HomeMy WebLinkAbout20111100 Ver 1_Buffer Determination Request_20111213� � ��'� ��/� Environmental Consultants, PA � Rosd ltale�gb, North Camlma 27614 • Phone (919) 846-5900 Fax (919) 846-9467 �vvvw SandEC com , December 8, 2011 t ' � S&EC Pro�ect # 11782 �' r , i� NC Division of Water Qualrty '� r DEC l 3 20t1 Attn Ms Coleen Sullms, Director c/o Ian McMillan WeBSCaPe Umt 1 ` � 512 N Salisbury St 9th floor �""'' -° -�--�---_ ___ ,� Raleigh, NC 27603 Re Appeal Request of the NC Division of Water Quality (DWQ) Surface Water Determination Letter for Behar Property, 5216 Richland Dnve, Raleigh Wake County, North Carohna Dear Ms Sullins/Mr McMillan On October 18, 2011 Ms Natalie Landry (DWQ RRO) reviewed a feature potentially sub�ect to the Neuse Buffer Rules on the above property Ms Landry determmed that the feature is sub�ect to the Neuse Buffer Rule On behalf of our client, Mr Tracy Behar we are requesting an appeal of Ms Landry s stream determination It is our belief that this feature is not a stream but is m fact a storm sewer outfall from the ad�acent Richland Dnve Please contact us at your earliest convemence so that we may meet with you on site to review the feature m question Smcerely, SOIL & ENVIRO ENTAL CONSULTANTS, PA � ���r�!?�-d ��J N�cole J Thomso Regulatory Specialist Attachments 1) USGS site vicmity map 2) NRCS County Soil Survey srte vicmity map 3) DWQ Surface Water Determinarion Letter NBRRO#11 200 (dated 10/18/11) CC Ms Natahe Landry DWQ RRO 3800 Barrett Dr Raleigh NC 27609 Mr Tracy Behar 5216 Richland Dr Raleigh NC 27612 Env�ronmental Consultants, Name AGF..NT AUTHORIZATION FORM A1181anks To Be FIlled In By The Current Landowner or Munic�pa( OfHc�al /VI Pnone _�� ( ..R � 6 � !' i� t � Pro�ect NameJDescription _�� y<<�r �E i`�� S&EC Project # i �� g�- Date �!�' "' ' The Department of the Army U S Army Corps of Engineers Wilmiughsn Distrlct P O Box 1890 Wtlnungton, NC 2&102 Attn 1 r 1 �v► t E ��E �Y�1 Re Wetiands Reiated Consulhng and Perrrutttng Field Of�ce i C To Whom It May Concern I the current ]ando�vner or municipal offrc�al. hereby designate and authorize Soll & Enviromnental Consultants PA to act in my i�ehalf as my agent in the processing of pernut applicahons to furnish upon request supplementa[ uiformahon in support of applications etc from thss day #orward The /� �� day of I�I (7V F � Y1 �jQ r' y 1 � i i Tlus nohhcahon supersedes any previous correspandence concermng the agent for tlus pro�eci NOTICB This authorizallon, for liability and profeseianal cot�rtesy reasons is vaiid only for government officials to enter tlie pmperty when accompanied by S&EC staff You ahould call SBsBC to arrange a site meeting prlor to vislting the aite �� !J /� Prmt Property � rteNs or Mwdctpa! Offidal s Name cc A�Is K�ren HiBB� NCDEMt - DN'Q WeiISCA['e Aahdale Bwlduig 512 N Saiisbury St 9� Floor [taleigty I�C 276�4 Prope�ty Ocvner's or Muiuupal Ofhciat s Signature c�r A(ra M�cote'fhom4on Sofl & FrivuonmenlaI Consultants PA Pro�ect Number: I 1782.P 1 Pro�ect Manager: NT Scale: I " = 500' Date: � �/� 8/� � . ��� ,� ,�� � � �: Map Title: F�gure 1 - USGS Map Behar Property Wake County, MC Source: 2010 Raleigh West Quadrangle � �� '� ��, ���. � ����tr��i� �r� . t� r r�t r� �r � 4�'�: ��1 .�.:�. _ Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 11010 Raven Ridge Rd.• Raleigh, NC 27614 �s�s� aas-�soo • (919) 84fr9467 Web Page: www.SandEC.com � Pro�ect Number: Map Title: I I 782.P I Figure 2- NRCS Soil Pro�ect Manager: NT Scale: I " = 500' Date: � ��� 8�� � Survey Map Behar Property Wake County, NC Source: I 970 Wake Co. Soii Survey Sheets 37 #47 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 11010 Raven Ridge Rd.