HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120142_Jurisdictional Determination_20111216sr- (Woo\ 20 11 OF NORTH CAROLINA �4N Sq�os ,, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION '��ar�RecH BEVERLY EAVES PERDUE EUGENE A CONTI JR GOVERNOR SECRETARY December 14 2011 MEMORANDUM TO Mr David Wainwright North Carolina Division of Water Quality FROM Jason Dilday North Carolina Department of Transportation — Natural Environment Unit (NCDOT NEU) SUBJECT R 3421 C Jurisdictional Determination information Attached are the NCDWQ Stream Identification Forms USACE Stream Quality Assessment Worksheets and final mapping for T I P R 3421 C This information was presented to the USACE for a final jurisdictional determination for the project The mapping reflects decisions made during afield meeting on the project on March 15 2011 The forms attached include all streams that were determined to be intermittent during the site visit Stream SX (Figure 2 1) was discovered during the site visit and deemed intermittent at the time of the visit No form has been completed for this stream From the final design for this project Stream SX will not be impacted If you have any comments or questions please let me know I can be reached by e mail at jldilday @ncdot gov or by phone at (919) 707 -6111 NC DWO Stream Identifientinn Fnrm Vercinn d 1 1 Date /� 1J Prolect/Site /�_ -3L j / _ f Latitude — Evaluator 1Z1 I�e,4YAP % �F County A61"alyl) Longitude Total Points Stream is at least intermittent Af, �� Stream Determi ion_(�rcle one) Ephemeral �erenmal Other if >_ 19 or perennial if ? 30 Intermittent e g Quad Name A Geomorphology (Subtotal 11' Continuity of channel bed and bank —Absent 0 Weak 1 -- Moderate 2 Strogg 3 2 Sinuosity of channel along thalweg 3 In channel structure ex nffle pool step pool —.ripple sequence 0 0 1 2 2 3 3 4 Particle size of stream substrate 0 �I 1 2 3 5 Active /relict floodplam 0 1 12J 3 6 Depositional bars or benches 0 1 2 3 7 Recent alluvial deposits 0 L2J 3 8 Headcuts , 0 1 2 3 9 Grade control 0 05 1 1 5 10 Natural valley 0 1 05 1 1 5 11 Second or greater order channel B �rfifirml rii4rhnc o .. ...... No 0 Yes= 3 �• ••••�•�• �..�. aieu ace uiscussions in fnanual B Hydrology (Subtotal= % - ) 12 Presence of Baseflow 0 1 2 3 13 Iron oxidizing bacteria 0 1 2—� 3 14 Leaf litter 15 1 O J 6 15 Sediment on plants or debris 0 , 0 5� 1 1 5 16 Organic debris lines or piles 0 0 5 _ 1 1 5 J 17 Sod based evidence of high water table'? No =10 , Yes = 3 18 Fibrous roots in streambed 3 2 1 ` p 19 Rooted upland plants m streambed 3 2 1 0 20 Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0 1 2 3 21 Aquatic Mollusks 0 1 2 3 22 Fish 0 05 1 1 5 23 Crayfish 0 05 1 1 5 24 Amphibians 0 05 1 1 5 25 Algae 0 05 1 1 5 26 Wetland plants in streambed FACW = 0 1 BL = 1 5 Other = 0 perennial streams may also be identified using other methods See p 35 of manual Notes N-f-�_P_I J I T_1 a z— �iYi� =. Sj�i ��fi� ✓� i V c i �i —��� ,U ✓�� Sketch USACE AID #_ DWQ# s:::�- Site # / (indicate on attached map) STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET -AQP Provide the following information for the stream reach under assessment 1 Applicant s name j��%�� 2 Evaluator s name lG ��i'�i V 3 Date of evaluation / ���/ f 4 Time of evaluation 5 Name of stream 6 River basin I/ �7, z41✓ - Ae L 7 Approximate drainage area -- - - - 8 Streamorder ' / 9 Length of reach evaluated / -7 E 10 County F� lam!^ ✓l//y� 11 Site coordinates (if known) prefer in decimal degrees 12 Subdivision name (if any) 3� �� ' Latitude (ex 34 872312) �� Longitude (ex -77 556611) Method location determined (circle) GPS Topo Sheet Ortho (Aerial) Photo /GIS Other GIS Other 13 Location of reach under evalua / lion note nearby roads and landmarks and attach map identifying stream(s) location) N,,TPL of L�,U i -J 14 Proposed channel work (if any) ` 15 Recent weather conditions C2p 16 Site conditions at time of visit G o 17 Identify any special waterway classifications known = Section 10 =Tidal Waters _Essential Fisheries Habitat '-Trout Waters - Outstanding Resource Waters — Nutrient Sensitive Waters =Water Supply Watershed - (I iV) 18 Is there a pond or lake located upstream of the evaluation pomt9 YES GNOf yes estimate the water surface area 19 Does channel appear on USGS quad map? YES L-NO1 20 Does channel appear on USDA Soil Survey? YES EE 21 Estimated watershed land use 1 '0% Residential S% Commercial �% Industrial 3e-� % Agricultural 01/o Forested % Cleared / Logged ± % Other ( 22 Bankfull width / I Z' 3 23 Bank height (from bed to top of bank) Z - - Gentle (2 to 4 %) Moderate (4 to 10 %) _Steep ( >10 %) Frequent meander =Very sinuous _Braided channel 24 Channel slope down center of stream Flat (0 to 2 %) 25 Channel sinuosity '- Straight _Occasional bends instructions for completion of worksheet (located on page 2) Begin by determining the most appropriate ecoregion based on location terrain vegetation stream classification etc Every characteristic must be scored using the same ecoregion Assign points to each characteristic within the range shown for the ecoregion Page 3 provides a brief description of how to review the characteristics identified in the worksheet Scores should reflect an overall assessment of the stream reach under evaluation If a characteristic cannot be evaluated due to site or weather conditions enter 0 in the scoring box and provide an explanation in the comment section Where there are obvious ch-inges in the character of a stream under review (e g the stream flows from a pasture into a forest) the stream may be divided into smaller reaches that display more continuity and a separate form used to evaluate each reach The total score assigned to a stream reach must range between 0 and 100 with a score of 100 representing a stream of the highest quality Total Score (from reverse) Comments _ ��-' l �✓ '� �� i�c�1.� ✓c t» ST✓'- -�StL,1 —r`�,! cE� iT`�Jv�v�oh�� A-t, r r! v Evaluator s Signature �/ Date /t Az1 /Z-11/ e�, This channel evaluation form is mtende used only as a guide to assist landowners and environment-il profession -Ils in gathering the data required by the Uni o tates Army Corps of Engineers to mike a preliminary assessment of stre-im quality The total score resulting from the completion of this form is subject to USACE approval and does not imply a particular mitigation ratio or requirement Form subject to change - version 06/03 To Comment please call 919 876 8441 x 26 NC ,1W0 ,1qtrPam 1d1- .*.fvro4. -- L--- 170..x.,... A 11 Date �/ 3 O / v Project/Site + -,-- , / /G� Latitude — Evaluator / ID" MA) / i County Longitude Total Points 0 1 Stream is at least intermittent >_ 19 7 Stream Determt ircle one) Ephemeral ntennittent Perennial Other if or perennial if >_ 30 /-0 ,� v e g Quad Name A Geomorphology (Subtotal= J J) - Continuity of channel bed and bank Absent_ 0 Weak _ Moderate_ _.Strong -- 3 1 2 Sinuosity of channel along thalweg 0 1 2 3 3 In channel structure ex nffle pool step pool ripple sequence 0 ,� v 2 3 4 Particle size of stream substrate 0 1 2 3 5 Active /relict floodplain 0 1 1 5 3 6 Depositional bars or benches 0 1 2 3 7 Recent alluvial deposits 0 1 L 3 8 Headcuts 0 1 2 3 9 Grade control 0;1 05 1 1 5 10 Natural valley 0 5 �j(D 1 1 5 11 Second or greater order channel � No Yes= 3 R Hvrlrnlnnv Miihtntol =VV C„J� "�11YO1 12 Presence of Baseflow 0 1 2 3 13 Iron oxidizing bacteria 1 2 3 14 Leaf litter 1 5 05 0 15 Sediment on plants or debris 0 0 1 1 5 16 Organic debris lines or piles 0 05 3 1 5 17 Soil based evidence of high water table? No =10 Yes = 3 18 Fibrous roots in streambed 3 2 T17 0 19 Rooted upland plants in streambed 3, 2 1 0 20 Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0 1 2 3 21 Aquatic Mollusks 0/ 1 2 3 22 Fish 05 1 1 5 23 Crayfish 05 1 15 24 Amphibians r0 05 1 1 5 25 Algae 7 05 1 15 26 Wetland plants in streambed J FACW =10 75 `0131 = 1 5 Other = 0 perennial streams may also be identified using other methods See p 35 of manual Notes 1' ,� !�s''�l s�i�G �✓2<r1�. 2 /A/ -� Sketch FUSAGE AID #, DWQ# s� Site # / (indicate on attached map) 0 STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET -AQP Provide the following information for the stream reach under assessment \ / 1 Applicant s name A/ Llb�j 2 Evaluator s name 3 Date of evaluation /l i3o /2-07 4 Time of evaluation �� 61�% 5 Name of stream sF 6 River bas in 7 Approximate drainage area 8 Stream order 1 �� 9 Length of reach evaluated -C� 10 County 11 Site coordinates (if known) prefer in decimal degrees 12 Subdivision name (if any) ! Latitude (ex 34 872312) zs 6/: i 1J 4- Longitude (ex -77 556611) 7y, -7 % Method location determined (circle) GPS Topo Sheet Ortho (Aerial) Photo /GIS Other GIS Other 13L"o�cation of reach under evalua nearby roads and landmarks and attach map identifying stream(s) location) 14 Proposed channel work (if any) 15 Recent weather conditions (fl01 16 Site conditions at time of visit ��dl 17 Identify any special waterway classifications known — Section 10 —Tidal Waters — Essential Fisheries Habitat _Trout Waters — Outstanding Resource Waters N Nutrient Sensitive Waters —Water Supply Watershed — (I IV) 18 is there a pond or lake located upstream of the eval ation point9 YES NO If yes estimate the water surface area 19 Does channel appear on USGS quad map9 YES NON 20 Does channel appear on USDA Soil Survey9 YES NO 21 Estimated watershed land use l o % Residential 5 % Commercial 5 % Industrial S49 % Agricultural -4U% Forested N% Cleared / Logged _% Other ( — 22 Bankfull width 24 Channel slope down center of stream =Flat (0 to 2 %) 25 Channel sinuosity Straight -Occasional bends i 23 Bank height (from bed to top of bank) Z Nntle (2 to 4 /) ^Moderate (4 to 100/) =Steep ( >i0 %) Frequent meander _Very sinuous _Braided channel Instructions for completion of worksheet (located on page 2) Begin by determining the most appropriate ecoregion based on location terrain vegetation stream classification etc Every characteristic must be scored using the same ecoregion Assign points to each characteristic within the range shown for the ecoregion Page 3 provides a brief description of how to review the characteristics identified in the worksheet Scores should reflect an overall assessment of the stream reach under evaluation If a characteristic cannot be evaluated due to site or weather conditions enter 0 in the scoring box and provide an explanation in the comment section Where there are obvious changes in the character of a stream under review (e g the stream flows from a pasture into a forest) the stream may be divided into smaller reaches