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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081121 Ver 2_More Info Letter_20111220Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor ��� � ��� North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Qualiiy Coleen H Sullins Director December 20 2011 Diamond W Builders LLC Mr Gary White 9814 US Highway 311 Suite 2 Archdale North Cazolma 27263 Sub�ect Property Diamonds Keep Subdivision Dee Freeman Secretary DWQ Pro�ect # 08 1121 Randolph County REQUEST FOR MORE INFORMATION STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Dear Mr Wlute On March 15, 2010, the NC Division of Water Quality (DWQ) issued a 401 Water Quality Certification to impact 1381mear feet of Caraway Creek and 0 493 acres of npanan wetlands to construct Diamonds Keep Subdivision in Archdale North Carohna Concurrent with the issuance of the 401 Water Quality Certificahon the DWQ approved a stormwater management plan for tlus pro�ect Condition number three (3) of the certification requ�res that the stormwater management plan as approved by DWQ be constructed and operahonal before any permanent building is occupied at the site and be maintamed m perpetuity On November 18, 2011, the DWQ received a modified stormwater management plan (dated November 17 2011) that was submitted by your consultant, Mr Mack Summey, Jr of Summey Engmeering Associates The DWQ has determmed that the stormwater management plan was mcomplete as discussed below Addihonal Informahon Requested 1 Please provide an updated overall srte plan showing the dra�nage azea boundanes and impervious surface calculations one mch topograpluc contours and proposed locat�ons of BMPs Your narrative refers to Sheet 1 of 17 wluch was omitted from the subnuttal 2 Please provide a table that illustrates your proposal for the trade off of dra�nage and BUAs that shows how ttus plan treats an equivalent or greater BUA than a convent�onal plan requinng 85 percent TSS removal from the lugh density drainage areas 3 Please explaui whether the proposed Sand Filters will be constructed m accordance with the previously approved stormwater management plan for this pro�ect or whether those designs will be modified 4 For the wet detention basins please provide the requ�red items checklists and all requued items that were omitted on the submittal received by the DWQ on November 18 2011 Some of the Wetlands Buffers Stormwater Compliance and Permittmg Unit (WeBSCaPe) 1650 Mad Serwce Center Raleigh North Carolina 276991650 Phone 919-807 63011 FAX 919-807 6494 Internet http //portal ncdenr org/web/wqlws An Equal Opportun�iy \ Affirmative Action Employer Diamonds Keep SD Page 2 of 2 December 20 2011 omitted items mclude a depicrion of the proposed boundaries of the dramage easements, a stage storage table for each pond and a soils study that documents the level of the seasonal lugh water table 5 Please provide liners for the wet detent�on ponds if requ�red per 5ection 10 3 8 of the BMP Manual 6 Please provide specifications for the anri seep collars 7 Please correct enors m the values of the dnving head that have been entered in the Wet Detentaon Basm Supplement Forms The drivmg head is equal to the temporary pool elevat�on muius the permanent pool elevation 8 It does not appeaz that the correct SA/DA ratios for the wet detention ponds have been selected Please refer to Table 10 3 of the BMP Manual 9 Please provide calculations of the average depth of the wet detention ponds wluch must be a mirumum of three feet per the BMP Manual Please note that the average depth is not eqwvalent to the maxunum depth 10 For ease of maintenance, the DWQ lughly recommends the use of a submerged onfice outlet as depicted on page 10 18 of the BMP Manual The DWQ will require the above additional mformat�on to finalize review of the stormwater management plan for the sub�ect property Please provide tlus informahon within 30 calendar days If you have any quesrions, please telephone me at (919) 807 6381 Smcerely � r�� ���-� Annette M Lucas P E Wetlands, Buffers and Stormwater Compliance and Permittmg Umt AML/aml cc Sue Homewood DWQ WSRO John Thomas USACE Raleigh Regulatory Field Office Mack Summey Summey Engmeenng Associates P O Box 968 Asheboro NC 27204 File Copy F�lename 081121D�mondaKeepSD(Randolph) SVV Hold