HomeMy WebLinkAbout20111106 Ver 1_401 Application_201112110 . �����',, �:�,. ''; � � ,�t :;w.. � '�'�' / ��- 2�� � � � o� United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE AWgator River National Wildlife Refuge Pea Island National Wildl�fe Refuge Post Office Bog 1969 Manteo, North Carohna 27954 (252) 473 1131 473 1668 (fas) December 7 2011 Mr lan McMdlan N C Division of Water Quality Wetlands Buffers Stormwater Compliance and Permitting Unit 1650 Mad Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1650 ATTN Mr Roberto Scheller Washmgton Regiona{ Office Dear Mr McMillan Enclosed you will find the Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) for Nationwide Permit 3 and Nationwide Permit 18 to replace the Laurel Bay Farm Unit pump station on Alligator River National Wddlife Refuge The existfng pump unit has reached the end of its serviceable life The new pump wdl be installed in approximately the same footprint as the current pump This pro�ect is necessary to maintain Refuge operations in the Laurel Bay Farm Unit area We have also enclosed a check m the amount of $240 00 payable to the N C D�vis�on of Water Qual�ty as payment for the processmg fee If you have questions or need any additional information please contact Dennis Stewart at (252) 473-1131 x231 or his cell phone {(252) 475-0962} Sincerely � :� , _� Mike Bryant Pro�ect Leader North Carolina Coastal Plain Refuges Complex Enclosures v �'������1�7� � �� f p ti, ? a >�.� E �v�r�,vG���DS���w� ����w��c� I i I�.�i o�oF w n r��QG � �r � � c -� ��= Office Use Only: Corps action ID no. DWQ prn�ect na. Farm Version 1.3 Dec 10 2008 Pre-Construction Notification {PCN Form A. Applicant Information 9. Pracessing 1a. Type(s) of appro�al saught from the � Section 404 Permit ❑ 5ection '�0 Perrrtit Corps: 1b. Specify Nationwide Permit {I�WP) number: 3& 18 or General Permit (GP) nurrRber: 1c. Has the NWP or GP number beert �erified by the Corps? ❑ Yes � No 1 d. Type(s) of appro�al sought from the DWQ (check ell that apply): � 4D1 Waier Quality Certifcation — Reguiar ❑ Non-404 Jurisdictional General Permit ❑ 401 Water Quality Certifcaiion — Express ❑ Riparian Buffer Authorization 1 e. Es this notificatian salely for the record Fot' the recard only for DWQ 4Q1 Far the record only for Corps Permit: because written approval is nat required? Cer#ifieation: ❑ Yes � No ❑ Yes � No 1f. fs payment inta a mitigation bank or in-lieu fee prografn proposed far mitigation � Yes � No of impacts? If so, attach the acceptance ]etter from mitigation bank or in-lieu f�e program. 1 g. Is the project locafed in any of NC's twenty coastal counties. If yes, answer 1 h � Yes ❑ No be[ow_ 1 h. Is the project located within a NC DCM Area of Environmental Concern (AEC)? � Yes ❑ No Z. Project Infvrmation 2a. Name of praject: Laurel Bay Farrr� Unit Pump Station R�placement 2b. County: Dare 2c. Nearest rttunicipality 1 town: Mar�teo 2d. Subdi�ision name: NIA 2e. EVCDOT onfy, T.I.P. or state N�� project no: 3. Owner Infarmatian 3a. Name(s) on Recorded Deed: United States Go�ernment - Department of the Int�rior - Alligator Ri�er Nationai Wildlife Refuge 3b. Qeed Book and Page No. 3c. Responsible Party (#or LLC if Mike Bryant, R�fuga Manager applicable): 3d. 5treet address: P. O. Box 1969 (Shipping: 708 N. Highway 64) 3e. City, state, zip: Manteo, NC 27954 3#. Tel�phone no : (252) 473-1131 3g. Fax no.: (252) 473-1fi68 3h. Err�ail address: mike_bryant�a fws.go� Page l of 92 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2Q08 Version 4. Applicant Informat�on (i# different from ownerj 4a. Applicant is: ❑ Agent ❑ Other, specify: 4b. Name: 4c. Business name {if app�icabEe): 4cE. Streei address: 4e. City, state, zip: 4f. Telephone no.: 4g. Fax no.: 4h. Email address: 5. AgenUConsultant Information (if applicablej 5a. Name: 5b. Business nam� (if applicable): 5c. Street address: 5d. City, state, zip: 5e Telephone no.: 5f. Fax no.: 5g. �mail address: Page 2 of 12 PCN Farm — Versio� 1.3 December 10, 2048 Version B. Project Information and Prior Project History 9. Property Identification 1a. Proper#y identification no. (tax PIN or parcel ID): N1A 1 b. 5ite coardinates (in decimal degrees): Latitude: 35.859378 Longitude: - 75.94838 (D�.DdddDD) (-DD.DDDDDD) 1 c. Pro�erty size: 1530p0 acres 2. Surface Waters 2a. Name of nearest bociy of water (stream, ri�er, etc.) ta Alligator River proposed project: 2b. Water Quality CEasSification of r�earest recei�ing water. 5A; MQW, SB 2c. Ri�er basin: Pasquotank 3. Project Description 3a. Descri6e the existing conditions on the site and the generai land use in the vicinity pf the projeci at the time o# this application: Generaf land use on the refuge would be considered "conservation" as this is a national wildlife refuge. A brief summary of the refuge mission and purpose is to protect, restore, and preserve it5 unique wetlarzd habitats and the wildlife species which they support. �xisting conditions at the project site include a man-made dike and roadway, a dilapidaied pump house, a concreke fue[ tank, 3 worn out diesel engines, and 3 �ery rusied and failing pump heads with 3 discharge pipes underneath Lauref Bay Road and e�ptying into a man-made canal system. The dike is �egetated prirr�arily with a mixture of shrubby vegetation typicai of pocosin habitat. Vegetation is maintained by mowing 1-2 times per year. 3b. List the total estimated acreage of a!I existing wetlands an the property: 14Q,OOQ 3c. List the total estimated �inear f�et of all existing streams (intermittent and perennial) on the property: unknown 3d. Explain the purpose of the propased project� Replace existing pump sta#ion for the Laurel Bay Farm Unit 3e. Describe the o�erall project +n detail, including the type of equipment to be used: �he proj�ct invol�es remo�al af an existing pum� 5tation and replacing it entirely. The first acti�ity occurring at the project site will be remo�al of t�e engines and tuel tanks. After tha#, #he pump house will be dEmolisF�ed and removed from the refuge. The existing but �ery dilapfdated bulkhead, pump #�eads, and dfscharge pip�s will then be removed. Remova! of the discharge pipes into the canal system will require exca�ating through Laurel Bay Raad. Once all of the oid material is removed construction of the new pump station will begin. It is anticipated that all replacement construction will take place within, and immeciiate�y adjacent to, the same footprint as #he old structure. 7he old bulkhead will be replaced with a new vir�yl sheet piiing buEkhead. A wood-frame pump house wiff be constructed immediately adjacent io the footprint of the old pump house. Three 48� vertical pumps, diesel power units, dri�e shafts, and right-angle gear drives will be fnstalled. Three 48" diarneter steel discharge cross pipes (60 ft fong) with flap gates will be placed under Laurel Bay Road emptying into the canal sysiem. The concrete fuel tank wil] be replaced with a 200a gaEion Con�ault (or approved equal) fuel tanEc and assaciated hard fuel line plumbing. To camplete this project using appropriate safety measures, it wll be necessary to canstruct a cofferdam in the canal system adjacent to Laure! Bay Road. Equipment to be used will inclucie an excavator, bulldozer, dump trucks, farm tractors, generators, hand tools, and utility tru�cks. Page 3 of 92 PCN Form — Version 1.3 Decernber 10, 2008 Version 4. Jurisdictional Determinations 4a. Ha�e jurjsdictional w�tland or stream determinations by the Corps ar 5tate been requested or obtained #os th�s property 1 project (including all prior phases) in #he past? ❑ Yes � No ❑ Unknown Comments: 4b. If the Cor�s made the jurisdictionaE determination, what type of deterrnination was made? ❑ Preliminary ❑ Fina1 4c. If yes, who delineated the jurisdict[onal areas? AgencylCansultant Company: iVame (if known): Other- 4d. If yes, list the dates of the Corps �urisdiciional determinations or State determinations and attach documentation. 5. Project History 5a. �la�e permits or cer#ifications been reque5ted or obtained for � Yes � No ❑ Unknawn this project (including afE priar phases) in the past? 5b. If yes, expiain in detail according to "help #ile" instructions. 