HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0004097_Regional Office Historical File Pre 2018I C m �V Permit Rescission dorm Information to beIced t b ntr Iic: Facility Name: Arey Oil n pn y-One stop 4 4 Permit Number: WQ0004097 Regional Office: Mooresville County: Cleveland Date Rescission Requested. 10/12/2004 Permit Expiration: 111 h 2000 Received OriginalRequest: entr l Office e innal Office Furor of ReceivedRequest: [:::KD Letter = Signed Annual Fee Invoice = Other Information to befilled ®uf i�►n Please Check ropri t ly ' El Site Visit Performed dGroundwater Concerns Addressed Recommendatinn fn Rescission f the Above Referenced Permit* Approve 11 Deny Note: If,approved this permit will become inactive in the BIMS database and will not be billed through the division billing syse C"b plete if Approved: Rescind Immediately Reason for Approval /1, : C" r q� , f .11 Reason for Denial --- Signature of Certifier: Date Certifiedc. l etum Completed and Signed Fomi to the Aquifer Protectior Program Section C b". ; AND o-F �� 4��RCES RECOVED DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY NO'v 0 5 AQUIFER _PROTECTION SECTION ER SECT'ON MEMORANDUM To: Andrew Pitner, Regional Aquifer Protection Supervisor Mooresville Regional Office Through: Debra Watts, Supervisor Groundwater Protection Unit From- Ervin Lane Groundwater Protection Unit Ike: _ Rescission Request Arey Coil Company Q000 Clg7 Groundwater lernediatior Cleveland County The APS Central Office received a; letter from .Arch. Coil Company requesting a permit rescission ofpermit ' Q0004097. The facility name is Arey Coil Company -One Stop l have attached a copy of the letter with the permit rescission form for information to determine if a rescission can he issued.. If you have any questions on this matter, feel free to contact me at q l q 715-6168. cc Ps GPU File Delta Environmental Consultants, Inc. SolNing earvira nment-relaat d business problemsworhWAe _ . delt env.ccrrxa 8008 Corporate Center Drive * Suite 1118 Charlotte, North Carolina 28226 US 0.54.t.9890 800,477.7411 Fax 0 4343. 4tt3 October 12, 2004 NCD — Division of Water Quality CD Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center C w Raleigh, North Carolina 276 -1 3 P wa Attn: Debra Watts Mr ..t Subject: Groundwater Remer iation Permit Cancellation �* rey Oil Co. — One Stop #4 Z3 Cleveland County, NC permit (909 Dear Ms. Watts; On behalf of Arey Oil Company, [tic., Delta Environmental Consultants, Inc. (Delta) herein requests cancellation of the above -referenced groundwater rernediation permit. The associated: groundwater pump and treat system has not operated for several years. and therefore, no longer discharges. Based on the current method of rea ediation, the t CDENR is no longer requiring operation of the groundwater pump and treat system. Should the NCDENR require active rernediation in the future, as more cost-effective, mean -pumping, treatment alternative would likely be implemented at the facility. If you have and; questions regarding this report, please contact the undersigned t (704) 543-3912. ncerely, DELTA ItZ NMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC Step ibbyGL, .f,. Project Manager cc: Ar . , Od Company, Inc. -Ms. Kay Nerc A member of. Xinogeif talAl t State of North r lin Department n it anmen and Natural Resources Division of Water r Quality: Hunt,James B. Kerr T, Stevens, Director February 28, 2000 ROBERT AREY Al pY OIL CO -ONE TOP 1906 EAST DIXON N BLVD. SH LI Y, NC 2 1.52 D E N R Subject; PERN11T NO. WQ0004097 AREY 011. CO -ONE E T P CLEVELA D COUNTY Dear Permittee Our files indicate that the subject permit issued on 1 ` /21 / 5 expires on l l/30/00. We have not received a request for renewal from you as of this date. A renewal request shall consist of a letter asking for pernrit renewal and four i i copies of a completed application. For permitted facilities with treatment works, a narrative description of the residuals management plan, which is in effect at the permitted facility, must also be submitted with the renewal application. Applications may be returned to the applicant if incomplete. The General Assembly passed legislation incorporating renewal fees into the annual fee. Please be advised that this permit must not be allowed to expire. You must submit the renewal request at least 180 days prior to the permit's expiration date, as required by the 15 NCAC 2H M11. Failure to request a renewal at least 180 days prig to the pe tit expiration; date and/or operation of a facility without a valid permit may result in the assessment of civil penalties. NCGS 143-215.6A allows for the assessment of Civil penalties up to p 10,000 00 per violation per day. The letter requesting renewal, along with the completed Non -Discharge Permit Application must be sent to N,C. DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY N DISCHARGE BRANCH 1617 MAIL , SERVICE CENTER 1 1 AL IGH, NC 27699-1 17 1617 flail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 7599-117 Telephone 91 -7 - 08 FAX 919-7-ti719 Are Equal Opportunity Alf rmative Action Employer 5 % recycled' 10% post -consumer paper If you have any questions entree iug this matter, please contact Ms. Kimberly Young at 919 733-5083 extension 574, Sincerely. Kim H. Colson, P.`., Supervisor Non -Discharge Permitting Unit yea; Mooresville Regional Office Central Hies 6w S vk $',Q Delta ' irlot, 6: sW Environmental 5 1 890 Consultants, Inc : F A X 70 4()'3 1 October 2, 199' Northaro i Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources 919 forth Main Street Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Attention. Mr. D. Rex Gleason P.E. "rater Quality Regional Supervisor Subject: Permit Violation Non -Discharge Permit No. WQ0004097 grey Oil Company One Stop Earl, North Carolina GW Incident #3130 Delta Project No. 1 -564 Dear Mr. Gleason: Delta Environmental Consultants, Inc, (Delta), on behalf of Arey Oil Company, is providing written notice of a violation of Non -Discharge Permit No. WQ0004097 at the above referenced site, A sample was collected from the ground water remedial system effluent on September 11, 1996 and the analytical results indicated that benzene was above the permit firnit. Benzene was reported at 2 micrograms per liter tu, tl the permit standard is one a/la e ground water remedial system previously consisted of two diffused aeration tanks with treated ground grater pumped from on -site recovery wells. Following treatment, the water was discharged to an infiltration ;gallery, however, in August 1996, one of the diffused aeration tanks was decommissioned because of a faulty pressure blower, Deltahad submitted Alternative Corrective Action'Pl t .P in May 1996 which proposed de -activating a remedial system monitoring -only p pp p ip d, a such, the d initiating a 1 ravel of e 1 �s anticipated shard decommissioned diffused aeration tank has not been repaired. Prior to collecting the October 1996 remedial system effluent sample, melt will clean the operating diffused which should increase thesystem, removal efficiency. However, if the analytical results show that benzene still exceeds the permit limit, and approvalof the ACAP has not yet been received, en Delta will repair the blower used to operate the second diffused aeration tank and install it at the site. Prr va&g a Ccryipe€i#iv Edge NCDEHNR Permit Violation Doha Pmiect No-M4 October 2, 19% Pago 2 If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at (704) 541-9890. Sincerely, DELTA ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. Alison L. Lord Project Engineer ALL/dpf cc: Mr. Robert .Arty, Arey Oil Company Mr. David Gipe, Delta Enviromnenud Consultants, Inc. F State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Mooresville Regional Office James B, Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B, Howes, Secretary DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGM,4ENT Decenber 27, 1995 Mr. Robert Arey, President Arey Oil Company 1906 East Dixion Blvd. Shelby, North Carolina 28150 Ia 0 Arey Oil Coxftpany One Stop No. 4, Earl, KC Cleveland County, NC 1�19 North Maur Street, Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Tehephone 704-663 1699 FAX 704-663-6040 An Equal OpportUruty Af firrmofive Adion Ernployer 501%recyc�ed,,' 110%post-consumer paper As mentioned r i l the purpose of this letter is t die you of the importance of yourt Please read the ermit and contact this Office at 704/663-1699 its Mooresville if you have and questions or need clarification. we look ewe to providing any 'assistance. Sincerely, 9 D. Rex Gleason, P. E. Water lit Regional Supervisor State of North Carolina Department fa i r n Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management Jarnias B. Hunt, Jr., Governor ionathan B. Howes, ecretary 'lr, Roben, Art v , President cy tail Company 1906 mast Dixteat Blvd, d. Shelby, North °arolina 2815 Decemberbet 2, 1995 Subject, Permit No. WQ0004097 Arey Oil Company One Stop No.4, Earl, N.C. Groundwater l eme:diatirrn Facilities Cleveland County Resat` N1, In Arcs In accordance vide your application received August 30, 1995, we are forwarding herewith P rr nt No. 00040 dated 1)cccntlacr 21, 1995, to the Arey OilCompany for the continued operation of the serbJec.t c.�rrourrdwater rernedi tion facility, Please note the Division's Groundwater Section his required reduction it) the Gallon per Day flow (GP ) frorn 5,800 GPD to 2,500 GP . According to the, Mooresville oorevsville: Regional Office Groundwater Section, the existing infiltration gallery appears to be unable to effcetiv lv ehslae~rsc the volume of water generated by the recovery wells pumping at the rna inttara rates. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until November 0, 2000. shall void Perrrrtit o. i%'t t3f..tf}409 issued lay' 20, 199 l and shall be strl� c t to the conditions and limitations as specified therein, Please pay particular attention to they trionitoring requirements n this permit. Failure to establish an ade%qu rtc syste in for colle tin and maintaining the required operational information will result in future compliance Problems. If any pasts. requirements, or limitations contained in this, permit are, unacceptable, you have the right to request an adju hectory hearing upon written request within thirty 30) days following receipt of this permit, This request must be in the form of a wfirten petition, conforming to Chapter 15013 of the North Carolina GeneralStatute,,,, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Drawer e ")7447, T alciuh. NC 27611-7447, Unless such dernands are, made this permit shall be final and binding. If YOU have any questions concerning the Groundwater Conditions or groundwater nar nitolin requirernents, please contact Ms_. Cindy Boyles in the Groundwater Section at f I 71 - lfi . If you need any additional information concerning this matter, please contact Nor. John Seymour at 1 v ti i extension 546. inc rely, x ,A, Preston "oward, Jr,, p,E: cC" Cleveland County Fic.alth Department' Mooresville Rec io al t f`fice, Water Quality Section lslooresville} Regional Office, , Groundwater Section Boo t:'lace k. GrOUndwater Section. Central Office Trainiw. and Certification Unit (no ratin', 6;lrwrng Facilities As,;e�"went Unit Telephone 91 -73 3-508 FAX 91 - t3- 1 t 50"o rec ,, ed 1no'0 post-consurner paper NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRON',\IENTAL 1\1ANAGEINIENT CONIMISSION DEPARTIMENT OF ENVIRONNIENT, HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOUR(."ES G ROU'NDW ATER, REMEDIATION ESL NEE` In accordance with the provision,,, of Article 21 of Chapter 143. General Statutes of.North Carolina as amended, and other applicable. Lawe �, Rules, and Regulationsr,i',- E PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Arey Oil Company r"I I AO �-' all a-nl" Ly DIVISION tr , 'ri" 'J ",I FOR 'rHE DEC 27 6991-111 continued operatic)n of as 2,500 GPD ground\vater reniediation facility with all infiltration gallery and soil Ventina Consisting of two recovery wells each with a 7 -prn pump, a 1,000 gallon oil/water separator, a 550 gallon product holding tank, as contact chlorinator, two channeled diffused aeration tanks in series with a 600 ct'ni blower, as totalizing flovv meter, a 110 gallon transfer tank with transfer purnp, a 6 foot by 50 foot infiltration gallery with two piezorneters, a 50 cfTn regenerative vacuum punip -with inlet coalescing zr regenerative particle filter.and associated punips, piping, valves, controls, and appurtenances to serve the one Stop No, 4 of the Areg Oil Company in Earl, Non,li Carolina with no discharge (,lfwastes to the surface waters, pursuant W the application received Augim 30, 1995. and in conformity with the project plan, specifications, and other supporting data subseqUe.utlV filed and approved by the Department of Envi['011T)leat. 1-1calth and Natural Resources and considered a part, ofthis pet-init, This permit shall be effective from the (late of issuance Until November 30,2000, shall void Permit No, WQ0004097 issued May 2M 199t, and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: I This permit shall become voidable if the soils Fail toadequately assirrulate the wastes and may be rescinded unless the facilities are installed, maintained, and operated in as manner which will protect the assigned water quality standards of the surface waters and ground waters. 1) In the event that the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the, Permittee shall take in-unediate corrective action, including those actions that may lie require d by this Division, such as the construction of additional or rcphtcerncnt treatment or disposal facilities. 3. The iSSUance of this, permit shall not relieve the pernsittee of the responsibility for damages to SUrface or groundwaters r sult I mg fron) the operation of this facility, 4. Any residuals gencrated from these treatinent faaeihties 111USt be disposed in accordance with GcM"l-al Statute 143-215,1 all(:] in as imanner approved by the North Carolina Division of EIIN ironnIC111,11 \LimweIncnt' IFiv rsi n or bypassing of the: untreated groundwater from the treatment t facilities is prohibited. >E T1V N AINTEINA r "fie ± l „rhe facilities shall be property maintained and operated at all tithes. Upon classification of the facility by the Certification Commission, the ralitt shall employ a certified wastewater treatment plant operator to be in responsible cher (C 1 )cif the wastewater treatmentfaaciltties. The operator must hold a certificate of the type and grade at least equivalent to or greater than the classification ;assigned to the wastewater treatment facilities , by the Certification Commission. The Perrnittee must also employ a certified back-up operator of the appropriate type and .grade to complywith the conditions of Title 1 A, Chapter 8 , .020 ., The ORS° of the facility must visit each Class 1 facility at least weekly and each Class 11,111, and IV facility at least daily, excluding weekends and holidays, and must `properly taaanage and document daily operation and maintenance of the facility and must comply with all rather conditions of Title` 1 A, Chapter 8 , M01 The facilities shall be effectively maintained and operated as to non -discharge system to prevent the discharge of any wastewater resulting from the operation of this facility, 1. .Any, monitoring deemed necessary, by the Division of Environmetwil Management to insure surface and ground water protection will be established and an acceptable sampling reporting schedule ,shall be followed. Noncompliance Notification: The Perrnittee shall report by telephone to the Mooresville Regional Office, telephone< number 04/ 663-1699 as saran as passible, but in no case more than 24 hours or on the neat .Nvorking day following the occurrence or first; knowledge of the occurrence of any of the following: ia, Any occurrence at the wastewater treatment facility which results in the treatment of significant t amounts wastes which e abnormal in quantity, r characteristic, such as the dumping of the contents of as basin or tank., the known passage of as slug of hazardous substance through the facility, or any either unusual circurnstances b� Any process unit failure, due to known or unknown reasons, that renders the facility incapable of adequate wastewater treatment, such as mechanical or electrical failures of pump,,, aerators, compressors, etc; c. Any failure of a pumping station,, sewer line, or treatment facility resulting in a'by-pass directly to receiving waters without treatment of all or any portion of the influent t such station or facility-, or d . Any time that self -monitoring rin information indicates that the facility° is not in compliance with its permit limitations, Persons reporting such occurrences by telephone shell also file as written report in letter -,carrel within 15 days following first knowledge of the occurrence. This report must outline the actionstaken or proposed to be taken to erasure that the problem does not recur. [W M GROT'T' NDWATER QLTt _FE —Rt— F!LJJ The influent and effluent frorn the treatment systern shall be sampled month parameters specified helow. IIIE MTBE Volatile Organic Compounds- -(byMethod listed below) EPA Method 6230D (Capillary - Column), "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water Wastewater", 17 edition, 1989, The results of the sampling and analysis shall be sent to the Groundwater Section, Permits and Compliance Unit', P.O. Box 29578 Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0578 within 30 days of sample collection, 2 Any additional groundwater quality monitoring, as deemed necessary by the Division, shall zl� be provided, 3, All components of the groundwater recovery, treatment, and disposal system shall be properly weather -proofed to prevent freezing and failure of the system. 4, The 2roundwater recovery, treatment and disposal systern shall be inspected weekly. If it is date. fined that the system is malfunctioning,, all repairs should be made as soon as possible and reported to the Mooresville Regional Office within 48 hours, 5, The effluent from the emediation system must comply with the groundwater quality standards contained in 15A NC AC 2L.0200 prior to discharge into the infiltration gallery. INSPECTIf)N'S I . Adequate inspection, maintenance and cleaning shall be provided by the Permittee to insure proper Opetati011 of the subject facilities. 2 The Permittee or his designee shall inspect the groundwater recovery and treatment facilities to prevent malfunctions and deterioration, operator errors and discharges which may cause or lead to the release of wastes to the environment, a threat to human health, or a nuisance. The Permittee shall maintain an inspection log or summary including at least the n C�l date and time of inspection, observations made, and any maintenance, repairs, or corrective actions tak.en by the Pertnittee, Tfus log of inspections shall be maintained by the Permittee for as period of three years from the date of the inspection and shall be made available to the Division of Environmental Management or other perrnitting authority, upon request. 3 Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division of Environmental Management may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises or place on or related to the disposal site or facility, at any reasonable tirne for the purposc of detertinning compliance with this permit, may inspect or copy any records that must be maintained under the terms arid conditions of this pertrat, and thay obtain samples of gromirbvater, surface Nvater, or leachate. V 1. GENERAL CONDITIONS L Issuance of this permit does not, constitute approval for reimbursement from the Leaking Petrolewn Ulider-round Storace Tank Cleanup Funds (I 5A NCB. 2P), C, — This pef -rnit shall become voi dable unless the facilities are constructed in accordance with the conditions of this permit, the approved plans and specifications. and other supporting dat,,t FF- This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of wastes described in the application and other supporting data. ., This permit is not transferable. In the event viers is a desire for the facilities to change ownership, or there is a fume change of the permittee, a formal permit request gust be submitted to the Division of Environmental Management accompanied by an application fee, documentation from the patties involved, and other supprtin materials as may be appropriate. The approval of this request will be considered on its merits and may or may not he approved.. . A set of approved plans and specifications for the subject project must be retained by the Pernaittee for the life of this project: 6Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit may subject the l ermittee to an enforcement action by the Division of Environmental Management in accordance with North Carolina General Statute l -21 .ratan to 14 - :l ,6rc . The annual administering and compliance fee must be paid by the Perntittee within thirty { W days after being billed by the Division, Failure to pay the 'fee accordingly may cause the. Division to initiate action to revoke this permit as specified by 1 A NCAC 2H '0205 to°t: The issuance of this permit does not preclude the. P rmitt .e from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances which may he imposed by other government agencies (local, state, and federal) which have urisdiction- 9 . The Pernaittee, at least six ro) months pricer to the expiration of this pen -nit, shall request its.: extension. Upon receipt of the rearrest, the Conirnission will review the adequacy of the facilities described therein. and if warranted will extend the permit for such period of time and under such conditions and limitations as it may deem appropriate. Permit issued this the 2 1st day of December, 1995 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT T f lvfl ISSION a A. Preston Howard Jr., RE„ Director ; Division of Environmental Management y authority of the. Environmental Management Commission Permit Number 'VN'QO004097 4 y r "S�rteF"ttdn'.[ag�_ I m K At fN Cl ,,JA&rson Spring v 4 f t wv t ti y e 'b F - ------ ------- SOC PRIORITY PROJECT: Yes_No_2L If Yes, SOC No_ Tw Permits and Engineering Unit Water Quality Section Attention: John Seymour Date: October 12, 1995 NON -DISCHARGE STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION COUNTY: Cleveland Permit No, WQ0004097 PART I - GENERAL INFORMATION I Facility and Address: Arey Oil Company 1906 East Dixon Blvd. Shelby, NC 28152 2, Date of Investigation: October 11, 1995 3. Report Prepared By. Todd St. John 4. Persons Contacted and Telephone Number: David Gip e (704) 541-9890 5. Directions to Site: This gas station is located just north of the point where Highways 198 and 180 merge near Earl in Cleveland County. 6. Size (land available for expansion and upgrading): N/A 7W Topography (relationship to 100 year flood plain included)- Does not appear to be in a flood plain. Attach a U.S.G.S.reap extract and indicate, facility site. U.S.G.S. Quad No.: GI 2NE U.S.G.S. Name: Blacksburg North Latitude'. 351 13'25" Longitude: 81' 31'45" 8. Any buffer conflicts with location of nearest dwelling and water supply well: Yes,_No_ If Yes, explain: The nearest dwelling is approximately 300 feet, The nearest watersupply well is 100 feet. Watershed Stream Basin Information: a, Watershed Classification: b� River Basin and Subbasin No.: 03 - tl c, Distance to surface'water from disposal system: Greater than 500 feet. PART 11 - DESCRIPTION OF WASTES AND TREATMENT WORKS 1. a. Volume: 0.0058 05 M (Design Capacity b, Types and quantities of industrial wastewater: TOreated petroleum contaminated groundwater. Treatment Facilities a. at is the current perinitted capacity of the facility"`0.0058 M 1 b. What is the actual treatment capacity of the current facility (design vol O,0058MGD C. please provide a description of existing or substantially constructed wastewater treatment facilities: A groundwater remediation system consisting of an oil/water separator, aeration tanks, and an infiltration gallery. The only change has been to atld an automatic reset on the system it place of manual reset: 4. Treatment, plant classification cation (attach completed rating sheet): Groundwater remediation systems with the above equipment are always Class, 1. 5. SIC odes; 5541 Wastewater Code(s) of actual wastewater, not particular facilities, i.e., nor -contact cooling water discharge from a metal plating company would be 14, not 5. Primary: 66 Secondary. 'lain Treatment Unit Code: N/ PART III - OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION I. is this facility being constructed with Construction Grant Funds (municipals only)? Non -Discharge Permit staff Report VOrsian 10192 Page .`Special monitoring requests: N,/ . Important SOS", IOC or Compliance Schedule dates: / . 4. Other Special Items PART IV - EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS The facility appeared to be in good operating condition Renewal is recommended. Note: Coordinates given in renewal application are inaccurate., Cignature o0leport, Preparer a R, Water al , e_Ional Supervisor Date Non -Discharge Pexmit staff Rpport Version 10192 Page 1 ( a i ,, xt A -was t r� f,' "": r x .�.,i�.^,-, sit so W " * r 'y a M w .�°,._�. �. �`'* ,�� r * .# ��,, r � ,�• µ ,,,m :' a tk `':� ` �' r <. � ail! It tL.". a ����s 1 1�. w� � fir .$° ,+'.... :`.<.-� •. x" � ' �.:�� [�.--:, <..,.� k J" x. '"3. `F a �7 ', �a�, ,� d }j ✓`a",* A ,r[ :" f' � � t � " y. / � � �''' 1 p — --. � �,� �d �..... pug., �" .>.... .✓"' �`""' ;w ., {.' 4A°, fi'd"iw"�tl_ ✓+,^"< ti. '"" p l (" .�» "'"`...,,��" +.,. t ....J' r" 1,r "",e, v.:.:,�- �^`. + „# �r •� 9 � u�" '" �M JJ � tl ,<:, ..,..,. W-. a'^,.. <' .'..=-tea ✓'"µ ...;%.;'gyp 0 1{ „'.±, *,,i""( ^u id t +� �... �" � �.} � •'"s'j� � ,-..r t� � ! �..,;-.....w. „%,' ,r . ,.- ,<„ . ... ,W-- � :,::s� ,.. �✓ �� t ``�e� � �.y+, �, **'"�°w« ��- "''.. ape^"" —4 t r• � � 'd LIN �„-�"`a '�„. ._4e '`,.� a.;y... R.. f ,ro� �Ck yr,( ,un. � �t:.,,� �,. , : ""'`,.� "'� Y: '�« �,..'� � �'"` ""."�...�`S •_ ^�".'#' 'r 'tu.� ` f " ^ Y � -' ` • ti Y Y ;g ` f o IQ Ty Ark ri dt g 1 y �4 E, 4 t rw g8, x ✓ r,'- � � � fit" °. `y�, ,� y �: �.3 1 � ,� ,�: a"� ``� 3 4, .,*` ,�' ' '�. '..�.. '": � .,r.:''� : qt J 4 : cxa d 'OM m -1 North Carolina rtment of Environment Dfvls�16n of Environmental Managerribnt James B. Hunt, Jr.„ Governor rr Jonathan . Howes, Secretary A. Freston Howard, Jr,, P.E., Director for �t 0 ANINEWMMONNUM Q7 C. [ u E"7(7)71 A, s M September 1, 1995 AREY OIL COMPANY Subject: Application No. 4'.. 0004 97 One Stop # GW Rentecliation Facility Clevel,aand County Dear MR ARE The Division's Permits Land Tin-ineerincx unit acknowledges receipt of your permit application and suppor-tinu Materials on August 30, 1995. This application has been assigned the number listed above, PLEASE : FFF TO "MITE ABOVE AT UALIT NUMBER R WHEN MAKIN INQUIRES lei mis PROJECT. Your project has been assigned to John Seyinour for a detailed en .ineering review, Should there be any questions concerning your project, the reviewer will contact you with an additional information letter, Be aware that the Division's ion's regional office, copied below, must provide recommendations from the Regional Supervisor or a Procedure f4our Evaluation for this project, prior to final al action by the Division. If you have any questions, please contact . olin Seymour at l cry 733-5083 extension 546. if the engineer is unavailable, YOU May leave as message can their voice rraaail and they will respond promptly. Please reference the above application number r when leaving ga in ssaage r ie Sincerely, Car-olyn M` Caaskill Supervisor, State Engineering Review GYOUP cc: Mooresville Regional Office Pollution Prevention Pays RO. Box 29535, a' s l i k5,North C'=trola na 27626-0535 Telephone ` 1 -733-T i t n Equal Opportunity Afr'drmativu Action Employer r- , 11;1 — f*; I t ; infection 11 1 A� 1, V� f 4 '1 4"1z �V­� a 1� a 1 steins W �.1toss either U0 M11,galleries Ail LLJJA��_ VL1 �� a V a� �6� �a­siuuk� - into the subsurface, Each section of this application must be completed unless otherwise noted, Contact Lhe Groundwater Section at (919) 733-3221 to obtain Groundwater Remediation System Permit Application Guidelines. 1. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1, Applicant's name (please specify the name of the municipality, corporation, individual, etc.): Mr. Robert Arey 2, Print Owners or Signing*'Official's name and title (the person who is legally responsible for the facilitfacility}and its compliance). Mr. RobertSigning - President 3. Nlailim- address: ___Arey Oijj.qo.,_1906 East Dixon Blvd., City: Shelbv State: NC — Zip: 28150 Telephone Number: (--1-04 ) _____482- 1445 4, Rcnicdiation Site Owner- —Federal; _State; X Private; —Public; —Native American Lands; Omer (Specify) 5. List the principal products or services provided byfacilityGasoline Station/ racer y Store 6. Project Name (please specify the narnee of die facility or establishment - should be consistent OD all documents included in this application package: one Stop #4 7. Groundwater Incident Number (if known): 8 . Location of Remediation Activities (Street Address): Highway 180 City- Earl State: NC Zip: 28038 9. Latitude: N 35007' -,Longitude W 81"30' of Remediation Activities 10 Contact person wbo carr answer questions about -application; Name: Mr. Ravi Telephone number: 04 54 1-9890 11 Application Date: 12, Fee Submiucd: S 200 The permit processing fee should be as specified in 15A NCAC 214,0205(c)(5)] 13. County where project is located: Cleveland 14, Is this application for facilities subject to UST Trust Fund reimbursement? Yes-, _ No 15. Has a comprehensive site assessment and corrective action plan been submitted and approved for this project? Yes; — No Please provide two (2) copies of each and two (2) copies of the approval letter (if applicable). FORM: GNVRS 06/94 I. Application No. (will be completed by DEM): 2, Specify whether project is: - new; X renewal*; - modification For renewals, complete only sections 1, 11, and applicant signature (on page 9). Submit only pages 1, 2� and three copies of each). Engineer's signature not required for renewal without other modification7s. 3 If this application is being submiLted as a result of a renewal Or modification to an existing pennit, list the existing number- W00004097 and its issue date 5-20-91 111. INFOR.NMATION' ON CONTAMINATED GROUNDWATER: I. Provide a brief description of the events or cause of the groundwater contamination, 2. List comaminariLs detected; 3. VOIWM Of CTOundwater to Iv, rernediated per day: gallons (per day) 4, ExplanaLion of how volurne was detemiincd IV. GENERAL DESIGN INFORMATION: I. Specify the type of system that is being installed: - infiltration gallery, -injection well; __ other (specify)-- 2. Provide a 'DII-icf dcscr�iption of all omponents of ffie treatmerit and disposal system (i,e,, treatmem Units, JIUMPS, Lanks, chemical feed system, injection andJor recovery wells, etc.): FORM: GWRS 06/94 Page 2 of 9 be rcompleted by the appropriate DENI regional office and included as a part of the project mation. CTIONS TO NC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER - The classification of the downslope surface waters (the surface waters that any overflow from the facility would flow toward) in which the remediation system will be constructed must be determined by the appropriate DEM regional office, Therefore, you are required, prior to submittal of the application package, to submit this form, with items I through 7 completed. to the appropriate Division of Environrnenral Management Regional Water Quality Super visor (see page 9 of 9). 1 At a minimurn, you must include an 8,5" by 11" copy of the portion of a T5 minute USGS Topographic Map which shows the location of the rernechation system and the downslope surface waters in which they will be located. Identify the closest downslopc Surface waters on the attached map copy, Once the regional office has completed the classification, reincorporate this completed page and the topographic map into the complete application form and submit the application package, 1, asp Plicant tsp. cify name of the municipality, corporation, individual. etc.). 2, Na-Tne &- complete add-ress of engineering frrm� Tclephone number 1 , Project ruune: 4, \a-ne of closest do-wnsllo pe surface waters: 5. Coumy(ies) where the rcmediation systern and surface waters are located: 6. 1N13p name and date: 7. NC Professiomtl Enezincer's Seal. Signature. and Date: TO. REGIONAL NVATER QUALITY SUPERVISOR Please provide nee with the classificabon of the watersbed,.A,,,here these sewers will be constructed, as identified on the attached nlap segmenu Name of surface waters: Classification (as established by the Environmental Marialgement Commission): Proposed classification, if applicable: Signature Of TeciOnal office personnel: Date: (All attacimients must be signed) FORM: CNN'RS 06/94 Page 7 of 9 Name, and Complete Address of Engineering Firtn: — 6701 Carmel. Road, Suite 200 "qqIta Environmental Consultants, Inc. cl*,N 1 Charlotte -- State-, — NC Zip: 28226 704 541-9890 Proftssional Engineer's Certification: 1, —, attest that Lhis application for revic,,ed h,n oc arid is accurate and comp etc to the best of my knowledge. I further IMCSt that to the hesi (if inn knowledge Llic Popo�,cd dcign bas bean prepared in accordance with the applicable regulations. Aldiough certain portions of this subMiLLal p,tcQ;"­, !T-I.jy bm-,km, develc�,pcd by oLher professionals, inclusion of these materials under mN signature and scal signifies that I have rc\ i.vcd in2itctial and liavejudQed it to be consistent with the proposed desi4�on. NoUCa'r)lln'Prolc,sional Engineer's Seal, Signature, and Datc. C� Applicant's Certification: 1,--Robert attest t1tat this application for_ afire y Pil. Compa2y has bkcen revic�ked b� me and is accurate and COMPIM to the best of my knowledge, I undersuind that if afl T�quircd parts of this; applIcation are not completed and Lhai if all required supporting inforTnation and attachrrienu; are not includcd, this application package v ill 1% rearmed to zrat dtarrplet 'UTO S�2na, Date THE COMPLE111--D APPLICATION PACKAGE, INCLUDING ALL SUPPORTING INFOWNLTION AND MATERIALS, SHOULD BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS; NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF ENVIRON.MENTAL MANAGEMENT WATER QUALITY SECTION PER'MITS AND ENGINEERING UNIT POST OFFICE BOX 29535 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27626-0535 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 733-5083 FORMWRS 06194 Page 8 of 9 NORTHFV OLIN ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEFARTMENTOF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES RALEIGH INFILTRATION GALLERY PERMIT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Mules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO op Arey Oil Company x, Cleveland County. 