HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0002702_Regional Office Historical File Pre 2018 (8)REPORT OF PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION & EARTHEN EMBANKMENT ANALYSIS 8135 RED ROAD ROCKWELL, NORTH CAROLINA Prepared for: Mr. Randall Andrews Alchem Inc. Rockwell, NC consulting Onglineers 4340-H Taggart Creek Road Charlotte, NC 28208 Project 05-133 Aber 24, 2005 f i D �CE0WE 99sAr�r'{�l ilii -Aquifer Protection BOYLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, PLLC Development and Construction Project Services -- October 24, 2005 Mr. Randall Andrews Alchem Inc. 8135 Red Road Rockwell; NC 28138 13�'i! a^dart Cre lc RCL Ste. H Charlotte; NC 28208 Phone: (704) 676-0778 Fax: (704)676-0596 Subject: Report of Geoteehnical Exploration & Earthen Embankment Analysis Proposed New Tank Farm Pad 8135 Red Road BCE Project No. 05-133 Dear Mr. Andrews: As authorized by acceptance of our proposal 05-133, dated July 15, 2005, Boyle Consulting Engineers, PLLC (BCE) has recently performed a Preliminary Geotechnical Exploration & Earth Embankment Analysis of the referenced property in Rockwell, North Carolina. This report describes the work performed, presents the data obtained,. and provides our recommendations relative to site preparation and building foundations. This report is intended for the use of Mr. Randall Andrews/ Alchem Inc. The contents of this report should not be relied upon by any other entity without the express written consent of BCE. We appreciate the opportunity to provide our professional services on this project. Please contact us should you have any questions pertaining to this report. Sincerely, BOYLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, PLLC Nathan B. Cooke, P.G. Senior Geologist Registered, NC 1051 Attachments Charl Boyle, P.E. Managing Principal Registered, NC 19681 Z H CAR 6E ESS;oO���9 ; d SEAL t.h> . �flfl�IIIIF��� 12- S� Report of Preliminary Geotechnical Exploration & Earthen Embankment Analysis October 24, 2005 Proposed New Tank Farm Pad, Rockwell, North Carolina Final BCE Project 05-133 TABLE OF CONTENTS iEXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................i................................................................................. I PROJECTOVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................. 4 PROJECTINFORMATION ........................................................... ....... ................... 4 SCOPEOF WORK ........................................................................................................................................................ 5 PURPOSEOF EXPLORATION .................................................................................................................... ................... 6 FIELD EXPLORATION, LABORATORY TESTING AND MAP RECORDS SEARCH .................................7 SOILTEST BORINGS................................................................................................................................................... 7 BULKSAMPLING ........................................................................................................................................................ 7 LABORATORYTESTING .............................................................................................................................................. 8 Visual/Manual Soil Classification ............................ : ..................................... : ..................................................... 8 NaturalMoisture Content ..................................................................................................................................... 8 GrainSize Distribution ......................................................................................................................................... 8 SoilPlasticity ........................................................................................................................................................ 9 LaboratoryCompaction Testing ........................................................................................................................... 9 MAPRECORDS SEARCH ........................................................................................................................................... 10 SITERECONNAISSANCE ........................................................................................................................................... 10 RESULTS OF FIELD EXPLORATION, LABORATORY TESTING AND MAP RECORDS SEARCH ...... 11 REGIONALGEOLOGY ................................................................................................................................................ 11 SOILSURVEY ........................................................................................................................................................... 11 SOILCONDITIONS .................................................... **'**'**"* ...... ......... GROUNDWATERCONDITIONS .................................................................................................................................. 13 ANALYSISAND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................................................ ii SITEDEVELOPMENT PRECAUTIONS ......................................................................................................................... 14 ExistingUndocumented Fills .............................................................................................................................. 14 HighPlasticity Clay ............................................................................................................................................ 15 Ground -Water Control ....................................................................................................................................... 15 FOUNDATIONRECOMMENDATIONS .......................................................................................................................... 16 Recommended Allowable Bearing Pressure ....................................................................................................... 17 PAVEMENT AND FLOOR SLAB RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................................. 18 GLOBAL STABILITY ANALYSIS OF EXISTING BERM ................................. ................................................................ 19 SITE PREPARATION AND GRADING (BERM) .............................................................................................................. 20 GeneralSite Preparation Notes. ................... o ......................................................................................... I ........... 21 LIMITATIONSOF ANALYSIS ..................................................................................................................................... 22 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE CONSIDERATIONS .................. s ................................................................................... 23 REVIEWOF GRADING PLANS ................................................................................................................................... 23 STANDARDOF CARE . ................................................................................................................................................. 23 APPENDICES Report of Preliminary Geotechnical Exploration & Earthen Embankment Analysis October 24, 2005 Proposed New Tank Farm Pad, Rockwell, North Carolina Final BCE Project 05-133 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Subject Site is located at the intersection of Red Road and Crescent Road in Rockwell, Rowan County, North Carolina. The elongate parcel is comprised of approximately 33.7 acres of land. The Subject Site is gently rolling terrain bisected by a drainage feature which trends towards the southeast. An earthen embankment has been constructed inside the northern and eastern site boundaries and some ponded surface water was observed at the lower site elevations along the berm interior. Approximately 20 ft of fill (reportedly comprised of residual silica mixed with on -site soils) is present north of the residual silica lagoons and west of the containment berm. We understand that long-term development plans include raising the site grade within the area defined by the existing berm with the mixed residual silica and on -site soils to prepare a level building pad for a tank farm and dry bulk materials storage. Gravel parking/drive areas will surround the proposed structures. The anticipated construction will likely consist of various single -story steel -frame buildings with metal veneer. The floor systems will likely be slab -on -grade floors for the office and materials storage/containment areas. In a letter from Mr. David Goodrich, Hydrogeologist with the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) dated June 8, 2005, Alchem, Inc. (ALCHEM) was requested to provide NCDWQ with engineering documentation of the following items for review of a non -discharge permit: 1. A structural evaluation of the residual silica from bauxite digestion (residual silica) or fills comprised of on -site soils mixed with the residual silica, 2. Density (Standard Proctor), optimum moisture content and selected other physical properties pertinent to the geotechnical stability of the foundation soils. This report addresses items 1 (structural evaluation of the residual silica soils) and 2 (various pertinent physical properties identified by our laboratory). During an on -site meeting with our Mr. Nathan Cooke, P.G. and Mr. Andrews, the analysis of the existing containment berm and the future configuration of the raised berm were discussed. A total of 10 soil test borings were performed during the field exploration. The borings were generally located either in the earthen berm or in the fill pad areas and typically encountered varying thicknesses of fill soils overlying stiff to dense non -plastic residual soils. Soft, wet alluvial soils were encountered at the 1 Report of Preliminary Geotechnical Exploration & Earthen Embankment Analysis October 24, 2005 Proposed New Tank Farm Pad, Rockwell, North Carolina Final BCE Project 05-133 lower elevations of the drainage feature. Groundwater was encountered at depths of between 2 and 17.7 ft below existing grade The existing fills in the area of the proposed building appear to have been placed in a random uncontrolled manner resulting in zones of uncompacted (soft) fill. The most conservative site repair would be the undercut and replacement of the existing fill with engineered fill. In our opinion, this would be an overly conservative approach on this site given the type of planned structures. An alternative to complete fill undercutting would be to partially undercut the existing fill and any deleterious soils to provide at least 5 ft of new, well - compacted engineered fill to separate the building foundations and slab bottom from any fill left in -place. The fill thickness would be measured from the footing bearing elevation and compacted in thin lifts to 95 percent of Standard Proctor. Placement of one or more feet of bridging fill or use of geotextile fabric or geogrid might be required on the undercut fill soils to provide a working platform. If organic debris or organic fill is encountered, deeper undercutting would be required. Bridging fill would not be included in the required 5 ft of engineered fill below foundations. This partial undercutting of the existing soils would mean some risk of long term settlement due to settlement of any left -in -place uncompacted fill material. The Owner should recognize the risk of potential future settlement of this approach which could require future repair or maintenance. The potential for differential settlement for the buildings would be.the most concern. Differential settlement concern could be minimized by use of a post -tensioned slab system or by a heavily reinforced monolithic slab of appropriate thickness to allow the building to settle more uniformly. Flexible connections for piping coming into the building would be desirable to help accommodate future settlement potential. We recommend use of a maximum soil bearing pressure of 2000 psf be used for foundations bearing on the engineered fill replaced in the above partial undercut option. The use of wood frame construction would be desirable to minimize the effects of settlements. If masonry walls are used, liberal construction joints in the walls should be used. In areas along the western edge of the site where the existing fill is likely to be thin or absent, the firm (N=12 blows per foot) or better residual soils are likely suitable to support a system of conventional shallow foundations for the proposed building and pavement subg_rade if they are similar to the residual soils encountered at depth by the borings. Analysis of reinforced earth slopes was performed in order to determine feasibility of the construction of an earthen embankment which structurally retains the residual silica. This analysis is not intended to replace design documents necessary to satisfy various environmental regulatory requirements. Our PA Report of Preliminary Geotechnical Exploration & Earthen Embankment Analysis October 24, 2005 Proposed New Tank Farm Pad, Rockwell, North Carolina Final ' BCE Project 05-133 analysis of the existing embankment discovered that the existing embankment fill conditions are too variable and; are unsuitable to retain any additional lateral loads without risk of global stability failure and subsequent breach. Further analysis reveals that a re -built reinforced earth embankment using geo-grids can replace the existing embankment and retain the residual silica waste with a reasonable and acceptable factor of safety. In general, the site geotechnical conditions and soils/materials will require significant repair of the planned building pad before construction as described in this report can proceed. Site repair will also be required to replace the existing earth embankment and properly install the reinforced earth embankment. 01 Report of Preliminary Geotechnical Exploration & Earthen Embankment Analysis October 24, 2005 Proposed New Tank Farm Pad, Rockwell, North Carolina Final BCE Project 05-133 PROJECT OVERVIEW PROJECT INFORMATION The following project information was obtained from a verbal Request for Proposal from Mr. Randall Andrews/ Alchem Inc., as well as our online review of Rowan County GIS information. The Subject Site (8135 Red Road) is located at the intersection of Red Road and Crescent Road in Rockwell, Rowan County, North Carolina. The elongate parcel is comprised of approximately 33.7 acres of land. Figure 1 in the attached Appendix presents a Site Location Plan indicating the approximate site and vicinity. Figure 2 in the attached Appendix presents a Boring Location Plan indicating the general site conditions. . The U.S.G.S. 7.5-minute topographic map depicts the Subject Property to the east of a local topographic high. The Subject Site is gently rolling terrain and bisected by a drainage feature which trends towards the southeast. The total vertical relief across the area of the proposed construction is estimated to be approximately 20 to 25 feet (approximately elevation 780 to 800) feet National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD). An earthen embankment has been constructed inside the northern and eastern site boundaries and some ponded surface water was observed at the lower site elevations along the berm interior. Approximately 20 ft of fill (reportedly comprised of residual silica mixed with on -site soils) is present north of the residual silica lagoons and west of the existing containment berm. We understand that development plans include extending the fill area with the mixed.residual silica and on -site soils to prepare a level building pad for a tank farm and dry bulk materials storage. Gravel parking/drive areas will surround the proposed structures. The anticipated construction will likely consist of single -story steel -frame building with metal veneer. The floor systems will likely be slab -on -grade floors for the office and materials storage/containment areas. 11 Report of Preliminary Geotechnical Exploration &.Earthen Embankment Analysis October 24, 2005 Proposed New Tank Farm Pad, Rockwell, North Carolina Final BCE Project 05-133 In a letter from Mr. David Goodrich, Hydrogeologist with the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) dated June 8, 2005, Alchem, Inc. (ALCHEM) was requested to provide NCDWQ with engineering documentation of the following items for review of a non -discharge permit: 1. A structural evaluation of the residual silica from bauxite digestion (residual silica) or fills comprised of on -site soils mixed with the residual silica, 2. Density (standard Proctor), optimum moisture content and selected other physical properties pertinent to'the geotechnical stability of the foundation soils. During an on -site meeting with our Mr. Nathan Cooke, P.G. and Mr. Andrews, the analysis of the existing containment berm and the future configuration of the raised berm were discussed. We understand that there was an overtopping of a smaller pre-existing berm in the past and that plans are to raise the current berm as new residual silica is mixed with on -site soils to prepare a building pad for a plant expansion project. We also understand that the environmental requirements do not allow water which contacts the residual silica to leave the containment area. BCE has been requested to address the two items listed above as well as analyzing the existing and future berm configuration. Other items requested by NCDWQ are being addressed by ALCHEM separately. The above project information is based on the furnished site sketch plan, USGS topographic information, the referenced letter addressed to ALCHEM from NCDWQ, dated June 8, 2005 and our on -site meeting with Mr. Andrews on June 30, 2005. SCOPE OF WORK The conclusions and recommendations contained in this report are based on the results of 10 soil test borings, laboratory testing and manual/visual examination of representative soil samples, and an engineering analysis of the results with respect to the outlined project information. Analysis of a conceptual retained earth slope was included in the scope of work. 5 Report of Preliminary Geotechnical Exploration & Earthen Embankment Analysis October 24, 2005 Proposed New Tank Farm Pad, Rockwell, North Carolina Final BCE Project 05-133 PURPOSE OF EXPLORATION The purpose of this exploration was to explore the soil and groundwater conditions at the site and to develop engineering recommendations to guide BCE in the analysis of the reinforced earth slopes and develop building foundation recommendations. We accomplished these objectives by the following: 1. drilling soil test borings to explore the subsurface soil conditions and collect samples for laboratory testing, examination and classification, 2. measuring stabilized groundwater depths after the borings are completed to document the site groundwater conditions, 3. performing an engineering/geological site reconnaissance to observe the site conditions and detect issues that may not have been detected by the borings, observed by the engineering technicians or indicated by published information, 4. performing a map records search of readily available geologic, topographic and soils information 5. performing laboratory testing and visual/manual examination of soil samples from the borings to evaluate pertinent engineering properties, and 6. analyzing the field data to develop appropriate engineering recommendations and estimate soil parameters for use by your civil and/ or structural engineering team. on Report of Preliminary Geotechnical Exploration & Earthen Embankment Analysis October 24, 2005 Proposed New Tank Farm Pad, Rockwell, North Carolina Final BCE Project 05-133 FIELD EXPLORATION, LABORATORY TESTING AND MAP RECORDS SEARCH I Details of the procedures used for the field exploration, laboratory testing and map records search are presented in Appendix E of this report. Additional background regarding the. results of the field exploration, laboratory/examination testing and map records search are presented in Appendix C of this report. Site specific details regarding these procedures follow. SOIL TEST BORINGS BCE advanced 10 soil test borings at the site locations shown on the.attached Boring Location Plan (Appendix A, Figure 2).' The soil test borings were advanced to a maximum depth of 20 feet below existing grade. The boring locations were selected by BCE and established in the field by BCE personnel from map -scaled distances, by measuring from site landmarks and estimating right angles. Surveying equipment was not used to locate the borings in the field; therefore, the locations depicted on the Boring Location Plan should be considered approximate. Elevations shown on the profiles and Test Boring Records are estimated based on interpolation between ground surface contours shown on the partial topographic site plan furnished by Mid -Atlantic Associates. Representative portions of the soil samples obtained were classified and tested in our laboratory. Soil Test Boring Records are attached (Appendix B), showing the soil descriptions, penetration resistances, and other subgrade characteristics. BULL{ SAMPLING Bulk samples were obtained at selected locations of soil materials designated as native or borrow soils, residual silica (non -blended) and a mixture of residual silica and native soils (blended). These bulk samples, along with sealed samples of each material, were transported to the laboratory for testing. The locations of these samples are indicated on the boring location plan. The native soils were excavated with construction equipment provided by Alchem from the lower elevations of the proposed fill area. The non -blended soils (unmixed residual silica) were obtained by direct shovel excavation of a recently placed (dump truck) load of lagoon waste silica. The blended soils were excavated with a shovel by visually identifying mixed zones in the eroded sidewalls of the existing fill. The blended soils are readily visually identified as a white -colored residual silica matrix with clots of orange clayey silt. 7 Report of Preliminary Geotechnical Exploration & Earthen Embankment Analysis October 24, 2005 Proposed New Tank Farm Pad, Rockwell, North Carolina Final BCE Project 05-133 LABORATORY TESTING Representative soil samples were selected and tested in our laboratory to check field classifications and to determine pertinent engineering properties. The laboratory testing program included visual classifications, moisture content, grain size, soil plasticity, and compaction tests. Visual/Manual Soil Classification An experienced soil engineer or professional geologist classified each soil sample on the basis of texture and plasticity in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System. The group symbols for each soil type are indicated in parentheses following the soil descriptions on the boring logs. A brief explanation of the Unified System is included with this report. The soil engineer grouped the various soil types into the major zones noted on the boring logs. The stratification lines designating the interfaces between earth materials on the boring logs and profiles are approximate; in situ, the transitions may be gradual. Natural Moisture Content . The natural moisture content of selected samples was determined in accordance with ASTM D 2216. The moisture content of the soil is the ratio, expressed as a percentage, of the weight of water in a given mass of soil to the weight of the soil particles. The results are presented in Table 1, Laboratory Test Results found in the Appendix. The moisture contents of the non -blended materials are within 3 percent of the optimum moisture content. Moisture conditioning of existing soils should be minimal. The moisture content of the blended soils was 8 percent dry of optimum moisture content. These blended soils would require significant moisture conditioning. Grain Size Distribution Grain size tests were performed on representative soil samples to determine the particle size distribution of these materials. After initial drying, the samples were washed over a U.S. standard No. 200 sieve to remove the fines (particles finer than a No. 200 mesh sieve). This test was performed in a manner similar to that described by ASTM D 422. The results are presented as percent fines on the attached Laboratory Test Results, Table 1. 