HomeMy WebLinkAboutSR 2755 (2)Ilepartment of �nvironmea�t �nd Natural Resources Pro�ect Review Form Pro�ect Number 12-Q145 County Guilford Date Received 12/Q9/2011 Due I�ate 1/4/2012 Pro�ect Description Scoping Start of Study for proposed Grade Separation between IVIcLeansville Road (SR 2918) and North Carolina Ra�lroad TIP No P 5204 This Pro�ect ts bein� reviewed as tnd�cated below Regional Of�ce _ Asheville _ Fayetteville Mooresville Rale�ah Washm�ton Wilmm�ton �/ Wmston Salem anager Si�n Off/Reg�on Reg�onal Office Area ✓ Air ✓ Water ✓ Aquifer Protect�on ✓ Land Qualrty En�ineer Response (check all applicable) No ob�ection to pro�ect as proposed Insufi'icient mformarion to complete rev�ew In House Rev►ew _ Marme Fishenes _ Coastal Mana�ement _ Water Resources Mgmt Water Supply Sect�on ✓ Parks & Recreanon Water Qual�ty ✓ Water Qual�ty DOT Wildlife � Wildlife DOT W aste M;mt A�r Qual�ty Date No Comment House Reviewer/A�ency Other (specify or attach comments) If you have any questions please contact Melba McGee, Environmental Coordmator at Melba 1VIcGee(a�ncdenr aov 9 ���������� � �tc 1 � 20�� WETLA�VDS fiND STOR� EI BRq►�H � ,�n� �� � � ��„� STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BEVERLY E PERDUE GOVERNOR November 30 2011 Ms Teresa Matthews Admimstrative Assistant State Environmental Review Cleannghouse 1301 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699 1301 EUGENE A CONTI JR SECRETARY SUBJECT Request for Scopmg Comanents - Proposed Grade Separation between McLeansville Road (SR 2915) and the North Carohna Railroad (NCRR) TIP Pro�ect P 5204 WBS Pro�ect Number 52400 1 STR02T2 McLeansville Guilford County Dear Ms Teresa Matthews The North Carolma Department of Transportation (NCDOT) is proposmg to construct a grade separation carrying McLeansville Road (SR 2918) over the North Carohna Railroad (NCRR) m McLeansville Guilford County The purpose of the pro�ect is to improve safety efficiency and mobihty for tram and vehicular traffic m the area around the existmg McLeansville Road/NCRR at grade crossmg A pro�ect data sheet is attached that mcludes a map of the pro�ect study area In addition to the grade separation the pro�ect proposes to close the at grade Frieden Church Road (SR 2746) crossing to the west the at grade Carmon Road (SR 2755) crossing to the east and a private crossing between the McLeansville Road and Carmon Road crossmgs The study will investigate multiple alignments for the McLeansville Road grade separation and also include the extension of Hines Andrews Road (SR 2858) to connect to McLeansville Road which will allow for closing the current Bethel Church Road (SR 2930) connection to McLeansville Road Finally the study will mclude provision of access to two residences that are currently accessed via the private at grade crossing A No Build Alternative will also be considered for the pro�ect The purpose of this letter is to sohcit input concernmg the potential impacts of this pro�ect To assist our evaluation of this pro�ect please respond in writmg by January 12, 2012 concernmg any sensitive resources m the pro�ect study area and/or beneficial or adverse impacts of the pro�ect relating to the interest of your agency If apphcable please identify any permits or approvals that may be required by your agency Please note that this pro�ect replaces a previous pro�ect that focused on the Carmon Road at grade railroad crossing (Pro�ect Y 4800) Alternatives for the previous Carmon Road pro�ect mcluded grade separation alternatives at Carmon Road and alternatives that would close the at grade crossmg and extend Carmon Road westward to Hines Andrew Road/Bethel Church Road Please note these alternatives are no longer under consideration with the current pro�ect If you have any questions concermng