HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0000272_Workscope_StudyAquaticRes_19950601 it I� WORKSCOPE FOR A STUDY OF THE AQUATIC RESOURCES AND WATER QUALITY OF THE PIGEON RIVER FOR CHAMPION INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION Prepared for: IIChampion International Corporation Main Street Canton, North Carolina 28716 II Prepared by: EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc. 11019 McCormick Road Hunt Valley, Maryland 21031 (� and I� 444 Lake Cook Road, Suite 18 Deerfield, IL 60015 I� June 1995 1. INTRODUCTION This document contains EA Engineering, Science, and Technology's workscope for conducting a biological and water quality survey of the Pigeon River in 1995. EA originally surveyed the aquatic resources of the Pigeon River in 1987 (EA 1988). The 1987 synoptic survey consisted of the following elements: water quality, habitat, hydrography, hydrology, light attenuation, periphyton, benthos, and fish. These elements will be repeated in 1995 except that the hydrography and hydrology elements will rely on current USGS data or data collected in 1987. In addition to repeating the elements of the 1987 study, a new element, fish health assessment, has been added to the 1995 study. A tissue study to determine body burdens of dioxin will be conducted concurrent with the synoptic survey. The objectives of the 1995 synoptic study are: (1) describe current biological and water quality conditions in the Pigeon River, (2) compare these conditions with those documented in 1987, and (3) document the extent to which recent improvements at the mill have resulted in improved biological or water quality conditions in the Pigeon River. 1 rI ' 2. WORK SCOPE I f 2.1 STUDY AREA The study area will encompass both the North Carolina and Tennessee portions of the Pigeon River. The mainstem of the Pigeon River will be sampled from RM 64.5 upstream of Canton, (I NC to RM 19.3 in Tennessee. Three tributaries will also be sampled along this reach of the ll river. Biological sampling stations are presented in Table 1 and water quality stations are presented in Table 2. Biological 1 Stations, [' All biological stations sampled in 1987 (EA 1988) will again be sampled in 1995 except that the station at RM 65.5, which originally was sampled only for fish, has been eliminated and, the downstream-most station sampled in 1987 (RM 7.8) also has been eliminated (Table 1). A mainstem station has been added at RM 54 to better assess possible near field impacts of the Waynesville STP. A mainstem station has also been added at RM 55.5. This location is r' upstream of the Waynesville STP and Richland Creek, but downstream of the Clyde STP. `` This station will allow better resolution of differences among these point sources and will allow a direct comparison with data collected by TVA biologists from this site in 1990 (Saylor et al.1994). Water Quality Stations I� Eighteen water quality stations will be sampled (Table 2), 16 in North Carolina and the two mainstem Pigeon River stations in Tennessee. h � 2.2 TECHNICAL COMPONENTS (� The workscope is divided into eight technical components: light attenuation, habitat, water quality, benthic macroinvertebrates, fish, periphyton, dioxin tissue study, and fish health assessment. Methods used to measure or evaluate each of these components are presented below. The methods described are consistent with those used during the 1987 synoptic survey (EA 1988). In some cases, minor modifications of the methods used in 1987 have been made to allow them to conform to the standard methods recommended by North Carolina DEM (1995). 2.1.1 Light Attenuation Model In the 1987 study, the light attenuation model was applied on a daily basis for a 3 year June- October period at four stations in both the North Carolina and Tennessee portions of the Pigeon River. Each station included a pool and riffle transect. Data requirements for the light attenuation model include color, turbidity, light extinction coefficients and water depth at each station. During the 3 year period, water depths at each transect were calculated based upon USGS flow data. Daily true color data were available from Canton Mill's Pigeon River monitoring program at the North Carolina stations and weekly color data were available in Tennessee. The light extinction coefficients used in the model were based upon field measurements of light attenuation over the water column. 2 Table 2. Water Quality Sampling Stations Along the Pigeon River and Tributaries River Location M& Above Canton, River Road bridge (first) 64.5 Canton mill effluent 63.3 Fiberville bridge 62.9 Above Clyde, right bank 59.0 Clyde STP effluent 57.1 Below Clyde, Hyder Mountain Road bridge 55.5 Richland Creek, bridge at creek mile 0.2 54.9 Waynesville STP effluent 54.8 Above Crabtree Creek, local bridge off Route 209 52.2 Crabtree Creek, private bridge at creek mile 0.15 49.8 Riverside, Ferguson Bridge 48.3 Jonathan Creek, bridge at creek mile 0.9 46.0 USGS Hepco Gauging Station, left bank 45.1 Fines Creek, left bank at creek mile 0.3 42.7 New Hepco Bridge 42.6 Cataloochee Creek, right bank at creek mile 1.0 38.1 Below powerhouse, bridge at I-40 exit to Waterville 24.7 Above Cosby Creek, local bridge at Groundhog Creek 19.3 4 For the 1995 study, the June-October data for 1993, 1994, and 1995 will be analyzed using the light attenuation model. The 1995 study will use a subset of the pool and riffle transects used in the previous report. In this manner, improvements in river conditions will be directly observable. The data requirements and application of the light attenuation model are discussed in more detail below. Hydrology - North Carolina In the 1987 study, drainage area scaling relationships were developed based upon daily USGS flows at Canton (RM 64.9) and Hepco (RM 45.1) for all stations between the Canton Mill and Walters Lake Dam. For the current study, daily USGS flow records at Canton and Hepco will be obtained for the period from 1991 through the completion of the field surveys. A staff gage will be installed at each station used in the field program. A comparison between staff readings and extrapolated USGS flows will confirm that the stage-discharge relationships established in 1987 are still appropriate. These relationships will be used to provide daily cross-sectional average depths at each transect as a function of river flow. Hydrology - Tennessee The hydraulic regime in Tennessee is complex because of flow variations caused by the Carolina Power & Light (CPL) powerhouse. In the 1987 study, a flow model was developed that could estimate hourly flows at the stations in the Tennessee portion of the river based upon reported hourly USGS flows at Newport. During the 1995 study, hourly USGS Newport flows will be obtained from 1991 to the completion of the 1995 field program. Hourly CPL powerhouse flows will also be obtained for a minimum 3 month period coinciding with the- field survey program. The flow model will be executed for this 3 month period in order to compare predicted and actual hourly CPL powerhouse flows as re-confirmation of the model. The flow model will then be used to generate an hourly record for the 1993-1995 June-October period which will be converted to transect depth using the previously established relationships. A staff gage will also be installed at each station in the Tennessee portion of the River. Readings tabulated at the time of data collection will assist in quantifying the hydraulic regime and in verifying the phase relationship between stations of the propagation of the flow front. Light Extinction Coefficients Two field surveys will be performed at all stations where the light attenuation model is to be applied. Data collection will include turbidity, suspended solids, true color, and apparent color. The color measurements will be made by the platinum-cobalt method (NCASI 1971) as performed in 1987. Field measurement will also include light attenuation measurements throughout the water column using a Lamda Li-170 photometer or equivalent. Multiple regression techniques will be used to calculate turbidity attenuation coefficients and color extinction coefficients from the field-measured attenuation coefficients. 5 ' Application of the Light Attenuation Model The light attenuation model will be executed for the most recent 3 year June-October period (i.e., 1993-1995) based upon daily color and flow data. Currently the mill measures color 2 times a week at the mill intake, RM 42.7 (North Carolina) and at RM 24.7 (1-40, Tennessee). Daily color data are collected at the plant discharge. The daily color and turbidity values for model input will be determined based on the available data. In 1987 it was observed that the decrease in color along the North Carolina portion of the Pigeon River was highly correlated with increasing flow due to increasing drainage area. Therefore the 1993-1995 June-October daily color data set will be constructed at each station using the daily discharge color values and dilution flows scaled from the USGS data. This daily color data set will be verified with the twice weekly values collected at RM 42.6. Any observable systematic difference will be included back in the scaling procedures. In the Tennessee portion of the Pigeon River, the currently available twice weekly color values will be analyzed as a function of flow and the upstream color loading for the period 1993- 1995. The light attenuation model for the Tennessee portion of the Pigeon River will use an appropriate color relationship as determined by this analysis. The results of light attenuation modeling in the 1987 report were presented primarily as frequency of occurrence tables of percent of incident light reaching the river bottom. As a result, the 1993-1995 attenuation modeling results will be presented in a similar manner for the same pool and riffle stations. This will allow improvements in river conditions to be directly discernable. 2.2.2 Habitat In 1987, EA evaluated habitat using methods described by Ball (1982) and Platts et al. (1983) because NC DEM had not established stream habitat evaluation procedures. NC DEM (1995) has recently developed such procedures for coastal plains streams. We will determine whether these procedures can be used or modified for the mountain ecoregion in which the Pigeon River is located. If they can not be modified for the mountain ecoregion, we will either use the evaluation protocol we used in 1987 or use one of the evaluation procedures developed recently such as the Qualitative Habitat Evaluation Procedure (Rankin 1989). Regardless of the procedure used (all are relatively similar), the following habitat variables will be evaluated: Substrate Cover Embeddedness Velocity Channel morphology Riffle/Pool quality Bank Stability Riparian vegetation 6 Each variable will be scored, these scores will be summed, and the resultant composite scores compared among locations and relative to the score at the mainstem reference location (RM 64.5). 2.2.3 Water Quality During July 1987, Champion and EA conducted a synoptic survey of water quality in the Pigeon River from Canton to the French Broad River (EA 1988). Water quality parameters measured during 1987, which also will be measured during the 1995 study, are listed in Table 3. In 1987, samples were collected from 13 mainstream station, eight tributaries, and four treatment plant effluents (i.e., 25 stations). Sampling took approximately 2.5 days, and the entire survey was conducted twice over a 5-day period. In 1995, water quality samples will be collected from the 16 North Carolina and two Tennessee stations listed in Table 2. Prior to initiating the sampling program, EA will review North Carolina water quality standards and prepare a brief SOP for Champion and the field crew. The plan will provide specific sampling locations, sample collection procedures, in situ monitoring procedures, and QA/QC procedures. The 1995 water quality survey will be conducted over a 4 day period (2 surveys, each expected to take 2 days). Temperature, pH, conductivity, and dissolved oxygen will be measured in the field using a Hydrolab water quality analyzer or equivalent. All other samples will be preserved immediately (per EPA specifications) and will be analyzed within EPA- recommended holding times. The water quality survey will be conducted during summer, base-flow conditions to assess the effects of effluent discharges and tributaries on the river without the masking effects of stormwater runoff. Contemporary conditions will be compared to conditions prior to the modernization of Champion's Canton Mill by comparing 1995 survey results with 1987 results. Other acceptable available data will also be included in these comparisons. In the final report, we will compare the contemporary water quality data to state standards, as well as present a 1987 vs 1995 parameter by parameter data comparison, emphasizing water quality change over time. 2.2.4 Benthic Community EA studied the benthic communities of the Pigeon River and Richland Creek during July 1987, as part of the Pigeon River synoptic survey (EA 1988). Samples were collected from nine mainstem river stations and one tributary (Richland Creek) station. Survey methods and results are presented and summarized in EA (1988). Benthic field and laboratory survey methods utilized in 1987 will be used as a technical template for the 1995 study in order to allow a comparison of the past and present benthic community. Benthos samples will be collected from all six of the original North Carolina mainstem stations, two of the three original Tennessee mainstem stations, and new mainstem 7 Table 3. Water quality parameters measured during the 1987 Pigeon River Synoptic Study and for the 1995 study Organics Metals Inorganic Nonmetals Physical Determinations Biochemical oxygen demand* Aluminum Alkalinity True color** Chemical oxygen demand Calcium Chloride Apparent color** Surfactants (MBAS) Magnesium Total hardness Total filterable residue (Total dissolved solids) Zinc Ammonia-Nitrogen Total non-filterable residue (Total suspended solids) Total Kjeldahl nitrogen Total volatile non-filterable CO residue (total volatile suspended solids) Nitrate + nitrite-nitrogen Turbidity Phosphorus Temperature Sulfate pH Conductivity Dissolved oxygen * Collected by EA but analyzed by Pace Environmental, Asheville in order to meet requested holding time. ** Collected by EA but measured by Canton Mill. stations at RM 55.5 and RM 54 (Table 1). Three tributaries (Richland Creek, Jonathan Creek, and Fines Creek) will also be sampled. As in the 1987 study, stations will be sampled qualitatively with kick nets, sweep nets, and fine mesh samplers. The methods used in 1987 are consistent with those currently recommended by NC DEM (1995). A total of ten qualitative samples will be collected from each sampling station; two kick net samples, three sweep net samples, three fine-mesh samples (two rock/log and one sand/fines), one leaf-pack , and one visual search (considered as one sample). Kick net samples (1 m2 net) will be collected from riffle areas of differing velocities; sweep net samples will be obtained from bank areas and macrophyte beds; and fine mesh samplers will be used to sample smaller invertebrates such as Chironomidae larvae. Organisms collected in qualitative samples will be visually picked in the field in proportion to their abundance (however it will not be necessary to remove all organisms). Samples will be preserved and labeled immediately following field sorting, and subsequently transported to the laboratory for identification. All benthic macroinvertebrates (taken both quantitatively and qualitatively) including Oligochaetes and Chironomidae larvae will be identified to the lowest feasible taxon. NC DEM (1995) methodologies do not require collection of quantitative samples such as those collected by the Hess sampler used in 1987. Although not required, triplicate Hess samples will also be collected at each mainstem location to allow comparison with 1987 quantitative data. The summer benthic survey is intended to describe the community composition, abundance, and distribution during summer, base-flow conditions. The approach to assessing the community will focus on the benthos as a food base for higher trophic levels and we will use the NC DEM bioclassifrcation scheme to determine the quality of the Pigeon River benthic community. The analysis of the food base will include the interpretation of density (or abundance) trends and biomass estimates as a measure of standing crop using data from the Hess samples. The bioclassification analysis will be based on the qualitative samples to assess quality of the community at each sampling location and will follow procedures described by NC DEM (1995). Contemporary community conditions will be compared to conditions encountered prior to improvements at Champion's treatment plant by comparing results of the 1995 benthic survey to 1987 survey results. In the final synoptic report, EA will provide a comparison of present and past (i.e., 1987) benthic community data, and will discuss and emphasize community change over time (particularly since the Canton Mill effluent reductions/improvements). Comparisons will also be made to recently collected NC DEM data from the Pigeon River if any such data are available. 2.2.5 Fish Community EA studied the fish communities of the Pigeon River and Richland Creek during July 1987, as part of the Pigeon River synoptic survey (EA 1988). Fishes were collected from ten mainstem river stations and one tributary (Richland Creek) station. Survey methods and results are presented and summarized in EA (1988). 9 Fisheries field and laboratory methods utilized in 1987 will be used as a technical template for the 1995 study in order to allow a comparison of the past and present fish community. Fish will be collected from eight of the original ten mainstem stations. The most upstream (i.e., RM 65.5) and downstream (i.e., RM 7.8) of the original stations will not be sampled. Mainstem locations will be added at RM 54 and at RM 55.5 (Table 1). Fishes will also be collected from the following tributaries: Richland Creek, Jonathan Creek, and Fines Creek. The 1995 fish community survey will be conducted over an approximate 10-12 day period. As in the 1987 study, fish collection techniques will be standardized to provide a representative qualitative sample and to allow a comparison of fish communities along the length of the Pigeon River study reach. A pram-mounted electroshocker will be used to sample all available habitats within a 150-200m reach at each station. We have found that our pram-mounted electrofisher is considerably more effective in streams the size of the Pigeon River than the backpack units recommended by NC DEM. Where necessary, a small electrofishing boat will be used to sample deeper areas. Where available, approximately equal areas of both riffle and pool habitats will be sampled within each sample reach. The stream margin and backwater areas (i.e., potential nursery/refugia areas) at each station will be sampled with a 3.05 x 1.22m straight seine with 0.32 cm (1/8") square mesh or similar seine. Seining will be conducted to complement the electrofishing. Finally, a combination kick-seining/electrofishing method may be used to sample riffle-dwelling species that may not have been taken using the other collection methods. Similar to the approach used by Saylor et al. (1994), fish sampling at each location will cover all habitat types and will continue'until no new species are being collected. All fish will be identified to species and counted. Sportfish will be individually weighed and measured up to a maximum of 15 individuals per station. Forage, rough, and nongame fishes will be batch weighed only. Incidence of parasites, disease, and other morphological anomalies will also be noted. As needed, specimens will be preserved and returned to the laboratory for confirmation of identification, whereas all others will be released on site. The 1995 fisheries survey is intended to describe community composition, abundance, and distribution during summer, base-flow conditions. As in the 1987 study, fisheries data will be tabulated to characterize individual fish community attributes (i.e., abundance, distribution, species richness) and species-specific parameters (i.e., coefficients of condition or relative weight for sportfish, evidence of successful reproduction). Fish community data will also be incorporated in North Carolina's Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) in order to characterize the biotic condition of the surveyed length of the Pigeon River. Results of the IBI analysis will determine whether the biotic condition of the sampling locations approximate, deviate somewhat, or deviate strongly from conditions expected in an unperturbed system. The IBI components currently used by NC DEM have been modified somewhat from those used in 1987. IBI scores in 1995 will be calculated using current (NC DEM 1995) guidance and, if the original data can be retrieved, the 1987 scores will be recalculated using current scoring procedures. The relative health of the study area will be discussed by summarizing and synthesizing the community-level and IBI statistics. Contemporary conditions will be compared to conditions encountered prior to the modernization of Champion's Canton Mill. 10 This will be accomplished by comparing results of the 1995 fisheries survey to 1987 survey results and to results presented by Saylor et al. (1994). In the final report, EA will provide a comparison of present and past fish community data, and will discuss and emphasize community change over time (e.g., since the Canton Mill modifications). 2.2.6 Periphyton Methods Periphyton collections will be made at all ten Pigeon River mainstem biological sampling stations (Table 1). Methods of collection, sample analyses, data analyses, and interpretation will be the same as used during the 1987 synoptic survey. Sample Collection Natural substrates (flat rocks) will be used for the collections. One month prior to the period scheduled for the synoptic survey, eight smooth flat rocks will be collected from the banks of the river at each station. One side of each rock will be thoroughly cleaned with a wire brush and the other side of the rock will be painted red with fast-drying acrylic paint. A Li-Cor submarine photometer, Model Li-170 or equivalent, will be used to determine the depth of substrate placement. Two substrates will be placed at a depth receiving greater than 30-35 percent of incident light. Four substrates will be placed at a depth receiving 10-30 percent incident light and two substrates will be placed at a depth receiving approximately 10 percent incident light. It is anticipated that at some stations the river will not be deep enough to place substrates at the lower light levels. At all stations rocks will be placed at measured distances along a shore to shore transect. All substrates will be placed in riffle areas in an attempt to eliminate velocity as a significant variable. One month after substrate placement, during the period of the synoptic survey, each station will again be visited for substrate (sample) retrieval. At each station, the goal will be to retrieve one substrate from the high-light depth, two substrates from the intermediate-light depth, and one substrate from the low-light depth (i.e., half of the substrates). If a thorough search of a particular depth at a particular station does not yield a marked substrate, a natural substrate of similar characteristics will be taken from the same depth for analysis. Once located, an epilithic bar clamp sampler (EBCS) will be attached to the substrate and, with flexible seal in place, the rock and EBCS will be removed from the river. The flexible seal will then be removed and a trimmed paint brush will be used to scrub the rock surface to completely loosen the attached periphyton. A large bulb pipette (i.e., turkey barter) will be used to transfer the periphyton slurry from the well of the EBCS to a labeled 4-oz glass jar. The sample will be kept on ice until return to the filtration site. Standard water quality parameters (DO, pH, specific conductance, and temperature) will be taken at each station using a Hydrolab Model 4041 Water Quality Analyzer or equivalent. A light profile will also be taken using a submarine photometer. 11 Field Subsamnling for Chlorophyll a Phaeophytin a. Biomass and Periohyton Identification At the filtration site, each sample will be brought up to a volume of 100 ml using a graduated cylinder and distilled water following which the sample will be shaken vigorously for one minute or more to homogenize the sample. A 2-5 ml subsample (depending on sample thickness) will then be removed using a pipet and filtered through a GF/C glass-fiber filter under low (< 10 in. Hg) vacuum. During the final phase of filtering, 0.2 ml of a 1 percent mgCO3 suspension will be added to buffer the sample. After all water has passed through the filter, the filter will be wrapped in bibulous paper, labeled, and placed in a dark jar filled with desiccant. A 10-30 ml subsample for biomass (AFDW) will be removed using a pipette and filtered through a pre-rinsed, dried, and pre-weighed GF/C glass-fiber filter under low (< 10 in. Hg) pressure. Each filter will be placed in a small plastic petri-dish, labeled, and placed in a dark jar containing desiccant. Both chlorophyll a and biomass samples will be frozen on dry ice during transport to the laboratory. The remaining sample will be returned to its original glass jar and preserved with "M'" algal preservative (American Public Health Association 1985) for algal identification and enumeration. Laboratory Analysis of Chlorophyll a, Phaeophytin as and Biomass The samples for chlorophyll a and phaeophytin a analysis will be delivered to EA Labs where the samples will be inspected, compared with the chain-of-custody records, logged, and assigned laboratory accession numbers. Determinations of chlorophyll a and phaeophytin a will be made according to American Public Health Association (1985) Method 1002G. All appropriate quality control and quality assurance criteria will be employed during the analysis. The sample for biomass measured as ash-free dry weight (AFDW) determination will be delivered to EA Labs where biomass (AFDW) will be determined using American Public Health Association (1985) Method 1002H. Taxonomic Analysis The inverted microscope method (Lund et al. 1985) will be used to identify and enumerate periphyton collected from optimal light regimes at each location. Each preserved sample will be mixed, and an aliquot will be transferred into a settling chamber designed for use on a Zeiss Standard UPL inverted microscope. The volume of aliquot settled generally will be from 0.1 to 1.0 ml depending upon algal density and the amount of silt and detritus present. Algae will be identified and enumerated at 1,000 x magnification under oil immersion, and reported as number of cells (except some filamentous algae which will be reported as 10-jum lengths). Analysis of each sample will be considered complete when approximately 400 reporting units have been counted. However, a minimum of one radius and a maximum of two diameters of the settling chamber will be examined for all samples. Periphyton densities (reporting 12 units/mm2) and total taxa identified at each location will be reported for all samples analyzed. 2.2.7 Fish Tissue Collections Concurrent with the 1995 synoptic survey, EA will also collect fish for dioxin analyses as required by the Mill's NPDES permit. Procedures will follow those described in the 1990 Study Plan (EA 1990) and updated during recent surveys (EA 1994). Key elements of the tissue collections are described below. Sampling Stations Collections will be made at: Station 1 RM 64.5 Station 2 RM 59.0 Station 3 RM 52.3 Station 4A RM 41.5 Station 4B RM 39.0 Station 5 RM 19.0 Except for Stations 4A and 4B (Walters Lake), these stations will be sampled as part of the synoptic survey. Equipmen EA will use a 12-ft electrofishing boat and a Coffelt VVP-2C pram electrofishing unit as the primary sampling gears at each station. If necessary, gill nets will be used to collect the desired complement of fishes at the Walters Lake stations. The field crew will also be equipped with a variety of other sampling gears (e.g., seines, trotlines, etc.) that will be used if the primary techniques fail to yield the required number of species of fish. Fish Collection Objectives and Sample Preparation Collection methods, objectives, and sample preparation will follow EA Study Plan 11370.01 (February 1990) entitled "Study Plan for Dioxin Monitoring in Fish Tissue". The goal of the fish collection effort will be to collect four composite samples at each of the six sampling stations. Station-specific objectives include the collection of two sport fish fillet composites, one bottom-feeder fillet composite, and one bottom-feeder whole body composite. . Each composite should contain fillets or whole bodies from approximately 5 to 10 individual specimens. EA will prepare each sample in the field as per the preparation methods described in the study plan. Following the filleting, wrapping, bagging, and labeling process, all samples will be frozen and held on dry ice. Chain-of-custody forms will be prepared for the composite 13 samples collected at each station. All samples will be shipped via overnight courier to the analytical lab chosen by Champion. As in the past, we will expect Champion to contract directly with the analytical lab to analyze the samples collected. Repo Pr-Qparation EA will prepare a report separate from the synoptic survey report that will detail the sampling methods used and effort expended at each tissue station, as well as a description of each fish submitted for analysis. Analytical results will be reported as actual concentrations of TCDD and TCDF isomers and the 2,3,7,8-TCDD Toxic Equivalent Values. Field and laboratory data sheets will be included as a report appendix. 2.2.8 Fish Health Assessment In 1992, Adams et al. (1993) evaluated the health of the Pigeon River fish community using the Health Assessment Index (HAI). Adams et al. (1993) collected redbreast sunfish from locations 10 and 70 km downstream of the Canton Mill effluent and compared HAI values at these stations with reference stations on the Little River and Little Pigeon River. Adams et al. (1993) found fish in the Pigeon River to be less "healthy" compared to the two reference streams. However, Adams et al. did not collect any fish from upstream of the mill. Furthermore, the fish at the two Pigeon River downstream sites were "healthier" than in an average TVA reservoir. Moreover, the Adams et al. (1993) samples were collected prior to the recent improvements at the mill, so any recent improvement in fish health would not be apparent in their data. Furthermore, without data from upstream of the mill, it is not possible to determine whether there actually was any decline downstream of the mill. To address these issues, EA will collect approximately 20 redear sunfish at each mainstem location and evaluate their health using the HAI. Each fish will be evaluated and scored on site according to the 14 variables identified by Adams et al. (1993, Table 1). Mean scores will be calculated for each station and station means will be compared statistically. We will also collect approximately 20 redear sunfish from the two Walters Lake Stations for further comparisons. Although we are specifying approximately 20 fish per station, we anticipate that the number will vary somewhat among stations. If redbreast sunfish are common at a station, we may collect more than 20 specimens, conversely if they are uncommon as few as 5-10 may be collected. If a thorough search at a station yields fewer than 5 specimens, that station will be deleted because of the enhanced probability of anomalous results associated with such a small sample size. 2.3 REPORTS Study results from all project components will be provided in a comprehensive synoptic report. Included in the document will be text describing: • methods for all tasks; 14 • results of light attenuation studies; • habitat conditions at each sampling station; • water quality survey results and compliance with state standards; • benthic survey results and contemporary benthic community structure, standing crop, community function, and health; fish survey results and contemporary fish community composition, abundance, distribution, and condition; • periphyton biomass and composition; • biological integrity of the study area; • a comparison of 1987 water quality to the prevailing Pigeon River water quality; • a comparison of 1987 Pigeon River periphyton, benthos and fish communities to contemporary biotic communities, emphasizing community change over time (e.g., since the Canton Mill effluent reductions/improvements). comparisons to other recent water quality or biological studies; • other factors (e.g., agricultural runoff, deforestation, municipal STPs, and operation of the CP&L dam) that may affect water or biological quality in the Pigeon River. A draft synoptic document will be submitted to Champion for review by 22 November (assumes field collections are finished by late August), and a final document will be prepared following receipt of Champion's comments on the draft version. A separate report will be prepared describing the results of the fish tissue collections. 