HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0000272_Meeting Notes_20000525 PIGEON RIVER JOINT WATERSHED ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING THURSDAY, MAY 25, 2000 REGISTRATION NAME ORGANIZATION c G- e /�/'/� f la•✓�a /l l� D p p- c PIGEON RIVER JOINT WATERSHED ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING INTERCHANGE BUILDING, 59 WOODFIN PLACE, ASHEVILLE, NC 28801 THURSDAY, MAY 25, 2000, 1:00 PM AGENDA I. Introduction of Committee Members, EPA Representatives, Tennessee and North Carolina Staff Members, Blue Ridge Paper Representatives and Other Visitors - (1:00 - 1:10) II. Review of Agenda and the Materials Previously Provided to Committee Members -- Paul Davis and Forrest Westall - (1:10 - 1:25) A. Agenda Review B. Brief Review of the Items Provided C. Questions/Changes From the Committee III. Charge to the Committee -- Mike McGhee, EPA - (1:25 - 1:55) A. Review of the Permit Agreement Condition that Created this Committee (Section IV, Paragraph 32) B. Comments on Blue Ridge Paper's NPDES Permit Renewal C. Review of Other Pigeon River Watershed Issues IV. Mill Status: -- Bob Williams, Blue Ridge Paper Products - (1:55 - 2:15) A. Mill Ownership Issues B. Color Effluent Discharge Levels/Removal Performance C. Future Improvements V. Break - (2:15 - 2:30) VI. Mill Related Water Quality Issues -- Paul Davis, Mike McGhee and Forrest Westall - (2:30 - 3:00) A. Permit Agreement, NPDES and Variance Compliance B. Dioxin Data and Trends C. Ecological Data (Fisheries and Aquatic Insect Information) VII. General Pigeon River Water Quality Issues/Concerns - (3:00 - 3:30) A. Status of Permit Agreement Ecological Assessment Provision (Section V, Paragraph 33) -- Mike McGhee B. Tennessee and NC Watershed Planning Initiatives -- Paul Davis and Forrest Westall C. Recreation/Rafting Use of the Pigeon -- Paul Davis and Forrest Westall D. Waterville Lake/CP&L Issues -- Paul Davis and Forrest Westall Vill. Committee Discussion, Identification of Other Issues and Committee Business - (3:30 - 4:00) A. Reaction of Committee's Charge B. Otherlssues C. Establishing Committee Responsibilities -- Electing Co-Chairs D. Setting Next Meeting Date and Location in Tennessee IX. Adjournment - (4:00) -2- PIGEON RIVER JOINT WATERSHED ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING INTERCHANGE BUILDING, 59 WOODFIN PLACE, ASHEVILLE, NC 28801 THURSDAY, MAY 25, 2000, 1:00 PM AGENDA I. Introduction of Committee Members, EPA Representatives, Tennessee and North Carolina Staff Members, Blue Ridge Paper Representatives and Other Visitors - (1:00 - 1:10) II. Review of Agenda and the Materials Previously Provided to Committee Members -- Paul Davis and Forrest Westall - (1:10 - 1:25) A. Agenda Review B. Brief Review of the Items Provided C. Questions/Changes From the Committee III. Charge to the Committee -- Mike McGhee, EPA - (1:25 - 1:55) A. Review of the Permit-Agreement Condition that Created this Committee (Section IV, Paragraph 32) B. Comments on Blue Ridge Paper's NPDES Permit Renewal C. Review of Other Pigeon River Watershed Issues IV. Mill Status: -- Bob Williams, Blue Ridge Paper Products - (1:55 - 2:15) A. Mill Ownership Issues B. Color Effluent Discharge Levels/Removal Performance C. Future Improvements V. Break - (2:15 - 2:30) VI. Mill Related Water Quality Issues -- Paul Davis, Mike McGhee and Forrest Westall - (2:30 - 3:00) A. Permit Agreement, NPDES and Variance Compliance B. Dioxin Data and Trends C. Ecological Data (Fisheries and Aquatic Insect Information) VII. General Pigeon River Water Quality Issues/Concerns - (3:00 - 3:30) A. Status of Permit Agreement Ecological Assessment Provision (Section V, Paragraph 33) -- Mike McGhee B. Tennessee and NC Watershed Planning Initiatives -- Paul Davis and Forrest Westall C. Recreation/Rafting Use of the Pigeon -- Paul Davis and Forrest Westall D. Waterville Lake/CP&L Issues -- Paul Davis and Forrest Westall Vill. Committee Discussion, Identification of Other Issues and Committee Business - (3:30 - 4:00) , A. Reaction of Committee's Charge B. Other Issues C. Establishing Committee Responsibilities -- Electing Co-Chairs D. Setting Next Meeting Date and Location in Tennessee IX. Adjournment - (4:00) -2- PIGEON FIVER JOINT WATERSHED ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING INTERCHANGE BUILDING, 59 WOODFIN PLACE, ASHEVILLE, NC 28801 THURSDAY, MAY 25, 2000, 1:00 PM AGENDA I. Introduction of Committee Members, EPA Representatives, Tennessee and North Carolina Staff Members, Blue Ridge Paper Representatives and Other Visitors - (1:00 - 1:10) II. Review of Agenda and the Materials Previously Provided to Committee Members -- Paul Davis and Forrest Westall - (1:10 : 1:25) A. Agenda Review B. Brief Review of the Items Provided C. Questions/Changes From the Committee III. Charge to the Committee -- Mike McGhee, EPA - (1:25 - 1:55) A. Review of the Permit Agreement Condition that Created this Committee (Section IV, Paragraph 32) B. Comments on Blue Ridge Paper's NPDES Permit Renewal C. Review of Other Pigeon River Watershed Issues IV. Mill Status: -- Bob Williams, Blue Ridge Paper Products - (1:55 - 2:15) A. Mill Ownership Issues B. Color Effluent Discharge Levels/Removal Performance C. Future Improvements V. Break - (2:15 - 2:30) VI. Mill Related Water Quality Issues -- Paul Davis, Mike McGhee and Forrest Westall - (2:30 - 3:00) A. Permit Agreement, NPDES and Variance Compliance B. Dioxin Data and Trends C. Ecological Data (Fisheries and Aquatic Insect Information) VII. General Pigeon River Water Quality Issues/Concerns - (3:00 - 3:30) A. Status of Permit,Agreement Ecological Assessment Provision (Section V, Paragraph 33) -- Mike McGhee B. Tennessee and NC Watershed Planning Initiatives -- Paul Davis and Forrest Westall C. Recreation/Rafting Use of the Pigeon -- Paul Davis and Forrest Westall D. Waterville Lake/CP&L Issues -- Paul Davis and Forrest Westall Vill. Committee Discussion, Identification of Other Issues and Committee Business - (3:30 - 4:00) A. Reaction of Committee's Charge B. Other Issues C. Establishing Committee Responsibilities -- Electing Co-Chairs D. Setting Next Meeting Date and Location in Tennessee IX. Adjournment - (4:00) -2- Status of Champion, Canton, NC 1997 Settlement Agreement The following is a status of the elements contained in Champion at Canton,NC 1997 Settlement Agreement in Paragraphs 32 and 33.Paragraph 32 focused on"Assistance to downstream communities and community input," while Paragraph 33 focused on,"Ecological assessment of the Pigeon River system and the Waterville Reservoir." All of the other commitments in the agreement were included in the permit and variance issued by NC and are reported on by them.Champion sold the Canton mill to Blue Ridge Paper Products(BRPP) in 1999.BRPP assumed responsibility for the Settlement Agreement as a result of that sale. - EPA will identify available programs, initiatives,and technical resources within the agency which may support and further such(recreation,tourism,and other economic opportunities)development opportunities in Cocke County. Status; EPA did provide information on the above matters to the County and followed up with communications on those matters.EPA continues to provide the County with advice and consultation on a variety of matters. - EPA will also work closely with TVA on its Quality Communities Initiative,the goal of which is to develop a long-term economic development strategy for Cocke County and surrounding areas. Status; This program was initiated in 1997.EPA has both discussed the program and offered our assistance to the members,but has not been called upon for specific inputs.We understand that the program is not meeting frequently at this time. - N.C. and TN will foster joint planning and public input by establishing a joint Watershed Advisory Committee. Status; First committee meeting held on May 25,2000. - Champion will establish a facility Community Advisory Committee. Status; A committee was established by BRPP.The first meeting was held on February 2,2000,and the second meeting was held on March 27,2000. EPA Region 4 May 25, 2000 EPA will lead, in cooperation with NC and TN,an independent evaluation of current information on the Pigeon River.Evaluation will include convening a group of scientists to evaluate existing data, identify additional data needed,and if necessary,to conduct an ecological assessment.Also,determine whether any significant ecological or health risks exist.If so,what if any,steps could be taken to address those risks. Status; EPA has contracted with TVA to compile all existing data into a useable database(this is the first step in this task).A draft report is expected in May 2000. EPA will convene a group of scientists to evaluate the data, when the report is finalized. EPA Region 4 May 25, 2000 PIGEON RIVER JOINT WATERSHED ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING INTERCHANGE BUILDING, 59 WOODFIN PLACE, ASHEVILLE, NC 28801 THURSDAY, MAY 25, 2000, 1:00 PM AGENDA I. Introduction of Committee Members, EPA Representatives, Tennessee and North Carolina Staff Members, Blue Ridge Paper Representatives and Other Visitors - (1:00 - 1:10) 11. Review of Agenda and the Materials Previously Provided to Committee Members -- Paul Davis and Forrest Westall - (1:10 - 1:25) A. Agenda Review B. Brief Review of the Items Provided C. Questions/Changes From the Committee III. Charge to the Committee -- Mike McGhee, EPA - (1:25 - 1:55) A. Review of the Permit Agreement Condition that Created this Committee (Section IV, Paragraph 32) B. Comments on Blue Ridge Paper's NPDES Permit Renewal C. Review of Other Pigeon River Watershed Issues IV. Mill Status: -- Bob Williams, Blue Ridge Paper Products - (1:55 - 2:15) A. Mill Ownership Issues B. Color Effluent Discharge Levels/Removal Performance C. Future Improvements V. Break - (2:15 - 2:30) VI. Mill Related Water Quality Issues -- Paul Davis, Mike McGhee and Forrest Westall - (2:30 - 3:00) A. Permit Agreement, NPDES and Variance Compliance B. Dioxin Data and Trends C. Ecological Data (Fisheries and Aquatic Insect Information) VII. General Pigeon River Water Quality Issues/Concerns - (3:00 - 3:30) A. Status of Permit Agreement Ecological Assessment Provision (Section V, Paragraph 33) -- Mike McGhee B. Tennessee and NC Watershed Planning Initiatives -- Paul.Davis and Forrest Westall C. Recreation/Rafting Use of the Pigeon -- Paul Davis and Forrest Westall D. Waterville Lake/CP&L Issues -- Paul Davis and Forrest Westall Vill. Committee Discussion, Identification of Other Issues and Committee Business - (3:30 - 4:00) A. Reaction of Committee's Charge B. Otherlssues C. Establishing Committee Responsibilities -- Electing Co-Chairs D. Setting Next Meeting Date and Location in Tennessee IX. Adjournment - (4:00) -2- C:\ntransit\0UTPUT\Champch2.htm Page 1 of 3 12/1/97 CHRONOLOGY OF CHAMPION PERMIT/VARIANCE COLOR REQUIREMENTS December 1997 -Settlement agreement signed to resolve challenges to the December 1996 NC permit/variance - The Technology Review Workgroup (chaired by EPA), consisting of 3 EPA representatives, 2 TN environmental agency representatives, and 2 NC environmental agency representatives, shall make itself available to consult with and provide information to community representatives at appropriate times. -Champion or any successor-in-interest to Champion's ownership/operation of the mill: 1) will use best efforts in good faith to continue to fully operate BFR on the pine line on a continuing basis subject to the Agreement's terms; and 2) will not increase the mill's current pulp production capacity. -NPDES Permit and Variance modified to reflect settlement agreement - Champion will meet all dioxin and other requirements (including monitoring) of the Cluster Rule based on the timeframes established by the Rule. January 1, 1998 - Champion continues to meet 50 true color units at the TN state line. - Monthly average effluent color loading limit of 95,000#/day applies. -Champion will continue to monitor color at 8 instream stations, including 3 in NC. June 1, 1998 -Champion to implement 4 specific BMPs with high potential for color reduction/implementability. - Champion to submit a report(including strategy/timelines)to the Technology Review Workgroup and NPDES Committee on: 1) identification of potential opportunities for preventing/controlling black liquor spills/leaks; 2) improving the existing BMP program; and 3)modification of process operations/controls to remove/reduce sewer generated color. October 1, 1998 -The Technology Review Workgroup recommends to the NPDES Committee alternate interim limits and an alternate effective date if they have determined by this date that the December 1, 1998 limits cannot be met due to overwhelming technical, economic, or operational barriers. December 1, 1998 http://www.epa.gov/region4/my_4tiil/Champch2.htm 1/14/98 C:\ntransit\OUTPUT\Champeh2.htm Page 2 of 3 -Annual average color limit of 60,000#/day/monthly average limit of 69,000 #/day (or NPDES Committee-approved alternate interim limits) become effective. -Instream color @ Hepco gage shall be no more than 50 true color units whenever monthly average flows are greater than 330 efs and in 91% of the applicable time (monthly average flow and percentage will change if NPDES Committee-approved alternate interim limits become effective). -Champion to submit a contingency plan to the Technology Review Workgroup for review for mitigating the occurrence and degree of potential exceedances when color @ Hepco gage might exceed 50 true color units. January 1, 1999 -Champion begins implementing BFR on recycling the Eo stage of the hardwood line. February 1, 1999 - The Technology Review Workgroup recommends approval of, or modifications to, the 12/1/98 Champion contingency plan to the NPDES Committee. March 1, 1999 -NPDES Committe-approved contingency plan becomes effective for mitigating occurrence and degree of potential exceedances when color @ Hepco gage might exceed 50 true color units. December 1, 1999 -Champion provides an evaluation to the Technology Review Workgroup and the NPDES Committee of partial BFR implementation on the hardwood line and assesses the potential for full implementation of BFR on the hardwood line. June 1,2000 - Full implementation of the Near-Term Package (consisting of 4 specific BMPs, full BFR on the pine line, partial BFR on the hardwood line, and additional BMPs and sewer generated color reduction measures) is anticipated, resulting in a target annual average color effluent limit range of 48,000-52,000 #/day. January 1,2001 -Champion submits report to the Technology Review Workgroup on whether the target annual average color limit range of 48,000-52,000 #/day is feasible, based on full implementation of the Near-Tenn Package. March 1,2001 - Champion to submit report to the Technology Review Workgroup and the NPDES Committee that assesses incremental color removal technologies on a continuous/intermittent basis and at river lowflows, as well as providing the results of all ongoing and any additional planned color reduction activities. The Workgroup will evaluate the combined report and make recommendations to the Committee for further color reduction targets for inclusion in the next NPDES permit. April 1,2001 http://www.epa.gov/region4/my_4tml/Champch2.htm 1/14/98 C:\ntransit\OUTPUT\Champch2.htm Page 3 of 3 -The Technology Review Workgroup recommends the lowest annual and monthly average limits which are achievable, based on the 111/01 feasibility report and the demonstrated performance of the mill. May 1,2001 -Annual average limit within target range of 48,000-52,000#/day and corresponding monthly limit become effective (or the permit is modified to reflect alternate interim limits, if not within the target range). -Instream color @ Hepco gage shall be no more than 50 true color units 96% of the applicable time. (percentage will change if NPDES Committee-approved alternate interim limits become effective). December 2001 -NPDES permit expires. Instream montoring data collected during 1997 Permit term will be evaluated to determine whether the Permit limits attained color levels as expressed in the Variance. If not,new requirements will be developed for the next permit to further reduce color in the river. http://www.epa.gov/region4/My_jitml/Chainpeh2.htm 1/14/98 C:\ntnmsit\0UTPUT\Champch2.htm Page 1 of 3 12/1/97 CHRONOLOGY OF CHAMPION PERMIT/VARIANCE COLOR REQUIREMENTS December 1997 -Settlement agreement signed to resolve challenges to the December 1996 NC permit/variance -The Technology Review Workgroup (chaired by EPA), consisting of 3 EPA representatives, 2 TN environmental agency representatives, and 2 NC environmental agency representatives, shall make itself available to consult with and provide information to community representatives at appropriate times. -Champion or any successor-in-interest to Champion's ownership/operation of the mill: 1)will use best efforts in good faith to continue to fully operate BFR on the pine line on a continuing basis subject to the Agreement's terms; and 2) will not increase the mill's current pulp production capacity. -NPDES Permit and Variance modified to reflect settlement agreement - Champion will meet all dioxin and other requirements (including monitoring) of the Cluster Rule based on the timeframes established by the Rule. January 1, 1998 - Champion continues to meet 50 true color units at the TN state line. -Monthly average effluent color loading limit of 95,000#/day applies. -Champion will continue to monitor color at 8 instream stations, including 3 in NC. June 1, 1998 -Champion to implement 4 specific BMPs with high potential for color reduction/implementability. - Champion to submit a report(including strategy/timelines) to the Technology Review Workgroup and NPDES Committee on: 1) identification of potential opportunities for preventing/controlling black liquor spills/leaks; 2) improving the existing BMP program; and 3) modification of process operations/controls to remove/reduce sewer generated color. October 1, 1998 -The Technology Review Workgroup recommends to the NPDES Committee alternate interim limits and an alternate effective date if they have determined by this date that the December 1, 1998 limits cannot be met due to overwhelming technical, economic, or operational barriers. December 1, 1998 http://www.epa.gov/region4/my_html/Champch2.htm 1/14/98 C:\ntransit\OUTPU'nChampch2.htm Page 2 of 3 -Annual average color limit of 60,000#/day/monthly average limit of 69,000#/day (or NPDES Committee-approved alternate interim limits) become effective. -Instream color @ Hepco gage shall be no more than 50 true color units whenever monthly average flows are greater than 330 cfs and in 9 1% of the applicable time (monthly average flow and percentage will change if NPDES Committee-approved alternate interim limits become effective). -Champion to submit a contingency plan to the Technology Review Workgroup for review for mitigating the occurrence and degree of potential exceedances when color @ Hepco gage might exceed 50 true color units. January 1, 1999 -Champion begins implementing BFR on recycling the Eo stage of the hardwood line. February 1, 1999 -The Technology Review Workgroup recommends approval of, or modifications to, the 12/1/98 Champion contingency plan to the NPDES Committee. March 1, 1999 -NPDES Committe-approved contingency plan becomes effective for mitigating occurrence and degree of potential exceedances when color @ Hepco gage might exceed 50 true color units. December 1, 1999 -Champion provides an evaluation to the Technology Review Workgroup and the NPDES Committee of partial BFR implementation on the hardwood line and assesses the potential for full implementation of BFR on the hardwood line. June 1, 2000 -Full implementation of the Near-Term Package (consisting of 4 specific BMPs, full BFR on the pine line, partial BFR on the hardwood line, and additional BMPs and sewer generated color reduction measures) is anticipated,resulting in a target annual average color effluent limit range of 48,000-52,000 #/day. January 1,2001 -Champion submits report to the Technology Review Workgroup on whether the target annual average color limit range of 48,000-52,000#/day is feasible, based on full implementation of the Near-Term Package. March 1,2001 - Champion to submit report to the Technology Review Workgroup and the NPDES Committee that assesses incremental color removal technologies on a continuous/intermittent basis and at river lowflows, as well as providing the results of all ongoing and any additional planned color reduction activities. The Workgroup will evaluate the combined report and make recommendations to the Committee for further color reduction targets for inclusion in the next NPDES permit. April 1,2001 http://www.epa.gov/region4/my_jitmUChainpeh2.htm 1/14/98 C:\ntransit\OUTPUT\Champch2.htm Page 3 of 3 -The Technology Review Workgroup recommends the lowest annual and monthly average limits which are achievable, based on the 1/l/01 feasibility report and the demonstrated performance of the mill. May 1, 2001 -Annual average limit within target range of 48,000-52,000 #/day and corresponding monthly limit become effective (or the pein it is modified to reflect alternate interim limits, if not within the target range). -Instream color @ Hepco gage shall be no more than 50 true color units 96% of the applicable time. (percentage will change if NPDES Committee-approved alternate interim limits become effective). December 2001 -NPDES permit expires. Instream montoring data collected during 1997 Permit term will be evaluated to determine whether the Permit limits attained color levels as expressed in the Variance. If not, new requirements will be developed for the next permit to further reduce color in the river. http://www.epa.gov/region4/my_4tual/Champeh2.htm 1/14/98 FRENCH BROAD RIVER BASINWIDE WATER QUALITY PLAN (Includes the French Broad, Pigeon and Nolichucky River Watersheds) DRAFT Executive Summary for Environmental Management Commission Review May 2000 NCDENR Division of Water Quality /Planning 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 DarleneXuckennu,ncmail.net (919) 733-5083 ext. 354 Executive Summary North Carolina's Basinwide Approach to Water Quality Management Basinwide water quality planning is a nonregulatory watershed-based approach to restoring and protecting the quality of North Carolina's surface waters. Basinwide water quality plans are prepared by the NC Division of Water Quality for each of the seventeen major river basins in the state. Each basinwide plan is revised at five-year intervals. While these plans are.prepared by the Division of Water Quality, their implementation and the protection of water quality entails the coordinated efforts of many agencies, local governments and stakeholders in the state. The first basinwide plan for the French Broad River basin was completed in 1995. Goals of the Basinwide Approach The primary goals of DWQ's basinwide program are to: identify water quality problems and restore full use to impaired waters; identify and protect high value resource waters; protect unimpaired waters while allowing for reasonable