HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0088226_Regional Office Historical File Pre 2018 (2)ECS CARONAS LLP Geotechnical • Construction M aterials • Envirot menta Facli Ms. Cindy Moore Environmental Sciences Section North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 Reference: Chronic Toxicity Sampling NPDES Permit No. NC0088226 Wells Fargo -Tryon Street Charlotte, North Carolina ECS Project 08-7008 Dear Ms. Moore: °Set f tg the Standard for Service" July 16, 2012 RECEIVED DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY JUL 18 2012 SWP SECTION MOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE ECS Carolinas, LLP. (ECS) is pleased to provide the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality with the original copy of the laboratory analytical results ("AT" forms) of the effluent water sample collected in June 2012 from Outfall 001 at the Wells Fargo -Tryon Street site (NPDES Permit No. NC0088226). The samples were collected as part of NPDES permit required regular quarterly sampling. The sample was collected on June 19, 2012 and June 21, 2012. A sample was also collected for Copper as required by the permit. As you will see, the June 2012 sampling event resulted in a passing test for chronic toxicity from the outfall. If you have any questions concerning this report or this project, please contact us at (704) 525- 5152. Sincerely, ECS CAROLINAS, LLP Brian T. Olin, P.G. Environmental Project Manager epn J. Gosselin, P.G. Principal Geologist Attachments: Laboratory Analytical Results and Chain of Custody Records ("AT" forms) cc: Mr. Gary Smith — Childress Klein Properties (via email) Mr. Ron Roach — Childress Klein Properties (via email) Ms. Lisa Olender — Childress Klein Properties (via email) NCDENR — Mooresville Regional Office — Attn: Mr. John Lesley 1812 Center Park Drive, Suite D, Cha totte, NC 28217 • T: 704-525-5152 • F:704-357.0023 Pt. C: • ECS LIP • ECS Revd), LTC; • ECS ry d /UhGtrtc, L,LC • ,_ • ECS Southey sl, LL(` • ECS Texas. LLP 07/12/2012 14:02 8032224277 TOWN OF CLOVER WWTP PAGE 02/03 rat Effluent Aquatic Tbricity Report Form - Phase U Chronic t:,eriadaphnia dubfa Facility: 1+CS Ctfrnllnas Wells Fargo GWS Laboratory Performing Test: Environn ntal T Signature of Opeintor in Responsible Charge: Signature of Laboratory Supervisor: DkS . NC- 0088226 Mull ©riglnal `1"`o: North Carolina Department of Ertviroluot.ot and Natural Resources DWQ/ Environmental Sciences Branch 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Sample lnforrhntion Col( scion s#a# tlRte Conductivity (i,mhoo/em): Total rcriduol O111urinc fru /L). Semple Temp. nt Receipt ('C): Control Organisms Number of Yolm d AdultSurvivot; (L)ivc,,tD)cad Effluent Pereen Treatment 2 Organ Number of Young Prod Adult Survival: (1..)ivc, Effluent Percentage� Treatment 3 0t7trtnia Number of Young Prvdu Adult Survival: (L)ive, 4D)end Effluent Percentage Treatment 4 OTanismic Yotm "val. Effluent Perce Trratmcnt 5 Ortaafemri Number of Young Produld Adult SSur~vivat Effluent Pcrcentn Treatment 6 0 Test Intbrmation Treatment: Iotinl pH (SU): Find pH (9U). hrninl PO (m10.): Final DO (mew: In111n1 Tcanp. ("C): Fnn.I Tamp, (t); Ctrgmnleo Number 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12. 30 28 2 3 4 32 32 0 30 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2 3 4 .5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 P© Box 7565 Asheville, NC 28802 Phone: (828) 350-9364 Fax: (828) 350-9368 Date: 0 County: 1Vleeklcn burg 0084 120620,02,120622.02 Sern time 1030 C eaol 0740 ptm.r.,l t Control 30,7 x R.a.dL,ea x areec.rw. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Mem Number of Young 1'roduted Adult Survival Overall Analysis: Result; PASS ;LOEC: >9 % NOEC: 90% ChV: >90% 7.08 8.1 L1 25.0 7,11 7.10 7,16 7.03 7h3 7,40 7.48 7,40 717 25.2 25.0 81 24.8 24.8 8.0 8.0 24.9 0 Chronic Test Results 46Connul wl0n 3rd Htu,w19: 42 48 Hour Monellty 24.9 Comrol: of 12 of 12 No Reprodu Reproduction NOEL Egml Ymien�� letl Vniue Effluent% tenn1e 0n Analyses Ilm+rowedanic Yes 0,955 0284 Yet F-Test 5.120 Q formAT--3 (11/91) REv. 11195 Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc Effluent Aquatic Toxicity Report Form - Phase I1 Chronic Ceriodaphnia dubia PO Box 7565 Asheville, NC 28802 Phone: (828) 350-9364 Fax: (828) 350-9368 Date: July 02, 2012 Facility: ECS Carolinas LLP NPDES #: NC. 0088226 Pipe #: 001 County: Mecklenburg Wells Fargo GWS Laboratory Performing Test: Environmental Testing Solutions, In Signature of Operator in Responsible Charge: Signature of Laboratory Supervisor: Comments: 8084 ampl a s: 120620,02, 120622.02 Mail Original To: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources DWQ/ Environmental Sciences Branch 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Sample information Collection start date: Grab: Composite duration: Alkalinity (melt. CaC01): Hardness (mg/L CaCO3): Conductivity (µmhos/cm): Total residual chlorine (mgfL): Sample Temp, at Receipt (°C): Control Organisms Number of Young Produced Adult Survival: (L)ive, (D)ead Effluent Percentage Treatment 2 Oranisms g Number of Yountt Produced Adult Survival: (L)ive, (D)ead Effluent Percentage Treatment 3 Organisms Number of Young Produced Adult Survival: (L)ive, (D)ead Effluent Percentage Treatment 4 Organisms Number of Young Produced Adult Survival: (L)ive, (D)ead Effluent Percentage Treatment 5 0 Number of Young Pr Adult Survival: (L)ive, (D)ead Effluent Percentage Treatment 6 Organisms Number of Young Produced Adult Survival: (L)ive, (D)ead_ 06-19-12 < 0,10 2.3 -21- <0,10 0.8 Control Test Information Treatment: Initial p1-1(SU): Final pH (SU): Initial DO (mg/L): Final DO (mg/L): Initial Temp. (°C): Final Temp, (°C): Organism Number 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Mw. 28 33 32 30 31 30 32 30 30 30.7 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Mcnn 33 32 30 27 34 34 30 31 28 0 -1.1 Start date: 06-20-12 End date: 06-27-12 Renewal 2 End time: Rem.' I 0740 %Reduction 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 at®n % Reaaction 2 3 4 .5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Mean X Raluction 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ltaan 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Overall Analysis: Result: PASS LOEC: >90% NOEC: 90% ChV: >90% ' Reslueuan % Redaction 90% 6.93 7.08 8.1 8.1 25.1 90% 7.11 7.10 8.1 8.1 25,2 24.8 Final Contro 90% 7,16 7.03 8,0 8.3 25.0 24,8 Control 7.18 7„43, 8.0 24.8 24.8 Control 7,40 7.48 8,0 24.9 24.7 Chronic Test Result, %Control with 3rd Broods: Renewal I Control 0,0 100 7,40 7,27 8,0 24,9 24.8 Control Reproduction CV: 48 How Mortality Contr 4.2 12 of 12 No No concentration Reproduction Analyses Reproduction LOEC: Reproduction NOEC: Overall Method: Normal Distribution: Method: >90% 90% Homo Yes Shapiro -Wicks Stat1Stic: .Critical Value: Equal Variances: Method: Statistic: Critical Value: on -Parametric Method: Effluent % 90% 0.955 Ycs F-Test 3.000 5,320 ble) I Sum Q form AT-3 (8/91) Rev. 11/95 r 5 Page 1 of 1 Control Information, North Carolina Chronic Whole Effluent Toxicity Test (EPA-821-R-02-013, Method 1002.0, NC Modification — December 2010, Version 3.0) Species: Ceriodaphnia dubia est grouping inf©rrreation: Control # t Date ©kr• t'L . 4 fie: ,�, CtAQ,O 3t� 2 C,LitaTO 1 CONTROL Test organist tt source in nation: Organism age: Date and times organisms between: Culture board: Replicate number: Culture board cup number: Transfer bow! information: Dailyren Day 0 4 6 7 Daily Analyst (S.U.) 0 ion: Project # 8ot4 <24-hours old 040 IQ ©ia+-tZ- t-t, A 2 7 tat Accenee Criteria: % of Male Adults (5 20% % Adults having 3'd Broods (z 80%): Mean Offspring/Female (z 15 offspring/surviving female): % CV (< 40,0%): Q 1 t©"cb %WU) 9 12 pH = 1-$1LSU Temperature = 15-0 °C Date UL• 1U-tL 61a•2.1-+L Ok--l.'N- rt. f' 1A- 1 L Oto-ZS.IZ ©b- Lb' t Z Test initiation, renewal, feeding, or termination time Initiation and Feeding 10110 Fceding OS4% Renewal 1 and Feeding Ca VD Feeding QQtS Feeding oot25 Renewal 2 and Feeding Feeding Q�4rf Termination 0 1410 Parameter Initlatlo DO m: Conductivity (µmhos/cm) Alkalinity (mg CaCO3/L) Hardness (mg CaCO3/L) Temperature (°C) Survival and reproduction data: Day 6or7 Adult mortality (L m live, D = dead) Number Young of Broods produced Adult mortality =live,D=d-,. Number Young of Broods produced Total young produced Final Adult Mortality (L = live D e dead) X for 3T° Broods Notes: M = Male, AB = Aborted brood observed. jAut 1.43 L 11 33 Test inft+rntation: Randomizing template color: Incubator number and shelf location: YWT batch: Setenastrum batch: Control/Dilution water batch used (Soft synthetic) Final Replicate number 6 Z 7 3l Analyst Renewal Two ig 31 Final 10 3L 11 12 3U SOP AT12 — Exhibit AT 12.3, revision 06-01-11 Page 1 of 1 North Carolina Chronic Pass/Fail Whole Effluent Toxicity Test (EPA-821-R-02-013 Method 1002.0, NC Modification — December 2010, Version 3.0) Species: Ceriodaplinia dubia Paired with Control # I Date 06-10.1 2- Client: Facility: Comments: 0 NC County: ©utfail/Pipe: 0Ut Full-strength c Parameter pH (S.U.) DO (mg/L) Sample 1 Sample 2 G. Bs Sample information: Collection start date: Collection end time: Samp Sample 2 Conductivil (µmhos/cm) Chlorine (mom) <0.10 Dilution preparation: Test concentration: mL Sample: .zh0 Total volume (mL): Test concentration chemistry: Parameter Analyst pH (S.U.) DO (mg/L) Conductivity ( Temperature (°C) Test concentration: Grab/Composite (duration): Temperature (°C) upon receipt: Physical characteristics: ETS project number: ETS sample number: Initiation Final 611,4 NQ Cot,.OR. C.l,eAia..- Renewal One 8.1 tZ mtk- Final Survival and reproduction data: • 1a© C..0%.0 2 C.t_e.H12 1-3.0 611. CSi. Renewal Two 6. Final Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2 Adult mottality 1 ¢mD d Svc,=dea) �«4••^ t ti..✓^ • Lw. L. L Number Young rt fErooae 1. produced Adult mortality (L — live, D = dead) { }} } 6 or 7 Number Young of Broods 1., I rJ ( 1 produced Total young produced 3t 3U 7:1 3`i b© 3`4 30 31 Final Adult Mortality • (L m live. p = dead Nnfer M= Mala, AR = eti..rtad 1....,...,1 ,.ti..o..•„a .� Test results: % Mortality: Mean Offspring/Female: % Reduction from control: t-Stat or RS: 1-Tailed Critical: Pass or Fail SOP AT12 — Exhibit AT12.2, revision 06-01-11 4.04,0,044044 togNttp#41,' Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. Start Date: 6/20/2012 End Date: 6/27/2012 Sample Date: Comments: Ceriodaphnia Survival and Reproduction Test -Reproduction Test ID: CdPFCRNC Sample ID: ECS - Wells Fargo Lab ID: ETS-Envir. Testing Sol. Sample Type: DMR-Discharge Monitoring Report Protocol: FWCHR-EPA-821-R-02-013 Test Species: CD-Ceriodaphnia dubia Conc-% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 D-Control 31,000 D-Control 30.000 90 30.000 90 31.000 30.000 30.000 33.000 28.000 28.000 33.000 32.000 30.000 31.000 30.000 31.000 32.000 32.000 30.000 27.000 34.000 30.000 33.000 34.000 30.000 Transform: Untransformed Corm-% Mean N-Mean Mean Min Max CV% 1-Tailed N t-Stat Critical MSD D-Control 30,667 1.0000 30.667 28.000 33.000 4.248 90 31.000 1.0109 31.000 27.000 34.000 7.278 12 12 -0.443 2.508 1,887 Auxiliary Tests Shapiro-Wilk's Test indicates normal distribution (p > 0.01) F-Test indicates equal variances (p = 0.08) Hypothesis Test (1-tail, 0.01) Homoscedastic t Test indicates no significant differences Treatments vs D-Control Statistic Critical Skew Kurt 0.95527 0.884 -0.218 -0.0942 3 5,31963 MSDu MSDp MSB MSE F-Prob df 1.88651 0.06152 0.66667 3.39394 0.66195 1, 22 Wellsfargo_06-20-12 Ceriodaphnia dubia Chronic Whole Effluent Toxicity Test EPA-821-R-02-013, Method 1000.0 - North Carolina Modification Quality Control Verification of Data Entry, Calculations, and Statistical Analyses Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. Client: Test dates: Project number: Reveiwed by: Welts Fargo GWS 20 - 27, 2012 8084 Concentration (%) Day Number of young produced by replicate number Survival (%) Average reproduction (offspring/female) Coefficient of variation (%) Percent reduction from control (%) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1.1 12 Control 5 16 13 15 17 15 13 16 17 13 15 15 15 100 30.7 4.2 dot applicabl 7 15 17 13 16 17 17 15 13 18 17 15 15 Total 31 30 28 3 32 30 31 30 31 32 30 30 90% 5 15 16 16 14 13 16 IS 18 15 15 15 15 100 31.0 7.3 -1.1 15 17 16 16 14 18 15 15 19 15 16 13 Total 30 33 32 30 27 34 30 33 34 30 31 2 Dunnett's MSD value: PMSD: 1.887 6.2 MSD = PMSD = Minimum Significant Difference Percent Minimum Significant Difference PMSD is a measure of test precision, The PMSD is the minimum percent difference between the control and treatment that can be declared statistically significant in a whole effluent toxicity test. Lower PMSD bound determined by USEPA (10'h perccntile) = 13%. Upper PMSD bound determined by USEPA (901h percentile) = 47%. Lower and upper PMSD bounds were determined from the loth and 90th percentile, Variability Study (USEPA, 2001a; USEPA, 200Ib). respectively, of PMSD data from EPA's WET Interlaboratory USEPA, 2001a, 2001 b. Final Report; Interlaboratory Variability Study of EPA Short-term Chronic and Acute Whole Effluent Toxicity Test Methods, Volumes 1 and 2-Appendix. EPA-821-13-01-004 and EPA-821-B-01-005. US Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, OH. 06-20-12 Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. Whole Effluent Toxici Chain -of -Custody Form 351 Depot Street Asheville, NC 28801 Phone: (828) 350-9364 Fax: (828) 350-9368 Facility: ECS Carolinas, LLP Wells Fargo Species: Ceriodapftnia dubia Test type: Pass/Fail Chronic NPDES #: NC0088226 Pipe #: 001 County: Mecklenburg Purchase order: Effluent dilution: 90% Parameter code: TGP3B Sample informati ompleted by sample collector) Grab sample: Date: (© Time: Sample location: Volume collected for testing: Number of containers filled for testing: Method of transport to laboratory: Comments: foie Triple rinse sample container with sample before filling. Completely fill the sample container with no air space. Pack the sample container completely in ice. The sample must be <6.0°C upon receipt at the laboratory. Sample custody: Sample collected by: Print Relinquished by: Print Relinquished by: Print to be; completed by sample co Signature Signature Signature ctor and facili Date and tine Date and time Date and time 0 Received by: Print Received by: Signature Date and Ow Print Signature Date and time Sample receipt information: (to be completed by ETS personnel) Relinquished to ETS by: Print Custody seals intact?: # J Yes Samples received in good condition. Signature No Not used Tracking number: li$ lr 5' S l Comments: Date and time Received at ETS by: Print Signature Sample temperature upon receipt at ETS (°C): N° Total residual chlorine upon receipt at ETS: (DPD Presence/Absense Indicator, MDL = 0.10 mg/L) 0 Ob- t0•t1. Ott Date and time Z.3•L Project number:0004 Sample number: `r, vircmmental Testing Solutions, Inc. Whole Effluent To ci Chain -of -Custody Form 351 Depot Street Asheville, NC 28801 Phone: (828) 350-9364 Fax: (828) 350-9368 Facility: ECS Carolinas, LLP Wells Fargo Species: Ceriodaphnia dubia Test type: Pass/Fail Chronic NPDES #: NC0088226 Pipe #: 001 County: Mecklenburg Purchase order: Effluent dilution: 90% Parameter code: TGP3B Sample information: o be completed by sample collector) Crab sample: Date: Time: Sample location: L Je4 (S �� v Volume collected for testing: t L. Number of containers tilled for testing: Method of transport to laboratory: Comments: �50 net P ee, Triple rinse sample container with sample before filling. Completely fill the sample container with no air space. Pack the sample container completely in ice. The sample must be < 6.0°C upon receipt at the laboratory. Sample custody: (to be completed by sample Sample collected by: Print Relingots hed by: Prim Relinquished by: of le Signanerc or and facility personnel) Date and time Print Signature Date and time Received by: Print Received by: Sigaturc Date and time Print Signature Date and time Sample receipt information: (to be completed by ETS personnel) Relinquished to ETS by: Print Custody seals intact?: Samples received in good condition?: Signature Not used Tracking number: "1q$ 5 5-141.1. 1031 Comments: Date and time Received at ETS by: —3-&) Print Signature Sample temperature upon receipt at ETS (°C): Total residual chlorine upon receipt at ETS: (DPD Presence/Absense Indicator, MDL = 0,10 mg(L) Project number:®_` Sample number: t'ZO(Q 9)9,-02— 46' tiZ' I Z D00 Date end time 0.$'C, A Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. 1.14 1.12 1.10 1.08 1.06 1.04 1.02 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 Ceriodaphnia dubia Chronic Reference Toxicant Control Chart 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 I USEPA Control Limits (± 2 Standard Deviations 1 1 1 1 I 1 I I USEPA Warning and Control 1 1 I I I 'ts (75`h and 90th Percentile CVs) .a..aM.♦.k..i+kk}tllMikklY#lakYY#k#Y.s###!!1.##tk#tMM###ii##k1f##i#••##k##MF}M w+!#4#rFI Y####M#!##!t #A4# •...........as...aa.aoaas.araat........aaaaaa.....................*............................ 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 Laboratory Warning and Control Limits (10th and 25th Percentile CVs) ♦aaaaaaa.twa•ao....•••••••••••.••••••••••a..ta•!•.aa..•ta}.rat...•...a••.a+.}.aalat.aa.a.a}!a}. .}aaa..•ataa#aa#aaaraaaaa#rraa.....a.......... ........#..}...aa#....a#. •..#a....a...a..aaa#raaa Test date 7-day IC25 = 25% inhibition concentration. An estimation of the concentration of sodium chloride that would cause a 25% reduction in Ceriodaphnia reproduction for the test population. Central Tendency (mean. IC25) — -- - Warning Limits (mean IC25 ± Salo or SA75) • • • • • • • • • Control Limits (mean IC25 ± SA 25, SA 9©, or 2 Standard Deviations) Graphs generated from associated excel spreadsheet Excel spreadsheet tered by: J. Sumner Reviewed by: ECS CAROLINAS, LLP "Setting the Standard for Service Geotechnical • Construction Materials • Environmental • Facilities Ms. Cindy Moore Environmental Sciences Section North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 Reference: Chronic Toxicity Sampling NPDES Permit No. NC0088226 Wells Fargo -Tryon Street Charlotte, North Carolina ECS Project 08-7008 Dear Ms. Moore: NC Registered Engineering Firm F-1078 February 2, 2012 FEB 0 6 2012 ECS Carolinas, LLP. (ECS) is pleased to provide the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality with the original copy of the laboratory analytical results ("AT" forms) of the effluent water sample collected in December 2011 from Outfall 001 at the Wells Fargo -Tryon Street site (NPDES Permit No. NC0088226). The samples were collected as part of NPDES permit required regular quarterly sampling. As you will see, the December 2011 sampling event resulted in a passing test for chronic toxicity from the outfall. If you have any questions concerning this report or this project, please contact us at (704) 525- 5152. Sincerely, ECS CAROLINAS, LLP Chris Sutherland Staff Environmental Scientist Stephen J. Gosselin, P.G. Principal Geologist Attachments: Laboratory Analytical Results and Chain of Custody Records ("AT" forms) cc: Mr. Gary Smith — Childress Klein Properties NCDENR — Mooresville Regional Office — Attn: Mr. J y 1812 Center Park Drive, Suite D, Charlotte, NC 28217 • T: 704-525-5152 • F: 704-357-0023 • mAv.ecslimited.com ECS Capitol Services, PLLC • ECS Carolinas, LLP • ECS Florida, LLC • ECS Mid -Atlantic, LLC • ECS Midwest, LLC • ECS Southeast, LLC • ECS Texas, LLP Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. Divis January 06, 2012 Mr. Chris Sutherland ECS Carolinas, LLP 8702 Red Oak Boulevard, Suite A Charlotte, NC 28217 RE: ETS PROJECT NUMBER: 7583 Dear Mr. Sutherland: FEB 0 6 PO Box 7565 Asheville, NC 28802 Phone: (828) 350-9364 Fax: (828) 350-9368 E-mail: Jim@etsnclab.com. Enclosed are toxicity test results for samples from the Wachovia — Tryon Street received by Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. December 14 through December 16, 2011. Parameter Test Procedure EPA Method Final Code Number Result TGP3B North Carolina Ceriodaphnia Chronic Effluent Toxicity Procedure — December 1985, Revised: February 1998 (Ceriodaphnia Pass/Fail Toxicity Test) EPA-821-R-02-013 PASS If this test was performed as an NPDES requirement or by Administrative Letter, please enter a P on the Effluent Discharge Monitoring Form (MR-1) for the collection date December 13, 2011 using the parameter code TGP3B. Additionally, please sign and submit a copy of the DWQ Aquatic Toxicity Form (AT-3) by January 31, 2012. If you have any questions concerning these results, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Laboratory Director This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. The results in this report relate only to the samples submitted for analysis. North Carolina Certificate Numbers: Biological Analyses: 37, Drinking Water: 37786, Wastewater: 600 South Carolina Certificate Number: Clean Water Act: 99053-001. Effluent Aquatic Toxicity Report Form - Phase 11 Chromic Cerloda, il'uy: ECS Carolina, IMP NYDES #: NC-00882Z6 Wells Fargo GWS ry Perfommn9 Tenet: Envirottmerltlll T Opcndor in lies of Laboratory Supcav Mail Original To: North Carolina Department of Environment DWQ/ Envirounecnt[d Sciences Brand 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Sample Information Cull.niou surf date Grob: Cvmpwilc duration: All aliaai(y (m8/L CaC01): Hetduass (m8'L CaCO,): CA. d 1lvily l amhns/anj Total eotidua1 chlorins (u16IL): Suutplu Tamp, of Receipt (°C): Control Organisms Number of Y g Produced Adult Survival: (L)ive. (D)ead Effluent Percentage] 9(N Trcatuusa 2 Organisms umber ofYo1)rra Produced A411 foal: (Wive. (D)ead Effluent Pcrzcota Treatment 3 Organisms Younsz Pr ivtl: Initial pH (SU): Rua] pH (SU): Initial DO (u38/L); Final DO (mg/L): /-feud Temp. CC): Final Towp. (°C): 0rlrpoisin Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 30 2 30 30 30 32 28 29 27 30 33 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 28 31 34 32 29 29 33 32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 303 31.2 %Rea,ra:nu Effluent Porten Treatment 4 Orga Number of Young'Produeed Adult Survival: (L)ive, (D)ead Effluent Percentage Treatment 5 0 umber of Young Pnoducrd Adult Survival: (L)ive. (D)cad Efflueut Porn 'frea1meut 6 O Adult foal' 8 %acd,Wiaa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 fans 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Overall Analysis: Result: PASS LOEC: >90% NOEC: 90% ChV: DIM formAT-3 j8/91) Resv,11/95 SILrsiaoico >90% PO Box 7565 Asheville, NC 28802 Phone: (828) 350-9364 Fax: (828) 350-9368 Dare: Trio aiy 06, 2012 216.0 End date 12.21-11 6.60 6.73 7.02 8.0 7,9 7.8 7.8 24.6 25.1 24.8 lwc S,imilkw t: aaura 1 7.8 1.6 24.8 24.9 7.52 7.57 7.7 7,8 24.8 • liocrvi I Control 7.61 7,7 24.7 C6runic Test Resulte 0 V: Final stand ry Siaai6rsnt of of 736 7_54 7.7 7rd 24.7 24.6 0.0 100 s.l 12 12 No Nu lioncemmuian Roproduetion Analyses ,R rodadion NOEC: Overall Mesta' Yes Qideal value Chu:al value Efitusnt % 0.958 0.884 E Tor 1.770 Crieinal Sant Z0/T0 3Jdd d1MM d3A010 d0 NM01 LLZVZZZE08 00:91 ZTOZ/Z0/Z0 Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. Effluent Aquatic Toxicity Report Form - Phase II Chronic Ceriodaphnia dubia PO Box 7565 Asheville, NC 28802 Phone: (828) 350-9364 Fax: (828) 350-9368 Date: January 06, 2012 Facility: ECS Carolinas LLP NPDES #: NC- 0088226 Pipe #: 001 County: Mecklenburg, Wells Fargo CWS Laboratory Performing Test: Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. Signature of Operator in Responsible Charge: Signature of Laboratory Supervisor: Comments: Project 7583 Samples: '111214,04, 111216.05 Mail Original To: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources DWQ/ Environmental Sciences Branch 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Sample Information Collection start date: Grab: Composite duration: Alkalinity (mg/L CaCO3): Hardness (mg/L CaCO3): Conductivity (pmhos/c1n): Total residual chlorine (mg/L): Sample Temp. at Receipt (°C): Control Organisms Sample I 12-13-11 15 < 0.10 1.0 Sample 2 X 17 <0.10 0,5 Control 33 40 ISZ 156,152 Test Information Treatment: Initial pH (SU): Final pH (SU): Initial DO (mg/L): Final DO (mg/L): Initial Temp. (°C): Final Temp. (°C): Organists Number 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 men Start date: End date: Start time: End time: 12-14-11 12-21-11 1045 0839 Slun Rnnenn211 Rene nl 2 Sinn Runnel I Rennv°I 2 90% 90% . 90% Control Control Control 6.60 6,75 6.94 7,52 7.44 7,36 6.95 7.02 6.84 7.57 7.61 7,54 8.0 7.9 7,8 7.7 7.7 7.7 7,8 7.8 7.6 7.8 7,8 7.4 24,6 24,6 24.8 24.8 24,7 24,7 25.1 24.8 24.9 24.9 25.1 24.6 Number of Young Produced Adult Survival: (L)ive, (D)ead Effluent Percentage 90% Treatment 2 Ori'aoisms 30 36 30 30 28 32 28 29 27- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 30 11 33 12 30.3 Men Number of Young Produced 32 30 28 34 31 33 32 29 29 31 33 32 31.2 Adult Survival: (L)ive, (D)ead L L L L L L L L L L L L -2.7 Effluent Percentage Treatment 3 Organisms 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 name Number of Young Produced Adult Survival: (L)ive, (D)ead Effluent Percentage Treatment 4 Organisms %Reduction 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 men Number of Young Produced Adult Survival: (L)ive, (D)ead Effluent Percentage Treatment 5 Oreanisms % Reduuion 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Mean Number of Young Produced Adult Survival: (L)ive, (D)ead Effluent Percentage Treatment 6 Organisms Number of Young Produced Adult Survival: (L)ive, (D)ead % Reduction 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 M®n % Rsdunion Overall Analysis: Result: PASS LOEC: >90% NOEC: 90% ChV: >90% Chronic Test Results Final Control Mortality (%): 0.0 % Control with 3rd Broods: 100 Control Reproduction CV: 8,1 48 Hour Mortality Control: 0 of 12 IWC: 0 of 12 Significant?: Final Mortality Signi No No concentration Reproduction An Reproduction LOEC: >90% Re reduction NOEC: 90% Overall Method: Homoscedestic t Normal Distribution: Yes Method: Shapiro-Wilk's Statistic: 0.958 Critical Value: 0.884 Equal Variances: Yes Method: F-Test Statistic: 1.770 Critical Value: 5.320 DWQ form AT-3 (8/91) Rev. 11/95 Page 1 of 1 Control Information, North Carolina Chronic Whole Effluent Toxicity Test (EPA-821-R-02-013, Method 1002.0, NC Modification — December 2010, Version 3.0) Species: Ceriodaphnia dubia Test grouping information: 6 w✓lcf-N 2e nos 5 4J ACNw ►st 4 h1Cl l -F©:A &o.mk .� o.1 3 Cog. 2 Uat2.1U01J I CONTROL Test organism source information: Organism age: Date and times organisms were born between: Project # �5g `1SQ3 �5 8Z 15�1 < 24-hours old a•1411 cr-so Control # Z Date 1Z ►y' 1 i Acceptance Criteria: °/n of Male Adults (5 20%): % Adults having 3`° Broods % Mortality 20%): Mean Offspring/Female (>_ l5 offspring/surviving female): 01, . o.3 % Cy (< 40.0%): CAVA Culture board: Replicate number: Culture board cup number: Transfer bowl information: 11•Ole--1V, ' 3 1 4 II 10 pH = `1.`1C7 SU Temperature = °C Daily renewal i formation: Day 0 2 4 7 Daily chemistry: Parameter Analyst pli DO (mg/L) Date t ..1S.11 12•Ib•11 1 ..111 I1•Li.11 LZ-1.© 1� 1z 11- Conductivity (µmhos/cm) Alkalinity (mg CaCO3/L) Hardness (mg CaCO3/L) Temperature (CC) Survival and reproduction data: 16 20 Z1 22. ?J. 36 31 Test ini e feeding, or terminatio Initiation and Feeding 1©L Feeding 04110 Renewal 1 and Feeding 102, Feeding Feeding 1©13 Renewal 2 and Feeding Feeding Termination Initi tion e4T Final Test infor Random izing"template color: Incubator number and shelf location: YWT batch: Selenastrum batch: Control/Dilution water e batch used Soft synthetic) Renewal One Initial Final AT gale. Z61 11•351•I) Analyst MNF Renewal Two Initial 1-,54 Final Replicate number Day 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2 Adult mortality (L = live, D = dead) 5 Number Young of Broods -L j..), . 1--5 't 1'i. 1 1 1. L •mot_ 1 i 1 J11v 'L I. t 1. 1` 1 l?J• z „_,,,,,,,,,,,, t produced Adult mortality (L = live, D = dead) y 6 or 7 Number Young of Broods tt _ produced Total young produced 50 $ - 51- 3 ` U 7_1 3V Final Adult Mortality (L = live, D = dead) X for 3rd Broods Notes: M = Male, AB = Aborted brood observed. SOP AT 12 — Exhibit AT 12.3, revision 06-01-11 i i Client: Page 1 of 1 North Carolina Chronic Pass/Fail Whole Effluent Toxicity Test (EPA-821-R-02-013 Method 1002.0, NC Modification — December 2010, Version 3.0) Species: Ceriodaphnia dubia Paired with Control # Z Date 11,.. NPDES #: NC Facility: Comments: County: OutfalUPipe: 001 Full-strength chemistry: Parameter pH (S.U.) DO (mg/L) Conductivity (µmhos/cm) Chlorine (mg/L) Sample 1 l5 <0.1© Dilution preparation: Test concentration: mL Sample: mL Dilution water: Sample 2 4040 967- Total volume (mL): Jon Test concentration chemistry: Parameter Analyst pH (S.U.) DO (mg/L) Conductivity (µmhos/cm) Tem erature (°C) Test concentration: C 7. Sample information: Collectio to date: Collection end time: Grab/Composite (duration): Temperature (°C) upon receipt: Physical characteristics: ETS project number: ETS sample number: Initiation 0.0 20 Initial Final Sample 1 t2-vb.,11 L'S3© 1 ' flo C©A& LLQL Renewal One imT 33 1.4. 10 Initial Final Survival and reproduction data: Sample 2 noWlu . Wei( Renewal Two Initial trA Final Day 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 '10 ° 11 12 2 Adult mortality (L = live, ©= dead)` 5 Number Young of Broods , Imo` produced Adult mortality (L - live, ©= dead) { L-- �-- L-" 6 or 7 Number Young or Broods 1 1 1 j - 1 g-- 1 IS — r produced Total young produced 3•2.. 3© Zc- ?jk-k 3‘ 33 32_ •Z' 2'a1 31 3-z_. Final Adult Mortality- (L = live, ©= dead) Notes: M = Male, AB = Aborted brood observed. Test results: Mortality: Mean Offspring/Female: Reduction from control: t-Stator RS: 1-Tailed Critical: nvironmental Testing Solutions, lnc. Start Date: 12/14/2011 End Date: 12/21/2011 Sample Date: Comments: Test ID: Lab ID: Protocol: Ceriodaphnia Survival and CdPFCRNC ETS-Envir. Testing Sol. F W CHR-EPA-821-R-02-013 Reproduction Test -Reproduction Sample ID: Sample Type: Test Species: ECS Carolinas - Wells Fargo GWS NA DMR-Discharge Monitoring Report CD-Ceriodaphnia dubia Conc-% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 D-Control D-Control 90 90 30.000 30.000 32.000 33.000 36.000 33.000 30.000 32.000 30.000 30.000 28.000 32.000 31.000 28.000 29,000 27.000 28.000 34.000 31.000 33.000 32.000 29.000 29.000 31.000 Transform: Untransformed Conc-% Mean N-Mean Mean D-Control 90 30.333 1.0000 Min Max CV% 30.333 27.000 36.000 8,116 31.167 1.0275 31.167 28.000 34.000 5.937 N 12 12 1-Tailed t-Stat Critical MSD -0.937 2.508 2.230 Auxiliary Tests Shapiro-Wilk's Test indicates normal distribution (p> 0.01) F-Test indicates equal variances (p = 0.36) Statistic 0.95750183 1.76991153 Critical 0.884 5.31966734 Skew Kurt 0.60875079 0.70988855 Hypothesis Test (1-tail, 0.01) Homoscedastic t Test indicates no significant di Treatments vs D-Control n s MSDu MSDp MSB MSE F-Prob df 2.23001774 0.07351707 4.16666667 4.74242424 0.3587639 1, 22 Wach©via 12-14-11 nvIronmental Testing Solutions, Inc. Ceriodaphnia dubia Chronic Whole Effluent Toxicity Test EPA-821-R-02-013, Method 1000.0 - North Carolina Modification Quality Control Verification of Data Entry, Calculations, and Statistical Analyses Client: Wells Fargo GWS Test dates: December 14 - 21,2011 Project number: 7583 Reveiwed by: (%) Contro 90% Day nrnrjer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 5 14 17 13 13 15 17 15 16 14 14 13 17 7 16 19 17 17 13 15 16 12 15 13 17 16 Total 30 36 30 30 28 32 31 28 29 27 30 33 5 14 14 13 17 17 15 14 14 16 13 17 18 18 16 15 17 14 18 18 15 13 18 16 14 Total 32 30 28 34 31 33 32 29 29 31 33 32 Dunnett's MSD value: 2.230 PMSD: 7.4 Survive (%) 100 Average reproduction o pring/female) 30.3 icient of va Mien (%) Perceni reduction from control (%) 8.1 'lot applicabl 100 31.2 5.9 -2.7 MSD = Minimum Significant Difference PMSD = Percent Minimum Significant Difference PMSD is a measure of test precision. The PMSD is the minimum percent difference between the control and treatment that can be declared statistically significant in a whole effluent toxicity test. Lower PMSD bound determined by USEPA (101 percentile) = 13%. Upper PMSD bound determined by USEPA (90th percentile) 47/0. Lower and upper PMSD bounds were determined from the 10th and 90th percentile, respectively, of PMSD data from EPA's WET Interlaboratory Variability Study (USEPA, 2001a; USFPA, 2001b). USEPA. 2001a, 2001b. Final Report: Mterlaboratory Variability Study of EPA Short-term Chronic and Acute Whole Effluent Toxicity Test Methods, Volumes 1 and 2-Appendix. EPA-82 I-B-01-004 and EPA-821-13-01-005. US Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, OH, Wachoviaj 2-1 4- I I 351 Depot Street Asheville, NC 28801 Phone: (828) 350-9364 Fax: (828) 350-9368 Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. Whole Effluent Toxicity Chain -of -Custody Form Facility: ECS Carolinas, LLP Wachovia Tryon Street Species: Ceriodaphnia dubia Test type: Pass/Fail Chronic NPDES #: NC008f3226 Pipe #: 001 County: Mecklenburg Purchase order: Effluent dilution: 90% Parameter code: TGP3B Sample information: (to be completed by sample collector) Grab sample: Date: Time: /.3• 3t' Sample location: 001 Volume collected for testing: Number of containers filled for testing: Method of transport to laboratory: Comments: Triple rinse sample container with sample before filling. Completely fill the sample container with no air space. Pack the sample container completely in ice. The sample must be < 6.0°C upon receipt at the laboratory. Sample custody: Sample collected by: Print Relinquished by: Print Relinquished by: (to be ompleted by sample collector and facility personnel) Signature /z1r3%tr /3:.50 Date and time Date and time Print Signature Date and time Sample receipt information: (to be completed by ETS personnel) Relinquished to ETS by: Print Custody seals intact?: Samples received in good condition?: 12.14.41 1003 Tracking number: Signature 1g3p 0441 Rots Date and time Received by: Print Received by: Signature I LI?.11 Print Received at ETS by: Signature Signature Sample temperature upon receipt at ETS (°C): Total residual chlorine upon receipt at ETS: (DPD Presence/Absense Indicator, MDL = 0,10 mg/L) Project number: Date and time Date and time 12-14-lj Date and time 1.0 nt Abt il`Jey5 Sample number: (t.t A4.,c' Comments: 351 Depot Street Asheville, NC 28801 Phone: (828) 350-9364 Fax: (828) 350-9368 Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. Whole Effluent Toxicity Chain -of -Custody Form Facility. ECS Carolinas, LLP Wachovia Tryon Street Species: Ceriodaphnia dubia Test type: Pass/Fail Chronic NPDES #: NC0088226 Pipe #: 001 County: Mecklenburg Purchase order: Effluent dilution: 90% Parameter code: TGP3B Sample information: (to be completed by sample collector) Grab sample: Date: 12/i 5h Time: Sample location: 00 Volume collected for testing: J j• Number of containers filled for testing: Method of transport to laboratory: Srhr eerA Comments: Triple rinse sample container with sample before filling. Completely fill the sample container with no air space. Pack the sample container completely in ice. The sample must be < 6.0°C upon receipt at the laboratory. pie custody: Sample collected by: Print Relinquished by: Print Relinquished by: Print (to be completed by sample collector and facility personnel) Signature Signature /2/0111 /z:©© Date and time Due and time Received by: Print iv eti b u 11-15. H Date and time Print Date and time Sample receipt information: (to be completed by ETS personnel) Relinquished to ETS by: P&p Print Custody seals intact?: Samples received in good condition?: Tracking number: q°17616ZZ 1310 Comments: tZ tto-tj Date and time Received at ETS by: Print Signature Sample temperature upon receipt at ETS (°C): Total residual chlorine upon receipt at ETS: (DPD Presence/Absense Indicator, MDL = 0.10 mgiL) t2-lb•t j Date and time p .5 Project number: it) Sample number: ,Le ,0-1, Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. 1.14 1.12 1.10 1.08 1.06 1.04 1.02 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 Ceriodaphnia dubia Chronic Reference Toxicant Control Chart 1 I I I I 1 I i lit USEPA Control Limits (± 2 Standard Deviations 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 € 1 1 USEPA Warning and Control Limits (75th and 90th Percentile CVs) ##iiii a,##i#•i,eai•#tia##,•#i„ ii#•i#,#ai,i♦i#Mo*#Mi,i iiM•ka,ii,###♦«#iii#####iii •ii,#####ia##i .#ii,i.,iiiOAR aia#iii#,iii,#iiii iiiii.#iiii#iiiii#iiii,##iiii«#,##iii,iM,i it it Laboratory Warning and Control Limits (10th and 25th Percentile CVs) #M,,,,i#•iai•i,.##iiii, i,#i Mi#i M«ii#•i#,#«i,,,M, i«i„ •#,#i,,,,,##iiii,#,«i iiii iiii a♦Maii,i Mi##•i 1 Test date i,«#., 7-day IC25 = 25% inhibition concentration. An estimation of the concentration of sodium chloride that would cause a 25% reduction in Ceriodaphnia reproduction for the test population. Central Tendency (mean IC25) Warning Limits (mean IC25 f SA.Io or SA75) Control Limits (mean IC25 ± SA 25, SA 90, or 2 Standard Deviations) Graphs generated f Excel spreadsheet* Reviewed byt ssociated excel spreadsheet, ed by: J. Sumner Geotechnicai • Construction Materials • Environmental • Fa Ms. Cindy Moore Environmental Sciences Section North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 Reference: Chronic Toxicity Sampling NPDES Permit No, NC0088226 Wells Fargo -Tryon Street Charlotte, North Carolina ECS Project 08-7008 Dear Ms. Moore: Setting the Standard for Service' NC RticiWtorad Errg(r, rtng flan r 2J70 October 31, 2011 DIVISION OFWATED QUALITY NOV 3 r 011 MOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE ECS Carolinas, LLP. (ECS) is pleased to provide the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality with the original copy of the laboratory analytical results ("AT" forms) of the effluent water sample collected in September 2011 from Outfall 001 at the Wells Fargo -Tryon Street site (NPDES Permit No. NC0088226). The samples were collected as part of NPDES permit required regular quarterly sampling. As you will see, the September 2011 sampling event resulted in a passing test for chronic toxicity from the outfall. If you have any questions concerning this report or this project, please contact us at (704) 525- 5152. Sincerely, ECS CAROLINAS, LLP Chris Sutherland Staff Environmental Scientist Stephen J. Gosselin, P.G. Principal Geologist Attachments: Laboratory Analytical Results and Chain of Custody Records ("AT" forms) cc: Mr. Gary Smith — Childress Klein Properties NCDENR — Mooresville Regional Office — Attn: Mr. John Lesley 8702 Red Oak Blvd, Suite A, Oh— attrr ter rt a li€ 2 ,r` T: ` 04-525 5,152 `F: 704-7047525-7178 wwwecsiir, tt 1 h ECS L ..L�� ._F lo,•fL1��..� !�./ m' ECS Southeast, L LC ° ECS Texas, Li,.i" onrnentrt Testen ©Iu 8702 Red Oak Boulevard, Suite A Charlotte, NC 28217 RE* FTC PROJECT NUM .T;t: 7385 Dear Mr. Sutherland: Enclosed are tom. Environmental Testing S Code Test Procedure N11 Carolina ( r Toxicity Procedure Revised: February 1998 8 September 27, 2' Additrtsallsa October 31,, 2011 This s r°eport should not be ra'urtut ced, c. ,c,°;;rpt he Wachovia "Tryon Street received hs throutr ( 2011 Ic. Effluent ber d Ulna Result EPA-81,-R 02,-0 rent or by Acln PASS Effluent Aquatic " oii cit Mail Original 'lot Nor f r iir a l �a�°artaa i rt sr MVO/. Ensironn tr44 Sciences Branch h 1621 ;Mail Sar'viCe Center Raleigh, NC 7699-162 Sample Infirrn t as Va. Fie 14 lamb COMitYa`:ia& iib' F as'tY#t7a,r$: u4S4 i i`aarak residual chk rYav t mg, I_ FIftlracrst Percentage Frcattr�rrtt 7 :}�asrri tarn is ,r €ri" s''a aaraa Pr a Effluent Perreittar)t ,f,r' tB'rk ?rii a ffr rtitin'r+r i „4 .? €, 9 4ffr srirta 9 i AI all Attu tear M lsaaal a€ p i S hiVO sad? 3 +t 3 PASS O °: oaf(?