HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110210 Ver 3_EEP Receipt_201110311— � , o stem � °�� ] � ���"���,'l �.�� � �� PROGRAM August 23, 2011 Robert Friesen Piedmont Natural Gas 4720 Piedmont Row Dnve Charlotte NC 28210 Pro�ect PNG Wayne Pro�ect Rev�s�on 1�- 021 0 R�v d �lu°`1�{�, Expiration of Acceptance February 23 2012 County Wayne Wake Johnston The purpose of th�s letter is to notify you that the North Carolma Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) �s willing to accept payment for compensatory miUgation for �mpacts assoc�ated with the above referenced pro�ect as �ndtcated m the table below Please note that this decis�on does not assure that partic�pation �n the NC$EP will be approved by the permit issumg agenctes as crutigation for pro�ect �mpacts It is the respons�bility of the applicant to contact these agencies to determme if payment to the NCEEP will be approved You must also comnlv with all other state federal or local government permits regulations or authorizahons associated w�th the pr000sed activitv mcludme SL 2009 337 An Act to Promote the Use of CompensatoryMitigat�on Banks as amended by S L 2011 343 This acceptance is val�d for six months from the date of this letter and �s not transferable If we have not rece�ved a copy of the issued 404 PerrYUt/401 Cert�ficaUon/CAMA perriut w�thm this time frame th�s acceptance w►il exp�re It is the appl�cant s responsibil�ty to send copies of the permits to NCEEP Once NCEEP recetves a copy of the perm�t(s) an invo�ce w�ll be issued based on the required mitigation in that perm�t and payment must be made prior to conduchng the authorized work The amount of the In Lieu Fee to be paid to NCEEP by an applicant �s calculated based upon the Fee Schedule and polic�es l�sted at www nceep net Based on the informauon supplied by you �n your request to use the NCEEP the �mpacts that may requ�re compensatory nut�gat�on are summar�zed in the following table The amount of mrtigation required for th�s impact �s determ�ned by permitting agenues Rtver Basin Impact � Neuse CU Locat�on Cold 03020201 0 Stream (feet) Cool Warm Ri ans 0 0 0 50 Wetlands (acres) Buffer I Buffer II (Sq Ft ) (Sq Ft ) Non R�parian ( Coastat Marsh 0 0 Upon receipt of payment EEP will take responsibility for providing the compensatory mitigat�on The m�tigation w�ll be performed m accordance with the N C Department of Env�ronment and Natural Resources Ecosystem Enhancement Program In Licu Fee Instrument dated July 28 LO1Q Thank you for your mterest tn the NCEEP If you have any questions or need add�t�onal �nformation please contact Kelly W�ll�ams at (919) 716 1921 Sincerely � Mtch e ll�son Deputy Director cc Karen Higgms NCDWQ Wetlands/401 Un�t Thomas Brown USACE Raleigh Ian McMillan/Marun Richmond NCDWQ Wetlandsl401 Un�t Joey Lawler agent File �:�P.S�DYGl2�G � PYD��� OGGV' StG{.tP� � �rl� 1 ��L, � ENR No�th Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program 1652 Mad Service Center Raleigh NC 27699 1652 / 919 715 0476 / www nceep net � ��Ecos�stem � ������������������ PROGRAM INVOICE October 18 2011 Robert Friesen Piedmont Natural Gas 4720 Piedmont Row Drive Charlotte NC 28210 Pro�ect PNG Wayne revision County Wayne DWQ# 11 0210 COE# 201100118 EEP # 20653 Locat�on Neuse 03020201 mvo�ce exp�res December 18 2011 You have elected to satisfy the compensatory mrtigation requ�rements of the Section 401/404/CAMA permrt(s) issued for the above referenced pro�ect through payment of a fee to the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) In accordance w►th 1 SA NCAC 2R 0402(d) the amount you owe is based upon the 2011 2012 Fee Schedule and has been calculated as follows (Please note payment for wetlands is calculated in increments of 0 25 acres) If you have any questions concernmg th�s payment please call Kelly Williams at (919) 716 1921 Habitat Type Invoiced Amount Fee Schedule Cost Riparian Wetlands 0 25 acres x $ 64 077 00 = $16 019 25 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE �f pa�d w�th►n 60 days $16 019 25 If payment is not rece�ved withm 60 days of the date of this mvoice it will exp�re