this pro�ect please contact me at (919) 733 7245 extension 266 or Ms Jill Gurak of Atkins at (919) 876 6888 Smcerely Ryan White P E Rail Pro�ect Development Engineer Enclosure cc Jill Gurak — Atkins MAILING ADDRESS NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RAIL DIVISION ENVIRONMENTAL AND PLANNING BRANCH 1553 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RnLEiGH NC 27699 1553 TELEPHONE 919 733 7245 FAX 919 715 6580 WEBSITE WWW BYTRAIN ORG LOCATI O N TRANSPORTATION BUILDING 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET RALEIGH NC e PROJECT DATA SHEET Date 11/30/11 Rev TIP No P 5204 County Guilford Federal aid No WBS No 52400 1 STR02T2 NCDOT Division 7 Scopmg Meeting Date No meeting is scheduled at this time Scoping letters will serve to gather information Pro�ect Descroption • Length Approximately one mile along McLeansville Road v City/Town unincorporated Guilford County (area known as McLeansville) • MPO/RPO Greensboro Urban Area MPO (GUAMPO) • NEPA/404 Merger Candidate? ❑ Yes � No ❑ Unknown • General Pro�ect Location McLeansville Road (SR 2819) is a north south minor thoroughfare in eastern Guilford County The existing at grade crossing is located on the North Carolina Railroad (NCRR)/Norfolk Southern (NS) rail line at mile post 8 02 The pro�ect study area extends approximately 1/2 mile west from McLeansville Road to include the Frieden Church Road (SR 2746) crossing located at NCRR/NS mile post 7 6 The pro�ect study area extends to the north along McLeansville Road to Harvest Road and includes the ad�acent properties on McLeansville Road The pro�ect study area extends to the east along the rail tracks to include the Bullard and Black private crossing located approximately 1/2 mile east of the McLeansville Road Crossing at NCRR/NS mile post 8 61 The southern boundary of the pro�ect study area extends to include Hines Andrews Road and the area where an extension of Hines Andrews Road is proposed to McLeansville Road A separate portion of the pro�ect study area is included around the Carmon Road (SR 2755) at grade crossing located approximately one mile east of the McLeansville Road crossing at NCRR/NS mile post 9 09 A pro�ect vicinity map is included as Figure 1 Existing Conditions of McLeansville Road • Functional Classification • Type of Access Control • Typical Section • Right of Way • Posted Speed Minor Thoroughfare No control of access 2 lanes Varies — 75 to 90 feet at railroad crossing 70 feet on approaches 35 mph in crossing area • Structure Inventory (bridges RCBC Walls etc) None SR — Sufficiency Rating BR — Bridge P— Pipe C— Culvert 1 Existing Conditions of Frieden Church Road • Functional Classification Minor Thoroughfare • Type of Access Control No control of access • Typical Section 2 lanes • Right of Way 60 Feet at crossing • Posted Speed 35 mph in crossing area • Structure Inventory (bridges RCBC Walls etc) None SR — Sufficiency Rating BR — Bridge P— Pipe C— Culvert Existing Condit�ons of Bullard and Black Crossing • Functional Classification Private Dr�ve • Type of Access Control No control of access • Typical Section Private Drive • Right of Way N/A • Posted Speed N/A • Structure Inventory (bridges RCBC Walls etc) None SR — Suffiaency Rating BR — Bridge P— Pipe C— Culvert Existing Conditions of Carmon Road • Functional Classification MinorThoroughfare • Type of Access Control No control of access • Typical Section 2 lanes • Right of Way 75 feet at crossing • Posted Speed 45 mph (90 degree curve south of crossing is signed 10 mph) • Structure Inventory (bridges RCBC Walls etc) None SR — Sufficiency Rating BR — Bridge P— Pipe C— Culvert Existing Conditions of Hines Andrew Road • Functional Classification Local Road • Type of Access Control No control of access • Typical5ection 2lanes • Right of Way Approximately 75 feet • Posted Speed None � Structure Inventory (bridges RCBC Walls etc) None SR — Sufficiency Rating BR — Bridge P— Pipe C— Culvert 2 Other TIP Pro�ects in the Area Y 4800 Traffic Separation Study Implementation and Closures (Statewide) U 2581 US 70 SR 2851 (Penry Road) to SR 3056 (Rock Creek Dairy Road) in Greensboro W�den to multi lanes some relocation This pro�ect is located approximately 1 5 miles south of the McLeansville Road crossing __ Rail Involvement This is a NCDOT Rail Division Environmental & Planning Branch pro�ect which will investigate providing a grade separated crossing (bridging) of McLeansville Road with the NCRR/NS rail line This pro�ect will also include the closing of at grade crossings at Frieden Church Road to the west Carmon Road to the east and the Bullard and Black private crossing between McLeansville Road and Carmon Road Long Range Plan History Currently listed in the GUAMPO 2012 2018 MTIP as Pro�ect P 5204 Traffic Data (AADT) Current Year Design Year Location 2007 2009 McLeansville Road north of Frieden Church Road 5 S00 4 900 Frieden Church Road east of Allenwood Road 2 200 2 000 Knox Road south of Carmon Road 680 640 TBD Bethel Church Road east of McLeansville Road 1 800 1 800 Birch Creek Road south of McLeansville Road 1 200 1 100 Bullard and Black Crossing Not Available Source NCDOT Transportation Planning Branch � Cost Estimates Construction Right of Way Total STIP Estimate $5 188 000 $1 006 000 $6 194 000 Pro�ect Schedule *This portion of the pro�ect schedule is from the STIP and needs to be updated 3 � � Purpose and Need Data Draft Pro�ect Need The crossings of McLeansville Road Frieden Church Road the Bullard and Black private crossing and Carmon Road at the NCRR/NS track are all at grade intersections and have the potential for accidents between automobiles and freight and passenger trains Providing a grade separation for the McLeansville Road intersection and closing the c e the gotent If or veh cle/t aan� collispons twhuch ould Black crossing and Carmon Road would eliminat p improve safety at all four intersections for both road and rail traffic The NCRR/NS rail line through the pro�ect study areas is the preferred corridor for the Southeast High Speed Rail (SEHSR) pro�ect The SEHSR pro�ect would provide passenger rail service between Washington D C and Charlotte N C at a maxi ne O se g� at F�ri den Chu clh fRoadgthe B Ilard a d for the Mc Leansvi l le R o a d i n t e r s e c t i o n a n d c l o s i n g Black private crossing and Carmon Road would eliminate the potential for delay to train opera tions The at grade crossing at McLeansville Road is located near the western end of a two mile rail siding which also intersects the private Bullard and Black crossing and the Carmon Road crossing The siding is a section of track parallel to the main line allowing one train to pass another Trains on the siding may block these at grade crossn�ossectilon�stwrth one se tion on ei her side of thearoad crossoings,aBoth of disconnect the train cars these scenarios result in undesirable operating conditions for both trains and vehicular traffic W en trains block the at grade crossings it resuits in detours for vehicular traffic on McLeansville Road and Carmon Road Trains can sit on the siding f e1theroide of the at grade Oro songs randlthenp econDect�ing the train into sections with one section on them is time consuming for the train operators Draft Pro�ect Purpose The pro)ect purpose is to improve the safety Off�he NCRR/ 5 trabkl invGui ford County �cular traffic in the area around the McLeansville Road crossing 4 Mcleansville Road Alternatives Data • Proposed Design Data • Type of Access Control • Typical Section • Right of Way • Posted Speed Will comply with NCDOT