economic growth; develop appropriate management strategies to protect and restore water quality; • assure equitable distribution of waste assimilative capacity for dischargers; and improve public awareness and involvement in the management of the state's surface waters. French Broad River Basin Overview The French Broad River basin drains to the Gulf of Mexico via the Tennessee, Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. The boundaries of the French Broad River basin within NC contain portions or all of Transylvania, Buncombe, Henderson,Madison, Haywood, Yancey, Mitchell and Avery counties. The basin is composed of three major drainages: French Broad River, Pigeon River and Nolichucky River. These rivers individually flow northwest into Tennessee. There are seven man-made lakes in the basin monitored by DWQ: Lake Julian, Burnett Reservoir, Beetree Reservoir, Busbee Reservoir, Lake Junaluska, Allen Creek Reservoir and Walters (Waterville) Lake. I - About one-half of the land in the basin is forested, with much of the basin within Pisgah National Forest or Pisgah Game Lands. The northwest comer of Haywood County is in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Steep slopes limit the land area suitable for development and crop production. Therefore, most agricultural and developed lands are concentrated within the river valleys. Between 1982 and 1992, cultivated and uncultivated croplands decreased by about 67 percent, while urban and developed lands increased by about 42 percent. Executive Summary i The population of the basin,based on 1990 census data,was estimated at 357,932. The overall population density of the basin of 128 persons per square mile is comparable to the statewide average of 123 persons per square mile. The percent population growth over the past ten years (1980 to 1990)was 8.5 % versus a statewide increase of 12.7%. Population density is greatest in and around the cities of Asheville and Hendersonville. Water quality is generally good throughout the basin, although there are several areas of concern. Trout waters are abundant and many waters are classified as High Quality or Outstanding Resource Waters. Assessment of Water Quality in the French Broad River Basin Waters are classified according to their best intended uses. Determining how well a waterbody supports its designated uses is an important method of interpreting water quality data and assessing water quality. This determination results in a use support rating. The use support ratings refer to whether the classified uses of the water(such as water supply, aquatic life protection and swimming) are fully supported,partially supported or not supported. For instance, waters classified for fishing and water contact recreation(Class C) are rated as fully supporting if data used to determine use support (such as chemical/physical data collected at ambient sites or benthic macroinvertebrate bioclassifications) did not exceed specific criteria. However, if these criteria were exceeded,then the waters are rated as partially supporting or not supporting, depending on the degree of exceedence. Streams rated as either partially supporting or not supporting are considered impaired. A summary of current use support ratings for the French Broad River basin is presented in Table 1. For further information and definition of monitored and evaluated streams, refer to Appendix A-III. Table 1 Use Support Summary Information for All Monitored and Evaluated Streams in the French Broad River Basin (1999) Monitored and Monitored Evaluated Streams* Streams Only** Miles % Miles % Fully Supporting 3190.9 77 812.2 90 Impaired 88.5 2- Partially Supporting 50.6 1 50.1 6 Not Supporting 37.9 1 37.9 4 Not Rated 856.5 21 Total 4135.9 900.2 * = Percent based on total of all named and classified streams,both monitored and evaluated. **= Percent based on total of all monitored streams. Recommended Management Strategies for Restoring Impaired Waters Executive Summary ii The long-range mission of basinwide management is to provide a means of addressing the complex problem of planning for increased development and economic growth while protecting and/or restoring the quality and intended uses of the French Broad River basin's surface waters. In striving towards its mission, DWQ's highest priority near-term goals are to: ➢ identify and restore impaired waters in the basin; ➢ identify and protect high value resource waters and biological communities.of special importance; and ➢ protect unimpaired waters while allowing for reasonable economic growth. Within this basinwide plan, DWQ presents management strategies for those waters considered to be impaired. Table 2 presents impaired waters in the French Broad River basin, the sources of impairment, summaries of the recommended management strategies, and location of further information in the basinwide plan. These waters are impaired, at least in part, due to nonpoint sources (NPS) of pollution. The tasks of identifying nonpoint sources of pollution and developing management strategies for these impaired waters is very resource intensive. Accomplishing these tasks is overwhelming, given the current limited resources of DWQ, other agencies (e.g.,Division of Land Resources, Division of Soil and Water Conservation, Cooperative Extension Service, etc.) and local governments. Therefore, only limited progress towards restoring NPS impaired waters can be expected during this five-year cycle unless substantial resources are put toward solving NPS problems. DWQ plans to further evaluate the impaired waters in the French Broad River basin in conjunction with other NPS agencies and develop management strategies for a portion of these impaired waters for the next French Broad River Basinwide Water Quality Plan. Addressing Waters on the State's 303(d) List For the next several years, addressing water quality impairment in waters that are on the state's 303(d) list will be a DWQ priority. The waters in the French Broad River basin that are on this list are presented in the individual subbasin descriptions in Section B. Section 303(d) of the federal Clean Water Act-requires states to develop a 303(d) list of waters not meeting water quality standards or which have impaired uses. States are also required to develop Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) or management strategies for 303(d) listed waters to address impairment. EPA issued guidance in August 1997 that called for states to develop schedules for developing TMDLs for all waters on the 303(d) list within 8-13 years. There are approximately 470 stream segments on the 303(d) list in NC. The rigorous and demanding task of developing TMDLs for each of these waters during an 8 to 13-year time frame will require the focus of much of the water quality program's resources. Therefore, it will be a priority for North Carolina's water quality programs over the next several years to develop TMDLs for 303(d) listed waters. This task will be accomplished through the basinwide planning process and schedule. Executive Summary iii Table 2 Impaired Waters within the French Broad River Basin (as of 1999) Subbasin Chapter in Listed Use Support Potential Recommended Management Strategy Section B Water Rating Sources 04-03-01 1 Peter Weaver PS P DWQ will resample this creek to obtain information Creek for a management strategy. Holders of individual NPDES permits will be required to conduct upstream/downstream sampling during summer months. 04-03-01 1 Morgan Mill PS P DWQ will resample this creek to obtain information Creek for a management strategy. Holders of individual NPDES permits will be required to conduct upstream/downstream sampling during summer months. 04-03-02 2 Gash Creek NS NP Local actions are needed on NPS inventory. 04-03-02 2 Mill Pond PS NP DWQ will continue to monitor to better identify Creek problem parameters. 04-03-02 2 Mud Creek NS NP Local restoration initiatives are underway,and DWQ P will continue to monitor results. 04-03-02 2 Bat Fork Creek PS NP DWQ will continue to monitor the creek and increase coordination with other agencies to address the various pollution sources. 04-03-02 2 Clear Creek PS NP Local actions are needed to expand buffer and BMP implementation. 04-03-02 2 Hominy Creek PS NP There is a need to increase the funding and implementation of chemical handling facilities. 04-03-02 2 South Hominy 'NS NP There is a need to increase the funding and Creek implementation of chemical handling facilities. 04-03-02 2 Ross Creek NS NP Local initiatives are underway,and DWQ will continue to monitor results. 04-03-03 3 Mills River NS NP Local initiatives are underway,and DWQ will continue to monitor results. 04-03-03 3 Brandy Branch PS NP Local projects aimed at identifying sources of pollution and necessary actions would be very useful to DWQ and various funding agencies. DWQ will continue to monitor Brandy Branch to better identify problem parameters. 04-03-04 4 Little Ivy Creek PS NP Local restoration initiatives are underway,and DWQ will continue to monitor results. 04-03-05 5 Pigeon River PS ' NP DWQ will continue to monitor process improvements P made at BRPP and work with the Joint Watershed Advisory Group. Local nonpoint source initiatives are needed. 04-03-05 5 Richland Creek PS NP Local restoration initiatives are underway,and DWQ will continue to monitor results. Key: NS=Not Supporting PS=Partially Supporting NP=Nonpoint sources P=Point Sources '= Only limited progress towards developing and implementing NPS strategies for these impaired waters can be expected without additional resources. •= These waters are also on the 303(d)list,and a TMDL and/or management strategy will be developed to remove the water from the list. Executive Summary iv EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Sportfish and bottom feeding species were collected in 1999 from six locations in the Pigeon River and analyzed for 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) and 2,3,7,8- tetrachlorodibenzofuran (TCDF) and other CDD and CDF isomers. TCDD and TCDF residues were not detected in any of the 10 sportfish fillet composites collected downstream of the Blue Ridge Paper Canton mill. Sportfish used were redbreast sunfish, rock bass, black I crappie, largemouth bass, and smallmouth bass. TCDD and TCDF concentrations in fillet composites from bottom feeders were very low (range=non-detected to 1.1 ppt) at the three riverine locations downstream of the mill. Bottom feeders used at these locations were I common carp and smallmouth buffalo. TCDD concentrations in bottom feeder fillet composites at the two Waterville Lake locations were 0.58 ppt and 4.7 ppt (Stations 4A and 4B, respectively) for carp, and 0.83 for channel catfish at Station 4A and non-detect for flathead catfish at Station 4B. Since 1990, TCDD concentrations in common carp fillets have declined dramatically (86-99 percent) at all downstream stations (Figure-ES-1). vii FIGURE ES-1 . TCDD CONCENTRATIONS IN CARP FILLETS COLLECTED FROM 25 THE PIGEON RIVER, 1990-1999 (Stations 2 and 3). 20 ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- e 0 •E 1s -------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N. o. r � . r• a v op1p ______________________ 5 ------------- ------------------------------------------------------ ---- ---•--- 9 . —I logo 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1999 1997 1998 logo YEAR —!— Station 2 - } -- Station 3 FIGURE ES-1 (Cont.). TCDD CONCENTRATIONS IN CARP FILLETS COLLECTED FROM 70 THE PIGEON RIVER, 1990-1999 (Stations 4A and 413). 50 ------------------ `-------------------;-------------------------------- ------------------------------ L40 -----------_----------- _________.____;________. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- kCL C 30 --------- ----------- 0 FV- 70 — — -------�--------- -------------------- 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 logo YEAR E— Station 4a i Station 4b 5 1: r - ncasi NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR AIR AND STREAM IMPROVEMENT AN UPDATE OF PROCEDURES FOR THE MEASUREMENT OF COLOR IN PULP MILL WASTEWATERS TECHNICAL BULLETIN NO. 803 MAY 2000 by Diana Cook National Council for Air and Stream Improvement, Inc. West Coast Regional Center, Corvallis, OR Nikki Frum National Council for Air and Stream Improvement, Inc. West Coast Regional Center, Corvallis, OR J J . Acknowledgments This report was prepared by Diana Cook,Senior Research Scientist,and Nikki From,Research Associate,a[the NCASI West Coast Regional Center. For more information about this research,contact: Diana Cook Reid Miner Senior Research Scientist Vice President,Water&Pollution Prevention Programs NCASI West Coast Regional Center NCASI P.O.Box 458 P.O.Box 13318 Corvallis,OR 97339 Research Triangle Park,NC 27709-3318 (541)752-8801 (919)558-1991 dcook@ncasi.org muner@ncasi.org For information about NCASI publications,contact: NCASI P.O.Box 13318 Research Triangle Park,NC 27709-3318 (919)558-1999 publications@ncasi.org National Council for Air and Stream Improvement,Inc.(NCASI). 2000. An update of procedures for the measurement of color in pulp mill wastewaters. Technical Bulletin No.803. Research Triangle Park,NC: National Council for Air and Stream Improvement,Inc. ©2000 by the National Council for Air and Stream Improvement,Inc. ■ ncasi serving the environmental research needs of the forest products industry since 1943 PRESIDENT'S NOTE One of NCASI's roles in support of the pulp and paper industry's environmental programs is the evaluation and development of analytical methods useful in characterizing the constituents and properties of process effluents and wastewaters. In 1971,NCASI developed and published a method for the measurement of color in effluents from pulping operations and their receiving waters. Since then,the NCASI color method has been widely used in mill effluent monitoring and compliance assessment programs;it has also been used to evaluate receiving water properties. But in the nearly three decades since the color method was published, a number of innovations have occurred in pulp and papermaking techniques. The impact of these innovations on effluent quality has been significant enough to suggest that the NCASI color procedure be re-evaluated using modem pulping effluents. This bulletin describes a recent evaluation of the method and provides an updated procedure for color measurement. The procedural updates were designed to enhance the repeatability and reproducibility of the method while maintaining the existing fundamental basis of historical pulp mill effluent color measurement. Aspects of the color measurement procedure that were evaluated included wavelength for lower color effluents, turbidity removal,pH during and following filtration, and sample cell path length. The updated procedure was subjected to single-and multi-laboratory evaluations, and the results were used to determine quality assurance and quality control criteria for assessing method performance. The updated method was also compared to the 1971 version and found to yield similar values in most cases. The complete, updated method,NCASI Method Color 71.01, is included as an appendix to this report. The results of this investigation will be useful to mills that measure color in process effluents,treated final effluents,and receiving waters. y'lY� Ronald A. Yeske May 2000 National Council for Air and Stream Improvement AN UPDATE OF PROCEDURES FOR THE MEASUREMENT OF COLOR IN PULP MILL WASTEWATERS TECHNICAL BULLETIN NO. 803 MAY 2000 ABSTRACT NCASI Method 253 was originally developed in 1971 to provide a technique for color measurement in pulping wastewaters and their receiving waters. Because the processes of pulp and paper production have changed considerably since that time, a study was undertaken with the objective of updating the method. The color of pulp mill effluents is highly pH-dependent, and the pH adjustment procedure included in Method 253 sometimes resulted in less than optimum stability of pH during the analytical procedure. The use of a buffer to stabilize pH and reduce the erroneous increase in absorbance was investigated and successfully implemented. Experiments were conducted to investigate approaches for removing turbidity from pulp mill wastewater samples, since turbidity can interfere with the assessment of color by scattering light and introducing a high bias. Centrifugation was investigated as an alternative to filtration for the removal of turbidity. The percent decrease in turbidity was consistently higher for aliquots treated using filtration vs. centrifugation. In addition, the resultant color values were consistently higher for samples that were centrifuged. The current technique, use of a 0.8 µm membrane filter,proved to be an effective method of turbidity removal in pulp mill wastewaters. Pre-filtration of the samples using a 1 µm glass fiber filter was confirmed as an acceptable method for reducing filter plugging of the 0.8 µm membrane filters. Comparisons of three different types of membrane filters demonstrated that similar results could be obtained with any of the three filter types. The selection of a wavelength of 465 Tim was confirmed to be valid in low color effluents for the spectrophotometric measurement of absorbance. Finally, the method was assessed at both the single-and the inter-laboratory level for ruggedness, precision,and accuracy. The average relative standard deviations for the single laboratory precision were 2.8%in biologically treated effluents and 7.1%in treatment plant influents. The average relative standard deviations for the inter-laboratory precision were 15%in biologically treated effluents and 24.1%in treatment plant influents. A well-defined and documented method for the measurement of color was developed; including quality control and quality assurance criteria. The updated method is included in this report as Appendix B. KEYWORDS color units,true color, turbidity,filtration,pH stability, spectrophotometer,platinum cobalt RELATED NCASI PUBLICATIONS Technical Bulletin No.253 (December 1971). An investigation of improved procedures far measurement of mill effluent and receiving water color. National Council for Air and Stream Improvement CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................I 2.0 BACKGROUND..........................................................................................................................1 3.0 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES.........................................................................................................2 4.0 EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS...............................................................................................2 4.1 Sampling Site Selection and Sample Collection.................................................................2 4.2 Analytical Methods and Instrumentation............................................................................3 4.3 Wavelength Selection Verification.....................................................................................3 4.4 pH Adjustment Validation Experiments.............................................................................4 4.5 Turbidity Removal Experiments.........................................................................................7 4.6 Sample Volume Selection.................................................................................................13 4.7 Effects of Various Light Path Lengths on Resultant Color Values...................................13 5.0 UPDATED METHOD COLOR 71.01 VALIDATION AND QAIQC.......................................15 5.1 Brief Description of NCASI Method Color 71.01: The Updated Color Method.............15 5.2 Preparation of the Calibration Curve ................................................................................15 5.3 Daily Calibration Verification...........................................................................................15 5.4 Single Laboratory Precision..............................................................................................16 5.5 Comparison of Updated NCASI Method Color 71.01 to NCASI Method 253.................17 5.6 Inter-laboratory Investigation of NCASI Method Color 71.01.........................................18 6.0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS .........................................................................................21 REFERENCES .....................................................................................................................................22 APPENDICES AStatistical Data.................................................................................................................Al BNCASI Method Color 71.01 ............................................................................................B 1 C Inter-laboratory Study Plan,Procedure, and Data Sheet..................................................Cl D Youden Pair Statistical Analysis Plots.............................................................................DI National Council for Air and Stream Improvement TABLES Table4.1 Description of Mills............................................................................................................3 Table 4.2 Effects of Pre-filtration vs.No Pre-filtration on True Color...............................................8 Table 4.3 Comparison of Various Membrane Filters........................................................................11 Table 4.4 Effects of Sample Volume on the True Color Value Determined ....................................13 Table 4.5 Calibration Curves for Various Light Path Length Cells..................................................14 Table 4.6 Summary of Light Path Length Experiments....................................................................14 Table 5.1 Summary of Daily Instrument Calibration Checks...........................................................16 Table 5.2 Summary of the Statistics Comparing NCASI Methods 253 and Color 71.01 inDifferent Matrices.........................................................................................................18 Table 5.3 Summary of the True Color Results and Percent Recoveries for the QA/QC 125 PCU Standard...............................................................................................19 Table 5.4 Inter-laboratory Study: Summary of Results ....................................................................20 Table 5.5 Results of the Inter-laboratory Study Youden Pair Analyses............................................21 FIGURES Figure 4.1 Absorption Curve Overlap..................................................................................................4 Figure 4.2 Effects of Sample pH on True Color Value Determined....................................................5 Figure 4.3 pH Stabilization Using Various Buffers in an Effluent Sample with a Color Value of Approximately 100 PCU............................................................................6 Figure 4.4 pH Stabilization Using Various Buffers in an Effluent Sample with a Color Value of Approximately 360 PCU............................................................................7 Figure 4.5 Effects on Sample Turbidity and Color:Filtration vs. Centrifugation................................8 Figure 4.6 Filter Porosity Effects on Mill B Effluent Turbidity and Color..........................................9 Figure 4.7 Filter Porosity Effects on Mill C Influent Turbidity and Color........................................10 Figure 4.8 Turbidity Agent Removal Results: Effluent Sample.........................................................12 Figure 4.9 Turbidity Agent Removal Results: Lignin Solution Sample.............................................12 Figure 4.10 Color Units of Five Effluent Samples Using Various Light Path Length Cells................14 Figure 5.1 Comparison of Resultant Color Values in Different Sample Matrices Using NCASI Methods 253 and Color 71.01..............................................................................17 Figure 5.2 Comparison of Post-filtration pH in Different Sample Matrices Using NCASI Methods 253 and Color 71.01..............................................................................18 National Council for Air and Stream Improvement 1 AN UPDATE OF PROCEDURES FOR THE MEASUREMENT OF COLOR IN PULP MILL WASTEWATERS 1.0 INTRODUCTION Many mills routinely monitor color as a tool in assessing wasteload for Best Management Practices (BMP), to assist in evaluating process changes, as a requirement of a facility's National Pollution Discharge Elimination System(NPDES)permit, and to monitor effluent and receiving water quality. In 1971, in an effort to standardize the measurement of color in pulp mill wastewaters,NCASI published Technical Bulletin No.253,An investigation of improved procedures for measurement of mill effluent and receiving watercolor(NCASI 1971). Since then, the nature of pulp mill wastewater samples has changed due to the application of process technologies such as oxygen delignification and chlorine dioxide substitution, as well as improvements in spent liquor management. Subsequently, the matrices currently being assessed differ from the matrices initially used to develop the NCASI method. In some instances, problems have been encountered with pH stability and turbidity interfering with the accurate assessment of true color, using Method 253. In addition, an effort was made to make the method more consistent with current NCASI method protocols and to define quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) parameters. In response to these issues, NCASI initiated a task to optimize the NCASI color method for application to pulp mill wastewaters. 