6. Fut�re Project Plans 6a. Is thi5 a phased project? ❑ Yes � No fib. ff yes, explain. Page 4 of 12 PCIV Form — Version 1.3 Decem#�er 10, 20a8 Version G. Proposed lmpacts Inventory 1. fmpacts S�mmary 1 a. Which section5 were completed below for your project (check all that apply): � Wetiands ❑ Streams - tributaries ❑ Buffers � Open Waters ❑ Pond Consiruciion 2. Weiland Impacts If there are wetlantf impacts proposed on the site, then complete this question for each wetland area irrtpacted. 2a. 2b. 2c. 2d. 2e. Zf. Wetland impact Type of jurisdiction number -- Type o# impact Type of wetland Forested (Corps - 404, 10 Area of im}�act Permanent (P) or (if known) DWQ — non-4D4, ather) (acres) Tem ora T �isturbance W'[ ❑ P� T around bulkhead emergent ❑ Yes � Corps and installation of freshwater marsh �!Vo � p1NQ D.01 discharge pipe W2 � P� T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W� ❑ P ❑ � ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W4 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W5 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W6 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes [� Corps ❑ No ❑ QWQ 2g. Total wetland impacts Q.01 2h. Comments: Total impacted wetland area is O.D1 acres. 3. Stream Impacts If tnere are perennial or intermitter�t skream impacts (including temporary impacts) proposed on the site, then complete this question for all stream sites impacted. 3a. 3b. 3c. 3d. 3e. 3f. 3g. 5tream impact Type of impact Stream name Perennial Type of jurisdiction A�erage Impact number - (PER} or (Corps - 404, � 0 stream length Permanent (P) ar ]ntermittent �WQ — non-404, width ([inear Temporary (T) (INT)? ot�er) (feet) feet) S1 ❑ P ❑ � ❑ PER � ❑ Corps ❑ INT ❑ DWQ S2 � P� T ❑ PER ❑ Corps ❑ IN� ❑ DWQ S3 ❑ P 0 T ❑ PER ❑ Corps ❑ INT ❑ �WQ S4 ❑ P❑ T ❑ p�R ❑ Corps ❑ INT ❑ DWQ S5 ❑ P❑ T ❑ PEf2 ❑ Corps ❑ INT ❑ DWQ 56 ❑ P 0 T ❑ PER ❑ Corps ❑ 1NT ❑ DWQ 311. Total stream and trib�tary impacts 3i. Comments: Page 5 of �2 PCN Forrn — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 4. �pen Water Impacts If there are proposed impacts to lakes, ponds, estuaries, ttibutaries, sounds, the Atlantic Ocean, or any other open water of the U.S. then indi�idually list all apen water irEtpacts below. 4a. 4b. 4c. 4d. 4e. Open water Name of waterbody impact number — (if a�plfcable) Type of impact Waterbody type Area of impact {acres} Permanent (P) or Tem ora T 01 ❑ P� T N/A Temparary fili for cofferdam man-made canal 0.01 02 ❑P❑T Q3 ❑P❑T 04 ❑POT _ 4T_ Total open water impacYs O.p� 4g. Comments: 5. Pond or Lake Construction If ond or lake construction ro osed, then com lete the chart belaw. 5a. 5b. 5c- 5d- ��. Wet�and Impacts (acres) Stream fmpacts (feet) Uplarsd Po�d ID Proposed use or purpose (acres) number of pond Floaded Filled Exca�ated Flooded Filfed Exca�ated Flooded P1 P2 Sf. Total 5g. Comments: �h. Is a dam high hazard permit required? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, permit ID no: 5. Expected pond surfac� area (acres): 5j. Size af pond watershed (acres): 5k. Method o� construction: 6. Buffer Impaets (for DWQ) �f projec� will impact a protected riparian buffer, then complete the chart below. If yes, then incEi�idually list all buffer impacts below. If an impacts require mitigation, then yau MUST fiil aut 5ection D of thfs form. 6a. ❑ Neuse ❑ Tar-Pamlico ❑ O�her: Project is in which protected basin? ❑ Catawba ❑ Randleman 6b. 6c. 6d. �e. 6f. 6g Buffer impact number— Reason Buffer Zo�e 1 fmpact Zone 2 impact Permanent {P) or for Stream name mitigatfon (square feet) (square feet) Tem ora T im act re uired? B1 ❑P❑T ❑Yes - -- ❑ No B2 ❑ P ❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ No B3 ❑POT ❑Yes ❑ No Gh. Total buffer impacts 6i. Camments: Page 6 of 12 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version D. Impact Justificatio� and Mitigation 1, A�oidance and Minimization 1 a Speciff�ally descrbe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing project. The USFWS is repfacing the existing pump station in the same faotprint and immediately adjacent to the new pump station. S{ringent use of sediment and erosion control measures �oupled with greding and r�-vegetating the site will minimize o� and off-site impacts. 1 b. Specifically describe measures taken to a�oid or min�mize the praposed impacts through construction tech�iques. The USFWS has supplies aRd equipment ready to begin con5fruction. The project will begin within 2 w�eks of permit appro�ak and is projected far startup in winter to early spring of 2012. Some aspects of the project can be done off the actual constr�ctian site. The pump head and disc�arge pipe will be �re-fabricated off site and will be installed in sections. Project specifications ca�! for turbidity curtains in the water and silt fEncing around the project site on the land. There will be r�o expansion of the project footprint and, consequentEy, no permanent impacts to wet�ands. The project siEe will be gradeci and stabilized upan project compleiion. 2. Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters af the U.S. or Waters of the State 2a- Daes the project require Gompensatory Mitigatian far ❑ Yes � No impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters o# the 5tate? ?b_ If ycs, mitigation is reyuired by (check all that applyl: ❑ DWQ ❑ Corps ❑ Mitigation hank 2c. lf yes, which mitigation optian will be used for this project? ❑ Payment to in-lieu fee program ❑ Permit#ee ReSponsible Mitigation 3. Complete if Using a Mitigation Bank 3a. Name of Mitigation Bank: 3b. Credits Purchased (attach receipt and letter} Type Quantity 3c. Comments: 4. Complete if Making a Payrrient to In-lieu Fee Program 4a. Appro�ai letter from in-lieu fee program is attached. ❑ Yes 4b. Stream mitigation requested: linear feet 4c. !f using stream mitigation, stream temperature: ❑ warm ❑ cool ❑cold 4d. Buff�r mitigation requesked (DWQ only): square feet 4e_ Riparian wetland mitigatian requested: acres 4f. Non-riparian wetland mitigatior� requested: acres 4g. Coastal (tidal) wetland mitigation requested: acres 4h. Comments: 5. Complete if Using a Permittee Respon5ible Mitigation Plan 5a. If using a permittee responsible mitigation plar�, prouide a descriptian of the proposed mitigation plar�. Page7of12 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 90, 2008 Version fi_ Buffer Mitigation (State Regulated Riparian Buffer Rules) — required by DWQ fia. Will the project result in an impact within a protected riparian buffer tl�at requires ❑ Yes � No buffer mitigation? 6b. If yes, then identify ti�e square feet of impact to each zone of the riparian buffer that requires mitigation. Calculate the amou�t of �nitigation r�quired. 6c. 6d. 6e. Zone Reason for impact Total impact Multiplier Required mitigation (square feet) (square feet) Zone 1 3(2 for Catawba) Zane 2 � � $f. Total buffer mitigation required: 6g. Ifi buffer mitigation is required, discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (e.g., payment to pri�ate mitigation bank, perrnittee responsible riparian buffer restoration, payment into an approveti in-lieu fee fund). 6h. Comments: Page 8 of 12 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December � 0, 2008 Version E. Starmwater Management and Diffuse Flow Pfan (required by DWQJ 1. Diffuse Flow Plan 1 a. Does the project include ar is it adjacent to prot�cted riparsan buff�rs identified � y�s � No wit�in one af the NC Riparian Buffer Protection Rules? 1b. If yes, the� is a difFuse flow plan induded? If no, explain why. ❑ Yes ❑ No Corn�+ents: 2. Stormwater Mana ement Plan 2a. What is the overai] percent imper�iousness o# this project? D.00�09 % 2b. Qoes this project require a 5tarmwater Managemen# Pian? ❑ Yes � No 2c. If this project DOES iVOT require a Stormwater Management Plan, explain why: This praject meets the criteria for a Low Density project b�cause� i. The averalf site plan contains less than 24% impervious surtace area considering both current and future de�eiopment; ii. All stormwater is transparted primari3y �ia n�tural �egetated conveyances; and iii. Tt�ere are no other areas within the project site with an impervious surtace. 