HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110857 Ver 2_Application_20111108�1 US. Department of Transportahon Federal Highway Administration Eastern Federal Lands 21400 Ridgetop Circle Highway Division Sterling VA 20166 6511 �o� _� 2011 In Reply Refer to HFPP 15 FEDERAL EXPRESS Mr Ian McMillan 401 Coordinator North Carolma Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 Sub�ect Pro�ect NC PFH 49 1(3), 401 Water Quality Certification Replacement of Reeves Spnng Branch Vented Ford Submission of Revised Pre Construction Notification Applicahon DWQ Pro�ect No 20110857 Dear Mr McMillan �, � - b� S � The Eastern Federal Lands Highway Division, of the Federal Highway Admmistration (FHWA) is in receipt of your letter dated October 25 2411 Your letter mdicated that the permrt application was deficient m several areas Responses to the rtems hsted as deficient are listed below The apphcation was revised to remove indication that the stream would be temporarily impacted through sedimentation Sediment loss will be avoided through the implementation of the erosion and sediment control plan found on pages MO1 through MOS m the enclosed pro�ect plan set The erosion and sediment control plan has been reviewed and approved by the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Drvision of Land Resources • The application has been modified to reflect the temporary impacts associated with dewatering the m water work area As shown on sheet M04 and Detail A on that sheet a sheet pilmg cofferdam will be mstalled in order to divert the flow of Reeves Sprmg Branch The diverted water would be pumped and discharged through a filter bag • The culvert was designed specifically for the channel using the methodology prescnbed m Highway Engineenng Circular Number 26, FHWA's Culvert Design for Aquatic Organism Passage (AOP) Manual and Hydrologic Engmeenng Centers River Analysis System (HEC RAS) Version 4 1 The HEC methodology compares applied shear stress on the bed gradation dunng high flow and peak flow conditions to the permissible shear stress The channel bed gradation is then designed usmg an rterative process, by mcreasmg the embedment depth and by changmg gradation so as to withstand flow conditions The thickness of the layers is also ad�usted so that a stable bed can be 2 designed The gradation consists of two layers a top layer that is one foot in depth and a sublayer that is three feet in depth Therefore designing for AOP resulted in the box size bemg mcreased to a 14 foot span by a 12 foot rise wrth an embedded depth of four feet Enclosed you will find the Hydraulics Report, Culvert Survey & Hydraulic Design Report that was sent to the North Carolina Department of Transportation and AOP Culvert Design Form After further review it was found that the riprap proposed at the end of the culvert at station 188+00 will be placed below the ordinary high water mark The application was revised to reflect that impact to Reeves Spring Branch • No riprap will be placed at the end of the 14 foot by 12 foot box culvert The application was revised accordingly • Only preliminary design is available for the second phase of the pro�ect Enclosed you will find the 30 percent design plans for the second phase of the pro�ect The locations and pro�ected impacts for this phase of the pro�ect were mcluded in the application The FHWA respectfully requests certification of the proposed improvements In order to assist wrth your review of this pro�ect enclosed you will find five copies of the following materials a revised Pre Construction Notification Application Form the revised pro�ect plans for both phases of the pro�ects (NC PFH 49 1(3) and NC PFH 049 1(004)), the Hydraulics Report Culvert Survey & Hydraulic Design Report that was sent to the North Carolma Department of Transportation, and AOP Culvert Design Form The favor of your response wrthm 30 days of the receipt of the revised permrt application is appreciated Copies of the revised permrt application and supportmg documentation will also be submitted to the Wilmington Field Office of the U S Army Corps of Engmeers If you have any questions concerning this matter please contact Ms Lisa Landers Environmental Protection Specialist, at Lisa Landers(a�dot ov or (571) 434 1592 Sincerely yours �`�' � �-�.�,� Ke in S Rose En ironmental Compliance Specialist Enclosures cc Ms Deborah Walker Forest Service, Uwharrie National Forest Troy, NC Ms Alison Whitesell, North Carolina Department of Transportation, Raleigh, NC Mr Mason Herndon, North Carolma Division of Water Quality (hardcopy w/enclosures) � ;9 �:.�, � - o��F W A 7��QG � � > �, o -c i I-��5� Office Use Only Corps action ID no DWQ pro�ect no Form Version 1 4 January 2009 Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) Form A Applicant Information 1 Processing 1a Type(s) of approval sought from the Corps ❑X Section 404 Permit ❑ Section 10 Permit 1b Specify Nationwide Permit (NWP) number 14 or General Permit (Gp) number 1c Has the NWP or GP number been venfied by the Corps� ❑ Yes �X No 1d Type(s) of approval sought from the DWQ (check all that apply) ❑X 401 Water Quality Certification — Regular ❑ Non 404 Junsdictional General Permit ❑ 401 Water Quality Certification — Express ❑ Riparian Buffer Authorization 1 e Is this notification solely for the record For the record only for DWQ For the record only for Corps Permit because written approval is not required� 401 Certification ❑ Yes �X No ❑ Yes ❑X No 1f Is payment into a mitigation bank or in lieu fee program proposed for mitigation of impacts� If so attach the acceptance letter from mitigation bank � Yes ❑X No or in lieu fee program 1 g Is the pro�ect located in any of NC s twenty coastal counties If yes answer 1 h � Yes XD No below 1 h Is the pro�ect located within a NC DCM Area of Environmental Concern (AEC)? ❑ Yes ❑ No 2 Pro�ect Information 2a Name of pro�ect PFH 49 1(3) Badin Lake Rd (Rte 597) 2b County Montgomery 2c Nearest municipality / town Troy 2d Subdivision name n/a 2e NCDOT only T I P or state pro�ect no n/a 2�„ 3 Owner Information DENR WATERQUALITY 3a Name(s) on Recorded Deed National Park Service ���H 3b Deed Book and Page No n/a 3c Responsible Party (for LLC if Kevin Rose Federal Highway Administration applicable) 3d Street address 21400 Ridgetop Circle 3e City state zip Sterling VA 20166 3f Telephone no 571 434 1541 3g Fax no 571 434 1577 3h Email address Kevin Rose@dot gov Page 1 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1 4 January 