8 Report of Preliminary Geotechnical Exploration & Earthen Em bankment Analysis October 24, 2005 Proposed New Tank Farm Pad, Rockwell, North Carolina Final BCE Project 05-133 Soil Plasticity Representative samples of the site soils were selected for Atterberg Limits testing to determine their soil plasticity characteristics. The soil's Plasticity Index (PI) is representative of this characteristic and is bracketed by the Liquid Limit (LL) and the Plastic Limit (PL). These characteristics are determined in accordance with ASTM D 4318. The LL is the moisture content at which the soil will flow as a heavy viscous fluid. The PL is the moisture content at which the soil begins to lose its plasticity. The data obtained are presented on the attached Laboratory Test Results, Table 1 in the Appendix. Certain soils swell and shrink (change volume) with changes in soil moisture content. The PI is related to this potential volume change ability. When excessive volume changes occur in soils confined beneath foundations, floor slabs and pavements, structural deformations or pavement subgrade weakening can occur. Experience has shown that soils having a PI of less than 15 are only slightly susceptible to volume changes. Soils having a PI greater than 30 are generally susceptible to these volume changes. Soils with a PI between these limits have moderate volume change potential. Table 2 on the following page summarizes the general relationship between PI and soil volume. change potential. The site soils tested at this site are non -plastic and therefore not susceptible to volume change with moisture content change. TABLE 2, POTENTIAL SOIL VOLUME CHANGE POTENTIAL A7VT) PT.A.STW[TY RFLATION,SHIP VOLUME CHANGE POTENTIAL SHRINKAGE LIMIT PLASTICITYINDEX Low 15+ 0-18 Moderate 10-15 15-28 High 7-12 25-41 Very High 0-11 35+ Adapted From Bowles (1996) Laboratory Compaction Testing Representative samples of the existing site soils from the project site were collected and returned to the laboratory for compaction testing. A Standard Proctor compaction test (ASTM D 698) was performed on the selected sample to determine the compaction characteristics, including the maximum dry density and optimum moisture content. The results are presented in the Moisture Density_ Relationship curves and on Table 1 found in the Appendix and discussed on the following page. Report of Preliminary Geotechnical Exploration & Earthen Embankment Analysis October 24, 2005 Proposed New Tank Farm Pad, Rockwell, North Carolina Final BCE Project 05-133 TABLE 3 HOT.STURE DENSITY RELATIONSHIPS Optimum Sample Maximum Dry Moisture Designation Density, (pcfi Content, Percent Silica 58.5 51.3 Silica Blend 63.0 56.3 Residuum 102.8 19.5 MAP RECORDS SEARCH The following map records were utilized to evaluate site groundwater and soil conditions. Rockwell, North Carolina 7.5-Minute Topographic Quadrangle, dated 1993, published by the US Geological Survey (see Appendix A, Figure 1). Geologic Map of the Charlotte 1°x 2° Quadrangle, North Carolina and South Carolina, dated 1988, published by the USGS. On-line Soil Survey of Rowan County, provided by the Rowan County GIS Service. SITE RECONNAISSANCE A site reconnaissance was performed by our Mr. Nathan Cooke, P.G., concurrently with performing the boring layout. The surface soils were obvious fills excavated from the residual silica lagoons and occasionally contained scattered construction debris and clayey zones. Evidence of mixing of the residual soils with the residual silica was observed. The berm appears to have been constructed by excavating a trench and placing the excavated materials into the berm. Ground water was present several feet below the natural ground surface. No springs, rock outcrops, or other geologic features were observed during the reconnaissance. No other unusual items were observed during our reconnaissance. 10 Report of Preliminary Geotechnical Exploration & Earthen Embankment Analysis October 24, 2005 Proposed New Tank Farm Pad, Rockwell, North Carolina Final BCE Project 05-133 RESULTS OF FIELD EXPLORATION, LABORATORY TESTING AND MAP RECORDS SEARCH REGIONAL GEOLOGY The site is located within the Piedmont Physiographic Province of North Carolina. The bedrock underlying the site is reported to be Salisbury granite, a relatively large intrusion of light-colored igneous rock which has become weakly metamorphosed into a type of granite gneiss. Additional details of regional geology relative to the site area are presented in Appendix C. SOIL SURVEY The Soil Survey of Rowan County (from Rowan County GIS) indicates that the Helena and Cecil soil series are present at the site. Cecil soils are typically preferred by local contractors due to their relatively ease of workability except during wet weather. Helena soils are associated with highly plastic clay deposits and are generally contain excessive amounts of clayey materials unsuitable for direct support of foundations and pavements. Additional details of soil series relative to the site area are presented in Appendix C. SOIL CONDITIONS All borings (except for boring B-10) encountered fill materials to depths ranging between 9 and 20+ ft below existing grade. The berm fills typically consisted of sandy silty clay or sandy clayey silt with standard penetration resistances ranging between 2 and 37 bpi (blows per 1.75-inch increment). The fill in the berm near boring B-4 contained boulders which caused auger refusal on several offsets. Much of the berm fill at borings B-1, B-2 and B-3 was judged to be moderately to highly plastic, based on our manual and visual examination. These plastic clays are known locally as "bull's tallow". Much of the fill was wet or moist and sometimes contained organic matter. The deeper fill at boring B-5 appears as if alluvial soils were excavated and used as fill resulting in a sampled material that has many of the properties of both alluvium and fill. This material was designated as "Fill or Alluvium" on the Test Boring Record and was classified as wet, sandy clayey silt with abundant organics. 11 Report of Preliminary Geotechnical Exploration & Earthen Embankment Analysis October 24, 2005 Proposed New Tank Farm Pad, Rockwell, North Carolina Final BCE Project 05-133 Borings B-6 thru B-9 were drilled in the higher site elevations and encountered fill materials to depths ranging between 9 and 20+ ft below existing grade. Depth of fill increased eastward across the proposed building pad area. The building pad fills typically consisted of white -tan silty sand (the residual silica) with sandy silty clay or sandy clayey silt inclusions (the native soils) and having standard penetration resistances ranging between 2 and 37 bpi (blows per 1.75-inch increment). The fill at boring B-6 contained rock fragments and organics. Occasional zones encountered clay soils that were judged to be moderately to highly plastic, based on our manual and visual examination. The borings did not encounter deleterious materials however some debris was observed embedded in the fill matrix in larger ravines eroded into the existing fill mass. Based on the ground surface contours the fill should not exceed about 2 or 3 ft at boring B-6, yet greater than 20 ft of fill materials were encountered. Alluvial (water -deposited) soils were encountered beneath the fill at boring B-5 to a depth of 20+ ft below the surface and from beneath topsoil at boring B-10. The alluvium consisted of a wet, hard sandy clayey silt with gravel at boring B-5 and sandy clayey silt and silty clay at B-10. Standard penetration resistances ranged between 10 and 37 bpi. The alluvial soils typically contained minor amounts of organic matter however abundant organics were encountered at boring B-5 at a depth of about 12 ft below existing grade. The residual profile generally consists of stiff to hard sandy clayey silts underlain by stiff sandy silt, although highly plastic sandy silty clays were encountered at borings B-7. Based on the predominance of highly plastic clay fills in portions of the berm fills we suspect that much of the site is underlain by similar highly plastic clays in undisturbed areas. Residual material hard enough to be designated partially weathered rock was not encountered at the boring locations. The borings which. encountered auger refusal (B-4 and B-10) were either on boulders within fill (B-4) or hand auger refusal at B-10 in very cohesive clays which swelled when excavated seizing the auger sidewalls. Refusal may result from boulders, lenses, ledges or layers of relatively hard rock underlain by partially weathered rock or residual soil; refusal may also represent the surface of relatively continuous bedrock. Core drilling procedures are required to penetrate refusal materials and determine their character and continuity. Core drilling was beyond the scope of this exploration. 12 Report of Preliminary Geotechnical Exploration & Earthen Embankment Analysis October 24, 2005 Proposed New Tank Farm Pad, Rockwell, North Carolina Final BCE Project 05-133 Subsurface data is presented graphically in profile in Appendix A (Figure 3). Detailed information for each boring location is shown on the soil test boring records included in Appendix B. i GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS During drilling activities groundwater was encountered at borings B-3, B-6 and B-10 at depths ranging between 4 and 12 feet. Ground -water levels were measured again on August 19, 2005. At that time, the ground -water levels were encountered at depths ranging between 2 and 17.7 ft below the surface. The groundwater levels noted within the berm fills (borings B-1, B-4 and B-5) likely represent a perched water condition. Perched water refers to surface water that has infiltrated the upper soil layers only to become trapped by relatively impermeable clayey soil or rock. Numerous highly plastic clay zones were encountered by the borings within the embankment fill. Perched water is also likely at boring B-6 where relatively deep fills were encountered. Refer to Appendix D for Recommended Construction Practices related to control of site groundwater and surface water, if encountered. 13 Report of Preliminary Geotechnical Exploration & Earthen Embankment Analysis October 24, 2005 Proposed New Tank Farm Pad, Rockwell, North Carolina Final BCE Project 05-133 ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS SITE DEVELOPMENT PRECAUTIONS In general, the site conditions and soils are generally suitable for construction of the planned fill pad. The following items are emphasized to help identify potential problems that may arise during the construction activities. Existine Undocumented Fills The borings indicate that the relative consistency of the existing fill soils near the anticipated bearing levels is relatively loose or soft which likely indicates a lack of proper compaction. The fills have been blended with some of the native residual soils (mostly sandy clayey silts and some silty clays) however the materials are dissimilar and do not readily mix. Some organics and small roots were observed weathering out of the fill matrix. The quantities of undocumented fill are unknown. These fill soils (if relatively free of organics) can likely be re -used as engineered fill beneath buildings and parking areas (after moisture adjustment, as necessary and approval by BCE). Although the borings did not detect organics, significant amounts of foreign materials, possible voids or soft material zones, such materials may be encountered elsewhere within the site. The relatively variable (although relatively low) N-values recorded within the fill material suggest that the fill did not receive a uniform level of compactive effort. Undocumented fill is typically uncontrolled and carries the risk of improper compaction, inclusion of deleterious material, and concealment of unacceptable bearing conditions such as voids, basements, excavations, wells, etc. Therefore, in our minion, the existing fill at the site is not suitable to provide direct foundation support for the proposed construction. Likewise, slabs supported by undocumented fill could settle excessively if voids or inclusions within the old fill begin subsidence or settlement under the weight of new fill and/or building loads. Given these subsurface conditions, we recommend two general development options to provide adequate foundation support as detailed in the foundation recommendations on the following page (16). These two options involve various levels of risk related to slab and foundation support. 14 Report of Preliminary Geotechnical Exploration & Earthen Embankment Analysis October 24, 200E Proposed New Tank Farm Pad, Rockwell, North Carolina Final BCE Project 05-133 Hi!h Plasticity Cla As indicated previously, a layer of moderate to high plasticity clay was encountered at 7 of 10 of the soil test borings. This high plasticity clay, known locally as "bull tallow" is commonly found within the Helena soil unit and occasionally in the Mecklenburg and Enon units as mapped by the US Soil Conservation Service. This material has the tendency to exhibit a high shrink/swell potential and is not suitable for direct building or pavement support (without chemical additives.) In building areas where the proposed footings are within 5 feet of the highly plastic clay, the clay material generally must be undercut and removed. In pavement areas and potentially beneath slabs, the material may either be undercut or stabilized using lime or cement treatment. In addition, this material will generally not be suitable for use as engineered fill beneath buildings but could potentially be placed in green areas or other non-structural fill applications. We have also found that this material is sensitive to moisture conditions and is difficult to adequately compact if the moisture content is not close to the optimum moisture content. Therefore, the type of remediation required for development of any specific portion of the site will depend on the actual grades, structure location and soil conditions. The recommendations presented in this report assume the common practice of removal of the highly -plastic bull tallow soils beneath building, foundations and pavement/ slab areas where near subgrade. Ground -Water Control Groundwater was not encountered within anticipated construction and excavation limits explored by the borings within the planned fill pad area. We do not anticipate a need for ground -water control during grading in the cut portions of the building pad or parking area. Ground water is present near the elevations of the base of the existing embankment/berm. Groundwater control will likely be required during construction in the embankment reconstruction areas of the site. We recommend that the groundwater table be lowered and maintained at a depth of at least 2 ft below bearing levels and excavation bottoms during construction. Adequate control of this groundwater could likely be accomplished by means of numerous gravity ditches and pumping from gravel -lined, cased sumps. The contractor should be prepared to promptly remove surface water from the general construction area by similar methods. 15 Report of Preliminary Geotechnical Exploration & Earthen Embankment Analysis October 24, 2005 Proposed New Tank Farm Pad, Rockwell, North Carolina Final BCE Project 05-133 .' FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS BCE realizes that completely undercutting the existing fill is likely not feasible and is overly conservative. An alternative to complete fill undercutting or use of driven pile support would be to partially undercut the existing fill and highly plastic soils to provide at least 4 ft of new, well -compacted engineered fill (preferably comprised of native soils) to separate the building foundations and slab bottom from any fill left in -place. The non -blended residual silica may be used as engineered fill however long term building performance may not as satisfactory as the native soils. The fill thickness would be measured from the footing bearing elevation and compacted in thin lifts to 95 percent of standard Proctor. Placement of one or more feet of bridging fill or use of geotextile fabric such as Mirifi 50OX or 60OX (or equivalent), might be required on the undercut fill soils to provide a working platform. If very trashy, organic fill is encountered, deeper undercutting would be required. Bridging fill would not be included in the required 4 ft of fill below foundations. This partial undercutting of the existing soils would mean some risk of long term settlement due to settlement of the left -in -place fill material. The owner should recognize the risk of potential future settlement of this approach which could require future repair or maintenance. The potential for differential settlement for the buildings would be of most concern. Differential settlement concern could be minimized by use of a post - tensioned slab system or by a heavily reinforced monolithic slab of appropriate thickness to allow the building to settle more uniformly. Flexible connections for piping coming into the building would be desirable to help accommodate future settlement potential. The use of wood frame construction would be desirable to minimize the effects of settlements. If masonry walls are used, liberal construction joints in the walls should be used. The use of driven timber piles or reinforced mat foundations should be considered instead of the previously recommended undercutting and replacement. Both options should be further evaluated when construction plans are finalized. In our opinion, based on the results at borings B-1 through B-5, individual pile capacities of 20 tons could be obtained for timber piles driven to depths ranging between 25 to about 30 ft below existing site grade. V Report of Preliminary Geotechnical Exploration & Earthen Embankment Analysis October 24, 2005 Proposed New Tank Farm Pad, Rockwell, North Carolina Final BCE Project 05-133 Timber piles should be pressure -treated with a minimum tip diameter of 8 inches. Pre-augering a hole 75 to 90 percent of the pile diameter through the fill and alluvium may be required for timber piles to promote driving efficiency and to limit driving stresses. We recommend that a pile hammer with a rated energy of 9,000 to 15,000 ft-lbs be used. Care should be taken to avoid overdriving the piles if sudden take-up occurs on very dense soils or partially weathered rock. The vertical support provided by the soil in contact with the pile cap should be omitted from the capacity calculations. We recommend a minimum center -to -center pile spacing of 3 pile diameters. This restriction is advisable to limit surface heave, to enhance the bearing efficiency of the individual piles, and to reduce the possibility of damaging previously installed piles. During installation of piles, it is recommended that the piling be driven from the center of each pile group to the perimeter to help minimize any heaving effects. We recommend that a soil technician working under the direct supervision of the soils engineer be present during the pile driving to assist in establishing the required total driving resistance and to log the penetration resistances and installed pile depths. Recommended Allowable Bearing Pressure Foundations bearing in new engineered fill (comprised of either native soils or residual silica) compacted to 95 percent of the Standard Proctor maximum dry density and not containing excessive fibrous organic materials, debris or other foreign materials may be designed utilizing an allowable net soil bearing pressure of 2000 psf based on total foundation design load. To document the existing fill is compacted to the required degree, density testing should be performed by an experienced engineering technician in the existing fill at the foundation bearing level. If fill is found to be compacted to a lesser degree, it should be undercut and replaced with properly compacted fill. For a typical footing with an average bearing pressure of 2000 psf, we anticipate foundation settlement on the order of one inch or less. Differential settlements between adjacent, similarly loaded columns typically are assumed to be on the order of one half the total settlement, or about 1/2 inch. 17 Report of Preliminary Geotechnical Exploration & Earthen Embankment Analysis October 24, 2005 Proposed New Tank Farm Pad, Rockwell, North Carolina Final BCE Project 05-133 If undercutting of existing fill is required, the foundation excavation should extend horizontally beyond ZD all sides of the footings for a.;distance equal to one-half of the vertical undercut below the footing bottom, before sloping up. In addition, an appropriate number of hand auger borings should be extended into the existing fill at several locations to confirm quality of the fill and to check presence of possible unsuitable materials to a depth of at least 4 ft below the foundation bearing level. If unsuitable materials or questionable quality fill materials are encountered below the foundation bearing level, such materials should be undercut and replaced with new engineered fill as stated in this report. PAVEMENT AND FLOOR SLAB RECOMMENDATIONS Pavements can likely be supported by the proo&olled on -site non -plastic residual soils as encountered by borings and on properly -compacted engineered fill.. Pavement design was beyond the scope of this report. We have not been provided with specific traffic loading and frequency information for a formal pavement design, and have not performed laboratory or field CBR tests. However, pavement subgrade conditions should be relatively good for properly compacted new fill. Typical pavement sections used in the vicinity for similar sites are as follows. A pavement section consisting of 3 inches of asphalt underlain by 6 inches of aggregate base course is typical for the area and is recommended for pavement areas subject to automobile traffic loads. In driveways, truck unloading and dumpster areas, We suggest an increased pavement section of 4 inches of asphalt and 8 inches of aggregate base course to prolong pavement life where heavy truck loads may be concentrated. A concrete pad about 6 inches thick is recommended for truck loads at a dumpster site and in areas of sharp radius turning. The pavement surface should be sloped to promote rapid drainage of surface water. Asphalt and aggregate base course should meet the requirements of the North Carolina Department of Transportation Standard Specifications. Based on the results of our exploration and our experience with the soils in the project vicinity, we recommend rigid pavements and slabs be designed based on a modulus of subgrade reaction of between 110 and 125 pounds per cubic inch (pci), following proper subgrade preparation as discussed in the section entitled SUBGRADE PREPARATION found in Appendix D of this report. 