that display more continuity and a separate form used to evaluate each reach The total score assigned to a stream reach must range between 0 and 100 with a score of 100 representing a stream of the highest quality Total Score (from reverse) Comments / N- JC���i �i Nom]' ( c' --a i i N CA, Evaluator s Signature N''r Date / l/3 P/ -r� /d This channel evaluation form is intended to be used only as n guide to assist landowners and environmental profession'ils in gathering the data required by the United Stites Army Corps of Engineers to make a preliminary -issessment of stream quality The total score resulting from the completion of this form is subject to USACE approval and does not imply a particul,ir mitigation ratio or requirement Form subject to change - version 06/03 To Comment please call 919 876 8441 x 26 STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET * These characteristics are not assessed in coastal streams # ECOREGIO OI�T RANGE CHARACTERISTICS SCORE Coastal piedmont,' Mountain 1 Presence of flow / persistent pools in stream 0-5 0 — 4 0-5 no flow or saturation = 0 strong flow = max points) 2 Evidence of past human alteration 0-6 0-5 0-5 (extensive alteration =0 no alteration =max oints)— — — -- --- — — — 3 Riparian zone 0-6 0-4 0-5 no buffer = 0 contiguous, wide buffer = max points) 4 Evidence of nutrient or chemical discharges 0-5 0 4 0-4 extensive discharges = 0 no discharges = max points) — Z 5 Groundwater discharge 0-3 0-4 0-4 I no discharge = 0 springs, sees wetlands etc = max points) U 6 Presence of adjacent floodplain 0— 4 0— 4 0— 2 no flood lam = 0 extensive flood lam = max points) J� Entrenchment / floodplam access 0— 5 0— 4 0— 2 a' (deeply entrenched = 0 frequent flooding = max omts 8 Presence of adjacent wetlands 0-6 0-4 0-2 2 no wetlands = 0 large adjacent wetlands = max points) 9 Channel sinuosity 0— 5 0— 4 0— 3 extensive channelization = 0 natural meander = max points) 10 Sediment input 0-5 0-4 0-4 Z extensive deposition= 0 little or no sediment = max points) 11 Size & diversity of channel bed substrate NA* 0-4 0 - 5 fine homogenous = 0 large, diverse sizes = max points) 12 Evidence of channel incision or widening 0-5 0 - 4 0-5 Z (deeply incised = 0 stable bed & banks = max points) 13 Presence of major bank failures 0-5 0 - 5 0-5 ��- (severe erosion = 0 no erosion stable banks = max points) 14 Root depth and density on banks 0-3 0 - 4 0-5 no visible roots = 0 dense roots throughout = max points) 15 Impact by agriculture livestock, or timber production 0-5 0 — 4 0-5 Z substantial impact =0 no evidence = max points) 16 Presence of riffle pool/ripple pool complexes 0-3 0 - 5 0-6 i F no riffles/ripples or pools = 0 well developed = max points) 17 Habitat complexity 0-6 0-6 0-6 (little or no habitat = 0 frequent, varied habitats = max points) 18 Canopy coverage over streambed 0 -5 0 -5 0 -5 (no shading vegetation = 0 continuous Canopy = max points) 19 Substrate embeddedness NA* 0-4 0 - 4 (deeply embedded = 0 loose structure = max) 20 Presence of stream invertebrates (see page 4) 0-4 0 - 5 0-5 no evidence = 0 common numerous types = max points) 21 Presence of amphibians 0-4 0-4 0-4 O no evidence = 0 common numerous types = max points) O 22 Presence of fish 0 -4 0 -4 0 -4 (no evidence = 0 common numerous types = max points) 23 Evidence of wildlife use 0-6 0-5 0-5 3 no evidence = 0 abundant evidence = max points) Total Points Possible 100 100 100 TOTAL SCORE (also enter on first page) 45 * These characteristics are not assessed in coastal streams NC DWO Stream Identification Fnrm VPrcvnn d 11 Date /� Protect/Site +� - Zf G _<�11, Latitude _ Evaluator �� y� aS7�-�- County O Longitude 0 1 1 2 2 3 Total Points 3 In channel structure ex riffle pool step pool 0 0 1 Stream is at least intermittent Stream Determi ation4 ircle one) Ephemeral Intermittent Other --- If >_19or erennialif >_30 Perennial e Quad Name Ir — A— Geomor holo — (Subtotal =E -) -- A Absent W Weak M Moderate S Strong 2 Sinuosity of channel along thalweg 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 In channel structure ex riffle pool step pool 0 0 1 1 P,--7-- 3 4 Particle size of stream substrate 0 0 1 1 3 3 5 Active /relict floodplam 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 6 Depositional bars or benches 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 7 Recent alluvial deposits 0 0 1 1 r r2--) 3 3 8 Headcuts 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 9 Grade control j j0 0 05 1 1 1 1 5 10 Natural valley 0 0 0 05 1 11 ti 1 1 5 11 Second or greater order channel N No ' 0 Y Yes = 3 i as i es are not rated see discussions in manual B Hvdroloav (Subtotal = 2� i 12 Presence of Baseflow 0 1 2 3 13 Iron oxidizing bacteria 1 2 3 14 Leaf litter 1 5 1 05 0 15 Sediment on plants or debris 0 0 1 1 5 16 Organic debris lines or piles 0 1-05 1 1 17 Soil based evidence of high water table? No =,0 Yes =i3 18 Fibrous roots in streambed 3 2 1 0 19 Rooted upland plants in streambed 3 2 1 0 20 Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 1 2 3 21 Aquatic Mollusks 0 1 2 3 22 Fish 0 05 1 1 5 23 Crayfish 05 1 15 24 Amphibians 0-,,-,) 05 1 1 5 25 Algae 0 5 1 1 5 26 Wetland plants in streambed FACW = 0 75 OBL = 1 5 Other -- 0 perennial streams may also be identified using other methods See p 35 of manual Notes J-1-W, L�1 �NGi�,� ✓,a —�a� v< Sketch 18 Fibrous roots in streambed 3 2 1 0 19 Rooted upland plants in streambed 3 2 1 0 20 Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 1 2 3 21 Aquatic Mollusks 0 1 2 3 22 Fish 0 05 1 1 5 23 Crayfish 05 1 15 24 Amphibians 0-,,-,) 05 1 1 5 25 Algae 0 5 1 1 5 26 Wetland plants in streambed FACW = 0 75 OBL = 1 5 Other -- 0 perennial streams may also be identified using other methods See p 35 of manual Notes J-1-W, L�1 �NGi�,� ✓,a —�a� v< Sketch USACE AID# DWQ # Site # (indicate on attached map) M STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET -AQP Provide the following information for the stream reach under assessment 1 Applicant s name NUJV; 2 Evaluator s name 3 Date of evaluation /Z / i C�7 4 Time of evaluation /�� 022 5 Name of stream 6 River basin Y�1- J "- P_ -- 7 Approximate drainage area 9 Length of reach evaluated 8 Stream order �_ `� 10 County 11 Site coordinates (if known) prefer in decimal degrees 12 Subdivision name (if any) Latitude (ex 34 872312) 01 f7 f �5 Longitude (ex -77 556611) 7 Method location determined (circle) l GPS Topo Sheet Ortho (Aerial) Photo /GIS Other GIS Other 13 Location of reach under evalua ion (note nearby roads and landmarks and attach map identifying stream(s) location) 14 Proposed channel work (if any) 15 Recent weather conditions I 16 Site conditions at time of visit II V., f 17 Identify any special waterway classifications known — Section 10 =Tidal Waters _Essential Fisheries Habitat =Trout Waters _Outstanding Resource Waters = Nutrient Sensitive Waters —Water Supply Watershed` (i IV) 18 Is there a pond or lake located upstream of the evaluation pointy YES [NaOlf yes estimate the water surface area 19 Does channel appear on USGS quad map9 YES NO 20 Does channel appear on USDA Soil Surveys YES NO 21 Estimated watershed land use O% Residential S A Commercial S /o Industrial Agricultural -{D% Forested (a % Cleared / Logged % Other 22 Bankfull width 4 23 Bank height (from bed to top of bank) "1 �, / 24 Channel slope down center of stream =Flat (0 to 2°/) ZGentle (2 to 4°/) Moderate (4 to 10 %) =Steep ( >100/) 25 Channel sinuosity `Straight - Occasional bends _Frequent meander _Very sinuous — Braided channel Instructions for completion of worksheet (located on page 2) Begin by determining the most appropriate ecoregion based on location terrain vegetation stream classification etc Every characteristic must be scored using the same ecoregion Assign points to each characteristic within the range shown for the ecoregion Page 3 provides a brief description of how to review the characteristics identified in the worksheet Scores should reflect an overall assessment of the stream reach under evaluation if a characteristic c-innot be evaluated due to site or weather conditions enter 0 in the scoring box and provide an explanation in the comment section Where there are obvious changes in the character of a stream under review (e g the stream flows from a pasture into a forest) the stream may be divided into smaller reaches that display more continuity and a separate form used to evaluate each reach The total score assigned to a stream reach must range between 0 and 100 with a score of 100 representing a stream of the highest quality Total Score (from reverse) Comments /A/'�� -''�`l /&/ G 1 Gt,� Gr(75 1/1, � \­ � 1� Cix -D=am =v 34 ti'L�i�a R -., t-,E .✓✓9V Evaluator s Signature / ,- `— _� i `- Dnte l /7l/,%,- z- /� This channel evaluation form is intended to be used only as a guide to assist landowners and environmental professionals in gathering the d ita required by the United Stites Army Corps of Engineers to m -ike a preliminary assessment of stream quality The total score resulting from the completion of this form is subject to USACE approvil and does not imply a p -irticular mitigation ratio or requirement Form subject to change - version 06/03 To Comment please call 919 876 8441 x 26 STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET * These characteristics are not assessed in coastal streams ECOREGIO GE # CHARACTERISTICS SCORE Coastal Piedmont ---,Mountain 1 Presence of flow / persistent pools in stream 0-5 0 - 4 0-5 no flow or saturation = 0 strong flow = max points) 2 Evidence of past human alteration — extensive alteration = 0 no alteration = max points)--- 0 - 6 0-5 0 - 5 — - - - - - -— - -- - - - -- 3 Riparian zone 0-6 0 - 4 0-5 no buffer = 0 contiguous, wide buffer = max points) 4 Evidence of nutrient or chemical discharges 0-5 0 - 4 0-4 extensive di 1—k—­ = 0 no dischar es =max omts 5 Groundwater discharge 0- 3 0- 4 0- 4 no discharge = 0 springs sees wetlands etc = max points) U 6 Presence of adjacent floodplain 0- 4 0- 4 0- 2 2 no floodplain = 0 extensive floodplain = max oints 7 Entrenchment / floodplain access 0-5 0 - 4 0-2 5% (deeply entrenched = 0 frequent flooding = max points) 8 Presence of adjacent wetlands 0-6 0-4 0-2 1 (no wetlands = 0 large adjacent wetlands = max points) 9 Channel sinuosity 0-5 0-4 0-3 extensive channehzation = 0 natural meander = max points) 10 Sediment input 0-5 0-4 0-4 1Z_ extensive deposition= 0 little or no sediment = max oints 11 Size & diversity of channel bed substrate NA* 0-4 0 - 5 (fine homogenous = 0 large, diverse sizes = max points) 12 Evidence of channel incision or widening 0-5 0 - 4 0-5 �. (deeply incised = 0 stable bed & banks = max points) 13 Presence of major bank failures 0 - 5 0 - 5 0 - 5 severe erosion = 0 no erosion stable banks = max oints) 14 Root depth and density on banks 0-3 0 - 4 0-5 no visible roots = 0 dense roots throughout = max oints 15 Impact by agriculture, livestock, or timber production 0-5 0 - 4 0-5 Z_ substantial impact =0 no evidence = max points) 16 Presence of riffle pool/ripple pool complexes 0-3 0 - 5 0-6 (no riffles/ripples or pools = 0 well developed = max points) 17 Habitat complexity 0-6 0-6 0-6 (little or no habitat = 0 frequent, varied habitats = max points 18 Canopy coverage over streambed 0-5 0 - 5 0-5 no shading vegetation = 0 continuous canopy = max points) 19 Substrate embeddedness NA* 0-4 0 - 4 (deeply embedded = 0 loose structure = max) 20 Presence of stream invertebrates (see page 4) 0-4 0 - 5 0-5 no evidence = 0 common numerous types = max points) 21 Presence of amphibians 0-4 0-4 0-4 O (no evidence = 0 common numerous types = max points) O 22 Presence of fish 0-4 0-4 0-4 � (no evidence = 0 common numerous es = max oints) 23 Evidence of wildlife use 0-6 0 - 5 0-5 no evidence = 0 abundant evidence = max points) Total Points Possible 100 100 100 TOTAL SCORE (also enter on first page) J * These characteristics are not assessed in coastal streams NC DWn Stream Identtfiratinn Fnrm Vnreinn d 11 Date �� Project/Site —� �� SL! Latitude — Evaluator ���`/ �7�/ ! County �GI U Longitude Total Points Stream is at least intermittent Stream Detertm anon - (circle one) Other If ? 