HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030661 Ver 2_401 Application_20111219� � PABST & HILBURN, PA �..' ENGINEERING & CONSULTING December 14 2011 Natalie Landry Environmental Specialist Division of Water Quality 3800 Barrett Dnve Pittsboro NC 27609 Surface Water Protection � 03-��� t U �, 911 Paverstone Dnve Suite E �� Raleigh NC 27615 Office 919 848 4399 Fax 919 848 4395 RE Responses to Notice of Violation - NOV 2011 PC 0588 Heritage Point Lot 12 (260 American Court Parcel #80673) Apex, Chatham County NC Dear Mrs Landry P&H Pro�ect 183 11 � � � � � V � UJ D EC 1 5 2011 NC DENR i Re�ional Office Please find enclosed the items listed below in response to the Notice of Violation dated November 3 2011 for the above referenced parcel • Stream and Buffer Impact Plans 5 Set ��� �� �'-J • Design Narrative and Calculations 1 Set � � • Pre Construction Notification Form 5 Copy • Notification of Jurisdictional Determination (Dated 2/19/2003) - 5 Copy • US Army Corps of Engineers 404 Certification (Dated 11/7/2003) - 5 Copy • Permit Fee $240 00 . The Land Disturbing Permit associated with this pro�ect is currently under review by Chatham County Environmental Quality Department Also copies of the above listed items were submitted to Chris Hopper in response to the NOV of the Chatham County Watershed Protection Ordinance F Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need additional information or if you have any questions Sincerely p �� PABST & HILBURN PA �" ✓ D � Ee �{� D �� `� � �F�R Y ZO�1 Panty1paHilburn PLS ��G�ANDST����ITy �� R��CH Enclosure \ I� � k� . .� j ��: ;. '4.... i\.�.- A Applicant Informat�on 1 Processing o3-o�c�t�2 Office Use Only Corps achon ID no DWQ pro�ect no Form Version 1 4 January 2009 Pre-Construction Not�ficat�on (PCN) Form 1 a Type(s) of approval sought from the Corps I � Secfion 404 Petmit ❑ Section 10 Permit 1b Specify Nationwide Permit (NWP) number ���, o� General Perm�t (GP) number 1c Has the NWP or GP number been venfied by the Corps? ❑ Yes � No 1 d Type(s) of approval sought from the DWQ (check all that apply) � 401 Water Quality Certficatio� — Regular ❑ Non-404 Junsdicbonal General Permd ❑ 401 Water Quality Certfication — Express � Wpanan Buffer Authonzation 1e Is this notficat�on solely fir the record For the record only for DWQ because wntten approval is not required? 401 Certficatwn ❑ Yes � No 1f Is payment into a mitigatbn bank or in-Ueu fee program proposed for mitigation of impacts� If so attach the acceptance letter from mitigation bank or in lieu fee program 1g Is the pro�ect located in any of NC s twenty coastal count�es If yes answer 1h below 1 h Is the pro�ect located within a NC DCM Area of Environmental Concem (AEC)? 2 Pro�ect Informabon 2a Name of pro�ect 206 Amencan Court 2b County Chatham 2c Nearest municipality ! town Apex 2d Subdivision name Hetltage Pomte 2e NCDOT only T I P or state pro�ect no 3 Owner Informatfon 3a Name(s) on Recorded Deed Robert James and Shauna Quenn Hamson 3b Deed Book and Page No 1533 1184 3c Responsible Party (for LLC �f 3d Street address 1500 Applethom Dnve 3e City state zip Apex NC 27502 3f Telephone no (919) 337-8400 3g Fax no (919)267-4893 3h Ema�l address rob�hamsonfence com For the recbrd only for Corps Perm�t ❑ Yes � No � Yes � No ❑ Yes � No ❑ Yes � No II] �ENR Page 1 of 10 � PCN Form — Verswn 14 January 2009 : � � � �/ �� ��� — � � � � ►i 4 Applicant Intormation (it diftereM trom owne� 4a Applicant �s ❑�ent ❑ Other specdy 4b Name 4c Business name 4d Street address 4e City state z�p 4f Telephone no 4g Fax no 4h Email address 5 AgentlConsultant Ir�format�on (iP appiicaWe) 5a Name Patty E Hdbum PLS 5b Busmess name pabst 8� Hdbum PA (�f appiicable) 5c Street address 911 Paverstone Drne Suite E 5d City state z�p Raleigh NC 27615 5e Telephone no (9'�9) ��3� 5f Fax no (919) 848-4395 5g Ema�l address phdbumQpabsthdbu�n com Page 2 of 10 B Pro�ect Information and Prior Pro�ect H�story 1 Property Ident�caGon 1a Property identrfication no (tax PIN or parcel ID) 0702-65 9258 1 b Site coordinates (in deamai degreesj Latitude 35 7428 Longitude 78 9765 1 c Property s►ze 4 637 acres 2 Surface Waters 2a Name of nearest body of water to proposed pro�ect White Oak Creek (Jordan Lake) 2b Water Qualdy Classificat�on of nearest rece�vmg water WS IV NSW 2c River bas�n Cape Fear 3 Pro�ect Descr�ption 3a Describe the existing conditions on the site and the general land use in the wc�nity of the pro�ect at the time of this applicat�on The general land use m the pro�ect site s viamty is residential The ma�onty of the site is wooded with a sVeam located along the southwestem boundary line Stormwater runoff currently sheet flows from the high point located near the north eastem comer of the property and mto the stream or mto an existmg recreational pond 3b List the total estimated acreage of all exisUng wetlands on the property 0 3c List the total estimated Imear feet of all exisUng streams (interm�ttent and perenrnal) on the property 605 3d Expiam the purpose of the proposed pro�ect The purpose of this pro�ect is to construct a dnveway to access the residential property 3e Describe the overall pro�ect m deta�l including the type of equipment to be used Fiiling and pipmg approx 65 LF of stream in order to construct a access for the property Equipment used wdi mclude r�. 33 SMa,Pn-} Dk�,�� 3 z z G-X Gav�ca�...� A-t� vc�.