18 Report of Preliminary Geotechnical Exploration & Earthen Embankment Analysis October 24, 2005 Proposed New Tank Farm Pad, Rockwell, North Carolina Final BCE Project 05-133 The grade slabs may not be soil supported, without proper steel reinforcement. We recommend that the floor slab be .isolated from the foundation footings so differential settlement of the structure will not induce shear stresses on the floor slab. GLOBAL STABILITY ANALYSIS OF EXISTS tG BERM The existing berm was judged to be unsuitable to remain as constructed due to the following: 1. Highly variable blowcounts and material types indicating that the berm was placed in an uncontrolled manner, 2. Boulders and roots are present which can settle or decompose and provide pathways for water migration, 3. The fill and native soil surface preparation is undocumented and may be not be successfully installed We recommend that the existing berm be re -built using approved engineered fill placed in a controlled manner and monitored by BCE personnel. We examined a variety of berm geometries and would suggest a geogrid-reinforced earthen berm with a l..:l slope on the interior and exterior slope faces. We have utilized estimated shear strengths of the existing and proposed berm fill and foundation soils. Based on our past experience with similar soils, we have estimated shear strength parameters for slope stability analysis as shown on Figure 4. The analysis was performed at the visually -determined maximum height section of the existing berm and the ground surface elevations were obtained from a partial topographic site plan provided to BCE by Mid - Atlantic Associates, P.A. A computer program using the Modified Bishop method was used in the stability analysis. The safety factors in the rotational analysis are defried as the ratio of resisting moments to the driving moments tending to produce slope failure. The minimum recommended safety factor under long-term steady-state loading conditions for earthen berms/embankments is 1.3. Results of our final slope stability analyses are shown on Figure 4. Our analysis included failure surfaces that penetrated the reinforced soil zone and deeper unreinforced areas. Use of a reinforced earth embankment maximizes the useable surface area available for materials storage or building construction. 19 Report of Preliminary Geotechnical Fxploration & Earthen Embankment Analysis October 24, 2005 Proposed New Tank Farm Pad, Rockwell, North Carolina Final BCE Project 05-133 ' SITE PREPARATION AND GR-DI G (BERNI) The area of the proposed new berm should be dewatered as far in advance as is feasible using gravity drains and pumping from periodically -spaced sumps. This should minimize the amount of undercutting required and provide a stable base to begin construction of the berm fills. Existing topsoil, vegetation, existing fill, alluvium and water softened residual soils and surface soils containing organic matter or other deleterious materials should be stripped from within the proposed reinforced berm areas. After stripping and rough excavation grading, we recommend that areas to-. provide support for the reinforced fill and engineered fill be carefully inspected for soft surficial soils and proofrolled with a 25 to 35-ton, four -wheeled, rubber -tired roller, a loaded dump truck or similar approved equipment. The proofroller should make at least four passes over each location, with the last two passes perpendicular to the first two (where feasible). Areas which wave, rut or deflect excessively and continue to do so after several passes of the proofroller should be undercut to firmer soils or bridged using geotextile fabrics and stone. The undercut areas should be backfilled in thin lifts with suitable engineered fill materials. The proofrolling and undercutting operations should be carefully monitored by an experienced engineering technician working under the direct supervision of the geotechnical engineer. The surface of compacted subgrade soils can deteriorate and lose its support capabilities when exposed to environmental changes and construction activity. Deterioration can occur in the form of freezing, formation of erosion gullies, extreme drying, and exposure for a long period of time or rutting by construction traffic. We recommend that the surfaces of slope subgrades that have deteriorated or softened be proofrolled, scarified and recompacted (and additional fill placed, if necessary) immediately prior to construction of the floor slab or pavement. Additionally, excavations through the subgrade soils (such as utility trenches) should be properly backfilled in compacted lifts. Recompaction of subgrade surfaces and compaction of backfill should be checked with a sufficient number of density tests to determine if adequate compaction is being achieved. The fill slope, as presently envisioned, will be constructed over a relatively shallow existing slope. The new reinforced slope should be horizontally benched at least every 2 ft in elevation to "key" the compacted materials into the slope. 20 Report of Preliminary Geotechnical Exploration & Earthen Embankment Analysis October 24, 2005 Proposed New Tank Farm Pad, Rockwell, North Carolina Final BCE Project 05-133 Based on our visual examination, limited laboratory classification and compaction testing and experience with similar type soils, the on -site residual soil and existing fill is generally suitable for use as engineered i fill. We do not recommend using the waste silica product as backfill in the berm if the berm is reinforced with geogrids (due to potential unpredictable chemical reactions as well as erodability). In general, soils containing more than 5 percent (by weight) fibrous organic materials or having a Plasticity Index (PI) greater than 30 (less than 15 is preferable) should not be used for fill. General Site Preparation Notes Natural ground is comprised of relatively permeable silt and sand overlain by relatively impermeable clays and clayey silts. During most construction this layering becomes inverted by peeling off the upper clays and placing them in deeper fills. This process leaves only permeable silt and sand available to complete the fine grading. Unfortunately, water readily infiltrates this fill mass resulting in degradation of the support capability of the fill which can lead to differential settlement and foundation distress. We recommend that finish grading permit the placement of about 12 inches of cohesive soil (clayey silt and/ or clays) to form a relatively impermeable "cap". The capping layer minimizes infiltration of surface water and minimizes the potential for pad degradation from water or other liquid chemicals. The edge of the engineered fill should extend horizontally beyond the outside edge of the building foundations at least 10 ft or a distance equivalent to the height of fill to be placed,, whichever is greater, before sloping. The outer edge of fill should be at least 5 ft beyond paved areas. We have not performed any laboratory triaxial shear tests for slope stability calculations, but our experience suggests that permanent cut and fill non -reinforced slopes placed on a suitable foundation should be constructed at 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) and 2.5:1, respectively, or flatter. Fill slopes should be adequately compacted. Cut and fill slope surfaces should be protected from erosion by grassing or other means. The use of an erosion control blanket is recommended for the establishment of vegetation on slopes. We recommend the seeding of the slope with drought -resistant grasses such as weeping lovegrass. Weeping lovegrass is a perennial bunchgrass with a shallow and extensive root system that is used extensively for erosion control on low -fertility soils. Other vegetation types may be better suited to the pH of the site soils. 21 Report of Preliminary Geotechnical Exploration & Earthen Embankment Analysis October 24, 2005 Proposed New Tank Farm Pad, Rockwell, North Carolina Final BCE Project 05-133 Modification of drainage entering the existing fill pad/containment area to divert surface water and drainage water away would benefit the performance of the reinforced earth slope. This would likely include a temporary diversion ditch located between the rail line, the waste lagoons and the fill pad/containment area. Diversion of any underground utilities around the perimeter of the containment area is also recommended. BCE further recommends that a technician or staff engineer be retained during construction of the reinforced earthen berm to monitor the construction and assist in field decisions regarding the various aspects of reinforced earth slope installation. LEUITATIONS OF ANALYSIS Our engineering analysis of the proposed berm does not constitute an engineering design drawing or specification for construction purposes. Our analysis and recommendations can readily be converted into construction -ready drawings by a civil engineering/design firm. Our scope was to evaluate the feasibility of the proposed berm and evaluate. the condition/future use of the existing berm. Our evaluation of foundation and slab support conditions assumes that no significant chemical interactions occur during the expected lifetime of the tank farm structures. Chemical interactions may produce unpredictable results which may change or alter the engineering properties of the foundation materials. BCE did not encounter any data suggesting any detrimental changes that might occur with the types of materials encountered by the borings on the site nor have we experienced any detrimental changes on other chemical plant facilities. Rare instances are documented where chemical introduction caused settlement of foundations due to altering of some of the natural soil components. Chemical interaction research was.beyond the scope of this geotechnical exploration. Also, BCE has not performed soil corrosivity testing to determine the reactions of concrete and iron/steel structures with the residual silica or silica blends. The native soils are not anticipated to be more corrosive to steel/iron or concrete than typical residual soils in the vicinity of the site. If the concrete and iron/steel structures are set upon native soils or fills consisting of native soils then the risk of corrosion should be mitigated. 22 Report of Preliminary Geotechnical Exploration & Earthen Embankment Analysis October 24, 2005 Proposed New Tank Farm Pad, Rockwell, North Carolina Final BCE Project 05-133 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE. C ONSIDERATIONS The native fine-grained site soils and the residual silica fills are moisture sensitive and will likely present difficulties during proofrolling or may not be easily useable for engineered fill in the wetter seasons. If possible, construction activities should be scheduled for the drier periods during the year. REVIEW OF GRADING PLANS When grading plans for the proposed project are prepared, the plans should be reviewed by BCE to assure compliance with recommendations presented in this report. The need for additional subsurface exploration or advice can be determined by the review. STANDARD OF CARE Our evaluation of the subject site has been based on our current understanding of site conditions, project information provided to us, our observations, and data obtained from our exploration. If the project information is incorrect or if project objectives are changed, please contact us so that our recommendations can be reviewed. In addition, BCE should be provided with copies of grading/erosion control plans for review. The discovery of any site or subsurface condition during construction which deviate from data outlined in this report should be reported to us for our re-evaluation. The assessment of site environmental conditions or the presence of pollutants in the soil, rock and groundwater of the site was beyond the scope of this exploration. If this report is unclear or presents conflicting recommendations, BCE should be notified promptly. The analysis, conclusions, and recommendations submitted in this report are based on the exploration previously outlined and the data collected at the points shown on the attached boring location plan. This report does not reflect specific variations that may occur between test locations. The borings were located where site conditions permitted and where it is believed representative conditions occur, but the full nature and extent of variations between borings and of subsurface conditions not encountered by any boring may not become evident until the course of construction. If significant variations become evident at any time before or during the course of construction, it will be necessary to make a re-evaluation of the conclusions and recommendations of this report and further exploration, observation, and/or testing may be required. 23 Report of Preliminary Geotechnical Exploration & Earthen Embankment Analysis October 24, 2005 Proposed New Tank Farm Pad, Rockwell, North Carolina Final BCE Project 05-133 ;This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted standard soil and foundation ' engineering practices and makes no other warranties, either expressed or implied, as to the professional advice under the terms of our agreement and included in this report. The recommendations contained herein are made with the understanding that the contract documents between the owner and foundation or earthwork contractor or between the owner and the general contractor and the caisson, foundation, excavating and earthwork subcontractors, if any, shall require that the contractor certify that all work in connection with foundations, piles, caissons, compacted fills and other elements of the foundation or other support components are in place at the locations, with proper dimensions and plumb, as shown on the plans and specifications for the project. Further, it is understood the contract documents will specify that the contractor will, upon becoming aware of apparent or latent subsurface conditions differing from those disclosed by the original Geotechnical Exploration & Retained Earth Analysis work, promptly notify the owner, both verbally to permit immediate verification of the change, and in writing, as to the nature and extent of the differing conditions and that no claim by the contractor for any conditions differing from those anticipated in the plans and specifications and disclosed by the soil studies will be allowed under the contract unless the contractor has so notified the owner both verbally and in writing, as required above, of such changed conditions. The owner will, in turn, promptly notify this firm of the existence of such unanticipated conditions and will authorize such further investigation as may be required to properly evaluate these conditions. Further, it is understood that any specific recommendations made in this report as to on -site construction review by this firm will be authorized and funds and facilities for such review will be provided at the times recommended if we are to be held responsible for the design recommendations. 01H Report of Preliminary Geotechnical Exploration & Earthen Embankment Analysis Proposed New Tank Farm Pad, Rockwell, North Carolina BCE Project 05-133 October 24, 2005 Final i APPENDIX z Appendices for Subsurface Exploration Tables Table 1, Summary of Laboratory Test Data Appendix A Site Location Plan Boring Location Plan Generalized Subsurface Profile Analysis of Reinforced Slope — Elevation View Appendix B Soil Test Boring Records Unified Soil Classification Reference Notes for Boring Logs and Profiles Appendix C Regional Geology, Soils and Groundwater Appendix D Recommended Construction Practices Appendix E Laboratory Data Reports Procedures Regarding Field Logs, Laboratory Data Sheets and Samples Appendix F Definitions & Terminology Appendix G Project Personnel Resumes 4 25 OPO! map printed on 10/12/05 from "North Carolina.tpo" and "Untitled.tpc 80026.000' W WGS64 80025.000' W I t'2.? y I VN. 4 ff i � '•afro t � ij� r,,pr�� TA Or Crescent Road 1, • { ' t 1 tLa.._.f + R 4 t� �.r".. t I %�•� Sri }4 V, q t.�{ { 2 Y _ 75- I Q t] Lath �'a f? �j .Li 1 SITE { t t i• Jt i '1 1 i jk i t E ..l J i x+ 1 i -yl t }w `• ti NY �` s 3 tF t i `I Z i iY 7 IiS g t i} , t �.-c. r i 1{ lr t) I ke4ti i! a i w e r Red Road �h-ritCtc;�"• ga'a- 7. ti� 4 .. . T it •� 4 � �.. .'a dad, qx 1. !. I;. if . y. F t • a• 60026.000' W WGS64 60025,000' W MN JTN I W- 7'/s° .€A"t} FEET it IOW MUMS Printed from TOPO! @2001 National Geographic Holdings (www.topo.com) Ref: 7.5 Minute U.S.G.S. Topographic Map, Rockwell, N.C. Quadrangle, dated 1987. MO 0 O 0 4 M a Ln CO ,o o' Sial. Raad n 2�22 • " /�AZARETN. 1lo�y Gi .. 1 Ram.R! y .. UFO. p �1 A o c of r .• 111[yry���1` � D � N � 2r - .. - -- A .. p O ... .. N1d �'0120`1 .. .. _ ._ O- r NpB0�B32p \ N 03'-02'-90'E Blended / .. N 01°I50.1320`W -Native I 4 B-1 l '.. SOUS �1 w (9\B-10 Soils V. B-2 �.. 1 a' zo w .' m O �" B-3 N C5'-0 •- -- Residual z \ \ B-9 1 Silica \ - . \ _ " o f107°_g B3 i. 1B-4 ` 1 B-8 . B-5 31 Red B-6 Road NORTH Ref.- Partial Topographic Site Plan Provided by Mid -Atlantic Associates, Annotated by BCE Personnel. Approximate Location of Soil Test Boring Approximate Location of Existing Berm Approximate Location of Bulk Sample 0 125 250 500 Boring Location Plan Alchem, Inc. Rockwell, North Carolina Approximate Scale, Ft. BCE Project # 05-133 Date: 10/24/05 1 Drawn By: NC I Scale: Shown I Figure 2 10/2005 12:16 9108435789 PAGE 01 Road ngs, NC 28 4843-2i21-- "Ct October 10, 2005 ALCHEM9 1_N__co and M AW-W n 8i3s Red Road RcckvvQ, NC 28IL38 TeL 704 -279.79� Ms. Ellen Huffman l tnvironme w Specwitsi II DMSION OF WATER QUALM Aquifer Pwtwdon SeWon Mooresville Regional Office 610 East Center Sheet, Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 29115 Dear Ms. Huffman; We have your letter about the violations at Rockwell, NC. We are sorry that this has occurred. We are doit everything that we can to try and get this facility so that there are not any more problems. I can assure you that we are committing the time and money to contact any problems here. I do not think yi will see any of these problems at all in the future. I have numbered each of these items and I am responding: 1. At the time we had to put the Sand in a pile in the middle of the Lagoon. We had apparent received some recent rain at that time that had caused the sand to spread and be less than 2 feet fm the top. We have corrected this and expect no further problems. 2. We wem not aware that we could not put some concrete picces in this area. We were simF unaware that this could be a problem. As best as we know all of the foreign objects are removed. 3. Wayne Axye is working to make certain that the ph of all of these aollectiou areas have a ph abo 6.0. To the best of my knowledge this has now been cortwted. 4. & S. We are having Boyle Engineering and James T. Hill Surveyors working with us on a ply I both of these items. We have worked with both companies for several months to get the informa$- that we need to give you a report. Our new pamAt wmains under appeal. Please let me tell you that we are taring to completely comply with of the conditions and obligations in both the old and new permit, Please call me if you have any questions. Best regards, ALCHEK INC. Randall Alt , Sales Contact v11 Subject: Re: your fax From: "Randall" <rfa@emr.net> Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2005 15:10:57 -0400 To: "Ellen Huffman" <Ellen.Huifman@ncmail.net> i will do. thank you. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Ellen Huffman" <Ellen.Huffman@ncmail.net> To: "Randall Andrews ALCHEM" <rfa@semr.net> Cc: "andrew pitner" <andrew.pitner@ncmail.net>; "Peggy Finley" <Peggy.Finley@ncmail.net>; "DAVID GOODRICH" <DAVID.GOODRICH@ncmail.net> Sent: Monday; October 10, 2005 2:00 PM Subject: your fax Hello Randall, I received a fax of your letter (in response to the latest NOV), today 10/10/05. The fax did not come through very well. Please mail your response to our office at the address below. Also, please include the names & phone numbers of the folks at Boyle and at Hill Surveyors who are working with you to comply with your permit and a time line for when they plan to furnish information to you regarding your permit. Thank you, Ellen Ellen Huffman Environmental Specialist II North Carolina Dept. of Environment & Natural Resources Aquifer Protection 610 East Center Avenue Mooresville, NC 28115 Ph: 704.663.1699 Fax: 704.663.6040 1 of 1 10/10/2005 3:13 PM ALCHEM Subject: ALCHEM cmail.net> Frown: Ellen Huffman <Ellen.Huffman@n Date: Fri, 05 Aug 2005 11:16:29 -0400 To: Shannon Thornburg <shannon.thornburg@ncmail.net> CC: Kim Colson <Kim.COLson@ncmail.net>, DAVID GOODRICH <DAVID.GOODRICH@ncmail.net>, Wes Bell <Wes.Bell@ncmail.net>, andrew pitner <andrew.pitner@ncnmil.net>, Peggy Finley <Peggy.Finley@ncmaii.net> Hello all, who was there to I inspected ALCHEM yesterday with Wes Bell, MRO, Surface Water, check on the stream restoration efforts. Below is what I observed. ears Lagoon #1 was so full of bauxite residuals (with a little H20) that it that the last rain pushed the residuals to the low end of the berm and p topped the berm and drained (thankfully) to lagoon #2. There is no freeboard space. I have told Wayne that this bauxite needs to be removed immediately to create some sort of freeboard. The level indicators ith the for transit that lagoons were erea gauge installed incorrectly. Wayne told the guy w in this corner this lagoon eachand tlagoonhat rnhener oce,tthe problem stated above.hat lagoon. Re did not Wayne gauges at thePo int insaid that he would fix this asap. The pH in all three lagoons and the stormwater lagoon is as follows: lagoon #1- 1.13. lagoon #2- 1.09 and 1.2. Lagoon #3- 2.5. the stormwater basin- 2.12 and 2.01. This indicates that the wastewater recycle system is not being (has not been) operated properly (for a very long time) to remove the sulfuric acid and raise the PH to 6.0 as stated in the application from January 1986. The ever growing berm, is now approximately + 20' in places (hmmm... land quality mey need to get involved) and the credibility is questionable. I walked the berm and saw all sorts of cracks, sinks, erosion, etc. ALCHEM has placed what appears to be construction debris (huge cement slabs with rebar sticking out) in the bauxite fill area. I informed Wayne and Randall that only bauxite was permitted to be disposed in this area and the debris is to be removed asap. All of this and more! I would appreciate any guidance from Raleigh as to how to proceed with this. Should I NOV/ROE now or wait another 30 days for the new permit to become permanent? Ellen Huffman Environmental Specialist II North Carolina Dept. of Environment & Natural Resources Aquifer Protection 610 East Center Avenue Mooresville, NC 28115 Ph: 704.663.1699 Fax: 704.663.6040 1of1 8/5/2005 11:30 AM ■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete A. Signa ure item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ! ❑ Ngent ■ Print your name and address on the reverse X / /.y ❑ Addressee i so that we can return the card to you. I B. Receiv by (Printed Nam ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, C. Date of D 'very ;see t qi or on the front if space permits. ,.r "�"� rery ! 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery dress d ieren �t)n 1? ❑ Yes If YES, ter delivery address, • e c ❑ No —+-f 00 -AUGHEM, Inc �® _&135�Red Rd. I 'Rack yell NC 28138 3. Service, rtifle ❑ Expre y �i ❑ Registered Otm Receipt for Merchandise ❑ Insured Mail ❑ C.O.D. Ise 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) ❑ Yes 2. Article Number; (Transfer from service label) ;; 710 Q 4 p 7 5 0 p 0 Q' 2 5 516 6.8 6 8 -- Ps Form 3811, February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-02-M-1540 _' Innspection Permit #-WQ0002702 Rowan County August 4, 2005 Is a follow-up inspection necessary X yes no Inspector Name/Title Ellen Huffman /Environmental Specialist I1 Telephone No. 704/663-1699 Fax No. 704/663-6040 Date of Inspection August 4, 2005 T Activated Sludge Spray, low rate Activated Sludge Spray, high rate Activated Sludge Drip, low rate Lagoon Spray, low rate Reuse (Golf Courses) Recycle /Reuse Single Family Spray, low rate Single Family Drip X Other- This facility is a process water recycle system. The permittee also has a non - discharge bauxite re -use permit (WQ0016338) which is currently in review. Treatment Yes Are treatment facilities consistent with those outlined in the current permit? No Do all treatment units appear to be operational? If no, note below. Pg 2 The pH in the lagoons are as follows: lagoon 41- 1.13. lagoon #2- 1.09 and 1.2. Lagoon #3- 2.5. This indicates that the wastewater recycle system is not keeping the washwater at a pH of 6 as required in the new permit, condition # 13. Debris in fill area stormwater and berm area State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross., Jr. Secretary Alan W. Kimek, P.E. Director 4&17�qhw'A NCDENR NON -DISCHARGE COMPLIANCE INSPECTION GENERAL INFORMATION City/Owner ALCHEM, Inc. Permit # WQ 0002702 Issuance Date 12-28-2004 If applicable SOC Issuance Date N/A Permittee Contact Wayne Drye Alt. Permittee Contact Randall Andrews ORC N/A 24hr Contact Name Reason for Inspection X ROUTINE COMPLAINT County rowan Expiration Date 11-30-2009 Expiration Date Telephone No. 704/279-7908 Telephone No. 910/843-2121 B/U ORC N/A Telephone No. FOLLOW-UP OTHER Type of inspection Collection System TSpray Irrigation _Drip Irrigation Sludge X Other Inspection Summary: (additional comments may be included on attached pages) Inspection on August 4, 2005, Accompanied by Wes Bell, MRO, Surface Water, who was there to check on the stream restoration efforts form the enforcement action May 2003. At the time of this inspection, Lagoon #1 was so full of bauxite residuals (with very little H20) that it appears that the last rain pushed the residuals to the low end of the lagoon, topped the berm and drained (thankfully) to lagoon #2. There is no freeboard. space. Wayne Drye, onsite manager, was told that this bauxite needs to be removed immediately to create some sort of freeboard. The level indicators for the lagoons were not installed correctly at the lowest point of the berm of each lagoon. The pH in all three lagoons and the stormwater lagoon is as follows: lagoon #1- 1.13. lagoon #2- 1.09 and 1.2. Lagoon #3- 2.5. the stormwater basin- 2.12 and 2.01. This indicates that the wastewater recycle system is not keeping the washwater at a pH of 6 as required in permit condition # 13. The berm appears to be > 20 feet in places and the credibility is questionable. There were indications of cracks, sinks, erosion, etc. ALCHEM has placed what appears to be construction debris (huge cement slabs with rebar sticking out) in the bauxite fill area. Mr. Drye and Mr. Andrews wer informed that only bauxite was permitted to be disposed in the bauxite fill area and the debris needs to be removed asap. It was noted at the time of inspection that the City water line had been moved as required in the permit (item 19). ALUNtM '9 Page 2 of 2 September 20, 2005 y - ® Permit condition 14 requires you to submit a site -life estimate for the fill area within 90 days of issuance of the permit. The permit was issued December 28, 2004. To date, this information has not been received. O Permit condition 15 requires you to submit a long-range plan for future residuals disposal, including a timetable for implementation within 90 days of issuance. The permit was issued December 28, 2004. To date; this information has not been received. A follow up visit conducted on August 23, 2005, reflected the work that was done after the last inspection, including removal of unsuitable debris from the fill area and bauxite removal from lagoon #1 to create freeboard. It was also noted that freeboard indicators were installed; however, they were not correctly sited at the lowest point on the berm of each lagoon. It appeares that ALCHEM is in the process of cleaning out lagoon number 3. The same requirements for the cleaning of lagoons 1 & 2 (permit conditions 16 & 17) should also apply for lagoon number 3. The Mooresville Regional Office is considering recommending an enforcement action against this permit for the above referenced violations. If you have justification that these violations are caused by circumstances beyond your control, or you have an explanation that you wish to present, please respond in writing within twenty (20) days following receipt of this notice. The Mooresville Regional Office will review your response and forward it to the Water Quality Division Director with the enforcement package. In the absence of any justification, the Regional Office will recommend that an enforcement action be taken against your facility. Be advised that North Carolina General Statutes now provide for penalties of up to $25,000 per dray per violation as well as criminal penalties for violations of state environmental laves and regulations. Please address your response to the attention of Ms. Huffman. It is also requested that your response reference the date and subject of this NOV/NRE, as well as the permit number. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Huffman at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, Andrew H. Pitner, P.G. Mooresville Region Aquifer Protection Supervisor Attachment — 08/04/2005 inspection, report. cc: Non -Discharge Compliance / Enforcement Unit Non -Discharge Permitting Unit, Shannon Mohr Thornburg Mooresville Regional Office, Ellen Huffman Central Files vvr,i`c Michael F. Easley, Governor �� yQ William G. Ross Jr., Secretary , G North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources s �✓iu 3 r Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director _ Division of Water Quality AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION September 20, 2005 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Randall Andrews, Sales Manager ALCHEM, Inc. 2042 Buie Philadelphus Road Red Springs, NC 28377 and ALCHEM, Inc. 8135 Red Road Rockwell, NC 28138 Subject: Notice of Violation/ Notice of Recommendation for Enforcement NOV No. NOV-2005-PC-0226 Violation of permit conditions of Non -discharge permit No. WQ0002702 Industrial Recycle Bauxite Process Rowan County Dear Mr. Andrews, Chapter 143, North Carolina General Statutes, authorizes and directs the Environmental Management Commission of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources to protect and preserve the water and air resources of the State. The Division of Water Quality (DWQ) has the delegated authority to enforce adopted pollution control rules. This letter is a standard notification and is intended to advise you of the legal requirements under North Carolina law. A permit inspection was conducted by Ms. Ellen Huffman, Aquifer Protection Section, and accompanied by Mr. Wes Bell, Surface Water Protection, on August 4, 2005. Ms. Huffman noted several violations of the subject permit during this inspection. These violations include: ® Permit condition 10 requires a freeboard in each lagoon of no less than two (2) feet at any time. Free board of < 2 feet was noted for lagoon number 1. At the time of the inspection, lagoon number 1 was full of bauxite leaving no freeboard available in case of a rain event. Various types of construction debris, including old piping, concrete, and rebar, were visible in the bauxite fill area. This permit is for bauxite fill only. ® Permit condition 13 requires the recycle system water to be kept at a pH of not less than 6 Standard Units as it leaves the wash area and goes into the storage lagoon. The pH of all three lagoons (recycle water), were less than 6 Standard Units. The pH in all three lagoons were < 3 SUs. The permit writing section of the Aquifer Protection Section is aware that staff is currently reviewing this condition per your faxed request dated August 15, 2005. Division of Water Quality / Aquifer Protection Section / Mooresville Regional Office Phone: (704) 663-1699 Fax: (704) 663-6040 610 East Center Street, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 Internet: http://gw.ehnr.state.ne.us 9 ..V4�. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section 919 North Main Street Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 REPORT OF: Site inspection of lagoons & creek. DATE OF INVESTIGATION: August 4, 2005 INVESTIGATED BY: Ellen Huffinan, Wes Bell TIME SPENT: 3 hours PHYSICAL LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: 8135 Red Road Rockwell, NC 28138 Mr. Wayne Drye 8135 Red Rd. Rockwell, NC 28138 TELEPHONE #: 704-279-7908 PERSONS CONTACTED: Wayne Drye REASON FOR VISIT: Confirm pH readings in each lagoon and stormwater and look at stream restoration efforts. COPIES TO: ALCHEM, Inc., as an attachment to an enforcement action. REPORT: On August 4, 2005, Wes Bell and Ellen Huffman, MRO, visited the ALCHEM facility and found that all the lagoons had low pH readings (1.05 to 2.15). Also noted that lagoon #1 was completely full (no freeboard) and had evidence of overtopping (bauxite sand washed over lagoon edge) during a recent rain event. Construction debris was found in the -residuals fill area. Re: ALCHEM Subject: Re: ALCHEM From: Kim Colson <Kim.Colson@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 08 Aug 2005 08:13:10 -0400 To: Ellen Hoffman <Ellen.Huflman@ncmail.net> CC: Shannon Thornburg <shannon.thornburg@ncmail.net>, DAVID GOODRICH <DAVID.GG®DRICH@ncmail.net>, Wes Bell <Wes.Eella@n? cmaiLnet>, andrew pitner <andrew.pitner@ncmaiLnet>, Peggy Finley <Peggy.Fin1ey@ncmai1.net> FYI - The permit apeal was dismissed will send a copy soon. Do those pH levels push this waste into the hazardous category? It seems like I remember that anything less than 2 is haz. waste. KC Ellen Huffman wrote; Hello all, I inspected ALCHEM yesterday with Wes Bell, MRO, Surface Water, who was there to check on the stream restoration efforts. Below is what I observed. Lagoon #1 was so full of bauxite residuals (with a little H20) that it appears that the last rain pushed the residuals to the low end of the berm and probably topped the berm and drained (thankfully) to lagoon #2. There is no freeboard space. I have told Wayne that this bauxite needs to be removed immediately to create some sort of freeboard. The level indicators for the lagoons were installed incorrectly. Wayne told the guy with the transit that he wanted a gauge in this corner of this lagoon and that corner of that lagoon. He did not place the gauges at the lowest point in each lagoon, hence, the problem stated above. Wayne said that he would fix this asap. The pH in all three lagoons and the stormwater lagoon is as follows: lagoon #1- 1.13. lagoon #2- 1.09 and 1.2. Lagoon #3- 2.5. the stormwater basin- 2.12 and 2.01. This indicates that the wastewater recycle system is not being (has not been) operated properly (for a very long time) to remove the sulfuric acid and raise the pH to 6.0 as stated in the application from January 1986. The ever growing berm, is now approximately + 20' in places (hmmm... land quality mey need to get involved) and the credibility is questionable. I walked the berm and saw all sorts of cracks, sinks, erosion, etc. ALCHEM has placed what appears to be construction debris (huge cement slabs with rebar sticking out) in the bauxite fill area. I informed Wayne and Randall that only bauxite was permitted to be disposed in this area and the debris is to be removed asap. All of this and more! I would appreciate any guidance from Raleigh as to how to proceed with this. Should I NOV/ROE now or wait another 30 days for the new permit to become permanent? Kim Colson <kim.colson(Mncmail.net> 1 of 1 9/22/2005 4:12 PM Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Deparonent of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P. E., Director Division of Water Quality June 21, 2005 Mr. Wayne Drye, Plant Manager ALCHEM, Inc. 8135 Red Road Rockwell, North Carolina 28138 Subject: Follow-up Investigations . ALCHEM, Inc./Red Road Facility Rowan County, N.C. Dear Mr. Drye: Enclosed please find a copy, of a follow up Investigation Report.for the investigations conducted on April 7, 2005 and May 27, 2005 by Mr. Wes Bell of this office. The follow-up investigations were.performed to assess ALCHEM, Inc.'s progress with the on -site remedial activities and the condition of the Unnamed Tributary to Second Creek (tributary). ALCHEM, Inc.'s personnel have continued the required remedial activities within the forested areas on the business site. The condition of the tributary continues to improve due to the progress of the on -site remedial activities. This office is concerned with the consistently low pHs measured within the stormwater diversion ditch adjacent to the railroad tracks and upgradient of the residual storage area. In addition, there are concerns with stormwater contamination at the bauxite ore unloading station (adjacent to the railroad tracks). It is requested that a written response be submitted to this office by July 12.2005 addressing the facility's actions in determining the origin of the acidic pHs within the stormwater diversion ditch and the measures taken to remediate the area. In addition, the response should include the actions taken to prevent exposure of the residual bauxite ore (at the unloading station) to the stormwater runoff entering this diversion ditch. 1 �" Carolina Aatm=4 KC Division of Water Quality, Mooresville Regional Office, 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville NC 28115 (704) 663-1699 Customer Service Mr. Wayne Drye Page Two June 21, 2005 Should you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Bell or me at (704) 663- 1699. Sincerely, D. Rex Gleason, P.E. Surface Water Protection Regional Supervisor Attachments cc: Rowan County Health Department M Mr. Wayne Drye Page Two June 21, 2005 Should you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Bell or me at (704) 663- 1699. Sincerely, /D - P 1-4 )-& Z � - D. Rex Gleason, P.E. Surface Water Protection Regional Supervisor Attachments cc: Rowan County Health Department M ' NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY SURFACE WATER PROTECTION UNIT 610 EAST CENTER AVENUE/SUITE 301 MOORESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28115 REPORT OF: Follow-up Investigations DATE OF INVESTIGATION: April 30, 2005 and May 27, 2005 INVESTIGATED BY: Wes Bell ',TIME SPENT: 9.0 hours PLACE VISITED: ALCHEM, Inc.'s Business Site and Unnamed Tributary to Second Creek - PHYSICAL LOCATION: Rockwell, Rowan County RIVER BASIN: Yadkin -Pee. Dee REASON FOR VISIT: Follow-up investigations to determine ALCHEM, Inc.'s remedial actions and the condition of the Unnamed Tributary to Second Creek COPIES TO: Rowan County Health Department REPORT: ,On April 7, 2005 and May 27, 2005, Mr. Wes Bell of this office performed follow-up investigations to verify ALCHEM, Inc.'s (ALCHEM) continued remedial activities within the forested area and the condition of the unnamed tributary to Second Creek (tributary). In addition, Mr. Bell measured the pH of the water in the stormwater drainage ditch (ditch) that was constructed to divert all stormwater runoff around the residual storage area from the Red Road drainage area. This stormwater diversion ditch disperses (sheet flows) the stormwater into the forested area. No remedial activities have been performed on either of the private properties due to the pending (or threatened) third party lawsuit. Mr. Bell met with Mr. Wayne Drye, Plant Manager, during the April 7, 2005 site visit and with an ALCHEM employee during the May 27, 2005 site visit. During the April 7, 2005 site visit, repairs had been made to the silt fence and a rock mound that had been installed adjacent to the silt fence (entire length). ALCHEM personnel had initiated the liming of the unremediated areas within the forested areas. Soil samples (including the underlying soil, residual material, etc.) had also been collected and shipped to a lab for analysis. The analyses revealed acidic pHs (ranged from 3.9 s.u. to 4.6 s.u.) that required lime additions (neutralization) ranging from 2.0 tons - 6.6 tons per acre. Note: Only one ton of lime per acre per year was recommended by the NCDA&CS Agronomic Division. The pHs in the stormwater diversion ditch ranged from 3.53 s.u. to 4.01 s.u. The stormwater draining into this ditch (Red Road drainage area) was measured at 6.07 s.u. The unloading station for the sulfuric acid railcart was located directly above this ditch. No direct evidence of an acid spill could be determined; however, ALCHEM personnel were advised to investigate the origin of the acidic measurements and remediate the area. A large accumulation of bauxite ore (at the unloading station) was observed within the drainage area of the stormwater Complaint Investigation Page Two diversion ditch. Concerns regarding the potential runoff from the bauxite accumulation were discussed. Note: No runoff was observed entering the ditch from this area during the investigation. The tributary's upstream pH was measured at 6.00 s.u. The pH measurements of the tributary's section that flowed through the impacted areas ranged from 5.60 s.u. to 5.96 s.u. Note: The investigation was performed during a rainfall event. Mr. Drye had indicated that the facility had hired someone experienced in stream sampling to monitor the tributary's pH levels. . During the May 27, 2005 site visit, it was noted that ALCHEM .personnel have continued to make progress of liming the .unremediated areas within the forested areas. The pHs of the stormwater drainage ditch, unnamed .tributary, lagoon, and ponded areas within the remediated areas were measured. No flow was observed entering the stormwater diversion ditch; however, the pHs of the two observed puddles ranged from 2.94 s.u. to 3.23 s.u. The ALCHEM personnel had not determined the cause of the acidic pHs and no remedial actions had been initiated. In addition, no actions had been taken to address the accumulations of the residual bauxite ore (at the unloading station) within the drainage area of the stormwater diversion ditch. The pH of the bauxite ore in a slurry form (combined with deionized water) was measured at 4.50 s.u. The upstream sampling point was dry; however, stream flow was observed approximately 20 to 30 feet below the upstream sampling location. The pH was measured at 6.82 s.u. The pH of the ponded areas adjacent to the silt fence/rock mound ranged from 6.17 sm. to 7.37 s.u. The pH approximately 5 to 10 feet below the silt fence and remediated areas was measured at 6.40 s.u. The tributary's pH at the Medium Road culvert was measured at 4.30 s.u. The low pH appeared to be attributed by the unremediated areas within the private properties. The pH of the lagoon/stormwater basin for the residual storage area ranged from 2.94 s.u. to 3.23 s.u. The silt fence'had become separated from the ground in several areas; however, no residual material was observed in the tributary. The facility continues to monitor the tributary's pH (documentation available) by the contracted personnel. Mr. Bell advised the ALCHEM personnel to continue repairing the silt fence and initiateremedial activities surrounding the stormwater diversion ditch adjacent to the sulfuric acid unloading station. The ALCHEM staff were helpful and courteous during both investigations. Followup investigations by this office should continue to verify the facility's remedial actions. ` Complaint Investigation Page Two diversion ditch. Concerns regarding the potential runoff from the bauxite accumulation were discussed. Note: No runoff was observed entering the ditch from this area during the investigation. The tributary's upstream pH was measured at 6.00 s.u. The pH measurements of the tributary's section that flowed through the impacted areas ranged from -5.60 s.u. to 5.96 s.u. Note: The investigation was performed during a rainfall event. Mr. Drye had indicated that the facility had hired someone experienced in stream sampling to monitor the tributary's pH levels. .. During the May 27, 2005 site visit, it was noted that ALCHEM.personnel have continued to make progress of liming the unremediated areas within the forested areas. The pHs of the stormwater drainage ditch, unnamed tributary, lagoon, and ponded areas within the remediated areas were measured. No flow was observed entering the stormwater diversion ditch; however, the pHs of the two observed puddles ranged from 2.94 s.u. to 3.23 s.u. The ALCHEM personnel had not determined the cause of the acidic pHs and no remedial actions had been initiated. in addition, no actions had been taken to address the accumulations of the residual bauxite ore (at the unloading station) within the drainage area of the stormwater diversion ditch. The pH of the bauxite ore in a slurry form (combined with deionized water) was measured at 4.50 sm. The upstream sampling point was dry; however, stream flow was observed approximately 20 to 30 feet below the upstream sampling location. The pH was measured at 6.82 s.u. The pH of the ponded areas adjacent to the silt fence/rock mound ranged from 6.17 s.u. to 7.37 s.u. The pH approximately 5 to 10 feet below the silt fence and remediated areas was measured at 6.40 s.u. The tributary's pH at the Medium Road culvert was measured at 4.30 s.u. The low pH _ appeared to be attributed by the unremediated areas within the private properties. The pH of the lagoon/stormwater basin for the residual storage area ranged from 2.94 s.u. to 3.23 s.u. The silt fence�had become separated from the ground in several areas; however, no residual material was observed in the tributary. The facility continues to monitor the tributary's pH (documentation available) by the contracted personnel. Mr. Bell advised the ALCHEM personnel to continue .repairing the silt fence and initiate remedial activities surrounding the stormwater diversion ditch adjacent -to the sulfuric acid unloading station. The ALCHEM staff were helpful and courteous during both investigations. Follow-up investigations by this office should continue to verify the facility's remedial actions. 