HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060645 Ver 2_Public Notice_20111216, � ,���� US Army Corps Of Engineers Wilmmgton District � t� - � �'� S u Z, PUBLIC NOTICE Issue Date December 15, 2011 Comment Deadlme January 03 2012 Corps Achon ID # SAW 201100972 The Wilmington District, Corps of Engmeers (Corps) issued a Public Nohce on June 23, 2011, concernmg an application from Mr Tom Leap of Duke Energy Corporation (Duke Energy), seelcmg a Department of the Army permrt authonzation for permanent impacts to 4,5921mear feet of�unsdictional stream channels and 0 27 acre of �urisdictional forested wetlands ad�acent to West Belews Creek (Belews Lake), associated with the proposed expansion of the existing Craig Road Landfill that services the Belews Creek Steam Station (BCSS) located off of the abandoned Craag Road on BCSS property south of Pme Hall, m Stokes County, North Carolma Subsequent to comments and review of the referenced Public Notice, Duke Energy has submitted an amended application dated November 28 2011 that includes a supplemental alternatives analysis that combmes the preferred Alternative C wrth the expansion of the FGD Landfill Specific plans, alternatives, and locations mcluded with amended application are descnbed below and shown on the attached plans Tlus Public Notice and a11 attached plans are also available on the Wilmmgton District Web Srte at www saw usace arm,y irul/wetlands Apphcant Duke Energy Belews Creek Steam Station Attn Mr Tom Leap 3195 Pme Hall Road Belews Creek, NC 27009 9157 Authorrty 0 �� (�ah � t� V�D �E� 1 6 ?011 �FNR �T(ANDS,q�yDSTpR� � BR,qNCH The Corps will evaluate tlus application and decide whether to issue, conditionally issue, or deny the proposed work pursuant to applicable procedures of Section 404(b) of the Clean Water Act (33U S C 1344) Background Duke Energy owns and operates BCSS that is located in North Carolina, m the southeastern portion of Stokes County, ad�acent to Belews Lake The plant address is 3195 Pme Hall Road, Belews Creek, North Carolma 27042 The proposed Cra.ig Road Landfill expansion is located on the BCSS property south of the steam station ad�acent to abandoned Cra.ig Road The existing Cra.ig Road Landfill (Phase 1) was constructed in 2007 The construction included impacts to 70 lmear feet of�unsdictional stream channel that was authorized by Nationwide Pernut 39 venfication (Action ID 200421105) The proposed Craig Road Landfill expansion pro�ect involves construciion of addrtional land�il areas m future phases for coal combustion products generated by the coal burrung process T'he Phase I portion of the Craig Road Landfill mcludmg associated penmeter berms, drtches, stormwater management systems operation facilrties and roads is operated under a current North Carolma landfill permrt Pernut No 8504 issued by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Waste Management, Solid Waste Section (state solid waste section) Based on current disposal rates, the Phase I landfill area will reach capacity in the second quarter of 2013 Proposed future landfill areas will be designed and pernutted by the state solid waste section in approxunate five year operational phases consistent vv�th current North Carolma Solid Waste Section permittmg requ�rements The proposed Craig Road landfill expansion is to secure coal combustion product disposal capacrty for future BCSS power generahon Duke Energy expects to produce electncrty at tlus facilrty at least unhl the year 2045 Based on current pro�ections BCSS needs waste disposal capacity for the next 32 years to accommodate stahon operations Location The general proJect area is a portion of Duke Energy Corporation s BCSS property, located on Tax Parcel No 6982-00 64 2715 south of Pine Hall, in Stokes County, North Carolma (36 266160°N, -80 071100°V� The location of the sub�ect property is depicted by the Srte Viciruty Map (Figure l), the appropriate portion of the 2003 Belews Lake, N C USGS Topograpluc Map (Figure 2), a 2010 Aenal Photograph (Figure 3), a USDA Stokes County Soil Survey Map (Figure �, an Approxunate Waters of the U S Map (Figure �, and a Pro� ect Impacts Map (Figure � E�sting Site Condihons The Craig Road Landfill Phase 1 is located on the southwestern portion of the BCSS property and is approxunately one mile south of the BCSS plant facilrty The srte is charactenzed by rollmg topography consishng of ndges and valleys typical of the North Carolma Piedmont The Craig Road Landfill Phase 1 is approximately 31 acres in area and was designed to provide an estimated three years of operating capaciTy Construction of the Craig Road Landfill Phase 1 was completed m late 2007 and operations began in 2008 The Phase 1 landfill area is surrounded by a landfill access road two leachate ponds, and a stormwater management basin The proposed landfill expansion area is located south of the existmg Craig Road Landfill Phase 1 The proposed landfill expansion area consists mauily of wooded ndges and valley areas and is bounded on the north and west by Belews Creek The proposed future landfill area is bounded by Craig Road to the east and the Duke property lme to the south The