HomeMy WebLinkAbout20111013 Ver 1_Hydraulic Assessment_20120106Strickland, Bev From: Mcmillan, Ian Sent: Friday, January 06, 2012 3:00 PM To: Strickland, Bev Subject: FW: FW:]RE: hydraulic assessment Attachments: Sweet and Geratz.pdf; Hupp 2000.pdf; simon channel evolution model.pdf DWQ Project Number 11 -1013 Ian J. McMillan, PWS, GISP NCDENR/Division of Water Quality - Wetlands and Stormwater Branch 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -1650 Office: (919) 807 -6364 Fag: (919) 807 -6494 Email: ian.mcmillan.denr(a mmail.com SENT TO MY PHONE Email: ian.mcmillan(a�,ncdenr.gov E -mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Heather [mailto:riverkeeper @ptrf.org] Sent: Friday, January 06, 2012 1:10 PM To: Mcmillan, Ian Subject: FW:]RE: hydraulic assessment For your consideration. Heather Jacobs Deck Pamlico -Tar RIVERKEEPER Pamlico -Tar River Foundation P.O. Box 1854 Washington, NC 27889 (252) 946 -7211 (office) (252) 946 -9492 (fax) (252) 402 -5644 (cell) www.ptrf.org Follow us on Facebook: http : / /www.facebook.com /pamlicotar Follow us at Twitter: www.twitter.com /ptrfriverkee per' From: O'Driscoll, Michael [mailto:ODRISCOLLM @ecu.edu] Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2012 4:09 PM To: Heather Subject: [Norton AntiSpam]RE: hydraulic assessment Hi Heather, I took a quick look, I think generally what could happen if the UT2 segments were to receive too much discharge they may respond by widening and deepening (especially if new sediment inputs do not increase with the discharge increases). Usually if the deepening occurs then the slope will increase and a knickpoint will develop that would result in erosion that occurs and the knickpoint would migrate upstream, just like a waterfall moves upstream over geologic time. This has happened a bit in Greenville, where stormwater outfalls have deepened and widened some channels. Some of the literature seems to suggest that these disturbances may take a long time to work through the system and so it could be decades before the stream channel and its sediment and discharge regime re- equilibrate. One thing that is a bit inaccurate in the report is that they say bankfull flooding should occur around every 1.1 -1.3 years, those numbers are for streams in Piedmont and Mountain settings and are too high for the Coastal Plain. There is this paper by Sweet and Geratz (attached) where they say that bankfull flooding for similar INC Coastal Plain streams occurs several times a year. Also if streams are channelized they may be able to handle more water than a similar natural channel, but this might put the stream segments further downstream at a greater flood risk, since the floodplain is not really functioning along the channelized reaches. If channels are channelized they may have steeper banks than is normal and if greater discharge is added those banks may have a tendency to slump and the bank material may add sediment to downstream segments. If there is vegetation on the banks that can stabilize them, but if not they would likely contribute some more sediment. The best model for channel evolution along channelized streams, I think is what was developed by Simon (and later Hupp) for some channelized streams in Tennessee. These papers I've attached may help. We have a new faculty member, Eban Bean, who is a civil engineer with hydrology experience starting this semester in the Engineering Program, he may have some insights if you need more of an engineering assessment. Also, Scott Lecce in Geography is a fluvial geomorphologist, it might be worth asking him since he has some teaching and research experience on this topic. I was going to commit my environmental class this semester to work on some water conservation projects on campus this semester, but maybe if this is still an issue next fall I could set something up for them that would help with this problem, since that is when I do the hydrology class. It might work well in one of Scott or Eban's classes, if they offer a fluvial geomorphology or fluid dynamics class in the spring. Hope this helps, Mike From: Heather [mailto:riverkeeper @ptrf.org] Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2012 3:16 PM To: O'Driscoll, Michael Subject: hydraulic assessment Hey Mike, I know you are super busy, but didn't know if you had any time to review a the hydraulic assessment of the receiving streams for this proposed martin Marietta mine discharge. I've attached it. In any way, if you don't have time, this might be a good learning tool for one of your classes..? If you do have time, just wanted a second opinion on the methodology, conclusions... everything look sound (assumptions, etc). or was something missed? I'm sure it's accurate, but always like to check. Thanks! Heather Jacobs Deck Pamlico -Tar RIVERKEEPER Pamlico -Tar River Foundation P.O. Box 1854 Washington, INC 27889 (252) 946 -7211 (office) (252) 946 -9492 (fax) (252) 402 -5644 (cell) www.ptrf.org Follow us on Facebook: http : / /www.facebool<.com /pamlicotar Follow us at Twitter: www .twitter.com /ptrfriverkeeper" HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES Hydrol. Process. 14, 2991 -3010 (2000) Hydrology, geomorphology and vegetation of Coastal Plain rivers in the south - eastern USA Cliff R. Hupp* US Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia 20192, USA Abstract: Rivers of the coastal plain of the south - eastern USA are characteristically low- gradient meandering systems that develop broad floodplains subjected to frequent and prolonged flooding. These floodplains support a relatively unique forested wetland (bottomland hardwoods), which have received considerable ecological study, but distinctly less hydrogeomorphological study. The hydroperiod, or annual period of inundation, largely controls the development of characteristic fluvial landforms, sediment deposition and vegetation distribution patterns. Order -of- magnitude differences in wetted perimeter, width /depth, suspended sediment load and hydraulic roughness may exist between `dry' in- channel seasons and the hydroperiod. Substantial sediment (and adsorbed contaminants) retention and storage through lateral and vertical accretion is common (where not heavily impacted by flow regulation) along these Coastal Plain rivers. The present chapter summarizes our current understanding of the hydrology, fluvial geomorphology, general and local sedimentation patterns, and related plant ecological patterns of these Coastal Plain bottomlands. KEY WORDS coastal plain; meandering rivers; fluvial geomorphology; fluvial landforms; sediment deposition; woody vegetation INTRODUCTION The Coastal Plain physiographic province of the USA (Figure 1) lies almost entirely in the south -east. It covers an area of about 1.2 million square kilometres (slightly larger than the combined area of Belgium, France, Germany and the UK). This topographically distinct lowland is bounded on the east and south by the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico, respectively, and landward on the west and north, at some places less distinctly, by the Piedmont and Ozark highlands (Figure 1). Bottomlands typically are broad, alluvial features with low gradients, meandering streams, most of which terminate downstream in tidal estuaries. These Coastal Plain river systems have received noticeably less hydrological study than higher gradient Piedmont and montane river systems, where such concepts as bankfull discharge and flood - return interval were developed (Leopold et al., 1964). The floodplains of Coastal Plain rivers are typically inundated every year for prolonged (months in some cases) periods. The forests (bottomland hardwood systems, including southern deep -water swamps), however, have received considerable ecological study, yet the linkages between the fluvial geomorphological processes and forest ecology remain poorly understood. Fluvial geomorphology refers to study of the surficial landscape, geomorphological forms, and physical processes developed or mediated by the action of flowing water, most typically in the form of streamflow. Most geomorphological work in fluvial systems involves the erosion, entrainment, transport, deposition and storage of sediment. At least 90% of all sediment eroded from uplands is trapped in alluvial systems before reaching saltwater (Meade et al., 1990). Detailed spatial and historical analyses of sediment trapping, storage * Correspondence to: C. R. Hupp, US Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia 20192, USA. This article is a US government work and is in the public domain in the United States Received 4 ,Tune 1999 Accepted 31 August 1999 2992 Fall Line C. R. HUPP 0 300 600 km Embayed Section 1 Atlantic Coastal Plain Atlantic Ocean Figure 1. The coastal plain of south - eastern USA. Potential extent of bottomland hardwood forest is shown along major streams. Note that the BLH forests nearly match the inland extent of the Coastal Plain delineated by the Fall Line and retention time, at both large and small scales, generally are lacking, possibly with the exception of the lower Mississippi Valley (Saucier, 1994). Alluvial processes create and maintain a variety of landforms, including floodplains that support bottomland hardwood (BLH) forest ecosystems in the south - eastern USA. These forests interact with hydrological and fluvial geomorphological processes and forms (including binding alluvium through root development and enhancing deposition by increasing stream roughness) such that the intrinsic character of each is at least partly the result of the other. The purpose of the present paper is to provide an overview of our current understanding of the form and process linkage between lowland meandering streams on the Coastal Plain of the south - eastern USA and their characteristic BLH forests. Several definitions of BLH have been published recently (Wharton et al., 1982; Mitsch and Gosselink, 1993; Sharitz and Mitsch, 1993; Shepard et al., 1998). All definitions confine BLH to the riparian zone, thus associating BLH systems with the bottomland adjacent to streams. The riparian zone can be defined as that part of the landscape supported by and including recent fluvial landforms and inundated or saturated by the bankfull discharge (Hupp and Osterkamp, 1996). Although this definition is not as inclusive of bottomland features as others (e.g. Malanson, 1993) it is quantitative in that the bankfull discharge typically occurs at least once every 1 to 3 years (Leopold et al., 1964). Bottomland hardwood systems are usually considered forested wetlands; many definitions also require inundation or saturation of the soil at least once annually during the growing season ( Mitsch and Gosselink, 1993). The riparian zone, in particular the floodplain, reaches its greatest development in the USA along the many low- gradient rivers originating on or flowing across the Coastal Plain physiographic province. Thus, BLH systems are, in large part, an extensive and characteristic feature of south - eastern rivers (Figure 1). Here and throughout the text the term vegetation refers to the woody vegetation of BLH systems; it is beyond the scope of the present paper to discuss herbaceous vegetation, although many of the interpretations would apply as well. Since the late 1970s there has been considerable focus on the function and value of wetlands (Greeson et al., 1979; Carter, 1986, 1996; Landin, 1992), summarized recently by Brinson and Rheinhardt (1998). Riparian wetlands (including BLH) have been cited to be of particular value for several reasons. Biologically, the riparian zone is the ecosystem with the greatest biodiversity in most regions of the world (Nilsson, 1992; Naiman et al., 1993). Riparian areas also provide critical habitat for many plants and game and non -game species of fish and wildlife. Environmentally, these wetlands function as an important, if not Hydrol. Process. 14, 2991 -3010 (2000) COASTAL PLAIN RIVERS 2993 critical, natural element in the maintenance of water quality. Properly functioning BLH systems annually trap and store enormous amounts of sediment, nutrients and contaminants (Hupp et al., 1993; Kleiss 1996). Unfortunately, BLH systems have decreased tremendously in areal extent, principally through conversion to agriculture (Mitsch and Gosselink, 1993; Kress et al., 1996) following World War 11. Missouri, Arkansas and Louisiana alone lost 21 000, 57 000 and 24 000 ha, respectively, between 1960 and 1975 (Turner et al., 1981). Their continuing rapid loss is of imminent concern because of concomitant losses of water quality and habitat functions (Sharitz and Mitsch, 1998). In addition, the majority of remaining BLH forests have been modified as a result of lumbering or agricultural usage and /or more recent activities such as highway construction and channelization (Bazemore et al., 1991; Hupp, 1992; Lockaby and Walbridge, 1998). Many of these forests, particularly those near the Fall Line (Figure 1) along the Atlantic Coastal Plain, experienced substantial aggradation in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries following deforestation and poor agricultural practices by European settlement ( Wolman, 1967; Costa, 1975; Jacobson and Coleman, 1986). Subsequent reforestation and better agricultural practices substantially reduced sediment loads, which has led to channel incision leaving floodplains and terraces relatively `high and dry' along many east coast streams. Heightened post - settlement deposition has been documented on at least two Coastal Plain streams, namely along the Congaree River in South Carolina (Patterson et al., 1985) and along the Roanoke River in North Carolina (Hupp et al., 1999a). The lower Roanoke River aggraded by as much as 4 m near the Fall Line; this deposit attenuates downstream toward the estuary but nevertheless affects channel depths, point bar development, levee formation and vegetation patterns (Hupp et al., 1999b). GEOLOGICAL CONTROLS The Coastal Plain (including the subaqueous continental shelf) from the Chesapeake Bay to eastern Texas (Figure 1) is largely the result of sediment deposition, both alluvial and marine, from the adjacent eroding mountains and Piedmont since at least the Cretaceous Period. This broad plain has been sculpted by hydrological and fluvial geomorphological processes that vary in their effect in response to changes in sea level and climate. During oceanic regressions (sea -level retreat to a low stand) streams on the coastal plain and adjacent Piedmont tended to entrench into their valley (degradation) owing to higher stream gradients. Oceanic transgressions (sea -level rise to a high stand) with lower stream gradients typically led to valley filling and widening (aggradation). Coupling this rather simple conceptual model with concomitant variation in climate and tectonics has led to a deceptively complex modern landscape. For instance, many of the rivers on the Atlantic Coastal Plain are underfit, that is, the present channel does not carry sufficient discharge or sediment to have created the broad alluvial floodplain within which the river now flows. This underfit condition may result from stream capture (loss of drainage area), or perhaps more typically, from a reduction in rainfall. Rainfall during a pluvial period 18 000 to 10 000 years ago may have been 18 times greater than at present (Dury, 1977). Melting continental glaciers undoubtedly increased discharge and sediment load on some of the larger rivers. Further, Pleistocene frost action and variation in plant cover probably made available considerable amounts of sediment for transport and deposition. The modern Coastal Plain bottomlands of most south - eastern rivers are largely a result of fluvial processes during the last low stand (about 14 000 to 18 000 years ago) and the subsequent oceanic transgression toward a new high stand. The lower Mississippi River incised into its bottomlands (the largest contiguous area of BLH), during the last low stand, upstream to about the vicinity of Vicksburg, Mississippi. This relatively short distance is probably due, in part, to a concomitant lengthening of the channel (Saucier, 1994). With rising sea level over the past several thousand years, the bottomlands rapidly filled, widened, and formed large anabranches associated with deltaic processes, forming the aggrading Atchafalaya Basin. Smaller rivers of the Gulf Coastal Plain probably did not incise deeply as a result of a high sediment load and relatively low discharges during the past low stand (Saucier, 1994). Many of these streams, such as those on the Atlantic Coastal Plain, are now underfit following a pluvial period (18 000 to 10 000 years ago, Dury, 1977) and subsequent oceanic transgression and aggradation. Additionally, several stream captures may have occurred, Hydrol. Process. 14, 2991 -3010 (2000) 2994 C. R. HUPP including the Cache River, AR (Bennett and Saucier, 1988), which contributed to the commonly underfit nature of many BLH systems. Similar processes affected streams of the Atlantic Coastal Plain, excepting major tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay. All large tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay that arise in the Appalachian Mountains incised to the Fall Line and remain in an embayed condition today, possibly due largely to the Bay's principal tributary, the Susquehanna River. The extremely high discharge and ocean proximity of the Susquehanna River may have lowered the regional base level to such a degree during the last glacial retreat that aggradation in the other major Bay tributaries has not kept pace with rising sea level. However, streams of the region that arise on the piedmont and coastal plain but with substantially less discharge and erosive capacity than the Susquehanna River did not incise like the major tributaries during the last low stand and now support BLH systems on relatively broad bottomlands. HYDROLOGIC PROCESSES Water is of singular importance in BLH systems, as in all wetland systems, as the medium for biogeochemical processes (in living and physical systems), as an ecological limiting factor, and as the force that controls the movement and storage of sediment and associated material. All wetland functions can be described entirely or in part by hydrological processes (Nestler and Long, 1994) and agreement on the primary influence of hydrology in wetland ecosystems is pervasive in wetland hydrological literature (Carter, 1986, 1996; Walton et al., 1996). Yet our basic understanding of most hydrological processes remains somewhat tenuous owing in part to the relatively recent emergence of hydrology as a science and because most hydrological processes are subject to the vagaries of precipitation and climate. Slight hydrological changes may result in only loosely predictable, yet often substantial, wetland responses (Mitsch and Gosselink, 1993). Defining the relation among hydrological processes and other wetland phenomena in BLH systems is further hampered by the lack of more than a few rigorous studies in this wetland type (Walton et al., 1996). A strong seasonal variation in discharge occurs along most medium and large streams on the south- eastern Coastal Plain (Figure 2). Annual variation in evapotranspiration and rainfall produce two distinctly different hydrological seasons; a low -flow season from about June through to October, when streamflow is confined largely to a meandering main channel and a high -flow season from about November through to May, when large parts of the wooded bottomland may be inundated. This period of inundation is referred to 70 60 S LU 0 Z 50 �8 N N W 40 F F 30 02 2 O_ m 20 10 Floodplain inundated A m O% OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP MONTH Figure 2. Mean - monthly discharge (1963 to 1977) for the Cache River near Patterson, Arkansas. The discharge necessary to flood sloughs (8.4 m3 /s) and to inundate the floodplain (52.5 m3 /s) is indicated. Floodplains along this river are typically inundated from late December until mid -April Hydrol. Process. 14, 2991 -3010 (2000) COASTAL PLAIN RIVERS 2995 Hydrol. Process. 14, 2991 -3010 (2000) � a 7 U b O ct CA y ct Q a Lr v a alp z� zy z p va �z 7� Z a a z p 00 M 00 lD 01 O M --i —� N M N 01 N 01 00 C 6, vl N cA N � 'C v � Vl � 01 01 N Vl � � � 01 .--i M l� l� O •--� � 00 01 l� M M cD ��,, � � � O ct j ct Vl N cC Ci Ci cC Vl N N M C OC� 00 01 01 01 l� Vl Vl M Vl M 01 Vl Vl M cD Vl l� Vl 00 M M M M M M M M l� Vt M M M M 00 M l� M M 7 o a z a a ti d e '3 U a d aq m p o z> 0 3 a a C7 o a ct ct > ct o o v v o .. .x' v v �xc7cawa ct��v� $xv oaca ocaca ��� ¢ z w a x Q U 7 U o a ct ct ct ct ct ct ct z z z z z z .' .' z z .' .' .' .' .' z z z .' z z .' z z 4 v ct p ct v `t — p c� t a � c U ct ct ° x v ct ct ct °o c o 2 v v Q o 0 0 o v 2995 Hydrol. Process. 14, 2991 -3010 (2000) 2996 C. R. IICPP U Figure 3. (A) Obvious annual high -water mark (darkened tree bases) in a southern deep -water swamp (Taxodium —Nyssa forest), Chickahominy River, Virginia. (B) Bottomland hardwood forest subjected to high sedimentation rates along the Big Sandy River, Tennessee. Note `buried' tree trunks Hydrol. Process. 14, 2991 -3010 (2000) COASTAL PLAIN RIVERS 2997 as the hydroperiod (Figure 2). Order -of- magnitude differences in wetted perimeter, width /depth ratio and roughness may occur seasonally along the same reach. This bimodal hydrology leaves an indelible signature on the biotic and abiotic landscape (Figure 3A and B) and complicates environmental interpretations. Two major types of streams, classified according to suspended- sediment load, form the bottomlands that support BLH systems. They are: (1) alluvial rivers that arise in uplands (typically mountainous areas or the Piedmont) and transport substantial amounts of eroded mineral sediment; (2) black -water rivers that arise on the Coastal Plain typically with low gradients that transport relatively little mineral fines (Table I). Alluvial rivers can be subdivided further into brown -water systems and red -water systems. The former usually are large systems with initially high gradients arising in the mountains, whereas the latter tend to be smaller, lower gradient systems that arise in the piedmont and derive their red colour from iron oxides that characterize the Piedmont residuum. Black -water systems tend to be smaller than either brown- or red -water systems, principally as a result of their limited potential to develop large watersheds. Water in black -water systems, with little gradient, flows relatively slowly and has limited ability to erode sediment. This slow moving water leaches tannins from the typically highly organic bottomlands or riparian wetlands, which stains the water and lowers the pH ( from 7 to 6, Wharton et al., 1982) relative to alluvial systems. However, drainage may affect the mineral content of black -water streams such that better drained systems develop soils with a relatively high mineral content. The origin of streams flowing on the Coastal Plain also affects the dissolved load (chemical characteristics). Alluvial rivers have relatively high concentrations of inorganic ions, including several macronutrients, and relatively low concentrations of total organic carbon (Table I); the converse is true for most black -water rivers (Wharton and Brinson, 1979). Thus, pH, hardness and specific conductance tend to be higher in alluvial rivers than in black -water streams. Alluvial rivers develop a fairly abrupt reduction in gradient after crossing the Fall Line and contacting the relatively flat Coastal Plain. Coincident with reduction in gradient are greater frequencies of overbank flows, a flatter hydrograph and longer periods of inundation. These tendencies are partly due to the relict nature of the Coastal Plain and the stream - regime shift, without a reduction in discharge, from high energy, at least partly bedrock - controlled, relatively straight upland reaches to low- energy meandering reaches. The broad bottomlands of the Coastal Plain often do not fit empirical hydrological concepts such as bankfull discharge (Leopold et al., 1964), developed for upland streams. These floodplains tend to be flooded much more frequently than every year and a half and for much longer durations. During leaf -off seasons with high discharges and little transpiration some BLH systems are regularly inundated for months each year, effectively increasing channel width as much as an order of magnitude during the hydroperiod. Streamflow during the hydroperiod is less meandering and in intimate contact with the riparian zone that supports BLH forests. Many functional attributes of BLH systems including sediment and associated - material trapping (Figure 3), are most prominent during the hydroperiod. Unfortunately anthropogenic features such as nineteenth century agricultural levees may reduce the effective floodplain surface area and reduce residence time of out -of -bank flow by increasing velocities. GEOMORPHOLOGICAL FEATURES Fluvial geomorphological processes create a variety of widely recognized landforms, from small channel bedforms to extensive floodplains. The latter typically support BLH systems in the south - eastern Coastal Plain. Floodplains, like most fluvial landforms, are dynamic features almost constantly eroding in some places while aggrading in others. Meandering channel dynamics (typical of most streams in BLH systems) provide the energy necessary to erode and transport floodplain sediments. Meanders typically extend, eroding accreted sediments until they are cut -off by an avulsion (channel cut -off) leaving an ox -bow lake and a new channel (Figure 4). Entire meander loops, additionally, tend to migrate downstream. Thus, over Hydrol. Process. 