�Ee. 9 S 3 T�,q-c. �c- � 54 S t�-s o�,=l� 4 Jur�sdictionai Determinations 4a Have �unsdictional wetiand or stream determmations by the � Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown Corps or State been requested or obtained for this property / ro ect mcludm all nor hases in the ast� Comments Hentage Point Subdwision (Apex) 4b If the Corps made the �unsdictional determmation what type � preliminary ❑ Final of determination was made� 4c If yes who delineated the �unsdictional areas� Agency/Consultant Company Engineenng Consulting Services Name (if known) Other 4d if yes list the dates of the Corps �unsdictional determinations or State determinations and attach documentation Notification of Junsdictional Determmat�on for Hentage Point Subdivision February 19 2003 5 Pro�ect H�story 5a Have permits or certifications been requested or obtamed for DYes ❑ No ❑ Unknown this pro�ect (including all pnor phases) in the past? 5b If yes expla�n in detad according to help 61e instructions DWQ 401 Permit 03 0661 USACE 404 Permit Action ID 2003 20450 6 Future Pro�ect Plans 6a Is this a phased pro�ect� ❑ Yes � No 6b If yes explam Page 3 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1 4 January 2009 !1� C Proposed impacts Inventory 1 Impacts Summary 1 a Which sections were completed below for your proJed (chedc all that apply) ❑ Wetlands � Streams — tnbutanes � Buffers ❑ Open Waters ❑ Pond Construction 2 Wetland Impacts If there are wetland impacts proposed on the sde then complete thts questron for each wetland area �mpacted 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f Wetland impact Type of impact Type of wetland Forested Type of �unsdiction Area of number Corps (40410) or impact Permanent (P) or DWQ (401 other) (acres) Tem ora W 1 Choose one Choose one YeslNo W2 Choose one Choose one YeaMo W3 Choose one Choose one YesJNo W4 Choose one Choose one YesMo W5 Choose one Choose one YealPlo W6 Choose one Choose one Yes/No 2g Total Wetland Impacts 2h Comments 3 Stream Impacts If there are perenrnai or intermittent stream impac�s (induding tempwary impacts) proposed on the srte then complete this question for all stream sdes impacted 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e 3f 39 Stream impact Type of impact Stream name Perenn�al (PER) or Type of Average impact number intermittent (INT)1 �unsd�ction stream length Permanent (P) or width (Imear Temporary (T) (feet) feet) g1 P Culvert Tributary to Jordan Lake INT DW� 5 25 g2 P Cuivert Tributary to Jordan Leke INT DWQ 5 35 S3 T ediment Tributary to Jordan Lake INT DWG1 5 130 S4 T Sedim Tnbutary to Jordan Lake INT DWGl 5 10 S5 Choose one S6 Choose one 3h Total s�esm and tributary impacts � Stream w th is op of bank to top of bank S1 36 RCP S2 42 RCP �� Page 4 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1 4 January 2009 4 Open Water Impacts If there are proposed impacts to lakes ponds estuanes tnbutanes sounds the Atlant�c Ocean or any other open water of the U S then mdividuall list all o en water im acts below 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e Open water Name of waterbody impact number (d applicable} Type of impact Waterbody Area of impact (acres) Permanent (P) or type Tem ora T 01 Choose one Ghoose 02 Choose one Choose 03 Choose one Choose 04 Choose one C�uose 4f Total open water �mpacts 4g Comments 5 Pond or Lake Construction If ond or lake construction ro osed then com lete the chart below 5a 5b 5c 5d Se Pond ID number Proposed use or Wetiand Impacts (acres) Stream Impacts (feet) Upland purpose of pond (acres) Flooded Fdled Excavate� Floc.d�, I����led Excavated P1 Choose one P2 Ch�se one 5f Total 5g Comments 5h Is a dam high hazard permit required� � Yes � No if yes permit ID no 5i Expected pond surtace area (acres) 5� Size of pond watershed (acres) 5k Method of construction 6 Buffer impacts (for DWQ) If pro�ect wdi impact a protected npanan buffer then complete the chart below If yes then individually list ali buffer impacts below If an im acts re uire m�ti ation then ou RAUST fiil out Section D of this form 6a Pro�ect ts �n which protected basm? � Neuse ❑ Tar Pamiico ❑ Catawba � i�andleman � Other � ape Fear 6b 6c 6d f�e 6i i 6g Buffer Impact Reason for impact Stream name I E3uffer � Zone 1 , Zone 2 number — mitigation ' impact � impact Permanent (P) or required� (square (square Tem ora T feet feet B1 P Dnveway Construction Dnveway t�o 9� E 30 � 616 B2 T Slope for Bwlding Pad 9 No 1.,0 1 774 63 T Slope for Buddmg Pad � T 1Vo �__c, 315 B4 E Yes/ho � B5 Yes/No ' 86 f YE �a.,� � 6h To4ai Bufi�r i�npacts 11 7so 7 705 6i Comments V� �� � � Page 5 of 10 D Impact Just�ficat�on and M�gat�on 1 Avoidance and Min�mization 1a SpeGfically descnbe measures taken to avotd or mirnm�ze the proposed impads in des�grnng pro�ect Unfortunetely the property owner hed no way to avoid the iwo stream Impads due to the lot oo�retla� 1 b SpeGficaily descnbe measures taken to avo�d or mirnmize the proposed impac�s through construdron techniques The impacts were reduced by minimmng the width a� the dnveway 2 Com ensato Miti ation for Im acts to Wafiers of the U 3 or Waters of the State 2a Does the pro�ect require Compensatory M�Ugat�on for � Yes � No impacts to Waters of the U S or Waters of the State? 