landfill expansion area generally slopes from east to west towards Belews Lake Durmg Phase 1 construction, soil was excavated from the ndge areas and stockpiled at two locations within the proposed landfill expansion azea Landfill operations facilities including a field office, velucle maurtenance facilrty, and a lay down yard aze located wrthui the proposed landfill expansion area Srte dramage for the existing and proposed future landfill areas is generally bounded by the Craig Road alignment on the east with surface water runoff d�rected to stormwater management features west of the landfill and ultimately into Belews Lake Ground surface elevations range from approxunately 830 feet near Craig Road to 750 feet near dramage features located on the north and west sides of the srte 2 Groundwater recharge m tlus axea onginates from the local ndges and discharges to areas of lower topography as valley creeks and streams Land use m the area around the Duke Energy BCSS property is mostly forested wrth a few rural residential properties throughout this area in Stokes County S&ME, consultants for Duke Energy, conducted a �unsdictional delmeation of the proposed landfill expansion areas on November 11, 2010 Stream and wetland boundanes witlun the landfill expansion area were located v�nth a Tnmbleo GeoXH GPS urut capable of sub meter accuracy, and mapped on FiguYe 5—Approxamate Waters of the US Map The Jurisdichonal boundanes were subsequently surveyed and mapped by a registered land surveyor A request for �urisdictional determmat�on was submitted to the USACE and North Carolma Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) on January 21, 2011 and approved/confirmed on May 25, 2011 (USACE ID No 201100972) Apphcant's Stated Purpose The proposed Cra.ig Road landfill expansion is to secure coal combustion product disposal capacrty for future BCSS power generat�on Duke Energy expects to produce electncity at tlus facilrty at least until the year 2045 Based on current pro�echons BCSS needs waste disposal capacrty for the next 32 years to accommodate station operations Pro�ect Description The proposed landfill expansion pro�ect entails extendmg the existmg Phase 1 Crasg Road Landfill to the south The proposed landfill expansion will be orgaruzed and developed m approximate five year operational phases consistent wrth NCDENR Solid Waste Section regulations and pernuttmg requ�rements Based on anticipated waste generat�on rates, the proposed landfill expansion is estimated to provide about 25 years of disposal capacity The Craig Road Landfill areas were evaluated for available waste management capacrty, access, operation, groundwater and surface water monrtonng systems, and operahonal flexibilrty In general, anhcipated landfill construction v►nll require installation of erosion and sediment control measures clearing mass gradmg of existmg ndges and valleys to establish Iandfill base grades, constructing a stormwater management system and construchng the landfill liner system Consistent with the existmg Phase 1 landfill, the proposed landfill expansion vtnll be constructed vv�th a composite lmer system From the top down the lmer system will consist of a leachate collechon system, a 60 mil tluck high densrty polyethylene (HDPE) geomembrane, a geosynthetic clay lmer (GCL) with permeabilrty no greater than Sx10 9 centimeters per second (cm/s), and prepa.red subgrade A stormwater management system vv�ll be developed to control and manage stormwater wrtlun the landfill area and azound the landfill peruneter Perimeter berms and diversion drtches will divert overland flow from entenng the proposed landfill area Stormwater ad�acent to the landfill will be controlled by diverting run on away from disturbed areas of the srte and collectmg runoff from disturbed areas in ditches that lead to sediment traps and basms Stormwater will be managed and controlled v�ntlun the landfill by operational, intermediate and final covers Stormwater contactmg the waste matenal wili be diverted to the leachate collection system 3 Stormwater mfiltrating the waste matenal will be collected m the underlymg leachate collection system of the landfill lmer Contact water and leachate will be conveyed to leachate storage basms and transferred to the BCSS active ash basm The proposed landfill development is orgaruzed m approxunate five year operational capacrty increments, referenced as phases The five year operational capacity is based on current estimated coal combustion product generahon rates The landfill development approach is to provide the most volumetnc capacrty over as sma11 an area as possible The optimal landfill layout that satisfies the development approach consists of side byside conhguous phases developed m sequence That is, wrth each new phase developed next to and connected to the pnor phase Waste placement in each new phase will lie over or piggy back on the pnor phase, thus providmg more volumetnc capacity for the given azea This development approach decreases the overall land area required to meet the pro�ect need because rt maxiiruzes the volumetric capacrty for a given area In summary this development approach