HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090858 Ver 2_Year 2 Monitoring Report_20111130�`�- n8s8 ( �,°o�.e-�-- ° q ) � r LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL �'�' 10055 Red Run Boulevard Swte 130 Owmgs Mdls MD 21 ll7 410 356 5159 — PH 410 356 5822 — FAX 909 Capab�hty Drrve Smte 3100 Rale�gh NC 27606 919 829 9909 — PH 919 829 9913 — FAX 604 Greene Street Su�te ]00 Camden SC 29020 803-432�890 — PH 410 356-5822 — FAX TO NC DWQ Wetlands & Stormwater Branch DATE November 28, 2011 1650 Mail Service Center Rale�gh NC 27699 RE Carl Lloyd Nutrient Site ATTN Kat�e Merr�tt We are sendmg v�a � Overmght � Regular Mad � P�ck Up � Hand Delrvered The followmg �tems � Correspondence � Plans � Spec�ficat►ons � Other as I�sted below COPIES DATE NO DESCRIPTION 1 11/28/11 Carl Lloyd Srte Year 2 Momtonng Report D �a NO DENR AWD S1pRp,ryy,q�R �CH These are transuutted as checked below Q For Approval � For Your Use REMARKS � As Requested � Approved as Submitted � Returned for Correct�ons ■ For Rev�ew and Comment � Approved as Noted � For Your S�gnature Please review the enclosed Year 2 monitonng report for the Carl Lloyd Site Thank you, Tommy Cousins COPY TO SIGNED %U�-�/' C��---5 EcoEng�neering A division of The John R McAdams Company Inc CARL LLOYD BAl'�1K PARCEL ORANGE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA YEAR 2 MONITORING REPORT MAM-09010 ��c��ad� D NOV 3 � 2011 DENR WATER QUALITY ��N�SAND STOR�(pyq�R gRqNCH October 3 20l l Research Triangle Park NC Posl Olfice Box 14005 Research Tnangle Park Norlh Carolina 27709 2905 Mendian Parkway Durham North Carolina 27713 800 733 5fi46 919 287 4262 919 361 2269 Fax wwwecoen�rcom i Design Serwces Focused On Client Success Table of Contents 1 0 Introduction 1 1 Pro�ect Locahon and Descnption 1 2 Pro�ect Goals and Ob�ectives 2 0 Vegetation Condition and Comparison 3 0 Methodology 3 1 Vegetation Monrtonng Plots 3 2 Photo Stat�ons 4 0 References Apuendix A Site Maus Figure 1 Site Location Map Figure 2 Momtonng Year 2 Exhib�t Appendix B Ve�etation Assessment Data Table 1 Vegetation Plot M�tigat�on Success Summary Table 2 Stem Count Total and Planted Species by Vegetahon Plot Table 3 Planted Species Comparison by Vegetation Plot Annendix C Ve�etahon Monitor�ng Plot Photos Anpend�x D Ve�etahon Momtorms Plot Data Sheets Annend�x E Photo Stahons ' �EcoEngineering A dm wn f i1rc 1oA R MUdtms Compeny Inc 2 2 2 2 :l 10 Introduct�on 11 Pro�ect Locat�on and Descr�ptron Located at tlie southwest quadrant of the intersection of Holly Creek Lane and Old Greensboro Road (SR 1005) m Orange County, North Carolina (Appendix A F�gure 1— Site Location Map) is the Carl Lloyd Bank Parcel (Bank Parcel) wh�ch is a nutnent m�tigation bank The purpose of this Bank Parcel is to �mprove water quality within the B Everett Jordan Lake watershed by prov�dmg off site mitigat�on for development (both existmg and proposed) which require nutnent offsets