HomeMy WebLinkAbout20111108 Ver 1_Mitigation Plan_20111221� Eco stem �Y i ° ►���.��.�����.� PROGRAM December 19 2011 Mr Eric Kulz North Carolma Drvision of Water Qualrty 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699 1650 RE Sliver Moon Non Riparian Wetland Mitigation Site Craven County Neuse River Basm 03020202 IRT Mrtigation Plan Copy Dear Mr Kulz 201 1 � 108 Enclosed you will find two (2) hardcopies of the referenced document for DWQ review One copy is for your review and the other is for the field rep m the Regional Office The electromc copy was posted on the EEP portal on December 15 2011 Thank you I .�w��..` `'� l� (3 C� ,� _ Kristie Corson Pro�ect Manager NCEEP Re,sto�u-r� � Protectu� Ou,� Sta,t� ° ���o�c pE D C � 1 2011 DENR WqTER Q�q��Ty ���� AND STpR�Wi4TER BRqNCH ��� I�CDENR North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program 1652 Mad Service Center Raleigh NC 27699 1652 / 919 715 0476 / www nceep net MITIGATION PLAN 2�, T 1 10 � D �� ��� L� � �21 D ?0 FINAL DRAFT �,aJ�Ow,�rfRQU 1� sto�� ��n SLIVER MOON NON-RIPARIAN WETLAND MITIGATION���B CRAVEN COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA EEP PROJECT ID 95017 IN THE NEUSE RIVER BASIN CATALOGING UNIT 03020202 PREPARED FOR �� � inent o�� NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT & NANRAL RESOURCES ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENTPROGRAM 1652 MA[L SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699 1652 DECEMBER 2011 � �s �' G � C �� t � � Y�'� ' �� C.. DEC 1 6 2011 NC ECOSYSTEfl�i ENHANCEMENT PROGRAAA MITIGATION PLAN FINAL DRAFT SLIVER MOON NON-RIPARIAN WETLAND MITIGATION SITE CRAVEN COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA EEP PROJECT ID 95017 IN THE NEUSE RIVER BASIN CATALOGING UNIT 03020202 PREPARED FOR �� an��tment �� NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT & NATURAL RESOU1tCES ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM 1652 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699 1652 PREPARED BY � ��� RESTORATION SYSTEMS LLC i!OI HAYNES STREET SUITE 211 RALEIGH NORTH CAROLINA 27604 AXIOM ENVIRONMENTAL INC 218 SNOW AVENUE RALEIGH NORTH CAROLINA 27603 DECEMBER 2011 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This mit�gation plan has been wntten m conformance with the requirements of the followmg • Federal rule for compensatory mrtigation pro�ect srtes as described m the Federal Register Title 33 Navigation and Nav�gable Waters Volume 3 Chapter 2 Section § 332 8 paragraphs (c)(2) through (c)(14) • NCDENR Ecosystem Enhancement Program In Lieu Fee Instrument signed and dated July 28 2010 These documents govern NCEEP operations and procedures for the delivery of compensatory mrtigation Tlus mitigation report describes the Sliver Moon Non Ripanan Wetland 1VLtigahon S�te (Srte) and is designed specifically to assist m fulfillmg North Carolma Ecosystem Enhancement Program wetland restorahon goals The Srte is located approximately 4 miles east of Dover m western Craven County (Figures 1 and 2) and wittun the Targeted Local Watershed 03020202080010 of the Neuse River Basm (8 digit HUC 03020202) The Srte encompasses approximately 17 1 acres of land currently used for row crop production Wrthm the Srte 17 1 acres of non ripanan hydric soils have been cleared and drtched A total of 14 non riparian wetland mrtigation uruts (WMUs) are bemg offered as depicted m the followmg table Acres Percenta e of WMUs Non ri artan WMUs Nonri arian Wetland Restorarion 14 100 14 Total 14 Total Non ri arian WMUs 14 The Srte is contained wrthm one parcel owned by Mr H L Mrtchell Located withm an cnterstream flat north of Core Creek which has been assigned a Best Usage Classificahon of C, NSW, Sw and is considered biologically impaired Ad�acent to the rim of a Carolma bay the Site has been cleared of native forest vegetation ditched to remove groundwater hydrology and is currently utiiized for row crop production Based on prelimmary analyses the primary goals of this non riparian wetland restoration pro�ect focus on improvmg water quality enhancmg flood attenuation and restormg wildlife habrtat and w�ll be accomplished by the followmg 1 Remove nonpomt sources of pollution associated with vegetation mamtenance mcludmg a) the cessation of broadcasring fertihzer pesticides and other agricultural chemicals mto and adJacent to Site drainage ditches and b) providmg a vegetated wetland to aid m the treatment of runoff 2 Restore wetland hydroperiods that satisfy wetland �urisdictional requirements and approximate the Site s natural range of variation 3 Promote floodwater attenuation by fillmg ditches and enhancmg groundwater storage capacity 4 Restore and reestablish natural community structure habrtat diversity and funct�onal contmwty 5 Enhance and protect the Site s full potential of wetland functions and values in perpetuity Shver Moon Non npanan Wetland Mrtigat�on SRe Executrve Summary M�t�gat�on Plan December 2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Restorahon Pro�ect Goals and Ob�ectives 1 1 Pro�ect Goals 1 2 Pro�ect Ob�ectives 2 Srte Selection 2 1 Directions to Srte 2 2 Physiography and Land Use 2 3 Water Qual�ty 2 4 Soil and Land Form 2 5 Hydrology 2 6 Protected Spec�es 2 7 Summary of Anticipated Effects 3 Site Protection Instrument 3 1 Site Protection Instrument(s) Summary Information 4 Baselme Information 5 Determmation of Credits 6 Credit Release Schedule 6 1 Inrtial Allocahon of Release Credits 6 2 Subsequent Credrt Release 7 Mrtigation Work Plan 7 1 Target Wetland Type and Plant Communities 7 2 Des�gn Parameters 7 3 Data Analysis 8 Mamtenance Plan 9 Performance Standards 10 Momtormg Requirements 11 Long term Management Plan 12 Adaptive Management Plan 13 Financial Assurances 14 Other Information 131 Defiruttons 13 2 References APPENDICES Appendix A Site Protection Instruments Appendlx B Baseline Information Data Appendix C Mitigation Work Plan Data and Analyses Appendix D Pro�ect Plan Sheets Appendix E Performance Bond Slrver Moon Non npar�an Wetland Mmgatwn S�te M�t�gat�on Plan December 2U l l 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 5 11 11 12 13 13 14 14 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 21 21 22 22 23 Table of Contents Figure 1 Ftgure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure A Figure B Figure C Figure D Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 Table 7 Table 8 Table 9 Table 10 Table i l Vicmity Map Watershed Map NRCS Soil Survey Existmg Condrtions Map Site Photographs Title Page Boundary Plan Mrtigation Plan Plantmg Plan LIST OF FIGU1tES LIST OF TABL�S NRCS Soils Mapped within the Srte Federally Protected Spectes for Craven County Site Parcel Informat�on Baselme Pro�ect Information Srte Credit Determmahon Credrt Release Schedule Reference Vegetation Species Plantmg Plan Boussmesq Equation Results Site Mamtenance Plan Srte Monrtortng Requirements SLver Moon Non npaz�an Wetland Mmgation Srte Mit�gation Plan December 2011 4 5 6 7 8 Appendix D Appendix D Appendix D Append�x D 3 4 10 11 12 13 13 15 16 16 18 Table of Contents RESTORATION PROJECT GOALS & OBJECTIVES The EEP develops River Basm Restoration Pr�orrt�es (RBRP) to guide rts restorat�on achvrt�es wrthm each of the state s 54 catalogmg umts RBRPs delmeate specific watershed that exh�bit both the need and opportunity for wetland stream and ripazian buffer restoration These watersheds are called Targeted Local watersheds (TLWs) and receive priority for EEP plamm�g and restoration proJect funds The 2002 Neuse River Basm RBRP identified 03020202080010 as a Targeted Local Watershed (Onlme http //www nceep net/services/restplans/FINAL%20RBRP%20Neuse%2020110523 pd fl The Watershed is characterized by 67 3% Forest / Wetland (Final Neuse River Basmwide Water Quality Plan 2009) Located wrthm an mterstream flat north of Core Creek Stream Index Number 27 90 has been assigned a Best Usage Classificahon of C, NSW, Sw (NCDWQ 2010a) Accord�ng to the Fanal Neuse Raver Basanwade Water Quakty Plan (NCDWQ 2009) the upper portion of Core Creek watershed has a severe bioclassification due to biological impairment The periodic toxic inputs from agricultural activrties madequate macro mvertebrate habitat due to channelization and lack for hydrologic flow are listed as the mostly likely stressors to the Core Creek system The Sliver Moon Non Riparian Wetland Mitigation Pro�ect was �dentified as a non r�par�an wetland opportunity to improve water quality flood attenuation and non riparian habitat withm the TLW 1 1 Pro�ect Goals • Improvmg Water Qual�ty Removmg nonpoint sources of pollution associated wrth agricultural activrties includmg a) elimmatmg the apphcation of fertil�zer pest�cides and other agr�cultural materials mto d�tches that flow to ad�acent streams and wetlands and b) providmg a vegetated wetland to aid m the treatment of pollutants such as sediment and/or agricultural pollutants from the ad�acent landscape Reducing sedimentation onsrte and in ad�acent ditches by a) reducing ditch erosion associated with tillage and b) plantmg a diverse woody vegetative to reduce runoff • Enhancmg Flood Attenuation Promotmg floodwater attenuat�on by a) removmg ditches to reduce the amount of runoff that occurs during high precipitation b) restoring wetland hydroperiods that satisfy wetland Jur�sdict�onal requirements and approximate the Site s natural range of variation c) restormg non riparian wetlands resultmg in increased storage capacrty during preciprtation events wrthm the Srte d) re vegetatmg the Srte to reduce sheet flow off the Site Restormg Non ripar�an Hab�tat Restore and reestablish natural community structure habitat diversity and functional continuity Enhance and protect the Site s full potential of wetland functions and values m perpetuity 12 Pro�ect Ob�echves The pro�ect goals w►11 be addressed through the followmg pro�ect ob�ectives • Providing 14 non riparian Wetland Mitigation Units as calculated in accordance with the requirements stipulated m RFP #16 003571 This will be accomplished by restoring 14 acres of non riparian wetland by eliminatmg row crop product�on fill�ng agricultural drtches restormg water table elevat�ons to its prev�ous depth redirectmg drtches located near the Site to avoid poss�ble draw down of groundwater on the Site and plantmg with native nonripar�an forest vegetation • Protecting the Stte in perpetuity wrth a conservation easement Sliver Moon Non npaz�an Wetland Mmgat�on Srte p8 1 M�tigation Plan December 201 I SITE SELECTION 2 1 D�rections to Site Situated approximately 4 miles east of Dover NC in western Craven County the Stte ts withm the Targeted Local Watershed 03020202080010 of the Neuse River Basm From Kmston NC head East on US 70 By Pass for 7 2 miles and turn left at SR 1005 Dover Rd to the town of Dover Conrinue onto Old US Hwy 70 for approximately 5 miles At which point take a left onto Daisy Ln Srte lies approximately 3/4 mile down Daisy Ln 2 2 Physiography and Land Use The S�te �s located m the Carolma Flatwoods sect�on of the Middle Atlantic Coastal Plam