2b If yes miUgat�on is reqwred by (chedc all that apply) ❑ DWQ ❑ Corps ❑ Mdigation bank 2c If yes which m�tigation opbon vtinll be used for this � payment to in-I�eu fee program pro�ect� ❑ Pem��tee Responsible Midgabon 3 Com lete if Ustn a Mit� ation Bank 3a Name of Mitigat�on Bank Ty� Choose one Quanbiy 3b Credits Purchased (attach receipt and letter) Type Ch�se one Quanbiy Type Choose one ����Y' 3c Comments 4 Com lete if Makm a Pa nt to in-lieu Fee P ram 4a Approval letter from in lieu fee program is attached ❑ Yes 4b Stream mitigaUon requested linear feet 4c If using stream mdigation stream temperature Choose one 4d Buffer m�tigation requested (DWQ only) square feet 4e Riparian weUand mitigation requested ecxes 4f Non nparian wetland mfigaUon requested aaes 4g Coastai (tidal) wetland mitigation requested ecx�es 4h Comments 5 Complete if Using a Perm�ttee Responsible Mdigation Plan 5a If us�ng a permittee responsible mifigafion pian provtde a descnption of the proposed mfigaUon plan Page 6 of 10 PCN Form — Version 14 January 2009 6 Buffer Mrtigat�on (State Regulated Riparian Buffer Rules) — required by DVY4 6a Wdl the proJect resuit m an impact vinthin a protected npanan buffer that requires � Y� � No buffer mifigation� 6b If yes then ident�fy the square feet of impact to each zone of the npanan buifer that reqwres md�gat�on Calculate the amount of mitigation reqwred 6c gd � Zone Reason for �mpact Total impact Mulbplier Required mibgation (square feet) (square feet) Zone 1 3(2 for Catewba) Zone 2 � 5 6f Total buHer m�tigation requ�red 6g If buffer mitigation is reqwred discuss what type of m�gatron �s proposed (e g payment fi� prnate mitigaron bank permittee responsible npanan buffer restorabon payment mto an approved in-lieu fee fund) 6h Comments Page 7 of 10 E Stormwater Managemerrt and D�ffuse Flow Plan (requ�red by DWQ) 1 Dlffuse Flow Plan 1 a Daes the proJect mclude or �s it ad�acent to protected npanan bufFers �dentfied � Yes ❑ No w�thm one of the NC Ri nan Buffer Protectton Rules? 1 b If yes then is a diffuse flow plan mcluded? if no explam why There wdl be no pofnt discharge that will requlre dfffuse flow � Yes � No 2 StoRnwater Mana ement Plan 2a What is tl�e overall percent imperviousness of this proJect? �r g,� (M�) 2b Does th�s ro ect r wre a Stortnwater Mana ement Pian? � Yes ❑ No 2c If this pro�ect DOES NOT reqwre a Stormwater AAanagement Plan explain why 2d if this pro�ect DOES reqwre a Stormwater Management Plan then prov�de a bnef narrative descnpbon of the plan The site wnll be graded such that runoff irom the improvements wdl sheet flow through the existlng stream bufters A pwtlon of tl� site c�nsfetlng of woods wdl sheet flow to a swale loceted north of the drnreway This swale vhll direct the flow b a flatEer slope awele that wdi discharge the runoif mto the exisUng stream 2e Who v►nll be responsible for the rev�ew of the Stormwater Management Plan? ��m ��Y 3 Certified Local t3ovemment Stormwater Revlew 3a In which locai ovemment s unsdiction is this ro ect� ��" �O1"� ❑ Phase II 3b Which of the follo�nnng locallyamplemented stormwater managemerrt programs � NSW apply (check all that apply) � USMP Water Supply Watershed � Other 3c Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan �nnth proof of approval been �Yes � No attached? 4 DWQ Stormwater Pr ram Rev�ew ❑Coastal cou�es ❑ HQW 4a Which of the folio�nnng state-implemented stortnwater management programs apply ORW (check all that apply) �Session Law 2006-246 ❑Other 4b Has the approved Stormwater AAanagement Plan vinth proof of approval been � Yes � No attached� 5 DWQ 401 Un�t Stormwater Rewew 5a Does the Stormwater Management Pian meet the appropnate reqwrements? � Yes [� No 5b Have all of the 401 Unrt submittal reqwrements been met? ❑ Yes � No Page 8 of 10 PCN Form — Vetsion 1 4 January 2009 F Supplementary Information 1 Environmental Documentation (DWQ Requiremen� 1 a Does tl�e pro�ect invoive an expenddure of public (federaUstate/locaq funds or U�e � Yes � No use of pubiic (federai/state) land� 1 b If you answered yes to the above does the pro�ect reywre preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the reqwrements of the Natwnal or Stste ❑ Yes � No (North Carofina) Environmental Pol�cy Act (NEPA/SEPA)� 1 c If you answered yes to the above has the document review been finalized by the State Clearing House? (If so attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approvaf letter ) ❑ Yes � No Comments 2 Violations (DWQ Reqwrement) 2a Is the s�te in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H 0500) isoleted Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H 1300) DWQ Surface Water or Wetland Stenderds �Yes ❑ No or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B 0200)? 2b Is this an after the fact penrnt application� �Yes ❑ No 2c If you answered yes to one or both of the above questwns prowde an expianabon of the v�ola6on(s) Two storm dra�nage pipes were installed dunng the construcUon of a residentlal driv_eway Sediment has eccumulated in the stream due to the installabon of the pipes and grading of the driveway 3 Cumulative Impacts (DWQ Requirement) 3a Will this pro�ect (based on past and reasonably ant�apated fubure impacts) resuR in �Yes � No additional development wh�ch could impact nearby downstream water quahty? 