% N()EC.": '('It`".s° .. a : 90°, 11/01/2011 08:52 8032224277 TOWN OF CLOVER WWTP PAGE 01/02 Effluent Aquatic TOgicitp PO 1!(1N 7565 ,1she%ills, NC: 288() I'h(1n (82K) 350.916 Vas: (428) 330-9368 port Form - Phan II Chronic Cerindapir dbhin Ibtu: NPnf~S i:: NC,vA111122 Mall Original Tna North Carolina 1hpnrunent vt° {.:nvironri rn and Nnhnai R�v(,t n t.-.3 IMO/ I nvitt+nmamtal Sciences I ranch 1621 Mail Service Carter Raleigh, NC 2761/94621 Samph InaRrrmntitm C'olkonn emrt dirt (irtt: nardeett (MO- ca(7o1 i. Conitnatnitp f retwtw.5a c n I f xM rctirkel chlorine (mp,1.1, Sim pte Temp m Rseeipt eV) Effluent Perctrptxge N 9 Oft Overall Anntysis: Result: anti LOEC: >9RW NOEC:. 90% C'hV: LDform /I T-3 PM) Rcr, 11/95 T4-0 Infnrmntinn Treatment: IniHnl ptI lSl ll, Final pH 14C1 7.t t Fn I tri;l(nti'Ll; 1,yt !atrial Temp tT l: Find Temp CC,' 7,411 7.Rt n.z wa 7.5 Final Control Mortality 1!i9i 7,7 2+ft 2a.s @ @ 1 1 @ Einal Adak a feeding, termination time �0`:$d{}\... 0 % Main Adultsy % Adoitsk2 3 « # <a a t -d North Prerr t `trrtr'lwt� yl'1;rt "l�e vtat tst (V, PA-821-R - 2-013 Metho O 002iP, ' & odification Spe Cie s: t';. ertodelinratm ti ler Paired path Control ai Parameter pH iti:t'.t DO (meet) Conduetiv t Test concentration: trt� �inrit a art :itravttr°. 'tat vs lsrae i i i project rr date, ime: Rerre�va o,G tJa czk..02 t, Pith 't.Cu!S wmnme«¥ Testing Solutions, Inc„ m2e 000 31,(00 32,t bnvirouriturbtril Taying Solution% Inc 4/14trutrw I itm 0/04 ( '4:4401 10% 1.brutudits Sttill valuer, 7,0 Ceriodaphstia dubia Chronic Whole Effluent Toxicity Test t PA-82 1-R-02-013, Method 1000,0 - North Carolina Modification Quality Control Verification of Data Entry, Calculations, :and Statistical Analyses Number ofluidotproducitul by re )licate miduber 12 31. 4151 b 7 8 I 10 'S19 99 17 ill id id irt 1 id 1517 17: MM 29 31'ThT4TETi6 VlI30 th I tet 1 th 19 i: 1 99 17 15`t 14 15 i8 lb by 17 32 06,,÷VINe. 31 3 32,33 ,t2 41415 , 94m S44“..ficani Difference Phtehhat MttlIthhth Stghtlthaht Difference , idttip str burs (tidiest precision.999 PNIS1) s tiht mmortam persitibil differentiae. ixtbsteen thc troulroi and treabeleelt that hthl 99 thtitt,thhtt ttttNt walk' significant in tr whole eibeirtitt warmly lest 17 L 14 ,18 14 19 15 bit 19 19 19 8 1.8 17 I SUM' ivA trage , rttt) tettrfAltivhitto 1149t4pri aglitetht 3243 338 Client wclis „ert 093 Test datest Sep/bother 28 ;385 bruyeet number: berficient eilairiabl71— bibitairmi ! tyr,i,:zilztt , ratid ,yis-------- 6.4 87ol appileb —4-99,------- 7.0 -4„4 Lower 89981,1 Sound deterrodierl by PAPA 1 199 fatircemilea 5. id!, ippar llivitir) bound determined be 1. 8998A ltrOth pereeniticl is 47% ower and upper OMS1 bounds were determined from the 1099 tried 9018 pentetioir, respetdively, data frown 11998, YV I 9hiltaitthttf„thattt VatlatthItth 9999 5181994 NIA 41, USEPA, deltrib) 115 70U 1200 11 lanai korai litterialsonstory ,thahAthhat Shttly Short -bon ChttOrtht 419ti Atatth kklatAC itnitteth rosteby Test Methods, Volumes 1Trod 2t5ppendor 14'9982 43.014104 and bildraltdi h't Fritftlatthttterwa Potter-999 Agency Cincinnati t5(1 Whole lent "I owl a hai of -Custody Form salt pe c oartrr) Triple rime mplc conta tter with. ipie before fi lling.. Comphet f € ple e at finer u p e Pack the .ample container compdefe ' iu Vie. °fhe sample must be <" 6.0°C upon receipt at the Tabora An additional fee of S5OM0 per sample will be charged for samples collected before S;.Ofl A.M. ktlinqu Choi Cris Grab Sample. S}e Cn Triple rinse sa pte con tatr er t h sa p befopktetyr nu the sample contadner`wwl h n ale° epees Pack the sample container comply e t€ tee f°he atrspi must be < 6.04C upon rect ipt at the laboratory. An additional fee of $50.00 per sample Hill be charged for samples collected before 8:00 AM. de custody: ,`.atnnpte kore it Olt.", "Ott dtt,titittitti ttt.tttittit "tit... it. it... tittittititattitt*Mtittktit . *.� tit..«.....Pt. 4tt* .. .. , ttit t. W....ttit..tit tit tti..ittit.,tttil.it.tt..ttit .._ .. 7-day 1C , .v, 25 inhibiiRYf ioe1Ceftrat.lon„ that \you t cause ID y' '<r reduction if Central a`al ° endene, IC, Warning l:. iri s (n1ea.n Control Limits its (mean ATM ECS CAROLINAS LLP "Setting the Standard farS Geotechnical • Construction Materials • Environmental Faculties NC Registered Engineering Fi Ms. Cindy Moore Environmental Sciences Section North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 Reference: Chronic Toxicity Sampling NPDES Permit No. NC0088226 Wells Fargo -Tryon Street Charlotte, North Carolina ECS Project 08-7008 Dear Ms. Moore: O RE S V July 29, 2011 .�.s- EIvE o \TERQUALIRY ECS Carolinas, LLP. (ECS) is pleased to provide the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality with the original copy of the laboratory analytical results ("AT" forms) of the effluent water sample collected in June 2011 from Outfall 001 at the Wells Fargo -Tryon Street site (NPDES Permit No. NC0088226). The samples were collected as part of NPDES permit required regular quarterly sampling. As you will see, the June 2011 sampling event resulted in a passing test for chronic toxicity from the outfall. If you have any questions concerning this report or this project, please contact us at (704) 525- 5152. Sincerely, ECS CAROLINAS, LLP Chris Sutherland Staff Environmental Scientist Stephen J. Gosselin, P.G. Principal Geologist Attachments: Laboratory Analytical Results and Chain of Custody Records ("AT" forms) cc: Mr. Gary Smith — Childress Klein Properties NCDENR — Mooresville Regional Office — Attn: Mr. John Lesley 8702 Red Oak Boulevard Suite A, Charlotte 'C, 28217 ® (704) 25-5152 - Fax (704) 525-7178 w.eslitnited.corn Aberdeen, MD * Atlanta, GA, Austin, TX * Baltimore, MD o Cha rlotte, NC.Chicago, I L * Dallas, TX* Frederick, M➢ *Fredericksburg, VA. Greensboro, NC *Greenville, SC *Norfolk, VA Orlando, FL* Raleigh, NC * Richmond, VA* Roanoke, VA* San Antonio, TX *Williamsburg, VA* Wilmington, NC *Winchester, VA" *York, PA° *Testing Services Only .29.2011 12:51 PM PAGE. 1/ 2 Toxicity Report Form - Chronic CerLodap!►n(!a dubla Mall original To; North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resource, DWQ/ Envirurunental Sciences Branch 1621 Mell Servitx Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 9ampte InfDrmatioa ('..Recant+ men dela Gish' C ivrryvrier dur.tion: AIY.11n{ry I mil, C,C(),1. Wilma* (og)L Ce00l). Clstdu tivK7 (pmltoa/em)^ Tout rein &el chlorine (nro/L) Wuple 'I'snq> 4l aeaWpI (Y •). Control Organisms Number of Young Produce Adult Survival: (Wive,. (P Unseat rerc.ntaeeJ 9ti' Treauneut 2 ©[.mains Number of Yung Produced Adult Survival: (1.)ive, (Need Number of YOUnR Products Adult Survival: (L)ive, (©)ead_ 26 X 41 c0 10 09 Chpaniern Ntm6e. 2 3 4 5 6 7 27 30 L 25 L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 33 31 1 2 3 4 5 Effluent Pereenh* .L J Treatment 4 Or niftily Ntunbor of Yuun& Pnuduco4 Adult Survival: (L)ive, (D)esd r Innial pN ($(,I)' rhrl pl I (Sid). Initial 00 (m'L): Fins( D0 (mWL). 1611161 eem Cr) Veva 'Pomp. 8 9 10 11 12 25 L 31 L 29 L 28 29 8 9 10 11 12 6 7 8 7 3 4 3 6 7 8 28 3I 27 31 a 9 10 11 12 06 29.1 I 90% 6.95 PO Ito* 7565 A7hcvillc, NC 28802 Phone: (628) 350.9164 Fux: (828).150-9368 102t1 son Cowrnl (Zvmvl 7,48 7,51 7.w 0)110 (:tmuvl 7.51 9 10 11 12 Enlace' Percentage J Tre.itaeai S orrialems I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 17, Number of Younii Produced Adult Survival: (L)Ire, (D)cad Effluent Pcrecalage Treatment 6 ©rl anlutu I 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ntunbor_ Adult Survival: (L)ive, (D)ced 8 9 10 11 12 we Overall Analysis: Result: PASS LOEC: >90'. N©EC: 90'/• ChV: NOZior,n (B/1►1) Rim, 11/91 >90% 76 24.e 11.0 e.R 7,9 7,9 J4.1 25.1 14.9 24.8 76 7.9 24.7 24,7 24.7 24 e Chronic Tort Resuha 0401051 with Jrd flavour ('ennui gaped Wean (:v, Control: IWC: 48 Nun Morten of 0.0 Io0 tin 12 12 7.9 tflpelfkats7. Find Morvli(y Siwnirure et: Raprodactlon Analyses 0 Loon Yonances: .nc�i.rbt Yoe strpro(►'+4'r 0,9211 o.r64 Yea 1,054 Nvv9ir medic A061y11A `f.Pplk.ete) EIThretl Y. )tide $inep Crpicsl Sum P© Box 7565 Asheville, NC 28802 Phone: (828) 350-9364 Fax: (828) 350-9368 E-mail: Jim@etsnclab.com Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. July 12, 2011 Mr. Chris Sutherland ECS Carolinas, LLP 8702 Red Oak Boulevard, Suite A Charlotte, NC 28217 RE: ETS PROJECT NUMBER: 7189 Dear Mr. Sutherland: Enclosed are toxicity test results for samples from the Wachovia — Tryon Street received by Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. June 22 through June 24, 2011. Parameter Test Procedure Code EPA Method Number Final Result TGP3B North Carolina Ceriodaphnia Chronic Effluent Toxicity Procedure — December 1985, Revised: February 1998 (Ceriodaphnia Pass/Fail Toxicity Test) E.PA-821-R-02-013 PASS If this test was performed as an. NPDES requirement or by Administrative Le P on the Effluent Discharge Monitoring Form (MR-1) for the collection date June 21, 2011.using the parameter code TGP3B. e please enter a Additionally, please sign and submit a copy of the DWQ Aquatic Toxicity Form (AT-3) by July 31, 2011. If you have any questions concerning these results, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Sumner Laboratory Director This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. The results in this report relate only to the samples submitted for analysis. North Carolina Certificate Numbers: Biological Analyses: 37, Drinking Water: 37786, Wastewater: 600 South Carolina Certificate Number: Clean Water Act: 99053-001 nvironmental Testing Solutions, Inc. Effluent Aquatic Toxicity Report Form - Phase 11 Chronic Ceriodaphnia dubia PO Box 7565 Asheville, NC 28802 Phone: (828) 350-9364 Fax: (828) 350-9368 Date: July 12, 2011 Facility: ECS Carolinas, LLP Wells Fargo GWS NA Laboratory Performing Test: Environmental Testing Solutions, Irt Signature of Operator in Responsible Charge: Signature of Laboratory Supervisor: f- r�—�— NPDES #: NC- 0088226 Pipe #: 001 County: Mecklenburg Comments: Project: 7189 Samples: 1 10622.01, 110624,02 Mail Original To: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources DWQ/ Environmental Sciences Branch 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Sample Information Collection startdate: Grab: Composite duration: Alkalinity (myL CaCOir: Hardness (mg/L CaCO;): Conductivity (pinitos/cm): Total residual chlorine Sample Temp. at Receipt ("C): Control Organisms Number of Young Produced Adult Survival: (L)ive, (D)ead Effluent Percentage 90 / Treatment 2 Organisms Number of Young Produced Adult Survival: (L)ive, (D)ead Effluent Percentage Treatment 3 Organisms Number of Young Produced Adult Survival: (L)ive, (D)ead Effluent Percentage Treatment 4 Organisms Number of Young Produced Adult Survival: (L)ive, (D)ead Effluent Percentage Treatment 5 Organisms Number of Young Produced Adult Survival: (L)ive, (D)ead Effluent Percentage Treatment 6 Organisms Number of Young Produced Adult Survival: (L)ive, 26 27 Sample 06-21-11 41 <0,10 30 0.9 Sample 2 06-23-1 1 43 < 0.10 0.8 34,34 42, 44 156, 133, 157 Organism Number 4 5 6 7 8 25 28 29 29 25 9 31 Test information Treatment: Initial pH (SG): Final pH (SU): Initial 001mg/Ll: Final DO (mglL): initial Temp, CC): Final Temp. (Tr 29 29 28.0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Mean 28, 33 30 30 27 31 30.3 -8.3 % Reduction 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Moe 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 %Reduction Mean 74 Rcdncaon 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Mann % Reduction 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Men '4, Reduction Overall Analysis: Result: PASS LOEC: >90% NOEC: 90"/" ChV: >90% Start date: Sun 90% 6,95 7.19 8.0 24.8 24.8 90% 6,98 7,12 8,0 7,9 24.8 24,9 End date: 06-29-11 Renewal 2 90% 7.01 7,37 7,9 24.8 Start time: 1020 Sun 7,48 7.69 7.6 7.9 24,7 24.7 End time: Control 7.5 1 7.59 7.8 7.9 24.7 24,9 Chronic Test Results Final Control Mortality ("1, % Control W th 3rd Broods: Control Reproduction CV: Control: IWC: 48 Hour Mortality 0 0 Final Mortality Significant at: of of 0810 Renal 2 Control 7.81 7,9 7.8 24.8 24.8 0.0 6.8 12 12 No No conc. Reproduction Analyses Reproduction LOEC: Reproductlon NOEG: Overall Method: Normal Distribution: Method; Statistic: Critical Value: Equal Variances: >90 4 90^4 Homcseedastie t Yes Shapiro-Wilk's 0,929 0.884 Yes Method; Statistic: Critical Value: Non -Parametric Analysis 1 i Method: Effluent % 90% Rank Sum F-Test 1.034 5,320 plicable) Critical Sum ©WQ form ,4 T-3 (8/91) Rev. 11/95 Page 1 of 1 Envuonmntal Toning Solutlant, Control Information, North Carolina Chronic Whole Effluent Toxicity Test (EPA-821-R-02-013. Method 1002.0, NC Modification — December 2010, Version 3.0) Species: Ceriodaphnia dubia Test groupinginformation: Project 6 C NTRO Test organism source information: Organism age: Date and times organisms were born between: Culture board: Replicate number: Culture board cup number: Transfer bowl information: Daily renewal information: Day 3 4 5 6 7 Daily chemistry: Parameter Analyst pH (S..0 ) DO (mg/L) 010.1,4- it A 2 3 4 t I < 24-hours old 6 Control # Accei tance Criteria: % of Male Adults (5 20%): Date eito 'rt.- % Adults having 3rd Broods (.? 80°/0): % Mortality (5 20%): Mean Offspring/Female Ca 15 offspring/surviving female): % CV ((40.0%): en() looc) 10 II "SI pH = i.% SU Temperature = 1,24 °C Date •-z.-1.,.1 o61:73.0 06- 1.4- 013- 113 -11 C13- 2.1- 613-201 613- 2ei-11 Conductivity (umhos/cm) Alkalinity (mg CaCO3/L) Hardness (mg CaCO3/L) Temperature (C) Survival and reproduction data: Day 2 MO. Adult mortality (L 4- live, D dead) Young produced Number of Broods Adult mortality (L = live, D = dead) Feeding Feeding Renewal 2 and Feeding Feeding Termination Initiation 14.1 Initial 1 3.4 • Test initiation, renewal, feeding, or termination time Initiation and Feeding i 03-0 CX2) Renewal I and Feeding 10-LS to4b 1k00 0-1'40 PSIS 0 10 Feeding Final OAT Test information: Randomizing template color: Incubator number and shelf location: YWT hatch: Selenastruni batch: Control/Dilution water batch used (Soft synthetic) Renewal One 4 Initial Final Replicate number 6 7 v.t. os-rv‘k c1S-1.1-11 Oto-LS Analyst Renewal Two Initial 9 1.• Final 10 11 12 6 or 7 Young produced Number of Broods Total young produced Final Adult Mortality = live, D dead) X for 3rd Broods L. 23 L._ 2.5 30 21 2.S 28 2.S 2S let 21 L.. -z_ 2. C. .3k -Lk( 2. Notes: M = Male, AB = Aborted brood observed, SOP ATI2 — Exhibit AT12.3, revision 06-01-11 North Carolina Chronic Pass/Fail Whole Effluent Toxicity Test (EPA-821-R-02-013 Method 1002.0, NC Modification — December 2010, Versio Species: Ceriodaphnia dubia Paired with Control # Client: Facility: Comments: engt, Parameter pH (S.U.) DO (mg/L) Conductivity (µmhos/crn) Chlorine (mg/L ) U�e.LI.S eiN .6-C1 etnistry: Sample 1 tt1•�tf <-U•1© Dilution preparation: Test concentration: mL Sample: mL Dilution water: Total volume (rnL): 467, C t S NA Sample 2 C¢ •�Z 5•4 3©8 Test concentration ekerrtis Parameter Analyst pH (SM.) DO (me/L) Conductivity µmhos/cm) Temperature (°C) Test concentration: Day 2 ©?. 43 1© Sample information: Collection start date: Collection end time: Grab/Composite (duration): Temperature (C:) upon receipt: Physical characteristtcs ETS project number: ETS sample number: Initiation Initial Final NPDES #: NC County: Outfall/Pipe: Sample I 'C 3.0) ©ate ©4&&t2Zl© Page l of I. c MQ tr1bo k- 001 P o cok.eit Pivelutes Renewal One GDr (06 q, 0 Initial Final Survival and reproduettort Rep 6 7 Sample 2 C3.&'(. N© c©L©2 cLe4 1L Renewal Two Initial Ado tt mortat, t=.n=dead 0 Final 2 od roduced Adult morta y 7 x otmg produced o[ To young produced Adult VI U = dead) Notes: M = Male, AB = Aborted brood observed, Test results: % Mortality: Mean Offspring/Female: % Reduction from control: t-Stat or RS: l-Tailed Critical: Pass or Fail 30.3 2,sbe SOP, AT 2--ExhibitATT22,revision06-01-1I Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. Start Date: 6/22/2011 End Date: 6/29/2011 Sample Date: Comments: Test ID: Lab ID: Protocol: Ceriodaphnia Survival and Reproduction Test -Reproduction CdPFCRNC ETS-Envir, Testing Sol. FWCHR-EPA-821-R-02-013 Sample ID: Sample Type: Test Species: ECS Carolinas - Wells Fargo GWS NA DMR-Discharge Monitoring Report CD-Ceriodaphnia dubia Conc-% 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 D-Control [-Control 90 90 26.000 28.000 31.000 27,000 27.000 29.000 28.000 31.000 30.000 25.000 28.000 29.000 33.000 31.000 31.000 30.000 29,000 25.000 31.000 29.000 30.000 33.000 28.000 31.000 Transform: Untransformed Conc-% Mean N-Mean Mean Min Max CV% 1-Tailed t-Stat Critical MSD D-Control 90 28.000 1,0000 28.000 30,333 1.0833 30.333 25.000 27,000 31.000 6.810 33.000 6,181 12 12 -3.023 2,508 1,936 Auxiliary Tests Shapiro-Wilk's Test indicates normal distribution (p > 0.01) F-Test indicates equal variances (p = 0.96) Hypothesis Test (1-tail, 0.01) Homoscedastic t Test indicates no significant differences Treatments vs D-Control Statistic 0.92915314 1.03448272 N1SDu MSDp Critical 0.884 5.31966734 Skew Kurt -(13532561 -0.7084824 MSB MSE F-Prob df 1,93638696 0.06915668 32.6666667 3.57575758 0.00625902 1, 22 Wachovia_06-22- 1 1 Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. Concentration (%) Control 90% Day 7 Total 7 Total 4 22 26 4 27 31 2 4 23 27 4 24 28 25 30 4 29 33 Ceriodap/inia dubia Chronic Whole Effluent Toxicity Test EPA-821-R-02-013, Method 1000.0 - North Carolina Modification Quality Control Verification of Data Entry, Calculations, and Statistical Analyses Number of young produced by replicate number 4 4 7 25 26 31 6 22 28 4 27 31 4 25 29 25 30 7 4 25 29 25 30 8 4 21 25 28 33 9 5 26 4 24 28 10 24 29 6 25 11 23 28 4 23 27 12 4 25 29 4 27 31 Survival (%) 100 100 Client: Wells Fargo GWS NA Test dates: June 22 - 29, 2011 Project number: 7189 CyReveiwed by: t"---------- Average reproduction (offspring/female) 28.0 30.3 Coefficient of variation (%) 68 6.2 Percent reduction from control (%,) Not applicable -8.3 Dunnett's MSD value: 1.936 MSD Minimum Significant Difference PMSD: 6.9 PMSD = Percent Minimum Significant Difference PMSD is a measure of test precision, The PMSD is the minimum percent difference between the control and treatment that can be declared statistically significant in a whole effluent toxicity test Lower PMSD bound determined by USEPA (10th percentile) = 13%. Upper PMSD bound determined by USEPA (90th percentile) = 47%. Lower and upper PMSD bounds were determined. from the 10th and 90th percentile, respectively, of PMSD data from EPA's WET Interlaboratory Variability Study (USEPA, 200Ia; USEPA, 2001 b), USEPA. 2001 a, 2()01b. Final Report: Interlaboratory Variability Study of EPA Short-term Chronic and Acute Whole Effluent Toxicity Test Methods, Volumes 1 and 2-Appendix, EPA-821-13-01 -004 and EPA-821-11-01-005. US Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, OH, Wachuvia 06-22-1 I Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. Whole E uent Toxicity Chain -of -Custody Form 351 Depot Street Asheville, NC 28801 Phone: (828) 350-9364 Fax: (828) 350-9368 Facility: CS Carolinas, LLP Species: Ceriodaphnia dubia Test type: Pass/Fail Chronic NPDES #: NC0088226 Pipe #: ON County: Mecklenburg Purchase order: Effluent dilution: 90% Parameter code: TGP3B Sample information: (to be completed by sample collector) Grab sample: Date: Time: Sample location: oct Volume collected for testing: Number of containers filled for testing: Method of transport to laboratory: Comments: Triple rinse sample container with sample before filling. Completely fill the sample container with no air space. Pack the sample container completely in ice. The sample must be < 6.0°C upon receipt at the laboratory. An additional fee of $50.00 per sample will be charged for samples collected before 8:00 AM. mple custody: (to be completed by sample collector and facility personnel) Print Signature Date and time Received by: Sample receipt information: (to be completed by ETS personnel) Relinquished to ETS by: Print Custody seals intact?: Sigmum esNu Noto Samples received in good condition?: Tracking number: 14\1 2. 0(0-72-‘1 ocis Date and time eceiv Ferye4 Y: Print Print Received at ETS by: Print Signature Signature sodium Sample temperature upon receipt at ETS (°C): Total residual chlorine upon receipt at ETS: (DPI) Presence/Absense Indicator, MDL 0 10 mg/L) Project number: '-1(t7)Ci' Sample number: 06-2.1-%1 Date and time Date and Oh. Date and WPC nt SEAS 10622.0I Comments: '17.) Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. 351 Depot Street Asheville, NC 28801 Phone: (828) 350-9364 Fax: (828) 350-9368 Whole Effluent Toxicity Chain -of -Custody Form Facility: ECS Carolinas, LLP Species: Ceriodaphnia duhia Test type: Pass/Fail Chronic NPDES #: NC0088226 Pipe #: ON County: Mecklenburg Purchase order: Effluent dilution: 90% Parameter code: TGP3B pie information: to be completed by sample collector) Grab sample: Date: Time: Sample location: Volume collected for testing: Number of containers filled for testing: Method of transport to laboratory: Comments: Triple rinse sample container with sample before filling. Completely fill the sample container with no air space. Pack the sample container completely in ice. The sample must be < 6.0°C upon receipt at the laboratory. An additional fee of $50.00 per sample will be charged for samples collected before 8:00 AM. Sample custody: (to be completed by sample collector and facility personnel) Pn Reknquished by: Print Signature ANOWN.10, Received by: Date and ti Received by: by: Dare and time Print Print Signature Signature 2$- Date. and tittle Date and time Sample receipt information: (to be completed by ETS personnel) Relinquished to ETS by: Print Custody seals intact?: Samples received in good condition?: Signature Tracking number: icHot OI1 s5,41 Date and woe Received at ETS by: Print Signature Sample temperature upon receipt at ETS (°C): Total residual chlorine upon receipt at ETS: (DPD Presence/Absense Indicator, MiDL - 0,10 mg/L) Project number: 06 - 24-11 06N Date and and time 0 - Pnn Absnnt Sample number: 110(ta1l 0 7_ Comments: 40 35 30 25 20 15 50 40 30 20 10 0 al Testing Solutions, Inc. Ceriodaphnia dubia Chronic Reference Toxicant Control Chart Precision of Endpoint Measurements Minimum Acceptance Criteria (> 15.0 offspring per surviving female) I I 1 I I 1 I 1 1 I I 1 I I North Carolina Acceptance Limit (< 40.0%) Kentucky Acceptance Limit (< 30.0(?/0) USEPA Upper PMSD Bound (90`h percentile < 47M©/ri) Test date # Control Reproduction, Coefficient of Variation (CV), or Percent Minimum Significant Difference (PMSD) PMSD is the minimum significant difference between the control and treatment that can be declared statistically significant. Central Tendency (mean Control Reproduction, CV, or PMSD) • • • • • • Control Limits (mean Control Reproduction, CV, or PMSD f 2 Standard Deviations) Graphs generated from associated excel spreadsheet. Excel spreadsheet rusted by; J. Sumner Reviewed by: �j��'1 Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. 1.14 1.12 1.10 1.08 1.06 1.04 1.02 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 1.4 1.3 1.0 0.9 0.8 Ceriodaphnia dubia Chronic Reference Toxicant Control Chart I I I I i I ± 2 Standard Deviations) � I I 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 US PA Warning and Control Limits ('75th and 90th Percentile CVs) *Y**********inkW.***♦******I.***********".*.******.*".0******"..“******"....******0 rt�s• Laboratory Warning and Control I I I I ill 'ts {10th and 25th Percentile CVs) *********************************************r******************************************** Test date 7-day 1C25 = 25% inhibition concentration. An estimation of the concentration of sodium chloride that would cause a 25% reduction in Ceriodaphnia reproduction for the test population. Central. Tendency (mean IC25) Warning Limits (mean IC25 ± SA10 or SA 75) Control Limits (mean IC2- f S 2> A90, or 2 Standard Deviations) Graphs generated from associated excel spreadsheet. Excel spreadsheetis.red by; J. Sumner Reviewed by; Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor y NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Coleen H, Sullins Dee Freeman Director Secretary November 29, 2010 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED: 7002 3150 000 7052 4061 Mr. Roger Smith Wachovia Bank N.A. 8702 Red Oak. Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28217 Subject: Dear Mr. Smith: NOTICE OF VIOLATION Effluent Toxicity Testing NPDES Permit No. NC0088226 Wachovia Tryon St. BTS Mecklenburg County DIVISION RECEIVE© WATER QUALITY DEC 01 2010 M©©RESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE This is to inform you that the Environmental Sciences Section has not received your regular quarterly toxicity self -monitoring report form for the month of September 2010. This is in violation of Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code, Chapter 2, Subchapter 2B, Section .0506 (a)(1)(A) which states that "monthly monitoring reports shall he filed no later than 30 days after the end of the reporting period for which the report was made." Please remember that reporting of toxicity self -monitoring data is a dual requirement. Toxicity test results must be entered on your Discharge Monitoring Report and the Toxicity Reporting Form (AT Report Form). The AT report form must be submitted to: DWQ/ESS, 1621 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-1621 within the required time frame. Your NPDES permit requires you to submit an Aquatic Toxicity Self -Monitoring Form to this office during a month in which toxicity testing is required, regardless of whether a discharge occurs from the facility. Please ensure that AT test forms labeled "No Flow" are sent to this office during months when no discharge occurs and the facility is required to perform toxicity testing. Environmental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 Location:4401 Reedy Creek Road, Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Phone: 919-743-8400 I FAX: 919-743-85171 Customer Service_ 1-877-623-6748 Internet: http://h2o,enr.state.nc.usiesbl One North Carolina !Uatura F An Equal Opportunity 1 Aftrrnative Action Employer Additional reporting and/or monitoring violations within a twelve (1.2) month period subjects the facility to the enforcement authority of the Division. Attached to this Notice, you will find a summary of important toxicity monitoring and reporting requirements. Please read this summary. If you have any questions concerning this Notice, please contact Mr. John Giorgino with the Aquatic Toxicology Unit at (919) 743-8441. Sincerely, Cindy Moore Supervisor, Aquatic Toxicology Unit cc: Rob Krebs- Mooresville Regional Office Mooresville Regional Office Aquatic Toxicology Unit Central Files Environmental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 Location 4401 Reedy Creek Road, Raleigh, North Carolina 276.07 pone, 91907438400 \ FAX: 919:743-8517 1 Customer serviGe, 1177„62311740 Internet rqtp:i/h2n.enr,state,nc.usiestil .0ne NorthCarolina ,Vaturally Equai OpPottunily 1 Affirmative Action Employer NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Governor Director March 26, 2009 CERTIFIED MAIL: 7007 1490 0004 5537 9636 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr, Roger A. Smith Wachovia Bank N.A. 8702 Red Oak Blvd, Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 Subject: NOTICE OF VIOLATION Effluent Toxicity Testing NPDES Permit No. NC0088226 Wachovia Tryon St, BTS Mecklenburg County Dear Mr, Smith: Dee Freeman Secretary 4 DWQ-Surface Water Proleaon This is to inform you that a review of your toxicity self -monitoring report form for the month ofIanuary 2009 indicates a violation of the toxicity limitation specified in your NPDES Permit. You should take whatever remedial actions are necessary to eliminate the conditions causing the effluent toxicity violation(s). Your efforts may include conducting a Toxicity Reduction Evaluation (TRE), a site -specific study designed to identify the causative agents of effluent toxicity, isolate the sources of toxicity, evaluate the effectiveness of toxicity control options, and confirm reductions in effluent toxicity. Please be aware that North Carolina General Statutes provide for assessment of civil penalties for violations of NPDES permit limitations and requirements. The reverse side of this Notice contains important information concerning your Whole Effluent Toxicity Monitoring and Reporting Requirements. Please note appropriate mailing addresses for submitting your Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) and Aquatic Toxicity (AT) Test Forms We encourage you to review this information; if it would be helpful to discuss this situation or possible solutions to resolve effluent toxicity noncompliance, please contact Mr. John Giorgino with this office at (919) 743-844 L cc: Cindy A. Moore Supervisor, Aquatic Toxicology Unit Mooresville Regional Office John Lesley/ Mooresville Regional Office Aquatic Toxicology Unit Central Files Environmental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 Location: 4401 Reedy Creek Road, Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Phone: 919-743-8400 I FAX: 919-743-8517 I Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 Internet: http://h2o,enrstate.nc.usiesb/ One NorthCarolina Naturally An Equal Opportunity I Affirmative Action Employer WHOLE EFFLUENT TOXICITY MONITORING AND REPORTING INFORMATION ➢ The following items are provided in an effort to assist you with identifying critical and sometimes overlooked toxicity testing and reporting information. Please take time to review this information. The items below do not address or include all the toxicity testing and reporting requirements contained in your NPDES permit. If you should have any questions about your toxicity testing requirement, please contact Mr. John Giorgino with the Aquatic Toxicology Unit at (919) 743-8401 or another Unit representative at the seine number. > The permittee is responsible for ensuring that toxicity testing is conducted according to the permit requirement and that toxicity report fonns are appropriately filed. > The reporting of whole effluent toxicity testing data is a dual requirement. All toxicity test results must be entered (with the appropriate parameter code) on your monthly Discharge Monitoring Report which is submitted to: North Carolina Division of Water Quality Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 IN ADDITION Toxicity test data (original "AT" form) must be submitted to the following address: North Carolina Division of Water Quality Environmental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 ➢ Toxicity test results shall be filed with the Environmental Sciences Section no later than 30 days after the end of the reporting period (eg, January test result is due by the end of February). ➢ Toxicity test condition language contained in your NPDES permit may require use of multiple concentration toxicity testing upon failure of any single quarterly toxicity test. If the initial pass/fail test fails or if the chronic value is lower than the permit limit, then at least two multiple concentration toxicity tests (one per month) will be conducted over the following two months. As many analyses as can be completed will be accepted. If your NPDES permit does not require use of multiple concentration toxicity testing upon failure of any single quarterly test, you may choose to conduct either single concentration toxicity testing or multiple concentration toxicity testing per the Division's WET enforcement initiatives effective July 1, 1999. Follow-up multiple concentration toxicity testing will influence the Division's enforcement response. ➢ Toxicity testing months are specified by the NPDES Permit, except for NPDES Permits which contain episodic toxicity monitoring requirements (eg, if the testing months specified in your NPDES permit are March, June, September, and December, then toxicity testing must be conducted during these months). > If your NPDES Permit specifies episodic monitoring and your facility does not have a discharge from January 1-June 30, then you must provide written notification to the Environmental Sciences Section by June 30 that a discharge did not occur during the first six months of the calendar year. > If you receive notification from your contract laboratory that a test was invalidated, you should immediately notify the Environmental Sciences Section at (919) 743-8401 and provide written documentation indicating why the test was invalidated and the date when follow-up testing will OMIT. ➢ If your facility is required to conduct toxicity testing during a month in which no discharge occurs, you should complete the information block located at the top of the AT form indicating the facility name, permit number, pipe number, county and the month/year of the subject report. You should also write "No Flow" on the AT form, sign the form and submit following normal procedures. ➢ The Aquatic Toxicity Test forms shall be signed by the facility's Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) except for facilities which have not received a facility classification. In these cases, a duly authorized facility representative must sign the AT form. The AT form must also be signed by the performing lab supervisor. ➢ To determine if your AT test forms were received on time by the Division of Water Quality, you may consider subntitting your toxicity test results certified mail, return receipt requested to the Environmental Sciences Section. Environmental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 Location: 4401 Reedy Creek Road, Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Phone: 919-743-8400 I FAX: 919-743-8517 Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 Internet: http:/lh2o.enr.statenc.us/esb/ One NorthCarol.ina Naturally An Equal Opportunity l Affirmative Acton Employer illill ECS CAROLINAS, LLP LLP Geotechnical • Construction tl4aterials • Environmental. Mr. Jimmie Overton Chief, Environmental Sciences Section North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 Reference: Outfall 2 Status Wachovia-Tryon Street BTS NPDES Permit No. NC0088226/001 Charlotte, North Carolina ECS Project 08-3515D Dear Mr. Overton: July 2, 2008 NC DENR MR0 DWQ Surface Water Pro ECS Carolinas, LLP. (ECS) is writing to inform the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality that as of May 2008, the Outfall 002 located at the Wachovia-Tryon Street BTS site (NPDES Permit No. NC0088226/001) is no longer discharging as construction dewatering activities associated with Outfall 002 have ended. If you have any questions concerning this report or this project, please contact us at (704) 525-5152. Sincerely, ECS CAROLINAS, LLP cc: air, .G. pal Geologist Wachovia Bank, N.A. — c/o Mr. Allen Holloway — Childress Klein Properties NCDENR - Mooresville Regional Office — Attn: Mr. Mike Parker NCDENR — Mooresville Regional Office — Attn: Mr. John Lesley NCDENR — Central Files — Division of Water Quality 8702 Red Oak Boulevard, Suite A, Charlotte, North Carolina 28217. 704-525-5152 • Fax: 704-525-7178 • www ecsllrnited. ECS CAROLINAS, LLP Geotechnical • Construction Materials • Environmental 8702 Red Oak Boulevard, Suite A Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 Telephone 704-525-5152 Fax 704-525-7178 To: Mr. Jimmie Overton Chief, Environmental Sciences Section NCDENR Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 We are sending you the following items via: Certified Mail COPIES DATED 2-31-08 Monhr Sa These are transmitted as checked below: x For your use As requested REMARKS no - Nov be Date: LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 12/31/08 Project No. Monthly Sampling - November NPDES Permit No. NC0088226/001 Wachovia-Tryon Street Charlotte, North Carolina DESCRIPTION Please contact Roger Smith with questions regarding this project. Thanks! 1 Copy - Allen Holloway (Wachovia Bank) 1 Copy to each of the following via certified mail: ohn Lesley (NCDENR-Mooresvil COPY TO: — Central Files — Division of Water Quality DWQ Surface Wa`ei SIGNED: Roger A. Smith 08-3515D ,Ian ECS CAROLNAS, LLP Geotechnict • Construction Mat • Environrnen Mr. Jimmie Overton Chief, Environmental Sciences Section North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 Reference: Wachovia-Tryon Street BTS NPDES Permit No. NC0088226/001 Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina ECS Project 08-3515D Dear Mr. Overton: December 31, 2008 use id Li ' D Q-Surface Water Pr ec ion ECS Carolinas, LLP. (ECS) is writing to inform the North Carolina Department of Environment and. Natural Resources (NCDENR), Division of Water Quality that no effluent samples were collected at the Wachovia- Tryon Street BTS site (NPDES Permit No. NC0088226) during the month of November, 2008. Although. multiple site visits were conducted in an attempt to collect the required monthly samples, during each occasion either the system was shut off due to reconfiguring of discharge piping for the ongoing site construction, or the sampling location was inaccessible. The monthly sampling for December was conducted. After receipt of laboratory results, the Permit required reporting will be submitted to the NCDENR in January 2009. If you have any questions concerning this letter or this project, please contact us at (704) 525-5152. Sincerely, ECS CAROLINAS, LLP er A. Smith, P.G. cipal Geologist cc: Wachovia Bank, N.A. — c/o Mr. Allen. Holloway — Childress Klein Properties NCDENR — Mooresville Regional Office — Attn: Mr. Mike Parker NCDENR — Mooresville Regional Office — Attn: Mr. John Lesley NCDENR — Central Files — Division of Water Quality 8702 Red Oak Boulevard, Suite A, Charlotte, North. Carolina 2 17.704-525- 52 *Fax: 7t114-a 5-71.78 • w vcv eeslirnited.corrr. ECS CAROLINAS, LLP Geotechnical • Construction Materials • Environmental 8702 Red Oak Boulevard, Suite A Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 Telephone 704-525-5152 Fax 704-525-7178 To: Mr. Jimmie Overton Chief, Environmental Sciences Section NCDENR Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 We are sending you the following items via: Certified Mail COPIES DATED 07-29-08 Date: LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 07/29/08 Project No, Outfall 1 — Cognizant Official Change NPDES Permit No. NC0088226/001 Wachovia-Tryon Street Charlotte, North Carolina DESCRIPTION Cognizant Official Change Notification These are transmitted as checked below: x For your use As requested REMARKS Please contact John Lair with questions regarding this project. Thanks! 1 Copy - Allen Holloway (Wachovia Bank) 1 Copy to each of the following via certified mail: — Mr. Mike Parker (NCDENR-Mooresville) - Mr. John Lesley (NCDENR-Mooresville) COPY TO: — Central Files — Division of Water Quality SIGNED: John Lair 08-3515D MRO PIotecflon ECS CAROLINAS, LLP Geotechmcal • Cons'Envir >n ental July 29, 2008 Mr. Jimmie Overton Chief, Environmental. Sciences Section North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 Reference: Outfall 1 Wachovia-Tryon Street BTS NPDES Pen -nit No. NC0088226/001 Charlotte, North Carolina ECS Project 08-3515D Dear Mr. Overton: ECS Carolinas, LLP. (ECS) is writing to inform the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality that as of July 28, 2008, Mr. John. Lair no longer works for the ECS Carolinas — Charlotte Office. Since, Mr. Lair was listed as the cognizant official for the site (NPDES Permit No. NC0088226/001) please update your records to his successor Mr. Roger A. Smith. If you have any questions concerning this change, please contact us at (704) 525-5152. Sincerely, ECS CAROLCNAS, LLP cc: air, al Geologist Rr A. Smith, P.G. Principal Geologist Wachovia Bank, N.A. — c/o Mr. Allen Holloway — Childress Klein Properties NCDENR — Mooresville Regional Office — Attn: Mr. Mike Parker NCDENR - Mooresville Regional Office — Attn: Mr. John Lesley NCDENR — Central. Files — Division of Water Quality 8702 Red Oak Boulevard, Suite A, Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 • 704-525-51.52 • Fax: 704-525-7178 • w v.ecslimited.com ECS CAROLINAS, LLP Geotechnical • Construction Materials • Environmental 8702 Red Oak Boulevard, Suite A Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 Telephone 704-525-5152 Fax 704-525-7178 To: Mr. Jimmie Overton Chief, Environmental Sciences Section NCDENR Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 We are sending you the following items via: Certified Mail COPIES DATED 08-15-08 Outfall 1 — Flow Meter These are transmitted as checked below: x For your use As requested REMARKS Ple Date: LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 08/15/08 Project No. 08-3515D Outfall 1 — Flow Meter NPDES Permit No. NC0088226/001 Wachovia-Tryon Street Charlotte, North Carolina DESCRIPTION e contact Roger Smith with questions regarding this project. Thanks! 