15 3. REFERENCES Adams, S.M., A.M. Brown, and R.W. Goede. 1993. A quantitative health assessment index for rapid evaluation of fish condition in the field. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 122:63-73. American Public Health Association. 1985. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. American Public Health Association, Inc. New York. Ball, J. 1982. Stream Classification Guidelines for Wisconsin. Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources Technical Bulletin. EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc. 1988. Synoptic Survey of Physical and Biological Condition of the Pigeon River in the Vicinity of Champion International's Canton Mill, prepared for Champion International Corporation, Stamford, CT. Prepared by EA Engineering, Science, and Technology. Sparks, MD. EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc. 1990. Study Plan for the Monitoring of Dioxin in Fish Tissue. EA Report No. 11370.01, prepared for Champion International Corporation, Canton, North Carolina. EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc. 1994. Results of 1994 Dioxin Monitoring in Fish Tissue. EA Report No. 11370.02, prepared for Champion International Corporation, Canton, North Carolina. Lund, J.W.G., C. Kipling, and E.D. LeCren. 1958. The inverted microscope method of estimating algal numbers and the statistical basis of estimations by counting. Hydrobiologia. 11:143-170. North Carolina Division of Environmental Management. 1995. Standard operating procedures: Biological monitoring. Biological Assessment Group. Raleigh, NC. Platts, W.S., W.F. Megahan, and G.W. Minshall. 1983. Methods for Evaluating Stream, Riparian, and Biotic Conditions. General Technical Report INT-138. U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Forest Service, Ogden, UT. Rankin, E.T. 1989. The qualitative habitat evaluation index (QHEI): rationale, methods, and application. Division of Water Quality Planning & Assessment, Ecological Assessment Section. Columbus, OH. Saylor, C., A. McKinney, and W. Schacher. 1994. Case study of the Pigeon River in the Tennessee River drainage. TVA Biological Report 19. 16 IdATER UJRLITY PLANNING Fax:919-715-5637 Jun 21 '95 13:41 P.C11/01 State.of-North'GdEonnr . - :Depalt'tnent;bf•EriufF 9r 1t ,taxna lth asmftta!?memu75T1 �+, � 1 Hea and'Naturell l7esoun :,: Dhrlslon of Environmental Monal i James S. Hunt,Jr„iGovemor °0P Jonathan B. Howes,Secretary A. Preston Howarq,Jr„P:E.,Dlret ^°.g June 9,1995 MEMORANDUM TO Metuters,Variance Review Committee FROM: Den Loftin SUBJECT: July 19. 1995,Variance Review M eCting Please be advised•that.the Epviimmmental Mauagement Co ion,Variance Review Committee has solGdulctl ameeting•for July 19,1995-from 9: am to 3.00 pm. The meeting will be held:at Champion International's facility incanton,.NC. The agenda will include a meeting with.Chariapio4 for.the first hour,a tour of the facility for the next 2-3 hours,lunch and then a wrap-up session for questions and discussion. The weetmg should adjourn by 3:00 pm. 'In tercets of travel pla cs for the meeting,Water Quality staff from the central office in Raleigh have reserved a mini:v for any merubers'who would like a ride to Asheville. Downtown accommodations are'.a able at the Radisson lintel(704-Z52 211)and the Best Western(704 253-1851). In addition an interest has• cen expressed by the ' bers.to share dinner together on Tuesday evening,?Iy 18. I have enclosed for your revieva Emiatest report prepared by C , pion International on color removal technology(Mri130,;1'995). The reporthas a brief ary of the original variance process,a deseriptionli ft modernizationptrocess and vplor to otion results so far, and a discussion of the B1cac I Filtrate Recycle(BFR)process.currenty under construction_ If you have any questions or if you.are interested is either ridin in thelmi19)73 or shading dinner on Tuesday evening�prase get in touch with Beth McGee by p one aG(919)733-5083 (exc 575), fax at(919)715-5633,cur EMad at beth @ dem.ebnr state.nc.us" I look forward to meeting with you in July. DUbm cc: . EMC Membors Linda Bray Rinier Frank Crawley Regional Super0sors ' Derric Brown,Cbatapion International Corporation Preston Howard,DEM Steve Tedder,DEM WQ Fritz Wagner,EPA P.O.FW 29535;RcIoTgh:Norlh Ccrokna27626-05M TelepMne 919.733 7015 FAX 919-733.2496 An EquO Opp«hruly AfltrmaiW Ac w Employer WL rocyclaW 10%peer-aeasumer PaPer Champion International Corporation Stamford, CT Comments on the USEPA Proposed TCDD Effluent Limit for Champion International Corporation's Canton, North Carolina Pulp and Paper Mill Prepared by: Dr. Paul D. Anderson ENSR Consulting and Engineering (Formerly ERT) April 1989 . Document Number 1360-010-000 I TABLE OF CONTENTS Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. INTRODUCTION 1-1 2 . DERIVATION OF THE PROPOSED EFFLUENT LIMIT OF 0 . 1 PPQD 2-1 3 . REVIEW OF THE CANCER POTENCY OF 2 , 3 , 7, 8-TCDD 3-1 4 . REVIEW OF ALLOWABLE RISK LEVELS 4-1 5 , REVIEW OF BIOCONCENTRATION/BIOACCUMULATION FACTORS 5-1 5 . 1 Theory of, and Differences Between Bio- concentration and Bioaccumulation Factors 5-1 ' 5 . 2 Derivation of a Site-specific Bioaccumulation Factor 5-3 6 . REVIEW OF FISH CONSUMPTION RATES 6-1 6 . 1 Review of Regional Freshwater Fish Consumption Rates 6-1 6 . 2 Site Specific Fish Consumption Rate 6-5 6 . 3 Loss of Dioxin During Preparation of Fish 6-6 i� 7 . SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 7-1 REFERENCES 5006H 1360-010-000 LIST OF TABLES Table Page 3-1 Comparison of Non-Threshold Cancer Potency Estimates 3-5 3-2 Risk Specific Doses and Reference Doses for 2 , 3 , 7, 8-TCDD 3-13 s 3-3 Effect of Selected Alternative CPFs on the Proposed Dioxin Effluent Limit 3-15 5-1 Summary of Dioxin and Furan Analysis of Fish Fillets from the Pigeon River 5-4 6-1 Regional Freshwater Fish Consumption Breakdown 6-3 7-1 Effect of Alternative Assumptions on the Dioxin Effluent Limit at an Allowable Risk Level of 1 x 10-6 7-2 I 5006H 1360-010-000 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Page 3-1 Graph of Dose-Response Curves for Threshold and Non-Threshold Effects 3-3 3-2 Cancer Potency Factor 3-14 y 5006H 1360-010-000 - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This document contains comments on the USEPA' s proposed dioxin effluent limit of 0 . 1 part per quadrillion- (ppgd) for Champion International ' s, Canton, North Carolina Mill . The comments review the basis for the proposed limit and present recent scientific and site-specific evidence supporting an increase in the proposed dioxin effluent limit . The proposed dioxin limit is based on the USEPA' s dioxin Ambient Water Quality Criterion for consumption of fish only at a one in one million excess lifetime cancer risk. Three key parameters about which assumptions were made in developing the criteria, that are either outdated or not applicable to the Pigeon River are: the carcinogenic potency of dioxin; the bioconcentration factor of dioxin; and, the rate of fish consumption from the Pigeon River . Dioxin has not been shown to cause cancer in humans , therefore, the USEPA uses data from animal experiments to extrapolate to effects in humans . The USEPA assumes that dioxin' s mechanism of causing cancer has no threshold, i . e. ,. some risk exists for all doses except zero. A large body of evidence does not support the method used by the USEPA. The USEPA also extrapolates from animals to humans based on body surface area, as opposed to body weight . Scientific evidence contradicts extrapolation based on surface area but does support extrapolation based on body weight, especially for compounds like dioxin. The U. S. Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) recognizes this and extrapolates based on body weight . At a minimum, the proposed effluent limit sho.uld be based on a potency factor derived using body weight extrapolation. Given the ever increasing evidence that dioxin' s mechanism of causing cancer has a threshold, i .e. , below some dose there is no risk of contracting cancer, the USEPA and USFDA potency factors which assume no threshold, should not be used. Instead, the proposed dioxin effluent limit should be based on 4975H 1360-010-000 tl - a mechanism of carcinogenesis that incorporates a threshold. Canada, the Province of Ontario, and several European Countries have taken this approach. The USEPA used a bioconcentration factor (BCF) of 5000 to derive the proposed effluent limit . Dioxins physiochemical properties indicate that in rivers, use of a BCF is wrong . A bioaccumulation factor (BAF) should be used instead. Because BAF ' s vary from site to site, the most realistic BAFs are based on site-specific data . The comments presorted here derive a site-specific dioxin BAF of 1005 for the Canton Mill on the Pigeon River . This BAF should be used in the proposed criterion instead of a BAF of 5000 , because it reflects actual conditions at the site. The USEPA' s proposed dioxin limit assumes people eat 6 . 5 grams of fish from the Pigeon River per day for their entire lifetime. This generic rate of consumption was based on a consumption survey of estuarine fish and shellfish (neither of which are native to the Pigeon River) and freshwater fish and thus should not be used when deriving the proposed effluent limit . Based on available literature the comments derive a regional per capita consumption rate of 1. 5 grams of freshwater fish per day. The comments also derive a range of consumption rates specific to the Pigeon River. The rates exclusive to the Pigeon River should be used to derive an effluent limit for the Canton Mill . The comments also gresent evidence that dioxin is lost during cooking . The dioxin effluent limit should account for cooking loss . The dioxin effluent limit of 88, 266 parts per quadrillion recommended by these comments is supported by recent scientific and site-specific data, is protective of the public health at a 1xl0-6 excess lifetime risk level and should be the dioxin effluent limit for the Canton Mill . 4975H 1360-010-000 r 1 . INTRODUCTION i � This document contains comments on the USEPA' s proposed dioxin effluent limit for Champion International Corporation ' s Mill in Canton, North Carolina . The comments begin with a discussion of the basis for the proposed 0 . 1 parts per quadrillion (ppqd) dioxin effluent limit and then identify the key assumptions used to derive that limit . For each key assumption the comments support a change in that assumption when applied to the Canton Mill . The impact of the more appropriate alternative assumptions on the proposed dioxin effluent limit is also shown. The comments conclude by presenting, several alternative, site-specific, scientifically defensible effluent limits . All of these are protective of the public health. Note that in the comments, 2 , 3 , 7, 8-TCDD is refered to interchangeably as 2, 3 , 7, 8-TCDD, dioxin or TCDD. Similarly 2 , 3 , 7, 8-TCDF is referred to as 2,3 , 7, 8-TCDF, furan or TCDF. The comments focus on the properties of dioxin as opposed to furan, because most of the information available is for dioxin and also because most of the cancer risk from effluents is usually associated with dioxin. The comments , also do not focus on dioxin toxic equivalents for the same reason they do not focus on furans i .e. the dioxin concentration accounts for the majority of the dioxin toxic equivalent concentration. The amount of dioxin in water is expressed as parts per quadrillion (ppqd) in the comments in part because effluent detection limits are about 10 ppqd. Similarly, dioxin levels in fish are expressed as parts per trillion (ppt) . Detection limits are about 1 ppt in fish. 1-1 4820H 1360-010 2 . DERIVATION OF 'THE PROPOSED EFFLUENT LIMIT OF 0 . 1 ppgd The draft permit derives the proposed effluent limit based on the following relationship: (TCDD River Concentration) x (Average River Flow) _ (TCDD Effluent Concentration) x (Effluent Flow) An allowable effluent concentration can be solved for given the flow rate of the river, the flow rate of effluent, and an allowable TCDD concentration in the river, by rearranging as follows: L (Effluent Conc. ) _ (River Conc._) x (River Flow) (Effluent Flow) To derive the proposed 0 . 1 ppgd effluent limit , the USEPA assumed the average flow of the Pigeon River is 319 cubic feet per Pigeon second (cfs) , the average flow of the effluent, following modernization of the mill, will be 45 cfs , and the allowable concentration of 2, 3 , 7, 8-TCDD in river water is 0 . 014 ppqd. This concentration is equal to the USEPA Ambient Water Quality Criterion for consumption of fish only at a 1 x 10-6 excess lifetime cancer risk level . The USEPA has recognized that excess lifetime cancer risk, the adverse health effect that is the basis for the water quality criterion, is a chronic effect and therefore the average river flow is appropriate . The USEPA has also used the expected effluent flow for the mill once the modernization is complete and appropriately matched this flow to annual average river flow. The USEPA further recognized that people do not use the Pigeon River as a drinking water supply and therefore the Ambient Water Quality Criterion for consumption of fish only is the appropriate criterion to use for establishing the proposed TCDD effluent limit . The water quality criterion for consumption of fish only, however, contains several assumptions that are not appropriate for the Canton, North Carolina mill . 2-1 4821H 1360-010 The criterion has as its basis the following fundamental formula used to estimate excess lifetime cancer risk: Risk = Dose x Potency In deriving the criterion of 0 . 014 pq/1 the USEPA assumed an allowable excess lifetime cancer risk is 1 x 10-6 (one in one million) and that the potency of dioxin is 156, 000 (mg/kg-day)-1. Hoth of these assumptions have a significant impact on the proposed dioxin effluent limit . Alternative values should have been used in setting the proposed effluent limit . The basis for the alternative values is discussed in LL more detail in subsequent sections . The dose of TCDD from eating fish is a function of how much fish people eat, how much TCDD is in the fish people eat, and how much people weigh. when deriving the criterion, the USEPA assumed the concentration of TCDD in fish was the product of a bioconcentration factor (BCF) and the concentration of TCDD in river water. The USEPA assumed people living in the Pigeon River area (assumed to be the residents of Haywood and Cocke Counties in this document) eat 6 . 5 grams of fish per day for 70 years, that people weigh 70 kilograms for 70 years and that the BCF for TCDD is 5, 000 . Since 1984 , when the USEPA published the criterion in final form, a great deal of additional information has become available and indicates that using BCFs to estimate TCDD fish concentration is incorrect, that the average amount of freshwater fish eaten by United States residents is less than 6 . 5 grams per day and that dioxin ' s potency may be substantially lower . The new information is discussed in subsequent sections of the comments . Given all the assumptions made by the USEPA the equation to estimate excess lifetime cancer risk becomes : 2-21 4821H 1360-010 1 x 10-6 = 0 . 0065 (kg fish/person-day) x 5000 ( liters water/kg fish) x X (mg TCDD/liter water) x 1/70 (person/kg body weight) x 156, 000 (mg/kg-day)-1 Rearranging the equation to solve for the unknown water concentration results in: X (mg TCDD/liter water) = 1 x 10-6 x 1/0 . 0065 (person-day/kg fish) x 1/5000 (kg fish/liters water) x 70 (kg body weight/person) x 1/156, 000 (mg/kg-day) and solves to 0 . 014 ppgd, which is the USEPA Ambient Water Quality Criterion for dioxin assuming fish ingestion is the only exposure pathway, an allowable excess lifetime cancer risk is 1 x 10-6, as well as all the other USEPA assumptions . The remainder of the comments review key assumptions used to derive the USEPA national criterion that should be changed to accommodate both site-specific data and more recent scientific data . The next section (Section 3) of the comments reviews available information about the carcinogenic potency of dioxin and shows the effect more recent estimates of dioxin cancer potency have on the proposed TCDD effluent limit . Section 4 reviews the basis for alternative allowable excess lifetime cancer risk levels and shows what effect these have on the proposed TCDD effluent limit . Section 5 discusses why bioaccumulation factors (BAFs) and not bioconcentration factors (BCFs) are more appropriate for estimating dioxin concentrations in fish. Section 5 also presents evidence that BAFs vary from site to site and uses data collected from the Pigeon River to derive a site-specific BAF. Section 6 reviews more recent data on rate of fish ingestion and also derives a 2-3 4821H 1360-010 site-specific fish consumption rate based on the amount of edible food fish produced by the Pigeon River . Section 6 also presents data that indicate dioxin is lost during cooking . Section 7 summarizes the findings in the comments and shows the effect of combinations of alternative assumptions on the proposed TCDD effluent limit . 2-4 4821H 1360-010 3 . REVIEW OF THE CANCER POTENCY OF 2 , 3 , 7, 8-TCDD The USEPA Ambient Water Quality Criterion published in final form early in 1984c (USEPA 1984) , and which forms the basis of the proposed effluent limit for the Canton Mill, is derived using a cancer potency factor (CPF) of 156 , 000 (mg/kg-day) -1 . Since the development of the bases of that criterion in the late 1970s and early 1980s , a great deal more data have been collected about the potential carcinogenicity of TCDD. That CPF, used by the USEPA, assumes that dioxin' s mechanism of carcinogenisis has no threshold, i .e. any exposure to dioxin potentially poses some level of risk. Recent evidence indicates that dioxin ' s mechanism of carcinogenisis has a threshold (Friess 1989 ; CanTox 1989) . This section reviews why CPFs derived from animal data are used when assessing excess lifetime cancer risks from dioxin; the difference between non-threshold and threshold models ; the derivation of the current USEPA CPF; the status of USEPA' s review of that CPF; and, also the basis for- the U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Moolgavkar-Knudson-Venson (MKV) potency factors . The section concludes by presenting how potential risks are determined from threshold models, summarizes several allowable doses, and discusses the effect selected alternative CPFs have on the proposed TCDD effluent limit . It should be noted, that the relative difference in potency between TCDD and the other dioxin and furan isomers is assumed to stay the same regardless of the potency of TCDD. To date, the conclusive evidence that exposure to TCDD causes an increased incidence of cancer in humans has not been demonstrated (USEPA 1988; Friess 1989) . Lacking direct evidence, estimates of the potential risk to humans have been based upon experimental data derived from laboratory animals (Can 'pox 1989 ; USEPA 19.85) . Two types of dose extrapolation models can be used to estimate the potential risks to human health from animal data . First, non-threshold models , such as that employed by the USEPA to derive the water quality 3-1 4833H 1360-010-000 criterion, assume that any dose, no matter how small, has associated with it an increased risk of cancer . Second, threshold models assume a threshold dose exists below which there is no risk of contracting cancer (see Figure 3-1) . Both types of model have been used to assess the excess cancer risk following exposure to TCDD. Experimental data suggest that TCDD acts as a promoter, and thus , that a threshold may exist for induction of cancer (Friess 1989 ; CanTox 1989) . TCDD has been found to be inactive in most mutagenicity tests, and the few, weak positive results, have not been reproducible in other laboratories (CanTox 1989) . No evidence exists that TCDD binds to, or covalently reacts with, DNA. Many researchers have concluded that TCDD is not a genotoxic agent, and therefore, that it is not a direct acting carcinogen (Scheuplein 1984 ; Kociba 1984; Kimbrough et al . 1984 ; USEPA 1986; NCASI 1987 Friess 1989 ; CanTox 1989) . Several foreign governments (Ontario 1985 ; Denmark 1984 ; and Germany 1987) have concluded that TCDD is an indirect acting carcinogen and recommend that the carcinogenic risk of TCDD be estimated with a threshold model (NCASI 1987) . Much of the following discussion regarding the derivation of alternative potency estimates is taken from NCASI (1987) . Non-threshold models The United States uses a non-threshold model in order to estimate the potential risk to human health from carcinogens . Strictly speaking, a carcinogen is an agent that by itself, can cause cancer, including causing the initial mutation of DNA (NCASI 1987) . Initiators are agents that produce this irreversible mutational change in the cells genetic material . Promoters are agents which cause the initiated cells to . produce a tumor . Promoters only act on previously initiated cells and the effects may be reversible if discontinuation of exposure occurs before a tumor is formed. Generally in the United States , regulatory agencies make no distinction between 3-2 4833H 1360-010-000 NO THRESHOLD F U W LL LL W LL O } U Z W LU W Q LL DOSE THRESHOLD H U w LL LL W LL O } U Z W O THRESHOLD DOSE w LL DOSE No Effect Doses Figure 3-1 Graph of Dose-Response Curves for Threshold and Non-Threshold Effects 0 u V n 3-3 initiators and promoters in their models , but classify both types as carcinogens and consider them to act by - a non-threshold mechanism. Although this generalization may be appropriate for some chemicals it is not appropriate for dioxin for which threshold data exist . The approach used to estimate the carcinogenic risk to human health assuming no threshold involves two general extrapolations . The first is to extrapolate from high dose experimental data to low doses that more closely approximate typical human exposures . In the second step, doses in animals are converted or extrapolated to doses in humans . Choice of how to extrapolate from high to low dose has the potential to affect CPFs to a much greater extent than animal to human extrapolation. However, to date in the United States, the animal to human extrapolation is the source of most of the differences among federal regulatory agency potency estimates (Anderson 1988) . The upper 95% confidence limit of the slope of the dose-response curve derived following these two extrapolations is called the Cancer Potency Factor (CPF) and has units of (mg/kg/day)-1. Estimates of the cancer potency of TCDD derived from non-threshold methods are summarized in Table 3-1 and described below in the following subsections . USEPA Cancer Potency Fa or Linearized Multistage As a matter of science policy, and contrary to accumulating scientific evidence, the USEPA uses the linearized multistage model, a non-threshold, high-to-low dose extrapolation model, to estimate human carcinogenic risk from TCDD. It is an exponential model approaching 100% risk at high doses, with a shape at low doses that is described by a polynomial function. The USEPA assumes different species are equally sensitive to the effects of TCDD if they absorb the same dose per unit body surface area . Thus, the USEPA extrapolated doses in rats to a human dose on the basis of body 3-4 4833H 1360-010-000 TABLE 3-1 COMPARISON OF NON-THRESHOLD CANCER POTENCY ESTIMATES Cancer Potency Estimate (a) Extrapolation Agency Model (SA) BW EPA (1984) Linearized 1.56 x 105 2.9 x 104 Multistage EPA (1988) None 1 x 104 (b) FDA Linear -- 1.75 x 104 Extrapolation -- [MKV] [1.7 x 1033 (a) Cancer potency estimates which were derived using the surface area scaling factor were recalculated using the body weight scaling factor, because the body weight factor correlates more closely between species for TCDD: (Crouch and Wilson 1979; Crump et al. 1980) (SSA) Calculated using surface area scaling factor (BW) Calculated using body weight scaling factor (b) This estimate was not calculated, but rather derived by concensus opinion of the EPA Agency Workgroup (see text) . [MKV] Indicates a tentatively derived value by Thorslund using the Moolgavkar-Knudson-Venson model (1987) . 3-5 4833H 1360-010-000 surface area, which results in a higher CPF than when extrapolated on the basis of• body weight (NCASI 1987; Anderson 1988) . Several analyses have been performed which compare the accuracy of using a surface area versus body weight scaling factor for extrapolation from animals to humans . Both Crouch and Wilson (1979) and Crump et al . (1980) concluded that scaling factors based on body weight have the closest correlation between species suggesting the USEPA' s approach is not scientifically justified and overestimates potential risk. The USEPA used the data of Kociba et al . (1978) , and combined tumor incidence from various sites ( liver, lung, hard-palate, and nasal tubinate) . Kociba (1984) argued that the tumors in areas other than the liver were not systemic, and probably resulted from inhalation of some of the food and prolonged direct contact of the TCDD treated food with the mouth and respiratory tract, i . e. only the liver should be used for assessing dioxin' s systemic effects in rats . The tissue slides from Kociba et al . (1978) were reexamined by Dr . R. Squire at the request of the USEPA and these data were also used by the USEPA in determining the CPF for TCDD. Dr . Squire identified a different number of tumors at some of the sites , but the effect of this on the CPF of dioxin is small (i .e. less than 5%) . The USEPA uses a CPF derived from data limited to animals that survived more than one year as evaluated by both Kociba et al . (1978) and Squire (USEPA 1985) because of better "statistical fit" between the observed data and the modeled dose-response curves . The CPF of 1. 56 x 105 (mg/kg/day)-1 used by the USEPA is the geometric mean of two CPFs, one calculated using the results of Kociba et al . (1978) and the other using Squires ' interpretation of Kociba et al . data (NCASI 1987) . Another finding of Kociba et al . ( 1978) , often not mentioned, is that the frequency of tumors at other sites examined by the pathologists also changes . Forty-four sites were examined in male rats and 40 in female rats . In males, 3 sites showed a significant increase (p<0 . 05, Fisher exact test) 3-6 4833H 1360-010-000 at higher doses, and 3 showed a significant decrease at higher doses . In addition, total tumors were higher in controls (139) than in other dose groups (40 , 49 , and 60 in low, medium and high, respectively) . A similar pattern occured in female rats . Tumors at 4 of 40 sites increased significantly (p<0 . 05, Fisher exact test) and at 4 of 40 they decreased significantly at higher doses . Total tumors were highest in the controls (230) . The low medium and high dose groups had a total of 96 , 102 , and 120 tumors, respectively. Typically, sites where tumor incidence decreases with increasing dose are not included in potency derivations in order to be protective of the public health and because background tumor rates at those sites are often very high in laboratory rodents . Sites with background tumor rates in animals far higher than background rates observed in the same sites in humans are typically excluded, because mechanisms of carcinogenesis may be different at those sites between species . It is nevertheless important to remember that some sites in the Kociba et al . (1978) study did have a significant decrease in tumor incidence at high doses and that total tumors were highest in rats that received no dioxin. Because background tumor rates differ between rats and humans at some sites, these sites are easily identified as potentially having different mechanisms of carcinogens . Other sites as well, however, may have different mechanisms of carcinogenesis , including those sites used to derive the CPF. This is especially true for the liver of older rats . Livers in such rats not only have a higher background tumor rate than do human livers , but because they contain many initiated cells they also appear to be especially sensitive to substances that promote the formation of tumors (CanTox 1989) . Another assumption made by the USEPA in deriving the current CPF, is use of only data from female rats because these data result in higher CPFs (USEPA 1985) . The USEPA derived CPFs of 14 , 700 and 17, 300 based on data from male rats only and 3-7 4833H 1360-010-000 a CPF of 156 , 000 based on data from only female rats . Again, selecting data that result in the highest CPF may be typical public health practice, however, it should be noted that the current CPF is based on only data from female rats and that data from male rats indicated dioxin is about 10 times less potent . As will be shown below, other US and foreign agencies (and even the USEPA recently) recognize some of the uncertainties and shortcomings of the way the current CPF is derived and use lower estimates of dioxin' s carcinogenic potency. EPA' s Proposed Reevaluation of TCDDs ' Carcinoaenic Potency Because recent scientific evidence suggests that the current USEPA CPF is high, the USEPA' s Agency Workgroup (Workgroup) has re-examined the scientific basis and methods used for its estimation of the cancer potency of TCDD, and has recommended that the CPF be reconsidered (USEPA, 1988) . The Workgroup felt that the methodology utilized by the USEPA overestimated TCDD' s cancer potency and should be adjusted so that it is similar to the value used by other agencies because the literature suggests that TCDD is a promoter . The Workgroup evaluated several different approaches to estimating TCDD ' s cancer potency, but concluded that "there does not appear to be compelling scientific reasons for regarding any one of them as a most appropriate approach" . It recommended that the CPF be reduced by a factor of 16, in which case the risk specific dose would be 1 pg/kg/day. The Workgroup feels this estimate of TCDD' s potency is consistent with the available data and theories, and that it represents a reasonable science policy position. This value was not specifically derived by any one model . The Workgroup felt that there is currently no definitive scientific basis in this value, but believes that it is grounded in rational, science policy. They felt that an order of magnitude estimate of the potency, as opposed to some more precise estimate of the risk-specific dose, helps to 3-8 4833H 1360-010-000 convey the 'notion that the numerical expression is only a rough estimate . FDA Potency Estimate The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has primary responsibility for regulating contaminants in foodstuffs, e. g . compounds in fish eaten by people . The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also used the data of Kociba et al . (1978) , although it did not exclude all of the data from the first year of exposure. The FDA extrapolated from rats to humans on the basis of body weight, which results in a 5 . 4-fold decrease in the CPF when compared with the EPA CPF. The FDA utilized a linear extrapolation model and derived a CPF of 1. 