3b If you answered yes to the above submit a qualitative or quantitafive cumulatrve impad analysis in accordance wdh the most recent DWQ policy If you answered no provide a short narrabve des�xiptron 4 Sewage Disposal (DWQ Requirement) 4a Clearly detad the ultimate treatrnent methods and disposfion (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed pro�ect or available capaCIty of the subIect faGltty Ultimately the site sewer wdl be treated by a sepi�c field tt�t will belocated on the properly See aRtached plans Page 9 of 10 PCN Form — Ve�on 14 January 2009 5 Endangered Species and Designated Crklcal Habitat (Corps Requirerr�nt) 5a Wdl this proJect occur m or near an area with federaily protected species or � Yes ❑ No habitat� 5b Have you checked with tt�e USFWS concemmg Endangered Speaes Ad impacts? ❑Yes � No 5c If yes mdicate the USFWS Field Office you have contacted - 5d What data sources did you use to determine whether your s�te would impact Endangered Specaes or Designated Cntical Habitat� NC OneMaps Website 6 Essentaal F�sh Hab�tat (Corps Requirerr�nt) 8a W+H th�s pro�ect occur in or near an area designated as essent�al fish hebdaY� ❑ Yes � No 6b What data sources did you use to determme whether your sde wouid impact Essentiai Fish Habdat� NOAA Essential Fsh Habitat Mapper Webaite 7 Histonc or Preh�storic Cultural Resources (Corps Requirement) 7a Wdi this pro�ect occur in or near an area that the state federal w tnbal govemments have des�gnated as having histonc or cuftural preserva�on � Yes � No status (e g Natianai H�stonc Trust des�gnation o� proper�es s�gnficant m North Carolina history and archaeology)� 7b What data sources did you use to determ�ne whether your sde would impact histono or archeological resources? NC State Histonc Preaervabon Oifice GIS 8 Flood Zone Des�gnat�on (Corps Requiremer�t) 8a Will this pro�ect occur m a FEMA-des�gnated 100-year floodplam? ❑ Yes � No 8b If yes expiain how pro�ect meets FEMA requirements 8c What source(s) did you use bo make the floodplain determ�nation� FEMA Map 3720070200J ��-t-�.� E ��, �u � �� , , zl � 3 � �, ApplicanUAgent's Pnnted Name IicanUAgents Signature Date (I�enYs signabure fs valid only it an authotizatlon letter irom the Ucard ia rovided Page 10 of 10 � �l�I�l��l�t� � �... �. _. �,�,� , r�.. r s,,-r -�-�. ��� t`� � c ' r.-:�-'�'7�: �F: , <-�i�z � \ ,�r ] � _ , y ;� � , .� �� � ��t. ��� ��-. ^.."',i �' AY'�'� 'r_1 �',.�4'M^ ..x } J �:kti � � i(��}�{.l�,'t....� _ :;..,�:�I��-:�; "-��r'i ? �r`C -SY�Y:'t'��V `� � � �%' r � y _; `-�� �'r �j $j `'�~`� '��'��+,'�i�T�y � ��� ^i�.l,_ y t LFti � L .?��/-F' � '('ti. ..`tr%'� ���. � �'1. J �'� tS+iY S �Z � t } EJ. <�')c"� � � �` \ ' ! � ��^��w� '»� ..� w,,� ` ��. F,y f 1!,l fw� �t'i}�� 7/�,��-,�� ♦�'�`k.`7zJiT 1 Rt �A 1�S�C� ������� �`L'��\_���[.CL�+� _ 'Y f� r � 1r���{�'eJ �, , rT 'r `\ y Ili+����`/ !/./ � � y�1.la` ����,.4� � ����T������ 1{���j ����`?;.''.. ry,��} � � �' ,a.�)?����. �. ` � �= y.�_,_� �� .�� �_. "� � �11;��'��/��' �t �t,�#�.a�{+\� t�� J!y�'� � � � i i i( � y�'� t �r4���Jr+~��c�'�".:�j��rSf d � •'r � ,' .r t �r -,�i�-� �:�,: . .� ., . ,.� / �r,..�',�_::, ��!a � ^ � � �,� t� .�."� i � : �``',_ �, t� 't�►'';,� �� +!� '�� ;� �,�; � ���' . �,� �,�, ::��� ����}t� � ,�, ., "�•- � ��,, •� ,., ��a�T`�y . �� r..�;,,� � � �f . :j��� �:��;;�t. ; ,r,�� �. � �: 7E� IX •� J.�i f- � ti ��- a.,. �. i : �`.�'' �,�� ��,+�t � � � � ��..`�j,.,�- ��*� �.'�, �ti%� �,�� S.�►.� ; � j� �. � � �; 1�� .. 1� � �`�:.'= � y !' � ��.._ i � ���� '*`'� � �•V•�. ���� .� �`��:T�`���i4��;���a � �� � �: � _.: � 02/24/2003 �6 07 91�@863792 ' " i,iJ�S � GQRPS l�F E1�IGINEERS '�i�n�a�toa Di�txict Achon ID 2 � i C � ,!� 045 Caunty PAGE 02 :.� ,""' NOTIFICA,�UN OF JtIRISDIC'�I�NA�. A�TE1tMINATIOIV Property Ow�ner ment sts � e A,ddre�s 211 1 __ b,tirl+Am NG 277I3 .� �"elepho�� Number Aathorized A�lpt_.,�,i„ ne�r�n C��eri1COS Ltt�... i Addresg ce �tp�.� T gnel var�c NC 27709 Telephone IVuntber 8Q0-327-5832 e �e pro�� � Iocated on the north s�dg of NC 64, app�roxttnate�y 1 mile we� a�NC ?Sl, ui Chatham Caunty, Nort� Caroluxa Bas�s for Dete ��nn - The s�te conta�ns w�tlands and str�am chaanels wxth iadicators o� vrdinary ' ����\MI� �igli water marks, ]ocated adjacent to sn utu�amed tdbuta�ryr a�' W'iutc 4ak Creek, abave headwatex�s, in t�e Cape Fear Ri'vtr Bastn � e f �_.'t`here are waters a� the U S, w irnclude wetlande, ot� the above deecrib� prope�ty, which we strongiy sug�ast shauld 6e scuveyed. The surveyed w�etta�t+d l�aes must b� vert�ied by, �rr s;afl►bef'one tii� Catp.s wi11 make a�inal '1�risd�ctionat determiaat�on an yaur PmD�"b' �He+c�use o�'the size of yowr property and our �nt wr�lcload, our idanbiiceti�n a�d dolineabor� o�your wedands cannot be �ccomp�isiaed tn a bmaly tria,tit�r You may w�sh ta obtam e coc�sc�ttant to obta�t a more bmely ' deimeation o� t�e, wetlAnds (Jttce dte coneult�t bas tlag�ad a wetland tm� on the pro�ty, stafi' waU m raview �t, and, if �t is sacurate, we stron,giy rec�r�atend tbat y�au hawa the tine gtu'veyed far fu�al approval by the Cacps 'i'he Corps w�i! not mske a�nat jurisdic�oaal determinatian cn yovt pcoperty w�wut ar� �prvved s�,�ryey �",The watecs of the U S., !a inctude wetiands, on your tot have 6een del�neat�, and tke 1�nuits af the Corps �urisdict�on have beeri expla�ned to you U�less tl�e is a change u� the !aw or aur pnblished regulatio�s, this d e t e r m� n e c i o n n� t a y t� e re 1i e d upcm f o r a p e r a o d nat �a e o n� e� five years from the dam af this notificatson There aire no weiera of the U 5, tc malude wetla�ds, �et�t cm the abeve descn'bed proper�y which are �bject to � �e perm�t reguzrements of S�ctwn 404 af the Ckan Water Aat {3� USC i 344) �Jrile� titere ts a cbet�ge �n the 1aw or onr pubiished reguiations, th�s determinatlon m�y be relied upon for a pe�tod aot ta exceed five years from the ciate of th�s not��ication � � ,_, J LJ � � Piaceir � u� dredged ar �E mateMa� in weNanda o� tbuis property witbout a�Deepart�aaent � tl�e Army Permxt � nn most cases a v�ol�tion a� 5ecNon 30� of the Clean Watea- As4 (33 USC 131I) A ,permrt � aot rec�air�d �or work on the property c�estrlcte� en4rety to �ucishng h�ghh ground �f yan have any qnegt�ons re�arding the Cot��a of ]�ngtneere r�gnlatory pro�aam, p�ease contact Todd Tu�gwea_. t,__, at telephone nambet�,(9t 3 87b - 8,�{� te�tginn �g ProJect Manager 5igttalvre �� Date ,_ Febniarv tq�2403 E iret�o�a Iaate �ebruar� 1,�,,2008 ,�.,,w SA�t.V�X PLAT OR k"XELD SKE'x'�H �7F Ti�� IDESCRIBEA PItOPERTX A�ib THE W�?LAND DE1,,iNEATION �(?ltM MUST $� ATTACHED TO TAE YELIAW i(F'tL� C�Pi� OF TH�iS �pRNi J 02/24l2903 06 �7 919@063792 P�E 03 : Chatiiam �s A �NI'I'1AL be �ou� at ou may accept oc r�1� �Y� to the petm�t Section below A $ ...