provides for economically and environmentally responsible waste management because it decreases the resources needed (land, soil, �urisdictional impacts) for the waste management capacity gamed Consistent wrth the North Carolina Piedmont Region, the BCSS srte and the current landfill areas, the proposed landfill expansion area is charactenzed by rollmg topography consisting of ndges and valleys Surface water and groundwater from the local ndges discharge to lower topography areas as valley creeks and streams In turn, the proposed landfill expansion area contams various streams and wetland areas Proposed impacts resulting from the Craig Road Landfill expansion pro�ect are summarized m Table 1 which denotes the total �urisdictional features to be unpacted as"gradulg/fill placement unpacts" Pro�ect grading design plans vv�ll not extend the full length of the pro�ect area streams because srte topographic constramts restrict gradmg m the vicuuty of the downstream ternunus (Figure � As currently designed the proposed pro�ect would permanently unpact 0 27 acres of forested wetland and 4,5921mear feet of stream In addrtion to the proposed stream unpacts, the existing Craig Road Landfill previously impacted 701f of stream An alternahves analysis and the proposed selection of Alternahve C, proposed landfill expansion configuration were developed wrth consideration of environmental impacts cost, solid waste regulations, and whether or not the alternative meets the pro�ect purpose and need The followmg alternatives were analyzed Alternative A can be characterized as the "do notlung" approach In this approach, the landfill expansion would not be constructed, therefore, the existmg stream and wetland areas would not be disturbed Tlus alternative was not selected because it does not meet the need to provide for continued and future coal combustion product disposal capacity Alternative B(proposed location w�.th stream/wetland avoidance) avoids impacts to streams and wetlands vv�thul the proposed Craig Road Landfill expansion area, however this alternative falls short of the pro�ect need lifetime and would require future landfill expansion or development on Greenfield srtes Considermg the � w regional geology and topography, rt is lilcely that streams and wetlands would be unpacted durmg future landfill expansions at other locations For these reasons, landfill expansion wrth stream / wetland avoidance was considered the second most des�rable option Alternative C(proposed location) unavoidable impacts to �urisdictional features are proposed wrthin the Craig Road Landfill expansion area, however, tlus alternative will provide airspace for approxunately 24 years of facilrty operations and rt is the most cost effective ophon in terms of anticipated cost per cubic yard oiairspace This alternative comes closest to meetmg the proJect need lifetime Addihonally, the unpacted streams and wetlands are not currently idenhfied as navigable waterways, Iugh qualrty trout streams, or conta�n habitat surtable for listed endangered / threatened species The impacted streams and waterways flow d�rectly to Belews Lake, wluch is owned and operated by Duke Energy For these reasons the proposed landfill expansion configuration was considered the most desirable option Alternative D(other srtes on Duke property) falls short of the pro�ect need lifetime and would require future landfill expansion or development on greenfield srtes Considering the regional geology and topography, rt is unlikely to avoid impacts to unknown�urisdictional features Tlus alternative is less cost-effective than Alternative C For these reasons, developmg another on site location (locahons 4 or 5) was considered the third most desirable option Alternative E(developing off srte property) may mmimize impacts to unlaiown �urisdichonal features however based on the general topography of the region and considermg estimates mdicate that more than 300 acres of property would be needed, sunilar quanhties of�unsdichonal impacts are possible Whether or not this altemahve could provide for the pro�ect need lifetime is uncertain Tlus alternative likely requires developing a previously undeveloped, greenfield property Addihonally, smce the landfill is unlilcely to be contiguous to existing Duke property, landfill construchon and operations are likely to be more obtxusive Also, tlus alternahve is less cost effective than Alternative C For these reasons, developing an off srte location was considered the fourth most desirable ophon Alternative F(disposal at a regional landfill) may avoid impacts to on-srte streams and wetlands however it does not meet the pro�ect need timeframe and regional MS W solid waste disposal capacity would be reduced substanha.11y Add2t2onally, disposal at an existing regional landfill would require an increase in haul distance cost of waste transport and hpping fees, and mcrease m truck traffic For these reasons, disposal at an existing regional landfill was considered the fifth most des�rable opt�on Alternative C, the proposed landfill expansion configuration, was selected as the best alternative based on the factors of environmental impacts