1 FOR �, +R construction and operation of a 5,800 GPD groundwater renediatiarsystem with `';a ,._. c4 gallery and soil venting consisting of two recovery wells each with a 7 gpm pump, a 1, gallon aril/water separator, a 550 galleon product holding tank, a contact chlorinator, two channeled diffused aeration tanks in series with a 600 efin blower, a totalizing flow meter, a 110 gallon transfer tank with transfer pump, a 6 foot by 50 fagot infiltration gallery with two piezometers, a 50 cfm regenerative vacuum pump with inlet coalescing and particle filter, and associated pumps, piping, valves and appurtenances to serve One top o. 4 of A.rey Oil Company in Earl, North araalina with no discharge to the surface waters, pursuant to the application received September 1990 and in conformity with the project plan., specifications, and ether supporting data subsequently filed :and approved by the Department ment f Environment, Health and Natural Resources d considered a pan of this pennit, This permit shall be effective from the elate of issuance until April 30, 1996, and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: M 41 r +" #3 BODY SHOP /* HIGH WELL GAS UNE CQORIGINAL LocxnoN w U P"Y LEAK 1180 OLD TANK PROPOSED INFILTRATION GALLERY LEG_END. LOCATION OIL pRopWTY BOLINDARY EARL, NC �t i Y 88 CA . DATE ioipu -By Deft j WIP, 'T State of North rth arolin Department rtment nvir°crtrment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 12 North Salisbury Street - Raleigh, North Carolina' 7 2 -0 James 0. Martin, Governor George T. Everett, PhD, William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary Director May 20,1991 Mr. Robert Arey rey Oil Company 1906 E. Dixon Boulevard Shelby, North Carolina Z ,1 - "r � gar Subject: Permit No. WQ0004097 .. J , v , Arey Oil Company One Strap No. 4, Earl, N.C. 'r' t Groundwater I errtediatit n System rt ., Cleveland County k Dear Mr. A ya - r In accordance with your application received September 7, 1990, we are forwarding herewith Permit No. TQ,0L , dated May 20, 199 1, to grey Oil Company for the construction and operation of the subject groundwater remediation and infiltration gallery dispersal system. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until April 30, 1996, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. Please pay particular r attention to the Monitoring requirements in this permit. Failure to establish an adequate systern for collecting and maintaining the required operational information will result in future compliance problems. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this rertriit are unacceptable to you, you have the right to request an adjudicate y hearing upon written request within 30 days following receipt of this perriat. This request must be in the form of a written ten petition; conforming to Chapter 150B of North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the; Office of Administrative; Hearings, P.O., Box 11666, Raleigh, NC 27604. Unless such de ands ar°e made this perrait shall be final and binding: One set of approved plans and, specifications is being forwarded to you. If you need additional inf rrrrati n conce ing this matter, please contact Mr. John Seymour at r 19,E -508 '� ircerely ,r Y eorge T. Eve' eit cc: Cleveland County Health l epa true ..;. Mooresville Regional Office ce rrattndwat .r'Section Trainingand Certification Delta Environmental Consultants, Inc, Facilities Assessment Pollution Prevent ion Pays P,O. flax 29535, Raleigh, J` otth Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 1-733-?01 ` n Egtial Opportunity Affitanativa Action Employer NORTH (MIOLINA, ENVIRONMENT L MA IA I III` T CCIMI°a I IO DEPA 'rMENT CIF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND NATURAL TURAL E C I C E RA.LEIGH INFILTRATION GALLERY PERMIT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina olina as amended, and other applicable Laws, pules, and regulations , r: PERMISSION IS HEREBYGRANTED 'T` Arey TailCompany patsy ;., Cleveland County pC `hIL a . n construction and operation of a 5,800 GP groundwater rernediation system withan artf � rVf gallery and soil venting consisting of two () recovery wells each with a 7 gprn pump, a 1, gallon oil/water separator, a 550 gallon product holding tatty; a contact chlorinator, two channeled diffused aeration tanks in series with a 600 cfn-r blower, a totalizing flow meter, a 110 gallon transfer tank with transfer pump, a 6 foot by 50 foot infiltration gallery with two ,pie orneters a 50 ct'in-regenerati e vacuum pump with inlet coalescing and particle filter, and associated pumps, piping, valves and appurtenances to serve One Stop No. 4 of airy Oil Company in Earl, North Carolina with no discharge to the surface waters pursuant to the application received September 7 1990 and in conforrnity with the project plan, specifications, and other supporting data subsequently filed and approved by the Department of Environment, Health and Natural resources and considered a part of this permit, This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until April 30, 1996, and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: 1. L I . Upon completion of construction and prior to operation of this p -litted facility, a certification roust be received from a professional engineer certifying that the permitted facility has been installed in accordance with this permit and the approved plans and specifications. Mail the Certification, to the Permits and Engineering Unit.,, P.O. Box 29535, sleigh, NC 7626-0 35. 2 The Mooresville regional Office, phone no. 704/ 63-169shall be notified at least forty-eight (tl) hours in advance of operation of the installed facilities so that an in -place inspection can be made.Such notification to the regional supervisor shall be made during the normal office hours from :dt a.m. until 5.00 p.m. on Monday through Friday, excluding Mate Holidays. 3,. This permit shall become voidable if the soils fail to adequately absorb the wastes and may be rescinded unless the facilities are installed, maintained, and operated in a manner which will protect the assigned water duality standards of the surface waters' and ground waters. 1 4 In the event that the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Pernaittee shall tale immediate corrective action, including those as may he required by this Division, such as the construction of additional r replacement treatment or disposal facilities 5 The issuance of this pen -nit shall not relieve the Permittee of the responsibility for damages to surface or , r undwaaters resulting from the operation of this facility. fi, Any sludge generated from these treatment facilities must be disposed of in accordance with General Statute - 15.1 and in at manner approved by the hart Carolina Division of Environmental Management, 7. Diversion or bypassing of the untreated groundwater from the treatment facilities is oha i prt, _ed. IL -a I The facilities shall be properly maintained and operated at all times Upon classification of the facility by the Certification Commission, the Pertiiittee shall employ at certified wastewater treatment plant operator to be in responsible charge of the wastewater treatment ent facilities. The operator trust held, a certificate of the type and grade, at least equivalent to the classification assigned to the wastewater treatment facilities by the Certification Commission. Once facility is classified}_ the Permittee must submit a letter to the Certification Commission which designates the operator in responsible charge within thirty days after the wastewater treatment facilities are 50 complete. .. The facilities shall be effectively mairrtained aand operated as anon -discharge system to prevent the discharge of any wastewater resulting from the operation of this facility. I Any monitoring deemed necessary by the Division of Environmental Management to insure surface and ground water protection will he established and an acceptable sampling reporting schedule shall be followed. Noncompliance Notification: '17he p"ernuttee shall report by telephoner to the Mooresville Regional Office, telephone no. " 4/ 663-1699, as soon as possible., but in no case more than 24 hours or on the nest working day following the occurrence or first knowledge of the occurrence of any of the following: a. Any occurrence at the wastewater treatmentfacility which results in the treatment of significant amounts of wastes which are aabnortr-aal in gUant ty or characteristic, such as the dumping of the contents of as basin or tank; the known passage of a slang of hazardous substance through the facility{; or any other unusual circumstances, ba Any process unit failure, due to known or unknown reasons, that render the facility incapable of adequate wastewater treatment such as mechanical or electrical failures of pumps, aerators, compressors, etc. rr C. Any failure of a pumping station, sewer line, or treatment facility resulting in a by-pass directly to receiving r t rwithout treatment of all or any portion of the influent to such station or facility. d. any time that self -monitoring information indicates that the facility is not is compliance with its permit limitations. Persons reporting such occurrences by telephone shall also file a written report in letter frarn within. 15 days following first knowledge of the occurrence. This report , must outline the actions taken or proposed to be taken to erasure that the problem does not recur. l 1 l,. A second aeration system, identical to and in series with the first, shall be added to the renaediatie n system to further treat the effluent prior to discharge into the infiltration gallery, 2 The effluent from the remedirati n system must comply with the groundwater quality standards contained it) 15A NCAC 21..0200 prior to discharge into the infiltration' gallery, ,. All components of the groundwater recovery, treatment and disposal system shall be properly weather -proofed to prevent freezing and failure of the system. 4, The influent and effluent from the treatment system stall be sampled once every two weeps for the first three months and monthly thereafter for the parameters specified below. Volatile Organic Compounds - { by Method l or Method 2 belov,,) Method 1: Method ;1 Capillary -Column), "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater", 17th edition 198 Method , Method 502.2 " Methods for the Determination of Organic Compounds in Drinking Water" United States Environmental Protection Agency -600/4-88/039 If any volatile organic comppounds are detected by methold, 6230 ,or the equivalent method 502.2, then EPA methods 604 and 611 must also be run to detect other organic compounds which taaay be present, The results of all analyses specified in the rnonitoring requirements, including 604 and 611 if required, must be submitted simultaneously. The results of the sampling and analysis -shall be sent to the Groundwater Section in the Mooresville Regional nal Office and the Groundwater Section, Pemuts'Unit, P. O, Bost 29535 Raleigh, N.C. 626-05 5, within 30 days of sample collection, 5. Two t weeks prior to system start-up the Pernaittee shall notify° the Division of, _Env iron mental tManta ernent's Mooresville Regional Office that operation is about to commence The groundwater recovery treatment and disposal system shall be inspected weekly. If it is determined that the system is malfunctioning all re sirs should be .made as soon as possible and reported to the Mooresville Regional Office. . Any groundwater quality monitoring as deemed necessary by the division of Environmental Management shall be provided, ' INS CTIQJSS I. Adequate inspection, maintenance and cleaning shall be provided by the Perini tee to insure proper operation of the subject facilities. The Petmittee or his designee shall inspect the groundwater recovery and treatment facilities to prevent rnalfunctions and deterioration, operator errors and discharges which may case or lead to the release of wastes to the environment, a threat to human health, or a nuisance, The Pennittee shall beep an inspection log or summary including at least the date and time of: inspection, observations made, and any maintenance, repairs, or corrective actions taken by the Permittee, This log o inspections shall be maintained by the Penaaittee for a period of three years from the date of the inspection and shall be made available upon request to the Division of Environmental Management emea t or either perrnitri ng authority. d. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division of Environmental Mans, may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, prep- ices or place on or related to the disposal site and facility at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with this pe. lit may inspect or copy any records that Waist be kept tinder the terms and conditions of this permit; or may obtain samples of groundwater, surface water, or l achate, s GENERAL C0ND1TWN,,-' I , This pen -nit shall beto ne voidable awnless the facilities are constructed in accordance with the conditions of this permit, the approved plans, specifications and other supporting data, 2' This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of wastes described in the application and other supporting data, 3, This permit is not transferable, In the event there is a desire for the facilities to change ownership, or there is a name change of the Pe ' ittee, a formal permit request must be submitted to the Division of Environmental Management accompanied by an application fee, documentation from the parties involved, and other supporting materials its may be appropriate. The approval of this request will be considered on its merits and may or may not be approved. T; The Peroaittee shall obtain ar well construction pen -nit from the Mooresville Regional iona[ Office prior to construction of the recovery wells _ 5. prior to a transfer of this bind to a new owner, a notice shall be given to the new owner that gives full details of the materials applied or incorporated at this site. 6" set of approved plans and specifications for the subject project rnarst be retained by the. Permittee for the life of this project. . failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this pertrut may subject the. Perrnittee to an enforcement aac.tion, by the Division of Environmental Management in accordance with North Carolina General Statute l id- 15.6. The annual administering and compliance fed must be pail by the Perr iittee within thirty (3 days afterbeing billed by the Division, Failure to pay the fed accordingly may cause the Division ion to initiate action to revoke ke this permit as specified by 15 . ire issuance of this permit dries not preclude thePertilittee, from complying with and and all statutes, rules, regulation,,,, s, or ordinances which may be imposed by rather government agencies (local, state, and federalwhich have jurisdiction. 10The Perrrrittee, at least six (fa) months prior to the expiration of this permit, shall request its extension, Upon receipt of the request, the Commission will review the adequacy of the facilities described therein, and if warranted, will extend the permit for such period of time and under such conditions and limitations as it may deem appropriate... Permit issued this the 20th day of May, 1991 George' T. Ever , lrrec�to l i isica o ErisI urraental a s ement' y authority f the onmental Management Commission issiorr Permit No. WQ0004097 May 1991 n n r< ..� , as a drab registered Professional Engineer in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe p ri icall , weekly, full time) ) the construction of the project, � � for the Project Name Location Perrnittee hereby stag that; to the best of nay abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the approved plans and specifications, Signature � r Registration i.stration No, - at 5 I -` GERI j oF al. r`p F+: Qt+ rS �^g WN C �-� Jew 3 .a° 71 �'v tiR.'Y�i € E..., a�, � i r Ox 4 as a N it f J r .L3 A ` Oil I �[ r p�•`� �...,�' dam^" � � w.. S • " 3 hap / a t< [ 4 2 . _. s p RN r' { Y—, Ir` 'r t ION f l z t w. rv. y, pt I' t * j 4W"Il ustrra1 ao", ` d ' d r c � r R fr "Y#m� Fd W r u sw y y p9' h%t 5:w ndr`or l�dfxed»Machaa ,Pf84ers. A polishing process by which effluent limits are. achieved through � faaA nt'rz+ducticn eS suspardad sihids;(a)low rate __ gravity, hydraulically loaded fitter with loading ,daasa in'tho ana;so three gprnrsf tango;(b)hlgh WO .« a pros hydraulically footed filter with loading �vztes In the five gpladsl range; At any rate, the loading rate will excuad three flfgrnrsf; (41)Socdndary Clarifiers. A lank which follows the biological unit uH a Iteatmont plant and which lies the purpose of removing sludge associated with the biological treatment uniks; (42)Sopacate Sludge R aaoratton. A -part of Mo conlac4 stabilixai on process where the activated sludge is transferred to a tank and aerated before ro:turnIng it to the baslu; (43)Septic Tank. A sfngla-story sooting tank 1n which setiipd siuego Hs.'rn cor ctWith the wastewater f,ow erg through the tarok; shall not be alplicabia for septic tank systaryll0t A Von 'got less whiob discharge Is a mtrircarion field; (44)Sitrdrge Digestion. The process by which orgen1c or volatile matter and sWga Is gasified, liquefied, mineralized or convvorted-into rnore stable Organ°c matter through the art`sviiy of [living organisms, which includes aerated holding tangy (45)Sludge Dry''srig Beds. An area comprising natural or ar ificial layers Of porous materialsuponwhich digested sawago sinsige is dried by draina4go and owapbration, (45)Sfudge Elutriallon. A .process of sludge rconditioning I,n vr9itch eorlaTn censt;tdants are rornovod by suceessiuo washings wwilh lrosta wuatet ur plank a"fiueni: (47)SIudge seas uliliza€Con. The pvocuss of using sajwwaga gas for the purpose of heeling buildings, driving engtmos, olc.; (48)Sludge Holding tank (Aerated and twdrtaoraled), A lank utilized for small wastewater treatment pNa 4s 5dl containing a digester in whicd skeadgo may too Slept fresh, and supernatant withdrawn prior to a drying method (l,o. sludge drying lads.): 7tils naay t.o dens by adding a srnali amount of it sirnpty to keep this sludge fresh, but not necessarily an amount that would ba required 14 achieve stabilization of organic matter. A honaerafted tank would simply be used to decant sludge prior to dawaka4lig and would simply used is decant sludge prior to dewatersng and would not allow long panods (several clays: of detention) without resulting odor problems: (40)SIudge Incereraiors, A furnace dosigned to 'burn sludge and to remove an moisture and combustible materials and rodude the sludgo uo a sserilo ash; (5a)Studgo Stabillzallon (chemical or Thurmah A pro coss ice r aka treated sludge less odorous and putrescribfe, and to reduce Ilia palhosgame organisms cor)terrl; ThIs may be dome by pH ad)ustrnonH chfonno dosing, or by heat traaf morrl; (51)Sludcge Thlckonor. A typo at sadsrswWanW Rank in wh°soli the sludge Is porrniilod to settle and shs`cten through zgltation and gravity; w (52)Slatalllxalion Lagoon, A type at oxidation lagoon In which biological oxidation of organic matter is affected by natural lranstet of oxygen to the water from air (not a polishing. pond); 5S)Stand-ay Power Supply. On file or portable alao rical generating accu`sptment;(54) Static Screens. A stationary screen designed to remove solids including noon -biodegradable particulate (heatable solids, suspan ed solids and SOD teduction) from municipal and Industrial wastewater treatment syrslams; (55)Teniary Trea monl. A stage of troatment folloynng secondary which is primarily tar' the cur dsu of effluent palgshing; A soUrng lagoon or sand or coal filler, ,Wright be employed for thh; purpose. (55)Thermal Pollution Lion Control Device. A device prevwldIng for the transfer of heat horn a fluid flouring in tubes to another fluid outside the to as, or vice versa; or, other meads of regulating fiquid temperatures; (57)Thetmal Sludge Condlrioner. A. cond'W rasng process by which heal is added tot a protracted period of time ko improve the dewaieratanl y 01 sludge by the sdlvblilzmV and hydraulizing at the smaller and more highly hydrated sludge parflcTos; : (55)Tozlc Material-. Those wastes Of comb naticns of waasle:s including disaaso•causmg agents which .after discharge and upon exposure, ingestion, inhalation or vzain ilallon info any organism either directly from the onvironmerif or indirocily by ingestion through food chalne, will cause death, dlseasa, behavioral alb irnlalili6sM cancer, War rnaatas'sans, physiological roaifunetians (tnctudIng malHunctions in reproduction) or physical deformations, in such orgaanisrrls or thou offspring; T dxic Maleriais include, by way MusiraCion and not lithitahon: lead, cadmium, chrismIunw, mercury, vanadium, arsanis, zinc, o�rmo-nitro-chlorebanzons (ONCE poly'chlothuaied bipherlyls (PoSs) and sdchlorediphortyl trichlorooInaria lGOT), and any other rna.keriats mar, have or may hereafter be determined to have toxic proosrtles; (59)THcieltng Ittter. A bloiogicat hartimant unit consisting of material such as brokers alone or rock over wedich swasfe,,atar is disirrbutedo A high rage trickling filter Is one which is operated at between 10 and 40 mgdlper acre, A low rare Cr'ick&lng flilor is one wilcn Is designed to operate at one to four rngd Wr acroi (ra0) ricoing palter (Packod Tower), .A plgg TioWw tY of operation In (vhwch wastewater glows rover through successive layersed awrcewkl,a Or 1sllr,tt nwaiurf:al; organic mawriat is romovad continually by 1 active b;a8og'tcal' fixed growth to eacfw surcuss'Gve layer. Thus: oltt d may produce `secondary" quality a6ffueat or may; be adapted to produce a ,Olinf ad eltr^uemt .,uum Filters, Centrifuges, of palter presses. Devices which are designed to remove oxooss water tom all or digested or undigested sfucge prior to ciisposaf of further d RATING SCALE FOR CL SH'IC A i Itflw) 01. I-ACtc.i 1«117' - J :ad raft_ rt Ij 'yl " Person. _ I Owner or Contact qy � ,� K.. F' y .'S Yam' rtt+ IVfaklifl Address: Telephone',_ Expiration Date :. - ---""""---"'" NPDES Permit No. NCOO "Issue I cif ci iiC 1 t :., ir�"t� CCCgcr EOit �' Nondiso. Permit " O- IssueDate: ' Cal, « . — Rated ;:rxrrr Reviewed (Train. Gert.) Reg. Office Reviewed jraint Cert.) Central Office-- __ Grade ORC IV Plant Class; (circle cote), POINTS ITEM (1) industrial Pretreatment Ucits and/or, Industrial Pretreatment Program 4 (see definition No. 33) FLOW OF PLANT IN GPD (2QaaiQN (rent; applicable to non -contaminated cooling waters, sludge dandling facilities for grater pagriflcetion plants, totally closed rule stenos (def. No, 11)„, and faciMles (4) (d) or Items (4) (d) consisting only of ItefTa and; (11) ()) 1 2 20,001 - 60,505 .:....:.......... 50,001 -- 100,000 . ; ...... . ........ 250,00tt .:...:. , ..... . 1 a�if,Catt1 .. , 250,001 500`000....,. ,...:.,.:.....;.. 500,001--1,000,3f°f0 1d 1 y000,00l ^- 2,000,000 3t7 5 l and up). - rate 1 point additional for each 2,1 ( 200, 5o gpd capacity uP to a aximurn of 35 Design Mawr (gpd) t > containing inorganic, moil -loxes materials from sand, gtavef„ crtrahcd sine or cattier similar. eperallont, as from which thereis no discharge se the surface waters; such systems shall carry a maximum of two . points regardless of pumping facilities or any other appurtanances; a (12)Combined Removal of Carborracocus, SOD and Nitrogenous RemoreAl 'by Nitrilicarion » A single �. C" (see £ PRELIMINARY UNI i S .(see dofimtion no. 2) syslum rrioSrgnd" E6 achilive advanced porch alfluotil limns on Ct"w�D and a..eY'lmorna nitrogen within i the sarno birr,lsgrical reactor, (a) Bar Screens, ....... .. , , . . „ ..... (13)Ce-chlorination, The partial or complete rraductson of .residual chlorine ;n a liquid by any ctiamical ... C r or physical prier s, 14It 4 1`TE1Il c;ifj ','ujcc ns, Static Sorcons or (14)0rinoriiicalidn Prrrors, Thn r:onvtarrion of nilratn�r&ognn'to nitragon, gas,- 'innizad Comminuting DeV cos .... . . . (15)Eiectrodiaiysis, Process for removing salts from water through the use of on-sriWnve .:.... , . .. . .... . . ion -exchange membranes„ (C) Grit Removal ...... (16)Filter Press, A process operated machanieafly for partially dewalodig sludge, (17)Foam Separation. The planned hroth.ng of wastewater ,or wssleawalar aftluant as a means of (d) Cr Mechanical or crated Grit Ra;iTlCval . . . . . removing oxcossivo amounts of deiorgrini mitnrial^ 111mugh !hp iriroducinn of air in rain corm of fine bubbles; €oafri Ira,ctionafion, (C) ,r` Flog fir eas Uring Ddf v' Ce :. » .: . » w also caned (18)Crit Removal, The process of ranrovang g6T and other heavy mineral marten irooa waastaawalwi; (19)lmhotf Tank, A deep two story wastewater tank consiming of an upper sectmanlation chartroar and or a lower etudes digestion chamber; 4(?, InstrUmente'd Flow Measurement . . . , . - . . . . . (20)insirurnomed arrow MmrSurarrurn,. A novice rvnich indicates andYor recsrtis ra8a of flowM1 (C) Pr ewer tion . .. . . .. .. (21)lon Exchange,. rA chemical process in which cans from Two difderent mrrlec'uds are exchanged; ( 2)Land applieatiion: (a) Sludge 6isposat. rt final sludge disposal method by which sludge may too h Influent lC3 ialIE CIC 1 .. . . . . applied to land either by spraying on the surface or by subsurface injaclion ; .e., chisel plo ds); (not Oil Separators - Gravity applicable for lypes of sludge described in it1) of this Rule), (b)Treatod Elllupnr. The process of (i) Grease or ..02 spraying; Treated" wastewater canto a land area or other rrtafriods of application of wastewater onto a Mechanical , . .3 land area as a moans of final disposal and/or traatrrarot Dissolved air Flotation. 8 (23)Moroscreen. A low speed, cnttnuousty tack -washed: roBating drum Mier operating under 5,; 5 gravity conditions as a perverting method removing Suspended solids from efliurvil; p�y � r`r chlorination .. .. , . » (2�4IdiihiHeahon Procasss. The blorhornic;rt conversion of unnidtxpd n6lrogen iarrirnorria and organic O PRIMARY` TREATMENT UNITS.. nl9roagon) In oxidized nitrogen (usually nilraw)-, Septic TcRISCG�lewlf)ICICn no. 2 (26)hlitrogmnous Sligo. A Separate Stage of waslowaror Irriatrrrent designed for the specilic purp of tin converting fft o S raI r`t ammonia nitrogen o nit e n roger„ (b) Imhoff Tank - (26)Phosphate Removal Biological, T he removal of :phosphorus from wastervalor by are oxlctAnoxic C Primary Clarifiers ..... .. ...... , - ;, � designed to enhance ufotliewlnake f by Itto gw thrgsufrcirint (d) � `settling bonds or SettlingTanks or Inorganic Polishan , Pond. A holdinprocess ondury gsecondaosirreatmentdale i n allow o the � p � � ntr td � dM for the Settling finely Non -toxic Materials (sludge handling facilities of suspended solvers; (28)Post .Aeration, Aeration foiloveing conventional secondary Treatment units to increase effluent 0.0, for water purification 'plants, sand;, gravel, or for any other purpose, stone, and other reining operations except (29)Post Aeratlon. (Cascado) A polishing method by which dissolved rxyrger is added in the strident by a nonmechan.caf; gravity means of flowing dawn a series of steps or weirs; TMr flow occurring across recreational activities Such gem or gold the steps or weirs moves in a fairly thin layer and the operation or lho cascade, requires no operator mining) ............. „ .. .. , , , . + . . adjustment: thus, zero points are assigned even though [his is an essorniat step to meeting the limits of (5) SECONDARY TREATMENT LIMITS the discharge permit, (30)Powdered or Granular Activated Carbon Feed, A biophysical carbon process that u6lires biological (a) Carbonaceous Stage activity and organic absorption by easing powdered or granular activated carbon; 'Virgin andior (I)Aeration w High Purity Oxygen St'rrl . , . . . regenerated carbon is toed coniaoded Into the system; Preaeratron. Diffused Air System , 3t A tank constructed to provide arrialion Prior to (32)1orrifin (riasy units, Unit operations in tire iroatr, art psrrro.arl, such as screening and comminution, McChanIcal Air System (fixed, that prepare the liquor for subserlveft major operations; floating or rotor) , .. .. , . (33)tndustrial Pretreatment, (a)Pre-Ireaurant Unit, Industrial, The conditioning of a waste at its Separate Sludge Reaeration . Source before discharge, to remove or to neuiralize subssandos injurious to sewers and Irearms"hi procasses or to oflect a partial reduction In Road on a treatment process which is operated by the same II trickling Filter governing body as the wastewater treatment plant being rated; (b;Pre-lesalmeni Program, Industrial . High Rate � .. » . .. » _ 7 must be a State or EPA required program to receive points on the rating sheet; 34 iaariSiers. � 5 Pelrnar 7htz first satPlln tanks thrrts h which 'rvaorrsvntor is s 4 } Y g 4 passed in e realmant Standard Rate . ,. .... .. .. works for the purpose of removing sfu0sable and suspended Solids and s0ra which is associated with the Packed Tower .. , . 5 solids. r� (ill) Sr.„iol gic,.fl Aerated Filter or Aer ted (3a5)Purnps. All influent, alticapn8, and in -plant pumps: (36)nadln4lon, Oiji�"focTion "ehrRLtlor r$.t0.'� f:rwion pracri:s tB di.",IPYc dnvir,05 omh9liflit t.,V,irviislot: Oar ciaEf3r8`➢e Biological Filter . .:, , .... , ,� :- . . .:• ; . • • :,: ) 0. (37)i oyorse OSMOSIS. A lroalmoril process in Moan a heavy colla:rninaled FquId is prosvirized (TV) Aerated Lagoons :. . . . , . t' 0 through xa membrane forming nearly pure liquid "reo from suspended solids; 't 4tir C}tB(in IGIv IC ? Contactors _ . :: t 0 (38)RoWing Biological Coniactors= ,^A fkxod biological growth fzreoess wh:cd vast velar ljotvs Tanks in series through which a of partially submerges" circular surfacus are rotated; (34)Sand f^iiters:(a)lmerrnil#ant Eiolugbal, »<aoltrataon of effiuent following septic Tanks, lagoons; of son other treatment process In which further biodecornposifion is expected gr produce desired etdluonis htydrauiac loading rates on thris:e fillers are computed in gpdtac and have a resulting low girmisf (bass than ono), (b)Recirculatng biological - the same type of sand filter as defined In (a) with The added capability to recycle alfiriont back through than sand titter; �• t1) Aerated Sludge Holding Tank - (e) r'lect od alyss on oarn Sd aratio Sludge lncnrrator - (not including . activated (g) icn Exchange ..... carbon regeneration) § (h) Land Application of treated Effluent (k) Vacuum Filter, Centrifuge or filter press or ether (see definition no22✓) (not applicable for similar dewaternrnp devices sand, g;ravei, stone and other similar mining SLUDGE DISPOSAL (including incinerated ash) operations) (i on agrinuitur culturally managed ~sites (See def. a La corns (b) Land Application (surface and subsurface) No. 4) .. * ... .............. 0 (see definition 22ra) (ii) by }nigh rate infiltration on non- griculturally -where the facility holds the land app, permit a , t managed sites (includes rotary': distributcrs tin. to a land application operator wh - con tracting a t,� b �trnt �t . �. . _r - ^;* are^ ` ., ^� 4- . ;:nincf sinni6ar Rn;�cr.f nrn. 2..tr, s; .�tcr=n,�) , .. , . hcitds the nand dWnpplio�ntncarn pertrrit . , ... , , . (%ii) by subsurface disposal (includes low pressure -'land ap Cicaiion of sludge by a contractor who does pipe systerrn"s and grsrvity systems except at not hold the permit for the wastewater` treatment plants consisting of septic tank and nitrificu facility where the sludge is generated ..... , , .. 1 limn lines only) .... , (�i( Microscreens, .. _ ...... . .... . . ........ b ... () DiSiNTiN (1) Phosphorus Rernovat by Biological' Processes' E�) .. . () Chlorination (Pee def. No. 220 ....: . ; .. , .. (� �echler�nation .. (k) Polishing .� Ponds A. without aeration � (c) Ozone ...: , , ...�, ... ; :.... " with aeration , .. 5 (d) Radiation (l( Post Aoratiorn cascade 0 rtpt CHEMICAL ADDI l N SYSTEM (S) (See, definition No, 9 _ 0fused or nnech an�cal t fr?`n) Revea'se 0sni�. ss .... . . ,. g pS a i a ��ndiGaran r,xtr�cl a at�.krra r ou (b), (y) ibi, (7) se„ nest n . lic.nie 9c n arnrrrrnc (n) Ss'�nd or t~a#i.r>sd-ferizn yi[tr"#rs - is rate .. , ... a .... ,� ((t t{ � (} (� t f high rate ..... , ... ( (a) ((b), (.) points each: List: 5 (0( Troot rrno n t proc esses os far removal of metal or _ cyanide, . , . , ....... 5 5 l (p) TT'eatrnent processes for removal rat toxic d � _ � 5 materials other than metal or cyanide ...... , .. f ,. (7) SLUDGE TREATMENT MISCELLANEOUS UNITS k o n ank n lmrr ate o (a) Holding Ponds, Holding Tanks or Settling Ponds (a) Sludge Digestti r . , e cloip ............:. 5 for Organic or "toxic Materials Including wastes from mining operations containing nitrogen and/or Unheated . , .... . 3 (, (b) Sltndge Stabilizationphosphorous compounds in amounts sigrdficaintly (chemicalor thermal) 5 greater than is common for domestic wastewater .:,....,.. 4 (c) Sludge Drying Beds carpvity .:.... ......... Vacuum assisted ..... ; . 5 (b) Effluent Plow Equalization (not applicable to storage basins which are inherent in land application system (d) Sludge E"Eutriation .... 5 (c) Stage Discharge (hot applicable to storage basins f (e) Sludge Sornd'rtilone:r (chemical or thermal) 5 inherent in land applicationsytatrns (f Sludge Thickener (gravity).. 5 ..... . (g( Dssolved Air Tlotatn'o n Unit (e) Stand -By lower Supply (moot applicable to a uins' rates a s (w) (i) ma n t µ (f) Thermal Polltntro Control Devrce.. t,vt31!, .iE t =n r;ri, ( rl� '] TtiTa POINTS (vi) and F-ilteis pry^y �^yry �y4 ,+ rv+,ry II9t4r,+d ti d€twYil �: ti.f'IJFt,.a 4i� , , a. 2 recirculating blological 3 CLASSIFICATION (vii) Stabilization Lagoons . . .: . .............: 5 �Plass ......:......... ....... ..... a.., ........,; g - g Point (viii)Clarifier ..... . . . ..... . ...: : ... . .....:. (ix) Single stage system for ornbiuned 5 s'll ......... ........ . ......... . 6- 50 Points carbonaceous removal of BOD and Class ,. 1- 65 Pointy nitrogenous removal by nitrificaho Class IV... ..... .......:. 6 - Up Points (see def. No. 1 (Points for this item have to be in addition to €urns (5) (a) Fa ties having a rating of one through four points, inclusive, (I) through 1(5) (a) (yiii) . . ................ g do' of require a certified operator, Classification of all other (x) Nutrient additions" to enhance BCD faaNties requires a comparable grave operator in responsible removal . .... . . :::.....,... , .... , . , ...., „ ' charge. (xi) Biological Culture ("Super Bugs") a. dlticn to enhance organic connpound rernov^al .. , . ; 5 Facilities having an activated sludge process wdl be assigned (b) Nitrogenous Stage a, minimum classification of Class ll. (i) _ Aeration - High PLirlty Oxygen Systern 20 Diffused air Sysl m ...... , . ... 10 Facilities :having treatment processes for the removal of metal Mechanical air System, (fixed, or cyanide wifl be assigned a minimum classification of Class It< floating, or retort .. ,:.. , ...... 8 Separate Sludge Reaeratlori ... S Facilities having, treatment processes for the biological removal (ii) Trickling Filter of phosphorus will be assigned a minimum classification of Class, sigh fate ..... . III:; Standard Hate ... , ....: , d p rflTlca fs' Pricked To"wor (iii) Biological aerated Filer orAerated (I)Activafed Carbon Beds, A physcahchernbaf method for reducing soluble organic material from Biological Filter . .. . . . . . . e : , ; . .. 1 wastewater effluent; the cotvmn-typpa bads used in this method will have a flow rate varying from two (iv) Rotating Biological Contactors , :e , .' 1 0 to eight gallons par minwe per squarer loot and may be either upflow or down9icw carbon bads. Carbon , . (�� Sand Filtfsr`- may car may not be regenerated on the was➢ewator treatment plan[ silo, (S)Aaraled Lagoons. A basin in which all solids are maintained fh suspension and by which biological intermittent biological oxidation ,or organic matter is reduced through artificially accelerated transfer of oxygen on a flow- recirculating biological;� , .. through bag, (3)aaratioirb. A process of bringing about intimate contact between air or high purity oxygen in a liquid. . . (vl) Clarifier. .... . . . :.... . :.....:... . ... by spraying, agitation d'affus'ion°m (4)Agricullurally managed shoe Any site on wnici, a crop is produced, managed„ and harvo tod (Crop Includes grasses, grains, tieus, etc); (6) TERTIARY OR ADVANCED TREATMENT UNIT (S)Air Stripping, A process by which the ammonium ion is firs! -converted to dissolved ammonia (pH �a) Activated Carbons �� adjustment) with the ammonia then released to the atmosphere by physical means„ or other simhar without carbon regeneration , . C processes Which rsmov® petroleum products such as benzene, toluene, and xyiene, fg)Carbon Regeneration. The regenpraiicn of exhausted carbon by the use of a.furnaxe to provide with carbon regeneration , , . . . . . . . . . . 1 exlseawely high temperatures which volatilize and oxidiza the absorbod impurities: (p ) Powdered or Granular Activated a:Carbon Peed (7)Carbonaceous Stage, A stage of wastewater treatment designed to achieve 'secondary' $alfluanti without carbon regeneration . ,, . . , , , . . . . ; . . 5 limits, st)Cenfrsduge, A mechanical device in which cenuilvgal farce is used to separate solids from liquids, with carton regerteratSot , 15 andlor to separate liquids of different donsilies, (C) Air Stripping , „ . , , .. . . . . . , (3)Charnical Addition Systems . The addition at chemical (s) to wastewater at an application point for (d) glenitriflcation Process (separate process) Purposes of improving solids removal, pH adjustment, alaaiimly control, atc.; the capability to experiment with different chemicals and different application points to achieve a specific result wh( be ocnside t one system, the capability to add chemical (a) to dual units wilt be rated as one systorn: oapabi -to add a chemical at difference application points for different purposes will tosull-in lhu '•. 5 p'S (att't :: ing rate as soperate ysto m,. 110)Chemical $iudga Conditioning, The addition of a chemical compound such as time, ferric chloride, or a Polymer to wet sludge to coalesce iP e mass o'rioa to its application to a dewatering device; E 14ITS AND ENG' ERING UNIT P P 7 - WATER QUALITY SL�.. ION DATE: November 15, 1990 NON -DISCHARGE STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION COUNTY Cleveland PERMIT NUMBER WQ0004097 PART I - GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Facility and Address: Arey Oil Co, One Stop #4 Earl 1906 E. Dixon Blvd. Shelby, NC 28150 2. Date of Investigation: November 14, 1990 3. Report Prepared By: Jim Reid 4. Persons Contacted and Telephone Number: No one on location; Inspection conducted by observation and plans scrutiny. 5. Directions to Site: Facility is located at the intersection of SR 1100 and Hwy 180/226 south of Patterson Springs in Cleveland County. 6. Size (land available for expansion and upgrading): Approximately 1000 square feet. 7. Topography (relationship to 100 year flood plain included)! lot is composed to two flat terraces above flood plain. Attach a U.S.G.S. map extract and indicate facility site. U.S.G.S. Quad No._.__..li. uad Name Blacksburg North_ 8. Location of nearest dwelling and water supply well- nearest dwelling 300 feet, nearest well, 100 feet- 9. Watershed Stream Basin Information. - a. Watershed Classification: Class C b. River Basin and Subbasin No.: BRD 03-08-05 C. Distance to surface water from disposal system: >500 feet FrARTII - DESCRIPT,wi,4 OF DISCHARGE AND TREATME.,,-, WORKS . Type of wastewater, sludge or contaminabed soil: Domestic 100 Industrial a. Volume: 0.0058 5 MGI) (Design n Capacity) h. Types and quantities of industrial wastewater:: 0.00588 MGD treated groundwater f rom petroleum contamination attributable to a leaking underground storage tank. C. Prevalent toxic constituents in wastewater Benzene, Toluene, Xyl. ne, Ethylbenzene d. Pretreatment Program POTWs only): N/A in development approved' should be required _.w _ ` not needed ._ a 2. Production rates (industrial discharges only) in pounds per day: a. Highest month its the past 12 months: lbs ay b. Highest year its the past years: lbs °day 3. Description of industrial process(for industries only) and applicable Fart and Subpart: N/ e of treatment (specify whether proposed or existing) Proposed, physical separation followed by aeration and, infiltration. . Sludge handling and disposal scheme No sludge will be generated. 6. Treatment, plant classification: fica:tion: Less than 5 paints, no rating ( include rating sheet,' if appropriate). Not rated. 7. SIG G de( ). 5541 WastewaterCodes): Primary- 66 Secondary: F2. d.' II - OTHER PERTINENTINFORMATION I I_I this facility being with Construction gat funds (municipals only)? No . Special monitoring gists: No Other: PARS" VALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Issuance Non --discharge Permit is recommended. Signatureof Report Preparer r WateriSupervisor ite��/, BLACKSBURGNOR C NORTH CAROLINA-SOUT� r. j€ 'Tt3 Cm FNEY QliAtIRAI _50000 F £a n �e .„ ., f p ,^ 76 "C.� -" ' Ft g � r C- y4 t i f"" f r r 3! ri -j 0 J P Ae s ' w t Yd _4 y 8 4 f9 r _,tr w.Jgr- tia.ed t',.,,� � fr.4[�f 1 ,x� t a 14, T 471 L r ,,r;� ndU3 k4it1asC 1 s'ts` ram° -3 t ' t'181 �x @fire " 3 t( No k " 6701 Carmel Road Suite 200 Delta 390 Charlotte, NC 28226-1 Environmontat "AfAlk Consgat tants, tne. 7051541-9890 FAX, 704,1543-4035 jqC. IDEPT, OF NATIMAL oe I E I N" T Y WrAl"t September 5, 1991 2 1991 North Carolina DepartmerNk"fi0tondent Health and Natural Resources 512 North Salisbury Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Attention: Ms. Carolyn McCaskill Water Quality Section Subject: Revised Location of Infiltration Gallery Arey Oil Company One Stop # 4 Earl, North Carolina Delta No. 50-88-564.02 Dear Ms. McCaskill: This letter is to inform you of the need to change the position and orientation of the infiltration gallery at the referenced site. Ali the appropriate approvals and permits (No. WQ0004097) have been received for the ground wrater treatment and disposal system at the site and we are ready to begin operation of the system. During the course of system installation it was determined that the approved location of the infiltration gallery (Figure 1) would probably cross the right of way around an existing high pressure natural gas line. Safety and right of way concerns necessitate an alternative location for the gallery. The proposed new location of the infiltration gallery is shown in Figure 1. Other than its location, the gallery will be identical to the one proposed in the Geology and Engineering Report submitted to your office in June 19901 ' Soils in the vicinity of the new location are identical to those in the original locale. Ground water flow models (RESCUE) taking into account the hydraulic conductivity and optimal pumping rate (determined by a 24-hour pump test) in the recovery wells on site show that the alternative location and orientation allow for better capture of re -infiltrated water than the original location. Ile plots of the models are attached. Delta Delivers Solutions • * 3 Revised Location of Infiltration Gallery September 5, 1991 Page We are ready to begin temediation of the contaminated soil and ground water at the sites soon a the new location for the gallery Is approved. Please gave this matter your immediate attention and it me if you have any questions. Sincerely, i"ENTAL CONSULTANTS, �. 11 "111 " ?Z'� l %arII Gauthier G/ ga cc: Mr. Michael Parker, Mooresville DEHNR . Robert Arey, Arey Oil Company Donna ail " e, Delta Environmental Consultants, Inca . Stephen Zbur, Delta Environmental Consultants, Inc. i ?'03 BODY SHOP RODY O � � �" � � HIGH WELL PRESSURE GAS End co a. ORIGMAL LOCAVON LINE +' 196 LEAKtGALLERY 1p lao Ile OLD TANK .mope BASIN 0 go SCALE E" FIGURE SUPPLYLEGEND: PROPOSED INFILTRATION GALLERY WELL LOCATION PROPERTYF IL CO. GRASSY AREA EARL, NO PROJECT' NO. 'PREPARED BY 50-88-564 DAB REMM By; 9-4-91 Distance I - I-1 i}f ) 4If �# H g 1 t ✓ 9A 1tl 5�. dpf R i i "! # 4 -. INFILTRATION GALLERY n l AFTER 3 YEARS 244M 1, 11 mew"sI4"a"°t"'"ara*xsw 1 Ra" 1� "t+ h" RN "°a ��� � retR rr"Raa"�"ae+SRx"rx" 'Y+ Rxt Rn tmt�I1 9 e a R x t a a I + f a+ a "p "+"ap "ea .4."t j xr ! tm! s INFILTRATION L 244 AFTER 100 YEARS 244 IN U "} 1 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources vlcroresville Rr gjotial Office James G. Mirtiti,. Gcwerrior Albert F 1-filLon, Regional I'Aana er William W, Cobe)� Jr.,, Secretary DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT May 24, 1991 rRobert Are �i Grey oil l ompany 1906 E. Dixon Boulevard Shelby, North Carolina_28150 Subject: Permit No. WQ00040,97, ey Oil Company One Stop No. 4, Earl, NC Groundwater Remediation System Cleveland County, NC Dear Mr. Ary Our records show that Permit No WQ00 40 7 was ,issued. on` May 0 1991 for your non -discharge wastewater treatment facility. The purpose of this letter is to advise you of the importance,of the Permit: and the liabilities in the event of failure to comply with the terms and conditions of the Permit. If you have not already dole so, it is requested that you and other appropriate employees` thoroughly read the Permit. The hermit sets forth specific performance standards, operation and Maintenance requirements, monitoring requirements, s plus general conditions applicable to non -discharge permits. Failure to comply with the terms and; conditions of the Permit subjects the Permittee to enforcement action pursuant to Section 143-215.6 of the North Carolina General. Statutes in the form of civil or criminal penalties Please note that the subject Permit'expires on April 30, 1996. Part VI. 10. of the Permit requires that a renewal request be submitted at least six ( ) months prior to expiration. Also the Permit is non -transferable until such time that the Permittee has requested a name change to the new Permittee. r119 North Nlain Ercer Nloor,xcvfflf% N.(; 28115 'r:: upP~onc 7 (�'�(, ;3 66',N * I AX 7 4 663 C ,10 .A,i t'Cxar, l l'trvrx rrtu sx5'si^ti.r Ah-i am-k- A-",, V,,r 1....... r. Y Mr. Robert .grey Page Two May 24, 1991 As mentioned previously, the purpose of this letter is to advise you of the importance of your Permit. Please read the Permit and contact this office 0/-1 in Mooresville if you have any questions or need clarification. look forward t providing any assistance. Sincerely, NI- . Rex Gleason, P. E. Water Quality Regional Supervisor KH : % c James , Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B, Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P._ Director -ey Coil Company r � .. �,d 1906 Fast Dixon Boulevards Shelby, NC 28150 4Ri Mr. Robert Arey President " 1 £.'... SUBJECT:' Permit No, WQ0 40 71 W95209ss a ..< :rey Oil Company 5 One Stop;##4, Earl Facility Groundwater Incident No. 313 0t k a Groundwater Rernediation Facilities Cleveland County Dear Mr. °ey: In accordance with the policy of the Division of Environmental Management to ensure the good quality ofN rth Carolina's groundwater, the referenced Permit requires several activities related to groundwater monitoring. The following guidelines and forms are presented to assist you in complying with those requirements. If you have any questions concerning these matters, you should' contact Sherri Knight at the address shown below to discuss the requirements relevant to your specific facility-, Winston-Salem Regional Office 585 i au hto n Road Winston-Salem, NC 27107 (10) 771-4600 Groundwater Condition No. I.- Sampling of the influent and the effluent from the treatment system on the schedule and for the constituents listed below:' The influent and the effluent from the treatment system shall be sampled every month. QQ_NSjLjLj_1�M: IPA MTBE 'volatile Organic Compounds — y Method I below Method r Method a (Capillary - Column), "Standard ethods for the Examination of Water andWastewater," 17th ed., 1989 Groundwater Section, CVoice 1 -75 -5 7 FAX 19_715- 8 P.0, Box 9578, Raleigh, Worth Carolina 75' 5-057 fir" l ua9 Opportunity"r�t�irativ ActionFr�pl }�er 2728 Capital Blvd., Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 509% recycled/ 100% post -consumer paper ir. Arey March 2 8, 1996 Page 2 The results of all analyses specified in the monitoring requirements roust be submitted simultaneously, 11_ cagy ofthe 1 star require ants iar I drmit fi fl004097 is attached for your reference, If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact nee at 919) 1 -616 . Sincerely, Cynthia A. Boyles Hydrogeological Technician II Permits and Compliance Groundwater Section Attachments cc:Ch Compliance onitorinFiles The influent and effluent from the treatment system shall be sampled monthly for the parameters specified below IPE MTBE Volatile Orgnunc Compounds --(by Method listed below) EPA NNIethod 6230D (Capillary - Column), "'Standard Methods for the Examination of Water Wasten 17 edition, 1989, ;,,er .16 The results of the sampling and analysis shall be sent to the Groundwater Section, Pen -nits and Compliance Unit, P.O. Box 29578 Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0578 within 30 days of sample collection. 2, Anv additional groundk-vater quality monitoring, as deeined necessary by the Division, shall be provided. All components of the groundwater, recovery, treatment, and disposal system shall be properly weather -proofed to prevent freezing and failure of the system, 4. The groundwater recovery, treatment and disposal systern shall be inspected weekly. If it is determined that the system is malfunctioning, all repairs should be made as soon as Z:1 possible and reported to the Mooresville Regional Office %vithin 48 hours. 5 The effluent from the rernediation systent must comply with the groundwater quality standards contained in 1, 5A NC AC 2L .0200 prior to discharge into the infiltration gallery. !,\SI�ECTIQNS I Adequate inspection, maintenance and cleaning shall be provided by the Permittee to insure proper operation of the subject facilities, The Peri-nittee or his designee shall inspect the groundwater recovery and treatment facilities to prevent malfunctions and deterioration, operator errors and discharges which C-1 rniv cause or lead to the, release of wastes to the environment, a threat to human health, or a nuisance. The Permittee shall maintain an inspection log or suit imary, including at least the date and time of inspection, obsersations made, and any maintenance, repairs, or corrective actions taken by the Permittee, This log of inspections shall be maintained by the Permittee for a period of three years from the date of the inspection and shall be inade available to the Division of Environmental Managernent ear lather permitting authority, upon request. 3 Any, drily authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division of Environmental ManaiLyernent may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises or place on or related to the disposal site or facility at any reasonable time for the purpose of deterntining compliance with this permit, may inspect or copy any records that roust be maintained under the terms and conditions of this pernsit, and may obtain samples of -roundwatcr, surface water, or leach ate; GE.NER:fit CONDITIONS 1, Issuance of this permit does not constitute approval for reimbursement from the LeakIM! Petra letirn Undern*round Storage Tank Cleanup Funds (15 A NCAC 2P). 2, 'This permit shall become voidable unless the facilities are constructed in accordance with the conditions ofthis permit,, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting data. 3 July 19, 1995 ROBERT ABLY IF AREY OIL CO. -ONE STOP # 4 1906 EAST DIXONLLD. SUBJECT: MI NO. WQ0004097 AREY OIL CC1 t -ON TOP it ` CIZVELAND COUNTY Dear Permi.tt:ee Our file, indicate that, the subject permit Issued on .5j 0]. expires rrrr u ftf fr. We have not received a request for renewal from you as of this date, renewal request shall consist of a letter requesting renewal and completion of the enclosed application, submitted in triplicate. A processing fee must be submitted with the request. Please find attached a copy of the 15 I C C 2H .020 c regulations. Ile processing fee for your facility is braced on the design or permitted flow, whichever is appropriate, listed in the fart four categories of fac l i.tle . Sludge renewals are based on totalacres of land permitted. If the facility covered by this permit contains aeume, type of treatment w rlc , a narrative descripton of the sludge management ent plan that is in effect' at the facility must be submitted with the application for renewal. The Environmental Management ent Commission r adopted revised rules can October 1, 1990 (attached), requiring the payment of an annual fee for most permitted facilities. You will, be billed separately for that fee (if applicable), after your permit- is approved. Please be advised that this permit must not be allowed to expire. If the: renewal. request is not received within 180 days prior to thepermit's expiration date as required by 15 NCAC 2H .021 , you will be assessed an nuu.tomat:ic civil penalty. 11ala civil penalty by North Carolina Clenerwn;i Statute may be as much as $tO,000 per day. If a permit renewal request Is not received 180 days before permit; expiration, a civil penalty of at least $250 will be assessed. Larger penalties may Nye assessed depending && N Y p itlll± yy,,6 It'y.}}���pp�� Moa Page on how late the request is made. In addition, any permit renewal request received after the permit's expiration date will be considered, as a new application ands ill be required to pay the higher Permit application fed, :e letter requesting renewal, along with as completed Non -Discharge, Permit application and appropriate, ;standard fee, should be sent to - Permits ad Engineering Unit Division of Environmental Management P. 0. Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 The check should be made payable to the Dearth Carolina Department, rtmea t Environment, Health, and Natural Resources (DEII'NR If you should have any questions or need any additional ail. information regarding this matter, please se contact me at 1 7 3-5d W Sincerely, Angola Y. Grifiin for Carolyn McCaskill, Supervisor State Engineering Review Group CC. Mooresville Regional Office Permits and Engineering limit Central File DIVISION A GROUNDWATER1Y October 25, 1995 NXI DE(�F r , MEMORANDUM u TO Carolyn McCaskill OILBob Cheek OM- Cindy Boyles SUBJECT: Arey Oil Co, One Stop Groundwater Incident No. 3130 Groundwater R mnedlation System Cleveland County /G (Johne o :'DEM SERGReview Engineer) The Groundwater Section has reviewed the subject permit renewal application for the continued operation of a groundwater rernediation system for grey Oil Company's y's One Stop #4 site, t consists of a 2,500 GPD groundwater re mediation system with aeration tanks, two recovery yells, an oil/water separator and an infiltration gallery. The Groundwater Section recommends new of this permit based on modilymig e design capacity of the re ediat om system from 5.80o 2,500 GPD(see introductory paragraph of current permit), an including TBE and YPE in the influentlefTluent monitoring requirements (see permit conditions). According to the Mooresville Regional Offence Groundwater Section,, the infiltration gallery appears to be unable to effectively disperse the volume of water generated by the recoverywells pumping at the maximum rates stated in the appliation. The Regional race's review of the infiltration gallery design revealed that five ( feet of the side tills were used to calculate time surface areaand, therefore, the capacity of the infiltration gallery. It only the surface area 00 square feet) is used to calculate this maximum capacity of the infiltration gallery, it works out to be 2,500 GPD. The Groundwater Section recommends renewal of time permit with the following conditions: 1. The influent and effluent from the treatment system shall be sampled monthly for the following pararneters IP MTBE Volatile Organic Compounds ounds -- (by Method listed below) EPA Method 6230D (Capillary- Column), "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and aste atee% 17 edition, 1989. Different language from previous permit. Memorandum October 25, 1995 Page *2 The results of the sampling and analysis shall be sent to the Groundwater Section, Permits and Compliance %knit,, P.O. Box 29578, Raleigh,? 2 - 5 ' ith thirty days of sample collections 3, Any groundwater quality monitoring, as deemed necessary by the Division, shall be provided. a All components of the groundwater very, treatment, d disposal system shallbe properly weather -proofed t prevent freezing and failure of the system. 5. The groundwater recoveM treatment and disposal system shall be inspected weekly. If it is determined that the system is malfunctioning, all repairs should be made as soon as possibly and reported to the Mooresville Regional Office with 49 hours. .. The effluent from the r mediation system rust comply with the groundwater quality standards contained in 15A NCAC 2 .0200 prior to discharge into the infiltration gallery; If there are any questions, please contact me at 919- 1- 1 . CAB cc: Central Files Permit Tiles GW95209.REN *� Different language from previous permit. 1TO M8m0AA9DUM TO: jp/v V1 i Regional Office r FROM: e S SUBJECT: Application for Permit Renewal Permit Amendment New Permit Facility Name: County: Type of Project: lixel e �401 e C�/4 -q, f (-�v KENN i APPLICABLE PERMIT NO. S. WQ GWJJ--- _- ------ =� :5 1 0 qi DER A to C UIC EPA CUA fat 1 14 1 11� r� M a 4, A ,J eylofl The Groundwater Section has received a copy of the referenced permit application, a copy of which should have been sent to your Regional Water Quality Supervisor - IF A COPYHAS NOT BEEN RECEIVED IN THE RECNAL OFFICE, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. The Groundwater Section has received a copy of the referenced permit application. A copy of the application documents we received is attached. The Groundwater Section has received a subsurface disposal project from the Div. Env. Health's On -Site Wastewater Section. A copy of the application has been forwarded to DEH's Regional Soil Specialist, Please coordinate your review with that Soil Specialist. \TRANS.SHL Division of Environmental age . Date MEMOEMDUM To: Bob Cheek, Supenrisor Penifts & Compliance Unit Groundwater Section a w From:— `„ Project Engineer Pe is & Engineering Un. Water Quality Section Subject: Groundwater Review` Non -Discharge Application No. I .n ° e Facility es e " t � R " e County: (GW # .� Attached you will find plans, specifications, and supporting infonlKition for the above project. Please let me know whether you Nvill or will not be conducting extensiveof the subject project by If 1 can provide additional information, please contact me at ext, will f) The Groundwater Section Nvill not conduct an ex-tensive rmiew of the subject. Ground­,vater Section will not reviexv application for the reason listebelow. () A request for additional Information will be fonvarded to you by, the revievver listed below, GW Reviewer: �A-/,j late; � r 9/6/90 State of North Carolina Iment of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management Noti-Discharge Pem-dt Application Form (THIS FORM MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) Aga GROUNDWATER REMEDIATION SYSTEMS This permit application forni is for systems which use either infiltration galleries or injection wells to discbar e treated groundwater 9 into the subsurface, Fach section of this application must be completed unless other -wise noted, Contact the Groundwater Section at (919) 733-3221 to obtain Groundwater Remediation System Pe it Application Guidelines, L GENERAL INTORNIATIONI- I Applicants name (please specify the name of the municipality, corporation, individual, etc,), - Mr. Robert Ares 2 Print Owners or Signinit Official's name and fide (the person who is legally responsible for the facility and its compliance): irA Rob&rt­Arey - President 3 Ma line, address: Arev Oil Co.. 1906 East Dixon Blvd., CiIN: NC 28 150'.­i State- Zi — p: Telephone Number: 704 4821445 4. ReniediaLion Site 0,xncr; —Federal" State, -1— Private, — Public: —Nadve Anterican Lands, Other (specify) 5. LiSt the principal prc)ducts or services provided by facihty. Gasoline Stati,on/Grocery Store 6. Project Name (please specify the narne of the facility or establishment - should be consistent on all document's included in this application package, One Stop #4 7, Groundwater Incident Number (if known): 8, Location of Remediation Activities (Street Address): Highway 180 ciry. Earl State: NC 28038 dip: --- 9, Latitude;_ N 35007' _;Longitude _E 81'' —ofRemethadonActivities 10, Contact person who cart answer quesbons about application: Narne: M r Telephone number-. (__-Z 04 ), 54 1-9890 11, Application Dare' 12, Fee Submitied: S 200 — The permit processing fee should be as specified in 15A NCAC ply .0205(c)(5).] 13, County where project is I(N--ated: Cleveland 14 . Is this application for facilities subject to UST Trust Fund reimbursement? —1— Yes; — No. 15, Has a comprehensive site assessment and corrective action plan been Submitted and approved for dris prqject? Yes; -- No, Please provide two (2) copies of each and two ('I) copies of the approval letter (if applicable). FORM: GNA*RS 06/94 Narric and Complete Address of Engineering Firm- Delta Environmental Consultants, Inc, 6701 Carmel Road, Suite 200 Charlotte — NC Zip, 28226 704 541-9890 Profession2l Engineer's Certification: , attest that this application for Its,, hcen reviev, ed bv rrie aind is accura[e and complete to the best ofniv knowledge, I further attest that to the lhes,, it my knoNvIcilge Lh,c pclpcs,,d has bee.-., prepared in accordance with die applicable regulations. Although certain ponjon,,� of this submittal 77,ay N,,en deNcloped b� tattier professionals, incluicin of these materials undermy signature and scal . Fziifics that J have and hatejudged it to be consistent with the proposed &sivu, Enanteer's Seal, Signature, and Date� C, Applicant's Certification: 1. attest that Lhis application for Al±y 0ilgRriparty' ____ has b-zer. 7e%re,,ked lt�N ine ancl i; accuratc and complctc to the best of rn, knowledge. I undersimid tlai if all requires! par-Lsof this applicad on are nocwnplewd and Uiat it all required supporting information and attachment s arc not included, Lb,.s application package ,,� ill b12 returned tcs signa"u're 11—i --I----.-- Date THE COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKAGE, INCLUDING ALI, SUPPORTING INFORMATION AND MATERIALS, SHOL1.1) BE, SENT TO THE FOLLONVENG ALDDRESS, NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL NIANAGE.MENT WATER QUALITY SECTION PERMITS AND ENGINEERING UNIT POST OFFICE BOX 29535 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27626-0535 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (919) 733-5083 FORM: G)A*RS 06/94 Page 8 of 9 nSIA T�Ir t State o h Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Division of Environmental Management RAL 51Nardi Salisbury Street * Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 James G, Martin, Governor William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary Tv r. Robert Arey Arey Oil Company 1906 E. Dixon on Boulevard Shelby, North Carolina 28150 Dear Mr, Arey: George T. Everett, Ph.D. Dirsi r May 20,1991 ,a Permit . WQ0004097 Arey Oil Company One Stop No. 4, Earl, N,C. Groundwater Remediation Sy4em Cleveland County ...a 1n accordance with your application received September 7, 1990, we are forwarding herewith Permit No. WQ0004097, dated May 20, 1 91, to Arey Oil Company for the construction and operation of the subject groundwater retnediatiern and infiltration gallery disposal system, This pe ut shall be effective from the date of issuance until,,,kpril 30, 1996, and shall be subject to the conditioris and limitations as specified therein. Please pity particular attention to the monitoring requirements in this pen -nit. Failure to establish an adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required operational informationwill result in future cornplia.n e problems. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit tire unacceptable to you, you have the right to request an radjudi atory hearing upon written request within 30 days following receipt of this perinit. This requestmust ust be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of forth Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, I .O. Box 11666, Raleigh, h, NC 27604, Unless such demands are made this permit shall be final and binding. One set of approved plans :and specifications is being, forwarded to you, If you need additional inforraa ation conceming this matter, please contact Mr. John Seymour at 919/ 33- 083. cc: ��'' iraurely ecrr e T. Cleveland County 1-le ith l epar-tnie Mooresville Regional Office Groundwater Section Training -and Certification Delta Environmental Consultants, Inc, Facilities Assessment Pollution Prevention Pays An Equal t )lmrtunity Arfimiative Action Employer NORTH L IN ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT ENTF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND NATURAL URCE INFILTRATION GALLERY PERMIT 1n accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General. Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Mules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED T grey Oil Company Cleveland County FOR construction and operation of a 5,800 GPD groundwater remediation system with an infiltration gallery and soil venting consisting of two recovery ells each with a 7 gpm pump, a 1,00 gallon oil/,water separator, a 550 gallon product holding tank contact chlorinator, two channeled diffused aeration tanks in series with a 600 cfrn blower, a totalizing flaw teeter, a 110 gallon transfer tank with transfer pump, a 6 foot by 50 foot infiltration gallery with two pie ometers, a 50 cfrn regenerative vacuum pump with inlet coalescing and particle filter, and associated pumps, piping, valves and appurtenances to serve One Stop No. 4 of Arey Oil Company in Earl, North Carolina with no discharge to the surface graters, pursuant to the application received September 7, 199and in conformity ity with the project plan, specifications, and; tither supporting data subsequently filed and ,approved by the Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources and considered a part of this permit, This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until April 30, 1996, and shill be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations L)ERFORMIANCE STANDARD�S 1, Upon cr rnpletion of construction and prior to operation of this permitted facility, a certification must be received from a professional engineer certifying that the permitted facility has been installed in accordance with this permit and the approved. plans and specifications. Mail the Certification to the P'e=rrnits and Engineering Unit, P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, NC 27626-0535. 2. The Mooresville Regional Office, }Torre no. 704 63-I p shall be notified at least forty-eight (4 ) hours in advance of operation of the installed facilities s , that an in -place inspection can be made. Such notification to the regional supervisor shall be trade during the normal office hours frorn 8:00 a.rri. until 5:00 p.m. or Monday through Friday, excluding State Holidays, This permit shall become voidable if the soils fail to adequately absorb the wastes d may be rescinded unless the facilities are installed, maintained; and operated in a manner which will protect the assigned water quality standards of the surface waters and ground waters. 1 he event that the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of iance conditions, the Permittee, shall take immediate corrective action, including se as may be required by this Division, such as the construction of additional or �acerrrent treatment or disposal facilities. 5. The issuance of this permit shall not relieve the Permittee of the responsibility for damages to surface or groundwaters resulting, front the operation of this facility. . Any sludge generated from these treatment facilities must be disposed of in accordance with General Statute 1 -21 .1 and in amanner approved by the. North Carolina Division of Environmental Management. 