1 Copy - Allen Holloway (Wachovia Bank) 1 Copy to each of the following via certified mail: — Mr. Mike Parker (NCDENR-Mooresville) COPY TO: — Central F DWQ-S SIGNED: Roger A. Smith D PO Protection ECS CARO .ANAS, LLP Geotechnical • Construction. Materials • Envirc nmenta August 15, 2008 Mr. Jimmie Overton. Chief, Environmental Sciences Section North Carolina Department of Environment and. Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 Reference: Outfall 1 Flow Meter Wachovia-Tryon Street BTS NPDES Permit No. NC0088226/001 Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North. Carolina ECS Project 08-3515D Dear Mr. Overton: ECS Carolinas, LLP. (ECS) is writing to inform the North Carolina Department of Environment and. Natural Resources (NCDENR), Division of Water Quality that as of June 2008, the Flow Meter at Outfall 001 located at the Wachovia-Tryon Street BTS site (NPDES Permit No. NC0088226/001) is not working properly. In June we noted that the flow meter at Outfall 001 was not operating properly so it was switched out with the flow meter from Outfall 002, which was no longer being used (notification of Outfall 2 was sent to NCDENR on July 2, 2008). The malfunctioning flow meter was sent back to the manufacturer for repairs. The manufacturer indicated that the flow meter was clogged with grit and it is currently being cleaned. Although the meter was clogged with grit, the Total Suspended Solids (TSS) for the June sampling event was detected at 1.1 mg/I, which was well below the monthly limit of 30 mg/1 and TSS was not detected during the recent July sampling event. During the July monthly sampling event, the recently switched out flow meter was noted to not be working properly as well. The second flow meter is also being sent back to the manufacturer for. cleaning. Once a cleaned flow meter is returned from the manufacturer, it will be re -installed. If you have any questions concerning this letter or this project, please contact us at (704) 525-5152. Sincerely, ECS CAROLINAS, LLP oger A. Smith, P.G. Principal Geologist cc: Wachovia Bank, N.A. — c/o Mr. Allen. Holloway — Childress Klein Properties NCDENR — Mooresville Regional Office — Attn: Mr. Mike Parker NCDENR — Mooresville Regional Office — Attn: Mr. John Lesley NCDENR — Central Files — Division of Water Quality 87112 Red Oak 13c►ulevard, Sul t A, Charlotte, North Carolina 28217. 704-525'- 152 • %+ax: 704-525-7178 • www.ecsli ited.com. EC" CAR©LINAS, LLP p Geotechnical • Construction Materials • Environmental Mr. Jimmie Overton Chief, Environmental. Sciences Section North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center. Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 Reference: Outfall 1 Wachovia-Tryon Street BTS NPDES Permit No. NC0088226/001 Charlotte, North Carolina ECS Project 08-3515D Dear Mr. Overton: July 29, 2008 AUG NC DEN MRO ©1 -Surface Water Prates cn ECS Carolinas, LLP. (ECS) is writing to inform the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality that as of July 28, 2008, Mr. John Lair no longer works for the ECS Carolinas — Charlotte Office. Since, Mr, Lair was listed as the cognizant official for the site (NPDES Permit No. NC0088226/001) please update your records to his successor Mr. Roger A. Smith. If you have any questions concerning this change, please contact us at (704) 525-5152. Sincerely, ECS CAR©LINAS, LLP cc: RA. Smith, P.G. Principal Geologist Wachovia Bank, N.A. — c/o Mr, Allen Holloway — Childress Klein Properties NCDENR — Mooresville Regional Office - Attn: Mr. Mike Parker NCDENR — Mooresville Regional Office — Attn: Mr. John Lesley NCDENR — Central Files — Division of Water Quality 7t1 Red Oak boulevard, rsuit A, Charlotte, North Carolina 817 • 71 Fax: 704-a25-71.78 • ww,e limlted.com ECS CAROLINAS, LLP Geotechnical • Construction Materials • Environmental C ©pouf. 0 Mr. Jimmie Overton Chief, Environmental Sciences Section North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resour Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1.621 Reference: Chronic Toxicity Sampling NPDES Permit No. NC0088226/001 Wachovia-Tryon Street NPDES Permit No. NC0088226 Charlotte, North Carolina ECS Project 08-3515D Dear Mr. Overton: January 4, 2008 NC DENR MR0 DWI -Surface Water Protection ECS Carolinas, LLP. (ECS) is pleased to provide the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality with the original copy of the laboratory analytical results ("AT" forms) of the effluent water samples collected in the month of December 2007 from Outfall 001 and Outfall 002 at the Wachovia-Tryon Street site (NPDES Permit No. NC0088226/001). As you will see, the December 2007 sampling event resultedin passing test for chronic toxicity from each outfall. If you have any questions concerning this report or this project, please contact us at (704) 525-5152. Sincerely, ECS CAROLINAS, LLP Brent M. Lesmerises Project Geologist NC WPCSOCC PhysicaUChemical Grade 1 ertificate No. 987060 air, pal Geologist Attachments: Laboratory Analytical Results and. Chain of Custody Records ("AT" forms cc: Wachovia Bank Allen Holloway — Childress Klein Properties NCDNER — Mooresville Regional Office — Attn: Mr. John Lesley 8702 Red Oak Boulevard, Suite A, Charlotte, North Carolina 28 17. 704-525-5152 • Fax: 704-525-7178 • vv v .ecs1i ited.com Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr. Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7178 December 21, 2007 Mr. John Lair ECS Charlotte 8702 Red Oak Blvd, Suite A Charlotte, NC 28217 RE: Project: Wachovia Bioassay Pace Project No.: 929823 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Dear Mr. Lair: Enclosed are the analytical results for sample(s) received by the laboratory between December 11, 2007 and December 14, 2007. The results relate only to the samples included in this report. Results reported herein conform to the most current NELAC standards, where applicable, unless otherwise narrated in the body of the report. Inorganic Wet Chemistry and Metals analyses were performed at our Pace Asheville laboratory and Organic testing was performed at our Pace Huntersville laboratory unless otherwise footnoted. All Microbiological analyses were performed at the laboratory where the samples were received. If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, enn re Project Manager Enclosures REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc,. Page 1 of 6 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr. Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7178 CERTIFICATIONS Project: Wachovia Bioassay Pace Project No.: 929823 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Charlotte Certification IDs North Carolina Drinking Water Certification Number: 37706 North Carolina Wastewater Certification Number: 12 North Carolina Field Services Certification Number: 5342 South Carolina Certification Number: 990060001 South Carolina Bioassay Certification Number: 990060003 Asheville Certification IDs Florida/NELAP Certification Number E87648 Louisiana/LELAP Certification Number. 03095 New Jersey Certification Number NC011 North Carolina Drinking Water Certification Number: 37712 North Carolina Wastewater Certification Number 40 North Carolina Bioassay Certification Number 9 Eden Certification IDs North Carolina Drinking Water Certification Number: 37738 Virginia Drinking Water Certification Number: 00424 Tennessee Certification Number: 04010 Virginia Certification Number: 00213 Florida/NELAP Certification Number: E87627 Kansas Certification Number: E-10364 Louisiana/LELAP Certification Number 04034 Pennsylvania Certification Number: 68-03578 South Carolina Certification Number: 99030001 South Carolina Bioassay Certification Number: 99030002 Tennessee Certification Number: 2980 Virginia Certification Number 00072 North Carolina Wastewater Certification Number: 633 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. A_Ec.„0 Page 2 of 6 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr. Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7176 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Wachovia Bioassay Pace Project No,: 929823 Pace Analytical Services, Inc, 9800 IGncey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Sample: 001 COMPOSITE EFFLUENT Parameters C dubia Pass/Fail Chronic Date: 12/21/2007 08:54 AM Lab ID: 929823001 Collected: Results Units PASS 0/07,12:55 Report Limit DF REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 3 of 6 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr. Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7176 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Wachovia Bioassay Pace Project No.: 929823 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Sample: 002 COMPOSITE EFFLUENT Parameters C.dubia Pass/Fail Chronic Date: 12/21/2007 05:54 AM Lab ID: 928823002 Collected: 12/10/07 12:25 Results PASS Units Report Limit DF REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 4 of 6 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr, Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7176 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Wachovia Bioassay Pace Project No.: 929823 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Sample: 2ND 001 COMP. EFF. Parameters C.dubia Pass/Fail Chronic Date: 12/21/2007 08:54 AM Lab ID: 929823003 Collected: 12/13/07 11:35 Results Units Report Limit DF REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc., Page 5 of 6 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr. Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7178 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Wachovia Bioassay Pace Project No.: 929823 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kncey Ave, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Sample: 2ND 002 COMP.EFF. Parameters C.dubia Pass/Fail Chronic Date: 12/21/2007 08:54 AM Lab ID: 929823004 Collected: 12/13/07 11:05 Results Units Report Limit DF 1 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except In full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 6 of 6 Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC , 99030 FL NELAP E87648 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704.875.9092 Fax: 704.875.9091 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254,7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 www•Miligfttolloxicity Report AT-1 Form Chronic Pass/Fail and Acute LC50 Date 12/12/07 Fac y NPDE#NC 0088226 achov aboratory Pe otrnin PACE Analytical Services, Inc, Sissfiatu ponsible Ch ORIGINAL TO: North Carolina CeriodaohniaChronic Pass/Fail Reproduction Toxicity Test CONTROL ORGANISMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 # Young Produced Adult (L)ive (D)ead Effluent% 90 TREATMENT 2 ORGANISMS # Young Produced Adult (L)ive (D)ead pH D.0 Control Treatment Control Treatment 25 31 1st 7.4 29 2 30 7.5 7.9 St a 1st 7.8 7.9 E n d 7.9 7.7 29 28 4 5 6 7 30 L 1st 2nd 7.5 7,6 _ st E st t n t a d a r r 1st 2nd 29 24 31 Pipe # 00 County enbu omments Not A d Un Environmental Sciences Branch Div. of Water Quality N.C. DENR 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 7 8 25 29 7.3 7.2 7.7 26 7.8 8.4 8.4 8.2 8.2 28 8.0 8.2 32 9 10 11 12 29 29 26 31 8 9 10 11 12 29 7.7 7.5 E n d 7.9 8.0 LCSO/Acute Toxicity Test (Mortality expressed as %. combinino replicates) % LC50= 95% Confidence % - % `Organism Tested: Cerlodaphnia dubia REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Meth Moving Avg. Spearman % d of Determination Probit Other 30 29 Chronic Test Resu Calculated t Tabular t Reduction Treatment 2 0.0 ntral organtstrts ludng 3rd brood Complete This For Either Test Collodion Start Date Sample 1 12\10\07 100.0 Sample 2 Hardness (mg/1) Soec, Cond. (umhos) Chlorine (mg/1) Sample temp, at receipt (C) Concentration Mortality Test Duration (Hours): 2.508 0 Avg. Reprod. Conti 28,3 Treatment 2 29.10 PASS FAIL heck On 2\12\07 12\13\07 <0,1 <0.1 PI plate This p Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 Organism Tested: Ceriodaphnia dubia evlII Certitication IDsAsh NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 ace Analytical® www•effliftwitoltoxicity Report AT-1 Form Chronic Pass/Fail and Acute LC50 Date 12/12/07 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704.875.9092 Fax: 704.875.9091 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Facility: E NPDES#NC 008822 hov boratory Performing T PACE Analytical Services, Inc. nfitur ratorsponsibl Cha MAIL ORIGINAL TO: North Carolina CeriodaphniaChronic Pass/Fail Reproduction Toxicity Test CONTROL ORGANISMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 # Young Produced Adult (L)ive (D)ead Effluent% 90 TREATMENT 2 ORGANISMS # Young Produced Adult (L)ive (D)ead pH D.0 Control Treatment Control Treatment 29 27 1st 23 2 29 7.4 7.4 7.8 S i a 1st 8.4 7.7 E n d 7.9 8.0 28 30 23 4 28 1st 7.3 28 29 7.5 7.9 7.9 S t E n a d 1st 8.4 8.3 8,5 8.0 25 33 Pipe # 002 County nbur Comments Samples Not Aerated Unless Otherwise Noted Environmental Sciences Branch Div. of Water Quality N.C. DENR 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 7 8 31 7 28 2nd 7.5 9 10 11 12 29 26 28 7.5 7.9 8.0 st E n a d 2nd 8,0 8.3 7.8 8.0 LC50/Acute Toxicity Test (Mortality expressed as % . combining replicates\ LC50= 95% Confidence % _ Meth Moving Avg. Spearman d of Determination Probit Other Test Duration (Hours): 29 30 22 9 10 11 12 30 28 28 28 Chronic Test Resutt: Calculated t Tabular t % Reduction .942 2.508 0 Avg. Re Control 0.00 Con tro l 26.90 Treatment 2 0,0 Treatment 2 28.80 v 11.3 %control argonisma' producing 3rd brood 100.0 PASS FAIL heck On T at 2112107 Collection Start Date Sample 1 12\10\07 Sample 2 12\13t07 Samoel Tvoe/Duration Sample 1 Sample 2 Grab Comp, Duration 24hr Hardness (mg/1) Spec, Cond. fumhos) Chlorine (mg/1) Sample temo. at receipt (C1 a° 4 130 763 1.5 Concentration Mortality REPORT OF 1ABOAT`ORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. start/end Note; Please Complete This Section also onirol High Conc. Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY LABORATORY CHAIN -OF -CUSTODY AND FIELD ANALYSIS FORM The Chain -of -Custody is a LEGAL DOCUMENT. All relevant fields must be completed accurately. CLIENT/FAC COUNTY: NPDES PERMIT#: Y NAME: lA,)( PURCHASE ORDER:# STATE. OUTFALL/P INFORMATION ON THIS FORM IS REQUIRED BY STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES. TEST REQUIREMENTS (please check the appropriate test type and species required.) Test Type Acute, circle the appropriate test duration: 24 48 96 Chronic, 7-days Pass/Fail, dilution required: Full Range Definitive, dilutions required: Other, specify: Spe Ceri©daphnia dubia (Water flea) irnephales pr©nielas (Fathead minnow) Mysidopsis bahia (Mysid shrimp) Menidia beryllina (Inland silverside) PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. 2225 RIVERSIDE DRIVE ASHEVILLE, NC 28804 PHONE: (828) 254-7176 FAX: (828) 252-4618 3199 SAMPLE TYPE Composite sample Start date: End date: Samples per hour: Chilled during collection?: Date: Start time: / End time: d, specify temperature: Grab sample Time: Sample Information Sample location: (after chlorination, above outfall, at eir, effluent outfall, etc.) Approximate volume collected for testing: Number of containers filled for testing: Total residual chlorine (mg/L): Temperature at time of collection (°C) Method of transport to PACE:' Note: Rinse containers with the sample before filling. Pack samples in loose ice. Samples must be received at PACE at or below 4°C. Samples should not be frozen. SAMPLE CONDITION.. Received on Ice Sealed Cooler Samples In Project Number: " '/N Y/N Y"1 N Sample Number: 9Qk<' vj ALLC001 rev.0, 15Mar05 Time: AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY LABORATORY CHAIN -OF -CUSTODY AND FIELD ANALYSIS FORM The Chain -of -Custody is a LEGAL DOCUMENT All relevant fields must be completed accurately. C NT/FACILIT NAME: OITNTY: PURCHASE ORDER:ti STATE: NPDES PERMIT#: 1 QUIFALL/PIPE#: INFORMATION ON THIS FORM IS REQUIRED BY STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES. TEST REQUIREMENTS (please check the appropriate test type and species required) Test Type Acute, circle the appropriate test duration: 24 48 96 Chronic, 7-days Pass/Fail, dilution required: Full Range Definitive, dilutions required: Other, specify: 00 :2._ Species Ceriodaphnia (Labia (Water flea) Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) Mysidopsis bahia (Mysid shrimp) Menidia betyllina (Inland silverside) PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. 2225 RIVERSIDE DRIVE ASHEVILLE, NC 28804 PHONE: (828) 254-7176 FAX: (828) 252-4618 13120 SAMPLE TYPE Composite sample Start date: 1.a End cIate: Samples per hour: Chilled during collection?: Start time: 1300 End time: I ;Ji oS If chilled, specify temperature: Date: Grab sample SAMPLE CONDITION Ye-g Sample Information Sample location: (after chlorination, above outfall, at weir, Approximate volume collected for testing: Number of containers filled for testing: Total residual chlorine (mg/L): Temperature at time o Method of transport to PACE: / o tfall, etc.) cAttA_ t e/C, Note: Rinse containers with the sample before filling. Pack samples in loose ice, Samples must be received at PACE at or below 4°C. Samples should not be frozen, Sample Co ELINQL. ISHED BY ALLC001rev,0, 18Mar05 AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY LABORATORY CHAIN -OF -CUSTODY AND FIELD ANALYSIS FORM The Chain -of -Custody is a LEGAL DOC1uMENT. All relevant fields must be completed accurately. CLIENT/FAC VC-C COUNTY: TY NAME: NPDES PERMIT#: PURCHASE ORDER:# STATE: OUTFALL/PIPE#: INFORMATION ON THIS FORM IS REQUIRED BY STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES. TEST REQUIREMENTS (please check the appropriate test type and species required.) Test Type Acute, circle the appropriate test duration: 24 48 96 Chronic, 7-days Pass/Fail, dilution required: Full Range Definitive, dilutions required: Other; specify: C4reIf'1et 00 r Analytical riodaphnia dubia (Water flea) Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) Mysidopsis bahia (Mysid shrimp) Menidia beryllina (Inland silverside) PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. 2225 RIVERSIDE DRIVE ASHEVILLE, NC 28804 PHONE: (828) 254-7176 FAX: (828) 252-4618 13198 SAMPLE TYPE Composite sample Start date: ). / /0 l67 End date: Start time: End time: Samples per hour: Chilled during collection?: If chilled, specify temperature: Date: Grab sample Received on Ice Sealed Cooler Samples Intact Project Number: Sample Number: Time: yes 6-1©G Soo Sample Information Sample location: (after chlorination, above oatfall, at weir; effilnen Ea a Approximate volume collected for testing: Number of containers filled for testing: Total residual chlorine Temperature at time of co g ion (°C) Method of transport to PACE: cane. Pee Note: Rinse containers with the sample before filling. Pack samples in loose ice. Samples must be received at PACE at or below 4°C, Samples should not be frozen. ALLCOO1 rev,©, 1 8MarO5 AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY LABORATORY CHAIN -OF -CUSTODY AND FIELD ANALYSIS FORM The Chain -of -Custody is a LEGAL DOCUMENT All relevant fields must be completed accurately. cLI1NTfFACILITyNAME: (Ai itl-e-1104114- g (et, COUNTY: NPDES PERMIT#: PURCHASE ORDER:# STATE: OUTFALL/PIPE#: INFORMATION ON THIS FORM IS REQUIRED BY STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES. TEST REQUIREMENTS (please check the appropriate test type and species required) Test Type Acute, circle the appropriate test duration: 24 48 96 Chronic, 7-days Pass/Fail, dilution required: Full Range Definitive, dilutions required: Other, specify: C) Sz,ecies Ceriodaphnia dubia (Water flea) Piruephaks promelas (Fathead minnow) Mysidapsis bahia (Mysid shrimp) Menidia beryllina (Inland silverside) aceAnalytical° PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. 2225 RIVERSIDE DRIVE ASHEVILLE, NC 28804 PHONE: (828) 254-7176 FAX: (828) 252-4618 131:19 SAMPLE TYPE Composite sample Start date: i'EXt /3 j Chilled dining collection?: Start time: 13 ; If chilled, specify temperature: Grab sample Date: SAMPLE CONDITION Received on Ice Sealed Cooler Samples Intact Time: Li. 0 Sample Information Sample location: (after chlorination, above outfall, eir, effluent outfall, etc.) Approximate 0 ted for testing: Number of containers filled for testing: Total residual chlorine (mg/L): Temperature at time of collection (°C) Method of transport to PACE: Note: Rinse containers with the sample before filling Pack samples in loose ice. Samples must be received at PACE at or below 4°C. Samples should not be frozen. REI 1NQ u IS El) JIY CEPTED Al.LC001rev.0, 18MarD5 PaceAnalyticaia www.pasetabs.c Section A Required Client Information: Company: Address: Email To: PI Fax; ._ Requestbd Due Date/TAT: tion D uired Client Information Section B Required Project Information: Report To: Copy To: Purchase Order No.: Project Name: Project Number: Matrix Codes MATRIX / CODE Drinking Water D Water Waste Water Product P Soil/Solid SL SAMPLE ID Oil OL Wipe WP (A-Z, 0-9 / ,-) Air AR Sample IDs MUST BE UNIQUE Tissue TS Other OT ADDITIONAL COMMENTS fj CHAIN -OF -CUSTODY / Analytical Request Document The Chain -of -Custody is a LEGAL DOCUMENT. All relevant fields must be completed accurately. OLLECTED RELINQUISHED BY / AFFILIATION DATE Section C Invoice information: Attention: pany Name: Address; Pace Quote Reference: Pace Project Manager: Pace Profile #: TIME SAMPLER NAME AND SIGNATURE T PRINT Name of SAMPLER: Preservatives ";a Page: REGULATORY AGENCY of 36963 NPDES IT GROUND WATER j-" DRINKING WATER UST j" RCRA (- OTHER Site Location STATE: Requested Analysis Filtered (Y/N) ACCEPTED BY / AFFILIATION DATE TIME Pace Project No,/ Lab I.D. SAMPLE CONDITIONS z i SIGNATURE of SAMPLER: 'Important Note: 0y signing this form you are accepting Pace's NET 30 clay payment terms end aareeino to lets champs of 1 S?0 par mnnm h,r pro na1,.rllhin an �a,R DATE Signed (MM/DD/YY): F.�DI t Y1. 1letrast rt7 41 Aa,..: ,nnn7 ECS CAROLINAS, LLP Geotechnical • Construction Materials • Environmental 8702 Red Oak Boulevard, Suite A Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 Telephone 704-525-5152 Fax 704-525-7178 To: Mr. Jimmie Overton Chief, Environmental Sciences Section NCDENR Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 We are sending you the following items via: Certified Mail COPIES DATED 09-24-08 Date: LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 09/30/08 Project No. Chronic Toxicity Sampling NPDES Permit No. NC0088226/001 Wachovla-Tryon Street Charlotte, North Carolina DESCRIPTION Chronic Toxicity Sampling (Original Data) These are transmitted as checked below: x For your use As requested 08-3515D REMARKS Please contact Roger Smith with questions regarding this project. Thanks! RE OCT 21,Y38 1,,;C• biNk hiik0 DWQ-Surtace Water Pro on Alien Holloway (Wachovia Bank) Mr. Mike Parker (NCDENR-Mooresville) Via tOttified mali ONE COPY Mr. John Lesley (NCDENR-Mooresville) TO EACH: Via Certified mail SIGNED: Roger Smith ECS CAROL:NAS, LLP Geotechnical • Construction Materials • EnvironmentaI Mr. Jimmie Overton Chief, Environmental Sciences Section North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 Reference: Chronic Toxicity Sampling NPDES Permit. No. NC0088226/001. Wachovia-Tryon Street Charlotte, North Carolina ECS Project 08-3515D Dear Mr. Overton: September 24, 2008 OCT ECS Carolinas, LLP. (ECS) is pleased to provide the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality with the original copy of the laboratory analytical results ("AT" forms) of the effluent water samples collected in the month of September 2008 from Outfall 001 at the Wachovia-Tryon Street site (NPDES Permit No. NC0088226/001). As you will see, the September 2008 sampling event resulted in a passing test for chronic toxicity. If you have any questions concerning this report or this project, please contact us at (704) 525-5152. Sincerely, ECS CAROLINAS, LLP Travis O'Quinn. Project Scientist RogA. Smith, P.G. Principal Geologist NC Licensed Geologist #1724 Attachments: Laboratory Analytical. Results and Chain of Custody Records ("AT" forms) cc: Wachovia Bank, N.A. — c/o Mr, Allen Holloway — Childress Klein Properties NCDENR — Mooresville Regional Office — Attn: Mr. Mike Parker NCDNER — Mooresville Regional. Office — Attn: Mr. John Lesley 87t12 Red Oak i1+aulevard, Suite A, Char. olina 282: 2 • Fax: 7t}4-S25 7I78 • www.ecslimited. c©rn Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr. 9800 KinceyAve. Suite 100 Asheville, NC 28804 Huntersville, NC 28078 (828)254-7176 (704)875-9092 September 23, 2008 Mr. John Lair ECS Charlotte 8702 Red Oak Blvd, Suite A Charlotte, NC 28217 RE: Project: C.dubia Wachovia outfall 001 Pace Project No.: 9227608 Dear Mr. Lair: Enclosed are the analytical results for sample(s) received by the laboratory between September 09, 2008 and September 12, 2008. The results relate only to the samples included in this report. Results reported herein conform to the most current NELAC standards, where applicable, unless otherwise narrated in the body of the report. Inorganic Wet Chemistry and Metals analyses were performed at our Pace Asheville laboratory and Organic testing was performed at our Pace Huntersville laboratory unless otherwise footnoted. All Microbiological analyses were performed at the laboratory where the samples were received. If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Jennifer Jones Project Manager Enclosures REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Page 1 of 4 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr. Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7176 CERTIFICATIONS Project: C,dubia Wachovia outfall 001 Pace Project No.: 9227608 Pace Analytical Services, Inc 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersvifle, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Charlotte Certification IDs Connecticut Certification Number: PH-0104 Pennsylvania Certification Number. 68-00784 West Virginia Certification Number: 357 Virginia Certification Number, 00213 Tennessee Certification Number 04010 South Carolina Drinking Water Cert. Number: 990060003 South Carolina Certification Number: 990060001 Asheville Certification IDs Connecticut Certification Number: PH-0106 Massachusetts Certification Number: M-NC030 West Virginia Certification Number: 356 Virginia Certification Number. 00072 Tennessee Certification Number 2980 South Carolina Bioassay Certification Number: 99030002 South Carolina Certification Number: 99030001 Eden Certification IDs Virginia Drinking Water Certification Number. 00424 North Carolina Wastewater Certification Number: 633 North Carolina Field Services Certification Number: 5342 North Carolina Wastewater Certification Number: 12 North Carolina Drinking Water Certification Number: 37706 Louisiana/LELAP Certification Number: 04034 Kentucky UST Certification Number: 84 New Jersey Certification Number: NC012 Florida/NELAP Certification Number: E87627 Pennsylvania Certification Number. 68-03578 North Carolina Bioassay Certification Number: 9 North Carolina Wastewater Certification Number. 40 North Carolina Drinking Water Certification Number: 37712 New Jersey Certification Number, NC011 Louisiana/LELAP Certification Number: 03095 Florida/NELAP Certification Number: E87648 North Carolina Drinking Water Certification Number: 37738 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 2 of 4 ace Analytical wpm pacslabactm Project: C.dubia Wachovia outfall 001 Pace Project No.: 9227608 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr, 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Asheville, NC 28804 Huntersviile, NC 28078 (828)254-7176 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Sample: 001 grab Lab ID: 9227608001 Collected: 09/09/08 16:30 Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF C.dubia Pass/Fail Chronic Date: 09/23/2008 03:26 PM PASS 1 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Page 3 of 4 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr, Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7176 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: C.dubia Wachovia outfall 001 Pace Project No.: 9227608 Pace Analytical Services, 9800 KinceyAve. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Sample: 2nd 001 grab Lab ID: 9227608002 Collected: 09/12/08 16:45 Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF C.dubia Pass/Fail Chronic Date: 09/23/2008 03:26 PM 1 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Page 4 of 4 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. RECEIVED DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY NOV 1 8 2010 SWP SECTION MOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE ECS CAROLINAS, LLP Geotechnical • Construction Materials • Environmental 8702 Red Oak Boulevard, Suite A Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 Telephone 704-525-5152 Fax 704-525-7178 To: Ms. Cindy Moore Environmental Sciences Section NCDENR Division of Water Quality 1621 Mall Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 We are sending you the following items via: Certified Mall COPIES DATED 10-06-10 Date: LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 11/10/10 Project No. Chronic Toxicity Sampling NPDES Permit No. NC0088226/001 Wachovia-Tryon Street Charlotte, North Carolina DESCRIPTION September Chronic Toxicity Sampling (Original Data) These are transmitted as checked below: x For your use As requested REMARKS Please contact Chris Sutherland with questions regarding this project. Thanks! Mr, Gary Smith (Wachovia Bank) ONE COPY Mr. John Lesley (NCDENR-Mooresville) TO EACH: Via Certified mail SIGNED: Chris Sutherland 08-3515D ECS CAROLINAS, LLP cArtout•Aus Geo' technical • Construction Mate • Environmen "Settinq the Standard for Service" Facilities NC Registered Engineering Firm F-; 078 November 10, 2010 Ms, Cindy Moore Environmental Sciences Section North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 Reference: Chronic Toxicity Sampling NPDES Permit No, NC0088226/001 Wachovia-Tryon Street Charlotte, North Carolina ECS Project 08-3515D Dear Ms. Moore: ECS Carolinas, LLP. (ECS) is pleased to provide the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality with the original copy of the laboratory analytical results ("AT" forms) of the effluent water sample collected in June 2009 from Outfall 001 at the Wachovia-Tryon Street site (NPDES Permit No. NC0088226/001). The samples were collected as part of the NPDES Permit required regular quarterly sampling. As you will see, the September 2010 sampling event resulted in a failing test for chronic toxicity. Pursuant to NPDES requirements, ECS will perform a complete aquatic toxicity test for multiple concentrations from Outfall 001 during the next two monthly sampling events (October 2010 and November 2010) and a pass/fail test in December 2010. The chronic value for multiple concentration tests will be determined using the geometric mean of the highest concentration having no detectable impairment of reproduction or survival and lowest concentration that does have a detectable impairment of reproduction or survival. The source of the failing chronic toxicity testing is unknown at this time. If you have any questions concerning this report or this project, please contact us at (704) 525- 5152. Sincerely, ECS CAROUNAS, LLP Travis O'Quinn Project Scientist NC WPCSOCC Physical/Chemical Grade 1 Certificate No. 992194 Steph n J. Gosselin, P.G. Principal Geologist Attachments: Laboratory Analytical Results and Chain of Custody Records ("AT" forms) cc: Wachovia Bank, N.A. — c/o Mr. Gary Smith — Childress Klein Properties NCDENR — Mooresville Regional Office — Attn: Mr, John Lesley 8702 Red Oak Boulevard • Suite A, Charlottes NC, 282170 (704) 525-5152 - Fax (704) 525-7178 • www.ees imited.com Aberdeen, MD•Atlanta, GA, Austin, TX • Baltimore, MD• Charlotte, NC • Chicago, ILeDallas, TX. Frederick, MD• Fredericksburg, VA• Greensboro. NC• Greenville, SC•Norfolk, VA Orlando, FL• Raleigh, NC • Richmond, VA. Roanoke, VA• San Antonio, TX • Williamsburg, VA* Wilmington, NC• Winchester. VA " • Vork, PA* Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Pace Analytical SeMces, In 2225 Riverside Dr. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 AshevfHe, NC 28804 Huntersvilte, NC 28078 (828)254-7170 (704)875-P092 October 06, 2010 Mr. Travis O'Quinn ECS Charlotte 8702 Red Oak Blvd Suite A Charlotte, NC 28217 RE: Project: Wachovia Full -Range Toxicity Pace Project No.: 9278580 Dear Mr. O'Quinn: Enclosed are the analytical results for sample(s) received by the laboratory between September 28, 2010 and October 01, 2010. The results relate only to the samples included in this report. Results reported herein conform to the most current NELAC standards, where applicable, unless otherwise narrated in the body of the report. Inorganic Wet Chemistry and Metals analyses were performed at our Pace Asheville laboratory and Organic testing was performed at our Pace Huntersville laboratory unless otherwise footnoted. All Microbiological analyses were performed at the laboratory where the samples were received. If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Marie Knight Project Manage Enclosures cc: Mr. Travis O'Quinn, ECS Charlotte REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS 13896103 This report shall not be reproduced, except in hill, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Paca Analytical Serving. Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr. Asheville, NC 28804 (828)284.7178 CERTIFICATIONS Project Wachovia Full -Range Toxicity Pace Project No.: 9278580 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersvi le, NC 28078 (7041875-90r 2 Ashevttle Certification IDs 2225 Riverside Dr., Asheville, NC 28804 Connecticut Certification #: PH-0108 Florider NELAP Certification It E87648 Massachusetts Certification #, M-NC030 New Jersey Certification it NC011 North Carona Bioassay Certification #: 9 North Carolina Drinking Water Certification #: 37712 North Carolina Wastewater Certification #: 40 Pennsylvania Certification #: 88-03578 South Carolina Bioassay Certification #: 99030002 South Carolina Certification #: 99030001 Virginia Certification #: 00072 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This reps stall not be reproduced, except n lull, without the written consent of Paoli Ma yUcai Services, Inc.. Page 2 of 3 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr. Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7178 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project Wachovia Full -Range Toxicity Pace Project No.: 9278580 Sample: Wachovia grab Lab ID: 9278580001 Collected: 09/28/10 14:20 Parameters C.dubla Full -range Chronic Pace Analytical Services, Inc, 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Nuntersvli1e, NC 28078 (704)875-902 Results Units Report Limit DF Qualifiers NOEC<30% 1 chovia 2nd grab Lab ID: 9278880002 Collected: 1010111013:30 Pmeters Results Units Report limit DF Qualifiers C.dubla Full -range Chronic .. 1 QUALIFIERS Project: Wachovia Full -Range Toxicity Pace Project o.: 9278580 DEFINITIONS DF - Dilution Factor, If reported, represents the factor applied to the reported data due to changes in sample preparation, dilution of the sample aliquot, or moisture content ND - Not Detected at or above adjusted reporting limit J - Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit. MDL -Adjusted Method Detection Limit. S - Surrogate 1,2-Oiphenyfhydrazlne (8270 listed anatyte) decomposes to Azobenzene. Consistent with EPA guidelines, unrounded data are displayed and have been used to calculate % recovery and RPD values. LCS(D) - Laboratory Control Sample (Duplicate) MS(D) - Matrix Spike (Duplicate) DUP - Sample Duplicate RPD - Relative Percent Difference NC - Not Calculable, U - Indicates the compound was analyzed for, but not detected. N-Nitroaodiphenylemine decomposes and cannot be separated from Diphenylamine using Method 8270. The result reported for each analyte Is a combined concentration, Pace Analytical is NELAP accredited. Contact your Pace PM for the current list of accredited analyses. Date: 10/08/2010 03.23 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Page 3 of 3 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the wrkten consent et Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. aceAnalytic al www. pacelabs. cam Effluent Aquatic Toxicity Report Forrn/Phas Laboratory Performing Test PA Control Effluent% Effluent% Effuent% MAIL TO: 4 Young Adult (1-live io)eed ' 0 Young 0 Young 0 Young 0 Young 0 Young 23 d Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Pricey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704.875.9092 Fax: 704.875.9091 Chronic Ceriodaphnla Facility ECS / Wachovie NPDES#.NC 0088226 Piper/ yticat S Common Renew 2 "final" Treatment pH Initial. pH Find ©.©. lninel D.O. Find Temp. Mal TAMP. Final Organism 0 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 mean 11 d 12 17 2 3 4 5 7 10 0 d 0 2 3 4 5 4 d 2 3 4 5 0 010 d 2 3 4 5 0 010 d 6 NA NA NA NA1 17.9 7 8 9 10 11 12 mean 10 8 7 8 9 10 mean 11 4 6 7 8 9 10 mean 0 8 7 did 0 8 9 10 mean 2 3 4 56 7 8 9 10 mean d ATT: Environmental 8alenoes Brandt Dv. of Water Quality N.C.QENR 1621 Mail Ssrvkm Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 0 0 d d aeon; no sum Start 0w a211l10 6.7 8.0 8.0 24.5 6.7 7.1 7.5 8.2 25.0 24.4 Renewal, 7:5 25.4 24.3 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254;7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Contra 24.9 24.8 NA NA nio ►y,.�._,�,__ i. A1L Test 80.0 %; NC)EC= Chronic Value e, c90 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. tt 7.5 7,4 7.7 25.4 24.4 7,5 7.8 25.2 24.3 0 Charlotte Certification IDS NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY LABORATORY CHAIN -OF -CUSTODY AND FIELD ANALYSIS FORM The Chain -of -Custody is a LEGAL DOCUMENT All relevant fields must be completed accitrartely. TEST REQUIREMENTS (please chuck the Ti Acute, circle the appropriate teat duration: 24 48 96 Chromic, 7-days Pass/Fail, dilution required: Fall Range Def ttive, dilutions required: ©theta specify: Start date: Chilled during collection?: Time: ORIGINAL PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. 