phys�ographic provmce of North Carolma m Umted State Geological Survey (USGS) HUC 03020202 (North Carolma Drvision of Water Qual�ty [NCDWQ] Subbasm Number 03 04 08) of the Neuse Rrver Basm Regional physiography is chazacterized by flat plams on l�ghtly dissected marme tenaces swamps low gradient streams with sandy and silty substrates and Cazolina bays (Griffith et al 2002) Elevations withm the Srte are nearly level averaging approximately 59 feet National Geodetic Vertical Datum (USGS Cove City NC 7 5 mmute topographic quadrangle) Topography withm the Srte �s depicted on Figure 3 The S�te is located m a 1 065 square mile headwater watershed of Core Creek that has been ditched and cleared to promote drainage The watershed is dommated by agricultural land forest pasture and sparse residential property Impervious surfaces account for less than 5 percent of the watershed land surface Sunoundmg area land use is primari(y agricultural wrth some sparse low density residential housmg Onsite land use is characterized by agricultural land (row crop production) Vegetation at the Srte has been removed �n support of agnculture practices 2 3 Water Qual�ty The Srte is located within the Neuse River Basin in 14 dig�t USGS Cataloging Unit and Targeted Local Watershed 03020202080010 of the South Atlantic/Gulf Region (NCDWQ sub basin number 03 04 08) The Site is located wrthm an mter stream flat adJacent to the rim of a Carol�na bay The inter stream flat lies between two stream systems Core Creek to the south which has been assigned Stream Index Number 27 90 and Mill Branch to the North wh�ch has been assigned Stream Index Number 27 90 2 Both stream systems have been assigned a Best Usage Classification of C, NSW, Sw (NCDWQ 2010a) Streams class�fied as C are surtable for aquat�c l�fe propagation and survival fishmg w�ldhfe secondary recreation and agriculture Secondary recreation mcludes wadmg boating and other uses not involvmg human body contact with waters on an organized or frequent bas�s Sw �s mtended to recognize those waters which are topographically located so as to generally have low velocities and other natural charactensttcs which are different from ad�acent streams drainmg land wrth steeper topography NSW is mtended for waters needmg additional nutrient management due to their bemg sub�ect to excessive growth of microscopic or macroscop�c vegetation Local programs to control nonpomt sources and stormwater discharges of pollution are required NCDWQ has assembled a list of impaired waterbodies according to the Clean Water Act Section 303(d) and 40 CFR 130 7 which is a comprehensive publ�c accountmg of all �mpaired waterbodies m the state An impaired waterbody is one that does not meet water qual�ty standards mcludmg designated uses numeric and narrative criteria and anti degradation requirements defined in 40 CFR 131 Core Creek between SR 1239 and Grape Creek �s listed on the NCDWQ final 2010 303(d) l�st for a severe bioclassificahon due to reduced aquatic hfe �ntegity (NCDWQ 2010b) Sirver Moon Non npanan Wetland MrtigaUOn Srte Pg 2 Mmgahon Plan December 20l 1 2.4 Soils and Land Form Based on county soil survey mapping (USDA 1989), the Site contains two soil series: Torhunta fine sandy loam (Typic humaquepts) and Pantego fine sandy loam (Umbric Paleaquults). Site soils are depicted on Figure 4(Appendix A) and described in Table 1. Restorable portians of the Site are predominantly underlain by soils of the Torhunta series. Torhunta soils are 80 percent hydric soils that are characterized by a dark gray matrix. Soils have been impacted by land clearing, ditching, and till from row plant production. Table 1. NRCS Soils Ma Soil Series H dric % Torhunta 80 Pantego 85 within the Site This series consists of nearly level stream terraces and upland bays Typic in the Coastal Plain. Torhunta soils are very poorly drained, have Humaquepts moderately rapid permeability, and a seasonal high water table at the surface for 2 to 6 months annuall . This series consists of very poorly drained, moderately permeable Umbric soils that formed in thick loamy sediments on the Southern Coastal Paleaquults Plain and Atlantic Coast Flatwoods. The water table is at or near the surface during the wet season. Detailed soil mapping conducted by licensed soil scientists in January 2011 indicate that the entire 17- acre Site is currently underlain by nonriparian hydric soils of the Torhunta and Pantego Series (Figures 4 and 5, Appendix A). A detailed soil profile includes the following. Soil Profile 1 0 to 3 inches; black (lOYR 2/1) sandy loam 3 to 6 inches; black (SYR 2.5/1) sandy loam 6 to 15 inches; gray ( lOYR 5/ 1) sandy loam 15 to 16+ inches; light gray (lOYR 7/2) sandy loam �i���.��',�y�•� ��� "s, .i ��_ _ � . . �. , . . , , . „ . . . 2.5 Hydrology Soil Profile 2 0 to 10 inches; black (lOYR 2/1) sandy loam 10+ inches; black (lOYR 2/1) sandy loam; common medium distinct brown (lOYR 4/3) mottles ,A'��6�T9����t� p ..> , s� .. s ;- �`..�'/ "" . �: � � . .3y � .,�.. r� i :� �. As stated in the USDA Soil Survey of Craven County, NC groundwater levels for the Site and surrounding area are at or near the surface during the dormant and early growing season, and is fed explicitly by rain events. Torhunta and Pantego are both nearly level, slowly permeating soil types which drain poorly. The current ditching of the Site has capped surface and sub-surface hydrology. Sliver Moon Non-riparian Wetland Mitigation Site pg, 3 Mitigation Plan December 2011 2 6 Protected Species Based on the most recently updated county by county database of federally listed species in North Carolina as posted by the Umted States Fish and Wildlife Servtce (USFWS) at http //nc es fws �ov/es/countvfr htmi seven federally protected species are listed for Craven County (accessed Tuesday November 1 2011) Table 2 lists the federally protected species and mdicates if potential habitat exists wrthin the Srte for each species For additional commumcation between Restoration Systems and regulatory agencies regarding federally protected species please refer to the Categorical Exclusion Appendix B ble 2 Federallv Protected Spec�es for Common Name Vertebrates American alligator Bald eagle Leatherback sea turtle Red cockaded woodpecker West Ind�an manatee Plants Rough leaved loosestrife Sensitive�omt vetch Sc�ent�fic Name Alligator mississrpp�ens�s Haliaeetus IeucoceDhalus rermocne[ys cortacea Picoides borealu Trtchechus manatus Lysimachia asperulaefolia Aeschynomene virg�ntca Status* T(S/A) Habitat Present -_. Wrt6m Site Yes BGPA No E No E No E No E No T No Enaang a(e) taxo m aang c xnn t w gn ut al� gn ficant pon f� t ang Tnr ten a(T) taxo � k ry t uecome enaang ea witlun m fo eseeab� ti�nu thro gh �rt all guf ant porn f t ang 1'hreat d[T(S/A)] spec that �s thr aten d d W �rtulanty f appearan wrth th rar spec and I�st d fo t prot cn thes spec ar t bwl g� ally dang d dv at ned and ar t ub� t to Sech 7 ns It Bald end Gold Eegl Pr tec� Act (BGPA) p h b t tak f bald end g Id eagles and prov�des stetutory d finrt f tak that I des duturb American Alli�ator Habitat for the American alligator is present in ditches throughout the Srte however this species is threatened due to similar�ty of appearance wrth other rare species and is not sub�ect to Section 7 consultarion Therefore the proJect will have No Effect on th�s species Bald Ea�le Habitat is present ad�acent to the Site for bald eagle and m open water areas due north of the Site Open water and forested areas that the bald eagle may mhabit do not have any proposed impacts Therefore rt is reasonable to conclude the pro�ect will have No Effect on this species Leatherback Sea Turtle & West Indian Manatee Habitat for the leatherback sea turtle and West Indian manatee does not exist at the Site Based on the absence of suitable habitat it is reasonable to conclude the pro�ect will have No Effect on these spectes Red Cockaded Woodpecker Habrtat is present ad�acent to the Site for the red cockaded woodpecker Mature longleaf pines are present m wooded azeas that sunound the srte Forested areas the red cockaded woodpecker may mhabrt do not have any proposed impacts Therefore it is reasonable to conclude the pro�ect will have No Effect on this species Rou�h Leaved Loosestrife Habitat is present around and m mature forests ad�acent to the Srte However the area of impact will be limited to post agricultural areas where farmmg activrties have removed any chance establishment for the Rough leaved loosestrife Based on the absence of suitable habitat for the species rt is reasonable to conclude the pro�ect will have No Effect on the species Slrver Moon Non npanan Wetland M�t�gat�on S�te pg 4 M�t�gat�on Plan December 201 l Sensrtive Joint Vetch Habitat for the sens►tive �oint vetch does not exist at the Srte Habitat for the sensrtive �omt vetch is that of mtert�dal zones where plants are flooded twice daily Based on the absence of su�table habitat for the species �t is reasonable to conclude the pro�ect will have No Effect on sensitive Joint vetch 2 7 Summary of Antu�pated Effects We anticipate that the immediate effects of this pro�ect (construction phase) will cause ground disturbance within the proJect area due to the use of heavy machmery to complete construction Again the Site has historically received eactensive ground disturbance due to agricultural operations The long term effects of th�s pro�ect (post construction) will result m an overall enhancement to the mtegr�ty of the immediate ecosystems and result m long term beneficial effects to fish or wildhfe This srte will be protected m perpetuity with a conservation easement Slrver Moon Non npazian Wetland MmgaUOn Srte pg 5 MiugaUon Plan December 201 I . . �; .� � -- . � _. , _ , :3;. � - ___ .�_�. -� �� v ..�.� - .. � �;y, $5 (`_ _ � Kinston ° ° �,, i ° ''� � % ,+3tYCTiCilir i� . . . .. � ' � , S!7'E * ' -uit NsrFt�ks . ��v .'. �,�� �7 u5 i a' Ccw� i. CONTEXT MAP - Craven CountV NC Hi hli hted .: _ ._ � . . . _ .� � r � . _ ._ .. , F ,. , - � ,a_ . . , _ , _ � . - „ , w _. _ , , � ._ - . . _ . _ _. ;. _ _. w � w � _ _ _ � . _ , � ___._ _ � , _ __ t . � - � _ � _ � �� .. - - �- _ _ _ _ _ . - . ,� . , . e - _ � _ �- . . ,. � _ , .. � , . _ ,� _ �,�_� w ,- � _. _ , r . x , a , � , .. . � . ��, � �. _ '~�,°—,.,�,.. _ , _ r.. w n - n n . , __ .. .. � . _ _ - : _ _ . - __ , _ _ , A _ � _ , .._ . _ - _--�- -- � _ . . _ , , � '� Easement Area � ° ; �� a, � ��� - - � �- """�"�`-' _ _ , _ _� - „ . � ° .. ; �� ;��,�° ." (Access from Daisy Lane) �- - �� . � m � -- -r� _ ` � _- �_ „ ^� Latitude: 35.204817 � .. _ _ � , _ � - � ° � � �� � � Longitude: -77.360605 �� y � � .. � � � .�tf _ � P,.., 5 r �; (NAD 83/WGS 84) �''�,� � � - , _ . . . . k.. . . . � ,. —..�. . . ,c .e. �y, ' . �.. , ... . .. s � . � � . . .. . . 4-..�... .. . -.s. �,, ',. <e _' ,.: .. .. ° .. ,� .. . � .. -, � .. .: . � . � . . . . y� '.- . . . • _ . . _ . . y� . . � . .. . .. . � . . . . � ° Daisy Lane _ � _ .� . : .. � ,� ; �,n':9 t . � ....-.'°''tT.l .. .. � �St ' .. , ,.a....-.a.. . . . .. . . . , . . . �� : �... . la:l .