2d. If t�is project DOES require a Stormwater Management PEan, then provide a brief, narrafi�e description of the plan: ❑ Certified Local Government 2e. Who will be responsible for the re�iEw of the S#ormwater Management Plan? ❑ DWQ Stormwater Pragram ❑ QWQ 401 Unit 3. Certified Local Government Stormwater Re�iew 3a. In which locai go�emment's jurisdFCtion is tt�is projeet? ❑ Phase II 3b. Which of the following locally-impler�entec� stormwater management programs ❑ NSW apply (check all that apply): ❑ USMP ❑ Water Supply Watershec� ❑ Other: 3c. Has the appro�ed Stormwater Managem�nt Plan witF� proof of appro�al been ❑ Yes ❑ Na attached? 4. DWQ Stormwater Pro ram Review ❑ Coastal counties ❑ HQW 4a. Whfch of th� following state-impEemented starmwater management programs apply � pRW (check all that apply): ❑ Session Law 2D06-246 ❑ Ot�er: 4b. Has the appro�ed Stormwater Management Plan wath proof of app�aval been attached? ❑ Yes ❑ f�o 5. DWQ 401 Unit Siormwater Fte�iew 5a. Does the Stormwater Management Plan meet the appropriate r�quirem�nts? � Yes ❑ Na 5b. Ha�e all of the 401 Unit submittaf requirements been met? ❑ Yes ❑ No �age 9 of 12 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10. 2008 Version F. Supplementary Information 1. En�vironmental Doeumentation (DWQ Requirement} �E a. Does the project invol�e an expenditure of publjc (federaElstatellocal) funcls or the � Yes ❑ No use af publfc (federallstate) ianci? i b. If you answered "yes" io the above, does the project �equire preparation of an en�ironmental document p�rsuant to #he requirements of the National or State ❑ Yes � No (North Carolina) Environmenta] Policy Ac# (NEPAISEPA)? 1 c. If you answered "yes" to the above, has the doc�ment re�iew been finalized by the 5tate Clearing House? (If so, attach a copy of the NEPA ar SEPA final approvaf lei#er.) ❑ Yes ❑ No Comments: 2. Violations (DWQ Requirementj 2a. Is the site in �iolation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .05D0), isolated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .1300), DWQ SurFace Water or Wetland Standards, ❑ Yes � No or Riparian Buffer f2ules (15A NCAC 28 .0200)? 2ia. Is this an after-ihe-fact permit application? ❑ Yes � No 2c. If you answered "yes" to o�e or both of the a�o�e questions, pro�id� an explanatfon of the �iolation(s): 3. Cumulat��e Impacts (DWQ Requirement� 3a. Will this project (based on past and reasonably an#icipated future impacts) result in � Yes � No additional devefopment, whieh cauld impact nearby downstream water quality? 3b. If you answered "yes" to the abo�e, submit a quafitati�e or quantitatE�e cumulative impact analysis in accordance with the most recent DWQ policy. If you answered "no," pro�ide a short narrati�e description. 4. Sewage Disposal (DWQ Requirement) 4a. Cfearfy detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge} of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or a�ailabfe capacity of the subject facflfty. No s�wage or wastewater generated by this pump station. Page 10 of T2 PCN Form — Versior� 1.3 �ecember 10, 2008 Version 5. Endangered 5pecies and flesignated Critical Wabitat (Corps Requirement) Sa Will this projeci occur in or near an area with federally pratected species or habitai? 5b. Ha�e you checked with tl�e USFWS concerning �ndangered Species Act impacts? 5c. If yes, indicate the USFWS Field �ffice you have contacted. � Yes ❑ No � Yes ❑ No � Raleigh ❑ Asheville 5d. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Endangered Species or Qesignated Gritical Habitat? R�fuge surveys and databases; Sec#ion 7 lntra-Service Biological Evaluatron fi. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Ftequirement) 6a. Will t�is praject occur in or near an area designated as essential fi5h habitat? I❑ Yes 6b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Esser�tial Fish Habitat? Mr. Ron Sechler, NMFS; Dr. Wilson �aney, USFWS(CHECK THIS) 7, Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requirement) 7a. Will this praject occur in or near an area that the state, federa[ or tribal governments have designatecf as ha�ing historic ar cultural pre5er+ration status (e.g., National Hfs#oric Trust designation or properties significan# in N�rth Caralina history ar�d archaeology)? ❑ Yes � No ,� . 7b. What data sources did you use to cletermine whether your site wauld impact historic or archeological resaurces? Mr. Richard Kanaski, Regianal Hfstoric Preservation Officer & Regiona] Archaeologist, Region 4, USFWS(CHECK TH15) 8. Flood Zone Designation [Corps Requirement) 8a. Will this project occur in a FEMA-designa#ed 100-year floodpfain? I� Yes ❑ No Sb. If yes, explai� how project meets FEMA requirements: Project consfitutes replacing an existing structufe that has been in pface since con5truction of the Laurel Say Farm Unit. There i5 minimal expansion in the footprint and no expansion in capacity or use of the site. Pum� house is elevated abo�e the flood plain le�el anc� is not occupied. 8c. What saurce(s) did you use to make the floodplain determinatfon? FEMA FiRMs U. S. Department of�the Interior Fish arad Wildli�'e Service Norlh Carolina Coastal Plain Refuge Complex 1Vlike Bryant, Project Leader ApplicantlAgent's Printed Name ..�„� ���2 � i`�—� � f�ll ,lj'.i, L �r�� ApplicantlAgent's Signature Date (Agent's signature is valid only if an authonzatfon letter fram the applicartt is prpvided ) Page 1 ] of 12 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version i'age 12 of 12 PCN Form — Version 3.3 December 10. 2008 Version ,�,t�ra� �Fr i P�� H i , � i i - ��� a United States Department of the Interior �-. <:: �����,.��'� FISH AND WILDLIFL SERVICE Alligatar River Natiunal Wildlife Ref�tge Pea lsEanc� Natic�n�l Wilc�life Refuge Pust Officc Box 19b9 Manteo, Narth Carolina 2'7954 (252) =t73-t l31 473-Ib68 (fas) l�ecembcr 7_ 201 I Mc•. IZich�ird S. Kanaski It�;`�io» 4 I-I�'O & Archacologist 5avannah Coastal Ref�u�,�s G94 Bceeh Hzl] 1,a�le ] lardeeville. SC 299?7 Dcar Mr. Kanaski: l:nclosed is a desceiption and location inti�rmation for Laurel [3ay Farm UEiit and Creef I�'arm i1niT Pump €teplaccme�t E'rojects at Alli�ator River National Wildlife Relu�e. 'i'llese projects �-�place c�cisting I�acilities on the Refuge. Archaeolc��ical and/or culturaf resources ha��e �lot bee�� dacumcnted at either site. Since r�placei��ent wi{1 be established in essentially the same l��otprint as the ori�i�ial p��mp static�ns, sigilifcant c�istur����ce to surrounding arcas is nat ar�ticipated. We f�ave reachcd a poini v��ith these projects wi�erein we are applyiT��, tor Nationwide Permits, Sectio�1401 Water Quality Gertilicatio�z5, acid coilctirrence with aur Consistency Dcter�l�iE�ation. As y-ou ar� aw-are a component of�this p�-ocess involves ecrosultation for hi5toric, euEtural, and archaeolo�,ical re5otirces thal cotild L�e affected by the prc�jcct. It is our opinion that r�n��e w°ill he �iffected. We wo�ild apprcciate any cc�Enments or ii3put ye�u may have re�ai•din� thcse prc�jccts_ Plcase consider this letter an� the attached project clescrEption as a request for your consultatio�l on thesc projects. If yau need ac�ditional infonnation, ec�ntact Mr. Den��i5 Stewart at {?5?} 47;- i 13� e�.E ?31 or �I�,���i� ���•.