19 or perennial If >_ 30 Ephemeral Intermittent Perennial e g Quad Name I— i - A- Geomor holo - (Subtotal = -1 �� ) ,a Continuity of channel bed and bank Absent -- 0 Weak 1 — Moderate 2 - Strong 3 2 Sinuosity of channel along thalweg 0 1 2 3 3 In channel structure ex riffle pool step pool n le pool sequence 0 ` 1 2 3 4 Particle size of stream substrate 0 1 2 3 5 Active /relict floodplain 0 1 2 3 6 Depositional bars or benches 0 1 2 3 7 Recent alluvial deposits 0 1 2 3 8 Headcuts 0 1 3 9 Grade control (0 05 1 1 5 10 Natural valley 0 05 1 05 11 Second or greater order channel a No =i 0 2 Yes - 3 anuw1m wLU1Ub die nuI idleU See UISGUSSIO In manual B Hvdroloav (Subtotal = Z _ 12 Presence of Baseflow 0 1 2 3 13 Iron oxidizing bacteria 0 1 2 3 14 Leaf litter 1 5 05 0 15 Sediment on plants or debris 0 'T0 5/ 1 1 5 16 Organic debris lines or piles 0 1 _05 11 1 15 17 Soil based evidence of high water table? No = 0 t Yes = 3 t- DIOIOUV IJUDiotal = -4— 1 18 Fibrous roots In streambed 3 2 ( 1 1 0 19 Rooted upland plants in streambed T37 2 1 0 20 Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0 1 2 3 21 Aquatic Mollusks 0 1 2 3 22 Fish 05 1 1 5 23 Crayfish 40 ) 05 1 1 5 24 Amphibians 0� 05 1 1 5 25 Algae 05 1 1 5 26 Wetland plants in streambed FACW = 0 75 OBL = 1 5 Other. =` 0 , perennial streams may also be identified using other methods See p 35 of manual Notes /N �✓! � Y ���- lN�� 21, �f- o /�o r�U l b ✓�� i «� !/� �r iZ ✓n� - �a /s< <i Sketch USACE AID #. DWQ# Site # / (Indicate on attached map) M1 STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET -AQP Provide the following information for the stream reach under assessment / 1 Applicant s name /VcU.1�%�, 2 Evaluator s name 3 Date of evaluation /1 /2 '�/ /tom 4 Time of evaluation 5 Name of stream C {� 6 River basin 7 Approximate drainage area 9 Length of reach evaluated _ D' 8 Stream order 10 County 1 I Site coordinates (If known) / preefer in decimal degrees 12 Subdivision name (if any) Latitude (ex 34 872312) Longitude (ex —77 55661 1) -7C°45 - Method location determined (circle) �GPS Topo Sheet Ortho (Aerial) Photo /GIS Other GIS Other 13 Location of reach under evaluat note nearby roads and landmarks and attach map identifying stream(s) location) �'- S IUD = t1 � �c� w PINS 14 Proposed channel work (if any) ' Ii y ✓sic IS Recent weather conditions t�i�l i f � i 16 Site conditions at time of visit �+6TI_ �fu "" l-b 17 Identify any special waterway classifications known — Section 10 —Tidal Waters ^ Essential Fisheries Habitat .Trout Waters _Outstanding Resource Waters Nutrient S nse� hive Waters Water Supply Watershed — (I iV) 18 Is there a pond or lake located upstream of the evaluation point9 YES,1 NO If yes estimate the water surface area 19 Does channel appear on USGS quad map9 YES ONE 20 Does channel appear on USDA Soil Survey9 YES 50 21 Estimated watershed land use 11 % Residential S % Commercial % Industrial 30 % Agricultural % Forested % Cleared / Logged % Other ( // ) �� Rani fall .."Ith 'D ! 71 Rank heiaht ffrnm heri to tnn of hank) 24 Channel slope down center of stream _Flat (0 to 2 %) Gentle (2 to 4 %) �_, Moderate (4 to 10 %) "_Steep (> 10°/ ) 25 Channel sinuosity ✓traight Occasional bends — Frequent meander —Very sinuous — Braided channel instructions for completion of worksheet (located on page 2) Begin by determining the most appropriate ecoregion based on location terrain vegetation stream classification etc Every characteristic must be scored using the same ecoregion Assign points to each characteristic within the range shown for the ecoregion Page 3 provides a brief description of how to review the characteristics identified In the worksheet Scores should reflect an overall assessment of the stream reach under evaluation If a characteristic cannot be evaluated due to site or weather conditions enter 0 in the scoring box and provide an explanation in the comment section Where there are obvious changes in the character of a stream under review (e g the stream flows from a pasture into a forest) the stream may be divided Into smaller reaches that display more continuity and a separate form used to evaluate each reach The total score assigned to a stream reach must range between 0 and 100 with a score of 100 representing a stream of the highest quality Total Score (from reverse) Comments /Ayy Evaluator s Signature_ E This channel evaluation forlp>(is intended to be used only as n guide to assist hindowners and environmental profession-ils in gathering the data required by the United Statc Army Corps of Engineers to make a preliminary assessment of stream quality The total score resulting from the completion of this form is subject to USACE ipproval and does not imply 't particul-ir mitig ition ratio or requirement Form subject to change – version 06/03 To Comment please call 919 876 8441 x 26 STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET * These characteristics are not assessed in coastal streams # CHARACTERISTICS ECOREGIO T, RANGE SCORE Coastal Piedmo Mountain I Presence of flow / persistent pools in stream 0-5 0 4 0-5 no flow or saturation = 0 strong flow = max points) - ? Evidence of past human alteration 0 - 6 0-5 0 - 5 7 — extensive alteration = 0 no alteration = max oints - _ _ _ 3 Riparian zone 0-6 0-4 0-5 no buffer = 0 contiguous, wide buffer = max points) 4 Evidence of nutrient or chemical discharges 0-5 0 - 4 0-4 -� extensive discharges = 0 no discharges = max points) v 5 Groundwater discharge (no discharge = 0 springs, sees wetlands etc = max points) 0- 3 0- 4 0- 4 U 6 Presence of adjacent floodplam 0-4 0 - 4 0-2 no flood lam = 0 extensive flood lam = max points) 7 Entrenchment / floodplam access 0-5 0 - 4 0-2 (deeply entrenched = 0 frequent flooding = max points) (/ 8 Presence of adjacent wetlands 0-6 0 4 0-2 no wetlands = 0 large adjacent wetlands = max points) - 9 Channel sinuosity 0-5 0 - 4 0-3 extensive channehzat on = 0 natural meander = max points) 10 Sediment input 0- 5 0- 4 0- 4 extensive deposition= 0 little or no sediment = max points) 11 Size & diversity of channel bed substrate (fine homogenous = 0 large, diverse sizes = max points) NA 0-4 0 - 5 12 Evidence of channel incision or widening 0-5 0 4 y+ (deeply incised = 0 stable bed & banks = max points) - 0-5 ,H. 13 Presence of major bank failures 0-5 0 - 5 0-5 severe erosion = 0 no erosion stable banks = max points) 14 Root depth and density on banks 0 - 3 0 - 4 0 - 5 no visible roots = 0 dense roots throughout = max points) I S Impact by agriculture livestock or timber production 0-5 0 - 4 0-5 (substantial impact =0 no evidence = max points) 16 Presence of riffle pool/ripple pool complexes 0-3 0 - 5 0-6 no riffles/ripples or pools = 0 well developed = max points) 17 Habitat complexity 0-6 0-6 0-6 (little or no habitat = 0 frequent, varied habitats = max points) Canopy coverage over streambed 18 no shading vegetation = 0 continuous canopy = max omts 0-5 0 - 5 0-5 19 Substrate embeddedness NA* 0-4 0 - 4 (deeply embedded = 0 loose structure = max) 20 Presence of stream invertebrates (see page 4) 0-4 0 5 i no evidence = 0 common numerous types = max points) - 0-5 21 Presence of amphibians 0- 4 0-4 0-4 O O (no evidence = 0 common numerous es = max points) O 22 Presence of fish 0 -4 0 -4 0 -4 / 00 (no evidence = 0 common numerous es = max points) (/ 23 Evidence of wildlife use 0-6 0 - 5 0-5 no evidence = 0 abundant evidence = max points) Total Points Possible 100 100 100 TOTAL SCORE (also enter on first page) �7 * These characteristics are not assessed in coastal streams NC DWQ Stream Identification Form Version 4 11 Date -7>� Project/Site �_3�' , G �� Latitude _ Evaluator ,, / S �/ County �lC�il' iUN Longitude - Total Points Stream is at least intermittent Stream Detgrtnmationcle one) Ephemeral ntermittent Perennial Other Quad Name if _ 19 or perennial if ? 