� , f ��� . .. . . ... � . � . � • . . . , � � � . � . . • � . . � . � . � .. � . .. ... . . . . . . .. . /}2�,_ ,.nm � . � � � .. �} �` . . . . .. . . . ` - ... . � . ° - . �A . � - . . ,� . _ A ' . . . . ._. . _ ,�,, „� _ , . ,�. _ , _ - -_ , . , . !� �F,-N ' rM � M ,, � . . • � � l•' �� .+ � � • � , -- ' ' _ - �'-..., • � . . ....,. � �..,....... �.. . • � - '� . 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From the City of Kinston - Head southeast on US 70 Byp for 7.2 miles - Turn left at SR 1005/Dover Road - Continue onto Old US Hwy 70 for 0.3 miles - Continue onto W Kornegay St for 1.3 miles - Continue onto Old US Hwy 70 for 3.7 miles - Turn left at Daisy Ln i ��:.. ..... ., -- ' . �. �"o .K� ``� � 'r. � , 1 � ..,f. � - � � , , � ��:�' \ __ ..r�,; � � N! � �0• f ,� RESTORATION SYSTEMS� LLC SCALE: 1 incn=3,000feet FIGURE 1: 1101 HAYNES ST, SUITE 211 DATE: OCTOBER - 2011 RALEIGH.NC27604 SITE CONTEXT PHONE : 919.755.9490 PROJECT: SM FAX: 919.755.9492 n,s mao �� ao e�a cwn,inee wnnin am au�pea a. ia wM no w�rtanfy. Resina�ion SN�ema, LLC expreuM Awial Imagery USGS Topographical Map a�Kmm.,«�naayr«a.m.oe.amwm���.m=�.��.�nn�+.v.�.o�nm�ne�.«m�.wenom.�v=i•�m. FigureindicateswheretheSitephysical mem,y,�»<omamew<«�.waam��.n�ma.wa�a+va��anymm<�.n�oaaem:Mrc�neamon COORDINATESYSTEM: NAD1983NCFEET �. �n �. =«m�c�..,n m� �.�;. �«as. rm. �,�„ „„,,.. �a «.,��a „„�,�, e.�.. ��.neue �� e. �.�a .,�n. location i s along with di rection s to the Site It ie ihe u�era respor�Ybiity Io oMain propa �urvey tlala. prepareE by a licmeed sunayor. whero rpuireJ by I�w. � � � ��+7 , ,�- "r� �� � r GREENE `, BEAUFORT WAYNE �, lI LENOIR CRAVEN . "� \ PAMLICO SAMPSON � �1 �`� DUPLIN �i CONTEXT MAP - Neuse 02 V�Jatershed Highlighted �' '` CONTEXT MAP - 14 Digit HUC 03020202080010 Highlighted _ � :r i"°*� ' ,: �"Sc' . ) ' 1 `8'-.-''``'`y y' " ' s'�*� - � t , � �.� '�'t %.� ' �. t . �l.i�ifi;t. ._ . .. � .,tih ..�' fto'v6vih a+ ', � �"� /` � � � .� a _ ��.+e;�a��.� _ _, v4:. _ Swo�o {„�?„, "" », '� � `�-,�`�' ��� _ - - , -- : -.. , • . � � �• , ,.'' , — � _ . . �,��.�.. -- , • , . , - � � �' �--,r. -- _ �, ,� , „ a -- � . . , ;, �...X � . � � � � � �-��� � � } ' . � , �� �°�'` _ },�y .�.-�. -.- ,l � . _ . .. �._."� �_ . , _. __ i ' � , s�� � � �� � � , ' .. -- _ , , , _ . � "� ' .. � •` .. ..+� � � __ . _ A,l L,Y , , .. � � . �,. � . .� f � �. . �y�. . � r . � � . � l .�� wny�+j� � �� . �S y � i k ` � � � � �`� "`�c�..:.. .._ ' � ,. �a r J � r"'°`a'j, �j � ..�: . wN. w r . - u, �. ` � "°`�-�.e� �` `� �.,, �.r ' � �.�4�,491ro�? .4 G_, - . 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I '� � ly.aad'� I-_ � . 4 1 c � �^t, �� � �- ' i �r $f- ��"�:.,.-�,' e � �. . .._ , ..� ,.A� - — f ' �,�� y� y �,.v+.�°, ..v; 1'j�. � .. _.. � __ . i'%� r "'f ` ti � k � � � `�' � �'� � � -� �"'fa ' (' . � - ,� ` ' � f � � � • �•. i.`4 °�� - . ,-� � . , , . , � , . � �+.� , _ , .... -. ` � r 4 � . f -. : f ' (L'� ` t .Rl� j , f ` `' � ` .._.._ � .- ' e ~ -. t a. ,�y, ` t, f ,':, ; � � 4'` �� � l�+l s Y �'„�� ��-•�� a _y,_� � � � s .-�' � � •� ' o � �� � i� � ' f'�F > _ � �'_ . ' '`-• '``_-; �*�c � � � � " � ; � , �..:`.- :S �S, '"l i 4 �' _ l.. i _ _ ���� -- ._,'z �`� - ,��.. - '[r . � . � k � _, .. � ; j . �'-- � Y *�,,'` _ t.� _ :. �- , , �t,, _ __ , -. >^ � ...� '�. i �- � � '�� � . .- � "`t: _ '� ^, � T r ,,,,• ,% % � ��. . i _ f � . �. �� _ : , �.� � - `� i � -_ a, „S� � y s �`` ' � 1 � ` ,"+ �_ /' :c- j' �:�� + s � '$:.hn /� \\ ""y r � ��' , � ` ,, . F _ � �= �; �1 " r ` I ,�,.� ���?-� ,,�� �`�� J , �� y� - - �_ y � ;� � � � ,�� � , '�` Miles , � � -�.- � � ��`,� ''r � � t�, � . � . "} � w E _.� ' �� �� � � . , �> �F � 0 0.5 1 2 3 4 � �� � � a._t � � "� � ww.. ,� � ,d . v'` ;:� , , �, �' Site Location Marker " r.. - , < , . � � �. J � .. . ,. . g�:..,; �..` 't; ,v:� ...yW ;:� 4. _ `. RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC SCALE:� inequals2mi FIGURE 2: 1101 HAYNES ST. SUITE 211 DATE: OCTOBER - 2011 RALEIGH,NG27604 USGS ITYDROLOGICAL UNIT MAP PHONE : 919.755.9490 PROJECT: SM FAX : 919.755.9492 rn. �.rp a� a ar. cawr�we V,anM «..,qp�ae ,. Y wM ro wartarRy. Rxlaalbn Splam�, LLC e�D��Y Figure shows a breakdown of where /+erial Imapery USGS Topoprephlwl Map Ebcl�inw rpipWiiy fa� E�nrpw a kWily hwn mY cbim� fM nny rv� M d Ilr �ne a mwu� ham wY claim me m�y wa an d en. w a msua a mw m.p. M n �ro.ae r..pa.�wry a uw u« ro arermM nn. a.�. � the Site is situated within the hydrological COORDINATE SVSTEM: NAD 1983 NC FEET m. �.� �sGNa bw4fi Ma uG w�e mM�. Tln m�p wa� mt cn�letl s sway Eata, nar NaiG � Ds uatl a euch. U1iIt Ca�aIO If1 s stem co� v wov«.�,.r ar., wen.�w er. iKM..a.�.»r«. Vm«. �ww�w w mw. J 9 Y RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC SCALE: 7 in = 417 ft 1101 HAYNES ST, SUITE 211 DATE: OCTOBER - 2011 FIGU RE 3. RALElGH,NC27604 NRCS SOIL SURVEY PHONE : 919.755.9490 PROJECT: SM FAX : 919.755.9492 Thi map aM a1 dsla cmbirwC wilhin aro tuppYed u s wN rw wamnly. liwtaatian Sy�tem�, LLC exD�naly Aerial Imagery (c) 2010 Microso(t CorporaGOn EiaNaimare�pamibiityfarE�mepeaulubYMhomenycWm�tM1rtmayahaoWOftMUeeamuuakomanyclaims Figure indicates soils present within the m.� m.y �.e an w m. w. a�:.wa or m. m.P. n �. me .o� �..�.iwey or me wa �o awam:� a me e.�. a� COORDINATE SYSTEM: NAD 1983 NC FEET mn m.n �. �«roma. �wn m. �.,;. �..e.. rti. �o +,.. �� «..�<a ...�.Vw am.. �.nowe n e. �.ae m.�n. Sde's boundaries. n h m. m.r. r..oen.�e�M ro ou.m orco« .w,,.y ar., w.o.r.e ev a iro.n.w.uwyw, wn.r. rwwr.a ny i.w. RESTORATIONSYSTEMS� LLC SCALE: ti�equals417i1 FIGURE 4: 1101HAYNESST,SUITE211 DATE�.00TOBER-2011 EXISTING CONDITIONS RALEIGH, NC 27604 PHONE : 919.755.9490 PROJECT: SM FAX: 919.755.9492 Tns mao a�w s�i ea�a cavair�ce wenin arc su�pee s s wth ro w�rratiy. Re�laation Sy�temc, LLC expre�Ny Aerial Imagery (c) 2010 Microsoft Corporetion OptlairmrnpanrbYRy/aEama9aorliabAiryhomanydairtst�Wmayrnewtol0iaueami�wehananydalrt+ Figure shows existing site condiUOns, ma� may ,n.. aa m m, �.e o� ms�.e m mn �. n �. me.d. �ewa�e�w�y m m� u� m a��m.ne �n ma a.�a on COORDINATE SYSTEM: NAD 1983 NC FEET m�. � h�o�roaneb w�n me w.r. �.ea.. rn. m.P wes ��r.a�ea a aw� aae, mr snww a ne wea a sucn. - CXIStlf19 dltChS k ie Ma wari rapamibdM �o oGNin propa �urvey data, peperaE by a IkameO �urvaya, wfix<repuireE Ey law. Figure 5. Site Photographs Site view from �[; carner Ic�oking due west �,,..,s � ___. _ _. _, _.. .�. ;'� :�. -. . �. Lookini; N�o�+n the existing eenter diteh of the Site Site vie�v from SW carner loaking due Narth �� ��� �.t �,;n £ ��,;. [_oaking N at the existing S� carner of the site Siiver Moon Non-riparian Wetland Mitigation Site pg. 10 Mitigation Plan December 2011 SITE PROTECTION INSTRUMENT 3 1 S�te Protechon Instrument Summary Informahon The land required for the construction management and stewardship of this mrtigat�on pro�ect is wrthm one parcel The Site is currently not protected but will be done so by the purchase and subsequent transfer of a conservation easement to the NCEEP during Task 2 Restorat�on Systems will await approval of Task 3 before this purchase and transfer is conducted Table 3 S�te Parcel Informahon Landowner PIN County S►te Deed Book Acreage Protection and Page protected Instrument Number Parcel A M�tchell Horace Lee 03 044 Ol 1 Craven Book 2229 17 00 Pg 1011 When available the recorded document will be provided The template document associated wrth the contract (outlmed m RFP # 16 003571) will be used and �s attached with�n Append�x A The conservation easement will require 60 day advance notification to the Corps and the State pr�or to any action to void amend or modify the document No such action shall take place unless approved by the State A site protection mstrument figure will be c�mpleted once a final survey of the Srte has been completed after the conservation easement is purchased Slrver Moon Non npazian Wetland Mrtigation S�te Pg � 1 Mitigation Plan December 201 I BASELINE INFORMATION Table 4 Baselme Pro ect Information Pro�ect Informat�on Pro�ect Name SI►ver Moon County Craven Pro�ect Area (acres) 17 02 Pro�ect Coordmates (lat►tude and long►tude) 35 204817 77 360605 (NAD 8�/WGS 84) Pro ect Watershed Summa Ioformat�on Phys�ographic Province Cazolma Flatwoods sect�on of the Middle Atlantic Coastal Plam R�ver Basm Neuse USGS Hydrologic Umt 8 d�git 03020202 USGS Hydrologic Umt 14 d�git 03020202080010 DWQ Sub-basm 03 04 08 Pro�ect Dramage Area, Total Outfall (acres) +/ 130 Groundwater Treated by Site (acres) +/ 20 Pro�ect Dra►nage Area Percentage of Imperv�ous Area < 1/o CGIA Land Use Classitwation Cropland and Pasture Wetland Summa Intormat�on Parameters Wetland 1 Size of Wetland (acres) 14 00 Wetland Type (non npanan npanan nverme or npanan non Non npanan r►venne) Mapped Soil Senes Torhunta & Pantego Dra►nage class Poorly Dramed Soil Hydnc Status Class A Source of Hydrology Rain Events Hydrolog�c Impairment Ditches Nahve vegetat►on community Non Riverme Wet Harwood Flat Percent composrtion of exotic mvasive vegetation 0/ Re ulato Cons�derat�ons Regulat�on Appl�cable' Resolved� Supportmg Documentat�on Waters of the United States — Section 404 Yes No E ma�l correspondence A endix B Waters of the Umted States — Section 401 Yes No E ma�l correspondence A enduc B Endangered Species Act No Categoncal Exclusion A endvc B Histonc Preservation Act No Categorical Exclusion A ndix B Coastal Zone Management Act [CZMA/Coastal Area Management Act Categor�cal Exclusion (CAMA)] N� Appendic B FEMA Floodplam Compliance No Categoncal Exclus�on A endix B Essenhal F�shenes Habitat No Categoncal Exclus�on A endvc B Sediment & Erosion Control Plan (S&EC) Yes No Shver Moon Non npanan Wetland MmgaUon Srte Pg 12 M�tigat�on Plan December 2011 DETERMINATION OF CREDITS Mrtigation credits presented m these tables are pro�ections based upon Srte design Upon completion of Site construction the pro�ect components and credrts data will be revised to be consistent wrth the as built condition Table 5 Site Credit Determmahon Summ�t See Wetland M�h ation Srte Davidson Coun Contract # 003244 M�t� at�on Cred�ts Non N►trogen Phosphorous Stream �P�an npanan guffer Nutnent Offset Nutnent Offset Wetland Wetland T e R RE R RE R RE Totals ia Pro ect Com ouents Pro�ect Restoration — Restoration Component Exishng Approach °f Footage or -or Reach ID Statioiung/Locat►on Footage/Acreage (PI PII etc ) Restoration Acreage Mrtigation Ratio E uivalent Non r►panan NA 17 02 NA Restorat�on 14 1 1 restoraUon Com onent Summat�on Non Restorat�on Stream R►pazian npazian Buffer Level (Imear feet) Wetland (acres) Wetland �square feet) Upland (acres) acres R�verme Non Ri nn Restorahon 0 0 0 14 0 0 Enhancement 0 0 0 0 0 Enhancement 1 0 Enhancement II 0 Creation 0 0 0 Preservat�on 0 0 0 0 0 H�gh Quahty 0 0 0 0 0 Preservation CREDIT RELEASE SCHEDULE All credrt releases will be based on the total credrt generated as reported by the as built survey of the mrtigation srte Under no circumstances shall any mitigation pro�ect be debrted until the necessary DA authonzahon has been received for rts construction or the