has no comment on the proposed project This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated See attached This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments P"WRWfl" SIGNED DATE A111 2 a 0 D 1367 US 17 South Elizabeth i VSAND ARC TER r C ty NC 27909 tCN Phone 252 264 3901 1 FAX 252 264 3723 Internet www nccoastalmanagement net One NorthCaro/hna An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer N%tlftall# DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT 1 APPLICANTS NAME BCS Enterprises Inc 2 LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE 1336 Duck Road (NC 12) Town of Duck Dare County adjacent to the Curntuck Sound Photo Index — 2006 186 7175 (H 1 10) 2000 186 2182 (P Q 16) 1995 185 -1947 (M 14) 1989 142 64 (G 19) 1984 138 -436 (T U 7) 1978 93-406 (P Q 15) State Plane Coordinates X 2955471 Y 903893 Rover File E122013A Quadrangle Jarvisburg NC (U R ) 3 INVESTIGATION TYPE CAMA / Dredge and Fill 4 INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE Dates of Site Visit — 12/20/2011 Was Applicant Present No 5 PROCESSING PROCEDURE Application Received Complete — 01/17/2012 Office Elizabeth City 6 SITE DESCRIPTION (A) Local Land Use Plan - Duck NC CAMA Core Land Use Plan Feb 2005 Land Classification From LUP — Residential Conservation (B) AEC(s) Involved ES EW PTA (C) Water Dependent Yes (D) Intended Use Residential (E) Wastewater Treatment Existing Septic Planned N/A (F) Type of Structures Existing — Single family dwelling storm damaged pier swimming pool and decking Planned Bulkhead pier platform Jet ski lifts security fence (G) Estimated Annual Rate of Erosion 12 feet/year (Increased by Hurricane Irene) Source Applicant 7 HABITAT DESCRIPTION [AREA square feet (SF)] FII I Fn -qNOni=n nicri iQQr-:n (A) Shallow Bottom PTA EW AEC s ±1 158 sf ±1 406 sf (B) Estuarine Shoreline AEC ±2 190 sf (D) Total Area Disturbed ±4 754 sf (± 11 acres) (E) Primary Nursery Area No (F) Water Classification SC Open to Shellfishing No BCS Enterprises Inc Field Investigation Report Page 2 8 PROJECT SUMMARY The applicant proposes to construct a bulkhead that will tie into an adjoining bulkhead waterward of NWL reconstruct a pier and platform with jet ski lifts and install security fencing Project Settinq The site of the proposed development is located at 1336 Duck Road (NC 12) within the Town of Duck Dare County adjacent to the Curntuck Sound The property is ±34 700 sf in size and elevations range from ±8 5 ft above NWL on the eastern portion near Duck Road and gradually slope down to a ±2 ft erosion escarpment located ±33 landward of NWL Waterward of the erosion escarpment is a natural sandy shoreline that is ±110 in length and is void of any vegetation Man made structures on the property include a single family dwelling a concrete driveway with parking areas a swimming pool with associated decking and a remnant section of riprap A walkway pier platform and jet -ski davit also exists however they were severely damaged due to Hurricane Irene According to the USDA s Natural Resources Conservation Service s Web Soil Survey the soil on the property is made up of Newhan fine sand (NeC) No wetland areas exist on the property and existing vegetation consists of ornamental shrubs upland brush and yard grasses Based on available information there appears to be no archaeological sites on this property or nearby The adjacent riparian property to the north is an undeveloped lot with a natural shoreline similar to the applicants The adjacent riparian property to the south has been similarly developed with a single - family dwelling driveway pool pier platform a davit jet ski lift and a davit boatlift however the shoreline has been hardened with a bulkhead The waters of the Currituck Sound are classified as SC by the Environmental Management Commission and are not open to shellfish taking Water depths within project area range from 0 1 feet to 2 5 feet below NWL There is approximately 3 5 to 4 miles of open water to the west of the site The bottom substrate within the waters of