2225 RIVERSIDE DRIVE ASHEVILLE, NC 28804 PHONE: (828) 254-7176 FAX: (828) 252-4618 16732 Sample Information Sample location: (after chlorination, above ontfalt, at weft, effluent eutfall, etc.) Approiimate volume collected for testing: Number of containers felled for testing: to PACE: Note: Rinse containers with the sample before filling. Pack samples in loose ice. Samples must be received at PACE at or below 4•C. Samples should not be frozen. ALLCOO1 r.v,0, 101414005 AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY LABORATORY CHAIN -OF -CUSTODY AND FIELD ANALYSIS FORM The ClmM-of-Custody is a LEGAL DOCUMENT All relevant fields must be completed accurately. AC,ILITY N COUNTY: NPDES PERMITS: + �7 3 (� OUTFA INFORMATION ON THIS FOR1Mi IS REQUIRED BY STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES. TEST REQUIREMENTS (please check the appropriate test type acid species required.) Acute, circle the appropriate teat duration: 24 48 96 Chronic, 7-days Pass/Fail, dilation required: Fall Range Definitive, dilation required: Other, specify: PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. 2225 RIVERSIDE DRIVE ASHEVILLE, NC 28804 PHONE: (828) 254-7176 FAX: (828) 252-4618 SAMPLE TYPE Composite sample Start date: End time: Chilled during collection?: If chilled, specify temperature: Grab se Date: ORIGINAL 16731 Sample Information Sample location: (after chlorination, above outran, at weir, effluent omtfall, etc.) Total residual chlorine (mg/L): A Note: Rinse containers with the sample before fitiiog, Pack samples in loose ice. Samples must be ric ived at PACE at or below 4`C. Samples should not he frozen. ALLCCOlm 0, 1%41005 Start Date: 9/29/2010 End Date: 10/8/2010 Sample Date: Comments: Certodaphnia Survival and ReproduciIon Test-7 Day Survival Test ID: CdFRCRNC Sample ID: ECS Wach©via NC0088226 Lab ID: PASI-Pace Analytical Sample Type: DMR-Discharge Monitoring Report Protocol: EPAF 91-EPA Freshwater Test Species: CD-Ceriodaphnia dubia Conc-% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 it 9 10 D-Control 1,0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 30 1.i 000 1.0000 1,0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 45 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 90 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 95 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 100 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Not Fisher's 1-Talted Number Total Conc-% Mean N-Mean Reap Resp Total N Exact P Critical Reap Number Cl-Control 0.9000 1.0000 1 9 10 10 1 10 30 0.6000 0.6667 4 6 10 10 0.1517 0.0500 4 10 45 0.5000 0.5556 5 5 10 10 0.0704 0.0500 5 10 90 0.0000 0,0000 10 0 10 10 10 -1t, 95 0.0000 0.0000 10 0 10 10 10 10 100 0.0000 0.0000 10 0 10 10 10 10 Hypothesis Test (1-tom, 0.05) NCiEC L©EC ChV TU Fisher's Exact Test 4 90 63.6398 2.22222 Maximum Ukellhood-Probf Param sr Value SE 95% iducial Limits Control Chl-Sq Critical Slope 6.52713 2.02969 2.54894 10.5053 0.1 1.79425 7.81472 Intercept -5.5782 3.41333 -12.268 1.11195 TSCR 0,12996 0.10401 -0.0739 0.33382 1.0. Point Probits % 95% Fiducial Limits - ECO1 2.674 18.3752 3.85624 28.2722 0.8 - ECO5 3.355 23.3691 6.66556 33.3268 0.8 EC10 3.718 26.5645 9.1436 36.528 07 - EC15 3.964 28.9638 11.2877 38.9615 EC20 4.158 31.0243 13.3184 41.0987 0.8 - EC25 4.326 32.9085 15.314 43.1126 0.5 EC40 4.747 38.1795 21.5076 49.2506 EC50 5.000 41.7488 26.0281 54.0841 0.4 - EC60 5.253 45.6519 31.0036 60.3407 0.3 - EC75 6.874 52.964 39.5559 75.879 EC80 5.842 56.1808 42.8234 84.5533 0'2 - EC85 8.036 60.1773 46.476 96.9516 0.1 - EC90 6.282 65.6125 50.8618 116,651 E095 6.645 74.5842 57.1089 158.204 ©'© EC99 7.326 94,8541 68.8492 278.44 Page 1 P-value Mu Sigma 0.62 1.62064 0.15321 10 100 Dose % 1000 ToxCalc v5.0 Reviewed by: .. Start Date: End Date: Sample Date: Comments: Conc-% Ceriodephnia Survival and Reproduction Teat-Reproductlon 010 Test ID: CdFRCRNC Sample ID: ECS Wachovia NC0088226 010 Lab ID: PASI-Pace Analytical Sample Type: DMR-Discharge Monitoring Report Protocol: EPAF 91-EPA Freshwater Test Species: CD-Ceriodephnla dubia 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 D-Coritroj 23.030 11.000 12.000 25.000 17.000 17.000 22.000 15.000 11.000 26.000 30 3,000 7.000 10.000 0.000 0.000 9.000 7.000 10.000 6.000 9.000 45 6.000 4.000 13.000 0.000 6.000 3.000 11.000 5.000 4.000 4.000 90 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 95 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 100 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Transform: Untransform 1 -Talkai C nc-% Mean N-Mean Mean Min Max CV% N t-Stat Critical D-Control 17.900 1.0000 17.900 11.000 26.000 32.195 10 *30 6.100 0.3408 6.100 0.000 10.000 62.9 10 45 5.600 0.3128 5.600 0.000 13,000 67.972 10 90 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 10 95 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 10 100 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 10 * 5.782 1.999 4.079 6.027 1.999 4.079 6.100 0.3408 5.600 0.3128 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.0000 Auxiliary Tuts Statistic Critical Skew Kurt Shapiro-Willes Test indicates normal distribution (p › 0.01) 0.9533 0.9 0.10601 -0.86' ` BartletVe Teat indicates equal variances (p .t.- 0.36) 2.05341 9.21035 Hypothesis Test (1-tall, 045) NOEC LOEC ChV TB MSDu MSDp MSB MSE F-Prob df Dunnett's Test <30 30 4.07913 0.22788 484.633 20.8222 1.3E-06 2, 27 Linear Interpolation (80 Resamples) Point % SD 95% CL Skew IC05* 2.275 0.270 1.980 2.902 0.3988 IC10* 4.551 0.541 3.960 5.804 0,3988 IC15" 6.826 0.811 5.940 8.706 0.3988 IC20" 9.102 1.081 7.920 11.608 0.3988 IC25" 11.377 1.352 9.900 14.510 0.3988 IC40* 18203 2.163 15.840 23.216 0.3988 IC50* 22.754 2.728 19.800 29.020 0.4610 ' indicates IC estimate less than the lowest concentration Page 1 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.7 - 11. 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.3 • 0.2 .• 0.1 • 0.0 0 50 Doss % 100 150 ToxCalc v5.0 Reviewed by: rt LP ECS CAROLINAS, LLP Geotechnical *Construction Materials • Environ "rSettine9 the Standard for Service" ental • Facilities NC Registered Engineenng Firm F-1078 Ms. Cindy Moore Environmental Sciences Section North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 Reference: Chronic Toxicity Sampling NPDES Permit No. NC0088226 Wells Fargo -Tryon Street Charlotte, North Carolina ECS Project 08-7008 Dear Ms. Moore: April 29, 2011 ;RECEIVED 11MVIsf� a " WATER QUALITY 3 nu SWF SECTION MOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE ECS Carolinas, LLP. (ECS) is pleased to provide the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality with the original copy of the laboratory analytical results ("AT" forms) of the effluent water sample collected in March 2011 from Outfall 001 at the Wells Fargo -Tryon Street site (NPDES Permit No. NC0088226). The samples were collected as part of NPDES permit required regular quarterly sampling. As you will see, the March 2011 sampling event resulted in a passing test for chronic toxicity from the outfall. If you have any questions concerning this report or this project, please contact us at (704) 525- 5152. Sincerely, ECS CAROLINAS, LLP Chris Sutherland Staff Environmental Scientist StephetSi J. Gosselin, P.G. Principal Geologist Attachments: Laboratory Analytical Results and Chain of Custody Records ("AT" forms) cc: Mr. Gary Smith — Childress Klein Properties NCDENR — Mooresville Regional Office -- Attn: Mr. John Lesley 8702 Red Oak Boulevard • Suite A, Charlotte • NC, 28217 • (704) 525-5152 - Fax (704) 525-7178 • www.ecsliatxtited.corn Aberdeen, MDeAllanta, GA, Austin, TX*Baltimore, MD* Charlotte, NC*Chicago, 1L*Dallas, TX • Frederick, MD*Frederiekshurg, VAsGreensboro, NC*Greenville, SC *Norfolk, VA Orlando, FL*Raleigh, NCeRichmond, VA. Roanoke„ VA* San Antonio, TX*Williamsburg, VA*Wilmington„ NC*Winchester, VA• •York, PA • *'Testing Services Only Environmental Testing Solutions, lac. April i 8, 201 i Mr. Chris Sutherland ECS Carolinas, T.LP 8702 Red Oak Boulevard, Suite A. Charlotte, NC 282 17 RE: ETS PROJECT NAY ERt 7 d.I9 Dear Mr, Sutherland: Enclosed are toxicity test results for samples fro tr tl e't 'aebovi t — Try° Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. March 30 through April 01, 2011. Code GP3I3 EPA Method Number ~�c, North Carolina Ceriodaphnia Chronic Effluent Toxicity Procedure -- December 1985, Revised: February 1998 (Ceriodaphnia Rass/Fail Toxicity Test e P7 Box 7565 Asheville, NC 28802 Phone: (828) 350-9364 Fax: (828) 350-9368 E-retail: Jimr.%et:snclab.com EPA-821-R-02-013 PASS Fed by If this test was performed as an NPDES requirement or by Administrative Letter, please enter a P on the Effluent Discharge Monitoring Forrn (MR-1) for the collection date March 29, 2011 using the parameter code TGP3BB, Additionally, please sign and submit a copy of the DWQ Aquatic Toxicity Forrn (AT-3) April 30, 2OI1. If you have any questions concerning these results, pleas Sincerely, er Laboratory Director This report should not be reproduced, t e free to contact me, y ut the written consent of Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. the samples sul mitted for ana h Carolina Certlficaie Ntsrrabers: f iolo ;ical Analyses: 37, Drinking Water: 37786, Wastewater: 600 South Carolina Certificate Number: Clean Water Act: 99053-001. al Testing Solutions, Fn, Effluent Aquatic Toxicity Report itgnatw ECS Car Wachovia Tryo Perfe ruing "t" perator in Responsible Cba, y Supervisor: ., PO Box 7565 Asheville, NC 28802 Phone: (828) 350-9364 Fax: (828) 350-9368 Phase ll Chronic Cerioda hnia daebia Date: NPDES 4: NC.0088226 Pipe fi: 001 Envi Project: 5Bail Original To: North Carolina Department n'i Environment and Natural Resources DWQ! Environmental Sciences Branch 162! Mail SemiceCenter Raleigh, NC 27699-167a Simple Inforraaratiaan Collection sew( elate Grab: Composite dui -allow Alkalinity Isng%I.. Ilia 'Ot). Hardness lany'L C`a(a)t): Conducnvity (urnhos`em); I otal residual :Idorine Sample 'Temp, at Receipt t'Cr Ntllnber c>f Young 1'rt)dueed Adult Surviv°al: Effluent Percentage] 'Treatment 2 Organism Number taf Yc tu2 Produ live, { 8)eat Effluent Percentag Effluent Percerita, t 4 Organisms Yewng Produced ivnt: (C,)ive, (I"))ead Effluent Percentagc. Treatment 5 Organisms Number of Young Produced Adult Survival: (.1 Effluent Percentage Treatment: 6 Organes Ntimber of Young Produce Adult Survival: (L,)ive, (11)ead Over-all Analysis: Result: PASS LOEC: v. 2 >90% Organism. Ni.unNr 5 6 7 l3 9 6 4 5 6 7 4 5 6 7 NOEC: 90% Treatment: Fitai (,l'I f$1 i l; Initial t70 finfiL): Final >O (mg'LI: Initicl Temp, Ce).: Final Tamp. CC.): 9_ 10 I1 12 34 33 3(} 29 L, lu , L L 9 Ch V: 2 >90% i033U.lil„ 101401.01 Control. I WC: 0 or 12 Sipnificn 1!: _......,....No _. Final Mortality Significant at: Pia ewe, i Control Information, North CaroII. Chronic Whole E frkoent Tarsi ;t,Test (EPA-821-R-02-013, Method 1902.0, NC Modification — February, 1998) Species: a r r alo e de4hia'aa information: Project )! Date Bnd time, nr,oani t et we:en CCuukure h ard_ D due till aq'Lim'4 fkO31 ardnessim caCOIt Yuo B� i �F Broods produced produced eon produced Date ,50-t :dolts h ca dt fortaiiiy? 2 4 Cyr R sad r zing Cee?t late SOP ATt2 Exhibit T12.3, revision 04-01-1.)9 North Carolina Chronic Pass/Fail Whole Effluent Toxicity iest (E,PA4.Z2-R-02.-033 Method 1002_0, NC Modification- February, 998) Species: Ceriodaphnia dabia Facitity: Ctmrnent>: P ratraeter iA0 E"natc�tisttvity mhos/cm) lamina entratinn: L Sample: L Fiiutic n Ctaaadtzctiss'ty /cm) esn.eraturc (°C) Test concentration. 7. Adult mortality L:'I c„ 0 edcedl Number Young cr E3roods produced Adult mortality = 6vu. U e dead) young pro dtalt Mortality )mBcndl ttrieposite utiaara}�A perature (°C) capon ie l wltaructeristics ETS pt ET sa RenewalOne i I{ nal M ttxiisal in Survival and tdrardr€ra Tess residits % t nrtalitys mean Offspring/Female: /0 Reductiatn frnrrr e try -Tailed Cri SOP AT 12 -- Exhibit AT t2.2, ren (i4.0 f-©9 ...„) Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. Start Date: /30/201 End Date: 4/6/201 Sample Date: Comments: Ceriodaphnia and Reproduetin TtstRepro Test ID: CdPFCRNC Lab ID: ETS-Envir. Testing Sol. Protocol: PVCILR-EPA-821-R-02-013 Sample ID: Sample Type: Test Species: ECS Carolinas - Wachovia Tryon Street OMR-Discharge Monitoring Report CD-Ceriodaplmia dubia Cone-% 8 2 3 5 6 7 8 1.)-Control 28.000 26,000 32.000 33.000 29.000 31,000 30.000 33.000 32.000 D-Control 30.000 30.000 90 32.000 37.000 30,000 30.000 36.000 31,000 35.000 31,000 34.000 33,000 90 30.000 29.000 Transform: Untransformed 1-Tailed Cone-% Mean N-Mean Mean 111 In Max CV% N t-Stat Critical M SD D-Control 30.417 1,0000 30.417 26.000 33.0(/0 6.790 90 32.333 1,0630 32.333 29,000 37.000 8.165 12 -1.981 2,508 2.427 Auxiliary Tests Shapiro-Wilk's Test indicates normal distrihution (p > ( F-Test indicates equal variances (p 0.43) Hypothesis Test (1-tail, 0.01) Hoinoscedastic t 'f est indicates no significant difterences ireEitmcnts vs D-Control Statistie itieal Skew Kurt .9 8,4 0.13090473 -0.5936365 1,63410306 5.31966734 IMSDit NISH p IMS13 MSE F-Prob 2.42703885 0.07979306 22,0416667 5.61742424 0.06024471 1, 22 truchovia -30-1 / Envlrontnental Testing Solutions, inc. t)unnett's MSI) value: i'AMSD: 2.427 t crr`e claphui¢a dubia Chronic Whole Effluent Toxicity Test EPA- 1-R-09-013,1@'iiethod 100O.ti - North Carolina Modification Verification Quality Control ry, Calculations, and Statistical Analyses C"9aeaol: Wnchovita-'Tryon Street_ Test dates: March 30 - April Oh, 2011 Wruject number: tdeveiwed Psva 7009 MSD _ Minimum Significant Dill -ere' ce PMSD= Percent Minimum Significantl)if"erettce PMSD is a measure of test precision. The PM D is the minimum percent difference between the control and treatment that can be declared statistscaily significant in a whole effluent loaic"tty test Lower PMSD hound determined by t.ISEPA (10'h pereentilc) Upper PMSD bound determined by USEPA (90"' percentile) 47% Lower and upper PMSD hounds were determined from the lOth and 90th percenti Interlaboralury Variability Study (USEPA, 2001 a, USEPA, 200I bb). 'A's WET USEPA. 2001 a. 2001 b. Final Report: lnterlaburatory Variability Study of EPA Short -tern Chronic and Acute Whole Effluent Toxicity 'lest Methods, Volumes 1 Emd 2-Appendix, EPA-821 43-01-004 an EPA-821-11-01.005. I IS Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, OH. Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. hole Efflue Toxicity Chat ECS Car s, LLB Wacht,wia Y tryoti street IIEail 'ktrortic (to be completed by sample collector) Grab sample: Date: 351 Depot Street Asheville, NC 28801 Phone: (828) 350-9364 Fax: (828) 350-9368 C i dy For NPDES #: N .' 6 Pipe #: 001 County: Mecklenburg Purchase order: Effluent dilution: 90% Parameter code: TGF3B Sample location: Volume collected or Testing: 1 / Number of containers filled for testing: Method of transport to Laboratory: Comments: "Triple s^itnse sample container with sample before Tiding. Completely fill the sample container with no at space. Paeis, the sample container completely in ice. The sample must be < 6.0°C upon receipt at the laboratory. Att additional fee of $50J)O per sample will be charged for samples collected before 8:00 AM. Sample euat€adyr: (to be completed by sample collector and facility personnel) Custody seals intact?: (to he completed by E:'!'S personnel) Yrs Samples received in good condition No Not Woa Sample temperature upon receipt at ETS (°C): Total residual chlorine upon receipt at ETS: (DPI) PresencelAbsense Indicator, MDL - ©, 10 rn /L) Project numbe ample number: AU; Environmental "testing Solutions, inc. Facility: CS Caro iatas, Ja.+P peWcies: Ceriodapkmia dubia Test type: Pass/1%ai➢ Chronic pie inforattatlsrn: (to be completed by sample collector) 351. Depot Street Asheville, NC 28801 Phone: (828) 350-9364 Fax: (828) 350-9368 NPDES #: NC0 988226 Pipe #: Q(}g C erunty: e;a 8e Purchase order: Effluent dilution: 9©% Parameter code: TCP3B tab sample: Sample location: Date: Volume collected for tesiin„L a. Number of containers tilled for testing: Method of transport to laboratory: Comments: Triple rinse sample container with sample before filling. Completely fill fire sas apae eotataaseer wltia uo air space. Pack the sample container completely in ice. The sample must be < 6.0°C upou receipt at the laboratory. An atiditionai fee of $50.00 per sample will be charged for samples collected before 8:00 AK ple custody: ('tct he completed by sample collector aad facil0y personnel) 'ofleCteri try: Sample receipt information: (to be completed by ETS personnel) Custody seats Samples received in good condition? Tracking number: -` c CA 310E 00 Sample temperature capon receipt at ETS (°C): Total residual chlorine uptrrt receipt at EIS: (DPU PrescncelAbsense Indicator, MDL _ 0 10 mg/L( Project number: Sarnpie number: t °CI Ab EnvironmentalTe,tfng S©luttuns; Inc, F 40 30 10 50 4.0 0 20 10 0 Ce todaphn dubia Reference Tom it C®r o Chart on of E dpo easur m ruts 1 Minimum Acceptance Criteria (> 15.0 offspring per surviving female) _ I t I_ t I 1 L�._I I. I 1_ l ( L I _ I. North Carolina Acceptance Limit (< 40.0%) Kentucky Acceptance Lirnit (< 30.0%) Tact da Control Reproduction., Coefficient of Variation (CV), or Percent Mit rn ignnlxcant Difference (PMSD) PMSD is the minimum significant difference between the control and treatment that can be declared statistically significant. Central, Tendency (mean Control Reproduction, CV, or PMSD) Control Limits (mean Control. Reproduction, CV, or PMSD ± 2 Standard Deviations) Graphs generated from assoceted excn! spreadsheet. Excel spreadsheet e.irsed by: 1. Sumner Reviewed by: Environmental Te`uinc So6utioi- s, IRc. 0,5 1,3 0.8 1 1 r Ceriothiphn dubMM Chr §rle Reference ?fox" ant Control Chart USEPA Control Eirnits (± 2 Standard Devtiatio L_ I 1 _L_ J1 l I L. L I__ I 1J.____,. I r I ..T.T 1 i I I ._1 T—._.,_..7 .. 1— I I CSEP4 Warning and Control Li aits {`75Th and 90th Pe eentile CVO) I —L.- 1 1 1 I I I T J Laboratory Warning and Control Eirrr is r'10 h and 2 5`h Percentile C ' Test date 7-day IC,5 = 25% inhibition concentrations. An estimation of the concentration of sodium chloride that would cause a 25% reduction in Ceriodaphnia reproduction for the test population, Central Tendency (mean IC2 ) Warning Limits (mean IC25 ± SA, 10 or SA.75) Control Limits (mean IC25 ± SA 25, SA 90, or 2 Standard Deviations) Excel spreadsheet entered by, 1, Summer Reviewed bv; CERTIFIED MAIL: 7001 2510 0001 3681 6821 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr, John S. Lair 8702 Red Oak Blvd, Suite A Charlotte, NC 28217 SUBJECT: Dear Mr, Lair: November 28, 2007 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) Testing NPDES Permit No. NC0088226/001 Wachovia Tryon Street BTS Mecklenburg County Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Coleen H. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality n 1 p frIn7 v NC DENR MRO DWQ-Surface Water Protection This is to inform you that a review of your toxicity self -monitoring report form for the month of September 2007 indicates a violation of the toxicity limitation specified in your NPDES Permit. You should take whatever remedial actions are necessary to eliminate the conditions causing the effluent toxicity violation(s). Your efforts may include conducting a Toxicity Reduction Evaluation (TRE), a site -specific study designed to identify the causative agents of effluent toxicity, isolate the sources of toxicity, evaluate the effectiveness of toxicity control options, and confirm reductions in effluent toxicity. Please be aware that North Carolina General Statutes provide for assessment of civil penalties for violations of NPDES permit limitations and requirements. The reverse side of this Notice contains important information concerning your Whole Effluent Toxicity Monitoring and Reporting Requirements. Please note appropriate mailing addresses for submitting your Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) and Aquatic Toxicity (AT) Test Forms. We encourage you to review this information; if it would be helpful to discuss this situation or possible solutions to resolve effluent toxicity noncompliance, please contact Mr. John Giorgino with this office at (919) 733-2136. cc: 44. John Lesley -Mooresville Regional Office Aquatic Toxicology Unit Central Files Sincerely, • I Cindy A. Moore Supervisor, Aquatic Toxicology Unit orie NorthCarolina Naturally North Carolina Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Phone (919) 733-2136 Customer Service Internet: www.esb.enrstatehc.us 4401 Reedy Creek Rd, Raleigh, NC 27607 FAX (919) 733-9959 1-877-623-6748 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer — 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper WHOLE EFFLUENT TOXICITY MONITORING AND REPORTING INFORMATION ➢ The following items are provided in an effort to assist you with identifying critical and sometimes overlooked toxicity testing and reporting information. Please take time to review this information. The items below do not address or include all the toxicity testing and reportinu requirements contained in your NPDES permit. If you should have any questions about your toxicity testing requirement, please contact Mr. John Giorgino with the Aquatic Toxicology Unit at (919) 733-2136 or another Unit representative at the same number. ➢ The permittee is responsible for ensuring that toxicity testing is conducted according to the permit requirement and that toxicity report forms are appropriately filed. ➢ The reporting of whole effluent toxicity testing data is a dual requirement. All toxicity test results must be entered (with the appropriate parameter code) on your monthly Discharge Monitoring Report which is submitted to: North Carolina Division of Water Quality Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 IN ADDITION Toxicity test data (original "AT" form) must be submitted to the following address: North Carolina Division of Water Quality Environmental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 ➢ Toxicity test results shall be filed with the Environmental Sciences Section no later than 30 days after the end of the reportint; period (eg, January test result is due by the end of February). ➢ Toxicity test condition language contained in your NPDES permit may require use of multiple concentration toxicity testing upon failure of any single quarterly toxicity test. If the initial pass/fail test fails or if the chronic value is lower than the permit limit, then at least two multiple concentration toxicity tests (one per month) will be conducted over the following two months. As many analyses as can be completed will be accepted. if your NPDES permit does not require use of multiple concentration toxicity testing upon failure of any single quarterly test, you may choose to conduct either single concentration toxicity testing or multiple concentration toxicity testing per the Division's WET enforcement initiatives effective July 1, 1999. Follow-up multiple concentration toxicity testing will influence the Division's enforcement response. ➢ Toxicity testing months are specified by the NPDES Permit, except for NPDES Permits which contain episodic toxicity monitoring requirements (eg, if the testing months specified in your NPDES permit are March, June, September, and December, then toxicity testing must be conducted during these months). ➢ If your NPDES Permit specifies episodic monitoring and your facility does not have a discharge from January 1-June 30, then you must provide written notification to the Environmental Sciences Section by June 30 that a discharge did not occur during the first six months of the calendar year. ➢ if you receive notification from your contract laboratory that a test was invalidated, you should immediately notify the Environmental Sciences Section at (919) 733-2136 and provide written documentation indicating why the test was invalidated and the date when follow-up testing will occur. ➢ if your facility is required to conduct toxicity testing during a month in which no discharge occurs, you should complete the information block located at the top of the AT form indicating the facility name, permit number, pipe number, county and the month/year of the subject report. You should also write "No Flow" on the AT form, sign the form and submit following normal procedures. ➢ The Aquatic Toxicity Test forms shall be signed by the facility's Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) except for facilities which have not received a facility classification. In these cases, a duly authorized facility representative must sign the AT form. The AT form must also be signed by the performing lab supervisor. lY To determine if your AT test forms were received on time by the Division of Water Quality, you may consider submitting your toxicity test results certified mail, return receipt requested to the Environmental Sciences Section. CERTIFIED MAIL: 7001 1000 0004 8361 1384 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. John S. Lair 8702 Red Oak Blvd. Suite A Charlotte, NC 28217 SUBJECT: Dear Mr. Lair: November 28, 2007 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) Testing NPDES Permit No. NC0088226/002 Wachovia Tryon Street BTS Mecklenburg County Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Coleen FL Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality NOV 3 0 2007 NC DENR MR0 DWQ-Surface Water Protection This is to inform you that a review of your toxicity self -monitoring report form for the month of September 2007 indicates a violation of the toxicity limitation specified in your NPDES Permit. You should take whatever remedial actions are necessary to eliminate the conditions causing the effluent toxicity violation(s). Your efforts may include conducting a Toxicity Reduction Evaluation (TRE), a site -specific study designed to identify the causative agents of effluent toxicity, isolate the sources of toxicity, evaluate the effectiveness of toxicity control options, and confirm reductions in effluent toxicity. Please be aware that North Carolina General Statutes provide for assessment of civil penalties for violations of NPDES permit limitations and requirements. The reverse side of this Notice contains important information concerning your Whole Effluent Toxicity Monitoring and Reporting Requirements. Please note appropriate mailing addresses for submitting your Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) and Aquatic Toxicity (AT) Test Forms. We encourage you to review this information; if it would be helpful to discuss this situation or possible solutions to resolve effluent toxicity noncompliance, please contact Mr, John Giorgino with this office at (919) 733-2136. CC: John Lesley -Mooresville ReginaReg iFi ice Aquatic Toxicology Unit Central Files Sincerely, Cindy A. Moore Supervisor, Aquatic Toxicology Unit One NwhCarolina Aaturally North Carolina Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Phone (919) 733-2136 Customer Service Internet www,esbenr,state,nc.us 4401 Recdy Creek Rd. Raleigh, NC 27607 FAX (919) 733-9959 1-877-623-6748 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer — 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper WHOLE EFFLUENT TOXICITY MONITORING AND REPORTING INFORMATION • The following items are provided in an effort to assist you with identifying critical and sometimes overlooked toxicity testing and reporting information. Please take time to review this information. The items below do not address or include all the toxicity testing and reporting requirements contained in your NPDES permit If you should have any questions about your toxicity testing requirement, please contact Mr, John Giorgino with the Aquatic Toxicology Unit at (919) 733-2136 or another Unit representative at the same number. )i> The permittee is responsible for ensuring that toxicity testing is conducted according to the permit requirement and that toxicity report forms are appropriately filed. • The reporting of whole effluent toxicity testing data is a dual requirement. All toxicity test results must be entered (with the appropriate parameter code) on your monthly Discharge Monitoring Report which is submitted to: North Carolina Division of Water Quality Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 IN ADDITION Toxicity test data (original "AT" form) must be submitted to the following address: North Carolina Division of Water Quality Environmental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 D Toxicity test results shall be filed with the Environmental Sciences Section no later than 30 days after the end of the reporting period (eg, January test result is due by the end of February). • Toxicity test condition language contained in your NPDES permit may require use of multiple concentration toxicity testing upon failure of any single quarterly toxicity test, If the initial pass/fail test fails or if the chronic value is lower than the permit limit, then at least two multiple concentration toxicity tests (one per month) will be conducted over the following two months. As many analyses as can be completed will be accepted. If your NPDES permit does not require use of multiple concentration toxicity testing upon failure of any single quarterly test, you may choose to conduct either single concentration toxicity testing or multiple concentration toxicity testing per the Division's WET enforcement initiatives effective July 1, 1999. Follow-up multiple concentration toxicity testing will influence the Division's enforcement response. • Toxicity testing months are specified by the NPDES Permit, except for NPDES Permits which contain episodic toxicity monitoring requirements (eg, if the testing months specified in your NPDES permit are March, June, September, and December, then toxicity testing must be conducted during these months). • If your NPDES Permit specifies episodic monitoring and your facility does not have a discharge from January 1-June 30, then you must provide written notification to the Environmental Sciences Section by June 30 that a discharge did not occur during the first six months of the calendar year. • If you receive notification from your contract laboratory that a test was invalidated, you should immediately notify the Environmental Sciences Section at (919) 733-2136 and provide written documentation indicating why the test was invalidated and the date when follow-up testing will occur. • If your facility is required to conduct toxicity testing during a month in which no discharge occurs, you should complete the information block located at the top of the AT form indicating the facility name, permit number, pipe number, county and the month/year of the subject report. You should also write "No Flow" on the AT form, sign the form and submit following normal procedures. • The Aquatic Toxicity Test forms shall be signed by the facility's Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) except for facilities whi ave not received a facility classification. In these cases, a duly authorized facility representative must sign the AT form. The AT form must also be signed by the performing lab supervisor. • To determine if your AT test forms were received on time by the Division of Water Quality, you may consider submitting your toxicity test results certified mail, return receipt requested to the Environmental Sciences Section. Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr„ Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources November 9, 2007 Mr. John S. Lair, P.G. ECS Carolinas, LLP 8702 Red Oak Boulevard; Suite A Charlotte, NC 28217 Subject: Submittal of Discharge Monitoring Reports Wachovia Tryon Street GW Remediation NPDES Permit NC0088226 Mecklenburg County Dear Mr. Lair: rttt ft.t.1 Coleen H. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality tcL, DEW. MR0 ke , The Division of Water Quality has received the sampling reports you have submitted on behalf of the subject facility. We would like to take this opportunity to request that you modify your current reporting practices. Results of monitoring are to be reported on standardized, approved Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) forms. These DMR forms have space for providing facility information as well as characteristics of the discharge. They are typically prepared as a two-sided form with data on one side and the permittee's certification of compliance status on the back. Under most circumstances, the double sided DMR form is all a facility needs to submit to document the quality of an outfall's effluent during a particular reporting month. Support information (like a copy of the permit, lab results, chains of custody, etc.) does not need to be submitted along with the DMR. Such records are required to be retained by the permittee for at least three years and must be made available to Division personnel upon request. Submitting these extra records along with DMRs generally does not add any value to the information already provided on the form, and takes up additional space in our records retention areas. A copy of the DMR form typically used by facilities such as this one is attached along with a discussion regarding how to complete the form. All DMRs are to be submitted to our Central Files address as indicated on the DMR form. Your assistance in the proper reporting of data is very much appreciated. If you have any questions about this letter or discharge monitoring reports, please call me at (919) 733-5083, extension 547. Sincerely, Bob Sledge Point Source Branch cc: NPDES File Central Files Allen J. Holloway — Childress Klein Properties NAthCarolina Aatgrafig North Carolina Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Phone (919) 733-7015 Internet: www.ncwaterouality,org Location: 512 N. Salisbury St, Raleigh, NC 27604 Fax (9 I 9) 733-2496 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer — 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper Customer Service 1-877-623-6748 December 6, 2006 CERTIFIED MAIL 7 004. - d i00 — ©lae 3 Teti C ^ o1 Q' RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. John S Lair Wachovia Tryon Street BTS 8702 Red Oak Blvd. Ste Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 Subject: NOTICE OF VIOLATION Effluent Toxicity Testing NPDES Permit No. NC0088226/001 Wachovia-Tryon Street Mecklenburg County Dear Mr. Lair: Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources A1.19v Alan W, Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality DEC 'SFwR This is to inform you that a review of your toxicity self -monitoring report form for the month of September 2006 indicates a violation of the toxicity limitation specified in your NPDES Permit. You should take whatever remedial actions are necessary to eliminate the conditions causing the effluent toxicity violation(s). Your efforts may include conducting a Toxicity Reduction Evaluation (TRE), a site -specific study designed to identify the causative agents of effluent toxicity, isolate the sources of toxicity, evaluate the effectiveness of toxicity control options, and confirm reductions in effluent toxicity. Please be aware that North Carolina General Statutes provide for assessment of civil penalties for violations of NPDES permit limitations and requirements. The reverse side of this Notice contains important information concerning your Whole Effluent Toxicity Monitoring and Reporting Requirements. Please note appropriate mailing addresses for submitting your Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) and Aquatic Toxicity (A7) Test Forms. We encourage you to review this information; if it would be helpful to discuss this situation or possible solutions to resolve effluent toxicity noncompliance, please contact Mr. John Giorgino with this office at (919) 733-2136. cc: �kf1Jdcgianti Office, John Lesley/Mooresville Regional Office Aquatic Toxicology Unit Central Files Sincerely, erton Chief, Environmental Sciences Section No hCarolina 7aturally North Carolina Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Phone (919) 733-2136 Customer Service Internet www.esb.enr.state.nc.us 4401 Reedy Creek Rd. Raleigh, NC 27607 FAX (919) 733-9959 1-877-623-6748 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper WHOLE EFFLUENT TOXICITY MONITORING AND REPORTING INFORMATION ➢ The following items are provided in an effort to assist you with identifying critical and sometimes overlooked toxicity testing and reporting information. Please take time to review this information. The items below do not address or include all the toxicity testing and reporting requirements contained in your NPDES permit. If you should have any questions about your toxicity testing requirement, please contact Mr, Kevin Bowden with the Aquatic Toxicology Unit at (919) 733-2136 or another Unit representative at the same number. D. The permittee is responsible for ensuring that toxicity testing is conducted according to the permit requirement and that toxicity report forms are appropriately filed. ➢ The reporting of whole effluent toxicity testing data is a dual requirement. All toxicity test results must be entered (with the appropriate parameter code) on your monthly Discharge Monitoring Report which is submitted to: North Carolina Division of Water Quality Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 IN ADDITION Toxicity test data (original "AT' form) must be submitted to the following address: North Carolina Division of Water Quality Environmental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 ➢ Toxicity test results shall be filed with the Environmental Sciences Section no later than 30 days after the end of the reporting period (eg, January test result is due by the end of February), ➢ Toxicity test condition language contained in your NPDES permit may require use of multiple concentration toxicity testing upon failure of any single quarterly toxicity test. If the initial pass/fail test fails or if the chronic value is lower than the permit limit, then at least two multiple concentration toxicity tests (one per month) will be conducted over the following two months. As many analyses as can be completed will be accepted. If your NPDES permit does not require use of multiple concentration toxicity testing upon failure of any single quarterly test, you may choose to conduct either single concentration toxicity testing or multiple concentration toxicity testing per the Division's WET enforcement initiatives effective July 1, 1999. Follow-up multiple concentration toxicity testing will influence the Division's enforcement response. ➢ Toxicity testing months are specified by the NPDES Permit, except for NPDES Permits which contain episodic toxicity monitoring requirements (eg, if the testing months specified in your NPDES permit are March, June, September, and December, then toxicity testing must be conducted during these months). ➢ if your NPDES Permit specifies episodic monitoring and your facility does not have a discharge from January 1-June 30, then you must provide written notification to the Environmental Sciences Section by June 30 that a discharge did not occur during the first six months of the calendar year. D. If you receive notification from your contract laboratory that a test was invalidated, you should immediately notify the Environmental Sciences Section at (919) 733-2136 and provide written documentation indicating why the test was invalidated and the date when follow-up testing will occur. ➢ If your facility is required to conduct toxicity testing during a month in which no discharge occurs, you should complete the information block located at the top of the AT form indicating the facility name, permit number, pipe number, county and the month/year of the subject report. You should also write "No Flow" on the AT form, sign the form and submit following normal procedures. ➢ The Aquatic Toxicity Test fot ins shall be signed by the facility's Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) except for facilities which have not received a facility classification. In these cases, a duly authorized facility representative must sign the AT form. The AT form must also be signed by the performing lab supervisor. ➢ To determine if your AT test forms were received on time by the Division of Water Quality, you may consider submitting your toxicity test results certified mail, return receipt requested to the Environmental Sciences Section, December 6, 2006 CERTIFIED MAIL 7004- ©r©©—©a43 Vt. -A Mir RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. John S Lair Wachovia Tryon Street BTS 8702 Red Oak Blvd. Ste Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 Subject: NOTICE OF VIOLATION Effluent Toxicity Testing NPDES Peintit No. NC0088226/001 Wachovia-Tryon Street Mecklenburg County Dear Mr. Lair: Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P,E, Director Division of Water Quality DEC C 8 20Th This is to inform you that a review of your toxicity self -monitoring report form for the month of September 2006 indicates a violation of the toxicity limitation specified in your NPDES Permit. You should take whatever remedial actions are necessary to eliminate the conditions causing the effluent toxicity violation(s). Your efforts may include conducting a Toxicity Reduction Evaluation (TRE), a site -specific study designed to identify the causative agents of effluent toxicity, isolate the sources of toxicity, evaluate the effectiveness of toxicity control options, and confirm reductions in effluent toxicity. Please be aware that North Carolina General Statutes provide for assessment of civil penalties for violations of NPDES permit limitations and requirements. The reverse side of this Notice contains important information concerning your Whole Effluent Toxicity Monitoring and Reporting Requirements. Please note appropriate mailing addresses for submitting your Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) and Aquatic Toxicity (AT) Test Forms. We encourage you to review this information; if it would be helpful to discuss this situation or possible solutions to resolve effluent toxicity noncompliance, please contact Mr. John Giorgino with this office at (919) 733-2136. cc: Mike Parker/Mooresville Regional Offic I � sville Regibil611 ft Aquatic Toxicology Unit Central Files Sincerely, erton Chief, Environmental Sciences Section North Carolina. Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Internet: www.esb.enr.state.nc.us 4401 Reedy Creek Rd, Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Phone (919) 733-2136 Raleigh, NC 27607 FAX (919) 733-9959 Carolina rally Customer Service 1-877-623-6748 c An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper WHOLE EFFLUENT TOXICITY MONITORING AND REPORTING INFORMATION • The following items are provided in an effort to assist you with identifying critical and sometimes overlooked toxicity testing and reporting infon-nation. Please take time to review this information. The items below do not address or include all the toxicity testing and reporting requirements contained in your NPDES permit. If you should have any questions about your toxicity testing requirement, please contact Mr. Kevin Bowden with the Aquatic Toxicology Unit at (919) 733-2136 or another Unit representative at the same number. • The permittee is responsible for ensuring that toxicity testing is conducted according to the permit requirement and that toxicity report forms are appropriately filed. ). The reporting of whole effluent toxicity testing data is a dual requirement. All toxicity test results must be entered (with the appropriate parameter code) on your monthly Discharge Monitoring Report which is submitted to: North Carolina Division of Water Quality Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 IN ADDITION Toxicity test data (original "AT" form) must be submitted to the following address: North Carolina Division of Water Quality Environmental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 • Toxicity test results shall be filed with the Environmental Sciences Section no later than 30 days after the end of the reporting period (eg, January test result is due by the end of February). )? Toxicity test condition language contained in your NPDES permit may require use of multiple concentration toxicity testing upon failure of any single quarterly toxicity test. If the initial pass/fail test fails or if the chronic value is lower than the permit limit, then at least two multiple concentration toxicity tests (one per month) will be conducted over the following two months. As many analyses as can be completed will be accepted. If your NPDES permit does not require use of multiple concentration toxicity testing upon failure of any single quarterly test, you may choose to conduct either single concentration toxicity testing or multiple concentration toxicity testing per the Division's WET enforcement initiatives effective July 1, 1999. Follow-up multiple concentration toxicity testing will influence the Division's enforcement response. • Toxicity testing months are specified by the NPDES Permit, except for NPDES Permits which contain episodic toxicity monitoring requirements (eg, if the testing months specified in your NPDES permit are March, June, September, and December, then toxicity testing must he conducted during these months). • If your NPDES Permit specifies episodic monitoring and your facility does not have a discharge from January 1-June 30, then you must provide written notification to the Environmental Sciences Section by June 30 that a discharge did not occur during the first six months of the calendar year. )- If you receive notification from your contract laboratory that a test was invalidated, you should immediately notify the Environmental Sciences Section at (919) 733-2136 and provide written documentation indicating why the test was invalidated and the date when follow-up testing will occur. • If your facility is required to conduct toxicity testing during a month in which no discharge occurs, you should complete the information block located at the top of the AT form indicating the facility name, permit number, pipe number, county and the month/year of the subject report. You should also write "No Flow" on the AT form, sign the form and submit following normal procedures. • The Aquatic Toxicity Test forms shall be signed by the facility's Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) except for facilities which have not received a facility classification. In these cases, a duly authorized facility representative must sign the AT form. The AT form must also be signed by the performing lab supervisor. • To determine if your AT test forms were received on time by the Division of Water Quality, you may consider submitting your toxicity test results certified mail, return receipt requested to the Environmental Sciences Section. ECS CAROLINAS, LLP Geotechnical • Construction Materials • Environmental 8702 Red Oak Boulevard, Suite A Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 Telephone 704-525-5152 Fax 704-525-7178 To: Mr. Mike Parker Regional Supervisor Mooresville Regional Office UST Section 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Date: LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 07/31/07 Project No. 08-3515D Chronic Toxicity Sampling NPDES Permit # NC0088226/001 Wachovia-Tryon Street Charlotte, NC ECS Project 08-3515D We are sending you the following items via: Certified Mail 7006 2150 0003 3240 6786 COPIES DATED 07/31/07 DESCRIPTION Chronic Toxicity Laboratory Results Wachovia-Tryon St NPDES Permit # NC00882261001 ECS Project 08-3515D These are transmitted as checked below: x For your use As requested REMARKS Please contact John Lair with questions regarding this project. Thanks! ORIGINALS to Jimmie Overton (NCDENR) Wachovia Bank, N.A. — c/o Mr. Allen Holloway — COPY TO: Childress Klein Properties NCDENR- Mooresville Regional Office : Attn: Mr. Mike Parker Attn: Mr. John Lesley SIGNED: John S. Lair ECS CAROLINAS, LLPGeotechnical • Construction Materials • Environmental July 31, 2007 Mr. Jimmie Overton Chief, Environmental Sciences Section North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural. Resources Division of Water Quality I621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 Reference: Chronic Toxicity Sampling NPDES Peiuiit No. NC0088226/001 Wachovia-Tryon Street NPDES Permit No. NC0088226 Charlotte, North Carolina ECS Project 08-3515D Dear Mr. Overton: ECS Carolinas, LLP. (ECS) is pleased to provide the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality with the original copy of the laboratory analytical results ("AT" forms) of the effluent water samples collected in the month of June 2007 from Outfall 001 and Outfall 002 at the Wachovia-Tryon Street site (NPDES Permit No. NC0088226/001). As you will see, the June 2007 sampling event resulted in passing test for chronic toxicity from each outfall. If you have any questions concerning this report or this project, please contact us at (704) 525-5152. Sincerely, ECS CARD S. Lair, P.G. Geologist tensed Geologis P Principal G NC Licensed G Attachments: Laboratory Analytical Results and Chain of Custody Records ("AT" forms cc: Wachovia Bank, N.A. — c/o Mr. Allen Holloway — Childress Klein Properties NCDENR — Mooresville Regional Office — Attn: Mr. Mike Parker NCDNER — Mooresville Regional Office — Attn: Mr. John Lesley )2 Red Oak Boulevard, Suite A, Chant te, North Carolina 28217 • '7i14- 2 - 2 • Fax: 7ii4-525-71 8 * vcvrv.e sli ited.c©m Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Fluntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704.875,9092 Fax: 704.875.9091 www. pacelabs. cnm June 22, 2007 Mr. John Lair ECS, Ltd. 8702 Red Oak Blvd Suite A Charlotte, NC 28217 RE: Lab Project Number: 92146689 Client Project ID: Wachovia-Chronic Tox Dear Mr. Lair: Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside ©rive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828, 252.4618 Enclosed are the analytical results for sample(s) received by the laboratory June 12, 2007through June 15, 2007 Results reported herein conform to the most current NELAC standards. where applicable, unless otherwise narrated in the body of the report. Inorganic Wet Chemistry and Metals Analyses were performed at our Pace Asheville laboratory and Organic testing was performed at our Pace Charlotte laboratory unless otherwise footnoted. The results relate only to samples in this report. If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Jennifer hones jennifer.jones@pacelabs.com Project Manager Enclosures Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704,875.9092 Fax: 704, 875.9©91 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7175 Fax: 828,252,4618 Lab Project Number: 92146689 Client Project ID: Wachovia-Chronic Tox Lab Sample No: 928512151 Client Sample ID: 002 GRAB Parameters Bioassay C.dubia Pass/Fail Chronic NC C.dubia Pass/Fail Chronic PASS Results Date: 06/22/07 Asheville CertificationIDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 Project Sample Number: 92146689-001 Matrix: Water Date Collected: 06/12/07 10:50 Date Received: 06/12/07 21:45 Units Report Limit Analyzed By CAS No. Qual ReqLmt Method: EPA 600/4-91/002 06/13/07 JGJ REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Page: 1 of 4 Charlotte Certification IDS NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersvile, NC 28078 Phone: 704.875.9092 Fax: 704.875.9091 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828,252.4618 Lab Project Number: 92146689 Client Project ID: Wachovia-Chronic Tox Lab Sample No: 928524792 Client Sample ID: 2ND 002 GRAB Parameters Bioassay C.dubia Pass/Fail Chronic NC C.dubia Pass/Fail Chronic Date: 06/22/07 Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 Results Project Sample Number: 92146689-002 Matrix: Water Units Report Limit Analyzed Method: EPA 600/4-91/002 Date Collected: 06/15/07 13:30 Date Received: 06/15/07 21:50 By CAS No. Qual ReqLmt 06/16/07 JGJ REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Page: 2 of 4 Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP 687627 www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Nuntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704.875.9092 Fax: 704.875.9091 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828,254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Lab Project Number: 92146689 Client Project ID: Wachovia-Chronic Tox PARAMETER FOOTNOTES ND NC J MDL Method 9071B modified to use ASE. All pH, Free Chlorine, Total Chlorine and Ferrous Iron analyses conducted outside of EPA recommended immediate hold time. Depending on the moisture content the PRLs can be elevated for all soil samples reported on a dry weight basis. 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether has been shown to degrade in the presence of acid. Not detected at or above adjusted reporting limit Not Calculable Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit Adjusted Method Detection Limit Date: 06/22/07 Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Page: 3 of 4 Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Klncey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704.875.9092 Fax: 704.875.9091 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Lab Project Number: 92146689 Client Project ID: Wachovia-Chronic Tox QUALITY CONTROL DATA PARAMETER FOOTNOTES Consistent with EPA guidelines, unrounded concentrations are displayed and have been used to calculate % Rec and RPD values, LCS(D) MS(D) DUP ND NC J MDL RPD Laboratory Control Sample (Duplicate) Matrix Spike (Duplicate) Sample Duplicate Not detected at or above adjusted reporting limit Not Calculable Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and Adjusted Method Detection Limit Relative Percent Difference Date: 06/22/07 Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 below the adjusted reporting limit REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Page: 4 of 4 Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 ace Analytical® www,paiNgiahnToxicity Report AT-1 Form Chronic Pass/Fail and Acute LC50 Date 6/13/07 M C IL ORIGINAL TO: North CarolinaCeriodaphnia Chronic Pass/Fail Reproduction Toxicity Test CONTROL ORGANISMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 # Young Produced Adult (L)ive (D)ead Effluent% 90 TREATMENT 2 ORGANISMS # Young Produced Adult (L)ive (D)ead pH Do Control Treatment Control Treatment 25 28 1st 7.4 7.6 30 2 26 7.6 7.6 St E a d 1st 7.8 7.6 8.2 8,0 27 31 4 25 1st 7.8 28 24 7.7 8.0 S 1 1 a 8.1 1st 8,3 8.4 E n 8.1 27 6 29 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersvil/e, NC 28078 Phone: 704.875.9092 Fax: 704.875.9091 County Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828, 252.4618 ecklenburg amments Rank Sum=105.00 1-Tailed Critical=94.00 The organism in replicate 3 was missing, Not Aerated tin Environmental Sciences Div. of Water Quality N.C. DENR 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 nch 7 8 9 10 11 12 21 7 24 2nd 7.6 7.8 2nd 7.9 8.5 31 21 7.7 7.9 7.7 8.2 LC50/Acute Toxicity Test /Mortality expressed as % combining replicates) °l© °A %a LC50= 95% Confidence oA Organism Tested; Ceriodaphnia dubia Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 oA Meth Moving Avg, Spearman od of Determination Probit Other Test Duration (Hours): 31 24 23 5 29 10 11 12 24 24 14 Oth Noted Chronic Test Results Calculated Tabular t Reduction Treatment 2 0.0 Cnntrn1 nv produdng 3rd brood 'Complete This For Either Test Samoel Tvpe/Duration Sample 1 Sample 2 Grab Comp. Duration Hardness (mg/l) Spec. Cond. (umhos) Chlorine (mgl) Sample temp. at receipt (C1 Concentration Mortality REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Avg. Reprod Control 25.70 Treatment 2 23.90 PASS FAIL Check One Test St rt Da 6\13\07 20 es2 e1s .'. <0.1 <0.1 ?asc: +:as 1.7 1.2 Note: Plea Complete This Section also Control High Conc. Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99€006 FL NELAP E87627 AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY LABORATORY CHAIN -OF -CUSTODY AND FIELD ANALYSIS FORM The Chain -of -Custody is a LEGAL DOCUMENT. All relevant fields must be completed accurately. CLIENT/FACI COUNTY: NPDES PERMIT#: OUTFALLIPIPE#: INFORMATION ON THIS FORMI,S REQUIRED BY STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES. �ceAnalytical PURCHASE ORDER:# STATE: 7•) EN-111 TEST REQUIREMENTS (please check the appropriate test type and species required,) Test Type Acute, circle the appropriate test duration: 24 48 96 Chronic, 7-days Pass/Fail, dilution required: Range Definitive, dilutions regnit .d: Other; specify: pe Ceriodaphnia ditbia (Water flea) Pirnephales prontelas (Fathead minnow) Mysidopsis bahia (Mysid shrimp) Menidia heryllina (Inland silverside) PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. 2225 RIVERSIDE DRIVE ASHEVILLE, NC 28804 PHONE: (828) 254-7176 FAX: (828) 252-4618 2507 SAMPLE TYPE Composite sample S pies per how`: End hilted duringcolt«ettcif pecify tei Grab sample Date: Sealed Cooler wits Intact [ N Project Number: Sample Number: Time: l0 Sty Total residual ch Temperature at time of co Iethod of transport to PACE: Note: Rinse containers with the sample before filling. Pack samples in loose ice. Samples must be received at PACE at or below 4°C. Samples should not be frozen. ' AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY LABORATORY CHAIN -OF -CUSTODY AND FIELD ANALYSIS FORM The Chain -of -Custody is a LEGAL DOCUMEN"T. All relevant fields must be completed accurately, CLIENT/FAC1LI EC COUNTY: NPDES PE NAME: INFORMATION' ON THIS FORM IS REQUIRED BY TEST REQUIREMENTS (please check the approp `lest Type Acute, circle the appropriate test duration: Chronic, 7-days Pass/Fail, dilution required: Full Range Definitive, dilutions required: Other; specify: PURCHASE ORDER:# STATE: OUTFAL.I TE AND FEDERAL AGENC,,.'IES. ate test type and species required.) 24 48 96 Species iodaphnia dubia (Water flea) rephales promelas (Fathead minnow) idopsis bahia (Mysid shrimp) rlia berpllina (Inland silverside) PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. 2225 RIVERSIDE DRIVE A,SL-IEVILLE, NC 28804 PHONE: (828) 254-7176 FAX: (828) 252-4618 12519 SAMPLE TYPE Composite sample Grab sample Date: Received on Ice Samples Intact Project Number: Sample Number: aD Time: Sample Iufor on ion: hlorinatiou. above o Approximate volume collected for testing: Number of containers filled for testing: Total residual chlorine (mg/L): perature at time of collection (°C ©tile (v)F hod of transport to PACE: A C Co.* i et — Note: Rinse containers with the sample before filling. Pack samples in loose ice, Samples must be received at PACE at or below 4°C. Samples should not be frozen. ACCEPTE ALLC©©1 rev O, '18Mar05 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704.875.9092 Fax: 704.875.9091 www.pacelabs.com June 15, 2007 Mr. John Lair ECS, Ltd. 8702 Red Oak Blvd Suite A Charlotte, NC 28217 RE: Lab Project Number: 92146134 Client Project ID: Wachovia-Chronic Tox Dear Mr. Lair: Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828252.4618 Enclosed are the analytical results for sample(s) received by the laboratory June 5, 2007through June 8, 2007 Results reported herein conform to the most current NELAC standards, where applicable, unless otherwise narrated in the body of the report. Inorganic Wet Chemistry and Metals Analyses were performed at our Pace Asheville laboratory and Organic testing was performed at our Pace Charlotte laboratory unless otherwise footnoted. The results relate only to samples in this report. If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, enni fer Jones jennifer.jones@pacelabs.com Project Manager Enclosures Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704, 875.9©92 Fax: 704.875.9091 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254,7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Lab Project Number; 92146134 Client Project ID: Wachovia•Chronic Tox Lab Sample No: 928480169 Client Sample ID: 001 COMPOSITE EFFLUENT Parameters Results Project Sample Number: 92146134-001 Matrix: Water Units Report Limit Analyzed By Bioassay C.dubia Pass/Fail Chronic NC Method: EPA 600/4-91/002 C.dubia Pass/Fail Chronic Pass Date: 06/15/07 Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 06/06/07 JGJ REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date Collected: 06/04/07 11:35 Date Received: 06/05/07 22:00 CAS No. Qual RegLmt Page: 1 of 4 Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9808 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704.875, 9©92 Fax: 704.875.9091 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828,254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Lab Project Number: 92146134 Client Project ID: Wachovia•Chronic Tox Lab Sample No: 928495233 Client Sample ID: 2ND 001 COMP.EFF. Parameters Bioassay C.dubia Pass/Fail Chronic NC C.dubia Pass/Fail Chronic Date: 06/15/07 Asheville Certification !Ds NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 Results Project Sample Number: 92146134-002 Matrix: Water Units Report Limit Method: EPA 600/4-91/002 Date Collected: 06/07/07 12:30 Date Received: 06/08/07 21:30 Analyzed By CAS No. Qual RegLmt 06/09/07 JGJ REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Page: 2 of 4 Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704,875,9092 Fax: 704.875.9091 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828.252, 4618 Lab Project Number: 92146134 Client Project ID: Wachovia-Chronic Tox PARAMETER FOOTNOTES ND NC J MDL Method 9071E modified to use ASE. All pH, Free Chlorine, Total Chlorine and Ferrous Iron analyses conducted outside of EPA recommended immediate hold time. Depending on the moisture content the PRLs can be elevated for all soil samples reported on a dry weight basis. 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether has been shown to degrade in the presence of acid. Not detected at or above adjusted reporting limit Not Calculable Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit Adjusted Method Detection Limit Date: 06/15/07 Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Page: 3 of 4 Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704.875.9092 Fax: 704.875.9091 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828,254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Lab Project Number: 92146134 Client Project ID: Wachovia-Chronic Tox QUALITY CONTROL DATA PARAMETER FOOTNOTES Consistent with EPA guidelines, unrounded concentrations are displayed and have been used to calculate % Rec and RPD values. LCS(D) MS(D) DUP ND NC J MDL RPD Laboratory Control Sample (Duplicate) Matrix Spike (Duplicate) Sample Duplicate Not detected at or above adjusted reporting limit Not Calculable Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and Adjusted Method Detection Limit Relative Percent Difference Date: 06/15/07 Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 below the adjusted reporting limit REP©RT OF LAB©RAT©RY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Page: 4 of 4 Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 ace Ana ®tbR,T www.p 0X Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704.875.9092 Fax: 704.875.9091 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254, 7176 Fax: 828, 252, 4618 city Report AT-1 Form Chronic Pass/Fail and Acute LC50 Date 6/18/07 Fa y. ECS ach NPDES#NC 008822 abora T s PACE Anatvtic es, tnc. ignatur peratort esponsib Pipe 001 County ecklenbu p Not Aerated Unl t3therwtse Noted AIL ORIGINAL TO: North CarolinaCeriodaphnia Chronic Pass/Fail Reproduction Toxicity Test CONTROL ORGANISMS 1 2 3 4 5 # Young Produced Adult (L)ive (D)ead Effluent% 90 TREATMENT 2 ORGANISMS # Young Produced Adult (L)ive (D)ead pH D.V Control Treatment Control Treatment 27 27 27 25 14 29 Environmental Sciences Branch Div, of Water Quality N.C. DENR 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 23 22 2 4 6 7 28 L 1st 1st 2nd 7.6 7.8 St E St E 1 n I n a d a d r r 1 St lst 2nd 7,5 8.0 8.3 8.6 28 7,7 8.2 8.3 26 22 7,5 7,9 8.2 8.3 23 8.0 8,1 25 7.3 8.1 24 12 25 23 22 8 9 10 11 12 28 7,4 8.1 S t E t n d 8.3 8.4 8,1 8.3 LC50/Acute Toxicity Test (Mortality expressed as % . combining reolic 0/0 LC50= 95% Confidence 070 _ OA e Organism Tested: Ceriodaphnia dubia Asheville Dertification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 Meth Moving Avg. Spearman od of Determination Probit Other Test Duration (Hours): 29 23 25 24 hronic Test Resu alculated Tabular t % Reduction a 2.50 0 Avg, Reprod 0.00 Contra 22.80 Treatment 2 0.0 Treatment 2 25,70 22.2 onfrot organisms during 3rd brood 83.3 'Complete This For Either Test Collection Start Date Sample 1 6\4\07 Sample 2 Samoel Tvoe/Duration Sample 1 Sample 2 Grab Comp. Duration X 24hr 23.5hr Hardness (mg/1) Soec, Cond. (umhosl Chlorine (mg/1) Sample temp, at receipt (C) Concentration Mortality REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. PASS FAIL heck On Te 6\6\07 6\7\07 aIdweS x©l Isl. Note: Please Complete This Section also trot High Conc. Charlotte. Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY LABORATORY CHAIN -OF -CUSTODY AND FIELD ANALYSIS FORM The Chain -of -Custody is a LEGAL DOCUMENT All relevant fields must be completed accurately. TNT/FAC C TYNAME: COUNTY: NPDES PERMIT#: INFORMATION ON THIS FORM IS REQUIRED fY STATE AND F TEST REQUIREMENTS (please check the appropriate test type and species required.) Test Type Acute, circle the appropriate test dttt•ation: 24 48 96 Chronic, 7-days Pass/Fail, dilution required: Full Range Definitive, dilutions required: Other; specify:.__ wpec ies Ceriodaphnia ("tibia (Water flea) Pinzephales pronzelas (Fathead minnow) Mysidopsis bahia (Mysid shrimp) Ifenidia beryllina (Inland silverside) PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. 2225 RIVERSIDE DRIVE ASHEVILLE, NC 28804 PHONE: (828) 254-7176 FAX: (828) 252-4618 12503 SAMPLE TYPE �onzposite s t date: d date: pies per hour: Chilled during collection?: .f chilled, specify temperature: End time: ) 3 s Date: Grab sample SAMPLE CON Received on lee Sealed Cooler Samples Intact Sample Number: Time: Sa Ap pte locatiou: volume collected for testing: titti 'v10 Number of containers filled for testing: sidual chlorine (mg/L): etc.) Temperature at time of collection ('C ethod of transport to PACE: 15 co ,u1lt Note: Rinse containers with the sample 'before, filling. Pack samples in loose ice. Samples must be received at PACE at or below 4°C, Samples should not be frozen. ALLC001rev,©„ 18Mar05 AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY LABORATORY CHAIN -OF -CUSTODY AND FIELD ANALYSIS FORM The Chain -of -Custody is a LEGAL DOCUMENT. All relevant fields must be completed accurately. NT/FACILITY NAME: COUNTY:—__JY�t� lrvs 6�,rt STATE: PURCHASE ORDER:# NPDES PERMIT#: OUTFA FORMATION ON THIS FORM IS REQUIRED BY STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES. TEST REQUIREMENTS (please check the appropriate test type and species required,) Test Type Acute, circle the appropriate test duration: 24 48 96 C htxaaic, 7-days Pass/Fail, dilution required: I{rill Range Definitive, dilutions required: _ Other, specify: _. Species riodapineia ditbia (Water flea) Pimepl:ales promelas (Fathead mina Mysidopsis bahia (Mysid shrimp) nidia beryllina (Inland silverside) PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. 2225 RIVERSIDE DRIVE ASHEVILLE, NC 28804 PHONE: (828) 254-7176 FAX: (828) 252-4618 12506 SAMPLE TYPE S Composite sample pies per hour: :hilled daring collection?: d, specify temperature: Received on Ice Samples Intact Project Number: Sample Num Samp Sample location: Approximate volume c hlorinsrtiou, :rlrove nber of containers filled for t Tota residual. chlorine (mg/L): Tempera urea e of collection ("C d of transport to PACE: O vaL 9 4 l /cvn P4C E Note: Rinse containers with the sample before filling. Pack samples in loose ice. Samples must be received at PACE at. or below 4°C. Samples should not he frozen. DATE `I"IME Sample "Temp, ALLCOO1rev,O, 15Mar05 ECS CAROLINAS, LLP Geotechnical • Construction Materials • Environmental 8702 Red Oak Boulevard, Suite A Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 Telephone 704-525-5152 Fax 704-525-7178 To: Mr. John Lesley NCDENR Mooresville Regional Office 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 We are sending you the following items via: Certified Mail COPIES DATED Date: LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 04/30/07 Project No. 08-3515D Chronic Toxicity Sampling NPDES Permit # NC0088226/001 Wachovia-Tryon Street Charlotte, NC ECS Project 08-3515D DESCRIPTION MAY C 04/30/07 Copies of Chronic Toxicity Laboratory Results Wachovia-Tryon St NPDES Permit # NC0088226/001 ECS Project 08-3515D These are transmitted as checked below: x For your use As requested REMARKS Please contact John Lai with questions regarding this project. Thanks! Mr. Jimmie Overton ORIGINAL NCDENR — Division of Water Qual TO: Raleigh, NC 27699 SIGNED: John S. Lair ECS CAROLINAS, LLP Geotechnical • Construction i laterials • Environment -.� ntai April 30, 2007 Mr. Jimmie Overton Chief, Environmental Sciences Section North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1.621 Reference: Chronic Toxicity Sampling NPDES Permit No. NC0088226/001 Wachovia-Tryon Street NPDES Pei,nit No. NC0088226 Charlotte, North Carolina. ECS Project 08-3515D Dear Mr. Overton: ECS Carolinas, LLP. (ECS) is pleased to provide the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality with the original copy of the laboratory analytical results ("AT" forms) of the effluent water samples collected in the month of April 2007 from Outfall 001 and Outfall 002 at the Wachovia-Tryon Street site (NPDES Permit No. NC0088226/001). As you will see, the April 2007 sampling event resulted in passing test for chronic toxicity from each outfall. if you have any questions concerning this report or this project, please contact us at (704) 525-5152. Sincerely, ECS CAROLINAS, L air P.G. y'is Geologist :�, ensed Geologist's Attachments: Laborato Gos rincipal Geologic NC Licensed Geo Results and Chain of Custody Records ("AT" forms cc: Wachovia Bank, N.A. — c/o Mr. Allen Holloway — Childress Klein Properties NCDENR — Mooresville Regional Office — Attn: Mr. Mike Parker NCDNER — Mooresville Regional Office — Attn: Mr. John. Lesley 8702 Red iak Boulevard, Suite A, North Carolina 28217 •704-525-5152 • Fax: 7(i4-525-7178 • www.ecslimit dm Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 7©4, 875, 9©92 Fax: 704. 875, 9©91 www.pacelatrs.com April 04, 2007 Mr. John Lair ECS, Ltd. 8702 Red Oak Blvd Suite A Charlotte. NC 28217 RE: Lab Project Number: 92141315 Client Project ID: Wachovia-Chronic Tox-002 Dear Mr. Lair: Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828,254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Enclosed are the analytical results for sample(s) received by the laboratory March 27, 2007through March 30, 2007 Results reported herein conform to the most current NELAC standards, where applicable, unless otherwise narrated in the body of the report. Inorganic Wet Chemistry and Metals Analyses were performed at our Pace Asheville laboratory and Organic testing was performed at our Pace Charlotte laboratory unless otherwise footnoted. If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, ennife• jennifer.jones@pacelabs.com Project Manager Enclosures Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704,875,9092 Fax: 704.875, 9©91 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828,254,7176 Fax: 828.252, 4618 Lab Project Number: 92141315 Client Project ID: Wachovia-Chronic Tox-002 Lab Sample No: 928198837 Client Sample ID: 002 GRAB Parameters Bioassay C.dubia Pass/Fail Chronic NC Method: EPA 600/4-91/002 C.dubia Pass/Fail Chronic Pass Results Project Sample Number: 92141315-001 Date Collected: 03/27/07 11:20 Matrix: Water Date Received: 03/27/07 21:30 Units Report Limit Analyzed By Date: 04/04/07 Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 03/28/07 JGJ REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. vn CAS No. Qual RegLmt Page: 1 of 4 Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704.875.9092 Fax: 704.875.9091 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Lab Project Number: 92141315 Client Project ID: Wachovia-Chronic Tox-002 Lab Sample No: 928207786 Client Sample ID: 2ND 002 GRAB Parameters Bioassay C.dubia Pass/Fail Chronic NC C.dubia Pass/Fail Chronic Date: 04/04/07 Asheville certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 Results Project Sample Number: 92141315-003 Date Collected: 03/30/07 14:05 Matrix: Water Date Received: 03/30/07 21:30 Units Report Limit Method: EPA 600/4-91/002 Analyzed By CAS No. Qual RegLmt 03/31/07 JGJ REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. ACc0, 04 Page: 2 of 4 Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704, 875.9092 Fax: 704, 875. 9091 Pace Analytical Services, inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254,7176 Fax: 828,252.4618 Lab Project Number: 92141315 Client Project ID: Wachovia-Chronic Tox-002 PARAMETER FOOTNOTES ND NC J MDL Method 9071E modified to use ASE. All pH, Free Chlorine, Total Chlorine and Ferrous Iron analyses conducted outside of EPA recommended immediate hold time. Depending on the moisture content the PRLs can be elevated for all soil samples reported on a dry weight basis. 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether has been shown to degrade in the presence of acid. Not detected at or above adjusted reporting limit Not Calculable Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit Adjusted Method Detection Limit Date: 04/04/07 Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. ACCORA96 p1ld�rtio. Page: 3 of 4 Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704, 875.9©92 Fax: 704.875.9091 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254,7176 Fax: 828, 252.4618 Lab Project Number: 92141315 Client Project ID: Wachovia-Chronic Tox-002 QUALITY CONTROL DATA PARAMETER FOOTNOTES Consistent with EPA guidelines, unrounded concentrations are displayed and have been used to calculate X Rec and RPD values. LCS(D) MS(D) DUP ND NC J MDL RPD Laboratory Control Sample (Duplicate) Matrix Spike (Duplicate) Sample Duplicate Not detected at or above adjusted reporting limit Not Calculable Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit Adjusted Method Detection Limit Relative Percent Difference Date: 04/04/07 Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc, " "`°0R© q in ala Page: 4 of 4 Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 ace Analytical® Phone:7©4.875.9©92 Fax: 704, 875.9©91 www.pacRiiikid rToxicity Report AT-1 Form Chronic Pass/Fail and Acute LC50 Date 4\11\07 NPDES#NC 0088226 al Services, Inc. MAIL ORIGINAL TO: North CarolinaCenodaphnia Chronic Pass/Fail Reproduction Toxicity Test CONTROL ORGANISMS 1 2 3 4 # Young Produced Adult (L)ive (D)ead Effluent% 90 TREATMENT 2 ORGANISMS # Young Produced Adult (L)ive (D)ead pH D.0 Control Treatment Control Treatment 19 17 1st 6.5 7.4 st a d 1st 22 26 22 5 6 23 22 County Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828,254,7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Mecklenbur nples Not Aerated Unless Oth Environmental Sciences Branch Div. of Water Quality N.C. DENR 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 7 8 9 10 11 12 22 20 21 21 19 20 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 19 8.1 8.0 7,7 E 7.9 7,8 15 22 1st 19 7.1 7,7 7.2 8.0 St 1st 8.0 8.2 E n d 7.7 8,0 22 22 2nd 7,0 21 7.1 7.7 S 1 a 2nd 8.3 8.4 8.0 E n d 8.2 8.1 LC50/Acute Toxicity Test (Mortality expressed as % . combining reolicates) LC50= °/0 95% Confidence % 0/0 Organism Tested: Ceriodaphnia dubia Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 Meth Moving Avg. Spearman d of Determination Probit Other Test Duration (Hours 23 25 20 Collection Start Dale 21 Sample 1 3\27\07 Samoel Type/Duration Sample 1 Sample 2 Noted Chronic Test R cults alculated t Tabular t Reduction w onaiay Control o.o0 Treatment 2 0.0 ont organisms du cinp 3r4 brood Grab Comp, Duration 100,0 Sample 2 Hardness (mg/1) Spec. Cond.fumhos) Chlorine (mg/I) Sample temp. at receipt (C) Concentration Mortality REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. ACC00 ©q 1•' .0 0,954 2.508 4.2 Avg. Reprod on 21.40 Treatment 2 20.50 PASS FAIL Check One 8\07 3\30\07 Note: Pleasa Complete This Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY LABORATORY CHAIN -OF -CUSTODY AND FIELD ANALYSIS FORM I"Ire Chain -of -Custody is a LEGAL DOCUMENT'. All relevant fields must be completed accurately. CLIENT/FACILITY NA. COUNTY: NPDES PERMIT#: OUTFA PURCHASE ORDER: STATE: INFORMATION ON THIS FORM IS REQUIRED BY STATE AND FEDERAL AGEN TEST REQUIREMENTS (please check the appropriate test type and species .required.) Test Type .cute, circle the appropriate test duration: 24 48 96 Chronic, 7-days Pass/Fail, dilution required: Full Range Definitive, dilutions required: Other, specify: S. Spe "es Ceriodaphnia dubia (Water flea) Pinaephales pronaelas (Fathead minno Mysidopsis bahia (Mysid shrimp) Menidia beryllina (Inland silverside) aceAnalytica PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. 222.5 RIVERSIDE DRIVE ASHEVILLE, NC 28804 PHONE: (828) 254-7176 FAX: (828) 252-4618 15130 SAMPLE TYPE Composite sample Start date: Start time: d date: Samples per hour: End time: Chilled during col hilted, specify temperature: Grab sample Date: Received on Ice Sealed Cooler Samples intact Project Number: Time: Samp orrnatiou Sample location: (after chlorination, above outfall, at weir; e Ap N e collected for testing: / // d for testing: Total residual chlorine (mg/L): Tent ction d of transport to PACE: Note: Rinse containers with the sample before filling. Pack samp oose ice, Samplesmust be received at PACE at or below 4°C. Samples should not be frozen. Sample Collected I3 ALLCOO1rev .O, 18Mai05 AQUATIIC TOXICOLOGY LABORATORY CHAIN -OF -CUSTODY AND FIELD ANALYSIS The Chain -of -Custody is a LEGAL DOCUMENT All relevant E: COUNTY: s,k 1-ev% b i.,/tc) STATE: Nor-4i NPDES PERMIT#: OUTFALL/PIPE#: 00 .. INFORMATION ON THIS FORM IS REQUIRED BY STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES. cis be completed accurately. aceAnalyfical CLIENT/FACILITY NA FC5 TEST REQUIREMENTS (please check the approp Test Type Acute, circle the appropriate test duration: 24 48 96 Chronic, 7-days Pass/Fail, dilution requitred: Full Range Definitive, dilutions required: Other, specify: PURCHASE ORDER:# type and species required.) Spe Ceriodapluria dubia (Water flea) Pimep/rales proneel¢s (Fathead minnta Mysidopsis bahia (Mysid shrimp) Menidia beryl/ina (Inland silverside) PACE ANALYTICAL SERVI:CES, INC. 2225 RIVERSIDE DRIVE ASHEVILLE, NC 28804 PHONE: (828) 254-7176 FAX: (828) 252-4618 15129 SAMPLE TYPE Composite sample date: End date: Samples per hour: Chilled 0 d, specify temperature: Time: SAMPLE, CONDITION Received on Ice Sc atled Cooler Samples Intact Project Number: Sample Number: Sample Information Sample location: (after chlorination, above outfall t weir; effluent outfall, etc.) Approximate volume collected for testing: C�►rl e 1 (w1 Number of containers filled for testing:, Total residual chlorine (mg/L): Temperature at time of collection (° Method of transport to PACE: Co cirri )°'G Note: Rinse containers with the sample before filling. Pack samples in loose ice. Samples must be received at PACE at or below 4°C. Samples should not he frozen. Sample Collected By: ALLC001 rev,0, 18Mar05 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704.875.9092 Fax: 704.875.9091 www.pacelabs.com March 22, 2007 Mr. John Lair ECS, Ltd. 8702 Red Oak Blvd Suite A Charlotte, NC 28217 RE: Lab Project Number: 92140306 Client Project ID: Wachovia•Chronic Tox 001 Dear Mr. Lair: Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Enclosed are the analytical results for sample(s) received by the laboratory March 13, 2007through March 16, 2007 Results reported herein conform to the most current NELAC standards, where applicable, unless otherwise narrated in the body of the report. Inorganic Wet Chemistry and Metals Analyses were performed at our Pace Asheville laboratory and Organic testing was performed at our Pace Charlotte laboratory unless otherwise footnoted. If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, .1G j Lifer Jones jennifer.jones@pacelabs.com Project Manager Enclosures Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704.875.9092 Fax: 704.875, 9091 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Lab Project Number: 92140306 Client Project ID: Wachovia-Chronic Tox 001 Lab Sample No: 928138312 Client Sample ID: COMPOSITE EFFLUENT Parameters Bioassay C.dubia Pass/Fail Chronic NC C.dubia Pass/Fail Chronic PASS Results Date: 03/22/07 Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 Project Sample Number: 92140306-001 Date Collected: 03/12/07 14:45 Matrix: Water Date Received: 03/13/07 21:35 Units Report Limit Analyzed Method: EPA 600/4-91/002 By CAS No. Qual RegLmt 03/14/07 JGJ REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Page: 1 of 4 Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704.875.9092 Fax: 704.875.9091 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828.252,4618 Lab Project Number: 92140306 Client Project ID: Wachovia•Chronic Tox 001 Lab Sample No: 928158948 Client Sample ID: 2ND COMP©SITE 001 Parameters Bioassay C.dubia Pass/Fail Chronic NC C.dubia Pass/Fail Chronic Date: 03/22/07 Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 Results Project Sample Number: 92140306-002 Date Collected: 03/15/07 12:00 Matrix: Water Date Received: 03/16/07 21:15 Units Report Limit Method: EPA 600/4-91/002 Analyzed By CAS No. Qual RegLmt 03/17/07 JGJ REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Page: 2 of 4 Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704.875.9092 Fax: 704, 875.9©91 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Lab Project Number: 92140306 Client Project ID: Wachovia-Chronic Tox 001 PARAMETER FOOTNOTES ND NC J MDL Method 9071E modified to use ASE. All pH, Free Chlorine, Total Chlorine and Ferrous Iron analyses conducted outside of EPA recommended immediate hold time. Depending on the moisture content the PRLs can be elevated for all soil samples reported on a dry weight basis. 