02/11/2005 10:19 7042798418 ALCHEM INC PAGE 01 ALCHEM, INCP Corporate Office Sales and Manufacturing 2042 Bvie Philadelphus Road 8135 Red Road Red Springs, NC 28377 Rockwell, NC 28138 Tel. 910-843-2121 — Pax 910-W-5789 Tel. 704-279-7908 — Pax 704-279-8418 rfa(csemr.nel # pdrye.alchem@cbiintemet.net l February 9, 2005 Mr, Rex Gleason Water Quality Regional Supervisor NCDENR 919 North Main Street Mooresville, NC 28115 Dear Mr. Gleason: l would like to inform you that we have taken the following steps at our facility. 1. We obtained soil sampling boxes from the local extension agent. We sent in soil samples and asked that we be informed of the recommend levels of Lime to add. We have already added agricultural Lime to the soil in the affected area. We are constantly monitoring the ph of the stream. The latest reading was in the area of ph 6.4 — 6.6. We will continue to monitor the dry run ditch from our property. 2. We have contacted a tree expert at the county agents office. He will be making a site visit next week and will then give us some recommendations. 3. We have completely repaired the silt fence and put much larger stones on it to hold it in place. I will continue giving you reports of our progress, Best regards, ALCHEM, INC. Wayne Dtye, Plant Manager A ALCHEM, INC 8135 RED ROAD ROCKWELL, NC 28138 704-279-7908 fax 704-279-8418 pdrye@alltel.net January 27, 2005 Mr. Wes Bell Environmental Tech TV NCDENR Division of Water Quality Mooresville Regional Office 610 East Center Ave. Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Dear Mr. Bell: JUL 1 1 200'i . s O TI N Alchem staff has continued to perform repairs on the silt fence by pulling out the bottom skirt and applying rip rap rock to it. Alchem staff and an outside contractor removed a considerable amount of sand from the upper area of Alchem property then applied approximately 40 tons of top soil and 3 tons of lime. We then applied grass seed and fertilizer. Alchem personnel have included the diversion ditch and the bauxite ore unloading station in the clean up activities. The pH in the diversion ditch was 5.96 on 6-29-05. We have included this area on our once per week sampling to monitor the pH levels. Best regards, ALCHEM, INC Wayne Drye, Plant Manager pcd w ot 01/27/2005 16:38 7042798418 ALCHEM INC PAGE 02 ALCHEM, INC 8135 RED ROAD ROCKWELL, NC 28138 704-279-7908 fax 704-279-8418 I)drye@ailteJ.net January 27, 2005 Mr. D. Rex Gleason, P.E. Surface Water Protection Regional Supervisor NCDENR Division of Water Quality Surface Water Protection Unit 610 East Center Ave. Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Dear Mr. Gleason; Alchem, Inc is very concerned about the impact of the runoff from Alchem property. Alchem, Inc has removed sand from the stream and wooded areas using temporary personnel. Some of the areas were not possible to enter with manual labor. Alchem has hired Tara Group Construction to bring in heavy equipment to complete this clean up in a quick and professional manner. Alchem erraployees have applied Borne agricultural lime in some areas to neutralize the soil. We will increase this effort. The silt fence is very hard to maintain with fallen limbs and trees. Alchern is in the process now of patting rip rap rock at the base of the silt fence and the silt fence will be observed more often. 'Mara Group has applied 3 feet to the berm around the entire residual storage perimeter in the last week and very close to moving into the heavily wooded areas for clean up. Alchem has contacted Rowan Community College to hire a student to do environmental checks, pH testing, collect water samples, etc for Alchem. Alchem, Inc personnel did pH testing every week since the last N.O.V. The pH reading was not as low as Mr. Wes Bell reported. 1 expect to have this clean up completed by mid February weather penzritting. if possible we would like to meet with you before you take any action on this. Best regards, ALCHEM, INC > pX�e,okf Wayne Drye, Plaut Manager pod 02/11/2005 10:19 7042798418 ALCHEM INC PAGE 01 ALCHEM, INC. Corporate Office Sales and Manufacturing 2042 Buie Philadelphus Road 8135 Red Road Red Springs, NC 28377 Rockwell, NC 28138 Tel. 910-843-2121 — Pax 910-843-5789 Tel. 704-279-7908 --- Fax 704-279-8418 da(c)semr.nel pdrye.alchem@cbiintemet.net v February 9, 2005 Mr, Rex Gleason Water Quality Regional Supervisor NCDENR 919 North Main Street Mooresville, NC 28115 Dear Mr. Gleason: I would like to inform you that we have taken the following steps at our facility. 1. We obtained soil sampling boxes from the local extension agent. We sent in soil samples and asked that we be informed of the recommend levels of Lime to add. We have already added agricultural Lime to the soil in the affected area, We are constantly monitoring the ph of the stream. The latest reading was in the area of ph 6-4 — 6.6. We will continue to monitor the dry run ditch from our property. 2. We have contacted a tree expert at the county agents office, He will be making a site visit next week and will then give us some recommendations, 3. We have completely repaired the silt fence and put much larger stones on it to hold it in place. 1 will continue giving you reports of our progress. Best regards, ALCHEM, INC. Wayne Drye, Plant Manager A C tom' OHO~wA1�9QG c p 'C ! i 1 liclwtl I aslc rvcnu a a ` P William C. f:t,�Z,\ 1t,. Sc=tan• North C:nrohna r>cpartmcnl of Environmcni and Natural Fcsourccs �' 1 .�_ , t- ;:-_•. ._' Alan W. i:hmck. V. E_ Dtrx—can l Divtston o',N1atc: Qualm. January 12, 2005 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Randall F. Andrews, President ALCHEM, Inc. 2042 Buie Philadelphus Road Red Springs, North Carolina 28377 Subject: Notice of Violation/Notice of Recommendation for Enforcement ALCHEM. Inc. Violation of General Statute 143-215.1 Follow-up Investigation Rowan County, N.C. Tracking #: NOV-2005-SS-0001 Dear i&. Andrews: Chapter 143, Article 21 of the North Carolina General Statutes (NCGS) authorizes and directs the Environmental Management Commission of this Department to protect and preserve the water resources of the State. The Division of Water Quality (DWQ) has the delegated authority to enforce adopted pollution control rules and regulations. Enclosed please find a copy of a follow-up Investigation Report for the investigations conducted on December 30, 2004 and January 5, 2005 by Mr. Wes Bell. The follow-up investigations were performed to assess ALCHEM, Inc.'s on -site remedial activities and the condition of the tributary to Second Creek (tributary). As a result of these investigations, the following conditions were found in violation of North Carolina General Statute (NCGS) 143-215.1 and 15A North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC) 2B .0211 (3)(g): The acidic discharges into the unnamed tributary (UT) resulting from the drainage through the unremediated wooded/riparian areas (on the ALCHEM, Inc.'s property), had lowered the tributary's pH from 6.22 s.u. (upstream) to 4.76 sx. (10 - 20 yards downstream of where the drainage enters the UT). No evidence was observed to suggest that ALCHEM, Inc. had continued remedial efforts (required in the settlement agreement) within the wooded/riparian areas on the business site. CIM _Nor>nCarobna 'A'�'I* N. C Division of Water Qualip•, Mooresville Regional Office, 610 East Cent.-r Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville NC 28115 (704) 66=-1699 Cts-to n=7 Service -8 —s-6748 Mr. Randall F. Andrews January 12, 2005 Page Two Please be advised that this report is being issued as a Notice of Violation (NOV) and Notice for Recommendation for Enforcement (NRE) for the violations of NCGS 143-215.1, 15A NCAC 2B .0211 (3)(g), and the facility's failure to continue to remediate the wooded/riparian area located on the facility_ 's property. Be advised that NCGS 143-215.6A provides for a civil penalty assessment of not more that twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00), or twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) per day when the violation is of a continuing nature, against any person who fails to abide by the conditions of the permit and who fails to apply for or to secure a permit required by NCGS 143-215.1. Penalties may also be assessed for any damage to the surface waters of the State that may result from the unpermitted discharges. This letter is also to advise you that this Office is considering sending a recommendation for enforcement action to the Director of the Division of Water Quality for the acidic discharges into the unnamed tributary to Second Creek, water quality stream standard violations (pH), and the facility's failure to continue the cleanup on the unremediated areas on the facility's property. If you have an explanation for the violations that you wish to present, please include same in the requested response. Your explanation will be reviewed and if an enforcement action is still deemed appropriate, your explanation will be forwarded to the Director along with the enforcement package for his consideration. It is requested that you respond, in writing, within fifteen (15) days following receipt of this Notice. The response should address the measures taken to immediately cease the acidic discharges resulting from the drainage through the unremediated wooded/riparian areas, and the efforts to ensure future discharges do not recur. In addition, a detailed plan should be included that specifies the remediation activities utilized and the date of completion for the cleanup of the unremediated wooded/riparianareas on the facility's property. Should you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Bell or me at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, D. Rex Gleason, P.E. Surface Water Protection Regional Supervisor I11141.1ll11G11 W cc: Rowan County Health Department Stormie Forte, Associate Attorney General Wayne Drye, Plant Manager, ALCHEM, Inc. 01/27/2005 16:38 7042798418 ALCHEM INC PAGE 01 ALCHEM, INC. 8135 RED ROAD ROCKWELL, NC 28138 704-279-7908 FAX: 704-279-8418 polye balltel.net FAX TO: FROM: Mr. D. Rex Gleason, P,E. Wayne Drye FAX NUMBF,R: _ DATE: 1/27/2005 COMPANY: TOTAL NO. OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER: NCDEN R 2 PHONE: NUMDUR: RE: Tracking #: NOV-2005-SS-001 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY SURFACE WATER PROTECTION UNIT 610 EAST CENTER AVENUE/SUITE 301 MOORESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28115 REPORT OF: Follow-up Investigations DATE OF eiZc 30, 20+f4 ann005 INVESTIGATED BY: Wes Bell TIME SPENT: 6.0 hours PLACE VISITED: Unnamed Tributary to Second Creek PHYSICAL LOCATION: Rockwell, Rowan County RIVER BASIN: Yadkin -Pee Dee REASON FOR VISIT: Follow-up investigation to determine the condition of the unnamed tributary to Second Creek COPIES TO: Rowan County Health Department On December 30, 2004 and January 5, 2005, Mr. Wes Bell of this office performed follow-up investigations on the unnamed tributary to Second Creek (tributary) impacted by the runoff from the ALCHEM, Inc.'s (ALCHEM) residual storage area. ALCHEM personnel have made noticeable progress with the remediation of the tributary and surrounding areas; however, the wooded/riparian areas on both private and ALCHEM properties remain covered (in several locations) with the residual material. Due to a pending (or threatened) third party lawsuit, ALCHEM was instructed (by their attorney) to cease their remedial efforts on the private properties. During both site visits, Mr. Bell observed a "rainbow sheen" on the water's surface and an orange and white colored substrate throughout the tributary. The orange substrate and "rainbow sheen" appeared to be caused by the natural microbial actions of iron bacteria. However, no aquatic life was observed throughout the tributary. ALCHEM personnel had previously installed a silt fence along the section of tributary that runs through/adjacent to the facility's property. The silt fence was installed to prevent additional residual runoff into the tributary. The bottom section of the silt fence was not properly secured and the front and end sections were collapsed. Mr. Bell had previously discussed (via telephone) with Mr. Wayne Drye, Plant Manager, similiar problems with the silt fence. Mr. Bell observed pools of water adjacent to the silt fence that appeared to have originated from the drainage of the woodediriparian areas on the ALCHEM property. The drainage had channeled through the accumulated residuals of the unremediated areas in the wooded/riparian areas and discharged into the tributary at three different locations. The pH of the three discharges ranged from 3.12 s.u. to 3.31 s.u. prior to entering the tributary. Note: All Complaint Investigation Page Two pH measurements were taken by Mr. Bell on January 5, 2005. The upstream pH ranged from 6.22 s.u. to 6.25 s.u. and the downstream pH (10 - 20 yards below the lowest drainage area) was measured at 4.76 s.u. Additional downstream pH measurements were taken between the above - noted sampling location and 15 - 25 yards upstream of the Medium Road culvert. These pH levels ranged from 5.24 s.u. to 5.36 s.u. The increase in pH appeared to be influenced by the buffering/dilution by spring water. The tributary's pH at the Medium Road culvert was 4.71 s.u. The tributary's pH downstream of the culvert ranged from 4.53 s.u. to 5.30 s.u. The final tributary pH value (5.30 s.u.) was taken approximately 35 - 45 yards downstream of the Medium Road culvert Residual accumulations were also observed throughout this downstream section of the tributary. No aquatic life was observed. No additional residual runoff was observed from the residual storage area since the construction of a berm around the entire residual storage perimeter. The pH of the stormwater runoff collection basin (inside the berm) was measured at 3.57 s.u. Mr. Bell did not observe any additional sediment accumulations in the tributary; however, a significant rain event could wash the residual material (in the unremediated wooded/riparian areas) into the tributary due to the poorly constructed/maintained silt fence. ALCHEM personnel should immediately initiate cleanup activities on the unremediated areas on the facility's property (wooded/riparian areas). In addition, the problems with the silt fence should be corrected to ensure additional residual runoff does not occur. r e(')Y CY )r' PRI 2 .\I-l'UYtNlcY C9tiNtai.\t, State Of North Carolina Dcpat'tment of Justice R. O. Box 629 RALEIGH 27602-0(529 DATE: `o5 FACSIMILF, TRANSMITTAL SHEET FAX NO:0 ..r FROM: —7:��22a - L PHONE NO: (919) 716-6600 FAX NO: (919) 716-6766 SUBJECT:_40(akpy-) NO. OF PAGES INWMING TRANSMITTAL SHEET COMMENTS: CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE: The information comaincd in this facsimile is legally privileged and confidential and is intended only for the osc of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended rccipient, you arc hercby.notMed that any dissemination, distribution or copy of this information is strictly prohibited. If you have reeeivcd this facsimile in error, please immediately notify us by telephone an return the original message to us at the address above by U.$. postal service. Thank you. ZO'd ZV:Il S0, T .add 99Z9-9IZ-6Z6:XE3 NOI103S QNIJI ' dMUM 0 0 • STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF ROWAN, IN T1 ADMINIST] p iG04 UAA -2 P 3: Sp o3 FILED OFFICE OF ALCHEM, INC., WAYNE D. DRYE, ADMI0ISTRAT1VE HE)gRIMS Petitioner, ) } v, ) } SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF WITHDRAWAL OF PETITION ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL ) RESOURCES, DIVISION OF WATER ) QUALITY, ) Respondent. ) The North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources ("DENR"), Respondent, and Petitioner, Alchem, Inc., Wayne D. Drye ("Petitioner"), hereby enter into this Settlement Agreement ("Agreement") in order to amicably resolve matters in controversy as they relate to the civil penalty assessment. This matter arose out of the assessment of civil penalties and costs totaling five thousand nine hundred ninety-eight dollars and twenty-eight cents ($5,998.28, which includes three hundred ninety-eight dollars and twenty-eight cents ($398.28) in enforcement costs), imposed upon Petitioner on August 18, 2003 for alleged violations of North Carolina General Statutes § 143-215.1 er seq and Non -Discharge Permit WQ0016338. DENR and the Petitioner have reached the following settlement agreement in this matter: I . Petitioner will adhere to the following conditions: a. Petitioner will submit a plan or schedule to remove sand and other materials fiom a tributary to Second Creek and the ZO'd Zt7:TT So, T .add . 99Z9-9TZ-6T6:XP_3 NOI103S GNU-1 '8 231UM riparian areas of the two affected private properties adjacent to A.lchem, Inc.; b. Petitioner will submit a plan or schedule for removal of sand and other materials deposited by Petitioner's facility to the Mooresville Regional Office ofthe Division of Water Quality within thirty (30) days of- ecution of tlus agreement.; C. Petitioner shall remove sand and other materials from the creek, creek - bank, and the areas where the deposits exist in the forested area adjacent to the creek located on property ownedbyAlchem, Inc, andthetwo affected private properties adjacent to Alchem, Inc, in accordance with the plan or schedule submitted.; d. Petitioner shall submit written notice of completion of removal of sand and other materials to the Mooresville Regional Office of the Division of Water Quality within five (5) days of said completion. 2. The Petitioner will pay a total of four thousand eight hundred seventy-eight dollars and twenty-eight cents ($4,878.28 ("Settlement Amount"), calculated as follows: Total Penalty S5,600.00 - 20% of penalty = 4 480.00 (80% of penalty) + investigative costs of 3$ 98.28 = $4,878.28) to DENR for settlement in the manner hereinafter described. The Settlement Amount shall be made in the following manner: The Settlement Amount shall be made in twenty-four (24) monthly payments. The first payment shall be due and payable on �2- 20 'd 2b: ZZ S0, Z .add 99Z9-9ZL-6T6: x2J NOI103S QNUi l ' 2131dm I� U i 0 March 1, 2004 in the amount of two hundred three dollars and thirty cents payment thereafter shall be due and payable on the 18 day of each month c the amount of two hundred three dollars and twenty-six cents ($203.26) totaling: $203.30 + ($203.26 x 23) $4,674.98 = $4,878.28_ The last payment shall be due and payable on or before February 1, 2006. 3. The payments shall be by check made payable to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (or to "DENR") at the following address_ Stonnie D. Forte, Esq. Attorney General's Office Environmental Protection Division Post Office Box 629 Raleigh, NC 27602-0629 4. The breach of any condition of Paragraphs one (1), or two (2) by Petitioner Will render due and payable the entire amount of the civil penalty assessment, including investigative costs i.e., five thousand nine hundred ninety-eight dollars and twenty-eight cents ($5,998.28). 5. Petitioner and DENR expressly stipulate and acknowledge that, by entering into this Agreement, Petitioner neither admits nor denies the allegations contained in the Findings and Decisions and Assessment of Civil penalties. However, upon a breach of paragraph one (1) or two (2) of this Agreement, by Petitioner, the sole issue in any action by DENR is to collect the Entire amount of the civil penalty assessment including investigative costs i.e., five thousand nine hundred ninety-eight dollars and twenty-eight cents ($5,998.28)'in accordance with the terms of paragraph four (4) above and will be limited to the Petitioner's compliance with the terms of this Agreement. -3- b0'd S�tr:TT SO, T .add 99Z9-9TZ-6T6:Xp3 NOI103S GNU-1 '8 2131dM Z agrees to accept payments totaling four thousand eight hundred seventy - my -eight cents ($4,878.28), in complete satisfaction of the civil penalty assessment subject to the terms of this Agreement. 6. Nothing in this Agreement shall restrict any right of DENR to take any enforcement action against Petitioner for any future violations; i.e., violations occurring after May 8, 2003. 