HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100770 Ver 1_Certification of Completion_20111130d Perdu� SaNki�13M-�1M0 3WdN �689�£Z6T6 �31 ��-� North C�rolma Deparlment of �nv�ronment and Natural R�sources piv5wn of W�ter Qua6ty Caleen H SuEims Q�lEC�f �V�Q gro,�ect No Applicant _. �"`y�, Pra��ct Name � Dat� a�f 1S$uan�e of 60 ZZ 3f11 T�BZ-ST-f10N Certificat� of Comoletior� URon comptet�on nf a1l work approved W+ithi� the �O1 'Wat�r Q�alaty Gertificat�on or applicable Bu�f�r Rul�s and apy subsequerrt r�odificat,ons the appticant �s reqwred ta ceturn th�s cert�F�ate to the 4O1/Wetlands Unit North C�roL��a D�v> >gr� of Wci'ter Qual►�+ 1 bS0 Mail Service F'enter I�alek�h} NG, �3fi9� ] 6�Q Tl��s form may be returned ta DWQ by the �ppl�cant, the apph�ant s authoriz�d ag�nt or the pro�ect eng�ne�r Ic is nbt ne.cessarX to sent� certificai.�s from all of �hese Applr�ant Cert�fio ��n I T� _ , h�rebX state th,at, tu the best af my ab�hi�as due care and dil� n e was used in the qbsarvatior �f the coilStrt[cttan suah that the cor�SCruot�pe was abserved tQ be buill vuith�n sub$tantlal comp[iance and �nten� Qf the 401 �!1(ater Qusiaiy Cert�fie.�.t�+�n and ,�uffer Rules; the ap�r d�ans ar,d spec�ficatu�ns and o�her supporttng ma't�r�als S�gMature Aats _ f �,� � Agen�'s Cer�ffrtatron i , t1ereby state that, ta the best af my ab�l�t�es due care and d�tigence was used in th� Qbserv�tton of#he cor�stntctioA such tha.tthe eons,tructton was observ�d ta bC butlt w�thin substanhr�! c4mpl�an�e a��GI intent of the 401 1�Vaier Qu�l�ty CerUficat�oi� and $ui�et Rules the approv�d plat�s and speci�eat�cns and �thersupport�ngmater2ais S�gnature �a�� !t' �hJs pro�ect was desr,gned by a Certli�ed Profe�srona! 1� as a duly re,�lsterad ProTessional (i � Cr�gtneer �,�ndscape Archrte�t Sun�eyorx etc ) m th� State o�'North Cat�lina,, havin� been autlzprixed to ohsCrve (p�nddicallv wcekty fuil t�me I the oonsU acc�c�n of the pro�ect fbr the �'ermrte� hereUy sta�le t1�1t to the best af n�y ab�lat��s due car� a�id d�l��enc e�v�s u�e,d �n the obsc�vatton of the construction suaii that thE c�nstluct�ou M as obsaved to be bu�lt wititm substant�at eampltar�c,� snd �ntent di the 4a1 W�ter �ual�ty Gc.rtificatsan and �uffei �ules the approved plans and spectfi�.At�ons and �ther SuppOrting mt�terlai5 S��,nature Re��,trat�ott I+ft� __ _ ,. Dare i t �vers�ghtlExpra�s Revie►v �ersnrtm� Un4 '� �� Serv�ce Centr� Raleigh tiarp� Ca�ohne 21699-1050 �GOn 2321 Cra6lree h N h Cat�fuW 2T6p4 M� g 9'�33 �7$6 919.733 fi893 met htlp !/h�o $nr � � n gi �u� qDpa+lu� 1 �rtn�uve Aclicn �mployrer DFite Fre�TZn Secretai y ° �C�'�0�[� a� f} N0V3o y 2011 DENR WqTER Q � WETLANDaAND$��j ��. ,a,�fG"� 1�'QnrthCaralxr�a ��Z�ll!'�`��1�/ L0/L0 3Jdd JN3 h�la� 9E6b-09�-6T6 £Z LZ TT0ZJ5ZfZZ �