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20070747 Ver 1_FS_Non Compliant Debit_20120112
Strickland, Bev From: Merritt, Katie Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 12:48 PM To: Strickland, Bev Subject: FW: FSMB: Ledger Withdraw Notification Attachments: FSMB 2012 -0001 Smithfield Packing Co, Ledger Jan. 12. 2012.pdf; FSMB 2012 -0001 CITY OF KINSTON APPROVAL LETTER DEC. 14. 2011.pdf Bev, Please add the attached document and this email to 2007 -0747 in the Credit Ledger Folder. Please name that file "FS—Non Compliant Debit ". Please provide me with a hard copy of this email and the attachments. I appreciate it0 Thank you, Katie From: Merritt, Katie Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 12:45 PM To: 'FlatSwampLLC Cc: Higgins, Karen Subject: RE: FSMB: Ledger Withdraw Notification Hi Bob, A formal response to the email message below is as follows: DWQ did not approve the nutrient credit sale for the Smithfield Packing Company, Inc referenced in the email below from you on January 12, 2012. This transaction was not compliant with the approved Mitigation Banking Instrument (MBI)number 2007 -0747 issued to GreenVest /Flat Swamp, LLC (GV /FS) on June 15, 2009. We have recently been discussing modifications to this MBI in order to bring the MBI up to today's standards. One of the purposed modifications to the MBI is the following: Remove the language from Item D of Section V that states, "No debits or credits to the ledger shall be made without the written concurrence of the DWQ and GV /FS ". This purposed modification and all other purposed modifications are not to be executed until all signatory authorities have signed the MBI modifications. Until then, the MBI as written and approved on June 15, 2009 shall remain the absolute agreement between DWQ and GV /FS. DWQ feels that there was no intent by the Bank to deliberately debit credits from the bank without the approval of the DWQ as required in the MBI. DWQ feels that there was a miscommunication about the date the modifications would become effective and will allow for the debit made on January 12, 2012 for 4,805 Ibs -N to Smithfield Packing Co., Inc located in HUC 03020202 to remain as a debit. However, please continue to follow the procedures outlined in the MBI approved on June 15, 2009 until the purposed modifications have been submitted and approved. Sincerely, Katie From: FlatSwampLLC [ mailto :FlatSwampLLCCa)comcast.net] Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 11:50 AM To: Merritt, Katie Subject: FSMB: Ledger Withdraw Notification Hi Katie, In accordance with the proposed modifications associated with the conditions of the NCDWQ Mitigation Bank Instrument number 07 -0747, issued to the GreenVest /Flat Swamp, LLC on June 15, 2009, we are submitting notification to the NCDWQ of our Ledger transaction withdraw of 4,805 nutrient pounds for the project known as the Smithfield Packing Company, Inc. facility, located at 178o Smithfield Way in the City of Kinston, North Carolina. Attached is a copy of the Bank's Ledger indicating the withdraw and the letter from Mr. Steve Miller, PE, Water Resource Manager with the City of Kinston dated December 14, 2011, appro -,ring the number of nutrient offset pounds required for this project which is located in the Middle Neuse River Basin (CU03020202). Please be advised that the 4,805 pounds of nutrient credits have been paid for in full by the client. Should additional documentation be required for your records, please contact me. Sincerely, Robert N. Kessler Director of Marketing GreenVest /Flat Swamp, LLC 4405 Dewees Court Raleigh, North Carolina 27612 Cell: 919.943.3374 Office: 800,910.5547 Fax: 410.268.7423 December 14, 2*011 Ni Business Of Ele WO, trobeefing, �m(ftbrmW prvices, pace PVbIirSM*eA thvig& cholfe, .Mr. Vince Chirichella, IT .CiarkNexsen 4000 Westcha:seBQIzeVatA Suite 2s0 Raleigh, North -Catalina :.27,607 RE, Smithfield Pacldng-Nitrogen Offset-Payment Confi mation.Utter 1 Dear Mr: Chirichak: The Cky of Kinston has approved . the site plans rot the.conotrudtion', 4the abov,-6prbj.ect.on -Smithfield Way in -.,)M 6a Waiim- Ott is Kinston b Ad Project'Mum go"61A.P40itig Transaction SP11-008 Nttrient JnVGIVed.' Nitregov Equatipir 4.94. jb/.4clyrx 87.65 acres x 30: years =. 4j.810 -5 Ibs Location -CU-,- 0.3020202 Basedbn the review of-the plans,: this development must pay°-woffset paymmit to, mitigAte, this.inipact. Attached in Nw _b a - w : azmitiga-fiaa bank in the hydiel unit is the current list. of Mitigation ban in dke- -w- Basin.. yo...Haw- -0 ogle Jle,edobQw: lwill_ndsd toxeaei-ie-a--f6ceij*t.br--con6rivation from ihemiti -ad ba.nk-- _JCIjIV the Offset .9 P4 payment beforea construction permit-can tie .issmed forthq,.Project! Fiiia0y,,:th-e-Cit-y-6fKinston:deescharge.a.stonnwattr.utift.fee:to4deyeloped inside the city limits. - . - . . - I . p3bPeaty pro ...Jesisbase.do ... th -impenious area.of the -property- and is opp-enily $4 per equivaleat:residwtial =t (EFU), The - number of BRUs4s determined by dividing the total im,peirviouis area by 3,059 square feet; -rounded UP to the nearest whole.punibur. The monthly stoxmwater utility bM for this pr.op*y--wi.Ilbe$I,60G.Q_0-. A Wever, we do offer i=dits,to reduce the-utility fee for pTppertlies that are-inanaging or treating storniwaterrmoff-or located outsi&watarshedsmaintamed by the city- To find Out-more about the --credil,s, please -go --towwwj .nio�n 6blicsq-vJcesxo6w Ihave: attached acdpy-of-th-ect-e&t-fbrm,.-ff-needed. if yo-u-&ve any :questions, yqp, can co me Sincerely, A- ssistqnt,Pubhc;Se Me&s Diredor Rh mda- IRA M-4 dk Publid gervkAs:Pirector .Dama Kennedy, Permit Tedmician Pek WC& 869.339. KIhsfdh,NoM Carotins 29502 939 3287 Fax Q59Y 939-4279*_ 3 d \ z £ J a § ] �S ( ■� # /ƒ S 2J\/ / ODa )227 00 0 z ) ) I e \� \\ \ } \�\ o ;ear }\z �) &�§ _ƒfy ;§)§ -$))k § ©k$$ <zzzz Hill kE \ � ] 3 ■ / $ k () J \ \ ■ a / \ � ! G fA \ \ / ) / A \k\ ) 3f %f k( aI )) )k �k /J §)\ R�ILL