14, 2991 -3010 (2000) 2998 C. R. HUPP Figure 4. Generalized fluvial landforms on a coastal plain bottomland. Note greater levee development along straight reaches and on the downvalley side of the stream geomorphological time, nearly all alluvium in BLH systems is in a state of flux, even though the transport distance for eroded alluvium may not extend much past one meander loop downstream (Saucier, 1994). Floodplains on the Coastal Plain tend to have net sediment storage during periods of high or rising sea level, such as the conditions over the past several thousand years. Floodplains aggrade in two ways. First, by lateral accretion or point -bar extension, where coarse (sand) material is deposited on the inside bank of channel bends; a corresponding volume is typically eroded on the opposite, or cut bank (Figure 4). Second, by the vertical accretion of suspended sediment (typically fines) over the floodplain during overbank flows. Lateral accretion is an episodic process that occurs during high flows, building the point bar into a typically crescent - shaped ridge. Over time, a series of high -flow events produce the ridge- and -swale topography Transport of sediments and contaminants Water level from river channel to floodplain during hydroperiod 1 Flood lain LeveeFlooding Vertical accretion Erosion of cutbanks Lateral accretion on point bar Water level during low flow Figure 5. Transport paths of sediment and associated contaminants for both lateral and vertical accretion Hydrol. Process. 14, 2991 -3010 (2000) COASTAL PLAIN RIVERS 2999 (Figure 4) associated with meander scrolls. The establishment of ruderal woody vegetation during intervening low -flow periods on fresh scroll surfaces creates bands of increasingly younger vegetation toward the main channel (McKenney et al., 1995). These bands of vegetation may accentuate the ridge- and -swale topography by creating distinct microdepositional environments during subsequent high flows, but the hydraulics necessary to produce meander scroll topography and the role of vegetation in its development are poorly understood (Nanson, 1980, 1981). Fine - sediment deposition is facilitated by the typically striking reduction in flow velocity as water leaves the main channel and enters the hydraulically rough floodplain environment (Figure 5). As rising flood waters overtop the bank the coarse (or heavy) sediment is deposited first and relatively rapidly create natural levees along the floodplain margin. Levees tend to be most pronounced along relatively straight reaches between meanders and are often the highest ground on the floodplain. Levees are sometimes breached by streamflow, resulting in a crevasse splay that may insert coarse material deep into the otherwise fine- grained floodplain (Figure 4). Levee development and the breaches that form are poorly documented in the literature, yet are critical in the understanding of the surface -water hydrology of most coastal plain bottomlands. Levee height and breaches strongly affect the hydroperiod (and thus, sedimentation dynamics) in systems dominated by surface -water flow (Patterson et al., 1985). The levee surface usually dips gently away from the channel into the bottomland, where the surface may be extremely flat. Superimposed on this flat bottom are internal drainage networks, overflow channels and abandoned main channels or ox -bows that remain wet after the hydroperiod and support the more hydric BLH species. Slight differences in elevation associated with the above floodplain geomorphological features and large woody debris (LWD) create a complex pattern of microsite velocity regimes during the hydroperiod that ultimately affect intrasite sedimentation regimes. Also highly correlated with these variations in elevation are the distributional patterns of many BLH plant species (Wharton et al., 1982; Sharitz and Mitsch, 1993). WATER QUALITY Sediment trapping Suspended sediment may be the most important water - quality concern in the USA today (US EPA, 1994). Increases in suspended sediment directly affects aquatic biota by coating vegetation and clogging gills of invertebrates and fishes. Indirectly, increased suspended sediment changes the habitat from more coarsely grained aquatic environments to highly silted environments. Further, increased suspended sediment may lead to high sediment - deposition rates in critical riparian areas, thus damaging living resources through burial and suffocation. Perhaps most importantly, suspended sediment is the transport medium for hydrophobic forms of nutrients and pesticides, and most trace elements (Horowitz, 1991). Mean values of suspended sediment, percentage of suspended sediment finer than 0062 mm (clay), and dissolved and total phosphorus, nitrogen and carbon are provided in Table I for a selected set of Coastal Plain streams that support BLH systems along their lower reaches (Alexander et al., 1998). Deposits of fine sediment typically contain large concentrations of adsorbed, associated contaminants (particularly nutrients, trace elements and hydrophobic pesticides) from agriculture and urban areas (Johnston et al., 1984; White and Tittlebaum, 1985; Phillips, 1989a; Puckett et al., 1993). This sediment and contaminant- trapping function of wetlands is commonly acknowledged (Kadlec and Kadlec, 1979; Lowrance et al., 1984; Phillips, 1989b; Brinson, 1993; Hupp et al., 1993; Lowrance et al., 1995; Brinson et al., 1995; Kleiss, 1996), despite limited understanding of the transport and deposition of sediment and associated contaminants and the lack of consistent mass - balance studies (Boto and Patrick, 1979; Winter, 1981; Carter, 1986; Labaugh, 1986; Mitsch and Gosselink, 1993). Biogeochemical cycles within forested wetlands are particularly complex and difficult to study (Walbridge and Lockaby, 1994; Lockaby and Walbridge, 1998). Although alluvial material may be considered in transit over geomorphological time, most bottomlands, especially those on the Coastal Plain, exhibit net aggradation through sediment deposition Hydrol. Process. 14, 2991 -3010 (2000) 3000 C. R. HUPP Table 11. Mean sediment deposition rates (mm /year) for Coastal Plain rivers; data from dendrogeomorphological analyses. The Cache River was investigated twice in different studies and locations River Type Rate Reference Hatchie, TN Alluvial 5.4 Bazemore et al., 1991 Forked Deer, TN Alluvial 3.5 Bazemore et al., 1991 Chicahominy, VA Alluvial 3.0 Hupp et al., 1993 Obion, TN Alluvial 3.0 Bazemore et al., 1991 Patuxent, MD Alluvial 2.9 Schening et al., 1999 Cache, AR Alluvial 2.7 Hupp and Schening, 1997 Roanoke, NC Alluvial 2.3 Hupp et al., 1999 Cache, AR Alluvial 1.8 Hupp and Morris, 1990 Wolf, TN Alluvial 1.8 Bazemore et al., 1991 Mattaponi /Pamunkey, VA Alluvial 1.7 Schening et al., 1999 Coosawhatchie, SC Blackwater 1.6 Hupp and Schening, 1997 Choptank, MD Blackwater 1.5 Schening et al., 1999 Pocomoke, MD Blackwater 1.5 Hupp et al., 1999 from two initially distinct sources: (i) runoff from adjacent uplands (riparian buffer) and (ii) streamflow during inundation of bottomlands (riparian retention). Although the former has received some study (Brockway, 1977; Karr and Schlosser, 1978; Peterjohn and Correll, 1984; Correll, 1986; Johnston et al., 1984; Lowrance et al., 1984, 1986, 1998) the latter has received far less (Kleiss et al., 1989; Hupp and Morris, 1990; Hupp and Bazemore, 1993; Hupp et al., 1993; Kleiss, 1996). Geomorphological analyses (Leopold et al., 1964; Jacobson and Coleman, 1986) verify that riparian retention of sediment is a common and important fluvial process, yet retention time of sediment may be the most poorly understood, generally unquantified aspect of sediment budgets (R. B. Jacobson, written communication, 1996). As of the early 1990s, only four published accounts of vertical accretion rates or mass accumulation for mineral fines in the USA could be located by Johnston (1991) for any type of wetland. Since then, vertical accretion rates have been reported for BLH systems in West Tennessee, eastern Arkansas, South Carolina, North Carolina, and along tributaries to the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland and Virginia 0.7 0.6 2 _¢ Q >- 0.5 ¢ir Z N 0.4 F-F- w 2 0.3 5 F Z N U 0.2 Z 0.1 Hatchie River Approximate time of y initial channelization 1 f Big Sandy River 1880- 1890- 1900- 1910- 1920- 1930- 1940- 1950- 1960- 1970- 1889 1899 1909 1919 1929 1939 1949 1959 1969 1979 AGE GROUP Figure 6. Sedimentation rates by age class of trees sampled for rate determination along the Hatchie and Big Sandy Rivers, Tennessee. Sedimentation rates are consistently higher along the unchannelized Hatchie River; note sharp increase in deposition beginning around 1950 Hydrol. Process. 14, 2991 -3010 (2000) COASTAL PLAIN RIVERS 3001 (Table II). In a rare, fairly exhaustive, BLH sediment retention study, Kleiss (1996) reported that the Cache River, Arkansas carries more than 90% of its total annual sediment load during the high -flow period and that more than 14% (about 800 g /m� /year) of the load is trapped along a 23 km wide, 49 river -km long reach. The results of the Cache River study (Kleiss, 1996) support current efforts to rehabilitate /restore BLH forests. In addition to sediment trapping, restored systems also improve the water quality of adjacent river reaches and reduce the sediment burden on existing downstream BLH systems (Kleiss, 1996). The sediment and contaminant trapping function in Coastal Plain fluvial systems is especially important because these floodplain surfaces are the last areas for sediment storage (and biogeochemical cycling) before entering estuaries and their critical nurseries for marine biological production. Some of the highest concentrations of suspended sediment occur in the Mississippi Embayment because of channel instability, highly erodible uplands ( fine alluvium and loess), and extensive agriculture (Trimble and Carey, 1984; Simon and Hupp, 1987). Many streams of this region, particularly in West Tennessee, south- eastern Missouri, and northern Mississippi, have been channelized, which has led to severe upstream channel incision with concomitant channel erosion (Simon and Hupp, 1987; Simon et al., 1996). Channel incision facilitates runoff and peak flows, which reduce the hydroperiod and trapping function in BLH systems that have been channelized (Hupp, in press), ironically in a region where the payoff in water quality benefits of intact, functioning BLH systems would be great. A comparison between the unchannelized Hatchie River and the channelized Big Sandy River in West Tennessee (Hupp and Bazemore 1993) showed that sediment deposition rates were significantly higher on the unchannelized stream as far back as the time of initial channelization (Figure 6), particularly after large expanses of the basins and bottomlands were cleared for agriculture after World War II (Figure 6). Like intensive agricultural areas, urbanizing areas tend to generate high suspended sediment and contaminant loads, particularly trace elements (White and Tittlebaum, 1985). Both deposited and suspended sediments contain significantly higher concentrations of most trace elements and hydrophobic contaminants than are dissolved in water (Horowitz, 1991). Thus, patterns of sediment transport and deposition largely control the fluvial deposition of most trace elements and many contaminants. Water - quality concerns in south - eastern Virginia along the Chickahominy River, which arises in the urbanizing Richmond area, are high because the river is the source of a water - supply reservoir for the densely populated Hampton Roads area. A study of sediment and trace - element trapping along Coastal Plain reaches of the Chickahominy (Hupp et al., 1993) has shown that large amounts of sediment and associated trace elements are trapped in the adjacent BLH system (Table III). Additionally, changes in the gradient of the river, from relatively steep Table 111. Summary of estimated amounts (kilograms) of sediment and trace elements deposited annually at eight sites along the Coastal Plain reaches of the Chickahominy River between Richmond, Virginia and Providence Forge, Virginia; site number ascends downstream. Area at each site is calculated from forested wetlands delineated from a 2 km reach centred at the site. Site 3 (greatest amount of sediment) is located near the confluence of several tributaries draining urbanizing areas around Richmond; site 4 has the highest stream gradient of the study reaches and nearly the least amounts of sediment and trace elements Site Sediment Zn Cu Ni Pb Cd Cr Sn 1 670 000 118 6 8 43 < 1 23 < 1 2 1 400 000 205 33 17 155 1 60 2 3 7 600 000 1269 76 76 426 2 274 4 4 840 000 235 8 12 41 < 1 26 1 5 2 200 000 446 29 33 130 1 110 2 6 1 600 000 125 5 10 37 < 1 42 < 1 7 2 000 000 259 14 17 54 1 51 1 8 860 000 68 5 7 25 < 1 28 < 1 Total 17 170 000 2725 176 180 911 5 614 9 Hydrol. Process. 14, 2991 -3010 (2000) 3002 c. R. i i L PP Cache River Deposition and Elevation 14 _ 77 i Deposition, mm 183 182 12 Elevation (ft) 181 L 21 10 : _ E E.. 180 E 179 .� r 8 O u 178 m > 6 m a G. s 177 W q c _ 176 M 175 2 - t m 174 0 173 m m 00 m n n ° m n Goo m n m Plot number Figure 7. Relationship between elevation and sediment deposition along the Cache River, Arkansas. Deposition rates were determined from dendrogeomorphic analyses (tree -ring) and are averages from trees ranging in age from 180 to 25 years straight - channel reaches to low- gradient anastomozing reaches, strongly control deposition rates of both sediment (0.7 and 5.7 mm /year, respectively) and associated trace elements; low stream gradients facilitate the development of broad bottomlands and long hydroperiods, which, in turn, enhance sediment trapping. Local sediment deposition It may be intuitive that as sediment -laden flow leaves the main channel and enters a forested wetland, velocities slow owing to the hydraulically rough nature of a forested bottom (also a dramatic increase in wetted perimeter) and subsequently sediment deposition occurs ( Kleiss, 1996). Yet, as previously stated, until quite recently only a handful of attempts have been made to quantify sediment deposition in any wetland system. Thus, it should not be surprising that there are even fewer published accounts and interpretations of factors affecting local variation in deposition rate (Hupp and Schening, 1997). The amount of suspended fines available rather obviously, pervasively affects deposition potential. Variation in local elevation (Figure 7) across a bottomland and correlated length of hydroperiod also have been cited as important factors affecting deposition rate (Hupp and Morris, 1990; Hupp and Bazemore, 1993; Kleiss, 1993, 1996). Several other factors, distinct and correlated, may play an important role in local sediment deposition, including: flow velocity, distance in line of flow from main channel, hydraulic connection to main channel, internal flow paths, ponding (typically in backswamps or behind levees), roughness from standing vegetation and LWD, and beaver activity. The US Geological Survey, in association with the US Forest Service and several universities, is conducting research on the functioning of BLH through the Southern Forested Wetlands Initiative (Burke and Eisenbies, 1999). Two sites chosen for this initiative are the Coosawhatchie River, SC, a black -water Hydrol. Process. 14, 2991 -3010 (2000) COASTAL PLAIN RIVERS 3003 stream, and the Cache River, AR, an alluvial stream. They have been sampled intensely in order to investigate several factors that may affect local sediment deposition (Hupp and Schening, 1997; Hupp et al., 1999b). The Coosawhatchie and Cache Rivers annually trap substantial amounts of sediment, 24.5 kg /ha/ year and 1876 kg /ha /year, respectively, reinforcing the water - quality functions of both black -water and alluvial forested wetlands. Deposition rates were estimated along multiple transects, normal to the downvalley axis, using dendrogeomorphological (tree ring) techniques and clay -pad marker horizons. These rates were then related to several physical parameters, including velocity, elevation, LWD and hydraulic connectivity at each sampling station and to dominant woody vegetation. The transects were closely spaced so that the sampling points were arrayed in a grid -like fashion, permitting a three- dimensional analysis of data. Many of the following observations could not have been made using widely spaced transects (essentially two - dimensional analysis). Mean sediment deposition rates on the black -water Coosawhatchie River ranged from 0.02 to 0.20 cm/ year and from 0.20 to 0.36 cm /year on the Cache River. The Cache River carries a suspended load of about 100 to 350 mg /1, whereas the Coosawhatchie River carries about 5 to 25 mg /1. Thus, a greater amount of fourth ti Flow Flow 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 Distance from River in meters 15 5 .° E D Figure 8. Sediment deposition patterns across the Cache River, Arkansas bottomland. Data shown along grid lines first through fourth, individual points are separated in straight lines by 250 m. Deposition rates tend to be greatest along flow paths: (A) indicates area of concentrated large woody debris and relatively high sediment deposition rate; (B) indicates a stagnant area that is poorly hydraulically connected to sediment -laden river water and has a relatively low sediment deposition rate Hydrol. Process. 14, 2991 -3010 (2000) 3004 C. R. HUPP sediment deposition on the brown -water Cache River was expected and measured. Major sloughs bifurcating through the sites affect both study areas. Hydraulic connectivity (degree of flow -path connections to the main channel) appears to strongly affect sedimentation rates (Figure 8), with highest deposition occurring near sloughs and their anabranches with a direct flow path to the river. In contrast, relatively low deposition rates occur in stagnant areas poorly connected to the channel or unaffected by sloughs, presumably due to diminished replenishment of suspended sediment during the hydroperiod (Figure 8); this occurs despite nearly complete inundation during the hydroperiod at both sites. Smaller sloughs associated with crevasse splay areas near the main channels (Figure 8), similarly experience high deposition rates. Woody vegetation, including LWD, may also play an integral part in directing and concentrating flow paths across bottomlands through variation in surface roughness (sloughs tend to be more open). Sedimentation tends to be high on the upstream faces of `ridges' (Figure 8), areas that also accumulate considerable LWD, whereas adjacent downstream areas tend to have less sediment accumulation. Deposition rates vary inversely with velocity on the Coosawhatchie River but vary directly with velocity on the Cache. Velocities at both sites are relatively low, except in the main channel and major sloughs. Low velocities facilitate deposition of fines, particularly organic material, however, relatively moderate velocities may ensure a continuous supply of sediment -laden water, particularly mineral fines. Fines deposited over the clay pads on the Coosawhatchie River contained substantial amounts of organic material with a mean of nearly 40% after loss on ignition as opposed to 22% on the Cache River. Mineral fines were concentrated largely on the levees and near sloughs. VEGETATION The likelihood of a given species vigorously growing on a particular landform, including the various fluvial landforms, is a function of (i) the suitability of the site for germination and establishment (ecesis), and (ii) the ambient environmental conditions that permit persistence at least until reproductive age (Hupp and Osterkamp, 1996). The distributional pattern may be limited by the tolerance of a species for specific disturbance or stress regimes, as well as by tolerance for other more diffuse interactions including competition. In fluvial systems, the distribution of vegetation across landforms may be driven largely by the tolerance of species to specific geomorphological processes (hydroperiod and sedimentation dynamics in BLH systems) at the severe end of a stress - equilibrium gradient and by competition with other bottomland species at the other end. Variations in hydroperiod (and, perhaps, to a lesser degree sedimentation /erosion) and plant adaptive strategies largely explain the complex patterns of BLH species distributions (Bedinger, 1971; Leitman et al., 1984; Wharton et al., 1982; Mitsch and Gosselink, 1993; Sharitz and Mitsch, 1993); however, specific patterns of BLH species distribution and their quantitative relations with water level and sediment dynamics remain incompletely understood. For example, streamflow of varying magnitude and duration and sediment deposition /erosion dynamics affect vegetation by creating new areas for establishment, such as point bars (lateral accretion), the subsequent ridge- and -swale topography, and by creating hydroperiod /sediment -size clast gradients (vertical accretion) across the floodplain. Although, these fluvial processes are yet insufficiently understood to allow for reasonably accurate prediction at a specific site, even less understood is the role riparian vegetation plays in affecting fluvial processes (Hupp and Osterkamp, 1996). We know that vegetation increases flow resistance (and thus facilitates deposition), increases bank strength, and provides LWD in the form of log jams in channels and as debris piles (rack) across floodplains (Hickin, 1984; Hupp, 1992; Hupp and Osterkamp, 1996). However, separating factors that simultaneously influence both vegetation patterns and geomorphological processes is difficult because most are distinctly interdependent, and consistent definitions of landform and process generally are lacking within the geomorphological sciences, and particularly between the geomorphological and plant - ecological sciences. Where conformity occurs between sciences it is usually in the common belief that hydrological processes control most aspects of Hydrol. Process. 