7 Diversion or bypassing of the untreated groundwater from the treatment facilities is prohibited. 1 The facilities skull be properly maintained and operated at all times Upon classification of the facility by. the Certification Commission, the Permittee shall employ a certified wastewater treatment plant operator to be in responsible charge of the wastewater treatment facilities. The operator must hold a certificate of the type and grade at Least equivalent to the classification assigned to the wastewater treatment facilities by the Certification Commission. Dace the facility is classified; the Permittee must submit a letter to the Certification Commission which designates the operator in responsible charge within thirty days after the wastewater treatment facilities are % complete„, 3. The facilities shall be effectively maintained and'operated as a non -discharge system to prevent the discharge of any wastewater resulting from the operation of this facility. l , Any monitoring deemed necessary by the Division of nvin--at mental Management to insure surface and ground water protection will be established and an acceptable sampling reporting schedule shall be followed. 2, NoncomplianceNotification: The Pernrittee shall report by telephone to the Mooresville Regional Office, telephone one no. 704/ 663-1699, as soon as possible., but in no case more than 24 hours or oil the nest working tiny£ following the occurrence or first knowledge of the occurrence of any of the following: a. Any occurrence at the ww^astevotiter treatment facility which results in the treatment of significant amounts ants of wastes which are abnormal in quantity or characteristic, such as the dumping of the contents of a basin or tarry; the known passage of a slug of hazardous substance through the facility, or any other unusual circurns anCes.. b Any process unit failure, dire to known or unknown reasons, that render tine facility incapable of adequate wastewater treatment such as mechanical or electrical failures of pumps, aerators, compressors, etc. Any failure of a pu nping station, sewer live, or treatment a by-pass directly to receiving eaters without treatment t of the influent to such station or facility, d. Any time that self -monitoring information indicates that the facility is not it compliance vrith its pen-nitpen-nit limitations, Persons reporting such occurrences by telephone shall also file a written report i letter form within 15 days following first knowledge of the occurrence. This report must outline the actions taken or proposed to be taken to ensure that the problem does not recur. IV - Cxl l la I A second aeration system, identical to and in series with the first, shall be added to the remediat on system to further treat the effluent prig to discharge into the infiltration gallery. . The effluent from the rem diaticn system must comply with the groundwater duality standards contained in 1A NCAC 2L,0200 prior to discharge into the infiltration gallery. 3. All components of the groundwater recovery, treatment and disposal system shall be properly weather -proofed to prevent freezing and fa. lure of the system, The influent and effluent from the treatment system shall be sampled once every two (2) weeks for the first three (3) months and monthly thereafter for the parameters specified below Volatile Organic is Compounds _ ( by Method 1 or Method 2 below) Method 1; Method 6230 ( Capillary - Column), "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water andWastewater", l7th editing, 19 Method 2: Method 502.2 " Methods for the. Determination of Organic Compounds in Drinking Water", united States Environmental Protection Agency - 600/4- /03 If any volatile organic compounds are detected by method 6230D,or the equivalent method 502.2, then EPA methods 604 and 61,1 must also be run to detect other organic compounds which may be present. The results ref all analyses specified in the monitoring requirements, including 604 and 611 if required, must be submitted simultaneously. The results of the sampling and analysis shall be sent to the Groundwater Section in the. Mooresville Regional Office and the Groundwater ater ection, Permits Unit P0. Box 29535 Raleigh N.C. 27 26-Cld3 , within 30 days of sample collection; Tx, (2) weeks prior to system start-up, the lie ittee shall notify the Division of Environmental Managern it's Mooresville, Regional Office that operation is about to commence. , The groundwater recovery treatment and disposal sykstern shall be inspected weekly. If it is determined that the system is malfunctioning, all repairs should be made as soon as possible and reported to the lv'iotaresville Regional Office. groundwater quality monitoring a& deemed utc6sSitry by the, DivWoft of IEE I I l Adequate inspection, maintenance and cleaning shall be provided by the Pernhittee to insure proper operation of the subject facilities. The Permittee or his designee shad inspect the groundwater recovery and treatment facilities to prevent malfunctions and deterioration, operator errors and discharges which may cause or lead to the release of wastes to the environment, a threat to human health, or a nuisance. The Penruttee shall beep an inspection log or summary including at least the date and time of inspection, observations made, and and maintenance, repairs, or corrective actions taken by the Perrnittee. This log of inspections shall be maintained by the Pennittee for a period of three years from the date of the inspection and shall be made available upon request to the Division of Environmental Management or other permitting authority: 3. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the. Division of Environmental Management may, Capon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, pre ises or place on or related to the disposal site and facility at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with this permit; may inspect or copy any records that must be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit; or may obtain samples of groundwater, surface water, or leachate. l , This permit shrill beconhe voidable unless the facilities are constructed in accordance with the conditions of this permit, the approved plans, specifications and other supporting data, -� This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of wastes described in the application and other supporting data. 3a This permit is not transferable. In the event there is a desire for the facilities to change ownership, or there is a name change of the Permittee, a formal permit request must be submitted to the Division of Environmental Management accompanied by an application fee, documentation from the parties involved, and other supporting materials as may be appropriate. The approval of this request will be considered on its merits and may or may not be approved. The Permittee shall obtain a well construction permit from the Mooresville Regional Office prior to construction of the recovery wells, 5, prior to a transfer of this kind to a new "owner, a notice shall be given to the new owner that gives full details of the materials applied or incorporated at this site. . A set of approved plans dae ll and this cific do s for the subject project must be retained by the Pe 7 Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained its this permit may subject the Permittee to an enforcement action by the ;Division of Environmental. Management in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 14 --"? 1 .d. 4 The annual administering and compliance fee roust e paid by the Pe aittee within' thirty (3) days after being billed by the Division. Failure to pay the fee accordingly may cause the Division to initiate action to revoke this permit as specified by 1 NCAC 2H.0205(c)( ). 9. The issuance of this permit does not preclude the Pe 'ttce from complying with any and all, statutes, rubs, regulations, or ordinances which may be unposed by rather' government agencies (local, state, and federal) which have jurisdiction. 10. The Permittee, at least six (6) months prior to the expiration of this permit, shall request its extension, Upon receipt of the request, the Commission will review the adequacy of the facilities described therein, and if warranted, will extend the permit for such period of time and under such conditions and limitations as it may deem appropriate. Permit issued this the 20th (lay of May, 1991 LZN+ AROLI A E IRO AL STAGE COMMISSION MISSI I George T. Ever , Directo Division of En nmental anent , By Authority of the onnient l i'' ana me t Commission it bra M M97 rm ermXoit Xo ay 20, 1�991 En ginger's _CeqLficat ion duly registered Professional Engineer in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe (periodically, weekly, full time ) the construction of the project, Project Name Location forthe Pennittee hereby, state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to'be built within substantial compliance and intent of the approved plans and specifications, Signature Registration No. Date 6 ACKS " NORTH ChiRO r 6�"a�.r T—� 7�5 MINUTE 41T`, NE/4 OAFFNE�' i SEmE 452 ,r .���� €, t '` .#, "� tJEt95 s "t r s�,,g�` B "' ' `"•t. ✓" ix".`-.�. l 250000 FEET qN aatry IBM ( ° - k �- ' 77;. ' } ! 4 & ?f rv, A `. so �rCfti` , priligs "6 `^^...^.._ `- yl E€ �w � a{ f �r r ar E 1 fA 1.""^ t I J✓ h€( r" si , i9 1 r Ij 'v. ry M ry .. 41 af p d � 1 } t £` t .p+ 3 Sub 2 (yp tt t. � r � waStc a_.. r 4 Y'fi t' ,2't . ' ' « {..'��•- : a, 701 Carmel Road Delta Suite 200 Charlotte, NC 2,8226-3901 7051541-9890 conauttants, Inc. F 704/ -403 nt f)t' ICES .watt September 5, 1991 C � �' 11991 North Carolina DepartmeXonM'-e'n';i, Health and Natural Resources 512 North Salisbury Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Attention. M& Carolyn McCaskill Water lity Section Subject: Revised Location of Infiltration Gallery ey Oil>Company One Stop Earl, North Carolina Delta No. 50-88-564-02 Dear Ms. McCaskill- 11is letter is to inform you of the need to change the position and orientation of the infiltration gallery at the referenced site. All the appropriate approvals and permits (No. ' 4n ) have been received for the ground water treatment and digposal system at the site and we are ready to begin operation of the system. During the course of system installation it was determined t the approved location of the infiltration gallery (Figure 1) would probably cross the right of way around an existing high pressure natural gas line, Safety and right, of way concernsnecessitate an alternative location for the gallery, The proposed new location of the infiltration gallery is shown in Figure 1. Other than its location, n, the pHery will be identical to the one proposed in the Geology and Engineering Report 'submitted to your office in June 1990. Soils in the vicinity of the new location are identical to those in the original locale, Ground water flow models ) talring into account the hydraulic conductivity and optimal pumping rate (determined y a -hour pump test)_ in the recovery hells can site show that the alternative location ' d orientation allow for better capture` f re -infiltrated watar than the original location. nw a Mats of the models are attached. Delta Delivers Solution Rmised Lmdon of Infiltration Gallery September 5, 1991 Page e are ready to begin remediation of the contaminated soil and ground water at the site as soon a the new location for the gallery is approved. Please ;give this attar your immediate attention and it me if you have any questiom Sincerely, t .CONSULTANTS, a Ma ril Gauthier Proj an ger MAG/zga a . Nfichael Parker, l r. Robert Arey, Arey Oil Company Donna Alkire, Delta Environmental Consultants, Inc. r. Stephen Zbur,Delta Environmental Consultants, Inc. `�43 BODY SHOP Ilk * v. HIGH WELL + PRE w GAS UN co ORIGINALLINE � Ail t wwvtxy Age LEAK GALLERY lao 001 OLD TANK move Yr `' BASIN 41 SCALE FIGURE LEGEND:PROPOSED INFILTRATION LOCATION91 SUPPLY Ma P I EARL,+ GRASSY AREA NC PRojEcT NO. 50-WE 88-564 Distance 244, �' ii tq i ddppFf,li !i! !: t AAA! A !tt i i `` Aie%& R! i! !' AV P AtV ! qIp '�tF! :! i KtVA tV! i!A x Y!p{FiA¢#yyE V 4'Fi4V� M 4� !yArt 1 i! t ! ii!"'IFp M� iA mom 0' �T!€ ! A ! I, ! GALLERYNFURATON t .tl.a M• ;Y yk i tw}t. ��f na ttt 4 rttq"wi # a °t "a's nt s" qqqq j i taco at tt ti � ntht'I. k� 4�"aka°4N. ��na�'n�}"��"ta�w* i to to "ta!lastt�s"tb�r"Ap a * " a st r ss"t an "aa "}} "�°s t t 1 '3 sa an au *ts °t t to to asa" s+ ntg ;I s s *t t* st swt tt 'tots *'saln N tan*tw* adir�a �* �� astt*t"ntw�tt�t�ia"* •} r= t t a• s* s nt ads "anatst a�t" to, ■ wttt tt a* tt t ww*at d n In�tt data tat ntt tt tttt *t to *tssttss*s tt kill "s�"* I 1 's 's to "N tt to tta*tsasstttrota ;gR t s "4 tstst *s} *as *n s'to It �ai ct tt �( ilk L tt ssaattht s4Rt }t is*tw"* t f1 i *s *t s Its, wssa w°tns *aa'rsa n 1 a a* tat st to sa s"s eat tad, �I� 1 tt#tva�t® tn�"s3tt n st'sto n a ri� ' *wss sta"n tt wtt a w4t is * " *a � 4s "t� i sit t" n tat Lnt"t ssts ) �y i t } k YA ItAl"� t nO"to �� ✓ t a aX t W�9 R 5 M R } # ( � a n dC t F 'p t to to Is"wj } is *i i y s *"s ttt6 1 to tt tt 'is CIo �e�trt°.s atw ,�t x 1� It NFLTRATION YEARSAFTER 100 a yN' :W w r T6. PERMITS AND ENGI ERING UNIT 901 WATER QUALITY SECTION DATE: November 15, 1,990 NON -DISCHARGE STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION COUNTY Cleveland PERMIT NUMBER WQ0004097 PART I - GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Facility and Address: Arey Oil Co, One Stop #4 Earl 1906 E. Dixon Blvd. Shelby, NC 28150 2. Date of Investigation: November 14, 1990 3w Report Prepared By: Jim Reid C Persons Contacted and Telephone Number: No one on location; Inspection conducted by observation and plans scrutiny. 5. Directions to Site: Facility is located at the intersection of SR 1100 and Hwy 180/226 south of Patterson Springs in Cleveland County. 6. Size (land available for expansion and upgrading): Approximately 1000 square feet. 7. Topography (relationship to 100 year flood plain included) - lot is composed to two flat terraces above flood plain. Attach a U.S.G.S. map extract and indicate facility site. U.S.G®S. Quad No. __-U.S.G.S. Quad Name Blacksburg North- 8. Location of nearest dwelling and water supply well- nearest dwelling 300 feet, nearest well. 100 feet. 9. Watershed Stream Basin Information - a. Watershed Classification: Class C b. River Basin and Su basin No.- BRD 03-08-05 C. Distance to surface water from disposal system: >500 feet PART II - DESCRIPTION OF DISCHARGE AND TREATMEMr WORKS 1. Type of wastewater, sludge or contaminated soil: % Domestic 100 % Industrial a. Volume: O0058 MGD (Design Capacity) b. Types and quantities of industrial wastewater. 0.00588 MGD treated groundwater ire petroleum contamination attributable to a leaking underground storage tank. C. Prevalent toxic constituents in wastewater-. Benzene, Toluene, Xylene, Ethylbenzene d. Pretreatment Program (POTWs only): N/A in development approved should be required not needed 2. Production rates (industrial discharges only) in pounds per day: a. Highest month in the past 12 monthst lbs/day b. Highest year in the past 5 years: lbs/day 3. Description of Industrial process (for industries only) and applicable CEP Part and Subpart: N/A 4. Type of treatment (specify whether proposed or existing): Proposed, physical separation followed by aeration and infiltration. 5. Sludge handling and disposal scheme: No sludge will be generat,ed. 6Treatment plant classification: Less than 5 points; no rating (include rating sheet, if appropriate). Not rated. 7. SIC Code(s): 5541 Wastewater Code(s): Primary: 66 Secondary: PART III OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION 1. Is this facility being constructed with Construction Grant funds (municipals only)? No 2. Special monitoring requests- 140 3. other - PART IV - EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Issuance of Non -discharge Permit is recommended. signature of Report Preparer Water Quality Regional supervisor D to ACKSE3 RG NORTH 77CAROUNA " _ 0 n w `� �... rad� p{g w ." �.:a a5 c ' J✓ r 7�4 �;7 C4 k t'C < . i •'` �` _ of g+ P1 v„✓ a } ✓# �d ".....-4 �A .,. � ,'� r v. '� v„" ^c'^. � �4,y �, � �W i L... lk,;. �^*•.d �, � f Y �i �,v .'Y � �'"`� SW o e w r fA _ r 't� ' \ ns#aCeaea; '* 4 nd � *< 8, 111 {{ 4 *K 1 1 ^ com �9 t v i Stale of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 2 26- 5 5 James G. Martin, Governor George T. Everett, Ph.D. William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary Director May fib 11 . Robert Arey Arey Oil Company 1906 E. Dixon Boulevard r Shelby, North Carolina `. . r Sub t.' Permit 1 0. Arey Oil Company One ;Stop No. 4, Earl, N, . Groundwater Remediation System l6fl Cleveland County` Dear Mr. Arey " s In accordance with your application received September 7, 1990, we are forwarding herewith Perini t No. 1 d dated May 20, 199 1, to Arey Oil Company for the construction and operation of the subject groundwater ream ,liati n and infiltration galleiy disposal system. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until .April 30 1996 and shall b subject to the conditions and, limitations as specified therein, Please pay particular attention to the monitoring requirements in this peerrnit. Failure, to establish an adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required operational information will result in future compliance problems.; 1f any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit e unacceptable to you, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing in upon written request within 30 days following receipt of this permit. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office; of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 11666, Raleigh, NC 27604, Unless such demands are made this pernut shall; be final and binding: One set of approved plaints and specifications is being forwarded to ,you. if you need additional information concerning this mutter, please contact Mr. John Seymour at 91 / 33- f1 3 cerely, .- eore T. Ev r+�i cc: Cleveland County Health Deparime Mooresville Regional Office Groundwater Section Training d Certification Delta Environmental Consultants, Inc. Facilities Assessment Pollution Prevention Bays 1',o Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-73-'701 An Equal Opportunity Aflirnative Action Employer NO NORTH CA OLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES RALEIGH INFILTRATION ('I'rALLERY PERMIT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations N. 11 hp'17: or Cot.- P't -N"'J-r PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO W A Arey it Company Cleveland County FOR THE construction and operation of a 5,800 GPD groundwater remediation system with an inflUr gallery and soil venting consisting of two (2) recovery wells each with a 7 gpm pump, a N gallon oil/water separator, a 550 gallon product holding tank, a contact chlorinator, two channeled diffused aeration tanks in series with a 600 cfm blower, a totalizing flow meter, a 110 gallon transfer tank with transfer pump, a 6 foot by 50 foot infiltration gallery with two pie zometers, a 50 cfi'n regenerative vacuum pump with inlet coalescing and particle filter, and, associated pumps, piping, valves and appurtenances to serve One Stop No. 4 of Aire y Oil Company in Earl, North Carolina with no discharge to the surface waters, pursuant to the application received, September 7, 19,90 and in conformity with the project plan, specifications, and other supporting data subsequently filed and approved by the Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources and considered a part of this permit. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until April 30, 1996, and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: I PERFORMANCE SICA"AARRE I Upon completion of construction and prior to operation of this permitted facility, a certification must be received from a professional engineer certifying that the permitted facility has been installed in accordance with this permit and the approved plans and specifications, Mail the Certification to the Permits and Engineering Unit, P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, NC 27626-0535. 2 The Mooresville Regional Office, phone no, 704/ 663-1699 shall be notified at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance of operation of the installed facilities so that an in -place inspection can be made. Such notification to the regional supervisor shall be made during the normal office hours from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. on Monday through Friday, excluding State Holidays. 3. This permit shall become voidable if the soils fail to adequately absorb the wastes and may be rescinded unless the facilities are installed, maintained, and operated in a manner which will protect the assigned water quality standards of the surface waters and ground waters. I 4. In the event that the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall take immediate corrective action, including' those as may be required by this Division, an, such as the construction of additional or replacement treatment or disposal facilities; 5. The issuance of this permit shall not relieve the Permittee of the responsibility for damages to surface or groundwaters resulting from the operation of this facility. d Any sludge generated from these treatment facilities roust be disposed of in accordance with General Statute 143- 1 .1 and in a manner approved by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management. Diversion or bypassing of the untreated groundwater front the treatment facilities i prohibited. - L The facilities shall be properly a ntained and operated at all times, Upon classification of the facility by the Certification Commission, the Permittee shall employ a certified wastewater treatment plant operator to be in responsible charge of the wastewater treatment facilities. The operator must hold a certificate of the type;and grade at least equivalent to the classification assigned to the wastewater treatment facilities by the Certification Commission. Once the facility is classified, the Permittee must submit a letter to the Certification Commission which designates'_ the operator in responsible charge within thirty days after the wastewater treatment facilities are 50% complete; 3; The facilities shall be effectively maintained and operated as a non -discharge system to prevent the: discharge of any wastewater resulting from the operation of this facility. 111. MONITORLNG—AND REPORIINQ l . Any monitoring deemed necessary by the Division of Environmental Management to insure surface and ground water protection will be established and an acceptable sampling reporting schedule shall be followed, Noncompliance Notification: The Pe `tree shall report by telephone to the Mooresville regional Office, telephone no. 04/ 663-1 9, as saran as possible, but in no case more than 24 hours or can the next working day following the occurrence or fiat knowledge of the occurrence of any of the following - a. Any occurrence at the wastewater treatment facility which results in the treatment of significant amounts of wastes which are abnormal in quantity or characteristic, such as the dumping of the contents of a basin or tank; the known passage of a slug of hazardous substance through the facility; or any rather unusual circumstances. b Any process unit failure, due to known or unknown reasons, that render the facility incapable of adequate wastewater treatment such as mechanical or electrical failures of pumps, aerators, compressors, etc. C. Any failure of a pumping station, sewer line, or treatment facility res'uting in a by-pass directly to receiving waters without treatment of all Or any portion f the influent to such station or facility, d. Any time that self -monitoring information indicates that the facility is not in compliance with its permit i tations. Persons reporting such occurrences by telephone shall also file a w itten report i later form within 15 days following first knowledge of the occurrence. Ibis report must outline the actions taken or proposed to be taken to ensure that the problem does not recur, R 14 A second aeration system, identical to and in series with the first, shall be added to the remediation system to further treat the effluent prior to discharge into the infiltration gallery. 2. The effluent from the remerhation system must comply with the groundwater quality standards contained in 15A NCAC2L ;fl2flfl prior to discharge into the infiltration gallery; ® All components of the groundwater recovery, treatment and disposal system shall be properly weather -proofed to prevent freezing and failure of the system 4-; The influent and effluent from the treatment systems shall be sampled once every two 2 weeps for the first three tmonths and monthly thereafter for the parameters specified below: Volatile Organic Compounds - i by Method. 1 or Method 2 below), Method 1; Method 6230D ( Capillary - Column), "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water andWastewater", 1th edition, 199' Method 2. Method 52.2 °" Methods for the Determination of Organic Compounds in:Drinking Water", United States Environmental Protection Agency - 0/ - /f1 9 If any volatile organic compounds are detected by method 6230D,or the equivalent method 5 2.2 then; PA methods 604 and 611 must also be run to detect other organic compounds which may be present. The results of all analyses specified in the monitoring requirements, including 604 and 611 if required, must be submitted simultaneously. The results of the sampling and analysis shall be sent to the Groundwater Section in the Mooresville regional Office and the Groundwater Section, Permits Unit, P. 0. Box 29535 Raleigh, N.C. 2762 -t 5 5, within 30 days of sample collection. 5, Two ill weeps prior to system start-up the Permittee shall notify the Division of Environmental' Management's Mooresville Regional Office that operation is about to commence, . The groundwater recovery treatment and disposal system shall be inspected weekly, If it is determined that the: system is malfunctioning, all repairs should be made as soon as possible and reported to the Mooresville Regional Offices 7. Any groundwater quality monitoring as deemed necessary by the` Division of VC Environmental Management shall be provided., V. e"' y. l . adequate inspectiran: maintenance and cleaning shall be provided by the;Pennittee toinsure groper operation of the subject facilities: 2. The Permittee or his ldesignee shall inspect the groundwater recovery and treatment facilities to prevent malfunctions and deterioration, operator errors and discharges es which may cause or lead to the release of wastes to the environment, a threat t human health, or a nuisance, The Pere ittee shall peep an inspection log or summary including at bast the date and time of inspection; observations made, and any maintenance, repairs, or corrective actions taken by the lie tree. This log of inspections shall be maintained by the lie sitt e for a period of three years from the date of the inspection and shall be made available upon request to the Division of Environmental Management ement or ether permitong authority: 3. Any duly authorised officer, employee, or representative of the Division of Environmental Management may, upon presentation of credentials, enter- and inspect any property, premises or place on or related to the disposal site and facility at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance, with this permit; may inspect or copy any records that must be kept tinder the terms and conditions of this permit; or may obtain samples of undwatea-, surface water, or l ac ate. V1. 1 This pen -nit shall become voidable unless the facilities are constructed in accordance with the conditions of this permit, the approved plans, specifications and tither supporting data.. 2. This penit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of wastes desenbed in the application and other supporting data. 3 This permit is not transferable. In the event , there is a desire for the facilities to change ownership, or therm is a name change of the Pennittee, a formal permit request must _ be submitted to the Division sion of Environmental Management accompanied by an application fee, documentation from the parties involved, and other supporting materials as may be appropriate. The approval of this request will be considered on its meats and may or may not be approved;, 4 The Permittee shall obtain a well construction permit from the Mooresville Regional Office prior to cons ction of the recovery wells, Prior to a transfer of this land to a new owner, a notice shall be givers to the; new owner that gives full details of the materials applied or incorporated at this site, 6. A .set of approved plains and specifications for the subject project must be retained by the Permittee for the life of this project. Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this pemrit ti-ray subject the Permittee to an enforcement action by the Division of Environmental Management nagement it accordance with North Carolina General Statute 1 - 1 .6. 8, The annual administering and compliance fee must be paid by the Permittee within thirty (30) days after being billed by the Division, Failure to pay the fee accordingly may cause the Division to initiate action torevoke this permit as specified by 15 NCAC 21-1.0205 (c)(4), 9, The issuance of this permit does not preclude the lie 'tree from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances which may be imposed by other government agencies (local, state, and federal) which have] sdictionft 10. The Permittee, at least six (6) months prior to the expiration of this permit, shall request its "tension. Upon receipt of the request, the Commission will review the adequacy of the facilities described therein, and if warranted, will extend the permit for such period of time and under such conditions and limitations as it may deem appropriate. Permit issued this the 20th day of May, 1991 LN ""7rr' MANAGEMENT COMMISSION George T. fiver �, Directo �ec Division of Env nmetnal a agement By Authority of the on me'r ma] Management Commission 5 Permit No, WQ0004097 May 20,1991 Engineer��rCf�iti n� 1, , as a duly registered Professional Engineer in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe (periodically, weekly, full time) the construction of the project, Project Name Location for the Permittee hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the approved plans and specifications, Signature Registration No. Date 6 SLACKSE3URG NOF,,-rH Sco,, NORTH CAROLINA— ' c 1 ?. MINUTE Rf (T la ,' w ��---z7,E 12f3CJ}CSFEET d j rw i J ^'` 4 �✓`..'r E.f \ t why 4 A`r+M iI, 'r \ G*, o 'ti' �,.I j �' serf r �' �"`:':,•.„ `r �..,,�, .aF d ! ze ( "�..,'�`� �s''"1 � 4 ¢a,� �t� I �`� � •,- 1` . � I " _'i "`"�' ,/�� � r' f� y� �"- � �'�;� "�.,�`r"� � ¥, �"'� a 2 rl teiso OW �r a 4 �& t ` c. �10 3 Sri -�, P t Y 4 e, 2 20 3c a r 3 Cezza.`° { .,t,., ' C 4. �u , _tr w r ,r' " #0) And 'or Mlxod-Madia ddinti s. A prafrshing process by which effluent limits ate achieved through a rant gravity, hydraulically loaded fitter with loading uoer.tductiot Of suspendedsolids:{.)low 21961n 16 One to throo gpnttsf rangojb)high four ^ a penis-, Irydraullcafiy loaded B€ISot with loading At any rate, ilia loading fate will exc#od thfee upalr4l: FORC�L:��.all.:��"� i I�il°� t�� �.,��il.) 1 9� ;", ales In the five gprm+sf range; i)Secondany Clarttlors, A tank which follows tiro biological Firth cI a IfOatrrtont plant and which has �'1RATINGC%L.0 a purpose of Ieeroving sludge associated swath the biological treatment dolls; 42)Soparals StudF,)o Raaaraeatierrs. A part of dire contact siibHualiore process where the activatio sludge 1 ��c `w ; � f � �" � ' J / c vl sg*g Name of �-�rti. _.. s transferred to A lank and aerawd Wrote rreturnl(rg kt to tlto basin; ". 43)Sasora Tank. A slrwgta-story sohling tank in which safned sludge €sAn CF with the wrastaw tire) for soplic tank syslern " eo nee s` a6H rid wry � Owner err Cont;�ct: Person:_ 20 � � � l �?. —Xcr lowing through the tank: shail not be applicable s' � Mailing Address' r S ass which discharge to a nitrification fiold; 44)Sludge Digestion. The process by which organic or volatile (natter and sludge is gasified„ liquefied„ (''ount Telephone, �Expiration thnstafted or s eiverted into more stable organic manor through the activily of living organisrris, % t : _ ..���..--� a it CY. �' Permit ,vlech includes aarated holding tanks. ;45)SWdige buying Birds, An area <o nCtrtSV�g natural tat or artadRC&at Cayes of P r& materials uponwhich by drainago and evapertafion, gNPLI S t"i" -9Ssu Date.„ t dugesled serwago sludge rs ritaed (46)Sfudgza Clumatten• A process of,sludega c0ndrroning Oar which contain conslitueants are resnovad by ondiSC. Perinit NO. `iLt C'C r7 ExPiration succossfvo waWngs v,tth fresh water or plant o neurnot (4?y Sfusge Gras Utilization, `rhea process or wising 4awager gas foe rho paurrauso or healing buildings. ,47) IItivi Issue �?t : ��� 1� d � g Dew tg oagdw#s, etc., ,46)Sfudge Holding lank (Aerated and Nanaera ed), A tank knielzad for srraalt wastewater treatment Banta neat containing a dugcas(er do which sitadge rosy tree kepi leash, and supernatant whodrawn prior to Rated At err � Office_ evict *r ( r inS CC Cart.) Reg, t drying method (i.€. sludge drying befs)� Thu; may be done by adding a small interim of air simply to chat w#uki bait roqutread 10 achieve stabilization of Reviewed t Ct � i tsdtii. a Crt.