District Engineer (DE) has otherwise provided written approval for the pro�ect tn the case where no DA authonzation is required for construct�on of the mit�gation pro�ect The DE m consultation with the Interagency Review Team (IRT) will determme if performance standards have been satisfied sufficiently to meet the requirements of the release schedules below In cases where some performance standards have not been met credrts may still be released depending on the specifics of the case Momtoring may be required to restart or be extended dependmg on the extent to which the srte fails to meet the specified performance standard The release of pro�ect credrts will be sub�ect to the crrtena described as follows Shver Moon Non npanan Wetland Mit�gat�on Srte pg 13 Mrtigahon P(an December 2011 Tabie 6 Forested Wetland Credits Monitonng Intenm Total Ye�, Credit Release Achvity Release Released 0 Irutial Allocarion — see requirements below 30% 30% 1 First year monitormg report demonstrates performance 10% 40% standards are bemg met 2 Second year monitonng report demonstrates performance 10% 50% standards are bemg met 3 Third year monrtonng report demonstrates performance 10% 60% standards are bem met 4 Fourth year momtoring report demonstrates performance 10% 70% standards are be�ng met Fifth year momtormg report demonstrates performance standards are bemg met Provided that all performance standards are met 5 the IRT may allow the NCEEP to discontinue hydrologic monrtonng after 10% 80% the fifth year but vegetation monitonng must conhnue for an addrtional two ears after the fifth ear for a total of seven ears 6 Stxth year monitonng report demonstrates performance 10% 90% standards are bem met Seventh year monitonng report demonstrates performance 7 standards are being met and pro�ect has received close-out 10% 100% a roval 61 Inihal Allocahon of Released Cred�ts The imt�al allocation of released credrts as specified m the m�t�gation plan can be released by the NCEEP without prior wntten approval of the DE upon sat�sfactory completion of the followmg actrvrt�es a Approval of the final Mitigation Plan b Recordation of the preservation mechanism as well as a trtle opimon acceptable to the USACE covermg the property c Completion of pro�ect construction (the mitial physical and biological improvements to the mitigation site) pursuant to the mitigation plan Per the NCEEP Instrument construction means that a mrt�gahon srte has been constructed m rts entirety to mclude plantmg and an as built report has been produced As built reports must be sealed by an engmeer pr�or to proJect closeout if approprtate but not prior to the imtial allocation of released credits d Receipt of necessary DA permit author�zation or written DA approval for pro�ects where DA permit issuance is not required 6 2 Subsequent Credrt Releases All subsequent credit releases must be approved by the DE m consultation w�th the IRT based on a determmation that required performance standards have been achieved For stream pro�ects a reserve of 15% of a site s total stream credits shall be released after two bank full events have occurred m separate years prov�ded the channel is stable and all other performance standards are met In the event that less than two bank full events occur dunng the monitormg period release of these reserve credits shall be at the discretion of the IRT As pro�ects approach m�lestones associated wrth credrt release the NCEEP will submit a request for credit release to the DE along with documentation substantiatmg achievement of crrtena reyuired for release to occur This documentation will be mcluded wrth the annual momtormg report Sliver Moon Non nparian Wetland M�tigat�on Site pg 14 Mmgat�on Plan December 201 I MITIGATION WORK PLAN 7 1 Target Wetland Type & Plant Communihes The EPA classification of a wetland is based on soil hydrology and vegetation characterisrics The Sliver Moon pro�ect contams of Torhunta and Pantego fine sandy loam hydric soils Regional ground level water is at or near the surface specifically durmg wmter and spring months (USDA Soil Conservation Service 1994) Restoration efforts aim to reproduce characteristic pre disturbed vegetarion and hydrology Soils Hydric A fine sandy loam Torhunta and Pantego so�ls aze the primary types present withm pro�ect Torhunta fine sandy loam is 80% hydric and is located on Nearly level stream terraces and upland bays wrthm the Coastal Plam Torhunta soils are very poorly dramed have moderately rapid permeabihty and a seasonal h�gh water table at the surface for 2 to 6 months annually Characteristically Torhunta fne sandy loam is defined at the surface by a black fine sandy loam to a depth of 12 mches From 12 to 37 inches the subsoil turns to a dark drown sandy loam Pantego fine sandy loam consists of very poorly dramed moderately permeable soils that formed m th�ck loamy sediments on the Southern Coastal Plam and Atlantic Coast Flatwoods The water table is at or near the surface durmg the wet season As described m the Craven County USDA Soil Survey Pantego fne sandy loam is typically black fine sandy loam to a depth of 15 mches Subsoil extends to 62 mches and is characterized by dazk gray sandy clay loam m upper layers to gray sandy clay m lower layers Hvdrology As stated m the USDA Soil Survey of Craven County NC groundwater levels are at or near the surface durmg the dormant and early growmg season and is fed explicrtly by ram events Torhunta and Pantego are both nearly level slowly permeatmg soil types which dram poorly The current ditchtng of the Site has capped surface and sub surface hydrology Filling dttches will restore hydrology to characteristic levels Vegetation Narive non riparian forest species will be restored wrthm the entire Srte Plantmg vegetat�on is proposed to reestablish vegetation community patterns to provide soil stabil�ty habitat for wildlife and filter pollutants prior to entermg the groundwater table Planted species composrtion will mimic Schafale and Weakley s Classificatron of the Natural Commuratres of North Carolina (1990) descriptton of a Non Riverine Wet Harwood Flat supplemented by reference forest and ons�te observations (Table 7) Table 7 Reference V Canopy Spec�es � Understoiy Species iazk oak uercus a ota wax m rtle r�ca cerr e oak uercus lauri ol�a) sweet ba Ma nolta vtr m� ollv pme (Prnus tneda) red bav (Peresn borbonr� water black 7 2 Design Parameters The Site was evaluated for the presence of conditions or characteristics that have the potential to hinder restoratton activiries The evaluation focused primarily on the presence of hazardous materials urilit�es and restnctive easements rare/threatened/endangered spec�es or crirical habrtats and the potenhal for Sl�ver Moon Non ripazian Wetland Mrtigahon S�te pg 15 Mrt�gaUon Plan December 201 l hydrologic trespass Existing information regardmg Site constraints was acquired and reviewed In addrtion any Site conditions that have the potential to restrict the restoration design and implementation were documented dunng the field mvestigation No evidence of natural and/or man made condrtions was identified that has the potential to impede proposed restoration activities Please refer to Appendix B e mail correspondence between Todd Tugwell (USACE) and Guy Pearce (NC EEP) mdicating that no �urisdictional wetland delmeation is need for the Site The primary goals of this restoration concept mclude (1) Enhancement of water quahty functions (reduce non pomt source nutrient mputs and sedimentat�on) (2) Establ�shment of a natural non riparian wetland communiry (3) Restoratton of�urisdictional wetland hydrology by fillmg ditches and (4) Placement of a conservat�on easement over the site that will encompass and protect all restoration activrties in perpetu�ty Pr�mary activities designed to restore 14 0 acres of non ripanan wetland tnclude fillmg ditches and plantmg narive deep rooted forest species (Appendix D) Wetland restoratton is designed to restore a fully functiomng non riparian wetland system that will provide water storage nutnent cyclmg removal of imported elements and compounds and will create a variety and abundance of wildlife habitat The enhre Srte is underla�n by non riparian hydric soils have been impacted by vegetation clearing drtch excavation and agricultural practices Wetland restoration will focus on the restorat�on of non riparian hydnc soils forest commun�ties elevation of groundwater tables and the reestablishment of so�l structure and micro topographic variahons Restorahon of wetland hydrology and wetland so�l attributes will mvolve 1) ditch cleaning prior to backfill 2) drtch plug installahon and 3) drtch backfill These achvrties will restore 14 acres of non riparian wetland at the Srte (F�gure C Append�x D) Drtch Cleanm� Ditches �dentified for backfllmg w�ll be cleaned as needed to remove unconsolidated sediments Removal of unconsolidated sed�ments �s particularly cr�tical in areas where ditch plugs are proposed Accumulated sediment wrthm the drtches provides a relatively high permeability material that may act as a conduit for dramage after restorat�on The unconsolidated sed�ments w�ll be lifted from the channel to expose the underlying relatively und�sturbed soil material beneath the drtch mvert The unconsolidated sediment will be incorporated mto top soils and spread evenly throughout the Site Ditch Plu�s Impermeable ditch plugs will be mstalled wrthm drtches at crrtical locat�ons throughout the Site The plugs will consist of low density earthen matenal Each plug wtll be bac�lled in 2 foot lifts of vegetation free material and compacted into the bottom of the ditch The earthen material may be obtamed from upland areas within the easement The plugs will consist of a core of impervious material and shall be of sufficient width and depth to form an imbedded overlap m the existmg ditch banks and drtch bed (F�gure C Appendix D) Sliver Moon Non npaz�an Wetland Mit�gation Site pg 16 Mrt�gat�on Plan December 2011 Drtch Backfilhn� Ditches will be backfilled usmg onsrte material excavated from spoit piles ad�acent to d�tches and borrow matenal from upland areas within the easement Where vegetation has colomzed fields or spo�l areas rootmg debris will be removed to the maximum extent feasible before msertion of earthen material mto the drtch The drtches will be filled compacted and graded to the approximate elevation of the ad�acent wetland surface (Figure C Appendix D) Figure C Appendix D details the redirectmg of an existmg drtch wlule perimeter drtches are filled The filling of penmeter ditches will not result m hydrological trespassmg as the Srte rtself is srtuated below surroundmg elevations a sand berm along the northern boundary of the srte and a compacted elevated road along the eastern boundary will prevent hydrological trespassmg m those directtons Additionally hydrology for the Srte is primarily ram driven and surface runoff will not be obstructed the pipmg and reworlang of the existmg ditch will msure unobstructed surface runoff from rain events Ve�etahon