cost, solid waste regulations, and whether or not the alternative meets the pro�ect purpose and need Although �urisdichonal features will be impacted review of the alternatives indicates that some stream and wetland unpacts are likely unavoidable to meet the pro�ect need on the order 5 of 32 years for the life of BCSS For example, while developmg Alternatives B D A, and D B combmed will avoid unpacts rt would requ�re developmg an eshmated 240 acres to provide a capacrty on the order of 19 years In comparison to Alternative C, these alternatives combined requ�re about two tunes as much land area to provide about 75 percent of the estimated Alternative C Capacrty (18 years/24 yeazs) Alternative C provides the most efficient land use in terms of the volumetric capacrty generated for the land area developed and as a result, provides the most cost effechve alternative With respect to solid waste regulahons, Alternative C is very hkely to satisfy situig and design cnteria and gam Sohd Waste Sechon permrt approval on the basis that it is an expansion of an existing approved and permitted landfill, much of the design/pernutting basis information has already been developed and it can likely be developed pnor to the existmg Craig Road and FGD landfills reaclung capacity In addition, Alternative C was evaluated as the best alternative because it comes the closest to meetmg the pro�ect need, providmg an estimated capacrty on the order of 24 years Supplemental to Alternat�ve C Alternative C alone will not meet the purpose and need of 32 years of land fill capacrty Duke Energy responded to tlus concern by statmg "A landfill pro�ect of tlus magnrtude that spans ten of years, takes several uiherent vanables mto consideration in estimatmg coal combushon product generation rates One vanable is the future power demand, which is sub�ect to fluctuahon wrth market and consumer demands Future power demand influences the operatmg life of the Belews Creek Steam Station and the quanhty of coal combusrion products generated A second vanable mvolves the charactenstics of the coal burned, wluch affects coal combustion product generation rates A tlurd vanable is that coal combustion products are marketable for beneficial reuse that decreases the demand for landfill capacrty Fly ash (coal combustion by- product) is recovered and recycled as a cement replacement in concrete and flue gas desulfurization residue (FGD also known as synthetic gypsum) in wall board production " Duke Energy concluded with consideration of the vanables Alternative C(Craig Road Landfill) will meet the Belews Creek Steam Station need for landfill capacrty The worse case combmation of vanables would result m the 24 year capacrty of Alternative C However, the supplemental alternahve that combines the preferred Alternahve C wrth the expansion of the existmg FGD Landfill will provide for any variable srtuation for the 32 yeaz capacrty Again Duke Energy does not expect the need to expand mto the existing FGD but is includmg it in the preferred alternative to meet any potential demand for landfill capacrty The potential expansion of the exisring FGD Landfill would or could (i e depending on the existent of expansion) result m addrtional unpacts of 6991ineaz feet of�urisdict�onal stream and/or 0 478 acre of�unsdictional wetland (see attached maps and figures) To rrutigate for the anticipated impacts, the applicant has proposed a payment into the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) The appropnate number and resource type credrts were not available from any pnvate mitigation banks wrthin the 8 Digrt Catalogmg Urut 03010103 at the tune the application was submitted G•'� 6 f 1 Other Required Authorizations This not�ce and all applicable application materials are bemg forwarded to the appropriate State agencies for review The Corps will generally not make a fmal pernut decision until the North Carolma Drvision of Water Quality (NCDWQ) issues, demes, or wasves State certification reqlured by Section 401 of the Clean Water Act (PL 92 500) The receipt of the application and tlus public notice combined vv�th appropriate application fee at the North Carolma Division of Water Quality central office m Raleigh will constrtute uutial receipt of an application for a 401 Water Qualrty Certification A waiver vv�ll be deemed to occur if the NCDWQ fa,�ls to act on tlus request for cerhfication v►�tlun sixty days of the date of the receipt of tlus notice m the NCDWQ Central Office Addrtional mformation regardmg the Clean Water Act certification may be reviewed at the NCDWQ Central Office, 401 Oversight and Express Permrts Umt, 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-2260 All persons desiring to make comments regardmg the application for certification under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act should do so in wnhng delivered to the North Carolina Division of Water Quahty (NCDWQ), 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650 Attenhon Mr Ian McMillan by Januazy 3, 2012 Essential Fish giabrtat Tlus notice inrtiates the Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) consultahon requirements