HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG500253_Regional Office Historical File Pre 2018t pppppp i Hoechst Celanese CERTIFIED MAIL: Z 083-883-644 Return Receipt to P M Carter Hoechst Celanese Corporation PO Box 32414 Charlotte, NC 28232-9973 PEMC 732, 704 554 2000 Division of Water QualityAIVQ Section NPDES Croup Post Office Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-05 5 ATTN; Mr. Charles H. Weaver, Jr: SUBJECT: Renewal A li atican fqr NP©ES Pe It NC §gl)253 Hoechst Celanese - Dreyfus Research Park Hoechst Celanese- Dreyfus Research Park located at 2300 Archdale Drive, requests the renewal of the aforemention NPDES permit. No revisions have been made to the existing permit. Enclosed is the Invoice for Renewal al NPDES Permit and Ott processing fed. Hoechst Celanese is committed to ensuring compliance with all County, State, and Federal regulations, Should there be a need for further discussion, feel free to call me at 704/ 54-3020, cz'exw P.E.M. Carter Sr. Environmental Engineer Attachments PX.M.CARTER April;15, 1997 PPK-CG500253 INVOICE ,,A F PERMITNPDES Check here if you do NOT wish to renew this permit. Please this page along with a letter documenting your reasons for not requesting renewal to: Mr. Charles H. Weaver, Jr. Division of Water Quality/WQ Section NPDES Croup Post Office Sore 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 2626-0535 Check here if you wish to renew this permit. Please verify that the following information is documented accurately. MCARTER P' No revision required. HOEC HST C EL ESE - I REYFUS 2300 ALE DRIVE CHARLOTTE, NCB 210 Revision required. (Please specify below.) Phone number: (704) 554-3020 Fax number: e-mail address: P.E.M.CARTER No revision required. HCECHST CE E aE - DREYFUS DREYFUS RESEARCH PARK Recision required. (Please specify below.) CHARLOTTE, NC '28210 Please return this page with your letter requesting renewal; and $400 fee (payable to NCDEH ) to: Charles H. 'Weaver, Jr. Division of Water ` ality WQ Section NPDES Group Post Office Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 7626-0535 Signature of applicant or authorized representative Date State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resource Division ision' of Environmental Management �A4e,;A Jame B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard,, Jr., P.E., director 0 ?'April 10, 95 APR & NATURAL t. 2 1 Ms. PENS Carter Hoechst Celanese Corp - Dreyfus Research Park Charlotte NC 28232-2414 s f lx KG111k, Uata Subject. Authorization to Construct NCO0 4301 Hoechst Celanese Dreyfus Research Park Dear Ms Carte M cklenb g County r n April 4, 1995, the Division of Environmental Managementreceived a request to modify an Authorization to Construct for the subject facility. A fee of 1 0 is required for this change. Additionally, on October 13, 1 94, ITEM issued an amendment to permit number 9136. The amendment stated that if a NPDES permit was obtained for this wastewater, rescission of the non -discharge permit should be requested. No ,such letter has been received by the Division since issuance of permit NCO0 4301 on November 14, 1994. A rocission letter should be submitted along with the previously stated tee. Review of this proposed modification will begin Moon receipt of the requested items. 1f you have any questions about this matter, please me at 1 - 33- 0 3, extension 541, Sincerely, Greg N 'rch, � vironmental Engineer NPDES Permits Group cc: Mooresville Regional Office State Group P.O. Rex 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27 26-o5: 5 Telephone 1 -733- 083 FAX 919-733-991 n Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 5 % recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper LT�wyq� ,nnit No. NCO084301 ithorization to Construct )echst Celanese - Dreyfus Research Corp. )vember 21, 1994 Ege 2 ns f Title 15A, Chapter 8A, .0202. f the approved plans and specifications shall be maintained on file by the Permittee North Carolina General Statute 143-2i5.6A to 143-215.6C. The issuance of this Authorization to Construct does not preclude the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances which may be imposed by other government agencies (locaL state, and federal) which have jurisdiction. One (1) set of approved plans and specifications is being forwarded to you. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Mr. Greg Nizich, telephone number 919-733- 5083. Sincerely, e ston Jr., P.E. c'c.* Mecklenburg County Health Department Training and Certification Unit Facilities Assessment Unit No. NCO084301 rization to Construct st Celanese - Dreyfus Research Corp. ber 21, 1994 �+rasmeas: rlasavr�r�raa®�rur...a�c*araaes-a>: �eei aaar�r�o�am:aae.,aw7ram e project, for t] P'ro ect L oc, tion intent of the approved plans and specifications. Signature Registration No. Date 92 10, a 3890 � t " - r t X , f � e• Y r « w s • w w , « •ww « w w -.e of North Carolina )artment of Environment, ilth and Natural Resources A74 Sion of Environmental Management 0*0 es B. Hunt, Jr., Governor AdOMWE a ithan B. Howes, Secretary ID rston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director T-4.C. DFIPT. C ENVIRONMENT, H November 1, 1994 & NXrURAL RES, We, I NOV 2 1" Tim Gustafson, P.G. W$18# OF ENVIRONMENTAL I Bo1Air' 00GRESVIlLE REGIONAL I x 6778 :vine, SC 29606-6778 Subject: Application Number 2 Plans for Discharge P Hoechst Celanese Coi Dreyfus Research Par Mecklenburg County Mr. Gustafson: be approved by November 7, 1994, as previously planned, If you have any questions, please contact me at (919)733-5083. Sincerely, Greg Nizich, Environmental Eng NPDES Permits Group cc: -Mooresville Regional Office P.E.M. Carter LC--,+ Ht 14' P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-5083 FAX 911 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consume D84301 arch Park rawings) )echst Celanese Corporation - Drey TVVES rermju�,pplicafioh� sfblel&�ifia surface) Por to ecree- 7 7 7' U11UUU5-lanQ Will De receives aiong with the final NPIDES permit scheduled for November 7, We appreciate your response and look forward to hearing from you. If you have any quest! please do not hesitate to call me at (803) 234-9344 or PEM Carter, HCC-CARP, at (704) 554' Sincerely, RMT, Inc. Timothy J. n, Project Man aer Enclosures cc: PEM Carter, R. Caldwell, H. Hefton/HCC DRP V. Jones, K,Nilsson, D. Roos/RMT File 915.29 slim GX0ATA\HY0R0\015\WPV RMT, INC.— GRE 100 VERDAE BOULEVARD - P.O. Box 16778 - 803/281-0030 - 803/1,