Plantmg Bare root seedlmgs of native region specific tree and shrub species will be planted wrthin the Srte at a densrty up to 1000 stems per acre (6 6 foot centers) Plantmg will be performed between December 1�` and March 15�' to allow plants to stabilize dunng the dormant penod and set root durmg the sprmg season Bare root seedlmgs will be hand planted to mmimize S�te soil d�sturbance thus mmimizmg potential for sedimentation / siltation runoff from the Site A total of 14 000 native region specific tree and shrub seedlmgs will be planted m support of Site wetland restoration (Table 8) The 14 acre restoration area will be re vegetated during the implementation of this plan (Figure D Appendix D) Table 8 Plantmg Plan Black gum Cherrybark oak Laurel oak Swamp chestnut oak Swamp red bay Sweet bay magnolia Water oak Willow oak Yellow nonlar 1�T�t7 d 1 600 1 600 1 300 1 300 1 300 1 300 1 500 1 300 1 300 1 200 14 000 11% 11% 9% 9% 9% 9% 10% 9% 9% 9% 100% 1 600 1 600 1 300 1 300 1 300 1 300 1 500 1 300 1 300 1 200 14 000 % 11% 11% 9% 9% 9% 9% 10% 9% 9% 9% 100% N ArborGen ArborGen ArborGen ArborGen Supenor Trees ArborGen ArborGen ArborGen ArborGen ArborGen 7 3 Data Analysis Groundwater modelmg was conducted in January of 2011 by a licensed so�l scientist from Axiom Environmental Inc For this study the Boussmesq equation was utilized to predict groundwater impacts associated wrth drtchmg The Boussmesq equation represents a two dimensional general flow equation for unconfined aquifers The equation has been applied in the past to predict the declme m elevation of the water table near a pumpmg well as time progresses Slrver Moon Non ripanan Wettand Mitigat�on Site pg 17 MrtigaUon Plan December 2011 The Boussmesq equation was applied to Srte drtches to predict the lmear distance of groundwater drawdown that exceeds 1 foot for 7 5 percent of the growmg season The percentage of the growmg season (7 5 percent) was selected based upon gu�dance from the Corps of Engmeers Wetland Delmeation Manual (Environmental Laboratory 1987) The equation is solved for wetland impacts with data for the followmg variables 1) equivalent hydraulic conductivity 2) dra�nable porosity 3) and estimated depth to the impermeable layer or aquiclude 4) the time duration of the drawdown 5) target water depth (1 foot below the soil surface) and 6) mmimum drtch depth Results from the Boussinesq equation predicted lateral drainage effects to the groundwater table from agricultural ditches Results of the Boussinesq equation are summar�zed m Table 9 Ditch impacts at the Site range from 179 feet to 315 feet measunng honzontally from the ditch edge Using ex�stmg ditch depths and applymg the Boussmesq equat�on tt has been determmed thatl7 acres have been effectively dramed (Figure 4) by the ditches that are currently in place Reroutmg the southern dra►nage ditch will result m post restoration dramage w�thin approximately three acres of the southeastern corner of the Site Therefore 14 acres of restorahon will be available as depicted m Figure C Table 9 Boussmes E uation Results D�tc6 Depth Depth to So�l ��� Aquaciude cm 2 61 0 Torhunta/Pantego 3 914 (Craven County) 4 121 9 6 182 9 Based on 7 5/ growing season MAINTENANCE PLAN Ksat (cm/hr) Grow�ng Dramable D�tch Impact Seasou (6rs) Poros�ty (cm) (ft) 102 102 102 102 675* 0 033 174 675* 0 033 243 675* 0 033 281 675* 0 033 305 Restorat�on Systems will momtor the site on a regular basis and will conduct a physical mspectton of the site a mmimum of once per year throughout the post construction momtormg period until performance standards are met These site inspections may identify site components and features that require routme mamtenance Routme mamtenance should be expected most often m the first two years followmg site construction and may include the follow�ng Tahle 10 S�te Mamtenance Plan Component/Feature Mamtenance throug6 pro�ect close-out Wetland Routme wetland mamtenance and repair act�vities ��11 occur Areas where stormwater and floodplam flows mtercept the wetland may requ�re maintenance to prevent scour Vegetahon shall be mamtamed to ensure the health and vigor of the targeted plant commumty Routme vegetation mamtenance and repa�r act�vmes may mclude supplemental plantmg prunmg Vegetation mulchu►g and fertilizmg Exotic mvasive plant species shall be controlled by mechanical and/or chem►cal methods Any vegetat�on control requinng herbicide appl�cat�on wdl be performed m accordance w�th NC Department of Agnculture (NCDA} rules and regulat�ons Srte boundanes shall be identified m the field to ensure cleaz distmct�on between the mdigahon S�te Boundary srte and ad�acent properties Boundaries may be identified by fence mazker bollazd, post, tree blazmg or other means as allowed by site cond�t�ons and/or conservation easement Boundary markers disturbed damaged, or destroyed will be repaired and/or replaced on an as needed basis Utility R�ght-of Way Ut►hry nght of way w�thm the site may be mamtained only as allowed by Conservation Easement or ex�sting easement, deed restriction nghts of way or corndor agreements Sl�ver Moon Non npanan Wetland Mmgahon Srte PS 18 M�tigat�on Plan December 2011 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Monrtormg of Srte restoration efforts will be performed until success critena are fulfilled Monrtormg for wetland components include hydrology and vegetation H d�QV Monitoring A total of nme (9) groundwater momtormg gauges will be installed to take measurements after hydrological modifications are performed at the Srte Hydrological samplmg will contmue throughout the growing season at mtervals necessary to satisfy�unsdictional hydrology success crrteria (EPA 1990) H dv rolo�y Success Cnteria Located w�thm an mterstream flat the Site s hydrology is precipitat�on driven and thus sub�ect to drought periods during the growing season Based on the Sites location and hydrology source target hydrological characteristics include saturation or mundation for 7 5 percent of the growmg season during average cl�maric conditions Durmg growmg seasons wrth atyptcal climatic condrtions groundwater gauges m reference wetlands may dictate threshold hydrology success criteria A reference wetland location has yet to be determmed and will be included m the Baselme Momtormg Document The Stte is also expected to support hydrophyt�c vegetation If wetland parameters are margmal as mdtcated by vegetarion and/or hydrology monrtormg a�urisdictional determmahon will be performed Ve�etation Momtormg After plantmg has been completed m wmter or early sprmg an inrtial evaluation will be performed to verify plantmg methods and to determme mrttal species composrtion and density Supplemental plantmg and addrtional Srte modifications will be implemented if necessary Durmg quantrtative vegetation samplmg fourteen (14) sample plots (10 meter by 10 meter) will be mstalled wrthm the Site as per guidelmes established m CYS EEP Protocol for Recording Yegetation Version 4 0(Lee et al 2006) Each sample plot monitoring will follow CVS Level II protocol parameters to be momtored include species composrtion and densrty Visual observations of the percent cover of shrub and herbaceous species will be documented by photograph Ve�etation Success Criter�a Success criter�a have been established to verify that the vegetation component supports commumty elements necessary for forest development Success of vegetation criteria at the Srte md�cates successful restoration of non riparian habitat within and ad�acent to aquatic wetland resources as well as improvement of overall water quality resultmg from the treatment of runoff from agriculture fields Success criteria are dependent upon the density and growth of chazacteristic forest species throughout the planted areas of the Site mcluding Non nverine Wet Hazdwood Flat commumty Additional success criterta are dependent upon the density and growth of Characterishc Tree Species withm the plant commumty Charactenstic Tree Species mclude planted species spectes identified through visual inventory of an approved reference (relatively undtsturbed) forest community and spec�es outlmed in Schafale and Weakley (1990) for Non riverme Wet Hardwood Flat commumty An average densrty of 320 stems per acre of Characteristic Tree Species must be survivmg m the first three monitormg years Subsequently 260 Characteristic Tree Species per acre must be survivmg m year 5 and 210 Chazactenstic Tree Spec�es per acre m year 7 Sl�ver Moon Non npuian Wetland M�t�gatwn Sde pg 19 M�Ugation Plan December 2011 Hvdrolo�ic Contm�y The Srte is bound by culvert that runs under Daisy Ln (Figure 4) if hydrologic success crrtena is not achteved ad�ustments to the outfall level would raise the Site s groundwater table Recommendat�ons for contmgency to establish wetland hydrology may be implemented and momtored until Hydrology Success Crrteria is achieved Ve�etation Contm�cy If vegetation success crrteria are not achieved based on average densrty calculations from combined plots over the entire restoration area, supplemental planting may be performed with tree species approved by regulatory agencies Supplemental planting may be performed as needed until achievement of vegetation success cnteria lf withm the first 3 years any species exhibits greater than 50 percent mortality the species will either be replanted or an acceptable replacement spectes will be planted m�ts place as specified in the contmgency plan MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Annual monitormg data will be reported ustng the EEP monitormg template The momtonng report shall provide a pro�ect data chronology that w�ll facilitate an understandtng of pro�ect status and trends population of EEP databases for analysis research purposes and assist m decision malung regardmg pro�ect close out Table 11 S�te Mon�torm Re u�rements Required Parameter uanti Freauencv Notes As per April 200� USACE No Pattern W<<mmgton District Stream �nual Mitigat�on Gwdeimes As per Apnl 2003 USACE No Dimension W�lmmgton D�stnct Stream �nual Mrtigahon Gwdehnes As per Apn1200� USACE No Profile Wtlmtngton Dtstnc,t Stream annuai Mrt�gation Guidehnes As per April 2003 USACE No Substrate W�Immgton Dismct Stream ,�nual Mrt►gaUon Gmdelmes Surtace Water A� per Apnl 2003 USACE No Hydrolugy W��mmgton Disirict Stream annual Mit�gat�on Gu�dehnes As per Apn12003 USACE Groundwater monrtoruig gauges wrth data Groundwater Wllmmgton Distnct Stream recordmg dev�ces will be mstalled on stte Yes Hydrology M�tigahon Guidelmes �ual the data wdl be downloaded at least every 30 days dunng the grow►ng season As per Apn12003 USACE "Vegetation will be monitored using the Vegetation Wilmington Distnct Stream Carohna Vegetation Survey (CVS) Level Yes M�tigation Guidelmes annual II protocols 14 Vegetation survey plots �rill be mstalled and momtored Exotic and nuisance ; Location of exotic and nuisance vegetation Yes vegetarion s annual ��� be mapped Slrver Moon Non npanan Wetland Mrtigatwn Srte pg 20 Mingat�on Plan December 2011 Table 11 Site Mon�torm Re uirem� 3 