75 X 104 (mg/kg/day) -1 (NCASI 1987; Anderson 1988) . MKV Potency Estimate The MKV (Moolgavkar-Knudson-Venson) Model is a two-stage mathematical dose-response model originally applied to the epidemiology of lung and breast cancers (Moolgavkar and Knudson 1981) . In a new application, it has recently been used to describe TCDD' s ability to act as a tumor promoter (Thorslund 1987) . This model assumes that TCDD acts exclusively as a tumor promoter. It is assumed that a promoter increases the net growth rate of preneoplastic, naturally initiated stem cells . The model has the ability to increase the growth rate to a fixed upper bound. The difference between this upper bound and the background growth rate is the maximum increase in growth rate possible. The fractional• part of the change in the maximum increase in growth rate due to a given dose is calculated and is used to predict the tumor dose-response relationship of TCDD. Two approaches can be used to describe the dose-dependent changes in cell growth. The first growth rate model assumes that the changes follow first order kinetics which result in a 3-9 4833H 1360-010-000 negative exponential model that contains only one parameter requiring estimation. This model is fitted to the most extensive data set available in order to estimate the three unknown parameters in the tumor dose-response model . A second approach assumes that the rate of change of TCDD-induced growth rate is proportional to the product of cellular TCDD levels and the number of TCDD receptors . This model for predicting increased cell growth rate is log-logistic in form and has only two parameters, the slope and the intercept . TCDD potency estimates derived using the MVK Model (Thorslund 1987) use the increased hepatic tumor rates in female Sprague-Dawley rats (Kociba et al . , 1978) and do not include tumors observed at other sites in the same study. This model used the Squire pathology analysis only, and does not combine this analysis with the Kociba et al . (1978) analysis, which was the approach taken by the USEPA in deriving its CPF (USEPA 1984) . In an effort to adjust for high non-tumor related mortality in the highest dose group, all animals that died during the first year (prior to when the first tumor was observed) , were excluded. The USEPA also eliminated these animals . This model extrapolates the equivalent human dose from a rat dose on the basis of surface area, which is similar to the USEPA' s approach, and also leads to a greater estimate of risk, when compared to body weight-based human equivalent doses . The cancer potency estimate derived using the MKV model and the surface area scaling factor is 1. 7 x 103 (mg/kg/day) -1 which is approximately two orders of magnitude lower than the 1985 USEPA estimate and one order of magnitude lower than the FDA estimate . In summary, at a minimum the USFDA CPF should be used to derive the dioxin effluent limit and as data supporting the MKV model become available, it should replace the USFDA potency. Moreover, accumulating data suggest that the no threshold .assumption is wrong for dioxin and a threshold model should be employed. 3-10 4833H 1360-010-000 Threshold models The basic approach taken by regulators when dealing with chemicals acting by a threshold mechanism is to derive a safe level for exposure, based upon the No-Observed-Adverse-Effect Level (NOAEL) . The NOAEL is determined from either experimental or less frequently, epidemiologic data, and is the highest dose in the most sensitive species , at which no toxic response is observed. An acceptable daily intake (ADI) is calculated from the NOAEL after applying appropriate uncertainty factors (UF) . A OF is used to account for intraspecies variation (human to human) , interspecies variation ( laboratory animal to human) , and to extrapolate from subchronic to chronic exposures . A OF of 10 is used in each case and for each applicable source of uncertainty, the UFs are multiplied together to obtain the estimated total UF. For instance, to estimate a chronic ADI from subchronic mouse data, a OF of 1000 is usually used. The USEPA, when calculating ADIs , or their equivalents, also utilizes a Modifying Factor (MF) which incorporates professional judgement concerning the quality of the data used to derive the ADI . ADI = NOAEL ADI - NOAEL OF OF*MF The use of a threshold model to predict human carcinogenic risk is appropriate for TCDD since it acts as a tumor promoter, which is thought to be a reversible, threshold effect (NCASI 1987; Friess 1989 ; CanTox 1989) . Doses of 1 ng TCDD/kg/day failed to produce tumors in rats, and this level has been accepted as a NOAEL (Kociba et al . 1978; NCASI 1987; Friess 1989 ; CanTox 1989) for carcinogenesis . This NOAEL was derived in a chronic, animal experiment . Thus the appropriate OF is 100 and an ADI can be calculated. as follows : t ADI = 1 na/ka/day = 0 . 01 ng/kg/day = 10 pg/kg/day 100 3-11 4833H 1360-010-000 Several countries- have utilized this approach and the data Of Kociba (1978) to predict human carcinogenic risk from exposure to TCDD, although each country uses different UFs . Ontario used a OF of 100 and calculated an ADI of 10 pg/kg/day; Netherlands used a OF of 250 to calculate an ADI of 4 pg/kg/day; Denmark utilized a OF of 200 to calculate an ADI of 5 pg/kg/day; and Germany utilized a OF of from 100 to 1000 to calculate an ADI of from 1 to 10 pg/kg/day (NCASI 1987) . A summary of risk-specific doses (estimated for a one in one million excess lifetime cancer risk) and maximum allowable doses (also sometimes referred to as reference doses) is provided in Table 3-2 and Figure 3-2 . Effect of Alternative CPFs on the Proposed Effluent Guideline In describing the effect of the different CPFs on the proposed dioxin effluent limit, the key assumption is that the relationship between potency, dose and risk is linear . In other words , a ten fold increase in dose or potency increases risk by ten fold. Because this is a fundamental assumption of the non-threshold approach, the consequence of using the proposed USEPA CPF of 10, 000, which is 16-fold lower than the CPF used to derive the proposed limit, is a sixteen fold increase in the proposed limit to 1. 6 ppgd (Table 3-3 ) . Use of the FDA potency increases the effluent limit to 0 . 9 ppqd (Table 3-3) . Using the Canada (Health and Welfare Canada and Province of Ontario) allowable daily dose increases the effluent limit by 1667 fold to 167 ppgd (Table 3-3) . This comparison shows that use of any other CPF or allowable dose would result in an increase (in some cases very substantial) in the proposed dioxin effluent limit . Because many of these other CPFs or allowable doses have been derived subsequent to the currently used USEPA CPF, they better reflect the current state of knowledge and are thus more representative of the actual cancer risk posed by dioxin. It would seem 3-12 4833H 1360-010-000 TABLE 3-2 RISK SPECIFIC DOSES (lx10-6) AND REFERENCE DOSES FOR 2,3,7,8-TCDD Risk Specific or Reference Dose Source (pg/kg/day) Canada (Health and 10.0 Welfare Canada and Province of Ontario) Netherlands 4.0 N.Y. State 2.0 Federal Republic of 1.0 Germany [Moolgavkar-Knudson- [0.6] Venson Model]* USEPA (proposed) 0.1 National Research 0.07 Council, Canada U.S. Food and Drug 0.06 Administration U.S. Centers for Disease 0.03 Control California 0.007 U.S. EPA (Linear 0.006 Multistage Model) *Doses and sources of doses surrounded by brackets, represent research efforts, and not conclusions drawn by agencies. 3-13 4833H 1360-010-000 \�o C` a\ N" a �%0 Cac fP NPO'JS' O S G cad d^' (tQP I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 r-7T-77 l l 0 10.000 20.000 30.000 140.000 150.000 160.000 170.000 The figure presents the cancer potency factors that correspond to the t a predicted one in one million(1 x 10-6)excess lifetime cancer risk giv FIGURE 3-2 TABLE 3-3 EFFECT OF SELECTED ALTERNATIVE CPFs ON THE PROPOSED DIOXIN EFFLUENT LIMIT CPF (mg/kg-dayl-1 Agency Change in Limit Effluent Limit (onad) 156,000 USEPA - 0.1 10,000 USEPA 16-fold 1.6 17,500 USFDA 8.9-fold 0. 9 Risk Specific Dose* (pg/kg-day) 0.07 Canada (NRC)** 11.7-fold 1.17 2.0 New York State 333-fold 3.33 4.0 Netherlands 667-fold 66.7 10.0 Canada (HWC)*** 1667-fold 166.7 *The risk specific dose is the lifetime average daily dose at which excess lifetime cancer risk is ecual to lxl0-6, **(NRC) is the National Research Council of Canada. ***(HWC) is Health and Welfare Canada and Province of Ontario. 3-15 4833H 1360-010-000 prudent when setting an effluent limit today, that the USEPA employ the most recent and best science available and not base proposed effluent limits on outdated perception. 3-16 4833H 1360-010-000 4 . REVIEW OF ALLOWABLE RISK LEVELS The proposed dioxin effluent limit for the Canton, North Carolina Mill is based on the dioxin Ambient Water Quality Criterion developed assuming an excess lifetime cancer risk of lxl06 (one in one million) is allowable based on consumption of fish exposed to dioxin in the Pigeon River . Use of alternative levels of allowable risk would change the proposed effluent limit . For example, had the dioxin Ambient Water Quality Criterion based on a lx10-5 excess lifetime risk been used (USEPA 1984) , the proposed effluent limit would have been 10-fold higher (1. 0 ppgd) . Given the conservative nature of the exposure assumptions used by the proposed dioxin effluent limit, and the large body of evidence suggesting that dioxin is much less potent than assumed in the proposed limit, use of a stringent level of allowable risk seems inappropriate. If it seemed likely that many people could be exposed to large amounts of dioxin or that dioxin ' s cancer potency is larger than assumed, than using lxl0-6 as the allowable risk level could be justified. However, quite the opposite is true: both potential exposure and potency have been overestimated. The USEPA has recommended an allowable risk level of lx10-6 in this case, however use of 1x10-5 as an allowable level of risk is not at all extraordinary nor precedent setting . It is common at both the state and federal level . An excess lifetime cancer risk of lx10-5 is the excess lifetime cancer risk used by North Carolina when they developed the fish advisory for the Pigeon River (USEPA 1988) . Risks below this level were considered allowable and above this level not allowable. It seems contradictory to use different levels of allowable risk for the same river and exposure pathway. Travis et al . (1987) recently reviewed 132 regulatory decisions in which the federal government decided whether to take action or not, depending at least in part, on the 4-1 4853H 1360-010-000 magnitude of excess lifetime cancer risk. When estimated excess lifetime cancer risks were less than lx10-6 (one in one million) federal agencies never acted to reduce risks further . When the expected risks were -4 p greater than 1x10 (one in ten thousand) agencies acted to reduce risks . When risks were between lx10-6 and lx10-4 federal agencies sometimes acted and sometimes not . The decision to act was influenced by the number of people exposed and the costs associated with taking action. When costs were high, or relatively few people were potentially exposed, federal agencies tended not to act . Given that the potential risks estimated for the Canton, North Carolina mill are based on many conservative assumptions that overestimate risk, and that relatively few people are exposed, using an allowable risk level of lx10-6 seems inconsistent with previous federal agency actions . It is of interest to note that excess lifetime cancer risks of 1x10-5 , or greater, are also considered allowable by federal drinking water standards . The Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for benzene (5 ppb) has an estimated excess lifetime cancer risk of 7.4x10-6 associated with it . This is more than 7 times greater than the 1x10-6 risk level employed by the proposed dioxin effluent limit . Excess lifetime cancer risks for some other compounds with MCLs do not just approach lx10-5, but exceed this level . Carbon tetrachloride at its MCL (5 ppb) poses an excess lifetime cancer risk of 1 . 9x10-5 and vinyl chloride at its MCL (2 ppb) poses an excess lifetime cancer risk of 3 . 3x10-4 . Not- only are these risks much greater than that used to set the proposed dioxin limit, but two of the compounds (benzene and vinyl chloride) are known to cause cancer in humans, unlike dioxin which is only suspected of causing cancer in humans based on animal experiments . As discussed above, the potency of dioxin is also likely to be lower than used in the proposed effluent limit . Finally the exposure pathway to which MCLs apply (drinking water) is far more certain than ingestion 4-2 4853H 1360-010-000 r of fish which is the pathway upon which the proposed effluent limit is based. Comparison of the allowable risk levels used to set the proposed effluent limit to the level associated with MCLs , suggests a higher allowable risk level would be good risk management policy, would be consistent with previous state of North Carolina, USEPA and other federal agency action, and would not be based solely on public misperception. 4-3 4853H 1360-010-000 5 . REVIEW OF BIOCONCENTRATION/BIOACCUMULATION FACTORS The USEPA used a bioconcentration factor (BCF) of 5000 to derive the dioxin Ambient Water Quality Criteria . Since 1984 , the year the criteria was adopted, a great deal more research has been performed on the bioconcentration and bioaccumulation of dioxin in fish. This research indicates that not only are bioconcentration factors (BCFs) different from that employed by the USEPA, but that they are also inapplicable to almost all rivers . Because of dioxin' s physio-chemical properties , bioaccumulation factors (BAFs) should be used to determine uptake of dioxin by fish. The parameters that determine BAFs vary from river to river . Thus site-specific BAFs should be derived for each river. Section 5 . 1 reviews BCFs and BAFs and the differences between them. Section 5 . 2 uses site-specific information to derive a BAF for the Canton Mill-Pigeon River system. 5 . 1 Theory of, and Differences Between Bioconcentration and Bioaccumulation Factors Bioconcentration, bioaccumulation, biomagnification, BCF, BAF are terms that often lead to misunderstanding, misinterpretation and outright confusion about how to use and apply them in work with aquatic organisms . The following definitions will be used in these comments . Bioconcentration - process by which a substance dissolved in water can be taken up by an organism directly from water . BCF - a value which describes the degree of bioconcentration. Bioaccumulation - process by which an organism accumulates a substance as a result of ingestion of water and food in which the substance is dissolved (water) or to which the substance is bound (food) . 5-1 4818H 1360-010 BAF - a value which describes the degree of bioaccumulation. Biomagnification - result of bioconcentration and bioaccumulation in which tissue concentrations of the chemical increase through two or more trophic levels . For many water-soluble compounds uptake from water is assumed to be 'the most important exposure pathway for aquatic organisms . Thus, the contribution from diet can be ignored since the concentration in the organism' s food would have to be 10, 000 to 100 , 000 times higher than the concentration in water in order to have a comparable effect (Schuurmann and Klein, 1988) . However, for lipophilic (literally "fat loving" ) compounds such as dioxin, the uptake from water is significantly decreased because of the reduced bioavailability of the compound and the uptake from food becomes the major route of exposure (Spacie and Hamelink, 1985) . In other words, bioconcentration is inversely related to a compound' s water solubility (Oliver and Niimi , 1985) . Literature values of octanol-water distribution coefficients (Kow) , a measure of how strongly a compound binds to fat, for hydrophobic compounds can vary substantially, sometimes by orders of magnitude especially for compounds -with an octanol-water distribution coefficient of > 104 . Thus calculating BCF/BAF values from Kow' s may give spurious results . Other means of calculating BAF' s which account for sediment characteristics like fraction organic carbon and particle size can be used in the absence of other site-specific data on actual body burdens and are likely to give a more accurate representation of the BAF. When attempting to estimate body burdens of hydrophobic/lipohilic contaminants in organisms, a BAF will give a far more realistic estimate of actual conditions . The BAF may exceed the BCF (by orders of magnitude in some instances) because of the importance of the contribution from 5-2 4818H 1360-010 food. The various means. of calculating a BAF for a compound can give quite different results depending upon whether a steady-state or kinetic approach is used. A kinetic approach will more accurately represent "real-life. " A kinetic approach makes no assumptions about steady state or equilibrium, which may not be reasonable assumptions in riverine ecosystems . Concentrations are not constant in the exposure media in rivers because of seasonal and episodic events, and therefore the uptake of dioxin by the biota will reflect the fluctuations in the exposure media. The BCF used by the USEPA for 2 , 3 , 7 , 8-TCDD in the criterion may significantly misrepresent actual concentrations because the dioxin contribution in food is not considered and uptake from water is greatly overestimated. Section 5 . 2 uses site-specific data on concentration of TCDD and TCDF in fish and water of the Pigeon River to derive a BAF. 5 . 2 Derivation of a Site-specific Bioaccumulation Factor The data the USEPA collected on the concentration of dioxins and furans in fish fillets (Table 5-1) can be combined with the effluent flow and river flow to derive a site-specific BAF. The site-specific BAF is derived in the same way one would derive a BCF, however, because the biological. processes represented by the BAF are all those that determine bioaccumulation, and not just bioconcentration, the value is a BAF. To derive the BAF, the water concentration of dioxin and furan is estimated using the concentration of dioxin and furan in the effluent and the flow of the river and effluent . The BAF is the ratio of the concentration of dioxin and furan in fish to the concentration in river water . A BAF is derived below for 2 , 3, 7, 8-TCDD and another for 2 , 3 , 7, 8-TCDF . BAFs were not derived for the other isomers because of insufficient data . Separate BAFs were derived for dioxin and furan because the two compounds have been shown to have substantially different BAFs and BCFs at other sites . 5-3 4818H 1360-010 TABLE 5=1 SUMMARY OF DIOXIN AND FURAN ANALYSIS OF FISH FILLETS FROM THE PIGEON RIVER Species N RM 2378-TCDD (put) 2378-TCDF (vvt) TEO (nvt) EPA Environmental News* SM Bass 5 33 ND (1) ND (1) ND RB Sun. 10 33 ND (1) ND (1) ND SM Buff 3 24.5 7.0 6.7 7.7 SM Bass 4 24.5 5.9 3.2 6.2 Drum 1 24.5 0.55 (J) 2.2 0.8 (est) Black Buff 2 24.5 ND (2.0) 5.0 0.5 (est) RB Sun 10 13.6 1.5 0.9 2.3 SM Buff 5 12.8 ND (1) 1.4 0.14 (est) LM Bass 5 12.8 2.9 2.4 3.1 Carp 5 12.8 6.3 3.1 6.6 LM Bass 3 0.2 0.67 1.10 0.78 RB Sun 6 58.0 12.01 5.94 12.62 Synoptic Eitudy of the Pigeon River System** Blgill 3 58 7.2 5.2 7.7 Carp 1 58 5.2 5.6 5.8 WT Sucker 1 58 75.7 145.38 97.1 LM Bass 5 41.5 9.6 5.8 10 4846H 1360-010 5-4 TABLE 5-1 (Continued) Species N RM 2378-TCDD (Pnt) 2378-TCDF (ppt) TEO (Pyt) Synoptic Study of the Pigeon River System (continued) B Bullhead 2 41.5 10 ND (1) 10 SM Bass 1 41.5 10 5.8 11 Muskie 1 41.25 7.4 26 10 B Crappie 5 41.25 7.5 8.7 8.4 B Bullhead 2 41.25 3.4 ND (1) 3.4 LM Bass 5 41.25 11 4.8 12 LM Bass 1 41.25 11 5.6 12 B. Bullhead 5 40 7.9 ND (1) 7.9 B Trout 1 40 78 10 80 LM Bass 2 40 11 7.6 12 B Bullhead 4 39 13 ND (1) 13 B Crappie 3 39 6 7.2 6.9 R Bass 1 8.5 0.17 ND 0.17 Carp 1 8.5 22.07 16.09 Z5.1 *Data taken from: Environmental News. USEPA. Region 4. Results of Additional Dioxin Analysis of Fish Taken from the Pigeon River in Tennessee and North Carolina. **Data taken from: Assessment of Dioxin Contamination of Water, Sediment and Fish in the Pigeon River System (A Synoptic Study) USEPA. Region IV Environmental Services Division. Report No. 001. November 15, 1988. 4846H 1360-010 5-5 The concentration of dioxin and furan in river water is estimated using the following formula : River Water Concentration (mg/1) = Effluent concentration (mg/1) x Effluent flow (cfs) x 1/River flow (cfs) The mean annual flow of the Pigeon River is 319 cfs and the effluent flow for the existing mill is 6.8 . 7 cfs . The effluent has been tested once for dioxins and furans . Neither TCDD or TCDF were found at detection limits of 18 and 24 ppgd, respectively. This calculation of a site-specific BAF assumes that the concentration of TCDD and TCDF is equal to 10 ppgd, about the current method detection limit . This value is about one half of detection limits of the one sample at the Canton Mill . Given this assumption, the concentration of 2 , 3 , 7, 8-TCDD in the Pigeon River is 2 . 15 ppgd and the concentration 2, 3 , 7, 8 TCDF 2 . 15 ppgd. The concentration of TCDD and TCDF in sport fish is based on the data presented in Table 5-1. Perusal of the data indicates that the concentration of dioxin and furan in fish is log-normally distributed, i .e. , most of the fish have relatively low concentrations of TCDD and TCDF, but a few fish have high concentrations . The geometric mean is a better measure of central tendency than the arithmetic mean for such distributions . The geometric mean of TCDD concentration for all species of fish is 3 . 36 ppt and the; geometric mean concentration of TCDF for all species of fish is 2 . 11 ppt . Based on this information, the site-specific BAF for 2 ,3 , 7, 8 TCDD is 1563 liters/kilogram (3 . 36 x 10-6 milligrams/ kilogram divided by 2 . 15 x 10-9 milligrams/liter) . The site-specific BAF for 2 , 3 , 7, 8-TCDF is 981 liters/kilogram (2 . 11 x 10-6 -9 milligrams/kilogram divided by 2 . 15 x 10 milligrams/liter) . The BAF estimated using site-specific data is about 5 times smaller than the BCF used by the USEPA in the proposed dioxin effluent limit . When the site-specific BAF is used 5-6 4818H 1360-010 instead of the USEPA BCF, the proposed effluent limit increases to 0 . 34 ppgd. Because the processes that govern accumulation of TCDD and TCDF in fish are highly dependent upon site-specific parameters , a generic BCF or BAF should not be employed, especially when site-specific data are available. 5-7 4818H 1360-010 e 6 . REVIEW OF FISH CONSUMPTION RATES The USEPA used a fish consumption rate of 6 . 5 grams of fish per person per day when they derived the Ambient Water Quality Criterion' of 14 ppgt which forms the basis for the proposed dioxin effluent limit for the Canton, North Carolina mill . The 6 . 5 grams per day is a national average consumption rate for freshwater fish, estuarine fish and shell fish (USEPA 1985) . Thus , the average is a composite of types of fish which includes types of fish not found in freshwater rivers , such as the Pigeon River in North Carolina and Tennessee. A study by Rupp et al . (1980) suggests that the national per capita consumption rate of freshwater fish is lower than assumed by the USEPA and also that regional differences exist . Results of that study are reviewed in more detail in Section 6 . 1 to derive a regional rate of fish ingestion for Tennessee and North Carolina . Section 6 . 2 uses data collected on the standing stock of fish in the Pigeon River and the size of the surrounding population to derive a rate of consumption applicable to only the Pigeon River . Section 6 . 3 presents evidence that indicates dioxins are lost during cooking . 6 . 1 Review of Regional Freshwater Fish Consumption Rates A great deal of recently collected data exists regarding the saltwater recreational catch on a regional and national level (NMFS 1985, 1986; USDA 1986) and also for some bodies of saltwater on a local level (NOAA 1985; McCallum 1985) . The saltwater data are clearly not applicable to freshwater rivers . Surprisingly, little recent information is available about the amount of freshwater fish that people eat per day. The most applicable data were collected in 1973 and 1974 by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) (described in Rupp et al . 1980; and, SRI 1980) . The results of this survey have been reviewed and form the basis of the regional rates of freshwater 6-1 4839H 1360-010=000 e consumption reported in these comments . SRI reviewed three other surveys of fish consumption and concluded that the NMFS survey was the most scientifically sound (SRI 1980) . The other surveys reviewed by SRI are not included in these comments . NMFS Survey The results of the NMFS survey are based on the responses of 24 , 562 individuals who recorded the number of fish meals they ate and the size of the meal for each species of fish over a one month period. The results of the survey can be broken down by age, census region of the country, sex, and species of fish. Key results of the survey follow. The rate of fish consumption increased with age. On a national average basis, 1 to 11 year old children ate 0 . 18 kilograms per year, 12 to 18 year olds ate 0 . 31 kilograms per year, and 18 to 98 year olds ate 0 . 54 kilograms per year . Consumption was lowest for all age groups in the Northeast and greatest in the Eastern and Western South Central portions of the country. A key finding of the NMFS study is that saltwater finfish constitute the majority of a United State residents , fish intake. Total intake was estimated by the survey to be 12 . 7 grams of fish per day. Saltwater finfish comprised 69% or 8 . 8 grams of the intake, 22% was shellfish, and only 9 . 3%, or about 1 . 2 grams per day was freshwater fish (Rupp et al . 1980) . Strong regional differences exist for each type of fish. New England residents eat the least freshwater fish, 0 . 034 kilograms per year or about 0 . 1 gram per day. Residents of the East South Central part of the country eat the most freshwater fish, about 1. 9 grams per day. Regional breakdown of freshwater fish consumption is provided in Table 6-1. North Carolina is in the South Atlantic Region (consumption rate of 1. 05 grams per day) while Tennessee is in the East South Central Region (consumption rate of 2 .24 grams per day) . Because the Pigeon River flows from North Carolina 6-2 4839H 1360-010-000 e TABLE 6-1 REGIONAL FRESHWATER FISH CONSUMPTION BREAKDOWN 1970s 1980s Per Capita Per Capita Average Average All Ages All Ages (am/day) (gm/day) United States 1. 18 1 . 38 New England 0 . 22 0 . 26 Mid Atlantic 0 . 74 0 . 87 S. Atlantic 0 . 90 1 . 05 E.S. Central 1. 92 2 . 24 E.N. Central 1. 53 1. 79 W.N. Central 1. 75 2 . 05 W. S. Central 2 .30 2 . 69 Mountain 1. 26 1. 47 Pacific 0 . 90 1 . 05 Source: Rupp et al . (1980) . 4841H 1360-010-000 6-3 e into Tennessee, an appropriate average freshwater fish consumption rate for people living near the Pigeon River is the average of these two regional rates, or 1 . 65 grams of fish per day. This is consistent with Canadian findings (Friess 1989) . Note this assumes each resident in the Pigeon River area (i . e. , residents of Haywood and Cocke Counties) eats 1 . 65 grams of fish from the Pigeon River for every day of their lives . This is an unlikely occurrence as will be shown in Section 6 . 2 in which site-specific data are used to derive a site-specific consumption rate. The survey also provides some data about the breakdown of fish consumption by species . For most rivers, species-specific rates of consumption likely follow the distribution of species within the river of interest, assuming consumption is proportional to game fish abundance in the river of interest . Nationally, the most frequently consumed species that spends at least some proportion of its lifecycle in freshwater was salmon, followed by trout, pike, catfish, bass , bluegill, perch, crappie, and sunfish. For the Pigeon River, species specific rates of consumption could be derived using data from a standing stock survey (EA Engineering Science, and Technology Inc. 1988) and assuming that people eat game fish in proportion to their frequency of capture. National Fish Consumption Trends The NMFS survey of fish consumption was conducted in the mid 1970s ., From 1977 to 1985 , the rate of fresh and frozen fish consumption increased in the United States by 16 . 9% (from 3 . 5 to 4 . 1 pounds per person per year; USDA 1986) . Therefore the rates of consumption derived above may be low by as much as 16 . 9%, assuming that trends in freshwater fish consumption track trends in total fish consumption. The adjustment has been made to the regional data taken from Rupp et al . (1980) and reported in Table 6-1 . 6-4 4839H 1360-010-000 Effect of Regional Average Consumption Rate on Proposed Dioxin Effluent Limit Changing consumption rate changes the amount of dioxin a person is exposed to. Note too, that changes in exposure are linearly related to changes in risk. Therefore, any change in consumption rate (i .e. an increase by 2 fold) will have a linear (albeit an inverse) effect on the effluent limit . Thus changing the assumed consumption rate of 6 . 5 grams per day to the regional average of 1. 65 grams per day, a reduction of 3 . 9 fold, increases the proposed effluent limit by 3 . 9 fold to 0 . 39 ppgd, assuming all other assumptions remain the same. Given that the 6 . 5 grams per day used by the USEPA includes types of fish that do not and cannot occur in the Pigeon River, the USEPA should at a minimum use regional consumption rates for the types of fish found in the Pigeon River when deriving the proposed effluent limits for dioxin. 6 . 2 Site Specific Fish Consumption Rate Champion International Corporation has had an extensive study performed of the fishery in the Pigeon River (EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc . 1988) . The amount of fish from Waterville Reservoir and Pigeon River were estimated separately and combined to determine a total amount of fish produced. In a subsequent report, (EA Engineering, Science and Technology, Inc. 1989) a best estimate and upper limit of edible fish tissue produced by the Pigeon River and Waterville Reservoir was estimated. The upper limit estimate is 1360 kilograms of edible fish tissue per year and the more likely best estimate is 192 kilograms per year (EA Engineering, Science and Technology, Inc. 1989) . The upper limit was derived assuming : the Pigeon River has 398 hectares of surface area; there are 65 kilograms of fish per hectare; 46% of the standing stock is edible - fish; of the edible fish 40% are big enough to keep; the exploitation rate is 25%; and, 40% of a 6-5 4839H 1360-010-000 e fish is edible tissue. The upper limit also assumed Waterville Reservoir has 120 . 5 hectares of surface area; there are 350 kilograms of fish per hectare; 50% of the standing stock is edible fish; the exploitation rate is 10%; and 40% of a fish is edible tissue. To derive the most likely estimate of fish produced by the Pigeon River and Waterville Reservoir the following assumptions were changed: the exploitation rate in both water bodies is 2% instead of 10%; the standing stock in the Pigeon River is 35 . 6 kilograms per hectare instead of 68 . 1; 20% of the standing stock is edible fish in the Pigeon River instead of 44%; and, 35% is edible in Waterville Reservoir instead of 50%. The yearly edible tissue production rates of 134 or 1245 kilograms can be converted to daily rates per person by dividing the production rates by the number of days in a year and the local population size. Assuming that it is only people from Haywood and Cocke Counties (combined population size of 76 , 722) who use the Pigeon River for fishing results in daily per capita fish ingestion rates of 7 milligrams and 49 milligrams of Pigeon River Fish per person per day. These two estimates are 1300 times and 147 times, respectively, smaller than the 6 . 5 grams per day used by the USEPA to derive the proposed dioxin effluent limit . The consequence of using these rates of fish consumption specific to the Pigeon River is an increase in the proposed effluent limit to 14 . 7 or 130 ppgd, respectivE:.ly. As with the key assumptions discussed previously, the risk-based effluent limits under current development must recognize the site-specific nature of risks and set limits accordingly. 6 . 3 Loss of Dioxin During Preparation of Fish It is likely that people catching and eating fish from the Pigeon River gut the fish they catch and discard internal organs . These discarded entrails may contain high concentrations of TCDD. In addition, most people, if not all, 6-6 4839H 1360-010-000 e probably cook the filleted fish they catch and eat . This assumption is supported by a Connecticut survey of recreational fishermen that asked about cooking method (Connecticut 1987) . One-half of the respondents ate some of their fish fried, one-third ate broiled fish, and one-third ate baked fish. Other types of cooking methods recorded included barbequeing, smoking and eating fish raw, although only 1% of the respondents ate raw fish. A recent investigation of TCDD loss during cooking of restructured carp fillets found that between 35 and 67 percent (with an average of 54 . 6 percent) of the TCDD was lost during cooking (Stachiw, et al . 