�.. C D B � ��� �� �Er� �r � ,_ • ACCF.PT if you received a Stend�d Perrpit, you tt�y s�gn tha.permit tbcumant and retcun it co tho d�str��t en�neec far �inal autlwrizadat� If y�a roc,eived s l,e� qP Perm�aaion iL{)P� Y'oa�+ n�aY aco�t the LOP �d your worDc rs autharlzed Your signeture on the Sca�dsrd Pemut or � of �e WP meena tbet you aoae� the pa�m�t in its entirety, and wa�ve a!i n�ts to appeal the per�n+� mcEuding its tarms end cand�tc�a, and approved 9tn�isdicaonsi �terminatro�s assac�aeed with tha permi� • oa►ECr tf ycu object to Qte perrntt (Stendard or LOP} �uae of �rtai� termd and cot�dhtooe titereM, you enay request �at the permet be madi#ied accordiRgly You must comptets �eeteaa iR af thta form and t+�um �e farm w ihe di�rict �g�nee� Your objections must be recef ved by d�e dietrlct sngineer a►tthin 60 days of tt� date of th1� nat%e, or you wiU forfait �aur dg6t to appeat the petmit itt the iatut�e Upon rece�pt of your ktter tbe disrcet atglnoor w111 z,raluara y�ur objettions ea�d rnay� (a) modify the perAnit to sddress al1 of Y�' �, (b} mot�y the peratit to �� otyaur oi�eetiotss, or (c} not �nodiPy the permit havtng determmmd that tbe perreit eho� b�e � as previ�ottsly wri� ARer eval�sttg yatsr objectfoas thc dxserict engh�eer wtii sand you a pro�d permlt for yott� re�slder�to», as mdiaated �t Settion B below : �Y ��Pt � �PP� � P��t � � �' `.. ' ' � i ' � i' AC4E�'T IP you receiv� a S� P�nit, Y� a�y etgn d�e P�rn�t �aet►t end reao�n �t to the d�rict engi�r for fina! auti�onzatian If yau r8ceivad a� of Pam� (LOPI. Y�+ �Y �� � LOP attd yauc vrork is autiwwr�ied Yaur � sig�ature op the Stat�dsrd �ann� or � ef tlte I.OP rt�s t� you aeoe� tt� petmtt in its ensir+ety, a�td +�+�,1ve ail rigMs co appea! the peim�t, iacludu�g �ta �'a�s and cond�tions� emd app�aved �ucisdiala�si deter�ans a�ciated wlth cite �rm�t APPEAi. If yon ehonse m decime t1�p l�ofl�ed Pe�� ista�derd Or �O� becawe of certafin tcxtns and conditlons therein, you may appea! the declined pennit c�d� the Corps of &nguieas Adrnmi�radve Appeat Pr� by �letang 9eeteon R of th�s forrn and sending ttie form w tha divlsi� engina� '!'�is tbrm m�c bo recet�ed by ct� dlvisfon engit�eer w}ehia 60 days vfche date o�t�is notice t; r�tt M[ 1�,JGNIAL You lstey eppeal the deni�i Of a perntit unda the Corps of �gletoers Adm�matret�ve Appaai Proeess by campleqng 3eccioa tf ot'th� �rn►aod s�d3ng the �bnn to�t6e div�aion engi�eer Thls farm mnst be rer.e�ved by the�divisi� engeneer within 60 days oftha date ofthis nc�tfce A APPRnVFD N�SDIC'�4NAL DETERM�IVATtpN You m�y accept or eppeel th� app�roved JP ar provide new infornsauon � ACCSPT You do noi rned to notity the Caryn to a�xept art approveQ JD Failnre ta notitjr thc Corps within �tl days oF thc date oP this no�ce t�eans that yau accept the appmved !p m rts et�t�ety and waive a!! nghts ea app�i the approved ID � APP�AL If you disagree with the approved J�, y0u t't98y eppest the aDproYOQ JO under the �orps of Esigttteet5 Admipistretive Appeal Proceas by camplehng Section I! of th�s fom� end sending tht fonn to the dlvi�ion engencer Th�s f�m must be rec¢rved by the division eagineec w�thm bp days of the dete di t��s not�ee � �rcc��.tmtttvt+►tc Y.�uK1,L�l�:"11QNAL DEI�RMINAT�QN You do aflt need to respottd to the Corps regaridcng the prelaminary �p The Fr�timtt�ary JD ts not appealabEe IFyou wRSh, you rnay request az, appraved �D (whseh m�y be a�peai�d), by cantacttng the Corps d�stnct for feu�thet tttstnicnan Alsp you may pravlde new �nformauan for further cons�deration by ihe Catps to reevaivate the .iD ' ' ' ' � � , / � � � I�� i � 1 0 0 [ � u � 02/24/2003 06 07 9198063792 �`� PAt� 04 R'�a4S4NS FOR AP�EA,L QR OBJECTION3 (D�e yow reasons !'cr sp�ting the da�sio� or yovr objechor� to an init[al proiTerad pecm�t t�n afear crntclse s�temec�ta. You may attacti atiditional inf� to this i`orm �c ctanfy whore y�ar reasons or abjectians a�e tuldre9sed in the �dmtnistrative t+ecot8 ) AAAi'�'iQNAL iNFORMA'f�ON The appoa! � li�ttited to a Te�view of tlta a�ninishative recw� tite Cotps me�ao�raadt�m br the record af the appeal cont�retice ar ttt�tib�, and aay sugptem�tel luf�to� that tl� �w ot�loer ltaa deurmfaed is needed t� ctazcf� the �dminisq�aqv� r�ord. Nottitet d�s appeilaat twc the Cor� me�y add aew in�ormehoo a�r eaalyses to the nacord Nowover u ma vide additlonsl iniormaqon to clari the locatton af laforanac,ot� thet is aEresd in ths a�miniseradve record. t o'� z i" � .y y, '' t,M ��s �v i�yoa have Qirestions tegatdtag this dec ton end/ar dse eppe�l �Pyou o�tly beve quesdot� re�erdu�g the appeal process you rnsy pmcess you m�y contact � �� Mr 'i'add Tu�wel�. Regulatory Sptaeliac lutr Arthur Middltbon Adcnm�suapve Appeal Revicw Ot�cer Rate�gh Regulatvry F�oki afiice CBSAD�fiT•CO•R 6588 Fal[s oPthe Ateu� Road Suite i24 U S Arn�y Coe� ef F.a�ineers, 5outh At�anac d►v�sian R�teigh, North Carol�+a 2T61S 60 Forsyyt Stre�, Room gpd�5 RICii�T QF �7�iT'RY 1 � consuhanm, to conduct zioUce af anv site iaves � � r �I iature below grents the y ations of the pro�ect si�a e and w1I1 have the ocvor Sig�natu�e o£apPellant or a�e,�t AlVISION �PIGtNBBit Contmander U.5 Army �e$ineet Divtstud, Soat4 Attantic 6� �orsylh Street, Roam 9Mf15 Atlanta Georgia 3030�3-3d90 er�p�y m� Corp� vf F.