2009 4 Applicant Information (if different from owner) 4a Applicant is ❑ Agent ❑ Other specify 4b Name � Kevin Rose � 4c Business name Federal Highway Administration (if applicable) 4d Street address 21400 Ridgetop Circle 4e City state zip Sterling VA 20166 4f Telephone no 571 434 1541 4g Fax no 571 434 1577 4h Emad address Kevin Rose@dot gov 5 AgentlConsultant Information (if applicable) � } � F 5a Name n/a 5b Business name (if applicable) 5c Street address 5d City state zip 5e Telephone no 5f Fax no 5g Email address � r r Page 2 of 10 B Pro�ect Information and Prior Pro�ect History 1 Property Identification 1a Property identification no (tax PIN or parcel ID) N/A (Uwharrie National Forest) 1b Site coordinates (in decimal degrees) Latitude 35 48401 Longitude $0 06059 1 c Property size 50 369 acres 2 Surface Waters 2a Name of nearest body of water to proposed pro�ect Reeves Spnng Branch 2b Water Quality Classification of nearest receivmg water WS IV 2c River basin Yadkin Pee Dee River 3 Pro�ect Description 3a Describe the existing conditions on the site and the general land use in the vicinity of the pro�ect at the time of this application FDR 597 is an unpaved roadway that runs along the Eastern length of Badin Lake within Uwharne National Forest Montgomery County North Carolma It is a Forest Service road surrounded by National Forest land that is mostly highly vegetated and contains few private properties 3b List the total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on the property 0 3c List the total estimated linear feet of all existing streams (intermittent and perennial) on the property 651 3d Explain the purpose of the proposed pro�ect To upgrade FDR 597 to current NCDOT standards while preserving natural and cultural resources and minimizing impacts to private properties 3e Describe the overall pro�ect in detail including the type of equipment to be used Widen and pave FDR 597 replace vented ford with bridge at Reeves Spring Branch and reconstruct several stone masonry headwall cuiverts 4 Jurisdictional Determinations 4a Have �unsdictional wetland or stream determinations by the � Yes ❑X No ❑ Unknown Corps or State been requested or obtamed for this property / ro ect includin all rior hases in the ast� Comments 4b If the Corps made the �urisdictional determination what type � Preliminary ❑ Final of determination was made� 4c If yes who delineated the �unsdictional areas� Agency/Consultant Company K�miey Horn & Assoc�ates inc Name (if known) Other 4d if yes list the dates of the Corps �urisdictional determinations or State determinations and attach documentation 5 Pro�ect History 5a Have permits or certifications been requested or obtained for � Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown this pro�ect (including all prior phases) in the past� 5b If yes explain in detad according to help file instructions 6 Future Pro�ect Plans 6a Is this a phased pro�ect� ❑X Yes ❑ No 6b If yes explain This pro�ect will be constructed in two phases the first phase of construction will be the replacement of the vented ford over Reeves Spring Branch and the second phase of construction will be upgrading the roadway by providing wider lanes and paving the existing gravel one lane road Page 3 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1 4 January 2009 C Proposed Impacts Inventory 1 Impacts Summary _ _ 1 a Which sections were completed below for your pro�ect (check all that apply) ❑ Wetlands ❑X Streams — tnbutaries ❑ Buffers ❑ Open Waters ❑ Pond Construction 2 Wetiand Impacts If there are wetland impacts proposed on the site then complete this question for each wetland area impacted 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f Wetland impact Type of impact Type of wetland Forested Type of �urisdiction Area of number Corps (404 10) or impact Permanent (P) or DWQ (401 other) (acres) Tem ora T W1 Choose one Choose one Yes/No W2 Choose one Choose one Yes/No W3 Choose one Choose one Yes/No W4 Choose one Choose one Yes/No W5 Choose one Choose one s Yes/No W6 Choose one Choose one Yes/No 2g Total Wetland Impacts t 0 2h Comments No wetlands wili be impacted 3 Stream Impacts If there are perennial or intermittent stream impacts (including temporary impacts) proposed on the site then compiete this question for all stream sites impacted 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e 3f 3g Stream impact Type of impact Stream name Perennial (PER) or Type of Average Impact number intermittent (INT)� �unsdiction stream length Permanent (P) or width (linear Temporary (T) (feet) feet) S1 P Culvert Reeves Spnng Branch PER 8 52 S2 T Dewatenng Reeves Spring Branch PER 8 125 S3 P Fdl Reeves Spring Branch PER 8 3 S4 P Culvert Unnamed @ 39+80 PER 1 5 13 S5 P Culvert Unnamed @ 45+00 PER 4 17 S6 P Choose one Unnamed @ 104+25 PER 3 11 ' , 3h Total stream and tributary impacts 215 5 3i Comments S1=A box culvert will replace an existing vented ford in approximately the same location The was designed for aquatic organism passage Best Management Practices (BMPs) wdl be put m place to minimize impacts to Reeves Spnng Branch S2 =The box culvert area will be dewatered S3=Riprap will be placed to protect to cuivert outiet at station 188+00 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 and S9=The existing culverts will be replaced with longer culverts and riprap will be piaced to protect the inlet and outlet of the culverts Page 4 of 10 � PCN Form — Version 1 4 January 2009 Pre-Construction Notification Form Pro�ect NC PFH 49 1(3) and NC PFH 049 1(004) Badin Lake Road Section C 3 Stream Impacts Contmued Stream Type of Stream Perenmal Type of Average Impact impact impact name (PER) or �urisdiction stream length number Intermittent width (feet) (linear feet) Permanent (INT) (P) or Temporary (T) S7 P Unnamed PER 3 9 @ 87+50 S8 P Unnamed PER 3 14 @162+10 S9 P Unnamed PER 2 5 12 5 @ 166+30 4 Open Water Impacts If there are proposed impacts to lakes ponds estuaries tributaries sounds the Atlantic Ocean or any other open water of the U S then individuall list all o en water impacts below 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e Open water Name of waterbody impact number (if applicable) Type of impact Waterbody Area of impact (acres) Permanent (P) or type Tem ora T 01 Choose one Choose 02 Choose one Choose 03 Choose one Choose 04 Choose one Choose 4f Total open water impacts � 4g Comments o open wa er impac s 5 Pond or Lake Construction If ond or lake construction ro osed then