the project area is made up of fine sands with exposed old root mats near NWL Due to the time of year submerged aquatic vegetation was not observed growing within the project area however it is known to grow within the shallow waters of this area Development Proposal The applicant proposes to stabilize the shoreline by constructing ±115 of vinyl bulkhead The proposed alignment will tie into the corner of the existing bulkhead to the south and will run in a northerly direction on the waterward side of the existing riprap to the NWL line at the northern property boundary where a return wall will be constructed The proposed bulkhead alignment averages ±11 4 waterward of NWL with a maximum distance of ±20 7 and will result in the filling of ±1 158 sf shallow water bottom Water depths within this area average -0 5 ft below NWL Upon bulkhead completion backfill will be placed from the erosion escarpment to the bulkhead Backfill material will be sand from an offsite supplier The applicant indicated that 12 of shoreline erosion has occurred within the preceding 12 months the majority of which was a result of Hurricane Irene BCS Enterprises Inc Field Investigation Report Page 3 When the bulkhead is completed the applicant proposes to install fencing along the property lines that will extend 2 ft waterward of the bulkhead as required by the Town of Duck for( security of the swimming pool The new fence along the northern property line will be 65 in length and the fence along the southern property line will be 32 in length and both will connect to existing fencing This proposed fencing will eliminate the need to replace a north /south oriented security fence that was destroyed by Hurricane Irene The applicant proposes to replace the hurricane damaged walkway pier and platform The replacement walkway will be 50 x6 and the pier will be 115 x6 The walkway and pier will remain within the pre storm footprint however an enlarged platform is proposed to replace the hurricane damaged 20 x16 (320 sf) platform The applicant proposes to enlarge the platform to 26 x26 (676 sf) and install two het ski davit lifts Water depths at the end of the platform are approximately 2 5 ft below NWL Anticipated Impacts • The construction of the bulkhead along the proposed alignment will result in the filling of ±1 158 sf of PTA and EW AEC s with clean fill from an upland source ( ±21 4 cubic yards of fill material below NWL) • Bulkhead installation will result in ±2 190 sf of land disturbance within the ES AEC The proposed pier platform and het -ski davits will result in two slips and the shading of ±1 406 sf of PTA and EW AECs (an increase of 356 sf beyond pre hurricane conditions) Submitted by Ron Renaldi Date 1/20/2012 -7777 BCS Enterprises owns a lot in Duck which they use as a residential retreat The lot is located at 1136 Duck Road in Duck North Carolina which supports a 2 story framed dwelling on pilings decks parking and swimming pool Access to the Currituck Sound was by a pier and dock The unarmed shoreline and pier were damaged during Hurricane Irene resulting in erosion of shoreline by +/ 18 feet on the south boundary of the property adjacent to the bulkheaded lot to the south The 136 foot long pier and 15 foot by 15 foot platform with slips to the sound and two Jet ski lifts were demolished The border fences between the property and the adjoming properties were also damaged as was the security fence for the swimming pool which extended north and south The applicant proposes to reconstruct the fences on the property extending the border fences to the proposed bulkhead and extending two feet beyond the bulkhead as required by Duck for security of the swimming pool The new fence on the north property boundary will be 65 feet and on the south 32 feet including the two foot overhang as required This will eliminate the need of the north/south oriented security fence The proposed bulkhead alignment is to connect with the existing bulkhead to the south which aligns the proposed bulkhead dust waterward of the existing rip