of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act The Corps initial determmation is that the proposed pro�ect will not adversely impact EFH or associated fishenes managed by the South Atlantic or Mid Atlantic Fishery Management Councils or the National Manne Fishenes Service Cultural Resources The Corps has consulted the latest published version of the National Register of Histonc Places and is not aware that any registered properties or properties listed as being eligible for inclusion therein aze located vv�tlun the pro�ect area or will be affected by the proposed work Presently, unknown archeological, scientific, prelustoric or lustorical data may be located wrtlun the pro�ect axea and/or could be afFected by the proposed work Endangered Species The Corps has reviewed the pro�ect area, examined all information provided by the apphcant and consulted the latest North Carolma Natural Herrtage Database Based on ava.ilable uiformation, the Corps is not aware of the presence of species listed as threatened or endangered or their cnhcal habitat formally designated pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973 wrtlun the pro�ect area A final determmation on the effects of the proposed pro�ect will be made upon addrtional review of the pro�ect and completion of any necessary biological assessment and/or consultation wrth the U S Fish and Wildlife Service and/or National Marine Fisheries Service 7 Evaluahon 0 The decision whether to issue a permrt will be based on an evaluation of the probable impacts, mcluding cumulahve unpacts of the proposed activrty on the public interest That decision will reflect the nahonal concern for both protechon and utilizat�on of important resources The benefit wluch reasonably may be expected to accrue from the proposal must be balanced against rts reasonably foreseeable detnments All factors wluch may be relevant to the proposal will be considered mcluding the cumulative effects thereof, among those are conservation economics, aesthetics general environmental concerns, wetlands histonc properties, fish and v►nldlife values, flood hazards, flood plam values (m accordance wrth Executive Order 11988), land use, navigation, shorelme erosion and accretion, recreahon, water supply and conservation, water quahty, energy needs, safety food and fiber production, rmneral needs, considerations of property ownerslup and, in general, the needs and welfare of the people For achvrties mvolvmg the dischazge of dredged or fill matenals in waters of the Uruted States, the evaluation of the impact of the activrty on the pubhc mterest v�nll mclude applicahon of the Env�ronmental Protect�on Agency's 404(b)(1) gwdelmes Commenhng Information The Corps of Engineers is solicrtmg comments from the public Federal, State and local agencies and officials, mcludmg any consolidate State Viewpomt or wntten posrtion of the Governor Indian Tnbes and other mterested parties m order to consider and evaluate the impacts of tlus proposed activrty Any comments received will be considered by the Corps of Engmeers to determme whether to issue, modify, condrtion or deny a permrt for tlus proposal To make this decision comments are used to assess unpacts on endangered species, lustonc properties, water qualrty general environmental effects and the other public mterest factors listed above Comments are used m the preparahon of an Environmental Assessment (EA) and/or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Comments are also used to determuie the need for a public heanrig and to determme the overall public interest of the proposed activrty Any person may request in wntmg vv�ttun the comment penod specified in tlus notice that a pubhc hearing be held to consider the application Requests for public hearings sha11 state, wrth particulanty, the reasons for holdmg a public hearmg Requests for a public heanng shall be granted, unless the District Engineer deternunes that the issues raised are msubstantial or there is otherwise no valid interest to be served by a hearing Wntten comments pertment to the proposed work as outlined above, will be received by the Corps of Engineers, Wilmington Disirict, unhl5pm, January 3, 2012 Comments should be subrmtted to John Thomas, Raleigh Regulatory Field Office, 3331 Hentage Trade Dnve, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Cazolma 27587 �� �. 1 l �JbT�` � � ��y ti+7' p�� A� .._ ---_ `-� '''4 4�� — � 1 � �,�� S � � � � �� g � � ''�4 � t ����� , � � ���'� � ' �Q� '� a � ,� � �� ���+� � �� �� �.� � r „ ,� � � $� �' � �� , � g��� r... ��� � p �� ~, � � � -a, --v � �' -,. � � �7 y -�ky� .-�.� � i �� i � s���� `� � " � �` � �` �� � � �� � � � p d � y � � � i � �� �"��� 1 �,� r ���Y� ��� � �� ��� � � � � � � g � � �j 7�'��.- � � � � � f sf7r� � � 7 g g ., r C{ y ^ �'n....�3' \ � � � � � � � � f e� � r � � � � ! ti (� } �t ".+Z���,.+�' ,� r �`�$ � � F�' ' � rt S W � �g 9 '� rw `�.i � '`r h7 `"'� � r � I � '"1 2 � � � t �� ,� � >� ' � � '� � � � r� ��/ �� � I I � s� � � �' ,� � � � I i � �'� � � � � �ti� 7 ��; 1 �? �^`Q�i'+ �` � ��� a �� � �� �� ��� � �� � � � �, 8 � < <j � �'s v; �' �' �`' �,. 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