� r ntr l fI1CC , tools the siaadga fresh, but not arooassarity an atnOunt reganic roaster. A nonaeralod lank would simply he used to decartit sludge prior to dowelaling and would trade (` i1misly be used to (decant sludge prior to dawalenng and would real allow long periods (several days of - iolention) without ravolting odor problems; 4g}Slu4ge A furnacte designed to burn studge and te ram art and combustible III Plant Class: (Circleone)� If IV nauirdals and reduce the sludge to a sterile ash; 5o)SIudg# Stabilization (Chemical or Thotrrraf) A pcoeoss to makit treated sludge less odorous and POINT tutroscriblo, and to roduco the pathogenic organism content, This may be done by pH ad)usirmint ITEM Noriner dosing, or by heat fraatment; 51)Sludgo Thickanor„ A typo of socnrnontaiioh ling in which cite sludge is partm"od to 90,1110 Ind t l � IrldU tri l Pretreatment Unit nd/0r, hicken through agitation and gravity-. � lagoon In which biological oxidation of organic (natter Is t Industrial Pretreatment Program 52)Stabfiza&ton Lagoon, A typo of oxidation tifeciod by natural transfer of oxygen to the waler ham air (nova polishing, pond); 'flee definition No, 33), i3)Sland-igy Power Supply, On silo or portable electrical generating squipmem(S41 Static Screens. dosigned to remove solids Including mac,biodegradable particulate (dlaalabl# solids„ � � l ��PLANTl �� k stationary screen suspended solids and 800 reduction), Item municipal and indaeltaal (not applicable to non -contaminated cooling facilities for grater wastewater lrealmerrs Systems, (55)Tarflary Treatment A stage 01 l(oadurtnt Wowing secondary which Is pri(nadly for the purpose for waters, ludg handling purification plants,totally CIDS� cycle of aifinoth pollshbnag; A s#tiling lagoon or sailed or oat iher, reilght be employed this purpose, t%)Thoimal po9iuiPon Control Device» A device ptoviding ter the trans#er or heat from a fluid ficswing systems (defy NO 11), and facifitiDS Items (4) (d) n tubes to another fluid outside the iuldas, or vice weans, or, other means of regulating cansisfing only Of Item ) (d) or rquid temperaatres„ (57)thermrd Sludge Conditioner A conditioning process by which heat Is added for a protracted periled by the sotvbliforear and hydravilxing sad the smaller and and (1 ) (d)) g 20,000 . „ . . 1 of time to Improve the dowateaabiftty Of sludge more nighty hydratod sludge, parttckis: 'Those Including disoas#• .using agents which 0,00l _•,. 50,000 , ,. .: . .... .... (5B)"aoxlc Malshats. wastes or rornte;nalleuns Of waxles offer discharge and upon exposure. Ingestion, inhalation of assimilation into any organism either or indirectly by ingestion through ;long chains, will cause death, disease, c),001 - 100,000 100,001 -250,000 diroet@y from lira onvaronrneni behavioral atncrnaalitles, cancer, garnolic enutalmns, physiological malfunctions (Including €nallunctiors of their offspring, Toxic materials �rw Q�y�w . ..-, . 250,001 in reproduction) vt physical dOfiOf nation$, in such organisms include, by way illustration and not Ikmitatioaaa with, cadmium, chromium, mercury, vanadium, biph#nyls (PCBs) and dic lorodiphanyt � C��3� -�,� ,�' �J 1,000,001 2,000,0 00 0 arsenic. zinc, ourcu- itec•cltorabenxana (ONCE padychuarinatad trehorroomana tDOT), and any other ma vials that have or may hereafter be determined to have toxic2�000,001 (and UP) rate I poirit additional for each pecioarlies 00,000 gpd capacity top to a. a 159)THro dIng dater. A biological irGAiment unit consisting of material such as broken $1diro or rock crvaar swb3ch wa%tewvater is distrabu och A high, rate trickling tidier Is one which is operated at between " fg"9<"gXlrYlum of 30 ' 10 and 3,0 ntgd peer auto A low rate Ificishmi idler Is one which is designed in operato at one to tour Design FIOW (d) � I, in,,, it rar acre", (6u)THoiuirretg Filter (Pacead Tower). A ralug ftvw. t of die0ralion In vhacPt we, &av star flews dawn, ° � Y Pal p dote 0if .ante r1ref orlaf is rCYiTiovo d continually Itol 41id�ttg l'l uea;essrV4 lay f, 4t rnucdfa or vain ju tledal, active biological fixes( grawlh it, each successivo foyer. 1hes treading arty produco `soacmdary*-r(ude.ly Ai adjuaA or may be anaptaad to produce a nitrified offluorth (61)t dune ralnors, Carifr'rtulies, or palter Presses. 01tvicas which are des'sgnod 10 remove excess to disposal Of iurlher wa8ar ram either digester{ or undigested sludge prior containing Inorganic, tarn -to to materials from sand, graver, crushed string or other similar opsratron8„ i,'. t from which theta is nodischarge 90 the suffice wvaree5; such systems shalt carry a r axi acre of two points regardless of pumping laciti[ies or any other epic tenancss; =h (S2}Gombinod Removal of Carbanaceovs EAGE and Nitrogantaus Removal', by Nitrification - A single s! tr' () PRELIMINARY UNjT (see definition no. 32) systorn `designod" to achieve 'aelvanc d' pormit effluent fifnits on DOD and arnrnonia nitrogen within O Bar Screens . , ; , , ... » . , . , ... , „ tlhe saazso biological reactor, (l3)Dorchlormation. The partial or complete reduction of residua{ chlorine to a liquid by any ororicical „ . o r or physical process: /_.. f: (b) Mechanical SC..;1"C;ofis, Static Screens: or I14)Drinilrif1crulon Pwcaans. Thn convoirkwnof to nitrogens rgari: Comminuting L aViCPS , . -. . (t,g)Etecuodialysss. Process for removing ionized salts from water through the use of ion•solective ion (G) Grit Removal . , ...... -exchange membranes,- (19)Pitter Press; A process operated mechanically for parlialty dewalering sludge; G r ... (37)rcia:m Separation, The planned frothing of wastewater or wastewater affluent as a means of t (d) Mechanical or Ann—Ited Grit R(fl-n6val -.� r firmoving nxcosxlvrs amounts of deterrent rnatnrWrt ihroonh ifiar inlroductinn rt air in The form of fine bumbles, also called them iraclionaellon, (e) Flow Me di$Urtflt Device". (t6)r3rit Removal. The process of removing geR and other heavy mineral mailer from wastewalor or (19)mtheiff Tank. A deep two dory wastewater tarok consisting of an upper sedimental{on chamber and (() Instrumented d low- Measuromeni _ a lower sludge d"agosron chamber; (20)Insliumtantod I low Measurement, A drivicra witch indrealcs and/or records rate of ltdw; (lg) Preaeration ... ....... .. . ... ... (21)lon Exchange. A chemical process in which Ions from two d4foreant molecules are exchanged; (22)1 and application: (a) Sludge Disposal. A final sludge disposal method by which sludge may be f jrlflunrtt IQ "J C)tJali2atifJfl ... , , applied to {and either by spraying on the surface or b subsurfacti injection (i.e„ chisel plow): [not t (i) Grease or Oil Separators - Gravity o .... applicable for types of sludge described in (la) of This Ru{aij° (b)Troalod Effluilm, The process of treated , spraying wastewater onto a land area or other methods of application at wastewater onto a Mechanical .. „ . .. . .. 3 land area ai.1. a means of final disposal andrpr trealmom; Dissolved Air Flotation. 8 (23)krticroscreen, A low speed, continuously back -washed, rotating dram fiftar operating under 5 gravity conditions as a polishingmethod removing Susprmd d solids from off lent; �95 st1 Pr chlorination (2,ulditrRicatlun Process, The biormorninal conver*tcri et arnbxi iixod nitrogen (ammama and organic () PRIM RY TREATMENT UNITS,. nllrollon) to oxidized nitrogen (usually nitrate); ( Septic Tarp (SEG -definition fiD.' . .. . . . . . . , (29)Nitrogenous Stage. A separate stage of wastewater Treatment dosrgnod for the specific put of converting ammonia nitrogen to nitrate nitrogen; ( t) Imhof Tank .. . . .. , - . _ .. , ... ... J (26)Phosphats Removal Biological. The romovat of phosnhisrus from wastewater by an oxiciAoxic (Dt Primary Clarifiers 5 process designed; to enhance luxury uplakn of phosphorus by the microorganisms; (d) Settling Ponds or Settling Tanks for Inorganic (27)Polishing Pond. A holding pond fallowing secondary treatment with sufficient detention to allow for the finely Nora to is Materials (sludge handling facilities settling of suspended solids; (28)Post Aeration. Aeration following amrivon6onaf secondary treatment units to increase effluent fait, for water purification ' ptants, sand, gravel, or for any other purpose; stone, and ogler mining operations except (2 )Post Aeration. (Cascade) A ppffshing method by which dissolved oxygen is added to the Affluent by recreational activities such as gem or gold a nonmechanical, gravity means of flowing down a sondes of slops or weirs; The few occurring across the steps or weirs moves in a fairly thin layer and the "ration of the cascade requires no operator mining)... adjusimard; thus, zero points are assigned even though this is an essential step to meeting the limits of ( SECONDARY TREATMENT UNITS the discharge permit; (30)Powdeted or :Granular Activated Carbon reed. A biophysical carbon process that utilizes biological (a) Carbonaceous Stage activity and organic absorption by using ,powdered or granular aoivalsd carbon; virgin andtor (I ratt4?t High {T Purity Oxygen System 20 regenerated cartoon is food controlled Into the system; Diffused Air System (31)Preseraflon. A lank constructed to provide aeration prior to primary treairnen% (32)Pretfminaay Units. Unit operations in the troalmont process, such as screening and comminution„ Mechanical Air System (fixed,: that prepare the liquor for subsequent major operations; floating or rotor) , . a . . , . (33)Industrial Pretreatment: (a)PteatroaR ant Unit, industrial. The conditioning of a waste at its Sludge Reaera(ion source before discharge, to remove of to neutralize' substances injurious to sewers one! lreatnso'ht Separate � - processes am Ice effect a Partial reduction In load on a treatment process which is P p P operated by the earns (if) Trickling Filter governing body as the wastewater treatment plant being ratod; (b)Pre-t ealmeni Program, Industrial - 11I1 date . : .. 7 must be a Stairs or EPA required program to receive prints on the rating shoes; 5 (34)Pdmary Glari(iars. The first settling Tanks through which wastewaTer Is passed in a'treatment Standard date .... , . , ..:.... . works for the purpose of romm Ong caof leabte and suspended solids and BOO which is associated wish the Packed Tower . 5 solids: �° l qq ry q Filter (t d & r,,.tt �.IP ft l *:$l Aerated 1`tlt r or Aerated (35)Pumps. Tell influent, effluent, and in -plan( pumps, (3r,)rl €kdtation uislntrretican need/or smrRi a0on prow# .r; c&NZir+ro df(Wv C05: emlit;nrt or oernC7 a Biological Filter . . . . . , . , . . . . , . . . , , . . . ; it 0 (37)Reverse Osmosis, A Treatment process In whim a heavy contaminated liquid is pressurized (Iv) AnratedLagoons 1 0 through a membrane farming nearly puree liquid Iron from suspended solids; (U Rotating tf(t It3u JCpl ell Contactors . .. ., Mfg. (38)Roiatorm Biol rgical Contacicrs, A fixed biological growth process in which wvasTaimilor flaws in Through tanks which a series of partially subrmarged circular surfaces are rotated; (39)Sand Fifliars(a)tmormillpni f3iofogical. Filtration of affluent following soplic Tanks, lagoons, or some other troa moat process in :which further biodocomposirdon is {expected to produce desired rffluoril klydraaurkc loading rates on these busts are computed in gpolac and have a resulting tour gpm/si Oess Than onoy; (b)Rec{rculaling biological - the same Typo of sand filter as detinod in fag with the added capability to recyNcto effluent back through the sand ritort r .... (i SiLtdd�@C�Ir�C„� Tank"TankP #�PatC� ' ........ � ...::, 5 � �°`� Ll'�'tit�CJII�"BPS . Non-aaiated , .... ....... (f) Foam Separation . 5 ��� Sludge Incinerator - (not including activated � ) €r;r� l�xcrrnr#c�>� .. .. .... , � carbon regeneration) ..... 1 tl (h) t.rrnd Apphc ati n of ' reatod Effluent () VacuumFitter,Centrifuge orFilter Press or other (sloe definition no. p�'t�) (not applicably for similar dewterir�g devices . ....... . .... . ... . .. 10 mining sand, gravel, stone �trtd other- similar minas () SLUDGEDISPOSAL(including incinerated asks) � operations) { �Ci� �C?�tF�.] , e r . . . . . e .: r . , « . , ..... . .:.:. , L. ({ o:}rl agr{4^ult�+j6 C1�V �0'� I.k+aPIL,d s{kG.3 (I✓G del. (b) lend Application (surface and subsurface), too. a) . . .... . . . . .............. x ... , .... , , 1 fi (see definition a) (h) by high rate infiltration on non -agriculturally -where the facility holds the land app, permit . 10 managed sites(iraclr{des rotary distributors application operator h contracting to a land app p and sir"iltar fixed nn:-In systems)dy' . . . . . .. r holds the land application permit ..... . ...... . . .. (ri{) by subsurface disposal (includes low pressure; -land application of sludge byccntractr who does pipe systems and gravity systems except at not hold the permit for the wastewater treatment plants consisting of septic tank and rlitrilica- facility where the sludge is generated 10 tion lutes only) , .... (c)' Landfilled (burial) ... .. ..... . (i) Microscreens . .. . ... , .. . , .. . (phosphorus Removal by Biological Processes (g) DISINFECTION (I) Mori (a) Chlorination (See def. No. ) .. « . ,..............s,. 20 (b) Dechlorination (k) Polishing Ponds without aeration .. , , . , (�� Ozone, .... .: a with aeration , , .,. . .. : , s .. , .. " (d) Radiation ....... (I) Post Aeration .�: cascade g (1�l) CHEMICAL ADDITION �":�"Pdv9 (a) (e definition No. ) diffused or mechanical � (not ctt.1i[;wit7aCi to iir,r'3"i#C'.1 e.1f�Itr,YGt r:.tt¢�'.t :1 item. (in) F�ir.:''itsC" £..oSG17+:3.P> ...... . . ....... ;j S () (I), () (a) (xi), () (a), () (b). (7) (b), (y) (e). (9) Sand or Mixed -Media, Filters m:lo rate ,, () (a)r (g) (b), r C (g) (c) points sash: List: Mgh rate .. , ... .... (o) Treatment processes for removal of metal or 5 cyanide:,... .,., ..-..,.,.a ... ..n,.._.. ," ,. 15 (p) Treatment processes for removal of toxic � � _ � -• materials other than metal or cyanide .. , ....... 1 (11) MISCELLANEOUS LIMIT; (7) SLUDGE TREATMENT (a) Holding Ponds, Holding Tanks or Settling Ponds (a) Sludge Digestion Tank - t~seated .... . . . . . . ... 10 for Organic or Toxic Materials including wastes Aerobic ..... ... . ..... 5 from mining operations containing nitrogen and/or Unheated . , d phosphorous compounds to amounts significantly (b) Sludge Stabilization (Chemical or thermal) . . , ... , 5 ,......." greater than i common for domestic wastewater 4 (o) Sludge Crying Rods - gravity . , . _ .... p (b) effluent blow Equalization (not applicable to storage Vacuum Assisted ....... basins which are inherent in land application system (d) Mudge Lliatriaticrl .. , .: , , . , . « ......... (c) Stage Discharge (not applicable to storage basins (a) Sludge Conditioner (chemical thermal) : g inherent in land application systems (f) SludgeThickener (gravity) .........,.,...... a (g) Dissolved Air Flotation unit (e) viand-ld Power supply ......... .... . (not applicable to aunit rates.. a() (G) : .. , g s (f) Thermal Pollution Control Cevroe,,.„., ( r 'lucrr l,'JWiZ4.,{(Bnr-'Iudinrgas storaq,) t ) � Mfg r' ' "" ' TOTAL POINTS (vi) Sand Filters - intermittent biological . . recirculating biological CL SSIFIC. T1C i (vli) Stabilization Lagoons , a ... ......... 5 Class 5 - 25 Points (vfii)Clarifier .. , . , , ..... r ..... , ........ , ,.: (ix) Single stage system for combined 5 ll.......:. .......:. ......... 6- 56 Points carbonaceous removal of BOD and Class lll.......... ....:..o-. .......,. ......:.,..,..... 51- 55 Points nitrogenous removal by nitrification Class lV......... ........ 66- Up Points (see def. No. 1 ) (Points for this item have to be in addition to items (5) (a) Fa ties having a rating of one through four points, inclusive, (1) through (5) (a) (viii) . i ........... . . . 6 do of require a certified operator. Classification of all rather (x)' Nutrient additions' to enhance SOD facilities requires a comparable grade operator in responsible removal ...... ..:....... 5 charge, (xi) Biological Culture ("Super Bugs„) addition to enhance organic CCan`IpCrund f'Mwrnoval . . 5 Facilities having an activated sludge process will be :assigned- () Nitrogenous Stage a minimum classification of Class it. (i) Aeration - High Purity Oxygen Systern 20 Diffused Air System , .. , ..... , 10 Facilities having treatment processes for the removal of Metal Mechanical Air Sy tern (fixed;, or cyanide will be assigned a minimum classification of Class It. floating, or rotor) . . , .. .....". Separate Sludge l�daeration ..... 6 Facilities having treatmentj rcce es for theaioNocgical removal(ii), Trickling Filter - of phosp oru will be assigned a minimum classification of Class-` High late . :; 7 III. Standard Rate .......: 21EL 'rto N a Packed Towor . 5 { i N i) Biological Aerated Filter or Aerated (I)Activaied Carbon Bads, A physacafrchamical method for reducing soluble organic material from Biological Filter . .:. 1 o wastewater effluent,, the column -type beds used In this method will have a flow rate varying from two. to eight gallons Minvle . .. ;, .. (iv) , Rotating Biological Contactors 1<0 per per square toot and may be either up-rflow or downftow carbon beds. Carbon may or may net be regenerated on the wastewater treatment plant sits, . , , (v) Sand Filter- (2jAeraled Lagoons, ,A basin in which all solids are maintained in suspension and: by which biological oxidation', or organic matter is reduced through intermittent biological arlificiaily acceferaled transfer of oxygen on a flow through basis; ECirculating biological . MAsrati n, A process of bringing about intimate contact between air or high purity oxygen In a liquid (vl) Clarifier ..... .. .. .... .... . ... . . by spraying„ agitation diffusion; (4)Agriculluratly managed site. Any site on which a crop is producad, managod, and harvested (Crop grasses, grains, trees, etc}„ ( ) T f�TN t OACIV�af�CFi TREATMENT UNITIncludes (d)Air Stripping. A process by which the ammonium Iran is first converted to dissolved ammonia (poi (a) Activated Carbons Beds - adjustment) with the ammonia then released to the atmosphere by physical means; or other similar without carbon' regeneration Processes which remove petroleum products such as benzene, toluene„ an xylone, (6)Carbon Regeneration, The regeneration of exhausted carbon by the use of a furnace to . . with carbon regeneration , . .'. . , . . , . . . . , . , . . f 5 provlde extremely high temperatures which volatilize and oxidize the absorbed impuride l (b) Powdered or Granular Activated Carbon Feed (7)Camciraceous Stage. A stage of wastewater treatment designed to achieve ®secondary- effluent limits, without carbon regeneration , (a)Cerstrlfuge. R mechanical devaee in which centrifugal force is: used to separate solids from liquids with carbon regeneration = ....... , . 1 z - and/or to separate liquids of different densities; (C) Air Stripping , . . . . . , ,., .: . (g)Che rcat Addition systems - The addition of chemical (s) to wastewater at an application pant for purposes of improving solids removal, on adjustment, alkalinity control, etc., the capability to (d) Dendtrification Process (separate process) : 1 experiment with different chemicals and different application plaints to achieve a .specific result wifr be. corrsiderAd one System: the capability to add chemical (a) to dual units will be rated as one system„ capabi" 1e add a chemical at difference application points for different purposes will rosulvin the systetnsing We as separate system. (lta)Chanocal Sludge Conditioning, The addition of a chemical compound such as limo, ferric chloride, or a polymer to wet sludge 10 coalesce the mass prior 10 its application to a dewaleing;device; b c. Ms. Laura Robbins, Federated Insurance t pan Federated Claim No. ADefta Environmental Consultants, Inca 7401 Carmel Exec. Park, Snits 206 Charlotte, NC 28226 704/541-9890 FAX.704/543-4035 June 14 North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources 12 North Salisbury Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 11 Attention: Mr. Arthur Mouberry Subject: Geology and Engineering Report Non -Discharge Pet Application Arey Oil Company One Stogy Earl, North Carolina Delta No.50-88-564 r Mr. ou Please find enclosed four copies of the Geology & Engineering Report and application fee for the above referenced site. If you have any questions or comments concerning this project, please do not hesitate to contact me at (704) 541-9890. Sincerely, , INC aril Ak G ier Project Geologist/Project Manager MAG/amc Enclosure pra t cas SOILAOMS tO Environmental Concerns Deltatz Consultants,Environmental tr 7401 Carmel Exec Park, Smite 206 7 4 41-9 9ti FAX704/543-4035 June 15, 1990 North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources 59 Woodrin Place Asheville, North Carolina 28801 Attention: Ms. Laura Herbert Subject; Geology and Engineering Report Non -Discharge Permit Application Arey Oil Company One Stop # Earl, North Carolina Delta No.50-98-564 r Ms. Laura Herbert: Please find enclosed the Geology and Engineering Report for the above referenced site, If you have any questions or comments concerning this project, please do not hesitate to contact me at 7 )541-9890 Sincerely, DELTAlalS aril uth Project Geologist/Project Manager MAG/ame Enclosure Practical Solubons to Environmental Concerris GEC G REPORT NON -DISCHARGE COMPANY,AREY OIL ONE STOP NORTH CAROUNA DELTA NO. 50-8&564 report was prepared by DcIta Environmental Cbnsultants, 1 Carmel Executive Park, Slate 206 Charlotte, North ) Table of Contents 10 CATION 1 3.0 PREVIOUS REPORT'S 1 .fit SOIL CHARACTERISTICS ERISTI 4.1 Depth to Ground Water 42 Ground Water Flow Direction .0 DESIGN INFORMATI 5.1 Monitoring Weiss 5.2 Remediation Systerrr 5..1 Ground Water Recovery S 521 Soil Venting 5.2.E Ground "Aster Treatment System 5.3 EfBuent Disposal posal 5.31 page Capacity of the Sails 5 5.3.2 Infiltration gallery Design 6 &0 PERFORMANCE AND OPERATION STANDARDS 6_ 6.1 Recovery Welly 6.2 Soil Venting S 63 Treatment System &4 Infiltration Gallery p D MONITORING ORII { 8,0 REFERENCES 10 .0 REMARKS 11 Tables Table I. Relative Ground Water Elevations 'Fable Rern that n System Equipment List Table Proposed System Operating Data Table 6 Air Emissions Calculations for Ground -Water 'Treatment Systern "i"nhle c� tttens ,cc�tlnued} Page -Figures Figure 1; Topographic I-ocation Map , Figure . Site Map Figure 3® Geologic Cross Section Location Figure : Geologic Cross Section A; -A' Figure 5. Geologic Cross Section Figure ; PropowJ Infiltration Gallery Location Figure 7: Monitoring Well Locations Figure r Water Table Contour Map Figure ; Inferred Extent of Ground Water Contamination Figure Recovery Well Locations Figure 11: Recovery Well Construction - -1 Figure 1 . Proposed Recovery Well Construction - - igure 3: Soil "Vapor Extraction System Schematic Figure, 1 : Treatment System Schematic Figure 1 Treatment System Layout Figure , Infiltration Gallery Design AnKndlces, Appendix A: Soil Boring Logs, Appendix :: Recovery Well Design Calculations Appendix ; Infiltration Gallery Flow Model Result Appendix I; Phase 11 Characteriztion Report Appendix E: Soil Venting Exhaust Stud Ernrrtlsstion Calculations Appendix F: Infiltration Gallery Design Model GEOLOGY D ENGINEERING REPORT D PERMIT $,' OIL COMPANY, ONE MP #4 NORTH CAROLINA DELTA 1.0 PURPOSE e purpose of this report is to evaluate the ability of the geology and soils at the One Stop #4 gasoline and convenience store in Earl, North Carolina to accept treated ground water via an infiltration gallery, This report includes geologic and hydro eolo is descriptions of the area, engineering design information operational characteristics and performance standards for the proposed remediation system and infiltration gallery as .required by the north Carolina Administrative Code,Section: 15 N A C 2H. 0200,Waste Not Discharged to Surface Waters,. .Delta Environmental Consultants Inc.(Delta) has prepared this report on behalf of Arey, Oil Company A,.rey in response to a Notice of Violation(NOV) issued to Arey by the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources D l- N , Asheville Regional Office on November 30,1989. The NOV was issued after the detection of liquid phase hydrocarbons ..PH) in one of the site monitoring wells. 2.0 +tN The One Stop #4 gasoline and convenience store is located in Cleveland County, north of the community of Earl, North Carolina along State Highway 180 as shown in Figure 1. The site, shown in Figure 2, consists of a gasoline/convenience store* The adjacent properties are occupied by a photographic studio, retail outlets, fast food restaurants and a body shop" A4 residential community is located to the west of the site,, .0 PREVIOUS REPORTS Delta has prepared and submitted to the DEHNR the Site Characterization Deport on January 30, 1990 and the Phase 11 Site Characterization Report on April 11 1990 as required by D NR- A Corrective Action Plan (CAP) for this site was submitted to D HNR on May 15,1990. The CAP details the extent of petroleum contamination, remediation goals and d description of the proposed rernediation technology. Geology and ErjgLncqrinSjRc r, Non -Discharge Perrnft Appli'C111:011 Arey Oil Company, One Stop #4 Earl, North Carolina Delta No, 5OM-564 Page 2 4�O SOIL QIARACrERIMCS Based on samples collects ,", Lom fourteen soil borings, soil at the site consists predominantly of red -brown, micaceous silty clay grading to banded saprolite at depth. it boring logs are included in Appendix A, The texture and composition of the saprolite indicate a gneissic origin. The locations of the soil borings are shown in Figure 3. Occurrences of powdery, white clayey silt with residual quartz grains were noted in several soil borings. The soil boring data was used to construct north to southwest and east to west profiles of the soil. These cross sections are shown in Figures 4 and 5, respectively. The proposed infiltration gallery will be located in the area of SB-1 as shown on Figure 6. The soil in the area of the proposed infiltration gallery is composed of the red brown silty clay at the surface that grades to banded micaceous saprolite at a depth of 14 feet. 4.1 De tb to Ground Water Seven monitoring wells (MW-1 through MW-7) were installed by DEHNR personnel in November 1989 prior to Delta's involvement in the investigation. Three additional monitoring wells (MW-8, MW-9 and .MW-10) and a gasoline recovery well (RW-1) were installed at the site in January 1990. Two deep wells (DW-1 and DW-2) and two shallow monitoring wells (MW-11 and Mom`-12) were installed at the site in February 1990. The locations of these monitoring wells are shown in Figure 7. The most recent depth to water measurements, as shown in Table 1, range from about 11 feet in MW-12 to about 25 feet in MW- I and MW-2. Depth to ground water in the area of the proposed infiltration gallery ranges from 24.5 to 26.6 feet. 4.2 Ground Water Flaw Direction Measurements in the monitoring wells indicate that ground water occurs in the unconsolidated saprolite. The saturated zone is unconfined. Water table elevation contours and flow direction using depth to water measurements from March 27, 1990 are illustrated in Figure & A southwesterly ground water flow direction is indicated by the contour map. An apparent hydraulic gradient of 0.0067 ft/ft was calculated using MW-1, MW-8 and MW-12 as a triangulation base. A downward vertical component of flow is Geoltr aria r ira erica t Non -Discharge Perot Application ANY Oil Company. One Strap # Earl, North Carolina Delta No. 50M,564 Page I� indicated in the area of nested monitoring wells -11 and - . The vertical gradient in this, area was calculated at 0, ftdit: 5.0-DESIGN AT ION ,�.� 1'onittlrin network of fourteen monitoring wells was I , n tilled around the site in an attempt to delineate the horizontal and vertical extent of petroleum hydrocarbon contamination. The tank basin at the One Stop and the former tank basin at the present Suburban Video outlet appear to be the sources of ground water contamination at the site. The inferred extentof gro und water contamination i lcn is shown lit..Figure . Nine monitoring wells, MW-1 MW- MW- , -10, M"v'R11; M'-, I~3Y4'-1 and W-„ will be used to monitor the effectiveness of the recoverywells, remediation system and infiltration gallery.. All wells, with the exception of M1 and DW-2 were constructed with 10 foot screens which straddle the water table to allow the entry of floating LPH. To date LPH have been observed only in' W-2 and RW-I. The deep wells are constructed with 15 foot screens and are designed to detect the presence o dissolved gasoline compounds at depth. 5.2 stern iation tern ..1 rrsnd Ater e Concentrations of dissolved petroleum constituents in the ground water exceed North Carolina water quality standards and the ground waterrequires remediation, Two ground water recovery wells will be employed to collect contaminated ground water and contain the contamination plume, e gasoline recovery well (R -'1) will be ,adapted to recover ground water and an additional well, W- will be installed in the area of MW-10 as shown in Figure 10, R -1 is thirty-one feet deep p and consists of a 20 foot long, eight -inch diameter, #10 slot, wrapped PVC screen with an 11 foot long PVC riser, e second recoverywell, RW-2, will be 34 feet deep and constructed with a twenty foot long, eight -inch diameter, %Tapped PVC screen with a 14 foot hang PVC riser. Construction details for -i are ,show in Figure 11 and propose construction details for RW-2 are shown in Figure 12. olo ara laa�ran� i2e rt; Non -Discharge Pe it Application ,?grey Oil Company, One Stop aid Sari, North Carolina Delta No. 50-88-564 Page RW-1 is designcd to recj,.,, �_PH and ntaminat ground water, and to allow for venting of the soil in the unsaturated zone. At the present time a compression pump is used to remove accumulated LPH from the well, and to transfer it to a storage tank on site. The compression pump has the ability to adjust to changes in water levels using conductivity probes and a self-regulating linear tracking unit. In the future a total fluids putnta will be installed near the bottom of the well to extract contaminated ground water at rate of one to two gallons per minute. High and low level on/off sensors will be installed can the pump to maintain constant water table depression around" the well. RW-2 is designed to recover contaminated ground water from the upper saturated zone using a total fluid' pump installed near the 1;, I • i of the well. Ile pump will extract ground water from the sur ciai aquifer at ar design rate of one to four gallons per minute. High: and low level on/off sensors will be installed on the pump to maintain constant A2 er table depression around the well. .2.2 it Ventin The sail in the area of the One Stop tank basin has been contaminated by contact with the LPH plume as it moved through the soil column to the water thine. Based on the volume of LPH in 1 61, the soil is probably contaminated in excess of the 10 part per million "TPH` guideline set': by DEHNR._ In order to minimize additional contamination of groundwater, Delta proposes to remediate the nail. Soil venting i proposed as the rernediation technique for this arm -1 was designed so that a soil venting option could be added to the well, The well screen extends teat feet above the present water table to albs ` for 'vapor recovery, from the unsaturated zone around the recovery well. The proposed soil vapor extraction system will consist of a vacuum blower, inlet and outlet silencers, an exhaust stack, an in -lime particulate filter and a coalescing filter connected to the well via a sealed well cap and PVC piping as shown can Figure 13. Geology an! Lgng,in�eeri lip rt Non -Discharge Permit Application Arty 00 Cbmpany, One Stop #4 Earl, North Carolina Delta No. 50-88-564 Page 5 Groand _MLater Tr trnertt rem Recovered ground water will be pumped to the remediation system for treatment. Physical separation and recovery of LPH and diffused aeration have been selected as the most applicable technologies to remove LPH and dissolved petroleum hydrocarbons from the ground water at the site because of the anticipated low flow rate. The proposed system will be constructed on a concrete slab and surrounded by a locking security fence. The treatment system will consist of a gasoline/water separator tank and two diffused aeration tanks in series with a contact chlorinator system to reduce biological growth in the treatment system as shown on Figures 14 and 15, Ground water from the recovery wells will be pumped to the gasolineMater separator tank with a capacity off gallons. The tank will allow for the gravity separation of any emulsified LPH. A sensor in the separator tank will determine when the tank is full of LPH and will shut down the product pump in RW- I and total fluids pumps in RW-1 and RW-2, preventing the release of LPH to the treatment sy�stem. Contaminated water will be drawn from the base of the separator tank and flow through the contact chlorinator to a series of two channeled diffused aeration tanks. A minimum of 600 cubic feet per minute (cfm) of air will be injected into the aeration tanks to remove the dissolved volatile organics from the water. The treated water will be pumped through an effluent discharge pipe to the infiltration gallery, Effluent Disposad Several disposal methods were considered for the effluent from the treatment system. These included discharge to a sanitary sewer, discharge to surface water and re -infiltration. The sewer and surface water options were eliminated due to the lack of a local sanitary sewer and absence of nearby surface water, Re -infiltration of treated system effluent appears to be the only available discharge option at the site. The location of the proposed infiltration gallery is shown on Figure 6. 