rap and extends north to the normal waterline at the unarmed shoreline on the adjacent property The bulkhead alignment will result in filling of +/ 1 158 square feet of shallow water (much of which was created by the erosion from Hurricane Irene) with the alignment extending 20 7 feet from the NWL to allow attachment to the adjacent bulkhead and averaging +/ 114 feet from NWL The water depth of the area proposed to be filled is approximately 0 2 feet The annual erosion rate is +/ 12 feet/year (due in large part to a single storm event) The proposed pier will be located in the same alignment as the damaged pier and the platform will be enlarged to 26 feet by 26 feet with benches steps to the sound and two jet ski lifts which are davits on the end of the waterward end of the Tee head The dock will constitute 676 square feet of coverage of the allowable 800 square feet as provided for in 15A NCAC 07H 0208(b)(6)(B) for the 100 feet of shoreline of the property RECEIVED IAN I ) 2012 COA'Tf1L P 1i1AGIMENT EL 7F ° TH CITY DON MP 1 APPI mail (last revis North Caroling DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT 1 Primary Apphcant! Landowner Information Business Name BCS Enterprises Inc Project Name (if applicable) N/A Applicant 1 First Name Robert MI W Last Name Speight Applicant 2 First Name MI Last Name Last Name If additional applicants please attach an additional page(s) with names listed H Mailing Address #2 Calycanthus Road PO Box City Richmond MI State VA ZIP 23224 Country USA Phone No 252 619 8717 ext FAX No Street Address (if different from above) 1336 Duck Road City Duck State NC --[ ZIP 27949 Email Kill Devil Hills NC ZIP 2 Agent/Contractor Information Business Name Environmental Professionals Inc Agent/ Contractor 1 First Name MI Last Name George H Wood Agent/ Contractor 2 First Name MI Last Name Mailing Address PO Box City State 3368 Kill Devil Hills NC ZIP Phone No 1 Phone No 2 27948 252 441 0239 ext 105 252 423 1234 ext FAX No Contractor # 252 441 0721 Street Address (if different from above) City State ZIP 1404 S Virginia Dare Trail Kill Devil Hills NC 27948 Email obxwood @yahoo com <Form continues on back> �u � 2805 388 -k- A 97 ill %,./ t ;ra -t- -n -I n- Form DCM MP 1 (Page 3 of 5) RECEIVED JAN 12 2012 APPLICATION for Major Development Permit 3 Project Location a Total length of shoreline on the tract (ft } b Size of entire tract (sq ft ) County (can be multiple) Street Address I ELIZABETH CITY State Rd # Dare 1336 Duck Road NC 12 Subdivision Name City State Zip None Duck NC 27949 Phone No Lot No (s) (if many attach additional page with list) N/A ext N/A a In which NC river basin is the project located? b Name of body of water nearest to proposed project Pasquotank Currltuck Sound c Is the water body identified in (b) above natural or manmade? d Name the closest major water body to the proposed project site ®Natural ❑Manmade []Unknown Currituck Sound e Is proposed work within city limits or planning jurisdiction? f If applicable list the planning jurisdiction or city limit the proposed ®Yes ❑No work falls within Duck North Carolina 4 Site Description a Total length of shoreline on the tract (ft } b Size of entire tract (sq ft ) +/ 100 Feet +/ 34 700 Sq Ft c Size of individual lot(s) d Approximate elevation of tract above NHW (normal high water) or N/A NWL (normal water level) (If many lot sizes please attach additional page with a list) 8 5 Feet ❑NHW or ®NWL e Vegetation on tract Lawn grass and landscaping f Man made features and uses now on tract Single family residence parking swimming pool and decks remnants of pier g Identify and describe the existing land uses adiacent to the proposed project site Residential h How does local government zone the tract? i Is the proposed project consistent with the applicable zoning? Residential (Attach zoning compliance certificate if applicable) ®Yes ❑No ❑NA j Is the proposed activity part of an urban waterfront redevelopment proposal? ❑Yes ®No k Hasa professional archaeological assessment been done for the tract? If yes