7. The DENR and Petitioner agree that, for purposes of any future bankruptcy proceeding, this Agreement is not intended as, nor shall it be deemed to constitute, a novation of any claims asserted by DENR against Petitioner. Petitioner further agrees that all sums payable to DENR pursuant to this Agreement are nondischargeable in bankruptcy under 11 U.S.G. § 523. Nothing in this Agreement releases any nondischargeability claims that may be asserted by 10 DENR in any bankruptcy proceeding, and nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed a waiver of the DENR 's right to rely on the nature of any claim or debt released in this Agreement to show that the claim or debt is nondischargeable. S. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties and is entered into knowingly, intelligently, and voluntarily. SO 'd ib: TT SO, T idd 99Z9-9TL-6%: xE3 NOI 33S QNU� 2 �HHM • WITHDRAWAL OF PETITION 9. Entry of this Agreement serve as Petitioner's Withdrawal ConLes[ed Case Hearing Without Prejudice in these matters. The parties agree this matter is concluded and that no further proceedings are needed or required to resolve the contested case. This the jj!_ day of February 2004. ROY COOPER Attorney General By: �— ?77i:ie D. Forte Associate Attorney General N. C. Department of Justice Environmental Division 9001 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-9001 (919) 716-6600 (919) 716-6766/Fax FOR THE DIVISION OF WATER PETITIONER. QUALITY ' , "`�k Jug Alan Klimek, Director of Alehem, Inc., Wayne D. Drye Water Quality 3 zLc-)Date: Date: D. Rex Gleason, Mooresville Randall F. Andrews, Consultant Regional Supervisor Alchem, Inc. Date: � ,e - Date: ` �1 �00 i L -S- S8 ?131dm 90 -d 2t7: TT SO. T .add 99Z9-9TZ-6T6: xe3 NOI103S GNU DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY 'ORCEMENT CASE ASSESSMENT FACTORS Type: (PC/SS) Permit Condition/Stream Standard Violations Violator: ALCHEM, Inc. Address: 8135 Red Road Rockwell; North Carolina 28135 Registered Agent: Mr. Randall F. Andrews, President Address: 2042 Buie Philadelphus Road Red Springs, North Carolina 28377 Regional Office: Mooresville 1. The degree and extent of harm to the natural resources of the State, to the public health, or to private property resulting from the violations: Impacts to the tributary to Second Creek and adjacent private properties occurred from the runoff of the residuals and the sediment basin discharges from the ALCHEM, Inc. residual storage site. The two private properties (riparian areas) contained large accumulations of residuals (sandbar appearance) in several locations with measurements up to twelve (12) inches. The residuals had impacted up to 500 linear feet of stream. Specifically, twelve (12) to twenty-four (24) inches of deposition was measured throughout the impacted portion of the tributary. The tributary's pH was nearly 100 times. more acidic than the upstream (unaffected) section due to the deposited residuals and the sediment basin discharges. 2. The duration and gravity of the violations: The discharges appeared to have occurred over several months. 3. The effect on ground or surface water quantity or quality or on air quality: The riparian areas/private properties had residual deposition up to twelve (12) inches and the stream had residual deposition up to twenty-four (24) inches. As such, no aquatic life was found due to the stream being covered by.the runoff of the residuals. The impacted portion of the tributary was nearly 100 times more acidic (than the upstream/unaffected portion) due to the residual deposition and sediment basin discharges. 4. The cost of rectifying the damage: According to ALCHEM, Inc.'s response letter, the cleanup activities were estimated at $68,250.00. The cleanup activities incorporated by ALCHEM, Inc. have not been completed; therefore, the official amount could not be determined. RI 7. 9 The amount of money saved by noncompliance: None could be determined; however, money could have been saved by facility's failure to incorporate the appropriate erosion control measures. Whether the violations were committed willfully or intentionally: The violations did not appear to be willful or intentional; however, the Non -Discharge Permit clearly indicates the conditions for compliance. The prior record of the violator in complying or failing to comply with programs over which the Environmental Management Commission has regulatory authority: A NOV was. issued on January 15, 2002 by DWQ/MRO for the failure to submit the required monitoring reports stipulated in Section HI, Parts 3 and 4 of Permit No. WQ0016338. A NOV was issued by DWQ/MRO on October 25, 1990 regarding an illegal discharge (overflow) from one of the settling lagoons. The stream's pH was analyzed by MRO staff and was below the minimum water quality stream standard (less than 6.0 s.u.). On May 30, 1986, DWQ/MRO staff observed a black pipe in the stream for the removal of alum sludge that had accumulated in the stream. No NOV was issued. A complaint report dated December 30, 1985 detailed several site visits conducted by MRO staff regarding the conditions of the unnamed tributary adjacent to ALCHEM, Inc. that included: elevated aluminum/zinc/iron levels and a white floc that had covered the stream bottom. In addition, the investigations revealed very low pH measurements in a catch basin (< 2.0 with litmus paper) that had collected stormwater and residual runoff from the ALCHEM, Inc. facility (See attached reports). The cost to the State of the enforcement procedures: Central Office Review and Processing = $100.00 14 hours by investigators for investigating and drafting report @ $17.38/hour = $243.32 1.0 hour by Water Quality Regional Supervisor for review @ $39.96/hour = $ 39.96 1.0 hour for clerical support @ $15.00/hour = $ 15.00 TOTAL = $398.28 Type of violator and general nature of business (i.e. individual vs. large corporation): ALCHEM, Inc. is a business involved with the production of alum (aluminum sulfate) that is utilized as a settling aid for water treatment facilities. 10. Violator's degree of cooperation (including efforts to prevent or restore) or recalcitrance: The facility has been cooperative regarding corrective actions. nstances: Permit No. W60016338 requires the residuals (utilized as a fill material) to be analyzed twice per year. A review of the analyses revealed pH values in the ranges of 3.2 s.u. to 3.8 s.u. The pH of the sediment basin discharge (containing residuals and stormwater runoff). was measured at 3.86 s.u. (on May 8, 2003). The residuals appear to contain sulfuric acid resulting from the bauxite digestion process. 12. Assessment Factors: a. IWC: N/A , b. Receiving Stream: unnamed tributary to Second Creek (Class C Water) c: SOC/JOC status/negotiations: N/A e. Copy of Permit: Attached f. Damage: Stream standard violations, sedimentation impacts to the tributary and private property (riparian areas) Date May 8, 2003 May 8, 2003 May 8, 2003 May 8, 2003 ATTACHMENT A Location 40-50 ft. downstream 100-200 ft. downstream 400-500 ft. downstream sediment basin discharge* * located on ALCHEM, Inc.'s property Results 4.22s.u. 4.22 s.u. 4.15 s.u. 3.86 s.u. DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY June 24, 2003 MEMORANDUM TO: Jeffrey O. Poupart FROM: D. Rex Gleason PREPARED BY: Wes Bell SUBJECT: Enforcement Recommendation ALCHEM, Inc. Violation ofN.C.G.S. 143-215.1, 15ANCAC 2B .0211(3)(g), and Non -Discharge Permit No. WQ0016338 Rowan County, N.C. Attached is an enforcement report which details violations of N.C.G.S. 143-215.1, 15A NCAC 2B .0211(3)(g), and Permit No. WQ0016338. Also enclosed is ALCHEM, Inc.'s response letter to the Notice of Recommendation for Enforcement, MRO's NOV/NRE and clarification letters, and several complaint investigations previously performed by this Office. Based upon our review of the response, an enforcement action is still recommended. If you have questions or require additional information, please contact Wes or me. Attachments M;, CERTIFICATION PAGE e information in this report is true to the best of my knowledge. monitoring data have been verified by hard copy review of the monthly reports (if applicable) and the appropriate permit (if applicable). Signature of Principle Investigator(s): Wesley N. Bell, Environmental Tech. IV Date: 789 IAC,INC. PAGE 01 Fax Transmission Page From: 1 II 1 r1l\.r_ G1 "Up Of Lumberton, Inc. *Heavy Highway * Utilities* Sewer Plants * Mining * Water Treatment Chemicals 2042 Buie Philadelphus Rd. Red Springs, North Carolina 28377 Phone (910 843-4497 Fax (91.0) 843-5789 N.C. Contractors License # 41562 S.C, Contractors License # 98350 Please deliver to the following: Name' fYl+f Dateti r Organization: E, �J Time - Fax Number: - Le. Voice #: NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING THIS ONE: 3 Original coming by mail? This fax is being sent by' Name: Grlclfe Subject: =,\C. bpeczal instructions. If you have received this fax In Error.. picase notify us by phone HUB ZONE CERTIFIED WOMEN'S BUSINESS ENTERPRISE #NC745 1789 May 23, 2003 IAC,INC. PAGE 02 The TARA GROUP OF LUMBERTON, INC. 2042 Buie Philadelphus Rd Red Springs, NC 28377 NC# 41562 -- SC# 98350 Equipment yards -- Hwy 72 West, Lumberton, NC Red Road, Rockwell, NC Telephone 910-843-4497 — Facsimile 910-843-5789 Mr. D. Rex Gleason, P.E., Water Quality Regional Supervisor North Carolina Department of National Resources 919 North Main Street Mooresville, NC 28115 RE: Notice of Violation for Alchem, Inc. 8135 Red Road Rockwell, NC 28138 Permit No. WQA 0 QC�pIID 3 Rowan County, NC Dear Mr. Gleason'. Please be advised that Alchem, Inc has hired The TARA Group of Lumberton, Inc, The proposal for this project was signed Monday May 12, 2003. TARA Group will be providing design build grading and erosion control repairs for our client at the above reference address. TARA Group has subcontracted with Johnny Nobles & -Associates to provide all surveying and engineering work that will take place on this project site. We will be forwarding the erosion control plan to you for approval by you and DENR within the next 15 days. We have advised our client that we will be working very closely with them within the next week to install temporary and necessary erosion control measures so this will reduce the possibility of any further violation in regards to this matter. We look forward to working with you and DENR in getting this matter resolved and getting our client in compliance. Our company maintains an excellent working relationship with the Fayetteville regional office of DENR. We will be contacting you shortly in regards to this matter. If you have any questions prior to us contacting you please feel free to contact us to discuss this matter. Again, we look forward to solving the problems at hand and putting our client back in total compliance with your agency along with DENR. WOMAN BUSINESS ENTERPRISE! Heavy Highway Utilities -- Sewer Plants Mining 5789 IAC,INC. PAGE 03 your corporation in this matter. !'rely lie Andrews CC: Johnny Nobles, RLS; Johnny Nobles & Associates Mr. Wayne Drye, Plant Manager, Alchem, Inc. WOMAN BUSINESS ENTERPRISE! Heavy Highway Utilities Sewer Plants Mining Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P. E. Director Division of Water Quality Coleen H. Sullins, Deputy Director Division of Water Quality August 20, 2003 Mr. Larry Samples 8470 Medium Road Rockwell, North Carolina 28138 Subject: Follow-up Complaint Investigations ALCHEM, Inc.'s Corrective Actions Rowan County, N.C. Dear Mr. Samples: Attached is a copy of the Report of Investigation prepared by Mr. Wes Bell of this Office regarding the follow-up investigations of.the corrective actions initiated by ALCHEM, Inc. to the on -site residual storage area and the affected stream and wooded/riparian areas. The follow-up investigations were performed by this Office on August 7 and August 8, 2003. The report should be self-explanatory; however, if you have any questions concerning this report, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Bell or me at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, D. Rex Gleason, P.E. Water Quality Regional Supervisor ME N. C. Division of Water Quality Mooresville Regional Office 919 North Main Street Mooresville NC 28115 (704) 663-1699 �v`A 14C-DENR Customer Service 1-877-623-6748 Michael F. Easley. Governor LOB William G. Ross Jr.. Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimck. P. E. Director Division of Water Quality Cole- H. Sullins, Depury Director Division of Water Quality August 19, 2003 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Randall F. Andrews, President ALCHEM, Inc. 2042 Buie Philadelphus Road Red Springs, North Carolina 28377 Subject: Notice of Violation ALCHEM, Inc. Failure to Incorporate Remedial Actions/Illegal Discharge/Surface Water Quality Standard Violations Permit No. WQ0016338 Rowan County, N.C. Dear Mr. Andrews: Chapter 143, Article 21 of the North Carolina General Statutes (NCGS) authorizes and directs the Environmental Management Commission of this Department to protect and preserve the water resources of the State. The Division of Water Quality (DWQ) has the delegated authority to enforce adopted pollution control rules and regulations. Enclosed please find a copy of a follow-up Investigation Report for the investigations conducted on August 7 and 8, 2003 by Mr. Wes Bell and Mrs. Ellen Huffman of this Office. The follow-up investigation was performed to determine ALCHEM, Inc.'s remedial actions to the violations noted from the initial investigations dated April 29 and May 8, 2003, as stated in the NOV/NRE letter/report dated May 12, 2003. As a result of these investigations (8/7 and 8/8/03), the following conditions were found in violation of North Carolina General Statute (NCGS) 143-215.1 and 15A North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC) 2B .0211 (3)(g): Discharges (stormwater/leachate) were observed from the facility's residual storage area entering an unnamed tributary to Second Creek. The upstream pH values ranged from 6.72 s.u. to 6.78 s.u. and the downstream pH values (following the discharges) ranged from 3.80 s.u. to 4.70 s.u. No corrective actions have been initiated at the residuals storage area and the affected tributary and wooded/riparian areas- as were noted in the prior investigations conducted on April 29 and May 8, 2003. N. C. Division of Water Quality Mooresville Regional office 919 North Main Street Mooresville NC 28115 (704) 663-1699 -MCDEENR Customer Service 1-877-623-6748 Mr. Randall F. Andrews NOV Page Two Please be advised that this report is being issued as a Notice of Violation (NOV) for the violations of NCGS 143-215.1, 15A NCAC 2B .0211 (3)(g), and the facility's failure to initiate remedial actions to the residual storage area and the affected tributary and wooded/riparian areas. Be advised that NCGS 143-215.6A provides for a civil penalty assessment of not more that twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00), or twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) per day when the violation is of a continuing nature, against any person who fails to abide by the conditions of the permit and who fails to apply for or to secure a permit required by NCGS 143- 215.1. Penalties may also be assessed for any damage to the surface waters of the State that may result from the unpermitted discharges. It is requested that you respond, in writing, within twenty days following receipt of this Notice. The response should address the measures taken to collect and remove the fill material, and efforts to restore all -affected areas. Measures taken to prevent future discharges should also be discussed. 1699. Should you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Bell or me at (704) 663- Sincerely, D. Rex Gleason, P.E. Water Quality Regional Supervisor Attachments cc: Rowan County Health Department Wayne Drye, Plant Manager, ALCHEM, Inc. CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY WATER QUALITY SECTION 919 NORTH MAIN STREET OORESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28115 REPORT OF: Complaint Investigation DATE OF INVESTIGATION: August 7 and 8, 2003 INVESTIGATED BY: Wes Bell and Ellen Huffmaii�tYTIME SPENT: 6.0 hours PLACE VISITED: ALCHEM, Inc. business site and adjacent private properties PHYSICAL LOCATION: Rockwell, Rowan County MAILING ADDRESS: 8135 Red Road Rockwell, N.C. 28138 TELEPHONE #: (704) 279-7908 RIVER BASIN: Yadkin -Pee Dee PERSONS CONTACTED: Mr. Wayne Drye, Plant Manager, On -site Employees REASON FOR VISIT: Follow-up investigation to confirm ALCHEM, Inc.'s remedial actions to the tributary and wooded/riparian -areas COPIES TO: Rowan County Health Department REPORT: On August 7 and 8, 2003, Mr. Wes Bell (8/7/03 only) and Mrs. Ellen Huffman of this office performed follow-up investigations at the ALCHEM, Inc. business site and adjacent private properties. This office received a response letter (dated 5/28/03) from ALCHEM, Inc. that outlined the corrective actions that would be incorporated at the residuals storage area. These corrective actions included: construction of a berm around the entire storage area, construction of a holding pond to collect all runoff, cleanup of the affected stream, and the removal of a stormwater pipe embedded in the residual storage .area. In addition, Mr. Randall Andrews, President, met with Mr. Bell and submitted the design of the berm and holding pond for the residuals storage area. On 8/7/03, Mr. Bell did not observe any evidence that ALCHEM, Inc. had initiated any stipulated corrective actions to the residual storage area, unnamed tributary, and wooded/riparian areas. The erosion had significantly increased within the residuals storage area based on observations made during the initial investigations (4/29/03 and 5/8/03). Both sediment basins (for the residual storage area) were full of the residual material and one of the basins was observed discharging into the unnamed tributary. ALCHEM, Inc. was removing the stormwater via pump from the other sediment basin. Complaint Investigation Page Two Several smaller discharges of stormwater/leachate were observed entering from the residual storage area. On 8/8/03, Mr. Bell and Mrs. Huffm conditions that were noted in Mr. Bell's 8/7/03 investigation. On both days of the investigation, the upstream pH ranged from 6.72 s.u. to 6.78 s.u. and the downstream pH values ranged from 3.80 s.u. to 4.70 s.u. The water quality stream standard for Class C Waters is between the 6-9 s.u. (Reference: 15A NCAC 2B .0211(3)(g)). Note: The downstream pH values (approximately 900 to 1100 feet below the confluence of an additional tributary) ranged from 3.80 s.u. to 4.00 s.u. The pH value of the sediment basin effluent was 3.66 s.u. (on 8/8/03). In addition, the pH value for one of the side -stream discharges was 3.05 s.u. (on 8/8/03). Samples were collected in the tributary (upstream and downstream) and the discharging sediment basin on 8/8/03. On 8/8/03, Mr. Bell and Mrs. Huffman met with an ALCHEM, Inc. employee following the inspection and sample collection/analysis of the tributary and sediment basin discharge. The employee indicated that the residual storage area was too wet to perform the appropriate measures to contain the runoff. Grass had been planted (as recommended by Rowan County Environmental Services/Land Quality Section) and was observed on a small section of the residual storage area. No equipment utilized for the anticipated corrective actions was observed on -site. The reuse system was in operation during both investigations. Mr. Bell contacted (via telephone) Mr. Wayne Drye, Plant Manager, on 8/11/03 regarding the findings of this investigation. Mr. Drye indicated that the facility had not incorporated remedial measures due to the inclement weather and the resulting poor soil conditions. Mr. Bell informed Mr. Drye of the violations observed on -site and the need for immediate corrective actions. Mr. Drye indicated that he would initiate the appropriate corrective actions. A follow- up investigation may be necessary to verify ALCHEM, Inc.'s remedial actions. DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY F ORCEMENT CASE ASSESSMENT FACTORS ;ondition/Stream Standard Violations Violator: ALCHEM, Inc. Address: 8135 Red Road Rockwell, North Carolina 28135 Registered Agent: Mr. Randall F. Andrews, President Address: 2042 Buie Philadelphus Road Red Springs, North Carolina 28377 Regional Office: Mooresville 1. The degree and extent of harm to the.natural resources of the State, to the public health, or to private property resulting from the violations: Impacts to the tributary to Second Creek and adjacent private properties occurred from the runoff of the residuals and the sediment basin discharges from the ALCHEM, Inc. residual storage site. The two private properties (riparian areas) contained large accumulations of residuals (sandbar appearance) in several locations with measurements up to twelve (12) inches. The residuals had impacted up to 500 linear feet of stream. Specifically, twelve (12) to twenty-four (24) inches of deposition was measured throughout the impacted portion of the tributary. The tributary's pH was nearly 100 times more acidic than the upstream (unaffected). section due to the deposited residuals and the sediment basin discharges. 2. The duration and gravity of the violations: The discharges appeared to have occurred over several months. 3. The effect on ground or surface water quantity or quality or on air quality: The riparian areas/private properties had residual deposition up to twelve (12) inches and the stream had residual deposition up to twenty-four (24) inches. As such, no aquatic life was found due to the stream being covered by the runoff of the residuals. The impacted portion of the tributary was nearly 100 times more acidic (than the upstream/unaffected portion) due to the residual deposition and sediment basin discharges. 4. The cost of rectifying the damage: According to ALCHEM, Inc.'s response letter, the cleanup activities were estimated at $68,250.00. The cleanup activities incorporated by ALCHEM, Inc. have not been completed; therefore, the official amount could not be determined. ;.1 7 a 10. The amount of money saved by noncompliance: None could be determined; however, money could have been saved by facility's failure to incorporate the appropriate erosion control measures. Whether the violations were committed willfully or intentionally: The violations did not appear to be willful or intentional; however, the Non -Discharge Permit clearly indicates the conditions for compliance. The prior record of the violator in complying or failing to comply with programs over which the Environmental Management Commission has regulatory authority: A NOV was issued on January 15, 2002 by DWQ/MRO for the failure to submit the required monitoring reports stipulated in Section III, Parts 3 and 4 of Permit No. WQ0016338.. A NOV was issued by DWQ/MRO on October 25, 1990 regarding an illegal discharge (overflow) from one of the settling lagoons. The stream's pH was analyzed by MRO staff and was below the minimum water quality stream standard (less than 6.0 s.u.). On May 30, 1986, DWQ/MRO staff observed a black pipe in the stream for the removal of alum sludge that had accumulated in the stream. No NOV was issued. A complaint report dated December 30, 1985 detailed several site visits conducted by MRO staff regarding the conditions of the unnamed tributary adjacent to ALCHEM, Inc. that included: elevated aluminum/zinc/iron levels and a white floc that had covered the stream bottom. In addition, the investigations revealed very low pH measurements in a catch basin (< 2.0 with litmus paper) that had collected stormwater and residual runoff from the ALCHEM, Inc. facility. (See attached reports). The cost to the State of the enforcement procedures: Central Office Review and Processing = $100.00 14 hours by investigators for investigating and drafting report @ $17.38/hour = $243.32 1.0 hour by Water Quality Regional Supervisor for review @ $39.96/hour = $. 