30 3 In channel structure ex riffle pool step pool n le pool sequence e g — -_ A Geomorphology (Subtotal = d 6-- ) Absent Weak Moderate I Strong 1a Continuity of channel bed and bank 0 1 2 3 V 2 Sinuosity of channel along thalweg 0 1 T-2 3 3 In channel structure ex riffle pool step pool n le pool sequence 0 1 �� 3 4 Particle size of stream substrate 0 1 i 2 3 5 Active /relict floodplam 0 `1 2 3 6 Depositional bars or benches 0 1 2 3 7 Recent alluvial deposits 0 1 1 2 L 3 8 Headcuts 0 1 2 3 9 Grade control IJ 05 1 1 5 10 Natural valley 0 I D 5, 1 1 5 11 Second or greater order channel No =10 ; Yes = 3 artificial ditches are not rated see discussions in manual B Hydroloqy (Subtotal = - ) 12 Presence of Baseflow 0 1 2 3 13 Iron oxidizing bacteria O J 1 2 3 14 Leaf litter 15 1 -5-J 0 15 Sediment on plants or debris 0 0 5 1 1 5 16 Organic debris lines or piles 0 05 \ 1 5 17 Sod based evidence of high water tablet No =10 -11 Yes = 3 G Blology (Subtotal = 2�- ) 18 Fibrous roots In streambed 3 2 1 0 19 Rooted upland plants in streambed 3 2 1 0 20 Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 07 1 2 3 21 Aquatic Mollusks 0 1 2 3 22 Fish -tb J) 05 1 1 5 23 Crayfish 05 1 1 5 24 Amphibians r0 05 1 1 5 25 Algae 05 1 1 5 26 Wetland plants in streambed _ FACW = 0 75 OBL = 1 5 Other = 0 perennial streams may also be identified using other methods See p 35 of manual — Notes t-LI Tv/, -K Sketch USAGE AID# DWQ # Site # / (indicate on attached map) F1 T-3 STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET -AQP Provide the following information for the stream reach under assessment 1 Applicants name i�p,Lb 2 Evaluator s name ►'`��� 3 Date of evaluation / 70—, / 4 Time of evaluation 4 5 __5 Name of stream _ y 6 River basin 7 Approximate drainage area _ 8 Stream order 9 Length of reach evaluated -S� 10 County 11 Site coordinates (if known) prefer in decimal degrees 12 Subdivision name (if any) Latitude (ex 34 872312) Longitude (ex -77 556611) -7 70 7 9- Method location determined (circle) PGPS Topo Sh eet Ortho (Aerial) Photo /GiS Other GIS Othe13 Location of reach under evaluate nearby roads and landmarks and attach map identifying stream(s) location) 14 Proposed channel work (if any) _ 15 Recent weather conditions 16 Site conditions at time of visit 17 Identify any special waterway classifications known _Section 10 _Tidal Waters — Essential Fisheries Habitat Trout Waters _Outstanding Resource Waters = Nutrient Sensitive Waters _Water Supply Watershed _ (I IV) ----7 18 Is there a pond or lake located upstream of the evaluation point? YES �NO Il�yes estimate the water surface area 19 Does channel appear on USGS quad map? YES NO 20 Does channel appear on USDA Soil Survey? YES 7NO 21 Estimated watershed land use l °/ Residential % Commercial S A industrial Agricultural -41::% Forested LD % Cleared / Logged _% Other ( 22 Bankfull width S —mot 23 Bank height (from bed to top of bank) Z —`f 24 Channel slope down center of stream _Flat (0 to 2 %) Gentle (2 to 4 %) Moderate (4 to 10 %) _Steep ( >10 %) 25 Channel sinuosity Straight Occasional bends = Frequent meander Very sinuous = Braided channel Instructions for completion of worksheet (located on page 2) Begin by determining the most appropriate ecoregion based on location terrain vegetation stream classification etc Every characteristic must be scored using the same ecoregion Assign points to each characteristic within the range shown for the ecoregion Page 3 provides a brief description of how to review the characteristics identified in the worksheet Scores should reflect an overall assessment of the stream reach under evaluation If a characteristic cannot be evaluated due to site or weather conditions enter 0 in the scoring box and provide an explanation in the comment section Where there are obvious changes in the character of a stream under review (e g the stream flows from a pasture into a forest) the stream may be divided into smaller reaches that display more continuity and a separate form used to evaluate each reach The total score assigned to a stream reach must range between 0 and 100 with a score of 100 representing a stream of the highest quality Total Score (from reverse) Comments Evaluator s Signature i Date �2 This channel evaluation form is intended etates a used only as a guide to assist landowners and environmental professionlls in gathering the dat-i required by the Unite Army Corps of Engineers to make a preliminary assessment of stream quality The total score resulting from t completion of this form is subject to USACE approval and does not imply a particular mitigation ratio or requirement Form subject to change — version 06/03 To Comment please call 919 876 8441 x 26 STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET * These characteristics are not assessed in coastal streams ECOREGIO RANGE # CHARACTERISTICS SCORE Coastal Piedmont - Mountain 1 Presence of flow / persistent pools in stream 0-5 0 - 4 0-5 a no flow or saturation = 0 strong flow = max points) _ —2 Evidence of past hufnan alteration _ —0-6 - — 0 - 5 - - - —0 - 5 -- - extensive alteration = 0 no alteration = max omts 3 Riparian zone 0-6 0-4 0-5 Z_ no buffer = 0 contiguous, wide buffer = max poi is 4 Evidence of nutrient or chemical discharges 0-5 0 - 4 0-4 extensive discharges = 0 no discharges = max points) 5 Groundwater discharge 0-3 0-4 0-4 (no discharge = 0 springs, sees wetlands etc = max points) U 6 Presence of adjacent floodplain 0 4 0- 4 0- 2 Z no flood lam = 0 extensive flood lam = max points) 7 Entrenchment / floodplam access 0-5 0-4 0-2 (deeply entrenched = 0 frequent flooding = max points) 8 Presence of adjacent wetlands 0-6 0-4 0-2 no wetlands = 0 large adjacent wetlands = max points) 9 Channel sinuosity 0-5 0-4 0-3 Z_ extensive channelization = 0 natural meander = max points) 10 Sediment input 0-5 0-4 0-4 2— extensive deposition= 0 little or no sediment = max points) 11 Size & diversity of channel bed substrate NA* 0-4 0 - 5 / fine homogenous = 0 large, diverse sizes = max points) 12 Evidence of channel incision or widening 0-5 0 - 4 0-5 Z yi (deeply incised = 0 stable bed & banks = max points) 13 Presence of major bank failures 0-5 0 - 5 0-5 severe erosion = 0 no erosion stable banks = max points) 14 Root depth and density on banks 0-3 0 - 4 0-5 F., no visible roots = 0 dense roots throughout = max points) 15 Impact by agriculture livestock or timber production 0-5 0 - 4 0-5 / substantial impact =0 no evidence = max points) 16 Presence of riffle pooUripple pool complexes 0-3 0 - 5 0-6 F (no riffles/ripples or pools = 0 well developed = max omts) 17 Habitat complexity 0-6 0-6 0-6 Z (little or no habitat = 0 frequent varied habitats = max points) 18 Canopy coverage over streambed 0-5 0 - 5 0-5 no shading vegetation = 0 continuous canopy = max points) 19 Substrate embeddedness NA* 0-4 0-4 7 (deeply embedded = 0 loose structure = max) Presence of stream invertebrates (see page 4) 0-4 0 5 0-5 ,ate (/ 20 no evidence = 0 common numerous types = max points) - 21 Presence of amphibians 0-4 0 - 4 0-4 (] O no evidence = 0 common numerous types = max po mts 22 Presence of fish 0-4 0 - 4 0-4 :1 (no evidence = 0 common numerous es = max oints) 23 Evidence of wildlife use 0-6 0 - 5 0-5 no evidence = 0 abundant evidence = max points) Total Points Possible 100 100 100 TOTAL SCORE (also enter on first page) * These characteristics are not assessed in coastal streams NC DWn Strennl irtPntifienttnn Tinvm Vnr.- A 11 Date / 36�Z6� Profect/Site e-- �!�/ Latitude Evaluator i b/'��/ County t� Longitude Total Points 1 1 1 ` 2 2 2 Stream is at least lif r >_ Stream Determination circle one Ephemeral Ephemeral Intermittent Perennial Other _ if 19 or perennial if >_ 30 30 3 e g Quad Name A Geomorphology (Subtotal= I 1 ) Absent Weak Moderate Strong 3 3 3 1a Continuity of channel bed and bank 2 Sinuosity of channel along thalweg 3 In channel structure ex riffle pool step pool ripple pool sequence 0 0 0 1 1 1 ` 2 2 2 4 Particle size of stream substrate 0 1 2 3 5 Active /relict floodplain 0 --:— 2 \ 3 6 Depositional bars or benches 0 1 2 3 7 Recent alluvial deposits 0 22 2 3 8 Headcuts 0 1 12- 3 9 Grade control 0 0 5 1 1 5 10 Natural valley 0 5 i1 1 5 11 Second or greater order channel A f Ke ...- - -- -- -- - - No =10 Yes = 3 - - -- — "— — - -..__ ..............�... .aa.r I. II I II .. lual B Hvdroloav (Subtotal = '2, 1 12 Presence of Baseflow 0 1 2 3 13 Iron oxidizing bacteria TO 1 2 3 14 Leaf litter 5 1 0 5 , 0 15 Sediment on plants or debris 0 0 5J 1 5 16 Organic debris lines or piles 17 Soil based evidence of high water table's r o.,.i, .., ��..�._._ _ c 0 05 No =�0 1 1 5 Yes = 3 18 Fibrous roots in streambed 3 2 1 0 19 Rooted upland plants in streambed 3 2 1 0 20 Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 1 2 3 21 Aquatic Mollusks -LO 0 1 2 3 22 Fish 05 1 1 5 23 Crayfish LOJ 05 1 1 5 24 Amphibians 0-, 0 5, 1 1 5 25 Algae 0_I 05 1 1 5 26 Wetland plants in streambed FACW = 0 75 OBL = 1 5 Other =10 i perennial streams may also be identified using other methods See p 35 of manual `" Notes vf✓� Sketch USACE AID# DWQ #, Site # ' (indicate on attached map) M STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET -AQP Provide the following information for the stream reach under assessment 1 Applicant s name ��M�� 2 Evaluators name�Ii�U�L� 3 Date of evaluation �� �� 4 Time of evaluation ) —__5 Name-of stream 6 River basin ,M/'7� /G ✓�� " !� �� 7 Approximate drainage area 8 Stream order / S% i 9 Length of reach evaluated SD 10 County �N U1yiM 11 Site coordinates (if known) prefer in decimal degrees 12 Subdivision name (if any) Latitude (ex 34 872312) _� 2, Longitude (ex -77 556611) i-7 7 d Method location determined (circle) iGPS Topo Sheet Ortho (Aerial) Photo /GIS Other GIS Other 13 Location of reach under evalua note nearby roads and landmarks and attach map identifying stream(s) location) 14 Proposed channel work (if army) -' 15 Recent weather conditions MoO 16 Site conditions at time of visit Mo L- 17 Identify any special waterway classifications known Section 10 _Tidal Waters Essential Fisheries Habitat =Trout Waters = Outstanding Resource Waters — Nutrient Sensitive Waters _Water Supply Watershed (i iV) 18 Is there a pond or lake located upstream of the evaluation point9 YES NO If yes estimate the water surface area 19 Does channel appear on USGS quad map? YES I NO 20 Does channel appear on USDA Soil Survey? YES NO 21 Estimated watershed land use `� %Residentia s %Commercial Z°/ Industrial _;�O_/ Agricultural i rO/ Forested O/ Cleared /Logged %Other ( ) 22 Bankfull width Z l 23 Bank height (from bed to top of bank) _ Z 24 Channel slope down center f stream _Flat (0 to 2 %) 'Gentle (2 to 4 %) Moderate (4 to 10 %) =Steep ( >10 %) 25 Channel sinuosity Straight — Occasional bends Frequent meander _Very sinuous — Braided channel instructions for completion of worksheet (located on page 2) Begin by determining the most appropriate ecoregton based on location terrain vegetation stream classification etc Every characteristic must be scored using the same ecoregton Assign points to each characteristic within the range shown for the ecoregton Page 3 provides a brief description of how to review the characteristics identified in the worksheet Scores should reflect an overall assessment of the stream reach under evaluation If a characteristic cannot be evaluated due to site or weather conditions enter 0 in the scoring box and provide an explanation in the comment section Where there are obvious changes in the character of a stream under review (e g the stream flows from a pasture into a forest) the stream may be divided into smaller reaches that display more continuity and a separate form used to evaluate each reach The total score assigned to a stream reach