attach a copy ❑Yes ❑No ®NA If yes by whom? I Is the proposed project located in a National Registered Historic District or does it involve a ❑Yes ®No ❑NA National Register listed or eligible property? <Form continues on next page> Form DCM MP 1 (Page 4 of 5) RECEIVED JAN 12 2012 APPLICATION for Mayor Development Permit m (i) Are there wetlands on the site? ❑Yes ®No COASTAL MANAGEMENT (n) Are there coastal wetlands on the site? ELIZAB TH CITY ❑Yes ®No (m) If yes to either (i) or (n) above has a delineation been conducted? ❑Yes ❑No (Attach documentation if available) n Describe existing wastewater treatment facilities On site ground absorption system o Describe existing drinking water supply source Municipal source p Describe existing storm water management or treatment systems None 5 Activities and Impacts a Will the project be for commercial public or private use? ❑Commercial ❑Public/Government ®Private /Community b Give a brief description of purpose use and daily operations of the project when complete Residential water access for )et skis and recreational (pool) c Describe the proposed construction methodology types of construction equipment to be used during construction the number of each type of equipment and where it is to be stored The shoreline will be stabilized with vinyl bulkhead (driven) and backfilled by dump truck and dozer Pier construction will then commence using pile driven pilings and hand tools d List all development activities you propose Bulkhead replace pier damage during storm security fence for swimming pool e Are the proposed activities maintenance of an existing project new work or both? Both f What is the approximate total disturbed land area resulting from the proposed protect? 3 348 Tatal ®Sq Ft or ❑Acres a,l°to on lo,A- Qh¢ 1 1-t J,ol)- g Will the proposed project encroach on any public easement public accessway or other area ❑Yes ®No ❑NA that the public has established use of? h Describe location and type of existing and proposed discharges to waters of the state None i Will wastewater or stormwater be discharged into a wetland? ❑Yes ®No ❑NA If yes will this discharged water be of the same salinity as the receiving water? ❑Yes []No ®NA 1 Is there any mitigation proposed? ❑Yes ®No DNA If yes attach a mitigation proposal <Form continues on back> 252 8 06 2808 888 -- C0J-,b rvvv nccoa-� ad+ma 1-19ameDl t �-i T Form DCM MP 1 (Page 5 of 5) APPLICATION for Major Development Permit 6 Addittonallnformahon In addition to this completed application form (MP 1) the following items below if applicable must be submitted in order for the application package to be complete Items (a) — (f) are always applicable to any major development application Please consult the application instruction booklet on how to properly prepare the required items below a A project narrative b An accurate dated work plat (including plan view and cross sectional drawings) drawn to scale Please give the present status of the proposed project Is any portion already complete? If previously authorized work clearly indicate on maps plats drawings to distinguish between work completed and proposed c A site or location map that is sufficiently detailed to guide agency personnel unfamiliar with the area to the site d A copy of the deed (with state application only) or other instrument under which the applicant claims title to the affected properties e The appropriate application fee Check or money order made payable to DENR f A list of the names and complete addresses of the adjacent waterfront (riparian) landowners and signed return receipts as proof that such owners have received a copy of the application and plats by certified mad Such landowners must be advised that they have 30 days in which to submit comments on the proposed project to the Division of Coastal Management Name Eustace Small Phone No 252 330 2247 Address 283 Dryndge Road Elizabeth City NC 27909 Name William and Carolyn Yancey Phone No 252 261 -4411 Address 1334 Duck Road Kitty Hawk NC 27949 Name Phone No Address g A list of previous