14, 2991 -3010 (2000) COASTAL PLAIN RIVERS 3005 Figure 9. (A) High water on the alluvial Cache River, Arkansas. Levee forest is nearly inundated. (B) Slough through a Taxodium forest on the black -water Coosawhatchie River, South Carolina Hydrol. Process. 14, 2991 -3010 (2000) 3006 C. R. HUPP the fluvial BLH ecosystem. Indeed only hydrological characteristics provide independent parameters consistent on all perennial streams. Despite the difficulty to demonstrate quantitative relationships among hydrology, geomorphology and vegetation, the striking vegetation zonation across most BLH systems (Figure 9) has tempted several researchers to develop a classification of vegetation patterns (Kellison et al., 1998). Small differences in elevation, often measured in centimetres, may lead to pronounced differences in hydroperiod and, thus, to community composition (Mitsch and Gosselink, 1993). As a result, most classification systems infer that length of hydroperiod is the most influential factor in controlling species patterns, most probably due to anaerobic conditions associated with flooding (Wharton et al., 1982). Anaerobic respiration within the roots of plants leads to the production of toxic byproducts and limits the uptake of nutrients and water. Plants tolerant of varying degrees of flooding have developed physical and /or metabolic adaptations to withstand inundation and anoxia (Wharton et al., 1982). Presumably the degree to which individual species have adapted to anoxia - related stresses controls the distinct and striking changes in vegetation composition across very short (metres) lateral distances on many floodplains in this region (Huffman and Forsyth, 1981). A zonal classification system (Figure 10) of coastal plain bottomlands, described by Clark and Benforado (1981) and adopted by the National Wetland Technical Council, has been the basis for most subsequent BLH vegetation - community classifications. This classification is based largely on hydrological regime and is Zone Name Water modifier Flooding frequency, of years Flooding duration, of growing season Figure 10. Zonal classification of bottomland hardwood forests showing average hydrological conditions for each zone (after Sharitz and Mitsch, 1993. Reproduced by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.) Hydrol. Process. 14, 2991 -3010 (2000) r Aquatic Bottamland hardwood Bottomland #ecosystem ecosystem 0- upland transition Floodplaln 1 II III IV V V1 Open water Swamp Lower hard- Medium hard- Higher hard- Transition to wood wetland wood wetland ,wood wetland upland Continuously Intermittently Semipermanently Seasonally Temporarily Intermittently flooded exposed flooded flooded flooded flooded 100 -10D 51 -144 51 -100 11 -54 1.10 100 -104 >25 12.5 -25 2 -12.5 4 Figure 10. Zonal classification of bottomland hardwood forests showing average hydrological conditions for each zone (after Sharitz and Mitsch, 1993. Reproduced by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.) Hydrol. Process. 14, 2991 -3010 (2000) COASTAL PLAIN RIVERS 3007 highly generalized; much of the geomorphological detail, described earlier, is lacking and of limited use at specific sites. However, this classification serves as a useful framework for interpreting vegetation patterns, as long as the deceptively complex local hydraulic patterns, particularly in plan view (Hupp, 1999), are not ignored. With the possible exception of the lower Mississippi (Saucier, 1994), hydrogeomorphological patterns across these bottomlands have received far less study than the vegetation. The species found in BLH systems are remarkably similar throughout the bottomlands of the Coastal Plain (Sharitz and Mitsch, 1993). Forty -two tree species occur commonly and 13 of these are ubiquitous (Kellison et al., 1998). A typical pattern of vegetation distribution is shown in Figure 11. Point bars, typically the most recently created surfaces, tend to support shade- intolerant ruderal species such as Salix nigra, Betula nigra and Populus deltoides. Inward from the channel, levee surfaces and scroll `ridges' frequently stand in considerable relief relative to the rest of the bottomland and tend to be well drained owing the typically sandy substrate. These fluvial features generally support a mixture of older point -bar individuals and other relatively high and dry species, such as Platanus occidentalis, Quercus laurifolia, Q. phellos, Q. nigra, Fraxinus pennsylvanica and Liquadambar styraciva. The often broad floodplain is a mosiac of flats punctuated by sloughs, ox -bows and swales, which may be only tens of centimetres (or less) lower than the surrounding flats. These lower and thus wetter features support the most hydric species, such as Taxodium distichum and Nyssa aquatica. Just outside these areas are slightly less moist surfaces dominated by Quercus lyrata, Carya aquatica and Gleditsia aquatica. The flats support a diverse forest that may include the levee species in addition to Quercus michauxii, Q. pagoda, Ulmus americana, Acer negundo, A. rubrum, Celtis laevigata, Pinus taeda and Fagus grandifolia. These species display distributional patterns, often in association with other species (Figure 11), along often virtually imperceptible variations in elevation across the floodplain. Along alluvial rivers, the floodplains tend to become increasingly more hydric from the Fall Bald cypress, Water tupelo Water elm, Buttonbush River birch Black willow Overcup oak, Red maple Willow and Pin oaks, Sweetgum Swamp chestnut oak Figure 11. Cross - section of a bottomland hardwood forest showing species distribution relative to a perennial stream and ox -bow; (A) is the highest flow elevation, (B) is the mean annual high -water elevation and (C) is the mean annual low -water elevation (after Sharitz and Mitsch, 1993. Reproduced by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.) Hydrol. Process. 14, 2991 -3010 (2000) 3008 C. R. HUPP Line to the estuary. Extensive tidal BLH systems near estuaries are rarely flooded relative to other floodplains but are wetted daily during wind and /or lunar high tides; these systems are largely unstudied. SUMMARY The Coastal Plain of the south - eastern USA is characterized by broad, frequently inundated low- gradient fluvial systems that support a characteristic forest ecosystem, bottomland hardwoods. These systems have received considerable ecological study, but distinctly less hydrogeomorphological study; quantitative process linkages among hydrology, geomorphology and ecology remain largely undocumented. Although heavily impacted by land use, these floodplains and their bottomland hardwood systems remain a critical landscape element for the maintenance of water quality by trapping and storing large amounts of sediment and associated contaminants. Alluvial and black -water fluvial systems within the region typically are flooded annually for prolonged periods, creating two distinct hydrological seasons. Order -of- magnitude differences in wetted perimeter, width /depth, suspended sediment load and hydraulic roughness exist between the in- channel `dry' season and the inundated season or hydroperiod. Vertical sediment accretion rates may be among the highest of any fluvial system. Channel processes and sedimentation dynamics in these low- gradient systems result in the extensive development of levees, point bars and scroll topography, avulsion and associated back channels or sloughs and ox -bows, and broad extremely flat floodplains. Variation in hydroperiod, velocity and suspended sediment may largely control sediment deposition rates. These factors are controlled locally by elevation, levee breaches, amount of large woody debris, and degree of hydraulic connectivity to sediment - laden inundating water. Diverse woody vegetation of this ecosystem has adapted to prolonged inundation (anaerobic conditions) creating unique characteristic riparian vegetation patterns revealed in a mosaic of associations ranging from relatively mesic levee and high floodplain associations to hydric slough and low floodplain associations. Nearly imperceptible changes in elevation may result in distinct pervasive changes in species composition and zonation, strongly suggesting a rigorous relationship between vegetation and hydrogeomorphological processes. These critical fluvial systems and their attendant forests are ripe for future multidisciplinary research. REFERENCES Alexander RB, Slack JR, Ludtke AS, Fitzgerald KK, Schertz TL. 1998. Data from selected U.S. Geological Survey national stream water quality monitoring networks. Water Resources Research 34: 2401 -2405. Bazemore DE, Hupp CR, Diehl TH. 1991. Wetland sedimentation and vegetation patterns near selected highway crossings in West Tennessee. 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A cycle of sedimentation and erosion in urban river channels. Geografzska Annaler 49A: 385 -395. Hydrol. Process. 14, 2991 -3010 (2000) Interlibrary Loan Joyner Library, Rm 1600 1000 E 5th Street E A 5 T Greenville, NC 27858 -4353 CAROLINA v 252.328.6068 f 252.328.6618 a jis@ecu.edu UNMR-s"y http://www.ecu.edu/cs-lib/accesssrv/ill/index.cfm A document you requested through Joyner Library Interlibrary Loan follows. To speed processing, the ILLiad system received the document from an outside provider and automatically emailed it to you. If pages are missing or illegible, wrong pages are attached, or other problems exist with the document, please contact the Joyner Interlibrary Loan Department immediately so a corrected copy can manually be requested from the supplier. Please disregard any library work forms that may also be attached to this document. Some forms may indicate that payment is due for the document; be assured that any fees due are being paid by Joyner Library. 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No further reproduction and distribution of this copy is permitted by transmission or any other means. 36, Z z SC9 Cis r: ' > a pip 402 C CO M '0 x CO z of me char 21 C1a IF -ani of R= ID ;rk and tip 10 C, 1) A wz� gna ages of P C, h: and CUQ � as the angi wts Q 'A L C) G" j v'g th C C) m 6 ro 0 C— ;D --i --i F IX 4 0 z to To Ith z P (D C) z CO r__ > 0 > M (A > C: z rn ;vMem po (D UO :197`3, thr( CL CO 0 Bul C: 2t M M & wj M ;0 X 4 UPHIt SKI 0 w or M iii by Cau Mai This !;ho "Ough SS the wwo *.NNW a MR M Ow M"M on can "MO .""Nq "nuch UO!j'7PsXj'jA Adw,11ot]d qM 0 q yo, u Mnum" A aawmwA AWqws'Qp MeMd UVW annel Amaj.4 E u i 17 1 pyomw am IwNw pw SqwqI h4q q pim umww umm jwn am jo sboxoqd 0 6wpw a MMO hMOMIS _ pr)jiu�'I, _ "qjw ve� Itl6pbw aril NOIIVINM04NI 13,19MAd00 -3003 S3WS (131JNO - 4 TWI TO pCgnli i V 1989 by John Mey 64 Sonn Ud, EARTH SURFACE PROCESSES AND LANDFORMS, VOL. 14,11-26 (1989) A MODEL OF CHANNEL RESPONSE IN DISTURBED ALLUVIAL CHANNELS ANDREW SIMON U.S. Geological Survey, Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A. Received 1 November 1986 Revised 21 March 1988 ABSTRACT Dredging and straightening of alluvial channels between 1959 and 1978 in West Tennessee caused a series of morphologic changes along modified reaches and tributary streams. Degradation occurred for 10 to 15 years at sites upstream of the area of maximum disturbance and lowered bed - levels by as much as 6.1 m. Following degradation, reaches upstream of the area of maximum disturbance experienced a secondary aggradation phase in response to excessive incision and gradient reduction. Aggradation downstream of the area of maximum disturbance reached 0.12 m per year with the greatest rates occurring near the stream mouths. The adjustment of channel geometry and phases of channel evolution are characterized by six process- oriented stages of morphologic development -- premodified, constructed, degradation, threshold, aggradation, and restabilization. Down - cutting and toe removal during the degradation stage causes bank failure by mass wasting when the critical height and angle of the bank material is exceeded (threshold stage). Channel widening continues through the aggradation stage as the `slough line' develops as an initial site of lower -bank stability. The bank profile develops three dynamic elements (1) vertical face (70° to 90 °), (2) upper bank (25° to 50 °), and (3) slough line (20° to 251). Alternate channel bars form during the restabilization stage and represent incipient meandering of the channel. KEY WORDS Unstable channels Degradation Aggradation Channelization Empirical model INTRODUCTION Changes imposed on a fluvial system, be they natural or man - induced, tend to be absorbed by the system through a series of channel adjustments (Gilbert, 1880; Mackin, 1948; Lane, 1955; Hack, 1960; Schumm, 1973; Bull, 1979). Due to the drastic changes in energy conditions imposed by channel dredging, enlarging, and straightening, a rejuvenated condition is established within the fluvial system much like that imposed by uplift or a natural lowering of base level. The predominant difference is one of time scale. Channel adjustments caused by climatic changes or uplift may be exceedingly slow, and progressive, practically imperceptible by man's standards. Conversely, large -scale channel modifications by man result in a sudden and significant shock to the fluvial system that causes migrating knickpoints and observable morphologic changes. This shortened time scale presents an opportunity to document successive process -- response mechanisms through the course of fluvial adjustment over time and space. Channel modifications from 1959 to 1978 through much of three major river systems in West Tennessee create a natural laboratory for the study of channel adjustments in rejuvenated fluvial networks (Table I). PURPOSE AND SCOPE The U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) began this study in 1981 as a result of bridge failures on modified channels in West Tennessee. The purpose was to 0197- 9337/89/010011- 16$08.00 1989 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 12 A. SIMON document and empirically model stream - channel changes and process— response mechanisms following large - scale channelization projects in West Tennessee. TDOT was interested in obtaining estimates of channel changes in alluvial - channel morphology throughout West Tennessee for the purpose of designing adequate river - crossing structures. BACKGROUND West Tennessee is an area of 27500 km2 bounded by the Mississippi River on the west and the Tennessee River divide on the east (Figure 1).The region is characterized by unconsolidated, highly erosive formations, predominantly of Quaternary age (U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1980). The major rivers of the region (Obion, Forked Deer, and Hatchie) flow in channels comprising medium -sand beds and silt —clay banks. In contrast, many small tributary streams flow through extensive silt deposits of reworked Wisconsin loess and have strikingly similar bed- and bank - material properties (Simon, in press). Those tributaries (such as Cub and Porters Creeks) that head in the eastern sandier Tertiary and Cretaceous formations flow on medium - sand beds. A lack of bedrock control of base level assures unrestricted bed -level adjustment. Accounts of river conditions following land clearing throughout the region (mid to late 1800s) describe extremely sinuous, sluggish sediment - choked streams that frequently overflowed their banks for 3 to 10 days at a time (Hidinger and Morgan, 1912). This channel infilling, attributed to major deforestation and severe upland erosion in the late 1800s, prompted channel dredging and straightening in West Tennessee near the EXPLANATION Basin boundary ................ Clearing and snagging Channelization Year work was completed F 0 10 20 30 MILES 0 10 20 30 KILOMETERS W 36 °_�. 35° 90 C� Base from U.S. Geological Survey, State base map, 1967, revised 1973 7 r-r�3 a 1 —q'T'11 ER BASIN�q�/ F \i\ . FORKED DEER RIVER BASIN� HATCHIE RIVER Figure 1. Extent of channel modifications in West Tennessee CHANNEL RESPONSE IN DISTURBED ALLUVIAL CHANNELS 13 turn of the century. The most recent channel modification programme in West Tennessee occurred between 1959 and 1978 and is the subject of this study (Table 1). The modified channels listed in Table I by no means include all of the modified streams in the region, but were selected to represent a spectrum of West Tennessee alluvial channels based on size, location, and bed and bank properties, and to represent the magnitude and extent of modifications. Channel lengths were shortened as much as 44 per cent, gradients were increased as much as 600 percent, and beds were lowered as much as 5.2 m (Simon, in press). DATA COLLECTION Channel- morphology data collected from 1982 to 1984 were compared to previous surveys to determine channel changes with time. Sources of these earlier surveys include the U.S. Geological Survey, Army Corps of Engineers, Soil Conservation Service, and the Obion- Forked Deer Basin Authority. These data consist of bed elevations and gradients, channel top - widths, and channel lengths before, during, and after modification. Where available, gauging station records were used to record annual changes in the water- surface elevation at a given discharge. Changes in the stage- discharge relation imply similar changes on the channel bed and can be used to document bed -level trends (Blench, 1973; Wilson, 1979; Robbins and Simon, 1983; Williams and Wolman, 1984). The identification and dating of various geomorphic surfaces were diagnostic in determining relative stability of a reach and the status of bank -slope development (Simon and Hupp, 1986; Hupp and Simon, 1986). Data collection involved dating of riparian vegetation (1) on newly stabilized surfaces to determine the timing of initial stability for that surface, and (2) on unstable bank surfaces to estimate rates of bank retreat. BED -LEVEL ADJUSTMENT Adjustment of the channel bed at a site follows channel modifications immediately and can be described through time. Channel bed adjustments through time (irrespective of the temporal and spatial scales applied) Table I. Type, extent, and dates of recent channel modifications on studied streams (1959 -1978) Basin Stream Type of modification Length (km) Dates Obion Obion River Enlarging and straightening 75.1 1959-66 Clearing and snagging 6.8 1976 Enlarging and straightening — 1974 -77 North Fork Enlarging and straightening 17.5 1967 Obion River Clearing and snagging 17.4 1974 -76 Hoosier Creek Enlarging and straightening 11.9 1967 Rutherford Fork Enlarging 11.9 1967 Obion River Clearing and snagging 28.8 1973 --78 South Fork Enlarging 9.6 1967, 1969 Obion River Clearing and snagging 27.5 1976 -78 Forked Deer North Fork Forked Enlarging and straightening 6.9 31.5 1973 1974 -77 Deer River Clearing and snagging Pond Creek Clearing and snagging 21.1 1976 -78 South Fork Forked Enlarging and straightening 7.1 1969 Deer River Clearing and snagging 36.5 1973 -77 Meridian Creek Enlarging and straightening 2.6 1959? Enlarging and straightening 8.4 1969 Enlarging 2.6 1969 Cane Cane Creek Enlarging and straightening 52.0 1970 (lower Hatchie) Enlarging and straightening 20.9 1978 Hyde Creek Enlarging and straightening 1.3 1970 Upper Hatchie Cub Creek Enlarging and straightening 15.6 34.4 1970 1972 Porters Creek Enlarging and straightening tL 1. 14 A. SIMON are best described mathematically by nonlinear functions which asymptotically approach a condition of minimum variance. The description of channel adjustment and evolution by nonlinear decay functions is well documented (Schumm and Lichty, 1965; Graf, 1977; Bull, 1979; Hey, 1979; Robbins and Simon, 1983). However, there seems to be considerable disagreement as to the mathematical form of the function. Graf (1977) used exponential functions to describe the `relaxation time' necessary to achieve equilibrium following a disturbance. Simon and Robbins (1987) used similar equations to model gradient adjustment through time. Williams and Wolman (1984) found that hyperbolic functions were appropriate for describing degradation in alluvial streams, downstream from dams. In this study, both exponential and power equations were initially fitted to the observed data. The power function gave consistently superior matches of the empirical data, and was therefore used to describe bed -level adjustment through time. The general form is: E =a(t)b (1) where E= elevation of the bed for a given year, in metres above sea level; a= coefficient determined by regression, representing the premodified elevation of the bed, in metres above sea level; t =time since beginning of adjustment process, in years, where to =1.0; and b= dimensionless exponent, determined by regression and indicative of the nonlinear rate of change on the bed. Trends of bed -level change through time at gauging stations (where bed elevation is measured every 4 to 6 weeks) having periods of record of up to 20 years (Table II), served to support the well -known concept of nonlinear adjustment (Figure 2). Once it was established that power functions provided the best fit to this gauged data, data from periodically surveyed sites were similarly fitted (Figure 2). Sites with just two recorded 82 81 to LM so U- w Z 79 LAJ �i w J Q 79 * Note. Denotes specific page data used. 