HomeMy WebLinkAboutU-2817 (2)9r^ r d_ (, -28I-7 Natural Resources Technical Report Executive Summary T I P Project No U -2817 SR 1700 Widening in Pitt County (Evans Street and Old Tar Road) Proposed roadway widening along SR 1700 (Evans Street and Old Tar Road) for approximately 3 6 miles INTRODUCTION Mulkey Inc (Mulkey) conducted natural resource field investigations for the proposed Iwidening of SR 1700 (Evans Street and Old Tar Road) in Pitt County North Carolina The objective of the field investigations were to determine existing natural conditions to document natural commumnes wildlife and to determine the presence of threatened and endangered species or their habitats Mulkey personnel conducted site reconnaissance in May 2005 The project study area is located along SR 1700 from Cooper Street /Worthington Road (SR 1711) in Wnnterville NC to Highway 43 /US 264A (Greenville Boulevard) in Greenville in the central portion of Pitt County The northern project terminus is approximately 2 5 miles southwest of the East Carolina University main campus and the southern project terminus is approximately 10 mile east of downtown Wnnterville The proposed roadway alignment will utilize the existing roadway location in as much as feasible with widening occurring along both sides of the existing roadway shoulders Attached are figures 1 through 4 which depict various aspects of the project study area PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Water Resources The project is located within the Neuse River subbasin 03 04 09 The USGS hydrologic unit for all streams draining into the Neuse River within the project study area is 03020202 (Middle Neuse) The NCDWQ classifies surface waters of the state based on their intended best uses The streams within the project study area include Fork Swamp ( NCDWQ Stream Index # 27 97 4) and its tributaries Fork Swamp has a Best Usage Classification of C, Sw, NSW Streams which have not been assigned a best usage classification or rating carry the same classification or rating as the receiving waters No water resources classified as High Quality Waters (HQW) Critical Water Supplies (WS I or WS II) Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW) or 303(d) waters are located within one mile of the project stud) area Biotic Resources Three terrestrial communities were identified in the project study area bottomland hardwood forest mixed pine /hardwood and urban /disturbed land Within the project study area there are approximately 177 45 acres these include 2 76 acres of bottomland hardwood forest 9 11 acres of mixed pine /hardwood forest and 165 58 acres of urban /disturbed land These vegetative communities are described below and their locations are presented in Figures 3a through 3e Table I depicts the three primary vegetative communities found within the project study area their acreage and relative percentages of the entire project study area Table I Vegetative Communities l 6 M 11 �� � Community Type Total Area ac Relative Percentage Bottomland Hardwood Forest 276 2% Mixed Pine /Hardwood Forest 911 5% Urban /Disturbed Land 16558 93% Total 17745 100% JURISDICTIONAL TOPICS Surface Waters and Wetlands Fork Swamp is the onl) named stream within the project study area however there are multiple jurisdictional unnamed tributaries (UTs) to Fork Swamp within the project study area The jurisdictional surface waters include seven streams and two wetland areas Detailed information concerning jurisdictional streams and wetlands in the project stud) area is included in Tables II and III below Table =II Jurisdictional Streams WA Stream Name USACE Score NCDWQ Score € Bankfull Width (ft) Bank Height ft Water Depth in Stream Type SAA 12 195 10 7 26 intermittent SAB (Fork Swamp) 33 31 15 8 10 3 9 perennial SAC 20 1925 10 5 2 6 intermittent SB 58 355 15 34 3 9 perennial SBA 33 2075 2 1 1 4 intermittent SBB 32 2725 15 5 6 3 9 intermittent SBC 21 2225 10 46 2 6 intermittent T r Table III Jurisdictional Wetlands 1OW 'I V Aaw Wetland Name NCDWQ Score Cowardin Classification Stream Drainage Quality' WA 46 PF01 Az SB Fair WB 54 PF01 A SB Good i Based on rating scale of 0 24 Poor 25 49 Fair 50 79 Good and 80 100 Excellent 2 Palustnne Forested Broadlea-, ed Deciduous Temporanl5 Flooded Permits In accordance with the Federal Register of January 15 2002 Part II Volume 67 Number 10 the project will Likely require authorization under an Individual Permit due to anticipated impacts being greater than the thresholds of any nationwide or regional permit The USACE determines final permit requirements including Individual Permit (IP) requirements under the statutory provisions of CWA Section 404 An Individual CWA Section 401 Water Quality Certification (WQC) will be required Neuse River buffer rules apply to all Jurisdictional streams within the project study area Buffer mitigation is anticipated for all impacted areas of Neuse River buffers Mitigation According to 15A NCAC 2H 0506(h) and 40 CFR 1508 20 mitigation will be required for impacts to Jurisdictional streams requiring mitigation when these impacts are equal to or greater than 150 linear feet per stream Additionally mitigation will be required for all impacts to Jurisdictional wetlands Compensatory mitigation for loss of Jurisdictional stream channels is expected to be required for this project The potential exists for on site stream and wetland mitigation opportunities Protected Species Plants and animals with federal classifications of Endangered Threatened Proposed Endangered and Proposed Threatened are protected under provisions of Section 7 and Section 9 of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) As of January 16 2008 the USFWS identified three Endangered (E) species known to occur in Pitt County The proposed widening project will have No Effect on any of the three federally listed species It should be noted