Reau�red Parameter x Yes Pm�ect boundary � 3 Contmued uanta � Freauencv I Notes � � '� Semi Locations of fence damage vegetation ° � �u� damage boundary encroachments etc v�nll be mapped "Che Cazolma Vegetation Survey is a collaborative mult� mstrtut�onal reseazch program des�gned to document the compos�t�on and status of the natural vegetat�on of the Carohnas for purposes of mventory monrtonng of emironmental impacts and assessment of conservahon status (http //cvs bio unc edu/� LONGTERM MANAGEMENT PLAN Upon approval for close out by the Interagency Review T stewardship of the Site will be transferred to the EEP This inspechon of the site to ensure that restrictions required in restnction document(s) are upheld ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT PLAN eam (IRT) responsibility for long term party shall be responsible for pertodic the conservation easement or the deed Upon completion of site construction Restoration Systems will implement the post construction momtormg protocols previously defined m this document Pro�ect mamtenance will be performed as descr�bed previously m this document If during the course of annual monitonng it is determmed the Site s ability to achieve srte performance standards are �eopardized Restoration Systems will notify the EEP of the need to develop a Plan of Corrective Action The Plan of Corrective Action may be prepared using m house techmcal staff or may reqmre engmeermg and consultmg services Once the Corrective Action Pian is prepazed and finalized RS wil! 1 Notify the EEP as required by the Nationwide 27 perm�t general conditions 2 Revise performance standards maintenance requirements and momtoring requirements as necessary and/or required by the USACE / EEP 3 Obta�n other permrts as necessary 4 Implement the Correchve Action Plan 5 Provide the EEP a Record Drawing of Conective Actions This document shall depict the extent and nature of the work performed FINANCIAL ASSURANCES As required by RFP # 16 002835 Restoration Systems will provide a performance bond for 55% of the total value of the contract to be submitted with ttus document This bond will remain in effect until the successful complet�on of Task 6 See Appendix E SLver Moon Non npanan Wet[and Mrt�gat�on Srte pg 2► Mitigation Plan December 2011 OTHER INFORMATION 141 Defin�tions Catalogtng Un�t (` CU") — A geographic area representmg part or all of a River Basm and ident�fied by an 8 digit number as depicted on the Hydrologic Urut Map — 1974 State of North Carolma published by the U S Department of Interior Geological Survey Categoncal Ezclusion — Categories of achons that do not mdividually or cumulatively have a sigmficant effect on the human or natural environment and for which therefore neither an Environmental Assessment nor an Environmental Impact Statement is requ�red Categoncal Ezclusion Action Form and Document — An abbrevtated environmental document prefaced by an Action Form that bnefly descrtbes the mitigation site the plan for rts implementahon and documents that rt will have mmimal or no impact on the environment Conservahon Easement — A restriction landowners voluntarily place on specified uses of their property to protect its natural product�ve or cultural features It is recorded as a wr�tten legal agreement between the landowner and the holder of the easement The State of North Carokna must rece�ve directly from the landawner a conservatton easement as prepared and fac[Ittated by the full dehvery provider for all Ecosystem Enhancement Program full delrvery pro�ects EEP — The North Carolma Ecosystem Enhancement Program Hydrologic Unit ("HU") — A geographic area representing a portion of a Cataloging Umt as depicted on the Hydrolog�c Umt Map — 1974 State of North Carol�na, published by the U S Department of Intertor Geological Survey and identified by a 14 d�git number Jur�sdictional Wetland A wetland as defined m the 1987 Corps of Engmeers Wetlands Delmeation Manual Mingation — The term mitigation, when used throughout this RFP and any subsequent contracts that may be executed is Compensatory Mitigahon Compensatory Mingation is defined as those mitigation act�vrties implemented after all practicable measures to Avo►d and M►mm�ze adverse impacts to waters of the United States have been carr�ed out Mrt�gation Plan — A wntten document supplemented wrth graphics which descnbes the e�usting srte conditions the goals and obJectrves of the pro�ect and other pertinent information The Mitigation Plan is developed and submitted prior to the implementation of the pro�ect Morphological descr�phon — The stream type stream type is determined by quant�fymg channel entrenchment dimension pattern profile and boundary materials as descr�bed m Rosgen D(1996) Appked River Morphology 2°d edition Natrve Vegetation Community — A distmct and reoccurrmg assemblage a populations of plants animals bacteria and fungi naturally associated wrth each other and their population as described m Schafale M P and Weakley A S(1990) Classificatron of the Natural Commuratres of North Carolina Thrrd Approximation Sl�ver Moon Non npazian Wetland Mitigat�on Site pg 22 M�tigation Plan December 2011 Non Riparian Wetland — an area underlain with hydric soils that has developed and is located in interstream drvide physiographic areas The hydrology of non riverme wetlands is driven by preciprtation and is character�zed by groundwater bemg at or near the surface for much of the year Must meet US Army Corps of Engmeers wetlands definrtion (33 CFR 328 3(b)) Pro�ect Area — Includes all protected lands associated wrth the mrtigahon pro�ect RFP — Request For Proposals the document issued by the Department to solicit Proposals from interested Offerors Rrver Basm — The largest category of surface water dramage there are seventeen (17) river basms m North Carohna S�te — Property or properties identified by an Offeror m a Proposal as having potential to provide erther wetland stream or buffer mrtigation USACE — Unrted States Army Corps of Engmeers Regulatory Branch Wilmmgton District USGS — Unrted States Geological Survey Wetland 1VLt�gahon Unit (°�WMU") — The unit of ineasurement of the extent of wetland mitigation being offered m a Proposal The WMU value for a Site is the sum of the Restoration acres one third of the Creahon acres one half of the Enhancement acres and one fifth of the Preservation acres 14 2 References Environmental Laboratory 1987 Corps of Engmeers Wetlands Delmeation Manual Technical Report Y 87 1 United States Army Engmeer Waterways Experiment Station Vicksburg Mississippi Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 1990 Mrtigation Srte Type Classification (MiST) EPA Workshop August 13 15 1989 EPA Region IV and Hardwood Research Cooperative NCSU Raleigh North Carolma Faber Langendoen D Rocchio J Schafale M Nordman C Pyne M Teague J Fot� T Comer P (2006) Ecologrcal Integrity Assessment and Performance Measures for Wetland Mitigation Griffith G E J M Omernik J A Comstock M P Schafale W H McNab D R Lenat T F MacPherson � J B Glover and V B Shelbourne 2002 Ecoregions of North Carolma and South Carolina U S Geolog�cal Survey Reston Virgmia Lee M T R K Peet S D Roberts and T R Wentworth 2006 CVS EEP Protocol for Recordmg Vegetation Version 4 0 North Carolma Department of Environment and Natural Resources Ecosystem Enhancement Program Raleigh North Carolma Lindenmayer D B and J F Franklm (2002) Conserving forest brodiverstty A comprehensive multiscaled approach Island Press Washmgton DC NatureServe Arhngton V�rgm�a Slrver Moon Non npanan Wetland MiUgatwn Srte Pg Zg M�Ugat�on Plan December 20l 1 North Cazolma Drvision of Water Quality (NCDWQ) 2007 Final North Carolina Water Quality Assessment and Impaired Waters L�st (2006 Integrated 305(b) and 303(d) Report) (onlme) Available http //h2o enr state nc us/tmdl/documents/303d_Report pdf [February 19 2010] North Carolma Department of Environment and Natural Resources Raleigh North Cazolma North Carohna Division of Water Qual�ty (NCDWQ) 2008 Draft North Carolma Water Quality Assessment and Impaired Waters List (2008 Integrated 305(b) and 303(d) Report) (onlme) Ava�lable http //h2o enr state nc us/tmdl/documents/2008Cat4and520100215 pdf [February 19 2010] North Carolma Department of Environment and Natural Resources Raleigh North Carohna North Cazolma Div�s�on of Water Quality (NCDWQ) 2010 a Draft North Carolma Water Quality Assessment and Impaired Waters List (2010 Integrated 305(b) and 303(d) Report) (online) Available http //h2o enr state nc us/tmdl/documents/draft 2010_Cat 5 pdf [February 19 2010] North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Raleigh North Carolina North Cazolma Division of Water Quahty (NCDWQ) 2010 b North Carolina Water Bodies Report (onlme) Ava�lable http //h2o enr state nc us/bims/reports/basmsandwaterbodies/03 07 04 pdf [February 19 2010] North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Rale►gh North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) 2010 Neuse R�ver Basm Restorat�on Pnorit�es (onlme) Available http //www nceep net/services/restplans/FINAL%20RBRP%20Neuse%2020110523 pdf [October 31 2011] North Carolma Department of Env�ronment and Natural Resources Raleigh North Carolma Peet R K Wentworth T S and Whrte P S(1998) A flexible multipurpose method for recording vegetataon composition and structure Castanea 63 262 274 Rosgen D(1996) Applied River Morphology 2nd edrtion Wildland Hydrology Pagosa Sprmgs CO Schafale M P and A S Weakley 1990 Classificat�on of the Natural Commumt�es of North Cazolma Third Approximation North Carolina Natural Heritage Program Division of Parks and Recreation N C Department of Environment Health and Natural Resources Raleigh North Carohna Stream Mitigation Gurdelrnes April 2003 US Army Corps of Engineers Wilmmgton District United States Department of Agr�culture (USDA) 1994 Soil Survey of Davidson County North Carokna United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resource Conservation Service Fort Worth Texas Young T F and Sanzone S(editors) (2002) A framework for assessing and reporting on ecologtcal cond�tion Ecological Reporting Panel Ecological Processes and Effects Committee EPA Slrver Moon Non npar�an Wetland M�t�gation Site Pg 24 M�t�gation Plan December 2011 APPENDIX A SITE PROTECTION INSTRUMENT(S) When available the recorded document will be provided The template document associated w�th the contract (outlmed in RFP # 16 003571) will be used and is below also available onlme at http //www nceep net/business/landowner/10 1_3/Template Full Deliverv EEP Conservation Easement Fmal 1 23 06 1 pdf All site protection mstruments require 60 day advance notification to the Corps and the State prior to any action to void amend or mod�fy the document No such act�on shall take place unless approved by the State A site protect�on mstrument figure will be completed once a final survey of the Site has been completed after the conservation easement is purchased Shver Moon Non npanan Wetland Mrtigation S�te Appendix A M�t�gat�on Plan December 20l 1 