state or federal permits issued for work on the project tract Include permit numbers permittee and issuing dates (See Attached) h Signed consultant or agent authorization form if applicable i Wetland delineation if necessary I A signed AEC hazard notice for projects in oceanfront and inlet areas (Must be signed by property owner) k A statement of compliance with the N C Environmental Policy Act (N C G S 113A 1 10) if necessary If the project involves expenditure of public funds or use of public lands attach a statement documenting compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act 7 Certification and Permission to Enter on Land I understand that any permit issued in response to this application will allow only the development described in the application The project will be subject to the conditions and restrictions contained in the permit I certify that I am authorized to grant and do in fact grant permission to representatives of state and federal review agencies to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application and follow up monitoring of the project _ I further certify that the information provided in this application is truthful to the best of my knowledge Date January 9 2012 Print Name George H Wood CEP PWWSl� Signature it l v Please indicate application attachments pertaining to your proposed project ®DCM MP 2 Excavation and Fill Information ❑DCM MP 5 Bridges and ❑DCM MP 3 Upland Development ®DCM MP 4 Structures Information RECEIVED JAN 12 2012 STAL MANAGEMENT ELIZABETH CITY 252 8 ,36 2 81) 8 1 888 4PCOASI WAJ v ;lcvr) 1� AIM3�1�gec-icn* net Form DCM MP -2 EXCAVATION and FILL (Except for bridges and culverts) RECEIVED JAN 1 2: 2 012 COASTAL MAN ACtr'ENT ELIZA JH CITY Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major Permit Form DCM MP 1 Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application that relate to this proposed project Please include all supplemental information Describe below the purpose of proposed excavation and /or fill activities All values should be given in feet 1 EXCAVATION ®This section not applicable a Amount of material to be excavated from below NHW or NWL in b Type of material to be excavated cubic yards C (i) Does the area to be excavated include coastal wetlands /marsh d High ground excavation in cubic yards (CW) submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) shell bottom (SB) or other wetlands (WL)? If any boxes are checked provide the number of square feet affected ❑CW []SAV ❑SB OWL ❑None (u) Describe the purpose of the excavation in these areas 2 DISPOSAL OF EXCAVATED MATERIAL ® This section not applicable a Location of disposal area b Dimensions of disposal area C (Q Do you claim title to disposal area? d (Q Will a disposal area be available for future maintenance? ❑Yes ❑No ❑NA []Yes ❑No ❑NA (i) If no attach a letter granting permission from the owner (n) If yes where? e (Q Does the disposal area include any coastal wetlands /marsh f (i) Does the disposal include any area in the water? (CW) submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) shell bottom (SB) ❑Yes ❑No ❑NA or other wetlands (WL)? If any boxes are checked provide the (ii) If yes how much water area is affected? number of square feet affected ❑CW ❑SAV ❑SB ❑WL ❑None (u) Describe the purpose of disposal in these areas —52 508 2308 t 88b zPCOAS— �,j ivrvv net re i ;sett i21281bF Access Other Channel (NLW or Canal Boat Basin Boat Ramp Rock Groin Rock Breakwater (excluding shoreline NWL ) stabilization) Length Width Avg Existing NA NA Depth Final Project NA NA Depth 1 EXCAVATION ®This section not applicable a Amount of material to be excavated from below NHW or NWL in b Type of material to be excavated cubic yards C (i) Does the area to be excavated include coastal wetlands /marsh d High ground excavation in cubic yards (CW) submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) shell bottom (SB) or other wetlands (WL)? If any boxes are checked provide the number of square feet affected ❑CW []SAV ❑SB OWL ❑None (u) Describe