�act << I����,,���� at i�otir convenience. Sincerely. _�„ �n,:� %j�, � ;:��'� � Mikc F3ry�ni Prc�ject Leade�� North Carolina Coastal 1'�ain Refuges Complea Attachrr►ents Laurel Bay Pump Station Site The purpose of this project is to replace a deteriorated and unsafe pump station ir� the Laurel Bay Farm Unit on Alligator River Naiiona! Wildlife Refug�. The existing Lauref Bay Pump Station was constructed in the early 198Q's to dewater the land so that it could be cleared for farming. This single pump station now dewaters the South Twiford, Nar#h `�wiford, anc� Laur�l Bay Far�m Units. Presently the pump station dewaters approximately 800 acres of active farm land and about 270 acres of waterfowl managernent u�iis. Production of waterfowl and other wildlife foods ancE farm crops (major wildlife food source) are dependent on this pump s#ation. Natural deterioration of construction materials and excessi�e �se resulting from pumping ac�eage above the original design have accelerated det�rioration of pumplengine driveline components. The metal {grated) deck materials are deteriorated and unsafe for employees ta walk on to maintain and operate the purrTps. The unit �as reached the point wherein it is extremely inefficient, expensi�e, and unsafe to operate. The structurai position of the facility wi�l be demolished and removed. The engines, driveshafts, 90 degree gear heads, pumps, and discharge pipe (clriveline} are bad�y warn and da not move water efficientfy. A new buf�Chead (vinyl sheetpiling), concrete floor, and metal building will need to be constructed and new driveEine cornponents installed. Replacing this unit wilE result in more cost-effecti�e pumping and will increase the refuge ca�ability for movi�g water to pro�ide better habitat for a variety of wildlife incfuding, but nat limited io, endangered species such as the red walf, grassland t�irds, upland game birds, , waterfowl, shorebirds, raptors, songbirds, deer, rabbits, small rodents, and the bEack bear. The project work site is accessible from existing roads through the Laurel Bay Farm Unit. Roads, parking iots, and walkways subject ta interferer�ce by the work shall be kept open in a manner that provides for safe public use. One road will have to temporarily be closed when the old discharg� pipes ar� rEmaved from under the road. Work at this site includes deconstruction af an existing 450 itz metal pump �ouse buildir�g, replacement in an adjacent lacation in orcEer to replace discharge pipe beneath concrete floors, and to pro�ide more horizontal clearance frorn Laurel Bay Road. This will require excavation of existing road bed far discharge pipe removal. Upor� compEetian of new pipe replacerr�ent, the road wil� be reconstructed to meet Federal Highway Adrninistration standards {6" compacted gravel — 20' wide) �or public use roads. Other projec# components include: 1. Replacement of (3} 4S° verticaf pumps, diesel power units, cfri�e shafts, right-angle g�ar dri�es. 2. Replacement of (3) 48" diameter steel disc�arge cross pipes, 60 ft long and (3} flap gates. 3. Replacernent of existing 30 ft wide bar screen and catwalk, comprised of two steei I-Beams and removable, vertical steel rods (112" dia.) 6° O.C. 4. Replacement of existing sheet piling and cap, approximately 2i0 feet in perimeter x 30 ft high. 5. Replacement of 2000 gallon Convault (or approved equal) fuel tank and associated hard fuel IFne plumbing. In arder to complete this work, cpfferdams wiil be required in canals ir�ter�al to the farm unit as wel! as 2 locations in one canal outside thE farm unit perimeter dike. Each cofferdam is approximatefy 40 feet long by 15 feet wide by 8 feet tall encompassing a total of approximaiely D.O� acre. for a total of abaut 0.04 acre. Creef Farm Unit Pump Station The purpose of this project is ta replace a deteriorated and unsafe pump station in the Creef Farm Unit ar� Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge. The exasti�g Creef Pump Statian is the only remaining s#atifln from several initially constructed in the late 1970's and early 1980's to dewater the la�d sa that it could b� cleared for farming. Presently #he pump station dewaters approximately 1500 acres of active farm land and about 450 acres of waterfowl management units. Production of waterfow! and other wildlife foods and farrri craps {majar wildlife food source) are dependent on this pump station. Natu�al deterioration of construction materials and excessive use resultEng from pumping acreage above the ariginal design ir�creased deterioration of pum�lengine dri�eline components. Metal (grated} deck materials are deteriorated and �nsafe for employees to walk on to maintain and operate the pumps. The unit has reached the point wherein it is extremely inefficient, expensi�e, and unsafe to operate. The structural position of the facility will be demolishet� and removed. The engines, dri�eshafts, 90 degre� gear heads, purrtps and discharge pipe (driveiine) are badly wom and do not mo�e water efficiently. A new bulkhead (vinyl sheetpiling), concrete floor, and metal building will need to be constructed and new driveline components installed. Replacing this unit will result in more cost- effective pumping and will increase the refuge capability for moving water to provide better habitat for a variety of wiidlif� including, but not limited to, grassland birds, Upfand game birds, endangered species, waterfowl, shorebirds, raPtars, songbirds, deer, rabbits; smalf rodents, black bear, and the reci wolf Project Work site is accessi�le fram existing roads throUgh the Creef Farm Unit. Roads, parking lots, ar�d walkways subject to interference by the work shall be kept open in a manner that provides for safe pub[ic use. Work at this site includes deconstruction building in the current location in arder t� requi�e excavation of existing road bed completion of n�w pipe replacemer�t, Administration standards (6" compact�d components include: and replacement of an existing 450 ft2 metal pump house rsplace discharge pipe beneath concrete floors. This will of Long Curve Raad for discharge pipe removal. Upon road will be recar�structed to meet Federsl Highway gravel — 20' wide) for public use roads. Other project 1. Replacement of (2) 4$" �ertical pumps, dies�l power units, drive shaf#s, right-angle gear dri�es 2. Replacement of (2) 48" diameter steel discharge cross pipes, 6D ft long ar�d {2) #lap gates 3. Replacement of existing 30 ft wide bar screen and catwafk, comprised of two s#eel I-Beams and removable, �ertica� steel rods {1/2" dia.} 6" O.C. 4. Replacement of existing sheet pifing and cap, approximately � 80 feet in perirr�eter x 30 ft high. 5. Replacement of 2000 gallon Convault {or approved equal) fuef tank and associated hard fuel Gne plumbing in order to compleie this work, co�ferdams will be required in canals internal to the farm unit as well as 2 locations in 1 ca�nal outside #he farm uRit perimeter dike. Each cafferdam is approximately 40 feet long by 15 feet wide by 8 fee# tall encompassing a total of appraximately 0.01 acre. far a total of abaut 0.04 acre. � . 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P Q/ 2 � ��` � �'' "��;:�,�� llate: December 7, 201 ] From: Dennis Stcwart Refuge F3i�lo�isf Al]igator River I`Ta�ional Wildlife Refuge Pea Island National Wildlifc Ref'u�e UNITED STATES GOVERflEMENT memorandum Subject: Sectio.n 7 Ir�tra-Service C'onsultation for Laurel I3ay Farn7 Unit P�lmp Replacement Project Ta: Pete Benjam�n U.S. �ish �nd Wild�ife Service Raleigh Fie�d Office Lnclosed is an Intra-Service Sectian 7 Bioiogical Evaluation �or Laurel Bay Parm Unit Pump Statfon Rep�acei��eni Project an �111igator River National u�ildlifc Refu�e. Please z'eview and provide your con��nei�ts or concurrence with our findings t�nder Section 7 of the Endangered Species Ac#. If yo�z have any questions, please contact I�ennis Stewart at {2S2} 473-1131 x 231. �I�hank you! REGION 4 iNTRA-SERVICE SECTION 7 BIOLOGICAL EVALUATION FORM Originatin� Person: Dennis Stewart, Refu�e Bio�o�ist Tele�hone Number: 2.52 473-1131 XT 23l E-MaiL• dennis stewart(a�fws.�ov Date: Decembcr 7, 201 j PROJECT NAME (Grant Title/Number): Laurel Ba Far� Unit Pum Station Re lacement on Alli ator Rivcr National Wildlife Refu e I_ Se�-vice Program: Ecological Ser�°ices Federal Aid Clean Vessel Act Coastal Wetlands Fndangered S�ecies Section 6 Partners f'or Fish ancl Wildlife Sport Fish Restoration Wildlife Restoration Fisheries X RefugcslWildlife II. State/Agency: U. 5. f isil & Wildlife Service I11. Station Name: Alligator River National Wildlife Refi�ge IV, Description of Proposecl Action (attach ac3ditional �ages as neecied): The exist�i�g purnp stat'ion Laurel Ba�y Farm Unit on Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge (Refuge} is scheduled for re�lacement as it has reacl�ed the end of its scrviceable life. 7 he project involves remova] af an existinb pump station and replacing it entirely as close to the same fc�otprint as possiblc. T��e first acti�ity occurring at the project sYte will he re�noval of the engii�e and fuel tanE�. Alter t11at the pump ho��se will be demolished and ren�oved from the Ref��ge. 