HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0088226_Regional Office Historical File Pre 20180 North Carolina Department f Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Donald R, van der Vaart Governor Secretary July 27, 2015 RECEIVEDINCIDENROWFt 1 Jahn Cranfill, Sr. Chief Engineer A U G 2 4 2015 Wells Fargo, N.A. -- Wells FargoTryon Street'GWR 550 South Tyron Street WOROS Charlotte, NC 28202 OORESVILLE REGIONAL tCF Subject: Issuance ofNPDES Permit NCO088226 Wells Fargo Tryon Strut GWI 500 Flock of South Tyron St, Charlotte 2820 Mecklenburg County Dear Mr. Roach: The Division of Water Resources (the Division) hereby issues the attached NPDES permit for the subject .Facility. This permit is issued pursuant to the requirements of North :Carolina General Statute 14--215.1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina: and the U.S.Environmental :protection Agency dated October 15 2007, or as subsequently amended. The Division understands that you have made no significant changes to your facility the last permit renewal. We have made the following updates to your previous permit: • added updates to facility map, outfall locations and parameter codes: • updated the limit for Naphthalene to 12 pg/L in accordance with water quality standards for freshwater • updated the limit for n-1 utylbenrene to 550 lzglt. in accordance with human healthstandards. Proposed federal regulations require electronic submittal of all discharge monitoring reports (DMRs) and specify that, if a state does not establish a system to receive such submittals, then permittees must: submit DMRs electronically to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The Division anticipates that these regulations will be .adopted and is beginning implementation. The requirement to begin reporting discharge monitoring data electronically using the NC DWR's Electronic Discharge .Monitoring Repo; (eDMR) Internet application has been added to your NPDES permit. [See Special Condition A. (.)] For information on eDMR, registering for eDMR and obtaining an eDMR user account, please visit the following web page: littp://portal.nedenr.org/web/Wq/adinin/bog/ipu/edmr, For information on EPA's proposed NPDES Electronic Reporting Rile, please visit the following web site: http://w v2:epa.gov/compliatace/propo ed-ap es -electronic -reporting -retie. 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Location: 512 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-807-63001 Pax: 919-697-64921 usto er ervice:1-877-623-6748 Internet:: www.ncwater.orq An Equal Opportunityt4ffirmat`ve Action Employer Mr. Roach July 27, 2015 Page 2 of 2 If any parts, measurement frequencies, or sampling requirements contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing, upon written request submitted within thirty (30) days after receiving this letter. Your request must take the form of a written petition conforming to Chapter 150B of North Carolina General Statutes, and you must file it with the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-67 14. Un less such a demand is made, this permit shall remain final and binding. Please note that this permit is not transferable except after notice to the Division. The Division may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the permit. This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by the Division of Water Resources or any other Federal, State, or Local governmental permits that may be required. If you have que ' stions, or if we can be of further service, please contact Derek Denard at [derek.denard@ncdenr.gov] or call (919) 807-6307. Res- 'ec I ly, P :t2u Z­�i c, io- S. Jay Zimmerman, Acting 1re r Division of Water Resources, NCDENR Enclosure: NPDFS Permit NCO088226 (Issuance Final) he: Central Files cc: OcPDESPro ramF Files harfernier [Richard.lrmer %mecklenburgcountync.gov] Aquatic Toxicology Unit/ Susan Meadows [susan.meadows@iicdenr.gov] Brian T. Olin, RG, ECS Carolinas, LLP [BO1in@ecs1ftnited,com] Permit NCO088226 STAKE of NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES ""RMIT Ph TO DISCHARGE WASTEWATER UNDER THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPICES) In compliance with the provisions of North Carolina General Statue 143-21 .1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Cornmission, and the federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, Wells Fargo, N.A. is hereby authorized to discharge wastewater from a facility located at the Wells Fargo Tryon Street C 500 block of T ron Street, Charlotte 28202 Mecklenburg County to receiving waters designated as an unnarned tributary to U armed 'Tributary to Little Sagar Creep in the Catawba River Basin in accordance with effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions setforth in Parts 1,1I,1-11, and IV hereof; The permit shall become effective September 1, 2015. This permit and the authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight on June 30, 2020. Signed this day July 27, 2015. w Zitanien-nan, Director T ivsion of Water Resources By Authority of the Environmental Mauageinent Conrtnission Page I of 6 Permit NCO08822 SUPPLEMENT TO PERmiT COVER R E T All previous NPDES Permits issued to this facility, whether for operation or discharge are hereby revoked, and as of this issuance, any previously issued permit hearing this number is no longer effective. Therefore, the exclusive authority to operate and discharge from this facility arises under the permit conditions, requirements, terms, and previsions described Herein. Welds Fargo, N.A. is hereby authorized to: 1. continue operating a O.087 MGD groundwater rep ediat on reclaim/recycle treatment facility with discharge of surplus treated groundwater wastewater that includes the following components; • one (1) 2,500 gallon influent equalization tank • influent transfer pump • one (1) 6 stage air stripper system • Intermediate transfer pump a one (1) zeolite media filter • antiscalant and other pretreatment chemical systems 0 one (1) ultra filtration system c first stage Reverse Osmosis system • one (1) 350 reject water collection tank • one (1) 350 gallon permeate collection tank • second stage transfer pump c second stage Reverse Osmosis system • effluent/reuse pump • treated wastewater/reuse meter • support equipment for disposal of zeolite backwash, Reverse Osmosis concentrate wastewater, and Reverse Osmosis wash wastewater discharges to regional WWTP located at the Wells Fargo Bank, 500 Block of South Tryon Street, Charlotte, NC in Mecklenburg County, and. 2> discharge from said treatment works via Outfall 001 at a location specified on the attached map, into an unnamed tributary to Little Sugar Creek [Stream Segment 11-137-8], currently a Class C' waterbody within Subbasin 0-08-34 [HUC: 030 0103] of the Catawba River Basin Page 2 of Permit NCO088226 PART I A. (1.) EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQ6REMENTS [I 5A NCAC 02B .0400 et seq., 02B .0500 et seq.] During the period beginning on the effective date of this permit and lasting until expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge via Outfall 001. Such discharges shall be limited, monitored andreported' by the Permittee as specified below: Flow (MGD) 50050 0.087 MGD Continuous Recording Effluent To Suspended Solids (TSS) C0530 310.0 mg/L 30.0 mg/l, Monthly Grab Effluent PH (su) 00400 > 6.0 and � 9.0 standard units Monthly Grab Effluent Benzene 3 (gg/L) 34030 51 jig/L Monthly —Grab— _—Efflnent Toluene 3 (pg/L) 34010 11 pg/L Monthly Grab --if—fluent Ethylbenzene 3 (gg/L) 34371 97 gg/L Monthly Grab —Effluent Total Xylenes 3 (gg/L) 34728 670 fig/L Monthly Grab Effluent Total Lead 3 (gg/L) 01051 318 ttg/l, Monthly Grab Effluent 1,2 Dichloroethane 3 (pig/L) 32103 37 jAg/L Monthly Grab Effluent Naphthalene 3 (pg/L) 34696 12 jig/l, Monthly Grab Effluent n-Butylbenzene 3 (ltg/L) 77342 550 Itg/l, Monthly Grab Effluent Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 3'( 46491 Monthly Grab Effluent Chloroform 3 (tig/L) 32106 Monthly Grab Effluent Tetrachloroethene 3 (jAg/L) 78389 Monthly Grab Effluent Trichloroethene 3 - (ftg/,,) 78391 Monthly Grab Effluent Total Zinc 3 (ltg/L) 01092 Quarterly —Grab Effluent Total Copper I (pg/t) 01042 Quarterly Grab Effluent Chronic Toxicity 4 TGP3BITHP3B Quarterly ralo Effluent Footnotes: I - No later than 270 days from the effective date of this permit, the pennittee shall begin submitting discharge monitoring reports electronically using the Division's eDMR application system [see A. (3.)] 2. All "Effluent" samples shall be collected after the point of convergence of all dewatering streams and prior to the point of connection with the stonn sewer. 3. This sample to be collected concurrently With quarterly Chronic Toxicity, 4. Chronic Toxicity (CeriodalAnia) limit at 90% with testing in March, June, September, and December [see A. (2)]. Conditions: • There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. • Discharge shall show no evidence as a source for oily film or sheen on the receiving strearn. Page 3 of 6 Permit NCO088,' KRONIC TOXICITY PERMIT LIMIT (QUARTERLY) A NCAC 02B .0500 et sect.] The effluej C'eri*odapt The permit CarolinaCr or "North i subsequent These moo Effluent sa If the test procedure per permit limit, then multil following months as des( Procedure" (Revised -De Lion of!(I%r ay Procedure," 1 meat Toxicity T All toxicity testing; results required as part of this permit conditi Monitoring Form (D -1) for the months in which tests were I the pass/fail results and TIIP3l3 for the Chronic Value. Additi the following address: Attention: North Carolina Water Science; 1623 Mail Sergi Raleigh, North Completed Aquatic "Toxicity Test :Forms shall be tiled with the' the end of the reporting period for which the report is made. 0, or subsequent versions d- December 2010) or il, .Duly and October. ned to the facility. are and shall be ;es. ailure or +ChV below the u, in each of the two ut Toxicity Test 2 11 be entered on the Effluent Discharge xned, using the parameter code TGP3B for , DWR Fonmm AT-3 (original) is to be sent to `rest data shalt be complete, accurate, include all supporting; chemical/physical' concentration/response data, and be certified by laboratory supervisor and CRC Total residual chlorine of the effluent toxicity sample must be measured and re disinfection of the waste stream. Should there be no discharge of flow' fromm the facility v the permittee will complete the inforination located at facility name, permit number, pipe number, county, a Flow" in the comment area of the form. The report sl address cited above. Should the perrmf ittee fail to monitor during a month it required during the following month. Assessment sift which is the three month time interval that Begins on required by this permit and continues until the final d Should any test data from this monitoring requiremen m�rac+nxrrr,exc �nrrir. n{.ca r^r.tiay.4x.a� yxnrtnntc:#rt brr..rx wexr*,ar axwx re , 'the third month. include alternate monitoring requirements or limits, Page 4 of 6 r Resources roxicolo y Branch 623 ction no later than 30 days after asurements and all approved designate signature. Led if chlorine is employed for Permit NCO088226 NUIE: F, survival, a invalid te,, following - ieve test conditions as specified in the, id will require immediate follow-up testing to be completed no later than the last day of the ly, month of the initial monitoring. ECTRONIC RE' PORTING OF DISC14Al2GE MONITORING PORTS [G.S. 143-215.1(b)] inat tense regulations Witt be adopted and is beginning, implementation in late 2013. NOTFTbiq qnnninl orindifinn r v -___-A- I'll- _," , TT t (Standard Contlitionsfior NPDFS Permits). Section B. (11.) Signatory Requirements Section D. (2.) Reporting Section D. (6.) Records Retention Section E. (5.) Monitoring Reports -1portine Supersedes Section D. (2.) and Section E. (5.1 (a) reporting discharge monitoring data electronically using the NC DWR's Electronic Discharge Monitoring Report (eDMR) rote et application. Monitoring results obtained during the previous month(s) shall be summarized for each month and submitted electronically using eDMR. The eDMR system allows permitted, facilities to enter vil-aily ubing ux 111turnet. unin sucn nine ttlat trie State's eDMR application is compliant with EPA's Cross -Media Electronic Reporting Regulation (CROMERR), permittees will be required to submit all discharge monitoring data to the state electronically using eDMR and will be required to complete the eDMR subirtission by printing, signing, and submitting one signed original and a copy of the cornputer printed eDMR to the following address: NC DENR / DWR /Information Processing Unit ATTENTION: Central tiles eDMR 1617Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 If a permittee'is unable to use the eDMR system due to a demonstrated hardship or due to the facility being physically located in an area where less than 10 percent of the households have broadband access, then'a temporary waiver from the NPDES electronic reporting requirements may be granted and discharge monitoring data may be submitted on paper DMR forms (MR 1, 1. 1, 2, 3) or alternative forms approved by the Director. Duplicate signed copies shall be submitted to the mailing address above. Page 5 of 6 Permit NCOO& Requests for temporary waivers from the PDES electronic reporting requirements must be submitted in writing to the Division for written approval, at least sixty (60) days prior to the dat facility would be required wider this, permit to begin using ef)MR. Temporary waivers shall b( for twelve (12) months and shall thereupon expire. At such time, DMRs shall be submitted electronically to the Division unless the permittee re -applies for and is granted a new temporar', waiver by the Division. Information on eDMR and application for a temporary waiver from the NPDES electronic rep( requirements is found on the following web page: htti)://-oortal.nede,nr.ora/web/w,Q/adi-ain/bofz/ii)u/ediiir Regardless of the submission method, the first DMR is due on the last day of the month follow the issuance of the permit or in the case of a new facility, on the last day of the month followin commencement of discharge. 2. SignatoEy Reguirements [Supplements Section.B. (11.) (b) and supersedes Section B. (11.) (d)] All eDMRs submitted to the permit issuing authority shall be signed by a person described in Part 11, Section B. (I 1.)(a) or by a duly authorized representative of that person as described in Part 11, Section B. (I 1)(b). A person, and not a position, must be delegated signatory authority for eDMR reporting purposes. For eDMR submissions, the person signing and submitting the DMR must obtain an eDMR user account and login credentials to access the eDMR system. For more information on North Carolina's eDMR system, registering for eDMR and obtaining an eDMR user account, please visit the following web page: hft-D://DortaI.ncdenr.o or/web/w /admin/bog/ip-_u/cdmr Certification. Any person submitting an electronic DMR using the state's eDMR system shall make the following certification [40 CFR 122.22]. NO OTHER STATEMFNTS OF CERTIFICAJJON WILL BE ACCEPTED: certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that quali/ledpersonnel properly gather and evaluate, the h?formation submitte-d. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete, I am aware that there are significarat penalties ,foi,submitting false information, including the possibility oaf ,'fines and iinprisonmentfor knowing violations. 3. Records Retention [Supplements Section D. 1k.1 The permittee shall retain records of all Discharge Monitoring Reports, including eDMR submissions. These records or copies shall be maintained for a period of at least 3 years from the date of the report. "this period may be extended by request of the Director at any time [40 CFR 12141], Page 6 of 6 NPDES Permit Standard Conditions Page I of 18 PART 11 STANDARD CONDITIONS FOR NPDES ITS Section A. Definitions 2/Month Samples are collected twice per month with at least ten calendar days between sampling events. These samples shall be representative of the wastewater discharged (luring the sample period. 3/Week Samples are collected three times per week on three separate calendar days. These samples shall, be representative of the wastewater discharged during the sample period. Act or "the Act" The Federal Water Pollution Control Act, also known as the Clean Water Act (CWA), as amended, 33 .ISC 1251, et, seq. Annual Average The arithmetic mean of all "daily discharges" of a pollutant measured during the calendar year. In the case of fecal coliform, the geometric mean, of such discharges. Arithmetic Mean 'The summation of the individual values divided by the manber of individual values. Bypass The known diversion of waste streams from any portion of a treatment facility including the collection system, which is not a designed or established or operating mode for the facility. Calendar Day The period from midnight of one day until midnight of the next day. However, for purposes of this permit, any consecutive 24-hour period that reasonably represents the calendar day may be used for sampling. Calendar Week The period from Sunday through the following Saturday. Calendar Qparter _ One of the following distinct periods: January through March, April through J Laic, July through September, and October through December. Com osite Sam le such a manner as to result in a total sample representative of the wastewater discharge during the sample period. The Director may designate the most appropriate method (specific number and size of aliquots necessary, the time interval between grab samples, etc.) on a case -by -case basis. Samples may be collected manually or automatically. Composite samples may be obtained by the following methods: (1) COrninUOUS: a single, continuous sample collected over a 24-hour period proportional to the rate of flow. (2) Constant time/variable volume: a series of grab samples collected at equal time intervals over a 24 hour period of discharge and combined proportional to the rate of flow measured at the time of individual sample collection, or (3) Variable ti-ne/constant volume: a series of grab samples of equal volume collected over a 24 hour period with the time intervals between samples determined by a preset number of gallons passing the sampling point. Flow measurement between sample intervals shall be determined by use of a flow recorder and totalizer, and the preset gallon interval between sample collection fixed at no greater than 1/24 of the expected total daily flow at the treatment system, or Version 1110912011.1 NPDE S Permit Standard Conditions Page 2 of l (4) Constant time/constant volume: a series; of grab samples of equal volume collected over a 24-hour period at constant time interval. Use of this method requires Pricer approval by the director. This method may only be used in situations where effluent flow rates vary less than 15 percent. The following restrictions also apply. Influent and effluent grab samples shall be of equal size and of no less than 100 milliliters Influent samples shall not be collected more than once; per hour. Permittees with wastewater treatment systems whose detention time < 24 hours shall collect effluent grab samples at intervals of no greater than 20 minutes apart during any 24-hour period. Permittees with wastewater treatment systems whose detentions time exceeds 24 hours shall collect effluent grab samples at least every six hours; there must be a minimum of four samples during a 24-hour sampling period. Continuous flow measurement Flow monitoring that occurs without interruption throughout the operating hours of the facility. Flow shall be monitored continually except for the infrequent times when there may be no floe or for infrequent maintenance activities on the flow device. Dad Discharge °fhe discharge of a pollutant measured during a calendar day or any 24-hour period that reasonably represents the, calendar day for purposes of sampling. For pollutants measured in units of mass, the "daily discharge" is calculated as the total mass of the pollutant discharged over the day. For pollutants expressed in other units of measurement, the "daily discharge" is calculated as the average measurement of the pollutant over the clay. (40 C R 122.2; sec also "Composite Sample," above.)' Vail Maximum,fhe highest "daily discharge"* during the calendar mouth. h lYa Lalinl; Parameters requiring daily sampling shall be sampled 5 out of every i days per week unless otherwise specified in the permit. Sampling shall be conducted on weekdays except where holidays or other disruptions of normal operations prevent weekday sampling. If sampling is required for all seven days of the week for any permit pararneter(s),'that requirement will be so looted on the Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Page(s),` DWR or "the Division" The Division of Witter Resources, Department of Environment and. Natural Resources. Effluent Wastewater discharged following all treatment processes from a water pollution control facility or other point source whether treated or untreated. EEC The forth Carolina Environmental Management Commission EPA The United States Environmental Protection Agency Docility Closure Cessation of all activities that require coverage under this NPDES permit. Completion of facility closure will allow this pennit to be rescinded. Geometric Mean The Nth root of the product of the individual values where N = the number of individual values, For purposes of calculating the geometric mean, value of" 0 " (or "< [detection level]") shall be considered = 1. Grab Sample Individual samples of at least 100 mL collected over a period of time not exceeding 15 minutes. Grab samples can be collected manually. Grab samples moist be representative of the discharge (or the receiving stream, for instream samples). Version 1110912011.I NPDES Permit Standard Conditions Page 3 of 18 flazardous Substance Any substance designated wider 40 CFR Part 116 pursuant to Section 311 of the CWA. Instantaneous flow measurement The flow measured during the minummi time, required for the flow measuring device or method to produce a result in that instance. To the extent practical, instantaneous flow measurements coincide with the collection of any grab samples required for the same sampling period so that together the samples and flow are representative of the discharge during that sampling period, Monthly ZAvera (concentration i_litnit g The arithmetic mean of all "daily discharges" of a pollutant measured during the calendar month. In the case of fecal coliform or other bacterial parameters or indicators, the geometric mean of such discharges. Pr fssuin Authority The Director of the Division of Water Resources. QuarterlyAycra e concentration limit The arithmetic mean of all samples taken over a calendar quarter. SgygLe propq�damtae Substantial physical damage to property, damage to the treatment facilities which causes the to become inoperable, or substantial and permanent loss of natural resources which can reasonably be expected to occur in the absence of a bypass. Severe property damage excludes economic loss caused by delays in production. Toxic Pollutant: Any pollutant listed as toxic under Section 307(a)(1) of the CWA. 11pset An incident beyond the reasonable control of the Permittee causing unintentional and temporary noncompliance with permit effluent limitations and/or monitoring requirements. Air upset does not include noncompliance caused by operational error, improperly designed treatment facilities, inadequate treatment facilities, lack of preventive maintenance, or careless or improper operation. A!