HomeMy WebLinkAboutGC 1333GENERAL CERTIFICATION THIS GENERAL CERTIFICATION is issued in conformity with the require- ments of Section x+01, FL 92-500 and PL 95-2Z7 of the United States and subject to the North. Carol,~na Division of Environmental Management Regula- tions in ISNCAC2Hy section .0500 to the U,S. Army Corps of Eng~.neers Districts herein specified, to conduct ce~°tain emergency activities in the navigable waters of the State. This Certification is valid for emergency activities authorized by PL 8~-99 and PL 93-2~8, and which are initiated by the District Engineer of the Wilmingto~i, Narfolk, Charleston, Nashville, Huntington or Sa~~annah District of the U.~. Army Corps of Engineers. The state of North Carolina certifies that the emergency activities herein specified w11 not violate Sections 301, 302, 303, 306 and 307 of the Federal Clean water Act if conducted in accordance with the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth: 1. The certification is applicable only to situations where life or structural property is in imminent danger as a result of rapid recent erosion, sudden failure of a man-made structure, or flooding. The emergency activities covered under this certification shall include, but not be limited to, the construction of temporary dikes, the placement of dredged material to refurbish beaches and the removal of impediments to stream. flow in flood situations . 2. The certification is not valid unless the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers District involved coordinates its actions with the State and obtains erncurrence from the Divisian of Environmental Management prior to commencement of the act~..vity, The DirPctr~r of the North Carolina Division of Environmental Managemenfi may require submission of a formal appl.icstion for certifica~;ior~ for any project of this type, if it is deemed necessary to assure the prote~::t.~.on cif, water quality standards. Public Hearings may be held for specific app~.ications or groups of applications prior to Certification ~.f deemed in the pub~.ic's best inte~~est by the Director , 3. The certification is not valid for channel maintenance dredging conducted for navigational reasons by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Non-compliance with or violation of the terms and conditions herein set forth shall result in revocation of t'nis Certification. ~~ This the ,~ da of y ,~ . ~ ~ DIVISION OF ENVI NME~ITAL MANAGEMENT ;~x A wQC ~~1333 A. F. McRorie, Director