must range between 0 and 100 with a score of 100 representing a stream of the highest quality Total Score (from reverse) M Comments V ���� C / i /Lir`T r Z /, 7 Evaluator s Signature �Z / \ --, Date ZZZ3���� This channel evaluatio/ilform is intended to I�eused only as a guide to assist landowners and environmental professionals in gathering the d ita required by the United States Army Corps of Engineers to mike a preliminary assessment of stream quality The total score resulting from the completion of this form is subject to USACE 1pproval and does not imply t particular mitig ition ratio or requirement Form subject to change - version 06/03 To Comment please call 919 876 8441 x 26 STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET I t hese characteristics are not assessed in coastal streams ECOREGION POINT RANGE # CHARACTERISTICS SCORE Coastal Piedmont Mountain 1 Presence of flow / persistent pools in stream no flow or saturation = 0 strong flow = max points) 0-5 0 - 4 0-5 ? Evidence of past human alteration 0-6 0 5 -- — extensive alteration= 0 no alteration = max oin - - 0-5 _ _ 3 Riparian zone 0-6 0 - 4 0-5 no buffer = 0 contiguous, wide buffer = max poi ts 4 Evidence of nutrient or chemical discharges 0-5 0-4 0-4 Z extensive discharges = 0 no discharges = max points) 5 Groundwater discharge 1 no discharge = 0 springs, sees wetlands etc = max points) 0-3 0-4 0- 4 1 U � 6 Presence of adjacent floodplain 0-4 0 - 4 0 2 2 5, no flood lam = 0 extensive flood lam = max points) - �i Entrenchment / floodplam access 0-5 0 - 4 0-2 (deeply entrenched = 0 frequent flooding = max points) 8 Presence of adjacent wetlands no wetlands = 0 large adjacent wetlands = max points) 0-6 0-4 0-2 9 Channel sinuosity 0-5 0-4 0-3 I extensive channel ► zation = 0 natural meander = max points) 10 Sediment input 0-5 0-4 0-4 extensive deposition= 0 little or no sediment = max points) 11 Size & diversity of channel bed substrate * (fine homogenous = 0 large, diverse sizes = max points) NA 0-4 0 - 5 12 Evidence of channel incision or widening 0-5 0 4 0-5 2 y+ (deeply incised = 0 stable bed & banks = max points) - 13 Presence of major bank failures 0-5 0 - 5 0-5 d severe erosion = 0 no erosion stable banks = max poi ts 14 Root depth and density on banks 0-3 0 - 4 0-5 no visible roots = 0 dense roots throughout = max points) 15 Impact by agriculture livestock or timber production substantial impact =0 no evidence = max points) 0-5 0 - 4 0-5 v 16 Presence of riffle pool/ripple pool complexes no riffles/ripples or pools = 0 well developed = max points) 0-3 0 - 5 0-6 f 17 Habitat complexity 0-6 0-6 0-6 (little or no habitat = 0 frequent, varied habitats = max points) 18 Canopy coverage over streambed no shading vegetation = 0 continuous canopy = max points) 0-5 0 - 5 0-5 19 Substrate embeddedness NA * 0-4 0 - 4 deeply embedded = 0 loose structure = max) 20 Presence of stream invertebrates (see page 4) 0-4 0 - 5 0-5 no evidence = 0 common numerous types = max points) 21 Presence of amphibians O no evidence = 0 common numerous types = max po mts 0-4 0 - 4 0-4 O 22 Presence of fish 0-4 0-4 0-4 (no evidence = 0 common numerous types = max points) 23 Evidence of wildlife use 0-6 0 - 5 0-5 no evidence = 0 abundant evidence = max points) Total Points Possible 100 100 100 TOTAL SCORE (also enter on first page) I t hese characteristics are not assessed in coastal streams NC DWQ Stream Identification Form Version 4 11 Date I' �a Zr�l Project/Site —� �ZI L S� Latitude _ Evaluator (��_ „�_/ County « Longitude Total Points Stream is at least intermittent Stream Determination rcle one) Other if? 19 or perennial if >_ 30 lid Ephemeral ntermitte t Perennial e g Quad Name _ A Geomorphology (Subtotal 1a Continuity of channel bed and bank Absent 0 Weak 1 Moderate 1 2 Strong 3 2 Sinuosity of channel along thalweg 0 1 '— 2 3 3 In channel structure ex riffle pool step pool ripple sequence 0 t--� {— 2 3 4 Particle size of stream substrate 0 1 2 3 5 Active /relict floodplain 0 \ 1 2 3 6 Depositional bars or benches 0 1 2 3 7 Recent alluvial deposits 0 1 t2 3 8 Headcuts 0 1 2-7j 3 9 Grade control 10^) 05 1 1 5 10 Natural valley 0 05 1 1 5 11 Second or greater order channel a No _, Yes - 3 anwuai undies are nor rated see discussions in manual B Hydrology Subtotal = 12 Presence of Baseflow 0 1 2 3 13 Iron oxidizing bacteria 0 1 2 3 14 Leaf litter 1 5 1 0 5\ 0 15 Sediment on plants or debris 0 0 5 1 1 5 16 Organic debris Imes or piles 0 0 5/ 1 1 5 17 Soil based evidence of high water table? No =10 Yes = 3 u tsioiogv (Subtotal = -i- 18 Fibrous roots in streambed 3 2 1 0 19 Rooted upland plants in streambed 1 3 2 1 0 20 Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0 1 2 3 21 Aquatic Mollusks 0 1 2 3 22 Fish 'LOT 05 1 1 5 23 Crayfish tTD 05 1 1 5 24 Amphibians 0 l 0--5—) 1 1 5 25 Algae 05 1 1 5 26 Wetland plants in streambed FACW = 0 75 OBL = 1 5 Other perennial streams may also be identified using other methods Seep 35 of manual Notes Sketch USACE AID# DWQ # Site # K (indicate on attached map) F STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET Provide the following information for the stream reach under assessment 1 Applicant s name 2 Evaluator s name �l✓Igt� 3 Date of evaluation 4 Time of evaluation 5 Name of stream I _ _ _^ 6 River basin l�% 7 Approximate drainage area — 8 Stream order _l 9 Length of reach evaluated SD 10 County 11 Site coordinates (if known) prefer in decimal degrees 12 Subdivision name (if any) Latitude (ex 34 872312) -s 6 141 P-, Longitude (ex -77 556611) -7-7 %�,7/0 i Method location determined (circle) G:PS J Topo Sheet Ortho (Aerial) Photo /GIS Other GIS Other 13 Location of reach under evaluation (note nearby roads and landmarks and attach map identifying stream(s) location) :! _ K v4�?1/\/G T ,,= V� 14 Proposed channel work (if any) 15 Recent weather conditions 4 °c' C- 16 Site conditions at time of visit L - 17 Identify any special waterway classifications known Section 10 Tidal Waters =Essential Fisheries Habitat Trout Waters— _Outstanding Resource Waters -Nutrient Sen&tive Waters =Water Supply Watershed —D I IV) 18 Is there a pond or lake located upstream of the evaluation point? YES NO If yes estimate the water surface area 19 Does channel appear on USGS quad map? YES i NO 20 Does channel appear on USDA Soil Survey? YES NO 21 Estimated watershed land use % Residential -!;- % Commercial _% Industrial ?D % Agricultural �p % Forested // d% Cleared / Logged =0/ Other( 22 Bankfull width Z,4 1 23 Bank height (from bed to top of bank) Z / 24 Channel slope down center of stream — Flat (0 to 2/0) _Gentle (2 to 4 %) Moderate (4 to 10 %) =Steep ( >100/) 25 Channel sinuosity - -Straight Occasional bends Frequent meander —Very sinuous =Braided channel Instructions for completion of worksheet (located on page 2) Begin by determining the most appropriate ecoregion based on location terrain vegetation stream classification etc Every characteristic must be scored using the same ecoregion Assign points to each characteristic within the range shown for the ecoregion Page 3 provides a brief description of how to review the characteristics identified in the worksheet Scores should reflect an overall assessment of the stream reach under evaluation If a characteristic cannot be evaluated due to site or weather conditions enter 0 in the scoring box and provide an explanation in the comment section Where there are obvious changes in the character of a stream under review (e g the stream flows from a pasture into a forest) the stream may be divided into smaller reaches that display more continuity and a separate form used to evaluate each reach The total score assigned to a stream reach must range between 0 and 100 with a score of 100 representing a stream of the highest quality Total Score (from reverse) Comments �O�y Z Z-,L­, Evaluator s Signature / l / t % Date A/ Z P to This channel evaluation form is intended to'6e used only as a guide to assist landowners and environmental professionals in gathering the data required by the United States Army Corps of Engineers to make a preliminary assessment of stre im qu-ility The total score resulting from`the-/completion of this form is subject to USACE approval and does not imply a particular mitigation ratio or requirement Form subject to change - version 06/03 To Comment please call 919 876 8441 x 26 STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET * These characteristics are not assessed in coastal streams ECOREGI4AFP�IfT RANGE # CHARACTERISTICS SCORE Coastal -' Piedmon i" Mountain 1 Presence of flow / persistent pools in stream 0-5 0 4 0-5 O (no flow or saturation = 0 strong flow = max points) - - -2 -- Evidence of past human alteration xetnes -- i a altratin = 0 no altreation - max onts 0 -6 0 -5 0 -5 —�i - 3 Riparian zone 0-6 0 - 4 0-5 no buffer = 0 contiguous, wide buffer = max otnts 4 Evidence of nutrient or chemical discharges 0-5 0 - 4 0-4 extensive discharges = 0 no discharges = max points) �] 5 Groundwater discharge 0- 3 0- 4 0- 4 I U no discharge = 0 springs sees wetlands etc = max points) 6 Presence of adjacent floodplain 0-4 0-4 0-2 m no flood la = 0 extensive flood lam = max points) ' 7 Entrenchment / floodplam access 0-5 0 - 4 0-2 a (deeply entrenched = 0 frequent flooding = max points) 8 Presence of adjacent wetlands 0- 6 0 - 4 0 - 2 i1 li no wetlands = 0 large adjacent wetlands = max points) 9 Channel sinuosity 0-5 0 - 4 0-3 I extensive channelization = 0 natural meander = max points) 10 Sediment input 0-5 0-4 0-4 extensive deposition= 0 little or no sediment = max points) 11 Size & diversity of channel bed substrate NA* 0-4 0 - 5 y, (fine homogenous = 0 large, diverse sizes = max points) 12 Evidence of channel incision or widening 0-5 0 - 4 0-5 �r (deeply incised = 0 stable bed & banks = max points) 13 Presence of major bank failures 0-5 0 - 5 0-5 ��- severe erosion = 0 no erosion stable banks = max points) 14 Root depth and density on banks 0-3 0 - 4 0-5 no visible roots = 0 dense roots throughout = max pot nts 15 Impact by agriculture, livestock or timber production 0-5 0 4 / substantial impact =0 no evidence = max points) - 0-5 16 Presence of riffle pool/ripple pool complexes 0-3 0 - 5 0-6 (no riffles/ripples or pools = 0 well developed = max points) 17 Habitat complexity 0-6 0-6 0-6 (little or no habitat = 0 frequent, varied habitats = max points) 18 Canopy coverage over streambed 0-5 0 - 5 0-5 (no shading vegetation = 0 continuous canopy = max points) 19 Substrate embeddedness NA* 0-4 0 - 4 deeply embedded = 0 loose structure = max) 20 Presence of stream invertebrates (see page 4) 0-4 0 - 5 0-5 no evidence = 0 common numerous types = max points) 21 Presence of amphibians 0-4 0 - 4 0-4 112 O no evidence = 0 common numerous types = max points) O 22 Presence of fish 0 -4 0 -4 0 -4 (� (no evidence = 0 common numerous types = max points) 23 Evidence of wildlife use 0-6 0-5 0 - 5 no evidence = 0 abundant evidence = max points) Total Points Possible 100 100 100 TOTAL SCORE (also enter on first page) * These characteristics are not assessed in coastal streams NC DWQ Stream Identification Form Version 4 11 Date ( 2l�j�D Project/Site �' Z% �`� Latitude -- Evaluator ✓�� �11� „n�L l�✓`4' Coun � ty Longitude Total Points Stream Is at least intermittent 2 <p Stream Deterrnina ircle one) Ephemeral Intermittent Perennial Other e g Quad Name if z 19 or perennial if ? 