�deers paF the course of d�e appesl process a artid te M a11 �ita mveate Det� nr+e� �a eny govat'�meM You wi11 be pmv�ded a lS day Tel��hone number `���� �� o�-C a � 2U�� h ���� �NP.���`� ��� ,�t � Act�on ID No 200320450 DBPAR'PMENT OF 7[� �M"Y' wilm�ngton Ihstnct, Cor�rs c�� Sng�cr�zs Post Office Box 189U Wilmingtan, North �aroluia ��402-1$90 FL'�?�,�G ��e�YI7sLL7 , Y� � �� �� � � �da�tr�mirer 7, ZOQ3 Patriek 0'Nea], C:ha�hhazn Develc�p��eaa�, :.LC., �1 ;,i,a��Zors �Zrd� IDra ►e �urhaan, North Caz+ol�na, 27713, has applied far a�ep�,atm.,��t �.itiz� rLr.�� �s.a �� p�t �'a� �;.,�,CE FIL�, MATERiAL Il�TTO 176 LIlVP�AR FEET OF S�'REA�/I CIE�t�IG, ANI� a p7 �. �.`� OG 1 7� 5 LIlYLAR. FEfiT OF S�'REAM CHAMNEI. AND 0?�3 ACRE �� �rE� vAa+fl�S �NG LTNNAMED TRIBUTARIBS TQ W�'llTB QAK CR�]E]K, Ild � CAP'� �,A.i.:c�z �:�ASlN, ASSOCIATED WITH THE CONSTRUCTIQN GF HBRITAGE P()� ;U�DT�SION Il�t CHA1'HAM COUNTY, NOR1'H CARU�.��'�' �� The followmg des+cnption �f t�e titi � i� x� +.4:s:u �� rs..►a r���c�.� a,r F?t�, �� �v��= �nd frorn observatrons mat�e dunn� a,�t� n�t'�,, � a�:� ..��,ata.�,w� c,C .t.�, t,^r�,. .��'.�as�:�,�w ��l,aus submxtted with the applicahon shav�p i.�., ��p�s.; czresfia�..,,��t+ ... te�v�. r..�,rf �... c.� s��... c! �sxsl two dnveway crossu►gs wrttun tnbutar�es ta �ukL � a�?. vr�eL, ���.,�t�3 �y.� c�e P 1�y �. '�.�.qrxay b4, aPPmximately 10 aul� west ofN' C�gh�v�� 7S �, :u e�'xaf!.ar.,� ���r,�,r, '�u� �,.�,.�,.L:�,. Both ponds are propased to �e su�..t��.��t°� ����ka :.�.°Sben cia�ns, eacD� me�s�aa�ng 3�� feet in height Both pands have be�► des�gn� wYth co�crc�e e�r�+��y ov�rfflow spmllva�y�, �id P��'Y �illways cagahle of pass�xig �,x, lc,� �r„�. .,�;,�u �l� > ��,. } �,,.� � L .��. �_.� ' idenbfied m the ptans as Pond # 1, : ���a.,�.. �.. ��, : i .,,.�z� .�a �...c ...!� ..r� �.a _ ���_�;t..� ��tth a capacity of 2Z acre-feet of �►a4�r u� �.�.ra�u� �4�, �.�.�:s4i�.. ...�:. �.�2�i r,�.: > w 4il ,,.,.�t .� th�e placement of fi11 matenai mtsr 7t� �..�s i�� �i �w.,�.at .,�aa.�...�3 i.� fir d c.�..7,� .�� 4.��. ,,�J �� of 690 Lue�et' fe�t of 81'te8m Chaxmisl &�.t� U� t:s .t.� re �f xcti�fi=�'t? e. �,�E; ..4. } c,a�. �.: :�..,.�:,.�. .�n u�e eastem partian of the t�ct, is prvposed to be 3 i ac-rr.� aA� sx� �z�l i�as Dc�� d�igne� �r��ri s capac�ty vf 27 acre fe� ofwater �� noY�.�. �...�.., �.�,. .� �.wt�. ss�s. 1�. �_ ��.x..,,.a.x. �' fs,L r..��al �to 701mear feet of stream chau�n�.e ��z t►�„ �i�., � �f �. ,. 7� � js!��,� �c r+.,1� 1� ��. �.. .�t ,.� �sheam channel and 0 009 acre ofwetlan�., a��� ��,,�.,,.,�.; �,�L..F. ...� .�t.,,�.n �,..a.,� s., �.,� �,., t�. �s �iCir�LL�� �d� LV Cll� �Ps"1���� �..s�l�..� r\.b fla..a �G ✓Id.J,.sa4 A�..tt i.°, .4{�w y developmeaat af the lots vsntlu�n tla� �u�e�z�r�,, �,.� ,r� �uc.. ��,�.. ., �z� ...k�:� �.. �.� ...4...,c� .,� � � ` �.y cmSSing*S, W1�i11IItj1�6 tQ1�221$ �� L Is�SE 7U'f.s O� s?i....3 3.'.i..._. .�,a.. �.1 ` L c._ ., e. �......} � s f7r all thr�e dnveways i'1� taial �za�c.,� �.�rap �1 a..�� ��sz _�... ��. .� s..� c��t s�.� i i_ J ��i�,� feet of strearn ahannel and 0 2�3 �t� �,f �v��iarn3� c��! �� �. v_ y A� �( �. �c .... szs.��r�,.cl v�iih this pubhc nvbce The apphcant pxoposes m1����� fv r r�. .�.� i� .,e L.�.�z �.±., r.�.�,. �..,,.u.4.. � a ts� prnJect by pravtdtng paNne3it �n�3 t�aU S�Z:•�'i4A� C✓�.sdl�.au YY ..�.i..�.L �.�.� �la..! �. .�j � r�. >l� �ya+ restarahon of 8tJb hnear fee�t of a-t�.r� �I�au.�c,� a.�� y c.�, �°` �> .� z� �„�._� ,.�.,�.nel � �..... _ .._. � _ _ �...,. A �. am s�te in addihon, the apphcant proposes to p�eserve 13�f11mta�r feet vr strea�r► �urfer +an s�te To rtut�gate for unpacts to w�lands associated with wetlands, the apphcant hae proposed to create apprmc�mately 0 482 acre af wetlands on srte Th� �mpc►sea m,sta�atton �n.d �r. eservahon artes are depicted on the a#ached. piana, how���r �lrna4 r� �� ��� ��Atg+���s� nlax�.s for �a� a�u�gatiian sites is shll p�ndtng The State of North Caralma v�nil revtew t}us pubh� �.ohc� �ca deterxnine th� �eed �or the apphcaz►t to obt�n. any reqwred State authonzat�on No i�epar�n,ent of thr Arna� (T)A) pertn1t will be issued unhl the caordivat�i S�c, 4iu�� ai o� t�,, p�ry�.�l +„�.� �c.�ti �.i...i ,,� ��; revx�re,cl by this agency, nor wxll a�� ��a �t t+., s�c�.: w.,..i L,. �Sv t,L ..�.� � Z.� i��c.n uf Water (�ua]itY {NCDWQ) has de:�er,su.�e� t�r. .���.c�h�'ti �r .� �.l�,r +,��.�,L �,� � .. �i c�.�� �s reqYUred by PL 92-SOU This apphcahan �s bemg considered pursuant to S�hrsn � of tbe Clean QVatsr Act (33 U S C 1344} Any person may L�.cj,aL�t �at x��. � wtt� t��. ..� .,.u+.�,-�.; ;�F �c.Q � x W�� �n ��e nottce, that a pttblic hearing be h�c�s� Ea �,�u.����~ �.�us a��.�L+�..a�..sx "� q� �.r� f�, P,s�� t�. �w�.z�s �, sha1l state, with gaztzculartty Eh�, a�e� fa :�.�.�a �.g .�,. �..� _. ,��.._nd The D�stnc� Esigtaeer ha5 ���.�` � t� y+� t��._ L,� � a,, cr� a� _�ia =i ��,., ��r of Histanc Places for t$�e pzesence �r ��+ce �,x aL�:stere.. ��Yti�� �� ��i ,� .a� cs.