THIS GENERAL CERTIFICATION is issued in conformity with the requirements of
Section 401, Public Law 92-500 of the United States and subject to the North
Carolina Division of Environmental Management Regulation in 15NCAC2N, Section
.0500 to municipalities or other units of government for the discharges to the
waters of the State resulting from the categories of activity hereinafter speci-
fied, requiring Section 404 Permits to discharge excavated or fill material into
navigable waters or adjacent wetlands. The categories of activity for which the
Division of Environmental Management issues this general certification are as
follows: (1) the construction of sewer line extensions and interceptors, (2} the
construction of outfall structures and outfall lines.
The State of North Carolina certifies that the specified categories of activi-
ty, i f conducted i n accordance with the approved 201 Faci 1 i ty P1 ans , wi 11 not
violate Sections 301, 302, 306, and 307 of the 1972 Amendments, Public Law 92-500.
Public Hearings may be held for specific applications or group of applications
prior to Certification if deemed i n the public's best interest by the Director of
the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management.
Violation of any condition herein set forth shall result in revocation of
this Certification.
This the 25th day of January, 1911.
W. E. Knight, Director
WQC ,~ 1179