'The existi�3g b��t very dilapiated bulkl�ead, pue�lp iiead, and discharge pipe will thc�� be re�nor�ed. Kemoval oftE�e discharge pipe into the impou�dment will rec�uire excavating through thc existir�g dike dnd roadway_ Once all of the old material is removed construclion of the new pump station will begin. It is anticipated that al{ replaceEr�en� construction wi{I take place in the same footprint as the o[d strt�cture. I'he old bulkhead wil] be replaced witl� a��ew vinyl slicct �iling bulkhead. A wood-frame pump house will be constructed withi�� the pre-existing footprint. The new pump and discharge pi�e will bc installed from the canal system unc�erneath Lon� Curve Road and into tl�e Laurel Bay f�arm Unit_ To complete tl�is project usi��g appropriate safety measures, it wll be ��ecessary �o construct a coff'erdan� in the cae�al system adjacent ta Laurel Bay Road. Ec�uipi��ent to be ��sed will include an e�cavator, bulkdozer, duEnp trucks, far�n tractors, generators, hand tools, and utility tructis. V_ Pertinent S�ecies and Habitat: A. fnclude species/habitat occurrence map: A!] species, e�cept for the red-cockaded woodpecker (EZCW) occur throughout the refug�. For reterence purposes, a copy of`a refu�e map with road na�nes is enclosed. Kj3own RCW clusters occur o« t.he soutl� end in the vicinit}� of Whipping Creek Road, nortli of U. S. Highway 264 just east of $tomper Road, aild on the Dare CouE�t�- Bombing Kange. OEle inactive cluster with o�le kno��n cavi��� tree occurs in tl�e vicin ity of tl�e east side af ICoehring Road _just north of the Pollock Road intersectio�3. The a.rea around Stum�y Point was surveyed by heiicopter duri�lg 1999 and no evider�ce of the RC W was four�d in t�e areas proposecf for pump replacement. The alligator is tiound in aquatic hahitat. Alligators havc heen known to use canals in this area. Sightin�s will be reported to the Reli��e f3iologist. Tl�e pr�ject is w`ithin the range of a red wolf pack a�d wolves could be fouaid in thc area at any give�� time. SigEitings within the 4�roject area wil] be reported to the Red Wolf Kecovery Projcct. Alligatar Kiver NWR is witl�in the historic range o��sensitive joint vetch, however, E�o��e ]�as been reported on t{ze refuge_ table: �S7�A'I IJS: �°cndan�crcd_'T=t4ireaCened, PT=proposed endanger�d. F'�—prnposed thrextcncd. CH—crilical hubiist. P('I1—propose� critical hahitat_ C—candidalc species, ']�*-1 _isted hy Simflarzly of 1lppcarance VI. Locatio� (atfiach map): A. Ecorebio� Number and Name: Ecosystem Area II, Na. 34; Roanoke-`1'ar-Neuse-Cape Fear F,casystem B. County an�l State: Dare County, North Carolina C. Section, township, and range (or latitude and longitude}: N35° 51' 33.76" WU75° 5b' S4.1 T" ll. llistance (miles} and direction to nearest town: Site lies approximately 20 miles due west of Manteo, NC �. Species/habitat occurrence: A.i�erican nlligators occupy son�e canals, [akes and creeks within the refuge. No species abundance data is currently availab[e. Red wo[ves eYist iYl th� wild in t�e refuge as an experimental population. Rei��troduction be�a» in 1987. Approhimatel_y 13i1 individuals currently exist in the wEid in noriheastern Norih Carolina. There are approximately 4 KCW clE�sters located on Alligator River NWR, none are localed near the s�te of pu�np rep�acement. No sensitivc joint vetcll has been seen oii the refu�e. V11. Deterrnination Qf Eftects: A. Explanation of effects of the action on sPecies and critical habitats in item V. (attach additional pages as needeci}: 2 VIII. Effect Determination and Rcspo�se Aequested: SPF.CIFS/ CRITICAL HABITAT American Alligator Red Wolf RC W Sensitive _joir�t vetch DETERMINATION� NE NA X X X X R�SPONSC� RF,QUESTED AA Concurrence Concurrence Concurrence Concurrence DE7�LRM1�!A-[-[ON/RLSYONSL R1-_QUESTF.n� NE = no etfect. 'I'his determinxtion is xppropriaic wheri Ihe pru�osed action will riot directly, ii�directly. or cunuilaiivch impaci, cithcr positively �r ncg;divelti_ anv listed, proE�osed. candidate species or �esignated/prnnused criticaf habilal. Responsc RequeSlCd is optional but �"Concurrence" is recomnzendeci for a complete AdmfnfsLrt�l�ve Record. 'JA = nul likcly t�> ad�crscly atlect_ 7-his detennination is appropriate wheai the pro�iosed actiun is not likcly lo adverscl�� impact any IisCed, �mposcxl, carididate spcefes or desigi�atedl�roposed criticaf hahit:d or there may be beneGci<�I clicclti to these rctiources. itesponse Itequesied is a "C'uncunenee'�_ A.4 = likely to adversety aliocL This detenninalion is appropriate when the proposed aclFon is likcly 10 adversely impact any listed_ proposed_ candidate specfes ar desfgnafed/proposed critical habitat_ Response Itequestec3 for lisicd Specics is "Fornlxl Consiiltation". � J Response Kequcsicd for proposed or candidatc specics is "Confcrenee". � � / � �/'/i'%�-�/ nn, �IgI1diU1"C �OC1�l1l1Tlil � St3f10I1� / ,�/ .[y�'��7j � � �i: li�f�� i/'--' f'���L�^� Tlt�e � IX. Reviewing Ecological Services 4ffice Evaluation: A. Cancurrence Nonco�icurrence B. Formal consultation rey�ired C. Conference required ll. Informal conference required E. Remarlcs (attach additional pages as neec�ed): Signature Title 4 �G� � �r�� Date Date Office � - �t = � , _..a 5. �. _� ,a � �� - � � - _ �„ _��� . r x . . . . � ', . . , . � �,k , . .. � . .'�,x " - n.,-, x,� � :�, �c ��S �r : � . � dfl�w�. � y.:.� . . �v r . :-� �:7, _.,� . ,:_ + .,�! 1 � . . �� ir�• . ... f�. . .'"�,�,iev -T -.��w � � �a.`•`� C "t"�' ��au . - � - . . ;- - ' fl `�� ����R . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . �t � y. . - � ' . . . �,1 � �� , . . . - . ��; .i . . .. ' ' . id`77 { .. �� . . . .. . :.� � 1 s. ` . .. � �, 9,�: .. 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C. Di�ision of Coastal ManagemEnt ATTN: Mr. StephEn Rynas 400 Co�nmerce Avenue Morehead City, NC 28557-4321 Dear Mr. Rynas: This Consistency Qetermination (CD) and supporti�tg documentation to replace two existing pump stations for the Laurel Bay and Cree# Farm Units at Ailfgator Ri�er National Wildlife Refuge is submitted for rE�iew and comment. We belie�e that this is a complete applicatian package. Howe�er, if required information is absent or if site �fsits need to be schedui�d, p4ease notify �s as soon as possible. For those who prefer conducting a review through the electranic medfum, all fi[es in this package can be accessed through the internet. T�is site wfil be acti�e beginning on W�dnesday December 14, 2011 and the address will be forwarded e�ectranically. We belie�e the proposed pump statio� replacernent pro�ect is fu�iy consistent with the palicies and guidefines of North Carolina's federally approved Coasial Management Program. By copy of this letter and enclosures we are submitting thfs applicatian to the Corps of Engineers for processing as an appfication far Nationwide Permits 3& 18; and to the N. C. Division of Water Quality fo� the Section 401 Water Qualiry Certification. We have enclosed a check #or $480.00 to the North Caralina Di�ision of Water Quality to cover the application fiee for each project. If at all possibl�, we request an expeditious review as some funding could be lost if not used relatively soon. Loss of fundfng would result ir� the project not t�eing dane during 2011 with a subsequent loss of jobs in the local econamy. The refuge staff is committed to workfng coo{�erati�ely with all State and Federal agencies to ensure full corr�pliance with law, regulation, and policy at all times. If you ha�e questions about the CD or the refuge, cantact Mr. pennis Stewart, Refuge Biologist at (252) 473-113� x 231 or his cell phone (252) 475-0962. 5incerely, �l�'y�<'=% �-':�-� Mike Bryant `� Project Leader North Carolina Coastal Plain Refuges Complex Enclosures ce: N. C. Division of Water Quality Corps of Engineers C�NSISTENCY DETERMINATIQN LAUREL BAY FARM UNIT PUMP STATION REPLACEMENT CREEF FARM UNIT PUMP STATION REPLACEMENT ALLIGATOR RIVER NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE DARE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA j �� � �����`, SSRVLCB �...... I ,� ��: � : ti � -. <;y`�,�i.