This Bank Parcel is not intended to funct�on for mrtigation of buffer impacts It w�ll only be used for nutnent offsets The Bank Parcel is located withm the Upper New Hope Arm of the B Everett Jordan Lake watershed mside of 14 digit USGS HUC 03030002060070 Stormwater runoff from this site drauis mto two unnamed mbutaries of Neville Creek (Stream Index #16 41 2 2 1(1)) which drams into Uruversity Lake approx�mately three (3) miles downstream Accordmg to the N C D�v�ston of Water Qual�ty Basinwide Information Management System (BIMS) Neville Creek is classified as WS II HQW NSW m this location The overall tract, which consists of two (2) parcels is approximately 74 acres with a npanan bui�er restorahon area of 10 84 acres (Appendix A Figure 2— Mon�tor�ng Year 1 Exh�bit) This Bank Pazcel has been established under the terms and condrtions of the Cape Fear Basm Ripanan Buffer and Nutnent Mingation Umbrella Bank (Bank) made and entered into by Mid Atlanhc Mrtigahon LLC (MAM) acting as the Bank Sponsor and the North Carolma Department of Environment and Natural Resources D�v�sion of Water Quality (DWQ) 12 Pro�ect Goals and Ob�echves The goals of tlus nutrient mrt�gahon pro�ect are to To improve the overall water qualrty and aquahc habitat m and around the unnamed tributanes of Neville Creek by reducmg sedunent mto the streams caused by agncultural mfluences To improve the nchness and divers�ty of the plant species witlun the conservat�on easement To provide perpetual protect�on for the unnamed tributanes of Neville Creek and associated riparian and upland buffers These goals will be met through the followmg ob�ectives By establishing a native plant community to match the endemic plant species at the Bank Parcel By reducmg the quanhties of exotic �nvasive species at the Bank Parcel through mechanical and chem�cal methods By establishmg a conservation easement to provide long term protection for the Bank Pazcel 2 0 Ve�etation Cond�tion and Comaarison Current stem counts were calculated using vegetation plot monrtonng data Final stem count critena are 320 trees per acre at the end of the five (5) year monrtonng (Carl Lloyd Bank Parcel Bank Parcel Development Package, 2009) As for Momtonng Year 2 the Bank Parcel had 9 plots encompassing 0 22 acres, conta�mng 536 planted and volunteer stems which yielded a 2 aEcoEngineering Admswa f7AeJoh R MWdamnf myny hx densrty of 2,410 trees per acre mcluding planted and volunteer species Vegetation survival threshold was met for each of the plots Summary tables of the data collected are provided in Appendix B Wrtlun the Bank Parcel Chmese lespedeza (Lespedeza cuneata) wluch is an exotic/mvasive species was observed at the t�me of the field mvestigations Approximately 2 66 acres of the Bank Parcel contains Chmese lespedeza The extent of exotic/mvasive species is depicted m the Momtoruig Year 2 Exhib�t (Appendix A, Figure 2) Dunng Momtonng Year 2 field