53.1 AMM Capacity of the Soils Experimentation has shown that the seepage capacity or rate of infiltration in soils is roughly equivalent to the hydraulic conductivity of the saturated zone (Freeze and Cherry, 1979, p. 212). Aquifer response tests (slug tests) were conducted on several monitoring wells (MW-3, MW-9, MW-10, MU141, DW-I and Nbti-Ditscha ge Permit Application Hi - '- ,) at the site to estimate hydraulic conductivity.hydraulic conductivity calculated from these tests ranged from 1-64 x 104 feet per minute (ft/min) in A4W-9 to 1.42 x 1{r3 f min in lift -10. Ground water flow velocity within the saturated zone was es " ted to be feet per year (� ) in '- and 30 ft/yr. in MW-10. average ndu tivi 1 ' in was used to calculated seepage velocityfor the infiltration gallery. "..21n t taut llet�' i The infiltration gallery was designed using DarcY's Law to evaluate the surface area needed to accommodate the estimated discharge from the recovery welts. design calculations indicate that a wetted surface area of 843 square feet would be able to accommodate the estimated discharge Of five gallons per minute. The infiltration gallery dimensions of; feet deep by 6 feet wide by So feet long with a 5 foot' Operating depths will provide 8W square feet of wetted surface area for proper function of the infiltration gallery. The proposed infiltration gallery design is sloth on Figure 16. Two piezorneters will be installed in the infiltration gallery to monitor ground water levels in the trench, The piezometers will not e connected in any to the remediation system plumbing and will not be used as injection wells. A high water level shutoff float will be added to one piezometer so that the system will shut off if water levels in the trench mound to within two f t'otf the surface. tia l'l l:' �lC3lsl .1 e ells Recovery wells for the site were designed in capture Zone calculations that assumed a confined, homogeneous, isotropic aquifer where ground water flows through individual sediment pores, The calculations also assume full penetration by the well and negligible vertical recharge. local lithologic variations, anisotropic flow conditions and the presence of fractures in the aquifer material were not taken k into account due to difficulties in quantifying individual variables. Local hydraulic conductivity in the proposed location of the recovery wells was talon into account for design of a1 and -2 Q`iqqnd �En ioeerin R�ert Non -Discharge Permit Application Arey Oil Company, One Stop #4 Eart, North Carolina Delta No. 50-88-564 Page 7 Predictive calculations indicated that RW-1 will have a zone of capture that will extend seven feet down gradient and 11 feet cross gradient, The maximum up gradient width of capture is 22 feet (Appendix B). The zone of capture calculations for RW-1 assume that drawdown will be about three feet and discharge will be less than one gallon per minute, Drawdown will be kept to a minimum in RW-1 to minimize additional contamination of soil by KPH. However, based on Delta' s experience at other Piedmont locations, the addition of soil venting to a recovery well enhances flow to the well and increases the capture zone, It is our opinion that the capture, zone around RW-1 will be somewhat larger by using the attached soil venting. The capture zone for RW-2 was calculated to be 23 feet down gradient and 36 feet cross gradient, The maximum up gradient width of capture is 72 feet. 17hese Wculations are based on a drawdown of 10 feet and discharge rate of 2.6 gallons per minute. The proposed infiltration gallery will be located up gradient, of both wells, however underground and above -ground structures prevent installation of the gallery closer to RW-I. Based on a predictive model, (RESCUE) water discharged in this area will now toward Rom'-1 and reach it in approximately five months, The modeling results are included in Appendix C. As reported in the Phase 11 Site Characterization Report (Appendix D), it is Delta's opinion that ground water flow at the site may be channeled through relict fractures or zones of higher conductivity in the saprolite. The linear nature of the contaminant plume at the site suggests the existence of a high conductivity zone oriented at north 30 - 35 degrees east. If anisotropic conditions exist in the saprolite under the site, then the predicted zones of capture for each reco, very well should follow this trend. The recovery wells will create elongated zones of capture that parallel anisotropy. Zones of capture will likely extend further than the predicted values along the axes of the high hydraulicconductivity and may exqend less than predicted perpendicular to the zone. Discharge from the recovery wells may increase due to preferential flow paths through the fractures, If flow increases, discharge to the treatment system and infiltration gallery will also increase. Pumping tests are planned for the recovery wells prior to installation of the treatment system and infiltration gallery to insure proper design. Vent$ ng The s it venting system;i lined to remove hydrocarbon pars from the it ter ranular spaces f the saprelite in the tank basin, Soil vapor extraction results in increased desorption of contaminants from soil particles due to higher air velocities and low pressure zones induced by the vacuum. The soil venting system will be attached to 1 ' -I, e sail venting system can be designed to extract vapors continuously, however it is li It "s opinion that Pulsed extraction rather than sustained extraction would result in better performance at this site. pulsed Pumping involves monitoring exhaust concentrations f organic vapors while the system is operating, and turning off the vapor raction system when vapor concentrations reach minimum asymptotic levels. The system remains off long enough for diffused vapors from the LPH in the soils to move into the pore spaces. When diffusion is allowed to occur, higher concentrations of target compounds are generally present when the system is re -started.. :Pulsing is continued: until vapor concentrations do not fluctuate between pulse periods. Based n the apparent volume of contaminated soil at the site, sail remediation by vapor extraction i projected to'be complete in approximately o years using pulsed extraction. Calculations of the exhaust stack emission concentrations from the sail venting system are included in ,appendix E 77hese calculations were based on information collected from a similar site in Pennsylvania which also incorporated soil venting and ground water recovery of a regular, unleaded gasoline spill, The information collected during Ar Mira g N operations at the Pennsylvania Project provides a good approximation for the effectiveness of the proposed system for the One Stop site. §-3—Treatment System e diffused aeration system proposed for the treatment of contaminated water at the One Stop will consist of two channeled diffused aeration tames and a blower capable of producing 600 cftn in each tare. The tanks .are designed to achieve greater than a 99% removal efficiency for dissolved BTE -compounds and greater than °ram removal efficiency for EDB. System efficiency calculations and diagrams of the system are illustrated in Figure '14. An equipment list for the treatment system is summarized in Table . The estimated influent and proposed effluent concentrations for the ground water treatment system are presented in Table 3. Estimated air emission concentrations from the water treatment systems are included in Table 6.4 Infiftration GaUeg The present infiltration gallery design is based on Darcys Law using hydraulic conductivity and estimated discharge from the recovery wells, The 6 foot wide by 7-foot deep by Sty foot lying gallery with a 5 font operating depth was designed to accommodatefive gallons Per -minute of water. Discharge rates are not expected to exceed two gallons per minute in -1 and three gallons per minute in - . Delta plans to conduct pumping tests in each recovery well prior to installation of the infiltration gallery to Insure that the design can accommodate the flow rate from the system, A model of the proposed gallery was used to simulate discharge of five gallons per minute of water to the gallery for a period of two years of operation using the Ground Water Recharge and Mounding Program (GRAMP)odeling results are included in ,appendix F. The model predicted a>water -tattle rise of 12.E feet after two years. e seasonal high water table is about 24 feet below grade and horizontal movement of ground water is expected, therefore, the unsaturated zone should be able to accept the system effluent. Two pie meters will be installed in the infiltration gallery to monitor the level of water in the gallery, high water level float will be installed in one pie ometer to shut down the system if the effl, ue t creates a mound in the gallery. A low dose contact chlorinator will be incorporated into the treatment system Geoloey and _kEnjYinn!e;jerEijnFtrxrt Non -Discharge Permit Application Arey 09 Company, One Stop #4 Earl, North Carolina Delta No. Page 10 to minimize the growth of iron 'bacteria in the trench which could reduce its seepage capacity. A port is incorporated into the sy- 1ign to clean out material that may clog the discharge pipes. 7.0 MONT'r0RING To evaluate the performance of the recovery and treatment systems, several tasks will be carried out as recommended in the Corrective Action Plan submitted to the DE14NR May 15,1990. Water levels in nine existing monitoring wells and the infiltration gallery piezometers will be measured on a monthly basis. Ground water samples will be collected from the monitoring cells and analyzed for the presence of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEX) and methyl tett-butyl ether (MTBE) tri-annually, Samples will be collected during the months of March, July, and November after the remediation systems are operational. Air samples will be collected in Tedlar bags and analyzed for the presence of hydrocarbon vapors using an organic vapor analyzer on a monthly basis to determine the effectiveness of pulsed extraction, Tri-annual reports will be submitted to DEHNR no later than one month following receipt of laboratory results. The reports will include monthly water table measurements, water table contour maps, analytical results and an evaluation of the progress of the system toward remediation goals. Monitoring real uireniea6 u, thc effluent to the infiltration gallery will be established in the Non -Discharge Permit issued to Arey Oil by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (DEM). At a minimum, the effluent will be sampled biweekly for the presence of BTEX during the first 30 days of operation and once per month following that period. 8.0 REFERENCES Freeze, R, A, and Cherry, J. A�, 1979: Groundwater, Prentice -Hall, Ine. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey Javandel, L, Doughty, C., and Tsang, C. K, 1984, Groundwater Transport Handbook of Mathematical Modeling. American Geophysical Union Monograph No. 10, 228. p. Singhofen, Peter, J., 1983: Ground Water Recharge and Mounding Program (GRAMP), Advanced Engineering and Technology. Geology and Engineering Report Non -Discharge permit Application Arey Oil Company, One Stop #4 Farl, North Carolina Delta No. 50-M-564 page I I K0 REMARKS The recommendations outlined in this report represent our professional opinions. These opinions were arrived at in accordance witir currently accepted hydrogeologic and engineering practices at this time and location. Otber than this no warranty is implied or intended, This report was prepared by: DELTA ENVIRONMENTAL ' CONSW�AIAOJ;[� , INC A J. "fif �04/1 110 •of SL A 1, 3 4 i I ke rilyn tallith er, Geolog" roj t ana er 0 North Carolina Lice etaeol This report was reviewed by: Richard A- Workentine Date Chemical Engineer and 'ooill 11 #rift VIt 40k CA o Virgin" M. Lunde, P. tic f S E A Engineering Department Diana &r N(r, 13694 North Carolina Professional En p(K-. ?I 4(c x- I �'vm TABLE 1 RELATIVE GROUND WATER ELEVATIONS dray Oft Coupany One Stop Earl, Korth Carolina Delta Project No. 50- MON ITORING WELL: MW-1 RELATIVE ELEVATION; 108.07 DATE. 01/03/90 01/11/90 01/19/90 03/02/90 03/0/90 03/27/90 DEPTH TO WATER; 26.59 26.34 26.24 25.15 24.82 24.44 GROUND WATER ELEVATION: 81.48 81-73 1.83 82.92 83.25 83.63 MONITORING WELL. Mil- RELATIVE ELEVATION: 97.89 DATE: 01/03/90 01/11/90 01/19/90 03/02/90 03/08/90 03/27/90 DEPTH TO DATER. 31.6 31.36 * * * 27.35 GROUND WATER ELEVATION: 66.29 66.53 70.5 DEPTH TO LPN: 24.6 26.36 25.15 LPH THICKNESS FT: 7 5 2.2 ADJUSTED GROUND WATER ELEV.. 71.54 70.28 72.19 MONITORING WELL: MIw.3 RELATIVE ELEVATION:: 106.12 DATE: 01/03/'90 01/11/90 01/19/90 03/02/90 03/08/90 03/27/90 DEPTH TO 14ATER: 24.95 24.72 24.63 23.37 23.26 22.85 GROUND WATER ELEVATION; 81.17 81.4 $1.49 82.75 82.86 83«27 MONITORING WELL: MW-4 RELATIVE ELEVATION: 105.43 - DATE: 01/03/90 01/11/90 01/19/90 03/02/9 03/08/90 03/27/90 DEPTH TO WATER: 23.76 23.56 23.52 22.47 22.32 21.85 GROUND DATER ELEVATION 81„67 81.87 81.91 $2.96 83.11 83.5s MONITORING WELL: MW-3 RELATIVE ELEVATION: 104.5 DATE: 01/03/90 01/11/90 01/19/90 03/02/9 03/08 90 03/27/90 DEPTH TO WATER: 23.35 23.15 23.09 21„98 21.84 21.42 GROUND'WATER ELEVATION: 81.15 $1.35 81.41 82.52 82.66 83.08 Notes: ntiari:g wetl instatted January 1998 * e(( covered and not accessible monitoring well installed February TWO Table I ftontlny�2 Page 2 MONITORING WELL: MW-6 RELATIVE ELEVATION: 95.99 DATE: 01/03/90 01/11/90 01/19/90 03/02/90 03/08/90 03/27/90 DEPTH TO WATER: 19.96 15.74 15.63 14.22 GROUND WATER ELEVATION: 76.03 $0.25 60.36 81.77 MONITORING WELL: Mtn-f' RELATIVE ELEVATION: 99.21 DATE: 01/03/90 01/11190 01/19/90 03102190 03108/90 03/27/90 DEPTH TO WATER: 12.84 11.89 9.86 9.78 GROUND WATER ELEVATION: $6.37 87.32 89.35 89.43 MONITORING WELL: MW-8 RELATIVE ELEVATION: 100.17 DATE: 01/03/90 01/11190 01/19/90 03/02/90 03/08/90 03/27/90 DEPTH TO WATER: + + 18.49 17.06 16.88 16.52 GROUND WATER ELEVATION: 81.68 a3.11 83.29 83.65 MONITORING WELL: MW-9 RELATIVE ELEVATION: 100.78 DATE: 01/03/90 01/11/90 01/19/90 03/02/90 03/08/90 03/27/90 DEPTH TO WATER: 19.58 18.37 17.8 GROUND WATER ELEVATION: 81.2 82.41 82.98 MONITORING WELL: Mks-1 0 RELATIVE ELEVATION: 96.67 DATE: OVUM 01/11/90 01/19/90 03/02/90 03/08/90 03/27/90 DEPTH TO WATER: + + 16.34 15.01 14.98 14.59 GROUND WATER ELEVATION: 80.33 81.66 81.69 82.08 MONITORING WELL: NW-11 RELATIVE ELEVATION: 103,78 DATE: 01/03/90 01/11/90 01/19/90 03/02/90 03/08/90 03/27/90 DEPTH TO WATER: ++ ++ ++ 20.64 20.59 20.45 GROUND WATER ELEVATION: 83.14 83.19 83.33 Note$. + Wntioring well installed January 1990 * well covered and not accessible ++ monitoring welt installed February 1990 Tabu Page MONITORINGWELL: Nam-17 RELATIVE ELEVATION 90.53 i DATE: 01/03/90 01/11/90 01/19/90 03/0 /90 03108/90 03/27/90' DEPTH TO TER: ++ ++ 10.51 10.4 10.54 GROUND WATER ELEVATION: $0.02 W.1 79,E MONITORING WELL: 0W.1 RELATIVE ELEVATION: 99.22 OATEN 01/03 90 01/11/90 01/19/90 03/02/+0 03/08/90 03/27/98 DEPTH TO TER. ++ ++ + 17.37 17.24 16.E GROUND WATER ELEVATION: 81.85 $1.98 82.34 MONIIORING WELL: btu RELATIVE ELEVATION: 103.2E OATEN 01/03 90 01/11/90 01/19/90 03/0 /9 0 /0 90 03/27/90 DEPTH To TER. ++ ++ ++ 15.45 0.9 O.9I GROUND WATER ELEVATION; 87.83 82.32 87®3; Notes: + montioring wet( instatted January 1990 + wait covered and not accessible ++monitoring welt instatted February 1990 4REMEDIAnON SYSTEM EQUIPMENT LLsT Amy Oil Company One Stop #4 North tea No. n# P w„, r i tag aeaa Product/WaterProduct/Water 1000 gallon, carbon steel Separator Tangy d a ' length 0.13 " wall thickness Product Storage: "Tank 550 gallon 4 " dza; carbon steel 4" length 0.13 " wall thickness Aeration Blower 2 hp, 230 VAC, single aluminum phase, 600 cfm Aeration Tanks ' x 6', 1/ wall fiberglass thickness,channeled Submersible Taal Fluids 2 13 hp, nominal flow stainless steel rate of 7 gpm, 2.30 V Pumps Automated Pneumatic 1 nominal flow 1.5 gpm stainless steel Product Pump teflon Pump Control Panel 1 1 - electric submersible galvanized steel depression pump and 1- drip ;proof pneumatic product only pump Pump Control Panel 1 1 '- electric submersible galvanized steel depression pump drip proof Agar Compressor 1 2 hp, 230 VAC, 14 cfrn at galvanized steel 100 psi Totalizing Flow Meter 2 flow recorded in gallons, carbon steel requires a minimum flaw (rust proof rate. of Q5 gpm Chlorinator l Calcium hypochlorite plastic' tablet feed Regenerative Vacuum 1 LS hp, 50 efm, 3' Hg carbon steel Pump with .Inlet Filter vacuum, with inlet (for soil venting system) filtration J SYSTEMPROPOSED OPERATING AT"A Company e Stop #4 North Delta No. 504W,564 *Estimated Estimated t n uuent tion Parameter Benzene 38 0.190 Toluene 56 0,280 ylenes (Total) 9.0 0.0,45 Ethylbenzene 15 0, I mgfL = milligrams rams per liter, 1 mg/L 1Cru ams Example Calculation: Assume a 99.. 7 removal efficiency Influent Concentration of Benzene 38 m 99. E = 37SI f Benzene removed 38 rrn ,L - 37a81 m = 0,190 rn l of Benzene Remaining In Effluent Influent concentrations from the most contaminated monitoring well -9). Sampling data March 2, 1990. Based on an estimated total flow rate of 5 gpm. !ABLE 4 AIR EMISSIONS CALCUIATIONS GROUNDITREATMENT SYSTEM Arey Oil Company One Stop Earl, North Carolina Delta No. 5- -5 Analytical resnIts for worst case monitoring rin well. Parameter Concentrations Benzene 3&0 Toluene 56.0 Ethylbenzene 2.5 Total Xylenes 9,0 Ethylene Dibr wide Ground water monitoring well samples were collected March 2, 1990. Assume- 100 % aeration treatment system removal efficiency "woo-W case for emissions) maximum average flaw rate two recovery wells = 5 allons"'Mi sate Influent'water Air Exhaust lr'arameter 9Lneentration Bow Rate Unit 9qnversions gLncentrations Benzene 38,0 rrrx 5 &-,—il' . 51- x 14,40 actin x I gram x jib = 228 lb/day L rain dal day 1000 nig 454g Ilene 56,0trt xx Sani¢a L 1 in € ra lb =; . 6 lb/d, day 1000 mg 5d I th lbe zee m x 5 gal x 2.785L x 1440 min I ram x 11h = 0.15 lb/day min ,dal day 1000 mg 454g `total Xylenes .11 m g s 5 al .7 5P 1440 min I ram x 11b = .54 lb da L min gal day 1000 mg 45 SCALE 124000 y 1 i1'X 0� d DOC 2000 30W 4c,00 CONTOUR fNTERVAL 20 FEET NEB* Q FFNEY 15' QUACMAKOLE FGLfE 1 N3E 7, 'M 130/7. 1971 TOP"APW LOCATONMAP' 1i EARL, NC 44 MILS t * PROJECT NO, PFIEPAAED B'Y - —564 QWR 1-30-90 *#l/k C*"ouftaota' WL ,# Illy �+ro, t -- IIACK*-q VAS r _ LINE 1"FAFI PUMP 19"�Yk4 ISLAND) LEGEND `•SUPPLY WELL PROPERTY OUNDARY PAS SY AREA y ...,.., � .. mow. lie TANK BASIN / fil 7 SCALE, Y) FIGURE SITE MAP �RYf ONE STOP - AREY OIL CO. EARL, NC PROJECT No. PREIIARED BY r` 0A ff'q kr�ZWY It0 el) ta ts« tn�_ Op lad JAR' FOOD WM CO. JaWo to - PUMP + ISLAND� R , w 0 SCALE - T FIGURE 3 GEOLOGIC PROPMTY ARC a` II GRASSY AREA ONE SOIL. PORING EA NQ PROJECT T NORR PARED BY 50-88-564 CXH. DATE REM 3-27-90 SOUTHWEST NORTHEAST A A* 110- S13-1 RED CLAYEY SILT & GRAVEL SPAR 100- sa SB SB-10 CLAYEY SILT ss RED WHITE SIL BANDED SAPROLITE ITEM `RE go- RED BROWN CLAY WTk SAND SILTY CLAY WHITE SILTY UA CLAY WITH SAND BANDED w BANDED MICACEOUS SAPROLITE MICACEOUS SAPROUTE 70-- MITE COARSE GRANITE WITH SAND 6o- FIGURE 4 GEOLOGIC CROSS SECTION A -A' ONE STOP #4 - AREY OIL CO. LE-GEND,. EARL, NC SCREENED INTERVAL MIM-7140, - PREPARED 50-88-564 C.W.H. HORIZONTAL SCALE SATE REVIEWD Defta sy'Accnqultantk Enytrwmentol 'WA 3-28-90 -IJ lime- 110— WEST EAST S —4 S C L MITE YELLOW CLAYEY SILK CLAYEY SALT IT SAND 41 PEA? BROWN SILTY CLAYEY SILT MTH SAND BANDED BANDED L MICACEOUS MICACEOUS SAaPROLI TE SAaPROLI `I BANDED MICACEOUS S. PROLITl so - FIB GEOLOGIC' SCREENED fhiTEP'Ah: EARL, NC H{3R1C7h# TL, SCALE DATE REMEWWED Byl It r �03 jaot)y SHOP IV BODY t4op WELL to Ck WU ,TACK'S EAST Zt * FOOD WELLfNFIIr" v> l1 A 1 ALL R LINE LEAK P w ✓ ISLAND OLD TANK BASIN 10 511 S ALT (FEET) LEPL9Z FIGURE PROPOSED INFILTRATION GALLF SUPPLY WELL LOCATION PROPERTY BOUNDARY � ONE STOP #4 "- AREY OILC O. MASSY AREA EARL, NC PROIEC17 NO. PREPARED BY ,. - CXH. DATE REVIEWED BY Deffa --M tfiL m11 MW- 1 ' N 41 41 ?103- J800Y SHOP 4) t— 41 ; c /mW-10 "pick #3 BODY SHOP LL /-JACK*S FAST FOOD WELLco .+' d41 N*AY 198 4) r PUMP w ISLAND J M i y C S ( LEGEND.FIGURE F SA�PLY Wm MONITORING WELL I PROMTY BOUWARY ONE STOP- AREY OIL CO. MASSY AREA EARL, MONITORING L PARF -- 564 C. W. H. DATE KNEW FY— „1, ,1. ` , w­ 41 .0#3 ODY SH 4�c� lr tOw w-IO - . cil 98) ( . V4104`d A i J ° LEAS a MW-1 4. 63 180 3.08 MW OLD TANK BASIN { p "SCALE (FEET) LEGE_ND: MW-7 FIGURE 8 WATER TABLE T , 1990 w "GRASSY AREA MONITORING WEU EARLS NC DEEP MONITORING L PROJECT O. PREPARED IIY 4o RF-LAnvE MOUND WATER ELEVATION � — - 564 C.WV.H DATE Defta ° - 0 e r � r I)A- �--- Y SHOP f�AAL�-� %*-.. lmw-lO #3 BODY r w-9 tWELL v FOOD WELL ot `r} + l —11 IFS vjjo4 A i ' —1 PUMP PS NC! r � t Nr w—w W u41 i� o, vt SCALE (FEET) LEGEND: MW-7 FIGURE 9 -- INFERRED EXTENT SUPPLY WELL WATERT T d GRASSY MONIMRING wELL EARL, NC 0 DEEP NuNONNTt7W NG WELL SE TM. PRWARE�N BY 50-88-564 CAH. DATE REMEWED BY Defta 3-27-90 RW-2 #3 ODY SHOP B0 Rq -TREATMEWT ..... Y SHO" z IGH*AY 196 LINE LEAK 18,0 OL TANK BASIN 0 90 SCALE (FEEI) LE END- FIGURE 10 SUPPLY Wei RECOVERY WELL LOCATIONS PROPERTY BOUNDARY ONE STOP #4 - AREY OIL CO. GRASSY AREA EARL, NC @ RECOVERY WU PROJECT NO. PREP 11 A I RED BY A 50-88-564 CXH REMEWD BY Delta 5-22-90 DATE AM/A C43M*WtOAN. FIGURE 1 FRECOVERY WELL CONSTRUCTION PROJECT, LOCATION,dii Cn C RECOVER L R CAP TOP OF RISER ELEVATMNs INSTALLATION COMPLETED, DATE, 1 1 1 I E, 16 C G DEPTH BELOW TOP OF RISER PIPE ;"*--�LOCKING PROTECTIVE DIAMETER & MATERIAL Ft I TOTAL LENGTH LENGTH ABOVE GROUND 6 °~ THICKNESS & TYPE OF SEAL 91 GROUT DIAMETER, MATERIAL AND " PVC SCH 40= JOINT TYPE F RISER PIPE flush thread 0"— TYPE OF, BACILL , AROUND RISER � rout THICKNESS & TYPE Or SEAL zLfitA=rF i r DISTANCE OF FILTER SAPID ABOVE TOP OF SCREEN ' - TYPE OF' FILTER AROUND SCREEN � e s d. SCREED TYPE wranned PVC SCREED GAUGE OR SIZE OP OPENINGS ($LOT SIZE) # 10 " DIAMETER & LENGTH OFF SCREEN —DEPTH TO THEROTTOM OF WELL DEPTH TO BOTTOM OF FILTER SAND THICKNESS & TYPE OF SEAL s� xt DIAMETER OF BOREHOLE � Ft T Lis T L C T Defta L4 FT FIGURE 12 -0 * . CAP *FLUSH GRADE WELL CONSTRUCTION w 3' 3' a * * DIAMETER & MATERIAL LENGTHTOTAL LENGTH BELOW GROUND' CA - E EEC 6- ITFL j men tas a5 DI+ s MATERIAL S JOINT TYPE 8" Pvc 7F MISER PIPE j —TYPE EP SACKFILL AROUND RISER Neat cement grout THICKNESSTYPE OF SEAL 4 OF SCREEN =—TYPE OF FILTER AROUND SCREEN Fine sacs I WELL SCREEN MATERIAL SCREEN ET U E EP F .fit # 10 (SL! D' L LENGTH OF SCREEN 8"t ' DEPTH IM THE SCTTQM OF RECOvERy IWELL DEPTHBOTTOM F 3 T14ICKNESS & TYPE OF SEAL,None DIAMETER OF BOREHOLE L . 8 " FT L .' — FT Lau 1' F`` L, ' twLUENT DIFFUSED AERATION TREATMENT FROM RY SYSTEM (DATs WELL, RV 2 CONTACT VENTS CHLORINATOR SF« LIDLJT LAYER 4'ENT F WATER L EVtL. FLUID L F; L '4 ATER LEVEL. SEPARA T EFFLUENT SF I DISCHARGED T A AT - Sty 4 INFILTRATION-- i,y,xy505p4Y. ` INFLUENT CLEAN RECOVERY L�L� ER DIFFUSEDGALLERY VIA FROM E VER AIR AERATOR LIB TRANSFER PUMP WELL, R —I LEGEND"SYSTEM A APETROLEUM CONTAMINANTASS BALANCE SP L SAMPLE POINT Am VATCR F L NT W CONTROL VALUE 600 CF4 ESTIMATED AIR c� rta I FLOV TAL METER INFLUENTD EFFLUENT tz 5 GPM REN ENE 0 2RO JT TOLUENE s 0 TOLUENE 0' 136 L DRAWING IS NOT TO SCALE ETHYL BENZEW a5 0 ET14YL BENZENE 0 04 . INFLUENT UENT CONCENTRATIONS BASED ON HIGHEST YL VALUES OBTAINED IN MONITORING '+SELL MW- 3S S 4 E0 =6 0 CDP CIX jr4 F 'IDEAL' OPERATING CONDITIONS 100% VOC REMOVAL FROM WATER) FIGURE 14 TREATMENT T STE E TIC ONE STOP #4 - AREY OIL EARL, NC gh- AOL 50-88-564 CXH. LATE REMEWED By Delta �--1 -- FlaConsult I PRODUCT PUMPED TREATED FROMR —1 WA WATER PUMPED DISCHARGED FROM W-1 KING " C FROM TOTAL FL AIR PUMPEDTINFILTRATION UIDS PUMPEDRY-1GALLERY FROM R — TRANSFER RUMP (2) CHANNELED w� S' CRE"1E RAID DIFFUSED AERA'nON TANK 110 CAL 'TRANSFER TANK { TANK LL FLOAT lit OBS V E9VAT1CN ROT 550 CALq ON PROCUCT ItiOLDING TANS{ E .k rr� , p k I -CONTACT � t CHLORINATOR� � a SOCK CAL LPH/WATER SEPARATOR , TANK iLiv TANK FULL FLOAT & PROBES E c AEPATION OBSERVATION SLOWER .� E`CR.T COALESCING:, � MOTOR CONSERVA71ON � BLOWER �Vq T SLATTED, CHAIN —LINKED FENCE SECURITY FIGURE 1 TREATMENT YT M LAYOUT ONE STOP AREY OiLl Co. EARL, NC PROJECT NC PREPARED BY AM - C.W.H. 5-22-90 ,�� 0 PIE METE 4* DIAMETER PERFORATED LA DRAIN PIPE - -r-T- -T--=T--r-r--t I'-T"'T T BACKFILL WITH 1/4" PEA GRAVEL DRAIN ROCK PIE 70METF-R 0 P-LAN.""VIEW FFTLUENT INLET 4* DIAMETER PERFORATED CLEAN OUT PORT —A ASPHALT SURFACE DRAIN PIPE A' rJTM,---TT-UTFlLlT SLOPE IN 50* NATIVE PIEZOM E TER S 7* MATERIAL (TYR) BAcKnLL WTH 1/4' PEA GRAVEL DRAIN POCK 24' SCALE (FT) APPROX LEVEL OF 0 10 FIGURE 16 CROSS SECTION A -A' INFILTRATION GALLERY DESIGN ONE STOP #4 — AREY OIL CO. EARL, NIC f"R717ECT NCI PREPARED Ml 50-88-564 C.-.H. DA I'E REVIEWVED FY Defta 5-1 -- ( Envtror~tfAt 90 A.CoftstAtoots'. 2 i NMI / 4 AM Oil COqwV ng OM StCp #4 rpiUmc 25" OD Hm 40 ELEMAncw Sl BC Sl I SR A OBSERVAncN P E. O �i Z®Ir It ch 10 12 16 3 2 2 . lot E�Iay% gas odor 23. aboveized fractures 50 gas odor 4 10 . 2 Y ca 30 oar 4 32 28 28 2 2 thick 3C 30 3 IffIvel, utdtequartz yyg lei e 40 l Y .t 29. feet wZd 3 36 ompleted38 4 ... 42 44 46 WFEWL'. TDM GWL EEEn r 250 e 57 START01 1 �EML .. sc sl SR TI PI P, W Tft it, L I t 9/9 p1wm tr 6 4 `so 4 �. r r w,solvent 9.9 3 1 , 8/1 1 4 1 ter r 33 141 4/7 14bkown r 16-Is 1 13 18solvent 20 2- 24 1 . f 11 r 3 �-3' 0 no Odor 30 31 feet 34 Ompleted as 1 36 38 4' 4 44 46 4ufNt's@Iftc. PROJECT MANE LOCATION PROJECT DRtMC ------------ HI T 1 DT RUIi1�ER: 5tt"11Q"5SS UMtEt'. Ei"D trey Oil Company CDRTRACTDR: DRILLING 1906 Ew Dixon Riwd. Crb nduator Vrotastioo 01tRObt 6.25• RSA Shelby, forth Carotlna 281'50 AIL Rs Shorty KILLING *Its* #Wt R.57 " START: 1/11/90 11:00 a• COMPLETED: 1 11 DG LAND OW*t4t Arty Oft Company SLIIt FA E 'ELEVATION- LOOCEII It: NAO 0 T II C S I p II E R CD TANIVA*T IT C dEPTit DESCRIPTI}RS Of PATERIALt OBSERVATION GERE TP TBRVAT I DII E T L AND C0*01TIARS INSTRUMENT ROTES y SCALE h* R S W t"1 (in)' two UNITS: ppo odor 5 24 21 2 CM; sandy Slay, red brown 0 nano CH; sandy City red brown A T otttad ryettow anStar. quartz prams, moist d none D CR* sandy, silty city, rod, 11 brown a/yettow crumbles easily 2.6 $tight lies 10 11 12 XK; sandy.:eiIt red brawn, 16 24 15 S moist, crumbles rosily 9.2 slight Sam CR; a fi Ity City, Stratied A 1' itatsays decomposed 10 24 18»5 10 rock, white and red brown sapratite d slight Ras D" 12 t i 5 1 A 2A 55 $tigh pas 15 20 22 5 TO w 23..0# Water t bta at 16 it Cobptat d as 'XV-S; iIDI OGLE VATER LtVtl. DATA WATE lot Delta CASING EPTR PROJECT NAME / LOCATION PROJECT 011*6 SWEET i or wL�rRAER� SSnIItt- w�R� 111-9 Arty Ott Co panty 1906 t. Dixon 4(vd. CUwTAACTot, Croundwot*r protection GRILLING ETR . 6. *$A thatb , North Carolina 28150 RiLLERt ShortyRltt. MG it tit Mobil* R-50 START: 1/12/90 #:FAQ, a* C+4RiPLETEOt ii;gp LAND OituERR Putnam SURFACE ELEVATION: 1,064to ST: MAG C T to t C t v 0If M R E CONTANIwAwT P S tI T C ET D P N _ tIESCRPTIISttS Of MATERIALS SSERVATION E G RERA L S w E T Q V SCALE AND CEtWTIO*S INSTRUMENT: 010TES R $t (in) iw• 2UNITS: hwu pow odor tE I Silty city, red brown / 13 16 24 20 a Yellow ■ottting, *ruwbt*e ti essity 1C pas=like i5 3 w, a sandy eilt y*ttow brae E3 i A w/anguter quartz grains, dry 21 Rai-iika A 'E 12 24 6 ttay*y aitt, degraded <E gas -like 7 rock, whit* to yatioh" d brawn vary soft with 10 24 23 *trying aRount of quortt grains,: dry SiI Sit -like _ S S 24 214 10 92 gas -Like' S 11 24 17 2 A 1E 7A ast$iik 11 1' 20 21, NR 14 at above, wet 170 ps •Itke 6 i- NR 16 EdG got=-tika 20 22 SORE=MALE WATER LEw L OATA, bRD,NECT *AXE LOCATION PROJECT �N:EET MLtMNiER: 50'i�is-+� iNMiER; EE- or#y Oft Coopony CONTRACTOR: DRILLING 1006 E. of oo iti d. groundwater protootion METMOD: 6-tS NSA ithotb , North Corotino 28150 BILLER: Shorty DRILLING Atilt, obit* t-S STARTt 1/12/90 ii.00 00 COMF'LE'TED: 11:00 LAND SURFACE LOGGED SYt PAC UIRES #�Att000 ELEifiATtOM t I C R CONTAMINANT "F L! O Nf E OISERVATIOM G MERAL p f Li T C DEPT# DESCRIPTIONS OF MATERIALS OiRF YATtOM E R M O AND CONDITIONS INSTRUMENT: MOTES E T' L v SCALE hM R E Itt tint 1` 2r U#ITS ppo odor 22 i 6 is 10 24 130 strong 2#8 TD*25" optotoO so MV-9 26 Motor tobto of 14.0 20 30 32 3A 3 3E 40 40 42 40ENdOLE HATER LEitEL DATA AL IATR TIME Ciefta w6iL Er i CASINO pENTii, PROJECT NAVE I LOCATION R AECT CR l #& $aEE1 1 or wuaEER t -litii u0sto t IS- 10 Aroy *it C-o pan COWTRACTOt t DRILLING ftRNi E. /Nixon #1 d, Growndwotar Protection 01NOD9 6.25# NNRA SWIRY, North Carott o E'#'150 DIILLtkt shorty OkILLINS list' obit #-°SI" NtTARTt 1 1E 1 14:15 OXPLtTtV: 16:to LAND LOOM #Tt Rim OwltERt i~trtnos LEVATIOWt #rate T M C I. R CCNTANNINNAMI a 1w IN Ni E 01SINVATION 41MAL p N tl T C 0Li OfIC410TIOWS Of NnA ERIALS 0WIVATIbi 0 AND CONDITIONS INSYR N*Tt VOTES E T L y SCALE how R S (ft) (in) 1*46.5' NNIT$ opm odor SANDY CLAY with #i t t; reddish brown with yellow R 1 12 24 22 R t t t_i nR, god: density, trwobtea oosity, dry 19 1 E ,t 20 24 20 .1 7 3 10 24 21 6 SAVE but sand It it #reat r . 1 1 CLAYEY SILT, yellowish white, '. 14 RrUha rock fr#fwan a .1 A q rrtx), ery daft, banded[ " 7 24 13 10 in ptwctta, obit. tretict foliation) 3 T 17" 1E R 7"5 24 22 14 16 CLAYfY TILT, oteac outs, soft, banded in ptwcaa r#tttt foliation), wet. slight Ray 1R C 1 r C R cuttings strong 9,8 s odor # 1t# L *LNATR# LEVEL DATA SATE T I Ott Delta 4iL AA E trtc� Co ,Attc, 7 ATIR #Ei"Tii PROJECT NAME / LOCATION PROJECT 9GRIWG � F' 2 :_ a:: r: It Ca pony � CGs[TRACTOR: GRILLING 1906 t: Dixon#L d. Gro ndwot#r Pratsstlan 011`000s 6.25" NSA s laty North CsratlnR 281Stl RItL[Rs Shorty O4tLLtV4 R16s #*bit #-$I STARTS 1/12/90 14s1S COMPLETED: 16.00 too $U#fkCE LOGGED ETt Rim TNERs I� tnss ELE4'AT'ION: gross T' Mt C s I R CONTAMINANT Tv 0 A M E II K T C OWN QESCAIPTIOWS Of MATERIALS OSSERVATIOs GExERAL RSERVAtICM T E iMP AND COMDII'logA IMST*UMf4Tt MOTES E T 4P v SCALE bm R S EtftD ftnl 1 fs�5 LIMITS: Dow odor 3A 1R MR 24 E1. 26 28 bottom of *Xptor#tion st 27.0 fsst 30 sd ptst,sd sA NW-1 3 34 Matt: YS• � salt sswpte (split spoon) 3 3 AD AE AA 104EMOLE VATER LEVEL DATA i 4 EAM IppoE RSIG "PTM CAPTURE ZONE CALCULATIONS RV-2 DELTA PRDJECT 98. 0-88-564 Capture tone at is, y are esti#ated using these equations: is * 2120 T i at is v 0/6.28 T i ere: is : Stagnation point dovngradient of the recovery well V • M12pi T i3Epi - Tan^-ld tyl Where: T x Width of capture zone at a given angle wplified for angles at 50, crossgradient of the recovery well siad 100, upgradient of the recovery well-. Y90 a 4y2pi TiltpiflBOi iz fWP6.26 T iil.,i 180 a 2110i T iCtpi/lSO1l803 = f216.28 T i .14 8here: g = Flow fgo#i v+ = 3.14 7 m Trans#issivity fgpdifti i z Hydraulic Gradient Trans#issivity M is calculated iron hydraulic conductivity f i derived fro# slug test Calculations using the following calculatio I : Where. hydraulic ionouctivity {gpolft^2) # Aquifer Thickness (ft) sti#ated to be 21 saturated thiciness in well l Values: = 15.3 gpd9`ftA 48 ft Saturated thickness 24 734.4 gpolft 8 (flow) is calculated fro# tea es„.. w a? e;uition. Cis =T2OOor6 t is/2O4O Where s 9 Wravdovr in recovery veil (ft) f µ 734.4 gpd"ft Values: s 10 ft d 3.672 gpi 8 5288 god t'gps x 1440 #infdayl With the alcove calculated values is, M, and Y180 are calculated. Values. !l -5287.68 T 734.4 i 0.O s 23 f YSO 86 ft Y180 7"2 ft References for calculations'. 8round-Water hydrology; sroodViter and Wells, ffcWort#r and Smada DTIScoll, 19RE, p 1021 Dif(6LE WELL CAPTURE IDHE AREA CALCULATIONS It-2 Arty Oil Dospany Analyzed by: MAS One Stop ! 4 Date: 615190 Earl, North Carolina Reviewed by: SAP Delta Project Nd� 60-6 - 64 Date., 6 71 I. £sti#ate well's flow rate using the equation D=Tes/2000 (Driscoll, 1386) where: D = Flow rate (gpe) T = Transtissiviti (ftlDTday) s H drawdown (ft) ,;D = Cy7 hydraulic conductivity (ft/day) 13-50 m Cal thickness of aquifer if fully penetrating, otherwise saturated thickness well penetrates under static conditions (ft) 10- 00 = Is] anticipated trawdown tftl 6AL6UATED VALUES: T (K4aI m 36;53 ft``2Tday D = 1.48 gpe' g. Uith the recovery well located at the origin of a coordinate systes(x,y) and hydraulic gradient sloping towards negative xr calculate capture zone curve using the equation Y (Dear, 1373 are McUorter and E nada, 977) where: i z natural hydraLliC Gradient (ftlftl Y = width of capture (it) INPUT"., 0.0500 z Cxl natural hydrau.ic gradient (ft,"ft) LALCUATED VALUES %s = 23 ft (downgradient stagnation point) Y'a(c, = 36 ft (cross gradient width of capture at gU degrees fro# s axis) Y13S = 54 ft (up gradient width of capture at 135 degrees fro* x axis) Yl6O = 73 ft (aaxemue upgradient width of capture) References. - Rear, L , 1179, Groundwater Hydraulics Driscoll, F., 1336, 6roundwatet and Wells, Johnscxn Division, 6t. Paul, Na ?14orter; 03. and Gunada, D.K., 1977 6roundwater Hydtoloq) and Hydraulics 6o.6tf Univ, Ft® Collins, EU { 3 Ef.,, Wiltmfion Gallery Flow Model Results E i DR aT1 AL, RRT-tn Or LK:TS 1E ME y ORIDOTTION IF REGIOVF0 IlMe IMIS TS.. "3n ASS T %Y.aiP e,1 :. i. It ::E.E RB nn nrpw ..udP KIZE "e.,�. Wro $' Et"6u +m.-: bad YEArui f��$� LEV-'-P i Ci WAS ADMIMON 5501TY Or WK -to is PERMEMNIT INJECTION , L NOE x y FLW-RATEE MKL^Eh7RATI0N RADIUS INDICATOR .max RS MY r W IN I 16149 138.5s !1 1. OEM 4 91000 -1 jR 1K. BE 137.16 e.14 1. 1. OfEW -1 I W 1 1.27 25164 0.14 la W.402 11 " -1 Q4 1 L W M 81 0. W 1. WE#02 1. _I iNT5 On e5 13L RR L 14 1. -W 1. }+ t5 -1 law 4 .tea xy 1 > k4 �! .+� E 1a � a W a a 7Sa 26Q .14 2 + -1 M. 1, 1 . 6 64.56 L, 02 2- 7. _-6-' 224! - I i s 4t a 5 a 1. E- 7! -- r. 7 14�1 . 1;11 5i 0. Of 1. WE+& 7. 3I-42" 7WE] 4 15'. 33E W.5E, 0. Oe I - + 'Z 7. ZTEL 5 150 W 5154 f. Ot I. W+ ; ."' g ZWL - 16213 4.53 I. E42 7. 2 p it 7ii"'. 7 w. Tar 2.1 11 Ya-_.. . nor °&�s�Fl WE 42 zai-L it 5 1 :l4; LOQ s.fE-+ z, , E-V MEL .1 ML 66 1 , 4 , t0f W+ 2' 7. - 1'° 19ra.12 W 46 tv WE 7 ZTE1 13 NY 55 If& 4 x W E+ - . i-K.- 9 ZTEL 14 D20 I h :M44 too I. VEW 7. _ 2 IT& 15 211.53 112,43 0, 1. - ? 7. WAS: f ZINEL 16 Z 161 RR :14! 42 L K 1. WE+ 2 7."° 7 ZML 17 EE,4r 116,411 t of 1. 7. i s iw6tRL 1 31Y 4?. #, L! r14 oClT.. Y. :41 d# .."T7. e :a.. 2141 23i. 1:- . 8 f a r � l r-+C_ Ta - 5E 21 22 rt"'r� 3 a me 1. .+O-'.. t rw 2 el v. r a Rat 159.86 14L 13 . RR,-_ 63. 17Z. 8y A66 7. WE- !STRS SIN-6 DEPAFTINS F, . INJECT. INj K SR ' ?. TI F, ANS 6 SSTA Wane 3A Y��AR none 3. e YEARS 24. 3 none 3.1 YEARS 45, el 4 none 3AS YEARS 71.; none 3.3 YEARS Ril el 6, 1.6 BARS lee, RNl . SMON11+6 144. RN 7.7 KXNS 1, R� I61S 13. I6 R r 3L6A I st 'n «ior+ A. SEMOS1 2 n ne M YEARS 264. 1 none+.. 3.3 YEARS Saw 1 +nene• SA6 YEARS 312A I none 11 YEARS3316. STREWL9E DENRTINS FROM I •; MM 41L IN1 :R UP WELL TIl II " E BETA T IF6 �x A F,T A, IN DEESAMES nryo�}ne + :,k 1 YEARS A � none 3,9 YEARS 48, 4 none 12 YEARS 7zf S R",I L.6 YEARS 96.E 6 R�1 11.E S IM Ui 7. i O T'tb_ 144. f4R11 :.j.5 Pi 1'ga __ MR f^��i�,6q�,w�i wno-�Y 1 nnne 1C YEARS 264.E 1 none++ M YEARS 28a.f ,4 none 3# YEARS 3}�A .r none , e Y-A- Rw . � I �Dr 3 \V2 AARTTN- --KIN 'h6 TI `NSA � p STREAMLICE REA w ° ARRt4L :6 DESREE I none wit: YEARS el E none 3.YEARS 24.E 3 none i I YEARS 48.0 4 tontion E S 73.' S 41. a YEARS 56.t 6 W eo- t a -.15• I1 Mom+ 1q 4t a y e fig. [r. ,4,uFm o-n � cv9r m. w 15 sARS 36.e' F7 _I-S DEEPAK7 INS 'F Its CTat Ill L I J SR C- k' TI` E i` S-REAM-M READ 0 ARRI - IN DE6REES I Awl W .` STREAMLINES ATIr F ICTI Wed I STEAKLIKE *M ARRIVAL IN DEGREES #xqi #q ppW�p1�� MM $$ YE C. none .3 YEARS- 24. 3M none �. YE�A4 stagnation 1I. f SECONDS 7. S.4 MONTHS 12n. 7 RRi 54. _�, "'THS 144.E it Rw1 8.9 MONTHS 216.0 11 stagnation 9. e SEMS 24e.f 12 staSnation emk FECONDS 264.E 13 +++none+++ 3.2 YEARS 28a.0 14 +..none+++ 3.5 YEARS 3I . 