�c I Avkera c Concentration limit The arithmetic mean of all "daily discharges" of a pollutant measured during the calendar week. In the case of fecal coliforin or other bacterial parameters or indicators, the geometric mean of such discharges. Section B. General Conditions The Permittee must comply with all conditions of this permit. Any perlifit noncompliance constitutes a violation of the CWA and is rounds fear enforcement action; for permit termination, revocation and reissuance, or niodi tication; or denial of a permit renewal application [40 CFR 121411. a. The Permittee shall comply with effluent standards or prohibitions established under section 307(a) of the CWA for toxic pollutants and with standards for sewage sludge use or disposal established tinder section 405(d) of the CWA within the time provided in the regulations that establish these standards or prohibitions or standards for sewage sludge use or disposal, even if the permit has not yet been modified to incorporate the requirement. b. The CWA provides that any person who violates section[s] 301, 302, 306, 307, 308, 318 or 405 of the Act, or any permit condition or limitation implementing any such sections in a petinit issued under section 402, or any requirement imposed in a pretreatment program approved under sections 402(a)(3) or 402(b)(8) of the Act, is subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $37,500 per day for each violation. [33 CSC 1319(d) and 40 CFR 122.41 (a)(2)] c. The CWA provides that any person who negligently violates sections 301, 302, 306, 307, 308, 318, or 405 of the Act, or any condition or limitation implementing any of such sections in a permit issued under section 402 of the Act, or any requirement imposed in a pretreatment program approved under section 402(a)(3) or 402(b)(8) of the Act, is subject to criminal penalties of $2,500 to $25,000 per day of violation, or Version 111091011.1 NPDES Permit Standard Conditiong Page 4 of 19 imprisonment of not more than I year, or both. In the case of a second or subsequent conviction for a negligent violation, a person shall be subject to criminal penalties of not more than, $50,000 per day of violation, or by imprisonment of not more than 2 years, or both, [33 USC 1319(c)(1) and 40 CFR 12141(a)(2)] d. Any person who knowingly violates such sections, or such conditions or limitations is subject to criminal penalties of $5,000 to $50,000 per day of violation, or imprisonment for not more than 3 years, or both. In the case of a second or subsequent conviction for a knowing violation, a person shall be subject to criminal penalties of not more than $ 100,000 per day of violation, or imprisonment of not more than 6 years, or both. [33 USC 1319(c)(2) and 40 CFR 122.41 (a)(2)] e. Any person who knowingly violates section 301, 302, 303, 306, 307, 308, 318 or 405 of the Act, or any permit condition or limitation implementing any of such sections in a pennit issued under section 402 of the Act, and who knows at that time that he thereby places another person in imminent danger of death or serious bodily injury, shall, upon conviction, be subject to a fine of'not more than $250,000 or imprisonment of not more than 15 years, or both. In the case of a second or subsequent conviction for a knowing endangerment violation, a person steal I be subject to a fine of not more than $500,000 or by imprisonment of not more than 30 years, or both. An organization, as defined in section 309(c)(3)(B)(iii) of the CWA, shall, upon conviction of violating the imminent danger provision, be subject to a fine of not more than $ 1,000,000 and can be fined up to $2,000,000 for second or subsequent convictions. [40 CFR 122.41(a)(2)] f Under state law, a civil penalty of not more than $25,000 per violation may be assessed against any person who violates or fails to act in accordance with the terms, conditions, or requirements of a permit. [North Carolina General Statutes § 443-215.6A] g. Any person may be assessed an administrative penalty by the Administrator for violating section 301, 302, 306, 307, 308, 318 or 405 of this Act, or any permit condition or limitation implementing any of such sections in a permit issued under section 402 of this Act. Administrative penalties for Class I violations are not to exceed $16,000 per violation, with the maximum amount of any Class I penalty assessed not to exceed $37,500. Penalties for Class 11 violations are not to exceed $16,000 per day for each day during which the violation continues, with the maximum amount of any Class 11 penalty not to exceed $177,500. [33 USC 1319(g)(2) and 40 CFR 122.41 (a)(3)] 2. PLit to iVlita ate The Permittee shall take all reasonable steps to minimize or prevent any discharge or sludge use or disposal in violation of' this permit with a reasonable likelihood of adversely affecting human health or the environment [40 CFTC 122.41(d)]. 3. Civil and Criminal Liability Except as provided in permit conditions on "Bypassing" (Part II.C.4), "Upsets" (Part II.C.5) and "Power Failures" (Part II.C.7), nothing in this permit shall be construed to relieve the Pennittee from any responsibilities, liabilities, or penalties for noncompliance, pursuant to NCGS 143-2153, 143-215.6 or Section 309 of the Federal Act, 33 USC 1319. Furthermore, the Pennittee is responsible Bor consequential damages, such as fish kills, even though the responsibility for effective compliance may be temporarily suspended. 4. Oil and Hazardous Substqqgc.-Laabilit� Nothing in this permit shall be construed to preclude the institution of any legal action or relieve the Permittee frorn any responsibilities, liabilities, or penalties to which the Pertnittee is or may be subject to under NCGS 143- 215.75 et seq. or Section 311 of the Federal Act, 33 USG 1321. Furtherniore, the Permittee is responsible for consequential damages, such as fish kills, even though the responsibility for effective compliance may be temporarily suspended. 5. Pro Terty Ri is gl— The issuance of this pertnit does not convey any property rights in either real or personal property, or any exclusive privileges, nor does it authorize any injury to private property or any invasion of personalrights, nor any infringement of Federal, State or local laws or regulations [40 CFR 122.41 (g)]. 6. Onshore or Offshore Construction This pen -nit does not authorize or approve the construction of any onshore or offstiore physical structures or facilities or the undertaking of any work in any navigable waters. Version 1110912011.1 NPDES Permit Standard Conditions Page 5 of 1 7Severability The provisions of this permit are severable. If any provision of this permit, or the application of any provision of this permit to any circumstances, held invalid, the application of such provision to other circumstances, and the; remainder of this permit, shall not be affected thereby [NCGS 150B-23]. fluty to Prcmvide In ation The Permit ee shall Furnish to the Permit Issuing Authority, within a reasonable time, any information which the Permit Issuing Authority may request to'determine whether cause exists for modifying, revoking and reissuing, or terminating this pernut or to determine compliance with this permit. The Permittee shall also furnish to the Permit Issuing Authority upon request, copies of records required by this pen -nit [0 CFR 1 2.41(h)]. . Nl to l eapply If the Permittee wishes to continue an activity regulated by this permit after time expiration date of this permit, the Perm ittee must apply for and obtain a new permit [40 CFR 12 .41(b)]. 10. Extairation f Permit The -Pem ittee is not authorized to discharge after the expiration date. In order to receive automatic authorization to discharge beyond time expiration date, the Prnmittee shall submit such information, forms, and fees as are required by the agency authorized to issue; permits no later than 180 days prior to the expiration date unless perm. ission for a' later date has been granted by the Director. (The Director shall not grant permission for applications to b submitted later than the expiration date of the existing permit.) [40 CFR 1212 1(d)] Any Permittee that has not requested renewal at least :1 80 days prior to expiration, or any Pennittee that sloes not have a permit after the expiration and has not requested renewal at least 180 days prior to expiration, will subject the Perrnittee to enforcement procedures as provided in NCGS 1 3-215.6 and 33 USC 1251 et. seq. 11. Si mratory Reguirements All applications, reports, or information submitted to the Permit Issuing Authority shall be signed and certified [0 CFR 122.41(k)], a. All permit applications shall be signed as follows.;- 1) For a corporation: by a responsible corporate officer. For the; purpose of this Section, a responsible corporate officer means: (a) a president, secretary, treasurer or vice president of time corporation in charge of a principal business function, or any anther person who performs similar policy or decision making functions for the corporation, or (b) the manager of one or more manufacturing, production, or operating facilities, provided, the manager is authorized to make management ement decisions which govern time operation of the regulated facility including having the explicit or implicit duty of making major capital investment recommendations, and initiating and directing other comprehensive measures to assure long term environmental compliance with environmental laws and regulations; the manager can ensure that the necessary systems are established or actions talon to gather complete and accurate information for pernrit application requirements; and where authority to sign documents has been assigned or delegated to the manager in accordance with corporate procedures . () For a partnership or sole proprietorship: by a general partner or the proprietor, respectively; or (3) For a municipality, State, Federal, or other public agency: by either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official [40 CFR 122.22], b. All reports required by the pernift and other information requested by the Permit Issuing Authority shall be signed by a person described in paragraph a. above or by a duly authorized representative of that person. person is a duly authorized representative only if. (1) The authorization is made in writing by a person described above; (2) The authorization specified either an individual or a position having responsibility for the overall operation of the regulated facility or activity, such as the position of plant manager, operator of a well or well field, superintendent, a position of equivalent responsibility, or an individual or position Having overall responsibility for environmental matters for the; company. (A duly authorized representative may thus be either a named individual or any individual occupying a named position.), and (3) `rhe written authorisation is submitted to the Permit Issuing Authority [40 CFR 122.22] Version 1110 12011.1 c. Changes to authorization: If an, truth a different individual or position has satisfying the requirements of parag together with any reports, inormatin r riration under paragraph responsibility for the ove aph (b) of this section mu 122.221 d. Certification. Any person signing a t certification [40 CFR 122.22]. NO C" "I ce„rti/r, under penalty- of law, that ,supervision in accordranee with a sys evaluate the iq/brmation submitted. those persons directly respo sihle fea knowledgecrrrcf 1 < Iic? f true, accurate ;submitting ftilAe inji.)rniation,'inc°lud 12 Permit Actions This°pernnit may be modified, revoked an Permittee for a permit modification, revo or anticipated noncompliance sloes not st 13. Permit Modification Revocation and Re The issuance of this permit does not prof. revoking and reissuing the permit, or tent contained in Title 40, Code of Federal lei Administrative Code, Subehapter 02H .0 14. Annual Admini terint; and. Co_____'_ ce may cause this Division to initiat Section C. Overation and Maintei Certified 0 crater Owners of classified water pollut Control System Operators Certifi system, and, for each classificatit a. designate one Operator In Rt least equivalent to the type a b. designate one or more Back - certificate of the type of the exception of no backup oper, requirements are twice per yi c. submit a signed completed °" (or to the local heatth'de arts PDES Permit Standard Conditions Page 6 of 18 of this section is no longer accurate because operation of the facility, a new authorization e submitted to the Director prior to or a by an authorized representative [40 CFR under paragraphs a or b. of this section shall make the following f`ATFMFNI'S OFF CFRTIFIC". TION Witt. BE ACEPTFI)° document carrel all crttachnz serf on rnj, inquity al passibility gf.fines and inipristrt ment,for kno reissued, or terminated for cause. The filing of aa;request by the; tion and reissuance or tennination, or a notification of plannedchanges any permit condition [40 C"PR 122.41(f)]. o nce, or Te nninationn it the permit issuing authority from reopening and modifying the permit, mating the permit as allowed by the laws, rules, and regulations citations, Parts 122 and 123 'Title 15A of the forth Carolina 0; and North Carolina General Statute 143.215.1 et. al. tnnitorin I4e Roauicnts administering and compliance ce monitoring tee wrttarn thirty (lays titter oerng y the fee in a timely manner in accordance with 1 SA NCAC 0211 .O l O (b)(2) tion to revoke the permit. we of Pollution Controls n control systems must designate operators, certified by the Water Pollution tion Commission ( PCSOCC), of the appropriate type: and grade for the rrnust'[TI SA NCAC 086 .02011: ,onsible Charge. (ORC) who possesses a valid certificate of the type and grade at grade of the'system; Operators) in Responsible Charge (Bach: -up ORCs) who possesses a valid tern and no more than one guide less than the grade of the system, with the r in responsible change is required for systems whose minimum visitation and rter Pollution Control System Operator Designation born i" to the Commission f r , r t,n ,n ­­ + -A r-.., u- ,r- -- t-A -oaf-,a operators, designating the Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) and the Back -tip Operator in Responsible Charge (Back -tip ORC): (1) 60 calendar days prior to wastewater or residuals being introduced into a new system; or (2) within 120 calendar days following: receiving notification of a change in the classification of the system requiring the designation of a new Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) and Back-up Operator in Responsible Charge (Back-up ORC) of the proper type and grads; or a vacancy in the position of Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) or Back-up Operator in Responsible Charge (Back-up ORC). Version 1110912011.1 NPDES Permit Standard Conditions Page 7 of 18 ORC` and Back-up ORC positions replacing or designating and all documentation required thereof, whether acting as a contract, operator [subcorn Pernrittee's staff. )r Reduce not a Defense a defense for a Permittee in an enforcement action that it would have been necessary t( The Pertnittee may allow any bypass to occur which does not cause effluent limitations to be exceeded only if it also is for essential maintenance to assure efficient operation, These bypasses are not subject i provisions of paragraphs b. and c. of this section. (1) Anticipated bypass. If the Pennittee knows in advance of the need for a bypass, it shall submit pric if possible at least ten days before the date of the bypass; including an evaluation of the anticipatee and effect of the bypass, (2) Unanticipated bypass, The Perinittec shall subtrut notice of an mautticipated bypass as required in' c. Prohibition of Bypass (1) Bypass from the treatment facility is prohibited and the Permit Issuing Authority ritay take enforce action against a Permittee for bypass, unless: (A) Bypass was unavoidable to prevent loss of life, personal injury or- severe property damage; (B) There were, no feasible alternatives to the bypass, such as the use of auxiliary treatment faciliti retention of untreated wastes or maintenance during normal periods of equipment downtime. I condition is not satisfied if adequate backup equipment should have been installed in the exerc reasonable engineering judgment to prevent a bypass which occurred dunng normal periods ol equipment downtime or preventive maintenance, and (C) The Pennittee submitted notices as required under Paragraph b. of this section. (2) Bypass from the collection system is prohibited and the Permit Issuing Authority may take enforce action against a Perinittee for a bypass as provided in any current or future system -wide collection perant associated with ,the treatment -facility. _ Version 1110912011.1 ' ^ ^ ' ' ' ' �, his ise of nim (3) The Permit Issuing Authority may approve an antici the Permit Issuing Authority deterinines that it will j (I) of this section, 5. Upsets a. Effect of an upset [40 CFR noncompliance with such I this condition are, nret, No caused by upset, and befor review. b. Conditions necessary for a defense of upset shall dem. evidence that: (1) An upset occurred and (2) The Pertnittee facility N (3) The Perritittee sub' ittc (4) The Permittee complies c. Burden of proof [40 CFR I NPDES Pernut Standard Condition� Page 8 of 18 ,ated bypass, after considering its adverse effects, if 2 .41 (n)(2) 1: An upset constitute nology based permit effluent lit a7mination made during adminit action for noncompliance, is fi at the Pertnittee can identify the cause(s) of the upset; s at the time being property operated; and notice of the upset as required in Part II.E.6.(b) of this pernift. with any remedial measures required tinder Part II.B.2. of this permit 2,41(n)(4)1: The Penrattee seeking to establish the occurrence of ai tlae burden of proof an any enforcement proceeding, 6. Removed Substances Solids, sludges, filter backwash, or other Pollutants removed in the course of treatment or control o shall be utilize"isposed of in accordance with NCGS 143-2 1, from such materials from entering waters of the State or navigi by the Coramission. The Permittee shall comply with all appli( disposal of sewage sludge, including 40 CFR 503, Standards It Part 258, Criteria For Municipal Solid Waste Landfills; and 15 Surface Waters. The Permittee shall notify the Permit Issuing) or disposal practices. 7, Power Failures W tewaters � pollutant permitted ing the 40 CFR barged To [thority ofany significant change in its sludge use The Permittee is responsible for maintaining adequate safeguards (as required by 15A NCAC 021- 1 .0 124) to prevent the discharge of untreated or inadequately treated wastes during electrical power failures either by inci of alternate power sources, standby generators or retention of inadequately treated effluent. Section D. Monitoring and Records 1. Represen!4iyg-aqMpjiqg Samples collected and nreasure mtints taken, as required herein, shall be representative of the permitted dischar Samples collected at a frequency less than daily shall be taken on a day and time that is representative of the discharge for the period the sample represents. All samples shall be taken at the monitoring points specified in permit and, unless otherwise specified, before the effluentjoins or is diluted by any other wastestream, body o water, or substance. Monitoring points shall not be changed without notification to and the approval of tile Per Issuing Authority [40 CFR 122.41 Ofl. 2, RQqrting Monitoring results obtained during the previous month(s) shall be summarized for each month and reported or monthly Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) Forni (MR 1, 1 . 1, 2, 3) or alternative forms approved by the Director, postmarked no later than the last calendar day of the month following the completed reporting perioc The first DMR is due on the last day of the trionth following the issuance of the permit or in the case of a new facility, on the last day of the month following the commencement of discharge. Duplicate signed copies of thl and all other reports required bercin, shall be submitted to the following address: Version 1110912011.1 his lit a se, NPD >S Permit Standard Conditions Page 9 of 1 C DENR / Division of Water Resources / Water Quality Permitting Section ATTENTION: Central files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 276 9-1617 3. Flow Measurements Appropriate flow measurement devices and methods consistent with accepted scientific practices shall be selected and used to ensure the accuracy and reliability of measurements of the volume of monitored discharges. The devices shall be installed, calibrated and maintained to ensure that the accuracy of the measurements is consistent with the accepted capability of that type of device, Devices selected shall be capable of measuring flows with a aximum deviation of less than 10% from the true discharge rates throughout the range of"expected discharge volumes. Flaw measurement devices shall be accurately calibrated at a minimum of once per year and maintained to ensure that the accuracy of the measurements is consistent with the accepted capability of that type of device. The Director shall approve the flow measurement device and monitoring location prior to installation. Once -through condenser cooling water flow monitored by pump logs, or pump hour meters as specified in Part 1 of this permit and based on the manufacturer's pump curves shall not be subject to this requirement. 