invesrigahons it was determmed that the conservahon easement had been encroached upon by mowing activities associated with the ad�acent pazcel The encroachment area is approximately 2 001 square feet (0 OS acres) in size and located in the extreme northeastern section of the Bank Parcel The encroachment area is located between photo stations 16 and 17 and is shown m the photographs provided m Append�x E The extent of the encroachment area is depicted m the Monitormg Year 2 Exlubit (Appendu� A, Figure 2) 3 0 Methodologv 31 Vegetatmn Monitoring Plots All momtormg methodologies follow the most current templates and guidelines provided by EEP (EEP 2006 EEP, 2009) All nine (9) vegetation plots mstalled by EcoEngmeenng were located in Morutoring Year 2 Baselme vegetation monitormg was conducted m accordance to CVS EEP Protocol for Recording Ve e� tataon (CVS EEP v4 2) Table 1(Append�x B) provides a success summary for each vegetat�on monitonng plot which the target density is a mimmum of 320 trees per acre at the end of the five (5) year momtonng penod Based on the vegetation momtormg all mne (9) vegetation momtonng plots were above the five (5) year monitonng penod reqwrement Table 2(Appendix B) provides a stem count total and planted stem total by each individual vegetation plot Table 3(Appenduc B) provides a summary of only planted stem counts as compazed to planted stem counts of the As Built Vegetation morutonng plots were photographed and aze located in Appendix C Vegetation Momtonng Plot Data Sheets are provided in A�pendix D Each Vegetation Momtonng Plot Data Sheet provides measurements location, and vigor of each planted spec�es withm a respect�ve vegetation monitonng plot 3 2 Photo Stahons Photo documentation is essential to monitonng the success the Bank Parcel Photos provide a visual assessment of the vegetahon condrtions All 19 photo stations mstalled by EcoEngineeruig were located m Monrtoring Year 2 Photographs were taken at high resolution using an Olympus FE 115 5 0 megapixel digrtal camera The locations of the photo stations are depicted m the Momtonng Year 2 Exlubrt (Appendix A, Figure 2) Photographs for the photo stations are located m Appendix E 3 �EcoEngineermg A d v� m� f Thc Jo6n R M Adams Com�any Inr 4 0 References EcoEngmeenng — A division of The John R McAdams Company, Inc August 2009 Carl Lloyd Bank Parcel — Bank Parcel Development Package Lee Michael T, Peet Robert K, Roberts Steven D and Wentworth Thomas R 2008 CVS EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Level 1 2 Plot Sampling Only Version 4 2 North Carolma Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) 2004 Guidel:nes for Riparian Buffer Restoratton Available at mternet site htt� //www nceep nednews/reports/buffers pdf Accessed August 2009 Schafale MP and AS Weakley 1990 Classification of the Natural Communtttes of North Carolina Third Approxunat�on North Carolma Natural Heritage Program, Division of Parks and Recreation Department of Environment and Natural Resources Raleigh North Carol�na 4 DEcoEngineenng A d vmon f Thc Jolm R MeAdm�a Compury lac APPENDIX A Site Maps 5 �EcoEngineering A dm on f The Jdm R Muldmre C m�uny Ire .. � � �.: � , � y� . rr �. �r r w. � -.