com lete the chart below 5a 5b 5c 5d 5e Pond ID number Proposed use or Wetland Impacts (acres) Stream Impacts (feet) Upland purpose of pond (acres) Flooded Filled Excavated Flooded Filled Excavated P1 Choose one P2 Choose one 5f Totai 5g Comments No pond or lake impacts 5h Is a dam high hazard permit required� ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes permit ID no 5i Expected pond surface area (acres) 5� Size of pond watershed (acres) 5k Method of construction 6 Buffer Impacts (for DWQ) If pro�ect wdl impact a protected riparian buffer then complete the chart below If yes then individually list all buffer impacts below If an im acts re uire miti ation then ou MUST fill out Section D of this form 6a Pro�ect is in which protected basin� ❑ Neuse ❑ Tar Pamlico ❑ Catawba ❑ Randleman ❑ Other 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f 6g Buffer Impact Reason for impact Stream name Buffer Zone 1 Zone 2 number — mitigation impact impact Permanent (P) or required� (square (square Tem ora T feet feet B1 Yes/No B2 Yes/No B3 Yes/No B4 Yes/No B5 Yes/No B6 Yes/No 6h Total Buffer Impacts o 0 6i COmments A protected riparian buffer will not be impacted Page 5 of 10 D Impact Justification and Mitigation 1 Avoidance and Minimization 1 a Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing pro�ect The roadway alignment was modified in order to eliminate impacts to 0 04 acres of wetlands at Station 16+00 to 26+85 The new box culvert that will replace the existmg vented ford was designed specifically for the channel in order to provide aquatic organism passage The placement of riprap was minimized to the extent possible An erosion and sediment control plan was designed to avoid sediment loss dunng construction 1 b Specifically descnbe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques Best Management Practices (BMPs) will be stnctiy enforced to control sedimentation and erosion dunng construction staging wdl take place in parking lots or other disturbed areas cleanng and grubbing wdl be minimized diverted water will not be discharged directly into the stream m stream activity wdl only occur within the dewatered area vegetation on exposed areas particularly streamsides will be quickly reestablished and materials brought into the Forest wdl be free of exotic species 2 Com ensato Miti ation for Im acts to Waters of the U S or Waters of the State 2a Does the pro�ect require Compensatory Mitigation for ❑ Yes ❑X No impacts to Waters of the U S or Waters of the State� 2b If yes mitigation is required by (check all that apply) ❑ DWQ ❑ Corps r , ❑ Mitigation bank 2c If yes which mitigation option will be used for this ❑ Payment to in lieu fee program pro�ect� ❑ Permittee Responsible Mitigation 3 Com lete if Usin a Miti ation Bank 3a Name of Mitigation Bank Type Choose one Quant�ty 3b Credits Purchased (attach receipt and letter) Type Choose one Quantity Type Choose one Quantity 3c Comments 4 Com lete if Makin a Pa ment to In lieu Fee Pro ram 4a Approval letter from in lieu fee program is attached ❑ Yes J 4b Stream mitigation requested linear feet 4c If using stream mitigation stream temperature Choose one 4d Buffer mitigation requested (DWQ only) square feet 4e Riparian wetland mitigation requested acres 4f Non riparian wetland mitigation requested acres 4g Coastal (tidal) wetland mitigation requested acres _ 4h Comments 5 Complete �f Using a Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan 5a If using a permittee responsible mitigation plan provide a description of the proposed mitigation plan ) Page 6 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1 4 January 2009 A � 6 Buffer Mitigation (State Regulated Riparian Buffer Rules) — required by DWQ 6a Will the pro�ect result in an impact within a protected riparian buffer that requires � Yes OX No buffer mitigation� 6b If yes then identify the square feet of impact to each zone of the riparian buffer that requires mitigation Calculate the amount of mitigation required 6c 6d 6e Zone Reason for impact Total impact Multiplier Required mitigation (square feet) (square feet) Zone 1 3(2 for Catawba) Zone 2 1 5 6f Total buffer mitigation required 6g If buffer mitigation is required discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (e g payment to pnvate mitigation bank permittee responsible riparian buffer restoration payment into an approved in lieu fee fund) 6h Comments Page 7 of 10 E Stormwater Management and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by DWQ) 1 Diffuse Flow Plan — � J� ` ' ` 1a Does the pro�ect include or is it ad�acent to protected nparian buffers identified � Yes OX No within one of the NC Ri anan Buffer Protection Rules� 1 b If yes then is a diffuse flow plan included� If no explam why ❑ Yes � No � 2 Stormwater Mana ement Plan 2a What is the overall percent imperviousness of thrs pro�ect� � o�o 2b Does this ro ect re uire a Stormwater Mana ement Plan� ❑ Yes ❑X No 2c If this pro�ect DOES NOT require a Stormwater Management Plan explam why An Erosion and Sediment Control Plan has been prepared The pro�ect location is oniy in a Water Supply IV Watershed and Montgomery County indicated that no requirements m the state rule pertain to road pro�ects Montgomery County indicated that a review of the pro�ect was not required No post construction BMPs will be impiemented as the pro�ect is redevelopment of an existing road However the budt upon area has been minimized and water has been directed area from surFace waters where possible 2d if this pro�ect DOES require a Stormwater Management Plan then provide a brief narrative description of the plan 2e Who will be responsible for the review of the Stormwater Management Plan� n/a 3 Certified Locai Government Stormwater Review 3a In which local overnment s urisdiction is this ro ect� Montgomery County � ❑ Phase II 3b Which of the following locally implemented stormwater management programs ❑ NSW apply (check all that apply) ❑ USMP �X Water Supply Watershed � Other 3c Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been ❑ Yes ❑X No attached� 4 DWQ Stormwater Pro ram Review �Coastal counties ❑HQW 4a Which of the following state implemented stormwater management programs apply �ORW (check all that apply) 1 ❑Session Law 2006 246 ❑Other 4b Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been � Yes ❑X No attached� 5 DWQ 401 Un�t Stormwater Review 5a Does the Stormwater Management Plan meet the appropriate requirements� OX Yes � No 5b Have all of the 401 