1988) . Method and duration of cooking and size of the fillet all affected the amount of TCDD lost . No other studies of TCDD loss during cooking could be located in the literature, however, losses of PCB, a class of compounds that shares many physiochemical properties with TCDD, have been measured. Puffer and Gossett ( 1983) found that about 25% of PCB was lost during pan frying . Other studies (Humphrey et al . 1976) have reported greater reductions in PCB levels, however, these studies compared concentrations in whole raw fish to concentrations in cooked fillets . Cordle et al . (1982) report that up to 80% of PCB may be lost during cooking but based this on Humphrey et al . (1976) . Based on area studies it appears that, at a minimum, 25% of the dioxin in fillets is lost during cooking . The USEPA dioxin Ambient Water Quality Criterion is based on the amount of dioxin in fish that people eat; not the amount of dioxin in fish people catch. When these two are the same, then no preparation loss adjustment is necessary. However, when the concentration changes from the time fish are caught to when they are eaten, an adjustment should be incorporated into risk assessments and also risk-based criteria . All data indicate dioxins, and compounds like them, are lost during cooking . Incorporating a cooking loss of 25% into the criterion would decrease exposure by 25% and therefore increase the risk based 6-7 4839H 1360-010-000 e effluent limit to 0 . 13 ppgd. This is a relatively small change, but one that is supported by data and should be part of any risk based effluent limit under development or review. 6-8 4839H 1360-010-000 �e 7 . SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The preceding sections have identified several key parameters used to develop the proposed dioxin effluent limit of 0 . 1 ppgd that are either outdated (CPF and BCF) , not consistent with other regulatory agency actions (allowable risk level) , not based on site-specific information (BAF and consumption rate) or were not considered (cooking loss) . In all cases use of more apporpriate assumptions is warranted and would substantially impact the proposed dioxin effluent limit . Table 7-1 shows how different sets of assumptions impact the proposed limit . The largest impact is caused by changes in CPF, and consumption rate, followed by allowable risk level . Cooking loss and using a site-specific BAF have the smallest impact . Based on currently available scientific data and widely accepted interpretation of that data, coupled with the site-specific data available for the Pigeon River and surrounding area, USEPA should modify the proposed limit using the information contained in these comments and the cited references and set a new dioxin effluent limit of 88, 266 ppq. 7-1 4854H 1360-010-000 e TABLE 7-1 EFFECT OF ALTERNATIVE ASSUMPTIONS ON THE DIOXIN EFFLUENT LIMIT AT AN ALLOWABLE RISK LEVEL OF 1 X 10-6 Cancer Potency Bioaccumulation Ingestion Effluent Factor Factor Rate Cooking Limit (mg/kg/day)-1 (liters/kilogram) (gms/day) Loss (oocrd) (156,000] [5,000] [6.5] [0] [0.1] 156,000 (1) 1563 6.5 0.25 0.4 17,500 (2) 1563 6.5 0.25 3.8 10,000 (3) 1563 6.5 0.25 6.7 (10.0) (4) 1563 6.5 0.25 665 156,000 (1) 1563 1.65 0.25 1.7 17,500 (2) 1563 1.65 0.25 15.0 10,000 (3) 1563 1.65 0.25 26.2 (10.0) (4) 1563 1.'65 0.25 2,621 156,000 (1) 1563 0.049 0.25 56.6 17,500 (2) 1563 0.049 0.25 504 10,000 (3) 1563 0.049 0.25 883 (10.0) (4) 1563 0.049 0.25 88,266 156,000 (1) 1563 0.007 0.25 396 17,500 (2) 1563 0.007 0.25 3,531 10,000 (3) 1563 0.007 0.25 6,179 (10.0) (4) 1563 0.007 0.25 617,859 [ ] The numbers surrounded by "[ ]" are the proposed permit assumptions used by USEPA in the permit calculations. (1) Current U.S. EPA Cancer Potency Factor (2) Current U.S. FDA �Cancer Potency Factor (3) Proposed U.S. EPA Cancer Potency Factor (4) Canada Health and Welfare and Province of Ontario risk specific dose at a 1 X 10-6 excess lifetime cancer risk assuming dioxin has a threshold. 4891H 1360-010-000 7-2 e REFERENCES Anderson, P.D. 1988 . Scientific Origins of Incompatibility in Risk Assessment . Stat . Science, 3 : 320-327 . Brett, J.R. , J.E. Shelborne and C.T. Schoop . 1969 . Growth rate and body composition of fingering sockeye salmon Oncorhynchlis nerka in relation to temperature and ration size . J. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. 26 : 2363-2394 . Can Tox. 1989 . Biological Risk Assessment for 2 , 3 , 7, 8-Tetra- chlorodibenzo-p-dioxin. Ontario, Canada . Connecticut (State of Connecticut) . 1987 . A survey of fishing and fish consumption patterns among Connecticut Sports Fishermen. Abstract . Department of Health Services . Cordle, F. , R. Locke, and J. Springer . 1982 . Risk assessment in a federal regulatory agency: An assessment of. the risk associated with the human consumption of some species of fish contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) . Env . Health Persp. , 45 : 171-182 . Crouch, E. and R. Wilson. 1979 . Interspecies comparison of carcinogenic potency. J. Toxicol Environ. Health 5 : 1095-1118 . Crump, L. S . , R.B. Howe, and M.B . Fiering . 1980 . Approaches to carcinogenic, mutagenic, and teratogenic risk assessment . Report prepared by Science Research Systems , Inc . , for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Contract Bo . 68 : 01-5975 . Czuczwa, J.M. , and R.A. Hites . 1985 . Dioxins and Dibenzofurans in Air, Soil and Water . In: Dioxins in the Environment, ed. by M.A. Kamrin and P.W. Rodgers , Hemisphere Publishing Corp . , N.Y. , N.Y. Denmark. 1984 . Formation and emission of dioxins especially in connection with waste incineration. Miljostyrelson, Strandgrade 29 , 1401 Copenhagen. (Cited in NCASI , 1987) . EA Engineering, Science and Technology, Inc. 1988 . Synoptic Survey of Physical and Biological Condition of the Pigeon River in the Vicinity of Champion International ' s Canton Mill . EA Engineering, Science and Technology, Inc . 1989 . Estimation of the Annual Amount (Weight) of Edible Fish Available (Maximum Sustainable Yield) from the Pigeon River from Canton, North Carolina to its Confluence with the French Broad River. 4822H 1360-010 REFERENCES (Continued) Freeman, R.A. and J.M. Schroy. 1985 . Environmental Mobility of TCDD. Chemosphere 14 ( 6/7) : 873-876 . Friess , S. L. 1989 . Issues Related to the Assessment of Potential Human Carcinogenic Risks Associated with Investigation of Total Dioxin Equivalents (TEQ) in Pigeon River Water and Fish. Germany, (Federal Environmental Agency and Federal Health Office) . Report on Dioxins-Update to November 1984 . (Cited in NCASI, 1987) . Humphrey, H.E.S. , H. Price, and M. Budd. 1976 . Evaluation of changes if the level of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) in human tissue. Final Report on FDA Contract 233-73-2209 . Cited in: Maxim, L .D. and L. Harrington. 1984 . A review of the Food and Drug Administration risk analysis for polychlorinated biphenyls in fish. Reg . Toxicol . and Pharm. , 4 : 192-219 . Kimbrough, R.D. , H. Falk, P. Stehr, and G. Fries . 1984 . Health implications of 2 , 3 , 7, 8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) contamination of residential soil . In: Public Health Risks of the Dioxins . Ed. W.W. Lowrance. Los Altos, CA: William Kaufman, 121-150 . (Cited in NCASI , 1987) . Kleeman, J.M. , J.R. Olson, S .M. Chen, and R.E. Peterson. 1986a . Metabolism & disposition of 2 , 3 , 7, 8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin in Rainbow Trout . Toxicol . Appl . Pharm. 83 : 391-401 . Kleeman, J.M. , J.R. Olson, S.M. Chen, and R.E. Peterson. 1986b. 2 , 3 , 7, 8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin metabolism and disposition in yellow perch. Toxicol . Appl. Pharm. 83 : 401-411 . Kociba, R.J. 1984 . Summary and critique of rodent carcinogenicity studies of chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins . In: Public Health Risks of the Dioxins . Ed. W.W. Lowrance . Los Altos , CA: William Kaufman. (Cited in NCASI , 1987) . Kociba, R.J. , D.G . Keyes, J.E. Beyer, R.M. Carreon, C.E. Wade, D.A. Henber, R.P. Kalnins , L.E. Frauson, C.N. Park, S.D. Barnard, R.A. Hummel, and C.G. Humiston. 1978 . Results of a two-year chronic toxicity and oncogenicity study of 2 , 3 , 7, 8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin in rats . Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 46 :279-303 . 4822H 1360-010 a REFERENCES (Continued) Kuehl , D.W. , P.M. Cook, A.R. Batterman, D.L. Lothenbach, and B.C. Butterworth. 1987. Bioavailability of polychlorinated dibenzo-P-dioxins and dibenzofurans from contaminated Wisconsin River sediment to carp . Chemosphere 16 : 667-679 . Lyman, W. J. , W.F. Reehl, and D.H. Rosenblatt . 1982 . Handbook of Chemical Property Estimation Methods . McGraw-Hill Book Co . , N.Y. McCallum, M. 1985 . Recreational and subsistence catch and consumption of seafood from three urban industrial bays of Puget Sound: Port Gardner, Elliot Bay, and Sinclair Inlet . Washington Department of Social and Health Services , Olympia, WA. 59 pp . Cited in: Guidance Manual for Health Risk Assessment of Chemically Contaminated Seafood. Tetra Tech, Inc. 1986 . Mill, T. 1985 . Prediction of the Environmental Fate of Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin. IN: Dioxins in the Enron en . ed. by M.A. Kamrin and P.W. Rodgers, Hemisphere Publishing Corp. , N.Y. , N.Y. Moolgavkar, S .H. and A.G . Knudson, Jr . 1981. Mutation and Cancer : A Model for Human Carcinogenesis, Jour . Nat . Cancer Inst . , 66 : 1037-1052 . Muir, D.C.G . 1988 . Bioaccumulation and effects of chlorinated dibenzodioxins and furans in fish, shellfish and crustacea . A brief review Technical Report . Dept . Fisheries and Oceans . , Winnipeg, Ontario . National Research Council Canada (NRCC) . 1981 . Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins : Criteria for Their Effects on Man and His Environment, NRCC No. 18574 , Ottawa, Canada . NCASI (National Council of the Paper Industry for Air and Stream Improvement, Inc. ) 1988 . U.S . EPA/Paper Industry Cooperative Dioxin Screening Study, Tech. Bull . No . 545 . NCASI (National Council of the Paper Industry for Air and Stream Improvement, Inc. ) 1987 . Descriptions of Univariate Statistical Models for Use in Environmental Data Analyses and Means for Predicting Their Goodness-of-Fit . Tech. Bull . No . 530 . NCASI, (National 'Council of the Paper Industry for Air and Stream Improvement, Inc . ) . 1987 . Dioxin: A Critical Review of its Distribution, Mechanism of Action, Impacts on Human Health, and the Setting of Acceptable Exposure Limits . Technical Bulletin Number 524 . New York, NY. 4822H 1360-010 0 EFFLUENT DISCHARGE COLOR REDUCTION PROJECT CHAMPION INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION CANTON MILL CANTON, NORTH CAROLINA FEBRUARY 1987 CHAMPION INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION CANTON, NORTH CAROLINA MILL FEBRUARY 1987 EFFLUENT DISCHARGE COLOR REDUCTION PROJECT -SUMMARY Champion International Corporation proposes to modernize it's Canton, North Carolina facility to improve simultaneously the mill 's cost competitiveness and effluent discharge to the Pigeon River. The modernization project calls for Champion to install new equipment and control technology which will reduce its effluent color by approximately 50% from its current average level. A reduction of this magnitude will make the Canton Mill the lowest color discharger of all bleached kraft pulp and paper mills in North America. It is already one of the lowest color mills 'in the industry today. Champion is committed to the implementation of this project, costing in excess of $200 million, provided that an acceptable NPD,ES permit agreement can be reached with state and federal agencies. Following agreement on permit specifications, a five-year engineering and construction period would be required to complete the mill modernization program. The color reduction portion of the project, however, could be completed within the first three-year period . This report summarizes the mill' s historical efforts regarding effluent discharge and provides details on the proposed project technology. It also identifies proposed effluent discharge color standards and reviews Pigeon River modelling studies . BACKGROUND The Canton Mill began operation in 1908 and has a capacity of 1900 tons per day of bleached kraft paper products including milk carton stock, envelope paper, copier paper, and other printing and writing paper products. Pulp for the six paper machines is produced from hardwoods and pine by the kraft cooking process. The pulp is bleached in sequential stages using chlorine, sodium hydroxide, calcium hypochlorite, and chlorine 2 dioxide bleaching reagents. The mill' s effluent flows through a modern primary and secondary wastewater treatment plant and discharges into the Pigeon River at approximately 44 million gallons per day. The annual average river flow is approximately 200 million gallons per day. Since the late 1950 's, Champion has taken major steps to improve the quality of its discharge to the Pigeon River . In 1959, a trickling filter was installed to reduce organic matter in the mill' s effluent. This unit was followed by the installation of three primary clarifiers in 1960 and 1965, and an activated sludge secondary treatment system in 1970. Through 19861 Champion has spent nearly $25.0 million for equipment to improve the quality of mill effluent (Table I) . Concurrent with the installation of a modern wastewater treatment system, Champion has also pursued conservation technologies to reduce its effluent flow. Since 1973, fresh water usage has declined nearly 20% from approximately 54 million gallons per day to 44 million a day as a consequence of numerous recycling and conservation practices. Champion ' s concern for the issue of color reduction, due to the small size of the Pigeon River , has also been demonstrated during the past two decades. During the 1970 ' s, Champion participated with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in research involving color reduction technologies. Champion pioneered the concept of ultrafiltration technology and completed two pilot studies in 1973 and 1980 . From this work, and later developments in membrane technologies during the 19801s, it was anticipated that significant color reduction could be achieved in a cost-effective manner using ultrafiltration. In 1984 and 1985, Champion invested nearly $1.0 million in a demonstration facility. After operating the facility for one year, it was conclusively demonstrated that this technology was neither technically nor economically feasible. This conclusion, plus the need to strengthen and improve the mill ' s economic viability, led to a comprehensive review of- all possible avenues to reduce effluent color in a cost-effective manner. This effort was completed in late 1986 and the results formed the basis for the current project. PROJECT BASIS The two major strategic issues directly affecting the economic viability of the Canton Mill are its ability to control manufacturing costs and the need to resolve the issue of water quality in the Pigeon River. These issues are inseparable and their association is supported by the factors listed below. (1) The mill is experiencing a significant, continuing decline of earnings and the financial performance measures of Percent Return on Sales and Capital Employed are currently at 3 TABLE I ENVIRONMENTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES FOR WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL 1959 Dow-pack Trickling Filter $ 873 ,650 1960 One 125 Ft. Primary Clarifier 483 , 874 and Equipment 1965 Two (2) 200` Ft. Primary Clarifiers 2,187 ,264 Screens, Pumps and No. 4 Sewer 1970 Secondary Waste Water 4,610,659 Treatment Plant 1975-76 Sludge Dewatering System 2,264,099 Passavant Presses 1977 Water Treatment - Modernization 1, 480 , 835 Sludge Removal 1977 One 150 Ft. Secondary 1,390 ,625 Clarifier and Equipment 1979-80 Sludge Removal - 3 ,530 ,503 Tait-Andritz Belt Presses 1973-80 Landfills 1,732,282 1965-82 Miscellaneous Additions-Electrical 2,469, 426 Pumps, Piping, Motors, Landfill Equipment, etc. 1983 Landfill Property, Dissolved Oxygen 428,754 Monitoring System, Computer, Sewer Monitoring System & Misc. 1984 Waste Treatment Plant Electrical 645,498 Modifications, Front End Loader , Misc. 1985 Storm Water Collection-New Chip Sys . 204,606 Oxygen Enrichment System 1,469,365 Waste Treatment Plant Improvements 316,422 Sludge Trucks 206,926 1984-85 Ultrafiltration Demonstration 578,000 Facility Total $24, 872,788 4 their lowest point during the last twenty years . These significant trends are threatening the economic viability of the mill. (2) During the past two decades, the mill has spent approximately 26% of its total capital budget to purchase equipment necessary to meet environmental regulations. Compared to other pulp and paper mills, Canton ' s expenditures were significantly higher in the late 1970 ' s and early 19801s . These incremental capital investments are directly associated with the mill' s efforts to comply with stringent environmental standards . (3) During the ten year period from 1976-1985, the mill ' s annual operating expenses for environmental controls increased from $5 million to $19 million, an increase of 16% per year. This is the single largest cost escalation rate in the mill today, and much higher than the inflationary rate during this time period . (4) The Canton Mill is already a low color discharger compared to an industry survey and ranks with the best and newest bleached kraft mills in the country. Additional costs to remove incremental color from its effluent will add significantly to its already high capital and operating cost base . These factors led Champion to seek new color reduction technologies that would provide for the economic viability of the mill. COLOR REDUCTION TECHNOLOGY REVIEW The generation of colored organic matter from wood pulp is principally due to the pulp bleaching process which removes lignin from wood fiber . Although most of the lignin compounds are recovered in the mill and used as a fuel to generate steam, a small percentage enter the bleaching operation and discolor the non-recyclable effluents from this process operation. The inability to recycle these streams in Canton' s existing operation is due to equipment limitations and the sequential arrangement of chlorine based oxidizing agents. The mill currently uses chlorine, calcium hypochlorite, and chlorine dioxide as bleach reagents to bleach both pine and hardwood pulps. The new technologies presently available for in-mill color reduction substitute oxygen for chlorine to selectively remove lignin just ahead of , the pulp bleaching operation. This practice is called oxygen delignification, and the process change allows maximum filtrate recycle of a non-corrosive combustible material to the mill ' s chemical recovery operation (See Figure 1) . As a consequence, less lignin enters the pulp bleaching operation resulting in a major reduction in color discharged from this source. FIGURE 1 CANTON MILL CURRENT MILL DIGESTER PULP MANUFACTURING PROCESS BROWN BROWN STOCK SCREEN STOCKEBLEACH WASHER THICKENER PLANT TO PAPER MACHINES C PS TE WEAK LIQUOR BLACK BROWN FILTRATE LIQUOR CHEMICAL WASTE - COLOR RECOVERY TREATMENT SYSTEM SYSTEM STREAMS PROPOSED MILL DIGESTER OXYGEN DELIGNIFICATION BROWN BROWN ;'.•' STOCK SCREEN STOCK PULP WASHER ROOM WASHER :i : "•: WASHER BLEACH TO PAPER tTREAT NT MACHINES M L A ,t r , �Fl CHIPS WHITE WEAK R LIQUOR BLACK BROWN OXYGEN MENTFILTRATE FILTRATE REDUCED `� MODIFIED CHEMICAL FILTRATE WASTECOLOR RECOVERY SYSTEM RECLAMATION TREATMENTSTREAMS SYSTEM SYSTEM 6 To implement this process change, Champion proposes to install two new oxygen delignification systems to process both pine and hardwood pulps. In addition, it will also install a new pine bleach plant and modify an existing one to process hardwood pulp. These changes will necessitate, the installation of two improved pulp screening, washing , and recycle systems just ahead of the bleaching operation in order to increase recycle of unbleached pulp filtrates. These filtrates will then be processed through six stages of evaporation and the organics burned to carbon dioxide and water in the recovery boiler operation. Modifications to the evaporators and recovery boilers will also be completed to handle the incremental load of chemicals being recycled in the mill. The inorganics will be reclaimed from the boiler smelt and reused as make-up chemicals for subsequent cooking of pine and hardwood chips. All of these process operations will also require the installation of computer control capability to optimize the balance of chemicals, steam, pulp, and filtrate within the pulp mill system. In addition to the major changes proposed above, Champion also intends to install several filtrate reclamation systems that will eliminate a portion of the flow and color from reaching the waste treatment system. These smaller waste streams will also be processed through the evaporators and eventually reach the mill' s chemical recovery cycle. Several new large storage tanks will also be added in the pulp mill..to better, balance chemical inventories in the chemical recovery cycle. As a final step, Champion also intends to install a chemical mixer to selectively treat the caustic extraction stage effluents with an oxidizing agent to remove additional color . Champion proposes to use chlorine in this application and will be treating a non-recyclable alkaline stream. The net effect of the above process changes are documented in the following section. Table II summarizes the color reduction technologies that were evaluated by Champion for possible application at Canton. EFFLUENT- CHARACTERISTICS The test method used by Champion for color measurement was developed by the National Council for Air and Stream Improvement (NCASI) for the pulp and paper industry and adopted by EPA for the measurement of mill effluent color (Federal Register Vol. 39, No. 104 (1872-18754) May 291 1974) . Color concentration measurements are expressed as milligrams per liter as platinum cobalt color units. Discharge rates to the Pigeon River are expressed in pounds per day, which is the product of color concentration and flow to the river . The generation of individual colored effluent streams within the mill is .almost entirely due to the pulp processing ' operations. Color contributions from any one area are tied to both scheduled and unscheduled repair outages, wood specie mix, TABLE II COLOR TECHNOLOGY REVIEW' REMOVE/REDUCE THE SOURCE TREAT THE PROBLEM (In-Mill) (End-of-Pipe) I . Pulp Delignification/Bleaching Process I. Select Stream Treatment Methods A. Extended Delignification Pulping A. Oxidation. of Extraction ' B. Washer Efficiency Studies Stage Filtrates C. Oxygen Delignification Studies 1. Calcium hypochlorite oxidation 1. % Lignin reduction vs. color (2 levels) 2. Oxygen stage carryover (3 levels) 2. Chlorine oxidation D. Alternate Bleaching Studies 3 . Chlorine dioxide oxidation 1. Short cycle vs. conventional (2 levels) sequence 4. Hydrogen peroxide oxidation 2. Non-oxygen bleaching baseline (2 levels) 3. Chlorine dioxide substitution 5. Ozone oxidation for chlorine (4 levels) 6. Ozone-UV activated oxidation 4. Caustic extraction with oxygen 7 . Potassium permanganate 5. D4 and sodium hypochlorite oxidation (2 levels) 8. Sodium peroxide oxidation 6 . D4 and hydrogen peroxide 9. Sodium hypochlorite oxidation (4 levels) B . Separation Processes on Extrac- E'. Mill Scale Sodium Hypochlorite tion Stage Filtrates Trial (49 days) 1. Carbon absorption/acid regeneration II. Color Containment Studies 2. Evaporation A. Lithium Tracer Studies 3. Microfiltration B. Screen Room Closure 4. Percolation through flyash C. Filtrate Containment/Recycle 5. Precipitation by alum/air D. Mechanical Pump Seals flotation 6. Precipitation by polymer/ air flotation 7 . B5 and B6 combined B. Precipitation by ferric chloride/air flotation 9. Precipitation by lime/gravity separation 10. Ultrafiltration 11. Water Chem, Inc. (proprietary chemistry) TABLE II COLOR TECHNOLOGY REVIEW (Continued) REMOVE/REDUCE THE SOURCE TREAT THE PROBLEM (In-Mill) (End Pipe) III . Characteristics I . C. Disposal Processes For A. Commercial Installations Concentrated Color Streams B. Replacement Capital Dollars 1. Wet air oxidation C. Operating Cost Reduction 2. Dedicated incinerator D. Strong Industry Support 3. Ozone destruction E. Few, if any, Environmental 4. Solid waste landfill Side Effects 5. Lime kiln incineration F. State-of-The-Art Technology 6 . Additive for adhesives D. Treatment of Combined Mill Wastewater 1. Biological augmentation 2. Wastewater aeration and oxidation 3 . Precipitation by alum, polymers, lime, calcium, and ferric ion 4. WaterChem, Inc. (proprietary chemistry) II . Characteristics, A. Mostly Developing Technologies B. New Capital Dollars C. Operating Cost Increase D. Little Industry Support E. Possible Adverse Environmental Side Effects F. Technical and Engineering Risks m i 9 and degree of process recycle. As a consequence, daily process changes often cause a wide range of color variation in the numerous .mill sewers that feed the waste treatment plant. These swings are only partially dampened as the effluent moves through the waste treatment system. The variability and long-term , averages for 1986 effluent discharge rates are summarized in Table III . Figures are listed for two time periods: a full year of operation representing 365 days and a partial year of operation representing 300 days. The partial year figures are ' proposed as more typical of normal operations because- they exclude three abnormal events: (1) A cold mill shutdown from April 28,, 1986, through May 1, 1986; (2) a production curtailment from August 4, 1986, through August 22, 1986, due to the record drought in Western North Carolina; and (3) a sodium hypochlorite bleach trial starting on November 20, 1986, and extending through year-end. The bleach trial was initiated to further evaluate the color reduction mechanisms already in place in the mill: Removing these isolated events from the daily figures provides a more representative base of typical process operations . Consequently, these figures have been selected as the current base for calculating color standards for future mill operation. The effect of using the more representative data base is to lower ' the present average discharge rates and results in a more stringent proposed color limitation. TABLE III CANTON MILL EFFLUENT DISCHARGE COLOR (Lbs/Day) Time Period Average Discharge Standard Deviation 1986-365 Days 356,008 120, 944 1986-300 Days (1) 344,735 (1) 74,315 (1) (1) Excludes three abnormal events during the year associated with a cold mill shutdown, a production curtailment due , to the summer drought, and a sodium hypochlorite bleach trial. 10 The establishment of new color specifications for the restructured Canton Mill hinges on the combined application of process technologies discussed previously. A 50% color reduction is achievable on both long-term average and short-term variability as a result of the modernization program. These reductions, once achieved , would rank Canton as the lowest color mill in North America for bleached kraft mills of similar size and wood specie utilization. The new permit specifications proposed for the mill are listed in Table IV. TABLE IV CANTON MILL PROPOSED COLOR DISCHARGE LIMITS (Lbs/Day at Point of Discharge) 1986 Base Proposed Maximum Allowable (300 Days) Limits Annual Average (1) 344;735 172,368 Monthly Average (2) - 258,945 (1) The "Annual Average Discharge" is defined as the arithmetic mean of the total mass of all reported daily discharges during a calendar year divided by the number of days the tests were reported . (2) The "Monthly Average Discharge" is defined as the arithmetic mean of the total mass of all reported daily discharges during a calendar month divided by the number of days the tests were reported. The annual average proposed limit is 50% less than the current annual average established for 1986 operations. The maximum allowable monthly average represents the proposed limit calculated at the 99th percentile rank based on an improved variability. Clearly, these limits taken as a group impose a strict tolerance on the mill to comply with the lowest color discharge possible on an everyday basis. Minor variations can be accommodated but, over the long term, the mill must comply with the 172,368 lbs/day limit. This limit in effect guarantees a 50% reduction in color discharged to the Pigeon River . The impact of 11 this reduction at the North Carolina-Tennessee border is summarized in the following section. PIGEON RIVER MODELLING STUDIES The Pigeon River modelling studies conducted by Champion utilized a modified dilution model to predict color concentrations at various points downstream from the mill. Figure 2 illustrates a diagram of the Pigeon River flow from the mill (mileage mark 63 .5) to its confluence at the French Broad River in Tennessee. The flow model assumes that color is conserved and its concentration is influenced' by additional fresh water dilution as well as retention time in Walters Lake. The color concentration from the mill can be accurately predicted to the Hepco sampling station (mile mark 42 .6) , just upstream from the entrance to Walters Lake, by the following equation: HEc = (WTPc * WTPf) + (HEf - WTPf) * Dc (1) HEf Where WTPc = Waste treatment plant discharge color (ppm) WTPf = Waste treatment plant discharge flow (MGD) HEf = Flow at Hepco sampling station HEc = Color concentration at Hepco sampling station Dc = Color concentration of all dilution streams, (13 To mathematically predict the color concentrations across Walters Lake to the North Carolina-Tennessee state line, an additional equation was developed. This equation corrected for the observed differences in color due to the reduction in the lake, and is described below. (-0 .22.4 * (log HEf) + 0.781) F = 10 (2) Where F = Ratio of color concentration at Hepco sampling station (mileage 42.6) and the I-40 bridge in Tennessee (mileage 24.7) . The completed river model equation combining the dilution effect from several tributaries and the reduction effect across the lake is described in equation (3) . State Line Color = (WTPc * WTPf) + (HEf - WTPf) * Dc (3) (-0.224 * log (HEf) + 0 .781) HEf * 10 FIGURE 2 Pigeon River Diagram CHAMPION DISCHARGE HEPCO CP&L POWERHOUSE PIPELINE alters Lake E N WPORT NATURAL RIVER BASIN FRENCH BROAD RIVER 63.5 42.6 State Line 24.7 5.0 RIVER MILE MARKS (not to scale) 13 Historical river flow data used to develop this equation was obtained from the United States Geological Service (USGS) records for a period in excess of fifty years. Color data were obtained from Champion' s data base and averaged over monthly periods to minimize the effect of time lag to the state border. The state line color data at the I-40 bridge included only periods when the CP&L powerhouse was discharging water. Using the final equation, Figure 3 illustrates the actual color concentration values at the state line with today' s discharge and the predicted values with the modernized mill. Table V summarizes the frequency distributions at specific color concentrations of 40, 50, 60 , 80, and 100 ppm. TABLE V CONCENTRATION DISTRIBUTIONS Percent of Time Below a Specific Concentration (North Carolina-Tennessee State Line) Color Concentration (ppm) Mill Configuration 40 50 60 80 100 . Current Mill 5% 12% 23% 47% 64% Modernized Mill 40% 59% 73% 90% >95% The model predicts that the modernized mill will achieve 100 ppm color or less at the Tennessee border greater than 95% of the time as opposed to 64% today. Additionally, a color concentration of 50 ppm or less will be achieved 59% of the time as opposed to only 12% of the time now. ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION TIMETABLE Once an agreement is reached on permit limitations, it is anticipated that the entire modernization program can be accomplished within a five-year period. The color reduction portion of the project, however, can be completed within three years. Anticipating regulatory agreement, Champion has already contracted with CRS Sirrine, Inc. , of Greenville, South Carolina, to begin preliminary engineering and refine capital cost and construction estimates. FIGURE 3 COLOR MODEL FOR STATE LINE Modeled by Dilution with Lake Influence 200 19 Current Discharge 180 170 160 E 150 a a 140 ai 130 o . 