'South Fork Forked Deer River River kilometer = 12.71 e ° ° r' = 0.94 N 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 w > 89 O M Q Z 88 O Q J 87 w 86 85 84 T 1 —r- ° ° • Rutherford Fork Obion River River kilometer = 7.88 r'= 0.93 � r'= 0.96 1958 1962 1966 1970 1974 1978 1982 1986 143 ° 142 ° 141 ° 140 139 r'= 1.00 138 Porters Creek River kilometer = 27.51 137 1970 1974 1978 1982 1986 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 1962 1966 1970 1974 1978 1982 1986 'South Fork Obion River ° River kilometer = 9.33 ° r'= 0.93 Figure 2. Examples of fitting power equations to degradation and aggradation trends through time CHANNEL RESPONSE IN DISTURBED ALLUVIAL CHANNELS Table II. Sites with calculated aggradation ( +b) and degradation ( -b) 15 Stream b n r RKM To Stream b n r2 RKM To Cane Creek - 0.01620 7 0.99 2389 1969 Obion River - 0.02220 10 0.95 110.22 1965* 1978 -00168 2 - 23.89 1980 - •01720 -00463 10 -74 110.22 1974* 12 - -02022 4 1.00 2024 1969 -87 -00235 16 •76 10008 1968* 9.33 •01052 2 - 20.24 1980 •00908 19 -93 86.40 1965* Obion River •00111 - •03300 3 1.00 14.46 1869 -00518 15 -84 55.03 1963* -- •00770 2 - 14.46 1980 -00585 16 -74 3347 1960* 1975 - -03131 2 - 10.09 1969 --00372 13 -80 28.96 1972* -00352 2 - 10.09 1980 Pond Creek - •00828 5 -81 18.29 1977 - •04126 3 •91 6.53 1969 1965* - •00799 4 -84 1580 1977 00303 - •02011 4 •92 4.06 1969 - -01233 4 -97 11.78 1977 •00835 2 - 4.06 1980 - •00900 5 -79 1.71 1977 Cub Creek - -00243 3 -69 11.13 1969 - •00342 3 •87 9.22 1969 - •00565 4 •88 3.48 1969 Porters Creek - •01069 6 1.00 27.51 1971 - -00905 5 •91 2.48 1969 - •01320 7 -99 18.02 1971 -00272 2 - 2.48 1976 --00578 6 1.00 14.30 1971 Hoosier Creek - •00843 3 1.00 8.29 1967 Rutherford Fork Obion River •00149 19 -60 48.11 1965* - •01130 4 •94 4.81 1966 - •00317 4 -91 2880 1977 - •02081 3 •67 •88 1965 - •00493 3 1.00 24.46 1977 •00274 2 -- •88 1968 - -00991 4 -79 16.73 1972 - -02630 3 •99 -02 1965 •00356 4 •99 16.73 1977 - •01728 9 -93 7.88 1965* -00433 10 -88 7.88 1974* Hyde Creek •00281 2 - 3.81 1975 South Fork Forked Deer River - •00895 6 •59 44.41 1976 - •00737 2 - 3.81 1969 - -00950 10 •92 26.23 1974* - •01070 4 -92 222 1969 - -00978 5 •76 21.40 1969 - •01380 3 •99 1.19 1969 - •01264 5 •96 19.15 1969 - •02050 4 -00 -02 1969 - •01630 15 -94 1271 1969* -01180 13 -92 5.31 1969* Meridian Creek - •00326 3 -99 5.94 1965 - •00580 4 -98 4.73 1964 South Fork Obion River •00133 13 •90 55.35 1969* -00341 3 •99 2.41 1969 - -00054 4 •26 45.70 1972 - •00190 3 -99 1.54 1967 - -00238 6 •50 37.33 1972 North Fork Forked Deer River -00740 4 •95 38.46 1977 - -00661 7 -90 30.89 1977* - •01076 5 -52 32.47 1974 - •00573 5 •87 27.03 1972 -00839 4 -96 30.28 1978 - •00932 4 •94 18.34 1972 - •01720 10 -95 8.53 1973* - •02430 12 •87 9.33 1965* -02297 3 -87 6.16 1972 •00544 8 •88 9.33 1975* North Fork Obion River •00111 15 -69 59.37 1969* -00206 2 -- 42.48 1979 -00490 2 -- 33.95 1975 --00372 13 -80 28.96 1972* - •01240 6 -93 15.83 1965* --02470 4 -85 9.49 1965* 00303 5 -89 9.49 1967* Note: b, nonlinear gradation rate; n, number of observations; rz, coefficient of determination; RKM, river kilometre; To, start of observed gradation process; *, specific gauge data used; where n is low, statistical significance may be limited) 16 A. SIMON bed elevations were included because of confidence in the general trend of adjustment at -a -site, and to increase areal coverage of the data network. The initial response of a channel reach (degradation or aggradation) depends on the location of the reach relative to the imposed channel modifications. Reaches located upstream from the disturbance will eventually go through an initial phase of general degradation, followed by a period of general aggradation. In these cases, the data set was split, and Equation 1 was fitted to the degradation and aggradation periods separately. The last data point of the degradation curve (lowest elevation) was also used as to for the aggradation curve. The exponent `b' (Equation 1) is a measure of the nonlinear rate of degradation (negative b) or aggradation (positive b), and was used as the primary variable in identifying longitudinal adjustment trends. Values of b used in this study are listed by stream. in Table II. The data described by Equation 1 imply that bed -level response at a site is initially rapid and then diminishes as bed elevation asymptotically approaches a condition of no net change (Begin et al., 1981). Because adjustments of channel width are functionally related to changes that occur on the channel bed (Table III), a bed -level model was developed and is summarized using the Obion River system as an example (Figure 3). The area of maximum disturbance (AMD) is defined as the upstream terminus of channel work. However, if a stream is channelized throughout its length, stream power is greatest at the mouth, and the AMD is located there (Simon, in press). Stream reaches are divided into the following four groups based on the location of the reach relative to the imposed AMD in the fluvial network, and the dominant process occurring on the channel bed: (1) downstream aggradation, (2) migrating degradation, (3) secondary aggradation, and (4) premodified aggradation. These reach types in the Obion River drainage system are represented in Figure 3 and denote not only temporal data at sites in the network but also longitudinal bed response through time, with distance from the AMD. Maximum amounts of degradation (largest negative b values) occurred just upstream of the AMD (as a response to the significant increase in stream power imposed by the channel work here in 1967, A in Figure 3) and decreased nonlinearly with distance upstream (curve C in Figure 3). Note that curve C also represents the headward migration of the degradation process and therefore has a temporal as well as spatial component (To in Table 11). Rates of migration on the Obion River Forks are 1.6 km year -1. Degradation occurred for 10 to 15 years at sites just upstream of the AMD and has lowered bed levels as much as 6.1 m. Effects of the imposed disturbance decreased with distance upstream resulting in minimal degradation rates at about river kilometre 150 (b = 0.0). The absence of net erosion or deposition on the channel bed (b = 0.0) is analagous to Bull's (1979) threshold of critical stream power. Further upstream (E in Figure 3), channel beds of the Obion River system (including upstream reaches of the North, South, and Rutherford Forks) remain unaffected by the downstream channel work and aggrade at low, `background' rates. Sites downstream of the AMD (line B in Figure 3) aggraded immediately following channel modification with material delivered from eroding reaches upstream. Maximum recorded rates of aggradation are 0.12 m year -1 close to the mouth of the Obion River. Aggradation near `D' in Figure 3 occurs at previously degraded sites where gradient has been significantly reduced by incision and knickpoint migration. Flows become incapable of transporting the greater bed - material loads being generated from upstream channel Table III. Coefficient of determination (r') for relations between changes in top width (D W) and the absolute value of nonlinear degradation rates (b) Basin r n Cane Creek 0.49 9 Forked Deer River 0.60 13 Obion River 0.80 18 Upper Hatchie River 0.64 7 0.010 N 0.005 w V � 0.000 O` z O —0.005 Q < —0.010 w O —0.015 w Q D: —0.020 Of Q w Z -0.025 J Z Z —0.030 u_ O —0.035 O Q V —0.040 0 Z —0.045 CHANNEL RESPONSE IN DISTURBED ALLUVIAL CHANNELS ■ B la ® THRESHOLD OF CRITICAL STREAM POWER n _ — — — E ■ ■ C ■ A Area of maximum disturbance (1967) B Line representing downstream aggradation C Curve representing migrating degradation A D Location of secondary aggradation E Location of premodified aggradation ■ Observed data (b) 25 45 65 85 105 125 145 165 DISTANCE ABOVE MOUTH OF OBION RIVER, IN KILOMETERS Figure 3. Model of bed -level response for the Obion River system 17 beds. The channel aggrades and thereby, increases gradient and transporting capacity. Schumm and Parker (1973) describe similar results in an experimental watershed. This secondary aggradation migrates headward with time and is apparently a response to excessive lowering (overadjustment) by the degradation phase (Simon, in press). Hey (1979) and Alexander (198 1) similarly argue for alternating phases of degradation and aggradation following rejuvenation of a channel. With the short time scales involved in the application of the disturbance and the channel's consequent response, the evolution of channel form over time and space can be monitored. Numerical results such as those plotted in Figure 3 can be derived for most alluvial systems where even limited data are available. Results could be applied over longer time scales with the inclusion of dendrochronologic data (as in Graf, 1977), or to experimental and conceptual models of channel evolution such as Schumm and Parker (1973) and Hey (1979), respectively. It has been shown that bed -level adjustment does follow nonlinear trends, both over time at -a -site (Figure 2), and over time with distance upstream (Figure 3). WIDTH ADJUSTMENT AND (BANK -SLOPE DEVELOPMENT Channel widening by mass wasting processes is common in adjusting channels in West Tennessee. Bank failure in the loess- derived alluvium is induced by the overheightening and oversteepening of the bank by degradation and by undercutting and seepage forces at the toe of the bank (Table II1). Piping and tension cracks in the bank materials enhance bank failures by internally destabilizing the bank (Simon, in press). Channel bank material of West Tennessee streams is completely alluvial; comprised of loess - derived Quaternary sediments which are predominantly nonplastic, dispersive silts of low cohesion (Simon, in press). In situ shear strength tests confirm the existence of low cohesive strengths; generally less than 14 kilopascals (kPa). These highly erodible materials tend to maintain high moisture contents due to the relatively slow downward adjustment of the water table. The mean degree of saturation for studied channel banks is 18 A. SIMON 91 per cent (182 tests) even though most samples were taken during periods of low flow (Simon and Hupp, 1987). Moderate rises in river stage are sufficient to complete saturation of the channel banks, and result in mass failures upon recession of river stage. Figure 4 shows the frequency distributions of the primary soil mechanics variables; cohesion, friction angle, and field density. Note that the histograms do not display a normal distribution, but are markedly skewed towards lower strength characteristics. Friction angle and cohesion values vary within accepted limits for the types of materials tested (Lohnes and Handy, 1968). Maximum values of cohesion represent tests taken at depth in localized clay rich deposits. Statistical properties of the soil mechanics data are given in Table IV. Changes in channel width following the most recent major modifications of West Tennessee stream channels are summarized in Table V. Mean widening data serve only to provide a point of reference as to magnitude and variability of width changes. Minimum and maximum values of channel widening (Table V) do reflect a realistic range of width changes throughout the stream lengths studied. 70 00 ao 40 30 20 to W U W 45 OC 40 99 35 V 30 O 25 W 20 O } 15 Z 10 t =J 0 W w 3 1 15 21 V COHESION, IN KILOPASCALS f0 eo 70 so so 40 30 20 10 10 15 20 25 30 33 40 FRICTION ANGLE, IN DEGREES 13 10 " 15 21 FIELNSITY, IN KILONEWTONS D DE Figure 4. Frequency distributions of soil mechanics data for studied streams Table IV. Statistical properties of selected soil mechanics data Standard n Mean error Minimum Maximum Cohesion (kPa) 168 8.59 0.59 0.14 54.3 Friction angle 168 30.1 0.62 8.30 42.4 Field Density (kN) 182 18-6 0-22 11-3 48-1 [kPa, kilopascals; kN, kilonewtons] CHANNEL RESPONSE IN DISTURBED ALLUVIAL CHANNELS 19 Table V. Range of changes in channel top width (DW) by stream Years since most DW recent major (m) channelization Stream Mean Min Max n (from 1983) Cane Creek 18.2 14 25 6 13 Cub Creek 2.1 0.0 6.7 4 13 Hoosier Creek 14.2 7.0 2 3 16 Hyde Creek 3.1 0.3 5.4 3 18 Meridian Creek 3.4 2.4 4.3 2 16 North Fork Forked Deer River 10.3 3.0 25 4 10 North Fork Obion River 10.4 0.6 25 5 16 Obion River 37.8 20 59 4 17 Pond Creek 2.9 2.1 4.3 4 5 Porters Creek 7.7 3.7 12 3 11 Rutherford Fork Obion. River 72 0.0 18 5 14 South Fork Forked Deer River 13.6 4.9 27 6 14 South Fork Obion River 11.9 0.0 36 7 14 Processes and stages of bank retreat and slope development The processes and successive forms of bank retreat and bank -slope development reflect the interaction of hillslope and fluvial processes. Interpretations of these processes are based largely on bed -level adjustment trends and botanical evidence. A complete `cycle' of slope development from the premodified condition through stages of adjustment, to the eventual reestablishment of stable bank conditions, assumes that degradation is of sufficient magnitude to instigate unstable bank conditions and a 20- to 40 -year period of mass wasting. However, in grossly unstable channels comprised of silt -clay alluvium, much longer amounts of time may be required for the complete restabilization of the channel. The idealized representation of six stages of bank retreat and bank -slope development (Figure 5) represent distinguishable bank morphologies characteristic of the various reach types describing bed -level adjustment (Table VI). By applying a space for time substitution, longitudinal variation in bank -slope development can then be used to denote morphologic change through time. Sand -bed channels will require 20 to 40 years of channel adjustment to pass through the first five stages of the model. In these types of channels, a total of 50 to 100 years is assumed necessary for the restabilization of the channel banks (stage VI) and for the development of incipient meanders. Premodified Stage (1). Premodified bank conditions are assumed to be the result of `natural' fluvial processes and land -use practices. Bank failure by mass wasting processes generally does not occur and banks are considered stable. Data referring to stable bank conditions along West Tennessee channels are available from the literature, agency work plans, the upstream -most reaches of present day (1987) adjusting networks, and the nonchannelized Hatchie River. Premodified bank conditions (stage I in Figure 5) are characterized generally by low -angle slopes (20° to 25 °), convex upper -bank and concave lower -bank shapes, and established woody vegetation along the top bank and downslope towards the low -flow channel. Channel reaches with these characteristic bank conditions generally have width -depth ratios (as measured from the flood -plain surface) between 6 and 10, and narrow slowly with time due to limited aggradation and bank accretion. Premodified channel widths (prior to 1915) along the downstream ends of the forks of the Obion and Forked Deer Rivers ranged from 15 to 28 in depending on drainage area (Morgan and McCrory, 1910; Hidinger and Morgan, 1912). The present premodified sites (upstream -most) on the forks of the Obion River are approximately 23 m wide. Constructed Stage (11). Construction of a new channel involves reshaping the existing channel banks or repositioning the entire channel. In either case, the banks are generally steepened, heightened, and made linear (stage II in Figure 5). West Tennessee channels are generally constructed as trapezoids with bank- slopes A, Slab and rotational failures IVa j \--Previous profile V \— Previous profile VI - -- —\ Substantial bed- level recovery Non dispersive materials Slough line Note: Scale is relative. RESTABILIZATION STAGE Figure 5. The six stages of bank -slope development Substantial bed -level recovery Moderately dispersive \ materials ranging from 18° to 34 °. Channel widths are increased and vegetation is removed in order to increase channel conveyance. It is appropriate to consider the constructed condition (stage II) as a transition from the stable, premodified state to the more unstable degradation stage, when further heightening and steepening of the banks occur by fluvial processes. Degradation Stage (III). The degradation stage (stage III in Figure 5) is characterized by rapid erosion of the channel bed and the consequent increase in bank heights. Downcutting generally does not steepen bank slopes directly but results in bank angles that approximate the angle of internal friction (Skempton, 1953; Carson and Kirkby, 1972; Simon and Hupp, 1986). Steepening occurs when moderate flows attack basal surfaces and remove toe material (stage IIIa in Figure 5). Pop -out failures, due to excess pore pressure at the bank toe, similarly cause steepening. Ideally, widening by mass wasting does not occur because the critical bank height and angle have not yet been exceeded. Bed degradation with constant channel width (Pickup, 1975) is thus possible in these materials if the amount of incision is limited. The degradation stage is probably the most important in determining the magnitude of channel widening that will occur because the amount of incision partly controls the bank - failure threshold. Sites close to the AMD (where degradation is greatest) are therefore expected to widen appreciably. Threshold Stage (IV). Stage IV (Figure 5) is the result of continued degradation and basal erosion that further heightens and steepens the channel banks. The critical bank height is exceeded, and bank slopes and shapes become the product of mass wasting processes. a :s. O a O k 0 bUfj '—i CHANNEL RESPONSE IN DISTURBED ALLUVIAL CHANNELS A a� .o H by OM M O O In O d rq d O\ d� 01 i N dd c\ M N >C vi O N N h N h N N r-N a � Q w O U G' U U S N V � U u o o ° o � � a bu �, ct Qj ; z 3 � O +=' C O c) O O O 0 O N It b4 .� G a.� to cz bU by F Q Q Q Q Q a� �Q+ O Q+ czQ cd a cd O. p U N N 0, - U p 3 u� a Q -0 �m 0b b p ti ti 'L7 y n cd bU O , bU 7 C, t4 OU to p V v GG cad ro 7 N CIj G o .ci t~ ybj a O G O N x Ri bA O Y -C � R7 �", h ce N v ,+ in It m Q � Q 21 22 A. SIMON Degraded reaches of West Tennessee streams have mean bank angles ranging from 55 to 65 degrees. However, toe removal often creates almost vertical banks. Given the low cohesive strengths and the ambient high moisture contents of the channel banks, critical bank heights at saturation rarely exceed 5 m (Simon and Hupp, 1987). Degraded reaches of the studied streams, having bank heights commonly in excess of 8 m, therefore fail readily. Slab failures occur due to excessive undercutting and the loss of support for the upper part of the bank, Pop -out failures at the base of the bank due to ground -water saturation and excess pore -water pressure further oversteepen the bank and lead to slab failure. Deep- seated rotational failures shear along an are and often become detached from the top bank surface by piping. Water drains into the bank mass along the pipes, thereby reducing shear strength and increasing pore - water pressure and lubrication along the potential failure surfaces. Failures can occur as a saturated mass of bank material that leave 1.8 to 3.0 -m -long slickensides along the vertical section of the failure surface (often a pipe) and come to rest in a lobate form at the base of the bank. The failed material loses shear strength and, in its saturated state, can be removed easily by moderate flows. Rotational failures and debris flows under saturated conditions along overheightened reaches of the Rutherford and South Forks Obion River and Cane Creek tend not to reduce bank angles as much as rotational failures under drier conditions. These failure mechanisms are considered worst -case conditions in dispersive loess - derived materials, as occurs in the Cane Creek basin. Rotational failures also occur in less dispersive materials where piping is not as prevalent. Banks fail as a single mass of material along an arc, leaving elliptical scars 15 to 60 m long. The failed material does not come to rest at the base of the bank but forms a definable surface higher on the bank profile at slopes ranging from 25° to 50° (stage IV in Figure 5). This surface, the `upper bank' (Simon and Hupp, 1986), is often identified by tilted and fallen vegetation. A second definable surface, the `vertical face', representing the top section of the major failure- plane, also is developed during the threshold stage (stage IV in Figure 5 and Table VI). Bank retreat by slab and rotational failures continues through the threshold stage, developing the vertical face and upper bank as two distinguishable bank forms (stage IV in Figure 5). The threshold stage is the first of two that are dominated by active channel widening (Table VI). Failed material is generally removed by moderate to high flows, thereby retaining the overheightened and oversteepened bank profile, and giving the banks a scalloped appearance. Aggradation Stage (V). Stage V is marked by the onset of aggradation on the channel bed and often can be identified by sand deposited on bank surfaces. Bank retreat dominates the vertical face and upper bank sections because bank configurations still exceed the critical conditions of the material. The failed material on the upper bank is subject to secondary, low -angle slides resulting from frequent wetting by rises in stage and from the added weight of fluvially deposited materials. The low -angle failures reduce the angle of the upper bank and extend it downslope (stage V in Figure 5). Previously failed material on the upper bank also moves downslope by low -angle slides and shows --victence of fluvial reworking and deposition. This combination of mass wasting and fluvial processes creates a low - angle surface (20° to 25 °) termed the `slough line', extending downslope from the upper bank (Simon and Hupp, 1986). Woody vegetation reestablishing on the slough line shows only mild tilting from secondary slips and can be used to date the timing of renewed bank stability (stage V in Figure 5; Hupp and Simon, 1986). Rates of deposition on the slough line can be obtained by dividing the depths of burial above the root collar of trees, by the age of the trees. Bank stability, as indicated by establishing vegetation on the slough line, extends upslope, away from the channel with time. Bank angles on the upper bank and slough line surfaces continue to flatten through stage V due to secondary low -angle slides and fluvial reworking. The range of bank angles given for the vertical face and the upper bank (Table VI) are in general agreement with values reported in previous studies of unstable slopes comprised of loess (Lohnes and Handy, 1968), and loess- derived alluvium (Throne et al., 1981). Three classes of slope angles were identified by Lohnes and Handy (1968) in their classic study of Iowa and West Tennessee loess; 10 to 41 degrees, 50 to 52 degrees, and 68 to 85 degrees. The second and third classes relate to the upper bank and vertical face as described in this report respectively. The angles reported by Lohnes and Handy (1968) for their second class (50 to 52 degrees) are steeper than those observed in West CHANNEL RESPONSE IN DISTURBED ALLUVIAL CHANNELS 23 Tennessee during this study (25 to 50 degrees). The reason is that with the addition of water from seepage or from rises in river stage, effective strength, and therefore slope angles, are reduced (Lutton, 1974). The differences reported here suggest that mass wasting and bank -slope development along streams of loess - derived alluvium occur by processes similar to those that occur on loess slopes. However, the addition of fluvial and fluvial - related processes result in slope forms that are consistent, but slightly different from those of upland loess slopes. The genesis and range of angles of the slough line further support this argument. These low -angle surfaces (20 to 25 degrees) are not explicable in the Lohnes and Handy (1968, p. 254) model because their study did not deal with channels, and the processes of fluvial reworking and low -angle sliding in saturated materials of residual strength. In fact, the 10 to 41 degree class identified by Lohnes and Handy (1968) from topographic maps may indeed represent old slough lines, emanating downslope from what are now terraces. Assuming that the critical height of the entire bank is still exceeded and (or) dispersion and piping continue to weaken the vertical face, parallel retreat along the vertical face and flattening of the upper bank and slough line may continue as the channel creates a new flood plain at an elevation lower thar�,the previous one. Highly disturbed channels such as Cane Creek, which is cut through loess- derived sediments and lacks a coarse sediment -load for aggradation, tend to aggrade extremely slow following degradation. The lack of bed -level recovery leads to an extended period when bank profiles exceed the critical bank height and angle, allowing for continued bank retreat and flood plain development. It is estimated that the development of a new and distinct flood plain on channel such as Cane Creek will occur over 1000 years or more. Stage V would then represent the final stage of bank -slope development in these types of channels. In sand -bed channels, aggradation may be of sufficient magnitude to stabilize the vertical face and upper bank through a reduction in bank height below the critical height. Bed levels of sand -bed channels, such as the forks of the Obion and Forked Deer Rivers and the lower reaches of Cub, Porters, and Meridian Creeks rise, and become stage VI channels over time spans that can approximate 20 to 40 years. The aggradation stage (stage V) of bank -slope development occurs first in downstream reaches and progresses upstream with trends of secondary aggradation. A meandering low -water thalweg and alternate channel bars also begin to develop during late stage V, further reducing gradient and stream power. Restabilization Stage (VI). The restabilization stage is marked (1) by a significant reduction of bank heights by aggradation on the channel bed and (2) by fluvial deposition on the upper bank and slough line surfaces. Bank retreat along the vertical face by intense mass wasting processes subsides because bank heights no longer exceed critical heights. Woody vegetation extends upslope towards the base of the vertical face and the former floodplain surface becomes a terrace (stage VI in Figure 5). In channels where bank material is only moderately resistant and bed -level has sufficiently aggraded to cause more frequent wetting of vertical face, the uppermost section of the bank may take a convex shape due to fluvial reworking and deposition (stage VI in Figure 5). In heavily aggrading reaches of the Obion, and North and South Forks Forked Deer Rivers, the floodplain continues to be a conduit for moderately high flows. Woody vegetation is reestablished at the top of the bank and on the flood plain surface. Bank -slope development through stage VI assumes either significant bed aggradation which occurs along downstream reaches of sand -bed channels, and (or) limited initial downcutting. Flattening of the upper bank and slough line surfaces by secondary slides continues due to weaker residual strengths, increased moisture contents, and the additional weight of fluvially deposited material. Summary of slope development and channel evolution The six stages of bank -slope development represent a conceptual model of width adjustment. Stages (premodified, constructed, degradation, threshold, aggradation, and restabilization) are induced by a succession of interactions between fluvial and hillslope processes (Table VI). By associating the six bank -slope development stages with the dominant hillslope and fluvial processes, and with characteristic channel forms, a conceptual model of channel evolution over time and space was developed (Table VII). The model does not suggest that each adjusting reach will undergo all six stages but implies that specific trends of bed -level response will result in a series of mass wasting processes and definable bank and channel forms. However, the 24 s~ 0 0 a� a� s; U O bUD a� .o cd H A. SIMON dq b r, w �. bA cd r. .cz , .0 U •� y C O O. a� by 71 •0 y o—, O to W• cd .SE bq 3 N O > 'p > O• A .O U Cd ; yam' O _"" �" O•n,� � bCiO�b > N•� y +-+ .