39.96 1.0 hour for clerical support @ $15.00/hour = $ 15.00 TOTAL = $398.28 Type of violator and general nature of business (i.e. individual vs. large corporation): ALCHEM, Inc. is a business involved with the production of alum (aluminum sulfate) that is utilized as a settling aid for water treatment facilities. Violator's degree of cooperation (including efforts to prevent or restore) or recalcitrance: The facility has been cooperative regarding corrective actions. CERTIFICATION PAGE at the information in this report is true to the best of my knowledge. All vioiations of self -monitoring data have been verified by hard copy review of the monthly reports (if applicable) and the appropriate permit (if applicable). Signature of Principle Investigator(s): 4/ I • &X . Wesley K Bell, Environmental Tech. IV Date: � /I q /0 J ALCUEM, INC. 39 / May 28, 2003 Mr. D. Rex Gleason Water Quality Regional Supervisor NCDENR gig North Main Street Mooresville, NC 28115 Dear Mr. Gleason: Sales and Manufacturing 8135 Red Road Rockwell, NC 28138 Tel. 704-279-79o8 — Fax 704-279-8418 pdrye.alchem@cbiinternet.net MAY 3 C 2003 K DEK Ui- ziNVAOWF-W Q 1,W MATURAL RESOURCES MOMSMILE RECaIONALAFFICE Thank you for your letter of May 12, 2003. I am very sorry about this problem. Please rest assured that we do not take our responsibilities in this matter lightly. We certainly want to do everything that we can humanly do to arrange for a long- term solution. I would like to outline for you as best as I can in words what our plan will be. I am certain that you are aware that we had such a large amount of rain this spring that we were frankly overwhelmed by all of the water coming onto our property. We never expected that such large volumes of water intrusion would occur. Please allow me to outline the following that we can do to solve this problem. 1. We will remove the pipe embedded in the sand area. 2. We will divert all water from Red Road and West of the train tracks around the sand. 3. We will establish a berm around the reuse sand. We will use recommended erosion control measures on the berm to avoid to the greatest extent practical erosion from the berm. 4. We will establish a storm water holding pond. All storm water that has come in contact with the reuse sand pile will be channeled to the holding pond and pumped back up to our process water tanks. 5. We will keep an inspection log with monthly inspections to make certain that the holding pond has not lost any storm water. We will inspect the stream to make certain that no run off from our facility has occurred. 6. We will clean the small stream and do our very best to restore it to its original condition. 7. We have contracted with a local surveying and engineering company to help us to determine how large the holding basin needs to be. ALCHEM, INC. Sales and Manufacturing 8135 Red Road Rockwell, NC 28138 r89 Tel. 704-279-79o8 — Fax 704-279-8418 pdrye.alchem@cbiinternet.net 8. We plan to inspect the holding pond to make certain that it has not filled with sand. If there is any sand we will remove it. We will inspect monthly. 9. We intend to contract with a construction company to construct this project. Please see enclosed contract. I hope that this information is satisfactory to you. Please let me know if you have any questions comments or concerns. Best regards, ALCHEM, INC. OJ '�& T,/Vf Wayne Drye, Vice President vll May 28, 2003 ��O 6,ENEleA� C oy� N a � 0 OA A M EA��P The TARA GROUP OF LUMBERTON, INC. 2042 Buie Philadelphus Rd Red Springs, NC 28377 NC# 41562 — SC# 98350 Equipment yards — Hwy 72 West, Lumberton, NC Red Road, Rockwell, NC Telephone 910-843-4497 N Facsimile 910-843-5789 CONTRACT BETWEEN THE TARA GROUP OF LUMBERTON AND ALCHEM, INC. Job description: Provide all planning, design, labor and equipment to perform various work as listed. 1. Provide a diversion around the railroad tracks for offsite water to be diverted around sand storage. 2. Provide a berm around the sand storage to divert all offsite water from the sand and divert all on site rainwater to the storm water storage area. 3. Prepare a storm water retention basis with enough capacity for a 25-year storm event. 4. Provide a plan from Johnny Nobles And Associates of Lumberton, NC to prepare this site to ensure that all storm water is captured and used as process water. 5. Stop water flow from the pipe that is embedded in the sand. Price: $ 68,250.00 Time: To start upon approval Length: 120 days from approval. Payment: Progress payments to be made every 30 days. ALCHEM, INC. Wayne Drye, Vice President TARA GROUP O-�F LUMBERTON, INC. /D Denise B. Andrews, President WOMAN BUSINESS ENTERPRISE! Heavy Highway Utilities Sewer Plants Mining 0��vl 6fiNX*4 The TARA GROUP OF LUMBERTON, INC. 2042 Buie Philadelphus Rd Red Springs, NC 28377 NC# 41562 — SC# 98350 Equipment yards — Hwy 72 West, Lumberton, NC Red Road, Rockwell, NC Telephone 910-843-4497 N Facsimile 910-843-5789 am%VL May 23, 2003 Mr. D. Rex Gleason, P.E., Water Quality Regional Supervisor North Carolina Department of National Resources 919 North Main Street Mooresville, NC 28115 RE: Notice of Violation for Alchem, Inc. 8135 Red Road Rockwell, NC 28138 Permit No. >�QO©L°33S Rowan County, NC Dear Mr. Gleason: Cep MPT. 0F ARID (�SATUPTII �OW 3 0 200.E Please be advised that Alchem, Inc has hired The TARA Group of Lumberton, Inc. The proposal for this project was signed Monday May 12, 2003. TARA Group will be providing design build grading and erosion control repairs for our client at the above reference address. TARA Group has subcontracted with Johnny Nobles & Associates to provide all surveying and engineering work that will take place on this project site. We will be forwarding the erosion control plan to you for approval by you and DENR within the next 15 days. We have advised our client that we will be working very closely with them within the next week to install temporary and necessary erosion control measures so this will reduce the possibility of any further violation in regards to this matter., We look forward to working with you and DENR in getting this matter resolved and getting our client in compliance. Our company maintains an excellent working relationship with the Fayetteville regional office of DENR. We will be contacting you shortly in regards to this matter. If you have any questions prior to us contacting you please feel free to contact us to discuss this matter. Again, we look forward to solving the problems at hand and putting our client back in total compliance with your agency along with DENR. WOMAN BUSINESS ENTERPRISE! Heavy Highway Utilities Sewer Plants Mining uu )oration in this matter. Johnny Nobles, RLS; Johnny Nobles & Associates Mr. Wayne Drye, Plant Manager, Alchem, Inc. WOMAN BUSINESS ENTERPRISE! Heavy Highway Utilities Sewer Plants Mining r,FW AAA TF9 ,off PG s � Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross, Jr.,Secretary North Carolina- Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality May 12, 2003 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 7001 2510 0004 8287 709 5' Mr. Wayne Drye, Plant Manager ALCHEM, Inc. 8135 Red Road Rockwell, North Carolina 28138 Subject: Notice of Violation/Notice of Recommendation for Enforcement ALCHEM, Inc.. Illegal Discharge/Permit Violations/ Surface Water Quality Standard Violations -Permit No. WQ0002702 Rowan County, N.C. Dear Mr. Drye: Chapter 143, Article 21 of the North Carolina General Statutes (NCGS) authorizes and directs the Environmental Management Commission of this Department to protect and preserve the water resources of the State. The Division of Water Quality (DWQ) has the delegated authority to enforce adopted'pollution control rules and regulations. Enclosed please find a copy of a Complaint Investigation Report for the investigation conducted on April 30, 2003 by Mr. Wes Bell of this Office. As a result of this investigation, the following conditions were found in violation of North Carolina General Statute (NCGS) 143-215.1, 15A North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC) 213 .0211 (2), (3)(c) and (g), and Non -Discharge Permit No. WQ0002702: The facility's storage area for its fill material had discharged into a drainage/wooded area and an intermittent stream. The intermittent stream was observed_ covered (up to 24 inches) with the fill material for a total distance of approximately 400-500 feet (upstream and downstream of Medium Road). The upstream pH value was 6.04 s.u. and the ' downstream pH values (following the discharges) ranged from 4.15 s.u. to 4.22 s.u. The facility impaired/removed the suitability of the stream for aquatic life and propagation and maintenance of biological integrity, wildlife, and secondary recreation. The permittee failed to 1) properly operate and maintain the facility as a non -discharge facility, 2) cease reuse operation once nuisance conditions existed, 3) provide adequate provisions to prevent surface runoff from conveying pollutants into surface waters, and 4) notify this office of the residuals release into the receiving stream. Mooresville Regional Office, 919 North Main Street, Mooresville, NC 28115 N 6 R 'HONE (704) 663-1699 - Customer Service :AX (704) 663-6040 1 800 623-7748 f- r�s Mr. Wayne Drye NOV/NRE Page Two Please be advised that this report is being issued as a Notice of Violation (NOV) and Notice of Recommendation for Enforcement for the violations of NCGS 143-215.1, 15A NCAC 213 .0211 (2), (3)(c) and (g), and Non -Discharge Permit No. WQ0002702. Be advised that NCGS 143-215.6A provides for a civil penalty assessment of not more that twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00), or twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) per day when the violation is of a continuing nature, against any person who fails to abide by the conditions of the permit and who fails to apply for or to secure a permit required by NCGS 143-215.1. Penalties may also be assessed for any damage to the surface waters of the State that may result from the unpermitted discharge. It is requested that you respond, in writing, within twenty days following receipt of this Notice. The response should address the measures taken to collect and remove the fill material, and efforts to restore all affected areas. Measures taken to prevent future discharges should also be discussed. This letter is also to advise you that this Office is considering sending a recommendation for enforcement action to the Director of the Division 'of Water Quality for the discharge of the fill material into a stream, water quality stream standard violations (pH and best usage), and the facility's failure to abide by the conditions of Permit No. WQ0002702. If you have an explanation for the violations that you wish to present, please include same in the requested response. Your explanation will be reviewed and if an enforcement action is still deemed appropriate, your explanation will be forwarded to the Director along with the enforcement package for his consideration. To comply with the regulations, it will be necessary to collect and remove all of the fill material (in the stream and drainage/wooded areas) and restore all affected areas as nearly as may be to the conditions existing prior to the.discharge. Should you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Bell or me at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, D. Rex Gleason, P.E. Water Quality Regional Supervisor Attachments cc: Rowan County Health Department off s NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY WATER QUALITY SECTION 919 NORTH MAIN STREET MOORESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28115 REPORT OF: Complaint Investigation DATE OF INVESTIGATION: April 30, 2003 INVESTIGATED BY: Wes Bell~ TIME SPENT: 2.0 hours PLACE VISITED: ALCHEM, Inc. Business Site PHYSICAL LOCATION: Rockwell, Rowan County MAILING ADDRESS: 8135 Red Road Rockwell, N.C. 28138 TELEPHONE #: (704) 279-7908 RIVER BASIN: Yadkin -Pee Dee PERSONS CONTACTED: Mr. Wayne Drye, Plant Manager, On -site Employees REASON FOR VISIT: Investigation of complaint regarding discharge of a white substance into a drainage/wooded area and creek COPIES TO: Rowan County Health Department 6403416 On April 29, 2003, this office received a complaint that a white substance from ALCHEM, Inc. had been discharged into a drainage/wooded area and intermittent stream in Rockwell, Rowan County. The complaint was investigated by Wes Bell of this office on April 30, 2003. Mr. Bell arrived at a residence below ALCHEM, Inc. adjacent to Medium Road. Mr. Bell observed large accumulations of a white, granular material (sand appearance) throughout the drainage/wooded area. In addition, this white substance had completely covered the bottom of an intermittent stream (unnamed tributary to Second Creek - Class C Stream) for approximately 200-300 feet (upstream of Medium Road). The intermittent stream was observed free -flowing on top of the white substance at the time of the investigation. Mr. Bell traced the white material (upstream) throughout the drainage/wooded area and intermittent stream to a large storage area containing this white material. The material appeared to be used as a fill material. This fill material appeared to have covered an area between three to five acres. The fill area had been severely eroded allowing the material to flow across a sediment basin and silt fence into the drainage/wooded area. The white substance (combined with a clay) had eroded/discharged into the intermittent stream in several locations. The permittee did not appear to have incorporated appropriate erosion control measures to contain the material. Complaint Investigation Page Two Mr. Bell met with the ALCHEM, Inc. on -site employees. Mr. Bell escorted one of the employees to the affected drainage/wooded area and intermittent stream. While at the facility, Mr. Bell observed two lagoons adjacent to the fill material. The employee indicated that the two lagoons were part of a wastewater reuse system. A third lagoon on -site was utilized as a backup. Bauxite (aluminum ore) is transported to ALCHEM via railcart. The bauxite is mixed with silica sand (80% bauxite and 20% silica sand), and made into a slurry via water additions. Sulfuric acid is added to the bauxite slurry (to create the finished product - aluminum sulfate) and a polymer is then added to aide in settling/removal of the sand. The sand is removed and rinsed three times with water (to remove the aluminum) prior to discharging the sand/water mixture into the lagoon system. The sand is removed from the lagoons and used as a fill material. The water is also reused in the process. Mr. Bell was informed by the on -site employee that the facility monitors two on -site groundwater monitoring wells as well as the fill material. Mr. Bell reviewed the facility's permit requirements on -site and at this office. Mr. Bell determined that ALCHEM, Inc. was issued Permit No. WQ0002702 by the Division for the on -site reuse of silica residuals from bauxite digestion as a fill material. The Permit became effective on January 21, 1999 and expires on December 21, 2004. The Permit authorizes the usage of 3,000 tons per year of residual to be used as a fill material on the company's property from the bauxite residuals reuse program. The facility failed to comply with the conditions of their permit. Specifically, the facility failed to 1) properly operate and maintain the facility as a non -discharge facility, 2) cease reuse operation once nuisance conditions existed, 3) provide adequate provisions to prevent surface runoff from conveying pollutants into surface waters, and 4) notify this office of the residuals release into receiving waters. The accumulation of the fill material in the stream impacted/removed the suitability of the waters for aquatic life and maintenance of biological integrity, wildlife, secondary recreation, and agriculture, which is a violation of 15A North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC) 2B .0211 (2) and (3)(c). Messrs. Bell and Alan Johnson (of this office) revisited the drainage/wooded areas and intermittent stream upstream and downstream of Medium Road on 5/8/03. Mr. Bell sampled the intermittent stream for pH above and below the impacted areas throughout the intermittent stream. The upstream pH value was 6.04 s.u. and the downstream pH values ranged from 4.15 to 4.22 s.u. A pH value of 4.22 s.u. was recorded at the most distant downstream sampling location (100-150 feet downstream of Medium Road). The facility's discharge of the fill material into the stream caused a surface water quality pH standard violation. The standard for Class C Waters is between the 6-9 s.u. (Reference: 15A NCAC 2B .0211(3)(g). Large accumulations of the fill material were also observed throughout the drainage/wooded area at this downstream location. Mr. Bell analyzed the pH of the accumulated water in the sediment basin adjacent to the fill material. The pH value was 3.86 s.u. The sediment basin was discharging into the intermittent stream at the time of this investigation. Mr. Johnson's measurements of the accumulations in the stream channel showed a depth of up to twenty-four inches. Mr. Johnson also measured accumulations up to twelve inches throughout the drainage/wooded areas (upstream and downstream of Medium Road). 'Complaint Investigation Page Three Mr. Wayne Drye, Plant Manager, contacted Mr. Bell via telephone regarding the investigation. Mr. Bell informed Mr. Drye of the findings and environmental regulations relevant to the investigation. In addition, Mr. Bell informed Mr. Drye that the Division of Land Resources' Land Quality Section would be notified regarding the inadequate erosion and control measures. Mr. Drye and his staff were very cooperative and helpful throughout this investigation. A follow-up investigation by this office may be necessary to verify adequate remedial actions. �F W A T�9P Michael F. Easley, Governor r— William G. Ross, Jr.,Secretary —{ North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources t� Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality May 12, 2003 Mr. Larry Samples 8470 Medium Road Rockwell, North Carolina 28138 Subject: Complaint Investigation ALCHEM, Inc./Illegal Discharge Rowan County, N.C. Dear Mr. Samples: Attached is a copy of the Report of Investigation prepared by Mr. Wes Bell of this Office regarding your complaint of a discharge of a white substance into a drainage/wooded area and creek. The complaint was received by this office on April 29, 2003. The report should be self-explanatory; however, if you have any questions concerning this report, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Bell or me at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, D. Rex Gleason, P.E. Water Quality Regional Supervisor Attachment cc: Rowan County Health Department ME Mooresville Regional Office, 919 North Main Street, Mooresville, NC 28115 SWW NCDEN 'HONE (704) 663-1699 =AX (704) 663-6040 Customer Service 1 800 623-7748 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE 17-- • Sender: Please print=yo First-Class Mail postagAZ2es aid USPS Pp rri 10 e'rrNt'N—Gz10- -06. j r n, p ma e�"ciclress, and-ZIP+4 inthisbqx i rv3 WATER QUALITY SECTION DENR 919 NORTH MAIN STREET MOORESVILLE NC 28111 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY ENFORCEMENT CASE ASSESSMENT FACTORS Type: (PC/SS) Permit Condition/Stream Standard Violations Violator: ALCHEM, Inc. Address: 8135 Red Road Rockwell, North Carolina 28135 Registered Agent: Mr. Randall F. Andrews, President Address: 2042 Buie Philadelphus Road Red Springs, North Carolina 28377 Regional Office: Mooresville 1. The degree and extent of harm to the natural resources of the State, to the public health, or to private property resulting from the violations: Impacts to the tributary to Second Creek and adjacent private properties occurred from the runoff of the residuals and the sediment basin discharges from the ALCHEM, Inc. residual storage site. The two private properties (riparian areas) contained large accumulations of residuals (sandbar appearance) in several locations with measurements up to twelve (12) inches. The residuals had impacted up to 500 linear feet of stream. Specifically, twelve (12) to twenty-four (24) inches of deposition was measured throughout the impacted portion of the tributary. The tributary's pH was nearly 100 times more acidic than the upstream (unaffected) section due to the deposited residuals and the sediment basin discharges. 2. The duration and gravity of the violations: The discharges appeared to have occurred over several months. 3. The effect on ground or surface water quantity or quality or on air quality: The riparian areas/private properties had residual deposition up to twelve (12) inches and the stream had residual deposition up to twenty-four (24) inches. As such, no aquatic life was found due to the stream being covered by the runoff of the residuals. The impacted portion of the tributary was nearly 100 times more acidic (than the upstream/unaffected portion) due to the residual deposition and sediment basin discharges. 4. The cost of rectifying the damage: According to ALCHEM, Inc.'s response letter, the cleanup activities were estimated at $68,250.00. The cleanup activities incorporated by ALCHEM, Inc. have not been completed; therefore, the official amount could not be determined. 5. The amount of money saved by noncompliance: None could be determined; however, money could have been saved by facility's failure to incorporate the appropriate erosion control measures. 6. Whether the violations were committed willfully or intentionally: The violations did not appear to be willful or intentional; however, the Non -Discharge Permit clearly indicates the conditions for compliance. 