4. TestProcedures Laboratories used for sample analysis must be certified, by the Division, Pernu fees should contact the Division's Laboratory tory Certification Section (919 733-3908 or http://pc)rtal.nedenr.org/web/wq/ltib/c-ert) for information regarding laboratory certifications. Facilities whose personnel are conducting testing of field -certified parameters only must hold the appropriate field parameter laboratory certifications. Test procedures for the analysis of pollutants shall conform to the EMC regulations (published pursuant to NCGS 143-215.63 et. seq.), the Water and Air Quality Reporting Acts, and to regulations published pursuant to Section 304(g), 33 USC 1314, of the CWA (as amended), and 40 CFR 136, or in the case of sludge use or disposal, approved under 40 CFR 136, unless otherwise specified in 40 C F'R 503, unless other test procedures have been specified in this pe sit [40 C 1 R 12.41 To ineet the intent of the monitoring required by this permit, all test procedures must produce minimum detection d reporting levels that are below the permit discharge: requirements and all data generated must be reported down to the minimum detection or lower reporting level of the procedure. If no approved methods are determined capable of achieving minimum detection and reporting levels Below permit discharge requirements, then the most sensitive (method with the lowest possible detection and reporting level) approved method must be used. 5. Penalties for T amperin The C'WA provides that any person who falsifies, tampers with, or knowingly renders inaccurate, any monitoring device or method acquired to be maintained tair ed under this permit shall, upon conviction, be punished by a tine of not more than $10,000 per violation, or by imprisonment for not more than two years per violation, or by both. If a conviction of a person is for a violation committed after a first' conviction of such person under this paragraph, punishment is a fine of not more than $20,000 per day of violation, or by imprisonment of not more than 4 years, or bath 1'40"CFR 12.41 j. . Records Retention Except for records of monitoring information required by this pennit related to the Permittee's sewage sludge use and disposal activities, which shall be retained for a period of at least five years for Banger as required by 40 CFR 503), the ['ernuttee shall retain records of all monitoring information, including. all calibration and maintenance record all original strip chart recordings for continuous monitoring instrumentation copies of all reports required by this permit collies of all data used to complete the application for this permit These records or copies shall be maintained for a period of at least 3 years from the date of the sample, measurement, report or application. This period nray be extended by request of the Director at any time [40 CFR 122,41]. Version 1110912011,1 NPDES Permit Standard Conditiong Page 10 of 18 7. Recordin Results For each measurement or sample taken pursuant to the requirements of this permit, the Penruttee shall record the following information [40 CFR 12141]: a. The date, exact place, and time of sampling or measurements; b, The individual(s) who performed the sampling or measurements; c. The datc(s) analyses were performed-, d. The individual(s) who perfornred the analyses; e. The analytical techniques or methods used; and f The results of such analyses. 8. Ins section and Entry rhe Peri,-nittee shall allow the Director, or an authorized representative (including an authorized contractor acting as a representative of the Director), upon the presentation of credentials and other documents as may be required by law, to; a. Enter, at reasonable times, upon the Perinittee's premises where a regulated facility or activity is located or conducted, or where records must be kept under the conditions of this pennit; b. Have access to and copy, at reasonable times, any records that must be kept under the conditions of this permit; c. Inspect at reasonable times any facilities, equipment (including monitoring and control equipment), practices, or operations regulated or required under this pernift; and d. Sample or monitor at reasonable times, for the purposes of assuring permit compliance or as otherwise authorized by the C WA, any substances or parameters at any location [40 CFR 1, 22.41(i)]. Section E it in ea hire s I. Chan in Dischargee All discharges authorized herein shall be consistent with the terms and conditions of this permit. The discharge of any pollutant identified in this permit more frequently than or at a level in excess of that authorized shall a violation of the permit. 2. flanned Changes to the permitted facility [40 CFR 12141 (1)]. Notice is required only when: a. The alteration or addition to a permitted facility may meet one of the criteria for new sources at 40 122.29(b); or b. The alteration or addition could significantly change the nature or increase the quantity of pollutan disebarged. This notification applies to pollutants subject neither to effluent limitations in the pem c. Tht slic abs per 3, Aii Licip The Per activiti( OEM= action requirements under 40 CFR 122.42(a)(1); or alteration or addition results in a significant change in the Pernrittee's, sludge use alteration, addition or change may justify the application of permit conditions tf nt in the existing pernift, including notification of additional use or disposal sites lit application process or not reported pursuant to an approved land application p Led �Nongomlian�cc hat might result in noncompliance with the pcnnit [40 CFR 122.41(l)(2)]. I Jjvp.,1111a Jig ukn bJ. tiJJil l4rt iLV i6w Lv a"Y tl4ut iliJi3 w I ulvuL F"'Ll' VV I ImIt ljvuv' IV "JI%J af7FJVV CAI AJJIlk I J L114 accordance with 40 CFR 122.61. The Director may condition approval in accordance with NCGS 143-215. particular Is CGS 143-215.1 (b)(4)KI, and may require modification or revocation and rein ace of the, per a minor modification, to identify the new pen-nittee and incorporate such other requirements as may be neco under the CWA [40 CFR 122.41(l)(3), 122.61 ] or state statute. Version 11091 011. f note :an ,s, anct 1 or , the her I in lit, or nary NPDES Permit Standard Conditions Page 1 I of 18 a 5 M.onitorinu Retrort Monitoring results shall be reported at the intervals specified elsewhere in this pertnit [40 CTR 122.41(1)(4)1, a. Monitoring results must be reported on a [discharge Monitoring Deport ( MR) (See Part II.D.2) or forms provided by the Director for reporting results of monitoring of sludge use or disposal practices. b. If the Permittee monitors any pollutant more frequently than required by this permit using test procedures approved under 40 CFR Part 136 and at a sampling location specified in this permit or other appropriate instrument governing the discharge, the results of such monitoring shall be included in the calculation and reporting of die data submitted on the DMR. 6. Twenty-four hour rorting . The Pe ` rrttee shall report to the Director or the appropriate; Regional Office any noncompliance that potentially threatens public health or the environment. Any information shall be provided orally within 24 hours from the time the Permittee became aware of the circumstances. A written submission shall also be provided within 5 days of the time the Permittee becomes aware of the circumstances. The written submission shall contain a description of the noncompliance, and its cause, the period of noncompliance, including ; exact' dates and times, and if the noncompliance has not been corrected, the anticipated time it is expected to continue; and steps taken or planned to reduce:, eliminate, and prevent reoccurrence of the noncompliance [40 CFR 122.41(I)(6)]. la. The Director may waive the written report on a case -by -case basis for reports under this section if the oral report has been received within 24 hours. c. Occurrences outside normal business hours may also be reported to the. Division's Emergency Response personnel at (800) 662-7956 (800) 858-0368 or (919) 733-3300, 7 Other Noncompliance The Per ittee shall report all instances of noncompliance not reported under Part II.E.5 and 6. of this permit at the time monitoring reports are submitted, The reports shall contain the information listed in Part II.E.6. of this permit [40 C"FR 122.41(1)(7)1. 8 Other Information Where the Permiftce becomes aware that it failed to submit any relevant facts in a permit application, or submitted incorrect information in a permit application or in any report to the Director, it shall promptly submit such facts or information [40 CIR 12.41(1)(8)]. 9 Noncom liance Notification The Perrnittee shall report by telephone to either the central office or the appropriate regional office of the Division as soon as possible, but in no case more than 24 hours or on the next working day Following the occurrence or first knowledge of the occurrence of my of the following: . Any occurrence at the water pollution control facility which results in the discharge ofsignificant amounts of wastes which are abnormal in quantity or characteristic, such as the dumping of the contents of a sludge digester; the known passage of a slug of hazardous substance through the facility; or any other unusual circumstances; b. Any process unit failure, due to known or unknown reasons, that render the facility incapable ofadequate wastewater treatment such as mechanical or electrical failures of pumps, aerators, compressors, etc. c. Any failure of'a pumping station, sewer line, or treatment facility resulting in a by-pass without treatment of all or any portion of the influent to such station or facility. Persons reporting such occurrences by telephone shall also file a written report within 5 days following first knowledge of the: OCCLUTCoce. Also see reporting; requirements for municipalities in Part IV.C.2.c. of this permit. 10. Availability of Reports Except for data determined to be confidential under NCGS 143-215.3 (a)(2) or Section 308 €rf'the federal Act, 33 i I C" 1318, all reports prepared in accordance with the terms shall be available for public inspection at the offices of the, Envision. As required by the Act, effluent data shall not be considered confidential. Knowingly making any false statement on any such report may result in the imposition of criminal penalties as provided for° in NC GS 143- 15.1(b)(2) or in Section 309 of the federal Act. Version 1110912011, 1 NPDES Pe it Standard Condifion, Page 12 of 18 12. Im evaluation. The report shall be sent to: NC DENR / Division of Water Resources / Water Quality Permitting Section ATTENTION: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Version 1110912011,1 NPDES Penrut Standard Conditions Page 13 of 18 PART III OTHER REQUIREMENTS Section A. Construction a The Permittee shall not commence construction of wastewater treatment facilities, nor add to the plants treatment' capacity, nor change the treatment process(es) utilized at the treatment plant unless (I) the Division has issued an Authorization to Construct (AtC);pennit or (2) the Pennittee is exempted from such AtC; Permit requirements under Item b. of this Section. b In accordance with NCGS 143-215.1(a5) [SL 2011-39 1, no perrint shall be required to enter into a contract for the construction, installation, or alteration of any treatment work or disposal system or to construct, install, or alter any treatment works or disposal system within the State when the system°s or wo k's principle functions is to conduct, treat, equalize, neutralize, stabilize, recycle, or dispose of industrial waste or sewage from an industrial facility and the discharge of the industrial waste or sewage is authorized under a permit issued for the discharge of the industrial waste or: sewage into the waters of the State. 'Notwithstanding the above, the permit issued for the discharge may be modified ifrequired by federal regulation. c: Issuance of an AtC will not occur until Final Plans and Specifications for the; proposed constructions have been submitted by the Pcrmittec and approved by the Division. Section B. Groundwater M2Hjj2rjAg The Pertnittee shall, upon written notice frog the Director, conduct groundwater monitoring as nnay be required to deternnine the compliance of this NPD S pe itted"facility with the current groundwater standards. Section C. Chun es i ischur s trf't�ias n� The Permittee shall notify the Permit Issuing Authority as soon as it knows or has reason to believe (40 CFR 12142): a. That any activity has occurred or will occur which would result in the discharge, on a routine or frequent basis, of any toxic pollutant which is not limited in the permit, if that discharge will exceed the highest of'the following "notification levels"; (1) One hundred micrograms per liter (100 Pg/ .t); (2) Two hundred micrograms per liter (200 µg/L) for acrol inand acrylonitrile; five hundred micrograms per liter (00 p /) for ,4-dinitrophenol and for 2-methyl-4,6-dinitrophe iol; and one milligram per liter (I Ong/L) for antimony; (3) five times the maximum concentration value reported for that pollutant in the permit application. b. `l'bat any activity has occurred or will occur which would result in any discharge:, on a non -routine or infrequent basis, of` a toxic pollutant which is not limited ited in the permit, if that discharge will exceed the highest of the following "notification levels" (1) Dive hundred micrograms per liter (500 p.g/L); () One milligram per liter (I mg/L) for antimony; (3) fen tinges the maximum concentration value reported for that pollutant in the permit application. Section D. F lit �c c i c crtt The Permittee must notify the Division at least 90 days prior to the closure of any -wastewater treatment system covered by this permit. The Division may require specific measures during deactivation of the system to prevent adverse impacts to waters of the State. This permit cannot be rescinded while any activities requiring this permit continue at the permitted facility. Version 1110912011,1 NPDES Permit Standard Conditione Page 14 of 18 PART IV SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR MUNICIPAL FACILITIES Section A. Dertnitions In addition to the definitions in Part 11 of this permit, the following definitions apply to municipal facilities: Indirect Dischgjgg_qEIndustrial tlscr Any non -domestic source that discharges wastewater containing pollutants into a, POTW regulated under section 307(b), (c) or (d) of the CWA: (40 CFR 403.3 (i) and (j) and 15A NC AC 021-1.0903( 1 b)(I 1)] Interference Inhibition or disruption of the POTW treatment processes-, operations; or its sludge process, use, or disposal wt causes or contributes to a violation of any requirement of the Perraittec's (or any satellite PC TW's if different fi Pertnittee) NPDES, collection system, or non -discharge permit or prevents sewage sludge use or disposal in compliance with specified applicable State and Federal statutes, regulations, or pertnits. [15A NCAC 0211 6001thVI 411 Pass'] A disc dischE the PC Peron Public A trey This c sewng .0402� organi, to and treatir. POT" Pull of e g =1 Mi n 212 of the CWA, which is owned by a State or local government organization. I systerns used in the storage, treatment, recycling and reclamation of municipal iature. It also includes the collection system, as defined in 15A, NCAC 2T i POTW treatment plant. The term also means the local government i in section 502(4) of the CWA, which has jurisdiction over indirect discharges cent works. In this context, the organization may be the owner of the POTW ,etion system into which an indirect discharger discharges. This second type of � POTW organization." [I 5A NCAC 02H .0903(b)(26)1 "Si nificant Industrial User" or �"SIW An Industrial User that, discharges wastewater into a publicly owned treatment work .0903(b)(33)]: I , Discharges an average of 25,000 gallons per day or more of process wastewater noncontact cooling and boiler blowdown wastewaters); or 1 Contributes process wastewater which makes tip five percent or more of the NP flow limit or organic capacity of the POTW treatment (Slant. In this context, org and ammonia; or 1 Is subject to categorical standards under 40 CFR Part 403.6 and 40 CET Parts 4 4. Is designated as such by the Permittee on the basis that the Industrial User has a affecting the Parws operation or for violating any pretreatment standard or rei limitations and conditions in its NPDES or non-discitarge permit, or to limit the 5: Subject to approval under 15A NCAC 0211.0907(b), the Permittee may detenni the criteria in paragraphs I or 2 of this definition above has no reasonable paten POTW's operation or for violating any Pretreatment standard or requirement, th conditions in its NPI)ES or non -discharge permit, or to limit the POTWs sludgy Significant Industrial User (SIU); or 6. Subject to approval under 15A NCAC 02H .0907(b), the Permittee may Beterm: the criteria in paragraph 3 of this definition above meets the requirements of 40 s and that [I 5A NCAC 02H to the POTW (excluding sanitary, DES or non -discharge pen-nitted mic capacity refers to BOD,TSS )5-47 1; or reasonable potential for adversely luirernent, or the POW's effluent POTW's sludge disposal options; ne that an Industrial User meeting tial for adversely affecting the PC TW's effluent limitations and disposal options, and thus is not a ne that, an Industrial User meeting CF'R Part 403,3(v)(2) and thus is a non -significant categorical Industrial User. Section B. Put!tLcl I Owned Treatment WorksJP0TWsJ Version 111091201 1. 1 A NPDES Permit Standard Conditions Page 15 of 18 All PEST"'tFWs must Provide adequate notice to the Director of the following [40 CFR 122.42(b)]- L Any new introduction of pollutants into the POTW ftom an indirect discharger, regardless ofthe means of transport, which would be subject to section 301 or 306 ofCWA if it were directly discharging those Pollutants; and 2 Any substantial change in the volume e or character of pollutants being introduced by an indirect discharger a influent to that POTW at the time of issuance of the permit. 3. For purposes of this paragraph, adequate; notice shall include information on 1) the quality and quantity of effluent introduced into the POTW, and (2) any anticipated impact that may result from the change of quantity or quality of effluent to be discharged from the POTW. Section C . nici a C cart rr cif n nt d s ort� ncl sf i Users« I. Effluent limitations are listed in fart I of this permit. Other pollutants attributable to inputsfrom Industrial Users discharging to the POTW may be present in the Pe nit ee's discharge. At such time its sufficient information becomes available to establish limitations for such pollutants, this permit may be revised to specify effluent limitations' for any or all of such other pollutants in accordance with hest practicable technology or water quality standards. 2 Prohibited Discharges a. The Pennittee shall develop and enforce their Pretreatment Program to implement the prohibition against the introduction of pollutants or disebar es into the waste treatment system or waste collection system hich cause or contribute to Pass Through or Interference as defined in 15A NC;AC 0211.0900 and 40 CFR 403. [0 CFR 403.5(a)(1)] b. The Pennittee shall develop and enforce their Pretreatment Program to implement the prohibitions against the introduction of the following wastes in the waste treatment or waste; collection system [40 f'FR 403.5(b)]Y (1) Pollutants which create a fire or explosion hazard in the; PoT'W, including, but not limited to, wastestrearns with a closed cup flashpoint of less than 140 degrees Fahrenheit or 60 degrees Centigrade using the test methods specified in 40 CFR 261.21; (2) Pollutants which cause corrosive structural damage to the POTW, but in no ease discharges with pH lower than 5.0, unless the works is sp citically designed to accommodate such discharges; (3) Solid or viscous pollutants in amounts which cause obstruction to the flow in the POTW resulting in Interference; 4) Any pollutant, including oxygen demanding pollutants (BOD, etc.) released in a Discharge at a flew rate and/or pollutant concentration which will cause Interference with the POTW; (5) Heat in amounts which will inhibit biological activity in the POTW resulting in Interference, but in no case heat in such quantities that the temperature at the POTW Treatment Plant exceeds 40'C (104°F) unless the Division, upon request of the POTW, approves alternate: temperature limits; () Petroleum oil, noun -biodegradable cutting oil, or products of mineral fail origin in amounts that will cause Interference or Pass Through, () Pollutants which result in the presence of toxic gases, vapors; or tunics within the POTW in a quantity that may cause acute worker health and safety problems; or (S) Any trucked or hauled pollutants, except at discharge points designated by the POTW. c. The Pennittee shall investigate the source of all discharges into the POTW, including sling loads and other unusual discharges, which have the potential to adversely impact the Perraitt e's Pretreatment Program and/or the operation of the POTW. The Pe" ittee shall report such discharges into the POTW to the Director or the appropriate Regional Office, Any information shall be provided orally within 24 hours from the time the Pennittee became aware of"the circumstances. A written submission shall also be provided within 5 days of the time the Permiuce becomes aware of the circumstances. The written submission shall contain a description of the discharge, the investigation into possible sources; the period of the discharge, including exact dates and times; if the discharge has not ceased, the anticipated time it is expected to continue, and steps takenor planned to reduce, eliminate, and prevent reoccurrence of the noncompliance, Version 1 `110912011, I NPDES Permit Standard Conditiong Page 16 of 18 3, With regard to the effluent requirements listed in Part, I of" this permit, it maybe necessary for the Pennittee to supplement the requirements of the Federal Pretreatment Standards (40 CFR, Part 403) to ensure compliance by the Perinittee with all applicable effluent limitations. Such actions by the Permittee may be necessary regarding some or all of the industries discharging to the municipal system. 