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether has been shown to degrade in the presence of acid. Not detected at or above adjusted reporting limit Not Calculable Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit Adjusted Method Detection Limit Date; 03/22/07 Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Page: 3 of 4 Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704.875.9092 Fax: 704.875, 9©91 Pace Analytical Services, Inc, 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828,254.7176 Fax: 828,252.4618 Lab Project Number: 92140306 Client Project ID: Wachovia-Chronic Tox 001 QUALITY CONTROL DATA PARAMETER FOOTNOTES Consistent with EPA guidelines, unrounded concentrations are displayed and have been used to calculate X Rec and RPD values. LCS(D) MS(D) DUP ND NC J MDL RPD Laboratory Control Sample (Duplicate) Matrix Spike (Duplicate) Sample Duplicate Not detected at or above adjusted reporting limit Not Calculable Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit Adjusted Method Detection Limit Relative Percent Difference Date: 03f22/D7 Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Charlott NC Wastewa NC Drinking SC FL NELAP Page: 4 of 4 ation D 2 ater 37706 99006 E87627 ace AnalFFica nntt T©X www. pacE7�"bv �Om Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704.875.9092 Fax: 704,875.9091 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828, 252.4618 city Report AT-1 Form Chronic Pass/Fail and Acute LC50 Date 3\28\07 MAIL ORIGINAL TO: North CarolinaCeriodaphnia Chronic Pass/Fail Reproduction Toxicity Test CONTROL ORGANISMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 # Young Produced Adult (L)ive (D)ead Effluent% 90 TREATMENT 2 ORGANISMS # Young Produced Adult (L)ive (D)ead pH D. 0 Control Treatment Control Treatment 21 1 18 1st 7.2 22 2 22 7.4 7,9 s a 1st 7.9 8.6 7.8 7.6 8.3 20 23 19 20 4 5 19 1st 7,0 7.8 st a 17 7.1 7.9 1st 7.8 8.5 E n 7.5 8.4 22 23 County ecklenburg smments Rank Sum=131.00 1-Tailed Critical=109,00 Samples Not Aerated Unless Oth Environmental Sciences Branch Div. of Water Quality N.C. DENR 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 7 8 9 10 11 12 21 7 22 2nd 26 0 6,9 1 7.1 7,7 st a d .0 2nd 7.6 7,9 e 7.3 7.9 LC50/Acute Toxicity Test (Mortality expressed as % combining reolicates) /o o� LC50= 95% Confidence % - r, o� Organism Tested: Ceriodaphnia dubia Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 o� Meth Moving Avg. Spearman od of OA Determination Probit Other Test Duration (Hou 21 21 20 20 9 10 11 12 21 20 19 19 rwise Noted Chronic„Test Resu Calculated Tabular t Reduction Y Avg. r2eprod 0,00 ntrol 21.10 Treatment 2 0.0 Treatment 2 18.60 rrintrr,1 nv 8.5 n,osrarw orgenPsms producing 3rd brood Complete This For Either Test PASS FAIL heck On 4\07 Collection Start Date Sample 1 3\12107 Samoel Tvoe/Duration Sample 1 Grab Comp, (Duration Sample 2 X 23.5hr 3\15\07 0 Sample 2 cA X Hardness (mg/I) Soec. Cond. (umhos) Chlorine (mg/I) Sample temp. at receipt (C) Concentration Mortality REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. v. 9a� frtalar Nate: Please Complete This Section also Control High Conc. Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY LABORATORY CHAIN -OF -CUSTODY AND FIELD ANALYSIS FORM The Chain -of -Custody is a LEGAL I:)OCUMENT All relevant fields must be completed accurately. CLIENT/FACILITY. NAME: .ec COUNTY: [��, 1 STATE: PURCHASE ORDER:# NPDES PERMIT#: 1 OUTFALL/PIPE#: INFORMATION ON THIS FORM IS REQUIRED BY STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES. TEST REQUIREMENTS (please check the appropriate test type and species required.) i st Type Acute, circle the appropriate test duration: 24 48 96 Chronic, 7-days Pass/Fail, dilution required: 11 Range Definitive, dilutions required: Other; specify: Species Ceriodaphnia (labia (Water flea) Pinrephales prornelas (Fathead minnow) Mysidopsis bahia (Mysid shrimp) A'fenidia beryllura (Inland silverside) PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. 2225 RIVERSIDE DRIVE ASIIEVILLE, NC 28804 PHONE: (828) 254-7176 FAX: (828) 252-4618 15285 SAMPLE TYPE Ct mposite sample Start date: d date: Start tune: d time: Samples per hour: Chilled dining collection?: d, specify temperature: Grab sample Date: SAMPLE CONDITI Received on Ice Sealed Cooler Samples Intact Project Number: Sample Number: Time: Sample Information ocation: (after chlori Approximate vo Number of containe Total residual chlorine (mg/L): Temperature at time of collection CC ethod of transport to PACE: Note: Rinse containers with the sample before tilling. Pack samples in loose ice. Samples must be received at PACE at or below 4°C. Samples should not be frozen. ALLC001rev,0, 18Mar05 AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY LABORATORY CHAIN -OF -CUSTODY AND FIELD ANALYSIS FORM The Chain -of -Custody is a LEGAL DOCUIVIENT, All relevant fields must be completed accurately. CLIENT/FACI. R: COUNTY: NPDES PERMITAt: STATE: OUTFALL/PIPE4: INFORMATION ON THIS FORM IS REQUIRED BY STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES, TEST REQUIREMENTS (please check the appropriate test type and species required.) Test Type Species Acute, circle the appropriate test duration: 24 48 96 Ceriodaphnia dubia (Water flea) Chronic, 7-days Pintephales promelas (Fathead minnow) Pass/Fail, dilution required: Mysidopsis bahia (Mysid shrimp) Full Range Definitive, dilutions required: .Afenidia beryl/ilia (Inland silverside) Other, specify: ace Analytical PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. 2.225 RIVERSIDE DRIVE ASHEVILLE, NC 28804 PHONE: (828) 254-7176 FAX: (828) 252-4618 15287 SAMPLE TYPE Composite sample a e:31/5/4:9" End date:3ficp /07 mples per h Chilled during collection?: hilled, specify emperature: Grab sample Date: SAMPLE CONIMTION Received on Ice Sealed Cooler Samples Intact Project Number: Sample Number: Time: Sample Infoi'matio Sample location: (a hiorination, above out , at weir, effluentoutfall, Approximate volume collected foi testing: Number of containers filled for testing: Total residual chlorine (mg/L): T mperature at time of co Method of transport to PACE: E C 0 tAAA.i C C— Note: Rinse containers with the sample before filling. Pack samples in loose ice. Samples must he received at PACE at or below 4°C. Samples should not be frozen. Sample Collected By: 'gnat-ure: RELINQUISHED BY DATE TIME ACCEPTED BY DATE ALLCOOlrev 0„ 18Mar05 ECS CAROLINAS, LLP Geotechnical • Construction Materials • Environmental 8702 Red Oak Boulevard, Suite A Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 Telephone 704-525-5152 Fax 704-525-7178 To: Mr. Jimmie Overton Chief, Environmental Sciences Section North Carolina Dept of Env. and Nat. Resources Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 We are sending you the following items via: Certified Mail Original DATED 2/28/07 Follow-up Chronic Toxicity Sampling NPDES Permit No. NC00882261001 These are transmitted as checked below: x For your use As requested Date: LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 2/28/07 Follow-up Chronic Toxi NPDES Permit No. NCO DESCRIPTION Project No. 08-3515D MAR 2007 T� REMARKS Please contact John S. Lair with questions regarding this project. Thanks! Wachovia Bank, N.A. — cfo Mr. Allen Holloway — NCDENR — Mooresville Regional Office - COPY TO: NCDENR — Mooresville Regional Office — Attn: Co ,,,, ,.� •ularMai Lele Re y Certified Mail) ohn y { po py Certified Mail) SIGNED: John S. Lair ECS CAROLTNAS, LLP Geotechnical • Construction s • Environmental February 28, 2007 Mr. Jimmie Overton Chief, Environmental Sciences Section North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 Reference: ,Follow -Up Chronic Toxicity Sampling NPDES Permit No. NC0088226/001 Wachovia-Tryon Street NPDES Permit No. NC0088226 Charlotte, North Carolina ECS Project 08-3515D Dear Mr. Overton: ECS Carolinas, LLP. (ECS) is pleased to provide the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality with the original copy of the laboratory analytical results ("AT' forms) of the effluent water samples collected in the months of January and February from Outfall 001 at the Wachovia-Tryon Street site (NPDES Permit No. NC0088226/001). These follow up effluent water samples were collected as a result of a failing chronic toxicity test collected from Outfall 001 in. December 2006. As you will see, the January and February 2007 sampling events resulted in passing test for chronic toxicity. If you have any questions concerning this report or this project, please contact us at (704) 525-5152. Sincerely, ECS CAROLINAS S. Lair, :0 914 Geologist censed Geologis Gosse Principal Geologis NC Licensed Geolog Attachments: Laboratory Analtical Results and Chain of Custody Records ("AT" forms) cc: Wachovia Bank, N.A. — c/o Mr. Allen Holloway — Childress Klein Properties NCDENR — Mooresville Regional Office — Attn: Mr. Mike Parker NCDNER — Mooresville Regional Office — Attn: Mr. John Lesley d Oak lloulevard, Suite A Charlotte, North Carolina 2817.704 2.1 ax: 704-52 -7178 • www.ec iitnited.eom Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704.875.9092 Fax: 704.875.9091 www.pacelabs.com January 31, 2007 Mr. John Lair ECS, Ltd. 8702 Red Oak Blvd Suite A Charlotte, NC 28217 RE: Lab Project Number: 92136730 Client Project ID: Wachovia-Chronic Tox Dear Mr. Lair: Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Enclosed are the analytical results for sample(s) received by the laboratory January 23. 2007through January 26, 2007 Results reported herein conformto the most current NELAC standards, where applicable, unless otherwise narrated in the body of the report. Inorganic Wet Chemistry and Metals Analyses were performed at our Pace Asheville laboratory and Organic testing was performed at our Pace Charlotte laboratory unless otherwise footnoted. If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely. Jennifer jennifer.jones@pacelabs.com Project Manager Enclosures A ville ertifi ation IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704.875.9092 Fax: 704, 875.9©91 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828,252.4618 Lab Project Number: 92136730 Client Project ID: Wachovia-Chronic Tox Lab Sample No: 927933804 Client Sample ID: 001 C©MP©SITE EFF. Parameters Results Project Sample Number: 92136730.001 Date Collected: 01/22/07 12:15 Matrix: Water Date Received: 01/23/07 22:00 Units Report Limit Bioassay C.dubia Full -range Chronic NC Method: EPA 600/4-91/002 C.dubia Full -range Chronic NDEC=100% Date: 01/31/07 Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 Analyzed By CAS No. ©ual RegLmt 01/24/07 JGJ REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Page: 1 of 4 Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704.875.9092 Fax: 704, 875, 9©91 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828,254.7176 Fax: 828,252.4618 Lab Project Number: 92136730 Client Project ID: Wachovia-Chronic Tox Lab Sample No: 927955906 Client Sample ID: 2ND 001 COMP©SITE EFF. Parameters Results Project Sample Number: 92136730-002 Date Collected: 01/25/07 14:18 Matrix: Water Date Received: 01/26/07 21:45 Units Report Limit Analyzed By CAS No. Qual RegLmt Bioassay C.dubia Full -range Chronic NC Method: EPA 600/4-91/002 C.dubia Full -range Chronic Date: 01/31/07 As vine Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 01/27/07 JGJ REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Page: Z of 4 Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 FA Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704.875.9092 Fax: 704.875.9091 www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254,7176 Fax: 828.252, 4618 Lab Project Number: 92136730 Client Project ID: Wachovia-Chronic Tox ETER FOOTNOTES ND NC 3 MDL Method 9071E modified to use ASE. All pH, Free Chlorine, Total Chlorine and Ferrous Iron analyses conducted outside of EPA recommended immediate hold time. Depending on the moisture content the PRLs can be elevated for all soil samples reported on a dry weight basis. 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether has been shown to degrade in the presence of acid. Not detected at or above adjusted reporting limit Not Calculable Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit Adjusted Method Detection Limit Date: 01/31/07 Asheville Certification. IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Page: 3 of 4 Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite18D Huntersville,/VC 28078 Phone: 704.875.8052 /ax,7D4,87590A/ Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225Riverside Orive Asheville, NC28804 Phone: 8282J4.7/76 Fax: 828,252,4618 Lab Project Number; 92136730 Client Project ID: Wachovia-Chronic Tox QUALITY CONTROL DATA PARAMETER FOOTNOTES Consistent with EPA guhdegines, unrounded concentrations are displayed and have been used to calculate % Rec and RPV values. LCS(Q) M5(D) nUP ND NC J MDL RPD Laboratory Control Sample (Duplicate) Matrix Spike (Duplicate) Sample Duplicate Not detected at or above adjusted reporting limit Not Calculable Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below Adjusted Method Detection Limit Relative Percent Difference Date: 01131107 Asheville Certification|Ds NC Wastewater 40 NCDrinking Water 37712 Sc 99030 �� �� N� mmm.mnmmmm ��n m��m�mmnm*mwmmmmm mmnmm��mwvumw This report shall not be mpmducod, except infull, without the written consent ufPace Analytical Services, Inc. the adjusted reporting limit Page. 4m4 Charlotte Certification IN NC Wastewater 12 NCDrinking Water 37706 5C 99006 FLNEL4P E87627 � ace Analytical® Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704,875.9092 Fax: 704.875.9091 uent Aquatic Toxicityw cpo m q`'�eporsf �°ormtPhase it Chronic Ceriodaphnia Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828,254.7176 Fax: 828,252.4618 Facilit Labor ECS Sample Information Collection Start Datr Grab Composite (Duration Hardness (mg/L} Spec. Cond, (µmhos/cm Chlorine (mg/L Sample Temp, at Receip Control Effluent% 45 Effluent% 65 Effluent% 90 Effluent% 95 Effluent% 100 # Young Adult (L)ive (0)ead # Young Adult (L)ive (D)ead # Young Adult (L)ive (D)ead # Young Adult (L)ive (D)ead # Young Adult (L)ive (D)ead # Young Adult (L)ive (D)ead 26 28 26 29 26 26 NPDES#:NC 0088226 PACE Analy1 Services, Inc Sample ple 2 Con 2\07 07 24h 4 24h 6 42 47 0 9. 7 u 0,7 Organism # 2 3 4 5 6 7 24 30 2 27 27 28 23 25 25 29 4 5 6 28 26 L L L 4 5 25 25 26 27 24 21 Pipe Test Information" Treatmen pH Initia pH Final D.O. Initial D.O. Final! 8.2 001 Cou y Mecklenburg Date End Date 51att Time End T 4\07 11.31 t07 14: 30 8:3 5 Ste R Rerw2 St R Renew2 00 00 Con 7.7 7.9 7.7 7.6 7.4 6.9 Temp. Initial! 25.0 25.4 24,7 24.7 24. 24.7 Temp. Final! 24.7 9 10 11 12 mean 22 26 NA NA NA NA 24.9 7 8 9 10 11 12 mean 23 27 NA NA 7 8 9 10 mean 28 23 8 2 26.1 %Red 0.0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 mean 30 29 27 24 27 23 28 27 27.1 %Red! 0.0 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 mean 28 26 24 25 25 28 26 28 27 %Red 0,0 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 mean 25 24 23 21 23 23 23 24 26 23.8 %Red 4.4 MAIL TO: ATT: Environmental Sciences Branch Div, of Water Quality N,C.DENR 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 Should use highest test concentration or highest concentration with D.O. >5.0 mg/L % Reduction from Control Reproduction Mean NA NA 27.2 %Re 0,0 24 24.9 24,7 24. Chronic Test Results 24,9 Final Control Mortality % Control with 3rd Brood 100 Control Reproduction CV 9.4 48 Hour Mortality Cnntrnl IWC; 0 o 10 Significant? No Final Mortality Significant © 10 no cons, x Reproduction Analysis: Reproduction LOEC= Method: >100 % ; NOEC= 100 % Bonferroni t Normal Distrib? Yes Method: Kolmogorov D Statistic: 0.638 Critical: 1,035 Non -Parametric Analysis (if applicable): Method: Effluent% Rank Sum 45 65 90 95 100 Critical Sum Overall Analysis: Result = PASS/FAIL or Test LOEC= >100 % ; NOEC= 1oo.0 % Chronic Value = >1oo ©/© REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. ,u anus a, Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY LABORATORY CHAIN -OF -CUSTODY AND FIELD ANALYSIS FORM The Chain -of -Custody is a LEGAL DOCUMENT. All relevant fields must be completed accurately, ace Analytical' CLIENT/FACILITY NAME: 11 ECS IW140nov14 COUNTY:\,,,jts�. NPDES PERMIT#: INFORMATION ON THIS FORM IS REQUIRED PURCHASE ORDER:# STATE: Sr+f1 OUTFALL/PIPE#: Y STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES. TEST REQUIREMENTS (please check the appropriate test type and species required.) Test Type Acute, circle the appropriate test duration: 24 48 96 Chronic, 7-days Pass/Fail, dilution required: 11 Range Definitive, dilutions required: Other; specify: Specie, Ceriodapluriu (labia (Water flea) Pimepliales pronrelas (Fathead minnow) Mysidopsis balua (Mysid shrimp) Menidia berylliva (Inland silverside) PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. 2225 RIVERSIDE DRIVE ASHEVILLE, NC 28804 PHONE: (828) 254-7176 FAX: (828) 252-4618 15266 SAMPLE TYPE Composite sample Start date: 0/425/07- End date: Samples per hour: Chilled during collection?: Start time: End time: If chilled, specify temperature: es Grab sample Date: p Sample location: (after chlorination, above outfall, atweu; e u Approximate volume collected for testing: of containers filled for testing: Total residual chlo g Temperature a col 01 hod of transport to PACE: J 11.c. Note: Rinse containers with the sample before filling. Pack samples in loose ice. Samples must be received at PACE at or below 4'C. Samples should not be frozen. RKS: SAMPLE CONDITION Received on Sealed Cooler Samples Intact Project Number Sample Number ALLC001rev,O, 18Mar05 AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY LABORATORY CHAIN -OF -CUSTODY AND FIELD ANALYSIS FORM The Chain -of -Custody is a LEGAL DOCUMENT All relevant fields must be completed accurately. PURCHASE ORDER:# G 4 COUNTY: STATE: NPDES PERMIT4: OUTFALL/PEPE4: NFORMATION ON THIS FORM IS REQUIRED BY STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES. TEST REQUIREMENTS (please check the approptiate test type and species required.) Test Type Acute, circle the appropriate test duration: 24 48 % Chronic, 7-days Pass/Fail, dilution required: Full :Range Definitive, dilutions required: Other, specit'y ( ro 007A aceAnalytical6 daphnia dubia (Water flea) Piniephales pronielas (Fathead minnow) Mysidopsis bahia (Mysid shrimp) Menidia beryllina (Inland silverside) PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. 2225 RIVERSIDE DRIVE ASHEVILLE, NC 28804 PHONE: (828) 254-7176 FAX: (828) 252-4618 15318 SAMPLE TYPE Composite sample Start date: //,22 jt 7- End date: //23 aq- Samples per hour: Start time: End time: Chilled during collection?: If chilled, specify temperature: Grab sample Date: SAMPLE CONIMTION Received on Ice Sealed Cooler Samples intact ProjectNumber: Sample Number Ye 5 Time: 41, 0 C. Print "tilleciet 'a rnano Sample location: (after chlorination, above outfit Approximate volume collected for testing: nmber of containers filled for testing: Total residual chlorine (mg/L): perature at time of collection e hod of transport to PACE: fr4c6e. Note: Rinse containers with the sample before filling. Pack samples in loose ice. Samples must be received at PACE at or below 4'C. Samples should not be frozen. Date/Time: / .23 ALLC0011,-' Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9DD0Kinn6yAvenue, Suite /DD Humtersville,0C28078 Phone:7D4.B75,90Q2 F��704.875.9881 www.pacelahs.com February 27, 2007 Mr, John Lair ECS, Ltd. 002Red Oak Blvd Suite A Charlotte, NC 28217 RE: Lab Project Number: 92238224 Client Project ID: Wochnv a'Chrnnic Tox Dear Mr. Lair; Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Asheville, NC28004 Phona:8282J47/76 fax.,828252.461D Enclosed are the analytical results for sample(s) received by the laboratory February 13. 2007through February 16. 2007 Results reported herein conform to the most current NELAC otandmnb, where applicable. unless otherwise narrated in the body of the report. Inorganic Wet Chemistry and Metals Analyses were performed at our Pace Asheville laboratory and Organic testing was performed at our Pace Charlotte laboratory unless otherwise footnoted, If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact me, Sincere |y. Jennifer Jones Jennifer.jvneu@pacelubo,com Project Manager Enclosures Asheville, Cerlif icatlDn|Dx NC Wastewater 40 NCDrinking Water 37712 Sc 99030 FLNELAP E87648 REPOR�� ����! �� N� T n�o �u�m�mwmmo�wwmmmw waum*m�o«nm"� This report shall not be mpmduooV, except infull, without the written consent ofPace Analytical Services, Inc. Charlotte Certificatinn|Ds NC Wastewater 12 NCDrinking Water 37706 SC Q§O06 FLNELAP E87827 www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704.875.9092 Fax: 704,875,9091 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Orive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828,254.7176 Fax: 828,252.4618 Lab Project Number: 92138224 Client Project ID: Wachovia-Chronic Tox Lab Sample No: 928014653 Client Sample ID: COMPOSITE EFFLUENT Parameters Results Project Sample Number: 92138224-001 Matrix: Water Units Report Limit Analyzed By Bioassay C.dubia Full -range Chronic NC Method: EPA 600/4-91/002 C.dubia Full -range Chronic NOEC=100% Date: 02/27/07 Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 02/14/07 JGJ REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc, Date Collected: 02/12/07 14:45 Date Received: 02/13/07 22:00 CAS No. Qual RegLmt Page: 1 of 4 Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704.875.9092 Fax: 704.875.9091 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Lab Project Number: 92138224 Client Project ID: Wachovia-Chronic Tox Lab Sample No: 928038124 Client Sample ID: 2ND COMPOSITE EFFLUENT Parameters Bioassay C.dubia Full range Chronic NC C.dubia Full -range Chronic Date: 02/27/07 Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 Results Project Sample Number: 92138224-002 Matrix: Water Units Report Limit Analyzed 8y Method: EPA 600/4-91/002 02/17/07 JGJ REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. , ,<< Date Collected: 02/15/07 14:45 Date Received: 02/16/07 21:48 CAS No. Qual ReqLmt Page: 2 of 4 [<hariotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 www.pacelabs.mm Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Phone: 704.875� 9092 Fax., 704.875,9091 Pace Analytical Services, 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, 0C28804 Phone: 828,2547/76 fa�D282I24S18 Lab Project Number: 92138224 Client Project ID: Wachovia-Chronic Tox PARAMETER FOOTNOTES ND NC J MDL Method 9071B modified to use ASE. All pH' Free CWmine, Total Chlorine and Ferrous lnm analyses conducted outside of EPA recommended immediate hold time. Depending on the moisture content the PRLs can be elevated for all soil samples reported on a dry weight basis. 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether has been shown to degrade in the presence of acid. Not detected at or above adjusted reporting limit Not Cal culable Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit Adjusted Method Detection Limit Date: 02127/07 Asheville Certification IN NC Wastewater 40 NCDrinking Water 37712 Sc 99030 FLNELAP E87648 �������� ��� 8� nn�m�mmm �o ������nu�onn �����n�n� This report shall not be reproduced, except infull, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc, 44 paqo/3vf^ Charlotte Certification|Os NC Wastewater 12 INC Drinking Water 37708 SC 99006 FLNEL4P E87627 www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Phone:0�875.9Q92 Fax: 704.875,9091 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC208D4 Phone' fo�f28.25246/0 Lab Project Number: 92138224 Client Project ID: Wachovia-Chronic Tox QUALITY CONTROL DATA PARAMETER FOOTNOTES Consistent with EPA Vwide]ines, unrounded concentrations are displayed and have been used to calculate *Koc and RPU values. UCS(D) wS(D) DUP ND NC J MDL RPD Laboratory Control Sample (Duplicate) Matrix Spike (Duplicate) Sample Duplicate Not detected at or above adjusted reporting limit Not Calculable Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit Adjusted Method Detection Limit Relative Percent Difference Asheville Certification |Dm NC Wastewater 40 NODrinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FLNELAP E87648 and below the adjusted reporting limit �������� �� mmo�mmmwmo n�n �x�m�wmmmw�mwnmmn mmomx��mumnwv This report shall not be mVmduced, except infull, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. paqe' ^ of Charlotte Certification ID� NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FLNELAP E87627 aceAnalytical° Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704,875,9092 Fax: 704.875.9091 unt Aquatic To i trt©rorm/Phase II Chronic Ceriodaphnia Facility Labora or in R har Sample Information Collection Start Date Grab Composite (Duration Hardness (mg/L) Spec. Cond. (urnhos/cm Chlorine (mtg/L; Sample Temp. at Receip Control Effluent% 45 Effluent% 65 Effluent% 90 Effluent% 95 Effluent% 100 # Young Adult (L)ive (D)ead # Young Adult (L)ive (D)ead # Young Adult (L)ive (D)ead # Young Adult (L)ive (D)ead # Young Adult (L)ive (D)ead # Young Adult (L)ive (D)ead 10 22 19 19 12 20 NPDE PACE Analytici Sample :NC 0088226 Services, Inc. ple 2 0 2\12107 2 5\07 24.5h 6 24hr 57 27 0. 0 0.7 0 Organism # 2 4 5 6 7 20 24 19 22 Pipe## `00 oments: Test Information* D 2114\07 End Date 2121 \07 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828,254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 End Time 10:4 Renewl Renew2 Start Renews Renew2 Treatment100 "100 % Control Control Control pH Initia 7.4 7.6 7.8 7,0 7.2 7,2 pH Final 7,5 7.7 8,0 7,1 7.4 7,4 D.O.Initia 8,9 8.5 7.9 7.6 7,4 7,5 D.O. Final 8,4 8.2 7.7 7,4 7.1 7, Temp. Initial 25,2 25, 2.1 24.8 24.6 24,6 Temp. Final 24,9 t 25.0 24,9 24.9 25.0 24.9 8 9 10 11 12 mean 24 21 21 NA NA NA NA 19.9 2 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 mean 24 26 18 20 23 19 22 NA NA 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 mean 10 23 20 23 21 24 20 16 17 19.3 %Red 3.0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 mean 18 2 15 26 21 21 4 22 20 24 20 25 21 21 19,8 %Red I 0.5 7 8 9 10 mean 14 20 6 20 16.9 %Red 15,1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 mean 22 20 16 1 24 16 22 23 20 18 L 20.1 %Red 1 0,0 MAIL TO: ATT: Environmental Sciences Branch Div, of Water Quality N.C,DENR 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 • Should use highest lest concentration or highest concentration with D.O. >5,0 mg/L " % Reduction from Control Reproduction Mean NA NA 20,9 Chronic Test Results Final Control Mortality % 0 % Control with 3rd Brood 90 Control Reproduction CV 19.9 48 Hour Mortality r:nnt rnl I W G 0 0 10 Significant? [No Final Mortality Significant 10 Reproduction Analysis: Reproduction LOEC= >100 % ; NOEC= 100 % Method: Steers Many One Rank Normal Distrib? No Method: Kolmogorov D Statistic: 1,038 Critical: 1,035 Non -Parametric Analysis (if applicable): Method: Effluent% Rank Su 45 108.5 65 100.0 90 110.0 95 87,5 100 103,5 Critical Sum 75.0 75,0 75,0 75,0 75,0 Overall Analysis: Result = PASS/FAIL or Test LOEC= >100 % ; NOEC= 100.0 % Chronic Value = >1oo REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 40 M ACCpq© �' near 4 Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY LABORATORY CHAIN -OF -CUSTODY AND FIELD ANALYSIS FORM The Chain -of -Custody is a LEGAL DOCUMENT All relevant fields must be completed accurately. PURCHASE ORDER:# b STATE: NPDES PERMIT#: OUTFALL/PIPE#: INFORMATION ON THIS FORM IS REQUIRED BY STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES. TEST REQUIREMENTS (please check the appropriate test type and species req Test Type Acute, circle the appropriate test duration: 24 48 96 Chronic, 7-days Pass/Fail, dilution. requir•ed: Full Range Definitive, diltrdons required: Other; specify: Species Ceriodapltnia dubia (Water flea) Pintepl►ales promelas (Fathead mi►rnow) Mysidopsis baltia (Mysid shrimp) Menidia beryllina (Inland silverside) PACE ANNALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. 2225 RIVERSIDE DRIVE ASHEVILLE, NC 28804 PHONE: (828) 254-7176 FAX: (828) 252-4618 11869 SAMPLE TYPE womposite sample Start date: End date: Start tune End time: Samples lrer hour: Chilled during collection?: Lfchilled, specify temperature: Grab sample Date: Time: PLE CONDITION Received on Ice Sealed Cooler Samples Intact Project Number: Sample Informatio Sample 1( Approximate volume co hlc above outfall, at weir; e of containers filled for testing: g: O V1Q, Total residual chlorine (mg/L): Tempera Method of transportto PACE: Note: Rinse containers with the sample before filling. Pack samples in loose ice. Samples trust be received at PACE at or below 4°C. Samples should not he frozen. r ED'BY DATE TIME ALLC001rev.0, 15 1ar05 AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY LABORATORY CHAIN -OF -CUSTODY AND FIELD ANALYSIS FORM "File Chain -of -Custody is a .LEGAL DOCUMENT. All relevant: fields must be completed accurately. CLIENT/FACILITY NAME: PCs tAi cAkc I t o ace Analytical' PURCHASE ORDER:# COUNTY: bi..ActI STATE: tk e NPDES PERMIT#: ©UTFALL/PIPE#: 001 INFORMATION ON THIS FORM IS REQUIRED BY STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES. TEST. REQUIREMENTS (please check the appropriate test type and species required Test Type Acute, circle the appropriate test dnratian: 24 48 96 Chronic, 7-days Pass/Fail, dilution required: Full Range Definitive, dilutions required: Other; specify:__ Species Ceriodaphrria dubia (Water flea) Pimephales pronrelas (Fathead mien Mysidopsis balria (Mysid shrimp) Menidia berylliva (Inland silverside) PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. 2225 RIVERSIDE DRIVE ASHEVI.I LE, NC 28804 PHONE: (828) 254-7176 FAX: (828) 252-4618 15268 SAMPLE TYPE Composite sample Start date: 1/ date: 4;3 /©3- Samples per hour: Chilled during collection?: hulled, specify temperature: SAMPLE CONDITION Received on Ice Sealed Cooler S<tn ples Intact Project Number: Sample Number: Samp Sample location: Approx r chlorination, above outfall, at volutne collected for testing: Number of contain adnnI Temperature a cr od of transport to PAC C) Note: Rinse containers with the sample befor Pack samp n loose ice. Samples must be received at PACE at or below 4°C. Samples should not b row ALLC001rev .0, 18MarO5 ECS CAROLINAS, LLP Geotechnical • Construction Materials • Environmental 8702 Red Oak Boulevard, Suite A Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 Telephone 704-525-5152 Fax 704-525-7178 To: Mr. Jimmie Overton Chief, Environmental Sciences Section North Carolina Dept. of Environmental and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 We are sending you the following items via: LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Date: 12-12-06 08-3515D Follow-up Chronic Toxicity Sampling NPDES Permit No. NC0088226/001 Wachovia-Tryon Street Charlotte, North Carolina 7 COPIES DATED DESCRIPTION 12/11/06 Follow-up Chronic Toxicity Sampling - NPDES Permit N These are transmitted as checked below: x For your use As requested DEC 1 REMARKS Please contact John S. Lair regarding questions regarding this project. Thanks! ar�R Copy; To Mr. Allen Holloway — Childress Klein Properties NCDENR — Mooresville Regional Office — Attn: Mr. Mike Parker NCDENR — Mooresville Regional Office — Attn: Mr, John Lesley File SIGNED: John S. Lair ECS CAROLINAS, LLP Geotechnical. • Construction Materials • Environmenta Mr. Jimmie Overton Chief, Environmental. Sciences Section North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1.621 Reference: Follow -Up Chronic Toxicity Sampling NPDES Permit No. NC0088226/001 Wachovia-Tryon Street NPDES Permit No. NC0088226 Charlotte, North Carolina ECS Project 08-3515D Dear Mr. Overton: December 11, 2006 Aft. r „ , R Es ATER DEC 1 t UA ECS Carolinas, LLP. (ECS) is pleased to provide the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality with originalcopies of the laboratory analytical results ("AT" forms) of effluent water samples collected in the months of October and November from Outfall 001 at the Wachovia-Tryon Street site (NPDES Permit No. NC0088226/001). These follow up effluent water samples were collected as a result of a failing chronic toxicity test collected from Outfall 001 in September 2006 and for which your office issued a Notice of Violation (NOV) dated December 6, 2006. A copy of the NOV is attached. As you will see, both the October and November sampling events resulted in passing tests for chronic toxicity. Pursuant to the NPDES permit, quarterly chronic toxicity testing for both Outfall 001 and. Outfall 002 is being conducted during the week ending Saturday, December 16, 2006. We will forward original copies of this December 2006 chronic toxicity testing to your attention as it is received. If you have any questions concerning this report or this project, please contact us at (704) 525-5152. Sincerely, ECS CAROLINAS, S. Lai Geologist. censed Geologist 20 Goss Priircipal Geologi NC Licensed Geo hments: Laboratory Analytical Results and Chain of Custody Records ("AT" forms) Notice of Violation Wachovia Bank, N.A. — c/o Mr. Allen. Holloway — Childress Klein Properties NCDENR — Mooresville Regional Office — Attn: Mr. Mike Parker NCDNER — Mooresville Regional Office — Attn: Mr. John Lesley 8702 Red Oak i3oulevard, Suite A, Charlotte, North Carolina 28217.704.525-5152 • F zx. 704-525-71.78 • www.ecsli ited.com December 6, 2006 CERTIFIED MAIL 7 0104- 1" 4:44"3 ITV RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. John S Lair Wachovia Tryon Street BTS 8702 Red Oak Blvd. Ste Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 Subject: NOTICE OF VIOLATION Effluent Toxicity Testing NPDES Permit No. NC0088226/001 Wachovia-Tryon Street Mecklenburg County Dear Mr. Lair: Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Depaitnient of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Kjimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality ,ce LiMhUttivttrt, ND NATURAL RESOFIRcEs OORESVILF EFEFONAL OFFICE DEC 1 3 200, This is to inform you that a review of your toxicity self -monitoring report form for the month of September 2006 indicates a violation of the toxicity limitation specified in your NPDES Permit. You should take whatever remedial actions are necessary to eliminate the conditions causing the effluent toxicity violation(s). Your efforts may include conducting a Toxicity Reduction Evaluation (TRE), a site -specific study designed to identify the causative agents of effluent toxicity, isolate the sources of toxicity, evaluate the effectiveness of toxicity control options, and confirm reductions in effluent toxicity. Please be aware that North Carolina General Statutes provide for assessment of civil penalties for violations of NPDES permit limitations and requirements. The reverse side of this Notice contains important information concerning your Whole Effluent Toxicity Monitoring and Reporting Requirements. Please note appropriate mailing addresses for submitting your Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) and Aquatic Toxicity (AT) Test Forms. We encourage you to review this information; if it would be helpful to discuss this situation or possible solutions to resolve effluent toxicity noncompliance, please contact Mr. John Giorgino with this office at (919) 733-2136. cc: Mike Parker/Mooresville Regional Office John Lesley/Mooresville Regional Office Aquatic Toxicology Unit Central Files Sincerely, erton Chief, Environmental Sciences Section Ng" Carolina &rally North Carolina Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Internet: www,esb.enrstate.nc,us 4401 Reedy Creek Rd, Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Phone (919)733-2136 Raleigh, NC 27607 FAX (919) 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer — 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper Customer Service 1-877-623-6748 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704.875, 9092 Fax: 704.875.9091 www.pacelabs.com November 16, 2006 Mr. John Lair ECS, Ltd. 8702 Red Oak Blvd Suite A Charlotte, NC 28217 RE: Lab Project Number: 92131729 Client Project ID: Wachovia-Chronic Tox Dear Mr. Lair: Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4518 Enclosed are the analytical results for sample(s) received by the laboratory November 7, 2006through November 10, 2006 Results reported herein conform to the most current NELAC standards, where applicable. unless otherwise narrated in the body of the report. Inorganic Wet Chemistry and Metals Analyses were performed at our Pace Asheville laboratory and Organic testing was performed at our Pace Charlotte laboratory unless otherwise footnoted. If you have any questions concerning this report. please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Jennifer Jones jennifer.jones@pacelabs.com Project Manager Enclosures Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704.875,9092 Fax: 704.875,9091 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828,254,7176 Fax: 828.252,4618 Lab Project Number: 92131729 Client Project ID: Wachovia-Chronic Tox Lab Sample No: 927657809 Client Sample ID: 001 COMPOSITE EFFLUENT Parameters Bioassay C,dubia Full -range Chronic NC C,dubia Full -range Chronic Date: 11/16/06 Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 Results Project Sample Number: 92131729-001 Date Collected: 11/06/06 15:30 Matrix: Water Date Received: 11/07/06 22:40 Units Report Limit Method: EPA 600/4-91/002 NOEC=100t Analyzed By CAS No. Qual ReqLmt 11/08/06 JGJ REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc, $ ath Page: 1 of 4 harlotteifcatiIDs NC Wastewater2 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 www.pacelabs.com Sample No: 927674 Client Sample ID: 2ND 001 COMPOSITE EFFLUENT Parameters Results Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704,875.9092 Fax: 704.875.9091 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254,7176 Fax: 828,252.4618 Lab Project Number: 92131729 Client Project ID: Wachovia-Chronic Tox Project Sample Number: 92131729-002 Units Report Limit Bioassay C.dubia Full -range Chronic NC Method: EPA 600/4-91/002 C.dubia Full -range Chronic Date: 11/16/06 Asheville CertificationIDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 Matrix: Water ate Collected: 11/09/06 12:45 Date Received: 11/10/06 21:50 Analyzed By CAS No. Qual RegLmt 11/11/06 JGJ REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Page; 2 of 4 Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Nuntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704.875,9092 Fax: 704, 875, 9091 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828,254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Lab Project Number: 92131729 Client Project ID: Wachovia-Chronic Tox PARAMETER FOOTNOTES ND NC 3 MDL Method 9071E modified to use ASE. All pH, Free Chlorine, Total Chlorine and Ferrous Iron analyses conducted outside of EPA recommended immediate hold time. Depending on the moisture content the PRLs can be elevated for all soil samples reported on a dry weight basis. 