= 't.. wN Cd o �. ' p > Cl Cd 3 e..0 y >�° P; P; H> E N n GL n0 th -14 y p cd N ai O w ..+ cU d 'n p > .0 3 ai . D O .y C O c YC O sa] � b r cd U w n � pC Cp 7 ,'•U -� o b � b p w O U p +O O U -' n p cC y v y i.. �O C o w �O cd � cy b O Q aw i vb C ci° p o t . cd ,cO cz C M q C � � : . h b o0 G U cd R � cd U m p O C O o O ' ax) eo >d o y p > Q q p O O U d c s4 � b 3 Cd �o > d C od q y k k C accts a�i b C 54 x C13 to Cd n0 ,.. U o cd t-� ^o Y .a > .$) cd Q .D Cd b 0 0 t U� a a o > E (Qz) b b ai y O C OI I � cad cOd O � Ow Ocd y Cd n 3 0 0 �o 0t oar a OL -14 •� O O_ � � C C a� b N w ti E Q U O a�i x 0 0 0 y°n O Lt m ct o ,O i;• CY �,� L: Q C1'� F, �' Cam. �"� +" 'v'+i C) t~ 'O .n b a.) ,b O w c� ct > ct ° !�w� �o o cd Qo Qoo.�o °o? dwoo�cG°y Q � a � C 0 to U 7 U Cd "d •^ cz m M to � CHANNEL RESPONSE IN DISTURBED ALLUVIAL CHANNELS 25 conceptual framework of the simultaneous retreat of the vertical face and flattening along surfaces below is supported by the observations of other investigators (Carson and Kirkby, 1972, p. 184). The model described in this report makes the following assumptions (1) there is no local bedrock control of bed - level, (2) overadjustment and secondary response are active processes, (3) the bed and banks are free to adjust to imposed changes, and (4) successive stages of evolution are not interrupted by other disturbances. Extrapolation of the six -stage conceptual model of bank -slope development and channel evolution should be particularly appropriate for areas of the Mississippi embayment and the central United States. Application over a broader geographical area is conceptually justified on the basis that similar processes can create similar forms. Variations in time scales and forms from the idealized model will occur due to local bedrock control and variations in relief, soil properties, and climatic conditions. Still, the model reflects the overadjustments inherent to fluvial response and may be useful in determining expected changes in alluvial channel morphology over the course of a major adjustment cycle. SUMMARY Channel modifications between 1959 and 1978 in West Tennessee caused a series of morphologic changes along modified reaches and tributary streams. Degradation occurred for 10 to 15 years at sites upstream of the area of maximum disturbance (AMD) and lowered bed - levels by as much as 6.1 metres. Aggradation occurs downstream of the AMD with the greatest rates near the stream mouths. Initially degraded sites experience a secondary aggradation phase in response to excessive incision and gradient reduction. Adjustments of channel geometry and phases of channel evolution are characterized by six process - oriented stages of morphologic development— premodified, constructed, degradation, threshold, aggra- dation, and rest abilization. Downcutting and toe removal occur immediately following construction along stream reaches upstream of the AMD (degradation stage). Bank failure by mass wasting begins during the threshold stage when the critical height and angle of the bank material is exceeded. Top -bank widening continues concurrently with deposition on the channel bed during the aggradation stage as the slough line develops and becomes an initial site of lower -bank stability. The development of the bank profile is defined in terms of three observable and dynamic surfaces (1) vertical face (70" to 90 "), (2) upper bank (25" to 50 ''), and (3) slough line (20" to 25'). Alternate channel bars form during the restabilization stage and represent incipient meandering of the channel. The vertical face may concurrently take a convex shape from continual reworking of materials by stream flow. REFERENCES Alexander, D. 1981. 'Threshold of critical power in streams, Discussions and reply', Bulletin of the Geological Soviet y nJ'America Bulletin, 92, 310 -312. Begin, Z. B., Meyer, D. F., and Schumm, S. A. 1981. 'Development of longitudinal profiles of alluvial channels in response to base -level lowering', Earth Surface Processes, 6, 49 -68. Bull, W. B. 1979. 'Threshold of critical power in streams', Bulletin gl'the Geological Society q /'America, part 1, 90, 453 -464. Carson, M. A. and Kirkby, M. J. 1972. Hillslope Form and Process, Cambridge University Press, London, 475 pp. Gilbert, G. K. 1880. 'Report on the geology of the Henry Mountains (2)', Geographical and Geological Survey of the Rocky Mountain Region, United States Government Printing Office, Washington, 170 pp. Graf, W. L. 1977. 'The rate law in fluvial geomorphology', American Journal of Science +, 277, 178-191. Hack, J. T. 1960. 'Interpretation of erosional topography in humid temperate regions', American Journal gl Science, 258 -A, 80 -97. Hey, R. D. 1979. 'Dynamic process - response model of river channel development', Earth Surface Processes, 4, 59 -72. Hidinger, L. L. and Morgan, A. E. 1912.'Drainage problems of Wolf, Hatchic, and South Fork of Forked Deer Rivers, in west Tennessee', in The Resources of Tennessee. Tennessee Geological Survey, 2, No. 6, 231 -249. Hupp, C. R. and Simon, A. 1986. 'Vegetation and bank -slope development', Proceedings of the 4th Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, March 1986, 2, 5 -83 to 5--92. Lane, E. W. 1955. 'The importance of fluvial morphology in hydraulic engineering', Proceedings gf the American Society o/' Civil Engineering, 81, No. 745, 17. Lohnes, R. A. and Handy, R. L. 1968. 'Slope angles in friable loess', Journal gf,yeology, 76, No. 3, 247 - -258. Lutton, R. J. 1974. 'Use of loess soil for modeling rock mechanics', Miscellaneous Report S- 74 -28, U.S. Army Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. Mackin, J. H. 1948. 'Concept of a graded river', Bulletin of the Geological Society of America Bulletin, 59, 463 -511. Morgan, A. E. and McCrory, S. H. 1910.'Drainage of lands overflowed by the North and Middle Forks of the Forked Deer River and the 26 A. SIMON, Rutherford Fork of the Obion River in Gibson County, Tennessee', Bulletin of the Tennessee State Geological Survey, 3 -B, 17-43, Pickup, G. 1975. `Downstream variations in morphology, flow conditions and sediment transport in an eroding channel', Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie, 19, 443 -459. Robbins, C. H. and Simon, A. 1983. `Man- induced channel adjustment in Tennessee streams', United States Geological, Survey Water - Resources Investigations Report, 82 -4098, 129. Schumm, S. A. 1973. `Geomorphic thresholds and the complex response of drainage systems', in Morisawa, M. (Ed.), Fluvial Geomorphology, Binghamton, State University of New York, 229 -310. Schumm, S. A. and Lichty, R. W. 1965. `Time, space, and causality in geomorphology', American Journal of Science, 263, 110 - -119. Schumm, S. A. and Parker, R. S. 1973. `Implications of complex response of drainage systems for Quaternary alluvial stratigraphy', Nature, 243, 99 -100. Simon, A. In press. `Gradation processes and channel evolution in modified West Tennessee streams: process, response, and form', United States Geological Survey Professional Paper, 1470. Simon, A. and Hupp, C. R. 1986. `Channel widening characteristics and bank slope development along a reach of Cane Creek, West Tennessee', in Subitzsky, Seymour (Ed.), Selected Papers in the Hydrologic Sciences, United States Geological Survey Water - Supply Paper, 2290, 113 -126. Simon, A. and Hupp, C. R. 1987. `Geomorphic and vegetative recovery processes along modified Tennessee streams: an interdisciplinary approach to disturbed fluvial systems', Forest Hydrology and Watershed Management, International Association of Hydrologic Sciences, Publication, 167, 251 -262. Simon, A. and Robbins, C. H. 1987. `Man- induced gradient adjustment of the South Fork Forked Deer River, West Tennessee', Environmental Geology and Water Sciences, 9, No. 2, 109 -118. Skempton, A. W. 1953. `Soil mechanics in relation to geology', Proceedings of Yorkshire Geological Society', 29, 33 -62. Thorne, C. R., Murphey, J. B., and Little, W. C. 1981. `Bank stability and bank material properties in the bluHiine streams of northwest Mississippi', Stream Channel Stability, United States Department of Agriculture Sedimentation Laboratory, Oxford, Mississippi, Appendix D, 257 pp. United States Department of Agriculture 1980. `Summary report final: Obion- Forked Deer River Basin Tennessee', Soil Conservation Service, 43 pp. Williams, G. P. and Wolman, M. G. 1984. `Downstream effects of dams on alluvial rivers', U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1286, 83 pp. Wilson, K. V. 1979. `Changes in channel characteristics, 1938 -1974, of the Homochitto River and tributaries, Mississippi', U.S. Geological Survey Open -File Report, 79 -554, 18 pp. 36, Z z SC9 Cis r: ' > a pip 402 C CO M '0 x CO z of me char 21 C1a IF -ani of R= ID ;rk and tip 10 C, 1) A wz� gna ages of P C, h: and CUQ � as the angi wts Q 'A L C) G" j v'g th C C) m 6 ro 0 C— ;D --i --i F IX 4 0 z to To Ith z P (D C) z CO r__ > 0 > M (A > C: z rn ;vMem po (D UO :197`3, thr( CL CO 0 Bul C: 2t M M & wj M ;0 X 4 UPHIt SKI 0 w or M iii by Cau Mai This !;ho "Ough SS the wwo *.NNW a MR M Ow M"M on can "MO .""Nq "nuch UO!j'7PsXj'jA Adw,11ot]d qM 0 q yo, u Mnum" A aawmwA AWqws'Qp MeMd UVW annel Amaj.4 E u i 17 1 pyomw am IwNw pw SqwqI h4q q pim umww umm jwn am jo sboxoqd 0 6wpw a MMO hMOMIS _ pr)jiu�'I, _ "qjw ve� Itl6pbw aril NOIIVINM04NI 13,19MAd00 -3003 S3WS (131JNO - 4 TWI TO pCgnli i V 1989 by John Mey 64 Sonn Ud, EARTH SURFACE PROCESSES AND LANDFORMS, VOL. 14,11-26 (1989) A MODEL OF CHANNEL RESPONSE IN DISTURBED ALLUVIAL CHANNELS ANDREW SIMON U.S. Geological Survey, Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A. Received 1 November 1986 Revised 21 March 1988 ABSTRACT Dredging and straightening of alluvial channels between 1959 and 1978 in West Tennessee caused a series of morphologic changes along modified reaches and tributary streams. Degradation occurred for 10 to 15 years at sites upstream of the area of maximum disturbance and lowered bed - levels by as much as 6.1 m. Following degradation, reaches upstream of the area of maximum disturbance experienced a secondary aggradation phase in response to excessive incision and gradient reduction. Aggradation downstream of the area of maximum disturbance reached 0.12 m per year with the greatest rates occurring near the stream mouths. The adjustment of channel geometry and phases of channel evolution are characterized by six process- oriented stages of morphologic development -- premodified, constructed, degradation, threshold, aggradation, and restabilization. Down - cutting and toe removal during the degradation stage causes bank failure by mass wasting when the critical height and angle of the bank material is exceeded (threshold stage). Channel widening continues through the aggradation stage as the `slough line' develops as an initial site of lower -bank stability. The bank profile develops three dynamic elements (1) vertical face (70° to 90 °), (2) upper bank (25° to 50 °), and (3) slough line (20° to 251). Alternate channel bars form during the restabilization stage and represent incipient meandering of the channel. KEY WORDS Unstable channels Degradation Aggradation Channelization Empirical model INTRODUCTION Changes imposed on a fluvial system, be they natural or man - induced, tend to be absorbed by the system through a series of channel adjustments (Gilbert, 1880; Mackin, 1948; Lane, 1955; Hack, 1960; Schumm, 1973; Bull, 1979). Due to the drastic changes in energy conditions imposed by channel dredging, enlarging, and straightening, a rejuvenated condition is established within the fluvial system much like that imposed by uplift or a natural lowering of base level. The predominant difference is one of time scale. Channel adjustments caused by climatic changes or uplift may be exceedingly slow, and progressive, practically imperceptible by man's standards. Conversely, large -scale channel modifications by man result in a sudden and significant shock to the fluvial system that causes migrating knickpoints and observable morphologic changes. This shortened time scale presents an opportunity to document successive process -- response mechanisms through the course of fluvial adjustment over time and space. Channel modifications from 1959 to 1978 through much of three major river systems in West Tennessee create a natural laboratory for the study of channel adjustments in rejuvenated fluvial networks (Table I). PURPOSE AND SCOPE The U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) began this study in 1981 as a result of bridge failures on modified channels in West Tennessee. The purpose was to 0197- 9337/89/010011- 16$08.00 1989 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 12 A. SIMON document and empirically model stream - channel changes and process— response mechanisms following large - scale channelization projects in West Tennessee. TDOT was interested in obtaining estimates of channel changes in alluvial - channel morphology throughout West Tennessee for the purpose of designing adequate river - crossing structures. BACKGROUND West Tennessee is an area of 27500 km2 bounded by the Mississippi River on the west and the Tennessee River divide on the east (Figure 1).The region is characterized by unconsolidated, highly erosive formations, predominantly of Quaternary age (U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1980). The major rivers of the region (Obion, Forked Deer, and Hatchie) flow in channels comprising medium -sand beds and silt —clay banks. In contrast, many small tributary streams flow through extensive silt deposits of reworked Wisconsin loess and have strikingly similar bed- and bank - material properties (Simon, in press). Those tributaries (such as Cub and Porters Creeks) that head in the eastern sandier Tertiary and Cretaceous formations flow on medium - sand beds. A lack of bedrock control of base level assures unrestricted bed -level adjustment. Accounts of river conditions following land clearing throughout the region (mid to late 1800s) describe extremely sinuous, sluggish sediment - choked streams that frequently overflowed their banks for 3 to 10 days at a time (Hidinger and Morgan, 1912). This channel infilling, attributed to major deforestation and severe upland erosion in the late 1800s, prompted channel dredging and straightening in West Tennessee near the EXPLANATION Basin boundary ................ Clearing and snagging Channelization Year work was completed F 0 10 20 30 MILES 0 10 20 30 KILOMETERS W 36 °_�. 35° 90 C� Base from U.S. Geological Survey, State base map, 1967, revised 1973 7 r-r�3 a 1 —q'T'11 ER BASIN�q�/ F \i\ . FORKED DEER RIVER BASIN� HATCHIE RIVER Figure 1. Extent of channel modifications in West Tennessee CHANNEL RESPONSE IN DISTURBED ALLUVIAL CHANNELS 13 turn of the century. The most recent channel modification programme in West Tennessee occurred between 1959 and 1978 and is the subject of this study (Table 1). The modified channels listed in Table I by no means include all of the modified streams in the region, but were selected to represent a spectrum of West Tennessee alluvial channels based on size, location, and bed and bank properties, and to represent the magnitude and extent of modifications. Channel lengths were shortened as much as 44 per cent, gradients were increased as much as 600 percent, and beds were lowered as much as 5.2 m (Simon, in press). DATA COLLECTION Channel- morphology data collected from 1982 to 1984 were compared to previous surveys to determine channel changes with time. Sources of these earlier surveys include the U.S. Geological Survey, Army Corps of Engineers, Soil Conservation Service, and the Obion- Forked Deer Basin Authority. These data consist of bed elevations and gradients, channel top - widths, and channel lengths before, during, and after modification. Where available, gauging station records were used to record annual changes in the water- surface elevation at a given discharge. Changes in the stage- discharge relation imply similar changes on the channel bed and can be used to document bed -level trends (Blench, 1973; Wilson, 1979; Robbins and Simon, 1983; Williams and Wolman, 1984). The identification and dating of various geomorphic surfaces were diagnostic in determining relative stability of a reach and the status of bank -slope development (Simon and Hupp, 1986; Hupp and Simon, 1986). Data collection involved dating of riparian vegetation (1) on newly stabilized surfaces to determine the timing of initial stability for that surface, and (2) on unstable bank surfaces to estimate rates of bank retreat. BED -LEVEL ADJUSTMENT Adjustment of the channel bed at a site follows channel modifications immediately and can be described through time. Channel bed adjustments through time (irrespective of the temporal and spatial scales applied) Table I. Type, extent, and dates of recent channel modifications on studied streams (1959 -1978) Basin Stream Type of modification Length (km) Dates Obion Obion River Enlarging and straightening 75.1 1959-66 Clearing and snagging 6.8 1976 Enlarging and straightening — 1974 -77 North Fork Enlarging and straightening 17.5 1967 Obion River Clearing and snagging 17.4 1974 -76 Hoosier Creek Enlarging and straightening 11.9 1967 Rutherford Fork Enlarging 11.9 1967 Obion River Clearing and snagging 28.8 1973 --78 South Fork Enlarging 9.6 1967, 1969 Obion River Clearing and snagging 27.5 1976 -78 Forked Deer North Fork Forked Enlarging and straightening 6.9 31.5 1973 1974 -77 Deer River Clearing and snagging Pond Creek Clearing and snagging 21.1 1976 -78 South Fork Forked Enlarging and straightening 7.1 1969 Deer River Clearing and snagging 36.5 1973 -77 Meridian Creek Enlarging and straightening 2.6 1959? Enlarging and straightening 8.4 1969 Enlarging 2.6 1969 Cane Cane Creek Enlarging and straightening 52.0 1970 (lower Hatchie) Enlarging and straightening 20.9 1978 Hyde Creek Enlarging and straightening 1.3 1970 Upper Hatchie Cub Creek Enlarging and straightening 15.6 34.4 1970 1972 Porters Creek Enlarging and straightening tL 1. 14 A. SIMON are best described mathematically by nonlinear functions which asymptotically approach a condition of minimum variance. The description of channel adjustment and evolution by nonlinear decay functions is well documented (Schumm and Lichty, 1965; Graf, 1977; Bull, 1979; Hey, 1979; Robbins and Simon, 1983). However, there seems to be considerable disagreement as to the mathematical form of the function. Graf (1977) used exponential functions to describe the `relaxation time' necessary to achieve equilibrium following a disturbance. Simon and Robbins (1987) used similar equations to model gradient adjustment through time. Williams and Wolman (1984) found that hyperbolic functions were appropriate for describing degradation in alluvial streams, downstream from dams. In this study, both exponential and power equations were initially fitted to the observed data. The power function gave consistently superior matches of the empirical data, and was therefore used to describe bed -level adjustment through time. The general form is: E =a(t)b (1) where E= elevation of the bed for a given year, in metres above sea level; a= coefficient determined by regression, representing the premodified elevation of the bed, in metres above sea level; t =time since beginning of adjustment process, in years, where to =1.0; and b= dimensionless exponent, determined by regression and indicative of the nonlinear rate of change on the bed. Trends of bed -level change through time at gauging stations (where bed elevation is measured every 4 to 6 weeks) having periods of record of up to 20 years (Table II), served to support the well -known concept of nonlinear adjustment (Figure 2). Once it was established that power functions provided the best fit to this gauged data, data from periodically surveyed sites were similarly fitted (Figure 2). Sites with just two recorded 82 81 to LM so U- w Z 79 LAJ �i w J Q 79 * Note. Denotes specific page data used. 