30 0 A Geomorphology (Subtotal = `�J )_ _ Absent _ Weak _ _Moderate_ —Strong — 1 Continuity of channel bed and bank 0 1 2 3 2 Sinuosity of channel along thalweg 0 1 2 3 3 In channel structure ex riffle pool step pool ripple sequence 0 T� 2 3 4 Panicle size of stream substrate 0 1 2 3 5 Active /relict floodplain 0 ` 1 2 3 6 Depositional bars or benches 0 1 2 3 7 Recent alluvial deposits 0 05 2 3 8 Headcuts 0 1 2 3 9 Grade control 0 70 5 1 1 5 10 Natural valley 0 05 1 ) 1 5 11 Second or greater order channel No = 0 Yes = 3 artificial ditches are not rated see discussions in manual B Hydrology Subtotal = -Z- 12 Presence of Baseflow r 0 1 2 3 13 Iron oxidizing bacteria 0 1 2 3 14 Leaf litter 15 1 05 0 15 Sediment on plants or debris 0 1 1 1 5 16 Organic debris lines or piles 0 1 1 5 17 Sod based evidence of high water table? No =\0 Yes= 3 C Bloloqy (Subtotal= -'�t f ) 18 Fibrous roots in streambed 3 2 1 \ 0 19 Rooted upland plants in streambed 3 2 1 0 20 Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0 1 2 3 21 Aquatic Mollusks / 1 2 3 22 Fish 10) 05 1 1 5 23 Crayfish 05 1 1 5 24 Amphibians 0 Lo-E 1 1 5 25 Algae 0,,-, 05 1 1 1 5 26 Wetland plants in streambed FACW = 0 75 OBL = 1 5 Other =10 ,i perennial streams may also be identified using other methods See p 35 of manual Notes Sketch USACE AID# DWQ # Site # (indicate on attached map) STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET -AQP Provide the following information for the stream reach under assessment 1 Applicant s name /%7vG� �- 2 Evaluator s name 3 Date of evaluation // /3�b le2 4 Time of evaluation 5 Name of stream --6 River basin 7 Approximate drainage area 8 Stream order 9 Length of reach evaluated 10 County 11 Site coordinates (if known) � prefer in decimal degrees 12 Subdivision name (if any) �— Latitude (ex 34 872312) �i G` S; / Longitude (ex -77 556611) 7 a 7 Method location determined (circle) GPS Topo Sheet Ortho (Aerial) Photo /GIS Other GIS Other 13 Location of reach under evalualici (note nearby roads and landmarks and attach map identifying stream(s) location) 14 Proposed channel work (if any) 15 Recent weather conditions ��Jt 16 Site conditions at time of visit 17 Identify any special waterway classifications known _Section 10 _Tidal Waters _Essential Fisheries Habitat !"Grout Waters _ Outstanding Resource Waters Nutrient Sensitive Waters _Water Supply Watershed (I iV) 18 is there a pond or lake located upstream of the evaluation pointy YES NO If yes estimate the water surface area 19 Does channel appear on USGS quad map? YES NO 20 Does channel appear on USDA Soil Survey9 YES 21 Estimated watershed land use l %Residential �I/ Commercial S% industrial nO/ Agricultural � 00/o Forested 1 G% Cleared / Logged % Other ( — 22 Bankfull width Z `3 23 Bank height (from bed to top of bank) / `7 24 Channel slope down center of stream — Flat (0 to 2 /) '/ntle (2 to 4 %) 'Moderate (4 to 10°/) _Steep ( >10 %) 25 Channel sinuosity --Straight Occasional bends '—Frequent meander _Very sinuous _Braided channel Instructions for completion of worksheet (located on page 2) Begin by determining the most appropriate ecoregion based on location terrain vegetation stream classification etc Every characteristic must be scored using the same ecoregion Assign points to each characteristic within the range shown for the ecoregion Page 3 provides a brief description of how to review the characteristics identified in the worksheet Scores should reflect an overall assessment of the stream reach under evaluation If a characteristic cannot be evaluated due to site or weather conditions enter 0 in the scoring box and provide an explanation in the comment section Where there are obvious changes in the character of a stream under review (e g the stream flows from a pasture into a forest) the stream may be divided into smaller reaches that display more continuity and a separate form used to evaluate each reach The total score assigned to a stream reach must range between 0 and 100 with a score of 100 representing a stream of the highest quality Total Score (from reverse) Comments &�V, �—r Evaluator s Signature Date / /��✓' �Lolo This channel evaluation form is intended to be used only as a guide to assist landowners and environmental professionals in gathering the data required by the United St -ites Army Corps of Engineers to make a preliminary -issessment of stream quality The total score resulting from the completion of this form is subject to USACE approval and does not imply a particular mitigation ratio or requirement Form subject to change - version 06/03 To Comment please call 919 876 8441 x 26 STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET * These characteristics are not assessed in coastal streams ECOREGION POINT RANGE # CHARACTERISTICS SCORE Coastal Piedmont Mountain Presence of now / persistent pools in stream 1 no flow or saturation = 0 strong flow = max points) 0-5 0 - 4 0-5 -2 Evidence of past human alteration --- 0�6— 0 - 5_ 0 -5 / extensive alteration = 0 no alteration = max omts) -_ / 3 Riparian zone 0-6 0-4 0-5 no buffer = 0 contiguous, wide buffer = max points) 4 Evidence of nutrient or chemical discharges 0-5 0 - 4 0-4 / extensive discharges = 0 no discharges = max points) 5 Groundwater discharge 0-3 0 - 4 0-4 1 ✓ no discharge = 0 springs, sees wetlands etc = max points) �Vr 6 Presence of adjacent floodplain 0-4 0 - 4 0-2 no flood lam = 0 extensive flood lam = max points) J% ' 7 Entrenchment / floodplam access 0-5 0-4 0-2 dee ly entrenched = 0 frequent flooding = max points) 8 Presence of adjacent wetlands 0-6 0 - 4 0-2 no wetlands = 0 large adjacent wetlands = max points) / 9 Channel sinuosity 0-5 0-4 0-3 1 extensive channelization = 0 natural meander = max points) 10 Sediment input 0-5 0-4 0-4 extensive deposition= 0 little or no sediment = max points) 11 Size & diversity of channel bed substrate NA* 0-4 0 - 5 (fine homogenous = 0 large, diverse sizes = max points) 12 Evidence of channel incision or widening 0-5 0 - 4 0-5 yi (deeply incised = 0 stable bed & banks = max points) 13 Presence of major bank failures 0-5 0 - 5 0-5 Z severe erosion = 0 no erosion stable banks = max oints) 14 Root depth and density on banks 0-3 0 - 4 0-5 Ei no visible roots = 0 dense roots throughout = max points 15 Impact by agriculture, livestock or timber production 0 -5 0 -4 0 -5 substantial impact =0 no evidence = max points) 16 Presence of riffle pool/ripple pool complexes 0-3 0 - 5 0-6 Z (no riffles/ripples or pools = 0 well developed = max points) 17 Habitat complexity 0-6 0-6 0-6 Z (little or no habitat = 0 frequent, varied habitats = max oints) Canopy coverage over streambed 18 0-5 0 - 5 0-5 (no shading vegetation = 0 continuous canopy = max points) 19 Substrate embeddedness NA* 0-4 0 - 4 Z (deeply embedded = 0 loose structure = max) Presence of stream invertebrates (see page 4) 0-4 0 5 20 no evidence = 0 common numerous types = max oints - 0-5 V► 21 Presence of amphibians 0-4 0-4 0-4 b O no evidence = 0 common numerous types = max points) a O 22 Presence of fish 0 -4 0 -4 0 -4 � (no evidence = 0 common numerous es =max points) �23 Evidence of wildlife use 0-6 0 - 5 0-5 �- no evidence = 0 abundant evidence = max points) Total Points Possible 100 100 100 TOTAL SCORE (also enter on first page) S� * These characteristics are not assessed in coastal streams NC DWO Stream Identification Form Vercinn 4 11 Date Profect(Site — 2 1 / Latitude Evaluator -'_''t;L7��pj County Longitude Total Points Stream is at least intermittent 19 Stream Determinatio circle one) Ephemeral ntermittent� Perennial Other e quad Name if? or perennial if? 30 3 In channel structure ex nffle pool step pool ripple sequence g A Geomorphology (Subtotal = I ` 1 ) 1a Continuity of channel bed and bank Absent 0 Weak 1 Moderate 2 7 Strong 3 2 Sinuosity of channel along thalweg 0 1 2 3 3 In channel structure ex nffle pool step pool ripple sequence 0 1 2 , _- 3 4 Particle size of stream substrate 0 1 2 3 5 Active /relict floodplam 0 1 12 / 3 6 Depositional bars or benches 0 `1 —2 3 7 Recent alluvial deposits 0 22 Fish 2 3 8 Headcuts 0 1 ! 2 J 3 9 Grade control LO--) 05 1 1 5 10 Natural valley 0 F 05 1= 1 5 11 Second or greater order channel a No :--O ) Yes = 3 d[uuudl wiuies are not rated see aiscussions in manual —' B Hvdrologv (Subtotal = y 1 12 Presence of Baseflow 0 1 2 3 13 Iron oxidizing bacteria 0 ) 1 2 3 14 Leaf litter 1 5 1% 05 0 15 Sediment on plants or debris 0 0 5 1 1 5 16 Organic debris Imes or piles 0 —05 1 1 5 17 Soil based evidence of high water table? No =,0 Yes = 3 u CSioiogy (-Subtotal = 18 Fibrous roots in streambed 3 T 22 1 0 19 Rooted upland plants in streambed 3 2 1 0 20 Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 1 0 1 2 3 21 Aquatic Mollusks 0 1 2 3 22 Fish 05 1 1 5 23 Crayfish ro- 0 5 1 1 5 24 Amphibians 0 _) 05 1 1 5 25 Algae T O i 05 1 1 5 26 Wetland plants in streambed FACW = 0 75 OBL = 1 5 Other = 0 perennial streams may also be identified using other methods See p 35 of manual Notes /�v� , 4�1 ctiT 1-12 v Sketch USACE AID# DWQ #. Site # / indicate on attached map) p)� 0 STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET -AQP Provide the following information for the stream reach under assessment I Applicant s name N� 2 Evaluator s name 3 Date of evaluation ��Z� ! U 4 Time of evaluation I ° C� i P 5 Name of stream �_ _ __ T 6 River basin ��4-� � - � 7 Approximate drainage area Stream order 9 Length of reach evaluated I C�, / 10 County e__) C_ - i.