�%"� r o�, Y' U. S. FiSH AND WIL�LIFE SERVICE ALLIGATOR RIVER NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE COMPLEX MANTEO, NORTH CAROLINA N�VEMBER 2011 CQNSISTENCY DETERMINATION LAUREL BAY FARM LJNIT F�UMP STATION REPLACEMENT CREEF FARM UN1T PUMP STATION REPL.ACEMENT Pro'ect Descri tion Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) is located in Dare and Hyde Counties, North Caralina and was establish�d in M rch, 1984. The Refuge consists of o�er 153,000 acres of riverine swamp, non-ri erine swamp, pocosin, pine and hardwood forests, sal#, brac#cish, and freshwater ma sh, and agricultural land. The refuge provides valuable habitat for a variety of wildlife, �n�ludir�g many neo-t�opical migrant bird species, waterFawl, black bear, and several federally-listed endangered and threatened species such as the red wolf and red-cockaded woodpecker. The Alligator Ri�er complex is part of a larger refuge compfex called the North Carolina Coastal Plain Refuges Compfex_ Refuges in the larger camplex include Alliga#or River, Pea Island, Mackay Island, Currituck, Poc�osin Lakes, and Roanoke Ri�er National Wildlife Refuges. Alliqator River National Wildlife Refuge Pump Staiions Laurel Bav Pump Sta#ion The ability ta manage water efficiently is �ritical to our success in pro�iding quality habitat for a wide range of migratory birds and other wildlife. The Laurel Bay Farm U�it Pump Station (Figure 1} serves as one o� twa pumps that remo�e water from the central and western refuge farm units. These areas are managed to provide food crops and moist soil vegetatian for resident and mig;ratory wildfife populations. Maintaining pumping capa�ilities is the most efficient method far achievi�ng refuge management objectives. � Fi�ure 'E L.aurel Bay Pump Station and Creef Pump Station, Alligator Ri�er National Wifdlife Refuge, Dare Cour�tyFNorth Carolina "1 - � �. . � � �� 4 � �.� ,� :� ��; :� .7_ ,,,�.�-:,�_I._ :ti� ' � cnz� =:r�.�rA�rj:�:cY;� %� ��i.s�1 �,::}+ i i 'r,ej � . I ... � , . E,=:-: -. �, ,,.�;.-.�r:h�� ?' i'. :_��r :I r t r13 S : �. }_�r , ..�. li. ) � '�I-iIlL�L- - , ^,mk,'�(jf�-.GL^ � -'vT ��•117'S-" .`li��{�J� �"i�}"Y� The existing pump station at the Laurel Bgy Farm Un�t on Alligatar River NWR (Figure 2) is scheduled �or replacement as it has reached the end of its serviceable life. The praject invol�es removal af the existing purrtp statiar� and repkacing it entirely as close to �he same footprint as possibfe. Figure 2. Location of the Laurel Bay �arm Unit Pump Station on Alligator River Na#ional Wildlife Refuge, Dare County, North Caroli;r�a. � ��� �, �;'.. "1,r.� 1 A "� � �; -: `�� °..��. ; �, . �� � t� �„a�-' �� - ,...�.� , _ �:.,,�� - < � � . �. .� � _ � . +S h � . d '_J, s ` �i�': i _ d � � . � y �� - 1 . �_e�,_. . r'� ' A -•1.�� r �':.# ��. �f �: c�I ie I 1�i,73! -� n :,. Y. iJ;- ��' .C!,"-._. I7L ^�'�IFs� � � .8".;:. �'.__ ��! .?,.3�'3L� �`. Work at this site includes deconstruction of an existing 450 ftz meta� pump house building and replac�ment in an adjacent location in order to replace the discharge pipe beneath the concrete �loors and to provide more horizontal cleara�ce from Laurel Bay Road. This will require exca�ation of existing road bed #ar discharge p�pe rema�al. Upon completion of new pipe replacement, the road will be recanstructed to meet Federal Highway A�m�nistratEOn standards (6-inch compacted gravel — 20 feet wide) for public use roads. In order to camplete ihis work, cofferdams will be required in internal canals within the farm unit as well as 2 locatians in a discharge cana� outside t1�e farrn unit perimeter dike. Under Department of Interior policy this pro�ect is conside�ed to �e a Ca�egorical Exclusion pursuant ta #he National En�iranmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 ei seq.). The er�closed Environmer�tal Act�on Statement provides references to the depa�tmenta! manual if fur�her dacumentation is needed. 2 Creef Farm Unit Pump Station The Creef Farm Unit Pump Statian {Figure 1) serves to �emove water from the eastern refuge farm units. These areas are managed to provide fioad craps and mois# soil �egetation for resident ar�d migratary birds and other wildlifie. Maintair�ing pumping capabilities is the most efficient method for achieving refuge management objecti�es. The existing pump station at tt�e Creef Farm Unit on AEligator River NWR (Figure 3} is sc�eduled far replacement as it has reached the end of its serviceable life. The project involves removal of an existing pump station and replacing it �ntirely as close to the same footprint as possible_ Figure 3. Location af the Creef Farm Unit Pump Station on Alligator River National Wildlif� Refuge, Dare County, North Carolina. ,., ,.i _ �. .u.�s... =r= ;��s�,,� �:;��� � � �:., �.. The first activity occurring at th� �project si#e wilk be remo�al of the engir�e and fuel tank. After that the ap�roximate 450 ft pump house will be demolished and remov�d from the refuge. The existing but �ery dilapidated b�l�Chead, pump head, and discharge pipe will then be removed. Removal of the discharge pipe into the Creef Farm Unit wiEl require exca�ating through the existing dike ar�d roadway. Once all of the old material is removed construcfion of the r�ew pump station wifl begin. It is ar�ticipated that all replacement construction will tafce place �n the same footprint as the old structure. The old bulkhead will �e repfaced with a new viny! sheet-piling bulkhead. A woad-frame pump house will be construc�ed in approximately the same footprint as the o!d pump house. The new pump and d�scharge pipe will be installed from t�e canal system underneath Long Curve Roa� and into the Creef Farm Unit. To camplete this project using appropriat� safety measures, it wll be necessary to construct 2 coiferdams in canals internai #o the farm unit and 2 cofferdams (1 upstream; 1 downs#ream) in the canal adjacent to Long Curve Road. Equiprr�ent to be used will include an excavator, buildozer, dump trucks, farm tractors, generators, hand �ools, and utility trucks. Under Departrnent of Interior policy this project is considered to �e a Categorical Exclusion pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et s�q.). The enclosed Environmental Action Statement pro�ic�es references to the departmenta! manual if further dacumentation is needed. Dare County Land Use Plan The existing iand use is classified as canser�ation in the Dare County Land Use Plan. This ciassifcation would allow residential development but would discourage other types of de�elopment not considered to be "traditional accessory uses". These maintenance projects are designed to minimize the extent of disturbed areas by replacing on essentially the same footprints as the old structures. There will be no expansion of impact beyond the existing fiacilities_ There will be #ew, if any, long-term impacts from rep�acement af the purnp stations. Most of the impacts that wifl occur wauld be cansidered short term and they have been minimized ta the maximum extent possible. The quality of habitat pro�ided far migratary birds and other wildlife over the project life offsets the short-term impacts. For these reasons, #he U.S. Fish and Wildlife Ser�ice believes tF�at the �ropased fac�laties are fully cansistent with the spirit and �ntent of the conservation classification in the Dare County Land Use Plan. Caastal Manaqement Proqram Ob�ecti�es and Policies Projects wffhin Areas of Environmen�a! Concern Pursuant to 15A NCAC 07H .a205, management objectives have been establish�d for conservation of coastai wetiands for the purpose of preserving and perpetuating their biological, social, economic and aesthetic values. To fu�#ill these objectives, uses which are not water-dependent are not allowed in coastal wetlands pursuant to 15A NCAC 07H .0208(a){�). Coastal wetlands are defined by administra#i�e cade as those salt marshes or a#her