Note that your permit(s) may require payment before this date Subsequent mvo�ce extenscons will be based on the fee schedule m effect on the date they are issued Extensions may be requested by emailmg the NCEEP In Lieu Fee Program Coordmator at kelly williams@ncdenr gov Please send a check payable to NCEEP for the Total Amount Due to the appropriate address below and enclose a copy of this invoice US Mail NCDENR Ecosystem Enhancement Program 1652 Ma�l Serv�ce Center Raleigh NC 27699 1652 Physical Address (for other delivery services) NCDENR Ecosystem Enhancement Program 2728 Cap�tal Boulevard Swte lH 103 Rale�gh NC 27604 The mitigation witl be performed m accordance with the N C Department of Environment and Natural Resources Ecosystem Enhancement Program In Lieu Fee Instrument dated July 28 2010 If the account name on the check is not the same as the perm�t holder s name, please �nclude a sisned statement by the permit holder that the check �s bein� written on behalf of and with full knowledee and authorization of, the permit holder Refunds of payments made to NCEEP are only approved under certain conditions All refund requests must be submitted m accordance with EEP s refund policy at www nceep net YOU MUST BE IN POSSESSION OF THE PAYMENT RECEIPT FROM NCEEP PRIOR TO COMMENCING THE ACTIVITIES AUTHORIZED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF ARMY 404 PERMIT CAMA PERMIT AND/OR THE 401 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION CC Karen Higgms NCDWQ Wetlands/401 Unit Thomas Brown USACE Raleigh Todd Tugwell USACE Rale�gh Joey Lawler agent F►le R.e.sto�u�t� � PYOtectuu� Ou.� .ttat� ��L, NCDENR North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program 1652 Mad Service Center Raleigh NC 27699 1652 / 919 715 0476 / www nceep net Robert Fr�esen Piedmont Natural Gas 4720 P�edmont Row Drive Charlotte NC 28210 Pro�ect County DWQ# COE# EEP # Amount Pa�d Check Number PNG Wayne rev�sion Wayne 11 0210 2011 00118 20653 $16 019 25 1100279 � � co�stem x .�� �a �������� �� PROGRAM RECEIPT October 31 2011 ��- 0210 Ua-- .�� ..� The North Carol�na Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) has recerved a check as mdicated above as payment for the compensatory mit�gation requ�rements of the 401 Water Quality Certification/Section 404/CAMA Permit(s) �ssued for the above referenced pro�ect This receipt serves as notificat�on that your compensatory m�tigation requirements assigned to NCEEP assoc�ated w►th the author�zed act�v�ty as spec�fied below have.been satisfied You must also comply with all other conditions of th�s certification and any other state federal or local government permits or authorization associated w�th this act�v�ty includmg SL 2009 337 An Act to Promote the Use of Compensatory Mit�gat�on Banks as amended by S L 2011 343 The NCEEP by acceptance of th�s payment acknowledges that the NCEEP is respons�bfe for the compensatory mitigation requirements md�cated below associated with the pro�ect permit and agrees to provide the compensatory mit�gation as specified m the permit Mitigation respons�bility assigned to the NCEEP is nontransferable The mit�gation will be performed in accordance with the N C Department of Environment and Natural Resources Ecosystem Enhancement Program In L�eu Fee Instrument dated July 28 2010 Rrver Basm Stream Credrts Wetland Cred�ts Buffer I& II HUC (lmear feet) (acres) (Sq Ft ) Cold Cool Warm Ri arian Non Ri anan Coastal Marsh Neuse 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 03020201 Refunds of payments made to NCEEP are only approved under certain cond�tions All refund requests must be submitted in accordance with EEP s refund policy at www nceep net lf you have any questions or need additional information please contact Kelly Williams at (919) 716 1921 [KN Smcerely � � . Michael Eilison Deputy Director Karen Higgins NCDWQ Wetlands/401 Unrt Thomas Brown USACE Raleigh Todd Tugwell USACE Raleigh Joey Lawler agent F�le � ?�.P.stD�u29 �h�t�ut�� P�D���z�t� Du,� Sta,t� Q�� 1 NCDENR North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699 1652 / 919 715 0476 / www nceep net � /