1 none 3. A. Yt�.AR 3' . el i " LIP+ES' DEPART11C FROK INJECTION 1 INJ6 ST I, ARRAIM. IN DEGREES :.. noise FT"F' 11 YEEARS name 3.2 YEARS R� a , °°b,.. M k HS k E. l Ran». uf 14 it Rw i 11.1 YEARS 21t.f I1 stagnation r 240. It sta "tatign C, V SE . 131 N'w � y� m yL' none :12 YEARS Rya.. a non_ 11 YEARS 33i, STREAMSTREAME WACM: ARRIVAL IN DEGREES i nnon�e Z. a YEARR"" C. R' RM A +++ncne+4-+ . x YEARS 46.1 stagna,ior clt SE M 1Z� a YSRoEE 4.S none a. e Y3 FS; 4$ 13 non S. S YEARS a8s. S 14 3.1 YEARS 32-S 15 none 3..4 YEARS ,S' ST MES DEPARTING INJEMOK 611-L I IS Nlj*--R F TIC` DS Wad SETA STREAKLINE REAM ARRIVAL IN DESREES' none 3.3 rt-ARS StS S none 14 YEARS 34. S 3 none 3.1, YEARS 4M 4 stazral.cr tle SECWS 72w S R4! S. 7 WHS Sar S S R44 .SMDKj ISt. 'S 7 R41 51 144,0 S hi 1.1 YEARS 166b S RW1 2. 1 YEARS 19 . el IS noneYEARS L6.8 1I none " 12 YEARS 844S I nano 3.1 YEARS 264.t 1 none 31YEARS SS& 14 none 3.1 YEARS 3S.S fS none 3.S YEAM 336.0 STREP&INES O)ARTING FROV. INJEEMOK, WUPGER OF �EU TIC OF WLE S-TR ST ARRIVAL IN DRS M 1 none+++ 3; e. YEAR q.--'R:ZALINES 0-ARTINEG � INJECTION WEELL 19117 Kf :R OF w:-_, T I * 0 W)BETA EADO ARRIVAL I K DESFEES I +++nont++4 3.6 YEARS C. f STREPOLINES DEPARTING FROr, INJECTION WE; L MEL 18 WLWR 0; irtu TKE OF WDLE BETA STREMK UE :�M ARRIVk IN, DEGREE i 3. 1 YEARS e. P, STREPKLIEF DRARTIP WIEC"71 ZW--, 15 rZF F WL-L TIRO. OF ANLE BETA STREPOLINE EADOE ARRIVAL IN DEBREES 3. t YEA RS 9 STREAKLINEES DEPARTII INJECTION NELL 2 WEL 2t M---F Cl TIC- OF kta.r BETA STD AKLINE PEA DO ARRIVAL IN, DEBREES I .. nonp.. 3. A YERRS e. 0 STREACIDS DEPARTIINJECTION WU ZGWEL 21 MPSER OF �El -I TIC F WS-LE BETA STL--4(-Its: RER-'HM- ARRIVE. IN FEE 3. 5 YEARS 9.0 STREAUKE.; DEEPAFTIW- FRS° WECITION WELL Z 0r-- -I- WrIZ-F 0- ZL! TICE 0-7 FrIcIl firm z. DC -ES T� 3R: S +-+n0nf,++4 3.7 YEARS, t, t 57 GNU DEPARTINGS F I ,'TI I f !STREAOLINE RErDQ ARRivkLR DEGREES none .F YEARS C. DEPARTING FRS INJECTION WELL aT ,-Ili U-DO ARRIVE IN' DES U-S i + nnn S. K-A ea t sTRZAK.IKES XPARTING FROM, I CT!% WELL I '-7: ER OF '' IIE OF , E BEETA STREAUE READ - ARRIVAL:. !K I C none .R-YEARS y CT IP F Cr. RTI FROO, INJECTION TIOE OF ANGLE BrA I ARRIVE IN DEGREES nn+ 3. E YEARS. STREA&K-S DENRTIN6 F, . I ° CTI , KOGER TIC V ANS-1A STREAKLIEm ARRIVAL;; IN DEGREES none 3.I N=� S7R I%.: RTINE F "' I JEF' 1 �"F� 3 Krzl--; 07 WELL TIC C- ANSUE BETA C �-1101- ARRIVA, IK DESFM m . o- --ARa elf' p .R-'P —1hEz' : FY+�;..h atE-a: �° I ,�1K..,:..�I l WW` L `a.+ t F 13 A;1F1vAL IIN CEO `="C aEWO.»: DOPARTW FRY IN.TE7ION WEL fo- -; D- RZ- Li T k D CUES«._ . BF -A a -III FZA^- = ARRTV'F 1 Hosea 3. 1 YEARS; STREAKLINES. ARTI FRCtle, I` AMOK W Z04EL 1 KJMBZ-R OF . 1. TIME F A KE BEET STREWLINE READU ARRIVAI: IN, DEGREES II mono 3. 3 YEARS ;STREAMUNES DPARTING FROK I ' TI I IM RR OF WELLTICBETA STFEW,.INE FUCHEDARRIVAL IN DEGREES 1 n4ne YEARS 0. el ST E NE-t- ,:EPARTIW,: F. I NTECTh ION WELL Z rE 1 J, :-R 07 W,..;..�'. ilia T WLE -,A STREAMNE REAM ARRIVAL IN DEBREES I noneYEARS 8.0 STREAMLINES DEPARTINGS FRY, INJECTION, ZWEL 1 FR OF iEL TIiC- OF ANSUE BETA ST I ARRIVAL IN DES I 4 nonf, . 1 tARS 0.0 " STREAMNES DEPARTINS FIM INJECTION' I ZGWEL 1 - winEl OF :- TIPE OF ANBLE BETA STREAKLIWE REP00ARRIVAL IN DEBLEES 1 ne 1 - �'ARS 9w S : I T Rc . �,,� r;3r,I" IE TICWELL Z 16, ERR 'R WELL TI 4Q11 R TA STR �Ilti � AR;lvkQ IK I1RR DER none*.. 3,5 YEARS ltec: Mr. Ire ourttfo d, Federated Insurance Co. Delta Environmental Consultants, Inc. 7401 e� Exec. Park, Svhe 206 Charlotte; NC 28226 7041641-9890 FAX:7D4/543-4035 North Carolina Department of Environtnent, , Health and Natural Resources `2t Place AshevWc, o Carolina Attention: !AA iuF Herbert Subject: Phase fl Site Characterization Report Arcy 00 Company e Strap # r[, North Carolina Delta No. Dear Ms. Herbert: Enclosedplease the Phase 11 Site Characterization Report for the referenced site. WS report contains information on; b dr g to and ground ter contamination which re not includedm the initial report- A report can the amount of product recovered a the gasoline recovery "em and specificationsfor the soil venting "em e also included with this report. Ile contents f the report should satisfy the requirements of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health °and Natural ur outlined in the letter dated Match 13, 1990 with the exception of analytical results from the new well at the Pizza Restaurant. Delta will sample the well as soon as we are informed of permission from the restaurants er. Upon receipt Of the analyfical report the results will be submitted to your office. If YOU h3VC any questions Or Comments Please Contact Me. sincerely, 1+hAL CONSULTANTS, INC ribrzer l ° t Manager . Robert Arcy, Arey 00 Company . Pick Workentine, Delta Environmental Consultants Practcal Solubons, to Environmental Concerns AREY OIL CONVANY ONE P NORT14 CAROUNA DELTA PROJECT NO. 1.0 WIRODUCTION 112 SCOPC Of SCrViCiCS 1 2.0 SOIL CONDMONS 2,1 Local Soil and Geology .2 Soil Contamination 3.0 SITE HYDROGEOLOGY 3.1 General 3.2 Hydraulic nd cti ity and Flow Velocity 4 3.1 Ground Water Contamination S 4.0 DISCUSSION OF RESULTS 5 4.1 Soil Contamination 4.2 Hydrogeology 4.3 Ground Water Contamination 4.4 Water Supplies at Risk 5.6 FREE PRODUCT MO'�' PORT S' 60 RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1 Additional Assessment &2 Remediation 6.2.1 Soil Remediation 612 Ground Water Recovery 11 6.2.3 Treatment System 11 6.2 4 Water Discharge Options 11 .0 METHODS AND PROCEDURES 12 .1 Soil Sampling and Classification 12 .2 Decontamination Proce4ure 12 .2 Monitoring Well Construction 12 7.4 Ground Water Elevation Measurement 13 7.5 Ground Water Sampling 1 16 Horizontal Hydraulic CDnductivity Measurements 1d S. REFERENCES 1S .[l ?N . , 16 Table of Contents Page abler Table T: SOD Contamination . P PM) Table 2: Relative Ground'Water Elevations Table : mica) alysls - Ground Water Eigure—s Figure 1: Site Map Figure 2 Soil Boring "tions Figure Geologic tan Location Figure 4: Geologic Cross Section A -A' Figure : Geologic Cross Section B Figure a Monitoring " Well Uyations Figure `» 'rater Table nt ur Map March 2 Figure & Monitoring Well Hydrographs Figure 9. Benzene Concentrations Figure 10, X l ne Concentrations Figure 11: EDB Concentrations Figure 1 F Concentrations Figure 1 it Rernediation Systme Schematic Figure 144 SOD''Vapor Extraction System Schematic Figure 1 very Well brans Aa,endims Appendix , it Boring Logs Appenoix : Monitoring ^`ell Construction Details Appendix Slug Test Data, Appendix Ground Water Analytical Results Appendix F. Product Hauling Arrangements Appendix F: Preliminary Recovery Well Design5 AREY OM COWANY ONE STOP #104 NORTH CAROLINA DELTA PROJECT No. SWM-564 7-bis report was prepared by Delta Environmental Consultants, Inc. (Delta) on behalf of Arey Oil Company (Arey 00). It Ptesents the Mtilts Of the Phast 11 hydrogeologic and ground water contamination investigation at the One Stop gawline and convenience store in Earl, North Carolina (Figure 1), 71e purpose of this investigation knas to define the extent and magnitude of ground water contamination, characterize the bydrogeologic conditions at the Site and collect additional data to support the selection Of appropriate remedial actions for the site. illwme Of -S.CMCCS The scope of services performed with regard to the PbASe 11 investigation included: 0 preparing drilling specifications and contracts; k* obtaining pemits for monitoring well installation; drilling of four it borings and installing two shallow and two deep monitoring wells on February 19, 20, 21, 1990, including collecting of soil samples for lithologic classifIcation and contaminant screening; :surveying for vertical control of monitoring well elevations; ground water sampling from the monitoring wells and two water supply wells in the area, chemical analysis of the ground water samples; collecting periodic water level and product thickness measurements in the monitoring wells� performing %ster level response tests on selected monitoring wells to establish local aquifer parameters; installing a gasoline recovery system and making arrangements for disposal of liquid phase bydrocarboits; desiping, an enhanced vapor extraction S)stem to Mmove bydrocaftns from the area of the tank basin at the site; and 6 Phw V Sit tSota Stop # 104 Eart, Nortb Civolizit Delts Prot= No, Not 2 preparing a Phase11 Site ClIzIacterization Report far rating available prod . data, results and ternediation options, i i Ql NS 1 Locad Soil d Qlo Fourteen SOD borings have been drilled at the site at the locations sbowwm in Figure 2. Soil borings Sly,- I through SB-7 were drilled and logged by North Carolina Department of nviro ent, Health and Natural Resources (DEHNP.)el SB4 through SB-10 were drilled in January 1and the remaining borings (SB-11 through B-14) were drilled in Febmary 1990 and logged by Delta personnel. e sail borings, were adv,a=4 to depths ranging from 19 to 45 feet. it samples in all rings except SB-14 were obtained using a two-inch diameter, twenty-four inch long split barrel sampler. Samples were' not collected in SB-14 due to the use of a roller cone bit to penetrate the outer casing and adv°ace the boring so that a deep well could be set in the boring, 11C samples from the remaining wells were described by a qualified geologist, it boring descriptions from -11 through SB-13 are included in; Appendix A. GeoMagic cross sections were constructed using the soil boring logs. lie areal locations of the cross secBoras are shown in Figure 3. The soil profile encountered in the soil borings is illustrated in cross sections AW and B- ", shown in Figures 4 and 5, respectively. Two varieties of soil appear at the site. e predominant soil qW is a red, gold or white micactous sary clay which shom relict foliation andban ding from the original bedrocL This material is identified n rolite on the cross sections and reflects an apparently gneissic origin. A while, powder -like, clayey silt with large quartz grains w as observed in several borings. Ile Occurrence of the white silty clay is sporadic with some borings having " car lenses or none and others, such as S - , being composedentirely of the soil type. The claye ° silt is distinctly different from the banded saprolite and the contact between the two soib is sharp. At depths- e white it becomes more competent and coarser grained, A granitic texture was observedin several samples. Soil boring; SB-11 was terminatedat 30 feet when the wagers refused to drill ough a competent layer of white partially weathered granitic bedrock. Bedrock was also encountered in S -14 Phase 11 Site CharactetMIj2a_R= Out Stop rr 104 FArl, North Carolina Delta pmi= No, " page t a depth of its feet while roller cone drilling, Cuttings washed up from this depth were micaccous, and ndy; Tle mixed occurrence f the gneissicsaprolite and the tic saprolite is consistent with t1 e local geology which consists of Cambrian biotitegneiss and the Ordovician Toluca Granite (Goldsmith et, al:, '. 22 Soil Iron; soil samples recovered from the soil boringswetc scanned for the presence f organic vaporsusing an hN phowionization detector with a 10.E eV lamp calibrated to a benzene standard, Soil was collected in airtight jars and the head space was allowed to reach equilibrium (appro7dmately 20 minutes) before screening with the PI . The PID screening results are summarized `able 1 and are shown on the boring lugs in Appendix e distribution of organic vapors in SB-I through SB-'10 was described in the initial report with sail contamination by contact ma, liquid phase hydrocarbons ) being identified only in 5 "2" Organic vapors in the remaining rings probably resulted from migrating troleum vapors and contact with contaminated ground water Organic r re detected in all soil borings drilled in February with the exception of SB-13. detectable of organic vapor concentrations were detected from a depth of four feet to at leut sixteen feet in SB-11 A solvent-Ue odot was noted in the soil which registered r n the PID. Organic s por re detected and gasoline -like odors were noted in samples;h° rn below the water table in -11. Sail above e water table in this area did not appear to be affected. _...... --.... ftase V Etta Characterizaflon Rtnort Company CkK Stop # It 2.1 b Fourteen soil borings were completed as monitoring wells. Monitoring .l through MW.7 were installed by DEHNR personnel in November 7, 1989. Monitoringwells -8 through h MW-10 were installed by Delta personnel in January 1990, Monitoring wells MIA'-11 and MW-12 plans deep wells DW- I and DW-2 were installed by Delta in February 1990, 7le deep wells are constructed with 2.5 foot to ng screens set immediately above r k indicated by auger refusal, 77be locations f the wells are shot in Figure . Monitoring well construction details for the onit ` g weUs `MW-8 through MIAT-12 and -1 and DW-2 are 'included in Appendix ONEFTIAM,w .::w,! M PhaseSite characle ny ODe Strap ark ttt Nortb Carolina No, Post 5 Calculated hydraulic conductivity values in the shaliow wells ranged from 1.64 x 104 in. f in) in MW-9 to 1,42 x 10-3 ftirnin in .1 � NM1.9exclusively in the granitic saprolite and 10 is screened in the Micaceous banded saprolite. Values for the deep wells ranged from 2.96 s 104 in -1 to L76 x 104 feegrin, in —1 Slug test data are included Appendix Ground water flow, 95 sh vwT in Figure 7, is toward the east-southeast. The calculated gradient across the site using '-1 and MW-12 is 0.0067. Ground water flow velocity was Calculatedto be between. feet r year (f ) in - and in MW-10 in the Site Characterization Report and recent data from the additional monitoring wells is consistent with these calculations, A component of downward vertical flow appears to be Present in the area of DNA'-2 and 'm11. The calculated gradient between these, two wells is 0 . tend Ater nta " atlon: Ground water samples were;collected from the nonitoring wells at the site on January 3, 1990, n ar} 19, 1990 and March 2,-i e water supply wells for #3 Body Shop (SW-1) and Jack's Fast F (4*'a ) were also sampled do March 2,1990. All monitoring wells at the site have been sampled at least canes since thew installation. The waiter samples have been analyzed for the presence cat targeted gasoline parameters benzene, toluene, etbylbenzene, and ttylenes ) and meibyl tent -butyl ether F), Selected wells bave also been sampled for the presence of di -isopropyl nether and ethylene d bro 'de ). The results of these analyses are included Table 3 and laboratory reports and field clutin of Custody records ate included in Appendix e concentrations and distribution of benzene, xylenes, EDB and NME are shown in Figures ough 12. At the present time the ground water at MW-9 appears to be impactedthe most, although COUcentrations of EBD and benzene appear to exceed No a water quality standards in ,*3 -1 , '-11, DW-I and the #3 Body Shop well. XYIeues exceed water quality standards in - , '-1 and MW- . I-(;w concentrations of benzene and MTBE were reported in M'w'-12 and low concentrations of EBD were reported in Jack's Fast Food well, FhW IT Eats Characte ' tins One Stop * 104 in b tD �Contamiution It is DOWS Opinion that soil coritamituttion by contact with liquid phase hydrocarbons Iexists only in e Wea of the recovery well and SB-2, The, remaining contamination detected by the pjD is probably the result of migrating organic vapors or contact'with cOntalninated ground water,_ The hydrogeologic investigation focused on the ground water in the upper unconsolidated material of the site and at the interface of the and bedrock, ne water table is located in highly decomposed peissic and granitic prolite- The, to in slo gently tothe east-southeast and there are no surface water withinbodies a rter-mile of the site. Hydraulic conductivity varies at the site and appears to be dependent on the location of the well; Low conductivity values were recorded for the denp monitoringwells well as most shallow wells. Conductivity values for -10 were an carder of magnitude greater than those of the other wells. Using estimated hydralic ,liven in Section 3.2 the gtOuDd water flow velocity at the site ranges from 3.5 to 14.7 ft tr It is Delta's opinion that actual flow' rates .at the site maybe higher As floes" may be channeled through relict fractures or zones of higher conductivity in the Saprolitc An area f increased conductivity appears to .exist near MW-10 and the #3 Body Shop welL The linear extent of contamination indicates that pumping stress along this zone, y have accelerated the movement of contaminants in the direction of the 3 Body Shop well: ij—Qand ater n tion and water contamination by petroleumhydrocarbons is evident at the siteGround water Contamination appears to originate at the tank basin of The One Stop and the former "tank basin located at the Suburban Video outlet. Contamination apparently extends beyond the Body Shop well and very low concentrations Of benzene were detected in the most dowt-gmdient well' w'-1 MY CW Company Otw Stop #104 Dom Prcjbm No, 504WRIA Ile t Widely distributed dissolved line constituents found at the site are EDB and " n : XYlcnes are Concentrated in the area f the body shop well and MW-9. The concentrations of benzene d EDB in lack's Fast Food well and benzene in DW-2 are very low and may be the result of laboratory or sampling errors. ;r• • t#� a •.�-r ,., � a� �� r� ru e r +e - � ••rt � �" s ! r jSk Based n the data presented we, it is evident that at least one water supply .well has been impacted by SMUDe Contamination. The water in the #3 Body Shop well does not meet North Carolina water quality Stazdards in terms or benzene, xylene and EDB concentrations, Reportedly, the water from the well is bot used for drinking, however t is Delta'sopinion that the well should be condemnedla e nplacemens well abauld be drWedinto bedrock and Cased off from the upper 40 feet or uncorwlidated material. 714C casing will prevent contaminated water from'entering ' the well and minimize e pumping stress from n `nants toward the well, Ile preferred location for the well would be daAm- Phm II Site C_'haracterizrion ItUom AM OU Company One Stop #104 Nortb Carolina Dells Proj= No, 30-WS64 gradient from MW-12, The final location of the well would be dependent on property boundaries and health department approval, At the present time Dclia is unable to determine ine whether gasoline contamination exists in ,Jack's past well. Concentrations of toluene, ethylbenzene, xyl nes MME were below detection limits of one part pet billion (ppb) A slightly elevated reading of two ppb benzene and 0.028 ppb EDB were reported its water from the well. Delta proposes that the well be re -sampled for thm compounds to determine + hether I; contamination is present in the well. L-0 FREE PR R e gasoline recovery tern described in the initial report was installed on March 2. 1990 and began operation March 7, 1990. Ile recovery system consists of a pneumaticaDy operated gasoline skimming min pump 'which is set one inch above the line and water interface. 71te pump is capable of pumping one ,gallon per Minute and can adjust itself to changes in -water table elevation, , up to two feet, by %my of ,sensors and a self-regulating linear tracking -unit. 77he product is pumped to an on -site 2000 gallon storage tank byixay of underground lines, 71c tank is equipped with probes which signal the pump to shut off when the tank becomesfull, Arrangements have been made with James Waste fail Haulers of Charlotte, North Carolina to remove and properly dispose f the produm A later detailing, the arrangement is included in Appendix To date, over 50 gallons of product n removed m the recovery well at the site:, The product is clear and slightly yellow and resembles the regular unleaded gasoline that was present in It is currently fine tuning the level of the pump t recovery is maidmiza, a water 'table surface reboundedp product was removed and the two toot adjustment limit tot the pulley system was e elevation of the pump was adjusted on March 27, 1990and it appears to be working a it r��tc . to r Ott t *104 No, 50418564 fig_R9QQM_MEN_DA_*_n_QNS diti resat It is lta's opinion that additional analyses of ground water are necessary at the site to establish the sources of contamination i � , MW4, - r MW.10 and •ll,; and to investigate possible contamination in Jack's Fast Food and the pizza restaurant wells, Water from the monitoring wells and mtaurant w ells will be sampled for the r c F and EDB, The monitoring veils w ill be sampled for total petroleumhydrocarbons in the has chromatograph method. The chromatograms will be comparedto each rather to determine whether Similarities or differences exist. The results will aid is determining whether the leak at the One Stop is causing the contamination in the body shop well or if other sources should suspected, lta plans to sample the wells in April 1990. The analytical results should be available inlay 1990, 'atib CZIi ea ediaticaa e soil in the area of the One Stop tank basin has beett contaminated by contact, with the LPH plume as it Moved throughthe soil columnto the water table as illustrated in Figure 13. based on the volume of LPH in the recovery well, the soil is probably contaminated in excess of the 10 pit TPH guideline set by DE14NR. In order to prevent additional contamination of ground ter the it should be temediated, Delta has selected sail venting as the most viable sciii remediation technique for this area, Removal of contaminated it was not considered due to the;vertical extent of contamination, the reach limitations of most backboes and the presence of the USA systems. e proposed Soil vapor extraction system will consist of a vacuum blower, an m4ine particulate Ater, a wlklesdng ter, inlet and outlet Silencers, and an exhaust stack (Figure 14 e vacuum blower proposed for this site will be powereda one to two horsepower (lip), single-phase, ftPlosion proof motor. 71c horsepower requirement will, depend on the vtudat selection. The blower wffl temove 30 cubic lect per minute e ) of air at a three inch mercury vacuum. The design incorporates as in -line particulate filter and coalescing filter to reduce wear on the blower and motor. Phase 13 rtj igj Re on Arty OR y OIX Stop # 104 FArk Nortb CwvLza N. rASC t F i { ,: YY,. 1i • � �::: i dF +�..: k dews, °.{ t { d'.Y { di. :{ -• { � ^ { '.. :� dY { � Fit ! ` �: ! ' •. { 1i Nk �' � i .,. i ,. .lm i { e proper operation of the system is dependent on sustained drawdown Of the water table in '®fa tberefore installation f the r emractiOu system can not be scheduleduntil discharge and construction pertafts are issued for the ground water recovery test described low, uttd ater_ Based on the hydraulic conductivity and went of contamination at the site, it is l elta's opinion that an additional very well will be necessary to recover and contain contaminated ground water at the site, e tentative Lion of the well is shown in Figure IS. This location was selecteddue to the apparently higher zone of conductivity observedin the wets around the #3 Body Shop well. Preliminary calculatio indicate a flow rate of about three gallonsr minute m Errant a 12-inch diameter well with a 10 foot drawdown, The radiusof influence to this well is estimated to be about 80 feet. Ile calculations are included in Appendix F. e flow rate from RW-1 W been calculated at ICU than one gpm due to the low hydraulic conductivity observed '- and MW-9 and the tact that the maximum drawdown in the well is restricted three feet. Delta beBeves, however, that the actual recovery may be, higher due to the enhanced flow usually associated with sOU venting systems attached to wells. If recovery is not sufficient, a larger, deepet well may have to be i-w--talled ir± t ;r area to increase recovery. Full descliPtiOns of the proposed recovery well(s) and construction details will be included in the Corrective Action Dian which is scheduled for submittal on May 15, 1990. Preliminary K�ygtem consistsoil4ttet,, Phaw R Site Characit Arey M Company One Stop OF 104 Ewt, Nonb cavvuna Delta PrCoom blo, 3048-564 PW for the treatment system cifluent. 71C infiltration Option is preferable as there is sufficienj property up grad ' ient of the leak site to install an infiltration gallery and depth to tern this area is about 24 feel, Delta plans to perform permeability studies in this area to determine whether infiltration rates would allow discharge at four to five gallons per minute, If the gallery can not be designed to accommodate the flow an NMES permit application will be submitted. Details concerning the disposal option will be included in the CAP ILLS-0 ��Rrl �dmm �irica tilt SOD sampling -A-as done L ;2ctordancc with AS7M:D 1586-94. Using 011is procedure, a 24 inch by two inch O�Dsplit barrel sampler'was driven into the it by a 140 pound weight falling 30 inches. As the samples were obtained An the field th Following description the soo samplew-as, placed in an air tight glass jar to prevent loss of organic vapors. After twenty minutes, the bead space above the Wil was screened for organic vapors with an hNu pbotoionintin detector with 10 tV lamp Calibrated to a benzene standard, The PID readings were recorded on the boring logs which are included in Appendix A. =��Ilon �Proc�edure Special precaution was taken to minimize cross-COntaminatin prior to mobilization jknd between soil borings. All drilling equipment and well materials were steam cleanedand pressure washa 71c split a"U" w4ler P. was Collected. Cgire was tAlstift 16 OieOtht 00buct Of Anil and grease with drilling equipment and� AI6hftOri4 wa materials. Phase 13 ate mace sa�a�r rt Arq OU Company 000 Stop #10,4 Delta Project No, 73 nt ell rats e monitoring wells were constructed as shown in Appendix B. The shallow wells consist of two inch Wide diameter ten foot long, O.010 inch slob lOush thread, PVC screenconnected to a 2 inch scbedule 40 flush Wead PVC riser pipe. ne deep wells consist of similar materials with 7-5 foot long WeensIle well screen sand packed °th mediumgrained cleattsand to two feet above the screen mind top th a two tool thick bentonite l in all wells. e remaining r was groutedto the surface and protected by a locking, scalingwell cap. All wells re completed below grade and covered by eight inch -diameter steel manholes. With the exception of W-I and DW-2 the; well screen placed feet above and eigbi feet below, the static water table to insure the entry of free phase product into the well and to allow for seasonal fluctuation in the ground ter table, F R'. ' BI a #♦♦ ',. dM 6 i y� .. ,. . M .. M .. �, � .. � i M �, dM d Water lirr AD monitoring wells were sampled from suspected Cleanest to most contaminated according to the f011Owizg PrOtOCOU, All pertinent information was recordedsampling information forms. bite r�c�e ` ti � Arty M Company Otw Stop * 1Q±t Delts Fraim No Pop t tell t StepMeasure water level, Step 2 . Purge well. A laboratory decontaminated teflon bailer was used to purge each monitoring wclL A minimum of three to five well bore water lumen were removed from each well. Step 3 E Collectwatetsarnples. Water samples were collected using decontaminated tefln bailers; Step 4 _ Prepared samples for transport Samples were cooled to approximately 4 degrees Centigrade for transportation . Step 5 - Transport samples. Water samples were stored and transported to specified laboratory, following all documentation and chain of custody, Step 6 ® Decontaminate field equipmen Water l measurement uipment A cleaned itb methanol followed by deiotized water e Field Chain of Custody Records were shipped with the samples to the laboratory, and upon arrival, the triples were checked in and signed in by the appropriate laboratory personnel, Uboratcry identification numbers are noted on the Field Chain of Custody Record, Upon completion of the laboratory analysis, the completed Field Chain of Custody Record was returned to the project manager, e following list identifies e various targeted chemical constituents and the analytical methods use4 for their quantification ar etcd Chemical 'aramete hJe_thodYoa Benzene, Toluene,Ethyl- EPA Method benzene, Total Xylenes and 602 Compounds EDB EPA Method 5N rha" 17 Site cbhraqtrrjttca R rt Arcy 09 Company Oft Stop *104 Eark Nortb CArohna De" Proiect No. M-4t&564 Single well permeability tests were performed in monitoring wells to Obtain Order Of magnitude permeability data. The tests are generally performed in monitoring we 'lh with no detectable contamination, After determining static w-Aler levels, a Solid decontaminated slug of kno)4,n volume is instart eously introduced into the well (slug in And water level teCOMY data is collected until the water level in the, well reaches equilibrium (static water level). Alternatively, after the slug has been introduced and the water level in the well returns to static conditions, the slug is instantaneously removed (slug out from the well and the recovery data is collected until the water level in the well reaches equilibrium. The data is collected either manually, with a timer and electronic water level indicator, or with apressere transducer and data logger, Tbe drawdo%11 is graphed as the 109 value Of change in head (feet) versus time, Horizontal bydraulic conductivity is derived by statistically fitting a line to the appropriate portion of the drawdoAm curve and determining its slope and using appropriate flymu!15 (Bottwer and Rice, 1976), Bouwer, H., and Rice, KC., 1976, A Slug Test for Determining Hydraulic Conducti�rity of Unconfined Aquifer with Completely or Fully Penetrating Wells, Water Resources Research, v. 12, pp. 423-428. 2- Goldsmith, P., Milton, DJ. , and Horton, J.W., 19M Geologic Map of the Charlotte 1 * x 2* Quadrangle, North Carolina and South Cstolina, U.S. Geologic Survey, Miscellaneous Investigations No, 1-1251-E. 1 Houg, G.F—, BrueH, CJ., and Marley, M.C, 1984. A Study of the Mechanics Controlling Gasoline Hydrocarbon Partitioning and Transport in Ground Water Sysierns, United States Department of the Interior Research Project Tocktaicai Completion Report G832-06, 5ile ae ' aicr 1 rt Arty 09 Company 004 s * 104 p Kramer, W.H., and Hayes, "% ., 1987. Water Soluble Phase of Gasoline, Results of a Laboratory Mi)dng Experiment, New Jersey Geological Survey, Te bnieat Memorandum rand - 13 pp, 5. Sax, N.E., and Le%is, M., Sr. 1987. Revision of the, Condensed ChemicalDictionary by G., Hawley, 1981, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, Inc., 122S pp 2.0 e recommendations contai report repr nt out professional opinions, 71m opinions are Wrived at in accordance with ;currently a pted bydrogeologic and engineering practicts at this time and location, Other than this, Do warranty° is implied or intenda This report ww prepared by, DELTA ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC rily�n i er ate G In r Manager er This report was reviewed by, Stephen Date I A- o to aAmen t Manager Akmc as a19 h * r r w n i Maw �. 41- s^ di # wM aM erF t B i !00 0"fin0 us N a« i "A i a tM# iAA 4dM RPo a 1" y ew 4 � J R # a M 004 i t #"" Wk i i i ro k TABU 2 RELATIVE QMA0 MATER tavATIMS oft One Stop tort, North Carolina Delta Project 60. so-M-564 fT IW WELL:_ .T RELATIVE ELEVATION: 106.07 DATE: 01/ 3190 01/11/90 01/19/90 03/02/90 3 06/90 03/27/9 DEPTN TO WATER: 26,59 26.34 26«24 25.15 24.92 24.44 GAOUND WATER ELEVATION; $1.0 $1..73 $1.83 $2.92 .25 83.63 MONITORING WELL m2 RELATIVE ELEVATION' 97.89 MATE: 01 0319D E11/11/ 01/19/ 03/ 2/9G 03/ /90 3/27/90 DEPTH TO VATER: 31.6 31.36 27.35 GROUND WATER ELEVATION 66.29 66.S3 0.54 DEPTH TO LPN: 38.6 36.36 29.43 LPN TNICKNEaS FT, 7 5 2.2 ADJUSTED UOUND WATER ELEV.:R �1. ?0.28 72.19 MKITORIWO WELL. MW-3 RELATIVE ELEVATION: 106.12 DATE: 01/ 3/9C 1/11/90 01/19/90 03/02/90 03/ /9G 03/27/9L GEPt'N TO WATER, 24.95 24.72 24.63 23.37 3.26 22.85 GRGLIkC WATER ELEVATIONa $1.17 $1.+4 91.49 $2.75 92.96 M27 90411CRIUC WELL. MIW-4 RELATIVE ELEVATION:: 105.43 01/�t3/9I7 01/11/90 1/19100 43/ 21`9G 03/ /9C 03/27/90 EFT D DEPTH TO DATER: 7"6 .56 .32 22.47 22.32 21.85 GROUNC WATER ELEVATION: $1.67 $1.47$1.91 $2.96 MIT 63.5E 11OR1WG WELL: 1460- RELATIVE ELEVATION 104.5 DATE:: 01/03/90 1/11/90 01/19/90 /02 9G G3/08/9G 03/27'/90 DEPTH TO►TER. .35 23.15 M09 2196 21.64 21.42' OUWD WATER ELEVAT'JON-. $1.15 $1.35 81.41 .52 92.66 83.08 dk aNOMiti0fing welt Instoltod J ry IWO 1t towed and t accessible f t ring welt installed February IWO Iotaa 2 JSqnL(nwW Page MNIT04100 WELL: RELATIVE ELEVATION: DATE. 01 D3/ 1/11 01,/19/90 03/02/ / /03/27/90 DEPTH TO WATER: 19.4,E 15.74 15.63 i.22 QAOUXD, WATER ELEVATION: T .03 80.2S $0.36 al.?7 MONIT00190 WELL: ,7 RELATIVE ELEVATION .21 DATE: 01;/03/90 1/11/90 01/19 / 2/90 3! 4C 3/27/90 DEPT* TO WATER: 12.& 111$9 V.86 9.79 GROUND WATER ELEVATION: $6.37 97.32 89.35 e9. 3 ITDRINC WELL: MN-E RELATIVE ELEVATION': 10017 DATE: 01/03/90 1/11190 01/19/90 /0 /90 03 0 ,/90 3/27/9 DEPTH TO WATER; + 18,49 17. 