design standards TBD TBD TBD TBD The following elements will be included with alternatives to be developed by NCDOT • Build Alternatives — Grade separate McLeansville Road over the NCRR/NS track on alignments to be determined close the at grade crossing on Frieden Church Road to the west the at grade crossing on Carmon Road to the east and the private Bullard and Black crossing located between the McLeansville Road and Carmon Road crossing Extend Hines Andrews Road to connect to McLeansville Road to allow closing of the Bethel Church Road connection to Mcleansville Road which will likely be too close to the grade separation bridge New access will be provided to two residences that are currently accessed via the private Bullard and Black Crossing • No Build Alternative —No improvements will be made to the roads or rail crossings in the pro�ect study area Prelim�nary Study Area Resources Inventory Table - Resource/Measure Resources in Study Area Length of pro�ect (to tenth of miles) Approximately 1 0 mile Proposedlnterchanges 0 d Proposed RR crossings Potential for Interchanges or RR crossings (#) 1— Grade Separation (McLeansville Rd) 3— Closures (Frieden Church Rd Carmon Rd private crossing) Other Infrastructure (# of Wastewater treatment plants TBD transmission pipelines etc ) Suspected/known Hazardous Materials sites (#) � National Register or eligible sites districts or other TBD historic properties (#) McLeansville Fire Station #47 McLeansville Community facilities such as hospitals nursing homes Elementary School McLeansville Baptist churches schools cemeteries etc (#) Church Residential Properties in Study Area Approximately 50 Business Properties in Study Area Approximately 10 Farm Properties Approximately 4 Wetlands (est acres rounded to whole acre) Approximately 3 acres 4 unnamed tributanes lengths to be Streams (# of streams and number of linear feet) determined Nearly all of the study area is within the Big Critical Water Supply Watersheds (rounded to nearest Alamance Creek watershed a Class IV acre) Protected Watershed (WS IV) and Nutrient Sensitive Water (NSW) Riparian Buffer rules apply (yes/no/part)* Yes Jordan Rules Yes There are two Voluntary Agricultural Area in active agriculture (nearest acre) Districts in or near the study area Parks Greenways Game Lands Land and Water 0 Conservation Fund Properties etc (#) No critical habitat areas Small whorled Identified Critical Habitat/species under ESA pogonia is a listed species for Guilford (yes/no/part) County Surveys will be conducted FEMA Buyout Properties � Other known/suspected resources or issues High level screening did not identify low (identify e g Low income or minority community) (#) income or minority community TBD *Buffer impacts assumed to be proportional to the stream impacts NOTE This table is intended to be used in con�unction with the Pro�ect Study Area Map (Figure 2) W O � � r Z � � � �`.�� a..C+�E_ n ���S.k �rotr .T ♦ �r , .. �. �� ,�. _ �74 .Rj#K"�l'��,�.f'• hi" � �'•M��.�4- .� �"�~ •Y 'S � �'"�•' � "G.:; ...,'� _�r ,r _ Y ��y �.�������� � �' � � � :+�,,+�,,, iS 3 _:� ' d �. .,�t. �„ara; : � •'S y'{ ' J r,,���� , y� �. ..� °�' �f�✓ � -"'r' � �. d , y ��q2��i�+�' '�';��� �� � �.s,_ �°: � � #� � � �� A �. :. .+�*� r � �.� ..�i :% � .� _ � �°��1����� �,�,' A y�.l � J,� �� . � �° "� � � � � ` � -� , ` , . � �" _, r� K % � FT �i� ] � ��4 � y� _ -r � � � _�+' . 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' o Q Project Study Area � � s Greensboro City Limits - Railroad Named Streams �. �� ��G � 4. � � �`4 McLEANSVILLE ROAD SR-28'19 -. N-,; ,��.:� �;,�..�,: , ,.;,..,�.,��-,�:�. . GRADESEPARATION �' RAIL DIVISI�N PROJECT VICINITY MAP SrIP Pro�ec! No P-52oa � � � � � Gwlford County. NC Saurce Gudford County FI ure 1 Map Prinled November 2011 g