HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0000272_ContractTownofCanton_19640228i , STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF HAYWOOD THIS INDENTURE, made this the day of February, 1964, by CHAMPION PAPERS INC., hereinafter referred to as Champion' , l.arty of the first part, and the TOWN OF CANTON, a mantelpa► corporation, hereinafter referred to an Town party ref the Fecond part. 0 W ITN ESSET Hi THAT, WHEREAS. Champion owns and operates a treatment plant (located on its property near Pigeon River, Went of its Canton Plant) to remove, or treat, waste in connection with eater used in its tnanufacturing operational and WHEREAS. under a temporary agreement between the parties hereto,. Champion hse been permitting the Town to run its sanitary sewer Into said treatment plant, which arrangements will continue until the parties hereto have arranged to put the treatment plant In operation under the terms of thio agreement, which to expected to occur during or after the month of August, 1964. NOW@ THEREFORE:, in consideration of ONE DOLLAR and other good and valuable considerations hereinafter recited, it is agreed between the parties hereto an followal 1. The TOwa will provide iacilitiee, at its c+wn expense, t.+ treasure the flow of all wastes to be delivered to the treatment plant of Champion at such point and elevation aril through such equipment as is approved by Champion as being cornpatible with its waste treatment facilities and equipment. i a. In periods of dry weather (that is, when no water to getting in Yny sanitary uswsr lines, at manholes, or otherwise by reason of rain) the flow of th'a Tt+wn,s waste shall no► exceed six hundred thousand gallons per day. The Vwn shalt maintain its sanitary sower system in such a manner that infiltration during wet ,weather of surface drainage will not exceed LS16 of the dry weather flow (tine hundred fifty thousand gallons per day). t. No industrial or commercial wastes, in addition to those presently accepted, will be accepted into the 'Town'e sewage system without the specific written approval of Champion. , S. The Town shall police its sewer system eo as to prevent discharge into it, frorn any esource, and eo as to prevent contamination of the waste by gasoline, crank case drainings and other petroleum oils and greases or r,ther substances not now being in said sanitary sewer system which would impede proper treatment of the sewage- b. The Town shall, at its own expenee, establish and operate at its .sewer discharge exit at the Champion plant equipment as approved by Champion to provide sufficient comminution or screening to prevent the fouling of Champion's waste treatment equipment. 7. Cbarr,pion wilt be tinder ne nbligation to provide treatment for the wastes of the Iowa different from or ►n excess of the trsa"nent required for its own waste, or to provide terminal chlorination for the Town wastes before they are discharged to the river. M Q. The Town shall indemnify and hold Champion harmless front and against any and all claims, suits, darttages, costs, expenses and attorneys' fees arising front or in any way connected with the disposal of the Town'■ 9!swags. whether in connection with damages to persona or property or arising from any action or inaction on the part of the Town, its officers# agents, servants or employees in connection with the disposal of ►ts sewage. 9. The •town shall pay to Champion the,snrn of $360.00.per month; Payable monthly, for the treatment of its wastes in the manner and to the extent herein described. In the event of a change in conditions or in the method or manner of the treatment required to be given, this amount tray be changed proportionately from time to time. 10. This agreement is contingent upon its torms being approved by the proper State or Federal authority having )urledictlott, as evidenced by a -written statement or statements froth such authority or authorities that the treatment specified herein is acceptable and adequate. 11. The period of this agreement shall be from the date of the I actual connection of the facilities of the Tvwn to the waste treatment facilities of Champion and shall continue thereafter until December "31, 1968. and from year to year thereafter; provided, however, that either i party may terminate the agrectr,ent at any titno upon two years written nntice given to the other party, upon termination, as herein provided, neither party shall be liable to the other for any damages by reason of such termination, and the Town shall disconnect and remove its facilities at its own cost and expense. t ia. Champion shall not he required to treat wastes an herein set forth, if prevented from Going the same by any act or thing over which :t has nu control. 13. Champion shall have the right to go upon the premisas of the Town to inspect the Town's sewer lines and related facilities, or to get information in connection with the performance of this contract. IN T"TIMONY WHEREOF, CHAMPION PAPERS INC, has caused these presents to be signed in its corporate name by its duty authorised officer and the Town of Canton has caused these presents to be signed in its name by its ,Mayor and attested by its Town Clerk and its Town Manager, all by authority of its Board of Aldermen duly given, this the day and year first above written. Attests bwp Clesk Attests i Two Manager i CHAMPION PAPERS INC. TOWN OJr CANTON By �`� �l�• 'rc� �P Mayor APPRO VZDt Town Attorney I, Jimmy Flynn, Town Clerk, do certify that this copy is a true copy of a contract dated the 28th day of February, 1964,,between Champion Papers and the Town of Canton, North Carolina. Jimmy Fl n, Town Clerk n 0