Unit submittal requirements been met� X� Yes � No Page 8 of 10 � PCN Form — Version 1 4 January 2009 F Supplementary Information 1 Environmental Documentation (DWQ Requirement) 1a Does the pro�ect involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the � Yes ❑ No use of public (federal/state) land? 1 b If you answered yes to the above does the pro�ect require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or State ❑X Yes ❑ No (North Carolina) Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)� � 1 c If you answered yes to the above has the document review been finalized by the State Clearing House� (If so attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter ) ❑X Yes ❑ No Comments 2 Violations (DWQ Requirement) 2a Is the site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H 0500) Isolated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H 1300) DWQ Surface Water or Wetiand Standards ❑ Yes ❑X No or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B 0200)� 2b Is this an after the fact permit application� ❑ Yes X� No 2c If you answered yes to one or both of the above questions provide an explanation of the violation(s) 3 Cumulative Impacts (DWQ Requirement) 3a Will this pro�ect (based on past and reasonably anticipated future impacts) result in � Yes �X No additional development which could impact nearby downstream water quality� 3b If you answered yes to the above submit a qualitative or quantitative cumulative impact analysis in accordance with the most recent DWQ poficy If you answered no provide a short narrative description The pro�ect will result in only a short term minor adverse impact due to sedimentation that may occur during construction however BMPs wil� be implemented to mitigate and minimize these effects In addition no other developments will be a result of the pro�ect 4 Sewage Disposal (DWQ Requirement) 4a Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed pro�ect or available capacity of the subIect facility Silt fence will be installed in all areas of ground disturbance where sheet flow may cause erosion this silt fence wdl be removed after all upslode areas have been stabilized and vegetated following construction All solid waste related to the pro�ect consisting of construction debris garbage and empty containers will be collected and stored in dumpsters or metal or plastic drums as appropriate Hazardous waste will not be generated from normal construction actroities any hazardous waste producing activities including fueling and maintenance will be carried out if feasible in a covered area All hazardous waste materials will be stored in clearly marked containers away from other non waste materials Any unsuitable or excess matenal will be legally disposed off the pro�ect Page 9 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1 4 January 2009 ,. 5 Endangered Species and Designated Cnt►cal Habitat (Corps Requirement) 5a Will this pro�ect occur in or near an area with federally protected species or � Yes ❑X No habitat� 5b Have you checked with the USFWS concerning Endangered Species Act � Yes ❑ No impacts� 5c If yes indicate the USFWS Field Office you have contacted Asheville 5d What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Critical Habitat� Correspondence with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service 6 Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a Will this pro�ect occur in or near an area designated as essential fish habitat� ❑ Yes ❑X No 6b What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Essential Fish Habitat� Correspondence with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service 7 Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requirement) 7a Wdl this pro�ect occur in or near an area that the state federal or tnbal governments have designated as having histonc or cultural preservation � Yes ❑ No status (e g National Historic Trust designation or properties significant in North Carolina history and archaeology)� 7b What data sources did you use to determme whether your site would impact historic or archeological resources� Correspondence with the North Carolina Natural Hentage Program (The NCNHP provided correspondence that any effects would be insignificant ) 8 Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirement) 8a Will this pro�ect occur in a FEMA designated 100 year floodplain� X❑ Yes ❑ No 8b If yes explain how pro�ect meets FEMA requirements A grade raise will be needed to provide adequate freeboard for the new bridge structure In addition the 100 year backwater increase must be limited to one foot F 8c What source(s) did you use to make the floodplain determination� FEMA 100 year floodplain maps ��,�-v�� �. <<-�-�� Applicant/P�'�i'fs Pnnted Name ApplicanUP�s�s Signature Date ( gent s signature is valid only if an authorization � letter from the ap licant is rovided Page 10 of 10 C- � - �.n.... _ a a 0 m -� 0 L a 0 z A a z 3 L } N E � 0 L �- � APPENDIX F SHEET IaF 3 CULVERT SURVEY & HYDRAULIC DESIGN REPORT N C DEPART�IENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHj�AYS HYDRAULlCS UMT RALEIGH N C � � No Pro)eot No N�� F H �+ q- < C3� Pro� statton I S 6-f- 3� �ounfiy Mo�xt"��4�m¢7ty _ Stream �¢QVW S�,.riim� �rtarnc'� _Stru No 4n Htqhy/ay �Q�tm �o�KQ ISC,C BetWeen �0.�¢�vma, Q�'t and S�1Ct1TY'1J't6C� RdL Recomtnsnded structure SoZ �.(,&'�'l� �� �i � S�um b c� 1 cZ ���A fI b�2 �m .� 6'-t c¢ o� c��nQ-�e 3�� s�, b�ddQ�t ti' ! o Rsaommended �(idth ofi RoadWay °? $ Skeµ/ _ IaO Recommended Locatton is (tJp At DoWn} Stream firom Existing Crossing �t � Bench I�ark ts Tt3AR Sso( N- 63a�aa 6oa E=(6S4a8$ 62( E�ev 5�`� 3°� oatum Nft� B3 NAVC� B8 �emRorary cross�ng 4� ( T��osta�cs-� �u� USE THIS SPACE FOR PNOTOGRAPH OF PROPOSED SITE SHO�j(NG CENTERLINE DIRECTION OF FLO�{ AND OTHER IMPORTAt�T POINTS ON PHOTOGRAPN aesl9�ed by t7 bht�tltL FZ K0.�a oO;i t Assisted by Project Engtnaeri RsvlsWed bY � t�bu �O W Z�+D Dote l0 aOt � � + _ _ _� SITE DATA APPENDIX F SHEET 2 OF 3 Drainage Area �`� 3'D�i �� Source U S�S �vQ� �"T'A Ch�-acter �� � J�M� stream Ciosslflcatlon csuch as Trout I�gh Auality �(ater etc ) wS� � v ��qn�� ��Q, "�'�"' Dota on Extsting 5tructta-e v�"��� F�� C��t►? 