• Raleigh, NC 27614 (s79) 846-5900 • (s1s) s4Crs467 Web Page: www.SandEC.can ��� � ���. NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quabty Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor Tracy Behar 5216 Iuchland Dnve Raleigh, NC 27612 3573 Dear TYacy Behar Coieen H Sullins Dee F�eeman Dfrectar Secretary October 18, 2011 Sub,ect Surface Water Determmahon Letter NBRRO# 11 200 Wake County The Rate�gh Regional Office of the NC D�vision of Water Quality/Surface Water Protect�on Sect►on conducted a s�te v�s�t at the subJect properry and is providing the belotiv l2sted surface water determmation BASIN � Neuse (15A WCAC 26 0233) ❑ Tar Pamtrco (15A NCAC 2B 0259} � ❑ Ephemerailinterm(ttent/Perennial Determination ❑ Isofated Wetland DeterminatPon Pro�ect Name I.ocation/Directions Sub�ect Stream 52I6 Richland Drive Raleigh _ Subject property �s a prlvate residence located at the pro�ect address UT to Rcchlands Creek Date of Detei manahon October 12, 20I1 Featui e 1 FJ1/P� � � Not � SubJect � StartQ � StopQ X I Culvert Stream I Soil Form Pts Surv� x USGS Explanat�on Ttie feahire(s) l�sted above has or hava been located on the So3i Survey of Wake County North Carolma or the most recent copy of the USGS Topographic map at a 124 000 scale Each feature that �s checked `Not Sub�ect' lias been determined not to be a stream or rs not present on the property Features tHat sre checked ` Sub�ecY have been located on the properiy and possess characteristics that qualify it to be a stream There niay be other strean�s located on your property tl�at do not show up on ti�e maps referenced above btit st�ll may be considered }ur�sdictional accordmg to the US Army Corps of Engu�eers andJor to the Dro�sian of Water Qual�ty This on s�te determmahon shall expire five (5) years from the date of this lefter Lando�vners or affected part�es that dispute a detcrmfnation made by the DWQ or Delegated Local Authorlty may request a determination by ihe Dtreetor An appeal request must Ue mAde wifhm sixty (60) days of date of tL�s leitei or from the date the affected party (including do�rnstt eam and/or adJacent ownc�s) �s not�f'ied of th�s letter A reguest for a determmntion by the North Caroltna Drv�sion oPWater Quality Raleigh Regional Office Surface Weter Pmteclion Intemet www navaterquaGty org 1628 Mail Servue Center ltale�gh NC 21699 lb28 An Equal OpportwitylAifirmaUYe AcUon Empbyer— 50% Recydedlt0� Post Consumer Paper N Caro �p a �tlli'��l(/ Phone (919) 791-4200 Customer Servlce FAX (919} 571�718 1 877 623-6748 52�b'2�chland Driva Wake County October 18 20 t 1 Page 2 of 2 Dlrector shall be referred to the Director in wntmg c% Ian McMillan, DWQ Wetlands/401 Unit,16S0 Ma�l Servtce Cenier, Raleigh NC 27699 1650 If you dispute the D�rcetor's detei minat�on you may iile a petition for an administrative hearmg You muat Cle the petttton wlth the Office of Administrat�ve Hearmgs within s(xty (60) days of ti�e � ecetpt of this nohce of dec�sion A petitlon fs considered ffled �vhen it is receeved en the Office oi'Admin�strafrve Hearings during normal ofCce hours The Office of Admwistrative Hearings accepts filings Monday through Frcday betwecn the hours af 8 00 am and 5 00 pm, except for of�ic�al state holfdays To request a hearing, send the or�ginal and one (1) copy oithe petit�on to the Otfice of Admimstrative FIearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raletgh, NC 27699 6714 The pefit�on may also be faxed to the attention of the Uliice of Admm�strative Hearings at (919) 733 3478, provxded the originat and one (1) eopy of the document is received by tLe Office of Admm�strative Iiearings w�thin five (5) days following the date of the fax transmission A copy oP t6e pet�tinn must also be served to the Department of Natural Resources, c% Mary Penny Thompson, General Counse1,1601 Mail Service Center, Ralefgh, NC 276991601 Th�s determmat�on �s tinal and binding unless, as detailed above, you ask for a Learing or a�peal �vithin si�fy (60) days The ownerifuture otivners should not�fy the Divlsion of Water Qual�ty (including any other Y.ocal, State, and Federal Agene�os) of th�s decision coneerning any fUture eorrespondences regardmg tice sub,ect property (stated above) Tl��s project may requ�re a Sectton 404/401 Permit fo� the proposed actinty Any mquir�es should be directed to the Div�s�on of Water Quality (Central Office) at (919) 807 6301, and the US A� my Corp of Engmeers (Rale�gt� Regulatory �eld Office) at (919) S44 4884 Respectfully . �l^����° Natal�e Landry Env�ronmental Special�st cc W etiandsl Storniwater Branch 1650 Mail Service Center Rate�gh NC 27699 1650 RRO/SW�' Tile Copy �--- � �iEE7 NUMBER 3� �&� �- ilorns sheet 27i (3 n -- ` �3 " f 882 ? 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