120 > 11 p 10 Projected Discharge 6 U 90 80 -1 70 °) 60 D N 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 20 40• 60 80 100 % Time Below Indicated Color Value 15 CONCLUSIONS Champion International Corporation is prepared to address the Pigeon River color issue with an in-mill modernization project that incorporates state-of-the-art technology to achieve a 50% color reduction. The technology selected for use is a combination of several commercially proven approaches providing color and operating cost reduction while avoiding adverse environmental side effects. The proposals in Champion ' s project will achieve a significant improvement in color discharged to the Pigeon River . Color concentrations at the North Carolina-Tennessee border will be below 50 ppm nearly 60% of the time, with almost all measurements below 100 ppm. Champion International Corporation Canton Mill EFFLUENT DISCHARGE COLOR REDUCTION PROJECT MAJOR PROCESS MODIFICATIONS SCREEN ROOM The unbleached pulp produced by digesting wood chips in the presence of caustic soda and sodium sulfide is washed with fresh water to remove soluble lignin derivatives. After washing , the pulp is processed through several stages of screening to remove undigested small wood particles. This screening is normally done at low consistency (1%) after which the pulp is thickened to 10-12% consistency before storage and subsequent bleaching . The filtrate generated during the thickening operation is brown in color and can be either sewered in an open system or recycled to pulp washing in a closed system. This recycling results in an increase in dissolved solids. The gravity discharge Cowan screens used at the Canton Mill are older models which cannot function properly in the presence of higher concentrations of dissolved solids. Therefore, new pressure screens must be installed and modifications made to the washing system to permit filtrate recycling and reduce color losses to the waste treatment system. This modifi- cation results in "closing" the screen room. OXYGEN DELIGNIFICATON In an oxygen delignification system, washed unbleached pulp is mixed with caustic soda and oxygen at elevated temperatures and pressures. In a period of approximately one hour, about one-half of the incoming quantity of lignin is made soluble by the reaction with oxygen. Pushing the reaction further results in a rapid degradation of carbohydrate chain length and a reduced pulp strength. Since oxygen delignification does not utilize any chlorine containing streams, its filtrate can be recycled through the brown stock washing system to the recovery boiler. The lignin in the liquor is burned in the boiler and the inorganic chemicals recovered in the smelt. The oxygen treated pulp contains less lignin and consequently requires less chlorine to reach a required pulp brightness. This process change significantly reduces the discharge of chlorinated and colored organics from the bleaching operation. Figure 1 illustrates changes in the screen room and the proposed oxygen delignification system. Champion International Corporation Canton Mill BLEACH PLANT MODIFICATIONS There are three existing bleach plants at the Canton Mill, two for processing pine and one for hardwood pulp. The current plans are to install a new pine bleach plant and modify an existing one for hardwood, with both having a (C+D) Eo D sequence. The new bleach lines will be preceded by two oxygen delignification systems and have computer controlled production rate and bleaching capability. Figure 2 illustrates a potential design of a modern short-sequence bleaching facility. FIGURE 1 CANTON MILL CURRENT MILL PULP MANUFACTURING PROCESS DIGESTER BROWN SCREEN BROWN STOCK ROOM STOCK WASHER THICKENER TO BLEACH PLANT C WHITE WEAK LIQUOR BLACK BROWN FILTRATE LIQUOR CHEMICAL = TO SEWER RECOVERY . SYSTEM PROPOSED MILL DIGESTER OXYGEN DELIGNIFICATION BROWN BROWN STOCK SCREEN STOCK ti; ;;ti;• PULP WASHER ROOM WASHER :lf'; WASHER TO BLEACH PLANT ti;ti dtir:k•:ti i' S WHITE WEAK LIQUOR' BLACK BROWN OXYGEN LIQUOR FILTRATE FILTRATE CHEMICAL RECOVERY SYSTEM . FIGURE CANTON M%[ PAPER MILL PROPOSED BLEACHING OPERATION RECYCLE WATER i } ST BEkNf \ . gon4E \ WASHER :r WASHER WASHER © \ \ FROM OXYGEN ' v LIGmmQr ON WASHER 2 q ! � a . . .. {CHLORIN } OXIDATIVE CHLORINE * : EXTRA- DIOXIDE . } CHLORIN �nowN aIOGK . Ll COLOR . TREATMENT it t ON IF Fix- v -; :+ gV Io1vlq!JaQ spun$ 'oang ap{I V Pun 'gnsuo3uoo/J 'u00{7 mma8ul SI 6dolompal u38,(xo Jo piluaiod amin3 •Z Xdl 'Igvpu'oyS Iagul Pilo ')Idl 'JPIOW vulJsUgD 6I Su!goealq ua8Axo;o main sallpoginbV .q &_LS 'SlagzugqS sm7 Puv 'Ii.LS 'pv;68uu;1 MUM ZI Sucgaealq ua26xo jo s»adse leivaumonnug 'S gV p"1a11!g 'uvms vjug Pun 'gV IIaJoQoW 'wnssoi vialg II dlnd pagaealq-ua26xojo Alquno { gV Y!i,7a1 VJS 'j!a,unl imunD L shadse 3cuiouoja i!agl pue sucals6s 8u!q:)ealg g IjlS 'uaJ88un(7 uals q uoyeagluggap uaSAxo jo ,Clls!uiagrxalduio:)aql •Z S uotimpollul 'I gV lo1vlq!jaa spung 'oang ap 11v Pilo '1insuo3uoo.c3 'uooij Ivwasul 5a8ed fummunS 'salalpn 8uimollof ag; u! podal s!g; u! paz!.cniuiuns s! pun 586I 'I HOW pun 0961 'I isn8n y ccaam;aq palanpuoa svm. Rpnis aq L :coiv.cq!fap spunS 'oang ap fly pun '11nsuo3uoojD 1110013 lnuiasul Jo uoisicuadns ayI .capon Ino pa!Um aq p1nogs„'1vi1ua1od aminf sl! pun n8olougla; uaSRxo fo sn;nis IuaclnD_ pall!lua 'fipn1s a Inch pap!jap aaofaxat 1 snm If 'Rcaucdolaaap ssa.7o.id gs!pamS Jo auolsaauco_' n sv a1o.c 5ii8oloutlaal ua8fixo Jo aan;nd snoauo.ua pun Su!pvalsicu Rlaucacl.ra tin oiul padolaaap aingap agi 'sjaaias-go pauuofu!-11am of -patio!Isanb aaam ssaupunos lo-mucouola pun Ina!ugaal sp pun 'RSolougial ua8fixo Jo slaaf fa Inluamuogaua aa!i!sod agl •Eg6I Suunp ssaid filpnp gs!pamS ag; pun slncunol apn�l gjoq ui pagsllgnd a�am RSolou -gaal ua8fixo Jo si.7af fa 1n!a.yauaq Inogv signoQ •8u!g_iva1q uaBRxo of painqui;n alacn 'aauap!aa a!f!irvus ainlosgv Inog;lm. 'ga!gm slaa f fa lnivacuuo.c!aua pamogs anblugaal 8ulgivalq uaSRxo aril Sulsn sppiu dlnd ap!sjno slua!dhai ay; u!pauuof iad salpn;s auuoS Summary It is impossible to give a clear-cut recommendation of any In general, the introduction of oxygen bleaching therefo single process alternative to achieve optimum total economy in clearly rer.esents a highly significant environmental pri the manufacture of bleached sulfate pulp. Today it is often a tective r.,easure. matter of expanding or modernizing existing plants where The few investigations carried out to date regarding the it existing processand plant space isa major consideration.How- fluenceof oxygen bleaching onthedischarge from theplantai ever, even in the case of new investments, in addition to plant inconclusive.This is most probably due to variations in wasl space and localization, such parameters as environmental ing losses. If this process were better controlled, systemat demands and prices of timber, utilities, chemicals and capital investigations should here also show that the introduction e also play a role. oxygen bleaching is favorable from an environmental slant The technical and economical evaluation showed that both point. oxygen bleaching alternatives, 0(CD)(EO)D and Thedecelopmentofthecookinglechnologyhasaconsiderabl 0(CD)(EO)DED, as well as alternatives with modified cook- influence on the possibility of improving the economical an i ingst Kappa 25,are l relatively equal value frome a e used in evironmental effects of the bleaching process when an oxyge cal standpoint when low levels of chlorine dioxide are used in stage is used as thefirst stage after cooking.The introduction c the chlorine stage. As the amount of chlorine dioxide is in- high sulfidity,atmospheric cooking and computer control has creased, the alternative with modified cooking and oxygen generally speaking, increased the potential for delivering bleaching tends to be the most economical.The conventional high-viscosity pulp with stable Kappa number from the di method with aerated ponds is definitely less economical. gester to the oxygen stage. Three-stage bleaching appears economically advantageous over a five-stage process. Higher chlorate prices strengthen During recent years it has been demonstrated that it is possib) economic potential of the oxygen sequence. to activate the unbleached pulp using certain pretreatment Thus, the comparison shows that the so-called modified (for example, NO-NO2, 03 or green liquor) to improve th cooking process should not be regarded as a viable alternative selectivity of a subsequent oxygen stage. to oxygen bleaching(regardless of whether it is carried out to Oxygen-reinforced alkali stages have been shown tobeboth at Kappa 25 or 30), but rather as a complement. effective and economical complements in the bleaching se A careful comparison shows that there are no significant dif- quence,especially as a first alkali stage.This type of treatmen ferences in quality between oxygen-bleached and non-oxygen- may also be introduced as a first stage in special cases. bleached sulfate pulps, assuming that the pulps are produced One of the fundamental ideas underlying the increased use o, under controlled conditions. This finding applies to strength non-chlorine,non-corrosive chemicals in the bleach plant is tc and optical preperiies eleanliPess and beatability. feed the waste liquor to the recovery cycle, so that the organic Available know-how has demonstratea Gnat me introduction matter can be burned and sodium recovered. of oxygen bleaching before a traditional(or reduced)chlorine A Swedish mill is currently recycling waste liquor from the OE bleaching, combined with the recovery and burning of spent stage. By using oxidized white liquor in both the O and OE liquor fro.n the oxygen stage,results in a significant reduction ytages and utilizing the flexibility of the chlorine dioxide pro- in the discharge of BOD, COD and color and ToCI. The re- duction,the plant has succeeded in establishing an economical duction includes chlorinated and non-chlorinated organic system with low discharges. matter of both high and low molecular weight, includipg Khlorophenolic compounds and chloroform. Introduction The sulfate process produces an un- consistency technology is progressing.It favor oxygen treatment as an alternative bleached pulp with a relatively high re- is likely that oxygen stages at medium process (Fig. 2). The short sequence, sidual lignin content.The lignin ishighly- cwsistenry will be-ome more common O(CD)(EO)D, is particularly interest- cross-linked. Therefore, it is -fairly in the future. ing in this context. complicated and expensive to bleach When oxygen delignification was intro- sulfate pulp. duced, it was discovered that current FIGURE i. The usual bleaching chemicals(chlorine, cooking technology was not satisfac- MARKET PRICES FOR alkali and chlorine dioxide) have in- tory. In many mills, the Kappa number BLEACHING CHEMICALS, SEK/tonne creased greatly in price in recent years varied from 25 to 40. Today, computer and will presumably continue to do so in control, atmospheric presteaming and SEKN NaC10, _ the future (Figure 1).Oxygen is an inex- chip equalizing systems make it possible pensive chemical and its energy require- to maintain the Kappa number within 3000 ments during production are signifi- narrower limits(28-321.The economic cantly less than those of chlorine, alkali result depends to a great extent on 2500 and chlorine dioxide. whether the unbleached pulp can be pro- The National Swedish Environment duced at a high final viscosity (greater z000 Protection Board's long-term aim for the than 1200) with less variations in the cl• control of the discharge of bleach plant Kappa number.The industry has a great lsoo waste l of a di formulated in bleach plant as deal to learn in this respect. if cooking is carried out successfully, a Kappa num- follows: ber of about 14 can be achieved follow- O. — Chlorinated organic compounds ing the oxygen stage without any 500 shall not he discharged. weakening of the bleached pulp. De- - Waste water shall neither give rise to pending on the variations in wood raw genetic effects nor contain accumu- material and cooking, many plants to- 1976 7e BO a2 &: 86 yea, lating substances. day achieve Kappa numbers only in the — Waste water shall not result in acute 18-20 range. toxic effects on fish or other aquatic- Economically this is unsatisfactory since FIGURE 2. organisms. with toda}'s technology the objective RELATIVE BLEACHING COSTS, — The r shall s reduced. in matter in waste should be a Kappa number of about 15. USS.adt water shall be reduced. It is evident that future developments in Relative bleaching costs.US$/ad: The National Swedish Environment oxygen technology will be guided pri- 43 Protection Board's demands were for- marily by economical considerations. 46 (D„CKAEO)DED mulated in the light of an existing effort We can expect more technologies adapt- ar-3led pond to promote oxygen bleaching and El able to the needs of individual mills. discharge cleaning, in an attempt to pressurized or non-pressurized oxygen +3 achieve a color reduction equivalent to stages, high consistency (greater than that resulting from the ion exchange 20%) or medium consistency (8-20%) (Dr.,Ca)(EO)DED method. The ion exchange method has, in the first stage or in the alkali extraction g (cwc, )EDeD however, since fallen into disuse. stage already exist. Pressurized oxygen stages were intro- —3 OCo D,,)EODED duced more than ten years ago on the basis of the possibility of recycling waste REINFORCED ALKALI STAGES (EO) liquor from this stage to the recovery —s system. The degree of delignification Non-pressurized oxygen stages can o(c„D„)(EoiD achieved is determined by the level of easily beintroduced in existing bleaching improved selectivity which can be at- plants by utilizing the alkali and hypo- 350 375 4o0 azs 460 475 tained, while maintaining the full bleaching towers.This technology is de- Prices for sodrom chlorale. Us s9pnne strength of the pulp. veloping rapidly. At present there are It is important that a well-functioning approximately 40 ones are continually being ins,but new washer is installed after the oxygen stage. Today, there are more than 30 installations of this type in the world,the SHORT SEQUENCE majority of which operate at high pulp consistency. If chlorine dioxide further increases in In general it may be said that medium price, economic advantages alone will The complex chemistry of oxygen delignification Today,some knowledge is available con- principle react ions%•.hich occur with lig- In a recently initiated project, STFI cerning a number of different reaction nin rriginating from the initially formed intends to clarify the molecular kinetics mechanisms between different lignin p',enoxy radicals.The two types of reac- of these reactions,primarily with respect structures and oxygen.Knowledge now tions possible are indicated as a.and It.in to such typical structures in residual lig- needs to be acquired concerning the the figure. In a., a reaction takes place nins as vinyl ether, and stilbene and molecular kinetics of the reactions — between aromatic structures through cross-linked structures. Comparative how reactive different types of residual radical coupling(i.e., two phenoxy Tad- studies of reactivity and the speed of deg- lignin structures are towards oxygen. icals condense and form biphenolic radation in relation to such factors as Process kinetics investigations earlier structures). This type of reaction in- pH, temperature and oxygen pressure carried out at STFI have shown that volves a risk of additional cross-linking are also under investigation. With the during oxygen bleaching. dissolution of in the lignin, making degradation more help of these data,it ishoped to beable to lignin (measured as a decrease in Kappa difficult. However, it has been shown explain what happens with the lignin number) has a rapid initial phase fol- that these structures can also be degra- during the two different bleaching lowed by a slower final delignification. dated to acids, which perhaps compen- phases indicated by the kinetics of the One current reseaTch project has sought sates for this risk. process. to collect kinetic data at a molecular Reaction b. is probably referable for level,from which it is hoped to obtain an p y p explanation of these two lignin dissolu- lignin degradation and dissolution.This REACTION OF PHENOXY tion phases. reaction is dominant under alkaline con- RADICALS ditions (pH>13). Cvclohexadienone The chemistry involved in oxygen hydroperoxideinterme liates are formed bleaching is very complex for two rea- through the reaction of phenoxy radicals O O sons.One is that the structure of residual a� W 0 0_ orl.e with hydrophenoxy radicals (HOO') or lignin is m bleached is relatively varied superoxide anions (O'Z) formed from O ,R and to some extent unknown.The other the oxygen. Depending on the position OW reason is that oxygen can appear and be in the aromatic ring in which the hydro- ° y oo"O1A converted to a number of different re- peroxide group is situated,the lignin can e I oo" active oxidizing species which undergo e °A` be degraded in three different ways.Side o 0 different types of reactions. In general, chain elimination means that the lignin + 1 there are three fundamentally different structure is broken up between the aro- a,0era,;a. 2)nng 31&IM,. types of reaction processes between lig- matic hydrocarbons, forming various tlmmairo. rp ring a n.. nin and oxygen in an alkaline medium. aldehydes and organic acids from the arm;.co, One is the alkaline hydrolysis reactions side chain as well as paraquinones from which normally also occur during alka- the aromatic part. Paraquinones are During oxygen bleaching importaw drpadabl! line cooking processes.Here,the lignin is colored structures which can be trans- hydroperoaidchacrinediwesac)orardr:are- split with the help of hydroxide ions and formed into colorless structures with the artier:b.. bu rearhon beta een the oipgrn and becomes more water soluble through the the phe ncra .radialscan.formed)rev,der 5o r'lignic help of the small amounts of hydrogen The vhrnoxy.aa;lah Can. hJseoer.also.ea:r formation of phenolia groups.The pres- peroxide formed during the bleaching. will;each other in a cmnprtitier reaction via enee of oxygen also initiates both ionic reaction a See text. and radical reactions.Ionic oxidation re- actions occur from ionized species, for example, hydrogen peroxide anions, I IGN9N IS DISSOLVED MORE which may form in small quantities EASILY during the reaction of oxygen in an alka- line medium and play a role in the re- The ring-opening reaction makes the lig- moval of color-forming structures such nin more hydrophilic and more easily as quinones. The formation of radical dissolved.This is due to the fact that the species is important for the oxygen's break-up of the aromatic ring produces initial reactions because, depending on water soluble dicarboxylicacids,suchas the pH level, such radicals may give rise muconic acid or,succinic acid, i al.The to chain reactions originating from phe- third reaction is demethylation, arising nolic structures in the lignin. from intermediates where the hydro- peroxy group has become attached close to the methoxy group. The methoxy ADDITIONAL CROSS-LINKING group is then eliminated and methanol is MAKES.DEGRADATION MORE formed at the same time as the ring opens DIFFICULT in certain cases.This has less affect on the degradation of lignin, but may increase The figure on this page summarizes the its solubility. Bleaching systems and their economic aspects It is impossiblr to mAke a clear-cut rec- sistency gives a lower investment cost A standard allowance has then been ommendation of any one procef,alter- but higher steam requirements.The cost made to cover all additional costs. native for achieving optimal t-,tal econ- comparison is not affected by the choice. Investment costs for CI02 production orny in the production of bleached sul- An evaluation has been made for all include the cost of an SVP(113)faciliiy. fate pulp. Conditions vary significantly alternatives with both high and low Those cases which involve a high chlo- from case to case. Today, it is often a chlorine dioxide levels in the prebleach- rine dioxide level in the chlorine stageare question of expanding or modernizing ins stage. assumed to demand an extra filter stage existing plants where process and plant Comparisons have been made on the before the chlorine stage. Other process space is a major consideration. How- assumption that batch cooking is used. solutions are conceivable. ever, even where new investments are No significant change in the differences involved, such parameters as environ- between the alternatives should arise if The difference in investment costs for mental demands and prices of wood, a continuous cooking process were different capacity requirements in the utilities, chemicals and capital also play applied liquor recovery cycle for varying a role in addition to plant space andloca- amounts of transferred solids has not tion. The choice does not become any The transfer of substance to the chlorine been taken into account. To simplify easier in the light of current develop- stage has been estimated using a com- matters,it has been assumed that the cost ments, including such new processes as puter program (GEMS). In cases where differences are balanced by energy modified cooking, which may prove modified cooking is applied,thewashing revenues from the solids. themselves Worthy of competing for a effect due to digester displacement has Investment costs associated with chlo- place in the production chain. been taken into account. rine dioxide preparation are based on One of the questions which then arises Table 2 shows estimated consumption tenders for a couple of plants of different concerns the role of oxygen bleaching in levels of bleaching chemicals for the sizes (SVP (R3) type). Costs have been this context. In order to illustrate the various alternatives. In all cases, the calculated for other capacity levels. economic aspects of this process, four consumption levels are measured at final Table 5 presents a picture of the different different process alternatives based on bleaching with both very high and total economies of the various alterna- the production of bleached softwood limited chlorine dioxide levels in the tives when the production and capital pulp with similar market demands have chlorine stage. costs are weighed together. Capital costs been selected and their production and Estimated chemical costs were based on are estimated on the basis of a 15-year capital costs compared, under condi- the following prices(SEK/tonne): annuity at an interest rate of 15 per cent. tions described in"Assumptions used in The differences are illustrated in block comparative calculations,•on page S. C12: 1,085 diagrams for the two capacity levels. C102: 2,200(active 02; Table 1 shows the process alternatives excl. capital costs) The comparison shows that both alter- and gives a brief description of their NaOH: 1,280 natives with oxygen bleaching as well as discharge characteristics. In all alterna- 02: 850 the alternatives with modified cooking tives, 3-stage, (DC)(EO)D, and 5- Ox. white liquor: 770 to Kappa 25 are more or less equivalent stage, (DC)(EO)DED, processes have from an economic standpoint when low been selected for final bleaching. Chemical charges to the digesters are levels of chlorine dioxide are used in the assumed to be the same in all cases. chlorine stage.As theamount of chlorine Two of the alternatives include oxygen dioxide increases, the alternative with bleaching.The others include a conven- Table 3 shows the other differences in modified cooking and oxygen bleaching tional line with cooking to Kappa 32 production costs. Wood consumption tends to be the most economical for the supplemented by external waste water has been judged to be 1.8 per cent higher higher capacity. The conventional treatment in an aerated pond and a in the alternative with modified cooking method using an aerated pond is con- modified cooking line with extended to Kappa 25 than in the other altema- siderably more costly. Three-stage delignification to Kappa 25 without Lives. In alternative 1 it is assumed that bleaching appears to be economically additional discharge reduction. While external waste water treatment requires more favorable than a five-stage process. the selection of Kappa 25 seems ex- an extra half man per shift, while the tremely low, it may prove to be an other alternatives require approximately Thus, an essential conclusion drawn acceptable level in the long term. the same manpower. Maintenance costs from the comparison is that the so-called are estimated to be 3 per cent of the rela- modified cooking process should not be The two alternatives applying oxygen tive investment costs. seen as an alternative to oxygen bleach- bleaching include a conventional line ing, but rather as a complement. with cooking to Kappa 32 and oxygen The differences in investment costs have bleaching to Kappa 18. and a line with been calculated for two capacity levels, modified cooking to Kappa 32 and 600 and 1,000 tonnes bleached pulp per oxygen bleaching to Kappa 15. Oxygen day (Table 4). Investment costs refer to bleaching is carried out at a high pulp new installations and are based on ten- consistency. Bleaching at medium con- ders for machines and other equipment. ASSUMPTIONS UbhU 11v kvlvi �.�, CALCULATIONS FOR THE TABLES Washing press: research laboratory and are, thus, not PROCESS ALTERNATIVE, (TABLE I) Dewatering efficiency 0.50 linked to any special calculations for this report. The assurrrrtions listed below and used Discharged solids 0 30— in the calculatio•s have provided the content g' basis for a limv.ed description of the dif- 0.35 k kg CONSUMPTION OF:TABLE CHING ferent process alternatives from an en- In the alternatives with modified cook- vironmental standpoint only, not from ing account has been taken of the wash- Chemical consumption: an economic standpoint. ing effect associated with two displace- Consumption data are based on practi- Assumptions used for GEMS calcula- ment processes in the digesters, in the cal experience gained at SCA's research liquor exchange for heat recovery and in laboratory. An adjustment has been lions: the liquor exchange For extended made with respect to substance carried Chip solids content: 0.50 kg/kg delignification. over from the unbleached line in this spe- Alkali charge: 18 y Alkali concentration: 330 kg'm3 Substanre to "chlorinr stage. For alkali to the oxygen stage,it hasbeen Sulfidity: 35 'r Na contents (according to SCAN) have Liquor-to-wood ratio: 3.8 m3/ton been obtained through GEMS calcula- assumed that oxidized white liquor is tions. used to 100 per cent. The price has been Pulp yield after cooking: The following relation between COD assumed to be 60 per cent of the price of At Kappa 32 0.475 kg%kg and Na2SO- has been used for calcula- NaOH. ]n calculating the price, the fol- lowing factors were taken into account: At Kappa 25 0.465 kg/kg lion of COD: Substance level • Reduction heat in the recovery boiler Alkali charge in oxygen bleaching: kg Na nee level 04 , kg COD'kg Na2SOa • Oil to the lime kiln At final Kappa 20 38.0 kg/tloo - -- _ k - • Pump energy At final Kappa 18 20.0 kg%tlop Unbleached line, without oxygen a Capital cost of equipment. At final Kappa 15 23.6 kg/tloo bleach1ng 1.5 q 13 RELATIVE PRODUCTION . Pulp yield in oxygen COSTS (TABLE 3) bleaching: 0.97 kg/kg Unbleached line,with oxygen bleaching 7 1.0 This table records the relative cost differ- Washing filter: 6 0.9 ences between the alternatives. E-factor: 1.8 Consumption of chemicals, electricity Discharged solids Bleach plant discharges: p content: 0.12— The reported discharge values are based and steam, and manpower requirements 0.14 kg/kg on practical experience gained at SCA's with respect to the aerated pond, are TABLE 1 —PROCESS ALTERNATIVES, BLEACHED SOFTWOOD PULP, 90% ISO Kappa Substance tochlorinestage Bleach plant discharge number - kg't,at DF— 2.5 Sr kg lK Alternative Unbleached 0=bleached Bleach sequence Na,SO+r' COD D COD Color ToCI 32 — (DC)(EO)D 12 18 25 60 130 5.1" 1.BK—F—F—S—F—P+Pond (DC)(EO)DED 85 60 80 2.3 25 (DC)(EO)D 9 12 25 60 100 5.2 2.BK—F—F—S—F—P Modified (DC)(EO)DED 85 60 70 2.5 15 43 70 3.8 3.BK—F—F—S—F—P—Ox—F—P 32 18 (DO(EO)DED 7 7 25 43 65 3.5 85 43 So 1.8 32 ]5 (DC)(EO)D 15 37 60 3.2 4.BK—F—S—F—P—Ox—F—P Modified (IXI(EO)DED 7 7 25 37 55 3.0 85 37 45 1.3 BK— Batch digester;F=washing filter stage;S = screening:P = displacement press stage:Ox — oxygen bleaching 1)According to SCAN. 2)Regards discharge following aerated pond.Reduction in the pond approx.COD ZS�.n.Color OEM,ToC125 m. Per- Chemical consumption,kgadta, Kappa number O, Bleaching renege 01 NaOH(o.. CI7 CIO, NaOH Cost Alternative unbleached bleached stages D white liq.) Art.Cl SEK/L , 1. BK-F-F-S-F-P+Pond 32 - 5 25 5 - 55.6 31.1 38 199 - 5 85 5 - 11.2 66.7 28 235 - 3 25 5 - 62.6 32.7 33 205 i - 3 85 5 - 13.1 72.3 23 247 2.BK-F-F-S-F-P 25 Modified - 5 25 5 - 42.7 25.5 31 261 - 5 85 5 - 8.5 52.0 24 290 - 3 25 5 - 47.7 27.3 28 166 - 3 85 5 - 9.5 52.7 21 200 3. BK-F-F-S-F-P-Ox-F-P 32 18 5 15 20 17 28.8 37.2 30 147 18 5 85 20 17 5.7 38.1 23 170 18 3 25 20 17 26.3 224 25 352 18 3 85 20 17 5.7 42.1 20 377 4 BK-F-S-F-P-ox-F-P 32 Modified 15 5 35 24 21 23.0 15.2 27 130 15 5 85 24 21 4.7 30 c 20 151 1C 3 25 24 21 21.0 10.6 22 142 15 3 85 24 21 4 7 33.5 17 357 taken from the SSVL report, ••Environ- ment costs are estimated from budgeted In the alternatives with high percentages mentally safe manufacture of bleached machinery costs provided by Sunds of D in the chlorine stage(85 per cent), it pulp_' Defibrator. has been assumed that a filter stage is in- Wood consumption per tonneofbleached Additional costs were then calculated for cluded before the chlorine stage. pulp is assumed to be the same in all construction, electricity, instrumenta- Investment costs for chlorine dioxide alternatives except alternative 2.where it tion and engineering. The amounts preparation are based on budgets for a is 1.8 per cent higher. therefore represent the total investment couple of plant sizes. Costs for Other asts have been calculated cost of a new installation.The following capacity levels have been calculated Maintenance co M per cent the relative investment total investment costs have been according to the following equation: estimated: cost, except for the aerated pond,where 600 t/d 1000 t/d The investment cost, M. SEK = 15 + 1 per cent has been used. M. SEK M. SEK capacity (kton 002/yr.)X 4. OxH-F-P 60 75 The equation is designed to provide the total investment cost for an SVP-type RELATIVE INVESTMENT COSTS F 15 25 (TABLE 4) 2 bleaching stages 45 60 facility. Additional cost of Apart from the aerated pond, invest- "modified cooking" 20 30 TABLE 3 - RELATIVE PREDUCTION COSTS, SEK tyo. BLEACHED SOFTWOOD PULP, 90% ISO Wood Personnel Bleaching yield Electricity Steam SEK Bleaching b chemi- SEK Chemicals SEK 0.15' SEK 50 Gco,000.yr. Mainte. Alternative stages D cals 250'm' pond k11'h tonne post nance Total 1.BY-F-F-S-F-P+Pond 5 25 190 - 10 15 2 2 11 239 5 85 235 - 10 15 2 2 15 279 3 25 205 - 30 30 - 2 6 233 3 85 247 - 10 10 - 2 10 279 2.BK-F-F-S-F-P 5 25 161 23 - 5 2 - 12 203 5 85 190 23 - 5 2 - 15 235 3 25 366 23 - - - - 6 195 3 85 200 23 - - - - 9 232 3.BK-F-F-S-F-P-Ox-F-P 5 15 147 - - 18 5 - 16 18o 5 85 270 - - ]8 5 - 19 212 3 25 152 - - 13 3 - 31 179 3 85 177 - - 13 3 - 14 207 4.BK-F-S-F-P-Ox-F-P 5 15 139 - - 16 5 - 16 176 5 85 151 - - 36 5 - 39 191 3 25 142 - - 11 3 - 11 167 3 85 157 - - 11 3 - 14 185 9 A W N u awy a w N 1 ry m m to m G 0088080 oS B8oa"+6 $ x f x x Rm >. x x x n M T T it if • u Z N T T T � N T T T d l I I I I I Ln •let N i N ; N ' Er ro I I I 0� I I I rTi ` TI 7 '' •IR s i m W wUU w WGU wwGU S o0 ' f ° 7 W wUU W W UU w W UU W W UU A S 0> ml,1PU UN�U mNUN pl, O� r ° a 7 U VV�� Vr UI en VI UI 4 nn m 3 N �n UUen uN,°n°�1 voOi lJn rmn l'In U �N Ora G•n•n•n p. pp. ��JJ��..// yy _ I N$ 1"I� ra a (1r ���J� rNau IS"6"6"6' I I I I unp i I N ra S S � S (n W W a W ayA W aA as n p• 1..1 rn I pU U I Ota (uji I Sa I S� � m O K �Y N � mS NIPS ;' I >r15 G' 1875 C j A O U T tNJ G U 7 N, u G O r n uG 4 r U 7 O ti °41 VIL n ✓ 6 1 MSam � o w v - o. 2 e m GOT•O u O O•O O G V 1 J Y O d 09 C w 'JOtwnU GOOD UGOO U>r S>r OJ q I Vr b UUU•n a1 v_ ro o F'oGorTla w!wa°' o.°yn lOdJ.