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether has been shown to degrade in the presence of acid. Not detected at or above adjusted reporting limit Not Calculable Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit Adjusted Method Detection Limit Date: 11/16/06 Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 REP©RT ©F LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Page: 3 of 4 Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 www.poxelabouum Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Phonm704.875,9092 Fax., 704.875,9091 Pace Analytical Services, Inc, Asheville, NCJ880 Phone:828.2547176 Fax.,828252,461J Lab Project Number; 92131729 Client Project ID: Wachovia-Chronic Tox QUALITY CONTROL DATA PARAMETER FOOTNOTES Consistent with EPA guidel1nes, unrnunded concentrations are displayed and have been used to calculate % Rec and RPD values, LC5(D) wS(U) DUP ND NC J MDL RPD Laboratory Control Sample (Duplicate) Matrix Spike (Duplicate) Sample Duplicate Not detected at or above adjusted reporting limit Not Calculable Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection Adjusted Method Detection Limit Relative Percent Difference Date. 11/16m6 Asheville Certification IN NC Wastewater 40 NCDrinking Water 37712 8C 99030 FLNELAP E87648 limit and below the adjusted reporting limit REPORT �m ����RAuOumu ANALYSIS This report shall not be mpmduned, except infull, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Somioos. Inc, Page: ^m* Charlotte Certification |DS NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FLNELAP E87627 ace Analytical® Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704.875.9092 Fax: 704.875.9091 uent Aquatic Toxt I' W ©'f't orm/Phase II Chronic Ceriodaphnia Facility ECS Lab chovia NPDES#:NC 0088226 Sample Information Collection Start Date Grab Composite (Duration Hardness (mg/L) Spec, Cond, (µmhos/cm Chlorine (mg/L' Sample Temp. at Recetp Control Effluent% 45 Effluent% 65 Effluent% 90 Effluent% 95 Effluent% 100 # Young Adult (L)ive (D)ead # Young Adult (L)ive (D)ead # Young Adult (L)ive (D)ead # Young Adult (L)ive (D)ead # Young Adult (D)ead # Young Adult (L)ive (D)ead pte alytic► Services, Inc. ample 2 ontro 9 27h 24.75h 72 719 0 47 0 2,5 0 9 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pipe# 00 Cornme nts: Test Information* Treatment pH Initial pH Finat D.O. Initial D.O. Final Temp, Initial Temp, Final 2 mean 22 2 2 20 2 2 2 NA NA 1 24 25 25 20 17 2 20 NA NA 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 mean 21 25 20 24 21 26 16 23 NA NA 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 mean 21 2 19 17 2 20 20 4 20 1 21 18 19 4 17 4 19 20 21 24 21 20 20 6 21 6 18 22 22 19 20 20.7 %Red 0.0 7 8 9 10 mean 22 7 20 7 20 24 19 19 22 21 22 21.6 %Red 0,0 10 mean 21 19.8 %Red 0,0 9 10 mean 19 17 18.9 %Redl 0.0 MAIL TO: ATT: Environmental Sciences Branch Div. of Water Quality N.C.DENR 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 Should use highest test concentration or highest concentration with D.D. >5.0 mg/L % Reduction from Control Reproduction Mean NA NA 22.0 %Re 0,0 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 County Mecklenbu 0 0 Ton 10 s Ren Rene S Re Rene 00 Contro C 7,4 7. 7 7,0 7.0 6,9 7.4 7.6 0 7, 7 7.0 0 8 8 8.4 2 7.8 8.7 8.6 2 2 8 7, 25.4 2 2 24,6 24.8 24.8 24 24. 24. 24. 24.9 Chronic Test Results 4 Final Control Mortality % 0 Control with 3rd Brood 80 Control Reproduction CV 31.5 48 Hour Mortality Control Iwc 0 10 Significant? No Final Mortality Significant t 2 0/0 10 no c° X Reproduction Analysis: Reproduction LOEC= >100 % ; N©EC= 100 % Method: Steers Many one Rank Normal Distrib? No Method: Statistic: Kolmogorov D 1.048 Critical; 1,035 Non -Parametric Analysis (i Method: applicable): Effluent% 45 65 90 95 100 Rank Sum Critical Sum 123.5 104,0 118,0 97.0 83.5 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 Overall Analysis: Result = PASS/FAIL or Test LOEC= >100 % ; NOEC= 100.o % Chronic Value = >100 % REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY LABORATORY CHAIN -OF -CUSTODY AND FIELD ANALYSIS FORM The Chain -of -Custody is a LEGAL DOCUMENT A.11 relevant fields must be completed. accurately. CLIENT/FACILITY NAME: s - COUNTY: NPDES PERMIT#: OUTFALL/PIPE#: INFORMATION ON THIS FORM IS REQUIRED BY STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES. PURCHASE ORDER:# STATE: /i/c- TEST REQUIREMENTS (please check the appropriate test type and species required.) Test Type Acute, circle the appropriate test duration: 24 48 96 Chronic, 7-days Pass/Fail, dilution required: Full Range Definitive, dilutions required: Other, specify: Species aceAnalytical eriodaphnia dubia (Water flea) Pintephales prontelas (Fathead minnow) Mysidopsis bahia (Mysid shrimp) Menidia beryllina (Inland silverside) PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. 2225 RIVERSIDE DRIVE ASHEVILLE, NC 28804 PHONE: (828) 254-7176 FAX: (828) 252-4618 15230 SAMPLE TYPE Composite sample Start date: /V0f4 End date: Samples per hour: Chilled dining collection?: Start time: End time: r g_cfr If chilled, specify temperature: Grab sample YeS Date: Time: Sample Information Sample location: (after chlorination, above outfall, Approximate volume volume collected for testing: Number of containers filled for testing: Total residual chlorine (mg/L): Temperature at time of collection (°C) Method of transport to PACE: r, eftluent outfall, etc.) 0 / C Note: Rinse containers with the sample before filling. Pack samples in loose ice. Samples must be received at PACE at or below 4°C. Samples should not be frozen, REMARKS: SAMPLE COND T ON ) - Y1/ N Received on Ice Sealed Cooler Samples Intact Project Number: / N sample Numbeq2 7-0 0/ Sample Collected By: Print RELINQUISHED BY ATE 0 ACCEPTED FsY )ATE TIitE Sample Temp °C 6 E ITO ALLCOO1rev.0, 18Mar05 AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY LABORATORY CHAIN -OF -CUSTODY AND FIELD ANALYSIS FORM The Chain -of -Custody is a LEGAL DOCUMENT. All relevant fields must be completed accurately. COUNTY: e URCHASE ORDE-R:# STATE: NPDES PERMIT#: OUTFA INFORMATION ON THIS FORM IS REQUIRED BY STATE AND FEDERAL AG TEST REQUIREMENTS (please check the appropriate test type and species required.) Test Type Acute, circle the appropriate test duration: 24 48 96 Chronic, 7-days Pass/Fail, dilution required: Full Range Definitive, dilutions required: Other; specify: NCIE Specie Ceriodaphnia dubia (Water flea) Pinrephales pronrelas (Fathead minno Mysidopsis bahia (Mysid shrimp) Menidia beryllina (Inland silverside) aeeAnalytical PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. 2225 RIVERSIDE DRIVE ASHEVILLE, NC 28804 PHONE: (828) 254-7176 FAX: (828) 252-461.8 15236 SAMPLE TYPE Composite sample Start date: / 11064, End date: i (4)9,4 hour: Chilled during collection?: Start time: End time: If chilled, specify temperature: Grab sample Date: SAMPLE CONDITION Received on Ice Sealed Cooler Samples Intact Project Number: 40? Sample Number9 N Time: /7a 7r'' 9 Sample Information Sample location: (after chlorination, above outfall, at weir; effluent outfall, etc.) �ffl OAK / x / Approximate volume collected for testing: /- Number of containers filled for testing: l Total residual chlorine (ing/L): /v/"A1 Temperature at time of collection (°C) %y; / Method of transport to PACE: Note: Rinse containers with the sample before filling. Pack samples iu loose ice, Samples must be received at PACE at or below 4°C, Samples should not he frozen. 1NQUISHEi:) BY ALLCOO1rew' Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704.875.9092 Fax: 704.875.9091 www.pacelabs.com October 23, 2006 Mr. John Lair ECS, Ltd. 8702 Red Oak Blvd Suite A Charlotte, NC 28217 Lab Project Number: 92129943 Client Project ID: Wachovia•Chronic Tox Dear Mr. Lair: Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Enclosed are the analytical results for sample(s) received by the laboratory October 10, 2006through October 13, 2006 Results reported herein conform to the most current NELAC standards, where applicable, unless otherwise narrated in the body of the report. Inorganic Wet Chemistry and Metals Analyses were performed at our Pace Asheville laboratory and Organic testing was performed at our Pace Charlotte laboratory unless otherwise footnoted. If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Jennifer Jones jennifer.jones@pacelabs.com Project Manager Enclosures Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 www.pacelabs.mm Lab Sample No; 927552455 Client Sample ID: COMPOSITE EFFLUENT Parameters Bioassay C.dub1u Full -range Chronic NC C.duhim Full -range Chronic Asheville Certification IN NC Wastewater 40 NCDrinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FLNELAP E87848 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. ���704.875,9092 Fax. 704,875,9091 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 8282547/78 Bac0J82J246/8 Lab Project Number: 92129943 Client Project ID: Wachovia-Chronic Tox Project Sample Number: 92129943'001 Date Collected: 10/09/06 B:VV Matrix: Water Date Received: 10/10/06 22:20 Units Report Limit Analyzed By Method: EPA 00/4'91/002 �������� nmn�mn�mmm mpw mAmmmmnmAmmmnwo ANALYSIS This report shall not be repmdunod, except infull, without the written consent u/Pace Analytical Services, Inc, 10 CAS No. Qual ReqLmt page^ Im^ Charlotte Certification IN NC Wastewater 12 NCDrinking Water 37700 SC 99006 FLNELAP E87627 www. pacelabs. cam Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704.875.9092 Fax: 704.875.9091 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Lab Project Number: 92129943 Client Project ID: Wachovia•Chronic T©x Lab Sample No: 927569228 Client Sample ID: 2ND COMPOSITE EFFLUENT Parameters Results Project Sample Number: 92129943-002 Date Collected: 10/12/06 14:00 Matrix: Water Date Received: 10/13/06 21:35 Units Report Limit Analyzed By Bioassay C.dubia Full -range Chronic NC Method: EPA 600/4-91/002 C.dubia Full -range Chronic Date: 10/23/06 Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 10/14/06 JGJ REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc, CAS No. Qual ReqLmt Page: 2 of 4 Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 wwmpacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704.875.9092 Fax: 704.875.9091 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Lab Project Number: 92129943 Client Project ID: Wachovia-Chronic Tox PARAMETER FOOTNOTES ND NC J MDL Method 9071B modified to use ASE. All pH. Free Chlorine, Total Chlorine and Ferrous Iron analyses conducted outside of EPA recommended immediate hold time. Depending on the moisture content the PRLs can be elevated for all soil samples reported on a dry weight basis. 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether has been shown to degrade in the presence of acid. Not detected at or above adjusted reporting limit Not Calculable Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit Adjusted Method Detection Limit Date: 10/23/06 Asheville Certification 10s NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Page: 3 of 4 charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, Inc, Phone: 704,8759092 Fax., 704,875,9091 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC28804 Phone: 828254.7/76 fax:8282524G/B Lab Project Number: 92129943 Client Project ID: Wachovia-Chronic Tox QUALITY CONTROL DATA PARAMETER FOOTNOTES Consistent with EPA guidelines, unroundedconcentrations are displayed and have been used to calculate %Recand RPDvalues. Laboratory Control Sample (Duplicate) Matrix Spike (Duplicate) Sample Duplicate Not detected at or above adjusted reporting limit Not Calculable Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit Adjusted Method Detection Limit Relative Percent Difference Asheville Certification |Ds NC Wastewater 40 NCDrinking Water 37712 8C 99030 FLNELAP E87648 REPOR����������� N� T n�m �m�m�wwmmmmm��m�N m&U����N��w"m This report shall not be repmduceU, except in fu/|, without the written consent ofPace Analytical Services, Inc. Page-, ^ of ChadnttVCurtificabQU IN NC Wastewater 12 NCDrinking Water 37708 SC 99006 FLNELAP E87627 nmc ace Analytical Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704, 875.9092 Fax: 704.875.9091 uent Aquatic Tox4teitt PfW fr{°Fborm/Phase II Chronic Ceriodaphnia Facility Labor ry Perf ming Test ECS Wachovia NPDES#:NC 0088226 PACE Analytical Services, Sample Inf mation Collection Start Datr Grab Composite (Duration Hardness (mg/L} Spec. Cond. (µmhos/cm Chlorine (mg/L Sample Temp. at Receip Control uent% Effluent% Effluent% 90 Effluent% Effluent% 100 # Young Adult (L)ive (D)ead # Young Adult (L)ive (D)ead # Young Adult (L)ive (D)ead # Young Adult (D)ead # Young Adult (L)ive (D)ead # Young Adult (L)ive (D)ead 16 21 22 21 20 23 c. Pipe# "00 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828.252,4618 County Mecklenbu Comment Organism # 2 4 5 6 7 21 24 21 21 25 24 22 Test tnformation* Treatmen' pH Initial pH Final D.O. initial D.O. Final Temp. Initial Temp. Final 9 10 11 12 mean 20 22 NA NA NA NA 20.9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 mean 18.71 %Re * 10.5* 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 mean 23,4 %Red i 0.0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 mean 20 2 23 2 22 25 21 22 29 20 18 21 22 24 28 27 25 24 22 27 23 24 21 22 23 26 25 NA NA 22.8 %Red 0.0 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 mean 22 4 22 23 5 23 24 16 24 7 23 17 28 22 26 23.0 %Red 0.0 9 10 mean 25 20 22.2 %Red 0.0 MAIL TO: ATT: Environmental Sciences Branch Div, of Water Quality N.C.DENR 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 Should use highest test concentration or highest concentration with D.O. >5,0 mg/L % Reduction from Control Reproduction Mean NA NA far[ Date End Date Stark Time End Time # 0\11 \06 10\18\06 14: t)0 9:00 Star# Renawl Renew2 S#ark Renewl Renew2 00 100 100 % Control Control Control 7.4 7,4 7.2 7 6, 7. 7,7 7 6.6 6,9 7,0 2 8.0 2 7.4 4 0 7.8 0 7 7.2 2 2 25,2 24.7 25.0 24.6 24, 2 24,9 24 2 Chronic Test Results Final Control Mortality % Control with 3rd Brood 24.9 0 100 Control Reproduction CV 12.4 48 Hour Mortality Cnntrnl , - IWC 0 0 10 Significant? No Final Mortality Significant Reproduction Analysis: Reproduction LOEC= Method: 0 o 10 no conc. x >100 % ; NOEL. 100 % ny One Rank Normal Distr)b7 No Method: Statistic: Kolmogorov D 1.325 Critical: 1.035 Non -Parametric Analysis (if applicable): Method: Efflue,rt% Rank Sum Critical Sum 45 110,0 65 132.0 90 126,0 95 126.5 100 120.0 Overall Analysis: Result = PASS/FAIL or Test LOEC= >100 °1 Chronic Value = REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc, 75.0 75.0 75,0 75.0 75.0 NOEC= 100,0 >100 % Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY LABORATORY CHAIN -OF -CUSTODY AND FIELD ANALYSIS FORM The Chain -of -Custody is a LEGAL DOCUMENT All relevant fields must be completed accurately, LIENT[FACILITY NAME: tcS — 1.441.c-ttst,g COUNTY: fittIck (tt-wue NPDES PERMIT#: INFORMATION ON THIS FORM IS REOUIRED PURC AS 0 ER:# STATE: IN) OUTFALL/PIPE#: 'ATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES. TEST REQUIREMENTS (please check the appropriate test type and species required.) Test Type Acute, circle the appropriate test duration: 24 48 96 Chronic, 7-days Pass/Fail, dilution required; Full Range Definitive, dilutions required: Other, specify: pecies Ceriodaphnia (labia (Water flea) Pirnephaks pronzelas (Fathead minnow) Mysidopsis bahia (Mysid shrimp) Menidia berylliva (Inland silverside) PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. aceAnalytical 2225 RIVERSIDE DRIVE ASHEVILLE, NC 28804 PHONE: (828) 254-7176 FAX: (828) 252-4618 1524:1 SAMPLE TYPE Composite sample Start date: m /0,? 10 End date: - Samples per hour: Chilled during collection?: Start time: End time: I cc If chilled, specify temperature: Date: Grab sample Time: S: SAMPLE CON T ON Received on Ice Sealed Cooler Samples Intact Y / N / N Project Number: 9 / (.1? Sample Number: Sample Jufimatioa SampleSamp1e loration: (a r ch1oiination above oiitfall,u o 1/4.rtQa124 Approximate vol me collected for testing: Number of coutainers filied for testing: Total residual chlorine g Temperature at 'o hod of transport to PACE: t—t.r; Note: Rinse containers with the sample before filling. Pack samples in loose ice, Samples must be received at PACE at or below 4°C. Samples should not be frozen. Sample Collected By: Print Signature: .REIANQUISHED BY DATE • 44111E or ACCEPTEDBY DATE o*********,******** • ALL C(}01 revO, 18Mar05 AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY LABORATORY CHAIN -OF -CUSTODY AND FIELD ANALYSIS FORM The Chain -of -Custody is a LEGAL DOCUMENT. All relevant fields must be completed accurately: COUNTY: NPDES PERMIT#: STATE: OUTFALL/PIPE#: INFORMATION ON THIS FORM IS REQUIRED BY STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES. TEST REQUIREMENTS (please check the appropriate test type and species required) Test Type Acute, circle the appropriate test duration: 24 48 96 Chronic, 7-days Pass/Fail, dilution required: 'ull Range Definitive, dilutions required: Other, specify: Spe ies aceAnalytical 'eriodaphnia dubia (Water flea) Pitnephaks promelas (Fathead minnow) Mysidopsis bahia (Mysid shrimp) Menidia beryllina (Inland silverside) PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. 2225 RIVERSIDE DRIVE ASHEVILLE, NC 28804 PIIONE: (828) 254-7176 FAX: (828) 252-4618 15235 SAMPLE TYPE Composite sample Start date: End date: / 0 113 IND Samples per hour: Start time: /ziliDC> End time: Chilled during collection?: If chilled, specify temperature: Grab sample Da te: Time: SAMPLE CONDITION Received on Ice Sealed Cooler Samples Intact Project Number: plc Number: Ye Pi 00 0 C.., A Sample ham- ple location: e vo Number of con ion er ehloi-ivatiou, above on e ected for testing: d for testing: 'otal residual chlorine (mg : Temperature at time of collectio .e Method of transport to PACE: C 0 Note: Rinse containers with the sample before filling. Pack samples in loose ice. Samples must be received at PACE at or below 4'C. Samples should not be frozen, Sample Collected By: Print 'RELINQUISHED BY ACk"El'TEE TIME Sample Temp "C ALLC001 rev 0, 18Mar05 ECS CAROLINAS, LLP Geotechnical • Construction Materials • Environmental 8702 Red Oak Boulevard, Suite A Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 Telephone 704-525-5152 Fax 704-525-7178 To: Mr. Jimmie Overton Chief, Environmental Sciences Section NCDENR Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 We are sending you the following items via: Certified Mail Date: LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 01 /28/09 Project No. Chronic Toxicity Sampling NPDES Permit No. NC0088226/001 Wachovia-Tryon Street Charlotte, North ' i 08-3515D COPIES DATED DESCRIPTION 01-28-09 Chronic Toxicity Sampling (Original Data) These are transmitted as checked below: x For your use As requested REMARKS Amended Chronic Toxicity Sampling Data including the AT-1 Form. Please contact Travis O'Quinn with questions regarding this project. Thanks! ONE COPY TO EACH: Allen Holloway (Wachovia Bank) Mr. Mike Parker (NCDENR-Mooresville) Via certified mail Mr. John Lesley (NCDENR-Mooresville) Via Certified mail SIGNED: Travis O'Quinn ECS CAROLINAS, LLP Geotechnical • Construction Materials • Environmental January 28, 2009 Mr. Jimmie Overton Chief, Environmental Sciences Section. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 Reference: Chronic Toxicity Sampling NPDES Permit No. NC0088226/001 Wachovia-Tryon Street Charlotte, North Carolina ECS Project 08-3515D Dear Mr. Overton: ECS Carolinas, LLP. (ECS) is pleased to provide the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality with the original copy of the laboratory analytical results ("AT" forms) of the effluent water samples collected in the month of January 2009 from Outfall 001 at the Wachovia-Tryon Street site (NPDES Permit No. NC0088226/001). As you will see, the January 2009 sampling event resulted in a failing test for chronic toxicity. Pursuant to NPDES requirements, ECS will perform a complete aquatic toxicity test for multiple concentrations from Outfall 001 during each of the first week of the next two monthly sampling events (February 2009 and March 2009) and a pass/fail test at the end of March 2009. The chronic value for multiple concentration tests will be determined using the geometric mean of the highest concentration having no detectable impairment of reproductive or survival and lowest concentration that does have a detectable impairment of reproduction or survival. The source of the failing chronic toxicity testing is believed to be due to new construction causing elevated turbidity. If you have any questions concerning this report or this project, please contact us at (704) 525-5152. Sincerely, ECS CAROLINAS Travis O'Quinn Project Scientist NC WPCSOCC Physical/Chemical Grade 1 Certificate No. 992194 r A. Smith, P.G. ncipal Geologist NC Licensed Geologist #1724 Attachments: Laboratory Analytical Results and Chain of Custody Records ("AT" forms) cc: Wachovia Bank, N.A. — c/o Mr. Allen Holloway — Childress Klein Properties NCDENR — Mooresville Regional Office — Attn: Mr. Mike Parker NCDNER — Mooresville Regional Office — Attn: Mr. John Lesley 8702 Red Oal Boulevard, Suite A, Charlotte, North Carolina 282 52.1 'a ited.com Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr, Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254.7176 January 21, 2009 Mr. John Lair ECS Charlotte 8702 Red Oak Blvd, Suite A Charlotte, NC 28217 RE: Project: Wachovia C.dubia Chronic Pace Project No.: 9235555 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave, Suite 180 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Dear Mr. Lair: Enclosed are the analytical results for sample(s) received by the laboratory between January 06, 2009 and January 09, 2009. The results relate only to the samples included in this report. Results reported herein conform to the most current NELAC standards, where applicable, unless otherwise narrated in the body of the report. Inorganic Wet Chemistry and Metals analyses were performed at our Pace Asheville laboratory and Organic testing was performed at our Pace Huntersville laboratory unless otherwise footnoted. All Microbiological analyses were performed at the laboratory where the samples were received. If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Jennifer Jones Project Manager Enclosures cc: Mr, Roger Smith, ECS Charlotte REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Page 1 of 4 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. aceAhalticai wnivpacesb&ccm Project Wachovia C.dubia Chronic Pace Project No.: 9235555 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr, Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7176 CERTIFICATIONS Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9600 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Charlotte Certification IDs West Virginia Certification #: 357 Virginia Certification #: 00213 Tennessee Certification #: 04010 South Carolina Drinking Water Cart, #: 990060003 South Carolina Certification #: 990060001 Pennsylvania Certification #: 68-00784 North Carolina Wastewater Certification #: 12 Asheville Certification IDs West Virginia Certification #: 356 Virginia Certification #: 00072 Tennessee Certification #: 2980 South Carolina Certification #: 99030001 South Carolina Bioassay Certification #: 99030002 Pennsylvania Certification #: 68-03578 North Carolina Wastewater Certification #: 40 Eden Certification I©s Virginia Drinking Water Certification #: 00424 North Carolina Wastewater Certification #: 633 North Carolina Field Services Certification #: 5342 North Carolina Drinking Water Certification #: 37706 New Jersey Certification #: NC012 Louisiana/LELAP Certification #: 04034 Kentucky UST Certification #: 84 Florida/NELAP Certification #: E87627 Connecticut Certification #: PH-0104 North Carolina Drinking Water Certification #: 37712 North Carolina Bioassay Certification #: 9 New Jersey Certification #: NC011 Massachusetts Certification #: M-NC030 Louisiana/LELAP Certification #: 03095 Florida/NELAP Certification #: E87648 Connecticut Certification #: PH-0106 North Carolina Drinking Water Certification #: 37738 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc., Page 2 of 4 Pace Analytical Services, Inc, 2225 Riverside Dr, Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7176 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Wachovia C.dubia Chronic Pace Project No.: 9235555 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Sample: 001 grab Parameters Lab ID: 9235555001 Collected: 01/06/09 15:15 Results Units Report Limit DF C,dubia Pass/Fail Chronic Date: 01/21/2009 02:15 PM FAIL 1 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Page 3 of 4 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr. Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7176 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Wachovia C.dubia Chronic Pace Project No.: 9235555 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 98D0 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Sample: 2nd grab 001 Lab ID: 9235555002 Collected: 01/09/09 16:30 Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF C.dubia Pass/Fail Chronic 1 Date: 01/21/2009 02:15 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Page 4 of 4 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc., Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersviile, NC 28078 ace Analytical® Phone:704.875.9092 Fax: 704.875.9091 ithfflettcriM588ity Report AT-1 Form Chronic Pass/Fail and Acute LC50 Date 1/7/2009 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254,7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Facility: ECS NPDES#NC 0088226 Pipe # 001 Laboratory Performing Test PACE Analytical Services, Inc. Sigfature off perator in Signature o€ klaboratory Suo. rvTso County Mecklenburg Comments Rank Sum=78.00 1-Tailed Critical=120.00 Samples Not Aerated Unless Otherwise Noted Lf ( -TAIL_ ORIGINAL.. TO North Carolina Ceriociiphnia Chronic Pass/Fail Reproduction Toxicity Test CONTROL ORGANISMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 # Young Produced Adult (L)ive (D)ead Effluent% 90 TREATMENT 2 ORGANISMS # Young Produced Adult (L)ive (D)ead PH Control Treatment D.O. Control Treatment 29 23 1 23 2 22 4 24 5 26 6 Environmental Sciences Branch Div, of Water Quality N.C. DENR 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 7 24 25 27 24 26 9 10 11 12 11 12 13 13 11 10 0 16 13 12 16 9 L L L L L L L L L L L L 1 st 7.6 8.0 s a 1 st 8.4 6.8 7„5 8.1 E n d 8.2 6.5 1st 7,7 8.2 s 7.9 8.0 E n a d 1st 8.1 6.4 7.8 6.6 2nd 7.4 8.0 s a 2nd 8.2 7,9 7.6 8.1 E n d 7,9 7.8 LCSQ/Acute Toxicity Test (Mortality expressed as % combining replicates) LC50= 95% Confidence 0/© - °/0 Organism Tested: Ceriodaphnia dubia Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 Meth Moving Avg„ Spearman d of Determination Probit Other Test Duration (Hours): ete This For E Collection Start Date Sample 1 1 \6\09 Chronic Te Calculated Tabular t Reduction ontrol Treatment 2 Contr %control organisms producing 3rd brood her Tes Sample 2 Hardness (mg/I) Spec, Conch (umhos) Chlorine (mg/I) Sample temp. at receipt (C) Concentration Mortality REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. s ACC `n►ir f Avg. Repr 24.20 Treatment 2 0 PASS FAIL eck One 119\09 Note: Please Complete This Section also Control High Conc. Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 CANOLI oUq:aas ECS CAROLINAS, LLP Geotechnical • Construction Materials • Environmental 8702 Red Oak Boulevard, Suite A Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 Telephone 704-525-5152 Fax 704-525-7178 To: Mr. Jimmie Overton Chief, Environmental Sciences Section NCDENR Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 We are sending you the following items via: Certified Mail COPIES DATED 07-21-08 Date: LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 07/21 /08 Project No. Chronic Toxicity Sampling NPDES Permit No. NC0088226/001 Wachovia-Tryon Street Charlotte, North Carolina DESCRIPTION Chronic Toxicity Sampling (Original Data) These are transmitted as checked below: x For your use As requested REMARKS Please contact John Lair with questions regarding this project. Thanks! Allen Holloway (Wachovia Bank) Mr. Mike Parker (NCDENR-Mooresville) ail ONE COPY TO EACH: 08-3515D NC DEN MRO DWQ-Surface Water Protection SIGNED: John Lair ECS CARO. INAS, LLP p Geotechnical • Construction Materials • Enviro July 21, 2008 Mr. Jimmie Overton. Chief, Environmental Sciences Section North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 1621. Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 Reference: Chronic Toxicity Sampling NPDES Permit No. NC0088226/001 Wachovia-Tryon Street Charlotte, North Carolina ECS Project 08-3515D Dear Mr. Overton: ECS Carolinas, LLP. (ECS) is pleased to provide the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality with the original copy of the laboratory analytical results ("AT" forms) of the effluent water samples collected in the month of June 2008 from Outfall 001 at the Wachovia-Tryon Street site (NPDES Permit No. NC0088226/001). As you will see, the June 2008 sampling event resulted in a passing test for chronic toxicity. 1f you have any questions concerning this report or this project, please contact us at (704) 525-5152. Sincerely, ECS CAROLINAS, LLP Travis O'Quinn Project Scientist c John S. Lair, P.G. Principal Geologist NC Licensed Geologist #2075 NC DENR MRO DWQ-Surface Water Prot cf on Attachments: Laboratory Analytical Results and Chain of Custody Records ("AT" forms cc: Wachovia Bank, N.A. — c/o Mr. Allen Holloway — Childress Klein Properties resville Region. _ = ••+;� ►� `, ',, ,e 87021ted Oak Boulevard, Suite A, Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 • 704-525-515 • Fax: 744.525-7178 • w .ecslir ited.com Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr. Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7176 June 23, 2008 Mr. John Lair ECS Charlotte 8702 Red Oak Blvd, Suite A Charlotte, NC 28217 RE: Project: C.dubia Chronic Pace Project No.: 9221468 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Dear Mr. Lair: Enclosed are the analytical results for sample(s) received by the laboratory between June 10, 2008 and June 13, 2008. The results relate only to the samples included in this report. Results reported herein conform to the most current NELAC standards, where applicable, unless otherwise narrated in the body of the report. Inorganic Wet Chemistry and Metals analyses were performed at our Pace Asheville laboratory and Organic testing was performed at our Pace Huntersville laboratory unless otherwise footnoted. All Microbiological analyses were performed at the laboratory where the samples were received. If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, ennifn Project Manager Enclosures REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc., Page 1 of 4 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr. Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7176 CERTIFICATIONS Project: C.dubia Chronic Pace Project No.: 9221468 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Charlotte Certification IDs Florida/NELAP Certification Number: E87627 Kansas Certification Number: E-10364 Louisiana/LELAP Certification Number: 04034 North Carolina Drinking Water Certification Number: 37706 North Carolina Wastewater Certification Number: 12 Asheville Certification IDs Florida/NELAP Certification Number: E87648 Louisiana/LELAP Certification Number: 03095 New Jersey Certification Number: NC011 North Carolina Drinking Water Certification Number: 37712 North Carolina Wastewater Certification Number: 40 North Carolina Bioassay Certification Number: 9 Eden Certification IDs North Carolina Drinking Water Certification Number: 37738 Virginia Drinking Water Certification Number: 00424 North Carolina Field Services Certification Number: 5342 South Carolina Certification Number: 990060001 South Carolina Bioassay Certification Number: 990060003 Tennessee Certification Number: 04010 Virginia Certification Number: 00213 Pennsylvania Certification Number: 68-03578 South Carolina Certification Number: 99030001 South Carolina Bioassay Certification Number: 99030002 Tennessee Certification Number: 2980 Virginia Certification Number: 00072 North Carolina Wastewater Certification Number: 633 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 2 of 4 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr. Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7176 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: C.dubia Chronic Pace Project No.: 9221468 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Sample: 001 grab eff. Parameters C.dubia Pass/Fail Chronic Date; 06/23/2008 02:30 PM Lab ID: 9221468001 Collected: 06/10/08 13:40 Results Pass Units Report Limit DF 1 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 3 of 4 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr, Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7176 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: C.dubia Chronic Pace Project No.: 9221468 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Sample: 2nd 001 grab eff. Parameters C.dubia Pass/Fail Chronic Date: 06/23/2008 02:30 PM Lab ID: 9221468002 Collected: 06/13/08 10:40 Results Units Report Limit DF 1 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 4 of 4 Facility. ECS Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704.875.9092 Fax: 704, 875. 9©91 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828.252,4618 www.pacElbfitiant Toxicity Report AT-1 Form Chronic Pass/Fail and Acute LC50 Date 6/24/08 achovia oratory Performing Tes NPDES#NC 0088226 Pipe # 00 PACE Analytical Services, Inc. Signature erator in Resp nsib v MAIL ORIGINAL TO: North Carolina Ceriodaphnia Chronic Pass/Fail Reproduction Toxicity Test CONTROL ORGANISMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 # Young Produced Adult (L)ive (D)ead Effluent% 90 TREATMENT 2 ORGANISMS # Young Produced Adult (L)ive (D)ead pH D.0 Control Treatment Control Treatment 29 25 1 st 7,6 8.1 S a t 1 St 7.9 7.6 30 2 29 7.7 8.0 18 29 29 4 32 1st 5 18 7.8 7.9 E S n t d a d 1st 7.6 8.0 7.7 7.5 8.0 8.1 E n 7.8 8.0 23 County ecklenburg Comments pies Not Aerated Unless Otherwise Noted Environmental Sciences Branch of Water Quality DENR 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 7 8 9 10 11 12 22 29 24 24 24 24 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 17 27 2nd 24 7.7 7.7 S a 2nd 8.0 8.2 7.7 7.7 E n d 7.8 7.9 LCSo/Acute Toxicity Test (Mortality expressed as % , combininn replicates) LC50= 95% Confidence % - % Organism Tested: Ceriodaphnia dubia Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 Meth Moving Avg. Spearman d of Determination Probit Other Test Duration (Hours): 24 ( 31 16 D 15 0 Chronic Test Resu Calculated Tabular t leduction ortality 6.6 Avg. Reprod. ntrol ©,©0 Control 25.60 Treatment 2 16.7 Treatment 2 23.90 ntrnt CV 15.4 %control organisms producing 3rd brood 7 (Complete This For Either Test PASS FAIL X heck On 6\11 \08 P. Collection Start Date Sample 1 6\10\08 Samuel Tvoe/Duration Grab Comp. Dural n Sample 2 6\13\0 Sample 1 Sample 2 X Hardness (mg/I) Spec. Cond. (umhost Chlorine (mo/l) Sample temp. at receipt (C1 Concentration Mortality REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Note: Please Complete This Section also ontrol High Conc. Charlotte Certification Ips NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY LABORATORY CHAIN -OF -CUSTODY AND FIELD ANALYSIS FORM The Chain -of -Custody is a LEGAL DOCUMENT, All relevant fields must be completed accurately, CLLENT!FACILLTY NAME: aceAnalytical PURCHASE ORD CO U N STATE: 41r4: NPDES PERMIT#: OUTFALL/PIPE#: .,e7Wtse INFORMATION ON THIS FORM IS REQUIRED BY STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES. TEST REQUIREMENTS (please check the appropliate test type and species required) Test Type Acute, circle the appropriate test duration: 24 48 96 .hronic, 7-days Pass/Fail, dilution required: Full Range Definitive, dilutions refit . Other, specify: Species Ceriodaplutia dubia (Water flea) Pimephales protnelas (Fathead minnow) Mysidopsis bahia (Mysid shrimp) Meuidia beryllina (Inland silverside) PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. 2225 RIVERSIDE DRIVE ASHEVILLE, NC 28804 PHONE: (828) 254-7176 FAX: (828) 252-4618 10510 SAMPLE TYPE Composite sample Start date: nd date: Samples per hour: Start time: ud Chilled duri o lection?: d, specify :atom: Grab sample Date: 04;, / SAMPLE C N TION Received on Ice Sealed Cooler Samples Intact PrOject Number: Sainple Number: 1,0 Ti Sample Information S ple location: (after chloivafionabove outtall, e Approximate vt d for testing: Number of coutainers fihled for testing: Total residual chlorine (mg/L): Tenipera 01 Method of transport to PACE: Note: Rinse containers with the sample before filling. Pack samples in loose ice. Samples must be received at PACE at or below 4°C, Samples should not he frozen. RELINQUISHED BY ALLC001 rev,O, 18Mar05 AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY LABORATORY CHAIN -OF -CUSTODY AND FIELD ANALYSIS FORM The Chain -of -Custody is a LEGAL DOCUMENT. All relevant fields must be completed accurately. CLIENT/FACILITY NAME: e C 5 Lcq) 4 14. COUNTY: NPDES PERMITTh INFORMATION ON THIS FORM IS REQUIRED BY STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES. PURCHASE ORDER:#4 tlk Cekv?, 1, OUTFALL/PIPE#: 00 STATE Alei TEST REQUIREMENTS (please check the appropriate test type and species required.) Test Tppe Acute, circle the appropriate test duration: 24 48 96 Chronic, 7-days Pass/Fail, dilution required: Full Range Definitive, dilutions required: Othei; specify: Species Ceriodaphnia dubia (Water flea) Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) Mysidopsis bahia (Mysid shrimp) Menidia beryllina (Inland silverside) PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. aceAnalytical 2225 RIVERSIDE DRIVE ASHEVILLE, NC 28804 PHONE: (828) 254-7176 FAX: (828) 252-4618 1 5 1_ 6 1 SAMPLE TYPE Composite sample Start date: End date: Samples per hour: Chilled urhrg-C-r---illecti ed, specify temperature: Grab sample Date: Ti Sample Information Sample location: (after chlorinatio ttl, Approximate volume collected for testing: Number of containers filled for testing: Total residual chlorine (m /L): Temperature at of collection °C Method of trauspor to PACE: 1::)Nr1 (0. kfl, 0 II a Note: Rinse containers with the sample before filling. Pack samples in loose ice. Samples must be received at PACE at or below 4°C. Samples should not be frozen. SAMPLE COND 'Received on Ice Sealed Cooler Sarnples Jntact Pr ct Number: Sple Number: RELINQUISHED Signature: Date/Time: TIME Sample Temp. ALLCOOlrev,O, 18Mar05 Mrte.