HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070780 Ver 1_Fax_20070507O~pF W ATF~,pG Michael F. Easley, Governor ..~ William G. Ross Jr., Secretary ~~-- North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources ~ ~ (~ ~ Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality ~~~- Q~_ d~ $'D EXPRESS PERMIT REVIEW PROGRAM Division of Water Quality Department of Environmental and Natural Resources 401 Oversight/Express Review Permitting Unit Street Address: 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250 Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 Mailing Address: 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 Contact Information: Phone #: Fax #: 919-733-0203 919-733-6893 Fax To: Jeff Harbour Gray Steelman Subject: Buffaloe Rd.-Hester Property Sewerline Corridor Number of pages including cover sheet: 2 Notes or special instructions: Fax #: 212-1707 (704) 343-0059 Date: May 7, 2007 The originals and maps will be sent in the mail. If you have questions, please contact Lia Myott at 733.9502. No ~ hCarolina ~atura!!~ 401 Oversight/Express Review Permitting Unit 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone (919) 733-1786 /Fax (919) 733-6893 Internet: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.uslncwetlands An Equal OpportunitylAffirmative Action Employer- 50% Recycledl10% Post Consumer Paper SENDING CONFIRMATION DATE MAY-7-2007 MON 15:43 NAME DWQ-WETLANDS TEL 9197336893 PHONE PAGES START TIME ELAPSED TIME MODE RESULTS 92121707 2/2 MAY-07 15:42 00' 28" ECM OK FIRST PAGE OF RECENT DOCUMENT TRANSMITTED... ~oe wnrEy Micn.ci E Erie.. t;a~u OG A'Olism G. AASS 7r., Sevelary y voN~ Grdi~a DeDVtmatt ~ a'^~'ment mxl A.lurel Resaras ~ CI wlen tV Klim•k PE Oi~cctm ',1 'C DrvRlan o(Wn1e+Qwlity EXPRESS PERMIT REVIEW PROGRAM Aivislon of Water Quality Department of Environmental and Natural Resources 40I Oversight/Express Review Permitting Unit Street Address: 2321 Crabtree BoWevard, Suite 250 Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 M1taih-ng Address: 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 Conbctlnformation: Phone k: 919-733-0203 Fax i?: 919-733-6893 Paz To: Jeff Harbour )Fax #: 212-1707 Gray Steelman (704)343-0059 Subject: Buffaloe Rd: Hester Property Date: May 7, 2007 Sewerline Corridor Number of pages including cover sheet: 2 Notes or special instructions: The orieinals and maps will be sent in the mail 1f you have questions please wntr3ct Lia A1'srott at 73?.9502. NM` Cer ~~aiarw~lU X01 ovrn1aM1473Tpm ReVkwPemdltelE 13nA !.650 Muil Srn+a Curler. R•IniyJ,, vnm, UrSrEnn ZJ699d6S0 1721 Orlmee OmJCiRA, 5uhc 250, RNairh. TbM Cemlire 2]l,Oc PENw (9191773.17861 PM NI9) )3]-6M3 aKma; pus;tmtocnr,>twe cwm~e5i.~ee sn CFUEI ODOOnunlyMPomwFencaon Enpnr-sox Rdyd+d'1vs i'bx cm.unw v.o. SENDING CONFIRMATION DATE MAY-7-2007 MON 15:44 NAME DW¢WETLANDS TEL 9197336893 PHONE : 917043430059 PAGES = 2~2 START TIME : MAY-07 15:43 ELAPSED TIME : 00' 41" MODE : ECM RESULTS : OK FIRST PAGE OF RECENT DOCUMENT TRANSMITTED... O~OFW A~eR~G Michxl T. F¢sky, Gw~rnn W illwn G. Rms h . Sn[mrmy NaID Cxdirm[r_gmmcm ofEnvlmnmcm eid Vawnl acxrnnua ~_ P ~ ALv W. Klimet, P E DveRCr Dhisie~ ~f Wnmr punliN EXPRESS PERMIT REVIEW PROGRAM Division of Water Quality Department of Environmental and Natural Resources 401 Oversighf/Ezpress Review Permitting Unit Street Address: 2321 Crabtree Boulevazd, Suite 250 Ralcigh, NC 27604.2260 MaWng Address: 165D Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 Contact Information: Phone N: 919-733-0203 Pax #: 919-733-6893 Fax I'o: Jeff Harbour Fex #: 212-1707 Crray Steelman (704) 343-0059 Subject: Butt'aloe Rd.-Hester Property Aate: May 7, 2007 Sewerline Corridor Nnmber of pages including cover sheet: 2 Notes or special tostructions: The oriair9oL9 and ^9aos will lx sera in the mai] 1P you have questions please contact Lia Mvott at 733 9502 ng7hGman9 ,VVaatura((lly for Ovcrai/.hc'Ccyn:ra RMm Panllrint Unit rR50 Mal Sm~z Cmin. RokirR Nixth Carolina 27699-rnSV E127 C~Ree Lbnleaml, gene r59. Raknh NuM Camlma 2n609 P6al: (919)733.1766/Yn[(D19)]3?fiH93 ImemeG SLis(N9S.m aD•ennuVncNpyy{~¢ an 69uef OopaulYy/Aamatin: ihtlon 3ipblar- SD%ReryrlnNlpXPon Lanaumr Paver