� r - a 1 . � — . � , �°•` i � �"�.r � 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USGS, 7.5 MINUTE, C�l1ADRAN6LE, "WFfITE GR055, NG"; Iq68 (f'HOTOR�VISED IG58); 35.8q1b762°N,19.14G80�10°W � PR°r�cr "o. MAM-09010 CARL LLYOD EcoEngineering � '`IIENA16�MAM09010X.DWG � BANK PARCEL AdividouoflboJoLnRMcAdmOo�my,�. ry sc,�,e: AS SHOWN �'puxxa�rs'susvara�s'�v�rrru' � FIGURE 1. SITE LOCATION MAP �,*�,;� ,,,;�� �' °A7�: 10-03-2011 ORANGE COUNIY. 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McAdaw Cmnpany Irc Table 1 Vegetation Plot Mit�gation Success Summary Table Carl Lloyd Bank Parcel Orange County NC Momtonng Year 2 October 03 2011 EcoEn ineer�n Pro ect # MAM-08010 Buffer Restoration Vegetation Vegetat�on Threshold Area Plot ID Met? Tract Mean 1 1 Yes 1 2 Yes 3 3 Yes 3 4 Yes 4 5 Yes 100% 2 6 Yes 2 7 Yes 5 8 Yes 7 9 Yes Target density is a minimum of 320 trees per acre at the end of the five (5) year morntonng period according to the Carl Lloyd Bank Parcel Bank Parcel Development Package August 2009 .. 0 a c 0 a � $'t� >z ��� d O N U� �i � o N C � � ��O a�N a � �a� °m� v � o e �=g E �a �V N N N � � N � 7 O � � � N 2 I F Z O a oU �a a � �� � °r,qg VoQ H C � � a0�� m O y � O c��`a dam� C� Y?' _ d C � 01 N m C C C � � W l0 J � v a '� w M V m .o � \ 0 d � � � N � N a �rn�� > � � � � � r M � n 0. �orn� > �N � 0 0 � � T M � 0 >'-�`�c°�o a'`' > � il0°I� i w N 0.' a d � -e d � y 3 � O o � ° rn � y 3 0 m� y � � a� � rn��� o � y > o�o� � v d � � � � > j, C N Q C � a N O �� � E � O � c � «y. 0 ° � o 0 ��Ey iq 'O C � N C N � � � Q' N 3 � � O N � N C � a c � � c c o d � � � 3vyo � O y � 3 � � � m�E� °� c�� m � v_ c NEoc�o O p - � � � vaNi�v° N y � � O � NH �' �'O � � N � C } +_.. N V p) � t � C � l0 � o � o E �° O C � (0 � 9 �.�ca°iu C � � N O Z « � � � � 3 v� OO N m � � f�p C h � U) 7 7 Q�'oc�3 s� �'� ° �t� �'v O Y y � 70 w V L �`p N rL„ N N«�+ �' � � ++ C � C1 41 N �p Q C7 � y � � N N f0 M � y w adcoc,n C U � - � N � � � �. y � 7 C � �� rA N y 3 7 t� � U � N � E y c�� � ` � � a c a � � y o � � �a ~ � � � a « ay m a`� Z N � v H APPENDIX C Vegetation Monitor�ng Plot Photos ' aEcoEngineering A dm on f Th Jolm R MeAdams Company Irc V56 PLOT I� WTHIN AREA I AT Op FAGIN6 Z'ib'W. VE6 PLOT 2� WIT�NN A�2fA I AT Oi0 FAGIN6 266'W. � Pa�cr no. MAM-09010 C�L LLOYD EcoEngineering � F"�'"""e'MAM09010X.DWG d° B�►NK PARC EL A divuim of 7Le Jabn R McAdmr Camp�ny, �. 8�: ��.�,.�.��.�.� � AS SHOWN �GETATION PLOrIs �a TweNCU �asc . ce�m.orre °' DA7�: 10-03-2011 ORANGE CUUNIY. NOR1H CAROIINA �'��•�� ��: c-� N�6 PLOT 3� WITHIN AREA 3 AT Op FAGIN6 20b'S. Vf6 PLOT 4, WITiiIN AREA 3 AT Op FAGIN6 216•5W. � eRO�scr No. MAM-09010 C�L j,�� EcoEngineering � `'"�"""B�MAM09010X.DWG BANK PARC EL A dlvWm of 1Le JoLo R. McAdtm� Compmy, �. e $�"'B` AS SHOWN s�°ar�'e�s�s'svxvar°�'�v�x�r"ti � VEGETATION PLO'I5 �,�.