(VMNGrVMM CAROLINAS ECS CAROLINAS, LLP Geotechnical • Construction Materials • Environmental 8702 Red Oak Boulevard, Suite A Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 Telephone 704-525-5152 Fax 704-525-7178 To: Mr. Jimmie Overton Chief, Environmental Sciences Section NCDENR Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 Date: LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 12/24/2007 Project No. Chronic Toxicity Sampling NPDES Permit No. NC0088226/001 Wachovia-Tryon Street Charlotte, North Carolina We are sending you the following items via: Certified Mail 7006 2150 0003 3240 7264 COPIES DATED 12-24-07 DESCRIPTION _ Chronic Toxicity Sampling (Original Data) These are transmitted as checked below: x For your use As requested REMARKS Please contact John Lair with questions regarding this project. Thanks! 1 Copy - Allen Holloway (Wachovia Bank) 1 Copy « Mr. Mike Parker (NCDENR-Mooresville) Via certified mail 7006 2150 0003 3240 7271 1 Copy — Mr. John Lesley (NCDENR-Mooresville) COPY TO: Via Certified mail 7006 2150 0003 3240 7288 REC DEC 08-3515D NC DEN R MR0 DUI -Surface W. i'letection SIGNED: John Lair ECS CAR.CLINAS, LLP Geotechnical • Construction Materials • Environmental December 24, 2007 Mr. Jimmie Overton Chief, Environmental Sciences Section North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 Reference: Chronic Toxicity Sampling NPDES Permit No. NC0088226/001 Wachovia-Tryon Street NPDES Permit No. NC0088226 Charlotte, North. Carolina ECS Project 08-3515D Dear Mr. Overton: ECS Carolinas, LLP. (ECS) is pleased to provide the North. Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality with the original copy of the laboratory analytical results ("AT" forms) of the effluent water samples collected in the month of November 2007 from Outfall 001 and Outfall 002 at the Wachovia-Tryon Street site (NPDES Permit No. NC0088226/0O1). These follow up effluent water samples were collected as a result of failing chronic toxicity tests from each outfall in the September 2007 quarterly chronic toxicity sampling event. As you will see, the November 2007 sampling event resulted in a passing test for chronic toxicity from each outfall. The December 2007 quarterly chronic toxicity sampling event has occurred and sample results are pending. As results become available, they will be forwarded to you. If you have any questions concerning this report or this project, please contact us at (704) 525-5152. Sincerely, CS CAROLINA LLP rent M. Leses Project Geologist NC WPCSOCC Physical/Chemical Grade 1 Certificate No. 987060 Attachments: Laboratory Analytical Results and Chain of Custody Records ("AT" forms cc: Wachovia Bank, N.A. — c/o Mr. Allen Holloway — Childress Klein Properties NCDENR — Mooresville Regional Office — Attn: Mr. Mike Parker NCDNNR— Mooresville Regional Office — Attn: Mr. John Lesley 8702 Red Oak Boulevard, Suite A 7harlotte, North Carolina 282. 7.7{14-525-5152 • t"ax: 7114-525-71.78 • www.ecsli ited.com Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr. Asheville, NC 28604 (828)254-7176 November 26, 2007 Mr. John Lair ECS Charlotte 8702 Red Oak Blvd, Suite A Charlotte, NC 28217 RE: Project: C.dubia Chronic Pace Project No.: 927844 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Dear Mr. Lair: Enclosed are the analytical results for sample(s) received by the laboratory between November 13, 2007 and November 16, 2007. The results relate only to the samples included in this report. Results reported herein conform to the most current NELAC standards, where applicable, unless otherwise narrated in the body of the report. Inorganic Wet Chemistry and Metals analyses were performed at our Pace Asheville laboratory and Organic testing was performed at our Pace Huntersville laboratory unless otherwise footnoted. All Microbiological analyses were performed at the laboratory where the samples were received. If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely,. ennifer Jon s Project Manager Enclosures REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc., Page 1 of 6 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr, Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7176 CERTIFICATIONS Project: C.dubia Chronic Pace Project No.: 927844 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Charlotte Certification IDs Florida/NELAP Certification Number: E87627 Kansas Certification Number E-10364 Louisiana/LELAP Certification Number. 04034 North Carolina Drinking Water Certification Number: 37706 North Carolina Wastewater Certification Number: 12 Asheville Certification IDs Florida/NELAP Certification Number: E87648 Louisiana/LELAP Certification Number: 03095 New Jersey Certification Number NC011 North Carolina Drinking Water Certification Number: 37712 North Carolina Wastewater Certification Number: 40 North Carolina Bioassay Certification Number: 9 Eden Certification IDs North Carolina Drinking Water Certification Number: 37738 Virginia Drinking Water Certification Number: 00424 North Carolina Field Services Certification Number: 5342 South Carolina Certification Number: 990060001 South Carolina Bioassay Certification Number: 990060003 Tennessee Certification Number: 04010 Virginia Certification Number. 00213 Pennsylvania Certification Number: 68-03578 South Carolina Certification Number: 99030001 South Carolina Bioassay Certification Number: 99030002 Tennessee Certification Number: 2980 Virginia Certification Number: 00072 North Carolina Wastewater Certification Number: 633 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 2 of 6 ce a 1016 Project: C:dubia Chronic Pace Project No.: 927844 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr, Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7178 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Sample: 001 COMPOSITE EFFLUENT Parameters C.dubia Full -range Chronic Date: 11/26/2007 10:11 AM Lab ID: 927844001 Results Units NOEC=100% Collected: 11/12/07 12:45 Report Limit DF 1 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 3 of 6 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr. Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7176 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: C.dubia Chronic Pace Project No.: 927844 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Sample: 002 COMPOSITE EFFLUENT Parameters C.dubia Full -range Chronic Date: 11/26/2007 10:11 AM Lab ID: 927844002 Results Units NOEC=100% Collected: 11/12/07 12:55 Report Limit DF REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 4 of 6 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr. Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7176 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: C.dubia Chronic Pace Project No.: 927844 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Sample: 2ND 002 COMPOSITE EFFLUENT Parameters C.dubia Full -range Chronic Date: 11 /26/2007 10:11 AM Lab ID: 927844003 Results Units Collected: 11/15/07 14:00 Report Limit DF REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 5 of 6 Project: C:dubia Chronic Pace Project No:: 927844 Sample: 2ND 001 COMPOSITE EFFLUENT Parameters Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr, Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7176 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Analytic& Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 C,dubia Full -range Chronic Date: 11/26/2007 10:11 AM Lab ID: 927844004 Results Units Collected: 11/15/07 13:45 Report Limit DF 1 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc., Page 6 of 6 aceAnalytical® Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704,875,9092 Fax: 704.875.9091 uent Aquatic ToxieityPorm/Phase II Chronic Ceriodaphnia catty ECS NPDES#:NC 00 8226 Laboratory ,Perfor ng Test PACE Analytical Services, Inc. e of Op e - r Responslbie Charge Pipe # 00 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254,7176 Fax: 828, 252, 4618 County Mecklenbur Comments: The organism n replicate 4 was missing Sample Information Collection Start Date Grab Composite (Duration Hardness (mglL; Spec. Cond. (µmhos/cm Chlorine (mg/L; Sample Temp. at Receipr Control Effluent% Effluent% Effluent% 90 Effluent% 95 Effluent% 100 # Young Adult (L)ive (D)ead # Young Adult (L)ive (D)ead # Young Adult (L)ive (D)ead # Young Adult (L)ive (D)ead # Young Adult (L)ive (D)ead # Young Adult (L)ive (D)ead 25 29 29 29 23 26 a PI on ro 2107 5\07 24.25h 24.2h 42 65 63 0.1 <0. 20 0,6 "C 2 2 26 2 2 2 32 2 2 28 2 26 26 2 27 28 27 22 Test Information* Treatment pH Initial pH Final D.O. Initial D.O. Final Temp. Initial Temp. Final Organism # 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 mean 22 4 32 4 29 4 28 4 30 4 24 32 26 28 5 24 5 25 26 6 27 6 6 23 6 6 27 23 7 11 7 26 7 30 7 28 7 22 22 21 28 29 25 29 26 25 NA NA NA NA 24.5 9 10 11 12 mean 26 23 NA NA 9 10 mean 26 27 28.1 %Red 0,0 9 10 mean 27 23 26.4 %Red 0,0 9 10 mean 18 26 25.5 %Red 0.0 9 10 mean 24 24 25.0 %Red 0.0 MAIL TO: ATT: Environmental Sciences Branch Div. of Water Quality N.C,DENR 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 • Should use highest lest concentration or highest concentration with D.O. >5.0 mg/L " % Reduction from Control Reproduction Mean NA NA 26,2] %Re 0.0 End D 4\07 7 ne End Tlme 0 8:20 00 % R 00 Renew2 00 Control Con ne 2 7 7.6 7.5 7. 7.6 7.5 7 7 7.6 4 7.7 7 7.4 7.2 8 8.2 7.9 7.2 7.0 7.9 0 7.6 2 2 2 24 24.4 24.4 24.8 24. 2 24 24, Chronic Test Results Final Control Mortality % Control with 3rd Brood Control Reproduction CV 25.1 0 100 6.7 48 Hour Mortality rontrnl IWr; 0 0 10 Significant? �No Final Mortality Significant n % 10 no cone. Reproduction Analysis: Reproduction LOEC= Method: >100 % NOEL= 100 % Wilcoxon Rank Sum Normal Distrib? Yes Method: Kolmogorov D Statistic: 0.905 Non -Parametric Analysis (if Method: Critical: 1.035 pplicable); Effluent% Rank Sum 45 125,5 65 149.0 90 130.0 95 122.0 100 95.0 Critical Sum 74.0 74,0 74.0 74.0 61.0 Overall Analysis: Result = PASS/FAIL or Test LOEC= >10o % ; NOEC= 100.0 % Chronic Value = REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. FF �FG >100 Charlotte Certification JDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 uen acility Laboratory of 0p ace Analytical" Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704.875.9092 Fax; 704.875.9091 Aquatic Toxi mit rfidrgvlaorm/Phase II Chronic Ceriodaphnia ECS NPDES#:NC 0088226 erfor ng Test PACE Analytical Services, Inc, Sample Information Collection Start Date Grab Composite (Duration Hardness (mg/L� Spec, Cond. (µmhos/cm Chlorine (mg/L, Sample Temp. at Receiia Control Effluent% 45 Effluent% 65 Effluent% 90 Effluent% Effluent% 100 # Young Adult (L)ive (D)ead # Young Adult (L)ive (D)ead # Young Adult (L)ive (D)ead # Young Adult (D)ead # Young Adult (L)ive (D)ead # Young Adult (L)ive (D)ead 25 24 30 25 25 28 2\07 24.h 6 0 0 2 23 L 2 3 4 32 L 2 4 27 L 2 25 L 2 3 4 25 L 2 3 4 29 28 20 27 29 27 28 27 27 ple 2 5\07 24.75h 67 0 2 Organism # 4 5 6 7 30 26 27 28 30 28 25 25 25 28 26 25 32 42 20 Comments: Test Information* Treatment pH Initial pH Final D.P. Initial 0,0, Fin Temp. Initial Temp. Final 8 9 10 11 12 mean 28 6 7 8 30 L 6 7 30 29 23 26 29 6 7 29 27 6 7 27 28 28 21 26 26 NA NA NA NA 27.3 9 10 11 12 mean 28 30 NA NA 9 10 mean 23 29 27.1 %Red 0.7 9 10 mean 21 32 26.2 %Red L L L 4.01 8 9 10 mean 26 22 24 28 26,4 %Red 3.3 9 10 mean 14 24 24.6 %Red l 9.9 MAIL TO: ATT: Environmental Sciences Branch Div, of Water Quality N.C.DENR 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 • Should use highest test concentration or highest concentration with D.D. >5.0 mg/L "' % Reduction from Control Reproduction Mean NA NA 27.81 %Re *. 0.0 4\07 County End Date 11 21i07 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone; 828.254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 ktenburg xt Time End Time 0:40 8.50 Renew2 Ren Renew2 00 00 00 Co Con n 7,7 0. 7,9 7.5 7. 7 7 7, 7. 7 7.4 7.6 .4 2 4 8.2 7 0 0 0 7 2 2 24 24.4 24.7 24,8 24.8 24, 24, 24. Chronic Test Results Final Control Mortality % cia Control with 3rd Brood Control Reproduction CV 24.9 0 00 9 48 Hour Mortality Control lwc 0 0 10 Significant? INo Final Mortality Significant ri✓9 Reproduction Analysis: Reproduction LOEC= Method: 0 0 10 no cone. X >100 % ; NOEL= 100 % Dunnett's Test Normal Distrib? Yes Method: Statistic: 0.801 Non -Parametric Analysis (if Method: Kalmogorov D Crfticali 1.035 plicable): Effluent% 45 65 90 95 100 Rank Sum Critical Sum Overall Analysis: Result = PASS/FAIL or Test LOEC= >100 % ; NOEC= 100.0 % Chronic Value = REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 0 ACC >100 Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 e.` AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY LABORATORY CHAIN -OF -CUSTODY AND FIELD ANALYSIS FORM The Chain -of -Custody is a LEGAL DOCUMENT. All relevant fields must be co rip ;d accurately. CLIENT/FACIE TY NAME: PURCHASE ORDER:# COUNTY: NPDES PERMIT#: STATE: 4- OUTFALL/PIPE#: CaC' INFORMATION ON THIS FORM IS REQUIRED BY STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES. TEST REQUIREMENTS (please check the appropriate test type vend species required.) Test Type Acute, circle the appropriate test duration: 24 48 96 Chronic, 7-days Pass/Fail, dilution required: Full Range Definitive, dilutions required: Other, specify: Ceriodapluria dubia (Water flea) Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) Mysidopsis bald(' (Mysid shrimp) Menidia berylliva (Inland silverside) PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. 2225 RIVERSIDE DRIVE ASHEVILLE, NC 28804 PHONE: (828) 254-7176 FAX: (828) 252-4618 12580 SAMPLE TYPE Composite sample Start time: End time: /ate Chilled daring collection?: If chilled, specify temperature: Date: Grab sample PLE CONDITION Received on Ice Sealed Cooler Samples Intact Time: Sample Information Sample location: (after chlorinatiotr, above outfall, at weir, effluent outfall, etc.) Approximate volume collected for testing: Number of containers tilled for testing: Total residual chlorine (mg/L): Temperature at time of collection ('C) Method of transport to PACE: U rr`v' Note: Rinse containers with. the sample before filling. Pack samples in loose ice. Samples must be received at PACE at or below 4°C. Samples should not be frozen. ALLC001rev.0, 18Mar05 AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY LABORATORY CHAIN -OF -CUSTODY AND FIELD ANALYSIS FORM The Chain -of -Custody is a LEGAL DOCUMENT. All relevant fields must be completed accurately. NPDES PERMIT#. INFORMATION ON THIS FOI S QUIRED AT AND FEDERAL AGENCIES. TEST REQUIREMENTS (please check the appropriate test type and species required.) Test Type irele the appropriate test duration: 24 48 96 Chronic, 7-days Pass/Fail, dilation required: Full Range Definitive, dilutions required:._..._ Other; specify: Specie Ceriodaphnia dubia (Water flea) Pintephales promelas (Fathead mina sidopsis bahia (Mysid shrimp) 'dirt beryllina (Inland silverside) aceAnalytical a PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. 2225 RIVERSIDE DRIVE ASHEVILLE, NC 28804 PHONE: (828) 254-7176 FAX: (828) 252-4618 13102 SAMPLE TYPE Composite sample Start date: End date: Samples per hour: Chilled dui Start time: 1 3 ;17 End time: Lion?: XPS If chilled, specify temperature: Grab sample Date: SAMPLE CONDITION Received on Ice Sealed Cooler Sample Number: Time: Sample Information Sample location: (after chlorination, above outfall, at weir; e Approximate volume collected for testing: Number of containers filled for testing: Total residual chlorine (mg/L): Temperature at time of collection (°C) Method of transport to PACE: V/e Note: Rinse containers with the sample before filling. Pack samples in loose ice, Samples must be received at PACE at or below 4'C. Samples should not be frozen. Collected By: ALLC001rev.0, 18MarO5 Time: AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY LABORATORY CHAIN -OF -CUSTODY AND FIELD ANALYSIS FORM The Chain -of -Custody is a LEGAL DOCUMENT. All relevant fields must be completed accurately. CLIENT/FACILITY NAME: 404,1%el PURCHASE ORDER: COUNTY: ES P R IT : STATE: OUTFA PE : INFORMATION ON THIS FORM IS REQUIRED BY STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES. TEST REQUIREMENTS (please check the appropriate test type and species required.) Tes t Type Acute, circle the appropriate test duration: 24 48 96 Chronic, 7-days Pass/Fail, dilution required: Full Range Definitive, dilutions required: Othei; specify: S e Cerindaphnia dubia (Water flea) Phnephales pronselas (Fathead minnow) Mysidopsis bahia (Mysid shrimp) Menidia beryline(' (Inland silverside) PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. 2225 RIVERSIDE DRIVE ASHEVILLE, NC 28804 PHONE: (828) 254-7176 FAX: (828) 252-4618 12579 SAMPLE TYPE Composite sample date: End date: Samples per hour: Chilled during collection?: Start time: End time: If chilled, chilled, specify temperature: Grab sample Date: SAMPLE CONDITION Sealed Cooler SampleInformation Sample location: (after chlorination, above outfall, at ; efflueut outfa11, Approximate volume collected for testing: Number of containers filled for testing: Total residual chlorine (mg Ternpeiature at tirne of co e n °C od of transport to PACE: re, Note: Rinse containers with the sample before fill*. Pack samples in loose ice„ Samples must be received at PACE at or below 4°C Samples should not be frozen, Sample Collected By: Print Signature: RELINQUISHEI) BY ...... DATE TIME 'CEpTEI BY DATE • • ALLCOOlrevM, 18Mar05 AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY LABORATORY CHAIN -OF -CUSTODY AND FIELD ANALYSIS FORM The Chain -of -Custody is :i. LEGAL DOCUMENT. All relevant fields must be co 1 PURCHASE ORD.ER:# d accurately. STATE: OUTFALL/PIPE#: ®0 / INFORMATION ON THIS FORM IS REQUIRED BY STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES. TEST REQUIREMENTS (please check the appropriate test type and species required.) Test Type Acute, circle the appropriate test duration: 24 48 9f Chronic, 7-days Pass/Fail, dilation required: Full Range Definitive, dilutions required: Other; specify: Species Ceriodaphnia dttbia (Water flea) Pintepliales pr©ntelas (Fathead minnow) Mysidopsis babia (Mysid shrimp) Menidia beryllina (Inland silverside) PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. 2225 RIVERSIDE DRIVE ASHEVILLE, NC 28804 PHONE: (828) 254-7176 FAX: (828) 252-4618 13101 SAMPLE TYPE Composite sample Start date: l t 44-4 } End date: II 74/09- Samples per hour: Chilled dining collection?: Start time: /33�,� End time: (3 `fs-- If chilled, specify temperature: Grab sample PS Date: SAMPLE CONDITION Received on Ice Sealed Cooler Samples Intact Time: Sample Information Sample location: (after chlorination, above ontfall, at weir; o2in co Approximate volume collected for testing: Number of containers filled for testing: Total residual chlorine (mg/L): Temperature at time of collection (°C) Method of transport to PACE: outfall, etc.) Note: Rinse containers with the sample before filling, Pack samples in loose ice. Samples must be received at PACE at or below 4°C. Samples should not be frozen. Sample Collected By: Print RELINQUISHED BY DNF1 ALLC001rev,0, 18Mar05 taws ECS CAROLINAS, LLP Geotechnical • Construction Materials • Environmental 8702 Red Oak Boulevard, Suite A Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 Telephone 704-525-5152 Fax 704-525-7178 To: Mr, Jimmie Overton Chief, Environmental Sciences Section NCDENR Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 Date: LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 11/30/07 Project No, Chronic Toxicity Sampling Wachovia Tryon Street NPDES Permit No. NC0088226 Charlotte, North Carolina 08-3515D We are sending you the following items via: Certified Mail — 7006 2150 0003 3240 7158 COPIES DATED DESCRIPTION 10-31-07 Chronic Toxicity Sampling (Original Lab Data) Wachovia Tryon Street NPDES Permit No. NC0088226 Charlotte, North Carolina These are transmitted as checked below: x For your use As requested REMARKS Please contact John Lair with questions regarding this project. Thanks! Mr. Allen Holloway — (Wachovia/Childress Klein) E NC DENR MPO OWQ-Surface Wafer Prel'ection Mr. John Lesley (NCDENR-Mooresville) COPY TO: via Certified Mail 7006 2150 0003 3240 7172 SIGNED: John S. Lair ECS CAROLINAS, Geotechnical • Constr LP ction Material • Environmental November 30, 2007 Mr. Jimmie Overton Chief, Environmental Sciences Section North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 Reference: Chronic Toxicity Sampling NPDES Permit No. NC0088226/001 Wachovia-Tryon Street NPDES Permit No. NC0088226 Charlotte, North Carolina ECS Project 08-3515D Dear Mr. Overton: ECS Carolinas, LLP. (ECS) is pleased to provide the North Carolina. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality with original copies of the laboratory analytical results ("AT" forms) of effluent water samples collected in October 2007 from Outfalls 001 and 002 at the Wachovia- Tryon Street site (NPDES Permit No. NC0088226/001). These follow up effluent water samples were collected as a result of failing chronic toxicity tests from each outfall in the September 2007 quarterly chronic toxicity sampling event. As you will see, the October sampling event resulted in passing tests for chronic toxicity from each outfall. Pursuant to the NPDES permit, quarterly chronic toxicity testing for both Outfall 001 and Outfall 002 was conducted in November 2007. Results of the November 2007 sampling event are still pending. ECS will forward original copies of this December 2006 chronic toxicity testing to your attention as it is received. 1f you have any questions concerning this report or this project, please contact us at (704) 525-5152. Sincerely, AR#L�S, ,LP Brent M. Lesmerises Project Geologist NC WPCSOCC Physical/Chemical Grade 1 Certificate No. 987060 Attachments: Laboratory Analytical Results and Chain of Custody Records ("AT" fo cc: Wachovia Bank, N.A. — c/o Mr. Allen Holloway — Childress Klein Properties NCDENR — Mooresville Regional Office — Attn: Mr. Mike Parker NCDNER — Mooresville Regional Office — Attn: Mr. John Lesley s 8'(12 Red Oak ard, Suite A, Charlotte, North Carolina 28 1" • 704-525 5 'ax: 704-525-71. 8 • wrr:ecslirt ited.com Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr. Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7176 November 01, 2007 Mr. John Lair ECS Charlotte 8702 Red Oak Blvd, Suite A Charlotte, NC 28217 RE: Project: Wachovia C.dubia Chronic Pace Project No.: 926591 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Dear Mr. Lair: Enclosed are the analytical results for sample(s) received by the laboratory between October 23, 2007 and October 26, 2007. The results relate only to the samples included in this report. Results reported herein conform to the most current NELAC standards, where applicable, unless otherwise narrated in the body of the report. Inorganic Wet Chemistry and Metals analyses were performed at our Pace Asheville laboratory and Organic testing was performed at our Pace Huntersville laboratory unless otherwise footnoted. All Microbiological analyses were performed at the laboratory where the samples were received. If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Jennifer Jones Project Manager Enclosures REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc,. Page 1 of 6 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr. Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7176 CERTIFICATIONS Project: Wachovia C.dubia Chronic Pace Project No.: 926591 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Charlotte Certification IDs Florida/NELAP Certification Number: E87627 Kansas Certification Number: E-10364 Louisiana/LELAP Certification Number: 04034 North Carolina Drinking Water Certification Number: 37706 North Carolina Wastewater Certification Number: 12 Asheville Certification IDs Florida/NELAP Certification Number: E87648 Louisiana/LELAP Certification Number: 03095 New Jersey Certification Number: NC011 North Carolina Drinking Water Certification Number: 37712 North Carolina Wastewater Certification Number: 40 North Carolina Bioassay Certification Number: 9 Eden Certification IDs North Carolina Drinking Water Certification Number: 37738 Virginia Drinking Water Certification Number: 00424 North Carolina Field Services Certification Number: 5342 South Carolina Certification Number: 990060001 South Carolina Bioassay Certification Number: 990060003 Tennessee Certification Number: 04010 Virginia Certification Number: 00213 Pennsylvania Certification Number: 68-03578 South Carolina Certification Number: 99030001 South Carolina Bioassay Certification Number: 99030002 Tennessee Certification Number: 2980 Virginia Certification Number: 00072 North Carolina Wastewater Certification Number: 633 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc., Page 2 of 6 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr, Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7176 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Wachovia C.dubia Chronic Pace Project No.: 926591 Pace Analytical Services, Inc, 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Sample: 001 COMPOSITE EFFLUENT Parameters Lab ID: 926591001 Collected: 10/22/07 14:00 Results Units Report Limit DF C.dubia Full -range Chronic Date: 11/01/2007 06:46 AM NOEC=100% 1 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall riot be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc., Page 3 of 6 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside ©r. Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7176 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Wachovia C.dubia Chronic Pace Project No.: 926591 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Sample: 002 COMPOSITE EFFLUENT Parameters C.dubia Full -range Chronic Date: 11 /01 /2007 08:46 AM Lab ID: 926591002 Results N0EC=95% Units Collected: 10/22/07 14:30 Report Limit DF 1 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Page 4 of 6 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr, Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7176 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Wachovia C.clubia Chronic Pace Project No:: 926591 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Sample: 2ND 002 COMPOSITE EFFLUENT Parameters C:dubla Full -range Chronic Date: 11/01/2007 08:46 AM Lab ID: 926591003 Results Units Collected: 10/25/07 12:15 Report Limit DF REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc_ Page 5 of 6 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr, Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7176 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Wachovia C.dubia Chronic Pace Project No,: 926591 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Sample: 2ND 001 COMPOSITE EFFLUENT Parameters Lab ID: 926591004 Results Units Collected: 10/25/07 11:50 Report Limit DF C.dubia Full -range Chronic Date: 11/01/2007 08:46 AM 1 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Page 6 of 6 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. aceAnalytical° Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704,875.9092 Fax: 704.875, 9091 ci�celabs c duent Aquatic Toxiyeport orm/Phase II Chronic Ceriodaphnia Sample Information Collection Start Date Grab Composite (Duration Hardness (mg/L Spec. Cond. (µmhos/cm Chlorine (mg Sample Temp. at Receip Control Effluent% 45 Effluent% 65 Effluent% 90 Effluent% 95 Effluent% 100 # Young Adult (L)ive (D)ead # Young Adult (L)ive (D)ead # Young Adult (L)ive (D)ead # Young Adult (L)ive (D)ead # Young Adult (L)ive (D)ead # Young Adult (L)ive (D)ead 14 7 12 22 NPDES#:NC 0088226 PACE Analytical Services, Inc. ample ample 2 ontro 0\22\07 0\25\07 24h 24h 0 4 120 0. 0 2.5 Test Information* 4\07 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 10131\07 t0:25 l 8: Rene S n Treatment100 % 100 0 of ontro Renew2 Control pH Initial 7.8 7.9 7.9 7. 7 7.5 pH Final 7. 7.7 7.8 7,6 7. D.©.Initial 7. 8.0 0 8.2 D.O. Final 7.0 7.7 7 7. .0 Temp. Initial 25.0 2 25.2 24.4 24.6 24.7 Temp. Final 24.8 25.0 Organism # 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 mean 16 24 15 16 19 31 29 27 26 NA NA NA NA 21.9 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 mean 16 23 19 2 3 4 26 22 21 23 22 28 29 26 24 27 NA NA 7 8 9 10 mean 24 27 26 18 21,3 %Red 2,7 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 mean 12 2 24 25 24 4 2 24 27 21 29 29 25 18.7 %Red 14.6 7 8 9 10 mean 22 26 23 23 18,2 %Red 16.9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 mean 26 22 21 28 22 24 18.9 %Red 13.7 MAIL TO: ATT: Environmental Sciences Branch Div. of Water Quality N.C.DENR 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 • Should use highest test concentration or highest concentration with D.O. >5.0 mg/L • % Reduction from Control Reproduction Mean NA NA 22.2 %Re 0,0 25.0 24. 25.0 Chronic Test Results Final Control Mortality % % Control with 3rd Brood 25,0 0 100 Control Reproduction CV 28,1 48 Hour Mortality Control IWC 0 0 10 Significant? No Final Mortality Significant la 10 no conc. x Reproduction Analysis: Reproduction LOEC= >100 % ; NOEL. 100 % Method: Steers Many One Rank Normal Distrib? No Method: Kolmogorov D Statistic: 1,352 Critical: 1.035 Non -Parametric Analysis (if applicable): Method: Effluent% Rank Sum 45 65 90 95 100 105.5 103.0 96.5 93.0 99,0 Critical Sum 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 Overall Analysis: Result = PASS/FAIL or Test LOEC= >too % ; NOEC= 100.0 % Chronic Value = >1oo REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc, Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 aceAnalyticai° Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704.875.9092 Fax: 704.875.9091 www.pacelabs.cun uent Aquatic Toxicity Report corm/Phase II Chronic Ceriodaphnia Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Facility Laboratory Pe of Operato Sample Information Collection Start Date Grab Composite (Duration Hardness (mg/L, Spec, Cond. (µmhos/cm Chlorine (mg/L, Sample Temp. at Receip Control Effluent% 45 Effluent% 65 Effluent% 90 Effluent% 95 Effluent% 100 # Young Adult (L)ive (0)ead # Young Adult (L)ive (D)ead # Young Adult (L)ive (D)ead # Young Adult (L)ive (D)ead # Young Adult (L)ive (D)ead # Young Adult (L)ive (D)ead 24 31 26 23 26 25 Sa NPDES#:NC 0088226 PACE Analytical Services, Inc. p Sample 0\22\07 012\07 24.75h 24.25h 41 77 5 20 0 0. 2.7 Organism # 2 3 4 5 6 7 29 26 23 22 26 12 26 Pipe# '002 Coun y klenbu Comments: Although %reduction he 4 oncentration was >20%, statistics showed no si differences at this concentration, Test information* Treatment pH Initial pH Final D.Q. Initial D.O. Final Temp. Initial Temp. Final 9 10 11 12 mean 26 28 NA NA NA NA 24,2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 mean 20 0 20 20 29 24 23 22 NA NA 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 mean 16 21 20 25 25 23 25 15 23 21.9 %Red 9.5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 mean 20 19 26 23 L 23 22 11 21 25 21.3 %Red 13.6 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 mean 26 26 24 17 20 23 21 20 0 20.3 %Redl 16.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 mean 21 16 4 0 15 21 17 7 23 14.9 %Red l 38.4 MAIL TO: ATT: Environmental Sciences Branch Div. of Water Quality N.C.DENR 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 • Should use highest lest concentration or highest concentration with D.O. >5.0 mg/L • % Reduction from Control Reproduction Mean NA NA 18.9 %Re 21,9I Date 4\07 d Date 0\31\07 T 0 End Time 9`.00 S Rene Renew2 a Rene Ren 2 0 00 Con 7.9 8 7.9 7 7 7 7 7 8.0 7 7.4 7,9 8 8 0 8 2 7.7 8 7.7 0 25.4 25 25 24.5 4.7 4 24.9 24.8 24.9 24. 24 24.9 Chronic Test Results Final Control Mortality % 0 % Control with 3rd Brood 90 Control Reproduction CV 19.8 48 Hour Mortality Cnntrnl !WC, 0 0 10 Significant? [No Final Mortality Significant © % oc C. Reproduction Analysis: Reproduction LOEC= 100.0 % NOEC= 95.t % Method: Steers Many One Rank Normal Distrib? No Method: Kolmogorov D Statistic: 1.561 Critical: Non -Parametric Analysis (if applicable): h Effluent% Rank Sum Critical Sum 45 65 90 95 00 85,0 82.0 77.0 83.0 66.5 75,0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 Overall Analysis. Result = PASS/FAIL of Test LOEC= 1oo.0 Chronic Value = REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc, NOEC= 95.0 97.5 Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY LABORATORY CHAIN -OF -CUSTODY AND FIELD ANALYSIS FORM The Chain -of -Custody is a LEGAL DOCUMENT. All relevant fields must he completed accurately, CLIENT/FACILITY NA Ecf COUNTY: NPDES PERMIT#: PURCHASE ORDER:# STATE: 14b P‘M C fc /RI& OUTFALL/PIPE#: INFORMATION ON THIS FORM IS REQUIRED BY STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES. TEST 'REQUIREMENTS (please check. the appropriate test type and species required.) Test Type Acute, circle the appropriate test duration: 24 48 96 Chronic, 7-days Pass/Fail, dilution required: Full Range Definitive, dilutions required: Other, specify: Species Ceriodaphnia dubia (Water flea) Pintephales protnelas (Fathead minnow) Mysidopsis bahia (Mysid shiimp) Menidia beryllina (Inland silverside) PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. aceAnalytical 2225 RIVERSIDE DRIVE ASHEVILLE, NC 28804 PHONE: (828) 254-7176 FAX: (828) 252-4618 12555 SAMPLE TYPE Composite sample Start date: 0 /22_ /eq. End date: figaz /o Samples per hour: Chilled during collection?: Start time: ' / SID End time: /4t3Q If chilled, specify temperature: Grab sample Date: SAMPLE CONDITION 611N Received on Ice Sealed Cooler Samples Intact Project Number: / N Yes Time: Sample Number: c (.44 s"--9 / Sample Information Sample location: (after chlorination, above outfall, at CV; Approximate volume collected for testing: Number of containers filled for testing: Total residual chlorine (mg/L): Temperature at time of collection (°C) Method of transport to PACE: 1"kke-e-- ; effluent outfall, etc.) c— 00 2 Note: Rinse containers with the sample before filling, Pack samples in loose ice, Samples must be received at PACE at or below 4°C. Samples should not be frozen, RE1.1f)lQ14SIIED BY , DATE TIME ACC.EPTE. ALLCOOlreviD, 18Mar05 AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY LABORATORY CHAIN -OF -CUSTODY AND FIELD ANALYSIS FORM The Chain -of -Custody is a LEGAL DOCUMENT, All relevant fields must be completed accurately, CLIENTIFACILIT NAME: (.A% hI0v, 4 COUNTY: NPDES PERMIT#: b PURCHASE ORDER:# STATE: OU'TFALL/PIPE#: INFORMATION ON THIS FORM IS REQUIRED BY STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES. TEST REQUIREMENTS (please cheek the appropriate test type and species required.) Test Type Acute, circle the appropriate test duration: 24 48 96 Chronic, 7-days Pass/Fail, dilution required: Full Range Definitive, dilutions required: Other; specify: Species Cerioclapintia clabia (Water flea) Pintephales prontelas (Fathead minno Mysitlopsis batik (Mysid shrimp) Menitlia beryllina (Inland silverside) PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. 2225 RIVERSIDE DRIVE ASHEVILLE, NC 28804 PHONE: (828) 254-7176 FAX: (828) 252-4618 12556 SAMPLE TYPE Composite sample Start date: (0l 22_ r© 7- Eud date: / (5 /7 3 /0? Samples per hour: Chilled during collection?: Start time: End time: If chilled, specify temperature: Grab sample Date: 4 Time: (3!30 Sample Information Sample location: (a r chlorination, above ontfall, at wejr; of Approximate volume collected Number or ing: ontainers filled for testing: Total residual chic n mg/L): Temperature at time of collection (°C) Method of transport to PACE: 141f -LL Po Cct .M-Mie-- Note: Rinse containers with the sample before filling,Pack samples in loose ice. Samples must be received at PACE at or below 4°C. Samples should not be frozen. SAMPLE CONDITION Received on Ice Sealed Cooler 'ollected isy: RELINQUISHED BY ALLC001rev.0, 18Mer05 AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY LABORATORY CHAIN -OF -CUSTODY AND FIELD ANALYSIS FORM The Chain -of -Custody is a LEGAL DOCUMENT, All relevant fields must be completed accurately. ace Analytical CLIENT/FACILITY NAME: 5 IA) Pro -- COUNTY: W14 NPDES PERMIT#: PURCHASE ORDER:# STATE: OUTFALL/PIPE4: N0,414 Ca.4.4.1/4 o INFORMATION ON THIS FORM IS REQUIRED BY STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES. TEST REQUIREMENTS (please check the appropriate test type and species required) Test Type Acute, circle the appropriate test duration: 24 48 96 Chronic, 7-days Pass/Fail, dilution required: Full Range Definitive, dilutions required: Other, specify: Species Ceriodaphnia dubia (Water flea) Piniephales pronielas (Fathead minnow) Mysidopsis bahia (Mysid shrimp) Menidia beryllina (Inland silverside) PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. 2225 RIVERSIDE DRIVE ASHEVILLE, NC 28804 PHONE: (828) 254-7176 FAX: (828) 252-4618 12558 SAMPLE TYPE Composite sample Start date: (04S-AD 7-- Start time: P. .! o End date: ia /24 /07- End time: j .75 Samples per hour: Chilled during collection?: . If chilled, specify temperature: Li c)(> Grab sample Date: SAMPLE CONDITION Received on Ice N Sealed Cooler Time: 11/51 Samples Intact Project Number: Sample Number: ga6ps-1i Sample Information Sample location: (after chlorination, above outfall, atw5ir, effluent outfall, etc.) Approximate volume collected for testing: 10,-1 00.4_ Ai Number of containers filled for testing: o VL2— Total residual chlorine (mg/L): A) I 1+ Temperature at time of collection (°C) I 9, 3 Method of transport to PACE: f4e,E c 0 c<AIL t`Yii-- Note: Rinse containers with the sample before filling. Pack samples in loose ice, Samples must be received at PACE at or below 4°C. Samples should not be frozen, RELINQUISHED BY 'PP ATE TIME ACCEPTED Y ALLC001 rev.0, 1 6Mar05 COUNTY; AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY LABORATORY CHAIN -OF -CUSTODY AND FIELD ANALYSIS FORM The Chain -of -Custody is a LEGAL DOCWvfENL All relevant fields must be completed accurately: CLIENT/FACILITY NAME /: fch tt 6 iAni NPDES PERMIT#: PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. aceAnalytical 2225 RIVERSIDE DRIVE ASHEVILLE, NC 28804 PHONE: (828) 254-7176 FAX: (828) 252-4618 PURCHASE ORDER:# STATE: OUTFALL/PIPE#: INFORMATION ON THIS FORM IS REQUIRED BY STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES. TEST REQUIREMENTS (please check- the approptiate test type and species required.) Test Type Acute, circle the appropriate test duration: 24 48 96 Chronic, 7-days Pass/Fail, dilution required: Full Range Definitive, dilutions required: Othei; specify: Ald if- +1\ r-e /14 01/4_, 0 0 Species Ceriodapluiia dabia (Water flea) Pintephales promelas (Fathead minnow) Mysidopsis bahia (Mysid shrimp) Menidia beryllitsa (Inland silverside) 12551 SAMPLE TYPE Composite sample Start date: /0 /2610 -7- Start time: /i ? 53 End date: /0/a(p /0 7.- End time: // : 50 Samples per hour: Chilled during collection?: YeS If chilled, specify temperature: 4 O Grab sample Date: Time: S: SAMPLECONDITION Received on Ice Sealed Cooler Samples Intact Project Number: Y Sample Number: Sample Information Sample location: (after chlorivatiou, above outfall, at weir, effluent outfall, etc) 00 Approximate volume collected for testing: cr,e_ 7 A- /1-0-7•1 Number of containers filled for tesfing: e)-1,7 -e Total residual chlorine (mg/L): Temperature at time of collection (°C) . Method of transport to PACE: C * • Note: Rinse containers with the sample before filling. Pack sainples in loose ice. Samples must be received at PACE at or below 4°C. Samples should not be frozen. Sample Collected By: Print dr, / REL NIQUISHED BY an!' PIMP DATE IME ACCEPTED BY TIME Sample Temp "C neno.fioni ALLCOOlrev.0, 18MarO5