4The Permittee shall require any Industrial User (IU) discharging to the POTW to meet Federal Pretreatment Standards developed under Section 307(b) of the Act as amended (which includes categorical standards and specific local limits, best management practices and narrative requirements). Prior to accepting wastewater from any Significant Industrial User (SIU), the Pernuttee shall either develop and submit to the Division a new Pretreaffnent Program or, as necessary, as modification of air existing Pretreatment program, for approval as required under section D below as well as 15A NCAC 02H .0907(a) and (b). [40 CFR 122.440)(2)] 5. This permit shall be modified, or alternatively, revoked and reissued, to incorporate or modify an approved POTW Pretreatment Program or to include a compliance schedule for the development of as POTW Pretreatment Program as required under Section 402 (b)(8) of the CWA and implementing regulations or by the requirements of the approved State pretreatment program, as appropriate. Section D. Pretreatment Pr2g!:arns Under authority of sections 307 (b) and (e) and 402(b)(8) of the CWA arid, is regulations 40 CFR 403, North Carolina General Statute 143-215.3(14) and implementing regulations 15A NCAC 0211 .0900, and in accordance with the approved pretreatment program, all provisions and regulations contained and referenced in the pretreatment program submittal are an enforceable part of this permit. [40 CFR 121440)(2)] The Permittee shall operate its approved pretreatment program in accordance with Section 402(li)(8) of the CWA, 40 CFR 403, 15A NCAC 021H .0900, and the legal authorities, policies, procedures, arid financial provisions contained in its pretreatment program submission and Division approved modifications thereof Such operation shall include but is not limited to the implementation of the following conditions and requirements. Trains not defined in Part 11 or Part IV of this pennit are, as defined in 15A NCAC 0214 .0903 and 40 CFR 403.3. 1 , Sewer Use Ordinance SUO The Permittee shall maintain adequate legal authority to implement its approved pretreatinent program. [I 5A NCAC 0211.0903(b)(32),.0905 acad .0906(b)(1); 40 CFR 403,8(f)(1) and 403.9(b)(1) and (2)] 2. Industrial Waste Surve IWS, The Permittee shall implement an IWS consisting of the survey of users of the POTW collection system or treatment plant, as required by 40 CFR 403,8(t)(2)(i-iii) and 15A NCAC 0214.0905 [also 40 CFR ]2144(j)(1)], including identification of all Industrial, Users that may have an impact on the POTW arid the character and arnount of pollutants contributed to the POTW by these Industrial Users and identification of those Industrial Users meeting the definition of SICJ. Where the Permittee accepts wastewater from one or more. satellite POTWs, the IWS for the Permittee shall address all satellite POTW services areas, unless the pretreatment program in those satellite service areas is administered by a separate Permittee with an approved Pretreatment Program. The Pernrittee shall submit a summary of its IWS activities to the Division at least once every five years, and as required by the Division.The IWS submission shall include as summary of any investigations conducted under paragraph C.2.c. of this Part. [I 5A NCAC 02H.0903(b)(I 3),.0905 and .0906(b)(2); 40 CFR 403,8(f)(2) and 403.91 3. MonitoringPlan - The Perraittee shall implement as Division -approved Monitoring Plan for the collection of facility specific data to be used in a wastewater treatment plant I-leadworks Analysis (IIWA) for the development of specific pretreatment, local limits, Effluent data from the Plan shall be reported on the DMRs (as required by Parts ILD and ILE.5.). [15A NCAC 0211.0903(b)(16), .0906(b)(3) and .09051 4: fleadworks 14W Anal sis r andLocal Limits js IIWA The Permittec shall obtain Division approval of a HWA at least once every five years, and as required by the Division. Within 180 days of the effective date of this pen -nit (or any subsequent permit modification) the Permittee shall submit to the Division a written technical evaluation of the need to revise local limits (i.e., an updated RWA or documentation of why one is not needed) [40 CFR 122 .441. The Pennittee shall develop, in accordance with 40 CFR 403.5(c) and 15A NCAC 02H .0909, specific Local Limits to implement the prohibitions listed in 40 CFR 403.5(a) and (b) and 15A NCAC 02H .0909. Pursuant to 40 CTR 403.5, to limits are Version 1110912011.I "0C*D North Carolina department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Donald R. van der Vaart Governor Secretary August 19, 2015 EEIVED/ C NRAWt OCT 9 2015 Mr, Jahn. Cranfill, Sr. Chief Engineer MAC D10 -300 WOROS Webs largo, N.A. - Wells largo Tryon street tWR 550 South T ron Street, 3 `l' floor Charlotte, NC 28202 Subject: Change-Page(s) to Correct :Error UPS Permit NCO088226 Weds Taro Tryon Street CAW 500 Block of South Tyron St, Charlotte 28202 Mecklenburg County Dear Mr. Cranfill: The Division of Water Resources (the Division) staff noted a type-o for parameter codes in your recently issued permit (July 27, 2015). Xylene should have the parameter code 81551 and Methyl Teat -Butyl Ether (MTBE) should have the parameter code `2 417, Accordingly, we hereby forward the modified permit pages to amend Section A,(1.) of your permit with the following corrected parametercodes: Xylene [r 1551] and Methyl Tei-t-But l Ether (N4TBE) [274171 .Please insert these change pages into your existing permit and discard the old pages. We regret any inconvenience this causes your organization. Please note that this permit is not transferable except after notice to the Division. The Division may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the permit: This permit does not: affect the legal requirements to obtain other pen -nits which may be required by the Division of Water Resources or any either Federal, State, or Local governmental permits that may be required. If you have questions, or if we can be of further service, please contact Derek Denard at [derek.denard�7a ncdetrr.gov] or call (919) 807-6307. Resp ctfully, S. Jay .imrAruian,.6�tr�r... Division of Water .Resources, NCDENR Enclosure; NPDES Permit NCO088226 (Corrected Pages) he: Central Files *Ric ES Progrartn Files ec: ar ° w arnier eekleiiburgeountyne.gov] Aquatic Toxicology Unit/ Susan Meadows [susan ueadoAvs@,ncdenr.gov] Brian T. Olin, P.G., ECS Carolinas, LLP [BOlin c@ecslirnited.cornl 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 7699-1617 Phone: 919-807-63001 Internet: www.ncwaterquality.org An Equal Opportunity t Affirmative Action Employer— Made in part by recycled paper Permit NCO088226 PART I During the period authorized to disc' Total Suspended Solids (TSS) C0530 30.0 mg/L 30.0 ing/L Monthly Grab Effluen—t pH (su) 00400 > 6.0 and < 9.0 standard units Monthly Grab Effluent Benzene 3 (gg/L) 34030 51 gg/L Monthly Grab Effluent Toluene 3 (gg/L) 34010 11 gg/l, Monthly Grab Effluent nent Total Lead 3 (gg/L) 01051 33.8 ltg/L Monthly Grab Effluent Naphthalene 3 (pg/L) 34696 12 gg/L —Monthly —Grab —Effluent Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether 27417 Monthly Grab Effluent Chloroform, 3 (Ag/L) 32106 Monthly Grab Effluent -Total Zinc 3 (n/L) 01092 Quarterly Grab Effluent Total Copper 3 (gg/w 01042 Quarterly Grab Effluent Chronic Toxicity 4 13,6 Quarterly Grab Effluent 1. No later than 270 days from the effective date 6fthis permit, the permittee shall begin submitting discharge monitoring reports electronically using the Division's eDMR application system [see A. (3)] 2. All "Effluent" samples shall be collected after the point of convergence of all dewatering streams and prior to the point of connection with the storm sewer. 3. This sample to be collected concurrently with quarterly Chronic Toxicity. 4. Chronic Toxicity (Ceriodaphnia) limit at 90% with testing in March, June, September, and • There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visiblefoam, in other than trace amounts. • Discharge shall show no evidence as a sourceffir oily film or sheen on the receiving stream. Page 3 of 6 SOC PRIORITY PROJECT: NO To: Permits and Enainecring Unit Water Quality Section Date: July 9, 2010 NPDES STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS County: Mecklenburg NPDES Permit No.: NCO088226 PART I - GENERAL INFORMATION 1� Facility and address� Wachovia 1"iyon Street BTS, Duke Energy Center 550 South Tryon Street Charlotte, NC 28208 Owner: Wells Fargo N,A. 1 Date of investigation: July 8, 20 10 3. Report prepared by� B � Dee Browder, Environ. Engr, 1 4. Person contacted and telephonenumber: Jim Ilatterson, Childress Klein Properties, (704) 342-9020 5, Directions to site: Travel south on 1-77. Take the US-29/N'C-27/Morehead Street, exit I 0A.Turn left onto W. Morehead Street(US-29,/NC-27). (0.6 mile) Turn left onto S. Mint Street(US-29/NC-49). (o.3 rniie)'rurn right onto W. Stonewall Street. (0.2 mile) Turri left onto S. Tryon Street. 550 S. Tryon Street is on the left. The Childress Klein Proprieties Operational Offices are below the parking garage. The facility and its components are throughout the lower levels of the building. 6� Discharge point(s), List for all discharge points: - Latitude: 350 13'26" Longitude: 800 50' 52" Attach a USGS Map Extract and indicate treatment plant site and discharge point oil map. USGS QuadNo.: G15N'17-, Charlotte East, NC Page Two 7. Site size and expansion area consistent with application: Yes. 8. Topography (relationship to flood plain included): N/A 9. Location of nearest dwelling- N/A. 10. Receiving stream or affected surface waters: UT to Little Sugar Creek a. Classification: C b� River Basin and Subbasin No.: Cata'wba 0' ) -08-34 C. Describe receiving stream features and pertinent downstream uses: Treated groundwater is discharged into stormwater conveyances from the downtown building. PART 11 - DESCRIPTION OF DISCHARGE AND TREATMENT WORKS I . a. Volume of Wastewater: 0.087 MGD (Design Capacity) b, What is the current permitted capacity: 0.087 MGD C. Actual Treatment Capacity of current facility (current design capacity): 0.087 MGD d, Dates and construction activities allowed by previous ATCs issued in the previous two years: The facility has been constructed in the past two years. MRO has little information about prior activities on file. e� Description of existing or substantially constructed WWTfacilities: The groundwater remediation facility consists of 6 groundwater recovery pumps associated with the Tryon Street facility and one pump recovering groundwater from the Green facility. A 6 Tray airstripper with blower, zeolite filter chlorination and declorination equipment, 18 media filters Nvith one unit in continuous backwash at any time, 3 canister reverse osmosis system with a secondary system for reject water, and a cleaning systems for the reverse osmosis system. Under the building there are 3 storage tanks 2 (two) 170,000 gallon tank, and I (one) 140,000 gallon tank- for collection of rainwater. The rainwater tank, collects water from various roof drains etc. throughout the building. The rainwater tank provides continual recirculation ozination and, UV disinfection via recirculation of the rainwater through those treatment units. The other tanks would be used for temporary storage of treated groundwaterfor building applications such as cooling tower, irrigation, and other application. at the Green Park. AA AN 'The discharce may be conveyed to the CMU Collection System. an-y of the three storkge tanks in the building. or may be discharged into the lines associated with 7' the collection and discharge of the stonnwater drainage systern of the buildin- f� Description of proposed WWT facilities: NI/A 9� Possible toxic impacts to surface waters: Toxicity test have been compliant in this permit cycle. E Pretreatment program: CMU outlet is availab le and use within 10 feet of the discharge point. 1 Residuals handling and utilization/disposal scherne.- No solids are generated as result of operation of this facility. a. If residuals are being land applied specify DWQ PernutNlo.: N/A Z:1 Residuals contractor- N/A Telephone No. N/A b. Residuals stabilization: N/A C. Landfill: N/A Treatment plant classification- Class PC- I PART 11.1 - OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION 1. Is this facility being constructed with construction grant fands or are any public monies involved (municipals only)? No 1 Special monitoring or limitations (including toxicity) requests: None at this thue. 3 Important SOC/JOC or compliance schedule dates: N/A Submission of plans and specifications Begin construction Complete construction 4. Alternative analysis evaluation a. Spray irrigation.- N/A I b. Connect to regional sewer system:N/A. c� Subsurface: N/A d� Other disposal options- N/A PageThree PART IV - EVALUATION AND R-ECOMMENDATIONS The permittee is applying for renewal of the permit to discharge wastewater from a groundwater reniediation system. The only location that sampling frorri the treatment system is possible prior to the mixing with other stormwaters associated with the building drainage is at the end of the treatment system. The engineering certification for the system has not been supplied at this time. The system has been in operation since December. It is recommended that the permit be renewed. The Green groundwater system is under separate ownership although the property management company associated with the pro�ject is operating all equipment associated with the permit. MRO recommends that the Green permit be put on inactive status so that it may be available if needed in tli�future, Signature of Report Preparer ate 0 Water Quality Regional Supenisor Date BIT. if", NCDENR North Carolina De rtment of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue leer H, Sullins Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary June 1 C, 2010 STEPHEN i GOSSF,L N PG L CS CAROLINAS LLI 8702 REf) OAK BOULEVARD SUITE A � CH R C ` TE NC 25217 Subject: Receipt ofpermit renewal application NPDES Permit NCO08822 Wacho is Tryon Street BT Nleckenburg County Dear Mr. Closseltrt: s..�w., The NPDES Unit received your permit renewal application on June, 7, 2010. A member of the NPDES Unit will review your application. They xvM contact you if additional information is required to complete your pert -nit renewal. You should expect to receive a draft permit approximately 30-45 days before your existing permit expires. If you have any additional questions concerning renewal of the subject permit, please contact Karen Rust at (91 ) 507- 400. Sincerely, Dina Sprinkle Point Source Branch cc: CENTRAL FILES e%Surface Water Protection NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleh, North Carolina 27699.16 t7 Location 512 N. Salisbury St. sleigh. North Carolina 27604 One Phone: 9 i9 t07-6 3s051 FAK 919-827.649 i Customer Servim 1-8 7-�623-5i 5 NorthC',arofina tnternot<www nc»vat quaisBy;org An Equal Opptrriuc6 ,y, r,ffiraiiuee h^',ior Employe, LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL CARC1LlNAS, L L P mate: 06102110 Project No.J08.3515H ECSGeoteehnical • Construction Materials* Environmental 8702 lied Oak Boulevard, Suite A Request for Permit Renewal Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 Wachovia Tryon Street BTS Telephone 704-525-5152 Fax 704=525-7178 NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO088226 00 Block of South Tryon Street Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina To. ATTN: Mr. Tom Belnick North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality I NPDES Unit 1617 Mall Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 e are sending you the following items via: VIA CERTIFIED MAIL. COPIES DATED DESCRIPTION 1 06-02-10 Re Uest for Permit Renewal— Wachovia Tryon Street BTS — NPDES Permit No.: NCO088226 These are transmitted as checked below: For your use As requested REMARKS Mr. Belnick, On behalf of 1 achovia Bank, N.A., attached please find one copy of the above referenced document for the hermit Renewal of the existing NPDES permit No. NCO088226 located at the 500 Chock of treet in Chf Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. n 1 If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me. JUN 7 Z0100 kCH Mr. Cary Smith �-Vliachovia c/o Childress Klein CC?PY-TC): Pro ernes ' SIGNED: Stephen J. Gosselin, P.C. NPDES PERMIT APPLICATION - SHORT FORM - G For disc es associated th groundwater treatment fac ties. Mail the complete application to M. C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 1 KPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service ;Center, Raleigh, RC 27699-161' NPDES Permit Number qq9 8226 ] .lf ` you completing this form in computer uter use the TAB key or the up -- down arrows to move from one field to the next. To check the boxes, click yotir mouse can tap of the box Otherwise, please print or type. 1. Contact Information; Owner Name Wells Fargo N.A. Facility Name Duke Energy Center Mailing Address 550 South Tryon Strut city Charlotte. _ State / Zip Code North Carolina 28202 Telephone Number (70 i 330-2500 Fax Number i 704 l 330-2598 7o 4 �. -mail Address JimPetton@ildrslln.com :. Location of facility producing discharge: µ Cheek here if same as above Street Address or State Road i city Stag / Zip Code County . Operator Informatiow. Name of thefinn, consultant or other entity that operates thefacility. f Vote that this is not referring to the Operator in Responsible Charge or ORQ Name Childress Klein Properties Mailing Address 301 South College Strut City Charlotte State / Zip Code North Carolina. 28202 a Telephone Number (70 )34 -902fi Fax Number (7 4 ) 333-0251 4. Ownership Status: Federal ( Mate ( vate x� Public Q Pa;e i of 3 C-GW 03105 l i' .pa ou—,d aq pinoqs SISSTUUV SZ;9/fZ9 potRa C - sl . gluts ! -1aTPo -10 sluaAlos TPI& pamuTure4mo sollsaoq < 'pomiopod aq o9re pinogs,p a1 p louagd aol purr allsaql 1v luasaxd oq olKIQ31q s ngrpp 1a 10 ash •pa o%nd aq p it s ( OA) spunodmoo olueRio al4vlo -toi soskre — says pain uoo-tonal ad too (uor qddtr s,'q4 jo a4vp atp of joLTd seas auo tmtp ssal paloapoo aq 4 nta alduies luaoat Isom oq4) qo tpua xoj past at uopuaauoa p;4Ajasqo mnurmuw ate xg!m `Qlls aql I s4unoum aiq o Iap uc punoj qa 10 4sq V < xareas aqJ .xoj olqlsuodsaj . laaun oql rao4 lenosdde u 'jamos uuols e of o gastp k t a s s 3u0 a S -rpunodtaw pal a4ap o uatoWo Tenn t puv `saglo 's4uauoduioa uixa4s s 4uo uot4vrpauxo.T jo u0, t :.%ao sluvandtiv A p44aa ap tutaga qo xoj sanlen to aq guiuTe4uoo IoTq Trs 3c 'P C an a s Tns s rao4g Tatm 4uxiox lsom aq4 Ica ki ' uns V < slMuno smaqs m (uogj Aalaz ql jo fAo3 to) de :t 3d odo4 SoSrI tT U1014 Jur IVUOPT.PPV *ZT i 3 ON SOX (auo ) exnunoo u-cl-pzq'uo va o A#uav3 sm sl "I l (e l y /a / WGIeDS-RUV Job. JOWAlOdOO) ( Al °IOC 1 uc l ezluuolgo—a(] of) aJl l lg wnipo (enl v % � - %Z l) quilol4o I/bw ace wdd O-S of 0# @ walsAs a l olul posop aie p l it nll!pPIN : 1 N •po .p aq of 4u*4od otq °s rrxaur xcu sta Rvopuoilo up . ` �xta a o� „�p� a 'Qi (: g Aq p pinoad aq of dew) Magio Jelin, -7 fitnpnloux `11za,;, n0 tP'va fO UOYM101 Sara aYJ fimmOYS dvm v aplaWd) ()za*ax JO OMVK - , s u8A :"' SOMA do a aSYp era xadr 13 -4ua:pluunul Eloo , u .o m io Amoubala C CI skaq a uOrn _ . tlapr nvpno :s4 4 *2xvqoiqp o jo iaqmuK -9 sap?poeS wounco-4,mlempunaa ipm polemsve so :tt psap jog V. NPDES PERMIT APPLICATION - SHORT C- G For discharges associated 'th groundwater treatment facilities. 13. ; Applicant Certification I certify t i am familiarwith the information contained in the applioation, and that to the best _ of my knowledge and belief such information ls'true, complete, and accurate. James L. 'Patterson Regional Director of PropertyManagement Printed name of Person Signing Title May 26, 2010 ��Vature7 of Apl c4it Date North Carolina General. Statute 143- 1 . (b)(1 provides that Any person who knowingly makes any false statement representation,; or certification in any application," record, report, plan, or other document files or required to be maintained, under Article 21 or regulations of the : Environmental Management Commission implementing that Article, or who falsifies, tampers with, or knowingly renders inaccurate any recording or ' monitoring device or method required to be operated or maintained under Article 21 or regulations of the Environmental Management Commission implementing that Article, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed $25, 00, or by imprisonment not to exceed six months, or by both. (18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides a punishment by a fine of not more than $2S,000 or imprisonment not more than a years, or both, for a similar offense.) Page 3 of 3 C-CW 03105 (7 ; SCALE (IN FEET) 1000 2000 tr s SITE LOCATION MAC' Wachouia NPDES Permit South Tryon Street Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina ECS PROJECT NO. 0 - 515 SCALE (IN FEET) 1000 2000 tr s SITE LOCATION MAC' Wachouia NPDES Permit South Tryon Street Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina ECS PROJECT NO. 0 - 515 SOURCE: Charlotte — Mecklenburg County Geographic Information Systems (via the Internet) 2007 Aerial Photograph Scale: As Shown Approximate Site Boundary XT FIGURE 2 SITE AND SURROUNDING AREA MAP Wachovia NPDES Permit South Tryon Street arlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina ECS PROJECT NO, 0 -3515H a TEMPEST AqUmAP"A,1ioeo0, ENVIRONMENTAL Y T , 29 Mocant Village Circle Chapel Hill, NC 27517 (USA) Tet. (919) 5 7- • Fax. (1) 537-00 Web: VAM,a ua uMG CONFIDENTIAL DESIGN Wastewater Treatment System La aut for "Wacovia First Street" Fro'ec 1 Childress Mein Properties Charlotte NC Water Purification Based on 61 gpm Feed Flaw Rate (95% Recovery — % Reject) 11 April 200 Contaminated with Volatile Organic Chemicals (VOCs), Turbidity, Iron, Hardness and Silica 2,500 Gallon EQ Tank (36" Diax 86" H) (171"L x 38x 60"H) Zeolit OF (91 "L x 60"W x 10211) Media System (Feed Pumps Bladder Tank Filter "" (Ulu'-Box-18) Supplied by Others) ®" Air Stripper (LP-5) Backwash Pump #2 To Drain Pump 2 Phase, Antiscalant & De -Cloy , 2 HP, _ 3 Phhas 3 Phase; 460 V Chemicals &Dosing Pumps t age T k 460 V 00 Ilon (Su li by Others) OtheBladder Tank (12"L x 54"W x 60"H) ----- " x4 "H) (37 L x 64 W � Reverse Osmosis Reverse Osmosis Permeate (RO #1 Syste ) (Rt System) 350 Gallon Water Meter Feed From Wells TESRO-72K TESR0-13K EQ Tank Pump 3 350 a; (Repressurization Pump) 95% Treated Waste Water to the �r Gallon 45" x 45" x 63 RO E Tank "" Cooling Tower Reject = _ _ = = Q �" Water Line( 0%0) #3 " _-____®_ _® __ ®_ Meter =_= m ( ) eje RC1 ct Line 5°l t Drain Notes: 1 All lines are " to 3" Sclt 0 PAC unless otherwise indicated. e individual component manuals 8) One System Interlock Control Panel for 3 pumps and I blower: plus alarm lock -out for :Air Stripper e 2 t erwise dica ed. Sea transfer pump and air blower. Control panel not shown, and drawings for further details. 