the purpose of the excavation in these areas 2 DISPOSAL OF EXCAVATED MATERIAL ® This section not applicable a Location of disposal area b Dimensions of disposal area C (Q Do you claim title to disposal area? d (Q Will a disposal area be available for future maintenance? ❑Yes ❑No ❑NA []Yes ❑No ❑NA (i) If no attach a letter granting permission from the owner (n) If yes where? e (Q Does the disposal area include any coastal wetlands /marsh f (i) Does the disposal include any area in the water? (CW) submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) shell bottom (SB) ❑Yes ❑No ❑NA or other wetlands (WL)? If any boxes are checked provide the (ii) If yes how much water area is affected? number of square feet affected ❑CW ❑SAV ❑SB ❑WL ❑None (u) Describe the purpose of disposal in these areas —52 508 2308 t 88b zPCOAS— �,j ivrvv net re i ;sett i21281bF o - -- ock-v 1UP 2 lv .X1105 'a C F it � ° -- C r- 0 -y 3 SHORELINE STABILIZATION ❑This section not applicable (If development is a wood groin use MP 4 — Structures) a Type of shoreline stabilization ®Bulkhead ❑Riprap ❑Breakwater /Sill ❑Other c Average distance waterward of NHW or NWL 11 4 e Type of stabilization material Grass g Number of square feet of fill to be placed below water level Bulkhead backfill 1,158 Riprap 0 Breakwater /Sill 0 Other 0 1 Source of fill material Commercial supplier b Length —951 1 IS RAR I %I aoV-�. Width 1 d Maximum distance waterward of NHW or NWL 20 7 Feet f (i) Has there been shoreline erosion during preceding 12 months'? ®Yes []No ❑NA (n) If yes state amount of erosion and source of erosion amount information 12 feet average (from Hurricane Irene) h Type of fill material Sand 4 OTHER FILL ACTIVITIES [D This section not applicable (Excluding Shoreline Stabilization) a (i) Will fill material be brought to the site? ❑Yes ❑No ❑NA b (i) Will fill material be placed in coastal wetlands /marsh (CW) If yes (n) Amount of material to be placed in the water (w) Dimensions of fill area (iv) Purpose of fill submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) shell bottom (SB) or other wetlands (WL)? If any boxes are checked provide the number of square feet affected ❑CW ❑SAV ❑SB OWL []None (n) Describe the purpose of the fill in these areas 5 GENERAL a How will excavated or fill material be kept on site and erosion b What type of construction equipment will be used (e g draglme controlled? backhoe or hydraulic dredge)? Behind bulkhead grasses Pile driver backhoe water bets hand tools c (i) Will navigational aids be required as a result of the project? []Yes ®No ❑NA (n) If yes explain what type and how they will be implemented N/A January 9 2012 Date BCS Enterprises Inc d 0) Will wetlands be crossed in transporting equipment to project site? []Yes ®No ❑NA (n) If yes explain steps that will be taken to avoid or minimize environmental impacts N/A George H Wood CEP PWS Agent for BUS Enterprises Inc Signature Project Name 2 3— ,30e, 2308 1 -qq 4,R- XS I nc a$~r )r eoe ne it ret RECEIVED JA N 12 2012 COASTAL N °At1AGEMENT Form DCM MP -4 STRUCTURES (Construction within Public Trust Areas) RECEIVED JA N 12 2012 COASTAL NIAN" GEP]ENT -El I_PECTH CITY Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major Permit Form DCM MP 1 Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application that relate to this proposed project Please include all supplemental information 1 DOCKING FACILITY /MARINA CHARACTERISTICS a (i) is the docking facility /marina ❑Commercial ❑Public/Government ®Private /Community c (i) Dock(s) and /or pier(s) (u) Number 1 (iii) Length 136 (iv) Width 6 (v) Floating []Yes ONO e (i) Are Platforms included? ®Yes ❑No If yes (u) Number 1 (iii) Length 26 (iv) Width 26 (v) Floating ❑Yes ONO Note Roofed areas are calculated from dnpline dimensions g (i) Number of slips proposed 2 (u) Number of slips existing 0 i Check the proposed type of siting ❑ Land cut and access channel []Open water dredging for basin and /or channel ❑Open water no dredging required ❑Other please describe N/A k Typical boat length 10 