����.�.x,,� � DATS: �0—O3—ZO�� ORANGE COUNIY, NORl'H CAROIINA �� �e :� °,p�.� u�:'h.'.�. c-eao � � � a d a � � ` . � - � .,t a.. , '�'r: � � i� r... , `.t ,+�+�1�� ^� � �,^ � � . 1 , ��, � =•.� � �, :� � .'�'�, f'� r At � I� �� •. . �,� � ' 1,� •FR1�lyi9 Y . 'F r �I'� .. . .. ��. " *� t �j ���1 �� [� �.,�t. .. . 'S ,E�f 14 ' . � ,'t Y ;i.� � � � � �' i h 'i i _FAw v `ri7% �ti' ..� ?�l� _ � �;,� �� 7 0 =` � !+; � � , 1 . �' a � � �,� i \ . , - � � t �'�a qa��i'� � � {�� f . �� iL ,tif ��F �`A!'� �r. -`+ r ' � � � �, �� t �. � . . �� �� a�SE'ty� A„ t� y � 4 •� ,t' �,.., .3 +' r ` t !� . . , , � ,.�, t : y , , #� � . ; 't ' � ' y �h t i t ; +4 �, F.�. �, y �-.S'�j, l t� ��n]q .• s y`' i �� . ` � ��� f r� �' 1 ' '�• �e. � ' `�' /j � +$�. �� � L i,'`, 1!' !; � !�� � ' ti ���, � ''}i�l' `.. � �1 f�� '.M �` . ' i p �� ��" .� „ik �� , i"�f��� ., � � d: �y�s n ti * � ' ; �� . +,_ 4� � . �,� � � '. <t �`.�` � � J ,{ � T '4n'^ � ��*�S t�.� � : r�4 �` �.`r i ° �Y"C�� �� i � r y , -. 't'� '•�i�d!' E �t r ti • t. L '�' t. � ' f M. 3 Y� � — t.: ���.�' , ,r,��. �' �, � �. " ��=� . t. '�" � ;•�� ��" r.Z-a� � .. • _�.. ' . . . n1• • . � �' � � � S y ` � Y.� t� .. � ' t. c � . .. .. . � . -_� - ` . .. ,� ., f . �l � ti . t, �. e �� ": � f �" Y� �� \� `�i t�.t ��, " ��X' �. V g� � ry �� \ A , y r � ; ,L ��,�y�-�`4 � ;:� '� .,g`, • N � �� 3 � �,.� �, , � �' �:. ��K �� ��` #FLS f � W��� �� » � * "' �. _ �. `' -� � _ s � . f �, � � 'l 1 � . R l !r j ,� � v'� � P �� � . '� + !�f" F . .. ' ['� 4y��•�;��'�t"•� °�� •`� � .i..Ys`.� jr. - ��a ���' <; . � �' . � �. � y9 l,,:' ,�"? �. . 'a�. i #R � t' �' �e r'� � :.a 't - ' # `���,, �":!� •.�,� ^` ,� . . k . � . � i �� � . ����4�'- • �' � . _. � '\ t . a �'t' t .^ `i ��� . . , ;.T'� y .at. �^'k*�v " � M'�n::i��.�pr� ' x ..�C 4 .. �` ..,��'. - ,. . � '. .. ��Fef'.. . ti . .. . � " � � < , �, ;i ,� i l^ 1 t � � �� � pa � � �, > r!. _'��91 ,�R� � � ~ � E���� �1� 7 L.` "� � ��.,,�'�� � - 'a, ? +�,� - � . ,: �� � � � 9 t7 � N 'jr � `pC�"'A� 2 2 � �� z ��,: �"���� �`�����h� �,�"�� .,� ,� �- � .'.O1�Jd$ �f' ,}�. :: � �*�? �a,�( � .� >��� - ��}..,� #�' �� � q � },�'°b' �� �>s�� i,,� _ Y,;h3 � . :.. ���'a»'. �. :..'t „� � . �����.s � �''^�r, �: �. .. VE6 PLOT 9� WITHIN AREA 'i AT Op FAGIN6 I"Ib°5. � pR°''E`T "o. MAM-09010 C�j J L�yjj �EcoEngineering � F"�"""$'MAM09010X.DWG B�SJK PARCEL AdivWanofT6eJdmRMeA�Ymt �. to�. C sc�.e: wtsIIi�B • PLAIiIiIItS • SURVEYU�ts • EIiv�DNl�1TU. AS SHOWN � VEGETATION PLO'IS �*�°��.� � n"'�: 10-03-2011 �oo-�ssa •:,`�:�,pe�� u�.�i�: o-m+ ORANGE COU1�TlY, NORTH CAROLINA APPENDIX D Vegetation Monitor�ng Data Sheets g �EcoEng�neering A d n no f ihc lohn R McAdam Compmy Ice N � Y C I6 m � � � � � 0 0 J N 01 U �� �rnc`o°:�ov� �n' ��Q oX c p. � o � c > 0 g � m a> � � m c N > � 7 � N fp O � T � Y� _ C a Z m Z rn� c � > o Z T 7 N y 11 - .