- , ,,',�, 11 Site coordinates (if known) prefer in decimal degrees 12 Subdivision name (if any) Latitude (ex 34 872312) 3� D I �O� Longitude (ex -77 556611) Method location determined (circle) GPS Topo Sheet Ortho (Aerial) Photo /GIS Other GIS Other 13 Location of reach under evaluation (note nearby roads and landmarks and attach map identifying stream(s) location) 14 Proposed channel work (if any) 15 Recent weather conditions 16 Site conditions at time of visit 17 Identify any special waterway classifications known —Section 10 --Tidal Waters Essential Fisheries Habitat '—Trout Waters --Outstanding Resource Waters =Nutrient Sen ifive Waters --Water Supply Watershed (I IV) 18 Is there a pond or lake located upstream of the evaluation pomt9 YES � I es estimate the water surface area 19 Does channel appear on USGS quad map9 YIN NO 20 Does channel appear on USDA Soil Surveys YES N 21 Estimated watershed land use % Residential LA Commercial �% Industrial 3 d % Agricultural 22 Bankfull width Z-- 3 4't:5' % Forested 1 D A Cleared / Logged % Other 23 Bank height (from bed to top of bank) 1—,' 1 24 Channel slope down center�of stream —Flat (0 to 2 %)— Gentle (2 to 4 %) Moderate (4 to 10 %) Steep ( >10 %) 25 Channel sinuosity Straight 'Occasional bends --Frequent meander =Very sinuous Braided channel Instructions for completion of worksheet (located on page 2) Begin by determining the most appropriate ecoregion based on location terrain vegetation stream classification etc Every characteristic must be scored using the same ecoregion Assign points to each characteristic within the range shown for the ecoregion Page 3 provides a brief description of how to review the characteristics identified in the worksheet Scores should reflect an overall assessment of the stream reach tinder evaluation If a characteristic cannot be evaluated due to site or weather conditions enter 0 in the scoring box and provide an explanation in the comment section Where there are obvious changes in the character of a stream under review (e g the stream flows from a pasture into a forest) the stream may be divided into smaller reaches that display more continuity and a separate form used to evaluate each reach The total score assigned to a stream reach must range between 0 and 100 with a score of 100 representing a stream of the highest quality Total Score (from reverse) Comments Evaluators Signature // `" \( This channel evaluation form is intended gathering the d -ita required by the Un quality The total score resulting from particular mitigation ratio or requiremen Date `7 1Z 2-/ t t, t used only as a guide to assist hindowners and environmental professionals in tes Army Corps of Engineers to make a preliminary assessment of stream the completion of this form is subject to USACE approval and does not imply a Form subject to change - version 06/03 To Comment please call 919 876 8441 x 26 STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET * These characteristics are not assessed in coastal streams ECOREGION PONY RANGE # CHARACTERISTICS SCORE Coastal /Piedmont Dd6ntain 1 Presence of now / persistent pools in stream no flow or saturation = 0 strop flow = max points) 0-5 0 — 4 0-5 —_ 2 Evidence of past human alteration 0 — 6 0 — 5 0 extensive alteration = 0 no alteration = max omts 3 Riparian zone 0-6 0 — 4 0-5 no buffer = 0 contiguous, wide buffer = max points) 4 Evidence of nutrient or chemical discharges 0-5 0 — 4 0-4 extensive discharges = 0 no discharges = max points) 5 Groundwater discharge 0-3 0-4 0-4 no discharge = 0 springs, sees wetlands etc = max oints U 6 Presence of adjacent floodplain 0— 4 0— 4 0— 2 COO y, no flood lain = 0 extensive flood lain = max points) �i 2 Entrenchment / floodplain access 0-5 0 - 4 0-2 (deeply entrenched = 0 frequent flooding = max points) 8 Presence of adjacent wetlands 0-6 0 — 4 0-2 no wetlands = 0 large adjacent wetlands = max points) 9 Channel sinuosity 0-5 0 — 4 0-3 extensive channelization = 0 natural meander = max points) 10 Sediment input 0-5 0-4 0-4 extensive deposition= 0 little or no sediment = max oints) .� 11 Size & diversity of channel bed substrate NA* 0-4 0 - 5 fine homogenous = 0 large, diverse sizes = max points) 12 Evidence of channel incision or widening 0-5 0 — 4 0-5 > (deeply incised = 0 stable bed & banks = max points) 13 Presence of major bank failures 0-5 0 - 5 0-5 (severe erosion = 0 no erosion stable banks = max oints 14 Root depth and density on banks 0-3 0 - 4 0-5 Z (no visible roots = 0 dense roots throughout = max points) 15 Impact by agriculture livestock or timber production 0-5 0 4 substantial impact =0 no evidence = max points) — 0-5 16 Presence of riffle pool/ripple pool complexes 0-3 0 - 5 0-6 no riffles/ripples or pools = 0 well developed = max points) d 17 Habitat complexity 0-6 0-6 0-6 (little or no habitat = 0 frequent, varied habitats = max points) 18 Canopy coverage over streambed 0-5 0 - 5 0-5 (no shading vegetation = 0 continuous canopy = max points) 19 Substrate embeddedness NA * 0-4 0 — 4 (deeply embedded = 0 loose structure = max) 20 Presence of stream invertebrates (see page 4) 0-4 0 no evidence = 0 common numerous types = max - 5 points)`—� 0-5 21 Presence of amphibians 0-4 0 - 4 0-4 [/ C (no evidence = 0 common numerous types = max points) O 22 Presence of fish 0— 4 0— 4 0— 4 (no evidence = 0 common numerous es = max oints) 23 Evidence of wildlife use 0-6 0 — 5 0-5 no evidence = 0 abundant evidence = max points) Total Points Possible 100 100 100 TOTAL SCORE (also enter on first page) * These characteristics are not assessed in coastal streams CD fD O -0 ` C - Q CD : CD j �. 0 t 2) N (n (D - -% ,..f Q C/) CD D �I • A i �C-ecel a Large A- � a � S 220 _ . c f i • o- - * ; 1. NELFWM mi C w U.S. 22 J 4_­"{L CD to O CD 0 CD z CL CD (D CD CD 0 CD CD :3 cn cn rl. cn CD CL A. 11% CD co Ei > -% 2) E3 2) CD NELFWM mi C w U.S. 22 J 4_­"{L r - �V- rte�r`. BSI r •C.. A age ay Say` ozz .s.n r C m III W A� 0 Q O 0 <1 Z C HONV -88 SIS k-IVNV -lViN3WNONIAN3 CN N _ „ a dNV 1N3WdOl3A34 103f ONd 06ZK-2] 133rMJd d11 F— 14- LO N L' M z SAVMHJIH =10 NOISIAIa )UNnoo QNOWHOI2J M M N a y NOI1t NOdSN"i JO .— yo 1N3WiNVd3a VNIIONVO HINON S32If11173j 1b�NOIlOI4SRlflf aj (,L bb'J k.:iOK m a-- Z 0 aO Nd5�i01� HON` S SISAI-IVNV ltl1N3WNONIAN3 N ? N 4 f o a ONV lN3WdOl3A31o3Nd `O I ZK -2] 103PO2Jd dll H I LO z SAVMHJIH :JO NOISIAId �dNnoo aNOWHOIb N h NOIlVl8OdSN"I :JO co •- y' LN3WINVd3O `dNI-IONVO HiNON S3bfllV3:1- IVNOIlOIdSiNn Uj '0bd'J N1HbOT` � % >m 0 1 -lot oat 1 � 5 VA �- I ,z r tQ E Q a� a. a. O a� or oee -s .n r �,r . y E 2 At 4 <1 Z ,raiiolt,��1 HON"S SISk-IVNVIV1N3WNONIAN3 N �_ C? r � � MoD (INV 1N3WdOl3A3a f 133 oNd 0l Ztl£-2] 103 r jd dll F- � U-) C- M I` z h SAVMHOIH =10 NOISIAIQ kLNnoo aNOI/VH0121 M � N NOIIVINOdSN"l 10 co 1N3WINVd34 VNIIONVO HINON S3NnIV3d IVNOuoi(iswn U) aj LL bbo +ia� 30 > m u cu z U HONV2d9 SISAIVNV -IVIN3WN0?IIAN3 N �_ m � N r Ga b�5�vtlii0i��� GNV 1N3WdOl3A3a 103rONd O �ZK-2J 103M' ld dll I— LO 00 SAVMHJIH d0 NOISIAId ,LNnoo GNOINHOI?J N NOI1VI2JWSN"i dO ao M •� 1N3WINVd3a VNI -10NVO HINON S3NniV3d 1VNOIlOIQsiNn C aj LL o � Q � 0 2010 -2011 NCDOT Stewardship Inspections A B C D E F G H J K L M N O 2 3 d EEP Transla, Sltea R- 2228WM C,m I, 1 C.- OX10X5 dropdown menu St-IdIhIP P-11.1 5 1 BMMII[e F,rtn NM1 W] -031 7/148011 In -Howe WMlfe R..,. GnanMabn 6 2 Caday Tradt R- 2228M Cun k 1 Pesqutank 0]010205 WM W7-0W 71148011 Irt-H.w Wldlhe R-noe G,nMaabn 7 3 genet Su R- 220SNA Gab. 1 Peso -1, 03010205 NM OT/-001 In -How Whd. Read- Cammlselu B 4 Hw4erow SVe R- 2111WM Martin 1 T.nPamtko OXXt03 WM (nb-0Ot 7nS8011 IMHOw MMIMe Rawum G,mlesbn 9 5 MNnt Habor R -2301 Dare 1 Fraeo nk 03010303 Vlaf 728-002 71132011 In -How 10 6 MNM1OeL Read R-5 - Caro 1 Pasqure.k 03010205 VMA 023-001 71132011 Ir Houk U.S. Fleh end wMlNe Servke G 11 7 Pea I... R -0113 Dan 1 ft.han ahk 03010205 WM 023-005 IrvH.- U.S. Feh and Vdk6Ne Swlca G 12 8 Trrdrsr Fam R- 2223WM Dare 1 Pea ,,tank 03010205 V1M W74103 1142 -1 Ir HOw -1. Raourte GmmbalOn 13 9 Coe o &2024 0.n 1 Pasquolank 03010205 WA 028-015 In -How On a. 14 10 Lake landlrM G 80858 Dan 1 Tar - Pamlico 03010205 WM 048 -0OS 71132011 In H- On -ena 15 11 ft- Cruk l R- 2512WM Dan 1 PA. -dank 0301MOS m 021-002 7114/2011 In -How On -tine t fi 12 Pemboke Creak II R- 2512WM Dam 1 PAd -de." 0X10205 V1M 021.002 71148011 Ir,HOw Or-aib 17 13 a.., Nock p BMge BJ4'15 Dan 1 Choawh 0301020.1 W0021.006 &308011 lh,How On�eb TemO.ROSt, Enrunc 18 14 Scrennn Cmk Brbye 83193 Dan 1 Tar -Pemdo 1-- tr1e1018 OW 71132011 IMHOwe On-aXa 19 15 S P;P nlorlg R -25430 pan 1 Pe -..k 03010205 Vse1 034.031 71132011 Ir,HOuN On-sae 20 16 Mate'. a.. R -2551 WM Dan 1 Pas .-k 03010205 wM 02 &003 7/132011 IMHow On -site 21 17 ABC R- 2510WAA Beaufort 2 TarPamke 03010104 - 007-002 I,How WItlINe Raeourw Qm--n 22 18 Bear Cmk FOP Lenoir 2 Nauss. 03020202 WM 052 4)10 IMHOw 23 19 w $oYM Sand SM1O.IS V -222! Carteret 2 WTae GN 03020108 VM 01&007 Ifl -How 24 20 SOYN aka Pro R- 2105W1A Carter., 2 MI. Oak -GIN WM 018-004 IMHOw 25 21 M1,l F.- R- 21051MA Jones 2 W1ae Gk =.I% VxM 052403 712 &2011 In-H.- MItlMe qa..- Ce-Idn 26 22 Croaten MX awn Ben4 Prwea I R- 1015WM Cr.ven 2 Naw 03020204 WM 025-003 In H- US F.resr Service Full Ghvery Bank 27 23 CrNbn Me, Mon Bank PMse II R- 1015WM Cnven 2 New. 03020204 WM 025-003 IMH- U.S. F.- S.- Full NI-r, Bank 28 J 24 Gromaentl Ph.. ll R- 2510WM Pltt 2 Tar- Pamllco 03020103 WM 074-001 6'11-11 IMHOw WHIN. R....- COmmlaebn N 25 Gar .. She PMea R- 3510034.1 PIR 2 T-NnnBco 03020103 Yse4 01e-001 6'152011 IMHow WMIf. R.- C,mniaebn 30 26 Gum R- 102303.1 C-M 2 Nauss 03020203 WA 040001 In HOUN WMfde Revoum Gn ston 31 27 9 LMM FOP Lenoir 2 Nome =M02 4 14 :2011 IrvHOUN Full Oe-, 32 28 Combed Cree1 -Phuo1 R- 2510M Beaufort 2 OW20104 V1M 07 WI 412!8011 n -Houk On I. 33 29 f r Pninl R 21 WA. CeMrat 2 White GX 030301 W WM 016 001 712 &2011 n -Houk 34 30 Ga Pro Beaufort 2 T., Pamlco 03020104 V1e1 W7 W3 &168011 1r,HOuN 35 31 C1NCem Road R- 27190A Lenoir 2 03020202 V1M 054 -0113 412 812011 MHouN On-am 36 32 .Dear Croak RR105WM C.-t 2 W1nd Oak 03020106 VuT40181102 712 &2011 'H... On -sna 37 33 Lan N B- 253103.1 Cnven 2 Neuso 031120204 WM 025 MI 712 &2011 In-How Omsne 38 34 ,SealMll 82531VMh Cnven 2 0380204 YsA1025-002 712&2011 h - 391 So- Creek, Grady. Gap Run R -2001. Law! 2 Nause 031310202 WM 036.1 4 Id :2011 IMMOw On -sna 40 36 SSA 1181 -1, Sr. N. I Carbnt 2 Nause 03020106 YM4 016-006 &241X11 In-HOw On site 41 37 Thonu Mero Be 0nd a 81098 Carteret 2 Neuso 03020106 WM 016-005 &248011 In -How On alit 42 36 bleat Fork Goose Cmh Su.m Stte R 2539 Pamlico 2 Nause -2.- Y\M 055 x_ 426201' In•How .