16.w 1E.52 GROLMD WATER ELEVATION 91.68 .11 &3.29 93.65 POKITORIWOWELL: RELATIVE ELEVATJOH: 100.7 DATE: D#rD3t 01/11/90 01/19 /02M 01/ /90 3/27/9 DEPTH TO WATER: 19.59 1S.3 17. "CURD WATER ELEVAT10h 81.2 82.41 92.98 POkITOP194 WELL: Aw-10 RELATIVE ELEVATI %67 DATE. 01/ 3/9 1/11 01/19l 03/02/90 03 /9Ik 3/27/9 DEPTH TO WATER: 16.34 15.01 U.96 14.59 OINK WATER ELEV010Na $0.33 $1.66 $1.69 82.08 ITOPINC WELLt W-11 RELATIVE ELEVATION: 103.78 DATE: 01/ 3/90 01/11/9E 01/19/90 03/0 /90 03/08/90 03/27/9 DEPTH 7D WATER; +++ 20.64 20.59 20.45 GROLWD WATER ELEVATI .11# $3.19 8333 tiriry wetl fmatoll#d j ry Iwo watt toveriod t accessible MK)nit*rinQ wett was Irmtoliod fobruary IWO EtCR 2_Ec ontI medj e MONITORINGWELL: NW- 12 RELATIVE ELEVATION: 90.53 DATE. 01/ 3✓ 01/11/90 1/19/ / 21 03/08190 03/211/ DEPTH TO WATER: 10.51 10.4 10.54 GROUNDUATER ELEVATION .I92 1 79.99 MONITORING INELL,- OW-1 RELATIVE ELEVATION .22 DATE. 01 3/ 1 11/ 1/1 3/ 2/90 II /t / 3/27/90 DEPTH TO WATER„ « 17-37 17.24 16.88 GROUND WATER ELE ATIOO: $1.85 81.98 W. 34 'IT IN WELL OW-2 RELATIVE ELEVATION 1 3,2E DATE: 01 03/ 1/11/ 01/19 / 2/ 3/ / 3/27/90 DEPU TO WATER: 15.45 20.96 2 .A GROUNDTER ELEVATION: 67.93 92.32 .3 olotm montiorimtt imtetled a � 1 well covered and not #ccegsible> 44 MOMItoring welt was installedFebruary 1990 TA`LE 3 CKENICAL ANALYSIS - ORDLY4 WATf* Arty Oil to"ny Or* stop Ear(, Worth Carotim& Otit# No. so-w-%4 WXITC*I*a WELL: #W-1 DATE TARGETED PARAMETER UNIT 01/03/90 #EWZEUE uQ/t lei TOLUENE ug/k 41 fIXYLSENZENE UQ/1 41 XYLENES UQ/1 <1 XTBE Ug/1 <1 too Log/ I IT IN 6TLL: NW-2 DATE TARGETED PAUXEIER UNIT 01/01/90 4ENZENE VO/I TOLUENE W/1 E1141LIE WZENE ug/L XYLENES ug/L OTRE ug/t too `PT IN WELL: 04W-3 DATE TWETEC PARAXETER UNIT 01/03190 IENZEWE Ug/1 73 TOLUENE ug/G 5 ETRYLSE)iZERE LV/1 is MENE$ uq/1 190 NITRE; UVA <5 M 0.074 IT INS WELL: #W- DATE TARGETED PARAMETER UNIT 01/03/90 NENZENE ug/1 270 TOLUENE u0/1 <20 ITNYLSENZEWE w It 76 XYLEWES ug/t sic NITRE Usti 'C20 Octet: 00"ItOHN wtit "ot surpl*d &* to pr*&wC* of LPN porameter r4t wwiyzed fiTobtt 3-(C t1 ) Poo 2 M*ITCRIXG WLL! - DATE MUTED PUMETER UNIT 01/03/90 wi(zEi(E L EY TL#Ei12EW /t 1 ITTOE UO/I g Us L+13 WN1704190 WELL; OATS AR ETEO PARMETER LIktT 01f0 /9 ILEILEEWE 1 40 YOLUEt4E Ug t 41 ET 'TLBENZE E usit 'cl X LEUEE wilt t TE Ma u5 W)WITORINt WELL. GATE TAIRaVEG PAID TER MIT 01/0 00 EhENE, uy,r i t TOLUENE us/1 ETN LEENZEEE tG V1 XYLENES tl `1 SE /t EDS UQA IORI NG WELL: -E DATE T GETED PAUMF7FP L JI 01/1 90 EWMif / 1 1 TOLUENE LVA ETNTLSEN204E LVII 0 XYLERES Wgit I41GE tpt1< cT M /i 0.22 OIPE u111 41 DISE. LEA} /t <0.00 LT' IWG YELL; MW-9 OATS TAAGETED PAOXETER MIT 01/19 90 /02/90 MEE E /t 19000 39000 uEE UR/1, S5000 woo 1EYNYLUNZEWE WA 2600 2500 MINES U011 14000 9000 EE /L 00DO 1000 E /1 9.9 6.7 RIPE 44/1 E2000 OISS« LEAD man 4 >005 Mote: aMom' t 1 M9 wtI t ¢ed-CkJe tO Pre4eme Of LP *' r ter not orwtyztd MWITORING WELL: WAD WE YAAQETED PARMETER LIMIT 0 1 110/90 03/02/90 K*ZEWE WQA TOLLIEUE Usti V 1200 VXYLIEvaq t4/1 Z2 ISO XYLEMES 44/1 zo 1000 INTIE usil 00 230 IDI UCAt C.41 0.35 WE ;. q, $50 VISS. LEAD MWIT0410IG WELL: OW-11 DATE UIZETE0 WAXETER UNIT 03/02/90 SEWUNE t4/t S40 TOLUENE UG/1 270 MYLSEWUNE ug/l S6 XYLEMES WS/1 214 XTBE ug/t 170 EDE W/1 0.64 MONITORING WELL; NW-12 DATE TARGETED PAP,&*C*,EP 03102/r, SEWME woll 7 TOLUENE usA( 2 ETHYLSENZEWE ujl/t 0 XYLEMES USA <1 XTRE ug / 1 9 08 ug/t 40.020 WN110RIM4 WELL: OW-1 DATE MUM PARAMETEP IT 03/02/90 KXZEWE usli 250 TDLUEWE t4/1 2000 tTRYLSENZEWE ug/t <25 XYLEMES UO/I "DO *TIE ug/l Rc ED$ Log/ TORIUr, WLL' DW-2 DATE URGETED PARMETEst UNIT 03/D2/90 KXZEWE ug/l t VOLUM up/t 'Cl tilln"ItZEWE UG/1 AT XYLEVES 4411 cl KTRE us/1 41 tDo MG/1 IC0X20 moinitor1mg w-el I Mot swpled OA to prwmt of LPN P*rsftttr not anaty2ed _................. Pogo "ITORINC VELL -1 #MY 990P WELL ATE WrAETED PARAMETER UNIT stuZINE vatt TOLUENE 1EfittYLIER E t XYLEMES /t 1100 9E a/t 39r E us/I 0.97' NOWITORIK LL: SW-2 JAM FASTJOW WELL Y TAAGETO PAXAMIETER UNIT 94 BENZENE u5&/t TOLUENE, uo/'t T ETRYLRER E.RE USA EDS t 0.0Z8 CisfwnitOrino we I t MOT L*d dut t far e of tP r tt"Iyztd �.. _ . r � BODY SHOP P YSHOPJ * "a J L LINE + µ y�A LEAK PVmPw w fSLAND rr tD TANK Iso j @lr J4IJ <°"°4 0 90 r ar r S T tol W"'LY Wu SITE MAP GRASSY AREA EARL, PROXC t Nei. PREPARED 61 cis, TE, RfWAU) ey— Delta 3-27-90 A U. -3 s - * AL #3 900Y SHOP + 1� —# AST tB 240, � 0100,O),Y Iva so I PUMP W ISLAND + 100; q —w � � w 11ro 0 90 Sl �bg SCALE (FEET) — a LEGEND. SAPOKY wm SOIL BORING LOCATIONS CRASSY AREA 0 Sm DORM EARL, NC PROJECT N57 OATS .-.� .< 03 BODY w lfk r FAST PFOOD WELL SO-1 ISS-30 V00 SAY Age a r M E: LEGEND. Y Wa Y CRASSY AREA SOIL WRM 0 90 SCALE (FUT) FIGURE 3 GEOLOGIC CROSS SECTION LOCATION ONE STOP 4 L CO. EARL C PROXCT NOm a 50-88-564 C H. SATE � - "l r SOUTHWEST NORTHEAST RED CLAYEY,' SILT * GRAVEL sf$o Its, -91 O CLAYEY SILT RED WHITE IL ROLITE 1T /RED) 1 RED CLAY WITH BROW SANS SILTY CLAY I E SILTY CLAY AND BANDEDW MICACCOUS BANDED SAPROLITE MICACCOUS APROU TE 70- 4 WHITE COARSE: NITS �AND FIGURE601 GEOLOGIC CROSS SECTION A -A' LL9ENIL- EARL, NC PROJECT t , 0 MPARM SCREENED INTERVAL ,. --- 4 C.W.H. HORIZONTAL A,LE DA TE R04 YADefta 110— WEST T �« _7 o- oklf I'M — YELLOW CLAYEY LA Y �s SILT MTN SILT WTE SAND CLAYEY 90— RED BROWN SILTY SILT "Bi SAND BANDED BANDED CLAY MICACEOUS MIAE SAPROLITE SAPROUTE BANDED MICACEOUS SAPROLITE FIGURE 5 GEOLOGIC CROSS SECTION B-B' LEGEND: EARL,so— 90, PROJECT HORIZONTAL ALE - -� w LATE REVIEWW 87Defta ACenwAtont^, 3--- — � mw— lww-120 r mw— j 8, ! CIO wv yr r ' 99 7 U .00 t mw M 11 0 9 ow v. _. INA Rl SCALE (FEET) 40 mw WATER TABLE CONTOUR MAP MASSY AREA MOWTORM WU EARL, NC ,JLNit (40) MAIM MOUND WATER ELEVATION 50-88-564 C.W.H. Rt , - 27 -90 µq u, _..: .. HD 11 HD -M 1/3 1/11t/19 3/ 3/8 31271/3 /i 1119 3/2 3/8 3/ 27 (19 ( 99 ow - Re FIGURE 8 MONITORING WELL HYDROGRAPHS ONE 1CO. 1/3 1111 1 3/ 3/8 3/27 EARL, NC We PROJECT NO,, PREPARED 01 199 0 - 5C.W.H. DATA REW s mar— ( (7)03 BODY SHOP (44) W--10 x w- ySHop ( -. WELL 144 IN, - JACK'S FAST �� • '� t cQ yr yr v 1 t ( UAK a e * PUMP � ISLAND �w 1 ( 70)� Mw- OLD 40 TANK 10 BASIN : 0 go FIGURE CONCENTRATIONS �dBWNDAJRY - AREY OIL MASSY ARFA Momm"m wa EARL, NC () Q - 64 DATE M- MW-1240 (4400 DW- #3 "MY SHOP V t:-- FAw-1i 1M40 � 4r r a & w ao FOOD WELL 014 c ;11 }{I Ntlslt p 3 NLEAK w, W 1 PUMP MAND 1 f adool oil OLD to P 0 00 LEGEND:119 SCALE (FEET) u CONCENTRATIONS GRASSY AREA + ► 7 �P-RCPARM BY N 0-- 4 DATE REW-va By Defta .--� .02 kO '4" #3 BODY SHOP N+ t0 Rt wa r a i3 _ 0. UW—w . t� JACKS EASTFOOD V&lL (0.028 (0.64) co p4 4 L- LINELEM tuo"Wxy los 0. * W- Y wa PROPERTY 00UMARY GRASSY AREA ) MP ISLAND �r OLD TANK �. w1 BASIN` t90 uSCALE { MW-7 IF FIGURE 11 CONCENTRATIONSEDB EARL, NC PRE az NOµ 3-27-90J MIJAM�FA MW-6 MW— t2 r t ( ?0-3�jwv SHW t LW -tit t mw- a wil 91000) vw Al- rJACKS FAST to) FOOD WELL co (170 UNE LEAK 40 +NA`t 1 Wv W— s MP �� i so �r <20 MW - W-14 t tANK -414 BASIN 00 L 2_ W MOMTY L MONTORM WU EARL, NC (u9A) 50-88-564 C.W.H. DATE REMM By Defta -9 RW-6 r w " 1p? IREATUE10 VOELL 'S FAST a rFow, voru R N�, 00voww *Ay 196 LINE LEAK MP � ISLAND BASIS SCALE (fUM LEGEND: FIGURE N SLqVLY Mu RECOVERY WELL LOCATION _. L EARL, PRO CT0.�p -C.W.H. DABREVWM BY Doha - 27-�� I IOCAnON FRW= PORIM µ 1 a 1 Am Oil 0=Pany 88 t 11 6." OD msA Shelbyt North CaMlina DRnkmJ RIG*. Mobile 57 140 2/19/90 IAND OWNER: HM=iCk E�,, . I� A PI u M ' ., N 1, ; S (in)VNn'S hNu cdor _ 4 NO leS to 221 because a adjacent to -1 1 10 12 1 1 . 4 21.5rp t micaceous 4 -/ mineralized 4 25- 10 26.5 26.5- 26 As above with borizcrtal bwds of clay and mica 4 r thick odo vslight at 29 feet 34 3 4 4 4 4 -Z��8Am Oil C=Pwv 13 4 OM StCp 4L::: METHOW6.25,11 Ww1by, North 1 ' OS` 103 2; q MM C` SURFACE " AN ULT N; A O OBSERVAnCN GENERA " 0 LNM: PM odor 2 rLicao0ous silty a fill silty C"a Vllcw 4/5 4 4 mist" 8 3'Cw c clayeySilt 1 4" t 1 above 2, 4 la' 1 ' 1 14 f 2/5 14 2 11 above20 As with tore resj&zj-.� 0 2 6 4 grains-1 o ° 34 23.5 28 30 34 3 3 40 44 LEVEL46 DM Tne Am GWL a r-^ r INSTALLATION :NIA ------ PROJECT, MONITORING LL No' TOP OF RISER EL VA - 1. I �w VATER-TIGHT CAP FLUSH GRADE WELL CONSTRUCTION DIAMETER TERIAL 11 s TOTAL LENGTH LENGTH AjD CLND flush THICKNESS TWEE OF SEAL 9,.5 feet DIAMETER, MATERIAL t JOINT TYPE GP RISER PIPE flrIsh threaded TYPE Or 34CKP'ILL AAWND RISER THICKNESS & TYPE Or SEAL L sr�tr�zt DISTANCE OF rILTER SAND 00VE TOP 2.3 feet Or SCREEN TYPE' OF FILTER AROUND SCREEN rid MONITORING WELL MATERIAL Sth. 40 'PVC mac,. sl t—t—e- L3 SCREEN GAUGE OR SIZE OF OPENING C. 10 inch {SLOT SIZE es IA TER & LENGTH SCREEN 8.96 feet DEPTH TO THE BOTTOM DF MONITORING .77=l WELL DEPTH TO BOTTOM Or FILTER SAND THICKNESS L TYPE Or SEAL, / a IAMETCR OF SOREHOLE l.f FT MihlT +ELL LATER LEVEL WASUREMENTS IL't FT DATE TIME VATER LEVEL L _ i . FT L4 _23.27 INSTALLATION CPL E TEw_UjZL94� (K> DEPTH XLOW TOP OF RISER pC MEN Defta A� �A k E = ;s INSTALLATION FLUSH GRADE MONITORINGWELL PROJECT, 50-66-564 MONITORING WELL 1 Aire oiI co TOP OF RISER EL VATb " . S nr------------- VATER-TIGHT CAS `LUSH GRADE WELL CONSTRUCTION DIAmETER & MATERIAL it TOTAL LENGTH LENGTH ABOVE GROUND flush THICKNCSS L TYPE Or SEAL 7.0 feet VIAHETE , MATERIAL 16 JOINTOF TAPE RISER PIPE. _ flush thr TYPE Or SACKFILL AROUND RISER THICKNESS L TYPE OF SEAL, L t n1t DISTANCE O FILTER SANE ABOVE TOP 2.6 feet OF SCREEN TYPE OF FILTER AROUND SCREEN � e r� MON2WELL MATERIAL S h . 40 Pvc LI m a CT one Ott' SCREEN GAUGE OR SIZE OF OPENINGC.CIC inches (SLOT SIZE —DIAMETER 4, LENGTH OF SCREEN Z L 1-99 feet DEPTH TO THE BOTTOM,Or MONITORING i � WELL DEPTH TO BOTTOM or FILTER SAND 25.0 fee , THICKNESS & TYPE OF SEAL DIAMETER Or BOREHOLE LI `T NONITORING FELL WATER LE WASLURRE E TS 1-CZ ET TE TIME .5 ET WATERLEVEL E ZG1 FT 1 INSTALLATION COMPLCTED, a AEA. } r Lr ME, , . z () DEPTH BELOW TOP Ear' RISER C Wift.-mm"mam"Nam *#114 GY ;ll*l a WATER TI 14T GAP FLUSH GRADE VELL CONSTRUCTION w« DIAMETER & MATERIAL * TOTAL LENGTH see LENGTH ABOVE GROUND THICKNESS TYPE OF SEPAL DIAMETER; MATERIAL & JOINT TYPE OF RISER PIPE a P 2ACKrILL AROUND RISER I -_Ogg FT Lit FT L$w 9.98 FT L,4 : t 1 FT INSTALLATION PLETTM TTIM _ t " Sch.40 PVC THICKNESS & TYPE OF SEAL 1.8 feet I T N`E OF FILTER SANE A E E TOP 1 e OF' SCREEN TYPE OF FILTER AROUNZ SCREEN fine silica sand MONITORING RING YELL MATERIAL machine -slotted SCAM GAUGE •;-tlZttit DPENNG 1� feet VELL DEPTH TO BOTTOM OF PTA BELOW TOP OF MISER BOX ATION OF FLUSH GRADEMONITORING WELL .�. PROJECT, AOil Eon n V, MONITORING WELL � TEMP OF RISER ELEVATIDNi 103. VIER CAP FLUSH GRADE YELL CONSTRUCTION` ° DIAMETER t MATERIAL " steel TOTAL LENGTH M LENGTH ABOVE GROUND-------------- � THIS SS L TYPE Or SEAL n T � t ---------------- IIIAMETEk MATERIAL jOINT TYPE, '° #� L F RISER PIPE fla�s�r t}�re� TYPE G ILL AROUND RISER t ent THICKNESS & TYPE OF SEAL . G' L4 nts llt DISTANCE E LTER $AND APOvE TGp, 2.0' OF SCREEN �t TYPE Or FILTER AROUND MGNITGRING WELL MATERIAL P4' L SCREEN" GAUGE DR SIZE OF OPENIN3 (SLOT SIE DIAMETER to LENGTH ' SCREEN DEPTH TO THE BOTTOM OF MONITORING ELL DEPTH TO BOTTCH OF FILTER S N 2 THICKNESS & TYPE OF SEAL none DIAMETER OF BOREHOLE m2 5„ .y 3 FTiITGRNGiii,LL VA �SL�RE?GS DATE TIME WATER LEVEL IR10.0FT L FT J INSTALLATION FLUSH GRADE, MONITORINGL PR s MONITORING Li KM� 1 C NOR MCI. - TOP OF RISERELEVATION, —10 WATER-TIC04T CAP FLUSH GRADE WELL CONSTRUCTION TOTAL LENGTH ¢ LENGTH AjoVE GROUND -------------- I w THICK SS TYPE OF SEAL t►et cement Et, IA"tEd MATERIAL i. JOINT E 21, E RISER PIPE flush bread TYPE OF' UC F"ILL AROUND RISER neat cement R LRa THICKNESS & TYPE OF SEAL 2.0' lbentonite A DISTANCE OF FILTER SAND G Top 2 or SCREEN TYPE OF FILTER AROUND SCREEN 'ra fir, M3NlITTGRING VELL MATER ` slotted PVC L - SCREEN GAUGE F' R' SIDE ` OPENING I(SLOT SIZE "W-4---tIAMETER L LENGTH OF SCREEN" 2"` 1 l DEPTH TO THE SOTTOH OF MDNMRING 2L. WELL DEPTH TO SZTTOA OF FILTER SAND 23.5. THICKNESS & TYPE OF SEAL none IA TER Or 2DREHOLE .2 PT WATER AS E EIS 1.# - FT TE' WATER LEVEL it EIC -C PT L4 23.5 FT INSTALLATION L E D, DATE JtI DEPTH EL W TOP' RISER RG GRADE.INSTALLATION 13F FLUSH MONITORING WELL TOP DF RISER ELEVATMN, 'VATER-TIC CA L ADS VELL CONSTRUCTION DIAMETER L MATERIAL TOTAL LENGTH " LENGTH ABOVE GROUND THICKNESS & TYPE OF SEAL DIAKETER,,, MATERIAL, & JOINT TYPE RISER PIPE TYPE IAA ILL AROUND RISER THICKNESS TYPE Or SEAL -DISTANCE OF FILTER SANV AkA TOP O TYPE OF FILTER ARZ*Z iOdN • MONITZRING VELL MATERIAL SCREEN GAUGE OR =t OF bpt�N?G (SLICT SIZE) DIAMtTER & LENGTH Or SCREEN kf f9 f 1,,t I ?s thread neat cement .t' bentonite inn sand DEPTH TO THE XOTTOM OF MoNITDRING. ''ELL DEPTH TO NOTTOm OF FILTER SAND THICKNESS` TYPE Or SEAL Hobe ." . r i,28.0 rT RI . L♦ - XT W'11- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J I INSTALLATION OF FLUSH GRADEw MONITORING WELL @ PROJECT, Are @ n MONITORING WELLNO,- 1JM Na -` t- - TOR OF RISER ELEV*TION, 103.28 i�ATER-TIGHT GAIN FLUSHADE WELL CONSTRUCTION DIAMETER & MATERIAL steel TOTAL LENGTH ail LENGTH ASOVE GROUND« THICKNESS & TYRE OF SEAL concrete DIAMETER, MATERIAL & JOINT TYRE d b�ins Or RISER FIRE @E @E TYPE OF RACKFILL AROUND RISER PVC flush thread .Dt', nt gTout THICKNESS & TYPE OF SEAL ' bentonite Leg _pellet DISTANCE R FILTER E ASOVE TOP OF SCREEN TYPE OP FILTER; A+ROAN" SCREEN' _. in end MONITORING WELL MATERIALMatt d t' L SCREEN GAUGE DR SIZE OF OPENING (SECT SIE> ZIAMETER & LENGTH OF SCREENDEPTH TO THE J:TTOM OF MONITORING 45.3 1 . l WELL DEPTH TO IOTTOM OF FILTERSAND THICKNESS & TYPE OF SEAL novae DIAMETER OF LE it ■t L t * FT S * 3 . I T L,,t w 45.3 FT INSTALLATION COMPLVED, TIME1 10 DEPTH TOP Or RISER A 1 thaw CNE ST.CP _ raticn: :k:'-',LATD- ductivity 61#1 fist#ate ever ranch y as cissipatic (ft) • Data fourte - iiyzed by; Date: X,dJf VARNOLES TO BE h`% "fit teit Wer U * 2M7 ft RN * IL=ft Lw * 214, ft e z 7 f, #fe # r#a '�s of Basin; Ut1n "l ity of satt aa:x ift C W-;t r sity of s# *a. t*Z VI fss screen: strat:es water ted:ei * CBe as a deri#ai 'siP ntm tt#et#:ni #fter tat pirivte fro# lac«p/t pint t 1. 750 #in (any vai.:d t fro$ pats, f I tq derived fro# best fyt line on to;(yP/t oiot Pyt s 1. MMU7 regression value at tole t tatove Y # t ceri ed free dts. f t ii*e of io��y� t pion T, S.* #1n Lod=y" # t fros best fit lie of ig,,y�j; o:ot 7 — 28. OW�1n saJ*a e» th;C4- ss n we,*. J. e" frtivt screen len tr We e; ua: zerove fro td:eeutas-z � curve tat-Cr Lt/L..* ais? USec as dar-;�ejftfuw ra a ssi p n Anilysis e0.r;;t1#e use't as 1noe;encert varlad.e for reesson asratyss #e Depth e— Chaqe fro# Re ressio� , low Mptft) static(y) io (y) .tuts(;y i�M, 21.87 .ff ERR f. Mia ii e 7 W' zz:7tJ. i r 7 'Luzf ZZ.1.7 i.!'f 0.1,MS2 f, i r riSu:4 ff `.i:� i& E i w, f. S: . 6777U7 —f. � 'nc_ est ou e", a. #nd R. C.::i 7.;w 4 Z:i; Test for ben l ln .egression Output: Constant.��E. Etd Err of y Es K Squared fo51 r -. No, of dse v#«.ony Degrees of Frttdos 5 1 o fficiertts . K `7 Sid Err V Eoef. 0. i 10,yo) * 2. Nizf 10ty3 intercept at t- Yo 2. 25 ft t as uiatat Y it tzk Ye= 1. fft (a?cuate yattill t; LeAw EI.AQ, di#ensso ie.s E 1.73 dimsion.e5s m e/Aw) - M5 dilensicnim fire * f. ?4 ft, EeE ftysew 7 f /cr * E. E-Cft/day * 8, 97.E c^#,+en * MU-07 atsec * 7.71Vday FYdraulic Cond4clivitty of '."imfirtt k-jifers Wjtn ucjtttky or Fully Penetrating Wells, Water Ptictirce, gt5fireft, V. Q3-4& lower, K, 1985, The buwer and Riot Slug lest - pm Update, &'Ound"ter, Vol. Z71 No. 31 pp. 109*rl Ki 1989, CISONOF: The louwtr and Rice Slu; Test - Update, Sroundo.;,ttr, Vol. V, No. p. for filly Whits; ts; falls ~a - Data soy t Collcttd by: ielI? ArNaiytd by: JCM Dato:t�'� 4 Nr� s r "s °`Yd MAC MF5b.sM �W a A „ S o p l .Sd Itryyd F�FWa.. gyp pfw 'f.�rm:�a +aa JM MF. d�4d .Y 5�ki�3d�v y M#m .,q #ff rwo racial asstanct dvtr wicn y as cassao tgc (ft) � � a 3 �. r d;Us of aso (ft) of#c i" rh"$ of casan Ami truss* Y sac Pak s a RC x t ft c f* or s#ity of sandca:m (=Z on."t:s screen st°~at:ts a.tN, to pe a os. stir .� 3 tee _ :s tt 0 Nyt a.n tart' a::t : frog dt ato ,ro$ ots. ;#t lant cr :o� � fia- y _trffiwtc frog bast At lot of ln""t M.c T� �& cn Lq tt') 11 frog otst tat :he of 0;4"t :ffi#:t TE Zz. INV #1 satorattd W kr ss in weW it) tff'fCiaw# scrttn ltr t� (fti hart aQi: to Lw) derived fro# UI-vt #a¢ LlL s bt;tda#snsao^. 'nnan .## Used as indt tndant mriabit for rtrtssior analysis #tsdan to#t U"d as snd"tr O seAW for rtrtssaor ana*y .s &#Eq t be-harp frot etaNc qq ®ax.t dY `4�"rttd taN$N.� N4 F"a +F} y� lts �) ka#arsr��4o � A� ons4a4rt 5 c. � P r me . , 17.15 . ERR AMR. ° Ott r;" of Y Est.. A%e 25 Stared �• tt +w rt.wP.x :�m iws$.+g�. lk'C�mw � +'"* T L. 4'..`, IN 27E7� 2., Zw:' a 7Nl SEE fgg pp a .#_1�, ��.1E qrssofrr j kW Z�.. lie ?w,. a . &Z z 1E.. r IN yai jy "a, 0M p sfr 1767 b r a Ix4 ra. ;prr of y^. Sit . M WED AR:PKZm i:. Iq ch) = d . w cos ) ;ate*:fit at t= tll yet aa.5 ft it ',.If -, Lek* dk##nsucast law& da#ttsaon.'tss ln(tl ) = L'Udt#ansatn,tss HYDK. llpf XTUIT TTS; „p y . - Woe j F EM ipt¢`�# K - L NIEV Shay a tnct : Sauxtr, H. and Raft, R. C. 194, , Slug Test for Cetert ni g hydrauliC Conductivity of Unconfined uattrs With Cos Ines° or Fully lottetratiq Utlls, Wttr Atsolirtts Restarrh, r. 13 Bourg, K, 1585, Tht goawer end Race Slug Test - An Update, rer d -ttr, Vol. 27, ha. 3, pp. U4-3 .- H, 1189, Cl `-.'SS1C OF: The Souotr and Rice Slq Test An tee, reurd -ttr, Vol. Z7, k. to, p. 711W. IT t ? D°"±d err For wily PenttratInt Wt! s Data - to Board r. M. Eollvtft by: ;,1. J.P. NESTOR attw 12"zEja #4 alyyttd by: Datt. tB„tI EE' b r rlE ArTI# :.:E E '° 'T ' E'4'%I T ; V4RJ*L:S TO E l L° d C:ncdct:vit� ;ft/ain: Stit.c Water Level = 22.4; ft affective radial dis an t o tr when Y is oiss.oated (ft Kw z L Z ft rad:ut cf dveholt (ft) w �, ft reds us f cis an tfz Lt =. EE ft efrtive radi°js of cas * in vs c Pcrts:ty of sard»acx (=t un:tss sc-tt": strad.ts *a #*, tadlt � .� s a dtdisa$ <atrtnt l .l:t t: i ' " i= ct*.M£ "`Ct .t .Ct tz L KV 1i (any Y .lam t f" t t ; t i m frog dtst fit line or lc'dyd!t plot yt 9 4 W217i rtVrtss.cn vaffiut at teat da::wt f E t dfrcyte fr�a bes, fit line of lc i )fit -° t = Lc ;yl # t frog best fit lint of to :y,'/ l:t T - 4. We Cn satcratt'. ttsntss in weir ditt tfftct.vt sate- ltn th (ft, here taual tc Lw. derived frog curve aatcn LfIL srt^siorsies. dt insrin; tilt used is snceoendent tar:at.t for rtrtssicn analysis vdinq tilt used as .nnde t^dent varlault for reressior analysis `lite Depth be- ha- e Eros pt:rtsS:Cn low (ft) st t'w(yy to;(y°) R R Ktrtssion Output. onn tvt Etd E.-r, e Y Est.E �yr K Squrti., e o. of cs,t-vatitns E De rets of Frtrdox l I ECt`.C.t4t(5)Ei td r- of '.were VEI:-EE. In (Yod .Z!A!V, lo,(y) intercept at t- t -- C 4l ft (Calc late y it tea t) LtAw = E..EE l.E diatnionitss n( a/Rw) L 4z diit siodles ct> C ft WDRUPILIC aKXCTIVITY 1. 1E ft/stc. K 7.' -N fttein K w 1.9 ftdda w EE ca/stc .EI-6 itlifc RL, Pare rr*des: lvuwer, H. Ind RiceR. C, 1 , A Slay Test for tt rei*ir 14ydri4ir Conductivity of Unconfined Aquifers With Cos l tel or Fully Pt ttratin Wells, aster Rtso4rtts Resesr h, r l pp. 4 - uw r, H., ISES, Tht h4 tr and Rice Rl Trst - An :ex R :utdw1ter' Vol. 27, No. P;' R*-Zzi. � saver, K,, M5, DID ° r. OF: Tnt auger Inc Rice Sluff Test An Update, r 5 41 gun r d , ate �'��. Ri �, � �,:. s w s TMp Industrial & Envirorrr enta l Analysts, Inc. FAX (tip XjLrohs 1, 19go t i Marilyn Gauthier Delta Xnviromrantal convultente, Inca 7401 C&rzej Ixecutive park, Suite 206 Charlotte, Ne 28226 Reference ItA Report No.: SS4971 rd9 a ID 5 -98 5 4 i Deer RE. amithier, Tr&nsmitt*d berewith are the results of to our laboratory. &Iysee on eight * 1 yt i ' ±'lease see to Onclo*ed reports for your reulte. Very truly yours, INDUSTRIAL UVIAXXLySTS, INC. r. Mitchell Vlraootor, Technical Support Services et.e Certification.. - #40210 New Jerrre - #67719 South Carolina - #99 1 or° - #olfi Te eaa - # 0 96 North CAwrolLnx - #37720 ears 41-ISS Virginia, - #00179 #84 T sample # Client ID Xogults Azalysod 2 1 h lora4 ar' id 9 C 3/13/9 xW-11 03/13/90 Xthylene D4.bromide0.44 Uq/L 03/14/9 4 -1 l*zo Dibromide+t .11 aq/L 1/14 9 6 DW-2 ] thYl .. L d ill . Cliff u;/L 1/14/9 b l*n ido 0...970 uq/L 03/14/9 h if a DIbromid# 0.0 /L 03/14/9 66® * Coy WWU is 000'r NOT0 ISM= TAK-11046 :SPUD MOTOPPY 00019S 000Tits cg CiS' C ocor it s coot Mv 0001' � lot 000tr i 019C 000Tr � { 0 (" /60 UMMU0 nUOTIVOwna VMX MOOMMPI saNnonoo tog COSIXX vs O y tog mloAt Oct OT O0 nS :spunod=o ZVUOT4TPPV t I T OT 0u*lmTCz t Olt *U*2 s Ate lot OIC 1109 i c 8ta� t 60 (1/154) 4*jj **q wn 6- ,X * i' somodxw S C09zzR iid SOZZYMOVY i MI TICS A 601 COMPOVNDs $ l* Ruzbort 6$4-971-3 SAZPI*Identification: -gt Data Analyzed; 3 09 9 s Sandricks Qu"titationSint Number Compound Limit g L ncon ration ug/L ) 1. ere 10 €sly Chlorobontent 10 IQL 3 1,2-Di hl r be sen 10 SQL 4 1,3i h r nz*n 10 SOL 1,4-Dichlorob*nxene 10 Z ane (Total) 10 214 Additional %a ds tt -butYl methyl other 10 17 co=tnts: nL Relow Qu&ntitiltion Limit Qu&nt teti n limit elevated due to * ter d,ii tion prior to az&lygis. Sa=Ple diluted due, to high cotc*ntr&tion of target compouzda prosent. ftxx 602 Rev. DSOS89 0 Cos wdu Olt -*0940 O*Olt sscs M+� Oc�*n Z i Olt 9 Olt lift Oltax t lift Olt r lift 0 *'ta A. " (15 � cx T 'tof CORxu w solzYMM Ms XPf► NXTROD 60 S l* Numbers 4- I k # l* Idwntific6tiout D ti atie ss Result Number Compound Limit ' acwtticr tug/L Ca*name 2 3 1,2-Dichlorobozzone 2 4, , ichlczcc uz ne 5 L S zzwn Additional w nd# tort -Butyl wethyj other 2 eats z 1010w QuAntit&tion Limit ouantitati limit *I* at*d due to SALmPlO dilution prior to analysis. le diluted dueto high contontration of target Compounds psrt ezzt. YOM 6 V. osose P'A"XATICS SPA NZTHOD 602 $ Is Puzbort $54 971 XAMP1* TdOntiti Ati n, ew 1; a Data Analysodt 03/09/90 by, Remdricks qu*ntitation Results ccapound Limit Concentration ui;/L ) 1 Srse 1.0 i 1 1,2-Dicblorobanzone 1.0 SOL 5 2,4-Dichlorobiottene 1.0 SOL 6 by nz*ne 1.0 SOL 7 Toluene 1.0 SOL Additional wads to ` -But l M*thyl other 1.0 SQL cocm*nts: Q - below titatio Limit ARCWATICS r XPA XZTHOD 801 XU:pl* re5 4-971-7 samplie Idanti lcationt -1Lim; ttatlr�d ulta It Concentration 1 Sansone 54 Chlcrc ent,ena 5 SQL 1 1,2-Dichlcrobonzene- 5 SOL 4 1,I-D c lcrc nsone 5 XQL 1,4-Dichlarc nran+ $ nL Ith n.tekn, Z ltenas (Total) 5; 1,10 Additional unda 9 t*e -Butyl mathyl other 31 Coccments: SQL wr below Qu&ztitation Limit Quaztltaticn limit Oloatad duet Sample dilution prior to azalylvis. Sample diluted duce to Haigh Concentration of target Compouzda present 602 Rev. OS e a MI SPA XZTHOD 602 5 & Pl IdOntiii tIon: $fir- titanResults Limit Concentration Number and (Uq L) (ug 1 antan 1.0 2 1 Chlorobetzene 1.0 SOL 3 1,2:_Di ltens 1.0 SQL 4 1,3-DiOblorobentone 1.0 SOL 1,4Di l mans 1.0 XL a X lrnaa Tots 1.0 SQL try -Rut I mothyl other 1.0 l Coccent SO Below Quantitation Limit TORM 602 Nov. 0soseg- Inst a1 revise [ Analysts, Inc.--- s.t 1, � Vobruary 5, 199 Marilynautr Delta Znvironmental consultants, Inc. 7401 Carmel Ixecutive Park, Suite 206 Charlotte, NC 29226 Reference TEA Aeport No.: SS4886 Project D: 5 88 9 4 Dear ire. Gauthier, Transmitted herewith ara the results of &nalygeg on three samples itt+e to our laboratory on January 20, 1990. Please See the enclosed reports for your results. Very truly yours, INDUSTRIAL IRO 9, INC. ri Linda F. Mitchell Xenager, Technical Support Group State C*rtificationi Alabama - #40210 New Jersey #67719 South CAro1iAA - #99 1 Zansa* - #Z-168 Virgina, 179 PUROEASU AROMXTICS A XXTHOD 61 COMMMS IZA Sample Number: 554-886-3 Sample Identification: XW-8 Otte Analyzedt 01/ 9/9 by: Cox Quantitation, Results- Limit Concentration, Number Compound ,;/L u9/L Benzene 1. 1,2-Dichlorobantene 1.0 B L 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1.0 BQL, 5 LPthylbenzone 1.0 SQL 7 Toluene 1. Additional Compounds: -Butyl methyl ether 1.0 SOL 10 Diis+rl ether 1.0 SQL Comments: L Below Quantitation Limit FORM 602 Rev. 050589 lot T 29944 TA44am Txil- « to TV 0SS 000T ouonTol 9le OQt 1109 T crT�r'lot T olt rq , TOOOT tTF 016T 000t T ("has UoT4v u6o T sall UOT4v4T4uvrq5 950 tSS std=ws V21 samnodxw zog coa SOIXYWOW PURGZhBLZ AROMATICS ZA METHOD 62 ZZA Sample Number., $ 4 886 1 sample Identification: _1 at• tl d: 01/28/90 : Cox Qu4ttitation Results LimitNumber Compound n entr ti t l benzene 10 2 00 2 Chlorobentene 10 BQL 1, 2=i)i Moro entene 10 ROL 1,3-Dichlorobentene 10 DQL 6 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 10 SOL 6 Sthylbezzone 10 22 Toluene 10 23 iylonee (Total) 10 26 AdditionalCompounds: 10 to Butyl methyl ether 10 BQL 10 Diisopropyl other 1 Co�nments: below Quantitation Limit Qu&zt.ite iOn limit elevated ate due to sample dilution ;prior to analysis. Sample diluted clue to high concottration of target compounds present. 602 Rev. OsoSeq RESULTSM dlk 0 IZA Prof 554-88 Clint N' Delta U ntal consultants, Inc Date Sample # Client ID Parameter Usults Analyzed maw a* wwwa am m :s waaw wwwwwam am 1 xW-10 Lead - Dissolve - / 1/ / 90 3 -8 Lead Dissolved <0.0 m /t Ql/ 3/ 90 1 xW-10 Zthyle" Dibromide 0.41 u /L 02/01/90 3_g Xthylene Dibromide 0.22 use % / 1/ Delta Environmental consultants, Inc. 74t Camiet Exec. park, Svtte hadtte, NC 29226 704/541-9890 7 1 March 26, 1990 Jaynes 'Waste Oil P,t x l Charlotte, North Carolina 28225 Attention rd Jack Holder Subject-, Wasto Oil Disposal Arey 00 Company Shelby, forth Carolina Delta No, -564 Dear Mr. older e purpose of this letter is to Confirm hauling arra erTIents (Or Waste Oil at the aho�e referenced site. This letter outlines the details Of this proposed arrangement, The Site is the Exxon station located h Highway 180 just north ofEarl, North Carolina as sho at on the enclosed map; e waste oil to be hauled will consist Of approximately 400 gallons per month of Urtleaded gasoline locatedlocaied in the Separator tank on site, Delta requests that your CoMpany make arrangements to pump the gasoline &O m the separator tart: and haul it a%; y' fttr OMsitc treatment or disposal onct per month, Delta ill inform you on the to the hauling should begin, Pursuant to our telephone conversation on March 26,1990, Delta agrees to pay $400.00 r appro)dmately 400 gallons pumped and hauled from the site each month, For our records, we will also r uire ,# Certificate of Proper Disposal for each occasjon the gasoline is hauled off -site, Prgcu0at SO4abons to ErMrontriorut rams a . Jack fi tdcr Mamb , 1990 Pa if have any questions,Or tequire additional information concerning this arrangement, please feel free tact me at (704) 541-9890, Sincerely, DELTA ENVIRONN(ENrAL ODNSULTANTS, INC thl i'fct cr Civil EngineeT KEPAms Enclosure i Ms, Marilyn Gauthier, Delta Environmental Consultants, Inc. Mr. Richard A. Workentine, Delta Environmental Consultants, Inc. i a * , * L `* ** r * �Y p e � * e 8 Olt 4. , ' 4 ° " . `°� y I xk ALE 1,24000 t t rUl CONTOURINTERVAL FEET ISLACKSBURO NORTH, N. c' ,. 10POGRAFM LOCATION MAP 14U tea' S s It Ott-99WES V&42 OW STOP #4 EAFL, NC we TN RAD"A.L OAT a k fia+ 1 - gyp. fi., aOa ORS "�vAYOO� 4 M`1'�bMxM�'� tpt rt zone it Isr y art tstitated u=*rg tf'fst °pions. is x O Zpi 7 i or Is t M29 T Ilhert. Is i Stagnation point d wngradzent of the recovery well # tOt ps illp -Tan*- tsaY°' iNeert. y idtt o apturf zone at a given angle Sirlplified for Ingles at SO, crossgtadivt of the 'etoveTy veil and GAR upgradien: of the r cowj well: Y31, 7 .;11.57 where. 0= plow fgpr pi . Buis T � Trensess:ult� cg��af i Aa, fsyd=acli; sratser ra cg ssisitt ;T) is calculate. *of tle*ived frog slu; test calc latroct using the following ealtulatio =It Where, Hydraulic ondu.tiw ty lgp«!rft*2l g *uifer Thickness {ft) stisited to be 2x saturated thickness in well s Values I r 1.77 pd="ft*2 g 1 t etr�°vet t- 'k;xe�� a T 17,7 g�4 0 (flpw) is sdlculat d fro$ the e pp rival tpvat.^ c 01s Tf2g or ; t T O 1the,e$ s in =e.'nvv ^ we:. Tw 1 r , € p,�/ f t Values: s it 0 d wd i pa r; 1 &rJlldaf.„ ViOi ttt above aticulate. kilaief 15, Y's , a„t Y.';�' are Values. 0 38.222 T 17.7 t 0.05 Is 7 it y9t it ft: yl0i 22 ft ' tefertnces for calculations Ground -hater Hydro'sogf, G-Ovdwater ine Wit, Hcgorter ire Gurada Driscoll, 1Sg , p P pr 4ett® ARZY oil �oatioo,EaRl +A al ed;MA9Checked: Dale: 031301SO Date: p* first, tst:aate the ratuus of inf ue*ce in; ;his equation: <Ro ttF=hli,ak1'd« where: Rp t rid;US of influence(ft)l Z SitJTIIUt ViltibeSS Of aquifer penetrated by We:a.(tt)t bw z sat rated thickness of aquifer w4te put; control is set(ft)a Ic : hydraulic tonductultytgpdit"« a eto t, tstlzatf the flow rate using th;s equati n- s � �tpiaia����hux�l�InCoIR� white: I t floe rate"W31tayl pi LICE, k = hydraulir tondurtirityttt/days; z satutated thickness Of aquafer penetrated by eS W V; 6u : satutatet thftkness of aquifer r�ere puap tonttol is setlftll Ro racius of influe,rce(41) - froa th first quatirn; RV -atuus t' re ovvy' DATA: urn nA7El E = 6.19 ft.Vel or as al!eiY R = f+ tr { Rc,, Ru _ ,a6El. tt Tfees calculations are desctibe: and Repa L and ufsr r., October M." leachate Nuts nanagesent U" S. Environsvti; rctec u&n 94�t}r/C""'EtC)�x SSE pp, i CAPTURE ZONE CAICI.IATIC o DELTA PROJECT xca 0-oo•54 ptare eon# at Is, T are estisated usin these equations. Rs*21pifitorIs4 S.ITi Where*. Is Rta nation ��int down r n R R adze t of the recovery e.. T to!'4i T illpi -Tan*`ll y?1 T _ Width of capture tone at a peen angle eplified for angles at 50, rrostgradze t of the recovery ue: And loot eppradient of the recovery Well: T90 012pi T il(pillool901, z cals,76 T ill.w Tloo 9!4., T iIipillo(1)E80 - (CJ6,2o T i)3. c #here... 0 = Flow fps' pi = 2.1 T Trvse.seimlty Igpd ft i ydraul;c o'radient Trarrpeissia ty (T) is calculated fro* sydrsu% t tondurtivijy IT) derived fro# sDag test calculations using the following calculatro Tai 'er:, k _ ydrau:.: onductirtt.ppdr�ft" 9stiemted to to 21 satura>e thltkness :n well Values:: lz 15 " e o It 5alviteM thickness 24 T 724w ;fpt!Ix R Iflo i as alculited frog t4 e p rtcal equatldny 9/ T12o o or 2 - T s/200, Pere; tiid wn .'n, recovvo veil Ifi Tn, �r r Values., s I° ft R t 3.672 goo t 5222. got rope z 141v einldiv) With ►e above caleuilated walurs Is, y o, and TI8are ce:cc.atedn Values; _2l?3mo T = 734.4 i Is *, 22 f t To :6 1q TIP .. Loco tiCO.EARL NE Allyled:NAEChetkedt Data: 0313 150 Date: first; tst44to the radius 01 :nfluflce us.n; t;. s equation. Ro t "a(S-hv)t a w)* . 0fre} Ro rad:rrt of frflutntelf„ l saturated t.nttknes: of aquifer penefrate: by el:(ft,; SW saturated Va'Et ness of aqusfer where Auap control is W fft)l; t hydraulic oonay.ti ifyfApd"rft"3;a DATA; C9'lPA"CC Ro = 6%41! It hw 1.G ft Wvot'. d, ep t.a�.a.rte� !d$ �.#f. lorate y xy Us iR .S' a;uy tion: where: 0 flow 1te(ft''31daf) pi 1106; * hydraulic ondatt. stytftldatl4 saturated thickness of aqu.fe, penetrate4 bt Vellftll hu z saturated thickness of aquifer where burp control is set(ft)l PC : r d.u= of tnfl;uecce;f) frt'e tt;e first egat.o*,° AV f rad.us of re;ouer) DATA. _, 1, k 3.0U+00 fvda4 or 414plltiy 3" ft .� oillsin by - 1C00 ft PC RI.4C f RW ff These ta'>ulat;ors are des»*abed in: Repa,- w and rufs, C., Dctoder 1995E twl'ate Plume �vapeaerrt U� S. rote.taor Agency, Itlere ces for calculations: r ndw i r ydra10 Y fruund iter and Mulls Wotter and SuAidl Drim,11, 19SE, p 1021 g BASM I. The vacuum blower for the soil vapor extraction system will produce an average of 50 cubic feet per minute (CFM) of exhaust air during normal operation. 2. The system will operate on a cyclic schedule based on decreased concentrations of target compounds in the exhaust air samples. 3. During the *on* cycles, the system will operate an average of 23 hours per day, During the remaining hour, any condensate collected in the coalescing filter will drain to the ground water treatment system, *Ofr cycles will average, 7 days in length. ASSUMMONS: L The concentrations of target compounds in the exhaust air samples will steadily decrease over time due to the rate of vapor extraction exceeding the rate of volatization (diffusion) in the soils. Basis for assumption: information gathered at other Delta projects; studies conducted at Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant (Minnesota). 2. Initial concentrations of BTEX (benzene toluene ethvlbenzene and total xylenes� corn orents in W 1 11 the exhaust stack emissions will be equivalent to those measured at a Pennsylvania project which has a similar spill history. (i,e. 2200 gallons regular -unleaded gasoline leaked, soils were saturated with product to depth of water table in Pennsylvania) Average Initial BTEX Concentrations at Pennsylvania Project RESOURCE DATA. Parameter Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzenc Total Xylenes Parameter gacentrations (ppmv) Benzene 422 Toluene 32,6 Etbylben2,xne 12 Total Xylenes 55a0 Molecular Weights* 78A2 92-15 106.17 106.17 I gram -mole of perfect gas occupies 22,4 liters at O-C and 760 turn Hg**. Temperature correction changes to I g-molP.4-45 1. (REF: CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 63rd Ed.) (REF: AICHE Pocket Handbook, 1985,) BENZENE --A2.2 Ft3Benzene 7812Benzene -mol Benzene 28. 2 I Benzene 1 x 100 ftl Air & Benzene 1 -anal Benzene 24,45 1 Benzene 1 ft' Ben?ene 3.82 at IQ3 nzene *50 W Air & Benzene I Ib Benzene * ruin hours 1 ft' Air & Benzene I rain. 454 8 Benzene 1 hour 1 day ,58 lbs./dad. Benzene (during initial pumping Time weighted t h average e '" en«cetatrattrsn based 8 {'� on attaches graphs: Benzene concentration = 10.3 ppmv 19.3 ppmv =_ 0.58 f1,244 = a 42.2 ppanv 0.58 lbslda 0.14 i s/dais Benzene ` 2. Toluene * 2.15 1 * 28.32 1 60 23 - 0.52 lbs/day Toluene 1: x 106 1 24.45 1 1 454 1 1 (initially) 0.52 * 0.244** = 013 lbs,/day Toluene A ETHYLBENZENE: 3.2 Ethvlbenzene * 1Q.12 * 1 * 28.32 * 50 60 * 3 = 0.06 lbs/day Ethylbenzene 1 x 10* 1 2 .45 1 1 454 1 1 (initially) 0. * 0. 44** 1.5'x ltli lbs/day Ethylbenzene A 55.0 Xylenes * 10617 1 * 2,832 * 50 *' I * 60 3 = 1.03 lbs/day Xylenes (initially) IV 1 24.45 1 1 454 1 1 1.0 * U44** = 0.25lbs/day Xylenes * - ratio to TWA concentrationslinit al concentration assumed equal for all BTEX compounds. 1 Cif EFFECTS ON BENZENE CONCENTRA11ONS 1L VAPOR EXTRACTION EMISSIONS CAID E Y CYCLING 'VACUUM BLOWER (BENZENE CONCENTRAT10N VS. TIME) 00 Q. in Lo t 12 16 20 24 TIME EXHAUST STACK EMISSIONSCONCENTRATIONS FROM III VAPOR EXTRACTION 100- z EFFECTS ON BENZENE CONCENTRATIONS IN 75 SOIL VAPOR EXTRACTION EMISSIONS CAUSED > BY CYCLING VACUUM BLOWER. (n < (BENZENE CONCENTRA71ON M TIME) LIJ -2 AREA CALCULATED USING TRAPEZOID RULE z in (PPMV VS. MONTHS) o ul f= CL 50-1 < z W 25- to m ul 0 4 12 ie 20 24 TIMIE (MON714S) 'EXHAUST STACK EMISSIONSfONCENTRATIONS FROM SOIL VAPOR EXTRACTION SYSTEM TOTAL AREA - 247�25 TIME -WEIGHTED AVERAGE BENZENE CONCENTRA11ON - 10.3 PPMV Delta ACmsuftonta, Inc. INPUT DATA PROJECT I.D.& I T WIN WIM-} WT DEPTIO } ARRIVAL RATE3t. TIME END INFILTRATI.ON 1000 TRANSAISSIVI-vLE } .01 MAX XLOWABLE DEPTH 36 # EEULTE T IAV I y T h- 1. N 8. QV 0. & 24.58 3.14 E3.14' . N 4. to 0. 0 E6.06 9.E3 E9.EI lee. N 0. 1. N E9.39 11.55 31. �. 0. N fLN 29.70 IE.10 3E.10 . N I. N 1. N 25, 142.37 32.37" 1. ee 3. .5. .5"°'r 1.36 E136 . 3. w 25. K E6.43 6.36 26.36 1 . u 3. 9.65 a. 65 3. ft 25. 00 a.11 11.07 31.07 3.W 25. M 2S.63 11.57 31.97 1.00 13. N 35. N 22.65 0.06 20.08 . 00 13.0 35. N E4. E6 3.66 E3.66 100,00 13. N 35. 00, E7.E5 7.E1 E7.E1 . N 13. N 35. U EE.46 9.94 E9.54 13. ft 35. N Z9.36 11. i1 31. IS 1. N 28.0 U. . 80 0. 2E. N U. N E3.70 1.60 E1.60 IN. N M . M 25.76 119 n.19 . N EE. N U. N E7, E5 7.60 E7. E0 ft V. N M7 10.45 X 5 :: T E IMPERCAELE LAYER EXCEEDED m� 1. D. WSS-564 . v iN WIDTF2 w 71PE END 1L; 7'TN IOC -1 PCRM:ly} AVE 3 1Laf 1.1 TRMS11SENiTy ", - } t XDEPTH Sa'S T: Y T 1. to !#3.N 1 r., W, 22. R 4. . n 143. W 1. N 22. B0 S. ". 22. 31 IX. X . N 125. N 23.2,. 1.72 22.72` . N 193. W 12S. N 24.14 2.35 22.35 1. N 153.: 1 . 21.00 153. Oe 175.00 . S. . N 153. N 175. C 15 2t.15 . N 153.90 175.0 33.36 4.41 22.99 . N„ 151 N Jr., N 24.61 3.,17 23.17 1.00 M. 0 225. W 22,8Z. W, . N M. W 225. N V 1 . N M. R Ento1.63 20.02 . N 293.2.. at 23.01 9.37 22.37 . ". N M. IN 33.5 2-82 2 2, Z3 MuUND"'ING AT AREY OIL Qw,5 GPM 50 X 6 TRENCH 14 MOUND HEIGHT (FT) 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 950 DISTANCE (FT) FROM CENTER AT 136 DEGREES