2.0 BACKGROUND Color in pulp mill effluents may result from the presence of several substances in the wastewater that contribute different chromophoric characteristics to the matrix. The largest portion of this chromophoric component is thought to be the high molecular mass materials that result from degradation of lignin during pulping and bleaching processes. This high molecular mass material (molecular weights greater than1000)carries several chromophoric structures that impart light- absorbing qualities to the resulting effluents (Kringstad and Lindstrom 1984). The measurement of color in industrial wastewater samples is typically limited to true color, which is the color of samples from which turbidity has been removed. The measurement of color present in pulp mill wastewaters can be determined using several different methods,including the visual comparison method, spectrophotometric method,colorimetric method,and tristimulus filter method (Standard Methods 1998;USEPA 1971, 1978). Within the pulp and paper industry, the spectrophotometric methods, which include NCASI Method 253, are frequently used to assess true color in wastewaters. NCASI Method 253 measures the absorbance of a pulping mill wastewater or receiving water sample at a wavelength of 465 rlm, once the sample has been adjusted to pH 7.6 and filtered through a 0.8 µm membrane filter to remove turbidity. The determination of a true color value is extremely pH dependent, with the color value increasing as the pH of the sample increases. Therefore, controlling the pH of the sample during filtration and measurement of absorbance is of great importance. The turbidity of the sample can also influence the color value determined. Turbidity is an expression of optical properties that cause light to be scattered or absorbed rather than transmitted in a straight line through the sample. Suspended materials such as clay, fiber, titanium dioxide, precipitated calcium carbonate, humic materials, and lignin may cause turbidity in pulp mill wastewaters. Because much of the color in effluent samples is due to high molecular mass (HMM) materials which are byproducts of the degradation of lignin, it is difficult to devise an optimal method for removing turbidity without removing some of the true color. The true color in a sample,when determined using a spectrophotometric method,is the dissolved color which absorbs light as it is transmitted through the sample. It is desirable to remove the greatest amount of turbidity from the samples while limiting National Council for Air and Stream Improvement 2 Technical Bulletin No. 803 the amount of true color removed. This optimum may vary from sample to sample, depending on the particles contributing to the overall turbidity and true color, and the ease with which they are removed. The majority of color measurement methods, including NCASI Method 253, use filtration or centrifugation for the removal of turbidity from a sample. The filtration technique can produce results that are consistent from day to day in the same lab and among different labs, but may also remove some of the true color. Centrifugation avoids the interaction of color with the filtering material,but it can be difficult to obtain consistent results due to variations in the nature of the sample,the size and speed of the centrifuge in use, and reintrainment of turbidity during sample transfer. When a spectrophotometer is utilized for the determination of color, several instrumental parameters can also influence the overall results. These parameters include the wavelength selected for measurement of absorbance, differences in light path lengths, the condition of the cell, the presence of stray radiation,reflection losses, scattering losses,photocell fatigue, source fluctuations, and loss of wavelength calibration (Ingle and Crouch 1988). It is also critical that the cells used to measure absorbance are clean,free of scratches, and reproducibly placed in the spectrophotometer. For these reasons, use of properly calibrated equipment in good working order is important. 3.0 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The four primary objectives of this research project were to: 1. evaluate the performance of NCASI Method 253 for the measurement of color when used on influent and effluent samples from present-day pulp mills exhibiting low effluent color; 2. develop and evaluate various approaches to improve the color measurement procedure for the assessment of true color in influent and effluent samples from present-day pulp mills exhibiting low effluent color. This objective involves the development of techniques to stabilize sample pH during filtration and absorbance(color)measurement, and the investigation of potential interference in the color method(including different sources of turbidity); 3. provide a well-defined and documented method for the measurement of color that incorporates quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) criteria and is consistent with EPA's method development guidelines, NCASI method protocols, and current NPDES requirements for the industry; and 4. assess precision and accuracy by conducting infra-and inter-laboratory investigations using the updated procedure. 4.0 EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS 4.1 Sampling Site Selection and Sample Collection Table 4.1 provides summary descriptions of the mills that provided samples for this research. Information in the table shows wood type, bleaching sequence, average daily production, average daily water usage, and wastewater treatment plant (WTP)type. Grab and composite samples were collected from six bleached kraft mills that utilize oxygen delignification and/or high chlorine dioxide substitution. During the course of this research, additional samples from a thermomechanical pulping mill and an unbleached kraft mill were also tested. Samples of biologically treated effluent, influent to the treatment system,primary effluent(effluent from primary treatment before secondary treatment), and receiving water were analyzed. The unpreserved samples were collected by mill personnel and shipped overnight on ice to the NCASI West Coast Regional Center(WCRC). The samples were stored at 4°C until analyzed. Prior to manipulations,the samples were removed from National Council for Air and Stream Improvement Technical Bulletin No. 803 3 the refrigerator and allowed to warm to room temperature. Settled solids were re-suspended by vigorously shaking the sample bottles prior to use. Table 4.1. Description of Mills Mill Wood Bleaching Average Daily Average Daily WTP Code Type Sequence Production Water Usage` Typef A SW D(EO)WDED 950 16 ASB B SW/HW (CD)EHD 1450 44 AS C SW/HW O(CD)ED 1850 28 ASB D SW/HW (CD70)(EP)D 680 13.5 AS E SW/HW CEDD 1700 32 AS F SW unbleached 1090 24 ASB G SW sodium hydrosulphite 750 5 ASB H SW OM(EOP)MP 500 11 ASB ° The mills sampled in this study used the kraft process(with the exception of Mill G, which is a TMP mill). b SW= softwood; HW=hardwood. ` D=chlorine dioxide;E=alkaline extraction;C=chlorine;H=hypochlorite;0=oxygen; M=chlorine monoxide;P=hydrogen peroxide;W=washing stage. a Average daily production in air dried tons/day. ` Average daily water usage in million gallons/day. f ASB=aeration stabilization basin;AS=activated sludge. 4.2 Analytical Methods and Instrumentation 4.2.1 Brief Description of NCASI Method 253 NCASI Method 253 (NCASI 1971) involves selecting a 200 mL sample of wastewater or water and adjusting the pH to 7.6 with hydrochloric acid (HC]) or sodium hydroxide(NaOH), while assuring less than a I% change in the sample volume. A 50 mL aliquot of this pH-adjusted sample is filtered through a 0.8 µm porosity membrane filter pre-rinsed with distilled water. A portion of the filtered sample is transferred to an absorption cell, and the sample's absorbance is measured at 465 t)m using a spectrophotometer. The color is determined by spectrophotometric comparison of the sample with known concentrations of platinum cobalt solutions. 4.2.2 Instrumentation Measurements were conducted at the NCASI WCRC using a Spectronic 21D spectrophotometer equipped with a digital readout. This spectrophotometer utilizes a tungsten light source and has a wavelength range of 340 to 1000 t)m, with a spectral slit width of 10 Bm. The color units for a sample are determined by comparing the absorbance reading with a standard curve prepared using solutions of platinum cobalt. Turbidity measurements were done on a Hach Model 18900 Ratio Turbidimeter with ranges of 1 to 2, 1 to 20, and 1 to 200 nephelometric turbidity units(mu). The unit is equipped with a tungsten lamp,and was operated using the procedure in the instrument manual (Hach 1991). 4.3 Wavelength Selection Verification Selection of the wavelength used to measure the absorbance of the samples influences the accuracy and precision of color measurements. Ideally, the absorbance observed for samples of similar color values should overlap the absorption of the standard selected to assess the color value(Ingle and Crouch 1988). NCASI conducted experiments during the development of Method 253 to determine National Council for Air and Stream Improvement 4 Technical Bulletin No. 803 the wavelength at which the platinum cobalt standard overlapped the absorption curve of pulp mill wastewater samples. The experiments involved plotting the absorption curves for bleached kraft mill effluent samples in each of 18 sets of data from a survey representing 18 different instruments. The results of the experiments indicated that the areas of the visible spectrum yielding an exact match of sample with the platinum cobalt color standard occurred in the range of 450 to 480 Tlm(NCASI 1971). The results also indicated that accuracy and precision could be achieved by measuring the absorbance at a wavelength of 465 T)m. To verify this wavelength selection in current sample matrices, an experiment was performed which involved measuring the absorption curve for a 200 platinum cobalt unit(PCU) standard, a biologically treated effluent(Mill A), and a treatment system influent(Mill B). The absorption curves were prepared within a wavelength range of 400 to 700 rlm in intervals of 10 rlm using samples with color values of approximately 200 PCUs. The absorption curves for this experiment are plotted in Figure 4.1. Ideally,the plots for the absorbance vs. wavelength for the samples tested should show lines overlapping the platinum cobalt standard curve at the wavelength used for measuring sample absorbance in the method. The mill wastewater samples tested did not show distinct peaks, indicating that a mixture of chromophores are responsible for the resulting color observed. As wavelength increased,the absorbance of light gradually decreased. Optimum overlap occurred in the range of 460 to 470 ilm. The selection of a wavelength of 465 rlm for the measurement of effluent and influent color was valid. 0.20 -Color Standard ! 0.15 �-Effluent 0 0.10 Influent a 0.05 0.00 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 500 510 520 530 540 550 Wavelength (nm) Figure 4.1. Absorption Curve Overlap. 4.4 pH Adjustment Validation Experiments 4.4.1 The Effects of pH on Color Determinations In NCASI Method 253, the pH of the sample is to be adjusted to 7.6 using a solution of NaOH or HCI. As previously noted, users of this method sometimes find the pH difficult to stabilize. In most cases, the pH of the sample increases following filtration through a 0.8 µm membrane filter and over time. Comparative work conducted as part of an inter-laboratory evaluation of the updated NCASI Method Color 71.01 confirmed these observations (Section 5.5,Figure 5.1). To examine the effects of pH on the color value determined for a biologically treated pulp mill effluent sample, the absorbance of a sample at various pH values was measured. A 200 mL aliquot of sample(Mill A)was adjusted to pH 7.6 and filtered through a 0.8 µm membrane filter. A 25 mL aliquot was taken from the filtrate and transferred to a beaker. The initial pH and absorbance were National Council for Air and Stream Improvement Technical Bulletin No. 803 5 measured. The sample pH was then adjusted from 7.0 to 8.4 in increments of 0.2. Absorbance was measured at each pH level and color values were calculated based on these measurements. This experiment was repeated with a biologically treated effluent from Mill C. The results of the experiments are illustrated in Figure 4.2. The color values for Mill A showed a consistent increase across the range of pH values tested. The color values for Mill C appeared to be somewhat stable between pH 7.6 and 8.0. Color values measured at pH 8.2 and 8.4 indicate a sharp increase,then decrease,which could not be effectively explained. The percent increases in the color values determined from pH 7.6 to 8.4 were 7.2%and 2.7%for Mill A and Mill C,respectively, while the percent decreases in the color values determined from pH 7.6 to 7.0 were 6.5010 and 4.0% for Mill A and Mill C,respectively. This experiment demonstrates the importance of stabilizing the pH of pulp mill effluent samples at a given value and recording the value at which color assessments are determined. Mill A Effluent Mill C Effluent 460 260 440 j 430 } 255 Va 420 T a 250 410 T > 400 1 245 I 390 ° 240 o U 380 U 370 t 235 360 230 O N V: t0 m O N n n r n r m ci m n n r r� 6 ai m pH pH Figure 4.2. Effects of Sample pH on True Color Value Determined. 4.4.2 pH Stabilization Experiments Given the importance of pH stabilization,NCASI investigated different buffering systems in an effort to stabilize the pH of samples, and thereby reduce errors in color measurement associated with fluctuations in pH. Several buffering systems were examined,including a phosphate buffer solution (dibasic sodium phosphate and monobasic sodium phosphate,pH 7.6) which was found to stabilize the pH of pulp mill effluents during research conducted by NCASI in 1981 (NCASI 1981). Additional buffers investigated include a dry phosphate buffer in the form of a capsulated powder (dibasic sodium phosphate and monobasic potassium phosphate,pH 7.0), and a biological buffer solution of beta,beta-dihydroxy-1,4-piperazinebis (propanesulfonic acid) dihydrate (POPSO, pH 7.2 to 8.5) (Ferguson et al. 1980) prepared at a concentration of 3 g/L in organic free reagent grade deionized water(Barnstead'M water). Each buffer was studied for its effectiveness in stabilizing the pH of the samples during the filtration process and over time. Four 50 mL aliquots of an effluent sample from Mill H with a color value in the range of 99 to 176 PCU were prepared for use in this experiment. The first aliquot was not treated with a buffer, the second was treated with 1 mL of the pH 7.6 phosphate buffer solution,the third was treated with 0.60 grams of the pH 7 phosphate buffer capsule, and the fourth was treated with 1 mL of the POPSO buffer solution. Each sample was then adjusted to pH 7.6±0.05 using a 20% sodium hydroxide solution or 10%hydrochloric acid solution, and filtered through a 0.8 µm membrane filter. National Council for Air and Stream Improvement 6 Technical Bulletin No. 803 To determine the stability of sample pH,the pH was recorded initially, during adjustment, after filtration, at 15-minute intervals for one hour, and then hourly for three hours. After filtration the absorbance of each aliquot was measured using a spectrophotometer set at a wavelength of 46571m. The color value was determined from the measured absorbance and the equation derived from the calibration curve. As indicated in Figure 4.3,the pH of the sample containing no buffer and the sample containing the POPSO buffer increased following filtration and continued to gradually increase over the three-hour period. In comparison, the pH of the samples buffered with phosphate remained relatively constant. The fluctuation in pH observed between the buffered and non-buffered solutions represents a 77% increase in the color values determined immediately following filtration of the sample. tNo Buffer tPhosphate Buffer Solution —A. Phosphate Buffer Capsule POPSO 8.3 8.2 8.1 8 176 PCU Y _ y 7.9 ° 78 7.7 7.6 7.5 99 PCU 7.4 S C h O pl O Cl!Cl! 0 ` G fV O: O C FO 71me (hours) Figure 4.3. pH Stabilization Using Various Buffers in an Effluent Sample with a Color Value of Approximately 100 PCU. This experiment was repeated using a biologically treated effluent from Mill A with a color value in the range of 362 to 420 PCU. The experiment followed the procedure outlined above, with two exceptions. The pH was measured every hour for four hours, then once again after a period of 24 hours. The results of this experiment are presented in Figure 4.4, and follow the same general trends in this effluent using the various buffers. The fluctuation in pH between the phosphate buffered and non-buffered samples represents a 16%increase in the color values determined immediately following filtration. Based on the results of these experiments, the color procedure was modified to include the addition of a phosphate buffer prior to filtration. The phosphate buffer capsule proved to be a convenient and effective method for stabilizing the pH of effluent and influent samples. Additional experiments were conducted to determine if pH 7 or pH 8 phosphate buffer capsules stabilized the sample pH more effectively. The use of pH 7 or pH 8 buffer capsules followed by fine adjustment of the final pH to 7.6±0.05 with NaOH or HCl resulted in the stabilization of the sample pH at 7.6±0.05 following filtration. It was observed that the pH 7 buffer capsule dissolved more readily into the effluent samples;therefore it was utilized throughout the remainder of this study. National Council for Air and Stream Improvement Technical Bulletin No. 803 7 -�No Buffer —F Phosphate Buffer Solution Phosphate Buffer Capsule -X POPSO 8:3 8.2 8.1 8 419 PCU E� 7.9 x ° 78 7.7 7.6 A 7.5 362 PCU 7.4 p O O ` Time (hours) 6 Figure 4.4. pH Stabilization Using Various Buffers in an Effluent Sample with a Color Value of Approximately 360 PCU. 4.5 Turbidity Removal Experiments The presence of turbidity in a sample can cause light scattering and/or increase the absorption, thereby increasing the resultant color value. True color is the color due to dissolved substances that absorb light. The objective in this research was to determine a reliable method for removing a majority of sample turbidity with the smallest corresponding change in the true color value. Due to the nature of the multi-component matrix and the different methods used for assessing true color and turbidity,this can be a very difficult task.Several techniques for the removal of turbidity were investigated as part of this work. Experiments were conducted to examine the effects of a pre- filtration step, centrifugation vs. filtration, and filter porosity on the true color value of pulp mill wastewater samples. 4.5.1 Pre-filtration Experiments Clogging of filters has been observed during filtration of pulp mill wastewater samples using the recommended 0.8 µm membrane filters (NCASI 1971). This can result in artificially low color values because clogging effectively reduces the pore size of the filter,resulting in the removal of true color bodies from the sample. Slow sample filtration can also increase the time required to process samples, and require the use of multiple 0.8 pm membrane filters. It is sometimes useful to remove large particulate matter by pre-filtering the sample through a 1.0 µm glass fiber filter. This allows the sample to pass more readily through the smaller porosity membrane filters, and reduces the likelihood that the filter will plug and remove true color along with turbidity. An experiment to investigate pre-filtration was simultaneously conducted with the buffer comparison experiment. Samples were treated with the buffers as described in Section 4.4.2,but one set of samples was filtered with a 1.0 µm glass fiber filter before treatment, and one set of samples was not pre-filtered before treatment with the various buffers. As indicated in Table 4.2,less than 4.6% variation was observed in all cases between the results with and without pre-filtration with a 1.0 µm glass fiber filter. National Council for Air and Stream Improvement 8 Technical Bulletin No. 803 The color values were slightly higher in the samples that were pre-filtered,indicating that the pre- filtration of samples may have decreased clogging of the 0.8 µm membrane filters, resulting in less true color removal. Table 4.2. Effects of Pre-filtration vs.No Pre-filtration on True Color Phosphate Phosphate No Buffer Buffer POPSO Buffer Solution Capsule Buffer Filtration Technique Added Added Added Added Pre-filtered 1.0 µm GFF then 0.8 µm MF 419 396 362 396 0.8 µm W 402 379 346 396 Relative percent difference (RPD) 4.0% 4.4% 4.6% 0% a GFF is a glass fiber filter. s MF is a membrane filter. 