Feet m (i) Will the facility have tie pilings? ❑Yes ONO (ii) If yes number of tie pilings? N/A ❑This section not applicable b (i) Will the facility be open to the general public? ❑Yes ENO d (i) Are Finger Piers included? []Yes ONO If yes (ii) Number (iii) Length (iv) Width (v) Floating ❑Yes []No f (i) Are Boatlifts included? ®Yes ONO If yes (u) Number 2 (iii) Length 4 Feet (iv) Width 10 Feet h Check all the types of services to be provided ❑ Full service including travel lift and /or rail repair or maintenance service ❑ Dockage fuel and marine supplies ❑ Dockage ( wet slips ) only number of slips ❑ Dry storage number of boats ❑ Boat ramp(s) number of boat ramps ❑ Other please describe N/A 1 Describe the typical boats to be served (e g open runabout charter boats sail boats mixed types) e) t skis I (i) Will the facility be open to the general public? ❑Yes ®No Form 0CMJ MP 4 fS +, a, taA es Par c 9 o 4) 2 DOCKING FACILITY /MARINA OPERATIONS ®This section not applicable a Check each of the following sanitary facilities that will be included in the proposed project -- ❑Office Toilets ❑ Toilets for patrons Number Location RECEIVE D ❑ Showers ❑ Boatholding tank pumpout Give type and location JAN 1 2 2012 b Describe treatment type and disposal location for all sanitary wastewater coa�TaL r ANAM ICNT ELL r' T,4 CITY c Describe the disposal of solid waste fish offal and trash d How will overboard discharge of sewage from boats be controlled? e (i) Give the location and number of No Sewage Discharge signs proposed (n) Give the location and number of Pumpout Available signs proposed f Describe the special design if applicable for containing industrial type pollutants such as paint sandblasting waste and petroleum products g Where will residue from vessel maintenance be disposed of? h Give the number of channel markers and No Wake signs proposed i Give the location of fuel handling facilities and describe the safety measures planned to protect area water quality What will be the marina policy on overnight and live aboard dockage? k Describe design measures that promote boat basin flushing? I If this project is an expansion of an existing marina what types of services are currently provided? m Is the marina /docking facility proposed within a primary or secondary nursery area? ❑Yes ❑No 252 803 28x 3 " 888 4 :RCO S , v net revs - ; --d 12 2 ( Cra mn 0CM fide J, (,mot me k, Ps Page S : 4) n Is the marina /docking facility proposed within or adjacent to any shellfish harvesting area? []Yes ❑No o Is the marina /docking facility proposed within or adjacent to coastal wetlands /marsh (CW) submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) shell bottom (SB) or other wetlands (WL)? If any boxes are checked provide the number of square feet affected ❑CW ❑SAV ❑SB OWL ❑None p is the proposed marina/docking facility located within or within close proximity to any shellfish leases? []Yes ❑No If yes give the name and address of the leaseholder(s) and give the proximity to the lease 3 BOATHOUSE (including covered lifts) ®This section not applicable a (i) Is the boathouse structure(s) ❑Commercial ❑Public/Government ❑Private /Community (u) Number (in) Length (iv) Width Note Roofed areas are calculated from dnpline dimensions 4 GROIN (e g wood sheetp►le etc If a rock groin use MP 2 Excavation and F►11) RThis section not applicable a (i) Number (n) Length (iii) Width 5 BREAKWATER (e g wood sheetpile etc) R This section not applicable a Length b Average distance from NHW NWL or wetlands c Maximum distance beyond NHW NWL or wetlands 6 MOORING PILINGS and BUOYS ®This section not applicable a Is the structure(s) ❑Commercial ❑Public/Government ❑Private /Community c Distance to be placed beyond shoreline Note This should be measured from marsh edge if present e Arc of the swing 7 GENERAL b Number d Description of buoy (color inscription size anchor etc ) Z-2 806 2808 1 lq88 4 ?f ��d � ti� �c� �a�taj �a��e ��ro��a� rex 0va,� q 12 27 vro I ra -hn 0CM hdp 4 (StrUCTU T-t�- paaq� 4 of -4) a Proximity of structure(s) to