3�' 30�CM(�S _ Data on Struot�a-es Up and DoWn Stream Gage Statton No Max Dtsch�-0e c f s Htstorfcal Flood tnfarmatfons Perlod ofi Records Date Frequency Pertod of Date Elev Est Freq Souroe KnoWleCge Perlod of Dote Eiev Est Freq. Soul-ce KnoWledge ! / AOoW�Ie HjN Elev 5a � 39 Normal water Surfaae Elsv S�a S �lanntnq's n� Lett 0 B �� Channel 0 OS Right 0 B �� Obtained From I oa ai �e Flood Study / Status FEM� ��NE x C SAN, 2�a$.1 FloodWay Est�itshed? N� Flood Study 100 yr- Disch�-qe N�� c f s s j� 5 Elev ��jlth FloodWay N�'� �{Ithout FloodWay � �i� DESIGN DATA Nydrologioall�ethod �Q�7t.QArJlB'� G�� iJGtAQa t°Jr► ��- "���¢ �t'���� S,�II� �RU�4%� Hydra�utc Design M�ethod H EC (� AS �! 4 I R H EC o26 AOP S p.�tsto��a�+.�Q i' Desl9n TmiWatar � o� 515 Oy�, �5 515 58�� n50 516 09' aio S�o-- 6 a6 � Qsoo 516 95 � . . � � . - ' - ���m � �_ � �O��i ' : �1�������������� ����������������� �������������� � ��������������� ��������������� ����������� Is o FloodWay Revlsion Requlredl N� o�rt�et ve�octty tv�o> � Oa �� � A Naturai Chcmnel Veloo(ty cy�p L 6 bf �D Requlred Outtet Proteotlon N/A "� BA� AMi�Nn_ �� �� C V?ict,� I�n 4�W�ao� � INF4RMATION TO BE SHO�N ON PLANS Deslen � Ofscharge 6 00 o f s Frequenoy a S ,c�n qey S r� 45 r Base Flooda Dfaoharge � 3� o f s Frequenoy 100 yt' �eV J�t9 g3� OvertaDDinC e Disehat-ae �� 4� c f s Frequenoy S00 �_ �eV So? 3 5 q� � � � � = : ,. - � � -�- _ _., --_ _ .....__ .... _ � SIDE-TAPERED INLET s= J = �l Bf= �1° Bf B � Taper(4c) to 6d ) _ � _... __ _ _ .�_�w _ SLOPE-TAPERED INLET � � B,F 8 � Tapert4�lto 61I ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND COMPUTATIONS � � � .� _ -��,,.�. �. � � f APPENDIX F StiEET 3 OF 3 i , B � D = d= Bf= �1= L2= O° �f° S = �i¢ �o�.unf Sxrwic¢ �a� .nQq,u�•,�� +haf fhQ `t3�c Cv(v�f 6e ��q�,QOQ �a� A�uQt"ie Onq�,uo�w, rt'ar.v�a.��Ro(') ba�es� �n ��¢ Y►,et�,vd�(o� �a,,� � tm Ny�lna�uSue Em�,��� CtiswlanCNEc)a6 11,2 HEC a6 -mQ�a(ay�y ,c.�m�.,wza..� a.�(�at�i .r�,ean .�of.rt�m �m �hQ 6R� ��� �M �„ � Cas �.�►�;3��A -fo itiQ �, �,��1�� AS�c�► Qf.rv� �.e c�amm�Q bRVQ ��er, ir� il�,am ���u�i .uovnq am ��'� e�ecww � 6y, imcnaar�v�r�ce° }�Q �rn6e�rmem�' d.s�o�'�► � 6c.i c�nwnq,�.�, ��n�e �ta�.c��, r�e at�o i'� c,�r�.ot� 1hR �� csn��.�.e�v� 1TiQ ik�c�zmstn� c� f�,Q Qa�n�o i� a�.os a��'�cQ rae 0 -�c,QF a ��a,bt�. �� ��, 6Q d�,�,� itie ���, .��o��t-� � a � - 1) ToQ, («�n �) S�Q� pQS � So ��, D qs = 914 �� p gr, = 34 -r.,�n �8y = 6�6 rnnm pso = l5 ti►►in OSo = �i8( �m D t6 = C�i �rnm D+6= 48 �n� as = o' 3s ��, oS � a�� d�u.o�ym�ma { 1�0(� Q,ac��'st� �.m avn irnc.�tszar�2 am �.e `�c Q�� I� �4rA�nm h� R�r��o �A ►4'��,�, bc„ I2'n►r�e c,�n an sUmhQ�uQrn►vr,f _c���f�i a� �' �f P�Qaw2 ���'+ kei'�a�D cern�4cum�r� �h� HEt-RAS -w,o��ll St.d d� c d,xni n �.s� .am c,Q,v..�%a.� c,� ��1, til� .��n � 1t� Hs a6 d � P�'�°`d��, 0 � � � �Q t f t 4 i i , t � � t , t E k r i � HYDRA�ILICS REPORT NC PFH 49-1(3) REEVES SPRING CROSSING BRANCH UWHARRIE NATIONAL FOREST MONTGOMERY COUNTY, N C � _ �, � �� � � ,t� PREPARED BY HYDRAULICS DIVISION EASTERN �'EDERAL LANDS HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION STERLING, VIRGINIA AUGUST, 2011 1 Signature Sheet This docuinent has been prepared in accordance with design standards and methodologies that are consistent with engineenng practice at the date of its preparation unless otherwise noted Prepared by Abhishek Kapoor �+t� �'�'h� F ���'�'� Signature = �� ��1���Date ���r���� �� �r4��''W��`�f� j�,r� � ,o r ,s t� ,�, t��ttr n i � ��r� nr� ,� n� t �rt x �i t��i��i�`� �^��J�ta., �€ �� �1� � �'q "t» Reviewed by �L`ibby Howells ���' ,��, � u , y��j„A li.,��{yi���,, ��f�����1 � u A �' ���P� �a a����i � � �` � lf��� ~ ��� f � �� � � i E � r ,� 7r 4 ��';i� c � d��y�� � ���zC � s}� U d ��ca��, �� ����y � ��t�'"�i'� C��iz. � Signature ��,��.�� ��`�'_�[�- � �Date r i t �� is� 4 9 a `� � t� r�t �i �(����{`i,� �Si�'�y a � }� �'rj�r-� ,t� i�� �i� �`'���; ��� �, �3�l�� r �"��`i i � �`C � r1 �)i � � tf i i"��i � �����j � � �?�?�„p ��� �'}� a��-{ir� 7i����!'��,� i '�C, t�. �i Y� k� o�i' PIi� .�4_� �� ��f� � � � ,�� .�� � � 11�� 9 ��) D � �' '�� Accepted by Selarri Hailegiorgis � � � �q � , t � y�� ff 3 '���? ��„� �, ��� �jti� ��l��Rh� 4t�,r� r3�4 �4 '��t, s �,� � } i � ��� ���� �����° ���' N Signature � ��, Date � t � � �,� ��� � � � xz i} 7 j, t� �' � "7 j i� � ��i� r � 1 Pro�ect Introduction Summary of Recommendahons Overview of the Pro�ect Technical Analysis and Design Pro�ect Suminary t _ 1 ` r l y 4 t t t P I L� Table of Contents � � , „ , � , 4� � 4 � t i4 i i �� i 7 11� � i Y t � �1 � } � � 4 � � n s i � r 7 "' i _ 4 � �. ..._. ; t� Y � r 3 1 I 1 S �nl S � i �� �Y r � � 1� t ' i� i� 7 7 8 10 13 3 List of Figures Figure 1 Pro�ect Vicimty Figure 2 Pro�ect Location Figure 3 Drainage Area � �, L ,4 i�� o� t `t'��L) � c �� r� a �i� � t��� �Y�"�r'� ��p �� � ,� ���u j , � i'`�r 4 yTl 4T i'��„�`ti �'i4t '��� �i� t f'' � � ! i�'tj fi � 4 � f � t �t �L�,it i5 � h�5't SR �'`�ti �, i i(�31'��rr :'t � � E� ,�1 t"' '��u� i Gt`�f�a � �� n, r.� 4��.i i� a 1s � ..! f s ( 4Y� u'i�� �. � � � ' ��� � "1 i � 4i g ""� i t ts�^t r� {rs i ��{ Y F lfl��f wt�'1 ��� 7Pu���"'� P,"` r 1 t�. �� r.� '' t � �, i �, � � ��w i �i ����, � �, 7 e� r � � j'� � ,l l it 7� ��� � t 4. (° � 1 � � t� �- � �1 .3 4� y� i,�� �, � � � �, i r � ��#�� 5 ��� -� �, ', u`a�, �t �'� ' � L��;F �r d1i � � �t e�� � �t '` '� i 4 y �� �, � �� � �- � �i S � f y i �r t �� f3� � t 2 � � i k � i ,, �t�i � � k 8 9 10 4 i Table 1 Design Flow Rates Table 2 Culvert Summary [ 3 i � � f w J� s� t i List of tables � [ i a 3 �� � � � � ffti � � ,, � ,� � r , � � ' t , � � � t � �� 9 � � , ti r � d � Y {i 1 �� � + d i i i� ! } d� � � r r f r 1 � 11 12 5 Appendix A HEC RAS Output Appendix B HEC 26 Output � � g Y� t ! �1 i r s a � r� t "� � t�� �� r �t J� ! � t � t� ���� I �� 1 U � Appendices �" ,� � 4 �,�1�� � �j s ��� �t�"�4'ti' �� , ���� � ��Ef,� 'f'�t�,�� ,� �� ��� � ,, I3 (�, � � a i�� r�� '�r i � iP�41" 1 J ��. � (� � � ;� Y �y�f y j" t l,..iiy � ��i q t p 2 i ` � si,i � i�3� f� � � t �,�i �1 �` if� .s p�� i"" i pd r Ut � i � �ihi mi � � �4,J �' � ,� ��� '��,� � �'3�'�Y r'[ 3 t� 5t��' 13 4 1� �y �� �� ��� ��� � �# t_`"� tP E 11� )E �e�� �4«� �� ��r.y ,� , 4 � �i � 4 I ! (t �'� "Ii �4' ��1' e- � °7'� t'���4� � �`��r 1 Y v�� t� z �ti�� i T � � fi C � � 4�i� Y�y � �7"7'�l 11 t a � �, � A t id��.