-d. 43 39 "Farm UOSOS Sam 3 Cape Fear 03030006 VMA 032-003 &,woii 111-How WMXt. Redound. Comrssebn d4 40 I urge USMC V -2107M ON1ow 3 Vahlb Cal, 03030001 WA.103]-002 I71-HOw USMC 45 41 GNan T,a. New Hanover 3 Ceps Far 0303000] VeM 035-012 &2 52011 IMHow Full Gen 46 42 Oele TnR FOP BnnaMCk 3 Cape FNr 03030035 WA.1010-006 &2 &2 .1t InHOw Fu0 GWery 4] 0.3 Bmsatk FOP Brunswick 3 GN Fur 0303OWS WM 010-009 &258011 InHow Fa G' 48 44 WWS Run R- 210SAIM OmI- 3 GN FNr 0]0]0007 03.1.1404 &1.X1, IMHOUN N. C. Sore PeMe 49 45 Mofty. Pro FOP Brunswick 3 G Fear 03030005 WM 010-010 712712011 IMHgw FW GIW.ry 50 a Rase, adend1 FOP B-0ok 3 C Fear ap 030]0006 0364010011 &258011 I,HOUN FW Gllvery 51 47 GNMn SU R 221113 Du e, 3 Far OXX037 VkM 031-002 &98011 In-Haw ]8ac 52 3o Sout U-0092A New H 3 GN Fear 03674741 WM 085406 5;112011 IMiouN On -arts 53 49 Be Swenn,, Bridge -271 Sam 3 W FNr 03090008 WM 002.006 &1]8011 In -HOusa Gsnp 54 50 Bentley Croak Bndp 0.3486 Naw He-., 3 Coe Fear 0]710005 V1M 085013 5/112011 In -NOUN 0 -sae 55 51 81rdBe Malnreronce SN 0.082 New He--, 3 Caa Faer 03474761 WM 065002 5'11 - 11 In-HOw G -see 56 52 Cwmy SN 0-0082 New He-, 3 Gpa Fur 03474741 WM 085-005 "118.11 r,HO- O-d. 57 53 Meese SMet U -0082 New Hanover 3 Cape FNr 03474741 WM O 11 51112011 In -Mow On -one 56 54 Nodm et Leek erode B -3882 One- 3 Whde GM 0302010! WM 067008 &1.2.11 In -HOUN On -ena SB 55 Parrot Saerlw Shop 8.3358 0-1- 3 White GY 03030001 V141067-001 &1012 011 1,HOw ile. wl 2.54 acre ad- 60 56 Smo C-1, a. U-0W2A New Hanover 3 Gpa FNr 03030007 WM 055004 &112011 In4i0uN on- 61 57 Bnroh L-0 - New Hanover 3 G Faer 030]0007 vM403 i 71712011 In -How On -sire 62 58 Sam BrM 8-me I Oral- 3 IoM. GM 03020103 WM W]-0W 7888011 In -HOUN O-re 63 59 -ge &3152 Sam 3 Card Fear 03030008 WA 2 03034 &17MIl In -Now On -anti 64 60 Vaarewwtar Tmtmem She U-0082 New Herwvar 3 Gm Fear 0347.1 lMA 06..003 5111/2011 In -HOUN On.aNe 65 61 Benson G.- R- 2547WM John- 4 N... 0302001 WN4051-003 4�2020i1 In -How WltllNe Resource COmmeebn 66 62 MNnd Wbode R- 211103.1 Edga combs 4 Tar - Pamlico 03020103 WM 031W1 6;162011 In -Ho- WIdIN. R.eo.n. -A- 77- 67 63 Seven 3 nn a R -2422 Wee N 4 Nause 03020102 L M4 oo1 168011 In -Houk 68 64 W1ne Gx Creek q- 2W7WMA John- 4 Nause 03020201 V1fA 031-001 X(X11 In -NOUN 69 6 ne .1111 R -t030MA WIN. / Hew 0]710103 MN 065001 148011 In -Mow W.I. Ra »use Gmnnebn 70 fib Snrvth .1111 Run R- -U Wee ne 4 030X201 WM MJ8 004 148011 In -How On -aye 71 67 Vubtlantl 5lta lV R- 1030BB Wee ne 4 03020231 vM4096 035 a: 14X11 In -How On -afe 72 68 AMdt R- 2541WM Wake 5 1 WM 082401 412 &2011 In -NOUN 7116x1011 73 69 Damn 'e Creek R.- Wake 5 N- OXXX1 Vlaf OBZ41W &182.1 t In -HOUN Tn..b I.A. Cemerva 74 70 Harm Fam -HOP R 2000 Franklin 5 Tar -Pa- 03020101 WA 035001 lrvHow 75 71 Lake WTNIar R- 3000VS1A Wake 5 N.w 03020201 WM 092-001 NIA n-HOUN C M RaM h Co eta 76 72 Newt Cruk R -203003.1 wake 5 New 0302.201 VsT11 W2-007 �I &1011 In-How USA CE Su Ma ten Plan 77 73 Gksvoad Gma R- 200003.1 Wake 5 New 03030301 WN 0824103 >1t9RMt I'm- 78 74 Milne IR2- Wake 5 New 03020301 Vsa1032 -005 IMHpUN 79 75 Rea B-1 NCSU Phe .1 R -2WoWM Wake 5 Neu. 03020201 W e 0324IN 412.X11 in -NOUN NCSU SO 76 q Bit- NCSU Phase ll R -2030WA Wake 5 Nause 03030301 WM 082-029 412.2011 I,Haw NCSU 9i 77 Spam. an- R- 2541WM Wake 5 1 Nava 03020M W1a4032-009 41202011 In44ow Tree Lars Gwm 71192D11 82 1 78 -.11 R- 20301A1A Wake 5 Nana 03020301 WM 032 414 ln-H- 83 79 MiphMale Bywa She- R- 2547 -CC Wake 5 Neu» 03,20X1 WM 032 -017 X1,120,1 Ir1 -Hdw On -sna 84 60 Long 8d,- R 2X6 Wake 5 New 0302.2.1 WM 1-12 511 &2M 1 In -How On -site B5 81 Mark's Creek R -2547 wake S 03020X1 Vkk4 092 -0t t 1120111 In -How On -doe 86 82 MMgo Creek R -25x7 Wake 5 N.. 03020201 119/2011 1,HOw On-eae 87 83 UT 1. 8reck Cruk (Hemson Aw. . Orrva) V -280X8 Wake 5 03020201 33019 &,&X11 1,Hpw G -sna 98 84 LIT. MI- Creek (NC 93��tlntonm el R -2905 wake 5 03020201 2�02. 311 &2011 In-HOw On -one 99 85 lIT to NX Ch- (Gvb Ome Ev a Rem) R -2030A. VYk. 5 030102.1 -024 526X11 In -HOUN On.- 90 86 UT to La. B,a p (T- Dme1HO Spit ) R -2541 WM Wake 5 New ,30X201 ] -013 &16'2011 In -How On- ne 91 87 UT to RN Bunt Cruk 0-2527 We" 5 ier- PaMico OJ482241 t-0ll1 512 &tot I IMHow On -sm 92 88 UT to Richland Creak R -28WB Wake 5 NNM 03450341 VW2�le 2.0X &1&2011 IMHOw On -ae 93 89 South Elie- Cmk 1 -X65D D~ 5 0 New 03020201 2 -001 V 812 .11 In -House 90 Gad Da .- 220403.1 Natlen 6 GN FNr 03030005 -002 IMH- WM11. R.- 95 91 1- rBe R-0513WM ROboNn 6 LumWr 03010203 .008 77132011 In -Houk 96 92 LMb MLOu.en R -25M Robeson fi Lumb., 03040303 8-0 7 '71&2011 n -How NO State Parke 97 93 Idacx C Duck., Road S110 U 3312 Cumberland 6 Goo Feat 03030004 6 W1 &1712011 In -Haw 4'Dt 98 94 o, Onogd M1 ref. 831 52 Sam 6 03030006 W: Wd 6'162011 In-HOw 99 95 LLM4WM Guilford 7 GN Fear 00030303 V1M 011406 I IMHOw Starr -I -nhy Club tOC 96 Satoh BWtab CnW I.2402WM Guillow 7 1 G Fear 03030003 WM 0.14708 &2 &2011 In -How C' Gmnebon 1011 97 a V11re Park U- 2524WM GUllbld 7 Ceps Fear 03010002 WM 041-003 512 &2011 In -How CN, . Green... 1021 98 ft-- F-t GC U- 252eWM Guilford 7 Gpa Fur 03030002 171M 04141D &1&2011 I1HOw Stern,- Country Club '031 99 SLamvun Pak U- 252.03.1 Guilford 7 G pe Fear 030X001 VsM N1 411 &1&2011 In -How dy of G.e. rd 1041 100 8usaman'a Park U -M I M Guilford 7 Cape Fear 030]0032 V\IA 031 4)12 &1 &2011 In -How CIO, a GmmbMo 105 101 -Blvd / -IW, R41038 Gu,ft d 7 Ca Fee, 03030002 V1a1041 -037 8118)2011 In -How O,- W 106 102 Hera Cmk R-06D8 GWlford 7 Cau F., 03030002 VvM 041 -006 &1 &2011 In -How On -one 107 1D3 1,2402A,B.0 1.2402A.B.0 Gu1NOrd ] Fear 00330302 -.1-3 Ili X,1 fir HOw 16 r Toe 104 M.haere B,aneh U3110A Al.manN 7 0 GPe Fear 61030303 V1.A 031031 &'1&X11 In-x1oUN Onedds[ 109 105 UT No. 9 b Bull Run (SM.1) U- 2S24AC Guilford 7 O C, Fear 03482063 VM4 041-024 &2/2011 In -How G -one 110 106 UT to HkNO LroeN (911.1.] 8 nT U- 252.AB Guilford 7 0 Gpe Fur 03482041 VvT1041025 &28011 In -Now On -sin 111 107 UT to Hkko CraeN (&I. 036) U -2S-e G,kNOrd 7 p Cane Fur 03/820/1 V1M 041 -026 &LXt, In -How G -tine 112 108 Gvin.ss U- 2524M Randolph B Gpe F.ar 0303003] 1.14076-005 7 2011 In -Mow 113 109 Gaon R- 241703.1 Rantlol 8 Lap. Fee. 0303000.1 WA 078-018 4272011 1n,How 114 110 E M1amnl POOI R-2558WM Scotland 8 Lumber 0304020] VM4031W1 248011 INHOwe 115 111 Glb»n Ford 12-5- Richmond B Yadkin 03040201 W O 07]-003 9(2912011 In -How 116 112 Lan Swa R-0512WM Hoke B L-r 030X0203 WM 01]-003 5242011 In -How MMIM. R.uuru Gmmsabn 117 113 Mud LNk LruX - TMrroa Se. U -252.1.1 Chatham B GN Fur 03030033 4M1 018008 182011 In -NOUN EEP Nwr bun &DOT u,cllee.d auaman 118 114 San Cnek 1- 240303.1 R.ndol h 8 Ceu Faer 03030003 V16.1078 -019 4;27,2011 In -How .1dafe Reeouru Gmmssion 119 115 to Cmk -. Tna1 U- 2524WM R.M10 h 6 Ceu Faer 010X003 WM 019-003 524;210 1 In -NOUN Tm Ie Land Gneerva 120 116 SALT R -21M Moore 8 Gpa Far 03030004 V1sA 033-002 5:24X11 In -How 121 117 a, &Mge (W Id.1d) R 4210A Moore 8 Cape Faer 00330304 Wee .834X14 12. X11 IMHow On -and 122 118 Mvnck Pond R 2231B Richmond 8 Yadkin -Pad D,e 03040201 WM 077.W2 IMHow On. :nee 123 119 Sit. 6 R2417BB LN 8 Ceps Fee, 03030004 W A 03}002 6168011 l -How Ons11e 124 120 UT Bull R-SU 143 221 R- 2417BA Lee 8 Cxu Fur 03030006 - 053-003 6.168011 In -How On sno 125 121 UT Cram Creek R 120C LN 8 Cape Fear 03030034 WA M-1 821'2011 In -How On -one 126 122 UT L111e Rrve, R 210A Moore 8 Cape Fee, 03030004 ­3 524:X11 MHOUae On -site 127 123 F-M Manh R3247 Forsyth 9 Yadkin 0X10101 WA ®4001 981X11 In-How WMINe Rea- Ca-don 128 124 UTto Town Cheek SNe..53 1 -2511 CA Rowan 9 Yadkin 03040103 VMI 086004 &&2011 1,HouN 129 in Anon RUn U -XWA Cebanub 10 Y.dem ,3010105 Vsk1011003 4262011 n-HOw OMeae 130 127 Goose Creek Graem Sna R -2123 Mackienbur 10 Y,dk,, 3003105 Vse41186 .13 1,25X11 In -How 131 128 Ka Branch R -2531 An..n 10 Yadkin 0301.104 VM4004.032 &258011 Ir,HOuN WI41fe Rae,um COmnXSaion 132 129 1.,. Su , Cmk 8 -0211 W Meckinbur 10 Ca.- 030X103 VMA 000039 6262011 IMH... 133 130 Lo Creek R -22411 M- 1denbur 10 Greats 0X50101 YMA 066002 Irt-HOw MakbnbU Co. 134 131 Maon Cmk R-0211WM Mscld.nbur 10 Yadkin 03010103 VM.I OBO -Opa In -How UNGCh-ed 135 138 11, !o Dote G.dx 1 --A Macktenbur 10 ,. 1 "- 03050101 i0 - 005 2112011 I,,How On "I. 136 137 G,W CM1Ur,M1 R- 21200314 Yadkin 11 Yedkln 03010101 WM 003.003 Ir,HOw -fte 137 138 Vlrartb, 4 LMM Waster Crew . -2239 W lk- 11 Yadkn 03040101 - 097.031 IMIIRw W.I. Ft- Ce .h 138 139 Cmk Hen FDP Yadkin 11 Yadkin 030101.1 WM O9800e In -How Pbdmom tarts CA-- FWI Dabe 139 140 F.- Rover Ma. Bank Ri FD FOP Surry 11 Yadkin 03040101 WM 086-001 InHOw Plednen Lad Gnaarva Full NIA. 140 141 Ha in .tick - A3 R- 2237WM A-ry 11 Wareupa 00310103 VM1008031 ImHOw 141 142 Lawn Cmk Ra afa 8-0528 W.. 11 N.w 05050001 VsM 085-000 Ir,H- M d1d. Resource Gmmbabn 142 143 Must Cam CneN XI.r us R4 S Wab 11 New 05050001 WA4 035.033 In -How WM10, Reeou,ee Grrvwealon 143 144 Okoda CmN eN R41529 Ash, 11 N. 05050001 wo 005.039 IMH- MkHN. Raao - Gn -h.lan 144 145 3a". R-2W Alb hen 11 New 031 .1 In -Hw Whill. Reed.- Gme 145 148 Ul a b 8.0529 W tau 11 New 05050301 Vsk1 OBS-0O2 I,HOw -1. Read- Od-n 146 147 UI M PNk Cmk Ban sN 124.128 Ash. 11 New 65050031 W ,005002 In -House WMM. Read- C,-,e- 147 148 N -22380 R -2239C Yadkin 11 adk e. Oee 03040101 IMH- SNS 1,23..I67y 148 149 eroatl Rlva Gneua R- 270]03.1 Clevetand 12 Brood 030X103 V1M 023-001 In -How Broad Rive, Gre.naa Council G 149 150 She hen7e Tea R -2239 1,.d.1l 12 Yadkin 030.0103 03.1.49-003 IMHOw WI411fe Resource COmmieaion 150 151 1-1 Cloak R-06t78A Lincoln 12 Catavna 03050102 van 011003 ImHpuss Un :no 151 152 I:T G.- Rive, R -2206A Gaston 12 Cata- 0-101 VrM OJG -OC1 121&2011 IMHow On -sal. 152 153 UT MnIe, Branca U- 2307A0 C..Wb2 12 Card- OU79141 121612011 1,11- On -sno 153 156 L1tla CrNN BamMll SNa A ,CWM Madison 13 Farah Broad 00310103 VN 057-002 &x2011 1,How WMINe R-nde Gnmle.i0n 154 155 PsiM Fork Crook AxHeWA MMllaon 13 French Broad OX1o105 V1.40574105 &11X1, Ir,HOw WMINe Reaourd G-Idn 155 156 Sou!FoM Pim Cnek Clad-V GMMS moia,"M Machos 13 F-emd 06010105 WM 057-023 WIX1t Ira -How WMIri Redoum G--n 156 157 Par. Fort, C-e (8-n San A-0U10YMA Ma haon 13 Fnrlch h" 03M.1W WM 057-028 &W2011 IMHouN WI.N. Re.o.m G-.eron 157 158 MINI. Fob Cnalr PhIIN Nflha A-0MOWM Modiadn 13 Fromh B„ad 06.10105 NA 057-001 &0201 t In -HOUSE MbIN. R.s,um Cod -,,1,n 158 159 Franklin Bo R -221 WM4 HerWarsOn 14 F,.-h Brous 060101 W W4A 09541.1 Irt-HOw u G,nlneawn 159 160 Mud 'saeN A-0OtOMA Henderson 14 F. -&oed 08010105 W4A 015 -002 Ira -Mow 160 161 -ula A4)DOMAM Graham 14 LMI. T.nroeee. 08010206 Vsal O1B-0M 1x1 -NOUN MI41. R...um Gmn.abn 161 162 Necc4nn Croak R -2210A Ha od 14 French Brood M010106 WvM 0,14004 n -How On -site 16 183 UT Ic Raccoon Cruk R- -A Ha od 14 French Brood Ofi0101 W WM 044 WS .1 -HauN On vne 163 16,1 Terel Cvcb % 165 166 X.37% In4NO 100.004 167 168 Co..uaanr 0.003. 169 srd Que,"Oeb ,ear tLaNmbr 61, XH Waite a 17 1'1 2