HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0089915_EPA Rating Sheet_20210201EPA Region 4 NPDES Permit Rating Work Sheet NPDES No.: NC0089915 Facility Name: The Chemours Company ❑✓ Regular Addition Discretionary Addition ❑Score change, but no status change ▪ Deletion city:Fayetteville, NC Receiving Water: Cape Fear River Reach Number: 1826 Is this facility a steam electric power plant (SIC=4911) with one or more of the following characteristics? 1. Power output 500 MW or greater (not using a cooling pond/lake) 2. A nuclear power plant 3. Cooling water discharge greater than 25% of the receiving stream's 7Q10 flow rate ❑ YES; score is 600 (stop here) ❑✓ NO (continue) FACTOR 1:Toxic Pollutant Potential PCS SIC Code: 2869 Primary SIC Code: 2869 Other SIC Codes: 3083 3081 2821 Industrial Subcategory Code: 0 (Code 000 if no subcategory) Is this permit for a municipal separate storm sewer serving a population greater than 100,000? ❑ YES; score is 700 (stop here) ▪ NO (continue) Determine the Toxicity potential from Appendix A. (Be sure to use the TOTAL toxicity potential column and check one) Toxicity Group ❑No process waste streams ❑ i. ❑2. Code Points 0 0 1 5 2 10 Toxicity Group 3. 4. 5. 6. Code 3 4 5 6 Points 15 20 25 30 Toxicity Group 7 ✓ 8. 9. 10. Code Points 7 35 8 9 10 Code Number Checked: 8 40 45 50 Total Points Factor 1: 40 FACTOR 2: Flow/Stream Flow Volume (Complete either Section A or Section B; check only one) Section A - Wastewater Flow Only Considered Wastewater type (See Instructions) Type I: Type II: Flow < 5 MGD Flow 5 to 10 MGD Flow>10 to 50 MGD Flow> 50 MGD Flow<1 MGD Flow 1 to 5 MGD Flow >5 to 10 MGD Flow>10 MGD Type III: Flow <1 MGD Flow 1 to 5 MGD Flow >5 to 10 MGD Flow >10 MGD Code Points 11 12 13 14 21 22 23 24 31 32 33 34 0 10 20 30 10 20 30 50 0 10 20 30 Section B - Wastewater and Stream Flow Considered Wastewater type (See Instructions) Type I/III: Type II Percent of Instream Wastewater Concen- tration at Receiving Stream Low Flow <10% >10% to <50% >50% <10% >10% to <50% >50% El Code Points 41 42 43 51 52 53 0 10 20 0 20 30 Code Checked from Section A or B: 42 1 Total Points Factor 2: 10 NPDES Permit Rating Work Sheet FACTOR 3: Conventional Pollutants NPDES No.: (only when limited by the permit) A. Oxygen Demanding Pollutants (check one) ❑✓ BOD ❑COD❑OTHER: Code Points Permit Limits (check one) <100 Ibs/day 1 0 NC0089915 B. Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Permit Limits (check one) C. Nitrogen Pollutants (check one) Permit Limits (check one) ❑ 100 to 1000 Ibs/day 2 5 >1000 to 3000 Ibs/day 3 15 >3000 Ibs/day 4 20 Code Points <100 Ibs/day 1 0 100 to 1000 Ibs/day 2 5 >1000 to 5000 Ibs/day 3 15 >5000 Ibs/day 4 20 Code Checked: 2 Points Scored: 5 Code Checked: 2 Points Scored: 5 ❑ Ammonia ❑ OTHER: Nitrogen Equivalent Code Points <300 Ibs/day 1 0 300 to 1000 Ibs/day 2 5 >1000 to 3000 Ibs/day 3 15 >3000 Ibs/day 4 20 Code Checked: Points Scored: 0 Total Points Factor 3: 10 FACTOR 4: Public Health Impact Is there a public drinking water supply located within 50 miles downstream of the effluent discharge (this includes any body of water to which the receiving water is a tributary)? A public drinking water supply may include infiltration galleries, or other methods of conveyance that ultimately get water from the above referenced supply. ❑✓ YES (if yes, check toxicity potential number below) ❑ NO (if no, go to Factor 5) Determine the human health toxicity potential from Appendix A. Use the same SIC Code and subcategory reference as in Factor 1. (Be sure to use the human health toxicity group column and check one below) Toxicity Group Code Points Toxicity Group Code Points Toxicity Group Code Points 3. 