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This GENB~~I~ ~E~T:~F`~C~AT~.~N is ~ss~~ed in c~n~or~m:~ty ~.~.ith th~~ re~uremc~ts
of section 4Q1 pia 2-50~ and PL ~~-217 of the ~ ni_ted ;~tat~~s <~~7c~ subvert tea
the North Carol~.na Div:~.sian a~ ~;nviron~~~~nta~. ~~nageme~~t egu~~ic~ns ~~~
1 NCAC 2H, Section .C~~O f~~r c~~tagca~r. ~.F~s of <~c:~t ~v:its as ~~poc ,icc~ bclo~ in
ocean waters caf the State.
Th is GBNE~AL TI~'iGAT~:c~N is valid for tl-~e catego~r~.es of activities,
both pri.uate and government projects, pursuant to Sect~i.an ~~ of the River and
Harbor Act of 199, Sectic.~n ~~~+~b~ of the ~1ean G~'ater Act, and t~~e Nart~~
~arnlina State uidel.~ines for Areas of Environmental ~anceMrn in Hcear~ Hazard
Areas and are as f allows : (~.~ the re~aair and canstruct~zan cif primary dunes,
jetties, and bulkheads with backfill, ~2} the placement:. of rip-rap ta~ater_ ~~~.~.
and/or sand bags (f i1.1.ed with sand excavated from areas ~*~atc~rward of the ~cfan
h:~gh water (~HW} elevation) . These categaries a~ work are certif icd only
along the ocean shoreline ~in Brunswick, New Hanover.. , Fender, ~nsl.aw, Cartc~~t,
Hyde, Hare, and ~urr~ituc.k Counties, North ~ara~ ina.
The st<te of Narth Cara~.ina certified that the emergency activ~.tie~~
herein specified i11 nc~t viala.te Sections 3~-l, 3~.2, ~0~, '3Q~, ~7 of tine
~Fcde~~al Clean dater ~'~c~t if c~~nductc~d ~.~~ acc,c~rdar~ce Wit:~~ th~~ tc~~~ns and cc~ncliti.oas
~.zereaf ter set Earth a
1. That the acti~,.ty tie cc:~nducted in su~~h ~ m~~nner ens to ~~rcve~~~
s~.gr~~if icant incre:use in t~~rba.dity antsi .fie tl~~e area c~~ c~ax~strl~ct~.c:~~^~
u~° ~:o~i~truct io~l~re1.~~ted d:ischa~.:ge ~incrcase a~~ 2 J`~'~ Y s or 1e~s
are ra~~~: cons ~.~r~~d s.fgn~ ~~:~.cant~ .
2. Tha~ th~~ a+~t~v~tS' he ~:~;~nduc t~~d ~n ~~c~~;or.~ance with ~:~~€~ ~~c~~~c~.~~~.c:,n~;
~~f t~k~c ~.~.~. ;1~A~r~~~ C~c~z:~~~ ~,~~ ~~~~;h~~c~~:~t~, ~"i ln~a.~7~tc.~r~ %~~~~:~i.a~~., (~~:~~c~n~~.
~'crm~.t .
:3. 'I.'he Cert;~f i.catic~n i.s appli.cal~le an1_~j to situations cahere life or
str~~ctural property is in :imminent dang~~~r as a result. cif rapid
recent lros~.ans, sadden failure of a ~aa~-made str~.~ct«rc, or° f. ~.ckc:~~~:~.ng.
4 . T~~e Certification ~.;~ nc~t: valid unless tie applicant t~~r. u th.e t~f f :ice
of Caa~tal Management coordinates h.~.s a~~~tians with the State and.
obtains concurrence from the Hivi,sion a ~ Environme.ntc~l Management
prior to c~~mencement ~f the activity. 'I'he Director of the North
Carolina i~ivis~.an of Environmental. lanai<;cment mar rc~uirc suhmiss~c~n
of a f ormal applica t~.on fc~r certif icati~~n .for any prc~J ect of t_hi
type, :if it is de~:med necessary to assu}~e the pro~:ectian of watetp
duality standa~~ds. Publ.i.c hearings may Ise held far specl.fic applications
pr:i.or to Certification if deemed .in the publAic ":~ ~f~est ~.nt~~~~est
b~~ the Direct:car .
5. The appll.cant shall accept liabl.li.ty and hold the State harmless
for any damages which r~~ay occur as a re,~ult cif the activities car
if the intents of the act~..vities arc. nay: f~~lfiilcd un~~~~r this
N~r~°~~c~~~lai..nG~ wig}~ ~r ~~.~~~.~~.~.i..r~t~ c~~ t~~~~ ~~~:rr~~:> ~~Yd ~:~~r~~.~.~i~:l~ ~~~~~aa.~..h
s@~ far~h ~ha~ll r~s~l~ in rev~c~~~~n ~ ~~.i~ C~~~~~~c~.~.inn.
"phis ~.~~ ~~~.h~~~' cif ~'b~~~ 194.
T VI ~ T~~ ~F EN~'I ~~1~~T~~A ~~ ~~ ~~'~~''~N~'
~~C 1379