2) All repressurizatio pumps are 61+ GPM @ 40-100 psi 0 Each pump will have on/off light indicator and an emergency shut off switch. ) Pump I is controlled by float switch. i Breakers and motor starter according to each pump horsepower rating, 4) Pumps 2 and 3 are controlled by pressure switches with bladder tanks. o Pump l on/off operation will be control by a high and low level sensor, installed at the feed ) Drawing not to scale. Process layout is representational, and subject to change with conditions. EQ storage tank, RO #2 controlled by a high and low level sensor in EQ tank #3. 7) Component by-pass lines not shown, but will be plumbed and metered to sanitary drain. 0 Pump 3, on/off will be control by a pressure tank, thru a pressure switch rated 50-70 psi '34419to/ t wAs NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources urce Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves perdue Coleen H. Sullins Governor Director Ike Freeman t Secretary February 4, 2010 FEB 8 20110 Mr. Roger Stith ECCS Carolinas, LLl' 5702 Red Oak Boulevard, Suite Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 Subject: J al Permit odification Wach!viar�y�ontrcet Mecklenburg County Lear Mr. Smith: Division personnel have reviewed: and approved your request (elated December 2, 2009) to modify the subject permit. Accordingly, we are forwarding the: attached NPC)ES discharge permit. This permit is issued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the U.S... Environmental ,Protection Agency dated October 15, 2007 (or as subsequently amended). This imodified permit includes the following; changes from your current permit: • to -Route of Wastewater from NCO086 "I'he Green at Wa hovia to NC 00 22fi Wa hovia T on Street Wachovia Tryon will serve as a combined discharge for the two groundwaterldewater systems. Per your submission, the combined treated wastewater will be used for on -site needs such as cooling towers, and when the site is fully occupied and; operational, the system will be designed to use tip to 1'0O�'r`� of the treated groundwater captured from both situ with little to no discharge to the outfall However, in the short-term it is anticipated that there will be excess water which will require intermittent discharge to surface waters. Per our phone discussion, the proposed treatment system will include RC► units, but any RCS reject will be sent to the Charlotte -Mecklenburg Utilities (CMU) sanitary sewer, since Division permitting policies do not allow for discharge of RC) reject to freshwaters given the likely toxicity, The subject NPDES permit will retain Effluent Sheet A.1 for the existing discharge, and a new Effluent Sheet A.2 has been added for the combined discharge. Contaminants of concern for each discharge have been combined into the A.2 Effluent Sheet for the combined discharge. Effluent limitations have also been updated to reflect changes to EPA surface water quality, criteria and/or North Carolina water quality standards. + Authorization to Construct Permit. You will need to obtain an Authorization to Construct (ATC) permit from DWQ/Construction Grants and Loans prior to constructing the proposed groundwater 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh Nca h Caroin 2 "699 i"3'[ Locat nr 512 K Salisbury St. Raleigh. North Carolina 2 604 One t Phom 919-807-6300 FAX. 91 c307.6492 . Ctctc me Ser vice.; 2 87-7i23- 674� �I Caro t� na 4r7ker^ef h4w&U timateCgaa6 tytYCg; treatment syste Engineer's Cr • Miscellaneous. (The Green at ) that permit. Pl+ 1,2010,and ar renew by this d tificate for completion of the trey Following projectcompletion,; Vachovia), otherwise you will bt wase note that permit renewal apl �enewal letter was already mailec future with no further need for an NPDES discharge permit, you n) a DWQ recycle permit, which is issued by .Aquifer Protection/Lan( If any parts, measurement frequencies or sampling requirements contained in this rr odi you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within t This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chap Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative bearings (6714 Mail 6714). Unless such demand is made, this decision shall be final and bindu $Y Please note that this permit is not transferable except after notice to the Division. The Division may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the permit. This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by the Division or permits required by the Division of Land Resources, the Coastal Area Management Act or any other Federal or Local f overnnzental permit that may be required. if you have any questions concerning this permit, please contact me at (91 ) 807-6390: Si cerely, om Be nick Supervisor, NPDES West Program Hardeopy: NPDES File NC0088226 Central File NCO088226 Mr. Allen Holloway, Wachovia Sank, 301 South College Street, Suite 2800, Charlotte NC 28202 Email copy: Mecklenburg County DWQ Aquatic Toxicology 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, Noah Carolina 27699-1617 Location: 512 N. Salisbury St, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 t�iOne Phone: 919-807-6300 t FAX: 919-8t17-6492 ; Cuslnrner Service 1-877-6 ;3-6748 t ^� orthC .e1�`�1l1 1 Ir�tr°rr�et. ncavatergrtalriy ttra y'��i�pat �, 'q4j ischatge will become effective after an stern construction is: submitted. ission of permit NCO08688 and reporting requirements for its are due no Dater than January tober'21, 2009. Failure to to achieve, 100% reuse in the want to evaluate conversion to 13lication Unit. on are unacceptable to you, [lowing receipt of this letter. arth Carolina General aleigh, North Carolina 27699- Pemiit NCO088226 In STATE OF NORTI DIVISION OF PFf, TO DISCHARGE WAS" A �VTt-'VkT A T neNT Ir T Tr A XT'r "rCr� CAROLINA AND NATURAL RESOURCES ER QUALITY ATER UNDER THE tGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM — . - .. - — . — ---- - Y I . I I Corni-nission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, Wachovia Bank, N.A. is hereby authorized to discharge wastewater from afacility located at Wachovia Tryon Street 500 Block of South Tryon Street Charlotte, North Carolina Mecklenburg County to receiving waters designated as an unnamed tributary to LittleSugar Creek in the Catawva River Basin in accordance with effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts 1,11 111 and IV hereof. This permit shall become effective March 1, 2010. This permit and authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight on June 30,2010. Signed this day February 4, 2010. Geen H. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit NCOOSS72-1261 SUPPLEMENT TO PERMIT COVER SHEET All previous NPDES Permits issued to this facility, whether for operation or discharge are hereby revoked. As of this permit issuance, any previously issued permit bearing this number is no longer effective. Therefore, the exclusive authority to operate and discharge from this facility arises under the permit conditions, requirements, terms, and provisions included herein. Wachovia Bank-, N.A. is hereby authorized to: 1. Discharge dewatering water from a project located at 500 Block of South Tryon Street, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County. 2. After receiving an Authorization to Construct permit, re-route wastewater from The Green at Wachovia (formerly permitted separately under NPDES permit NCO086886) and construct and operate a 0.087 MGD combined groundwater treaftnent system. 3. Discharge from said treatment works at the location specified on the attached map into an unnamed tributary to Little Sugar Creek, currently classified C waters in subbasin 03-08-34 of the Catawba River Basin. TENT LIMITATIONS AND MONIT A beginning on the effective date of the - !rtificate for a combined discharge treatn' Dutfall 001. Such discharges shall be lire N= Permit NCO088226 3RING REQUIREMENTS 'ermfl: and lasting until expiration or receipt -2nt system, the Perinittee is authorized to ted and monitored by the Permittee as MONITORING REQUIREMENTS rn Measurement Sample Sample FreqMtnc Type Location' Monthly Meter Effluent ,ended Solids 30.0 mg/L Monthly Grab Effluent �ease2 Monthly Grab Effluent 51 lig/L Monthly Grab Effluent 11.0 Ag/l, Monthly Grab Effluent ane 520 gg/ L Monthly Grab Effluent nes 780 gg/L Monthly Grab Effluent rt-Butyl Ether Monthly Grab Effluent Monthly Grab Effluent roetharte4 Monthly Grab Effluent 78 gg/L Monthly Grab Effluent AZOV 3 gg/L Monthly Grab Effluent Dicit Quarterly Grab Effluent Ffluent" samples shall be collected after the point of convergence of all dewatering streams and prior to int of connection with the storm sewer. ,ab sample for oil and grease should be skinurved from the surface in a quiescent zone, such as a holding f possible. is detected at 25 ptg/ L or lower during the first eight sampling events, lead monitoring is no longer ed and may be discontinued for the remainder of the permit term. If lead is detected at > 25.0 gg/L during any of the first eight sampling events, lead monitoring must be continued for tote remainder of the permit term. 4If this pollutant is not detected above method detection limits during the first eight sampling events, then monitoring is no longer required and may be discontinued for the remainder of the permit term. If the pollutant is detected during any of the first eight sampling events, monitoring must continue for the remainder of the permit term. 5. Chronic'Foxicity (Ceriodaphnia) P/F at 90%; March, June, September; and December [see A. (3)]. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or foam visible in other than trace amounts. Permit NCO088 A. (2) EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS During the period beginning upon receipt of Engineer's Certificate for completion of a combined discharge treatment system and lasting until permit expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge from Outfall 001. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the Pern-tittee as specified below: LIMITS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS PARAMETER Monthly Average Daily Maximum Measurement Sample— Sample requency Type Location' Flow O.087 MGD ColltillUOUS2 Meter Effluent Total Suspended Solids 30.0 mg/t, Monthly Grab Effluent Oil and Greases Monthly Grab Effluent Benzene 51 gg/L Monthly Grab Effluent Toluene 11.0 jig/ L Monthly Grab Effluent Ethylbenzene 520 gg/L Monthly Grab Effluent: Total Xylenes 780 pg/L Monthly Grab �Effflfluent Methyl'Fert-Butyl Ether Monthly Grab Effluent Lead4 25 ug/I Monthly Grab Effluent 1,2 Dichloroethane4 37 ug/I Monthly Grab Effluent Napthalene4 78 gg/L Monthly Grab Effluent n-Butylbenzene 3 pg/L Monthly Grab Effluent Chloroform Monthly Grab Effluent Tetrachloroethene Monthly Grab Effluent Trichloroetbene Monthly Grab Effluent Zinc Monthly Grab Effluent Chronic Toxicity5 Quarterly Grab Effluent Notes: 1. All "effluent" samples shall be collected after the point of convergence of all dewatering streams and prior to the point of connection with the storm sewer, 2. If discharge is not continuous, flow may be monitored weekly by an instantaneous flow estimate. 1 The grab sample for oil and grease should be skimmed from the surface in a quiescent zone, such as a holding tank, if possible. 4. If this pollutant is not detected above method detection limits during the first eight sampling events, then monitoring is no longer required and may be discontinued for the remainder of the permit term. If the pollutant is detected during any of the first eight sampling events, monitoring must continue for the remainder of the permit term. 5. Chronic Toxicity (Ceriodaphnia) P/F at90%; March, June, September, and December [see A. (3)]. Permit NC O088226 )NIC TOXICITY PASS/FAIL PERMIT LE irge shall at no time exhibit observable inhibition of concentration of 90%. shall perform at a minimum, rccrrteTr1y monitoring u ric Effluent Bioassay Procedure," Revised February iff7uesrt Toxicity Test Procedure" (Revised -February it effluent discharge below all )f reproduction or survi •v ival. The definition of rbsequent versions. :IT (QUARTERLY) ERLY) !production or significant mortality to Ccric>ciaphni ng test procedures outlined in the "North Carolina 8, or subsequent versions or "North Carolina Phase 98) or subsequent versions. The tests will be Effluent"sampling for this testing shall be performed esses Its in a failure} or ChV below the permit limit, them iced -February 1998) or subsequent versions, ing the geometric mean of the highest concentration for the Chronic Value, Additionally, DWQ Form AT-3 (original) is to be sent to the following address: Attention: North Carolina Division of Water Quality Environmental Sciences Section 121 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1622 Completed Aquatic Toxicity Test Forms shall be filed with the Environmental Sciences Section no later than 30 bays after file end of the reporting period for which the report is made. Test data shall be complete, accurate, include all supporting chemical/physical measurements and all concentration/response data, and he certified by laboratory supervisor and ORC or approved designate signature. Total residual chlorine of the effluent toxicity sample must be measured and reported if chlorine is employed for disinfection of the waste stream. Should there be no discharge of flow from the facility during a month in which toxicity monitoring is required, the perrmttee will complete the information located at the top of the aquatic toxicity (T) test form indicating the facility name, permit number, pipe number, county, and the month/year of the report with the notation of "No Flow" in the icomment area of the form. The report shall be submitted to the Environmental Sciences Section at the address cited above. Should the permittee fail to monitor during a month in which toxicity monitoring is required, monitoring will be required during the following month. Should any test data from this monitoring requirement or tests performed by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality indicate potential impacts; to the receiving stream, this permit may be re -opened and modified to include alternate monitoring requiren-tents or limits. If the Permittee monitors any pollutant more frequently then required by this permit, the results of such monitoring shall be included in the calculation & reporting of the data submitted on the DMR & all AT Forms submitted, NOTE: Failure to achieve test conditions as specified in the cited document, such as minimum control organisa r survival, minimum control organism reproduction, and appropriate environmental controls, shall constitute an invalid test and will require immediate follow-up testing to be completed no later than the last clay of the month following the month of the initial monitoring. a } f Michael F. Easley, Governor ,() William G, Ross Jr- Secretary v North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources { Alan W. Klimek, F.E. Director Division of Water Quality DIVISION OF WATER.. QUALITY July 6, 2006 Mr. Allen Holloway Childress Klein Properties 30l South College Street, Suite 2800 Charlotte, North Carolina. 28208 Subject: NPDES Permit NCO08822 Wahovia Tryon Street Mecklenburg County Dear Mr. Holloway: Our records indicate that NP ES Permit No. NCO088226 was issued on Tune 15, 200 for the discharge of wastewater to the surface waters of the State from your facility. The purpose of this letter is to advise you of the importance of the Permit and the liabilities in the event of failure to comply with the terms and conditions of the Permit. If you have not already done so, it is suggested that you thoroughly read the Permit. Of particular importance are Pages 4 and 5. Pages 4 and 5 set forth the effluent limitations and monitoring requirements for your discharge. Your discharge must not exceed any of the limitations set forth. The section headed "Monitoring Requirements" describes the measurement frequencies, sample types and sampling locations. Upon commencement of your discharge (or operation), you must initiate the required monitoring. The monitoring results must be entered on reporting forms furnished or approved by this Agency, For new permits/facilities, the Division may supply an initial small stock of these forms; however, if you fail to receive the forms, please contact this Office as quickly as possible. The forms, including directions for their completion, and other important information are also available at littp://li2o.enr.state.nc.us/NPDES/docuinents.html. It is imperative that all applicable parts be completed, and the original and one copy be submitted as required. Please be advised that an annual fee may be required for your facility; if so, you will receive a statement from our Raleigh Office. It is imperative that the fee be paid in a timely manner so as to prevent enforcement action or possible revocation of your permit. The remaining parts of the Permit set forth definitions, general conditions and special conditions applicable to the operation of wastewater treatment facilities and/or discharge(s). The can, LTANo thCarolina Mooresville Regional Office Division of Water Quality Phone 704-663-1699 Customer Service Internet: mw ncsvatercluality.org 610 East Center Ave, suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Fax 704-663-6040 1-877-623-67 8 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer-50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper conditions include special reporting requirements in the event of noncompliance, bypasses, treatment unit/process failures, etc, Also addressed are requirements for a certified wastewater treatment plant operator if you are operating wastewater treatment facilities. Any changes in operation of wastewater treatment facilities, quantity and type of wastewater being treated or discharged, expansions and/or upgrading of wastewater treatment facilities must be permitted or approved by this Agency. To maintain compliance with discharge limitations, proper operation and maintenance of a wastewater treatment facility and the development of a process control program are essential. For those facilities having chlorine tablet disinfection, please be advised that chlorine tablets approved for wastewater treatment use must be used; swimming pool tablets are not approved, Also, be advised that DWQ staff need to have access to the facility's discharge point into the receiving stream; please maintain a path along the outfall line to facilitate that access. Failure to comply with the terms and conditions of an NPDES Permit subjects the Permittee to enforcement action pursuant to Section 143-215.6 of the North Carolina General Statutes, A civil penalty of up to $25,000 per violation (and/or criminal penalties) may be assessed for such violations. If you find at any time that you are unable to comply with the terms and conditions of the Permit, you should contact this Office immediately. A Special Order by Consent (St C) may be necessary while pursuing action to obtain compliance. As a final note, an NPDES Permit is normally issued for a five-year period. Permits are not automatically renewed, Renewal requests must be submitted to this Agency no later than 180 days prior to expiration. Please make note of the expiration date of your Permit. This date is set forth on Page I of the Permit, Also note that NPDES Permits are not automatically transferable, If you, as the Permittee, cease to need this Permit, then you should request that the Division of Water Quality rescind the Permit or request that DWQ reissue the Permit to another party, if necessary, I As mentioned previously, the purpose of this letter is to advise you of the importance of your NPDES Permit. Please read the Permit and contact this Office at 704/663-1699 in Mooresville if you have any questions or need clarification. We look forward to providing any assistance. Sincerely, 1=_C! D. Rex Gleason, P.E. Surface Water Protection Regional Supervisor AANPDESLTRVQ Michae -. M p we axe fa, North -Ca U.S. Envi ... �.. �. _....� _.. _..._.._ _...... vnment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Easley, Covemor Alan k June 15, 2006 +noway =in Properties & e Street, Suite 2800 Carolina 28208 Subject: Issuance of NPDES Permit N"CO0882 6 Wachovia Tryon Street i ` enburg County Noway:: Sion personnel have reviewed and approved your application for the subject permit. Accordingly, Lrding the attached NPDES, discharge permit. This permit is issued pursuant to the requirements of a General Statute 1 215.1 and. the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the mental Protection Agency dated May 9,1994 or as subsequently amended). ! it contains the following significant changes from the draft you were sent on April 26, ( 6: permit has been clarified to reflect the fact that there will be two distinct discharge points. Both is will have identical monitoring requirements. North Carolina 27699-614). tress such demand is made, this decision ahall be final ' i require modification or revocation and reissuance of the permit permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by the Division of Water Quality or permits required by the Division of Land Resources, the Coastal Area Management Act or any other Federal or Local governmental permit that may be required. If you have any questions concerning permit, please contact Toya Fields at telephone number (919) 5083, extension 551. Sincerely, �sVAI�anW.- etc, P.E. cc: Central Files Meddenburg County DEP DES ilnit Aquatic Toxicology Unit' t Technical Assistance d Certification Unit John S. Lair, Engineering Consulting Services, Ltd. [8702 Iced Oak Boulevard, Suite A, Charlotte, North Carolina 282171 Mike Korzelius, CMUD [4000 Westmont Drive, Charlotte, North Carolina 282171 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carob 27 1617 Telephone (919) 733-7015 FAX 919) 733-0719 �thC ' 512 N. Salisbury S Raleigh, No Carolina 27 On the Internet at http://h o.enr. te.nc.usl An ual Cn nitvl a NCO088226 Ir STATE OF NC DIVISION O TO DISCHARGE W) "AROLINA NATURAL RESOURCES fly. QUAL DES THE Nrxj, A L111!6jt Mtl% A A.iAU;F1—AAX1X1X%.TAa K1Lr11YA'X1'WZ1 A AWIN 4.7 1 7 x xwiyA ions promulgated and adapted by the North Carolina Environmental Management ��-onumssion, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, Waehovla Bank, N.A. hereby authorized to discharge wastewater from a facility located at Wachovaa Tryon Street QU Block of South Tryon Street Charlotte, North !Carolina Mecklenburg County raters designated as an unnamed tributary to Little Sugar Creek in the Catawba L in accordance ith effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and tither` conditions set forth in farts I II, III and IV hereof ill ibecome effective July 1, 2006. J authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight on June :30, 2020. r June 15, 2006. -Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality' By Authority of the Environmental Management Com ` sian NPDES Permit Requirements Page 1 of 16 PART 11 STANDARD CONDITIONS FOR NPDES PERMITS jestion-A. —Definitions 2ZMo—nth Samples are collected twice per month with at least ten calendar days between sampling events. 