HomeMy WebLinkAboutU-2817MERGER SCREENING REPORT SR 1 700 (EVANS STREET /OLD TAR ROAD) WIDENING FROM SR 1 71 1 (COOPER STREET /WORTHINGTON ROAD) IN WINTERVILLE TO NC 43 /US 264A (GREENVILLE BOULEVARD) IN GREENVILLE PITT COUNTY Of sr \� NCDOT TIP PROJECT No U -2B 1 7 WBS No 34136B JANUARY 201 2 MERGER SCREENING REPORT T 1 P PROJECT NO U 28 1 7 SR 1 700 (EVANS STREET /OLD TAR ROAD) WIDENING WINTERVILLE AND GREENVILLE PITT COUNTY MEETING PURPOSE The purpose of the screening meeting is to determine if the proposed project should be placed in the Section 404 /NEPA Interagency Merger Process PROPOSED ACTION NCDOT proposes to widen SR 1700 (E-, ans Street /Old Tar Road) to a multi lane flcihty from SR 1711 (Cooper Street /Worthington Road) in Wmten ille to NC 43 /US 264A (Greenville Boule-, ard) in Green ille (see Figuie 1) The project is approxrmatel) 3 6 miles long The proposed roadway alignment will utih7e the existing roadway location as much as feasible with widening occurring along both sides of the existing roadway shoulders TIP SCHEDULE AND FUNDING The project is located in Pitt County and is included in the 20012 2019 State Transportation Improvement Program (71)) as project number U 2817 TIP Schedule TIP Cost Right of Way FY 2019 $3 400 000 Construction FY 2020 $17,500,000 Total $20 900 000 GENERAL PROJECT PURPOSE The primary purpose of the proposed project is to pro-, ide adequate capacity for existing and future traffic STUDY AREA DESCRIPTION The project stud) area is located along SR 1700 from Cooper Street /Worthington Road (SR 1711) in Winten ille to Highwa) 43 /US 264A (Green ille BouleN ard) in Green ille in the central portion of Pitt County (see Figure 1) 1 he northern project terminus is approximately 2 5 miles southwest of the East Carolina Umn ersity main campus and the southern project terminus is approxirnatel) one mile east of downtown Wmten ille SR 1700 (E-, ans Street /Old 1 ar Road) is functionally classified as a minor arterial with no control of access the area along SR 1700 is a mix of agricultural residential commercial office and a few industrial uses The existing cross section of SR 1700 is two lanes with a short fiN e lane section at the northern project terminus and a few three lane sections where subdr-, rsrons hax e been built There are three existing cul-, erts located along SR 1700 ENVIRONMENTAL FEATURES Summary of Potential NEPA /404 Merger Screening Issues Within Study Area ENVIRONMENTAL" STATUS /COMMENTS INFORMATION SOURCES FEATURE w May w Streams ■ Fork Swamp 2�0� 2 �<< �, s Natural Resources Technical ■ Multiple unnamed tributaries 4k-" F i Report (NR1 R 2/2008) 303(d) Waters ■ None 2010 Final North Carolina 303(d) report Wetlands ■ -eva wetland areas NRTR r0�,ja'' /I5 I i) ac, Point Source Discharges None NCDWQ NPDES Program list as of 3/30/06 Trout /Anadromous None NRTR. Fish Buffer Requirements Neuse River Riparian Buffer Rules NRTR High Quahq Waters None NRTR Outstanding Resource Waters Water Supply Watersheds Federally Protected ■ West Indtan manatee — E (no suitable NRTR Species habitat) ■ Red cockaded woodpecker — E (suitable habitat) ■ Tar spinymussel — E (no suitable habitat Hazardous Materials and ■ Five possible USTs GeoEnvironmental Impact Underground Storage ■ No hazardous waste sites or landfills Evaluation (NCDOT 8/25/05) Tanks ■ One Superfund site ■ One drycleaning facih Schools Churches and ■ Five churches or worship facilities Field observations Cemeteries ■ One cemetery — west side of Evans lust south of Fork Swamp ■ One private school — Christ Covenant Cultural Resources ■ No structures eligible for the National SHPO Concurrence Form — Register of Historic Places 9/18/07 Parks and Recreational ■ None Field observations Facilities 100 year Floodplarn ■ 3 78 acres within stud) area NC Flood Maps Water Resources The project is located within the Neuse Ri-, er subbasin 03 04 09 1 he USGS hydrologic unit for all streams draining into the Neuse R -, er within the project study area is 03020202 (Middle Neuse) 1 he NCDWQ classifies surface