`e. mmM4: ^p n. w {� p. I� i - u O �1 OOIJ �O J.0 y •n •J J P srOn r)iJ OSG•J COOS O Quality of oxygen-bleached pulp BACKGROUND If bleached pulp with ontimum strength Sweden can be differentiated from those properties and'or yi6d is desired, de- derived from wood from southern Our intention has been to investigate adjusted ion in o the the e oxygen stage must be number Sweden. whether there is a difference in strength adjusted to the viseulp following viscosity-Kappa-number One forest productscompany in Sweden relation propertiesbetw•een fullybleached sulfate standard delignification rate of 50% in markets under the same name pulp pro- pulps that are oxygen bleached and those the oxygen stage is a good starting point duced at mills which both do and do not that are not. if the pulp has a ven good viscosity- apply oxygen bleaching.This is a further Reference sources, practical experiences Kappa-number relation from the digest- example of the fact that comparable pulp gained from laboratory and plant in- er.if the pulp shows a poorer relation,a qualities can be manufactured. vestigations at MoDo and Billerud, and lower rate of delignification is recom- analyses performed by these companies mended. COMPETITIVE TECHNIQUES of competitors'pulps have been used in the comparison. In the production of softwood sulfate EXPERIENCES pulp,oxygen bleaching is today the only technically viable method available with VISCOSITY CAN BE USED AS A Over the years, a large number of lab- which to achieve low lignin contents MEASURE OF THE STRENGTH oratory investigations have compared (Kappa number <28) entering the OF THE PULP the qualities of oxygen-bleached and chlorine bleaching plant and at the same non-oxygen-bleached pulp. In general. time achieve high pulp quality. Bleached pulps from the same wood lot the conclusions are that the two different exhibit the same pulp strength at a given bleaching processes produce pulps with viscosity whether or not an oxygen stage similar strength properties. An example SUMMARY is included.Examples of this observation is a summary of 23 investigations carried date back as far as 1976 at STFI W.The out at MoDo's research laboratory (2). There are no significant differences in the same conclusion is drawn for bleached Delignification varied between 44 and 72 quality of oxygen-bleached and non- pulps in more recent publications, in- per cent, with an average as high as 55 oxygen bleached sulfate pulps,when the eluding(2),and is supported by practical per cent. Despite this, no significant dif- pulps are produced under controlled experience. ferences could be noted between the conditions. This applies to strength and For purposes of comparison,the viscosity oxygen bleached leacpulp e an regard oxygen en optical properties, cleanliness and bleacheof bleached pulp can thus be used as a strength properties. beatability. measure of the strength of the pulp. For viscosities greater than 850-9D0 Oxygen' bleaching was installed in dm3/kg, only a marginal increase in Husum's softwood sulfate line in 1977. REFERENCES pulp strength is obtained with an in- During the seven months prior to, and crease in viscosity. eleven months following, the introduc- 1. Alfthan. C—1, 146nu?, ist, W:"Viskositet tion of oxygen bleaching, the quality at sour matt pa massastyrka,'•(Viscosity as a both the pulp and the paper mill was measure of pulp strength)STFI DEGREE OF DELIGNIFICATION IN carefully watched (2). Total testing data B-meddelande or 370(2976). THE OXYGEN STAGE consisted of approximately 3,700 meas- 2, larnieson, A: "The strength of oxygen urements. No significant changes could bleached pulps,"speech presented at The precondition for achieving a pulp of be observed in the strength properties of Eucepa, Helsinki, 19so. optimum quality is that the pulp shall the pulp or the fine paper.It should also not be unnecessarily damaged. This be noted that the ash content of the paper applies to oxygen-bleached as well as was approximately 10 per cent higher non-oxygen-bleached pulps and, not during the period of oxygen bleaching. least, to cooking and final bleaching. These results were also confirmed by This is a well-known fact among pulp Billerud's investigations and practical manufacturers. experience. If the pulp is excessively delignified in the Both MoDo's and Billerud's analyses of oxygen stage, its yield and strength Swedish, and in certain cases Finnish, properties are jeopardized. "hen this competitive pulps show that it is impos- happens, the bleached pulp shows a sible,based on such variables as strength lower viscosity (and strength). and optical properties, cleanliness and The same phenomenon occurs if the de- beatability, to discern whether a pulp is lignification is brought too far in the oxygen bleached or not.However,pulps digester. produced from wood from northern Environmental aspects of oxygen bleaching CURRENT KNOW-HOW able attention in environme;ital contexts greatly. However, a number of ques- bec:.ase of its elassificatic•n as being car- tions, including questions of the mate- When oxygen bleaching was first intro- e,iogenic). However, most of the rial's biological and chemical degrada- duced for industrial application, BOD, organic material in the C and E effluents tion under recipient-like conditions and COD and color were the most important is high-molecular. It is chlorinated and of the capacity of specific compounds to has a considerably lower aromatic con- bioaccumulate in organisms, remain to parameters for characterizing the en- vironmental effects of bleaching plant tent (<10 ro) than the residua] lignin in be answered in order to estimate the risk discharge. unbleached sulfate pulp(10, 15). posed by the release of such discharges. Laboratory investigations have also This applies especially to the behavior of It was established at an early stage that shown that C- and E-stage discharges bleach plant waste liquor in the re- the use of oxygen bleaching substantially from conventional bleaching of soft- cipient. Noteworthy in this context are reduces the chlorine content of the wood sulfate pulp show a mildly acute recent laboratory results showing that bleach plant effluent. As a result, a toxic effect on fish (6, 11, 121 (96 hours high-molecular material from C-and E- sizable portion of the effluent can be re- LC 50 concentration = 15-50% V.-V. stage effluentsfrom thebleachingof soft- cycled into the process, correspondingly rainbow trout). This effect is caused by wood sulfate pulp can be degraded with reducing the discharge to the recipient.If chlorinated phenols, catechols and bacteria (isolated from receiver sedi- a change is made from a conventional guaiacols and by various chlorinated men!! and that chlorinated anisoles and CEHDED to a OCEDED sequence, and non-chlorinated resin and fatty veratroles are then formed which have a BOD, COD and color discharges are re- acids. C and E discharges at sublethal higher bioaccumulation potential than duced by between 30 and 70 per cent for concentrations from conventional other compounds from bleach plant softwood sulfate pulp(1-7).The size of bleaching of softwood sulfate pulp also waste liquor(13). the reduction depends,among other fac- affect fish. Laboratory tests have dem- In the case of discharges from thebleach- tors, on the Kappa number of the un- onstrated that such discharges may ing of hardwood sulfate pulp and sulfite bleached pulp and on the degree of de- affect reproduction, and have behav- pulps. available knowledge of chemical lignification in the oxygen stage. For ioral, physiological, histological and compositions and biological effects is hardwood sulfate pulp, the correspond- certain latent effects. The majority of less extensive than for softwood sulfate ing reductions are a consequence of these can be observed at concentrations pulp,and needs to be improved in future changing the bleaching sequence from as low as about 5 per cent of the 96 hours studies. CEDED to OCED (3, 5, 8). LC So value for the discharge (6). The test for ecloparasites in the gills offish is probably the most sensitive. The effects EFFECT OF OXYGEN BLEACHING CONVENTIONAL BLEACH PLANT of C-and E-stage discharges from the ON THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION EFFLUENTS: CHEMICAL conventional bleaching of softwood AND BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF COMPOSITION AND BIOLOGICAL sulfate pulp can be detected using this THE.DISCHARGES EFFECTS test, at concentrations 25 to 30 times lower than the 96 hours LC 50 concentra- Available knowledge of the effect of oxy- In recent years, there has been a change tion (6). Today, it is not known which gen bleaching on the chemical composi- in standards for evaluating bleach plant specific compounds are responsible for tion and biological effects of the dis- effluents (9). Earlier, BOD and color the effects at the sublethal level. These chargefroma subsequent,reducedtradi- were the primary variables, but today a are not necessarily the same as those tional "chlorine bleaching"is not so ex- more comprehensive method of evalua- responsible for acute toxicity. tensive as the knowledge concerning tion has been developed, based on a Laboratory investigations in recent waste liquors from conventional bleach- gradually increasing number of chemical years have also determined that C- and ing. As mentioned above, the oxygen and biological tests. As a result, avail- E-stage effluents from the conventional bleaching does, however, result in a re- able knowledge of chemical composition bleaching of softwood sulfate pulp(and duction in the amount of residual lignin and various biological effects,especially other pulp types) contain compounds which is transferred to the chlorination with respect to discharges from the con- that are mutagenic and or carcinogenic. and subsequent bleaching stages.This is ventional bleaching (CEHDED) of soft- Anumber of such compounds have been the primary reason for the sizable reduc- wood sulfate pulps,has increased exten- identified (9, 10). However, the content tions in BOD, COD and color which ac- sively(6,10,11).To date,approximately levels are so low that the risks associated company oxygen bleaching.New results 250 separate compounds have been iso- with the release of these compounds into have shown that this reduction is ac- lated in C- and E-stage effluents from the recipients—w•ithtoday's know-how companied by a similar reduction in total such pulps(10).The compounds consist — are judged to be negligible or non- organic bound chlorine(ToCI) (6, 14). of chlorinated and non-chlorinated all- phatic and aromatic acids, chlorinated existent. With reference to the qualitative organ- phenols, catechols and guaiacols and Available knowledge of the chemical is/chemical composition of C-stage a number of chlorinated and non- compositions and biological effects of (possibly with some addition of D)and chlorinated neutral compounds includ- discharges from conventional bleaching E-stage effluents, today's know-how ing chloroform (which has drawn not- of softwood sulfate pulp has increased suggests that these do not differ to any _from non-oxygen bleaching. 1f igatedandtheoxygenbleachedpulprnn- point. �luents -the organic material in the effluent is di- tained significlintly higher washing loss- vided into fractions (including material es than the non-oxygen-bleached pulp. with high molecular weight, water- Logically, this may seem to be the most REFERENCES soluble material with low molecular important explanation oftheunexpected weight, ether-soluble material with low result. New investigations of acute tox- 1. Croon, 1.;Andreuu,D.H.Tappi 54(71) molecular weight - which can be fur- Jami p971). irity confirm this (9)and indi- 2. Jamieson.A.;Smedman. L.Tappi 56(6) ther divided into sub-fractions con- Bate that the introduction of oxygen 107(1973). taining acids, lipophile acids, lipophilic bleaching should not only reduce BOD, 3. Carpenter, W,1.:McKean, W.T.; phenols and neutrals - and finally a COD, color and ToCI at comparable Berger, H.F. Gellman, L.Tappi 5901) fraction containing easily volatile mate- washing efficencies, but also reduce the 8] (1976). rial) it is found that the relativ- sizes of acute toxicity of the discharge. 4. "Morid i btervinningssystem,•• the fractions are largely ind:pendent of (Chloride in recovery systems)final whether or not oxygen bleaching is used In a recently performed study of re- report, the Swedish Pulp and Paper cipients outside the Monsteras sulfate Association, Stockholm3977. This suggests that the substantial reduc- pulp mill, it was concluded that bladder 5. Wong.A.; Pralines. S. Pulp and in the discharge of organic material wrack had disappeared from the area Canada 79R. )41 (rs.8) Pulp and Paper around the mill's discharge pipe (16). Canada nlig t 11 erknin. expected from a well-conducted oxygen 6. Alilji+vanlig tilh•erkning a+•bleU mas- The bladder wrack began to disappear at bleaching must affect all compounds, or sa,"(Environmentally safe production at least all classes of compounds,existing the same time as the plant was redesigned of bleached pulp)final report, the in C- and E-stage effluents. This con- to accommodate among other things, Swedish Pulp and Paper Association. elusion is supported by the observation oxygen bleaching and bleaching with Stockholm, 1982. that the amounts of chlorophenolic com- chlorine dioxide in the final bleaching 7. Belt. P.B.:Joyce.T.;Chang H-in. pounds, among others. are largely the stage. Several conceivable reasons were presentation at the Tappi Annual same in both types of bleaching se- given, but an important recommenda- Meeting. 1982, Proceedings 391. tion was that no further oxygen bleach- 8. Jones A.R. Tappi 66W)42(1983). quences but are lower for the alternative ing be installed until further notice (16). • Annergren, G. presentation at SPCI, with oxygen bleaching (6). Other sup- However, it has since been resolved that pulp section's autumn meeting. Gavle, porting evidence includes results show- Sweden, Nov.30,1983. ing that the chemical compositions of the damage to the bladder wrack cannot be 30. KringStad, K.P.;Lindstrom. K. materials w•ithhigh molecular w�eightare attributed to any known or unknown Environmental Science Technology, also of largely the same type (15). The compound formed during oxygen under publication. . observation that only very small bleaching. The most probable cause of IL Krirrgstad. K.P.;Stockman.. L.G.: amounts of chloroform (80ve ye reduc- the damage was the presence of a rela- 5trbmberg. L.M.presentation at XXI Lion) are formed f the bleaching se- tively high chlorate content in the dis- EUCEPA Conference:"Chemical charge(26). This is a result of the use of processes in pulp and paper technology," quences with oxygen bleaching does not chlorine dioxide in the plant and of the Torremolinos, May 1984. conflict with this conclusion, since this is fact that the plant's while water system is 12. I-alden, CC.;Howard. T.E. Tappi a result of the fact that the bleaching se- tightly closed.The problem has nothing 600)122(3977). quence applying oxygen bleaching has 13. Neilsen, A.H.;Allard,A.-S.: no hypochlorite stage, which is the to do with oxygen bleaching alone. H-vnning. P.A.:Rembrrger,M.; major source of the chloroform (6). Landner, L. Applied Environmental Microbiology 45(3)774 (3983). On the basis of the observation that the SUMMARY If. Lindstrom, K.;Osterberg.F. presenta- introduction of oxygen bleaching sub- tion at SPCI,pulp sections autumn stantially reduces the discharge of BOD, Available data show that the introduc- meeting. Gavle, Sweden, Nov.301983. COD, color and ToCI from the bleach tion of oxygen bleaching before tradi- 15. Lindstrom, K.:Osterberg, F. plant, and that this reduction affects all tional (and reduced)chlorine bleaching. STFI, Stockholm 1984,private classes of compounds, it is also very communication. combined with recovery and combus- 36. Lind:all, B.;Ahn,A. Message 83:5 likely that the biological effects of the tion of spent liquor from the oxygen from Kalmar Institute of Technology. discharge will be reduced correspond- stage,results in a significant reduction in Institute of Natural Science and Tech- ingly. Few investigations have been the discharge of BOD, COD, color and nology, Kalmar, Sweden, 1983. made of the biological effects of the ToCI. The reduction includes chlo- 17. Lehtinerr. K.-J.;Mattson,J.]X7., discharges from the bleaching sequences rinated and non-chlorinated organic ma- Karlskrona 1983,private communica- containing oxygen bleaching. The re- terials of both high and low molecular tion. sults available so far are inconclusive. weight, including chlorophenolic com- Within the framework of the project pounds and chloroform. In general, the "Environmentally safe production of p introduction of oxygen bleaching there- bleached pulp,•a comparison was made fore clearly represents a highly signifi- of the acute toxicity, reproduction dis- cant measure from an environmental turbances, behavioral changes and standpoint. various physiological and histological sublethal changes (fish) and effects on With respect to the influence of oxygen the planktonic algae in bleach plant bleaching on the bleach plant discharges, discharges,where softwood sulfate pulp the few investigations carried out so far was bleached both with and without are inconclusive. This is probably a re- oxygen bleaching(6).The results of this sult of variations in washing losses. If comparison showed that oxygen bleach- such process parameters were better ing did not seem to reduce the effects, controlled, systematic investigations which were as large as those due to the would probably also establish that the discharges from the conventional se- introduction of oxygen bleaching is Authorities' view of oxygen bleaching 1':TRODUCTION Swedish pulp and paper industry concen- nomical possibilities" to reduce bleach [rated its environmental protection efforts plant discharges thrr dgh various measures The following summary is the result of a primarily on the environment in and (5). stud), of the concession decisions in around the mills. Large resources were During recent years,joint research carried Sweden during the past 5-10 years for all invested in an attempt to reduce the dis- out by Swedish industry has shown that planes manufacturing bleached sulfate charge of oxygenc'onsumi g ng substances. the rate of deli nification and the transfer pulp.The intention has been to find possi- The first oxygen stages started operation in of organic substances to bleach plants are ble trends in the authorities'viewof oxygen the beginning of the 1970s and represented two primary factors affecting conventional bleaching. an answer to the demands of authorities to parameters and toxicity in bleach plant reduce the discharge of BOD7, lignin and discharges.During the current decade, the THE CURRENT STATUS OF INTERNAL color. Often, conditions were formulated Environment Protection Board has also AND EXTERNAL MEASURES IN so that companies could choose between begun to an increasing extent to insist on a an oxygen stage and external purification reduction in the Kappa number in cooking S%NTDISH BLEACHING PLANTS 0) in conventional bleaching and in oxygen stages,as well as on conditions for washing Of the fifteen sulfate mills which manufac- During the mid-1970s, the National losses(6). ture bleached pulp,eight have today oxy- Swedish Environment Protection Board In addition to demands for oxygen stages gen stages for bleaching sof twood pulp.Of regarded oxygen bleaching in combination yg these mills, one also bleaches with conventional final bleaching as a and aerated ponds, recent requirements hardwood pulpl+$ban initial oxygen stage. ..standard requirement"in new mills.Inthe have also been specified for Kappa number One additional sulfate mill is planning to opinion of the Environment Protection reductions,certain proportions of chlorine instal an oxygen stage for bleaching soft- Board, oxygen bleaching was a first step dioxide in chlorine stages and improved wood pulp. towards a closed bleach plant(2).External washing (7). It is interesting to note that The portion of chlorine dioxide in the chlo- purification methods for bleach plant one mill with an existing aerated pond has waste liquors and ion-exchange and lime- received permission to instal extended rine stage for softwood pulp varies be- sludge methods were regarded as an ac- cooking in combination with better wash- tween a few per cent and 20 per cent.The ceptable alternative to oxygen bleaching Ing and an increase in the level of chlorine percentage for the bleaching of hardwood for existing installations(3). dioxide, as an alternative to ox.9en pulp varies between a few per cent and 90 bleaching(8). per cent. During the latter half of the 1970s,environ- mental concerns shifted to an increasing In summary, it may be said that there was All fifteen sulfate mills which manufacture extent towards the long-term effects of dis- a noticeable trend that mills were either or- bleached pulps have sedimentation ponds. charges in time and space.To an increasing dered or themselves undertook to instal However, at one mill, all or part of the extent, discussions began to be concerned oxygen stages during the 1970s.Duringthe bleach plant waste water is taken directly ]with the reduction of the discharge of chlo- latter half of the decade, demands in- past the pond. Five of the mills currently rinated organic substances.As a result,the creased to encompass oxygen stages in have aerated ponds. A decision to con- Environment Protection Board's demands combination with additional internal and struct a biological purification system has were increased to encompass oxygen external measures. been reached at another. In certain cases, bleaching and measures to reduce these all the bleach plant wastewater is not led to substances.Among the most important of CONCESSION DECISIONS the aerated pond. One mill uses external these measures was the exchange of chlori- purification of bleach plant effluents in the neforchlorinedioxideinthefirstbleachin ;: o-- form of adsorption on lime sludge ("the g 1. �' " )°^`F,1 73 stage as well as the external treatment of s{utsl.ar April 1.1074 lime sludge method")and another uses ion bleach plant discharges through aerated Korsnas April 1.1974 exchange treatment. ponds, and the ion-exchange and fenox 2. Sl utsl.a: June 10.1977 One mill has both an oxygen stage and an methods. Mill closure measures through Karlsborg December 13.1978 aerated pond. At another mill, with oxy- recycling of portions of the waste liquor 3, Ostrand November 20.1973 gen bleaching,a decision has been made to from the first alkali extraction stage were 4. Varo June 25.3980 also demanded b the Environment C',,,um October October 1980 82 instal biological purification. At the mill }• Gmvbr. October 2.]962 planning to instal an oxygen stage, an Protection Boa/o(4). Giu.6, April 6.1982 aerated pond is already,in use.At another Husum. June 29,1982 mill with an aerated pond,permission has A noticeable trend during this period was 5 M6mte,A, May 2o.1077 in that the National Swedish Franchise Board Mbnstera• April 29.1961 been granted to instal extended cookingcombination with improved washing and for Environment Protection deferred final Ost'.cl January I.S.30.1980 an increase in the use of chlorine dioxide in demands and requirements with respect to Varo June 25.19& the chlorine stage, as an alternative to bleach plant discharges. At the time, the hlorrum October 28 1980 Franchise Board for Environment Pro- Nomundet October 7.1961 introducing oxygen bleaching. tection derided to await the results of the 6. (strand April 20,1980 ' rs Ocober2 9 SwedishPul and Paper Nor .ndet October 7,3081 TRENDS IN OXYGEN BLEACHING ongoing project, "Environmentally safe Husum June 29.1962 INSWEDEN manufacture of bleached pulp:'During the 7. Husum June 20.3982 period of deferment, mills were usually S. Karlsborg December 14,1982 During the 1960s and in the early 1970s,the ordered to investigate"technical and eco- KadsborF January 12.1984 I 'UIUl C.1JUM1 LLIV 1 V1 oxygen technology DELIGNIFICATIONK7THAN sp_nt liquor to the closed liquid and re- its aggressive character,which reveals itself ALKALINE OXYGEN STAGE covery system of the pulping process. in difficulties in controlling pulp quality Pretreatment with green liquor, peroxide, !:his applies to the process with high ozone or nitric oxides in acid media gives concentration), and its cost, which, as a A basic precondition for the use of an positive results.The best results for sulfate result of the low energy and conversion alkaline oxygen stage in a delignification pulps are achieved with nitric oxides. In yield, has remained at a high level.Ozone operation is that the development of the Sweden, Professor 011e Samuelson, to- production technology has developed selectivity for the delignification is better gether with MoDo, has carefully studied gradually; important progress has been than in the final phase of the sulfate cook- the treatment of unbleached sulfate pulp achieved in recent years.It can thereforebe ing. The viscosity and Kappa number of with nitric oxides prior to an oxygen stage. expected that an introduction of ozone in the cooked pulp are determining factors for certain positions will be economically the technical and economic results of the Amazingly good results have been feasible within the near future. Low con- process in the oxygen stage.A high intrin- reported in terms of pulp yield and espe- centration methods(around 3 per cent pulp sic viscosity(<1200 dm'/kg)for a Kappa cially for pulp viscosity after the oxygen consistency)appear to be easier to control number around 30.with small variations, stage. It appears that pulp quality can be with regard to the viscosity of the pulp. is a precondition for a good result.The de- maintained at a high level down to Kappa Ozone may pose an attractive future alter- velopment of cooking technology greatly numbers of about 30. It also appears pos- native as a complement to oxygen bleach- furthers the possibilities of improving eco- sible to increase the degree of delignifica- ing. primarily as an activating pre-stage. nomic and environmental effects by using tion to 75 per cent from the current average an oxygen stage as the first stage following of 50 per cent. cooking. The introduction of high so]- These results have been so promising that a CLOSED SYSTEMS fidity,atmospheric steaming and computer group of Swedish companies — MoDo, control has, generally speaking, increased Sunds Defibrator, AGA and Kema Nobel Thebasic idea underlying theincreased use the possibility of being able to deliver a — have decided to finance a pilot plant of non-chlorine, non-corrosive chemicals high-viscosity pulp with stable Kappa project to facilitate the development of in the bleaching plants is to recycle waste number from the digester to the oxygen equipment and to evaluate the process liquors to the recovery cycle. It is then stage. from the technical and economic perspec- possible to burn the organic matter and re- Modified cooking processes have been de- tive.A thorough analysis and characteriza- cover sodium. veloped and tested on a large scale. It is tion of the effluent from the bleach plant c A Swedish pulp mill is currently recycling possible to cook to around Kappa 25 while will also be conducted as well as of the the liquor from the stage to the maintaining viscosity.The total yield will health hazards in the environment within re- covery cycle. By using oxidized white be somewhat lower and the consistent the mill. liquor in both the O and OE stages, and quality of the pulp has not as yet been using the flexibility of the chlorine dioxide ensured on a full scale. However, the production, the plant has succeeded in in- know-how gained can contribute to the HYDROSTATIC OXYGEN STAGES troducing an economical system with]ow production of a pulp with Kappa numbers es. of 28-3owith consistently better viscosity. Oxygen-reinforced alkali extraction stages discharges. Therefore it is very likely that the current have been shown to be both an effective A bleach plant for a brightness of 90%ISO cooking-oxygen process can be further de- and economical complement in the bleach- with two pressurized oxygen stages and veloped using improved washing methods ing sequence, especially as the first alkali satisfactory washing systems may be now under development so that Kappa extraction stage. By raising the height of designed with only chlorine dioxide as a numbers of 12-19 can be achieved with- the tower,the effectivity of the delignifica- bleaching agent. The bleaching plant is out adversely affecting the quality of the tion process can be increased.This variant closed to a high degree with a water con- pulp. may also be introduced as a first stage in sumption of only 5 m3/ton of pulp. A This means(contrary to what has been re- special cases such as with hardwood sulfate bleed of 0.5-1 m3/ton is assumed. This ported in certain contexts) that the im- pulp, sulfite pulp, or other pulps where a waste liquor may be treated before it is proved cooking process should not be lower delignification(around 35 per cent) released to the recipient. If the brightness regarded as an alternative to oxygen is acceptable. target is sufficient for the pulp's end use, bleaching, but as a complement, which A sequence of the (EO)(CD)(EO)D type application of a hydrostatic extraction improves the positive effects of the oxygen may be an attractive alternative. stage may be a viable alternative to the stage on the production economy and the pressurized oxygen stage. environment. It has also been demonstrated that the replacement of the hypostage with an In recent years, it has been demonstrated alkali oxygen stage is favorable for both that it is possible to activate the unbleached birch and pine sulfate pulp(for example,a pulp using certain pretreatments so that the (CD)E(EO)DED sequence). selectivity of a subsequent oxygen stage is greatly improved. Pretreatment with chlorine prior to theoxygen stage consider- OZONE ably improves the selectivity of the oxygen stage. Because of corrosion problems, The introduction of ozone into the bleach- however,it is hardly possible to recycle the ing process has so farbeen handicapped by ]5 • • OFTIM • ' -.•� ! 1��[ may.. �� .' _ -+_ \\��`\\v` a.\\�\!•�=:a L\t`\\\\�� �U/1H11�1��!%i�IIIIIi i - x +'.-• a .. .oaf's .���I M' A . - • Y..Y _ YC a - --• •� Ya Pti t e T ,.