APPENDIX B BASELINE INFORMATION DATA USACE & NC EPP Correspondence Regardmg a Junsdichonal Determmation FHWA Categorical Exclusion Form FEMA Compliance EEP Floodplam Requirements Checklist NCEEP Mitigation Plan Slrver Moon Non npanan Wetland Mitigat�on Site Appendix B Mrt�gahon Plan December 2011 Raymond Holz From Pearce Guy <guy pearce@ncdenr gov> Sent Thursday September 01 2011 10 35 AM To Worth Creech Sub�ecr FW Wetland Determination/Delineation at Sliver Moon Non Riparian Wetland Pro�ect (UNCLASSIFIED) I have saved an electronic copy and placed a hard copy of this correspondence in the EEP files for future reference Please retain for your records Thanks Guy Original Message From Pearce Guy Sent Thursday September 01 2011 10 14 AM To Steffens Thomas A SAW Cc Tugwell Todd SAW Sub�ect RE Wetland Determination/Delmeation at Sliver Moon Non Riparian Wetland Pro�ect (UNCLASSIFIED) Thanks Thomas and Todd Guy Original Message From Steffens Thomas A SAW (madto Thomas A Steffens@usace army mil] Sent Thursday September 01 20118 35 AM To Tugwell Todd SAW Pearce Guy Cc Steffens Thomas A SAW Sub�ect RE Wetland Determinat�on/Delmeation at Sliver Moon Non Riparian Wetland Pro�ect (UNCLASSIFIED) Classification UNCLASSIFIED Caveats NONE Todd Your recollections are correct and descriptions accurate concerning the �urisdictional aspects Thanks toms Original Message From Tugwell Todd SAW Sent Monday August 29 20114 35 PM To Pearce Guy Cc Steffens Thomas A SAW SubJect RE Wetland Determ�natron/Delrneation at Sliver Moon Non R�parian Wetland Pro�ect (UNCLASSIFIED) Classification UNCLASSIFIED Caveats NONE 1 Guy I did speak with Tom after the meeting and he agreed that the site was drained and that no delineation needed to be conducted This does not mean that the prior converted determination is why the site has no �urisdiction Also the actual ditches themselves would still be considered tributaries so a permit is still required we are only talking about any wetlands Tom let me know if this doesn t go along with your recollections Thanks Todd Origmal Message From Pearce Guy [mailto guy pearce@ncdenr gov] Sent Tuesday August 16 2011 11 41 AM To Tugwell Todd SAW Sub�ect Wetland Determination/Delineation at Sliver Moon Non Riparian Wetland Pro�ect Good morning Todd As you know a site visit to the sub�ect property was conducted on July 25 20011 At the conclusion of that meeting there was discussion about whether or not a wetland determination/delineation would be required The site is row crop (corn) ag land that has been extensively ditched/drained if I recall correctly Thom Steffans of the Washington USACE Office wanted to talk it over with his folks before making a decision I got a call from Restoration Systems this morning and they were asking if a decision had been made As you would expect they would prefer that the land be deemed prior converted wetland and not have to do the wetland delineation but will do whatever is required Could you check with the Washmgton USACE and let me know what you guys decide Thanks Guy Classification UNCLASSIFIED Caveats NONE Class�fication UNCLASSIFIED Caveats NONE 2 � os stem E�.z a�em.e�.t PROGRAM October 19, 2011 Raymond Holz — Pro�ect Manager Restorat�on Systems LLC 1101 Haynes Street, Suite 211 Raleigh NC 27604 Sub�ect Categoncal Exclusion Form for Sliver Moon Non Ripanan Wetland Mitigation Site Neuse River Basm — CU# 0302U202 Craven County North Caroluia Contract No 003985 RFP No 16 003571 Dear Mr Holz Attached please find the approved Categoncal Exclusion Form for the sub�ect full delivery pro�ect I have approved your mvoice in the amount of $21000 00 (53b of contra�t) for completion of the Task 1 deliverable Please include a copy of the form m your Mitigation Plan If you have any questions, or wish to d�scuss this matter further please contact me at any time can be reached at (919) 715 1954 or email me at krist�e corson@ncma�l net Smcerely ��l;�.� `� �cr� Knstie Corson EEP Pro�ect Manager Attachments cc file Appendix A �' � z ` � � � � � � � �, � ,.. 5 s� �s � Categorical Exclusion Form fo� Ecosystem Enhancement Program Pro�ects w � J� � W Version 1 4 Note Only Appendix A should to be subm�tted (alo�g with any supporting documentation) as the environmentai documen� _ �.. �. �, _ n.� a . . . Pro ect Name sm� a+oo�, No�� wena�c �an� sne �Coun Name c��� � � P um er ioars�,r c�a�toa�ses�` �' � `� ro ect onsor ���+� s,�ma uc Pro ect ontact ame �,�� � � � t Pro ect ontact dress +�o, ►� s�a, s�� z„ �►, roc r�a �, ro ect ontact E-ma I � � P ro ect Mana er w+� �+� � �� � a . � • . 'fhe $►te is�hwated �pproxunately three milay east of Dower � and kvrth a t�atdude of �5 2�4817 Iwngitude 77 360605 (NAD 83/WGS �4} 'Re�oeal ph�s►Qgraphy rs�char�aterized 6y flet �tla�ns nn ltig�ttly d��sected rnarin� be�tace�, svvamps low �eadrent streams �vdit sandy and silty substrates, and Catotu�a bays FGriffith eC sf 2002} Restor�`ion o$ wetland hydrology end wetland sod atxctbutes wlll ink�,ve P) dtcoh oleenfng pr�kr to ,�aoktill, 2) d►tch pIu mstallaUon 3} d�KErfmg water �'rom spmngs soxoss the Sit� 4) dit�h baakflll, aad 5) saar��icanbn of soils pnpr to pi�nhng ffihes echv�hes wtll restoie 14 acres of noe np�rten wedand at the Site Reviewed' By -� to�-ra-���� � t Date ¢ Conditional Approved �By 4 � „� � r R k � � w � � � � � �E ' Project M �� � � � � r � Date � �,; � � ❑ Check this box If there are outstanding issues �� � Y 9 ; � Y� Final�Approval By � � � � � � f rt � i ^� s � � �� �. .� �1� � I�wl� � N Y � �` �+ r f { � � r Date � � � �, � ,,� � � �€ W, „ t `' o "` �a „ � For Division�Administrato FMWA ' � � t .�n � _ � � f 6 Vers�on 1 4 8/18/05 i � 1 Is the pro�ect located m a CAMA coun 2 Does the pro�ect mvolve ground-disturl En�nronmental Concem (AEC)? 3 Has a CAMA perm�t been secured? 4 Has NCOCM agreed that the pro�ect �s Program? ectivides within a CAMA Area of 1 Is this a`Yuli-delivery" pro�ect? 2 Has the zornng/land use of the sub�ect property and ad�acent � designated as commeraal or industnal?� 3 As a result of a limded Phase I Site Assessment, are there kni hazaMous waste sites Hnthm or ad�acent to the pro�ect area? 4 As a result of a Phase I Site Assessment are there known or � waste sites within or adjacent to the project area? 5 As a result of a Phase 11 S►te Assessment are there knawn w waste s�tes withm the project area? 6 Is there an approved hazardous m�UgaUon plan? ever been or potenhal 1 Are there prope�tres I�sted on or eligrble for I�sbng on the Nafional Register Histonc Places in the prolect area? 2 Does the pro�ect affect such properties and does the SHPORHPO ooncur't 3 if the effects are adverse have they been resolved? s is a ve pro�ect? -_ 2 Does the pro�ect require the acqwsiLon of real estate? 3 Was the property acquisiUon completed p�ior to the intent to use federal funds� 4 Has the owner of the property been mformed " pnor to making an offer that the agency does not have condemnaUon authonty and "what the fair market value is believed to be? 7 Yes No Yes No N/A Yes No IV/A Yes No N/A No Yes No N/A Yes No No W/A Yes No '�C No Yes No N/A Yes No N/A , ac � Yes No Yes No N/A Yes IVo WA Yes No Version 14 8/18/05 1 Is the project located in a county claimed as "temtory" by the Eastem Band of Cherokee Indians? 2 Is the sde of religious importance to American Indians? 3 Is the pro�ect listed on or eligible for IisUng on the Nadonal Register of Historic Places? 4 Have the effects of the p�o�ect on this s�te been considered? 1 Is the project located o� Federal I, 2 Wili there be loss or destrucdon o� of anUquity? 3�II a permit from tt�e appropnate 4 Has a permit been obta�ned? 1 Is the project lopted on federat or 2 Wi{I there be a loss or destrucUon � 3�II a permit from the appropnate 4 Has a pennit been obtained? or prehistonc ruins monuments or agency be reqwred? eofogical resources? agency be reqwred? 1 Are federal Threatened and Endangered species and/or Designated hsted for the county? 2 Is Des�gnated CnUcal Habitat or swhabte habitat present for listed sp� 3 Are T&E species present or is the pro�ect bemg conducted in Desigr Hab�tat? 4 Is the proJect likely to adversely affecY the species and/or likely to � � Des�gnated Cnhcal Habitat� � 5 Does the USFWS/NOAA Fishenes concur in � 6 Has the USFWSINOAA Fishenes cendered a 5 determmabon? No Yes No WA Yes No N/A Yes No No wA Yes No N/A Yes Plo N/A No WA Yes No N/A Yes Wo N/A Yes No Yes No WA Yes No N/A Yes No N/A Yes No N/A Yes No 8 Version 1 4 8/18/05 1 is the project located on Federal lands that are wnthin a county claimed as °temtory° by the EBCI? 2 Has the EBCI indicated that Indian sacred sites may be impacted by the proposed p�o)ect? 3 Have accommodaGons been made for access to and ceremornal use of indian sac� sites? Farmland Protection Policv Act (FPPAI 1�II real estate be acqwred? 2 Has NRCS detertrnned that the pro�ect contains pnme uruque statewide or locally �mportant farmland? 3 Has the completed Form AD 1006 been submitted to NRCS? 1 Wdl the pro�ect impound divert, channel deepen or 1 Wiil the pro�ect requ�re the conversion of such property to a use other outdoor recrea�on? 2 Has the NPS approved of the conversion? � �s uie pro�ec[ iocatea in an e 2 Is suitable habitat present fo 3 Is sufficient design informadc pro�ect on EFH? 4�II the pro�ect adversely af� 5 Has consultadon with NOAA to make a determination 1 Does the USFWS have any recommendahons with the pro�ect 2 Have the USFWS recommendahons been incorporated? 