adjacent riparian property lines b Proximity of structure(s) to adjacent docking facilities 15 feet south 48 feet north 30 feet Note For buoy or mooring piling use arc of swing including length of vessel c Width of water body 19,561 e (Q Will navigational aids be required as a result of the project? ❑Yes NNo ❑NA (n) If yes explain what type and how they will be implemented d Water depth at waterward end of structure at NLW or NWL 25 8 OTHER NThis section not applicable a Give complete description January 9 2012 Date BCS Enterpnses Inc Project Name George H Wood CEP PWS Agent for BCS Enterprises Inc Applicant ame 1 Apple t Signature -RECEIVED 11I' N I r 21012 CnAQTAL k Aid' If MENT ELI/ -E CITY -32 60d 2808 t 688 �!COA T %v Pp nec ast-i b —amjg r-i ra _ c.z rcvi -.oil 12(27/W MAJOR PERMIT FEE MATRIX Applicant 3CS Ew�rn Selection Development Type Fee DCM % DWQ % (14300 1601 435100093 1625 6253) (24300 1602 435100095 2341) I Private non commerce I development that do not $250 100%($250) 0%($0) involve the fllin r excavation any wetlands or op ater areas II Public or commercial, -� development that does not $400 100%($400) 0%($0) involve the filling or excavation of any wetlands or open water areas III For development that involves the filling and /or excavation of up to 1 acre of wetlands and /or open water areas determine if A B C or D below applies III(A) Private non commercial development if $250 100%($250) 0%($0) General Water Quality Certification No 3490 (See attached ) can be applied III(B) Public or commercial development if General $400 100%($400) 0%($0) Water Quality Certification No 3490 (See attached) can be applied III(C) If General Water Quality Certification No / $400 60%($240) 40%($160) 3490 (see attached) co Id be applied but DC `staff determined tha dditional review and en DWQ concurre ce is needed becauof concerns related to water quality or aquatic life j III(D) If General Water Quality Certification No $400 60%($240) 40%($160) 3490 (see attached) cannot be applied IV For development involves the fillin nd /or $475 60%($285) 40%($190) excavation ore than one a of wetlands and /or o en water areas IZLOw am X1d a1 aow 9*6LZ ON 'SI1IH IIA M lll>l - 99££ X08 0 d JIDJ1 AJDQ DIUl6JIA S *o* L IUGWUOJIAU3 J91108 D JOJ 6UIUUDId ON `MMO/SS-ShlOW WJJV3WNOblb N3 Z NOISIA381N3aan3 89£0 -LL 31W OOVO Z 1/9/ l I 11 /Z l/Z l Z A38 1 A38 -4o 133HS t L/0£/0 L 220- L L 31VO I ON io3`Oad S31Va of =u L NOISIA38 I 31VOS `dNM ]V:D HiKN '00 3�JVG `>iona ` ail >ionci 922L S3SIad831N3 S08 b0A NOIlV:Dl� ddb' lIMJ3d 1N3WdM3A30 210f dW bWd3 SNOISIA3a (1310N S31ON 103roUd a3SIA3a V (33aaV V3NV a388n1Sla a3SIA36 - Zl /9/1 Z A38 SNOISIA38 a310N SITS 13f aNV SHld3a lOdS 3NI1380HS ),8VaNnos V3NV 08NnlSla a3aaV - LVZVZI l A38 adob Fiona Z L AMH ON OVOa t1VHdSV ►17��7��:k1�� S7's N (131113 38 Ol V38V - ®� UIV�J� I L OZ = (IV3H>nne Ol 3Nn380HS W08A 30NVISIO 1S31V389 9 * 11 = aV3H )ilns Ol 3Nn380HS MOW 30NViSIa 30V83AV * AS 9K £ = V3HV 3NII lN3Wl8V0S3 NOIS083 Ol OV3H>nn8 £ sv� VI dl AS 061 Z = V38V 3Nn lN3WlaV3S3 NOISOa3 01 13A31 a31VM IVh8ON Z J S 9b£ £ = (33 nlJ 38 01 V38V L S310 S310N i0708d (1V01du) 30N3d LYM a00M ONILSIX3 �+ 8/ ( 3N381 3NVOI88nH A8 (13SnV0 3Nn 1N3W1aVOS3 NOISOa3) / 30NV8an1SIO ONVI JO S11WI1, 33N3J 1V1S a00M a3SOdONd\ ( dJll) SADV8 311 — aV3H>nne 111nS38 38 Ol 3NV018 nH ONlana a39VWVa >1300 V 831d ONLLSIX3 ( dAl) Sd31S. * H3N38 S1Jn INS a K ill ZO i1 M M.00 95—IN j .z } r 4 s ?141 ON00 aNU�s • O 4 4 �.zn / " "' 3JV2N9 /M 03SOlON3 j /zi a Nye ,/ 100d OV01dAl) ONLLSIX3 AIIVUZVO WOW NO ONr1l3Ma 3MW A2101S Z ONLLSIX3 100d ONLLSIX3 x I8W SZ , �z 4 o nom; H / A32P A i t � ,c u H SX03a a3X0V1S ONLLSIX3 I� \ TIVM ONINIVI 3SnOH ONLLSIX3 dWnd MUM (IVOIdu) 30N3d 1VlS DOOM ONLLSIX3 30N3A 1V1S a00M d a3SOdO8d 4 °� ddb d X3 >Ionllaano OV3HNlne ONLLSD 3 st 3aVW 97A Elal EMMA Of-& - W-.'- a3SIA03a iV XOV9 3LL a3'nW 38 Ol V3aV —� 3ovuo a3HSINU aV3HXlnS a3SOdOSd T Z£ /+ ff", Amw 31ls N Amir - ° �• r rn MOS U } w..e n mrwaano z v m (308) m fmo S311d (1NnoN m— =, r`v C7 DiLNYUV o i5 0 7m qZ N00a Z X 9Z J N