-. N O C O � Y C � � � � 8� > o � � rn� n o M � O � C1 II � � C � O w � U � a 1 II Um O O. C Z .sr S N .r N N C 7 U N N a N J � W H O Z Sde Carl Lloyd Bank S�te Page 2 Date 9l29l2011 Area 1 Veg Plot No 1 X axis 314NW , ������������ ���� l�i � �� ����� ������� �� ����� ����� �� m � � �� � �� ���m � m 0 ���� ������ ����� ���� � �������iC� ������� �o� � ��ii� �� ���s ��� ������� � ���� ������ � �. . , x��s � denotes missing 276W d .... � Y C l0 m �p �- � � N O O J N � z U � � � � � w � o N �a p��¢ oX c a c o � C i O � 0 a c t .r 3 m � c� a� c c� m N N 'D N O. y N J � W 1- O Z Site Carl Lloyd Bank Site Page 2 Date 9/27/2011 Area 1 Veg Plot No 2 X axis 302NW , ,� ��� ��� ��������� � ���� ���� ����� ����� ����� ��� � ���� ��� O � ��J �� � �� �� �� �� � ������ ���� ��� ����� ���� 4 iOi O � ��� �� �� ����� � ��� �� �� � O 4 ����� ������ � � � X AXIS Odenotes missing 266W N � Y C N m �p� �MM O O J N � U �� «�°�c`oa:f0o�' � m � f0 � Z cxo a �OQ oX c d c � r � c > 0 � �u � 0 0 �I � I m 0 a C L r� 3 � �a a� c c� N N 'O � O. N J � W O z Site Cari Lloyd Bank Site Page 2 Date 9/27/2011 Area 3 Veg Piot No 3 X ax�s 156SE ������������������1�/�� \�l � � � �� � � �������.������������ ���������������.��)��� • �����-���������������� ��������������-���� . ����������������-��. ������� ����� O ������0� ����-.�������������� �����4�����0���-���� ��4��-��4�����������0� � � � � x nxlS Odenotes missing 206S N w � Y C N m -p� �M� O O J N � U �� � � � � � p N N n' �� Q o X c p. c � � � C � O � 0 a c s ». 3 m .. � d c � � m N N � N a N � J � W H O Z S�te Carl Lloyd Bank Site Page 2 Date 9/29/2011 Area 3 Veg Plot No 4 X ax�s 162SE �������������������� , ��0������������������ . ��������������������. ��������������������� ��� �� ������������������� ������������������� �Q������0������������� ������������Q������� ������������������� �������������4��������� ' . � � x nxis O denotes missmg 216SW a� � � Y C 16 m 'p �- �- � Ln T � O O J N � U �� :=mc`o°?yo�' inco�co�z� a �oa ox c a � o � c > 0 � Sde Carl Lloyd Bank Site Page 2 Date 9129/2011 Area 4 Veg Plot No 5 X axis 160S � � ���■ �i���i���i��� .m � m �5����� ����� ��� ������ ������i ������:� ���� �l�� ������� �� m o ����i� ������� 0 . o ����ii:i��� ������ m � � ������ ��� � � ��� ���� � � �� ������ ������� ,. , X�,S Odenotes missmg 116E d .. �n Y C N m � �- e- N (O O O J N � U �� � rn � w � o y c�m�m�Z� a �oa ox c a o � c > 0 � Site Carl Lloyd Bank Site Page 2 Date 9/29/2011 Area 2 Veg Plot No 6 X axis 124SE , ���� � ��������� � 0��� � � ��� �� � � � � ���� �� �� � � � ����� �� �� m ��� ��� �� � m . � ��. ����� ��� �o� �v, � ���ii��� ��� �o� �, � . ��� s��� ��� �� m ���� ��� ����� �o� � o �� ����� ����[� .. . x�,s Odenotes missing SOE d .r in Y C f6 m �p� �Nf� O O J N � U �� ::°�`m«f0oy �a ��a oX c a c o � C � O � Site Carl Lloyd Bank Site Page 2 Oate 9/29/2011 Area 2 Veg Plot No 7 X axis 138SE � � �������������� ����� ������� ������� ����� � (�� t0) ������ ���� ���������� ��������� ����� 0���������� ��� ���������� ���������� ����������� „ , X��S Odenotes missmg 90E a� r � � c co m �� ��� 0 0 --� N � U �� y N� d ta o�n � a � � a o X c a � � 0 c > 0 � Site Carl Lloyd Bank Sde Page 2 Date 9/27/2011 Area 5 Veg Plot No S X axis 152SE , �������� ���� ���m) m �m' m � ������ ��� �� � ������ ���� ���m�� ����� m • �t�J � m � ��� ������� � ������������� � ������� ��� � c0) O �0 �0� � ������ � �� r �\��� � ����� � .�l��o�i��o�� � � .. . X��S Odenotes m�ssmg 106E N � Y C N m -pe- �I�� a � O O J N � U �� N N� Gl f0 0 N Na}o�Z o o, o X c n. � � 0 c > 0 g 0 o. c L � f0 l9 N C 7 U t0 N d 'D N Q N N J � `� r Site Carl Lloyd Bank Sde Page 2 Date 8l27/2011 Area 7 Veg Plot No 9 X exis 130SE ����.�������-������� ���������������- ����• � �.. .-. � �����.��������.��.�� ���������.������ ������� ����.��-�����-� ���� • .�� - .\� --. ����--�����-�����-� ����.�� - (�.���-.�0�� �[(O���O»r��J������ �-���������������m ������������������� sii�i i:�i�.i :°��ii�� �iiii��� � , ,. x��s Odenotes missing 1785 APPENDIX E Photo Stations 9 �EcoEngineering A d nswn of The Ja6 R MeAdans Cnnmany Inc PFID'TO 5TATION I� VIEW WITHIN NORTFiV�EST�RN 56GTION OF BUFFER RESTORATION AREA I PAGIN6 184•5. PHO'TO 5TATION 2� VI6�1 WITHIN G9d1RAL 56GTION OF BUFF�R R�.STORATION ARfA I FAGIN6 168'S. � ""ag`T "o. MAM-09010 CARL LIAYD �EcoEngineering � F°�''"'�'MAM09010X.DW AdivLimof7DelolmRMoAd� � —SHO� BANK PARCEL �,a�.�.�.��; r�erau�rcun►xc. caawaris � o�,�: PH ATI N � ,�,,. ►.�,,,. � � �,� 10-03-2011 OI2ANGE COUI1TlY, NOR1H CAROIINA "o-'raa'°•.,,.,�°m•'+�° "d �`�"° PFiOTO STATION 3� VI�1 WITHIN 50UTF�NSTERN SEGTION OF BUF�ER RE5TOF2ATION AREA I FAGIN6 2'f0•W. PHOTO STATION 4� VI6^I WITHIN NORTW^ESTERN 56GTION OF 8� RESTORATION AREA 3 FAGIN6 198•5. � °Ragcr "o. MAM-09010 CARL LLOyD �EcoEngineering � ""�"""E:MAM09010X.DWG � A divldon of TLe bLu R MeAd� Com�mr. loc. 9 sc��: AS SHOWN BANK PAR EL �.�.�.�.� � PHOrPO STATIONS �����.� (/) DATE: �0—O3—ZO�� �00'�1611E•ww�jo�o�scm•Iixde�O.:GRO ORANGE COUIITIY. NORTH CAROIlNA PHOTO STATI�I 5� VIEW WITHIN GEi�ITRAI_ 56GTION OF BUFFER RESTORATION AREA 3 FAGIN6 Iq0'S. PHOTO 5TATION b� VI�1 WITHIN 50UTHEASTERN 56GTIO�tt OF BUFFER �STORATION AiZEA 3 FAGIN6 320•NW. � pRaBCr "o. MAM-09010 �� LT �� iJV �EcoEngineering � �"�"""$�MAM09010X.DWG B�K PARCEL n A dvidm of ILe )dm R McAdm� ��, Ioe. p 3CALS: ENGINEAIB • PI,AI�A'1ER8 • SORYEYU[t8 • IIiY�N1�ITIL AS SHOWN � PHOrPO STATIONS '� ,. �,. �� "' °A�: 10-03-2011 OItANGE COUNlY. NOR1H (AROIINA '0D'''�6f°.'"'�e°�°'°°m•"�°''°= ��"0 PHOTO 5TATION 'i� vi�w win+iN r�s� sbc�nori oF a�� RESTORATION AREA 4 PAGIN6 144'5E. PHOTO 5TAT10N 8� VI6�1 WITHIN GENIRA!_ 56GTION OF BU� RESTORATION ARfA 4 FAGIN6 122•f. � PR0J6L"� NO' MAM-09010 C�� j,�yD �EcoEngineering � �"""B�MAM09010X.DWG ��� A divLion of1Lo Jahu R McAdm Comp�y. loa. 9 scu�: AS SHOWN BAS�TK PAR EL ��.�.�.�.� s PHOrI�O STATIONS �����.