4.5.2 Centrifugation Experiments Centrifugation was also investigated as an alternative to filtration for the removal of turbidity from pulp mill wastewater samples. Samples of biologically treated effluent from Mills A, F, G, and H were utilized to determine the effectiveness of centrifugation vs. filtration through a 0.8 µm membrane filter for the removal of sample turbidity. Color values were also determined. The initial turbidities of the effluent samples were determined by measuring duplicate samples and calculating the average turbidity of the two samples. Then,200 mL aliquots were buffered (pH 7 phosphate buffer capsule) and the pH was adjusted to 7.6±0.05 using a 10% sodium hydroxide solution. The aliquots were split into four aliquots of 50 mL each. Two aliquots were filtered using a 0.8 µm membrane filter, and the absorbances were measured at 465 Bm. The true color values were determined for the samples using the absorbance measurements. The turbidity of each aliquot was also measured. The remaining two aliquots were centrifuged for 30 minutes at 2100 revolutions per minute(rpm), and the absorbances and turbidities of the supernatant layer were measured. The results are presented in Figure 4.5, which shows the average color value determined for the duplicate samples from each mill on the Y axis. The color values are represented by bars, and the percent decreases in sample turbidity after each treatment are represented by lines, with corresponding values on the right axis. OFiltered =Centrifuged +Filtered —o—Centrifuged 800 100 y 700 '° 80 Z 600 r N 500 s 60 400 X1 L 300PO `n _ 40 d c 200 20 00 0 0 Mill A Mill F Mill G Mill H Mill Code Figure 4.5. Effects on Sample Turbidity and Color: Filtration vs. Centrifugation. National Council for Air and Stream Improvement Technical Bulletin No. 803 9 The percent decrease in turbidity was consistently higher for aliquots treated using filtration through a 0.8 µm membrane filter than for samples treated using centrifugation for 30 minutes at 2,100 rpm. The resultant color values were consistently higher for the samples that were centrifuged to remove turbidity. The average increase in the color values determined for the centrifuged samples relative to the filtered samples was 21%,with a range of 2 to 32%. 4.5.3 Filter Porosity Verification Experiments NCASI Method 253 recommends the use of a 0.8 µm membrane filter for removal of turbidity. To verify that this filter porosity is still appropriate for low color effluents, an experiment was conducted to evaluate the amount of color and turbidity being removed using filters of various porosities. This involved filtering the same 50 mL aliquot of sample through successively smaller filters to observe the change in color and turbidity determined with each filtration. The filtration series included 2.7, 1.5, and 1.0 µm glass fiber filters, followed by 0.8, 0.65,0.45, and 0.22 µm membrane filters. Absorbance and turbidity were measured after each filtration. The macromolecules that constitute the true color in a pulp mill wastewater sample are in the range of 0.1 to 0.7 microns (NCASI 1971), therefore the color observed above I µm was assumed to represent color due to suspended and dissolved components (apparent color) as well as true color(dissolved components only). Figures 4.6 (effluent, Mill B) and 4.7 (influent,Mill C) illustrate the changes in sample color and turbidity following filtration through the I to 0.22 µm membrane filters (x-axis);the values for the 2.7 and 1.5 µm glass fiber filters are excluded. The graph on the left illustrates the changes in color observed following each filtration, while the graph on the right shows the effects on sample turbidity. The percentage of the initial turbidity removed following each filtration is indicated above the bars of the graph on the right. In all cases, as the filter porosity decreased, the resulting color value decreased. Due to the interactive nature of light scattering(due to turbidity) and absorbance (due to true color), this would be the anticipated trend. 88% 150 149 1.4 1 1.2 I ZD 145 142 a 1 1 CIO ]4 140 139 136 p $ 94% 94.5% 135 132 a 0.6 1 95% c130 F 0.4 97% U 125 0.2 120 0 1 0.8 0.65 0.45 0.22 1 0.8 0.65 0.45 0.22 Filter Porosity (µm) Filter Porosity (µm) Figure 4.6. Filter Porosity Effects on Mill B Effluent Turbidity and Color. It is difficult to determine whether the continual decrease in the color values was due to an increase in the turbidity removed or to the removal of color bodies from the samples by the filters. For the Mill B effluent sample, filtration below 0.8 pm resulted in a difference of 7% in the resultant color value,down to a filter porosity of 0.22 pm. Between the 1 µm and 0.8 pm filtrations, 95% of the color remained while 50%of the remaining turbidity was removed; and between the 0.8 pm and 0.65 pm filtrations,97%of the color remained while 14% of the remaining turbidity was removed. Following filtration through the 0.8 µm filter, 94% of the initial turbidity was removed, as indicated by the numbers above the bars. The initial measurement of turbidity was 4.1 ntu. National Council for Air and Stream Improvement 10 Technical Bulletin No. 803 Successive filtration continued to remove portions of the turbidity,but in smaller increments. This may be due to the removal of color bodies by the smaller porosity filters. A regression analysis of the change in turbidity vs. color did not show a significant relationship between the two (Appendix A, Section A2). In other words, an incremental change in turbidity did not correlate to an incremental change in color. Therefore, it is more likely that the changes noted in the color values were related to the removal of color bodies from the samples than to the removal of additional turbidity. 250 221 198 6 198.5% U 200 188 181 175 5 I a v41 ti 150 j e=a 3 -100 99.4% `o 2 99.6% U 50 F" 1 99.8% 99.9% p 0 1 0.8 0.65 0.45 0.22 1 0.8 0.65 0.45 0.22 Filter Porosity (pm) Filter Porosity (pm) Figure 4.7. Filter Porosity Effects on Mill C Influent Turbidity and Color. For the Mill C influent sample, filtration below 0.8 µm resulted in a difference of 12% in the resultant color value,down to a filter porosity of 0.22 µm. Between the 1 pm and 0.8 µm filtrations, 90%of the color remained while 60%of the remaining turbidity was removed; and between the 0.8 µm and 0.6 pm filtrations, 95% of the color remained while 43%of the remaining turbidity was removed. The overall decrease in the color value determined between the 0.8 µm and 0.22 µm filtrations was 13%, but the majority of the turbidity in the initial sample (99.4%) was removed following filtration through the 0.8 µm membrane filter. A regression analysis of the change in turbidity vs. color for the Mill C influent did not show a significant relationship between these two variables (Appendix A, Section A2). These results indicate that the 0.8 µm membrane filter removed the bulk of sample turbidity while having a minimal effect on the dissolved color bodies within the sample. 4.5.4 Comparison of Filter Types There are several brands and types of membrane filters on the market,therefore this work included an evaluation of various types of filters. Comparative experiments were conducted using three brands of filters: Gelman MetricelTM, Gelman Supor 800TM, and Nucleopore Membra-Fi1TM filters. Both Gelman Metricel and Nucleopore Membra-Fil filters are made of mixed cellulose esters. The Gelman Supor 800 filter is a hydrophilic polysulfone membrane filter. A 400 rrL aliquot of a biologically treated effluent sample from Mill D was adjusted to pH 7.6,then 50 mL portions were filtered through each membrane filter. Experiments involved three replicates using Supor filters and three replicates using Metricel filters. The samples were not buffered prior to pH adjustment. The Nucleopore Membra-Fil was utilized because of the wide range of porosities commercially available for this filter type. An experiment was conducted to compare the Nucleopore Membra-Fil filter to the Gelman Metricel filter. A 400 mL aliquot of a biologically treated effluent sample from Mill F was adjusted to pH 7.6,then 50 mL portions of this sample were filtered through each membrane filter. Experiments involved three replicates using Nucleopore Membra-Fil filters and National Council for Air and Stream Improvement Technical Bulletin No. 803 11 three replicates using Metricel filters. The absorbances were measured and statistically compared for differences. The results for these two filter comparison experiments were evaluated using analysis of variance (alpha=0.05) to determine if filter type affected color value. The results, shown in Table 4.3, do not reveal a statistically significant impact of filter type on measured color. Table 4.3. Comparison of Various Membrane Filters Comparison p-value Metricel and Supor 0.13 Metricel and Nucleopore Membra-Fil 0.42 The Metricel filters were used in the majority of the color experiments. The Nucleopore Membra-Fil filters were used during the successive filtration experiments because they were available in a wider range of porosities. 4.5.5 Investigations of Possible Turbidity Agents NCASI examined several different turbidity agents potentially present in pulp mill wastewaters which may interfere with the determination of true color. The purpose of these experiments was to determine if a 0.8 µm membrane filter was effective in removing the turbidity agent while having a minimal effect on true color, and to determine how different turbidity agents might interfere with the determination of true color in biologically treated effluents. The turbidity agents explored included precipitated calcium carbonate, titanium dioxide,lime mud, fiber, and green liquor dregs. Each of these agents was added to separate aliquots of water in an amount adequate to achieve approximately 25 to 50 ntu of turbidity when 500 µL of the solution was spiked into a 50 mL volume. These spiking stocks were spiked into 50 mL of deionized water, which was then buffered, pH adjusted to 7.6±0.05, and filtered through a 0.8 µm membrane filter(Sample A). The same spike amount of the turbidity agent solution was then added to 50 mL of an effluent sample(Mill A), buffered,pH adjusted, and filtered(Sample B). Finally, 50 mL of an effluent sample without the added turbidity agent was buffered,pH adjusted, and'filtered (Sample Q. The absorbance and turbidity values were measured and recorded for each sample (A,B,and C) initially, after the addition of buffer and pH adjustment, and after filtration. The experiment was conducted with three replicates of each sample type(A,B, and Q. The average turbidity of each set of three replicates was calculated. The average value calculated for Sample C (no turbidity added) and Sample A (turbidity spike in water) were added together. This value was then compared to the turbidity value of Sample B, the turbidity-spiked effluent. This comparison was conducted to determine if the turbidity value was affected by the sample matrix. The turbidity values determined for Sample C plus Sample A were equivalent to the turbidity values measured for Sample B,indicating that the turbidity agent spike was not affected by the sample matrix. An additional component of this experiment was to determine whether some turbidity agents are more readily removed by filtration than others. The presence of turbidity in the samples following filtration can cause erroneously high color values due to light scattering. Figure 4.8 illustrates the average true color value determined for the three replicates of each sample type following filtration through the 0.8 µm membrane filter. The color values are indicated on the y-axis,while the x-axis lists the turbidity agent used. The black bars represent the average true color value determined for Sample C (effluent only) and the white bars represent the average color value determined for Sample B (effluent National Council for Air and Stream Improvement 12 Technical Bulletin No. 803 plus turbidity agent). The percentage of the turbidity removed by filtration is indicated above each set. 25% 97%a 92% 98%n 96% Lon) 600 r I a 550 d —'� 500 T c 450 U 400 L Titanium Fiber Dregs Lime Mud Calcium Dioxide Carbonate (PCC) Figure 4.8. Turbidity Agent Removal Results: Effluent Sample. The results indicate that the 0.8 µm membrane filter effectively removes the turbidity introduced by the indicated agents, with the exception of titanium dioxide. The results also indicate that the true color values determined for the samples with and without added turbidity varied by less than 3% following filtration through a 0.8 µm membrane filter. The experiment was repeated using a solution of lignin which served as a surrogate for pulp mill wastewater true color to examine the trends in a solution that contained no other source of turbidity except the spiked turbidity agent. As indicated in Figure 4.9, turbidity was effectively removed for all of the agents tested except the titanium dioxide. In addition, the true color values determined for the lignin sample with and without added turbidity from fiber, dregs, lime mud, and precipitated calcium carbonate varied by less than 7%, although in general the color values determined in the turbidity agent spiked lignin samples resulted in slightly increased color values. The true color values determined for the lignin sample with and without added titanium dioxide varied by 25%. 350 T 300 L 23% 97% 93% 95% 95% 250 200 L 150 1 c 100 T U 50 0 Titanium Fiber Dregs Lime Mud Calcium Dioxide Carbonate (PCC) Figure 4.9. Turbidity Agent Removal Experiments: Lignin Solution Sample. National Council for Air and Stream Improvement Technical Bulletin No. 803 13 4.6 Sample Volume Selection It was previously observed that the volume chosen for filtration by each analyst can significantly alter the final color reported for the sample and may account for increased variability in observed results (NCASI 1971). This occurrence is usually related to filter plugging that can occur when filtering a larger sample volume. The filter plugging reduces the effective filter pore size, which can remove some of the components contributing to the true color of a sample. To investigate this observation, duplicates of four aliquots of sample with volumes of 25, 50, 100,and 200 mL were treated identically (i.e., buffered,pH adjusted, and filtered through 0.8 µm membrane filter). This experiment was repeated using biologically treated effluents from Mill A and Mill B and an influent to the treatment system from Mill B. If the filtering rate slowed or foaming was observed,the filtration was stopped and another filter was used to complete the filtration of the total aliquot of sample. The results of this experiment are shown in Table 4.4. The percent relative standard deviation of the color values determined using the 25,50, 100, and 200 mL volumes ranged from 0.7 to 5.6%,indicating that when using this technique,sample volume did not effect the overall color value determined. Therefore, a 50 mL sample volume was chosen for ease in manipulation and filtering, and the appropriate filtration technique is specified in the updated method (Appendix B). The 50 mL sample volume was selected over a 25 mL sample to allow for easier pH adjustment of the initial sample without changing the sample volume by more than I%. Table 4.4. Effects of Sample Volume on the True Color Value Determined 25 mL 50 nil 100 mL 200 mL Average RSDa Sample (PCU) (PCU) (PCU) (PCU) (PCU) M Mill A Effluent 617 580 597 583 603 603 580 b 595 2.2 Mill B Effluent 173 176 176 176 176 173 176 176 175 0.7 Mill B Influent 189 186 186 206 193 176 203 209 194 5.6 Relative standard deviation expressed as a percent. b This determination was not available due to a limited sample availability. 4.7 Effects of Various Light Path Lengths on Resultant Color Values An experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of light path length on the determined color value. Samples from five different mills(Mills A,E,F, G, and H) were measured to determine the color value of each matrix using a 10,20,25, 50, and 100 min light path length cell. The samples were analyzed in replicates of three, and the color values were calculated using the equations in Table 4.5 for each specific light path length cell. These calibration curve equations were obtained by analyzing a calibration curve ranging from 10 to 500 PCU using a curvette with the light path length indicated in Table 4.5. National Council for Air and Stream Improvement 14 Technical Bulletin No. 803 Table 4.5. Calibration Curves for Various Light Path Length Cells Linear Equation y = mx +b R-squared Light Path Length (mm) y =0.0003x—0.0003 1.000 10 y=0.0005x+0.0028 0.9988 20 y= 0.0006x—0.0004 0.9999 25 y = 0.0014x—0.0003 1.000 50 y =0.0027x+0.0018 1.000 100. The average color values determined for the various samples, the range of color values reported, and the relative standard deviations of these averages expressed as a percent are presented in Table 4.6. Table 4.6. Summary of Light Path Length Experiments Average Color Value Range of Color Values Relative Standard Deviation Mill Code (PCU) (PCU) (%a) A 514 486-547 5 E 184 178 - 190 3 F 78 75 -81 3 G 274 265 -288 4 H 1186 1112- 1271 6 Figure 4.10 illustrates the results of this experiment. The color values of the samples used in this experiment ranged from 75 to 1,271 PCU. The values plotted in Figure 4.10 are the average PCUs determined for the three replicates using the indicated light path length cells. Due to limited sample volumes,Mill H was not measured in the 100 mm light path length cell. e Mill A ■Mill E ♦Mill F e Mill G aC Mill H 1400 1200 1000 a. 800 0 600 400 e e e e 200 • • • • ■ ■ ■ ■ 0 . 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Light Path Length (nun) Figure 4.10. Color Units (PCU) of Five Effluent Samples Using Various Light Path Length Cells. The relative standard deviations (RSD),expressed as percents, are similar to the infra-and inter- laboratory relative standard deviations determined for replicate analyses (Section 5.6). The RSDs are also below EPA's color method precision criteria of 10%listed in the Federal Register(Federal National Council for Air and Stream Improvement Technical Bulletin No. 803 15 Register 1997), indicating that for color value determinations of samples within the range of 70 to 1,300 PCU,cell light path length is not likely to be important. 5.0 UPDATED METHOD COLOR 71.01 VALIDATION AND QA/QC The previous sections of this bulletin presented the results of experiments conducted to optimize the NCASI color measurement method in pulp mill wastewaters./This section presents information relating to the validation of the updated method (NCASI Method Color 71.01)and development of quality control and quality assurance criteria. 5.1 Brief Description of NCASI Method Color 71.01: The Updated Color Method The updated procedure involves adding half of a pH 7 buffer capsule to a 50 mL sample of wastewater or water to stabilize the pH, adjusting the pH to 7.6±0.05 with HCl or NaOH (such that the volume change of the sample is less than I%), and filtering the aliquot through a 0.8 µm porosity membrane filter pre-rinsed with distilled water. A portion of the filtered sample is then transferred to an absorption cell and the absorbance is measured at 465 r1m using a spectrophotometer with a tungsten lamp source and 10'gm spectral slit width. The spectrophotometer capabilities should include an operating range of 400 to 700 T)m and an ability to emit light at a selectable wavelength of 465 111m. The color units for the sample are determined by comparing the absorbance reading with a standard curve prepared using dilutions of a platinum cobalt stock solution. A full description of the updated method can be found in Appendix B. 5.2 Preparation of the Calibration Curve The linearity of the spectrophotometer used for this work was assessed by analyzing a five-point calibration curve that ranged in concentration from 25 to 500 PCU. The calibration curve was prepared using a stock platinum cobalt solution with an initial color value of 500 in volumes of 2.5, 10, 20, and 25 mL. These volumes were diluted with BamsteadT"r deionized water to 50 ml,in a volumetric flask. The corresponding color unit values of these solutions were 25, 100,200,and 250 PCU. In addition, an aliquot of the undiluted stock platinum cobalt solution with a color value of 500 PCU was measured and included in the curve. The absorbances of these solutions were measured at a wavelength of 465 r1m on a Spectronic 21D spectrophotometer with a tungsten lamp light source. The various curves analyzed in this research utilized cuvettes with 10, 20, 25,50, or 100 min light paths. Calibration curves were prepared using the results of these measurements by plotting the absorbance values against the color units of each of the standards measured. A linear regression equation was generated for each curve and used to calculate the color units of the samples from their measured absorbances. Calibration criteria(Appendix B, Sections 10 and 17) were determined by measuring several curves and developing acceptable criteria based on the coefficient of determination (r-squared) from the linear equations generated for each curve. Throughout the course of this study, a total of thirteen calibration curves were generated, with the results displayed in Appendix B,Table 6. All of the curves analyzed had an r-squared value greater than0.9968. 