3 0 7. 7 15 No process — ❑ waste streams 0 0 4. 4 0 ✓ 8. 8 20 ❑ 1. 1 0 5. 5 5 9. 9 25 02. 2 0 6. 6 10 10. 10 30 Code Number Checked: 8 Total Points Factor 4: _20 2 FACTOR 5: Water Quality Factors NPDES Permit Rating Work Sheet NPDES No.: NC008991 5 A. Is (or will) one or more of the effluent discharge limits based on water quality factors of the receiving stream (rather than technology -based federal effluent guidelines, or technology -based state effluent guidelines), or has a wasteload allocation been assigned to the discharge? Code Points Z YES 1 10 ▪ NO 2 0 B. Is the receiving water in compliance with applicable water quality standards for pollutants that are water quality limited in the permit? Z YES ▪ NO C. Does the effluent discharged from this facility exhibit the reasonable potential to violate water quality standards due to whole effluent toxicity? ❑ YES ZNO Code 1 2 Code 1 2 Points 0 5 Points 10 0 FACTOR 6: Proximity to Near Coastal Waters A. Base Score: Enter flow code here (from Factor 2): 42 Check appropriate facility HPRI Code (from PCS): HPRI# 1 2 3 ❑ 4 ❑ 5 HPRI Code Checked: Code 1 2 3 4 5 HPRI Score 20 0 30 0 20 Base Score (HPRI Score) 0 x (Multiplication Factor) B. Additional Points — NEP Program For a facility that has an HPRI code of 3, does the facility discharge to one of the estuaries enrolled in the National Estuary Protection (NEP) program (see instructions) or the Chesapeake Bay? Code Points OYES 1 10 fNO 2 0 Code Number Checked: A. 1 B. 2 C. 2 Total Points Factor 5 A. 10 +B. 0 +C. 0 = 10 Enter the multiplication factor that corresponds to the flow code: 0.00 Flow code 11,31,or41 12, 32, or 42 13, 33, or 43 14 or 34 21 or 51 22 or 52 23 or 53 24 Multiplication Factor 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.10 0.30 0.60 1.00 0.00 = 0 (Total Points) C. Additional Points — Great Lakes Area of Concern For a facility that has an HPRI code of 5, does the facility discharge any of the pollutants of concern into one of the Great Lakes' 31 areas of concern (see instructions)? Code Points ❑ YES 1 10 n NO 2 0 Code Number Checked: A. B. C. Total Points Factor 6 A. 0 +B. 0 +C. 0 = 0 3 Score Summary NPDES Permit Rating Work Sheet NPDES No.: NC0089915 Factor Description Total Points 1. Toxic Pollutant Potential 40 2. Flow/Streamflow Volume 10 3. Conventional Pollutants 10 4. Public Health Impacts 20 5. Water Quality Factors 10 6. Proximity to Near Coastal Waters 0 TOTAL (Factors 1 through 6) 90 S1. Is the total score equal to or greater than 80? YES (Facility is a major) ❑ NO S2. If the answer to the above question is no, would you like this facility to be discretionary major? ❑ NO ❑ YES (Add 500 points to the above score and provide reason below: Reason: NEW SCORE: OLD SCORE: Reset Form 90 02/01/2021 Requested Status Change Effective Date Sergei Chernikov Permit Reviewer's Name sergei.chernikov@ncdenr.gov Email Address (919) 707-3606 Phone Number 02/01/2021 Date