� `� DA7�: 10-03-2011 OIZANGE COUI�TIY. NOR1H C,AROI.INA �'� ��� ��'"-' �"' �aro srArioH a� vi� r�uTMiN san�s�x �c�ori o� eu� RE.STORATION AREA 4 FAGIN6 352•N. PHOTO STATION 10� VIH^I WITHIN 50UTHEA5TfRN SEGTION OF 8U�2 �STORATION AREA 2 PAGIN6 356'N. � PROJS� N0' MAM-09010 Cp�i, I,LOyD �EcoEngineering � "I'E"""g'MAM09010X.DW BASJK PARCEL � A dividm of 13e ]olm R McAdm Campmy. Ia. scAU: �IGII�iEmtB • PIAPiNRB.4 • SORIEYU83 • �iYRqN1�iT1t AS SHOWN � PHO'I�O STATIONS � ,*�, ;�,,�;,o� (/� UAT6: � 0—O3—ZO� � OI2ANGE COUNlY. NOR1H CAROIINA ��• �+^���•u�. s..: c-�ao AREA 2 FAGIN6 348'N. PFIOrfO 5TATION 12� VI£W WITHIN NORTFd�IE-STERN 5EGTION OF Bl1F�R RESTORATION AREA 2 FAGIN6 138'SE. � PRwscr t+o. MAM-09010 �� L�� �EcoEngineering � '�'�"""H�MAM09010X.DWG � A�vLioa of'ILe Jdm R McAd�m� Oompm�.loc. o scu.s: AS SHOWN BANK PAR EL �.�.�.�.� � PHO'PO STATIONS �����.� v� DA7�: 10-03-2011 �+a-a�i06e.�.f�� � n.'.: c�ea ORANGE OOUNIY. NORTH CAROI�iA P�IOTO STATION 13� VIEW WITHIN NORTl�E5TERN 5EGTION OF 9UFFER RESTOFZATION AREA 5 FAGIN6 140•5E. PFIOTO STATION 14= VIEW WITHIN GENTRAL SEGTION OF BUFFER RESTORATION AR�A 5 PAGIN6 104•E. rRascr no. MAM-09010 � CARL L YD �EcoEngineering � F°�'`""g�MAM09010X.DWG ° B�►�iTK PARCEL AdlvWaaoflLeJahnRMcAdmsQom�.�. � sc,�.s: AS SH OWN PHOrI�O STATIONS �� • � • �� • �� eea�►ace rsut�cu naz • c�xwrrs � DA7�: 10-03-2011 ORANGE COUIdIY. NORTH CAROI�TA ��� �. ���a �oa�uawe...Fp�,�.�. ueo.. � c-om PHOTO STATION I5� VIEW WITHIN 50UTNEASTERN SEGTION OF BUFFER RESTOFZATION AREA 5 FAGIN6 318•NW. PFIOTO STATION Ib� VIENI WITHIN NORTW�ESTERN 56GTION OF BUFFER RESTOFZ/\TION AREA 6 FAGIN6 152'SE. EA5ENENT HA5 BEEN ENGRDAGF� UP�OIQ BY MOWIN6 AGTI1/ITIES BETV�N PHO'TO 5TATION I6 AND li. � P1OJ� "o. MAM-09010 C�L I,LOyj� �EcoEngineering � F�"""B'MAM09010X.DWG ri A divWao of73e Idm R McMm� Co�peq.Ioc. d s�,�: BANK PAR EL ��.,�.�.�.� � AS SHOWN pHOrPO STATIONS ��°��•�°^$ � DAT6: 10-03, 2011 wo-'ns+a�s :�.,pe�� ��.: c-eea ORAN(3E COUNrY. NOR1H CAROLiNA PHOTO STATION I'i� VIEW WITHIN 50UTHEASTC�tN SEGTION OF BUFFER RESTORATION AREA b FAGIN6 330•NW. EA6ENENT HA5 B�l ENGR�OfrGFED UPON BY MOWIN6 AGTIVITIE5 6Fi1�N PHOTO STATIONS I? NdD Ib. PHOTO 5TATION 18� VIPW WITHIN NORTFIhC-5TERN 56GTION OF BUFFER RE5T012ATION AREA '1 FAGIN6 138'5E. � 'R°'g`T No. MAM-09010 C�I, I,LOyj� �EcoEngineering � F"$"""B'MAM09010X.DWG n A dfvlaioo of 7Le John R MeAdm G�, Iee. a sc�►a: AS SH OWN BANK PAR EL �an��s • ruxx�s • soma�ra�s •�v�r�. � PH01�0 STATIONS ����•� � DATE: �O—O.3—ZO�� eoo-�•���.� um.�o:c-an ORANGE COUNIY. NOR1H CAROLINA PFIOTO STATION Iq� v�ew �un�+iN sour�ns� sECr�or� oF eu� RESTORATION Af�A "1 FAGIN6 306•NW. � e�cr No. MAM-09010 CARL LLOYD �EcoEngineering 9 ''°'6NA1B�MAM09010X.DWG BANK PARCEL Ad[�i�imof7LeJdmRMcM�msCompmy,t�, ty ac��� �sn�s • pt�trt�s • ensrrr�s � ��. AS SHOWN � �,,�: PH01�0 STATIONS ���, �,,,� 10-03-2011 ORANGE COUDTIY. NO1rIH C.AROIZNA "0'"�1°•�•"� "°� �O0