marshes subject ta reguiar or occasianaf ffooding 6y tides, including wind tides and includes some, if not all, of 10 species of plants. Tf�er� will be a very small fringe, approximately � 56 ft2 at each pump station, of wetiands impacted by #hese projects when the bulkheads are r�placed. Most of #his impac# wiEl occur through disturbance as a result o� tearing out the old b�lkheads and installing the new ones, but soils and elevatian will not be appreciably differer�t after the projects. Consequently, the � disturbed wetlands should recover within the first grawing season. Bare sail wifl he stabilized by seeding and mulching with weed free praducts. Frorn this information we ha�e concluded that the proposed replacement of the Laurel Bay Farm Unit Pump Station and the Creef Pump Station are consistent with the management objecti�es of 15A NCAC 07H .0205. Pursuant to 15A NCAC 07H .a206, management o�jec�ives have been established for conservation of estuarine waters far the purpose of preser�ing and perpefuating their bialogical, soc�ak, economic and aesthetic values. To fulfill these abjecti�es, uses which are not water-dependen# are not allowed in estuarine waters pursuant to 15A NCAC 07H _0208(a){1). Estuarine waters are defined to include all of the waters of the A#lantic Ocean within tF�e boundary of North Carolina and a!I of fhe waters of the bays, saunds, rivers, and tributaries thereto seaward of the dividing line between coas#al fishing waters and inland fis�ing waters. Replacing the pump stations is a water dependent activity howe�rer, it will have no impact on estuarine waters as defined by 15A NCAC 07H .�208(a)(1). Bas�d upon the information pro�ided in the statutes and administrative codes, there are no feat�res in the design of these projects that wauld be inconsistent with the management objectives of 15A NCAC 07H .0206. Pursuant to 15A NCAC 07H .0207, ma�agement objectives �ave been established for de�elopment ofi public trust areas for the purpose of protecting public rights for na�igation, recreation, and management af public trt�st areas for the purpose of saving and perpetuating #heir biological, economic ar�d aesthetic values. To fulfill t�ese objectives, uses which are not wa#er-dependent are not allowed in public trust areas pursuant ta 15A NCA C 07H .0208(a)( 1). Public trust areas are de�ined as waters of the Atlantic Ocean and lands thereunder fram the mean high wa#er mark to the seaward limit of the State jurisdiction, including all natural bodies of water subject to measurable lunar tides and Eands thereunder ta the mean high water mark. These pubiic trust areas include all naviga#�le water bodies and lands thereunder to the mean high water le�el ar rrean wa#er level as the case may be. Th�re are no features in the design of these projects that would affect public trust areas. The genEral public has and will continue to have access to these waters. We have determined that the facilities will r�ot directfy impact waters of the State of North Carolina and therefore will not impact publ�c trust areas. Based on the a�ove information the proposed prajects are consiste�t with management objecti�es of 15A NCAC 07H.0207. Pursuant to 15A NCAC 07H .0209, management abjectives have beer� established to ensure that coastal shoreline development is compatible wfth the dynamic nature of shorelines, and North Carolina's objectives for conser�ing and managing the important naturaf feature's of the estuarine and ocean systems. Coastal shorelines are defined as estuarine sharelines and �ublic trust sharelines. Estuarine shoreline areas of en�ironmental concern are th�se non-ocean shorelines extendi�g from the normal high water level or narmal water level along the estuarine waters, estuary sounds, bays, fresh and brackish waters, and public trust areas for a distance 75 feet landward. Most of the project features at both sites tall within the boundaries of a perimeter dike separating the farm uni# from adjacent water bodies. These adjacent water bodies may 5 includ� the estuarine shoreline area of environmental concern. The only work occurring outside of the perimeter dike will be to construct cofferdams. All cofferdam material will be removed upon completion of tF�e project at each site. geca�se of the very small area of coverage by impervia�s surface and the averall small footp�int of the projects, the Se�ice belie�es that the proposed facilities wifl not have any long-term or significant impact on either the public trust or the es#ua�ine shoreline areas of environmentaf concern. We further believe the projects are fully consistent with the management objectives of 15A NCAC �7H .0209. Pursuant to 15A NCAC 07H .0303, management objectives have been established to ensure that development in ocean hazard areas is compatible with the goafs of eliminating unreasonab�e danger to life while achie�ing a balance between the financial, safety, and social factars invofved in development af these areas. Ocean hazard areas include ocean erodible areas, where there exists a substantial possibility of excessive erosion and significant shoreline ffuc#uatior�; high hazard flood areas; inlet hazard areas; and un-vegetated beach areas. The proposed projects are not lacaied within ar in reasonable proximity to any oc�an hazard areas as defir�ed at 15A NCAC 07H .034. No further anafysis is required regarding either of fhe proposed project's consistency wit� the objective of 15A NCAC 07H .0303. Pursuant to 15A NCAC 07H .Q505, management objecti�es have been established to both protect habitats r�ecessary far sur�ival of threatened and endangered plants and animals, and minimize land use impacts that might jeopardize these habitats. Si�ce the refuge provides habitat �or t�e American alifgator, red wo�f, red-cockaded waodpecker, and possibiy ser�siti�e joint �etch, Intra-5ervice 5ection 7 Biological Evaluations were prepared by the r�fuge and re�iewed by the U. S. Fish & Wildlife Ser�ice, Da�ision of Ecological Se�ices. The conclusion from #his e�aluatians was that the proposed facilities are not likely to have an adverse effect on any listed species. Based on this determination, the proposed projects are cansistent with the management o�jectives of 15A NCAC 07H .0505. Pursuant to 15A NCAC D7H .0506, management objectives have been estab�ished to pratect the features of designated coastal complex natural areas for the purpose of safeguarding th�se areas' biological relat3anships, and educatianal, scientific and aesthetic �alues. The facilities do not contain any design feature that would b� inconsistent with the management objectives of 15A NCAC 07H .0506. Pursuant to 15A NCAC 07H .0507, management objectives have been established to protect unique caastal geologic formations far the purpose of preserving the formation's physicaE componen#s that ser�e as important scientific and educational sites, or as valuable scenic resources. No unique coastal gealogic formations exist wi#hin either of the sites. Construction of the faciiities is consistent wi#h the rna�agement objectives of 15A NCAC 07H .0507. Pursuant to 15A NCAC OiH .0509, management objectives have been established to conser�e significant coastal archeological resources for the purpose of preserving their 0 value as scientific, educational, and aesthetic resources. Based upon coordination with Mr. Rick Kanaski, USFWS Region 4 Archaeologist who has caordinated ii�e project with the State Histar�c Preservation Office (SHPO), there are no cuitural or archaeologica� resources that would be affect�d by proposed facilities. Similarly, these mai�tenance projects will not affect the historicai or cultura! la�dscape values af the refuge as defined by Section 106 of the National Historic Preser�ation Act (16 U.S.C. 470fl. Therefore the proposed facilities are consistent with the management objecti�es of 15A NCAC Q7H .0509. Pursuant to 15A NCAC Q7H .0510, management objecti�es have been �stablish�d to conserve significant coastal historic architectural resources for the p�rpose of preser�ing their value as scie�tific, educational, and aesth�tic