5.3 Daily Calibration Verification Virtually all instrumental analysis methods require that some type of calibration verification be conducted at the beginning of each day or prior to analysis of samples. One objective of this project was to bolster the QA/QC requirements of the color method (NCASI 1971). Therefore, a mechanism for accomplishing daily calibration checks was employed during this investigation. The results from these experiments form the basis for daily calibration criteria incorporated in the updated color method (Appendix B, Section 9.2). National Council for Air and Stream Improvement 16 Technical Bulletin No. 803 For all of the color analyses conducted as part of this project,the validity of the instrument calibration curve was verified prior to sample preparation. Different calibration points were selected on each day in order to verify the calibration over the full range of the curve. The results of the calibration verification were calculated by dividing the measured concentration by the known concentration of the standard and were reported as percent recovery. During the course of this work, calibration verifications were completed on 47 occasions using various light path length cells and color ranges from 25 to 500 PCU. The results of these calibration verifications yielded an average percent recovery of 95%, a range of 88 to 118%, and a standard deviation of 6.7. The distribution of percent recovery results can be used to suggest limits around which the analyst should consider further evaluation of instrument performance or re-calibration of the instrument. For this method, warning and action limits were calculated as the mean plus and minus two standard deviations and three standard deviations,respectively. These limits are shown in Table 5.1. When warning limits are exceeded,the analyst should investigate possible instrument problems,perform a calibration verification of the instrument as recommended by the instrument manual, check for contamination and evaporation of standard solutions, examine glassware for scratches,re-zero the spectrophotometer, and reanalyze the standard. When the action limits are exceeded, the analyst should likewise investigate potential problems,prepare a new calibration curve, and reanalyze the curve as recommended in Section 5.2. Table 5.1. Summary of Daily Instrument Calibration Checks Average Warning Action Minimum Maximum Color Unit Recovery' Standard Limits` Limitsd Recovery Recovery Range M Deviationb M M M M (PCU) 94.9 6.7 81 - 108 75 - 115 88 118 25 -500 ' Average recovery for 47 daily calibration checks. b Standard deviation of the recoveries for 47 daily calibration checks. ` Average recovery plus and minus two times the standard deviation. d Average recovery plus and minus three times the standard deviation. 5.4 Single Laboratory Precision 5.4.1 Instrument Precision The instrument precision of the Spectror&21D, which was utilized throughout the single laboratory validation of the updated method at NCASI's West Coast Regional Center, was verified by the analysis of the midpoint of the calibration curve a total of seven times over an eight-hour period. The results of the instrument precision experiment yielded a relative standard deviation of 1.4% for the seven replicates of the 100 PCU standard. 5.4.2 Method Precision The precision of the method was characterized and continuously monitored using duplicate analyses. Throughout the single laboratory assessment of precision, a total of twelve different duplicate sample pairs of both biologically treated effluent and treatment system influent from the mills listed in Table 4.1, were analyzed. The relative percent differences for the duplicates ranged from 0.4 to 14.1% for the biologically treated effluents, with an average relative percent difference of 2.8%. The color values of the samples utilized in this assessment ranged from 81 to 1,112 PCU,indicating that the precision of the method is consistent over a wide range of color values. The relative percent differences observed for the treatment system influent duplicate pairs ranged from 0.1 to 13.2%, with an average relative percent difference of 7.1%. The average relative percent differences for the National Council for Air and Stream Improvement • Technical Bulletin No. 803 17 effluent and influent sample duplicates were below EPA's standardized quality assurance and quality control acceptance criteria of 10% for precision in color methods listed in the Federal Register (Federal Register 1997). 5.5 Comparison of Updated NCASI Method Color 71.01 to NCASI Method 253 A comparison of the updated method and NCASI Method 253 was made using data from two different NCASI laboratories. This comparison was done using biologically treated effluents from Mills A and B,influents to the treatment system from Mills A and B, a prepared lignin solution,and a receiving water sample collected below the discharge of Mill D. Trends that suggest there may be some method differences were observed. The color values determined in five of the six matrices tested were lower using the updated procedure(Figure 5.1). This lower color value often corresponded to an observed difference in the post-filtration pH between the two methods (Figure 5.2). In the matrices tested, a pH of 7.6±0.05 was achieved using the updated method,but NCASI Method 253 samples were not buffered, and the post-filtration pH increased. The influent sample from Mill A was an exception to this trend. This sample yielded a higher color value using Color 71.01, although the pH of the sample remained at 7.6±0.05 using this method. ■Color-71.01 ❑Method 253 830 s 730 a 630 d 530 430 ` 330 c 230 OF I U 130 30 , c ¢ d Ca CID a Sample Matrix Figure 5.1. Comparison of Resultant Color Values in Different Sample Matrices Using NCASI Methods 253 and Color 71.01. The statistical difference between the two methods was evaluated through the use of F-tests and p- values. The statistical calculations used for this evaluation utilized a one-tailed F test to determine if the updated Method Color 71.01 was more precise than Method 253. The F-test considers the ratio of the squares of the two sample standard deviations such that calculated F is always greater than one. If the F-ratio is less than the critical value of F,the variances are assumed to be equal (precision of the two methods is similar). The p-values were utilized to determine if the two methods generated comparable color values. The F-ratios,p-values (a=0.05), and critical values for F are presented in Table 5.2. The p-values were calculated assuming equal variances as justified by the F-test results. If the calculated p-values are less than the selected alpha of 0.05 for a 95% confidence level,the mean color values are not considered to be significantly different. A full report of the statistical analysis can be found in Appendix A, Section A3, along with definitions of the statistical terms. National Council for Air and Stream Improvement 18 Technical Bulletin No. 803 ■Color-71.01 ❑Method 253 8.10 x 8•00 7.90 7.80 7.70 w 7.60 n 7s0 0 0. 7.40 7.30 Iignin MillA MillB MMA MillB MillD Effluent Effluent Influent Influent Receiving Water Sample Matrix Figure 5.2. Comparison of Post-Filtration pH in Different Sample Matrices Using NCASI Methods 253 and Color 71.01. As the results indicate, a significant difference in the resultant color determinations was observed for the influent from Mill B and the receiving water from Mill D, with higher color values reported when using Method 253. Table 5.2. Summary of the Statistics Comparing NCASI Methods 253 and Color 71.01 in Different Matrices Sample Matrix F-Ratio Critical Value of F p-Value Lignin Solution 0.098 9.27 0.572 Effluent Mill A 0.229 9.27 0.961 Effluent Mill B 0.304 9.27 0.655 Influent Mill A 0.159 9.27 0.053 Influent Mill B 1.52 9.27 0.009 Receiving Water Mill D 1.46 9.27 0.019 5.6 Inter-Laboratory Investigation of NCASI Method Color 71.01 In an effort to assess the ruggedness and precision of the updated method, an inter-laboratory study was conducted which included industry and NCASI laboratories. A total of eight laboratories participated in a study to determine the intra-and inter-laboratory precision of the updated color procedure using several matrices. The samples included biologically treated effluents from Mills A and B, influents to the treatment system from Mills A and B,portions of a prepared lignin solution, a receiving water sample collected from the discharge stream of Mill D,and a platinum cobalt color standard. Mill personnel collected the influent(24-hour composites),effluent, and receiving water (grab) samples into one-gallon amber glass bottles with TefloiJm-lined screw caps. NCASI received the iced samples from the mills via overnight delivery. To minimize the potential for bias,the samples were thoroughly mixed and split into separate 100 mL portions. This step ensured that any differences in study results could be attributed to analytical method variables and not to sampling or compositing procedures. The samples were then shipped on National Council for Air and Stream Improvement Technical Bulletin No. 803 19 ice via overnight carrier to the eight participating laboratories along with a study plan, analytical procedures, and a data sheet(Appendix Q. The participating labs received the samples blind, along with a calibration check standard prepared at a color value of 125 PCU. The check standard was prepared by diluting a 500 PCU color standard using Barnstead""deionized water. The color units and percent recoveries of the QA/QC check standard analyses are presented in Table 5.3. Each laboratory also received replicates of the various matrix types so that the intra-laboratory precision could be assessed. The laboratories were asked to analyze the samples on the date of receipt according to the procedure and study plan presented in Appendix-C, and report the data on the data sheet also included in the appendix. The inter-laboratory data were evaluated statistically using Youden matched pairs of similar matrices (Youden and Steiner 1975). The sample results are summarized in Table 5.4. The codes Ll through L8 identify the participating laboratories,and each matrix type is designated by a letter code. The table also includes information on the light path length of the cells used at each laboratory, although the use of a specific light path length was not part of the study plan. Table 5.3. Summary of the True Color Values and Percent Recoveries for the QA/QC 125 PCU Standard Laboratory Code Color Units (PCU) Recovery (%) Ll 106 85 L2 145° 116 L3 106 85 L4 113 90 L5 129 103 L6 123 98 L7 118 94 L8 103b 82 Average 118 94 Standard Deviation 13.2 10.6 Relative Standard Deviation(%) 11.2 11.3 ° Although this value is high in relationship to the other laboratory results,it was not an outlier based on Grubb or Dixon tests. b Although this value is low in relationship to the other laboratory results,it was not an outlier based on Grubb or Dixon tests. The Youden matched pair analyses were initiated by preparing an xy plot of the data points for each sample type using one pair of data for the x-axis and one pair of data for the y-axis. Appendix D, Figures DI through D6, present the sample plots for each matrix. This analysis is conducted in order to assess bias in the data and identify outlying data points. The average value obtained for the y-axis data is represented by the horizontal line and the average of the data plotted on the x-axis is represent by the vertical line. Random variability is demonstrated if the data are evenly distributed within the four quadrants around the intersection of the x and y averages. The closer the data points are to the intersection, the better the analytical precision. High and low laboratory bias is demonstrated when the sample results from a given laboratory are at an extreme along the 45-degree line of the graph. Points distant from the 45-degree line indicate a lack of agreement between results from the same laboratory. Careful review of these plots indicate that although the majority of data points lie near the intersection of the average values, some laboratory bias exists. Examination of the plots indicate that Labs 2 and 3 were biased high, while Lab 4 was biased low. Cochran's, Grubb's, and Dixon's outlier tests were utilized to determined the significance of these laboratory biases (AOAC 1989). National Council for Air and Stream Improvement 20 Technical Bulletin No. 803 Table 5.4. Inter-laboratory Study: Summary of Results (Color Values Reported in PCU) Laboratory Code: Ll L2 L3 1-4 L5 L6 L7 L8 Light Path 10 mm 10 mm 10 mm 10 mm 28 mm 100 mm 16 mm 10 mm Length°: (sq.) Sample Type Lignin 1 49 90 140 46 59 57 75 43 Lignin 2 49 70 105 51 54 58 68 43 Effluent Mill A-1 509 695 745 454 646 605 515 509 Effluent Mill A-2 516 745 830 440 621 607 515 496 Effluent Mill B-1 162 290 305 147 199 194 195 153 Effluent Mill B-2 159 295 260 141 196 173 168 143 Influent Mill A-1 712 1040 970 556 811 746 640 623 Influent Mill A-2 686 990 1000 533 771 678 638 589 Influent Mill B-1 89 205 210 83 154 141 110 96 Influent Mill B-2 89 205 300 87 132 144 168 89 RW"Mill D-I 136 220 180 112 169 149 180 116 RWs Mill D-2 132 215 240 113 167 165 140 116 All cells utilized in this study were cylindrical unless otherwise noted. s RW is receiving water. Dixon's test evaluates the occasional aberrant average value. Cochran's test is applied to test for the removal of laboratories showing significantly greater intra-laboratory variability than the other laboratories in the study for a given matrix type. Grubb's test is applied to assess whether a laboratory has an extreme average value. If no outliers are determined using a single Grubb's test, which is a determination of a single laboratory with high or low bias, then a double Grubb's test is performed to determine if the outliers are masked by the presence of both high and low extremes. Of the five pairs of data plotted,Lab 3 consistently fell outside the range of averages using the Dixon's test. These results may be due to the lack of experience of the analyst performing the measurements at this laboratory, since it was the analyst's first experience conducting measurements of color in pulp mill matrices. In addition,Lab 2 data fell outside the range of averages using the Dixon's tests for the Mill B effluent,Mill A influent, and Mill B receiving water samples. Once the outliers were removed, statistical calculations were performed to assess the intra-laboratory (repeatability, r) and inter-laboratory (reproducibility,R)precision of the method. The intra- laboratory repeatability is a measure of the closeness of agreement between successive results obtained with the same method on identical matrices under the same conditions and is calculated based on the sum of squares of the laboratory ranges between the two duplicate samples (refer to Appendix A for definitions). The inter-laboratory reproducibility is the variation arising from different operators in different laboratories using different apparatus and is composed of the total within-sample variation. It is calculated by combining the between-laboratory variation, the laboratory-sample interaction, and the between-replicate variance(refer to Appendix A for definitions). Table 5.5 lists the results for the Youden pair analyses, which includes the mean of the laboratory averages, the repeatability and reproducibility standard deviations, and the repeatability and reproducibility relative standard deviations. The results indicated that the infra-laboratory precision (agreement of replicate values within a particular laboratory) of the method ranged from 2.3 to 13.8%. The inter-laboratory precision (agreement in values among laboratories) of the method ranged from 13.1 to 35%. The influent Mill B samples (35%) and the lignin stock solutions (24%) resulted in the largest variations. National Council for Air and Stream Improvement Technical Bulletin'No. 803 21 Table 5.5. Results of the Inter-laboratory Study Youden Pair Analyses Receiving Lignin Effluent Effluent Influent Influent Water Parameter Solution Mill A Mill B Mill A Mill B Mill D Number of labs 7a 7a 6 b6 b7a 6 Mean of lab averages 58.0 562 169 665 128 141 s (r)repeatability standard 5.8 17.2 7.1 15.4 17.6 13.2 deviation s (R) reproducibility standard 13.9 95.2 22.1 87.7 44.8 25.6 deviation RSD (r)repeatability relative 10.0 3.1 4.2 2.3 13.8 9.3 standard deviation RSD ( R) reproducibility 24.0 16.9 13.1 13.2 35.0 18.1 relative standard deviation ° Lab 3 was an outlier and was removed prior to completing the calculations in this table. b Labs 2 and 3 were outliers and were removed prior to completing the calculations in this table. 6.0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The purpose of this study was to evaluate and optimize NCASI Method 253 when used on biologically treated effluents and treatment plant influents from low color pulp mill effluents. This work has resulted in a well-defined and documented method for the measurement of true color which includes quality control and quality assurance criteria. Appendix B contains the updated color method,NCASI Method Color 71.01,that was prepared as a result of this work. The selection of a wavelength to measure sample absorbance influences the accuracy and precision of color measurements; therefore,the wavelength of 465 Bm used in NCASI Method 253 was verified in current sample matrices. Optimum overlap of absorbance curves for a 200 platinum cobalt standard, wastewater treatment system influent, and biologically treated effluent occurred in the range of 460 to 470 Bm,indicating that the use of a wavelength of 465 rlm was valid in modem mill effluents. The color of pulp mill effluents is highly pH dependent, and the pH adjustment procedure included in Method 253 sometimes resulted in less than optimum stability of pH during the analytical procedure. As sample pH increases, the measured absorbance value increases, resulting in higher color values. One objective of updating Method 253 was to examine techniques to stabilize sample pH. Several buffering systems were examined,including a phosphate buffer solution, a dry phosphate buffer capsule, and a biological buffer solution. The buffer capsule(dibasic sodium phosphate and monobasic potassium phosphate,pH 7.0) stabilized the sample pH most effectively. The buffer capsule stabilized the sample pH at 7.6±0.05 for the duration of a 24-hour experiment. In addition,it is a convenient technique for pH stabilization that does not contribute to sample dilution. Experiments to investigate methods for the removal of sample turbidity while minimizing effects on true color were also conducted. Pre-filtration of samples with a 1 µm glass fiber filter was determined to help reduce problems associated with clogging of the 0.8 µm membrane filter. Experiments to assess turbidity removal using centrifugation vs.filtration indicate that filtration using a 0.8 µm membrane filter removed a larger percentage of the turbidity in wastewater samples. These experiments also indicate that higher color values were determined in centrifuged samples. Successive filtration experiments using a range of filter porosities between 1.0 and 0.22 µm indicate that the majority of sample turbidity,94 to 99.4%, was removed using the 0.8 µm membrane filter. In addition,experiments to investigate the removal of turbidity agents including precipitated calcium National Council for Air and Stream Improvement 22 Technical Bulletin No. 803 carbonate, titanium dioxide,lime mud, fiber, and green liquor dregs indicate that 92 to 98% of the turbidity was removed using the 0.8 pm membrane filter for each agent except titanium dioxide (23 to 25%removal). Therefore,the 0.8 pm membrane filter was verified as an effective method for the removal of turbidity in modern pulp mill wastewater samples. Several types of 0.8 Nm membrane filters are available commercially. A comparison of color values determined using three different types of 0.8 pm membrane filters did not reveal a statistically significant impact of filter type on measured color value. The volume of sample selected for filtration was investigated. It was determined that when using the techniques recommended in the updated method, sample volume did not effect the overall color value determined. Therefore, a 50 mL sample volume was chosen for ease of manipulation and filtering. Samples from five different mills were used to investigate the effect of the light path length on the resultant color value. It was demonstrated that color values varied by a relative standard deviation of less than 6% when measured using light path lengths of 10, 20, 25, 50, and 100 mm. Method ruggedness, precision, and accuracy of the updated method (Color 71.01) were determined at the single laboratory level. Instrument precision, expressed as the percent relative standard deviation of seven replicates of a 100 PCU color standard, was determined to be 1.4%. Precision was calculated in both biologically treated effluents and treatment plant influents. At the single laboratory level, the average relative percent difference in duplicate analyses for biologically treated effluents was 2.8% (n= 12 duplicate/sample sets), and for treatment plant influents it was 7.1% (n = 12 duplicate/sample sets). Calibration curves prepared using light path lengths of 10 to 100 mm yielded r-squared values of greater than 0.9968 for twelve different calibration curves. The average recovery for 43 daily calibration checks was 94.9%, with a standard deviation of 6.7. Eight laboratories participated in a multi-laboratory study to assess the ruggedness, accuracy and precision of the updated color measurement procedure. The samples included biologically treated effluents from Mills A and B,influents to the treatment systems from Mills A and B,portions of a prepared lignin solution, a receiving water sample collected from the discharge stream of Mill D, and a platinum cobalt color standard. The platinum cobalt color standard data were utilized to assess method accuracy, and yielded an average recovery of 94% and a relative standard deviation of 11.3%. The precision for the inter-laboratory assessment resulted in a relative standard deviation of 15% for biologically treated effluents, 24.1% for treatment plant influents, and 18.1% for the receiving water sample. The intra-laboratory precision(agreement of replicate values within a particular laboratory) was also assessed during this multi-laboratory study and resulted in a relative standard deviation of 3.6% for biologically treated effluents, 8.1% for treatment plant influents, and 9.3%for the receiving water sample. The precision and accuracy of NCASI Method 253 was determined to be similar for effluents from Mills A and B, a lignin solution, an influent from Mill A, and a receiving water from Mill D when compared to the NCASI Method Color 71.01 during studies conducted at two different laboratories. The only exception was found in an influent sample from Mill B which gave higher color values when NCASI Method 253 was utilized. REFERENCES Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC). 1989. Guidelines for Collaborative Study Procedures. Journal of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists 72(4):701-4. Ferguson, W. J., K. I. Braunschweiger,W. R. Braunschweiger,J. R. Smith, J.J. McCormick, C. C. Wasmann,N.P. Jarvis,D. H. Bell, and N. E. Good. 1980. Hydrogen ion buffers for biological research. Analytical Biochemistry 104:300-10. National Council for Air and Stream Improvement Technical Bulletin No. 803 23 Federal Register. 1997. Volume 62,No. 123. 40 CFR Parts 126 and 141. Guidelines Establishing Test Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants and National Primary Drinking Water Regulations; Flexibility in Existing Test Procedures and Streamlined Proposal of New Test Procedures; Correction,Announcement of Meetings and Extension of Comment Period. June 26. Hach Company. 1991. Hach Ratio Turbidimeter Model 18900-00 Manual. Loveland,CO: Hach Company. Ingle, J. D., and S. R. Crouch. 1988. Spectrochemical analysis.Englewood Cliffs,NJ: Prentice Hall. Kringstad, K., and K.Lindstrom. 1984. Spent liquors from pulp bleaching. Environmental Science and Technology 18(8):236A-48A. National Council for Air and Stream Improvement,Inc. (NCASI). 1971. An investigation of improved procedures for measurement of mill effluent and receiving watercolor. Technical Bulletin No. 253. Research Triangle Park,NC: National Council for Air and Stream Improvement, Inc. . 