waters of the state based on their intended best uses The streams within the project stud) area include Fork Swamp ( NCDWQ Stream Index # 27 97 4) and its tributaries Fork Swamp has a Best Usage Classification of C Sw NSW Streams which ha-, e not been assigned a best usage classification or rating cart} the same classification or rating as the receiving waters No water resources classified as High Quahty Waters (I -IQW) Critical Water Supplies (WS I or WS II) Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW) or 303(d) waters are located within one mule of the project study area Jurisdictional Streams and Wetlands Natural resource field m-, estigations were conducted for the proposed project in Ma) 2005 Folk Swamp is the only named stream within the project stud) area hove-, en there aie multiple jurisdictional unnamed tributaries (UTs) to fork Swamp within the project stud) area The jurisdictional surface waters include five streams and two wetland areas The tables below show the Imear feet of streams and acres of wetlands present within the study area Fork Swamp at SR 1700 Jurisdictional Streams in Study Area Stream Name Linear Feet in Study Area SAA 15773 SAB (Fork Swamp) 26194 SAC 29676 SB 27831 SBA 43674 SBB 2562 SBC 33438 Total 202206 Jurisdictional Wetlands in Study Area Wetland Name Acres in Study Area WA 058 WB 052 WC 002 Tot11 1 11 Buffer Rules The Neuse Rives Riparian Buffer Rules apply to 50 foot wide riparian buffers directly adjacent to perennial and intermittent sulfate waters in the Neuse Ri-, er Basin This project is expected to ha-, e on13 Allowable with Mitigation buffer impacts due to the replacement of existing culverts and pipes with culN erts and pipes and not bridges Wetlands adjacent to the perennial UT to Fork Swamp (Stream SB) will hkel� be impacted along with the associated Neuse Rik er buffers as a result of this proposed project and will need to be mitigated for appropriately Federally Protected Species Plants and animals with federal classifications of Endangered Threatened Proposed Endangered and Proposed Threatened are protected under provisions of Section 7 and Section 9 of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) As of September 22 2010 the USFWS identified three Endangered (E) species known to occur in Pitt Counts The proposed widening project is expected to ha-, e No Effect for all three federally listed species It should be noted that the bald eagle was formerly listed as a Threatened species for Pitt County however as of August 8 2007 it has been formally delisted Table N lists the federall) protected species and their respects-, e classifications Table IV Federally Potected S +ecies for Pitt Co, gun ,North Carolina Suitable Biological Common Name Scientific Name Federal Listing Habitat Conclusion West Indian Tntbetbus manaliti Endangered No No Effect manatee Red cockaded Piaodes borealis Endangered Yes No Effect woodpecker Tar spinymussel E110ho steinstaiijana Endangered No No Effect West Indian manatee (Trschechus manatus) Federal Status Endangered Biological Conclusion No Effect Suitable habitat consisting of canals ri-, ers estuarine habitats saltwater bays and in nearshore waters is not present in the study area None of the streams within the project area ha-, e sufficient flow or water depth to support the West Indian manatee N C Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) maps were reviewed on January 22 2008 (utilizing data updated on September 28 2007) to determine if any protected species have been identified within one mile of the project study area This map review confirmed that no manatees are known to be located within a one mule radius of the project study area Therefore proposed project construction will ha-, e No Effect on the West Indian manatee Red - cockaded woodpecker (Plcordes borealis) Federal Status Endangered Biological Conclusion No Effect Suitable habitat for the red cockaded woodpecker (RCW) consisting of open mature stands of southern pines is present within the project area These is a small area near