'South Fork Forked Deer River River kilometer = 12.71 e ° ° r' = 0.94 N 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 w > 89 O M Q Z 88 O Q J 87 w 86 85 84 T 1 —r- ° ° • Rutherford Fork Obion River River kilometer = 7.88 r'= 0.93 � r'= 0.96 1958 1962 1966 1970 1974 1978 1982 1986 143 ° 142 ° 141 ° 140 139 r'= 1.00 138 Porters Creek River kilometer = 27.51 137 1970 1974 1978 1982 1986 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 1962 1966 1970 1974 1978 1982 1986 'South Fork Obion River ° River kilometer = 9.33 ° r'= 0.93 Figure 2. Examples of fitting power equations to degradation and aggradation trends through time CHANNEL RESPONSE IN DISTURBED ALLUVIAL CHANNELS Table II. Sites with calculated aggradation ( +b) and degradation ( -b) 15 Stream b n r RKM To Stream b n r2 RKM To Cane Creek - 0.01620 7 0.99 2389 1969 Obion River - 0.02220 10 0.95 110.22 1965* 1978 -00168 2 - 23.89 1980 - •01720 -00463 10 -74 110.22 1974* 12 - -02022 4 1.00 2024 1969 -87 -00235 16 •76 10008 1968* 9.33 •01052 2 - 20.24 1980 •00908 19 -93 86.40 1965* Obion River •00111 - •03300 3 1.00 14.46 1869 -00518 15 -84 55.03 1963* -- •00770 2 - 14.46 1980 -00585 16 -74 3347 1960* 1975 - -03131 2 - 10.09 1969 --00372 13 -80 28.96 1972* -00352 2 - 10.09 1980 Pond Creek - •00828 5 -81 18.29 1977 - •04126 3 •91 6.53 1969 1965* - •00799 4 -84 1580 1977 00303 - •02011 4 •92 4.06 1969 - -01233 4 -97 11.78 1977 •00835 2 - 4.06 1980 - •00900 5 -79 1.71 1977 Cub Creek - -00243 3 -69 11.13 1969 - •00342 3 •87 9.22 1969 - •00565 4 •88 3.48 1969 Porters Creek - •01069 6 1.00 27.51 1971 - -00905 5 •91 2.48 1969 - •01320 7 -99 18.02 1971 -00272 2 - 2.48 1976 --00578 6 1.00 14.30 1971 Hoosier Creek - •00843 3 1.00 8.29 1967 Rutherford Fork Obion River •00149 19 -60 48.11 1965* - •01130 4 •94 4.81 1966 - •00317 4 -91 2880 1977 - •02081 3 •67 •88 1965 - •00493 3 1.00 24.46 1977 •00274 2 -- •88 1968 - -00991 4 -79 16.73 1972 - -02630 3 •99 -02 1965 •00356 4 •99 16.73 1977 - •01728 9 -93 7.88 1965* -00433 10 -88 7.88 1974* Hyde Creek •00281 2 - 3.81 1975 South Fork Forked Deer River - •00895 6 •59 44.41 1976 - •00737 2 - 3.81 1969 - -00950 10 •92 26.23 1974* - •01070 4 -92 222 1969 - -00978 5 •76 21.40 1969 - •01380 3 •99 1.19 1969 - •01264 5 •96 19.15 1969 - •02050 4 -00 -02 1969 - •01630 15 -94 1271 1969* -01180 13 -92 5.31 1969* Meridian Creek - •00326 3 -99 5.94 1965 - •00580 4 -98 4.73 1964 South Fork Obion River •00133 13 •90 55.35 1969* -00341 3 •99 2.41 1969 - -00054 4 •26 45.70 1972 - •00190 3 -99 1.54 1967 - -00238 6 •50 37.33 1972 North Fork Forked Deer River -00740 4 •95 38.46 1977 - -00661 7 -90 30.89 1977* - •01076 5 -52 32.47 1974 - •00573 5 •87 27.03 1972 -00839 4 -96 30.28 1978 - •00932 4 •94 18.34 1972 - •01720 10 -95 8.53 1973* - •02430 12 •87 9.33 1965* -02297 3 -87 6.16 1972 •00544 8 •88 9.33 1975* North Fork Obion River •00111 15 -69 59.37 1969* -00206 2 -- 42.48 1979 -00490 2 -- 33.95 1975 --00372 13 -80 28.96 1972* - •01240 6 -93 15.83 1965* --02470 4 -85 9.49 1965* 00303 5 -89 9.49 1967* Note: b, nonlinear gradation rate; n, number of observations; rz, coefficient of determination; RKM, river kilometre; To, start of observed gradation process; *, specific gauge data used; where n is low, statistical significance may be limited) 16 A. SIMON bed elevations were included because of confidence in the general trend of adjustment at -a -site, and to increase areal coverage of the data network. The initial response of a channel reach (degradation or aggradation) depends on the location of the reach relative to the imposed channel modifications. Reaches located upstream from the disturbance will eventually go through an initial phase of general degradation, followed by a period of general aggradation. In these cases, the data set was split, and Equation 1 was fitted to the degradation and aggradation periods separately. The last data point of the degradation curve (lowest elevation) was also used as to for the aggradation curve. The exponent `b' (Equation 1) is a measure of the nonlinear rate of degradation (negative b) or aggradation (positive b), and was used as the primary variable in identifying longitudinal adjustment trends. Values of b used in this study are listed by stream. in Table II. The data described by Equation 1 imply that bed -level response at a site is initially rapid and then diminishes as bed elevation asymptotically approaches a condition of no net change (Begin et al., 1981). Because adjustments of channel width are functionally related to changes that occur on the channel bed (Table III), a bed -level model was developed and is summarized using the Obion River system as an example (Figure 3). The area of maximum disturbance (AMD) is defined as the upstream terminus of channel work. However, if a stream is channelized throughout its length, stream power is greatest at the mouth, and the AMD is located there (Simon, in press). Stream reaches are divided into the following four groups based on the location of the reach relative to the imposed AMD in the fluvial network, and the dominant process occurring on the channel bed: (1) downstream aggradation, (2) migrating degradation, (3) secondary aggradation, and (4) premodified aggradation. These reach types in the Obion River drainage system are represented in Figure 3 and denote not only temporal data at sites in the network but also longitudinal bed response through time, with distance from the AMD. Maximum amounts of degradation (largest negative b values) occurred just upstream of the AMD (as a response to the significant increase in stream power imposed by the channel work here in 1967, A in Figure 3) and decreased nonlinearly with distance upstream (curve C in Figure 3). Note that curve C also represents the headward migration of the degradation process and therefore has a temporal as well as spatial component (To in Table 11). Rates of migration on the Obion River Forks are 1.6 km year -1. Degradation occurred for 10 to 15 years at sites just upstream of the AMD and has lowered bed levels as much as 6.1 m. Effects of the imposed disturbance decreased with distance upstream resulting in minimal degradation rates at about river kilometre 150 (b = 0.0). The absence of net erosion or deposition on the channel bed (b = 0.0) is analagous to Bull's (1979) threshold of critical stream power. Further upstream (E in Figure 3), channel beds of the Obion River system (including upstream reaches of the North, South, and Rutherford Forks) remain unaffected by the downstream channel work and aggrade at low, `background' rates. Sites downstream of the AMD (line B in Figure 3) aggraded immediately following channel modification with material delivered from eroding reaches upstream. Maximum recorded rates of aggradation are 0.12 m year -1 close to the mouth of the Obion River. Aggradation near `D' in Figure 3 occurs at previously degraded sites where gradient has been significantly reduced by incision and knickpoint migration. Flows become incapable of transporting the greater bed - material loads being generated from upstream channel Table III. Coefficient of determination (r') for relations between changes in top width (D W) and the absolute value of nonlinear degradation rates (b) Basin r n Cane Creek 0.49 9 Forked Deer River 0.60 13 Obion River 0.80 18 Upper Hatchie River 0.64 7 0.010 N 0.005 w V � 0.000 O` z O —0.005 Q < —0.010 w O —0.015 w Q D: —0.020 Of Q w Z -0.025 J Z Z —0.030 u_ O —0.035 O Q V —0.040 0 Z —0.045 CHANNEL RESPONSE IN DISTURBED ALLUVIAL CHANNELS ■ B la ® THRESHOLD OF CRITICAL STREAM POWER n _ — — — E ■ ■ C ■ A Area of maximum disturbance (1967) B Line representing downstream aggradation C Curve representing migrating degradation A D Location of secondary aggradation E Location of premodified aggradation ■ Observed data (b) 25 45 65 85 105 125 145 165 DISTANCE ABOVE MOUTH OF OBION RIVER, IN KILOMETERS Figure 3. Model of bed -level response for the Obion River system 17 beds. The channel aggrades and thereby, increases gradient and transporting capacity. Schumm and Parker (1973) describe similar results in an experimental watershed. This secondary aggradation migrates headward with time and is apparently a response to excessive lowering (overadjustment) by the degradation phase (Simon, in press). Hey (1979) and Alexander (198 1) similarly argue for alternating phases of degradation and aggradation following rejuvenation of a channel. With the short time scales involved in the application of the disturbance and the channel's consequent response, the evolution of channel form over time and space can be monitored. Numerical results such as those plotted in Figure 3 can be derived for most alluvial systems where even limited data are available. Results could be applied over longer time scales with the inclusion of dendrochronologic data (as in Graf, 1977), or to experimental and conceptual models of channel evolution such as Schumm and Parker (1973) and Hey (1979), respectively. It has been shown that bed -level adjustment does follow nonlinear trends, both over time at -a -site (Figure 2), and over time with distance upstream (Figure 3). WIDTH ADJUSTMENT AND (BANK -SLOPE DEVELOPMENT Channel widening by mass wasting processes is common in adjusting channels in West Tennessee. Bank failure in the loess- derived alluvium is induced by the overheightening and oversteepening of the bank by degradation and by undercutting and seepage forces at the toe of the bank (Table II1). Piping and tension cracks in the bank materials enhance bank failures by internally destabilizing the bank (Simon, in press). Channel bank material of West Tennessee streams is completely alluvial; comprised of loess - derived Quaternary sediments which are predominantly nonplastic, dispersive silts of low cohesion (Simon, in press). In situ shear strength tests confirm the existence of low cohesive strengths; generally less than 14 kilopascals (kPa). These highly erodible materials tend to maintain high moisture contents due to the relatively slow downward adjustment of the water table. The mean degree of saturation for studied channel banks is 18 A. SIMON 91 per cent (182 tests) even though most samples were taken during periods of low flow (Simon and Hupp, 1987). Moderate rises in river stage are sufficient to complete saturation of the channel banks, and result in mass failures upon recession of river stage. Figure 4 shows the frequency distributions of the primary soil mechanics variables; cohesion, friction angle, and field density. Note that the histograms do not display a normal distribution, but are markedly skewed towards lower strength characteristics. Friction angle and cohesion values vary within accepted limits for the types of materials tested (Lohnes and Handy, 1968). Maximum values of cohesion represent tests taken at depth in localized clay rich deposits. Statistical properties of the soil mechanics data are given in Table IV. Changes in channel width following the most recent major modifications of West Tennessee stream channels are summarized in Table V. Mean widening data serve only to provide a point of reference as to magnitude and variability of width changes. Minimum and maximum values of channel widening (Table V) do reflect a realistic range of width changes throughout the stream lengths studied. 70 00 ao 40 30 20 to W U W 45 OC 40 99 35 V 30 O 25 W 20 O } 15 Z 10 t =J 0 W w 3 1 15 21 V COHESION, IN KILOPASCALS f0 eo 70 so so 40 30 20 10 10 15 20 25 30 33 40 FRICTION ANGLE, IN DEGREES 13 10 " 15 21 FIELNSITY, IN KILONEWTONS D DE Figure 4. Frequency distributions of soil mechanics data for studied streams Table IV. Statistical properties of selected soil mechanics data Standard n Mean error Minimum Maximum Cohesion (kPa) 168 8.59 0.59 0.14 54.3 Friction angle 168 30.1 0.62 8.30 42.4 Field Density (kN) 182 18-6 0-22 11-3 48-1 [kPa, kilopascals; kN, kilonewtons] CHANNEL RESPONSE IN DISTURBED ALLUVIAL CHANNELS 19 Table V. Range of changes in channel top width (DW) by stream Years since most DW recent major (m) channelization Stream Mean Min Max n (from 1983) Cane Creek 18.2 14 25 6 13 Cub Creek 2.1 0.0 6.7 4 13 Hoosier Creek 14.2 7.0 2 3 16 Hyde Creek 3.1 0.3 5.4 3 18 Meridian Creek 3.4 2.4 4.3 2 16 North Fork Forked Deer River 10.3 3.0 25 4 10 North Fork Obion River 10.4 0.6 25 5 16 Obion River 37.8 20 59 4 17 Pond Creek 2.9 2.1 4.3 4 5 Porters Creek 7.7 3.7 12 3 11 Rutherford Fork Obion. River 72 0.0 18 5 14 South Fork Forked Deer River 13.6 4.9 27 6 14 South Fork Obion River 11.9 0.0 36 7 14 Processes and stages of bank retreat and slope development The processes and successive forms of bank retreat and bank -slope development reflect the interaction of hillslope and fluvial processes. Interpretations of these processes are based largely on bed -level adjustment trends and botanical evidence. A complete `cycle' of slope development from the premodified condition through stages of adjustment, to the eventual reestablishment of stable bank conditions, assumes that degradation is of sufficient magnitude to instigate unstable bank conditions and a 20- to 40 -year period of mass wasting. However, in grossly unstable channels comprised of silt -clay alluvium, much longer amounts of time may be required for the complete restabilization of the channel. The idealized representation of six stages of bank retreat and bank -slope development (Figure 5) represent distinguishable bank morphologies characteristic of the various reach types describing bed -level adjustment (Table VI). By applying a space for time substitution, longitudinal variation in bank -slope development can then be used to denote morphologic change through time. Sand -bed channels will require 20 to 40 years of channel adjustment to pass through the first five stages of the model. In these types of channels, a total of 50 to 100 years is assumed necessary for the restabilization of the channel banks (stage VI) and for the development of incipient meanders. Premodified Stage (1). Premodified bank conditions are assumed to be the result of `natural' fluvial processes and land -use practices. Bank failure by mass wasting processes generally does not occur and banks are considered stable. Data referring to stable bank conditions along West Tennessee channels are available from the literature, agency work plans, the upstream -most reaches of present day (1987) adjusting networks, and the nonchannelized Hatchie River. Premodified bank conditions (stage I in Figure 5) are characterized generally by low -angle slopes (20° to 25 °), convex upper -bank and concave lower -bank shapes, and established woody vegetation along the top bank and downslope towards the low -flow channel. Channel reaches with these characteristic bank conditions generally have width -depth ratios (as measured from the flood -plain surface) between 6 and 10, and narrow slowly with time due to limited aggradation and bank accretion. Premodified channel widths (prior to 1915) along the downstream ends of the forks of the Obion and Forked Deer Rivers ranged from 15 to 28 in depending on drainage area (Morgan and McCrory, 1910; Hidinger and Morgan, 1912). The present premodified sites (upstream -most) on the forks of the Obion River are approximately 23 m wide. Constructed Stage (11). Construction of a new channel involves reshaping the existing channel banks or repositioning the entire channel. In either case, the banks are generally steepened, heightened, and made linear (stage II in Figure 5). West Tennessee channels are generally constructed as trapezoids with bank- slopes A, Slab and rotational failures IVa j \--Previous profile V \— Previous profile VI - -- —\ Substantial bed- level recovery Non dispersive materials Slough line Note: Scale is relative. RESTABILIZATION STAGE Figure 5. The six stages of bank -slope development Substantial bed -level recovery Moderately dispersive \ materials ranging from 18° to 34 °. Channel widths are increased and vegetation is removed in order to increase channel conveyance. It is appropriate to consider the constructed condition (stage II) as a transition from the stable, premodified state to the more unstable degradation stage, when further heightening and steepening of the banks occur by fluvial processes. Degradation Stage (III). The degradation stage (stage III in Figure 5) is characterized by rapid erosion of the channel bed and the consequent increase in bank heights. Downcutting generally does not steepen bank slopes directly but results in bank angles that approximate the angle of internal friction (Skempton, 1953; Carson and Kirkby, 1972; Simon and Hupp, 1986). Steepening occurs when moderate flows attack basal surfaces and remove toe material (stage IIIa in Figure 5). Pop -out failures, due to excess pore pressure at the bank toe, similarly cause steepening. Ideally, widening by mass wasting does not occur because the critical bank height and angle have not yet been exceeded. Bed degradation with constant channel width (Pickup, 1975) is thus possible in these materials if the amount of incision is limited. The degradation stage is probably the most important in determining the magnitude of channel widening that will occur because the amount of incision partly controls the bank - failure threshold. Sites close to the AMD (where degradation is greatest) are therefore expected to widen appreciably. Threshold Stage (IV). Stage IV (Figure 5) is the result of continued degradation and basal erosion that further heightens and steepens the channel banks. The critical bank height is exceeded, and bank slopes and shapes become the product of mass wasting processes. a :s. O a O k 0 bUfj '—i CHANNEL RESPONSE IN DISTURBED ALLUVIAL CHANNELS A a� .o H by OM M O O In O d rq d O\ d� 01 i N dd c\ M N >C vi O N N h N h N N r-N a � Q w O U G' U U S N V � U u o o ° o � � a bu �, ct Qj ; z 3 � O +=' C O c) O O O 0 O N It b4 .� G a.� to cz bU by F Q Q Q Q Q a� �Q+ O Q+ czQ cd a cd O. p U N N 0, - U p 3 u� a Q -0 �m 0b b p ti ti 'L7 y n cd bU O , bU 7 C, t4 OU to p V v GG cad ro 7 N CIj G o .ci t~ ybj a O G O N x Ri bA O Y -C � R7 �", h ce N v ,+ in It m Q � Q 21 22 A. SIMON Degraded reaches of West Tennessee streams have mean bank angles ranging from 55 to 65 degrees. However, toe removal often creates almost vertical banks. Given the low cohesive strengths and the ambient high moisture contents of the channel banks, critical bank heights at saturation rarely exceed 5 m (Simon and Hupp, 1987). Degraded reaches of the studied streams, having bank heights commonly in excess of 8 m, therefore fail readily. Slab failures occur due to excessive undercutting and the loss of support for the upper part of the bank, Pop -out failures at the base of the bank due to ground -water saturation and excess pore -water pressure further oversteepen the bank and lead to slab failure. Deep- seated rotational failures shear along an are and often become detached from the top bank surface by piping. Water drains into the bank mass along the pipes, thereby reducing shear strength and increasing pore - water pressure and lubrication along the potential failure surfaces. Failures can occur as a saturated mass of bank material that leave 1.8 to 3.0 -m -long slickensides along the vertical section of the failure surface (often a pipe) and come to rest in a lobate form at the base of the bank. The failed material loses shear strength and, in its saturated state, can be removed easily by moderate flows. Rotational failures and debris flows under saturated conditions along overheightened reaches of the Rutherford and South Forks Obion River and Cane Creek tend not to reduce bank angles as much as rotational failures under drier conditions. These failure mechanisms are considered worst -case conditions in dispersive loess - derived materials, as occurs in the Cane Creek basin. Rotational failures also occur in less dispersive materials where piping is not as prevalent. Banks fail as a single mass of material along an arc, leaving elliptical scars 15 to 60 m long. The failed material does not come to rest at the base of the bank but forms a definable surface higher on the bank profile at slopes ranging from 25° to 50° (stage IV in Figure 5). This surface, the `upper bank' (Simon and Hupp, 1986), is often identified by tilted and fallen vegetation. A second definable surface, the `vertical face', representing the top section of the major failure- plane, also is developed during the threshold stage (stage IV in Figure 5 and Table VI). Bank retreat by slab and rotational failures continues through the threshold stage, developing the vertical face and upper bank as two distinguishable bank forms (stage IV in Figure 5). The threshold stage is the first of two that are dominated by active channel widening (Table VI). Failed material is generally removed by moderate to high flows, thereby retaining the overheightened and oversteepened bank profile, and giving the banks a scalloped appearance. Aggradation Stage (V). Stage V is marked by the onset of aggradation on the channel bed and often can be identified by sand deposited on bank surfaces. Bank retreat dominates the vertical face and upper bank sections because bank configurations still exceed the critical conditions of the material. The failed material on the upper bank is subject to secondary, low -angle slides resulting from frequent wetting by rises in stage and from the added weight of fluvially deposited materials. The low -angle failures reduce the angle of the upper bank and extend it downslope (stage V in Figure 5). Previously failed material on the upper bank also moves downslope by low -angle slides and shows --victence of fluvial reworking and deposition. This combination of mass wasting and fluvial processes creates a low - angle surface (20° to 25 °) termed the `slough line', extending downslope from the upper bank (Simon and Hupp, 1986). Woody vegetation reestablishing on the slough line shows only mild tilting from secondary slips and can be used to date the timing of renewed bank stability (stage V in Figure 5; Hupp and Simon, 1986). Rates of deposition on the slough line can be obtained by dividing the depths of burial above the root collar of trees, by the age of the trees. Bank stability, as indicated by establishing vegetation on the slough line, extends upslope, away from the channel with time. Bank angles on the upper bank and slough line surfaces continue to flatten through stage V due to secondary low -angle slides and fluvial reworking. The range of bank angles given for the vertical face and the upper bank (Table VI) are in general agreement with values reported in previous studies of unstable slopes comprised of loess (Lohnes and Handy, 1968), and loess- derived alluvium (Throne et al., 1981). Three classes of slope angles were identified by Lohnes and Handy (1968) in their classic study of Iowa and West Tennessee loess; 10 to 41 degrees, 50 to 52 degrees, and 68 to 85 degrees. The second and third classes relate to the upper bank and vertical face as described in this report respectively. The angles reported by Lohnes and Handy (1968) for their second class (50 to 52 degrees) are steeper than those observed in West CHANNEL RESPONSE IN DISTURBED ALLUVIAL CHANNELS 23 Tennessee during this study (25 to 50 degrees). The reason is that with the addition of water from seepage or from rises in river stage, effective strength, and therefore slope angles, are reduced (Lutton, 1974). The differences reported here suggest that mass wasting and bank -slope development along streams of loess - derived alluvium occur by processes similar to those that occur on loess slopes. However, the addition of fluvial and fluvial - related processes result in slope forms that are consistent, but slightly different from those of upland loess slopes. The genesis and range of angles of the slough line further support this argument. These low -angle surfaces (20 to 25 degrees) are not explicable in the Lohnes and Handy (1968, p. 254) model because their study did not deal with channels, and the processes of fluvial reworking and low -angle sliding in saturated materials of residual strength. In fact, the 10 to 41 degree class identified by Lohnes and