1981. Further investigations of the color measurement procedure to improve its utility. NCASI Report. Research Triangle Park,NC: National Council for Air and Stream Improvement,Inc. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. 20`h Edition. 1998. Washington, DC: American Public Health Association. 2-1 to 2-8. United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 1971. Color Method 110.2 (Colorimetric-Platinum Cobalt). 110.2-1 to 110.2-3. . 1978. Color Method 110.1 (Colorimetric,ADMI). 110.1-I to 110.1-3. Youden,W.J. and E. H. Steiner. 1975. Statistical Manual of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists. Benjamin Franklin Station,Washington,DC: Association of Official Analytical Chemists. National Council for Air and Stream Improvement Technical Bulletin No. 803 Al APPENDIX A STATISTICAL DATA Al. DEFINITIONS AND DESCRIPTIONS OF STATISTICAL TERMS The statistical procedures and tests utilized throughout this technical bulletin are defined as follows. Relative Standard Deviation (RSD). A measure of the spread or dispersion of data expressed as a percentage. Relative Percent Difference (RPD). A measure of the spread or dispersion of a sample and duplicate pair expressed as a percentage. F-ratio. A ratio of the two sample set variances(i.e.,the ratios of the squares of the standard deviations). p-value.The probability that the difference in means is due to random variability of samples pulled from a normal distribution. t-test. A test that determines whether two means from two independent,normally distributed samples differ. Cochran's test. A statistical test for homogeneity of variance. The hypothesis is that the variances across different levels are equal;if the significance levels are greater than 0.05,do not reject the hypothesis that the variances are not different. Grubb's test. A test that is applied to assess whether a laboratory has an extreme average value. Dixon's test. A statistical test for assessing suspect measurements. Examines the ratio of the suspect value minus the value nearest it and the difference between the highest and lowest measurements. Repeatability variance(s(r)^2). Sum of the squares of the laboratory ranges divided by two times the number of participating laboratories minus one. Reproducibility variance (s(R)^2). The true variance between replicate determinations (60 z)plus the true variance between laboratories ((YC). 6 Z. Sum of squares of individual replicates minus one divided by the number of replicates times the sum of the squares of the replicate totals, all divided by the number of participating laboratories times the number of replicates minus one. 6L2. Determined by finding the mean square of the between-laboratory variance which is MSL=r6Lz+ooz and using the result from above(602),rearranging the equation and solving for GLz. MSL. One divided by the number of replicates times the sum of the squares of the replicate totals minus one divided by the number of participating laboratories times the number of matrices times the number of replicates all times the square of the grand total of the results for all replicates divided by the number of participating laboratories minus one. National Council for Air and Stream Improvement A2 Technical Bulletin No. 803 A2. REGRESSION ANALYSIS OF THE CHANGE IN TURBIDITY VS. COLOR VALUE Effluent Mill B Dependent variable -Color value (PCU) Independent variable- Change in turbidity Parameter Estimate Standard Error t-statistic p-value Intercept 136.2 5.8 23.7 0.0018 Slope 0.03 0.17 0.20 0.8599 Analysis of Variance Source Sum of squares Df Mean square F-ratio p-value Model 1.08 1 1.08 0.04 0.8599 Residual 53.7 2 26.8 Total (corr.) 54.75 3 Influent Mill C Dependent variable-Color value(PCU) Independent variable-Change in turbidity Parameter Estimate Standard Error t-statistic p-value Intercept 164.4 30.6 5.4 0.0329 Slope 0.44 0.62 0.69 0.5566 Analysis of Variance Source Sum of squares Df Mean square F-ratio p-value Model 57.6 1 57.6 0.49 0.5566 Residual 235.4 2 117.7 Total (corr.) 293.0 3 National Council for Air and Stream Improvement Technical Bulletin No. 803 A3 A3. SUMMARY OF F-TEST AND T-TEST STATISTICS Method 253 Compared to Method Color 71.01 Lignin Solution Method 253 Color 71.01 Mean 51.3 52.7 Variance 2.3 22.9 Standard Deviation 1.5 4.8 Observations 4 4 df 3 3 F 0.098 p-value of F 0.883 t -0.598 p-value oft 0.571 Effluent Mill A Method 253 Color 71.01 Mean 575 573 Variance 1144 4992 Standard Deviation 33.8 70.6 Observations 4 4 df 3 3 F 0.229 p-value of F 0.257 t 0.051 p-value oft 0.961 Effluent Mill B Method 253 Color 71.01 Mean 185 179 Variance 139 459 Standard Deviation 11.8 21.4 Observations 4 4 df 3 3 F 0.304 p-value of F 0.354 t 0.469 p-value oft 0.655 National Council for Air and Stream Improvement A4 Technical Bulletin No. 803 Influent Mill A Method 253 Color 71.01 Mean 672 745 Variance 509 3201 Standard Deviation 22.6 56.6 Observations 4 4 df 3 3 F 0.159 p-value of F 0.165 t 2.40 p-value oft 0.052 Influent Mill B Method 253 Color 71.01 Mean 213 116 Variance 1601 1053 Standard Deviation 40.0 32.4 Observations 4 4 df 3 3 F 1.52 p-value of F 0.738 t 3.77 p-value of t 0.009 Receiving Water Mill Method 253 Color 71.01 D Mean 151 125 Variance 162 111 Standard Deviation 12.7 10.5 Observations 4 4 df 3 3 F 1.46 p-value of F 0.761 t 3.15 p-value of t 0.019 National Council for Air and Stream Improvement Technical Bulletin No. 803 B1 APPENDIX B NCASI METHOD COLOR 71.01 COLOR MEASUREMENT IN PULP MILL WASTEWATERS BY SPECTROPHOTOMETRY National Council for Air and Stream Improvement B2 Technical Bulletin No. 803 Acknowledgments This method was prepared by Diana Cook,Senior Research Chemist,and Nikki From,Research Associate, at the NCASI West Coast Regional Center. For more information about this method,contact: Diana Cook Reid Miner NCASI West Coast Regional Center NCASI P.O.BOX 458 P.O.BOX 13318 Corvallis,OR 97339 Research Triangle Park,NC 27709-3318 (541)752-8801 (919)558-1991 dcook@ncasi.org rminer@ncasi.org For information about NCASI publications,contact: NCASI P.O.Box 13318 Research Triangle Park,NC 27709-3318 (919)558-1999 publications@neasi.org National Council for Air and Stream Improvement,Inc. (NCASI). 1999. Methods Manual. NCASI Method Color 71.01: color measurement in pulp mill wastewaters by spectrophotometry. Research Triangle Park,NC: National Council for Air and Stream Improvement,Inc. © 1999 by the National Council for Air and Stream Improvement,Inc. NCASI's Mission To serve the forest products industry as a center of excellence for providing technical information and scientific research needed to achieve the industry's environmental goals. Disclaimer The mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use. This method is included in the NCASI Methods Manual as an update to NCASI Method 253. The purpose of including this updated method in the NCASI Methods Manual is to make it known that a method revision is under development and to solicit comments regarding the technical merit and applicability of the revised method. Those electing to apply the method are strongly encouraged to conduct rigorous QA/QC or validation so that the quality of the data generated can be evaluated. National Council for Air and Stream Improvement Technical Bulletin No. 803 B3 NCASI METHOD COLOR 71.01 COLOR MEASUREMENT IN PULP MILL WASTEWATERS BY SPECTROPHOTOMETRY 1.0 Scope and Application 1.1 This procedure utilizes a spectrophotometer to measure the absorbance of light as it passes through a sample. The color is determined by comparison of the absorbance of the sample to the absorbance of colored solutions of known concentrations. The colored solutions used in this procedure are platinum cobalt stocks. The unit of color is the color produced by 1 mg platinumiliter in the form of the chloroplatinate ion, or PCU. The term "color"represents the true color of an aqueous sample from which turbidity has been removed (1). Turbidity can cause the color value determined for a sample to be elevated due to an increase in light scattering. In this procedure, filtration is used to remove turbidity from the sample. The optimal method for removing turbidity without affecting the color value determined has not been found, but filtration using a 0.8-micron (µm) membrane filter has been demonstrated to be effective for most pulp mill effluent samples. The color value determined for a specific sample is pH dependent and increases as the pH of an aqueous sample increases. Therefore, a buffer is used to stabilize pH during the filtration and measurement process. 1.2 This method has been validated at the single and inter-laboratory level in wastewater treatment plant influents, biologically treated effluents from kraft pulp and paper mills, and receiving waters. Demonstration of method performance for specific matrix types is recommended. 1.3 The estimated method detection limit (MDL) achievable is instrument and light path length dependent and was found to be 4 PCU for a river water sample using a 10-mm light path length (2). The MDL determined in a kraft mill treated effluent was found to be 7 PCU using a 10-mm light path length. These values are provided as guidance. Due to improvements in instrumentation and changes in matrix effects, each laboratory should establish its own MDL. The lower instrument calibration limit (LCL) for this method is approximately 10 PCU. Lower calibration levels can be obtained by using an increased light path length. The concentration range used during the single and inter-laboratory method validation was from 10 to 500 PCU. Sample values above 500 PCU may be determined by quantitative dilution. National Council for Air and Stream Improvement B4 Technical Bulletin No. 803 2.0 Summary of Method 2.1 Biologically treated effluents and wastewater influents Place a 50-mL aliquot of unpreserved influent (effluent) into a 100-mL beaker. Measure the initial pH of the sample and add approximately one-half of the solid from a pH 7 buffer capsule. Dissolve the buffer capsule completely using a mechanical stir plate and stir bar. Add an appropriate amount of sodium hydroxide solution (NaOH) or hydrochloric acid (HCl) to adjust the pH to 7.6 ±0.05. Filter the sample through a 0.8-µm membrane filter. If the analyst cannot filter the sample through the membrane because of significant clogging, a pre- filtration step may be added prior to pH measurement and adjustment. To verify pH stability, periodically measure the post-filtration pH. 2.2 Quantitative analysis Assess the color load by measuring the absorbance of the solution in a spectrophotometer set at a wavelength of 465 nanometers (rlm). Calculate the color units using the linear regression equation developed in Section 12.L 2.3 Quality assurance Quality is assured through reproducible calibration and testing of the sample preparation and spectrophotometer system. A method blank is analyzed with each sample set (samples started through the process on a given day, to a maximum of 20, along with sample duplicates to ensure quality data). A complete description of quality control procedures, calculations, and method performance criteria are listed in Sections 9.0 and 10. 3.0 Definitions 3.1 These definitions are specific to this method, but conform to common usage as much as possible. 3.1.1 PCU—platinum cobalt color unit 3.1.2 May—this action, activity, or procedural step is neither required nor prohibited 3.1.3 May not—this action, activity,or procedural step is prohibited 3.1.4 Must—this action, activity, or procedural step is required 3.1.5 Should—this action, activity, or procedural step is suggested, but not required 4.0 Interferences 4.1 Reagents, glassware, and other sample processing hardware may contribute analytical interferences resulting in inaccurate absorbance readings. Run method blanks initially and with each subsequent sample set to demonstrate that the National Council for Air and Stream Improvement Technical Bulletin No. 803 B5 reagents, glassware, and other sample processing hardware are free from interferences under the conditions of the method. 4.2 Turbidity causes the measured color value to be greater than the true color value. Therefore, it is necessary to remove turbidity in the sample prior to measuring the sample's absorbance in a spectrophotometer. Interferences will vary considerably from source to source, depending on the diversity of the site being sampled. This procedure recommends the use of a 0.8-µm membrane filter to remove turbidity prior to measuring the absorbance in the spectrophotometer. As needed, the analyst can pre-filter the sample with a 1.0 µm glass fiber filter or use more than one 0.8-µm membrane filter if clogging prevents the sample from readily passing through the membrane filter. 4.3 The color value determined for a given sample is highly pH dependent. As pH increases the color value determined for the sample also increases. Therefore, stabilization of the pH at a given value for all measurements is required. This procedure is conducted with the sample at a pH of 7.6±0.05 to maintain consistency with standard methods currently in use. 4.4 All glassware must be clean and free of scratches. In addition, the cells used for spectrophotometric measurement of the samples must be free of all oil or residue that may cause interference in the absorbance measurement. It is recommended that the same cell be utilized for the measurement of the calibration curve, daily calibration checks,blanks, and samples. 5.0 Safety 5.1 Each chemical compound should be treated as a potential health hazard. Exposure to these compounds should be reduced to a level protective of human health. This method does not address all safety issues associated with its use. The laboratory is responsible for maintaining a current awareness file of OSHA regulations regarding the safe handling of the chemicals specified in this method. A reference file of data handling sheets should also be made available to all personnel involved in these analyses. 5.2 The platinum cobalt solution is corrosive and a suspected carcinogen. Hydrochloric acid (HCI) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) are also corrosive and should be handled with caution. Take appropriate measures to avoid contact with the chemicals by wearing chemical-resistant gloves, eye protection, and other protective clothing. 5.3 As with all samples, precautions should be taken to avoid exposure to potentially toxic, caustic, or nuisance odor compounds. Samples should be handled with gloves and opened in a fume hood. National Council for Air and Stream Improvement B6 Technical Bulletin No. 803 6.0 Equipment and Supplies Note: Brand names, suppliers, and part numbers are cited for illustrative purposes only. No endorsement is implied. Equivalent performance may be achieved using equipment and materials other than those specified here, but demonstration of equivalent performance that meets the requirements of this method is the responsibility of the laboratory. 6.1 A spectrophotometer with-ftungsten lamp source and a 10-rlm spectral slit width is required. The instrument must be capable of emitting light at a selectable wavelength of 465 rlm with an operating range of 400 to 700 rlm. Verify that the spectrophotometer is calibrated correctly by following the directions from the manufacturer for your specific instrument. 6.2 Do not use glassware with any star fractures, cracks, or severe scratches. All glassware should be washed with detergent, rinsed with tap water, then rinsed with reagent grade water prior to use. 6.3 Equipment for sample preparation 6.3.1 Filtration apparatus consisting of a flask, a vacuum source, and a filtration holder that will accommodate a 47-mm filter 6.3.2 Pasteur pipettes 6.3.3 50-mL graduated cylinder 6.3.4 Teflorflm-coated stir bar 6.3.5 100-mL beaker 6.3.6 47-min, 1.0-µm glass fiber filters for pre-filtration 6.3.7 47-mm, 0.8-µm membrane filters 6.4 Other apparatus 6.4.1 pH meter calibrated using a two-point calibration procedure at pH 7 and pH 8 using the appropriate buffer solutions 6.4.2 Magnetic stirrer 6.4.3 Sample cuvettes (absorption cell) for the measurement of absorbance, cell path length is determined by the required MDL, refer to Table 1 for the path length specific MDLs (3) National Council for Air and Stream Improvement Technical Bulletin No. 803 B7 7.0 Reagents and Standards 7.1 Reagents 7.1.1 Metrepak pHydrion buffer capsules, or an equivalent supplier(dibasic sodium phosphate and monobasic potassium phosphate,pH 7.0), to stabilize sample pH 7.1.2 Organic-free reagent water in which color is not detected by this method 7.2 Standards 7.2.1 Fisher or an equivalent supplier, platinum cobalt color standard, 500 PCU stock 7.2.2 If a reliable source of platinum cobalt color standard is not available, prepare a solution of potassium chloroplatinate. Dissolve 1.246 g of potassium hexachloroplatinate, K2PtC16 (Aldrich or an equivalent supplier), and 1.00 g of crystallized cobalt (II) chloride hexahydrate, COC12.6 H2O (Aldrich or an equivalent supplier), in a portion of organic free reagent water containing 100 mL of concentrated HCI. Dilute this solution with distilled water to the desired color value. For example, dilution to 1000 mL will provide a standard with a color value of 500 PCU. Dilution to 500 mL will provide a standard with a color value of 1000 PCU. 7.2.3 Prepare a five-point calibration curve encompassing the sample concentration range. Prepare a calibration curve by diluting 5, 10, 20, and 50 mL of 500 color unit stock solution of platinum cobalt in 100 mL of deionized water. Include the absorbance measurement of the 500 color unit stock solution of platinum cobalt in the curve. The prepared calibration standards will have color units of 25, 50, 100, 250, and 500. It is necessary to prepare a calibration curve that brackets the expected values of color in the samples. 7.2.4 Stock solutions of the color standards do not need to be refrigerated, but care should be taken to protect the standards from evaporation, light, and contamination when not in use. Remember that the color standard solutions have pHs less than 2.0 and should be handled with care. Stock solutions of all standards should be checked for signs of concentration or formation of precipitates prior to the preparation of calibration or performance test standards. Replace the stock solutions if a change in concentration is indicated by the inability to meet the criteria specified in Sections 9.2 and 10.3. 7.3 Reagents for sample preservation and pH adjustment 7.3.1 Sodium hydroxide, ACS reagent grade, is used to adjust sample pH during processing. Prepare a 20% solution by adding 20 grams of sodium hydroxide pellets very slowly to 100 mL of reagent grade water using a National Council for Air and Stream Improvement B8 Technical Bulletin No. 803 stir bar and stir plate. Because this reaction is exothermic, take care that the heat generated by the addition of the NaOH to the water does not break the glassware. 7.3.2 Hydrochloric Acid, ACS reagent grade, is used to adjust sample pH during processing. Prepare a 10% solution by adding 10 mL of concentrated HCl to approximately 85 mL of reagent grade water using a stir bar and stir plate. Bring the volume to 100 mL once the heat has dissipated. 8.0 Sample Collection, Preservation, and Storage 8.1 Sample collection Collect grab or composite samples using clean sampling containers that are free from contaminants which may interfere with the analyses. Composite samples should be refrigerated during the sampling period. The color determination should be made as soon as possible following sample collection. An assessment of sample stability should be done on a matrix specific basis since biological changes which can occur during storage may affect the color and alter the pH of the sample. 8.2 Sample preservation Samples are not preserved prior to analysis, as a change in pH can greatly affect the resulting color determination. Samples should be refrigerated prior to analyses (4°C). Sample refrigeration should occur as soon as possible after sample collection. 9.0 Quality Control 9.1 Each laboratory that uses this method should operate a formal Quality Assurance Program. The minimum requirements of this program consist of an initial demonstration of laboratory capability, and ongoing analyses of standards and blanks as a test of continued performance. Laboratory performance is compared to established performance criteria to determine if the results of analyses meet the performance characteristics of the method. 9.2 Spectrophotometer performance and calibration verification 9.2.1 Fill the sample cuvette with reagent grade water and place it in the spectrophotometer. Adjust the absorbance reading to zero. Verify zero after every four to six samples using the same process. 9.2.2 Determine that the spectrophotometer system is operating within acceptable parameters by conducting a calibration check before each set of analyses (samples started through the measurement process on a given day). The calibration check involves reanalyzing one of the standard calibration solutions used to prepare the calibration curve (Sections 7.2.3 and 10.3). The percent recovery determined for the calibration check should be within the calculated warning limits (Section 17, Table 2). The National Council for Air and Stream Improvement • Technical Bulletin No. 803 B9 color determination may be sensitive to spectrophotometer and cell conditions such as dirty glassware. If the calibration check fails to meet the acceptance criterion, locate a new sample cuvette or perform appropriate maintenance and reanalyze the calibration check sample. If this fails to correct the calibration verification difficulties, the calibration curve should be re-prepared and analyzed. 9.2.3 Verify that the spectrophotometer is calibrated properly by periodically measuring an independent color standard check sample. If all calibration checks and adjustments fail to correct the problem, calibrate the instrument electronically. Electronically calibrate the instrument by first selecting the transmittance option and setting the wavelength to 45011m. With the 100% T/Zero control, set the display to read 100.0, insert an occluder in the sample well, and close the cover. Adjust the %T adjustment knob to read exactly 0.0 and remove the occluder. 9.3 Frequency One sample per analytical batch of no more than twenty samples of similar matrix type should be allocated for quality control (i.e., duplicate analyses). A representative sample from each new or untested source or sample matrix should be treated as a quality control sample. 9.4 Blanks 9.4.1 Demonstrate that the analytical system is free of color by preparing and analyzing a blank with each sample set (20 samples or less). Prepare a method blank using the same procedure outlined in Section 11.0 utilizing reagent grade water for the sample. 9.4.2 If color is found in the blank at a value greater than 10% of the method detection limit or the lowest calibration limit, analysis of samples is halted until the source of contamination is eliminated and a blank shows no evidence of contamination at this level. 