�� t� ( i {�� � j f�l� � { 15 �� I w� f� 0 PROJECT INTRODUCTION The pro�ect was initially identified at the Foiest Highway Prograin Meetiilg held in February 2000 and it was agreed at that time that the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) would design and construct the proposed improvements In the forest highway Program Meeting held in August 2003 the NCDOT requested that Eastern Federal Lands Highway Division (EFLHD) undertake the design and construction of a portion of the sub�ect pro�ect, which includes the replacement of a vented ford on Forest Development Road (FDR) 597 at Reeves Spring Branch The pro�ect also includes reconstruchon of FDR from State route 1179 to FDR 544 (McLean s Creek Road) The Unrted States Farest Service (USFS) and the NCDOT have an agreement to add Forest Highway (FH) 494,to,the NCDOT system FH 49 t compnses all or part of the following roads FDR 576 (Moccasin Creek Road), FDR 533 (McLean s Creek Road) FDR 554 (Marks Road) and FDR 597 (Badin Lake Road) The entire route will be assigned a North Carolina Secondary Road number Thistroad will be classified as a Local Rural Road and must therefore be upgraded to meet NCDOT staridards ii � � kr � �r � '} � �i ��, i� y 1� t"' ; 11 u t l�it 4 �s�t � i n � � } i t SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS � � � � � s fi The hydraulics division reco�mmends replacing the existing,vented ford with a 14 ft span by 12 ft rise Reinforced Concrete Box (RCB) wrth headwall and wingwalls to convey the 25 year peak � flow as per NCDOT standards The proposed RCB will also sahsfy the requirements for Aquatic Organism Passage (AOP) design based on the methodology laid out in HEC 26 as per the request from the USFS � f � � � �. � fr� � �t �,� � �. �< � �r �, � , 7 OVERVIEW OF THE PROJECT PURPOSE AND SCOPE As mentioned in the pro�ect mtroduction earlier USFS had agreed to include FH 49 into the NCDOT system and for that to happen, the roads had to be upgraded to NCDOT standards FDR 597 (Badin Lake Road) is a part of FH 49 and is currently not up to the standards of NCDOT The crossing at Reeves Spnng Branch is a vented Low Water Crossing (LWC) with 3 30 Corrugated Metal Pipes (CMP) NCDOT standards require the secondary roads to be designed to convey the 25 year storm event Also the USFS had requested�;to design the crossing for AOP r�'�P���s�y� as per FHWA's HEC 26 standards Therefore the scope of�the pro�ect included designing of a �N ��{1 } structure to convey the 25 year peak flow as well as for�AOP`' �� �'� � r �an�'�' r ��„� -- � �� `u �����F �� �'�� t,�n '� i s( ir � s tt �ii���y���� � i h PROJECT LOCATION �� ,"��� �'; � �� {���`� '� 1�' n ti{�h The pro�ect is located in Montgomery County Northl�Carolina approximately 25�miles southwest of Asheboro NC The pro�ect coordiriates are 35°29�02''W�and 80°03 38 N4 Figures 1& 2 show the pro�ect vicimty and the locatlon�'o4f'the pro�ect `�`���c, "t� � ¢� b.. .� � i ii `� �� Y� �1 yi� � �, Figure �1 Pro�ect�Vicimty � � �1, � , � � rt�;�. � , � f d I ��, $`r � �� S r `� y V N �ee �e�re�-/ e KEY MAP STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA 40 Q 4.0 SCALEIN MILES Green Virginia ro PROJECT NC PFH 49-1(3) ]acksonville - a� ��� O�� P��a� Figure 2 Pro�ect Location 'I'ECFINICAI. AIiTAI.�'SIS ANI) DESIGN HYDROLOGY Bc�san Delaneataon USGS Quad maps were used for basin delineation for the sub�ect pro�ect The drainage area contributing flow to the site was detennined to be 1 43 mi2 The drainage area is shown below in Figure 3 t Figure 3 Drainage Area 47t��` 10 Methoclolo�y 8c Computataons Hydrology was based on the Blue Ridge Piedmont region of the USGS Water Resources Investigation Report (WRIR) 99 4114(4), which used regression equations for the computation of flows Listed below are the equations for vanous return penods as per WRIR 99 4114(4) o QZ = 135*DAo �oz o Qio = 334*DAo66? � QZS = 476*DAo 6as • Qso = 602*DAo 63s • Q�oo = 745*DAo 62s n, ` ;� � • Qsoo = 1160*DAo 6os �� � ,,fif , 4 � j * YVhere DA stands fo� D� acnage area = 1 43 mc �� k � � ���'�', ' '� a' Table 1 summanzes the peak flows that were calculated based on the equations mentioned above �'�' +t , � �, �, � �� � " ' Table 1 Design Flow�Rates � � � �i �� taw r.. � F ��i Stahon 2 Year 10 �year � 25 year 50 year 100 year (cfs) (cfs) t�= cfs) � (cfs) (cfs) 186+39 174� c�`� 423 �„� �,600 , } 756 932 +�, f ti ' ''r � � ° � � r { , 't t� , r , ,r f I� �� i � } 1 1 � � �+ 1 �s } ! � �i V ��4i � 4 r� �� � { ,� i n t��li r �4 � i � � � ir � t � 11 HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Hydraulic analysis was performed usmg HEC RAS version 4 1 The culvert was analyzed usmg standard culvert design outlined in Section 8 of Guidelmes For Drainage Studies And Hydraulic Design prepared by North Carolina Division of Highways which as well as for Aquatic Orgamsin Passage (AOP) per FHWA HEC 26 Aquatic Orgamsm Passage Design Guidelines for Roadway Culverts As per NCDOT standards the 25 year peak flow was used to design the culvert for hydraulic conveyance Table 2 summanzes the recommendations made for the proposed culvert ,� t �i�� i � Station 186+39 Table 2 Culvert Summai r ���'� ; Size Material In1et;El I 14 ft span x Reinforced „s„ ,`� 12 ft rise Concrete y.� � ti�MG 511 79 For AOP design, the HEC 26 methodology compa dunng high flow and peak flow (25 �yr)�conditions ���t�'4 Outlet El (ft) Len tr �t„ ' ���u511 25 � 52 ._�� , � sl��t ����� red�applied�shear stress on�the bed gradation �'����� ����� �� � �, to the�permissible shear stress The channel bed gradation was then designed using��`aniterative process��by increasing the embedment depth of , the culvert and by changing the gradation so as to� withstand'�the,� flow conditions The bed � �� gradation consisted of 2layers Top layer�and Sub�llayer The�thickness of these layers was also � S i �ti� iin �' �`� mP �r� �a� " � c � .� ad�usted so that a stable,b'�ed could be designed The�details for the proposed layers are ra r i r,� i. �,� o� � d� t t 4�� � 211811i1011eC1 b010W i" �i�t�,�`� �t� R����1 � �� �� �ti�� Sk ��� �� ���y��ir '� � � Top Layer Bed Gradahon � , z`�r�� �� � Z'111CICT1eSS 1 �0et � rir � +p� 4 �� �' �� ����� � � � � � € o ����.� � —$� � � 41� 1�`t '�P ft+k °���i ��y� 9s — mm � ` � ; � "��° � �' �� � 1 1 �i��t� �f !� it I 3 D84 = 34 mm �� �� ���`;r ;� DSO=15mm �„ ��t u D 16 = 1 4 min � �� , � r�'; � ' � � D = 0 35 mm � ' ''�' ��'i'��l 5 � }��"�� ,�� � j��� f� SUblayeT Bed GradatlOn r� � z�,.