Handy (1968) from topographic maps may indeed represent old slough lines, emanating downslope from what are now terraces. Assuming that the critical height of the entire bank is still exceeded and (or) dispersion and piping continue to weaken the vertical face, parallel retreat along the vertical face and flattening of the upper bank and slough line may continue as the channel creates a new flood plain at an elevation lower thar�,the previous one. Highly disturbed channels such as Cane Creek, which is cut through loess- derived sediments and lacks a coarse sediment -load for aggradation, tend to aggrade extremely slow following degradation. The lack of bed -level recovery leads to an extended period when bank profiles exceed the critical bank height and angle, allowing for continued bank retreat and flood plain development. It is estimated that the development of a new and distinct flood plain on channel such as Cane Creek will occur over 1000 years or more. Stage V would then represent the final stage of bank -slope development in these types of channels. In sand -bed channels, aggradation may be of sufficient magnitude to stabilize the vertical face and upper bank through a reduction in bank height below the critical height. Bed levels of sand -bed channels, such as the forks of the Obion and Forked Deer Rivers and the lower reaches of Cub, Porters, and Meridian Creeks rise, and become stage VI channels over time spans that can approximate 20 to 40 years. The aggradation stage (stage V) of bank -slope development occurs first in downstream reaches and progresses upstream with trends of secondary aggradation. A meandering low -water thalweg and alternate channel bars also begin to develop during late stage V, further reducing gradient and stream power. Restabilization Stage (VI). The restabilization stage is marked (1) by a significant reduction of bank heights by aggradation on the channel bed and (2) by fluvial deposition on the upper bank and slough line surfaces. Bank retreat along the vertical face by intense mass wasting processes subsides because bank heights no longer exceed critical heights. Woody vegetation extends upslope towards the base of the vertical face and the former floodplain surface becomes a terrace (stage VI in Figure 5). In channels where bank material is only moderately resistant and bed -level has sufficiently aggraded to cause more frequent wetting of vertical face, the uppermost section of the bank may take a convex shape due to fluvial reworking and deposition (stage VI in Figure 5). In heavily aggrading reaches of the Obion, and North and South Forks Forked Deer Rivers, the floodplain continues to be a conduit for moderately high flows. Woody vegetation is reestablished at the top of the bank and on the flood plain surface. Bank -slope development through stage VI assumes either significant bed aggradation which occurs along downstream reaches of sand -bed channels, and (or) limited initial downcutting. Flattening of the upper bank and slough line surfaces by secondary slides continues due to weaker residual strengths, increased moisture contents, and the additional weight of fluvially deposited material. Summary of slope development and channel evolution The six stages of bank -slope development represent a conceptual model of width adjustment. Stages (premodified, constructed, degradation, threshold, aggradation, and restabilization) are induced by a succession of interactions between fluvial and hillslope processes (Table VI). By associating the six bank -slope development stages with the dominant hillslope and fluvial processes, and with characteristic channel forms, a conceptual model of channel evolution over time and space was developed (Table VII). The model does not suggest that each adjusting reach will undergo all six stages but implies that specific trends of bed -level response will result in a series of mass wasting processes and definable bank and channel forms. However, the 24 s~ 0 0 a� a� s; U O bUD a� .o cd H A. SIMON dq b r, w �. bA cd r. .cz , .0 U •� y C O O. a� by 71 •0 y o—, O to W• cd .SE bq 3 N O > 'p > O• A .O U Cd ; yam' O _"" �" O•n,� � bCiO�b > N•� y +-+ .= 't.. wN Cd o �. ' p > Cl Cd 3 e..0 y >�° P; P; H> E N n GL n0 th -14 y p cd N ai O w ..+ cU d 'n p > .0 3 ai . D O .y C O c YC O sa] � b r cd U w n � pC Cp 7 ,'•U -� o b � b p w O U p +O O U -' n p cC y v y i.. �O C o w �O cd � cy b O Q aw i vb C ci° p o t . cd ,cO cz C M q C � � : . h b o0 G U cd R � cd U m p O C O o O ' ax) eo >d o y p > Q q p O O U d c s4 � b 3 Cd �o > d C od q y k k C accts a�i b C 54 x C13 to Cd n0 ,.. U o cd t-� ^o Y .a > .$) cd Q .D Cd b 0 0 t U� a a o > E (Qz) b b ai y O C OI I � cad cOd O � Ow Ocd y Cd n 3 0 0 �o 0t oar a OL -14 •� O O_ � � C C a� b N w ti E Q U O a�i x 0 0 0 y°n O Lt m ct o ,O i;• CY �,� L: Q C1'� F, �' Cam. �"� +" 'v'+i C) t~ 'O .n b a.) ,b O w c� ct > ct ° !�w� �o o cd Qo Qoo.�o °o? dwoo�cG°y Q � a � C 0 to U 7 U Cd "d •^ cz m M to � CHANNEL RESPONSE IN DISTURBED ALLUVIAL CHANNELS 25 conceptual framework of the simultaneous retreat of the vertical face and flattening along surfaces below is supported by the observations of other investigators (Carson and Kirkby, 1972, p. 184). The model described in this report makes the following assumptions (1) there is no local bedrock control of bed - level, (2) overadjustment and secondary response are active processes, (3) the bed and banks are free to adjust to imposed changes, and (4) successive stages of evolution are not interrupted by other disturbances. Extrapolation of the six -stage conceptual model of bank -slope development and channel evolution should be particularly appropriate for areas of the Mississippi embayment and the central United States. Application over a broader geographical area is conceptually justified on the basis that similar processes can create similar forms. Variations in time scales and forms from the idealized model will occur due to local bedrock control and variations in relief, soil properties, and climatic conditions. Still, the model reflects the overadjustments inherent to fluvial response and may be useful in determining expected changes in alluvial channel morphology over the course of a major adjustment cycle. SUMMARY Channel modifications between 1959 and 1978 in West Tennessee caused a series of morphologic changes along modified reaches and tributary streams. Degradation occurred for 10 to 15 years at sites upstream of the area of maximum disturbance (AMD) and lowered bed - levels by as much as 6.1 metres. Aggradation occurs downstream of the AMD with the greatest rates near the stream mouths. Initially degraded sites experience a secondary aggradation phase in response to excessive incision and gradient reduction. Adjustments of channel geometry and phases of channel evolution are characterized by six process - oriented stages of morphologic development— premodified, constructed, degradation, threshold, aggra- dation, and rest abilization. Downcutting and toe removal occur immediately following construction along stream reaches upstream of the AMD (degradation stage). Bank failure by mass wasting begins during the threshold stage when the critical height and angle of the bank material is exceeded. Top -bank widening continues concurrently with deposition on the channel bed during the aggradation stage as the slough line develops and becomes an initial site of lower -bank stability. The development of the bank profile is defined in terms of three observable and dynamic surfaces (1) vertical face (70" to 90 "), (2) upper bank (25" to 50 ''), and (3) slough line (20" to 25'). Alternate channel bars form during the restabilization stage and represent incipient meandering of the channel. The vertical face may concurrently take a convex shape from continual reworking of materials by stream flow. REFERENCES Alexander, D. 1981. 'Threshold of critical power in streams, Discussions and reply', Bulletin of the Geological Soviet y nJ'America Bulletin, 92, 310 -312. Begin, Z. B., Meyer, D. F., and Schumm, S. A. 1981. 'Development of longitudinal profiles of alluvial channels in response to base -level lowering', Earth Surface Processes, 6, 49 -68. Bull, W. B. 1979. 'Threshold of critical power in streams', Bulletin gl'the Geological Society q /'America, part 1, 90, 453 -464. Carson, M. A. and Kirkby, M. J. 1972. Hillslope Form and Process, Cambridge University Press, London, 475 pp. Gilbert, G. K. 1880. 'Report on the geology of the Henry Mountains (2)', Geographical and Geological Survey of the Rocky Mountain Region, United States Government Printing Office, Washington, 170 pp. Graf, W. L. 1977. 'The rate law in fluvial geomorphology', American Journal of Science +, 277, 178-191. Hack, J. T. 1960. 'Interpretation of erosional topography in humid temperate regions', American Journal gl Science, 258 -A, 80 -97. Hey, R. D. 1979. 'Dynamic process - response model of river channel development', Earth Surface Processes, 4, 59 -72. Hidinger, L. L. and Morgan, A. E. 1912.'Drainage problems of Wolf, Hatchic, and South Fork of Forked Deer Rivers, in west Tennessee', in The Resources of Tennessee. Tennessee Geological Survey, 2, No. 6, 231 -249. Hupp, C. R. and Simon, A. 1986. 'Vegetation and bank -slope development', Proceedings of the 4th Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, March 1986, 2, 5 -83 to 5--92. Lane, E. W. 1955. 'The importance of fluvial morphology in hydraulic engineering', Proceedings gf the American Society o/' Civil Engineering, 81, No. 745, 17. Lohnes, R. A. and Handy, R. L. 1968. 'Slope angles in friable loess', Journal gf,yeology, 76, No. 3, 247 - -258. Lutton, R. J. 1974. 'Use of loess soil for modeling rock mechanics', Miscellaneous Report S- 74 -28, U.S. Army Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. Mackin, J. H. 1948. 'Concept of a graded river', Bulletin of the Geological Society of America Bulletin, 59, 463 -511. Morgan, A. E. and McCrory, S. H. 1910.'Drainage of lands overflowed by the North and Middle Forks of the Forked Deer River and the 26 A. SIMON, Rutherford Fork of the Obion River in Gibson County, Tennessee', Bulletin of the Tennessee State Geological Survey, 3 -B, 17-43, Pickup, G. 1975. `Downstream variations in morphology, flow conditions and sediment transport in an eroding channel', Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie, 19, 443 -459. Robbins, C. H. and Simon, A. 1983. `Man- induced channel adjustment in Tennessee streams', United States Geological, Survey Water - Resources Investigations Report, 82 -4098, 129. Schumm, S. A. 1973. `Geomorphic thresholds and the complex response of drainage systems', in Morisawa, M. (Ed.), Fluvial Geomorphology, Binghamton, State University of New York, 229 -310. Schumm, S. A. and Lichty, R. W. 1965. `Time, space, and causality in geomorphology', American Journal of Science, 263, 110 - -119. Schumm, S. A. and Parker, R. S. 1973. `Implications of complex response of drainage systems for Quaternary alluvial stratigraphy', Nature, 243, 99 -100. Simon, A. In press. `Gradation processes and channel evolution in modified West Tennessee streams: process, response, and form', United States Geological Survey Professional Paper, 1470. Simon, A. and Hupp, C. R. 1986. `Channel widening characteristics and bank slope development along a reach of Cane Creek, West Tennessee', in Subitzsky, Seymour (Ed.), Selected Papers in the Hydrologic Sciences, United States Geological Survey Water - Supply Paper, 2290, 113 -126. Simon, A. and Hupp, C. R. 1987. `Geomorphic and vegetative recovery processes along modified Tennessee streams: an interdisciplinary approach to disturbed fluvial systems', Forest Hydrology and Watershed Management, International Association of Hydrologic Sciences, Publication, 167, 251 -262. Simon, A. and Robbins, C. H. 1987. `Man- induced gradient adjustment of the South Fork Forked Deer River, West Tennessee', Environmental Geology and Water Sciences, 9, No. 2, 109 -118. Skempton, A. W. 1953. `Soil mechanics in relation to geology', Proceedings of Yorkshire Geological Society', 29, 33 -62. Thorne, C. R., Murphey, J. B., and Little, W. C. 1981. `Bank stability and bank material properties in the bluHiine streams of northwest Mississippi', Stream Channel Stability, United States Department of Agriculture Sedimentation Laboratory, Oxford, Mississippi, Appendix D, 257 pp. United States Department of Agriculture 1980. `Summary report final: Obion- Forked Deer River Basin Tennessee', Soil Conservation Service, 43 pp. Williams, G. P. and Wolman, M. G. 1984. `Downstream effects of dams on alluvial rivers', U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1286, 83 pp. Wilson, K. V. 1979. `Changes in channel characteristics, 1938 -1974, of the Homochitto River and tributaries, Mississippi', U.S. Geological Survey Open -File Report, 79 -554, 18 pp. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION AUGUST AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION 2003 BANKFULL HYDRAULIC GEOMETRY RELATIONSHIPS AND RECURRENCE INTERVALS FOR NORTH CAROLINA'S COASTAL PLAINT William V. Sweet and Jens W. Geratz2 ABSTRACT: Bankfull hydraulic geometry relationships relate stream channel geometry to watershed size for specific physio- graphic regions. This paper presents bankfull hydraulic geometry relationships and recurrence intervals for the Southeastern Plain ecoregion and the flatwoods subtype of the Middle Atlantic Coastal Plain ecoregion found within North Carolina's Coastal Plain phys- iographic province. Cross - sectional and longitudinal survey data from gaged and ungaged streams were used to compute channel dimension and profile information. Power functions were devel- oped, relating drainage area to bankfull discharge, cross - sectional area, width, and mean depth. Recurrence intervals of bankfull events were estimated from gaged streams using both a Log -Pear- son Type III distribution of peak annual discharge and a partial - duration series of average daily discharge. Results from both methods indicate that average bankfull recurrence intervals for the study area are below one year. Determinations of recurrence inter- vals by the Log- Pearson Type III distribution were for the most part inconclusive (less than one year), while a partial duration series estimated a 0.19 year average, ranging from 0.11 to 0.31 years. (KEY TERMS: bankfull; environmental engineering; flood frequen- cy; partial duration series; bankfull hydraulic geometry relation- ships; surface water hydrology.) Sweet, William V. and Jens W. Geratz, 2003. Bankfull Hydraulic Geometry Rela- tionships and Recurrence Intervals for North Carolina's Coastal Plain. J. of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 39(4):861 -871. INTRODUCTION Bankfull hydraulic geometry relationships allow comparisons of bankfull flows (channel forging events) and associated dimensional parameters to various watershed sizes (Lindley, 1919; Leopold and Maddock, 1953; Wolman, 1955; Nixon, 1959; Myrick and Leopold, 1963; Emmett, 1972, 1975; Dunne and Leopold, 1978). Hydraulic geometry relationships are region specific, describing areas of similar physiogra- phy and climate. Bankfull hydraulic geometry rela- tionships are valuable tools that aid in the prediction of bankfull channel characterization on ungaged reaches, both natural and modified, and for guiding "natural" channel design. Bankfull is associated with flows that fill a stream channel to the elevation of the active floodplain. These events are most effective at moving sediment loads over time (Wolman and Miller, 1960; Andrews, 1980; Carling, 1988) and are essentially responsible for sizing the channel dimensions of a stable system ( Rosgen, 1994). The recurrence interval for bankfull events is traditionally determined by a Log- Pearson Type III distribution of annual peak discharge and has been estimated to occur between a 1.4 and 1.6 year period throughout much of the United States and the Mountain and Piedmont physiographic provinces of North Carolina (Dunne and Leopold, 1978; Leopold, 1994; Rosgen, 1996; Harman et al., 1999, 2000; Castro and Jackson, 2001). With stream restoration currently receiving much attention, it is imperative that bankfull hydraulic geometry relationships be developed for individual physiographic provinces for channel design purposes. In addition, accurate recurrence interval and flood - duration estimates of bankfull events are important to agricultural interests, developments situated on flood prone lands, and for stream and floodplain restoration activities. This paper presents regional bankfull hydraulic geometry relationships for the Coastal Plain of North Carolina and results from a flood frequency analysis of both a Log - Pearson Type 1Paper No. 02013 of the Journal of the American Water Resources Association. Discussions are open until February 1, 2004. 2Respectively, Project Scientist and Senior Scientist, EcoScience Corporation, 1101 Haynes Street, Suite 101, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 (E- Mail/Geratz: geratz @ecosciencenc.com). JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION 861 JAWRA SWEET AND GERATZ III distribution and a partial duration series to deter- mine an average recurrence interval for bankfull events. STUDY AREA North Carolina is commonly divided into three major physiographic provinces: the Mountains, Pied- mont, and Coastal Plain. These provinces are separat- ed by dominant geographic delineations that have unique topography, soils, climate, and vegetation. Recent efforts (Griffith and Omernik, 2000) have sub- divided the physiographic provinces into ecoregions, which depict ecological systems on regional scales that have distinct geology, hydrology, climate, and biology. Within a given ecoregion, additional subdivi- sions further classify specific subtypes that are depen- dent upon locally dominant characteristics. The Coastal Plain physiographic province (Coastal Plain) of North Carolina is separated into the Southeastern Plains (SP) and Middle Atlantic Coastal Plain (MACP) ecoregions (Figure 1). For the current study, the MACP ecoregion was further segmented following delineations depicted by Griffith and Omernik (2000) into a flatwoods subtype or a lowlands, swamps, and floodplains subtype. The Coastal Plain province is characterized as a predominately sandy and flat, low elevation plain. Stream gradients are quite low and become increas- ingly small from the SP to the MACP ecoregion, with slopes ranging from 0.5 percent to less than 0.01 per- cent. Unconsolidated sediment formations thicken toward the coast, with surficial deposits progressively changing from sand in the SP ecoregion and flatwoods MACP subtype to poorly drained, loamy soils within the lowlands, swamps, and floodplains MACP sub- type. Within the lowlands, swamps, and floodplains MACP subtype, bottomlands border alluvial systems whose floodplains contain clay and organic deposits that form restrictive lenses with very low permeabili- ty (Griffith and Omernik, 2000). Mean annual precipi- tation throughout the entire Coastal Plain ranges from 48 to 58 inches, with the highest amounts occur- ring near the coast (Hirth, 1998). The SP ecoregion is characterized by gently rolling topography that supports a mosaic of pasture, wood- land, cropland, and forested areas. Natural vegetation is mostly oak/hickory /pine forest on upland slopes with bottomland hardwood species in isolated flood - plains and low terraces. The flatwoods MACP subtype is dominated by loblolly shortleaf pine forests in well drained soils and oak, gum, and cypress stands along streams and terraces. The lowlands, swamps, and floodplains MACP subtype is characterized by low Figure 1. Locations of Gaged and Ungaged Stream Reaches in the Southeastern Plain (SP) and Middle Atlantic Coastal Plain (MACP) Ecoregions With MACP Subtypes (modified from Griffith and Omernik 2000) for the Coastal Plain of North Carolina. JAWRA 862 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION BANKFULL HYDRAULIC GEOMETRY RELATIONSHIPS AND RECURRENCE INTERVALS FOR NORTH CAROLINA'S COASTAL PLAIN relief, poorly drained flats interspersed with broad, shallow valleys, and tidally influenced streams near- ing the estuaries. Naturally vegetated communities include high and low pocosins, pond/pine woodlands, cypress tupelo forests, coastal marshes, and barrier - dune systems (Griffith and Omernik, 2000). METHODS Regional bankfull hydraulic geometry relationships were developed for the SP ecoregion and the flatwoods subtype of the MACP ecoregion of North Carolina's Coastal Plain (Figure 1). The hydraulic geometry relationships were composed of data from U.S. Geo- logical Survey (USGS) gaged streams and ungaged streams located within remote portions of the above mentioned regions. Since the majority of USGS gage sites within the Coastal Plain tend to monitor larger watersheds, the ungaged streams represented smaller watersheds to supplement the data set. Site Selection and Criteria Since most USGS gages are located immediately downstream of roadway crossings, careful attention was given to avoid sites with significant, historical disturbances, usually in the form of straightened and incised channel banks. Gaged watersheds included current and recently discontinued stations that fit the following criteria: a minimum eight year record of hydrological data (flood frequency analysis only on sites with a >10 year record), minimal land use changes in the last 10 years, no immediate upstream impoundments, and less than 10 percent impervious area in the watershed. Ungaged streams identified for the study included reaches with small drainage areas that had natural channel conditions — largely undeveloped and unal- tered by agricultural, logging, or other anthropogenic disturbances. Site selection criteria for the ungaged streams were the same as the gage sites, minus the flow record requirements. In addition, a survey was made to assess the channel bed, banks, and vegeta- tion for signs of either channel or stream bank insta- bilities. The stream bed was observed for scouring or deposition including the occurrence of bars or islands in the channel, cut faces on bars, cutoffs and flood chutes, and unusually steep riffles. Channel incision evaluations using low bank height ratios (i.e., low bank height /maximum bankfull depth) were per- formed along each stream profile to assess stability. Low bank height ratios, those approaching 1.0, were considered indicative of a stable channel, particularly when observed over a significant length of stream ( Rosgen, 1997). Field Protocol and Analysis Prior to each gage survey, the following data were obtained from the USGS for the site: stage discharge rating tables, established reference marks, gage sum- maries (Form 9 -207), and peak annual discharge series. Peak annual discharge was graphed using the USGS accepted (Dalrymple, 1960) Weibull plotting position (Gordon et al., 1992) to obtain flood recur- rence interval information for the site. In addition, aerial photography (1998; three -foot resolution) for a one -mile stretch of stream was centered on the gage site, allowing stream channel sinuosity calculations for the local reach. Watershed sizes for gage sites were provided by the USGS. During each gage survey, the protocol for calibrat- ing bankfull discharge at USGS stream gage stations was followed (Leopold, 1994; Rosgen, 2001). Gage sur- vey procedures included the centering of the longitu- dinal survey, which spanned greater than 20 bankfull widths about the gage plate location. A least square fit of the data