9.5 Sample and duplicate precision Analyze a sample and duplicate for each matrix type with each set of samples to assess the precision of the analyses. Calculate the relative percent difference (RPD) in color for each sample and duplicate pair using Equation 1. The calculated RPD should be less than 14%. Equation 1 Relative Percent Difference=(Highest Color Value —Lowest Color Value) x100 Average Color Value of the sample and duplicate A summary of the precision determined in the single laboratory validation is provided in Section 17,Table 3 for treatment system influent and biologically National Council for Air and Stream Improvement B10 Technical Bulletin No. 803 treated effluent samples. The average relative standard deviation for the single laboratory precision was 2.8% in biologically treated effluents and 7.1% in treatment plant influents. A summary of the accuracy and precision determined during an inter-laboratory validation is provided in Section 17, Tables 4 and 5 for treatment system influent, biologically treated effluent, and a receiving water sample. 9.6 Field replicates and field spikes Depending on specific program requirements, field replicates may be required to assess the precision and accuracy of the sampling and sample transporting techniques. 10.0 Calibration and Standardization 10.1 Zero the spectrophotometer (Section 9.2.1) and establish the operating conditions outlined below. Use the same operating conditions to analyze all samples, blanks, calibration curves, and calibration verification samples. 10.2 Quantitation 10.2.1 Analyze the calibration standards (Section 7.2.3) at a wavelength of 465 flm using the procedure described in Section 11.2.3. Construct a calibration curve by plotting the absorbances and the color units of the calibration curve points. An example of a calibration curve plot is located in Section 17, Figure 1. 10.2.2 If the r-squared value determined for the curve is 0.991 or greater, the calibration curve is assumed to be linear and acceptable. The linear equation determined from the curve can then be used to calculate sample color(Section 12.1). If the curve is not linear, evaluate the problem, undertake the appropriate remedial action, and reanalyze the calibration curve solutions. If remedial actions and reanalysis fail to produce an r- squared value of at least 0.991, prepare new calibration curve solutions and analyze them. The statistics for calibration curve linearity determined during a single laboratory validation of this method are included in Section 17, Table 6. 10.3 Verify calibration prior to the analysis of each set of samples (Sections 9.2). Analyze one of the calibration standards (Section 7.2.3) prior to the analysis of each set of samples. It is recommended that the selected calibration standard vary over time in order to verify the calibration of the instrument over the full calibration range of the method. Recalibrate if the percent recovery for the color standard of the analyzed calibration solution is outside of the warning criteria (Table 2). 10.4 Process a blank with the curve to confirm that the glassware, sample cuvette, reagents, and other components are free from contamination. Prepare the blank with deionized water using the procedure for the preparation of the samples (Section 11). National Council for Air and Stream Improvement i Technical Bulletin No. 803 B11 10.5 Demonstrate that color is detectable at the minimum level using the lowest level calibration curve solution and the same path length of the sample cuvette that will be used to analyze all curve points, calibration verifications, and samples. 11.0 Procedure This section includes the procedures used to adjust pH, and filter the treatment plant influent and biologically treated effluent samples. The pH adjustment and filtering procedures are used for all types of samples and method blanks. 11.1 pH adjustment of the sample 11.1.1 Remove the sample from the refrigerator and allow the sample to come to room temperature. Calibrate the pH meter using a two-point calibration with pH 7 and pH 8 buffer solutions. Shake the sample to ensure homogeneity and immediately measure 50 mL of the sample using a 50- mL graduated cylinder. For method blanks, measure 50 mL of reagent grade water. 11.1.2 Measure and record the sample pH (initial pH). Gently open a pH 7 Metripak pHydrion (or equivalent) buffer capsule and add approximately one-half of the contents (powder only) to the sample. Stir until all of the buffer has dissolved. Reserve the remaining half of the buffer for the next sample. Adjust the sample pH to 7.6±0.05 by adding a small volume of sodium hydroxide solution (preferably 20%) dropwise. If the pH is adjusted slightly too high, hydrochloric acid (preferably 10%) may be added dropwise to readjust the sample pH. The sample aliquot must be discarded and re-prepared if the sample volume changes by more than 1% before the pH is within the desired range. Differing strength acid and/or base solutions may be used to meet this criteria. Record the adjusted pH. 11.1.3 Assemble an aspiration-type filtering apparatus and pre-wet a 0.8-µm membrane filter with approximately 1 mL of deionized and/or distilled water on each side of the membrane. Gently shake off the excess water, place the filter onto the filter support, secure the filter holder/funnel in place, turn the aspirator on, and slowly add the sample. A rapid decline in the rate of flow through the membrane or foam coming off the membrane filter, can indicate filter plugging. If the filter plugs, immediately replace the filter with a new filter pre-wet with deionized and/or distilled water, and continue filtering the remaining sample. 11.1.4 If filtration through the 0.8-µm membrane filter is excessively difficult, the 50 mL of sample can be pre-filtered through a 1.0-µm glass fiber filter prior to sample manipulation. Transfer the sample filtrate to a 100-mL beaker equipped with a Teflon stir bar. Place the beaker on a mechanical stir plate and gently stir the sample. Buffer, adjust pH, and filter through a 0.8-µm membrane filter as described in Sections 11.1.2 and 11.1.3. National Council for Air and Stream Improvement B12 Technical Bulletin No. 803 11.2 Spectrophotometer analysis 11.2.1 The spectrophotometer conditions should be set according to the criteria described in Section 9.2.3. 11.2.2 Perform the calibration verification as outlined in Section 9.2.2. 11.2.3 Verify that the spectrophotometer is zeroed (Section 9.2.1). Rinse the cell with a small amount of the filtered sample. Discard the rinse. Transfer enough of the filtered samples to the sample cuvette, filling to the reference line. Measure and record the absorbance at 46511m and discard the sample. Rinse the cell thoroughly with deionized and/or distilled water. Periodically verify that the spectrophotometer is zeroed. 12.0 Data Analysis and Calculations 12.1 Quantitation 12.1.1 The linear regression equation from the calibration curve (Section 10.2) is used to calculate the corresponding color value of the samples. Calculate the color value in the sample using Equation 2. Equation 2 y=mx+b where: y is the absorbance m is the slope b is the y-intercept x is the calculated color value Calculate the color units for each sample by utilizing the measured absorbance value and the linear equation derived from the calibration curve (Section 10.2). 12.1.2 The calibration curve slope and y-intercept will vary depending on the light path length of the sample cuvette used in each different spectrophotometer. Therefore it is important to use the same light path length for all measurements. The following is an example calculation from a calibration curve prepared in one laboratory. Example Calculation: Absorbance measured for the sample(y) 0.039 Equation y = 0.0003x + 0.0016 x = v- 0.0016 0.0003 National Council for Air and Stream Improvement Technical Bulletin No. 803 B13 • Substitution x = 0.039 - 0.0016 0.0003 Calculated Color Units (x) x = 125 PCU 12.2 Data review requirements 12.2.1 Review the data to assess the accuracy and precision of the determined color value, spectrophotometer problems, interferences, and bias using the guidance provided in Section 9.0 and 10.0. Correct any problems prior to reporting the analytical results. 12.2.2 Assess the need for sample dilutions. The procedure for conducting sample dilutions and reanalysis is described in Section 12.3. 12.2.3 Resolve inconsistencies between duplicates as necessary. 12.2.4 If review of the data shows any problems which could affect subsequent analyses, discontinue the analyses until the problems are resolved. 12.3 Results outside the calibration range If the calculated color value exceeds the highest color calibration point, dilute an aliquot of the sample with reagent grade water prior to sample processing to bring the concentration within the calibration range of the method and continue the sample preparation process from Section 11. 13.0 Method Performance Single laboratory performance for this method is detailed in Section 17,Tables 2, 3, and 6. Acceptance criteria were established from an inter-laboratory study using the draft method. The data from this study are given in Tables 4 and 5. 14.0 Pollution Prevention Pollution prevention approaches have not been evaluated for this method. 15.0 Waste Management 15.1 It is the laboratory's responsibility to comply with all federal, state, and local regulations governing waste management, particularly the hazardous waste identification rules and land disposal restrictions, and to protect the air, water, and land by minimizing and controlling releases from fume hoods and bench operations. Compliance with all sewage discharge permits and regulations is also required. 15.2 Instructions for sample and waste handling and disposal 15.2.1 Dispose of all samples as required by federal, state and local regulations. 15.2.2 Neutralize the sodium hydroxide solution and pour it down the drain with copious amounts of water. National Council for Air and Stream Improvement B14 Technical Bulletin No. 803 15.2.3 Neutralize the calibration standard solutions to pH 7 and pour the aqueous portion of the extracted sample aliquot down the drain with copious amounts of water. 15.3 For further information on waste management, the Environmental Protection Agency suggests you consult The Waste Management Manual for Laboratory Personnel, and Less is Better: Laboratory Chemical Management for Waste Reduction. Both are available from the American Chemical Society's Department of Government Relations and Science Policy, 1155 16a' Street NW,Washington, DC, 20036. 16.0 References 1. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 20th Edition, American Public Health Association,Washington, DC, 1998, 2-1 to 2-8. 2. Federal Register, "Appendix B to Part 136-Definition and procedure for the determination of the method detection limit-revision 1.11." Vol. 49, No. 209. October 26, 1984. 3. National Council for Air and Stream Improvement, Inc. (NCASI). 1971. An investigation of improved procedures for measurement of mill effluent and receiving water color. Technical Bulletin No. 253. Research Triangle Park, NC: National Council for Air and Stream Improvement, Inc. 17.0 Tables, Diagrams, Flowcharts, and Validation Data Table 1. Minimum Detectable Color for Various Light Path Length Sample Cuvettes Sample Cuvette Light Path Length Minimum Detectable Color Units 30 1 20 5 10 7a 5 10 1 25 a Determined using a treated effluent from a haft mill. National Council for Air and Stream Improvement Technical Bulletin No. 803 B15 • Table 2. Daily Calibration Verification Criteria Average Standard Warning Action Limits Color Unit Range Recoverya(%) Deviation Limits`(%) M (PCU) 94.9 6.7 81 - 108 75 - 115 10 - 500 a Average recovery for 47 daily calibration checks. b Standard deviation of the recoveries for 47 daily calibration checks. e Average recovery plus or minus two times the standard deviation. d Average recovery plus or minus three times the standard deviation. Table 3. Single Laboratory Precision: NCASI Color-71.01 Sample Type' Range RPDb Average RPDe Effluent 0.4 - 14.1% 2.8% Influente 0.1 - 13.2% 7.1% a Precision of the target analytes native to treatment system influents and biologically treated effluents. b Range of relative percent differences observed between a sample and a duplicate. e Pooled average relative percent difference for all sample and duplicate pairs analyzed. d Range and average RDP for 12 duplicate pairs. e Range and average RDP for 12 duplicate pairs. Table 4. Inter-Laboratory Accuracya Average Percent Standard Relative Standard Recovery Deviation Deviation (%) 94 10.6 11.3 a Summary of the percent recoveries for a 125 PCU color standard analyzed by eight different laboratories using eight different spectrophotometers. National Council for Air and Stream Improvement B16 Technical Bulletin No. 803 Table 5. Results of an Inter-Laboratory Study Youden Pair Analyses to Assess Intea- and Inter-Laboratory Precision Receiving Lignin Effluent Effluent Influent Influent Water Parameter Solution Mill A Mill B Mill A Mill B Mill D Number of Labs 7 7 6 6 7 6 Mean of Lab Averages 58.0 562 169 665 128 141 s( r) repeatability 5.8 17.2 7.1 15.4 17.6 13.2 standard deviation s( R)reproducibility 13.9 95.2 22.1 87.7 44.8 25.6 standard deviation RSD (r) repeatability 10.0 3.1 4.2 2.3 13.8 9.3 relative standard deviation ' RSD (R ) reproducibility 24.0 16.9 13.1 13.2 35.0 18.1 relative standard deviation a Intra-laboratory(repeatability)precision of the method. b Inter-laboratory(reproducibility)precision of the method. Table 6. Calibration Curve Linearity Linear Equation y=mx +b R-squared Light Path Length (mm) y = 0.0153x-0.0108 0.9981 10 y =0.0003x + 0.0052 0.9968 10 y= 0.0003x + 0.0016 0.9999 10 y= 0.0003x +0.0010 0.9997 10 y = 0.0005x + 0.0014 0.9999 20 y =0.0003x + 0.0004 1.0000 10 y =0.0005x+ 0.0004 0.9999 20 y =0.0003x + 0.0003 0.9999 10 y=0.0003x-0.0030 1.0000 10 y= 0.0005x + 0.0028 0.9988 20 y= 0.0006x-0.0004 0.9999 25 y = 0.0014x-0.0003 1.0000 50 y =0.0027x + 0.0018 1.0000 100 National Council for Air and Stream Improvement Technical Bulletin No. 803 B17 0.16 0.14 0.12 $ 0.1 c m 0.08 0 N a 0.06 0.04 0.02 y=0.0003x+0.0016 If=0.9999 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Color Units Figure 1. Typical Calibration Curve. National Council for Air and Stream Improvement 0 y Technical Bulletin No. 803 Ct APPENDIX C INTER-LABORATORY STUDY PLAN, PROCEDURE, AND DATA SHEET 1.0 SCOPE This study is intended to evaluate the precision and accuracy of an updated color method when applied to pulp mill effluents. The following sections describe the sample collection, analysis requirements, and data reporting requirements for the study. 2.0 SAMPLE COLLECTION,STORAGE,AND SHIPMENT Grab samples of pulp mill treatment system influents and Final effluents will be collected from two kraft mills equipped with secondary biological treatment. Sample matrices will represent mills pulping hardwood and softwood, utilizing oxygen delignification and high chlorine dioxide substitution. In addition to the above samples, a receiving water sample will also be assessed. The samples will be collected and shipped via overnight FedEx on ice to the NCASI West Coast Regional Center where they will be homogenized and split into sample containers for shipment to the participating laboratories. In addition to the effluent and influent samples,a color reference material solution and platinum cobalt standard solution (color standard solution) will also be included in the shipment. All samples will be unpreserved and should be stored at 4°C until analyzed. Sampling will be scheduled to ensure sample shipment to each of the participating labs on the same day(Target Date:February 17). Upon receipt,the laboratory must maintain the samples at 0 to 4°C and analyze for color within 24 hours using the NCASI Updated Color Measurement Procedure(see attached). A total of twelve samples and one color solution check standard will be sent to each laboratory. For those laboratories that do not routinely measure color,a set of calibration curve solutions will also be included in order for the lab to measure a standard curve prior to sample analyses. 3.0 SAMPLE ANALYSIS REQUIREMENTS Each sample matrix will be analyzed for color using the attached NCASI Updated Color Measurement Procedure. Since the objective of this study is to compare the results obtained using the procedure, it is important that the laboratory strictly adhere to the method requirements. These requirements are clearly defined in the attached procedure. 3.1 Method Requirements All instruments should be zeroed using reagent grade water prior to standard and sample readings. The calibration check standard(Bottle 1) should be read prior to the samples. Each sample should be measured using the attached procedure. Please provide the information specified on the attached data sheet for each sample measured. 3.2 Data Deliverables Complete the attached NCASI Color Measurement Study Data Sheet with the information requested and return it to our laboratory in the enclosed envelope. We realize that some laboratories utilize spectrophotometers with software programs that do not provide the option of viewing the calibration curve equation. If possible, we request that you provide NCASI with the absorbance readings for the calibration points measured. If this is not an option, leave this portion of the sheet blank. We also recognize that you may only be able to provide color units for samples A through J,but request that you also include the measured absorbance when possible. It would be helpful to include any National Council for Air and Stream Improvement C2 Technical Bulletin No. 803 observations that you feel may have had an effect on your results (condition of cells,instrument function, clogging of filters, etc.) in the comment section. 3.3 Data Evaluation The data will be evaluated for the following information: • Completeness of the data sheet, including all data deliverables requested Correct reporting units and significant figures • Results for the calibration check standard Results for the average concentration, standard deviation, and relative standard deviation for each sample matrix analyzed by the procedure • Inter- and intra-laboratory precision using Youden pair analyses • Method precision using ANOVA statistics 3.4 Report of Findings The analytical results and statistical evaluation will be summarized in a report. Codes will be used to identify results associated with each lab. The names of the participating labs will not be identified. This study is not intended to endorse or verify a laboratory, but rather to evaluate the inter-and intra- laboratory precision using the updated color procedure. Participating laboratories will be provided with a final copy of the report when it is completed. National Council for Air and Stream Improvement Technical Bulletin No. 803 C3 NCASI UPDATED COLOR MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE 1.0 GENERAL DISCUSSION This procedure utilizes a spectrophotometer to measure the absorbance of light as it passes through a sample. The color is determined by comparison of the sample to colored solutions of known concentrations. The color solutions used in this procedure are platinum cobalt stocks. The unit of color is the color produced by I mg platinum/liter in the form of the chloroplatinate ion, PCU. The term"color"represents the true color of an aqueous sample from which turbidity has been removed. Turbidity can cause the color value determined for a sample to be elevated due to an increase in light scattering. In this procedure, filtration is used to remove the turbidity in the sample which may interfere with the determination of color. The optimal method for removing turbidity without affecting the color value determined has not been found,but filtration using a 0.8 µm membrane filter has been demonstrated to be effective for most pulp mill effluent samples. The color value determined for a specific sample is pH dependent and increases as the pH of the aqueous sample increases. Therefore,a buffer is used to stabilize the pH during the measurement process. 2.0 EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES 2.1 Equipment • Spectrophotometer with a tungsten lamp source and 10 T)m spectral slit width;the operating range should include 400 to 700 Tim and the instrument should be capable of emitting light at a selectable wavelength of 465'gm • pH meter • Mechanical stir plate • TeflonTl stir bar • Filtration system that will accommodate a 47 mm filter • Pasteur pipettes • 50-mL graduated cylinder • 100-mL beaker 2.2 Supplies provided by NCASI in the sample kit • 47 mm, 1.0 µm glass fiber filters from Gelman for prefiltration a 47 nun,0.8 µm membrane filters from Nucleopore,Membra-Fil • pH 7 buffer capsules to stabilize sample pH • Color standard calibration check solution • Set of calibration standard stock solutions (if your lab requested them) 2.3 Reagents laboratories will need to supply • Sodium hydroxide solution (preferably 20%,but 10% may be sufficient) • Hydrochloric acid(preferably 4%, but a more dilute solution may be sufficient) 3.0 CALIBRATION STANDARDS The calibration curve standards were prepared by making dilutions of a 500 color unit stock solution of platinum cobalt. The prepared calibration standards have color units of 10,25, 50, 100, 250, and National Council for Air and Stream Improvement C4 Technical Bulletin No. 803 500 PCU. Refrigeration of the calibration standard solutions is not necessary, but care should be taken to protect the standards from evaporation and contamination when not in use. 4.0 CALIBRATION CURVE 4.1 All calibration standard and sample measurements must be conducted with the spectrophotometer set at a wavelength of 465 tlm. 4.2 Make sure that the cell to be used is clean and free of scratches, oils, and/or dirt. It is recommended that the cell be placed in the spectrophotometer in the same position for each reading. This can be accomplished by orienting a mark on the tube in the same position for each reading. Allow the spectrophotometer to warm up as recommended in the instrument manual. Zero the spectrophotometer using deionized and/or distilled water. 4.3 Rinse the cell with a small amount of the color calibration standard to be measured. Discard this rinse and transfer a portion of the color calibration standard to the cell. Measure the absorbance of the sample in the spectrophotometer and record the reading. Repeat this process for each of the six calibration standards. 4.4 Plot the absorbance vs. the color value of the six calibration standards and fit the curve using a linear regression model. Record the R-squared value(correlation coefficient) and the equation on the data sheet. The curve is considered linear if the correlation coefficient is greater than or equal to 0.991. If the curve does not meet this criteria, the procedure should be repeated until this criteria is met. 4.5 The pH of the calibration stock solutions is below 2;therefore these solutions should be neutralized prior to disposal. 