�,��t�r, ��� � Thickness 3 feet `���,"�� D95=914min D84 = 676 mm D50 = 481 mm D16=48mm D5=2mm Appendix A and B summarize the HEC RAS output and AOP design computations respectively 12 � � . PROJECT SUMMARY Several options were analyzed prioi to deciding on the final recoinmendation The imtial scope of the pro�ect included replacing the existing vented ford with a single span bridge at an aligmnent approximately 40 feet upstream of the existing road NCDOT however were not in favor of maintaimng a bridge especially when they felt that a box culvert should suffice for the crossing Several other alternatives were then analyzed including multiple cell box culverts and a conspan at this proposed alignment, but according to Hydraulics and Geotechnical recommendations, not of the above stated alternatives were valid given the stream geometry and � the depth to rock Suggestions were then made to revert back to the original alignment wrth a temporary stream crossing dunng construction This suggestion was acceptable as it reduced the scope of the work from a bndge to a box culvert However, the Forest Service requested that the structure be designed for AOP based on HEC 26 methodology Therefore, the proposed box culvert was designed to satisfy all the partners involved + ; � rr 1 a �� t , fi e k 9 � ��i � i l t 3 } { �t h „, k � s lt d i 9 ^- ti t � I { ( f 1� t � i i{ �I s it � �r t i i i � 1 } s � � � C L � 1 �'i, t � t t �s 4 j i ` ! �� F i � { h j ��t 4 � t i �F i 13 �o � 1 { t � AOP Culvert Design based on HEC 26 Pro�ect ID NC 49 1 3) � Location Montgomery Co NC � Designer/Checker Abhishek Kapoor Date 4/25/2011 ' .<. �. Step 1 Des� n Flows Qp (ft /s) � °� 600' QH (ft /s) � �l'43 5 Q� (ft /s) 1 Note User mput in shaded cells or Note NA means not appl�cable Note See last aaaes for add�t�onal Step 2 Pro�ect Reach and Representative Channel Characteristics (Enter up to two gradations or u to two ebble counts on the PebbleCount tab) � XS1 ° x XS2 D5 (mm) D�s (mm) �so (mm) D84 (mm) D95 (mm) � � 0 35 � ' '� 14 15 � Bed material cohesive� NO f YES or NO Soil Class ' Enter if bed matenal is cohesive Plasticit Index tk '� ; See spreadsheet �nformation Void ratio � Step 3 Dynamic Equ�librium (Step performed outside this spreadsheet ) Step 4 Analyze and mit�gate channel instability (Step performed outside this spreadsheet if needed ) Step 5 Design Bed Gradation Enter selected gradation See Quantile Gradation Plot tab for plot ) D5 (mm) ` 0 35 D5 (ft) 0 001 D 5 should be /ess than or equal to 2 mm D16 (mm) � 1 4 D16 (ft) 0 005 D50 (mm) 15 D50 (ft) 0 049 D84 (m m) 34 DS4 (ft) 0 112 D95 (m m) 50 D95 (ft) 0 164 YS (Ib/ft ) � 156 Unit weight of design bed material version 100496 1 8/2/2011 AOP Culvert Design based on HEC 26 Pro�ect ID 'NC'49 1� 3 �_ { Location ,�MontgomeryrCo NC _ �,��,��, Step 5 Align and S�ze Culvert For c�rcular pipes enter zero m the span field ) Rise (diameter) (ft) � � 12 Rectangular Span (ft) �� 14 Slope (ft/ft) � `� �0 01 Manning s n culvert) � 0�01�2 Embedment (ft) ;.y. 4, 00 2 40 Mirnn � Note User input �n shaded cells only t, Note NA means not applicab'!e Embedment Critena Circular/ Rect / Pipe Applicable Elliptical arch %ofrise 03 02 02 x D95 2 1 1 Step 5 Estimate Manning s n and Normal Depth (Select Manning s n method or supply a Manning s n for each flow ) Cohesive sod n Sal is noncohesive Sand n Bed is not sand User Manrnng s Design Flow supplied Regime n(calc ) Selected n Qp "'"� � ' Lower QH ` ,� � w Lower Q� � Lower Noncohesive n Enter name of inethod or User and an n value (Spellmg matters) Selected n User Desi n Flow Method supplied Limerinos Jarrett Blodgett Mussetter Selected n QP Limennos �' ��� 0 027 NA 0 027 NA 0 027 QH Limennos �� .� 0 031 0 071 0 029 NA 0 031 Q� Limennos � { � 0 055 NA 0 044 0 079 0 055 Design Flow Qp QH QL n used in Normal calc Depth (ft) 0 027 3 65 0 031 0 78 0 055 0 11 ��.. ,�.,_ �t Calculate Press button to so/ve for Manrnng s n and normal depth � IVarmal depth solutrons found for all design flows Step 5 Check Headwater Criteria at QP (Evaluate headwater with HY 8 or HEC RAS using the Manning s n for QP ) Headwater depth (ft) 3 85 HW/D ratio 0 48 Note Confirm thaf headwater sat�sfies Meadwater crrteria including but not hmited to HW/D ratio vers�on 100416 2 8/2/2011 � � t � � AOP Culvert Design based on HEC 26 Pro ect ID NC 49 1(3 Note User mput m shaded cells only Location Montgome Co NC Note NA means not applrcable Step 6 Culvert Bed Stabil�ty at QH (Run HY 8 or HEC RAS with the Manning s n for QH prior to completing this step ) Mod Perm Shear Inlet Outlet Normal Depth (ft) 1 11 1 62 0 78 n com osite 0 029 0 028 0 030 V ft/s 2 80 1 92 3 98 Se (ft/ft) 0 0031 0 0009 0 0100 Applied shear (Ib/ft2 0 22 0 09 0 49 F NA NA NA Perm Shear (Ib/ft2) 0 46 0 46 0 46 Stable� YES YES NA Cnt�cal Unit Discharge Inlet Outlet Normal q(ft3/s/ft) 3 11 3 11 3 11 Q� �sa (ft /s/ft) NA NA NA Stable� NA NA NA Crrfical unit discharge method not applrcable to cond�tions Step 7 Bed mobility acceptable at QH� (If step is needed estimate channel shear stresses/urnt di stress discharge Cross section (Ib/ftz) (ft3/s/ft) Culvert inlet 0 22 3 11 Culvert outlet 0 09 3 11 Culvert normal depth NA NA 8ed stable es and enter in table below ) Qc D84 TP (Ib/ftZ) (ft3/s/ft) 0 46 NA 0 46 NA 0 46 NA 8ased on Step 6 results (sfable or not appl�cable) mobil�ty not evaluated based on shear stress Based on Step 6 rzsults (stable or not applrcable) mobrl�ty not evaluated based on unrt discharge version 100416 3 8/2/2011 � � AOP Culvert Design based on HEC 26 Pro ect ID NC 49 1(3 �__, _ Note User �nput in s Location �Montgome Co NC ' J, Note NA means not Step 8 Culvert Bed Stability at QP (Run HY 8 or HEC RAS with the Manrnng s n for QP prior to completing this step ) Mod Perm Shear Inlet Outlet Normal Depth (ft) 3 85 1 a4 33 3 65 n com osite 0 023 0 022 0 023 V ft/s 11 13 9 90 11 73 SB (fUft) 0 0085 0 0059 0 0100 Applied shear (Ib/ft2) 2 04 1 58 2 28 F NA NA NA Perm Shear (Ib/ft2) 0 46 0 46 Stab/e� NO NO Warnmg Bed matenal not stable based on mod perrr 0 46 NO �ssibie shear stress Cntical Urnt D�scharge Inlet Outlet Normal q(ft3/s/ft) 42 86 42 86 42 86 q� �aa (ft /s/ft) NA NA NA Stab/e� NA NA NA Cnt�cal unit d�scharge method not applicable to conditrons versron 100416 4 8/2/2011 � AOP Culvert Design based on HEC 26 Pro�ect ID NC 49 1(3) Location Montgomery Co NC Steo 9 Desian Stable Bed Selected Default Oversize Oversize Gradation Gradation D5 (mm) 2 2 D16 (mm) 48 48 DSO (mm) 481 481 D84 (mm) 676 673 D95 (mm) � 914 914 ys (Ib/ft ) 156 914 Oversize layer thick ft) w 3 3 00 Enter D�5 to calculate default oversize gradation Note User input in shaded cells only Note NA means not applrcable Design Gradation Selected Oversize (Step 5) Gradation ft 0 35 D5 (ft) 0 007 1 4 D�s (ft) 0 157 15 D50 (ft) 1 578 34 D84 (ft) 2 218 50 D95 (ft) 2 999 Max�mum D ys that fits in Step 5 embedment (mm) Mrnimum oversrze layer thickness (ft) Oversize Layer Thickness Cnteria Circular/ Rectan Elli tical 9ular/ Pipe Applicable Overs ze layer