HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110938 Ver 1_DCM Permit_20111215-r�r�rrr�ro�rrr.�.�,-�-lrrrr.-rrrs�r.oa+,-r�rr,+rxrrr.M,�n�urrx�nc� »cfn�a+.•w u�.o xn „r r^�w�.o�m��.�.c�.f+rrr .o-s r�r y�.u,o+r.rrv.�ar rlarr, rnnn�wwrrrwx-»wer .e�r.r.u.o-a� ,oc x.a+.o P�rmit Class Permit Numoer "v�`�I � 1 � � � � � � � r 5"T�" �'� �� N��i� C��O�.��i� Depairtr�ent of Ertiir� un�nt ard Natural F.eseurc�s and Coastat Resouic�� Commissior �� ��� f^r �-i-� 11 �1-og38 l,Q�r� � 1�1a�or Detielon n�,n� in ai1 H.re� of Eri ironirental ConcPrn puisaant to NCGS 11�A 118 E�:cavation and/or filling pursuant to NCGS 113 2?9 Issued to `��lliam J an� ��ndra G�t�nson, 17�� S�irra St�eet, Greenville,l�1�' 27��5 Authorizing development in Dare _County at RoanokP Sound, at 4300 W Soundside Road in Nags Head as requested iii the perm�tiee s application dated 10/3/l 1, mclud►n�he �ttached tiorkplan diawinKs (4) 1 dated ieceivcd u� Lli�abcth C�ty on lU/4/11 2 dated $/9/11 �nd 1 dated 8/11/11 This perm�t issued on December 15, 2011 is sub�ect to compliance with the applicat�on (whei� coiisistent w�th the permrt) all applicable iegulations special conditions and notes set forth below Any violat�on ofthese tet7ns may he sub�ect to �nes �mpi isonn�cnt oi c.n il �ction o may C lIISG tI1C �)C I 1111i t0 1)P 11LIII 'lI1CI VOICI Sin�le Family Residence 1) Unless specifically altered herein this pernlit authorizes under 15A NCAC 07J 0211 Non Conforming Development only the reconstruction of the single family residence all as expressly and specifically set forth in the attached workplan drawings No other structure whether floating or stationary shall become a permanent part of this single family residence without permit modification No non water d�pendent uses of structuies shall be conducted on in or over public trust waters without permit modification (See attached sheets for Additional Conditions) Th�s permit action may be appealed by the perm�ttee or other qualified persons w�thin twenty (20) days of the issumg date An appeal requues resolution p�io� to woil< nutiat�on oi continuance as the case may Ue Th�s pei mit must be access�ble on site to Department personnel when the pro�ect �s mspected for compl�ance Any mamtenance work or pro�ect modificat�on not covered hereunder requires further Divis�on approval All work must cease when the permtt exp�tes on January 16, 2015 In �ssu�ng th�s perm�t the State of North Carolma agrees that your pro�ect �s consistent w�th the North CaroLna Coastal Management Program S�gned Uy the autllor�ty of the Secretary of DENR and the Cl�airman of the Coastal Resoui ces Comm�ssion �� � ��� ��r� � �� � � � Braxton C Davis Directoi Division of Coastal Management This permit and its conditions are hereby accepted S�gnature of Permittee � � � fi Y r rrrrao-rsa%m^rxrrNf,�ar- x.�r.aaa,r,rr,a Nr�narrK.�.�o-�.7o�r� �vrrrxrr�a}s�x Xrr,�K �.� rr +wn +Nrr.rr.o- �.r�� �m �.� � sr'F%rr.� .�+,. ,� .rrr � rx x,noar- .c w .� x c .arr.wr �,.,,�n f � �'v ill�.ar� .