*tc� �� �� ,u.,,, ,�r�g ehg�ble for mclusian t2�re�n. Based on the best availatale e�ndenrxy xt has b�t �ct���x�ed that no s�tes wrtlun the vtcuuty of the ��Sc�.. sar� a�,��e,�red v� t�.�� ..� L+�i.�„ ���.... e� �c,' a.iion m the RegistFSrr Bxaminahon of i�.�. ��.�t�az�ai: �� f,,, �i .�...� „ .a,..,,.. s d ,,,�k,. .,, �a ,,,,i„�. ,�f Ctl�iilYB� I�l4�UTC61IIVe3h�8110I1S �� �6., i �i.i.. L.l,�1ii �� �.1 i �� � ..r� ,.°'�n 3i. �L� � ,w.,... ,,�{ .,1 ,� prese�ce of othex �uch resousc�� 3`�iLswl�, f� ..aaa.►a w�A►il ila.��l+�ir,yi�..��Lt� avltr�tGfIIL� �i it�u�i�ul �� OI' lustor�cal data may be iost or destr�y�cl by w�sr�c ur�ier c1�., .�„�,.�i �.�ru� � The Distnct Engtnee�', baseei c,� �a s.iat�i,. .�.c�rarnw� � �� �, � �.al. �a � �.t t� .. g�a �.�,�, .��: achvity wilt affpxt spec.ies, or th� s,ntac�l h�, u.., �i�..y�a �.� ,,u ...:�.,�.,.,t�.c. �. ��3 �..3as...Ld pursuant to the End�ngered Spr�e3 �.�I� GS Y� R The dec�saan �vhether Y� i:.vl4. a�)t..iu..ri Y� �tP. �...�4 1.. w L,1 .. L i r � iS� �xnpa�cts mcludyng cuniul�n� e �� � �. � v ��� � c � c�s �,c �. i a � t 1 a � � �; w+ �., r �SN }�ubhc inter�st Evalua�tan of the grob � r ��v�. t� ��t i� �t ur ,,a �i � 1�� r� , t+��w �.� �+� ���hc lII'�IeSt IeQtil2�3 8 CSI6fill W�I�1tI1�+ Cl�,i�: �,ae(ro� ..�.tors, ..�.�.�. ��,...��c, � m�ant .. �,�...1 �uuuc.ular case The benefits whiah reas�n ��xt,� ��� ! c, c�,�cted t m x � y� k °�, balgnnced againsi it§ reasonabiy f�, ��s�. ��1� �� i�meMs. "" r��z � e w �c, _ � ]�O}103� � f�SO �. COIl(�lt1flY$$ bF"1.i<'i �"t'�Lj.. Wlll �X. r]�'C36 �E.L '�.� „(.L 4I' .1 �. �1L is.t� L detenntned by the outcome of tts� �u��a1 �.�..�a.t�m,g pr+c�.�.... ��. �,x,, .. �, ,., �.a,. „x ��,1 t;ie nat�anal conc�rn for both protect � arzL �� sL�„_�n of � Y � .._ �� �. u.� �., �._ may be relevant to iha �gasa3 nzust �c. ..� . �.s�. :.�. �..�ludm� � .. ,. _..�....� �, .. ; �.ti _..,,.___ .� �ag those are consenr�tron, �co��a��...�, se.,�4�,.. �..�., �,�ral �� .._ � _ �...� ..., .� ��.,, ,► _ti�iJ s:.��ival values, fish and �lcllafe vaiue�, ii�.c�. L_�.z..a..�y a.�3 floQCi ..�.� �...d �� r. .�.L_z.� .za, 4 f i.. Execut�ve Order 11��8), da��d ,z�. r � �J� „ tare eri, ..< �...� .��. � _L _� �, � _, .��_ �' § t'�°? ,�'cr.t-� as � �e��L. � �PPtY and co�servatcon, water quality, energy ne�ts, sa�'e�y, fn�a �ad �ia�r pro��xctuo�, antneral needs, cons�der�hons o£prageriy o�n�iup, and. m genv�ral, t�� nee�s anat we1� af thc peu�ple For act�vtt�es mvolving the placem�n4 a�a�redg�d vg �ill r�n�ls �ra �r� o��� i.lx�ted States, a permrt wtll be demed �f the tlischarge #hat wou%1 ir� a�ailr��zed �y suc� �t woutd nat comply wtth the Enrnonmez�tat Pmt�ction �s.�ency � 4Q�����.� �d�����s 5���� � the preced�ng sent�ence and any ather a�pkcable g�aidel3aes ar �ant�.a a perm�.t vvsil �e �n.t�ct unless the Distnct Engm.esr determ�nes tha� it would be contca�► to th� putvhc �nter��. The Corps oiBngia►�rs ,i� sr�xz4�xtu.,� rorsu��.�,nte fi�,.�s �tu �. �c�.._, F�s.I�sa1, � a.� � Lr � c�.�! agenci� and offtc�ai�, Ind�an Tnbes and other antere�sied �es �n �sder �+n con,�der ax�d evaluate the �mpacts of thas �sa�oposed ae.t��v��. £�.y cx,��ae�ats r:,.. �� c.� � i e:_ .�r...�as.� v.i .�v ��. � c�rps of Bngiaeers to det�rmuie whethe� tsr �ssu� i� :��i,r, conditss�� �� �1.� y u�.� i�� _4 f.� � Y a��ta.�l To malce th�s d�i�on, comment� �ra �..� ti� ds,�..+,ss ung��,+ ��a� ��� r�_ �. d�ec i_� r�.4r�c. ProP�rhes, water gua}�ty, gez:eza� wR� u�-,ara� c:�? �%ces .�� �,1.� r�z ��..�,.�n� .�ii� �.� .�.�.t.� s i�stesi above Commenfi.� are �sed an �� �ie�a.�s,� c,� fln E� erU �a �a�.� 1►��.� i�,.�.�, �(.�[�� ar�d/or aai Env�vtimental Ympact Statement (�IS} p�rsaa�ri. tu the �d�ou�e �vu�ur��tat r'�rl�c,,� A..t (IV1�PA) Com,ment� are �s� us�a t� �� � �,�ati � �ne ne�1 �.�, .� E .,..,�.� ��........,� -� _ �.� �,,,c.z� „ i,e the ov�rall public itateres� af the pr�p�s:,� a�.�.vify t']e.118C$Ily� �$ (�P«CISl�'. �1�1C��,t �i.�'r �.,�s..t.. JAfu �a,.� lrol�.l11 .. ,,. ¢a..LI}' �.L. `�� }:,,l.,a L MO(�1CAx10YIW1i�lIQt�2TA&t�C lllr� �Z 7i3t,.� �:,.�'�D�lE9�..J s L..�+ �I.. .� ,�..��§� ���C.�.., �r`�� issues, deiues, �r tuasves St�+.s c�r�.�'�,.��.��z Y..s� by ��.� ��. .� �" ��. �° c..�. +°�"hc NCDWQ oonsaders wheth� or ��t ti�.t ����.�±� ��cbvl*� � r a,�s, ',, ��c�+�� "� C 9,^� 306, and 30? of t��e Cle�u W�te� l'�. f T�'�� a�r� �ahon a�,. ��,.. p�.;,�,� s� +� s.��c iw �� .� �,��iment ofthe Army ili�i� �eam:t se�ves � u�,��c�.�_ .� ffie RF�� .� �_ ...��..�_�at �. Addit�onal mfor�atton re��d�ng r�s� G���ca 'Vt�'��. .�,� �a+�,a�.a�.�,� ,�.,r ;��, i��r,c,i,��,� a� the afSices of th.a Wetlands l40I U� .� t<��t �i �,�....L �., ��L_�, ti 3.. .� �f �ti„ �,�� .� ,� w,�1 CIB�tiP�P BOUIE:� ��]�Iy I`.x.3�1 ��i 91��. CLJ�A� C� .J,.a..� � w .ti..� 1. A y{,� ..�.Sj.l.,.t.+ � s^�1S/ persan requesht+.g copies u��� p������ or ,_r ��sn.a�tuo� �. ���. All persons des�nng to r�ak_ z�rr�.r..�� ls,�aaci� �..� �.Y�,�,..,.c..� z ��....�. 4 a_ �.r '�...� certificauon shauld do �a � wr �.� ��:��►..�r_u � �.�e 1�J„ �.� .... ,,..��� .�� .., .. FJ,�t„ �a� y {NCDWQ} Wetlaadsl40i Urnt, �.�5�? I�ai� ��,r�ce Ce�►c u�o.�.a���, ATe�� �ar�a�Y�.�, �, i b�� i65U, on or befors D�ce3nb�r 1, 2�L�".�" ,��� VL�.�.l Ma .�,� tu � t��r,, �il��Y1 CpiA7211�1.g3 �JCttlalt �l dt t'"5.. �.� �.�42o L� Wt�rI�.,,? s� �. .x.a a ., ^u i .1 � ���11 thts ofl6ice Attenta.or A� T�d�'3"� �, ���t e� ��' 15 p��. v...,�44� i� �.i,'?�, �, �L „�.� �> �w (919) 875-8441 extension 26 � w...��'i°�i`t�'�`..a'�,�i�%�..