5.0 MEASUREMENT OF COLOR STANDARD CALIBRATION CHECK 5.1 Make sure that the cell to be used is clean and free of scratches, oils, and/or dirt. Allow the spectrophotometer to warm up as recommended in the instrument manual. Zero the spectrophotometer using deionized and/or distilled water. 5.2 Rinse the cell with a small amount of the color standard calibration check(Bottle#1)to be measured. Discard this rinse and transfer a portion of the color standard calibration check to the cell. Measure the absorbance of the sample in the spectrophotometer and record the reading. Calculate the color value of the color standard calibration check using the process described in Section 7.0. Record the value on the data sheet. 6.0 MEASUREMENT OF SAMPLES 6.1 Remove the sample bottles (Samples A through J) from the refrigerator and allow the samples to come to room temperature. Calibrate the pH meter using a two-point calibration with pH 7 and pH 8 buffer solutions. 6.2 Invert the sample bottle several times to re-suspend the solids that may have settled during storage. Measure 50 mL of the sample using a 50-mL graduated cylinder. 6.3 Pre-filter the 50 mL of sample through a 1.0-pin glass fiber filter prior to sample manipulation. Transfer the sample filtrate to a 100-mL beaker equipped with a Teflon stir bar. Place the beaker on a mechanical stir plate and gently stir the sample. 6.4 Measure and record the sample pH (initial pH). Gently open a buffer capsule and add approximately one-half of a pH 7 Metripak, pHydrion buffer capsule(powder only); stir until National Council for Air and Stream Improvement Technical Bulletin No. 803 C5 all of the buffer has dissolved. Reserve the remaining half of the buffer for the next sample. Adjust the sample pH to 7.6±0.05 by adding a small volume of sodium hydroxide solution (preferably 20%) dropwise or hydrochloric acid (preferably 4%), depending on the initial pH of the sample. The sample aliquot must be discarded and re-prepared if the sample volume changes by more than 2% before the pH is within the desired range. Differing strength acid and/or base solutions may be used to meet this criteria. Record this adjusted pH on the data sheet. 6.5 Assemble an aspiration-type filtering apparatus and pre-wet a 0.8 µm membrane filter with approximately 1 mL of deionized and/or distilled water on each side of the membrane. Gently shake off the excess water, place the filter onto the filter support, secure the filter holder/funnel in place, turn the aspirator on, and slowly add the sample. Watch for a rapid decline in the rate of flow through the membrane or foam coming off the membrane filter, which can indicate filter plugging. If the filter plugs,immediately replace the filter with a new filter pre-wet with deionized and/or distilled water and continue filtering the remaining sample. Record the number of filters used to prepare each of the samples on the data sheet. 6.6 Verify that the spectrophotometer is still zeroed. Rinse the cell with a small amount of the filtered sample. Discard the rinse. Transfer a portion of the filtered sample to the cell and measure the absorbance at 465 ilm. Transfer all of the filtered sample back into the original beaker. Measure and record the sample's pH and record this value on the data sheet as the post-filtration pH. Rinse the cell thoroughly with deionized and/or distilled water. Verify once again that the spectrophotometer is zeroed. 7.0 CALCULATIONS AND REPORTING 7.1 Calculate the color units for each sample by utilizing the measured absorbance value and the linear equation derived from the calibration curve(Section 4.0) in your lab. The following is an example calculation from a calibration curve prepared in our laboratory. 7.2 The calibration curve slope and y-intercept will vary depending on the light path length of the cell used in each different spectrophotometer. Therefore it is important to use the same cell for all measurements. Example Calculation: Absorbance 0.039 Equation y=0.0003x+0.0016 x=y-0.0016 0.0003 Substitution x=0.039 -0.0016 0.0003 National Council for Air and Stream Improvement 1 C6 Technical Bulletin No. 803 NCASI COLOR MEASUREMENT STUDY DATA SHEET Participating Company Address Phone Number Contact Person Apparatus: Instrument Manufacturer Model Wavelength Used Cell Path Length Calibration Curve: Standard Level (CU) Absorbance 10 25 50 100 250 500 **If your lab uses a spectrophotometer that stores calibration curve data, please record the stored absorbances or color units if possible. Calibration Curve Equation R Value Calibration Check: Absorbance and/or color units of color standard calibration check Date Analyzed Samples: Sampl Initial Adjuste Post- Number of Absorbanc Color Date e Code pH d pH Filtration membranes a Units Analyze PH used (PCU) d A B C D E F G H I J K L Comments: National Council for Air and Stream Improvement Technical Bulletin No. 803 Di APPENDIX D YOUDEN PAIR STATISTICAL ANALYSIS PLOTS Figure D 1 illustrates the raw data received for the two lignin samples analyzed as part of the inter- laboratory study. The plots are made by using the results for one sample as abscissa, and the results of the other sample as ordinate. The average of all the data points for Lignin 1 and Lignin 2 are represented by the vertical and horizontal lines in the middle of the graph. The ideal situation would result in data points found along the 45-degree line of the graph with the data clustered near the intersection of the two average lines. The closeness of the individual points to the 45-degree line reflects the within-laboratory precision, and the overall spread in either the abscissa or ordinate direction reflects the overall precision or reproducibility. The data from laboratory L3 is biased high, as indicated by its location removed from the other laboratory results to the high extreme on the x and y axes. Dixon's test for outliers indicated that the results from L3 could be removed from the data set. 140 120 U 100 L3 v � j � 8t] L7 • L2 bA 60 40 * Lg/ .. 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Lignin 2(PCU) Figure D1. Youden Pair Plot for Lignin 1 and Lignin 2. National Council for Air and Stream Improvement D2 Technical Bulletin No. 603 Figure D2 illustrates the raw data received for the two effluent samples (Mill A) analyzed as part of the inter-laboratory study. The data from laboratory L3 is biased high, as indicated by its location removed from the other laboratory results to the high extreme on the x and y axes. Dixon's test for outliers indicated that the results from L3 could be removed from the data set. 800 U 750 s L2 • L3 0 700 I /- Q 650 600 -L6 L7 550 IIl�ii i a 500 L87 W450 L4 ♦ 400 400 500 600 700 800 900 Effluent Mill A-2 (PCU) Figure D2. Youden Pair Plot for Effluent Mill A-1 and Effluent Mill A-2. Figure D3 illustrates the raw data received for the two influent samples (Mill A) analyzed as part of the inter-laboratory study. The data from laboratories L3 and L2 are biased high, as indicated by their locations removed from the other laboratory results to the high extreme on the x and y axes. Dixon's test for outliers indicated that the results from L3 and L2 could be removed from the data set. 1100 w 1000 T • L3 • L2 i / 9w800 T L5 c 700 1 L6 �$7� 600 I � 1 ♦ L4 500 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Influent Mill A-2 (PCU) Figure D3. Youden Pair Plot for Influent Mill A-1 and Influent NMI A-2. National Council for Air and Stream Improvement Technical Bulletin No. 803 D3 Figure D4 illustrates the raw data received for the two effluent samples (Mill B) analyzed as part of the inter-laboratory study. The data points plotted from laboratory L3 and L2 are biased high,as indicated by their locations removed from the other laboratory results to the high extreme on the x and y axes. Dixon's test for outliers indicated that this bias was significant and these laboratories were removed from the data set. 300 pU w L3 250 W i 200 • T r L1 i 150 L4,8 ' W 100 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 Effluent Mill B-2 (PCU) Figure D4. Youden Pair Plot for Effluent Mill B-1 and Effluent Mill B-2. Figure D5 illustrates the raw data received for the two influent samples (Mill B) analyzed as part of the inter-laboratory study. The data from laboratory L3 is biased high, as indicated by its location removed from the other laboratory results to the high extreme on the x and y axes. Dixon's test for outliers indicated that this bias was significant and this laboratory was removed from the data set. 300 ! pUv., 250 CG 200 • L2 i 150 L6 LS � i I 100 i� L*tL+ L8 C 50 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 Influent Mill B-2 (PCU) Figure D5. Youden Pair Plot for Influent Mill B-1 and Influent Mill B-2. National Council for Air and Stream Improvement D4 Technical Bulletin No. 803 Figure D6 illustrates the raw data received for the two receiving water samples (Mill D) analyzed as Part of the inter-laboratory study. The data points plotted from laboratory L3 and L2 are biased high, as indicated by their location removed from the other laboratory results to the high extreme on the x and y axes. Dixon's test for outliers indicated that this bias was significant and these laboratories were removed from the data set. 240 220 pU., 200 L2 180 L1 - I I 140 3 .�i' • L7 x 120 . L►4U 100 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 RW Mill D-2 (PCU) Figure D6. Youden Pair Plot for Receiving Water Mill D-1 and Receiving Water Mill D-2. 1 National Council for Air and Stream Improvement Chartetts'. biect. Fund Select Presentation to: Pigeon River Fund September, 2001 James E. Holmes, III Director 200 W. Second Street, Suite 500 Deutsche Banc Alex. Brown Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Deutsche Bank (800) 553-6015 Pigeon River Fund Fund Select "at a glance" Fund Select is a mutual fund managed account program that provides clients with access to a large number of the leading mutual funds in the industry and allows clients to build a diversified portfolio that meets their goals and objectives. Fund Select Features: • $100,000 minimum investment • More than 120 mutual funds from traditional load and no load fund families. • Access to 14 model portfolios that range from 100% equity to various weightings of equity and fixed income (taxable and tax-exempt) funds. • Tactical asset allocation that "tweaks" the allocations among equity funds, bond funds, and cash based on the valuations in the financial markets. • Ongoing screening of more than 10,000 stock and bond funds. The screening criteria includes: • consistency of performance over various time periods; • superior risk-adjusted returns with minimal volatility; and • acceptable tenure of management. • Annual portfolio rebalancing. Deutsche Banc Alex. Brown Deutsche Bank u �. -2- ChartertSelec# --- -- - - --- Pigeon River Fund The Fund Select Investment Process Identify Objectives Inventory/1� nd Evaluate '• Assets L—+Monitor Performance Allocation Plan Rebalance /-! Implement the Plzw Deutsche Banc Alex.Brown , Deutsche Bank ❑ a- Charte4blect. Pigeon River Fund , Identify Goals and objectives through Client Profile The client profile helps to determine the asset allocation recommendation which is consistent with your goals and objectives: Acceptable Appropriate Desired return Other Driun by yowr narestrent obelc#i,111'+es Deutsche Banc Alex. Brown Deutsche Bank 0 Charterer elect. -a- Pigeon River Fund Understanding Your Needs Asset allocation begins with the Deutsche Banc Alex. Brown Private Client Profile. • Facilitates interactive discussions to assess your complete financial situation. Deutsche Banc Alex.Brown Private Client Profile • Asks specific questions about your financial goals (i.e. retirement, education expenses) and current portfolio holdings. • Recommends a portfolio based on your answers. • Helps develop a personal investment strategy tailored to fit your particular financial goals, risk tolerance and investment time horizon. Invea�t Repec-a�—. F IePa Deutsche Banc Alex. Brown Deutsche Bank � -5- ChartetObtect Pigeon River Fund Make Strategic Asset Allocation ` Recommendation • After evaluating your client profile, a model or custom portfolio is recommended, which is consistent with your goals and objectives. • For example, assume you are seeking more capital appreciation than your existing portfolio is designed to generate: Cash Stocks Cash Overweight-stocks, NI Underweight cash Bonds Stocks Bonds Deutsche Banc Alex.Brown Deutsche Bank ��1. _s_ Chartereci: Pigeon River Fund Asset allocation and portfolio structuring The goal of asset allocation is to find the portfolio that best meets the client's goals and objectives. Aggressive Moderate Conservative E or o: e 0 Risk(Standard Deviation) Deutsche Banc Alex. Brown Deutsche Bank �. _,_ Charte�Seleci: Pigeon River Fund �� Asset allocation and portfolio structuring 1st level diversification — the big 5 Bonds Cash Large Cap Small r International Equity This chart represents the 5 key components used to construct a well diversified portfolio. Weighting of each component will very according to client risk profile. Deutsche Banc Alex.Brown Deutsche Bank 0 �. -a- Charter6select. Pigeon River Fund ,- Asset allocation and portfolio structuring - - 2nd level diversification 7Bonds Cash arge Cap Growth vs. Value Long-term Bonds vs. Intermediate-term layBonds Taxable vs Tax- Mid Cap Exempt Bonds Emerging Markets Hi-Yield Bonds Deutsche Banc Alex.Brown Deutsche Bank 0 Chart& blest. -s- Pigeon River Fund Risk/reward profile for various mixes of stocks and bonds Standard & Poor's 50015 Year Treasury Notes Total Return Annual observations from 1926 through 1998 12% 80%S&P500 11 °/ r 0%T-Notes 100%S&P500 D ort�e j 10% 50%S&P500/ ��1C`ert�t 0 9°/O CO 50%T-Notes a� Ca8% 80%T-Notes m 7% 20%S&P500 0 m 6% 5% 100%T-Note 4% 4% 8% 12% 16% 20% 24% Standard deviation (risk) Past performance is not indicative of future results. Source:Ibbotson Associates Deutsche Banc Alex. Brown Deutsche Bank 0 -10- ChartO'Q561ect Pigeon River Fund Growth Versus Value S&P Growth vs. S&P Value (Total rehirn above or below the S&P 500 Stock Index) 15% 10% 5% S&P 500 p ' Index 0 /o 1 oil -5% -10% -15% -20% 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 19941995 1996 1997 1998 ■ S&P Growth ■ S&P Value Source:Ibbotson Associates Deutsche Banc Alex. Brown Deutsche Bank 0 �T� _„_ Charter�S�lect - - Pigeon River Fund Fund Select Investment Style Weightings , (Base Allocation With Taxable Bonds) 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 60% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Modell Modell Model Model Modal5 ■Cash 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 0 High Yld Taxable 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 10.0% e Long Term Taxable 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% la kit temTexable 10.0% 15.0% 25.0% 30.0% ■ShttennTexable 10.0°% 15.0% 20.0% O Emerging Intl 3.0% 0 Established kill 10.0°A 10.0% 7.0% 5.0% ■Large Cap Growth 25.0°% 21.5% 18.0% 14.0% 11.5% O Large Cap Value 25.0% 21.5% 18.0% 14.0% 11.5% O Mid Cap Growth 10.0% 7.5% 5.0% 5.0% m Mid Cap VeNe 10.0% 7.5°% 5.0% 5.0% O SmaO Cap Grow th 7.5% 7.5% 5.0% a SmaO Cap V 8Ne 7.5°A 7.5% 5.0°% Higher Return Lower Return Higher Volatility Less Volatility Deutsche Banc Alex.Brown Deutsche Bank IZI _12_ Charter select Pigeon River Fund Fund Select Investment Style Weightings (Base Allocation With Tax-Exempt Bonds) 100% 90% 80% 70% 50% 50% 40% 30% 20% 1 10% mi 0% Model Model Model Models ■Cash 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0°% o High Yld Tax Free 5:0°% 5.00A 5.0% 10.0% B Long Term Tex Free 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% O ht term Tax Free 5.0°% 10.0% 20.0°% 25.0% *Sht Tam Tex Free 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 06rergng Intl ■Established Intl 10.0% 7.0% 5.0% ■Large Cap Growth 21.5% 18.0% 14.0% 11.5% O Large Cap VBWe 21.5% 18.0% 14.0% 11.5% O Mid Cep Grow th 7.5°% 5.0% 5.0% O Mid Cep Vahle 7.5% 5.0% 5.0% o Smw Cap Growth 7.5% 5.0% *Sm it Cap Value 7.5% 5.0% Higher Return Lower Return Higher Volatility P, Less Volatility Deutsche Banc Alex.Brown Deutsche Bank 0 -13- Chartei'&&Iect. Pigeon River Fund Fund Select Investment Style Weightings (Base Allocation With No International Equity) 100.0% 90.0% solo% 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% ModeI1D Wde12 MNbdel3D Model4D Model5D ■CASH 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% ■KGh Vld Taxable 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 10.0% ■Long Tenn Taxable 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% ®let term Taxable 10.0% 15.0% 25.0% 30.0% ■Sht term Taxable 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% Cl Emerging Intl ■Established Iml ■Large Cap Grow th 31.5% 26.5% 21.5% 16.5% 11.5% D Large Cap Value 31.5% 26.5% 21.5% 15.5% 11.5% D NGd Cap Grmvth 10.0% 7.5% 5.0°% 5.0% ■NGd Cap Vahe 10.0% 7.5% 5.0% 5.0% O Small Cep Growth 7.5% 7.5% 5.0% E Small Cap Value 7.5% 7.5% 5.0% Higher Return Lower Return Higher Volatility Less Volatility Deutsche Banc Alex. Brown Deutsche Bank � 44_ ChutCY0610CL I Pigeon River Fund Fund Select Tactical Asset Allocation Ranges (Tactical Asset Allocation Generated by Econometric Model) Model 1, 1D Model 2, 2D, & 6 Model 3, 3D, & 7 Model 4, 413, & 8 Model 5, 5D, & 9 Cash 17% 32% 32% 32% 32% Bearish Negative Bonds 0% 0% 20% 40% 45% Equities 83% 68% 48% 28% 23% sa�.4 Cash 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% LZ ZY_ Y J;c Neutral Bonds 0% 15% 35% 55% 75% - Equities 98% 83% 63% 43% 23% Cash 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% Bullish Bonds 0% 0% 20% 40% 60% Equities 98% 98% 78% 58% 38% The same tactical allocations apply for the portfolios with tax-exempt bonds and portfolios without international equity. Deutsche Banc Alex. Brown Deutsche Bank IZI �. As- Charterlecd: Pigeon River Fund Recommended Mutual Fund Performance - �' Tot Ret Tot Ret %Rank Tot Ret %Rank Tot Ret %Rank (Returns Through 07131101) Morningstar Tot Ret Annlzd Annlzd Cat Annlzd Cat Atmlzd Cat Category YTD 12 Mo 3 Yr 3 Yr 5 Yr 5 Yr 10 Yr 10 Yr Large Growth American Funds Growth Fund A Large Growth -8.46 -14.54 17.94 1 23.05 2 17.15 5 Cat:Large Growth Large Growth -18.79 -30.83 2.88 - 12.53 - I Z29 - Large Value American Funds Wash Mutual A Large Value 4.34 18.1 7.49 26 16.39 17 15.25 15 Cat:Large Value Large Value -1.41 6.9 5.17 - 12.9 13.11 Mid-Cap Growth MFS Mid-Cap Growth Mid-Cap Growth -13.29 -18.87 22.73 4 20.88 8 - - Cat.Mid-Cap Growth Mid-Cap Growth -17.53 -26.07 9.17 - 12 - 12.48 - Mid-Cap Value PIMCO Renaissance A Mid-Cap Value 7.46 37.87 17.95 12 23.98 3 18.97 4 Cat:Mid-Cap Value Mid-Cap Value 4.75 18.42 9.96 - 14.03 - 14.01 - Small Growth Touchstone Emerging Growth A Small Growth 0.06 4.95 23.95 11 22.96 5 - - Cat:Small Growth Small Growth -8.27 -15.32 11.28 - 11.31 - 12.92 - Intermediate-term Bond PIMCO Total Return A Intermediate-term Bond 5.85 12.74 7.06 7 - - - - Cat:Interm-Term Bond Intermediate-tern:Bond 5.68 11.58 5.71 - 6.9 - 7.56 - Short-term Bond PIMCO Low Duration A Short-term Bond 5.92 9.73 6.33 37 - - - - Cat:Short-Term Bond Short-tern:Bond 5.41 10.06 6.13 - 6.28 - 6.51 - Deutsche Banc Alex. Brown Deutsche Bank �. -16- Chartertse/ec#. Pigeon River Fund Recommended Mutual Fund Performance Annual Annual Annual Annual Annual Annual Annual Annual Annual Annual (Returns Through07131101) Morningstar Return Return Return Return Return Return Return Return Return Return Category 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 Large Growth American Funds Growth Fund A Large Growth 7.49 45.7 31.78 26.86 14.94 29.75 0.02 14.54 7.35 35.85 Cat:Large Growth Large Growth -14.54 41.01 33.29 25.13 19.11 32.39 -2.23 10.8 6.24 43.54 Large Value American Funds Wash Mound A Large Value 9.06 1.16 19.37 33.29 20.18 41.22 0.49 13.05 9.1 23.5 Cal:Large Value Large Value 6.46 6.7 12.88 26.98 20.62 32.56 -0.55 13.75 9.94 28.22 Mid-Cap Growth MFS Mid-Cap Growth A Mid-Cap Growth 7.76 78.61 20.28 11.67 19.44 22.25 4.39 - - - Cat:Mid-Cap Growth Mid-Cap Growth -5.73 63.4 15.33 16.97 17.54 34.98 -0.94 15.17 8.75 52.49 Mid-Cap Value PIMCO Renaissance A Mid-Cap Value 37.73 9.83 11.51 35.92 25.34 28.59 -4.35 22.1 8.78 - Cat:Mid-Cap Value Mid-Cap Value 17.78 8.87 3.66 26.85 20.26 29.7 -1.96 18.19 IS.S 31.72 Small Growth Touchstone Emerging Growth A Small Growth 25.92 45.85 2.65 32.2 10.56 22.53 - - - - Cat:Small Growth Small Growth -4.28 58.28 3.64 18.97 19.35 33.56 -0.21 16.18 11.47 54.45 Intermediate-term Bond PIMCO Total Return A Intermediatc-term Bond 11.56 -0.82 9.25 - - - - - - - Cat:Interm-Term Bond Intermediate-term Bond 9.52 -1.33 7.48 8.87 3.3 17.56 -3.82 10.53 7.35 16.91 Short-term Bond PIMCO Low Duration A Short-term Bond 7.2 2.48 6.66 - - - - - - - Cat:Short-Term Bond Short-term Bond 7.98 2.15 6.2 6.57 4.38 11.37 -0.78 6.99 6.33 13.92 Deutsche Banc Alex. Brown Deutsche Bank 0 ��1 -17- Chutertseleci: Pigeon River Fund Recommended Mutual Fund Statistics - ti %" Std Std Std (Returns Through07131101) Morningstar Sharpe R2 Beta Alpha Dev Dev Dev Category Ratio 3 Yr 3 Yr 3 Yr 3 Yr 5 Yr 10 Yr Large Growth American Funds Growth Fund A Large Growth 0.52 74 1.06 14.53 27.79 24.36 18.9 Car.Large Growth Large Growth -0.11 72 1.2 1.16 29.3 27.24 21.16 Large Value American Funds Wash Mutual A Large Value 0.15 51 0.61 3.13 17.31 16.98 14.01 Cat:Large Value Large Value -0.02 67 0.75 1.08 18.35 17.57 14.36 Mid-Cap Growth MFS Mid-Cap Growth A Mid-Cap Growth 0.42 68 1.58 23.44 47.1 38.3 - Cat:Mid-Cap Growth Mid-Cap Growth 0.1 49 1.27 10.09 41.21 34.78 27 Mid-Cap Value PIMCO Renaissance A Mid-Cap Value 0.63 50 0.73 13.86 23.03 21 15.97 Cat:Mid-Cap Value Mid-Cap Value 0.25 53 0.73 6.06 21.11 19.66 16.01 Small Growth Touchstone Emerging Growth A Small Growth 0.63 41 0.9 21.4 33.79 28.13 - Cat:Small Growth Small Growth 0.14 41 1.18 12.19 42.04 35.19 27.44 Intermediate-term Bond PIMCO Total Return A Intermediate-term Bond 0.53 95 1.16 -0.15 4.05 - - Cat:Interm-Term Bond Intermediate-term Bond 0.16 84 1 -1.15 3.75 3.74 4.34 Short-term Bond PIMCO Low Duration A Short-term Bond 0.63 75 0.52 0.18 2.02 - Cat:Short-Term Bond Short-term Bond 0.53 73 0.52 0 2.1 1.92 Z56 Deutsche Banc Alex. Brown Deutsche Bank 0 �-Tb. -18- Charter�Selec# Pigeon River Fund Tactical Asset Allocation/ y Monitor Performance Tactical Asset Allocation • Driven by an Econometric Model that evaluates market quarterly to determine whether stocks are over-priced, under-priced, or fairly-priced. • Model incorporates the past 5 years of price/earnings (P/E) and Price/Book (P/B) ratios of the S&P 400, and the past 5 years of long-term corporate bond yields • Account reviewed quarterly to determine if adjustments are necessary to asset class weighting • Portfolio rebalanced annually Deutsche Banc Alex.Brown Deutsche Bank [?] Charterer ei@c>f -19- Pigeon River Fund Tactical Asset Allocation/ Monitor Performance Monitor Performance through Quarterly Reporting Quarterly Reports Include: • Time-Weighted Rates of Return • Performance Comparisons to the Appropriate Indices • General Market Commentary • Portfolio Holdings • Transaction Summary • Cost Basis Information for Each Mutual Fund Deutsche Banc Alex.Brown Deutsche Bank IZI �. -20- Charterect.