3IWeek Samples are collected three times per week on three separate calendar days. Act -Q-r-"Ihe —Act" The Federal Water Pollution Control Act, also known as the Clean Water Act, as amended, 33 USC 1251, et. seq. Amu-W_A-v-qmgc The arithmetic mean of all "daily* discharges" of a pollutant measured during the calendar year. In the case of fecal coliform, the geometric can of such discharges. Arithmetic Mean The summation of the individual values divided by the number of individual values. BXpass The known diversion of waste streams from any portion of a treatment facility including the collection system, which is not a designed or established or operating mode for the facility. C.alf.8dar Day The period from midnight of one day until midnight of the next day. However, for purposes of this permit, any consecutive 24-hour period that reasonably represents the calendar day may be used for sampling. !Calendal: carter One of the following distinct periods: January through March, April through June, July through September, and October through December. Cg=gaitc. atle A sample collected over a 24-hour period:by continuous sampling or combining grab samples of at least 100 ml in such a manner as to result in a total sample representative of the wastewater discharge during the sample period. The Director may designate the most appropriate method (specific number and size of aliquots; necessary, the time interval between grab samples, etc.) on a case -by -case basis. Samples may be collected manually or automatically. Composite samples may be obtained by the following methods: (1) Continuous: a single, continuous sample collected over a 24-hour period proportional to the rate of flow. (2) Constant time/variable volume: a series of grab samples collected at equal time intervals over a 24.hour period of discharge and combined proportional to the rate of flow measured at the time of individual sample collection, or (3) Variable time/constant volume: a series of grab samples of equal volume collected over a 24 hour period with the time intervals between samples determined by a preset number of gallons passing the sampling point. Flow measurement between sample intervals shall be detertnined by use of a flow recorder and totalizer, and the preset gallon interval between sample collection fixed at no greater than 1/24 of the expected total daily flow at the treatment system, or (4) Constant time/constant volume: a series of grab samples of equal volume collected over a 24-hour period at a constant time interval. This method may only be used in situations he effluent flow rates vary less than 15 percent. The grab samples shall be taken at intervals of no greater than 20 minutes -apart during any 24-hour period and must be of equal size and of no less than 100 milliliters. Use of this method requires prior approval by the Director. Version 612012003 ural Resources. ual values where N = the nut " (or "< [detection lever' � sh4 ed over a period of time not t representative of the discha "- casidered = L f the Clean Water Act. Instantaeou flow ` �ureerr A measure of flow taken at the time of sampling, when bath the sample and flow will be representative of t discharge. Version 612012003 :a centrat�,on�l c mean of all "dafly discharges" of a pollutant measured during the calendar month. In the case of fecal geometric mean of such discharges of the Division of Water Quality. ,f all samples taken over a calendar quarter. tysical damage to property, damage to the treatment facilities which causes them to become inoperable, ere property damage excludes economic loss caused by delays in production. nt listed as toxic under Section 307(a)o) of the Clean Water Act. beyond the reasonable control of the Permittee causing unintentional and temporary n6ricompliano error, improperly designed treatment facilities, inadequate treatment facilities, la( &, or careless or improper operation. etic mean of all "daily discharges" of a pollutant measured during the calendar week. It --- -` - -' - ^- NPDES Permit Requirements Page 7 of 16 b. Within 120 calendar days of- ,o-- Receiving notification of a change in the classification of the system requiring the designation of a new ORC and back-up ORC )O� A vacancy in the position of ORC or back-up ORC. 2. The Permittee shall at all times provide the operation and maintenance resources necessary to operate the existing permit [40 CFR 122-41 (e)]. 3. Ns —ed—t-o—H -a 11 —0 _r &e—d u—c e- Mn —Ot A D—e —fe n- It shall not be a defense for a Permittee in an enforcement action that it would have been necessary to halt or reduce the permitted activity in order to maintain compliance with the condition of this permit [40 CFR 122-41 (C)I- 4. a. Bypass not exceeding limitations [40 CFR 122.41 (m) (2)] The Permittee may allow any bypass to occur which does not cause effluent limitations to be exceeded, but U111Y u it 41ow �� X­ provisions of Paragraphs b. and c. of this section. b. Notice [40 CFR 122.41 (m)'(3)] Anticipated bypass. If the Permittee knows in advance of the need for a bypass, it shall submit prior notice, if possible at least ten days before the date of the bypass; including an evaluation of the anticipated quality and effect of the bypass. (2) Unanticipated bypass. The Permittee shall submit notice of an unanticipated bypass as required in Part IL E. 6. (24-hour notice). c. Prohibition of Bypass Bypass from the treatment facility is prohibited and the Permit Issuing Authority may take enforcement action against a Pertnittee for bypass, unless: (A) Bypass was unavoidable to prevent loss of life, personal injury or severe property damage; (B) There were no feasible alternatives to the bypass, such as the use of auxiliary treatment facilities, retention of untreated wastes or maintenance during normal periods of equipment downtime. This condition is not satisfied if adequate backup equipment should have been installed in the exercise of reasonable engineering judgment to prevent a bypass which occurred during normal periods of equipment downtime or preventive maintenance; and (C) The Permittee submitted notices as required under Paragraph b. of this section. (2) Bypass from the collection system is prohibited and the Pertnit Issuing Authority may take enforcement action against a Pertnittee for a bypass as provided in any current or future system -wide collection system permit associated with the treatment facility. (3) The Permit Issuing Authority may approve an anticipated bypass, after considering its adverse effects, if the Permit Issuing Authority determines that it will meet the three conditions listed above in Paragraph c. of this section. 5. a. Effect of an upset [40 CFR 122.41 (n) (2)): An upset constitutes an affirmative defense to an action brought for noncompliance with such technology based permit effluent limitations if the requirements of paragraph b. of this condition are met. No determination made during administrative review of claims that Verskin 612012003 NPDES Permit Requirements Page 9 of 16 of the volume of monitored discharges. The the accuracy of the measurements is consistent cted small be capable of measuring flows with a tes throughout the range of expected discharge i at a minimum of once per year and maintained -h the accepted capability of that type of device. nitoring location prior to installation. Once -through condenser cooling water flow monitored by pump logs, or pump hour meters as specified in Part I of this permit and based on the manufacturer's pump curves shall not be subject to this requirement. . Test Procedures Test procedures for the analysis of pollutants shall conform to the EMC regulations (published pursuant to NC CS 143-215.63 et. seq.), the Water and Air" Quality Reporting Acts, and to regulations published pursuant to Section 304(g), 33 USC 1314, of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (as Amended), and 40 CFR 136; or in the case of sludge use or disposal, approved under 40 CFR 136, unless otherwise specified in 40 CFR 503, unless other test procedures have been specified in this permit [40 CFR 122.41]. To meet the intent of the monitoring required by this permit, all test procedures must produce minimum detection and reporting levels that are below the permit discharge requirements and all data generated must be reported down to the minimum detection or lower reporting level of the procedure. If no approved methods are determined capable of achieving minimum detection and reporting; levels below permit discharge requirements, then the most sensitive (method with the lowest possible detection and reporting level) approved method must be used. 5. 'Penalties for Tampering e Clean Water Act provides that any person who falsifies, tampers with, or knowingly nders inaccurate, any monitoring device or method required to be 'maintained under this permit shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not more than $10,000 per violation, or by imprisonment for not more than o years per violation., or by both. If a conviction of a person is for a violation committed after a first conviction of such person under this paragraph, punishment is a fine of not more than $20,000 per day of violation, or by imprisonment of not more than 4 years, or both [40 CFR 122.41]. . ecordL t ors Except for records of monitoring information required by this pen -nit related to the Pe ttee's sewage sludge use and disposal activities, which shallbe retained for a period of at least five years (or longer as required by 40 CFR 503),'the Pertnittee shall retain records of all monitoring information, including. all calibration and maintenance records all original strip chart recordings for continuous monitoring instrumentation ➢ copies of all reports required by this permit > copies of all data used to complete the application for this permit These records or copies shall be maintained for a period of at least 3 years from the date of the sample, measurement, report or application, This period may be extended by request of the Director at any time [44 CFR 122 411. 7. Recording Results For each measurement or sample taken pursuant to the requirements of this permit, the Permittee shall record the following information [40 CFR 12 .411: a. The date, exact place, and time of sampling or measurements; b. The ` dividual(s) who performed the sampling or measurements; c. The dates) analyses were performed; d. The individual(s) who performed theanalyses; Version 612012003 Page 10 of 96 :ical techniques or methods used and s of such analyses. n shall allow the Director, or an authorized representative (including an authorized contractor acting tive of the Dirrrtctrl nnn., t1,s, —r , upon the P ttee's premises where a regulated facility c «a underconditions a « s « y location [40 CFR 122.41 (i)]. « •« +— #/aww.ca.— 1 AAG t= Yf-tAigfz entified in this permit more frequently than or at a level in excess of that authorized shall n of the permit. t. *0 CFR >utants nor to • • • • • f ,ii' 6. NPDES Permit Requirements Page I I of 16 riate Regional Office any noncompliance that information shall be provided orally within 24 unistances. A written submission shall also be es aware of the circumstances. The written e, and its cause; the period of noncompliance, as not been corrected, the anticipated time it is y waive the written report on a case -by -case basis for reports under this section if the oral eceived within 24 hours. ;ide normal business hours may also be reported to the Division's Emergency Response 662-7956, (800) 858-0368 or (919) 733-3300. I ne rerrun[ee !JIIUU LCPUL L UJI JIM LkUJ%.VZI U IlVil�AJIIIJJ rII—I -1 the time monitoring reports are submitted. The reports shall contain the information listed in Part IL E. 6. of this permit [40 CFR 122.410) (7)]. 8. Qthej Infomlatim-n- Where the Permittee becomes aware that it failed to subtruit any relevant facts in a permit application, or submitted incorrect information in a permit application or in any report to the Director, it shall promptly submit such facts or information [40 CFR 122.410) (8)]. 9. NoncomnhangtNo' The Permittee shall report by telephone to either the central office or the appropriate regional office of the Division as soon as possible, but in no case more than 24 hours or on the next working day following the occurrence or first knowledge of the occurrence of any of the following - a. Any occurrence at the water pollution control facility which results in the discharge of significant amounts of wastes which are abnormal in quantity or characteristic, such as the dumping of the contents of a sludge digester; the known passage of a slug of hazardous substance through the facility; or any'other unusual circumstances. b. Any process unit failure, due to known or unknown reasons, that render the facility incapable of adequate wastewater treatment such as mechanical or electrical failures of pumps, aerators, compressors, etc. c. Any failure of a pumping station, sewer line, or treatment facility resulting in a by�pass directly to receiving waters without treatment of all or any portion of the influent to such station or facility. Persons reporting such occurrences by telephone shall also file a written report within 5 days following first knowledge of the occurrence. 10. AV-AjhhfljjY OLBSP—Orts Except for data determined to be confidential under NCGS 143-215.3 (a) (2) or Section 308 of the Federal Act, 33 USC 1318, all reports prepared in accordance with the terms shall be available for public inspection at the offices of the Division of Water Quality. As required by the Act, effluent data shall not be considered confidential. Knowingly making any false statement on any such report may result in the imposition of critninal penalties as provided for in NCGS 143-215.1 (b)(2) or in Section 309 of the Federal Act. 11. J!CnaLties Lol: Ea_lsification of Renorts The Clean Water Act provides that any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any record or other document submitted or required to be maintained under this permit, including monitoring reports or reports of compliance or noncompliance shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of Version 612012003 NPDES Permit Requirements Page 13 of 16 adverse impacts to waters of the State. This permit cannot be rescinded while'any activities requiring this permit continue at the permitted facility. PART IV SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR MUNCIPAL FACILITIES Section A. Publil `d Tr ant; arks PQ All POIWs must provide adequate notice to the Director of the following: 1. Any; new introduction of pollutants into the POW from an indirect discharger which would be subject to section 301 or 306 of CA if it were directly discharging those pollutants, and . Any substantial change in the volume or character of pollutants being introduced by an indirect discharger as influent to that POTW at the` time ofissuance of the permit. 3. For purposes of this paragraph, adequate notice shall include information can (1) the quality and quantity of effluent introduced into the PO , and (2) any anticipated impact of the change on the quantity or quality of effluent to be discharged from the POTW. action B. Mun.c. `al C `tr l Po It t fro class rial L1 r. 1. ' Effluent limitations e listed in Part I of this permit. Other pollutants attributable to inputs from industries using the municipal system may be present in the Pe tt e's discharge. At such time as sufficient information becomes available to establish limitations for such pollutants, this permit may be revised to specify effluent limitations for any or all of such other pollutants' in accordance with best practicable technology or water quality standards. 2. Under no circumstances shall the Perinittee allow' introduction of the following wastes in the waste treatment system a. Pollutants which create a fire or explosion hazard in the PO , including, but not limited to, wastestrearns with a closed cup flashpoint of less than 140 degrees Fahrenheit or 60 degrees Centigrade using the test methods specified in 40 CFR 261.21; b. Pollutants which will cause corrosive structural to the PO , but in no case Discharges with PH lower than 5.0, unless the works is specifically designed to accommodate such Discharges; C. Solid or viscous pollutants in ounts which will cause obstruction to the flaw in the POTW resulting in Interference; d. Any pollutant, including oxygen demanding pollutants (BO , etc.) released in a Discharge at a flow rate and/or pollutant concentration which will cause Interference with the PO e. Heat in amounts which will inhibit biological activity in the POTW resulting in Interference, but in no case heat in such quantities that the temperature at the PO'IW'Treatxnent Plant exceeds 0°C (104°F) unless the Division, upon request of the PO , approves alternate temperaturelimits; f. Petroleum oil, noribiodegradable cutting oil, or products of mineral oil origin in amounts that will cause interference or pass through; g. Pollutants which result in the presence of toxic gases, vapors, or fumes within the POTW in a quantity that may cause acute worker health and safety problems; h. Any trucked or hauled pollutants, except at discharge points designated by the POW. . With regard to the effluent requirements listed in Part I of this permit, it may be necessary for the Permittee to supplement the requirements of the Federal Pretreatment Standards (40 CFR, fart 40) to sure compliance by the Permittee with all applicable effluent limitations. Such actions by the Permittee may be necessary regarding some or all of the industries discharging to the municipal system. 4. The Permittee shall require any industrial discharges sending influent to the permitted system to meet Federal Pretreatment Standards promulgated in response to Section 07(b) of the Act. Prior to accepting wastewater from any significant industrial user, the Pertrtittee shall either develop and submit to the Version 612012003 x •:....0 nvironrental Chemist turd Resources (NCDFNR)` ity - Surface Water Protection Croup Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 Fax: (704) 663-6 40 I address has changed to r arcIa llocco Lncdenr. ov Karen; rsmith3@ecslimited.com 86866 if approved. TO DI NA"?L PO In compliance with the provi % d re0ations promulgate Commission, an is hereby authori to receiving waters dest t River Basin in 'in accord c( Condit This permit shaU become eff This permit and authori ati© Signed this day May 14,2009 ZC)T .i"N A re June 1, 2009. discharge shaff expire at midnight on June 30, 201Qa n ent Come i sion permit N OO88:226 PLEMENT TO PERMIT COVER SHEET a achov a Bank, N.A. is hereby authorized ' to dendenburg County. Decet CERTIFIED MAIL #7007 0710 0005 2882 1547 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Properties ge Street, Suite 2800 Carolina 28202 SUBJECT: NOTICE RECOMI Tracking] Complian NPDESP Wacbovia 500 South Mecklenb vay: 10,2007 OF VIOLATION and 4ENDATION FOR ENFORCEMENT �o.: NOV-2007-PC-0813 ,e Evaluation Inspection ,rmit No.: NCO088226 Site Tryon Street irg County, NC is being issued as a Notice of Violation/Notice of Recommendation 12MMIMM Measurement, and Self Monitoring Program sections of the attached report. Pursuant to G.S. 143-215,6A, a civil penalty of not more than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) per violation, per day, may be assessed against any person who violates or fails to act in accordance with the terms, conditions, or requirements of any permit issued pursuant to G.S. 143-215 � 1. It is requested that a written response be submitted to this Office by no later than January 7,2008, addressing the above -noted violations in the attached report. In responding to the violations, please address your comments to the attention of Ms. Marcia Allocco at the letterhead address, Additionally, please send a copy of your response to Mr. Rusty Rozzelle of MCWQP at 700 N. Tryon Street, Suite 205, Charlotte, NC 28202. tither matters, please contact Ms Sincerely, Robert B. Treys Regional Super°' Surface Water Pr CAP File: WQ Wachovia,0708 6 zsor otection )460 Form Approved ARAX-NA OMB No. 2040-0003 — Approval Expires NCDENre„ aR 7/31/85 Section A. National Transaction Code NPDES 5 NCO088226 Permit No. YRJMO/DAY Inspection 07/11/02 C Type Inspector Facility Type C NA Remarks: Inspector: Mecklenburg County Water Quality Inspection Work Days Facility L5 Self -Monitoring Evaluation Rating BI 1 N QA ..........Reserved............ N Section B. Facility Data Name and Location of Facility Inspected: Wachovia Site Childress Klein Properties 500 South Tryon Street Charlotte, NC Entry Time: 11:00 AM Exit Time: 12:45 AM Date: November 02, 2007 Permit Effective Date: July 1, 2006 Permit Expiration Date: June 30, 2010 Name(s) of On -Site Representatives Mr. Allen Holloway 111, RPA / Construction ----_--Title( )--------Phone No(s)- Manager / Phone: (704)342-9000 / Fax: (704)343-4387 Name and Address of Responsible Mr. Allen Holloway 111, RPA Childress Klein Properties 301 South College Street, Suite 2800 Charlotte, North Carolina, 28202 Official: Title: Construction Manager Phone (704) No. Contacted? 343-4387 Yes Section C: Areas Evaluated During Inspection Permit Z Records/Reports Z Z Facility Site Review F1 Effluent/Receiving Waters Z Flow Measurement Operations & Self -Monitoring Program Sludge Handling/Disposal Compliance Schedules El Pretreatment Program Laboratory El Stormwater Maintenance El Sewer Overflow 0 Pollution Prevention El Multimedia El Other: Section D: Summary of Findings/Comments All areas are rated satisfactory unless otherwise indicated. See attached sheet(s) for summary. Signature(s) of Inspector(s): Christopher Elmore Agency/Office/Telephone: MCWQP/(704) 336-5500 Date: November 15,2007 Signature of Reviewer: Marcia Allocco Agency/Office: NCDENR — Division of Water Quality Surface Water Protection — Mooresville Regional Office Date: November 30, 2007 EPA Form 3560-3 (Revised 3-85) Previous Editions are Obsolete +,NL L. e effective on July 1, 20 f groundwater from (hut# tion site and the permit a ,ation. Outfall 001 disci. rges groundwater after i treatment elements in l u _:� E VIpI� ! ! ' • r o Duplicate signed copies; to the following address: DE-NR. / D aection was une 30, 2010. The of the site after it is pumped to s through a discharges♦ site. The facility is required. July 2006 through a the inspection 0) and dated tern 2 that d for each month 'allowing the th following the month following IRs within the Section Item 7 that describes the requirements for recording results of any sampling and monitoring performed as a requirement of NCO088226 and should correspond to data reported on the monthly Discharge Monitoring Report(s). FACILITY SITE REVIEW: All of the components of the Outfalls 001 and 002 were in service and appeared to be operating properly at the time of the inspection. FLOW MEASUREMENT: Permit NCO088226 states, in Section A. 1. Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements that flow is to be measured on a monthly basis using an appropriate flow meter at both Outfalls 001 and 002. The permit further states, in Part 11 Standard Conditions Section D, that the flow meters are to be calibrated at a minimum of once per year. As indicated on the as required by the permit at either outfall. LABORATORY: The permittee contracts with Pace Analytical Services, Inc. to perform all chemical analyses (NC Laboratory Certification # 12) and Chronic Toxicity testing (NC Laboratory Certification # 9) specified in the permit. Pace Analytical Services, Inc. was not evaluated during this inspection. EFFLUENT/RECEIVING WATERS: The facility discharges to the City of Charlotte municipal storm drain system, which subsequently discharges into an unnamed tributary to Little Sugar Creek, a Class C water, within the Catawba River Basin. The discharges from Outfalls 001 and 002 were clear and had no odor. Inspection of the outfalls revealed no evidence of detrimental impacts. SELF -MONITORING PROGRAM: DMRs were reviewed for the period July 2006 through June 2007. The following deficiencies were found during this review: I . The permittee has not monitored the discharge flow at either Outfall 001 or 002 as required by the permit and discussed in the Flow Measurement section. 2. The inspection determined that the discharges from Outfalls 001 and 002 might not have been monitored as required in the Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements, Section A. (1) of NCO088226 due to non -discharge on facility visitation days by contracted sampling personnel. It is a violation of NCO088226 to discharge effluent to Waters of the State without performing the required monitoring. 3. The addressed w Quality. 4. The discharl 2007.This Unit of the I Chronic To discharge f OPERATIONS ,& MA The site appear `]ENANCE: be in good operating condition at the time of tI wring September ve been or will b ie Division of Water )r daring September Le Aquatic Toxicity of the quarterly rformed on the c 2006. site visit. NCDENP MRO Fax:7846686840 P. 1 Fax PhoneNumber Mode Start 191974 a8517 NORMAL 8, 16:1 0' 7ve; Suite 301 � eroiina 2811>6 -1699 . rMl ,6040 I from! }{ Fax. - ( Pages Phone: Date: Re: CC. C1 urgent 0 For Review' 0 Please Comment iease`Reply Please Recycle 610'East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 DENR Telephone. 704-663-1699 # - s ! Fax; 704-663-6040 To°t sue?.(' From:/ LR- Fax: S - rages: Phone: Date: Re CC: ❑ urgent 0 For Review 0 Please Comment ® Please Reply ® Please Recycle IIlMAM� r North Carolina Department of Enviror D vlsion of Watei Michael K Easley, Govemor June 15, 200 Mr. Allen Holloway Childress Klein Properties 301 South College Street, Suite 2800 Charlotte, North Carolina 28208 Subt( Dear Mr. Holloway: Division personnel have reviewed and approved your m Agency dated May 9,1994 {; wok f* t. lent and Natural Resources tuality Ala;nVKKrh6k1, MQlte Issuance of NPDES Permit C O08822 Wachovia Tryon Street Mecklenburg County amended). Center, Raleigh North. Carolina 76 -6714 . Unless such demand is made, this decision shall be final and binding. Please note that this permit is not transferable except after notice to the Division. The Division may require modification or revocation and refs u ce of the permit. This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by the Division of Water Quality or permits required by the Division of Land resources, the Coastal Area Management Act or any other Federal or Local goverrunental permit that may be required If you have any questions concerning this permit, please contact Toya Fields at telephone number (919) 33-5083, extension 551. Sincerely, CiA '" Alan W. Klimek, P.E. cc: Central Files Mooresville Regional Office/Surface Water Protection Mecklenburg County DEP IlES'Unit Aquatic Toxicology Unit Technical Assistance and Certification Unit John S. Lair, Engineering Consulting Services, Ltd. [8 02 Red Oak Boulevard, Suite A, Charlotte, North Carolina 282171 Mike Korzelius, C [4000 Westmont Drive, Charlotte, North Carolina 282171 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Telephone (919) 733-7015 FAX (919) 733-0719 512 N. Salisbury Street; Raleigh, No Carolina 27604 On the Internet at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ et , r DIVISION OF WA" PERMI achovia B achovia Tryon 500 Block of South Tr) Charlotte, North Ca Mecklenburg Col NCO088226 OLIN ETARESOURCES )UALITY :LIMINA.TION SYSTEM t Street io conditions set forth in Farts I,11, HI and IV hereof. This permit shall become effective July 1, 2006. This permit and authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight on June 30, 2010. Signed this day June 15, 2006. 'r` ' 14*"� IL W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality y Authority of the Environmental Management Conunission slued to this facility, whether, faced permit bearing this numt this facility arises under the pe h+ itering water from pro denburg County. NCO088226 COVER SHEET luirernents, tenns, and provisions included Lorized to: NCO088226 A. (1). EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS During the period beginning can the effective date of the permit and lasting until expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge from outfall 001. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee a specified below. �n with the storm sewer, ,:1 at nt at nt nt of nt required and may be discontinued for the remainder of the pe T °t term. If lead is detected at > 25.0 pgl L during any of the first eight sampling events, lead monitoring must be continued for the remainder of the permit to 4. If this pollutant is not detected above method detection limits during the first eight sampling events, then monitoring is no longer required and may be discontinued for the remainder of the pen -nit term. if the; pollutant is detected during of the first eight sampling events, monitoring must continue for the remainder of the permit to a. 'Chronic Toxicity (Ceriodap `a) P F at 90%; March, June, September, and December; See Special Condition A (3) of the Supplement to Effluent Limitations. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or foam visible in other than trace amounts. A. ( ). EFFLUENT EI T LIMITATIONS AND 3 OT( During the period beginning on the effective date of the I authorized to discharge from outfall serial number 002. f Pe ttee as specified. below: NCC)C7 ! ITORING REQUIREMENTS armit and lasting until expiration, the Permittee is taw �=, z tau utr ut— attu ucvat.ttutxu UY tug Flow Monthly Meter Effluent Total Suspended Solids 30.0 g L Monthly Grab Effluent Oil and Grease2 Monthly Grab Effluent Benzene 71.4 pg/L Monthly Grab Effluent Toluene` 1LO pg/L Monthly grab Effluent Ethylbenzene 383 pg/L Monthly Grab Effluent Total Xylenes 88.5 pgL Monthly Grab Effluent Methyl Tert-Butyl :Ether(MTBE Monthly Crab Effluent Leads Monthly Grab Effluent 1,2 Did-doroethane4 Monthly Grab Effluent Napthalene4 105 pg/L Monthly grab Effluent n-But lbenzene 3 pg/L Monthly Grab Effluent Chronic Toicitys Quarterly Grab Effluent Notes: 1. All "effluent" samples shall be collected after the point of convergence of all dewatering streams and prior to the point of connection with the storm sewer.' 2, , The grab sample for oil and grease should be skimmed reed from the surface in a quiescent zone, such as a holding tank, if possible. If lead is detected ate 25.0 pg/L during the first eight sampling events, the lead monitoring is no longer required and may be discontinued for the remainder of the'permit term. If lead is detected at > 25.0 pg/L during any of the first eight sampling events, lead monitoring rnust`be continued for the remainder of the permit term. 4. If this pollutant is not detected above method detection lintits during the first eight sampling events, then monitoring is no longer required and may be discontinued for the remainder of the permit term, If the pollutant is detected. during g any of the first eight sampling events, monitoring must continue for the remainder of the permit to 5. Chronic Toxicity (Ceriodap ia) P/li at 0%; March, June, September, and December; See Special Condition .A (4) of the Supplement to Effluent Limitations. There shah be no discharge of floating solids or foam; visible in other than trace amounts. SUPPL .NI A 90 lam. N T TO EFF DNITORIN WECIAL CC NCO088226 T LIMITATIONS !UIREMENTS 'IONS T (QUARTERLY) — OUTFALL 001 reproduction or significant mortality to Ceriodaphnia ;es. ;-aroiina,rnaseiit,,nrorucvvnoietttiuentioxicityiesirrocecture ac v Seca-recsruary xrs ;c r suasectu nc ver �vxa . The chronic value for multiple concentration tests will be determined using the geometric mean of,the highest concentration having no detectable impairment of reproduction or survival and the lowest concentration that does have a detectable impairment of reproduction or survival. The definition of "detectable impairment," collection methods, exposure regimes, and further statistical methods are specified in the "North Carolina Phase ll Chronic Whole Effluent Toxicity Test Procedure" (Revised -February 199 ) or subsequent versions. All toxicity testing results required as wart of this permit condition will be entered on the Effluent Discharge Monitoring form (MR-1) for the months in which tests were performed, using the parameter code TGP3B for the pass/fail results and THP3 for the Chronic Value. Additionally,I WQ Form AT- (ori al) is to be sent to the following address: Attention, North Carolina Division of Water Quality' Environmental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-11 Completed Aquatic Toxicity Test forms shall be filed with the Environmental Sciences Section no later than 30 days after the d of the reporting period for which the report is made. Test data shall be complete, accurate, include all supporting chemical/physical measurements and all concentration/response data, and be certified by laboratory supervisor and O C or approved designate signature. "Total residual chlorine of the effluent toxicity sample must be measured and reported if chlorine i employed for disinfection of the waste stream. Should there be no discharge of flow from the facility during a month in which toxicity monitoring is required, the permittee will complete the information located at the trip of the aquatic toxicity (AT) test form indicating the facility name, permit number, pipe number, county,`and the month/year of the report with the notation of "No Flow" in the comment area of the form. The report shall be subn-fitted to the Environmental Sciences Section at the address cited above. Should the per ittee fail to monitor during a month in which toxicity monitoring is required, monitoring will be required during the following month. Should' any test data from this monitoring requirement or tests performed by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality indicate potential impacts to the receiving stream, this permit may be re -opened and modified to include alternate monitoring requirements or limits: NOTE. Failure to achieve test conditions as specified in the cited document, such as rrdnimurn control organism survival, minimum control organism reproduction, and appropriate environmental controls, shall constitute an invalid test and will require immediate follow-up testing to be completed no later than the last day of the month following the month of the initial monitoring, •ation of 90%. ME v specified in the "North Carat ;quent versions. Attention: North Carolina D visi Environmental Scienc 1621 Mail Service Cen Raleigh, North Car6li ,or which the report is made. effluent toxicity sample must be measured and reported if chlorine is employed for disinfection of the waste stream. Should there be no discharge of flow from the facility during a month in which toxicity monitoring is required, the permittee will complete the information located at the top of the aquatic tonicity (AT) test form indicating the facility name, permit number, pipe number, county, and the month/year of the report with the notation of "No plow"* in the comment area of the form. The report shall be submitted to the Environmental Sciences Section at the address cited above. Should the pennittee fail to monitor during a month in which toxicity monitoring is required, monitoring will be required during the following month. Should any test data from this monitoring requirement or tests performed by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality ty indicate potential impacts to the receiving stream, this permit may be re -opened and modified to include alternate monitoring requirements or li 't. NOTE: Failure to achieve test conditions as specified in the cited document, such as minimum control organism survival, minimum control organism reproduction, and appropriate environmental controls shall constitute an invalid test and will require immediate follow-up testing to be completed no later than the last clay of the month following the month of the initial monitoring. , "T �-Xpril 26, 2006 7 Mr. Allen Holloway Childress Klein Properties 301 South College Street Suite 2800 Charlotte, North Carolina 28208 WATMUL111 Subject: L)raft NPDES Permit Permit NCO088226 Wachovia Tryon Street BTS Mecklenburg County Dear Mr. Holloway: Enclosed with this letter is a copy of the draftpermit for your facility. Please review the draft very carefully to ensure thorough understanding of the conditions and requirements it contains. This discharge is for a dewatering project with no proposed treatment. Please be aware that this draft pen -nit contains a Whole Effluent Toxicity testing requirement as well as limits for several potential parameters of concern. An Authorization to Construct (ATC) permit will be required if you decide to add treatment units at some point in the future. Submit any comments to me no later than thirty days following your receipt of the draft. Comments should be sent to the address listed at the bottom of this page. If no adverse comments are received from the public or from you, this permit will likely be issued in two months. If you have any questions or comments concerning this draft permit, please contact me at (919) 733-5083 x 551 or via email at t2ya.fields@ncmail.net. Sincerely, Cfields Western -, Le 'a � Western NPDES Program cc: NPDES Unit Aquatic Toxicology Unit John S. Lair Engineering Consulting Services, Ltd. 8702 Red Oak Boulevard, Suite A Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 One 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Telephone (919) 733-7015 FAX (919) 733-0719 NxhCarolina 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 On the Internet at http://www,ncwaterquality.org hAmally ,4 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer t NCO088 26 0, DIVISION OF WAT PERMIT TO DISCHARGE WASTEW is hereby author to receiving waters designa River Basin in accordant, condil This permit shall become eff+ This permit and athorizatic Signed this day. Ala Dh By Wachovia Ear ued to discharge wast alive. ute 14-215.1, ether lawful standards >lina Environmental Management .itrol Act, as amended, om a facility located at S eet L Little Sugar Creep in the Catawba itoring requirements, and ether td IV hereof. idnight on ,June 30, 2010 :neat Commission SUPPLEMENT TO PER All previous NPDES Permits issued to this facility, whether for o issuance, any previously issued permit bearing this number is here; Wachovia Bank, N.A. is you Street, Charlotte, M NCO088226 'COVER SHEET SIMM. )y authorized to: xrg County. an unnamed tributary to Lithe Sugar Creek, Class C water in the Catawba Rive t the location specified on the attached map. =0MATAWMA M INE' C. MISS LIMITATIONS JIREMENTS DNS )roduction or significant mortality to Ceriodaphnia ,g test procedures outlined in the "North Carolina 18, or subsequent versions or "North Carolina Phase 98) or subsequent versions. The tests will be ffluent sampling for this testing shall be performed Attention: North Carolina Divisiori Environmental Sciences 1621 Mail Service Cente: Raleigh, North Carolina -ity Test Forms shall be filed with the Environme. :)d for which the report is made. ' it to the following address: )f Water Quality ection 27699-1621 cal measurements and a" iate signature. Total resi Him NCDI achovia NC008 none _.... _: _... ..en» 1A .IT DEVELOPMENT .A. (6) County � Mecklenburg_,._ (7) Regional Office ; Mooresville (8) SG "T'opq quad:_ Impaired overall and for , (12.) IWC %: N aquatic life u dowfito" area r��i.awamv I. res. itially proposing toe ediate the groundwater. They plan to simply dewater the site. monitoring wells data indicate the following pollutants have the potential to be N .> gOlin Benzene 1.75 71.4 (NC, human health n-But lbenzene 2.12 3 (ECOTOX) Dii o ropyl ether 1.21 20,000 (ECOTOX) (iso ro 1 ether] Eth lbenzene 4.45 520 (ECOTOX) j o ro !benzene 16 310 (ECOTOX) NPDES Permit Fact Sheet - 04/18/06 Page 2 CA7nr'k^-ice TZ I� iN%-VV00/-o 14J1 jJ;:LI ICtllit UIIFCtLM Flow TSS 30.0 m /L Oil and grease Benzene 71.4 F IT Toluene 11.01r /L Eth lbenzene 383 /L X .lone 88.5 y /L MTBE Lead 1,2 Dichoroethane Na thalene 1051 /L Based on the results of the sampling data and the parameters of monitor for the following: ➢ Flow > Ethylbenene A TSS A Xylene ➢ Oil and grease > MTBE ➢ Benzene A Lead A Toluene > 1,2 Dichloroethane This segment of Little Sugar Creek is listed on the 2006 draft 303 impairments. The impairments are due to fecal coliform standai integrity. Potential sources are urban runoff, storm sewers, and mL_ nnnr ta__w__ "I--- --_.__ rr__, r W..1i r I Draft Permit; tc Permit Schedu monitoring requirements ity will be required to apthalene Butylbenzene Ironic toxicity at 90% Eh overall and aquatic life' NPDES Permit Fact Sheet- 04/18/06 Page 3 Mate Contact Information If you have any questions on any of the above informati Toya Fields at (919) 733-5083, extension 551. idation b Date mments Wachovia Bank NCO08 226 Dr on the attached permit, please contact iation'on the permit development: Signature Date' Reviewed and accepted lby: Re Tonal u ervvisor: Signature _ Date ° NPES Unit Supervisor: Signature Date LETTER 01 ilTic s. Susan Wilson NCD DWG DES Unit 1617'Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 REFERENCE: NPDES Permit Application IANSMITTAL January 17 2006 ECS Project No. 8-3515 e are enclosing the following ;tem(s) 1 Copy(ies) of Repo owns: Transmitted Via: DES Permit Application Letter Fed Ex NPDES Permit Application - Short Form - GW X Regular Mail Site Location Map Groundwater Analytical Data Table Charlotte -Mecklenburg Sewer Use Letter iI you nave any qucsLium, lud"Su givc likes a %,ata at k.J-7V) a v {- v ✓. Thank You, 8 x� C.R;` Nean Principal Scientist ECG' - MID ATLANTIC, LLC 5320 Peters Creek Road, Suite F, Roanoke, Virginia 24019 Phone. (540) 62-2004 FAX. (540) 362-1202 NPDES Pernszt Application i 'ach6 >ia 9,Y, on Street BTS Charlotte, North Carolina ECS Project 0 -3515 January 17 2006 Evaluation of technotogio Alternative . Connectior Charlotte -Mecklenburg U not accept groundwater, Mecklenburg Utilities is e Alternative B. Land Atat Land application would i within the city. Alternative C. Infrltratior, This alternative cannot be flaw projections. Once df Alternative D. In -Situ Gre In -situ groundwater rerne being dewatered; a reerned Alternative E. Closed -Lot Closed -loop groundwater site is being dewatered; a Alternative F. Direct Disc Direct discharge to the si the site. The discharge tc have been met as describ( Alternative F, direct dis If you have any questions Sincerely, ECS-MID ATLANTIC, C.R. Newman Principal Scientist le alternatives Aber discharges to tl le alternative in do i for the subject site. They do over. A letter from Chaarlotte- itte based on land constraints ite because the site is this site because the ited in the vicinity of I other considerations time. r 209-583 . 3 NPDES PERMIT APPLICATIO] I i j I � I i 11 �� ii��W 0 low IORT FORM C W er treatment facilities. Wachovia Bank, N.A. c/o Allen Holloway with Childress Klein Properties - Authorized Agent. Wachovia Tryon Street BTS ss 331 South College Street,Suite 2800 Charlotte ade North Carolina 28208 tuber (74)343-43 0 (704) 43-4 87 s allen-holloway@childreasklein.com of facility producing discharge: same' as above CJ s or state Road 500 Black of South Tryon St Charlotte )de NC, 28202 Mecklenburg County Nam Opercata r in. l esponsible Charge or ORQ Name Engineering Consulting Services, Ltd. - Attention John S. Lair Mailing Address 8702-Red Oak Boulevard, Suite A City Charlotte State f Zip Code NC 28217 Telephone Number (704)525-5152 Fax Number (704)525-7178 4. OwnershipStatus: Federal State El Private ® Public Q Page i of G-GI 6. Number of Out.£all Ide i j 7. Frequency i If intermit Days per v Years S. 'Treatmew 9. Name of r latitude and lop Little Sugg 10. Please lis' the poten fietrachloroj p-Isopropyl( 1,3,5 °i`rime' �M' er d: Diesel fuel ® Solvent )arate discharge points: Fication number(s) M discharge: Continuous E] Intermitt NO oa Information i'as^es+7yarT�nsrr: �we,�vaivlc•1� r..______—._. —- iC -G'W :ilities. Hydraulic and Waste % or nutrients, that have [benzene, Page 2 of 3 NPDES PERMIT APPLICATION - SHORT FORM C- GW For discharges associated with groundwater treatment facilities. 13. Applicant Certification certify that I am familiar with the information contained in the application and that to the beat of my knowledge and belief such information s true, complete, and accurate. for a similar offense.)` k I k Page 3 of 3 -V t si T ,hrn 1 4�i -.Mantic 500 Black of oull't T+ax trcct xc " rs •w5 to dvc s,-.l,.taT r serer as describe in the City of C bz-rl&h-,e's Sewer i-:��:arc aulnct, I t.'-al + RECEIVEDDIVISION Or',- ()UALITY WC-b HR NOV 18 2013 v. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources s.O Division of Water Resources ,43VIL E r Glr NAL OFFICE Water Quality Programs Pat McCrory ry Thomas A. Reeder John E, Skvarla,'III Governor Director Secretary November 18, 201 Ron H. Roach FMA Childress KleinProperties ChiefEngineer/Duke Energy Center 50 Soutar Tryon Street Charlotte, NC 28202 Subject: NPDES Permit Modification Permit NCO088226 Wells Fargo Bank Tyron Street GVvrR Mecklenburg County Class ' Dear Mr. Roach: ndifi+ and co existinj Divisic solvent kdditional treatment modifications may be rewired in the future. Since the modification to your permit is prhnatily narrative and there are no changes to the permit effluent requirements ents then this modification approval letter is the only document ent the Division will issue at this time. Please attach this letter to your permit to beep your permit up to date. We request you. notify the Mooresville Regional Office (70) 663-1699 during normal business hours upon completion of the treatment modifications, The necessary changes to the permit narrative will be made at the next renewal. Please take notice that this; permit is not transferable. This permit does not affect the legal requirement to obtain other permits which may be required by the Division of Waster Resources or permits required by the Division of Land Resources, Coastal Area Management Act or any other Federal or Local government pertnit that may be required. 1617 Mall Service Center, Ralel ht North Carolina 27699.1617 Locatlow 512 N. Salisbury St. Rale h, North Carolina 27604 Phone. 919-80 -63001 East: 919-807-6469 Internet: mWmWWumatenuarity.on An Equal opporturritytkfrrrnaiive Action Employer I1 you have any questions concerning this permit, please contact Ron Berry by phone (919) 0 7-6 96 or by email ron.ben-y@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, Ron Derry Engineer; NPDES Complex Permitting Unit Attachments: Cc: Mooresville Regional Office/'Water Quality Programs (Email) Mecklenburg County/Erin Hall (Email) Childress Klein Properties/Ron Reach (Email) CentralFiles DES File Page 2 of 2 ARICS A AIU� C C DE R North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Doe Freeman Director Secretary r'f "'n Y September 14, 2011 -d, LEED AP �, Regional Property Manager �ank, NA ,on Street 086-300 28202 Subject: Issuance of NPDES Permit Permit NCO088226 Wells Fargo Tryon Street Ground Water Remediation Facility Class 11 Mecklenburg County ard: on personnel have reviewed and approved your application for renewal of the subject permit. Summ,La of Changes in Renewal Permit from Existing Permit 1) Corrected owner, treatment compohent list, and current operation narratives. 2) Corrected daily limitfor total xylenes, total lead, and ethylbenzene. 3) Added monthly limit for total suspended solids; benzene; toluene; ethylbenzene; total xylenes; total lead, 1,2 dichloroethane; naphthalene; and n-butylbenzene. 6) Revisedflow narrative to require 7) Reduced total zinc monitoring frequency to quarterly. 8) Removed Effluent Page for original system. 9) Removed Oil and Grease monitoring. Page I of 2 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, Noah Carolina 27699-1617 Loca0on: 512 N. Salisbury St, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 One Phone: 919-807-6nN FAX: 919-807-6492 \ Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 NofthCarolina Internet: wwriewaterquality,org An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer NatunillY 10) Removed the petition narrative for total lead, 1,2 dichlororethane; and naphthalene. Please note that your discharge is into a receiving stream that is listed as an impaired waterbody on the North Carolina 303(d) Impaired Waters List. Addressing impaired waters is a high priority with the Division, and instream data will continue to be evaluated. If there is noncompliance with permitted effluent limits and stream impairment can be attributed to your facility, then mitigative measures may be required. If any parts, measurement frequencies or sampling requirements contained in this permit are unacceptable to you, you have the right to an adjudicatory beating upon written request within thirty (30) days following receipt of this letter. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings (6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-6714). Unless such demand is made, this decision shall be final and,hinding. Please note that this permit is not transferable except after notice to the Division. The Division may reqdire modification or revocation and reissuance of the permit. This permit does not affect the legal reqtprements to obtain other permits which may be required by the Division of Water Quality or permits required by the Division of Land Resources, the Coastal Area Management Act or any other federal or local governmental permits that may be required. If you have any questions concerning this permit, please contact Ron Berry at telephone number (919) 801-6396 or at email ron.berry@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, i olecn�H. Sullins Attachments Cc: Environmental Sciences Section/Aquatic Toxicology Unit/Susan Meadows (email) Mecklenburg County/Erin Hall (email: eiin.hall@mecklenburgcountync.gov) Brian Cole (email: BCole@ecsljmjLed,,�qm) Gary Smith (email: Gary.Smith@ChildressK]ein.com) Central Files NPDES Unit Page 2 of 2 Permit NCO088226 500 Block of S Charlotte, T This permit shall become effective October 1, 2011. This permit and authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight on June 30, 2015. Signed this day September 14, 2011. Jen H. 4SuIhns,'4Direct'o'r' ivision of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit NC0088226 SUPPLEMENT TO PERMIT COVER SHEET s NPDE5 Permits issued to this facility, whether for operation or discharge are hereby Ls of this permit issuance, any previously, issued permit bearing this number is no longer ?refore, the exclusive authority to operate and discharge from this facility arises under the pennit conditions, requirements, tenns, and provisions included herein. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. orized to. to a 0.087 MGD groundwater rernediation reclaim/recycle treatment facility and discharge treated groundwater wastewater from: facility consisting of. ie (1) 2500 gallon influent equalization tank 7uent transfer pump to (1) 6 stage air stripper system ernmedite transfer pump to 1) zeolite media Ater ttiscalant and other pretreatment chemical systems to (1) ultra filtration system st stage Reverse Osmosis system to (1) 350 reject water collection tank to (1) 350 gallon permeate collection tank -ond stage transfer pump and stage Reverse Osmosis system `luent/reuse pump wated wastewater/reuse meter port equipment for disposal of zeolite backwash, Reverse Osmosis concentrate .stewater, and. Reverse Osmosis wash wastewater discharges to regional WWTP ge of floating solids or foa Permit NCO088226 )RING REQUIREMENTS) (QUARTERLY) February 1998) or subsequent versions. All toxicity testing results required as part of this permit condition will be entered on the Effluent Discharge Monitoring Form (MR-1) for the months in which tests were performed, using the parameter code T1P3B for the pass/fail results and THP3B for the Chronic Value. Additionally, DWQ Form AT- 3 (original) is to be sent to the following address: Attention: North Carolina Division of Water Quality Environmental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 Completed Aquatic Toxicity Test Forms shall be filed with the Environmental Sciences Section no later than 30 days after the end of the reporting period for which the report is made. rvDAQQ/VATTiD T nAi rc rrm r�Y..� . vaste stream. s Cited above. month in which tox Will vc Ii,-quilizu UU1111�,' Luc it111U Should any test data from this r of Water Quality indicate potei modified to include alternate m( If the Permitte monitors any p monitoring; shall be included in the submitted AT Forms. NOTE: Failure to achieve test organism survival, minimum cc shall constitute an invalid test than the last day of the month f Permit NCO088226 _RL)) is required, monitoring rent, such as minimum central riate environmental controls sting to be 'completed no later 9- NPDES Permit Standard Conditions Page 1 of 18 PART 11 STANDARD CONDITIONS FOR NPDES PERMITS Definitions collected twice per month with at least ten calendar days between sampling events. These samples .esentative of the wastewater discharged during the sample period, collected three times per week on three separate calendar days, These samples shall be representative water discharged during the sample period, Water Pollution Control Act, also known as the Clean Water Act (CWA), as amended, 33 USC 1251, et. krAorp ' hrough June, July thro-L a 24-hour period proportional to the rate e: a series of grab samples of equal volume collected over a total.izer, and the preset gallon interval between sam.ple collection fixed at no greater than 1/,' expected total daily flow at the treatment system or (4) Constant time/constant volume: a series of grab samples of equal volume collected over a 24-hot at a constant time interval, Use of this method requires prior approval by the Director. This met Version 10012010 NPDES Permit Standard Conditions Page 2 of 18 only be used in situations where effluent flow rates vary less than 15 percent, The following restrictions also apply: )0, Influent and effluent grab samples shall be of equal size and of no less than 100 milliliters Influent samples shall not be collected more than once per hour. Permittees with wastewater treatment systems whose detention time < 24 hours shall collect effluent grab samples at intervals of no greater than 20 ininutes apart during any 24-hour period. Permittees with wastewater treatment systems whose detention time exceeds 24 hours shall collect effluent grab samples at least every six hours; there must be a minimum of four samples during a 24- hour sampling period, Continuous flow measurement Flow monitoring that occurs without interruption throughout the operating hours of the facility, Flow shall be monitored continually except for the infrequent times when there may be no flow or for infrequent maintenance activities on the flow device. Daily Discharge The discharge of a pollutant measured during a calendar day or any 24-hour period that reasonably represents the calendar day for Purposes of sampling. For pollutants measured in unit-, of mass, the "daily discharge" is calculated as the total mass of the pollutant discharged over the day. The "daily discharge" concentration comprises the mean concentration for a 24-hour sampling period as either a composite sample concentration or the arithmetic mean of all grab samples collected during that period. (40 CFR 1212) Dailv Maximum The highest "daily discharge" during the calendar month. Daily Samvlinz Parameters requiring daily sampling shall be sampled 5 out of every 7 days per week urdess otherwise specified in *the permit. Sampling shall be conducted on weekdays except where holidays or other disruptions of normal operations prevent weekday sampling, If sampling is required for all seven days of the week for any permit parameter(s), that requirement will be so noted on the Effluent Linutations and Monitoring Page(s), DWO or "the Division" The Division of Water Quality, Department of Environment and Natural Resources. EMC The North Carolina Environmental Management Commission EPA The United States Environmental Protection Agency Facft Closure Cessation of all activities that require coverage under this NPDES permit. Completion of facility closure will allow this pern-dt to be rescinded. Geometric Mean The Nth root of the product of the individual values where N = the number of individual values. For purposes of calculating the geometric mean, values of "0" (or "< [detection level]") shall be considered = 1, Grab Sample Individual samples of at least 100 ml collected over a period of time not exceeding 15 minutes. Grab samples can be collected manually. Grab samples must be representative of the discharge (or the receiving stream, for instream samples). Hazardous Substance Any substance designated under 40 CFR Part 116 pursuant to Section 311 of the CWA. Instantaneous flow measurement A measure of flow taken at the time of sampling, when both the sample and flow will be representative of the total discharge, Version 10/29/2010 Df a pollutant harges. ir quarter. a NPDES Pern-dt Standard Conditions Page 3 of 18 ed during the calendar month, In the case of )n who knowingly violates such sections, or such conditions or linutations is subjt Version 1012912010 NPDEsr & The Pernuttee shall furnish to the Permit Issuing Authoril c� vishes to continu, st apply for and i �if t Standard Conditions Page 5 of 18 my information which difying, revoking and te Permittee shall also permit [40 CFR 12141 activity regulated by this permit after the expiration date of this permit, n a new pernnt [40 CFR 122.41 (b)], it Issuing Aul wu VuLk-im j"*V %"FA 144,Z,41, bred by the permit and other information requested by the Permit Issuing Authority shall person described in paragraph a. above or by a duly authorized representative of that i is a duly authorized representative only if: :ation is made in writing by a person described above; ration specified either an individual or a position having responsibility for the overall .ten authorization is submitted to the Permit Issuing Authority [40 CFR 122.221 authorization.- If an authorization under paragraph (b) of this section is no longer accur fferent individual or position has responsibility for the overall operation of the facility, a n n satisfying the requirements of paragraph (b) of this section must be subrrdtted to - )r to or together with any reports, information, or applications to be signed by an authori2 ve [40 CFR 122,221 Version 1012912010 2. 1'o er C7'' eration and 1Vlaintenance The Per 'ttee shall at all times provide the operation aj NPDES Permit Standard Conditions Page 7 of 18 a that it would have been Lth the condition of this pe; ace of an unanticip this sectiom collection system permit associated with the treatment facility. (3) The Permit Issuing Authority may approve an anticipated bypass, after considering its adverse eff if the Permit Issuing ;'Authority determines that it will meet the three conditions listed. abov Paragraph c. 0) of this section. S. Upsets .', Effect of an upset [40 Cpl' 122.41 (n) (2)).A.n upset constitutes an affirmative defense to are action broi for noncompliance with such technology based peal -it effluent limitations if the requirement paragraph b. of this condition are met, No det rn-driation made during administrative review of cl that noncompliance was caused by upset, and before an action for noncompliance, is final ad "nistrz action subject to judicial review. Version 10 2912010 measurements is consistent with the accepted capabili capable of measuring flows with a maximum deviati throughout the range of expected discharge volumes. Flo' aye used. NPDES Pernut Standard Cor ditiorus Page 9 of 18 hat type of device. Devices selected shall be iess than 10% from the true discharsre rates mp logs, or pump hour nett ues shall not be subject to this more than 4 years, or froth [40 CFR 121411. 6, Records Retention Except for records of monitoring information required by this permit related to the Pernuttees sewage sludge use and disposal activities, which shall be retained .for a period of at least five years (or longer as required b Oil CFR 503), the Permittee shalt retain records of all monitoring information, including: )o, all calibration and maintenance records S all original strip chart recordings for continuous monitoring instrumentation copies of all reports required by this permit copies of all data used to complete the application for this permit These records or copies shall be maintained for a period of at least 3 years from the date of the sample, measurement, report or application. This period may be extended by request of the Director at any time [4 CFR 122,411. `, Recording Results For each measurement or sample taken pursuant to the requirements of this permit, the Permittee shall record the following information [40 CFR 122.4.1]. a. The date, exact place, and time of sampling or measurements; b. The individual(s) who performed the sampling or measurements; Version 1012912010 NPDES Pernnt Standard Conditions Page 10 of 18 c. The date(s) analyses were performed; d, The individual(s) who performed the analyses; e. The analytical techniques or methods used; and I. The results of such analyses. & Inspection AnAYntry The Permittee shall allow the Director, or an authorized representative (including an authorized contractor acting as a representative of the Director), upon the presentation of credentials and other documents as may be required by law, to; a. Enter upon the Permittee's prerruses where a regulated facility or activity is located or conducted, or where records must be kept under the conditions of this pernut; b� Have access to and copy, at reasonable time,-,, any records that must be kept under the conditions of this pernut; c. Inspect at reasonable times any facilities, equipment (including monitoring and control equipment), practices, or operations regulated or required under this permit; and & Sample or monitor at reasonable times, for the purposes of assuring permit compliance or as otherwise authorized by the CWA, any substances or parameters at any location [40 CFR 122-41 (i)j� Section E Revortine Renuirements 1. Change in Dis��r e All discharges authorized herein shall be consistent with the terms and conditions of this permit. The discharge of any pollutant identified in this permit more frequently than or at a level in excess of that authorized shall constitute a violation of the permit. I TA --A provided by the Director for reporting results of monitoring of sludge use or ch Version 1012912010 ---- 1-1 1-11, CFR 122.41 (1) (4)]� Part 11. D. 2) or forms I practices. )ur Rejogriing tee shall report to the Director or the a khreatens public health or the environment the time the P r ittee became aware of tl s thin 5 days of the time the Permittee shall contain a description of the noncom K ct dates and times, and if the noncomplii continue; d steps taken or planned to nce [40 CFR 122.41 (1) (6)], may waive the written report on a case-t teen received within. 24 hours. s outside normal business hours may also t (800) 662-7956, (800) 858-0 68 or (1 ) )Rance 241 (1) (), :ion [40 CFR 122,41 (1) (8)). NPDES Pernut Standard Conditions Page 11 of 18 i required by this permit, the results of such of the data submitted on the DMR. Lte Regional Office any noncompliance that aformation shall be provided orally within 24 rnstances, A written submission shall also b s awareof the circumstances. The written and its cause, the period of noncompliance, not been corrected, the anticipated time it is eliminate, and: prevent reoccurrence of the basis for report-, under this section if the oral' orted to the Division's Emergency Response iy portion of the influent to such station or facility. ting such occurrences by telephone shall also file a written report within 5 days following the occurrence. ' Re arts a deternrined to be confidential under' NCGS 143-215 3 (a)(2) or Section 308 of the Federal Act reports prepared in accordance with the terms shall be available for public inspection at Division. As required by the Act, effluent data shall not be considered confidential. Knowh else statement on any such report may result its the imposition of cr' nal penalties as provi 13-215.1(b)(2) or in Section 309 of the Federal Act. alsificaii2n of Re o vides that any person who knowingly, makes any false statement, representation, or certifica :mitoring reports or reports of compliance or noncompliance shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine It more than $ 5,000 per violation, or by imprisonment for not more than two years per violation, or by be CFR 122.411< Version 1012912 10 PART OTHER REQUI wtion A. Construction NPIES Permit Standard Conditions Pagei13 of 18 3NT"S -1- � y ---.E.1 --- 1� .tired by the`Division evaluating these alternatives and a Dian of action !rnens the permitted facility. Version 1 /29/2010 3. For purposes of this paragraph, adequate notice shall in effluent introduced into the 1`017W. and (2) anv anticivi becomes available to establish limitations i limitations for any or all of such, other pc quality standards. 2. Prohibited Discharges C. �rterence or rass inrougn; s which result in the presence of whic�'have the potential to adv .i of the. POTW. report such discharges into the ttion shall be provided orally w :)ossible sources; t ceased, the ant, ad prevent reocci NPUES Permit Standard Conditions Page 15 of 18 riformation on (1) the quality and quantity of pact that may result from the change of the Ilutants attributable to inputs from industries ,charge. At such tin -Le as sufficient information his permit may be revised to specify effluent ce with best practicable technology or water ion of pollutants or discharges into the waste contribute to Pass Through or Interference as V to the Director or the approl M hours from the time the Pei regarding some or all of the industries discharging to the municipal system, 4, The Permittee shall require any Industrial User discharging to the POTW to meet Federal Pl Standards developed under Section 307(b) of the Act as amended (wluch includes categorical stai Version 1012912010 NPDES I a Mnnitorin"' of their IUs ' i applicable pretreatment standards..: [1 rA NCAC sett Industrial Users (SIUs) at least once per calendar Want Industrial Users (SIUs) at least twice per cz ph, "orgamc compounds" Tneans the t �s amended. users to comply with the applicable '.ca .VWOkV)k/I aqua .sr�;Fua; 't %- r N wire eats and other pretreatment implementation issues. atandard Conditions Page ° I7 of 1 ity of the POTW as (1) (iii); NCGS 13- =d to all applicable a the issuance of a capacity to comply '6) and .0905 NCGS •used in its Division pplied by industrial CFR 403,8(f)(2)(v)] r all perinit-linuted e period from July 1 ;t once per calendar -onipounds listed in describing its pretreatment activities over the previous twelve months to the Division at the ress: DENR / Division of Water Quality / Surface Water Protection Section etreatment, Emergency response, and Collection Systems (PERC )-Unit ,17 Mail Service Center sleigh, North Carolina olina 27699-161 shall be sub teed according to a schedule established by the Director and shall contain the ac assion of reasons for, status of, and actions' taken for all Significant Industrial Users (SIUs) in t Non -Compliance (SNCw'); Version 10/29/ €I1