� ix ` � ke r • r •r • •• r • r r r �• • r • ••/• r • i / •r • •r •r rr• r • 'r r • r r r r r r •r • rr • • •r • r Some studies performed in the recipients outside pulp mills using the oxygen bleaching technique showed environmental effects which, without absolute sciratific evidence, were attributed to oxygen bleaching. Doubts about beneficial effects of oxygen tech- nology were published in both trade journals and the Swedish daily press during 1983. The positive environmental effects of oxygen technology, and its technical and economical soundness were questioned. To well-informed observers, the debate developed into an extremely misleading and erroneous picture of oxygen technology's role as a cornerstone of Swedish process development. It was therefore decided that a study, entitled "Current status of oxygen technology and its future potential,"should be carried out under the supervision of Ingemar Croon, CroonConsult, and Alf de Ruvo, Sunds Defibrator. The study was conducted between August 1, 1983 and May 1, 1984 and is summarized in this report in the following articles. Summary Page 4 Ingemar Croon, CroonConsult, and Alf de Ruvo, Sunds Defibrator AB 1. Introduction, 5 2. The complex chemistry of oxygen delignification 6 Sten Lfunggren, STFI 3. Bleaching systems and their economic aspects 7 Gunn&Tlirnvik, SCA Teknik AB 4. Quality of oxygen-bleached pulp 11 Greta Fossum, MoDoCell AB, and Brita Swan, Billerud AB 5. Environmental aspects of oxygen bleaching 12 Knut Kringstad, STFI, and Lars Stromberg, STFI 6. Authorities'view of oxygen bleaching 14 Christina Molde. IPK, and Inger Strbmdahl, IPK 7. Future potential of oxygen technology 15 Ingemar Croon. CroonConsult, and Alf de Ruvo, Sunds Defibrator AB : Summary It is impossible to give a clear-cut recommendation of any In general, the introduction of oxygen bleaching therefore single process alternative to achieve optimum total economy in clearly rer.esents a highly significant environmental pro- the manufacture of bleached sulfate pulp. Today it is often a tective r.,easure. matter of expanding or mcidemizing existing plants where The few investigations carried out to date regarding the in- ever,even in hss and plant space is a major consideration.How- fluence of oxygen bleaching on the discharge from the plant are ever, even in the case of new investments, in addition to plant inconclusive. This is most probably due to variations in wash- space and localization, such parameters as environmental ing losses. If this process were better controlled, systematic demands and prices of timber, utilities, chemicals and capital investigations should here also shoes• that the introduction of also play a role. oxygen bleaching is favorable from an environmental stand- The technical and economical evaluation showed that both point. oxygen bleaching alternatives, O(CD)(EO)D and O(CD)(EO)DED, as well as alternatives with modified cook- The development of the cooking technology has a considerable influence economical and ing to Kappa 25,are of relatively equal value from an economy- eviuence cal effects of the bleaching process when on the possibility of improving the econom an oxygen cal standpoint when low levels of chlorine dioxide are used in stage is used as the first stage after cooking.The introduction of the chlorine stage. As the amount of chlorine dioxide is in- high sulfidity, atmospheric cooking and computer control has, creased, the alternative with modified cooking and oxygen bleaching tends to be the most economical. The conventional generally speaking, increased the potential for delivering a method with aerated ponds is definitely less economical. pester to the oxygen stage. Three-stage bleaching appears economically advantageous over a five-stage process. Higher chlorate prices strengthen During recent years it has been demonstrated that it is possible economic potential of the oxygen sequence. to activate the unbleached pulp using certain pretreatments Thus, the comparison shows that the so-called modified (for example, NO-NO2, 03 or green liquor) to improve the cooking process should not be regarded as a viable altemative selectivity of a subsequent oxygen stage. to oxygen bleaching (regardless of whether it is carried out to Oxygen-reinforced alkali stages have been shown to be both an Kappa 25 or 30), but rather as a complement. effective and economical complements in the bleaching se- A careful comparison shows that there are no significant diE- quence, especially as a first alkali stage.This type of treatment ferences in quality between oxygen-bleached and non-oxygen- may also be introduced as a first stage in special cases. bleached sulfate pulps, assuming that the pulps are produced One of the fundamental ideas underlying the increased use of under controlled conditions. This finding applies to strength non-chlorine,non-corrosive chemicals in the bleach plant is to and optical piceperFies cleanliness and beatability. feed the waste liquor to the recovery cycle, so that the organic Available know-how has demonstrates tnat the introduction matter can be burned and sodium recovered. of oxygen bleaching before a traditional (or reduced)chlorine A Swedish mill is currently recycling waste liquor from the OE bleaching, combined with the recovery and burning of spent stage. By using oxidized white liquor in both the 0 and OE liquor fro,,i the oxygen stage, results in a significant reduction %tages and utilizing the flexibility of the chlorine dioxide gro- in the discharge of BOD, COD and color and ToCI. The re- duction, the plant has succeeded in establishing an economical duction includes chlorinated and non-chlorinated organic system with low discharges. matter of both high and low molecular weight, including elorophenolic compounds and chloroform. Introduction The sulfate process produces an un- consistency technology is progressing.It favor oxygen treatment as an alternative bleached pulp with a relatively high re- is likely that oxygen stages at medium process (Fig. 2). The short sequence, sidual lignin content.The lignin is highly- consistency will be.ome more common O(CD)(EO)D, is particularly interest- cross-linked. Therefore, it is -fairly in the future. ing in this context. complicated and expensive to bleach When oxygen delignification was intro- FIGURE 1. sulfate pulp. duced, it was discovered that current The usual bleaching chemicals(chlorine, cooking technology was not satisfac- MARKET PRICES FOR alkali and chlorine dioxide) have in- tory. In many mills, the Kappa number BLEACHING CHEMICALS, SEK/tonne creased greatly in price in recent years varied from 25 to 40. Today, computer and will presumably continue to do so in control, atmospheric presteaming and sEK/t NaC10, -zn the future(Figure 1).Oxygen is an inex- chip equalizing systems make it possible ` pensive chemical and its energy require- to maintain the Kappa number within 3000 ments during production are signifi- narrower limits(28-32). The economic cantly less than those of chlorine, alkali result depends to a great extent on 2500 and chlorine dioxide. whether the unbleached pulp can be pro- The National Swedish Environment duced at a high final viscosity (greater 2000 than 1200) with less variations in the c(, Protection Board's long-term aim for the Kappa number.The industry has a great 1500 control of the discharge of bleach plant deal to learn in this respect. If cooking is waste water was formulated in 1977, as carried out successfully, a Kappa num- 1000 follows: ber of about 14 can be achieved follow- o, — Chlorinated organic compounds ing the oxygen stage without any soo shall not be discharged. weakening of the bleached pulp. De- - Waste water shall neither give rise to pending on the variations in wood raw genetic effects nor contain accumu- material and cooking, many plants to- 1976 76 so 62 84 86 year lating substances. day achieve Kappa numbers only in the — Waste water shall not result in acute 18-20 range. toxic effects on fish or other aquatic FIGURE2. organisms. Economically this is unsatisfactory since RELATIVE BLEACHING COSTS. g with toda}'s technology the objective — Theamountsofligninmatterinwaste should be a Kappa number of about15. USS/acit water shall be reduced. It is evident that future developments in Relative bleaching costs.USS/adt The National Swedish Environment oxygen technology will be guided pri- +6 Protection Board's demands were for- marily by economical' considerations. +6 (D.,C,)(EO)DED mulated in the light of an existing effort We can expect more technologies adapt- ae-3ted pond to promote oxygen bleaching and El able to the needs of individual mills. discharge cleaning, in an attempt to Pressurized or non-pressurized oxygen +0 achieve a color reduction equivalent to stages, high consistency (greater than that resulting from the ion exchange D,ocx,)(Eo)DeD method. The ion exchange method has, 20%) or medium consistency (8-20%) however, since fallen into disuse. in the first stage or in the alkali extraction cW c, )EDeD stage already exist. Pressurized oxygen stages were intro- _3 O(CmD,o)EODED duced more than ten years ago on the basis of the possibility of recycling waste REINFORCED ALKALI STAGES (EO) liquor from this stage to the recovery —6 system. The degree of delignification Non-pressurized oxygen stages can O(C650,5)(EO)D achieved is determined by the level of easily be introduced in existing bleaching improved selectivity which can be at- plants by utilizing the alkali and hypo- 350 375 400 426 450 475 tained, while maintaining the full bleaching towers.This technology is de- Prices for sodium chiorate. Us snonne strength of the pulp. veloping rapidly. At present there are approximately 40 installations, but new It is important that dwell-functioning i continually being introduced. washer is installed after the oxygen ones are stage. Today, there are more than 30 installations of this type in the world,the SHORT SEQUENCE majority of which operate at high pulp consistency. If chlorine dioxide further increases in In general it may be said that medium price, economic:advantages alone will chemistry o The complex f oxygen dengnif ication Today,some knowledge is available con- principle reactions v.hich occur with lig- In a recently initiated project, STFI cerning a number of different reaction nin rriginating from the initially formed intends to clarify the molecular kinetics mechanisms between different lignin p',enoxy radicals.The two types of reac- of these reactions,primarily with respect structures and oxygen. Knowledge now tions possible are indicated as a.and b.in to such typical structures in residual lig- needs. to be acquired concerning the the figure. In a., a reaction takes place nins as vinyl ether, and stilbene and molecular kinetics of the reactions — between aromatic structures through cross-linked structures. Comparative. how reactive different types of residual radical coupling(i.e., two phenoxy rad- studies of reactivity and the speed of deg- lignin structures are towards oxygen. icals condense and form biphenolic radation in relation to such factors as Process kinetics investigations earlier structures). This type of reaction in- pH, temperature and oxygen pressure carried out at STFI have shown that volves a risk of additional cross-linking are also under investigation. With the during oxygen bleaching, dissolution of in the lignin, making degradation more help of these data,it is hoped to be able to lignin (measured as a decrease in Kappa difficult. However, it has been shown explain what happens with the lignin number) has a rapid initial phase fol- that these structures can also be degra- during the two different bleaching lowed by a slower final delignification. dated to acids, which perhaps compen- phases indicated by the kinetics of the One current research project has sought sates for this risk. process. to collect kinetic data at a, molecular Reaction b. is probably referable for level,from which it is hoped to obtain an P y p explanation of these two lignin dissolu. lignin degradation and dissolution. This REACTION OF PHENOXY reaction is dominant under alkaline con- RADICALS tion phases. ditions (pH>13). Cvclohexadienone The chemistry involved in oxygen hydroperoxide intermediates are formed bleaching is very complex for two rea- through the reaction of phenoxy radicals O O r a""a' sons.One is that the structure of residual with hydrophenoxy radicalsa Meo oMe °(HOO') or o_ 0- lignin to be bleached is relatively varied superoxide anions (O•z) formed from R and to some extent unknown.The other the oxygen. Depending on the position O oMe reason is that.oxygencan appear and be in the aromatic ring in which the hydro- ° y oo" converted to a number of different re- peroxide group is situated, the li nin can c I I C active oxidizing species which undergo be degraded in three different ways. Side o oMe o oMe different'types of reactions. In general, chain elimination means that the lignin l { + there are three fundamentally different structure is broken up between the aro- ,l a;aapha;n. zt ring. 3)aemethy types of reaction processes-between lig- matic hydrocarbons, forming various erminauon opening canon nin and oxygen in an alkaline medium. aldehydes and organic acids from the acids,Co, One is the alkaline hydrolysis reactions side chain as well as paraquinones from which normally also occur during alka- the aromatic part. Paraquinones are During oxygen bleaching fmp:rtant deg-adabir line cooking processes.Here,the lignin is colored structures which can be trans- hydropci-micirirttrrmrdia:r>are fornted:tare- split with the help of hydroxide ions and action b. by reartion bola r the oxygen:and formed into colorless structures with the rile phenoxv radicals formed from dte hilm1 . becomes more water soluble through the help of the small amounts of hydrogen The phrnoxy radicals can. hose-:er. also react formation of phenolia groups.The pres- peroxide formed during the bleaching. with each oils,in a comprtitive reaction :is enee of oxygen also initiates both ionic reaction a. See text. and radical reactions.Ionic oxidation re- actions occur from ionized species, for example, hydrogen peroxide anions, LIGNIN IS DISSOLVED MORE which may form in small quantities EASILY during the reaction of oxygen in an alka- line medium and play a role.in the re- The ring-opening reaction makes the lig- moval of color-forming structures such nun more hydrophilic and more easily as quinones. The formation of radical dissolved.This is due to the fact that the species is important for the oxygen's break-up of the aromatic ring produces initial reactions because, depending on water soluble dicarboxylic acids,such as the pH level, such radicals-may-give rise muconic acid or, succinic acid, i al. The to chain reactions originating from phe- third reaction is demethylation, arising nolic structures in the lignin. from intermediates where the hydro- peroxy group has become attached close to the methoxy group. The methoxy ADDITIONAL CROSS-LINKING group is then eliminated and methanol is MAKES DEGRADATION MORE formed at the same time as the ring opens DIFFICULT in certain cases.This has less affect on the degradation of lignin, but may increase The figure on this page summarizes the its solubility. Bleaching systems and their economic aspects It is impossiblr to make a clear-cut rec- sistency gives a lower investment cost A standard allowance has then been ommendatian of any one prcce-,alter- but higher steam requirements.The cost made to cover all additional costs. native for achieving optimal rat econ- comparison is not affected by the choice. Investment costs for CIOz productio, omy in the production of bleached sul- An evaluation has been made for all include the cost of an SVP (R3)Facility. fate pulp. Conditions vary significantly alternatives with both high and low Those cases which involve a high chlo- from case to case. Today, it is often a chlorine dioxide levels in the prebleach- rine dioxide level in the chlorine stage are question of expanding or modernizing ing stage. assumed to demand an extra filter stage existing plants where process and plant Comparisons have been made on the before the chlorine stage. Other process space is a major consideration. Ho", assumption that batch cooking is used. solutions are conceivable. ever, even where new investments are No significant change in the differences The difference in investment costs for involved, such parameters as environ- between the alternatives should arise if different capacity requirements in the mental demands and prices of wood, a continuous cooking process were liquor recovery cycle for varying utilities, chemicals and capital also play applied. amounts of transferred solids has not a role in addition to plant space and loca- tion. The choice does not become any The transfer of substance to the chlorine been taken into account. To simplify easier in the light of current develop- stage has been estimated using acorn- matters,it has been assumed that the cost menu, including such new processes as puler program (GEMS). In cases where differences are balanced by energy modified cooking, which may prove modified cooking is applied,the washing revenues from the solids. themselves worthy of competing for a effect due to digester displacement has Investment costs associated with chlo- place in the production chain. been taken into account. rine dioxide preparation are based on One of the questions which then arises Table 2 shows estimated consumption tenders for a couple of plants of different concerns the role of oxygen bleaching in -levels of bleaching chemicals for the sizes (SVP (R3) type). Costs have been this context.' In order to illustrate the various alternatives. In all cases, the calculated for other capacity levels. economic aspects of this process, four consumption levels are measured at final Table 5 presents a picture of the different differert process alternatives based on bleaching with both very high and total economies of the various alterna- the production of bleached softwood limited chlorine dioxide levels in the tives when the production and capital pulp with similar market demands have chlorine stage. costs are weighed together. Capital costs been selected and their production and Estimated chemical costs were based on are estimated on the basis of a 15-year capital costs compared, under condi- the following prices(SEKi tonne): annuity at an interest rate of 15 per cent. tions described in "Assumptions used in The differences are illustrated in block comparative calculations;' on page 8. C12: 1,085 diagrams for the two capacity levels. C102: 2,200 (active C11; Table 1 shows the process alternatives excl. capital costs) The comparison shows that both alter- and gives a brief description of their NaOH: 1,280 natives with oxygen bleaching as well as discharge characteristics. In all alterna- 0 . 850 the alternatives with modified cooking tives, 3-stage, (DC)(EO)D, and 5- Ox. white liquor: 770 to Kappa 25 are more or less equivalent stage, (DC)(EO)DED, processes have from an economic standpoint when low been selected for final bleaching. Chemical charges to the digesters are levels of chlorine dioxide are used in the assumed to be the same in all cases. chlorine stage.As the amount of chlorine Two of the alternatives include oxygen dioxide increases, the alternative with bleaching. The others include a conven- Table 3 shows the other differences in modified cooking and oxygen bleaching tional line with cooking to Kappa 32 production costs. Wood consumption tends to be the most economical for the supplemented by external waste water has been judged to be 1.8 per cent higher higher capacity. The conventional treatment in an aerated pond and a in the alternative with modified cooking method using an aerated pond is con- modified cooking line with extended to Kappa 25 than in the other alterna- siderably more costly. Three-stage delignification to Kappa 25 without tives. In alternative 1 it is assumed that bleaching appears to be economically additional discharge reduction. While external waste water treatment requires more favorable than a five-stage process. the selection of Kappa 25 seems ex- an extra half man per shift, while the Thus, an essential conclusion drawn tremely low, it may prove to be an other alternatives require approximately acceptable level in the long term. the same manpower. Maintenance costs modified cooking process should not from the comparison is that the so-called are estimated to be 3 per cent of the rela- be The two alternatives applying oxygen tive investment costs. seen as an alternative to oxygen bleach- bleaching include a conventional line ing, but rather as a complement. with cooking to Kappa 32 and oxygen The differences in investment costs have bleaching to Kappa 18, and a line with been calculated for two capacity levels, modified cooking to Kappa 32 and 600 and 1,000 tonnes bleached pulp per oxygen bleaching to Kappa 15. Oxygen day (Table 4). Investment costs refer to bleaching is carried out at a high pulp new installations and are based on ten- consistency. Bleaching at medium con- ders for machines and other equipment. ASSUMPTIONS USED IN COMPARATIVE CALCULATIONS FOR THE TABLES Washing press: research laboratory and are, thus, not PROCESS ALTERNATIVE, (TABLE 1) Dewatering efficiency 0.50 linked to any special calculations for this Po The assurr�)tions listed below and used Discharged solids . 0.30— in the calculatio is have provided the content 0.35 kg'kg CONSUMPTION OF"BLEACHING basis for a lirr '.ed description of the dif- ferent process alternatives from an en- In the alternatives with modified cook- vironmental standpoint only, not from ing account has been taken of the wash- Chemical consumption: an economic standpoint. ing effect associated with two displace- Consumption data are based on practi- ment processes in the digesters, in the cal experience gained at SCA's research Assumptions used for GEMS calcula- liquor exchange for heat recovery and in laboratory. An adjustment has been lions: the liquor exchange for extended made with respect to substance carried Chip solids content: 0.50 kg/kg delignification. Over from the unbleached line in this spe- Alkali charge: 18 % Alkali concentration: 110 kg/m3 Substance to "chlorine stage; cial case. Sulfidity: 35 % Na contents (according to SCAN) have For alkali to the oxygen stage,it has been Liquor-to-wood ratio: 3.8 m3/ton been obtained through GEMS calcula- assumed that oxidized white liquor is . tions. used to 100 per cent. The price has been Pulp yield after cooking: The following relation between COD assumed to be 60 per cent of the price of 0.475 kg/kg NaOH. In calculating the price, the fol- At Kappa 32 kg/kg and Na2SO4 has been used for calcula- lowing factors were taken into account: 0.4 5 At Kappa 25 g g tion of COD: Substance level • Reduction heat in the recovery boiler Alkali charge in oxygen bleaching: kg Na nee level kg COD'kg Na,SO4 • Oil to the lime kiln At final Kappa 20 '18.0 kg/t100 — --— • Pump energy At final Kappa 18 20.0 kg%1100 Unbleached line, without oxygen . • Capital cost of equipment. At final Kappa 15 23.6 kg/tlp0 bleaching 12 1'S RELATIVE PRODUCTION q 1.3 COSTS (TABLE 3) Pulp yield in oxygen k 0.97 /k oxygen bleaching: g g Unbleached line,with ox en bleaching 7 1.0 This table records the relative cost differ- Washing filter: 6 0.9 ences between the alternatives. E-factor: 1.8 Consumption of chemicals, electricity Discharged solids Bleach plant discharges: P content: 0.12— The reported discharge values are based and steam, and manpower requirements 0.14 kg/kg on practical experience gained at SC.A's with respect to the aerated pond, are TABLE 1 —PROCESS ALTERNATIVES, BLEACHED SOFTWOOD PULP, 90% ISO Kappa Substance to chlorine stage Bleach plant discharge number kg4w at DF =2.5 kg toe Alternative Unbleached OZ bleached Bleach sequence Na,SO t' COD D COD Color ToCI (DC)(EO)D 25 60 130 5.111 1. BK—F—F—S—F—P+Pond 32 (DC)(EO)DED 12 18 B5 6p 80 2.3 25 — (DC)(EO)D 32 25 60 100 5.2 2. BK—F—F—S—F—P- Modified (DU(EO)DED 9 85 60 70 2.5 15 43 70 3.8 3.BK—F—F—S—F—P—Ox—F—P 32 18 (DC)(O)DED 7 7 25 43 65 3.5 85 43 50 1.8 15 37 60 3.2 4. BK—F—S—F—P—Ox—F—P 32 Modified 15 (DC)(ODED 7 7 25 37 55 3.0 85 37 45 1.3 BK m Batch digester;F— washing filter stage;S—screening;P=displacement press stage;Ox = oxygen bleaching 1)According to SCAN. 2)Regards discharge following aerated pond.Reduction in the pond approx.COD 25%,Color 0%,ToC 25°k. Per- Chemical consumption.kg adtao Kappa number O, Bleaching centage O, NaOH(ox. Cl, CIO, NaOH Cost Alternative unbleached bleached stages D white licl.) Act.Cl SEK/t90 1. BK-F-F-S-F-P+Pond 32 - 5 25 5 - 55.6 31.1 38. 399 - 5 85 5 - 11.1 66.7 28 235 - 3 25 5 - 62.6 32.7 33 205 - 3 85 5 - 13.1 72.3 23 247 r 2. BK-F-F-S-F-P 25 Modified - 5 25 5 - 42.7 25.5 31 161 - 5 85 5 - 8.5 52.0 24 190 - 3 25 5 - 47.7 27.1 28 166 - 3 85 5 - 9.5 57.7 21 200 3. BK-F-F-S-F-P-Ox-F-P 32 18 5 15 20 17 28.8 17.2 30 147 18 5 85 20 17 5.7 38.1 23 170 18 3 25 20 17 26.3 22.4 25 152 18 3 85 20 17 5.7 42.1 20 177 4. BK-F-S-F-P-Ox-F-P 32 Modified 15 5 15 24 21 23.0 15.2 27 130 15 5 85 24 21 4.7 30.c 20 151 15 3 25 24 21 21.9 10.6 22 342 15 3 85 24 21 4.7 33.8 17 157 taken from the SSVL report, "Environ- ment costs are estimated from budgeted In the alternatives with high percentages mentally safe manufacture of bleached machinery costs provided by Sunds of D in the chlorine stage(85 per cent), it Pulp:' Defibrator. has been assumed that a filter stage is in- Wood consumption per tonne of bleached Additional costs were then calculated for cluded before the chlorine stage. pulp is assumed to be the same in all construction, electricity, instrumenta- Investment costs for chlorine dioxide alternatives except alternative 2,where it tion and engineering. The amounts preparation are based on budgets for a is 1.8 per cent higher. therefore represent the total investment couple of plant sizes. Costs for other Maintenance costs have been calculated cost of a new installation.The following capacity levels have been calculated as 3 per cent the relative investment total investment costs have been according to the following equation: estimated: cost, except for the aerated pond,where The investment cost, M. SEK = 15 + 1 per cent has been used. M. t/d M.ioo SEK capacity (kton C]02/yr.) X 4. P M. SEK M. SEK OxH-F-P 60 75 The equation is designed to provide the total investment cost for an SVP-type RELATIVE INVESTMENT COSTS F 15 25 (TABLE 4) 2 bleaching stages 45 60 facility. Additional cost of Apart from the aerated pond, invest- "modified cooking" 20 30 TABLE - RELATIVE PREDUCTION COSTS, SEK t90. BLEACHED SOFTWOOD PULP, 90%o ISO -- - lh'ood Personnel Bleaching yield Electricity Steam SEK Bleaching m chemi- SEK Chemicals SEK 0.15: SEK SO, 900,000•yr. Mainte- Alternative stages D cals 250lm' pond kWh tonne post nance Total 1. BK-F-F-S-F-P+Pond 5 25 199 - 30 15 2 2 11 239 5 85 235 - 10 15 2 2 15 279 3 25 205 - 10 10 - 2 6 233 3 85 247 - 30 30 - 2 10 279 2. BK-F-F-S-F-P 5 25 161 23 - 5 2 - 12 203 5 85 190 23 - 5 2 - 15 235 3 25 166 23 - - - - 6 195 3 85 200 23 - - - - 9 232 3. BK-F-F-S-F-P-Ox-F-P 5 15 147 - - 18 5 - 16 186 5 85 170 - - 18 5 - 19 212 3 25 152 - _- 13 3 - 11 179 ' 3 85 177 - - 13 3 - 14 207 4. BK-F-S-F-P-Ox-F-P 5 15 139 - - 16 5 - 16 176 5 85 151 - - 16 5 - 39 191 3 Z5 142 - - 11 3 - 11 167 3 85 157 - - 11 3 - 14 185 9 T U T T T M U T YI 'lll T g m w III to vl to Cn •1,1 to to to o tm' a t0 ro �n •I.1 YI m I I I I 711 � � •I I I I m p y} t» v CO m '� O � WWNN wWNN WWUN WwNU mS S n p (n r n O $ EI W � O Q WWNU WWNN WWNN WWNN qd � g1Jmum1Jmu mNm�J m�Jm1� n a o � = OD NInNN NtnNN NNN In 411nNril od9 O N wr ���°,G Ninnn �I4"YI°In 4m1 IN.INIn' Oo yY viwq� PG$$$ o00o I I I I �m A rTh'"� . On oo�o HN�n oo�t6' 1 1 1 1 Z5n vl0 a w g o N . � � �_ m •p N o v w N.o �.+•p w •o•4•o o N 1n � n u^ x K En v m � m !. m 5� g m 11' 'n m •` ' ry UI' I •°JI°S S I (,1 S v I N S CI 1 tml S 25,°° O O' N a •o M m{J mina.N. .u,m o Ut En m w u o �• 90 vlrnpp. J O $N u A t d p4 t4� ONOO O OTi 2 A O VV I i i o mOP.O u4Ui r10 O.O O W V NLp d 55��d � � I _ Doan 4"Ooo tNll tWiloo tell tn$u 255N 'J w 0 � J m � n `J tan tail tail n v O d N Q �nNPP V P V P qPm V •Oq OppY n O• d � O d O NlP/IUN 06 u aNNEWr I O 1 � N'-' W1� 1JuylJ nuWtJ uNN NU W;J _ N OJ NO.MN • qY V Ouqu 1\IO 1 n� N Vq I d 0077 tOi�tgn0 VNi rn tail tno toilH ntn I EEL w a N u _ �" •O� 0•4. •Om00 O V� O N uu p a.+pp u pp. ^' p_N pu. 5Qj �"'O VumtJ G•p O1J NOYu b NO^�n rtOnpp OUIPnO N000 x a• Quality of oxygen-bleached pulp BACKGROUND If bleached pulp with optimum strength Sweden.can be differentiated from those properties and'or yi%�d is desired, de derived from wood from southern Our intention has been to investigate tdtion in the ixygeKappa-nu n stage must be Sweden. adjusted to whether there is a difference in strength cooking.A One forest products company in Sweden relation of the pulp following c properties between fully bleached sulfate standard delignification rate king A markets under the same name pulp pro- pulps that are oxygen bleached and those the oxygen stage is a good starting point duced at mills which both do and do not that are not. apply oxygen bleaching.This is a further if the pulp has a very good viscosity- example of the fact that comparable pulp Reference sources, practical experiences Kappa-number relation from the digest- gained from laboratory and plant in- er.If the pulp shows a poorer relation, a qualities can be manufactured. vestigations at MoDo and Billerud, and lover rate of delignification is recom- analyses performed by these companies mended. pf competitors' pulps have been used in COMPETITIVE TECHNIQUES the comparison. In the production of softwood sulfate EXPERIENCES pulp,oxygen bleaching is today the only technically viable method available with VISCOSITY CAN BE USED AS A Over the years, a large number of lab- which to achieve low lignin contents MEASURE OF THE STRENGTH oratory investigations have compared (Kappa number <28) entering the OF THE PULP the qualities of oxygen-bleached and chlorine bleaching plant and at the same non-oxygen-bleached pulp. In general, time achieve high pulp quality. Bleached pulps from the same wood lot the conclusions are that the two different exhibit the same pulp strength at a given bleaching processes produce pulps with viscosity whether or not an oxygen stage similar strength properties. An example SUMMARY is included.Examples of this observation is a summary of 23 investigations carried date back as far as 1976 at STFI(1). The out at MoDo's research laboratory (2). There are no significant differences in the same conclusion is drawn for bleached Delignification varied between 44 and 72 quality of oxygen-bleached and non- pulps in more recent publications, in- per cent, with an average as high as 55 oxygen bleached sulfate pulps, when the cluding(2), and is supported by practical per cent. Despite this, no significant dif- pulps are produced under controlled experience. ferences could be noted between the conditions. This applies to strength and For purposes of comp arison, the viscosity oxygen bleached and non-oxygen optical properties, cleanliness and of bleached pulp can thus be used as a bleached pulps with regard to thestrength properties. beatability. measure of the strength of the pulp. For viscosities greater than 850-900 Oxygen ' bleaching was installed in dm3/kg, only a marginal increase in Husum's softwood sulfate line in 1977. REFERENCES pulp strength is obtained with an in- During the seven months prior to, and crease in viscosity. eleven months following, the introduc- 1. Alfthai. C-1, Homgrist. W: 'Viskositet tion of oxygen bleaching, the quality at som matt pa massastyrka,'•(Viscosity as a both the pulp and the paper mill was measure of pulp strength)STR - DEGREE OF DELIGNIFICATION IN carefully watched (2). Total testing data B-meddelande nr 370(1976). THE OXYGEN STAGE consisted of approximately 1,700 meas- 2. Jamieson, A: 'The strength of oxygen urements. No significant changes could bleached pulps,"speech presented at The precondition for achieving a pulp of be observed in the strength properties of Eucepa, Helsinki, 1980. optimum quality is that the pulp shall the pulp or the fine paper. It should also not be unnecessarily damaged. This be noted that the ash content of the paper applies to oxygen-bleached as well.as was approximately 10 per cent higher non-oxygen-bleached pulps and, not during the period of oxygen bleaching. least, to cooking and final bleaching. These results were also confirmed by This is a well-known fact among pulp Billerud's investigations and practical manufacturers. experience. If the pulp is excessively delignified in the Both MoDo's and Billerud's analyses of oxygen stage, its yield and strength Swedish, and in certain cases Finnish, properties are jeopardized. When this competitive pulps show that it is impos- happens, the bleached pulp shows a sible,based on such variables as strength lower viscosity (and strength). and optical properties, cleanliness and The same phenomenon occurs if the de- beatability, to discern whether a pulp is lignification is brought too far in the oxygen bleached or not.However,pulps digester, —'— produced from wood from northern Environmental aspects of oxygen bleaching CURRENT KNOW-HOW able attention in environme;ital contexts greatly. However, a number of ques- becuse of its classificatic.n as being car- tions, including questions of the mate- When oxygen bleaching was first intro- e iogenic). However, most of the rial's biological and chemical degrada- duced for industrial application, BOD, organic material in the C and E effluents tion under recipient-like conditions and COD and color were the most important is high-molecular. It is chlorinated and of the capacity of specific compounds to has a considerably lower aromatic con- bioaccumulate in organisms, remain to parameters for characterizing the en- vironmental effects of bleaching plant tent (<10%) than the residual lignin in be answered in order to estimate the risk discharge. unbleached sulfate pulp (10, 15). posed by the release of such discharges. g Laboratory investigations have also This applies especially to the behavior of It was established at an early stage that shown-that C- and E-stage discharges bleach plant waste liquor in the re- the use of oxygen bleaching substantially from conventional bleaching of soft- cipient. Noteworthy in this context are reduces the chlorine content of the wood sulfate pulp show a mildly acute recent laboratory results showing that bleach plant effluent. As a result, a toxic effect on fish (6, ]1. 