th�ckness allows sufficient native mafena! p arch Oversue layer th�clmess ��trsf�es mrnimum critenon x D95 1 5 1 1 e ecte n ser Design Flow Method supplied Limerinos Jarrett Blodgett Mussetter Selected n QP Limennos 0 062 0 051 0 067 0 034 0 062 Qp Flow n used in calc 0 062 Normal 5 80 Calculate � Press button to solve for Mannmg s n and normal depth Norma! depth soli�tron fourd version 100416 5 8/2/2011 � AOP Culvert Design based on HEC 26 Pro�ect ID 'NC 49 1(3 Note User input in s Location Montgome Co NC � _� � Note NA means not Step 9 Design Stable Bed (Cont�nued Mod Perm Shear Inlet Outlet Normal Depth ft 3 85 J,4 33 5 80 n com osite 0 048 0 047 0 044 V fUs 11 13 9 90 7 39 Se (fUft) 0 0380 0 0259 0 0100 Applied shear (Ib/ft2) 9 14 7 00 3 62 F 0 150 0 150 0 092 Perm Shear (Ib/ftZ) 24 54 24 54 15 05 Stab/e� YES YES NA Bed stable Cntical Unif Dischar e Inlet Outlet Normal q(ft3/s/ft) 42 86 42 86 42 86 40 osa (ft /s/ft) NA NA NA Stable� NA NA NA Cntical un�t d�scharge method not applicable to cond�t�ons Step 10 Check Culvert Veloc�ty at QH Compare velocities in culvert with those in upstream and downstream channel ) Velocity Applicable Cross section (ft/s) Length (ft) Culvert inlet 2 80 �,� : 22 Culvert outlet 1 92 � '- 22 Culvert normal depth NA : , � � fi y r �` C y � � w � a� � � � i' }w S N� C � f 3 � � Error Max►mum ve►oc�ty in culvert exceeds maximum rn channel Cons�der length over wh�ch velocities apply and redes�gn m Step 5 �f approprrate 1 vers�on 100416 6 8/2/2011 � _� AOP Culvert Design based on HEC 26 Pro ect ID NC 49 1(3 Note User input in shaded cells only Location Montgomery Co NC �' Noie NA means not applicable Step 11 Check Depth at Q� (Compare depths in culvert with those Cross section Depth (ft) Culvert inlet 0 11 Culvert outlet 0 40 Culvert normal depth NA r= # r in upstream and downstream channel ) Depths rr� cu!✓ert acceptable Step 12 Provide Low flow channel in culvert (Complete step outside of spreadsheet if needed ) Step 13 Review Design (Review the design and any error messages ) Errors remain Recheck output Spreadsheet Information (General notes and information listed by step ) Error Unacceptable calculation Most be corrected Warning Result may be unacceptable or require attention outside of spreadsheet Acceptabie Calculat�on Acceptable calculation Criteria satisfied Note Information version 100416 7 8/2/2011 AOP Culvert Desian (based on HEC 26 Pro�ect ID � NC 49 1(3) � _ � Note User mput m s Location jMontqomer,v Co NC Note NA means nof Step 2 Pro�ect Reach and Representative Channel Characteristics 1 If one or both gradations are entered they will be plotted in the Quantile Gradation Plot If not and pebble counts are provided the pebble counts will be plotted 2 A maximum of two pebble counts may be entered in the PebbleCount tab Each pebble count may have no more than 122 observations 3 Valid cohesive soil types are GM GC SM SC ML CL MH CH PI must be greater than or equal to 10 is generally less than 40 Void ratio ranges between 0 and 1 See HEC 26 Appendix D 2 for more information Step 5 Estimate Manning s n and Normal Depth 1 Bed material is considered to be sand when Dso < 2 mm 2 Limerinos is recommended as the default method for determining Manrnng s n 3 Limerinos Jarrett Blodgett Mussetter and User are the choices for noncohesive materials Correct spelling is required Step 6 Culvert Bed Stability at QH 1 Critical discharge is applicable where So > 0 03 and R/D50 < 10 2 Modified permissible shear is applicable when So < 0 05 3 Stability in the normal depth column is only applicable for a steep culvert with high tailwater Step 7 Bed mobility acceptable at QH� 1 Cross section names must be entered in this step and will automatically appear in Steps 10 and 11 2 If a warning that at least one culvert mobility measure is less than all comparable channel values appears the culvert may be vulnerable to deposition at QH The designer may wish to consider forming a more defined channel in the culvert Step 8 Cuivert Bed Stability at QP 1 Stability in the normal depth column is only applicable for a steep culvert with high tailwater Step 9 Design Stable Bed 1 Stability in the normal depth column is only applicable for a steep culvert with high tailwater 2 Limennos is recommended as the default method for determining Manning s n 3 Default oversize gradation is provided based on the user supplied D95 D84 and D50 are calculated from Equation 7 15 D16 is calculated from Equation F 3c (m=0 5) D5 is set at 2 mm as the minimum recommended User should ad�ust gradation as needed 4 If any changes to inputs for Step 5 are made as part of Step 9 update depths in Steps 6 and 8 before proceeding to Step 10 Step 10 Check Culvert Velocity at QH 1 Cross section names must be entered in Step 7 Step 11 Check Depth at Q� 1 Cross section names must be entered in Step 7 version 100416 � 8/2/2011 v r p� AOP Culvert Desian (based on HEC 26 Pro�ect ID NC 49 1(3 � Note User mput �n shaded cells only I Location Montgomery Co NC � Note NA means not applicable ----_ � Guidance for shapes other than circular or rectangular Other shapes (p�pe arch ell�ptical (horrzontal and vertical) metal box) may be evaluated us�ng th�s spreadsheet with the followmg guidance 1 Select a trial shape and size 2 For Step 5(align and size culvert) enter the rise and span as if it was a rectangular shape 3 Enter the appropriate Manning s n value for the tnal culvert material 4 Enter an embedment that provides at least 30% embedment for the elliptical shapes not the 20% requirsd for rectangular All other shapes can use the 20% embedment criteria 5 For the HY 8 or HEC RAS analyses use the trial shape and size not the rectangular equivalent 6 Use the HY 8 or HEC RAS analyses for the depth inputs for Steps 6 8 9 and 11 Note(1) If the HY 8 or HEC RAS analyses show that (a) the water surface profile is steep with a tailwater control at the outlet (i e a hydraulic �ump may occur within the culvert) and (b) normal depth calculated by these programs differs from the approximation in this spreadsheet for the equivalent circular or rectangular shape enter the inlet depth and the normal depth (rather than the outlet depth) Note(2) A Manning s n tab is available for computing n values as a function of depth to enter into HY 8 and HEC RAS 7 For an elliptical pipe the oversize layer in Step 9 should be a minimum of 1 5 D95 in thickness 8 Complete all other evaluations as with circular or rectangular shapes version 100416 �] 8/2/2011 o"' � �