that the bald eagle was formerly listed as a Threatened species for Pitt County however as of August 8 2007 it has been formally delisted Table IV lists the federally protected species listed in Pitt County and their respective classifications Table IV ` Federall Protected S ecies for Pitt Coun ,iNorth Carohna 1� f Suitable Biological Common Name Scientific Name Federal Listing Habitat Conclusion West Indian Tnchechus manatus Endangered No No Effect manatee Red cockaded Piaodes boreaks Endangered Yes No Effect woodpecker Tar spina mussel EAptio steinstansana Endangered No No Effect West Indian manatee (Tnchechus manatus) Federal Status Endangered Biological Conclusion No Effect Suitable habitat consisting of canals rivers estuarine habitats saltwater bays and in nearshore waters is not present in the study area None of the streams within the project area have sufficient flow or water depth to support the West Indian manatee NCNHP maps were reviewed on January 22 2008 (utilizing data updated on September 28 2007) to determine if any protected species have been identified within one mile of the project study area This map review confirmed that no manatees are known to be located within a one mile radius of the project study area Therefore proposed project construction will have No Effect on the West Indian manatee Red - cockaded woodpecker (Prcoldes borealis) Federal Status Endangered Biological Conclusion No Effect Suitable habitat for the RCW consisting of open mature stands of southern pones is present within the project area There is a small area near the northern end of the project area that contains a loblolly pine dominated forest The DBH of the pores present are approximately 10 to 18 inches Mulkey conducted a red cockaded woodpecker survey of this area in May 2005 no ca-v ity trees or individuals were observed In addition Mulkey performed a 0 5 mile radius RCW survey surrounding the area determined to contain suitable habitat in August 2005 No individuals or cavity trees were observed during this survey NCNHP maps were reviewed on January 22 2008 (utilizing data updated on September 28 2007) to determine if any protected species have been identified within one mile of the project study area This map review confirmed that no RCWs are known to be located within a one mile radius of the project study area Therefore proposed project construction will have No Effect on the RCW Tar Spinymussel (Elhptro stelnstansana) Federal Status Endangered Biological Conclusion No Effect Suitable habitat for the Tar spiny mussel consisting of relatively silt free uncompacted gravel or coarse sand in fast flowing well oxygenated stream reaches are not present within the project study area The streams within the project study area have been channehzed and the bed materials consist solely of silt sand and organic material NCNHP maps were reviewed on January 22 2008 (utilizing data updated on September 28 2007) to determine if any protected species have been identified within one mile of the project study area This map review confirmed that no Tar spmymussel individuals are known to be located within a one mile rachus of the project study area Therefore proposed project construction will have No Effect on the Tar spmymussel CONCLUSION The proposed SR 1700 widening project is located from Wmterville to southern Greenville in the central portion of Pitt County North Carolina The project involves the widening of approximately 3 6 miles of roadway Currently no alternative alignments have been established however the NCDOT is planning to widen the existing facility within the existing right of way in as much as possible There are seven jurisdictional stream channels and two jurisdictional wetland areas within the project study area Impacts to Waters of the United States are anticipated and an Individual Permit from the Corps of Engineers will likely be required prior to impacting these environmental resources Neuse River buffer rules apply to all jurisdictional streams within the project study area Buffer mitigation is anticipated for all impacted areas of Neuse River buffers No impacts are anticipated on any federally protected species listed for Pitt County z 42� - -1 1 4� 64A� !� l `M A R T i Figure 1 Project Vicinity TIP No U -2817 SR 1700 from SR 1711 in Winterville to NC 43 /US 264 A in Greenville Pitt County, North Carolina North Carolina Department of Transportation j H IIDr r_ ` South -1 Ode` e anno S goads /T) d. • 00 0 Firetower Rd a 0 Or 'Os i b � r i - -- ,~ � , .Iii!` rte! � 1�� 1 ii /r •1 11 �- 47 dal say rte fie 9 1 a h; I i I e o d Tabar Rd i , Milton Dr o * jai Jeanette St Dr I n Worthington S • CT , m XD � �'� m f CO ( U) R t cv c I + 4 Boyd gt I s Channel Dr p i r II 1 i r Corbett St 3; �� ♦ __- HiilcrestfAve -' GO CD L ,, Alma Dr - -. ob Winterfield Dr n i - c" T ner St `w i 1 YsDn $t fir' U l o cu M cn � 1 1 a � ,� ,` � ■.�., ... ... y ro Depot S1 !1 �` - - I -- I tm c , `rn w P� CD E Main St.__. �., J 11 I r — m '' I ' 1 - . Gayle Blvd i '` int �ril, 1� '1 _ ��, Southern _ Project a i I > Drexel.Ln I' N (� !� Lynn Loop Terminus Qoo t I, . Worthington Rd unt St 22'. 0 , Lora Ln r cot S�/ PROJECT TOPOGRAPHY M LKEY u711 t Figure No. SR 1700 from SR 1711 to NC 43 /US 264A N i-i i N E R tS< r {.., ._ 3 i Pitt County, North Carolina Prepared \ For. 1:10,000 2a tQ, wow u, 4p� Feet ' 0 380 760 11520 2,280 3,040 " •c,,,, e`' USGS 7.5- Minute Topographic Quadrangles: Greenville SW bridle t r L ■ Qom,` �. Concord pr r Northern f n Project w� r ! Terminus ■ IM t w w O Hollo t� Dexter St 5J� * * • + AbLawhorn Dr � 1 9Y ` 1 O y, r, r R w +' �. U j _ r I Kl ?eed Dr N �', �o , o . ■ r w r �\ ++i Oil Ilk LIV liSh 41 Is I' 4 Ch p nihmirsily Hartford St »- o " - s s :i" 1- ,:,1'� ;�.A 00:,2 P ..11' n • . „C Y rr 1' - T ALL • � Radio f.i. -� °� a (I()' -. 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