12) (96 hours high-molecular material from C- and E- sizable portion of the effluent can be re- LC 50 concentration = 15-50% V:V. stage effluents from the bleaching of soft- cycled into the process, correspondingly rainbow trout). This effect is caused by wood sulfate pulp can be degraded with reducing the discharge to the recipient.If chlorinated phenols, catechols and bacteria (isolated from receiver sedi- a change is made from a conventional guaiacols and by various chlorinated mend and that chlorinated anisoles and CEHDED to a OCEDED sequence, and non-chlorinated resin and fatty veratroles are then formed which have a BOD, COD and color discharges are re- acids. C and E discharges at sublethal higher bioaccumulation potential than duced by between 30 and 70 per cent for concentrations from conventional other compounds from bleach plant softwood sulfate pulp(1-7).The size of bleaching of softwood sulfate pulp also waste liquor(13). the reduction depends, among other fac- affect fish. Laboratory tests have dem- In the case of discharges from the bleach- tors, on the Kappa number of the un- onstrated that such discharges may ing of hardwood sulfate pulp and sulfite bleached pulp and on the degree of de- affect reproduction, and have behav- pulps, available knowledge of chemical ligniffcation in the oxygen stage. For ioral, physiological, histological and compositions and biological effects is hardwood sulfate pulp, the correspond- certain latent effects. The majority of less extensive than for softwood sulfate ' ing reductions are a consequence of these can be observed at concentrations pulp,and needs to be improved in future changing the bleaching sequence from as low as about 5 per cent of the 96 hours studies. CEDED to OCED (3, 5, 8). LC 50 value for the discharge (6). The test for ectoparasites in the gills of fish is probably the most sensitive. The effects EFFECT OF OXYGEN BLEACHING CONVENTIONAL BLEACH PLANT of C-and E-stage discharges from the ON THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION EFFLUENTS: CHEMICAL conventional bleaching of softwood AND BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF COMPOSITION AND BIOLOGICAL sulfate pulp can be detected using this THE DISCHARGES EFFECTS test, at concentrations 25 to 30 times lower than the 96 hours LC 50 concentra- Available knowledge of the effect of oxy- In recent years, there has been a change tion (6). Today, it is not known which gen bleaching on the chemical composi- in standards for evaluating bleach plant specific compounds are responsible for tion and biological effects of the dis- effluents (9). Earlier, BOD and color the effects at the sublethal level: These charge from a subsequent,reduced tradi- were the primary variables, but today a are not necessarily the same as those tional "chlorine bleaching" is not so ex- more comprehensive method of evalua- responsible for acute toxicity. tensive as the knowledge concerning tion has been developed, based on a Laboratory investigations in recent waste liquors from conventional bleach- gradually increasing number of chemical years have also determined that C- and ing. As mentioned above, the oxygen and biological tests. As a result, avail- E-stage effluents from the conventional bleaching does, however, result in a re- able knowledge of chemical composition bleaching of softwood sulfate pulp (and duction in the amount of residual lignin and.various biological effects,especially other pulp types) contain compounds which is transferred to the chlorination with respect to discharges from the con- that are mutagenic and!or carcinogenic. and subsequent bleaching stages. This is ventional bleaching (CEHDED) of soft- A number of such compounds have been the primary reason for the sizable reduc- wood sulfate pulps, has increased exten- identified (9, 10). However, the content tions in BOD, COD and color which ac- sively(6,10,11).To date,approximately levels are so low that the risks associated company oxygen bleaching.New results 250 separate compounds have been iso- with the release of these compounds into have shown that this reduction is ac- lated in C- and E-stage effluents fr6m the recipients—with today's know-how companied by a similar reduction in total such pulps(20).The compounds consist — are judged to be negligible or non- organic bound chlorine (ToCI) (6, 14). of chlorinated and non-chlorinated ali- t ten . phatic and aromatic acids, chlorinated existent. With reference to the qualitative organ- phenols, catechols and guaiacols and Available knowledge of the chemical icichemical composition of C-stage a number of chlorinated and non- compositions and biological effects of (possibly with some addition of D) and chlorinated neutral compounds includ- discharges from conventional bleaching E-stage effluents, today's know-how ing chloroform (which has drawn not- of softwood sulfate pulp has increased suggests that these do not differ to any great extent from.tnr lW 6aap"nuuib�.- y..•..��. . ..+.,. _..,�.._.o__ .._._ ....__.. ._ _._.__. ._..- Fluents from non-oxygen bleaching. If gated and the oxygen bleached pulp con- point. ,the organic material in the effluent is di- tained significantly higher washing loss- vided into fractions (including material es than the non-oxygen-bleached pulp. with high molecular weight, water- Logically, this may seem to be the most REFERENCES soluble' material with low molecular important explanation of the unexpected weight, ether-soluble material with low P p 1. Croon, f.;Andrews, D.H. Tappi 54(11) wei g result. New investigations of acute fox- 7983(1971). molecular weight - which can be fur- icit confirm this conclusion(9)and indi- ther divided into sub-fractions con- y 2. 107((son. A.;Smedman, L. Tappi 56(6) cafe that the introduction of oxygen 107(1973). taining acids, lipophile acids, lipophflfc bleaching should not only reduce BOD, 3. Carpenter, W.L.:McKean, W(T.; phenols and neutrals - and finally a COD, :olor and ToCI at comparable Berger, H.F. Gellman, L. Tappi 5901) fraction containing easily volatile mate- washing efficencies, but also reduce the 81 (1976)• rial) it is found that the relativ_ sizes of acute toxicity of the discharge. 4. "Klorid i atervinningssystem, the fractions are largely inrizpendent of (Chloride in recovery systems)final whether or not oxygen bleaching is used In a recently performed study of re- report, the Swedish Pulp and Paper (6, 14). cipients outside the M6nsteras sulfate Association, Stockholm 1977. This suggests that the substantial reduc- pulp mill, it was concluded that bladder 5. Wong, A.: Lebouris,M.; Wostra- wrack had disappeared from the area dowski. R.;Prahacs, S. Pulp and Paper tion in the discharge of organic material around the asap discharge pipe area f-anada 79(7)41 (1978). expected from a well-conducted oxygen The around th emu'swrack began r disappear ). 6• Miljbvanlig tillverkning av blekt mas- bleaching must affect all compounds, or sa,"(Environmentally safe production the same time as the plant was redesigned of bleached pulp) in least all classes of compounds,existing to accommodate amongother things, P P)final report, the in C- and E-stage effluents. This con- g Swedish Pulp and Paper Association. clusion is supported by the observation oxygen bleaching and bleaching with Stockholm, 1982. that the amountsof chlorophencliccom- chlorine dioxide in the final bleaching 7. Brt, P.B.:Joyce, Chang. l pounds, among others, are largely the i. stage. Several conceivable reasons were presentation at thee Tappi Annual given, but an important recommends- Meeting. I982, Proceedings 397. same in both types of bleaching se- g P 8. Jones. A.R. Tappi 66(12)42(3983). lion was that no further oxygen bleach- quences but are lower for the alternative i+. Amtergren. G. presentation at SPCI, that with oxygen bleaching (6). Other sup- ing be installed until further notice ( 'pulp section's autumn meeting. Gavle, porting evidence includes results show- However, it has since been resolved that Sweden, Nov.30, 1983. ing that the chemical compositions of the damage to the bladder wrack cannot be 10. Kringstad, K.P.; Lindstrom. K. materials with high molecular weight are attributed to any known or. unknown Environmental Science Technology, also of largely the same type (15). The compound formed during oxygen under publication. observation that only very small bleaching. The most probable cause of 11. Kringstad. K.P.;Stockman. L.G.: amounts of chloroform (80-90% reduc- the damage was the presence of a rela- Stromberg. L.M. presentation at XXI tively high chlorate content in the dis- EUCEPA Conference: "Chemical tion) are formed in the bleaching se- charge(16).This is a result of the use of processes in pulp and paper technology," c quences with oxygen bleaching does not g Torremolinos, May 1984. chlorine dioxide in the plant and of the Walden, C.C.;Howard, T.E. Tappi conflict with this conclusion, since this is fact that the plant's white water system is 12 a result of the fact that the bleaching se- 60(1)uz(1977). quence applying oxygen bleaching has tightly closed. The problem has nothing 13 Neilson, A.H.;Allard. A.-S.: no hypochlorite stage, which is the to do with oxygen bleaching alone. Hynning. P.-A.;Remberger-, M.; major source of the chloroform (6). Landner, L. Applied Environmental Microbiology 45(3)774 (1983). On the basis of the observation that the SUMMARY 1y. Lindstrom, K.;Osterberg, F. presenta- introduction of oxygen bleaching sub- tion at SPCI,pulp section's autumn stantially reduces the discharge of BOD, Available data show that the introduc- meeting, Gavle, Sweden, Nov.301983. COD, color and ToCI from the bleach lion of. oxygen bleaching before tradi- 15. Lindstrom, K.;Osterberg. F. plant, and that this reduction affects all yg g comSTFmunication. Stockholm 1989, private liana] (and reduced)chlorine bleaching, communication. classes of compounds, it is also very combined with recovery and combus- 16. Lindvall. B.;Alm. A. Message 83:5 likely that the biological effects of the lion of spent liquor from the oxygen from Kalmar Institute of Technology, discharge will be reduced correspond- stage,results in a significant reduction in Institute of Natural Science and Tech- ingly. Few investigations have been the discharge of BOD, COD, color and nology, Kalmar, Sweden, 1983. made of the biological effects of the ToCI. The reduction includes chlo- 17. Lehtinen. K.-J.;Mattson, 1. IVL, discharges from the bleaching sequences rinated and non-chlorinated organic ma- Karlskrona 1983, private communica- containing oxygen bleaching. The re- terials of both high and low molecular tion. sults available so far are inconclusive. weight, including chlorophenolic com- Within the framework of the project pounds and'chloroform. In general, the "Environmentally safe production of introduction of oxygen bleaching there- bleached pulp;"a comparison was made fore clearly represents a highly signifi- of the acute toxicity, reproduction dis- cant measure from an environmental turbances, behavioral changes and standpoint. various physiological and histological P sublethal changes (fish) and effects on With respect to the influence of oxygen the planktonic algae in bleach plant bleaching on the bleach plant discharges, discharges, where softwood sulfate pulp the few investigations carried out so far was bleached both with and without are inconclusive. This is probably a re- oxygen bleaching(6). The results of this sult of variations in washing losses. If comparison showed that oxygen bleach- such process parameters were better ing did not seem to reduce the effects, controlled, systematic investigations which were as large as those due to the would probably also establish that the discharges from the conventional se- introduction of oxygen bleaching is 13 Authoritiesi' view of oxygen bleaching 1:.TRODUCTION Swedish pulp and paper industry concen- nomical possibilities" to reduce bleach [rated its environmental protection efforts plant discharges thr-ugh various measures The following summary is the result of a Primarily on the environment in and (5). around the mills. Large resources were During recent years. joint research carried study of the concession decisions in invested in an attempt to reduce the dis- out by Swedish industry has shown that Sweden during the past 5-10 years for all charge of oxygenconsuming substances. the rate of delignification and the transfer plants manufacturing bleached sulfate pulp.The intention has been to find possi- The first oxygen stages started operation in of organic substances to bleach plants are ble trends in the authorities'view of oxygen the beginning of the 1970s and represented two oprimary factors affecting conventional tional bleaching. an answer to the demands of authorities to Ptoxicity n bleach plant reduce the discharge of BOD7, lignin and discharges.During the current decade, the color. Often, conditions were formulated Environment Protection Board has also THE CURRENT STATUS OF INTERNAL so that companies could choose between begun to an increasing extent to insist on a AND EXTERNAL MEASURES IN an oxygen stage and external purification reduction in the Kappa number in cooking SWEDISH BLEACHING PLANTS (1) in conventional bleaching and in oxygen stages,as well as on conditions for washing Of the fifteen sulfate mills which manufac- During the mid-1970s, the National losses(6). ture bleached pulp, eight have today oxy- Swedish Environment Protection Board In addition to demands for oxygen stages gen stages for bleaching softwood pulp.Of regarded oxygen bleaching in combination and aerated ponds, recent requirements these mills, one also bleaches with conventional final bleaching as a have also been specified en Kappaquire mats hardwood pulp with an initial oxygen stage. "standard requirement"in new mills.In the reductions,certain pnpiedforroportions of cumber One additional sulfate mill is planning to opinion of the Environment Protection dioxide ns chlorine stages and improved hlorine instal an oxygen stage for bleaching soft- Board, oxygen bleaching was a first step washing n c It J6 interesting to note that wood pulp. towards a closed bleach plant(2). External one ing (7). It existing aerated pond has The portion of chlorine dioxide in the chlo- Purification methods for bleach plant ermission to instal extended waste liquors and ion-exchange and lime- receivedp rine stage for softwood pulp varies be- sludge methods were regarded as an ac- cooking in combination with better wash- tween a few per cent and 20 per cent. The ceptable alternative to oxygen bleaching ing and an increase in the level of chlorine percentage for the bleaching of hardwood for existing installations(3). dioxide, as an alternative to oxygen pulp varies-between a few per cent and 90 bleaching (8). per cent. During thelatterhalf of the 1970s.environ- summary, it be said that there was All fifteen sulfate mills which manufacture mental concerns shifted to an increasing y may extent towards the long-term effects of dis- a noticeable trend that mills were either or- bleached pulps have sedimentation ponds. charges in time and space.To an increasing dered or themselves undertook to instal However, at one mill, all or part of the extent, discussions began to be concerned oxygen stages during the 1970s.During the bleach plant waste water is taken directly with the reduction of the discharge of chlo- latter half of the decade, demands in- past the pond. Five of the mills currently rinated organic substances.As a result, the creased to encompass oxygen stages in have aerated ponds. A decision to con- Environment Protection Board's demands combination with additional internal and struct a biological purification system has were increased to encompass oxygen external measures. been reached at another. In certain cases, bleaching and measures to reduce these all the bleach plant wastewater is not ledto substances.Among the most important of CONCESSION DECISIONS the aerated pond. One mill uses external these measures was the exchange of chlori- purification of bleach plant effluents in the ne for chlorine dioxide in the first bleaching 1. 1,allvik June 8. 1973 form of adsorption on lime sludge ("the stage as well as the external treatment of Skwskar April 1.1974 lime sludge method")and another uses ion bleach plant discharges through aerated Koesnas April 1.1974 exchange treatment. ponds, .and the ion-exchange and fenox 2. 5kutskar June 10.1977 One mill has both an oxygen stage and an methods. Mill closure measures through Karlsborg December 13.1978 aerated pond. At another mill, with oxy- recycling of portions of the waste liquor 3. Ostrand November 20.1973 une 25.1980 gen bleaching,a decision has been made to from the first alkali extraction stage were 4. MoV;irrum October 28.1980 instal biological purification. At the mill also demanded by the Environment Gruvon October 2.1952 planning to instal an oxygen stage, an Protection Boa/tl (4). Gruver, April 6.1982 Husum June 29,1962 aerated pond is already in use.At another A noticeable trend duringthis period was 977 mill with an aerated pond, permission has P 5. MSnsmonster9s May 2e.1. been granted to instal extended cooking in that the National Swedish Franchise Board Skoghali April 15.1979 combination with improved washing and for Environment Protection deferred final O!tran ll January 15,1980 Ostrand April 30,1980 an increase in the use of chlorine dioxide in demands and requirements with respect to Varo June 25,1980 the chlorine stage, as an alternative to bleach plant discharges. At the time, the Morrum October 28.1980 Franchise Board for Environment Pro- Norrsundet October 7.1981 introducing oxygen bleaching. tection decided to await the results of the 6. Ostrand April 10.1980 ISM von October 2.1980 Swedish Pulp and Paper Association's then Norrsundei October 7.1981 TRENDS IN OXYGEN BLEACHING ongoing project, "Environmentally safe Husum June 29,1982 IN SWEDEN manufacture of bleached pulp.' During the 7, Husum June 29,1962 period of deferment, mills were usually S. Karlsborg December 14.1982 During the 1960s and in the early 1970s,the ordered to investigate"technical and eco- Karlsborg January 12.1984 ruture.PUtellull vl oxygen technology DELIGNIFICATION WITH AN sp.nt liquor to the closed liquid and re- its aggressive character,which reveals itself ALKALINE OXYGEN STAGE covery system of the pulping process. in difficulties in controlling pulp quality Pretreatment with green liquor, peroxide, !,his applies to the process with high ozone or nitric oxides in acid media gives concentration), and its cost, which, as a A basic precondition for the use of an positive results.The best results for sulfate result of the low energy and conversion alkaline oxygen stage in a delignification pulps are achieved with nitric oxides. In yield, has remained at a high level.Ozone operation is that the development of the Sweden, Professor 011e Samuelson, to- production technology has developed selectivity for the delignification is better gether with MoDo, has carefully studied gradually; important progress has been than in the final phase of the sulfate cook- the treatment of unbleached sulfate pulp achieved in recent years.It can therefore be ing. The viscosity and Kappa number of with nitric oxides prior to an oxygen stage. expected that an introduction of ozone in the cooked pulp are determining factors for certain positions will be economically the technical and economic results of the Amazingly good results have been feasible within the near future. Low con- process in the oxygen stage'.A high intrin- reported in terms of pulp yield and espe- cenlration methods(around 3 per cent pulp sic viscosity(<1200 dm3/kg)for a Kappa cially for pulp viscosity after the oxygen consistency)appear to be easier to control number around 30, with small variations, stage. It appears that pulp quality can be with regard to the viscosity of the pulp. is a precondition for a good result.The de- maintained at a high level'down to Kappa Ozone may pose an attractive future alter- velopment of cooking technology greatly numbers of about 10. It also appears pos- native as a complement to oxygen bleach- furthers the possibilities of improving eco- sible to increase the degree of delignifica- ing, primarily as an activating pre-stage. nomic and environmental effects by using Lion to 75 per cent from the current average an oxygen stage as the first stage following of 50 per cent. cooking. The introduction of high sul- These resul ts have been so promising tha t a CLOSED SYSTEMS fidity,atmospheric steaming-and computer group of Swedish companies — MoDo, control has, generally speaking, increased Sunds Defibrator, AGA and Kema Nobel The basic idea underlying the increased use the possibility of being able to deliver a — have decided to finance a pilot plant of non-chlorine, non-corrosive chemicals high-viscosity pulp with stable Kappa project to facilitate the development of in the bleaching plants is to recycle waste number from the digester to the oxygen equipment and to evaluate the process liquors to the'recovery cycle. It is then stage. from the technical and economic perspec- possible to burn the organic matter and re- Modified cooking processes have been de- tive.A thorough analysis and characteriza- cover sodium. veloped and tested on a large scale. It is tion of the effluent from the bleach plant A Swedish pulp mill is currently recycling possible to cook to around Kappa 25 while will also be conducted as well as of the the liquor from the OE stage to the re- maintaining viscosity. The total yield will health hazards in the environment within covery cycle. By using oxidized white be somewhat lower and•the consistent the mill. liquor in both the O and OE stages, and quality of the pulp has not as yet been using the flexibility of the chlorine dioxide ensured on a full scale. However, the production, the plant has succeeded in in- know-how gained can contribute to the HYDROSTATIC OXYGEN STAGES troducing an economical system with low production of a pulp with Kappa numbers es.dischar of 28-30 with consistently better viscosity. Oxygen-reinforced alkali extraction stages g Therefore it is very likely that the current have been shown to be both an effective A bleach plant fora brightness of 90%ISO cooking-oxygen process can be further de- and economical complement in the bleach- with two pressurized oxygen stages and veloped using improved washing methods ing sequence, especially as the first alkali satisfactory washing systems may be now under development so that Kappa extraction stage. By raising the height of designed with only chlorine dioxide as a numbers of 12-14 can be achieved with- the tower, the effectivity of the delignifica- bleaching agent. The bleaching plant is out adversely affecting the quality of the tion process can be increased.This variant closed to a high degree with a water con- pulp. may also be introduced as a first stage in sumption of only 5 m3/ton of pulp. A This means(contrary to what has been re- special cases such as with hardwood sulfate bleed of 0.5-1 m3/ton is assumed. This ported in certain contexts) that the im- pulp, sulfite pulp, or other pulps where a waste liquor may be treated before it is proved cooking process should not be lower delignification (around 35 per cent) released to the recipient. If the brightness regarded as an alternative to oxygen is acceptable. target is sufficient for the pulp's end use, bleaching, but as a complement, which A sequence of the (EO)(CD)(EO)D type application of a hydrostatic extraction improves the positive effects of the oxygen may be an attractive alternative. stage may be a viable alternative to the stage on the production economy and the pressurized oxygen stage. environment. It has also been demonstrated that the replacement of the hypostage with an In recent years, it has been demonstrated alkali oxygen stage is favorable for both that it is possible to activate the unbleached birch and pine sulfate pulp(for example, a pulp using certain pretreatments so that the (CD)E(EO)DEDsequence). selectivity of a subsequent oxygen stage is greatly improved. Pretreatment with chlorine prior to the oxygen stage consider- OZONE ably improves the selectivity of the oxygen stage. Because of corrosion problems, The introduction of ozone into the bleach- however,iris hardly possible to recycle the ing process has so far been handicapped by 15 Champion International Corporation Canton Mill EFFLUENT DISCHARGE QQLQBR REDUCTION PROJECT MAJOR PROCESS MODIFICATIONS SCREEN ROOM The unbleached pulp produced by digesting wood chips in the presence of caustic soda and sodium sulfide is washed with fresh water to remove soluble lignin derivatives. After washing , the pulp is- processed through several stages of screening to remove undigested small wood particles. This screening is normally done at low consistency (1%) after which the pulp is thickened to 10-12% consistency before storage and subsequent bleaching. The filtrate generated during the thickening operation is brown in color and can be either sewered in an open system or recycled to pulp washing in a closed system. This recycling results in an increase in dissolved solids. The gravity discharge Cowan screens used at the Canton Mill are older models which cannot function properly in the presence of higher concentrations of dissolved solids. Therefore, new pressure screens must be installed and modifications made to the washing system to permit filtrate recycling and reduce color losses to the waste treatment system. This modifi- cation results in "closing" the screen room. OXYGEN DELIGNIFPCATON In an oxygen delignification system, washed unbleached pulp is mixed with caustic soda and oxygen at elevated temperatures and pressures. In a period of approximately one hour, about one-half of the incoming quantity of lignin is made soluble by the reaction with oxygen. Pushing the reaction further results in a rapid degradation of carbohydrate chain length and a reduced pulp strength. Since oxygen delignification does not utilize any chlorine containing streams, its filtrate can be recycled through the brown stock washing system to the recovery boiler . The lignin in the liquor is burned in the boiler and the inorganic chemicals recovered in the smelt. The oxygen treated pulp contains less lignin and consequently- requires less chlorine to reach a required pulp brightness. . This process change significantly reduces the discharge of chlorinated and colored organics from the bleaching operation. Figure 1 illustrates changes in the screen roam—and the proposed oxygen delignification system. r 01400Fr• fuW m a P- 0 + n r of r rr rr ti H.rr r ft o ro o rrr :C - Mm . 0' a 00 140 y 0f- w 0 r ti rr rr 0r � nmx° O lb 0roormi � a aLa ti r M am to (DrnX0oa r ° 0 to " 0 m W to rr H. 0m Fj a aa'a rC'raro fD w G fD m f•• rr n it 0 rrro0r00m0lY a . "40rt1 . 0t0 AM rt • rr r•w (D rt m m M. m O p O O N m ° _ 0 `Jw• 0 N ` rt M m wr•m D) wrt wy 0 0 x r a a o O' MNtO M• A rrtam Ort to p m rr M a to rr rr Cl. H. 0 r P. f•. ray N 0 p E W r (0D W p r- O. rr a Al to FA Or 11 op a a 0 O•L< r E 0 0 r 1 . rur m Om olm M. O rAam 011E o0 0 Op0 . ro 00' a emu, ti• m 0 0 a pH. MN 0t0 0 0 rt p a a am xO• n 0 (D 0 U) r rt max O• mnr oro o E o a a a c H- rr O M a N O• m pmMOart o r o O ro O ft wo 0* a) ro a rrrr aom I Ng w O m - Rro O rrroA ,pm rr n LO c a NNtiryaa'Crrt 0 i0 °d ° O 0 m m M a y m 0 m FIGURE 1 CANTON MILL CURRENT MILL DIGESTER PULP MANUFACTURING PROCESS BROWN SCREEN BROWN STOCK ROOM STOCK WASHER THICKENER € <; TO BLEACH PLANT C WHITE WEAK LIQUOR BLACK BROWN FILTRATE LIQUOR cHEMICAL = TO SEWER RECOVERY SYSTEM PROPOSED MILL DIGESTER OXYGEN DELIGNIFICATION BROWN BROWN ;••• - STOCK .SCREEN STOCK •,;•�::+;• PULP WASHER ROOM WASHER WASHER TO BLEACH PLANT ••4 L S WHITE WEAK LIQUOR BLACK BROWN OXYGEN LIQUOR FILTRATE FILTRATE CHEMICAL RECOVERY SYSTEM . . ■ � ■ ■ ; . ■ ' ' . ■ . , . , . . �y �4J i} �E (\ � 4 � \ \ «ate\> � � , Effluent Color Sources - Present Mill During January and February 1986, Champion conducted an extensive lithium ion tracer survey to determine the primary sources of color in the Canton mill. Survey Results % Raw Color Load By Source: Caustic Extraction Stage Bleach Plant Fir Chlorine Stage IF • ® Unbleached Pulp Filtrates tea;,; 3'` ga '4;a4•.:. �,, Pulp mill and =k �'. .: T3.�:�a�: Recovery " '`:i;�Z�,.3 :° a'�` Area s 3I� � Z31r5�i3.. �� �' ���� a�3,3 Continuous Process Losses Discontinuous Process Losses Other III Champion Exhibit 1 Champion International Corporation Extended delignification Closed screen room Pulp mill Oxygen process Dell nlflcatibn Liquor Recovery changes In-mill Process Loss Process Reduction Changesto Reduce Process Control Improvement Chlorine dioxide Color substitution for Cl2 Bleach Caustic extraction Plant with of en PfOCeSS Caustic extraction with 02 Changes +sodium h ochlorite Caustic ext=with.02+hydro (III Champion v Champion International Corporation Exhibit 2A Precipitation by GravityClarification Kiln burning of lime lima Centrifugation stud elrecove of lime WaterChem,Inc. (pro data chemis Precipitation by lertic chbdde Dissolved Air Flolation Press Dewatering precipitation Precipitation by Gravity Clarificationof CEF Color acidification Precipitation by pol➢arnme Landfill Precipitation by alum+polymer Dissolved Air Flotation Lr Add Veatmeiiu;i very of alum sludges CEF color Precipitation by alum separation processes EIncineration cineration N e cated Incinerator r Evaporation' Perc shlion or n ash In mill ashlbohom ash cova bofler Treatment of Use otconcontrate as an Bleach Plant Ca bon adaorptioNacid additive for adhesives Caustic regeneration(ISEP) Extraction LandfiVetll ofe Ultraviolet-acnvaled Filtrate Mivofiltration concon ozone oxidation Ozone destruction of concentrate color Ozone oxidation UlVafiltretion Chlorine oxidation • Wet air oxidation of concontrete color Potassium rman mate ozldatien Sodium hypochlorite CEF color oxidation oxidation (destruction) Ca dim hypochlodie processes oxidation P Sodium perozlda ozidatlon Chlorine dioxide oxidation Hydrogen peroxide oxidation �JII Champion V Champion International Corporation Exhibit 2B Wastewater Biological augmentation Color In activated sludge oxidation (destruction) Precipitation by Wastewater aeration+ processes alum chlorine+peroxide Treatment of Precipitation by Combined Mill amine Wastewater Precipitation by Precipitation ferric Ion Wastewater In Primary Press Dewatedng Landfill Treatment Precipitation by COIOr lime separation & disposal Precipitation by calcium processes chloride+alum WaterChem,Inc. ro data chemia Calcium ion treatrneni in activated sludge Polyamine in Dissolved Air Flotation Acid Recovery of Incineration In mill treated effluent Pol amine 11recovery boiler i......................._.............................._................................._..._......(Stone Process) ......_._...__......................._._...................................._............... I Champion Champion International Corporation Exhibit 2Ci Effluent Color Sources - Present Mill During January and February 1986, Champion conducted an extensive lithium ion tracer survey to determine the primary sources of color in the Canton mill. Survey Results - % Raw Color Load By Source: Caustic Extraction Stage Bleach Pliant Chlorine Stage I ® ® Unbleached Pulp Filtrates II is R 't a c� rr Pulp . NNH mill and Recover Area R� 3. S Y M;;,;,,, Continuous Process Losses Discontinuous Process Losses Other Champion Exhibit 1 Champion International Corporation Extended delignification 11 Closed screen room Pulp mill oxygen process Deli nificatlon Liquor Recovery changes In-mill Process Loss Process Reduction Changesto Reduce Process Control Improvement Chlorine dioxide Color substitution for C12 Bleach Caustic extraction Plant with o en Process Caustic extraction with 02 Changes +sodium h ochlorite Caustic extraction with 02 +hydrogen peroxide III Champion �Vf Champion International Corporation Exhibit 2A Precipitation by Gravity Clarification Centrifugation Kiln burning of lime lime sludge/recovery of lime WaterChem,Inc. proprietary chemistry) Precipitation by ferric chloride Dissolved Air Flotation Press Dewatedng Precipitation Precipitation 6y Gravity Clarification of CEF Color additicetion Precipitation by potyamine Landfill Precipitation by alum+polymer Dissolved Air Flotation Acid treatmenVrecovery of alum sludges CEF color Predpfladon by alum separation processes Incineration in a _•_��•®-��• dodicated indneralor Evaporation Percolation through fly Incineration in mill asMbottom ash recovery boiler Treatment of Use of concentrate as an Bleach Plant Carbon adsorptiordacid additive for adhesives Caustic - regeneration(ISEP) Extraction Landfll of Ultraviolet-activated IvLcrofiltration concentrate Filtrate ozone oxidation Ozone desVuctlon of concentrate color Ozone oxidation UltrafilVaflon Chlorine oxidation Wet air oxidation of _ concentrate color Potassium Sodium hypochlorite CEF color rtnan errata oxidation oxidation oxidation (dOStrUCflOn) Calcium hypochlarite processes oxidation P Sodium peroxide oxidation Chlorine ioxi de oxidation Hydrogen peroxide oxidation III Champion Exhibit 2B v Champion International Corporation Wastewater M ation color ge oxidation Preci station b on+ (destruction) p y ide processes alum Treatment of Precipitation by Combined Mill I amiY ne ... Wastewater Precipitation by _ Precipitation fe rri c ion in Primary Press Dewatering Landfill Wastewater Treatment Precipitation by color lime separation & disposal Precipitation by calcium processes chloride+alum WaterChem,Inc. ro riet chemis Calcium ion treatment in activated sludge Polyamine In Dissolved Air Flotation Acid Recovery of Incineration in mill treated effluent Pol amine recovery boiler 1.......................................................................................................(Stone Process) .....................................................................................................1 Champion Exhibit 2C Champion International Corporation