� an� �a��lra G �#i��an �'er�-i�t #� 1-b� 11 � � ���� Z �f 3 � r � � �D���'i���'�L �'�'v���'��°�� f � � � J� Thi� p°tn it autl�oriz�s o�ly the rt�lacemF �t of �he st�ri� da n� oe�1 �ti uc ir� within iis p� e� i�usly e��stzn� tootpri�t Na portion of the netiv sti�lcttue shall �e locat°Ci OUtSI�i� of the pretiiousl� exi�ting � � bu,iding tootprint � h � i � � � r �) �i�l r.,mnants of tl�e old strac�arE snall be i�medi teiv remo �ec� to ar appr�ved ���,h bround stte �ny c�ebris rzst�lting f�om the removal ot the structuie(s) th�t fal�s into the ��a+�i durin� dPmolit�on shall be immediatelv iemoved 4) No attempt shall be made by the permittee to prevent the full and fiee use by the pu'�lic of all naviQable watets at or ad�acent to the authoiized work V 5) The permittee shall maintain the authonzed work in good condition and in conformance with the tetms ancl conditions of this permit The permittee is not relieved of this requirement if he abandons tlie �5ctinilted activity ��iihout lia��it�� it i�ac�sfei�c d t� a tl�iid p�ity 6) This permit does not authorize the interference with any existing oi proposed Federal pro�ect and the permittee will not be entitled to compensation foi damage to the autho�i�ed st�ucture or woik oi �n�ury ��hich z� �y i�c. causcd %oin c} �si�n� o� iuiuie opc� iltons und�illl.rii by tl�c, rin�tccl �'t �t� in tl�c, pul�'�;, inieiesi General 7) The pennittee understands and agrees that if future operations by the United States requires the removal relocation or othei alteration of the structure or work authorized by this permit or if in the opimon of the Secretary of the Army or his authorized representative said structure or work shall cause unreasonable obstruction to free navigation of the navigable waters the permittee shall be required upon due notice from the Corps of Engineers to remove relocate or alter the structuial worlc or obstructions caused thereby without expense to ihe United States oi the state of North Carolina No claim shall be made against the United States or the state of North Carolina on account of any such removal or alteration 8) The permittee shall advise the U S Army Coips of Engineers in writing at least two weeks prior to beginning the work authorized by this permit and again upon completion of the work authorized by this permit 9) If the permrttee discoveis any previously unknown historic or archeological remains while accomplishing the authorized work he will i�nmed�ately notify the U S Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District Engineer who will initiate the required coordination procedures 14) 11) I�� �o��t�� ���l�ic�� �� Qp�n w�t�� �r��� �1��11 l�� zx���r�t�d �r filled �v�n tcrnpa�a�ily T11is permit shall not be assigned transferred sold or otherwise disposed of to a third party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management x.r Y'�i'f.�+4?"JrYYi'-Y'XY+'1.4�+a2 .o-w rrr»o-rr�.o•r✓ r.� o-s��r� u»+dtt r7co- -�.r»• ,� r^• .an� vht� r, r,� o-r .� .r .-r '�Villi�a~� � an�� ��-�c�r� � ����a� � 7 f l�Ja�,�'� � f i v ��'�' f �� � z � � � OT� � r � � � � r � f A'�'���'I��'-�� �C;'4?��glf'�yS �.}trh 5� ?1 / /�Y 'M�' A'YA- YrYG+C+Y?60r`v3J��d.; f. � ��r�it � �.-�� 11 � � � �ve .� az 3 � � y � � Tl-11S �c`111�1* CjO�� i U1 �11Y171I�c1tC 1i>., 17C�Ci lU O�C111 c�l � aC��l�t�o��a' �d'P fe�leiai oi lo�al pern r f apl�ioval5 oi atithoi�zatior th�l rr ay b,. iequrrtcl � � I'1�L1 IC Clv�elcpm�nt Of �i � pei��� t P� � j"iO�J� ty ma� P:,C]llli� a I��0��7�1r ���? {.� i�'�S �2liliit Conta�t a icpre5entat ti� of t e Di�ision at (2�2) �6� 3901 pi,oi to the comm�nc.c,m�,nt of any � such acti�ity foi thi� deterr�inat�on Th� peiiliittee is further ad�ised that many non �vatei � cle��endznt aetivrties are not auii c,iizecl ��ithin 30 fPet of the normal hi�h waieL le�P1 � Tl1e U S Army Corps of Engineers authori�ed the pioposecl pio�ect undei COE Action Id No SAW 2011 02000