1 Is the pro�ect in a W(Iden 2 Has a speaal use permit federal agency? area? or easement been � any the to the MBTA? maintairnng No Yes No N!A Yes No N/A Yes No Yes No N/A Yes No N/A Yes No Yes No Plo N/A Yes No N/A Yes Ido N/A Yes No N/A Yes No No No Version 1 4 8h 8/05 � � � i � ! �, � e � 1� PROGRAM EEP Floodplam Reqmrements CheckLst Ttus form was developed by the Nat�onal Flood Insurance program NC Floodplain Mapping program and Ecosystem Enhancement Program to be filled for all EEP pro�ects The form is u►tended to summanze the �loodplam requuements duruig the design phase of the pro�ects The form should be submitted to the Local Floodplau� Admmistrator with three cop�es subrrutted to NFIP (attn Edward Cuctis) NC Floodplam Mappmg Umt (attn John Gerber) and NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program. Project Locahon Name of pro�ect Shver Moon Non npanan Wetland M�t�gation Site Name of stream or feature n/a County Craven Name of nver basin Neuse 02 Is pro�ect urban or rural� Rural Name of Junsdictional Craven County mumcipal�ty/county DFIRM panel number for entue site 4582 Consultant name Raymond Holz Phone number 919 755 9490 Restorauon Systems Address 1101 Haynes Street Su�te 211 Raleigh NC 27604 Des�gn Information RestoraUon Systems L L C has contracted with EEP through the fult Dehvery Process (RFP #16- 003571) to provide 14 Non npanan Wetland Mingahon Unrts through the complet�on of the Sliver Moon Non ripanan Wetland 1VLhgatton Site (Site) Iocated approxunately 4 m�les east of Dover in westem Craven County (Figure 1 attached} Located wrthm an interstream flat north of Core Creek wluch has been assigned a Best Usage Class�fication of C, NSW, Sw and is considered b�ologically impaired. The S�te �s ad�acent to the nm of a Carolma bay and encompasses approxunately 171 acres The Site has been cleared of nauve forest vegetation ditched to remove groundwater hydrology and is cwrently utiliZed for row crop ptnduchon Based on prel�miaary analyses the pnmary goals of this non npanan wedand Sirva Moon FEMA Floodpla�n Checkl�st docx Page 1 of 3 m�ngation proJect focus on ►mprovmg water qualiry enhancmg flood attenuat�on and restonng wildl�fe habitat and will be accompl�shed by the followmg 1 Reraove nonpomt sources of pollut�on associated v�nth vegetation mamtenance mcludtng a) the cessaUon of broadcasUn� ferhlizer pest�cides and other agncultural chemicals mto and ad�acent to S�te dramage ditches and b) providing a vegetated wetland to a�d in the treatment of runoti 2 Restore wetland hydropenods that satcsfy wetland �unstiichonal requu+ements and approx�mate the Site s natural range of vanahon 3 Promote floodwater attenuahon by fillmg ditches and enhancmg groundwater storage capac�ty 4 Restore and reestablish natural community structure habitat drversiry and funcuonai conhnwty 5 Enhance and protect the Srte s full potenhal of wetland functions and values �n perpettury Reach Length Pnonty Wetland Area 1 14 ac Non npanan restoration Floodplain Informahon Is pro�ect loc�ted in a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA)� � Yes C No If pro�ect is located m a SFHA check how it was determ�ned r Redel�eatmn r ��a s�y r ��a ne�� scuay i Approxm�ate Study r po�t k�ow L�st flood zone des� ation Check if apphes i� AE Z.one � Fbodway � Non-Fncroachrrient � Norne �' A Zone � Local Setbacks Reqwred � No Local Setbacks Req� Slrver Moon FEMA Floodplam Checkl�st docx Page 2 of 3 If local setbacks are required I�st how many feet Does proposed channei boundary encroach outs�de floodway/non encroachment/setbacks� C Yes C No Land Acquts�non (Check) �' State owned (fee sanple} �" Conservatwn easment (Des�gn B� Bu�d) r' Conservation Easemer� (Full Deltvery Pro��t) Note if the pro�ect property �s state ovmed then all requirements should be addressed to the Department of Adm�msuat�o State Construchon Office attn Herbert Ne�l 919 807-0101 Is community/counry partic�pahng m the NFIP program� C Yes C No Note if commumty is not partic�pahng then all reqwrements should be addressed to NFIP (attn Edward Curt 919 715 8000 x369 Name of Local Floodplain Admmistrator Chad Strawn Phone Number 252 636 6618 Floodplam Requirements This �on to be filled by des�gner/applicant follow�ng verification with the LFPA Fr No Actnon r No Rse r Letter of Map Revsron r Co�val Letter of Map Rev�sron r o� x��� List other requuements Name C�1�t1 S�IaWV! S�gnature � + ---� Title � /ia�.•M �uu/ CO 0��s1�v Date /0�1T,��/ Slrver Moon FEMA Floodplam Checklist docx Page 3 of 3 APPENDIX C MITIGATION WORK PLAN DATA and ANALYSES Groundwater Modelmg/Hydrologic Budget Groundwater modehng was conducted in January of 2011 by a hcensed soil scient�st from Axiom Environmental Inc For this study the Boussmesq equation was utilized to predict groundwater impacts associated wrth ditchmg The Boussinesq equation represents a two dimensional general flow equation for unconfined aquifers The equation has been applied m the past to predict the declme m elevation of the water table near a pumpmg well as time progresses The Boussmesy equation was applied to Site ditches to predict the lmear distance of goundwater drawdown that exceeds 1 foot for 7 5 percent of the growing season The percentage of the growmg season (7 5 percent) was selected based upon guidance from the Corps of Engmeers Wetland Delineation Manual (Environmental Laboratory 1987) The equation is solved for wetland impacts with data for the following variables 1) equivalent hydraulic conductivity 2) dra�nable porosrty 3) and estimated depth to the impermeable layer or aquiclude 4) the time duration of the drawdown 5) target water depth (1 foot below the soil surface) and 6) mmimum ditch depth Results from the Boussmesq equatton predicted lateral dramage effects to the groundwater table from agricultural ditches Results of the Boussmesq equation are summarized in Table 3 Ditch impacts at the Srte range from 179 feet to 315 feet Usmg e�sting drtch depths 17 acres have been effectively drained (Figure 4) Reroutmg the southern dramage drtch will result m post restoration dramage within approximately three acres of the southeastern corner of the Srte Therefore 14 acres of restoration will be available as depicted m Figure C Table 9 Bouss Sod Torhunta/Pantego (Craven County) E uation Results D�tch Depth Depth to (ft) Aquactude cm 2 61 0 3 91 4 4 121 9 6 182 9 Based on 7 5/ growmg season Ksat cm/hr Growmg Dramable D►tch Impact � � Season (hrs) Poros�ty (cm) (ft) 102 102 102 102 675* 0 033 6'75* 0 033 675* 0 033 675" 0 033 174 281 305 CVS Vegetahon Assessment Vegetation surveys will begin after construction and be monitored Just before during and �ust after the gowmg season Based on the Microsoft Access CVS template the Srte will hold fourteen (14) vegetation plots Nine (9) groundwater modeling wells will also be mstalled dunng construction These wells and plots will be marked and referenced m the Srtes as built documents Planned vegetation distribution is deta�led m Figure D Appendix D Sliver Moon Non npanan Wetland M�t�gat�on Site Appendix C Mitigatton Plan December 201 l APPENDIX D PROJECT PLAN SHEETS (11"z 1'1") Figure A Title Page Figure B Boundary Plan Figure C Mrtigation Plan Figure D Planting Plan Shver Moon Non npanan Wetland Mrt�gation Site Appendix D Mit�gation Plan December 2011 SLIVER MOON NON-RIPARIAN WETLAND MITIGATION SITE PROJECT PLAN SHEETS CRAVEN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Sliver Moon Non-Riparian Wetiand Mitigation Site (Site) is designed specifically to assist in fulfilling North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program wetland restoration goals. The Site is located approximately 4 miles east of Dover in western Craven County and within the Targeted Local Watershed 03020202080010. The Site encompasses approximately 17.1 acres of land used for row crop production. Within the Site, 17.1 acres of non-riparian hydric soils have been cleared and ditched. A total of 14 non-riparian wetland mitigation units (WMUs) are being offered. Located within an interstream flat north of Core Creek and adjacent to the rim of a Carolina bay the Site has been cleared of native forest vegetation, ditched to remove groundwater hydrology, and is currently utilized for row crop production. Construction activities at the site will re-elevate the groundwater table to historic conditions prior to the ditching of the site. Construction methods were based primarily on carbon copy method for wetland restoration, mimicking reference (relatively undisturbed) wetland in the region. The project is designed to maximize groundwater re-charge and water quality benefits in the Yadkin River Basin. PROJECT LOCATION Directions From the City of Kinston - Head southeast on US 70 Byp for 7.2 miles - Turn left at SR 1005/Dover Road - Continue onto Old US Hwy 70 for 0.3 miles - Continue onto W Kornegay St for 1.3 miles - Continue onto Old US Hwy 70 for 3.7 miles - Turn left at Daisy Ln Type of Work: Wetland Restoration - Ditch Clearing - Ditch Filling - Site Grading - Site Planting Index of Sheets A: Title Page B: Boundary Marking C: Mitigation Plan D: Planting Plan RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC SCALE: 1101HAYNESST.SUITE211 DATE�OCTOBER-2011 FIGURE A: TITLE PAGE RALEIGH, NC 27604 PHONE : 919.755.9490 PROJECT: SM FAX : 919.755.9492 Th4 m�p +M N tlm oa,i,i�.e �� ... .,,�Yee e•..w, m xarnrRy, Ralaralbn Sy�tam�, LLC �vprs�N Aerial Imagery USGS Topopraphial Map a.own. rrva+e+b �a a.m.v« «wawy nan mr cwm. ma �.v ... w a m. �..> m.w rmm .nr own. tlrt mry r4� ou1 W tM w x�ua M tlr my. M w tM �de �..�wei�y a m. u« ro er.m.�e x m. ar. an COORDINATE SYSTEM �. NPD 1983 NC FEET m�. m.p �. cmp.nels wim ma was �..a.. Tn. m.p �... �a creu.e r.wq aw. �wr .naw n w uaa s•�n. n n me w.r. n.vo�ae+M �o anain wocr •wsr ar.. rwerw bv a r«.w,�.v+r«, wn.re rwWr.a cr i.... RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC SCALE: 1 in equals 250 ft 1101HAYNESST,SUITE211 DATE�.00TOBER-2011 FIGURE B: BOUNDARY PLAN RALEIGH, NC 27604 PHONE : 919.755.9490 PROJECT: SM FAX : 919.755.9492 TTq map aM a1 tlrty coMainM �NNIn aro wOPkO a k wih rw vnrtanty. Ra[aalpn Sy�lartn, LLC exprnNy Figure shows existing site conditions, ae��ai im�ery ��� 2oio rna��onca���oo� Cixlaima a�pwwibiAy kr Gamapn a IiaOilly han arry cMim� tlut may wua oN M tM u�e> msu� kom my eMirts IIW mry ar'se aN dtM usa or mbue d Mw rmD� k b IM wb Po�pomidNy of t�e wx M Ntermina M tM Ctla an with approximate location of where t-post COORDINATE SYSTEM�. NAD 7983 NC FEET Iln map h compatible wiM Hx usar'a rieWe, TMa m�0 �+ � ��e+�eC s eway Crta, nw ehoulE it Os uaeE x auch. nnmewer.re.00minaar�ooa.ma�ov«,�„,aYar..P�.p.�.aeY,iw�.�..a.�,rrer�.wbr.�.v���eawi..�. & EEP C0�58NffiIO� SIgf15 will be i�5telled. RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC SCALE: 1 in equals 250 ft 1101HAYNESST,SUITE211 DATE:OCTOBER-2011 FIGURE C: MITIGATION PLAN RALEIGH, NC 27604 PHONE : 919.755.9490 PROJECT: SM FAX : 919.755.9492 rnn map a� al aaa curcai�an wm�in ue •upPiea a s mth rp vr�rtanry. Reatnrtion Sri�ema, LLC expre�Ny Aerial Imagery (c) 2010 Microsoft Corporetion dlaclairtw rapaniEYAy la Eumpe� w tlapilly hom arry cleims iMt m�y aue out ot tM u�s a mswe hom my cWm� 1nrt mq ar'se aut W tM wa or m�ue d ihp rtwp. N b tM �ok reiparoiNRy ol ttw user to tlelermirro Btha dalc on Figure depicts proposed mitigation plan COORDINATE SVSTEM: NAD 1983 NC FEET INa mW is compatibk wilh Ihe isa's neeEe. Tln m�p w�� rwt creatW is swey EMa, nar ehwltl i1 Ee uatl s�uch. It ie Ma war'a rmporpibYity to oMain propx awey Eke, prepered by a licerued awayor. v.liero rpuirM by hw. RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC SCALE: 1 in equals 250 ft 1101HAYNESST,SUITE211 DATE:OCTOBER-2011 FIGURE D: PLANTING PLAN RALEIGH, NC 27604 PHONE : 919.755.9490 PROJECT: SM FAX : 919.755.9492 rn. mao .na a� dxa carta�nea Himin aro .u�`aa a s w�n, w wa�a�b. ade�a� sy.�am., tic axorn.ry Aerial Imagery (c) 2010 Microsaft Corporaoon a�Ki.��,w�..PO�.�n�ryrQaam.v�aw.wayrran.nycm�m.uw�m.y::eoNwcne�.eam.r.no�,�.�you�m. Figuredepictsproposedplant �m.y vee ow m me u.e «mi.use a ma m.p. N �. m..a. �o.a�.iam� o� me �,.K �o e�e.��.�a rc ma ea. �, S ecies and lantin area COORDINATE SYSTEM: NAD 1983 NC FEET o �. ��m+�eie �nn me �.«e �«e., r�:. m.v w,. �,a «<.�ea a.�..�er aa.. �wr .nwe n ee �.w ..un. P P 9 n �e m. u•era r.co�.ieuny to onain �op« s�ey aaa, a.vxee ny a iKm..e.�,.y«. wn«e requirea ny i.w. APPENDIX E PERFORMANCE BOND The process of securmg a performance bond is underway and w�ll be a part of the final mitigation plan Slrver Moon Non npaz�an Wetland Mitigat�on Site Appendix E M�t�gat�on Plan December 2011