resources. Based upon coordination wit� Mr. Rick Kanaski, USFWS Region 4 Archaeologist who has coordinated the proj�cts with the State Historic Preservation �ffice, there are no historic architectural resQUrces that would be affected by proposed facilities. Therefore the propose� facilities are consistent with the management objectives of 15A NCAC 07H .0509. Pursuant ta 15A NCAC 07H .0600, management objectives have been esta�lished for all AECs for the purpose of preventing pollution of shelffish waters, maintaining aircraft safety, and preventing naise poliutior� resuiting from airspace activity. The proposed facilities at the preferred project sites will not affect any of these resources; therefore the facilities are consistent with the managernent objecti�es of 15A NCAC 07H .0600. Projects Oufside Areas af Environmenfal Concern Pursuant to �5A NCAC 07M .03�1, it is the palicy of North Carolina to foster, improve, enhance, a�d ensure optimum access to the public beaches and waters of the 20 coastal co�nties concurrent with needs of private property owners and protection of important coastal natural resources on public beaches and water. Construcfian, operation, and maintenance of the proposed facilities will have �o effect on publ�c beaches of the area. Therefore, t}�e facilities are cansistent wi#h the pubic access policy outlined in 15 NCAC 07M .0301. Pursuant to 15A NCAC 07M .0401, it is the policy of North Carolina #f�at d��elopment of energy resources and facilities shall avoid significant adv�rse impacts upon viial coastal resources or uses, and pubfic trust or access arEas. To foster compliar�ce with this palicy, Impact Assessments are required for Majar Energy Facilities as defined at 15A NCAC 07M .0402(b}. Neither the refuge nor the replacement pump statians meet the definitian of a Major Energy Facility. Th�refore, no further action is required regarding the consistency of these actions with the energy policy outiined at 15 NCAC 07M .Q401. Pursuani to 15A NCAC 07M .Q501, it is the poiicy of North Caroifna that all state agencies coordinate acti�ities in coastal areas fior the purpose of reducing the damage from coastal disasters. Ir� accordance with this policy, local gavernments rr�ust incEude disaster planning ac#i�ities ir� t#�eir [and use plans, temporary emergency housing r-nust be lacated outside of hazardous arEas, and building repair and reconstruction activi#ies must comply with the standards of the Guidefines for Areas of Environrrzenta! Concern, North Carolina Building Code (including wind resistant standa�ds), the National Fiood Insurance Pragram, and local reconstruction plans. The Service recognizes that the site elevatians (6-S feet abo�e sea le�e!) will require sp�cial design considerations. The faciiities and all associated structures will conform ta all federal, state, and local buElding codes and flood insurance guic�elines. Based an the abo�e in�armation, t�e facilities are consistent with the guidelines and policies of 15A NCAC 07M .0501. Pursuant fo 15A NCAC 07M .0601, it is the policy of North Carolina that floating structures used for residential or comrnercial purposes not infringe upon public trust righ#s r�or discha�ge into public trust wate�s. The facilities do not involve canstruction or use of a floating siructure; therefore, no further actinn is required regarding the consistency of the proposeci projects with the floating str�cture policy outlined at 15A NCAC 07M .06Q1 Pursuant to 15A NCAC a7M .0701, it is the policy of North Caroli�a that ad�erse impacts to coastal lands and waters will be mitigated through proper p[anning, site selectior�, compliar�ce with development standards, and creation or restoration af coastal resources. Far a praject requiring mitigation ta be approved, pursuant to 15A NCAC 07M .0703 thE following canditions must be met: there must b� no reasonable and p�udent a�ternati�es to the project design or site; the entire project must be dependent upon close praximity to public trust waters and coas#al wetlands; the public benefits must clearly outweigh the long range adv�rse effec#s to the environmen#; and all reasonable means anc� measures to I�ssen the impacts of �he �roject are incorporated i�#o the project design. No permanent or long-term ad�erse impacts to coastal lands or waters are an#ici�ated; therefore, no further action is requ�red regarding the cansistency of the proposed facilities with mitiga#ion gt�idelines and policies o�tlined at 15 NCAC 07M .0701. Pursuant to 15A NCAC Q7M .0801, it is the palicy of North Carolina that no land or water use shall cause the degradation o# water quality so as to impair traditional uses of coastal water sucf� as fishing, swimmir�g, hunting, boating, and commerce. Because al! waters of the State within the coastaf area ha�e pote�tial for uses requiring optima! water quality pursuant 15A NCAC 07M .0802(c) methods must be adopted to controf development so as to eliminate harmful runoff which may impact the sounds and rivers of the coastal areas. No adverse impacts to water quality are anticipated; therefore, no further action is required regarding the consistency of the proposed facilities with mitigation guidelines and policies outlir�ed at 15 NCAC 07M .D80�. Minimizing the footprint of the projects on each site and incarp�ration of stringent sediment and erosion control tec�niques as defined in the Sediment and Erosion Caniroa Management Plan w�il ensure compliance. Pursuant to 15A NCAC 07M .�901, it is the policy of Nor�h Carolina that use of aircraft far the purpose of managing and protecting coastal resources, detecting �iolations of environmen#ai rules and laws, and pertorming pubfic health, safety and welfar� sefvices is of vi#al public interest. To insure access to airspace, pursuant to 15A NCAC 07M .0901 access corridors free of special use airspace designations shall be pres�rved S along the length of the barrier island and laterafly at intervals �ot to exceed 25 rniles for the purpose of providing ur�obs#ruc�ed access to the coastline, and development of aviation re�ated pro�ects s�all, to the maximum e7c#ent practicable facilitate use af aircraft by local, state, and federal go�ernm�nt agencies. The proposed facilities are not a�iation reiated, nor are they proposing an aircraft access corridor; therefore, na further action is req�uired regarding consis#ency with ti�e aircraft usage poficy outlined at 15 NCAC 07M .0901, No�th Caralina DredcLe and Fill Law The proposed faciiity will result in temparary excavation andlor filling in waiers of manmade canals for cafferdams. Beds and bottoms within this area are owned by the U. S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. The refuge is in the process of obtaining Nationwide Permi� 3 wh�ch authorizes construction af temporary cofferdams. Therefore, no �urther action is required regarding compliance with NCGS 113.229 Required State and Local Permits Storm water ancE Sedim�nt/Erosion cantrol perrr�its will be obtained as needed for these projects and there wiEl be strict compfiance witf� all provisions of those permits/plans. These projects do not requi�e a Starmwater Management Plan. Conclusian Although the praposed faciiities were discussed in the Alligato� River NWVR Comprehensive Conservation Plan, it is a general planning document and does not provide adequaie defail for ce�tain types of projects as defined by Sectian 113A� 103(5)(a) and Section 113A-103(5)(b) af the North Carolina General Staiutes. Consequently, we are submitting this Consistency D�termination for your consideration. The refuge staff is committed to working cooperatively with all State and Federal agencies to ensure full compliance with law, regulation, and policy at all times. Consequently, w� ha�e determined that the replacerr�ent of the Laurel Bay Farm Unit Pump Statio� and the Creef Farm Unit Pump Statior� as pr�s�ntly designed are #ully consistent with the enfarceable policies of North Carolina's federally approved Coastal Management Program. If yo►� have questions please contact Dennis Stewart, Refc�ge Biologist at (252) 473-1131 ext. 231. G7