�^mx.,,_ _ . .'�,. ._ .c , � �� �ig 6� I, � e�r u v r j"� .�'^ � B EVEAEI`F .tORDpN �---'__...-- 7"` `? 0 � a �.� �uP--�; k �� � ����� d �� �se a � �� ��� � i �� t t� a �t �� � c �s,-c i� .raz+x�- € i �" '#� '�°" °�. a�' "'"� �,a+�'�'�- sm� ea a� � ..a p�a. � - �._ � � g �,�� �' .� .��.�. .�,� �.�b_ �� � �� �� ����� �� � �� ���� , � � . �� � � :�° � j4 .� �.o-��(S,� a s �y �x�,�� � ��� �`���� � �'��i +� ^� �,+ ��'P' ti �`Ha �£ � 1� � + �` £ � y� S � ~� � � 7��9��� � { a `� � ��� ' p"�t� g4' � r�ro�� w �'r x�`�¢� f § ��?��- �' a �* 4 g�Y�}'� �+ � R'x- 1.�1 M ��j� +� � y _�'V !M !i � �� V,�\ � � � �L4 � � „�� i�} CY r�, �� ���,� � 6� * �v � � � Y�&. 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Pa ar l�.a� -� �Fi�s►n f 81,�.`�u�..�'s��'��iid�'°�.cr.�.�i,S a o,�3t"'FSs76�` "—m`.d.a�t.n-.,,.._.,.a�as � �3"°��0 lv2 / D � � � /� � 0 � ,� -u D�C � 5 20 DESIGN NARRATrVE �►ND �l ���PPORTING CALCULATIONS Ra��'g11 ��a�aR� FOR �� ~ STORM DRAINAGE AND EROSIDN CONTROL FOR THE 260 AMERICAN COURT Heritage Po�nte — Lot 12 Town of Apex, Chatham County, North Carolina, Prepared for Robert and Shauna Harrison 1500 Appiethorn Drive Apex NC 27502 Prepared by F, p��s� � �►eL�u��► �� �..i �� � �� � � r ,�, �� 911 Paverstone Drive Suite E Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 848-4399 Date Decerr� 12, 2011 Pro�ect No ° 183-11 a ��� ��� DE� � l� � 2011 , �'�ET(qN�J� ��'J4tER�U�'� � d S�OR �i'�7T�R BF,���CH � ��:�H cARor� ���gF�SS�o�./�j.9 i � � 03�73 �� cc r� �cnaE�Q' �Q' ��-�2�� , TABLE OF CONTENTS Design Narrative USGS Map Chatham County Soils Map FEMA Map NOAA Precip�tat�on Frequency Eshmates Storm Drainage Design Runoff Calculahons (10 & 25 year Storms) Eaushng 36" RCP A,nalysis (10, 25 & 100 year Storms) Exist�ng 42" RCP Analys�s (10, 25 & 100 year Storms) Storm Dramage Analysis Results Grass Swale Design Grass Swale #1 Grass Swale #2 Outlet Protechon Design Storm Drainage Area Map Page 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11-13 14 15 17 18 20 21 MAP 1 � DESIGN NARRATIVE 1 GENERAL The property owners of Lot 12 of Heritage Pomte wishes to construct a house, garage(s) and a paved driveway on an exishng 4 64 acre parcel located at 260 Amencan Court, Apex, NC 2 EXISTING SITE The sub�ect site is cunently m the process of bemg developed Partial gradmg has occurred for the dnveway and the buildmg pads for the house and garage Cunently mstalled are two storm dramage pipes at stream crossmgs silt fencmg check dams, gravel construction entrance and slopes have been stabilized with seedmg and �ute nettmg The ma�onty of the site is wooded with a stream loca.ted along the southwestern boundary lme 50' buffers are required for the stream Stormwater runoff currently sheet flows from the high pomt located near the north eastern comer of the property and into the stream or mto an existmg recreational pond Currently there are stream buffer unpacts on this site that will require remediation Impacts range from installmg pipe witlun the stream bed to sedunent accumulation as a result of gradmg withm the buffer 3 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS Proposed development on the parcel will involve the construction of a house, garage(s), and paved dnveway The proJect will disturb approxunately 160 acres with the on site unpervious surface after development bemg less than the requued 35% maxunum built upon area The site will be graded such that runoff from the unprovements will sheet flow through the existmg stream buffers A portion of the site consisring of woods will sheet flow to a swale located north of the dnveway This swale will duect the flow to a flatter slope swale that w�ll discharge the runoff mto the existing stream Swale calculations have been included with this report The two storm drainnage pipes 36" RCP and 42 RCP were evaluated to ensure that each pipe had the capacity required to discharge the 10 and 25 yeaz storms The 100-year storm was also evaluated The capacihes for both pipes were sufficient after burying the pipes so that the stream bed was located 20% of the pipes diameter above the mvert Contractor vv�ll lower the 42 RCP so that the stream bed is located correctly Storm drainage calculat�ons have been included with this report A remediation plan will be developed to instruct the contractor on steps to take to remove the sedunent from the stream Also, the contractor will remove the existmg rock used for slope stabilization and replace it with a precast concrete wall as well as, lowermg the 42" RCP 1 4 EROSION CONTROL AND MAINTENANCE CONSIDERATIONS Temporary silt fence has been placed along the lowest sides of the luruts of disturbance to cleanse stormwater runoff before leavmg the site Other erosion control measures that have been mstalled are check dams, gravel construchon entrance, and slopes have been stabilized with seedmg and �ute nettmg All erosion control measures are documented on the enclosed erosion control plan Contractors shall be responsible for penodic rospection and ma.intenance of all indicated erosion control devices In addition, mspection and any necessary maintenance will be required unmediately followmg any sigmficant storm event Any measure that fails to funcrion as intended shall be repaired unmediately Upon complehon of construction, the property owner shall be responsible for srte mamtenance 2 Y / � b � �.... � � � � � � � ^ � x� �� � o � -� z� � w° �o �� a �? 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