the northern end of the project area that contains a loblolly pine dominated forest The diameter at breast height (DBH) of the pines present are approximately 10 to 18 inches A ied cockaded woodpecker sun ey of this area was conducted in May 2005 No cavity trees or individuals were observed In addition a 0 5 mile radius RCW survey surrounding the area determined to contain suitable habitat was performed in August 2005 No individuals or ca-' ity trees were observed during this sun ey NCNHP maps were reviewed on January 22 2008 (utilizing data updated on September 28 2007) to determine if any protected species have been identified within one mile of the project study area This map review confirmed that no RCWs are known to be located within a one mile radius of the project study area Theiefore proposed project construction will have No Effect on the RCW Tar Spinymussel (Elhptto steinstansana) Federal Status Endangered Biological Conclusion No Effect Suitable habitat for the Tar spinymussel consisting of relatively silt free uncompacted gravel or coarse sand in fast flowing well oxygenated stream reaches are not present within the project study area The streams within the project study area have been channehzed and the bed materials consist solely of silt sand and organic material NCNHP maps were reviewed on January 22 2008 (utilizing data updated on September 28 2007) to determine if any protected species have been identified within one mile of the project study area This map review confirmed that no Tar spinymussel individuals are known to be located within a one mile radius of the project study area Therefore proposed project construction will have No Effect on the Tar spinymussel Historic Properties A concurrence form completed by the State Historic Presen ation Office (SHPO) on September 18 2007 indicates that no structures within the Area of Potential Effect (APE) are eligible for the National Register of Historic Places Hazardous Waste Facilities According to GeoEnvironmental Impact Evaluation (NCDOT 8/25/2005) there are five known on potential Underground Storage Tank (UST) sites one Superfund site and one dry cleaning facility in the study area These are shown on Figure 2 Parks /Recreational Facilities No parks or recreational facilities were observed in the study area SUMMARY No alternate-, e alignments ha-, e been deN eloped for this project Howe-, er NCDOT is planning to widen the existing facihty within the existing right of way as much as possible There are se-, en Jurisdictional stieam channels and three jurisdictional wetland areas within the stud) area NCDOT will coordinate with regulator) agencies as appropriate to determine permit requirements Neuse Rlver buffer rules apply to all Jurisdictional streams within the project stud) area Buffer mitigation is anticipated for all impacted areas of Neuse Rt-, er buffers No impacts are anticipated to an) federall) protected species listed for Pitt Count) 43 Bell Ar:Vu 4 X13 6U P � r E �E .N —E' ^`mtae ` /;` ail 1, l f'2 !. A Pa^.tol3 enville+ Project Vicinity *_ Ilwr Y'_ C, -,� EF Figure 1 Project Vicinity SR 1700 (Evans Street) from SR 1711 in Winterville to NC 43 / US 264 A in Greenville TIP No. U -2817 North Carolina 1; .'i Department of Transportation \rM1 C/ Pn T:N aurie EI /is R � ' R n N n 4y�•� � '� + ;�� �"" ,,� wee- Ip 4 '4o 0 m 0 ID O �Z T S.0 _ S.0 N ci o 70 N to D < o I o ca f rim n DD c� Oki vfield Or�, ' Z a n (D A �7 n W c r C O 0 n � warn O 1 OY D t- 0 4 (D CD C CD cD < N 00 = < (D 0 -4 tD O 3 r Ip 4 '4o 0 m 0 ID O �Z T S.0 _ S.0 N ci o 70 N to D < o I o ca f rim n DD c� Oki vfield Or�, ' E Ilk Al ` Gayle Blvd �+rriy�, S .fit 1 "' �•g1 W "�`'� '�i. 'EJ �� 1 _ 4 ose � * +-w•we '-,_. _ ,,,,.E ; A ilk F �Q AQ E D-a C* O L J U 0 co cn cn m m s 0 m 0 .+ N Q c ? m w o v o CD o° 0 0' v v — n a v v N 3 : N m -n y N n n x D N N N [D fD v Z n A �7 W c C O � warn O D 0 ^� (D CD C CD cD < N 00 = < (D 0 -4 tD O 3 to E Ilk Al ` Gayle Blvd �+rriy�, S .fit 1 "' �•g1 W "�`'� '�i. 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