from the bankfull survey determined bankfull stage at the gage plate location, which identified bankfull discharge from the rating table. Bankfull hydraulic geometry was obtained by analy- sis of cross - sectional surveys performed along stream riffles found within the boundary of the longitudinal profile. The bankfull hydraulic geometry determina- tion was based on elevations of consistent bankfull indicators, which included the top of banks, back of point bars, significant breaks in bank slopes, and highest scour lines (Leopold, 1994). The bankfull hydraulic geometry relationships were developed without regard to recurrence intervals associated with bankfull discharge. Prior to each ungaged stream survey, watershed sizes were estimated using USGS 1:24,000 digitized topographic maps and USGS 14 -digit hydrologic unit mapping provided by the North Carolina Center for Geographical Information Analysis (CGIA). For each ungaged stream, a longitudinal profile survey, includ- ing measurements of bankfull, low bank, water level, and thalweg were performed over distances greater than 20 bankfull widths. Cross - sectional surveys were performed at representative riffle locations to deter- mine bankfull hydraulic geometry. Bankfull identifi- cation was based upon indicators that included the back of point bars and the top of banks. Plan form surveys were used to calculate stream sinuosity. Stream roughness coefficients (n) were estimated for JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION 863 JAWRA SWEET AND GERATZ each of the ungaged streams using a version of Arce- ment and Schneider's (1989) weighted method for Cowan's (1956) roughness component values and applied to the following equation (Manning, 1891) to obtain bankfull discharge (Qbkf) estimates. Qbkf = [1.486 / n] * [A * R2/3 * S1 /2] where, A equals bankfull area, R equals bankfull hydraulic radius, and S equals average water surface slope measured over for the reach during surveying efforts. Post - survey analysis for the gaged and ungaged streams compared water surface and bankfull eleva- tions over the surveyed reach to ensure that there was consistency in profiles, which would indicate proper bankfull identification (Leopold, 1994). Also, samples of surficial bed deposits that were collected at all sites were dried, sieved, and weighed (Gordon et al., 1992), allowing for preliminary bed material assessments for stream classification purposes only. Each stream was summarily categorized under the Rosgen method (1994) for stream classification pur- poses. Recurrence Interval Analysis Bankfull recurrence intervals were estimated by two methods for nine gaged streams. One method computed recurrence intervals (Pope et al., 2001) for various floods (Q2, Q5, Q10 ... Q500) by traditional procedures (USGS, 1982) utilizing Log - Pearson Type III distributions of peak annual discharge (conven- tional method). To determine bankfull recurrence intervals for the current study, the Pope et al. (2001) results were graphed onto a semi -log plot (recurrence interval [logged x -axis] versus discharge [y -axis] ), and fit with a least square, regression line (R2 > 0.95 in all cases) that was extrapolated to bankfull discharge values. The equation of this line was empirically solved, yielding site specific, recurrence intervals of bankfull discharge. If the extrapolated values were below the one -year period, the results were deemed inconclusive (Langbein, 1949) and reported as less than one year. Recurrence intervals were also computed by a par- tial duration series of historical, average daily dis- charge (USGS, 2001). The partial duration method determines flood frequency by counting the number of independent, maximum, daily flows above a specified level (bankfull) and dividing by the total number of years of record for that station. Only discrete bank- full events separated by at least a one -day period between successive floods were included in the series. The resultant series was graphed using the Weibull plotting position to allow graphical representation and numeric interpolation of the bankfull recurrence interval. The average duration of events at or above bankfull levels was also calculated for each gage site, and equaled the total number of days a site's flow was above bankfull discharge, divided by the total number of events. It should be noted that the vast majority of bankfull events at any given gage site were separated by more than a week. RESULTS Bankfull hydraulic geometry data for 24 gaged and ungaged streams within the Coastal Plain of North Carolina are shown in Table 1. Results represent watershed sizes ranging from 0.6 to 182 square miles, and include bankfull measurements, recurrence inter- vals calculated by both the conventional and partial - duration methodologies, and stream classification (Rosgen 1994). In general, the streams surveyed for the current study were located in well developed, allu- vial floodplains with dense, mature forests and streamside communities. Most of the surveyed streams had sandy bed material, with a few main- taining elevated levels of organic muck within the channel and floodplain. The streams exhibited low gradient, riffle pool structures with low width/depth ratios (< 12) indicative of "E" stream types (Rosgen, 1994). Several streams exhibited slightly higher width/depth ratios (> 12), as well as point bars, which are traits characteristic of "C" stream types (Rosgen, 1994). The bankfull hydraulic geometry relationships shown in Figures 2(a through d) are computed from a least square, power function regression of bankfull characteristics versus watershed area for 22 of the 24 surveyed sites. The hydraulic geometry relationships do distinguish between data points from the SP ecore- gion and flatwoods subtype of MACP ecoregion, but no additional stratification was performed. The regression equations for the bankfull hydraulic geom- etry relationships, along with R- squared values based on a natural log distribution, are shown below. (a) Abkf = 9.43 (Aw)0.74 R2 = 0.96 (b) Wbkf = 9.64 (Aw)0.31 R2 = 0.95 (c) Dbkf = 0.98 (Aw)0.36 R2 = 0.92 (d) Qbkf = 8.79 (Aw)0.76 R2 = 0.92 where, Abkf equals bankfull cross - sectional area (sq ft), Aw equals watershed drainage area (sq mi), Wbkf JAWRA 864 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION W a t� F BANKFULL HYDRAULIC GEOMETRY RELATIONSHIPS AND RECURRENCE INTERVALS FOR NORTH CAROLINA'S COASTAL PLAIN d R U � ^ Sr � qa Z+ O O O cC cC O O rl cC O O O cC cC cC cC cC cC cC cC cC cC cC cC x a mow.. tx 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 �c 00 0 0 0 0 o cq o o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o co c+ o 0 0 0 0 r co co cv o 0� 0� cq o rn o Pa Q o co Cl "t c+ o o co oq rn oq d! �q d! o L-7 o oq �q o �q o am w rn "t cy co a� L-7 oq o o 0� o oq d! cy L-7 cy o "t co c+ o t�7 d rn j Lc d d coo cq M �c M M o o �c t�- o t N t 00 o y co o "t cy co "t o co t-7 "t co cy c+ o cy cy oq cy "t oq o co rn o a; r o m o �c t �c o o t�- o �c o x m o coo m N N o d _ >~ Cc) t�- o m co d o 0 0 0 cq cq m 1� m m 00 m 00 co 1� a 0� t-� 06 c'i as r4 o 4 0+ cv 06 0� L6 0� 4 4 �6 �6 �6 �'i 0� o 4 V o Lc o N 00 m m 00 o cq m s. oo ° ° � 0 0 Q o N M N N 0 0 0 0 0 0 - C c M M 0 0 0 N o o �c cv 00 00 m o o cq o Lc Lc c� rn cq c C7 �c 00 00 o 0 o m m o m m 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 cq U cq 00 cn Fr i� C C py y zj 0 b a) °o c� 0 3 ° ° F F cc U1 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION 865 JAWRA 1000 100 U X 10 x 0.1 z SWEET AND GERATZ (a) In loo t 10 O. N Q fi � 1 (•Q 0.1 (c) 1 10 100 1000 Drainage Area (sq. mi.) 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Drainage Area (sq. mi.) (b) 1000 100 b 3 w x 10 1 0.1 1 10 100 Drainage Area (sq. mi.) (d) 10000 w 1000 U U bQ U 4 100 Q W A M 10 1 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Drainage Area (sq. mi.) Figure 2. Bankfull Hydraulic Geometry Relationships (a through d) With 95 Percent Prediction Limits (dash) Composed of Gage (triangles) and Ungaged Sites (circles) for the Southeastern Plain Ecoregion (hollow symbols) and Flatwoods Subtypes of the Middle Atlantic Coastal Plain Ecoregion (filled symbols) Within the Coastal Plain of North Carolina. equals bankfull width (ft), Dbkf equals bankfull mean depth (ft), and Qbkf equals bankfull discharge (cfs). It should be noted that the original effort attempt- ed to create bankfull hydraulic geometry relation- ships valid for the entire Coastal Plain of North Carolina. However, two gage sites (Cashie River and Van Swamp) had bankfull hydraulic geometry signifi- cantly distinct from the rest of the surveyed Coastal Plain sites. A subsequent, GIS mapping investigation found that the above mentioned sites were uniquely located within the lowlands, swamps, and floodplains MACP subtype. Due to temporal constraints and a lack of additional, long term gaging stations, further surveys within the lowlands, swamps, and floodplains MACP subtype were prohibitive. Therefore, the hydraulic geometry relationships developed within the current study exclude these two data sets, as well as all subsequent flood frequency analyses. Even though the presented bankfull hydraulic geometry relationships may not be applicable within the low- lands, swamps, and floodplains MACP subtype, the results from the two surveys are considered impor- tant to current and future stream restoration efforts, and are therefore included and briefly discussed. JAWRA 866 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION BANKFULL HYDRAULIC GEOMETRY RELATIONSHIPS AND RECURRENCE INTERVALS FOR NORTH CAROLINA'S COASTAL PLAIN The average recurrence interval of bankfull events for the gaged streams is estimated to be 0.19 year, with a range of 0.11 to 0.31 year as estimated by the partial duration series method (Table 1). A determi- nation of an average bankfull recurrence interval by a Log - Pearson Type III distribution of peak annual dis- charge was not possible, since all but one site had a recurrence interval below one year. The average dura- tion of bankfull events for the gaged streams ranges from 1.4 to 8.8 days (Table 1). DISCUSSION The bankfull hydraulic geometry relationships for the Coastal Plain of North Carolina exhibit strong relationships (R2 > 0.9) that are considered valid for the majority of the physiographic province. Variability within the bankfull hydraulic geometry relationships may be attributed to differences of regional land uses (Leopold, 1994; Rosgen, 1994), and presumably water - surface gradients, quantity of instream debris and bank vegetation, and underlying geology that affects water storage capacity within a given watershed. Bank full Recurrence Interval Flood frequency analysis reveals that the recur- rence interval of bankfull events in the Coastal Plain is much shorter than 1.5 -year interval estimated by previous state and nationwide investigations (Dunne and Leopold, 1978; Leopold, 1994; Harman et al., 1999, 2000; Castro and Jackson, 2001). The Log - Pearson Type III distribution of peak annual dis- charge for the Coastal Plain indicates subannual bankfull recurrence intervals. The partial duration series further refines the recurrence interval, estimat- ing a 0.19 -year average, which implies that bankfull occurs more than five times a year. The shortened recurrence interval of bankfull in the Coastal Plain is attributed to high precipitation inputs onto a wide expanse of near level topography with large surface storativity, an elevated water table, and slow flushing rates. The substantially shorter recurrence interval of bankfull events in the Coastal Plain has a couple of important implications. Besides providing reliable flood frequency information, recurrence intervals can influence the development of bankfull hydraulic geometry relations. Presently, standard practice by Rosgen (2001) utilizes recurrence intervals from either a Log- Pearson Type III distribution or the Weibull plotting position of peak annual discharge data to verify correct field identification of bankfull indicators along often modified channels at USGS gaging sites. Rosgen (2001) states that appropriately chosen bankfull elevations along a given reach will have a stage derived (USGS rating table) discharge with an associated recurrence interval between the one- to two -year span. Unfortunately, without an enhanced range of accurate bankfull event recurrence intervals, relationship developers within low gradient regions similar to the Coastal Plain may overestimate actual bankfull elevations in the field to be in line with the currently accepted one- to two -year range. A shortened recurrence interval for bankfull events also indicates that stream systems in the Coastal Plain are spilling their banks more frequently than other regions. This fact has important repercussions for agricultural and urban planning interests, and might also affect the sizing of land acquisitions during stream restoration efforts that attempt to create nat- urally shaped stream channels with active flood - plains. To more precisely determine the frequency of bankfull events, the current study chose to analyze a partial duration series of average daily discharge for each gage station. This analysis was actually an afterthought, decided upon after a number of field vis- its to remote gage sites revealed that discharges asso- ciated with the tops of bank (bankfull) had a recurrence interval of less than a one -year period as computed by methods utilizing the peak annual dis- charge series. General acceptance of the conventional method by most governmental and private agencies was intend- ed to permit a consistent and proven technique to estimate flood frequencies at USGS gaging stations. However, the method was intended to tackle the issues of peak flood/flow frequency estimations for the national flood damage abatement program (USGS 1982), not for determining accurate magnitude and frequency estimates of relatively small scale phe- nomenon such as bankfull events. The conventional method is preferred because of its effective treatment of positive skew, which provided a reasonably good fit to empirical flood distributions from a wide range of watersheds throughout the United States. As with most probability distributions, the fit provides most accurate estimates near the middle values for the range of the historical data (Gordon et al., 1992). On the other hand, a partial duration series allows assessments of recurrence intervals for bankfull flows with discharges less than the minimum annual peak flow for a given data set (NERC, 1975; USGS, 1982; IAE, 1987). Unlike the conventional method, which attempts to determine future probabilities of exceed- ing a particular flood level based only on the maxi- mum flood peak from each year of a given data set, the partial duration series method analyzes the entire JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION 867 JAWRA SWEET AND GERATZ historical daily data set to more precisely isolate the frequency of particular flood magnitudes. Compar- isons between the two methods for a 41 -year flow record from the Swift Creek gage site highlight the enhanced resolution of the partial duration series for high frequency events (Figure 3). Figure 3 also illus- trates the intended purpose and strength of the con- ventional method — to smoothly fit the peak annual series graphed using the Weibull plotting position, which is another method that cannot resolve recur- rence intervals below a one -year period. There are advantages associated with each of the above strategies used to generate flood frequency information. Inherent properties of Log - Pearson Type III distribution lends itself well to flood data that tend to have a lower limit but no upper limit (Gordon et al., 1992). The distribution permits fairly straightfor- ward extrapolation beyond the temporal boundaries of the data set (Chow, 1964), allowing frequency pre- dictions of large scale floods previously unobserved at or around a gage location. However, smaller floods will occur more frequently than indicated by distribu- tions or plotting positions based on peak annual 7000 6000 5000 w 4000 a� 3000 0 2000 1000 0 series, because several peaks in one year may be higher than the highest flood in others. The National Research Council (NRC, 1999) recognizes this report- ing bias of the conventional method and cautions against the use of Log - Pearson Type III distributions to describe high frequency floods, including annual and multidecadal events. In any case, the longer the available data set, the more accurate results from either method become, provided that no significant climatic events or management actions occur (USGS, 1982; NRC, 1999). Bankfull Hydraulic Relationship Comparisons As noted in the result section, surveyed results from two gaged streams, the Cashie River and Van Swamp sites, substantially deviate from bankfull trends and were excluded during relationship devel- opment (Table 1). These two sites are located adjacent to drowned river valleys and swampy wetlands of the Croatan, Albemarle, and Pamlico Estuarine System (CAPS), and uniquely positioned within the lowlands, 0.1 1 10 Average Recurrence Interval (years) 100 Figure 3. Recurrence Interval Method Comparison for Swift Creek Gage Site With Bankfull Discharge (dashed line), Weibull Plotting Position for Both the Partial Duration Series of Average Daily Flow (circle) and for the Peak Annual Series (triangle), Which is Overlaid by the Log- Pearson Type III Distribution (square) of the Peak Annual Series With a Regression Fit (solid line). JAWRA 868 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION BANKFULL HYDRAULIC GEOMETRY RELATIONSHIPS AND RECURRENCE INTERVALS FOR NORTH CAROLINA'S COASTAL PLAIN swamps, and floodplains subtype of the MACP ecore- gion (Figure 1). Undisturbed sections of the lowlands, swamps, and floodplains MACP subtype are characterized by bot- tomlands that are perched on ancient marine terraces underlain by mucky histosols with extremely low per- meability and high surface storativity (Griffith and Omernik, 2000). These topographic flats have mini- mal regional stream gradients as well as numerous debris obstructions, beaver dams, and relatively close - spatial connectivity to their receiving waters. As bankfull flows flood into components of the CAPS system, downstream water level may rise slightly and reduce barotropic (i.e., gradient driven) forces upstream from the barrier or confluence. This combi- nation of factors further diminishes regional water - surface gradients and allows for extensive flooding with heightened instream and floodplain deposition. Accordingly, the Cashie River and Van Swamp gage sites have prolonged average bankfull event durations (18.1 and 13.0 days, respectively) that are typical of alluvial swamp systems (Brinson, 1993), which flood during the early months of each year when evapo- transpiration rates are low. Physiographic considera- tions, with emphasis upon minimal barotropic forcing and reduced channel flushing, as well as channel and floodplain composition may constructively differenti- ate bankfull hydraulic geometry for the lowlands, swamps, and floodplains MACP subtype from the rest 10000 w 1000 U oho 100 Q x 10 (a) 10 100 Drainage Area (sq. mi.) of the Coastal Plain. Distinct from the rest of the sur- veyed sites and indicative of streams of the region, these two streams have developed low flow channels within their expansive floodplain, which is flooded for extended parts of the year. Likewise, physiographic properties unique to the Coastal Plain, such as low water surface gradients and sandy soils with shallow aquacludes, render bankfull hydraulic geometry relationships distinct from the other North Carolina provinces. Figure 4 shows the Coastal Plain relationships (from the cur- rent study) with those produced by Harman et al. (1999, 2000) for North Carolina's Mountain and Pied- mont provinces. For comparative purposes, the rela- tionships have been truncated and averaged over watershed sizes ranging between 1 and 100 square miles. Comparisons reveal that average bankfull dis- charge of streams within the Coastal Plain is approxi- mately 10 percent of that of the Mountain and Piedmont provinces (Figure 4a). Also, the average bankfull cross - sectional area of Coastal Plain streams is approximately 50 percent of the other two provinces (Figure 4b), while its width is approximately 50 and 75 percent, and its depth is 100 and 70 percent of the Mountain and Piedmont provinces, respectively. 1000 a 100 a� 10 W (b) 10 100 Drainage Area (sq. mi.) Figure 4. Truncated Bankfull Hydraulic Geometry Relationships of (a) Bankfull Discharge and (b) Bankfull Area for the Coastal Plain (circle) and the Overlapping Mountain (square) and Piedmont (triangle) Provinces of North Carolina (Harman et al., 1999, 2000). JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION 869 JAWRA SWEET AND GERATZ CONCLUSIONS The bankfull hydraulic geometry relationships for the Coastal Plain physiographic province of North Carolina provide valuable templates that can guide stream channel classification and restoration efforts within the SP ecoregion and the flatwoods subtype of the MACP ecoregion. However, caution is advised for restoration efforts near pocosins, bottomlands, and wetlands within or adjacent to the lowlands, swamps, and floodplains subtype of the MACP ecoregion. For these cases, stream channel parameters may vary sig- nificantly, and reference reaches located within the surrounding vicinity that share similar physiography should be mimicked. Bankfull events occur much more frequently within the Coastal Plain of North Carolina than reported in other state and nationwide surveys. Bankfull recur- rence intervals were computed by a Log - Pearson Type III distribution of peak annual discharge and by a partial duration series of average daily flow. Results from the former method indicated a subannual recur- rence interval for bankfull, but was inconclusive in estimating values with any more precision. The lad- der method estimated a 0.19 -year average recurrence interval for the Coastal Plain, with a 0.11 to 0.31 -year range. Future development of regional bankfull hydraulic relationships within other low gradient regions along the Southeast Atlantic and Gulf Coast should consider this lower range of naturally occur- ring recurrence intervals. In particular, the step -wise procedures guiding the development of regional hydraulic geometry relationships (Leopold, 1994; Ros- gen, 2001) should be refined to include an adjusted range of bankfull recurrence intervals. Findings from the current study suggest that when the Log- Pearson Type III distribution of peak annual discharge is unable to discern recurrence intervals below one year, a 0.1 to 0.3 -year interval should be chosen using a partial duration series of daily discharge. Development of additional bankfull hydraulic geometry relationships may be possible for the low- lands, swamps, and floodplains subtype of the MACP ecoregion within the Coastal Plain of North Carolina. Appropriate delineation for regional relationship development should give close consideration to water surface slopes, localized geology, and water storativity within the watershed. With bankfull hydraulic geome- try relationships developed for all of North Carolina's physiographic provinces, a more spatially continuous, statewide relationship might be possible through a deterministic modeling effort that integrates all data sets. LITERATURE CITED Andrew, E. D., 1980. 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