7. The prior record of the violator in complying or failing to comply with programs over which the Environmental Management Commission has regulatory authority: A NOV was issued on January 15, 2002 by DWQ/MRO for the failure to submit the required monitoring reports stipulated in Section III, Parts 3 and 4 of Permit No. WQ0016338. A NOV was issued by DWQ/MRO on October 25, 1990 regarding an illegal discharge (overflow) from one of the settling lagoons. The stream's pH was analyzed by MRO staff and was below the minimum water quality stream standard (less than 6.0 s.u.). On May 30, 1986, DWQ/MRO staff observed a black pipe in the stream for the removal of alum sludge that had accumulated in the stream. No NOV was issued. A complaint report dated December 30, 1985 detailed several site visits conducted by MRO staff regarding the conditions of the unnamed tributary adjacent to ALCHEM, Inc. that included: elevated aluminum/zinc/iron levels and a white floc that had covered the stream bottom. In addition, the investigations revealed very low pH measurements in a catch basin (< 2.0 with litmus paper) that had collected stormwater and residual runoff from the ALCHEM, Inc. facility (See attached reports). 8. The cost to the State of the enforcement procedures: Central Office Review and Processing . _ $100.00 14 hours by investigators for investigating and drafting report @ $17.38/hour = $243.32 1.0 hour by Water Quality Regional Supervisor for review @ $39.96/hour = $ 39.96 1.0 hour for clerical support @ $15.00/hour = $ 15.00 TOTAL = $398.28 9. Type of violator and general nature of business (i.e. individual vs. large corporation): ALCHEM, Inc. is a business involved with the production of alum (aluminum sulfate) that is utilized as a settling aid for water treatment facilities. 10. Violator's degree of cooperation (including efforts to prevent or restore) or recalcitrance: The facility has been cooperative regarding corrective actions. CERTIFICATION PAGE I certify that the information in this report is true to the best of my knowledge. All violations of self -monitoring data have been verified by hard copy review of the monthly reports (if applicable) and the appropriate permit (if applicable). Signature of Principle Investigator(s): V . Wesley K Bell, Environmental Tech. IV Date: Alchem history from MRO file's -*�Wfe—WWREMPEW290,72by Ellen Huffinan Please note that the author has found files in several sections/divisions due to the different types of permits issued for the same process i.e., residuals, recycle, and groundwater. Dec. 6, 1984 — Complaint from City of Rockwell of white color in creek. May 9, 1985 — A memorandum concerning a complaint investigation of a spill/runoff into creek (investigated on Nov. 15, 1984) from the ALCHEM plant and drinking water well contamination. All stream samples showed high concentrations of Al, Fe, Na, and Zn. Dec. 30, 1985 — WQ MRO complaint investigation report summing up issues from multiple spills throughout the last 12 months since the Nov. 15, 1984 investigation. Jan. 2 & 7, 1985 — WQ samples the stream. Samples come back with extremely high concentrations of Al, Fe, Na, and Zn. (data in file) Feb. 28, 1985 — Stream samples still show high levels of Al, Fe, & Na. March 26, 1985 — WQ received another complaint from a resident in the ALCHEM area. April 1, 1985 - Soil samples showed high levels of Al, Fe, & Na. Well samples taken at the same time were high in Al & Na. Down stream samples showed high concentrations of Al, Fe, Na, and Zn. Upstream samples did not show high concentrations of Al, Fe, Na, and Zn. Also discovered the path of runoff from ALCHEM property to the stream. May 9, 1985 — A memorandum from Monty Payne & Jesse Wells, to Bill Jeter, concerning multiple complaints from neighbors of ALCHEM. June 11, 1985 —Stream samples, once again, show high levels of Al, Fe, & Na. Sept. 9, 1985 — During a meeting with WQ and ALCHEM, it was determined that the ponds need to be emptied and contaminated soil be removed or neutralized. if the lagoon was to be used it must be lined. They also must submit an application for a non -discharge permit. Jan. 3, 1986 — WQ staff report (Thurmon Horne) for ALCHEM (APN 005232) The facility has 2 existing (un-permitted) recycle lagoons. DEM & DHR have both conducted investigations regarding well and groundwater contamination. ALCHEM has had to replace one off site drinking water well, cleaned areas affected be run-off, and removing all liquid from the lagoons with the intention of removing the lagoons (excavating and removing contaminated soils). ALCHEM proposes to construct a new recycle system. The new process will involve mixing bauxite, sulfuric acid, and water in a reactor. The waste residuals (pH between 2.0 and 2.5) will be pumped to the proposed non -discharge recycle wastewater treatment facility. The residuals from the facility will be pumped to the retention pond where LIME will be added to raise the pH to 6 s.u. The applicant proposes to dispose of the ALCHEM file History Page 2 residuals in the county landfill. The applicant has failed to submit acceptable detailed engineering plans and specs as requested. Recommendations: Considering the past history of this facility, it is imperative that a thorough evaluation is made prior to permit issuance... Jan. 7, 1986 — A meeting in Rockwell between DEM & ALCHEM, concerning a need for a permit for the ALCHEM facility. Jan. 8, 1986 — DEM WQ MRO memorandum — WQ reviews an application and recommends that ALCHEM do a thorough investigation of the present subsurface conditions prior to issuance of the permit. Jan. 8, 1986 — MRO GW memo from Jesse Wells to Len Bramble. GW recommends that ALCHEM do a thorough investigation of the present subsurface conditions including directional flow and gradient of the groundwater, lithologic description and determination of the hydraulic conductivity of the soil, and sampling of the saturated zone as a requirement before issuance of the permit. Jan. 30, 1986 - A letter from DENR & Community Development, regarding insufficient data to process the permit application. April 10, 1986 — A letter from DENR to ALCHEM regarding Operation of an un-permitted non - discharge Waste Treatment System. May 5, 1986 ALCHEM submits a permit application for a tank spill containment area & a sand filter. May 14, 1986 — DEM Groundwater section memo from Len Bramble to Bill Crawford. Subject application of new permit APN 0076633 and GW 8680. "We have received copy of the above referenced application which was sent to your regional office for comment on or about May 12, 1986"... June 17, 1986 — A letter from ALCHEM to DENR Addendum to application APN007633. Sept. 12, 1986 — DEM GW — memo. Sub. Permit app. Review, ALCHEM, GW86080. Recommends issuance of permit with 2 conditions. 1- the sand filter bed must be lined with a geotech fiber and two layers of 6 mil. (12 mil. total) synthetic liner. 2- any groundwater monitoring deemed necessary by the department. September 22, 1986 — A note to file regarding a letter from ALCHEM to Thurmond Horne evaluating a vacuum filter. Note from staff suggests that the dept. hold the permit application for four weeks before returning the application to ALCHEM as incomplete. (what happened to 1987?) "I _y ALCHEM file History Page 3 Jan. 19, 1988 — A letter from DENR to ALCHEM —Subject: Project ReturnAPN007633. In reference to application received May 7, 1986. Feb. 1988 — A etter from ALCHEM to DENR. " I did not realize that our non -discharge Permit was being held. We decided to put in a sand filter enclosed in a tank..." July 30, 1989 — A letter from DENR & Comm. Dev. regarding information needed for a review of ALCHEM Ind. Recycle (WQ0001987) permit to be completed. October 2, 1989 —A letter from DENR to ALCHEM. Subject: Project Return (WQ0001987). October 11, 1989 — A staff report from MRO recommends that the ERG and groundwater provide comments before permit issuance and possible cake sludge storage issues. (Allen Hardee, MRO staff). January 10, 1990 - DENR issues permit WQ0002702 after review of Nov. 17,1989 (permit) application. (cannot find copy of application in file for this date) May 4, 1990 — A letter from ALCHEM to DENR (Carolyn McCaskill) referencing permit WQ0002702 and regarding removal of a partition between two lagoons. May 21, 1990 A letter from ALCHEM to MR. Rex Gleason (MRO) referencing permit WQ0002702 and regarding installed facilities ready for inspection. October 25, 1990 — A Notice of Violation regarding a discharge of alum (?) into the creek. Oct. 8, 1992 — ALCHEM submits a permit application for a recycle system. Oct. 19, 1992 — An application from ALCHEM received by DEHNR (no application found in MRO files). March 11, 1993 — GW memo regarding modification of permit WQ0002702 (concerning) proposed sludge storage lagoons. GW recommends (two) monitoring wells. March 23, 1993 — A renewal application from ALCHEM received by DEHNR (no application found in MRO files). April 8, 1993 - The amended permit is issued to ALCHEM. April 20, 1993 — A letter from ALCHEM to DEHNR regarding amendment of permit WQ0002702 including monitoring well requirements and construction of only two lagoons rather than the original five. Sees no need for groundwater monitoring. April 20, 1993 — A letter from DEHNR to ALCHEM was conveying groundwater -monitoring guidance. ALCHEM file History Page 4 June 9, 1993 —A memo from Don Saffrit, P.E., Asst. Chief for Teck. Support to Ted Bush Asst. Chief, groundwater section regarding a petition (ALCHEM monitoring wells) with the Office of Administrative hearings. June 22, 1993 — A memo from MRO GW (David Eudy) to Jack Floyd regarding adjudication request - regarding concerns with sulfuric acid in large quantities and past history of non-compliance, there is ample justification for groundwater monitoring requirements. June 25, 1993 — A memo from Central GW to MRO GW, regarding adjudication request. "The groundwater section stands firm with its decision to recommend groundwater monitoring to remain a part of the permit". June 30, 1993 — A letter from DEHNR to ALCHEM, regarding groundwater monitoring to stay in the amended permit. Sept. 21, 1993 — A letter from ALCHEM to NC EMC asking permission to drop VOC testing requirements from the permit. April 6, 1994 — A memo from MRO GW to DEM GQ, acknowledging receipt of a permit renewal application for ALCHEM WQ0002702. April 27, 1994 — A memo to DEM GW Compliance Group from Barbara Christian, MRO GW Supervisor regarding a site inspection (for a permit renewal) on April 26, 1994 that raised several concerns. • Raw aluminum ore storage issues • Monitoring reports indicate that monitoring wells were not purged prior to sampling • Lack of chemical analyses of the lagoon wastewater • Inaccurate topographic site map May 23, 1994 — A memo from Cindy Boyles to Carolyn McCaskill, regarding ALCHEM permit renewal (permit WQ0002702) reads "run-offinto a drainage way still poses a problem to the residents directly below grade ". June 27, 1994 — (renewed) permit WQ0002702 issued. July 11, 1994 — A letter from DEHNR to ALCHEM, regarding (groundwater) monitoring guidance. October 30, 1995 — A certified letter to ALCHEM from MRO GW regarding proper purging of monitoring wells prior to sampling (permit WQ0002702). October 20, 1998 — ALCHEM submits for a permit renewal and modification (permit WQ0002702). 4 ALCHEM file History Page 5 Nov. 10, 1998 — A staff report by G.T. Chen includes very little comment. "pending final review and approval by the SERG and the Groundwater Section, it is recommended that the subject permit (WQ0002702) be renewed and modified to allow sand by-product to be mixed with clay. December 8, 1998 — Memo from Peggy Findley, MRO, to Dr. Ken Rudo. Request for Health Rick Evaluation for the public water supply well on the ALCHEM premises. December 30, 1998 — a memo from Brian Wootton (MRO) to Kim Colson WQS, regarding groundwater monitoring changes to the ALCHEM permit WQ0002702. Existing monitoring wells MW-1 & MW-2 shall be sampled Feb. & July for water level, aluminum, and pH. Jan. 21, 1999 — renewal permit WQ0002702 (industrial recycle bauxite process) is issued to ALCHEM. *****March 1, 1999 - Permit WQ00016338 is issued to ALCHEM for a bauxite (residuals) reuse Program "... for the operation of a bauxite residuals reuse program (as structural fill) on ALCHEM Inc.'s property at 8135 Red Road, Rockwell, NC..." April 25, 2000 — A letter from DEHNR, MRO, to ALCHEM, regarding (permit WQ0002702) field analysis data (section 4 of the groundwater G-59 form). Oct. 11, 2001 — A letter from Groundwater MRO, to ALCHEM, regarding an upward trend of aluminum in MW-1 and MW-2 (permit WQ0002702). Letter asks from ALCHEM to re -sample within 60 days, including the drinking water supply well that serves the office. October 17, 2001 — A letter from IAC (Ind. & Agri. Chem. Inc. -parent company of ALCHEM) regarding the Oct. 11, 2001 letter to ALCHEM...."Alchem manufactures aluminum sulfate. Both cation and anion are very water-soluable. We have noticed the increase in aluminum values but with no corresponding sulfate increase. Naturally, we are concerned. However, is it possible that the aluminum is coming from other sources since there is no increase in the sulfate anion? We are going to follow your instructions and will be in touch with you". Jan. 7, 2002 - A Notice of Violation letter, groundwater quality violations. March 15, 2002 — Notice of Violation for WQ0016338 concerning monitoring reports for sect. III, part 3&4. April 12, 2002 - A rescission of NOV letter from Peggy Finley, MRO, to ALCHEM. April 29, 2003 — A complaint received by MRO, from a downstream neighbor of large amounts of white substance being washed down the creek from ALCHEM property. Wes Bell, MRO investigated. Spent Bauxite is found to be over 2 feet think in parts of the stream. April 30 and May 8, 2003 — Investigations had determined that the run-off from ALCHEM had impacted up to 500 linear feet of a tributary to Second Creek. ALCHEM file History Page 6 May 12, 2003 — NOWNRE for permit WQ0016338 regarding the above complaint investigation. May 14, 2003 — A letter from DENR MRO to ALCHEM, regarding the NOV stating that the NOV should have been issued against permit WQ0416338. May 23, 2003 — The TARA Group is hired to repair erosion control issues at ALCHEM. May 28, 2003 — A letter from ALCHEM to Rex Gleason, supervisor WQS, MRO in response to the May 12, 2003 NOV/NRE. ALCHEM sends an outline of a cleanup plan. August 8, 2003 — MRO photos reflect no clean up activity. August 18, 2003 — (WQ0016338) a penalty was assessed in the amount of $5,998.28 for the May 12, 2003 NOV. August 19, 2003 — A NOV (WQ0016338) was issued for failure to incorporate remedial actions/illegal discharge to surface water. Feb. 24, 2004 — ALCHEM submits the annual report for WQ0016338. ALCHEM reports "for the year 2003, we did not accumulate enough silica residual to land apply". July 29, 2004 — ALCHEM is on a payment plan with AGO for the May 12, 2003 NOV, per Janet Leach. Aug. 13, 2004 — A letter from DEHNR to ALCHEM, regarding withdrawal of permit application package for WQ0016338. Sept. 29, 2004 - MRO receives a request to renew WQ0002702. Sept. 20, 2004 — MRO receives a request to renew WQ0016338. October, 2004 — MRO photos show new berm built around fill area. Oct. 25, 2004 — A staff report by Ellen Huffinan, MRO, for both permit renewals, requests that due to past confusion between the two permits that they be combined for better monitoring of a site with many compliance issues in the past. There were also many other changes requested. December 28, 2004 — A renewal permit for WQ0002702 (recycle) is issued with the many changes (as requested by MRO, but the other permit (WQ0016338, residuals) is not issued. It is currently being held in Central Offices until the confusion is cleared up. Permit WQ0016338 was not renewed until Dec. 28, 2006. ALCHEM file History Page 7 Dec. 30, 2004 & Jan.5, 2005 — A follow-up investigation by Wes Bell, MRO, revealed stormwater run- off issues with low pH continuing to impact the stream. Jan. 12, 2005 — NOV/NRE issued due to continued problems found during the investigation on Dec. 30, 2004 and Jan. 5, 2005. Jan. 27, 2005 — A letter from ALCHEM to Rex Gleason, MRO, regarding further cleanup of stream. Letter states that their pH readings are not as low as the readings that Wes Bell had gotten. Feb. 9, 2005 - A letter from ALCHEM to Rex Gleason, MRO, regarding soils sampling, liming affected areas, hiring a tree expert, and repairing silt fences. Feb. 10, 2005 — A letter from ALCHEM to Div. Of WQ, Central Office, regarding the receipt of the new permit WQ0002702. The permit was dated Dec. 28, 2004 but ALCHEM says that they did not receive it until Jan. 28, 2005. This letter asks for an extension of 90 days to review the permit. To the writer's knowledge, Central Office did not reply to this letter. March 8, 2005 — A letter from ALCHEM to Div. Of WQ, Central Office, regarding many objections to the permit conditions of WQ0002702. To the writer's knowledge, no response received by Central Office. March 10, 2005 — A letter from ALCHEM to Non-Dis. Compliance conveys the annual report for WQ0016338. This letter states that they did not accumulate enough silica residual to land apply, just like the 2003 annual report. The writer recalls that ALCHEM stated that they plan to clean out a lagoon (or two) in the spring which is why the staff report asked for extra pH testing on excavated materials and an inspection of the lagoon liner. April 22, 2005 — A Notice of Regulatory Requirements for WQ0002702 was sent regarding the recently renewed permit. The MRO stated that they considered this permit enforceable as the adjudication period had passed without comment. June 8, 2005 — Central Office asks for additional information via registered letter, to be received by July 8, 2005. Additional information requested, included engineering documentation of the fill area and the berm. June 21, 2005 — A letter from DWQ MRO Supervisor regarding concern with the consistently low pH readings measured in the stormwater ditch adjacent to the railroad tracks by unloading station. July 8, 2005. — No additional information is received. August 2, 2005 - Email from David Goodrich regarding phone call from Mr. Nathan Cook of BOYLE Engineering, who has been retained by Randall Andrews (ALCHEM) to perform site evaluation of Red Rd. facility. ALCHEM file History Page 8 August 2, 2005 — Copy of Decision of Dismissal (dated July 29, 2005) is received by MRO via fax. August 4, 2005 — Inspection reflects poor conditions persist including; no freeboard in lagoons, burying construction debris in the fill area, low pH in recycle system water, and new water line places in fill area. August 15, 2005 — Mr. Andrews sends a letter to Shannon Thornburg, (Author of permit), asking for DWQ to relax the provision regarding pH in the spent bauxite lagoon water. August 24, 2005 — An email from Larry Ausley, DWQ Laboratory Section, emails results from an ad hoc experiment of 3 spent bauxite samples collected by Ellen Huffman from sand at the fill area August 23, 2005. See file for preservation and test method. Results were 3.7, 3.5, and 3.0, SUs respectively. September 20, 2005 — NOWNRE WQ0002702 was issued for the August inspection for permit WQ 0002702 renewed in December 2004, for permit conditions. A requested site life estimate for the fill area, and a long-range disposal plan were requested in the renewed permit. This NOWNRE was never assessed because the permit is still in the adjudication process. October 10, 2005 — A letter from ALCHEM stating that they are "sorry for the violations" and "we are committing the time and the money to correct any problems here" AND "our new permit remains under appeal". October 11, 2005 — A letter from Alchem contains a copy of the business card for Nathan Cooke, with BOYLE Consulting Engineering. The letter also states that James T. Hill, RLS, a surveying company in Salisbury is re -surveying the property at Red Rd. October 24, 2005 — ALCHEM receives the Geotechnical Exploration and Analyses report regarding the earthen berm built around the fill area. January 6, 2006 — NRE — for the renewed permit WQ0002702, was issued for the requested site life estimate for the fill area and a long-range disposal plan. This NOWNRE was never assessed because the permit was in the adjudication process. January 26, 2006 — Deficiencies are noted in initial Laboratory Certification Inspection for pH calibration. January 30, 2006 — A call to BOYLE Engineering confirms that ALCHEM has received the geotechnical report regarding the earthen berm and the fill area. The MRO requests a copy of this report from ALCHEM. March 1, 2006 — MRO receives the Boyle Engineering report. ALCHEM file History Page 9 November 16, 2006 — File note indicates that ALCHEM has hired DELTA Environmental for assistance with site issues. December 5, 2006 — An inspection reflects the same site conditions found in previous inspections, including low pH in all three lagoons, low pH in stormwater collected by the berm, and poor berm conditions as stated in earlier reports. December 20, 2006 — A NOV/NRE was issued for permit (WQ0016338) conditions, pH issues, and apparent berm failure (water seeping). December 20, 2006 — A NOV/NRE was issued for permit (WQ0002702) conditions, pH issues, groundwater, and freeboard. January 8, 2007 — A letter from Alchem regarding NOV/NRE. Alchem states that they were unaware that the berm is seeping. Alchem also states "it is apparent that there is some very small amount of seepage under the retaining berm". Alchem asks for a meeting between Alchem and MRO staff to discuss the issues. January 11, 2007 — Alchem responds to groundwater violations (WQ0002702 NOV/NRE). January 16, 2007 — MRO emailed and faxed Randall Andrews regarding a date for the meeting originally scheduled for January 24, 2007 and now moved to January 31, 2007 at 10:30 AM, to accommodate Mr. Andrews schedule. January 19, 2007 — A certified letter from MRO responding to the January 8 letter from ALCHEM, reiterating conditions in the NOV/NRE and the need for a alternative disposal plan for the residuals to be presented at the meeting scheduled for January 31, 2007, and a plan to correct current plant conditions. January 26, 2007 — A letter from Alchem, asking the MRO to consider allowing 500 tons of material to be moved and put into an area near the railroad (?). ALCHEM re -stated the desire to use the fill as structural fill for chemical mixing tanks. January 31, 2007 — Meeting held at MRO with Randall Andrews, ALCHEM. Mr. Andrews did not have an alternative disposal plan. Mr. Andrews said that he would have a plan by February 2, 2007. February 9, 2007 — A faxed letter from ALCHEM mentions disposal possibilities but no real plan. Asks again for permission to remove sand to fill area. February 14, 2007 — MRO letter to ALCHEM reminding ALCHEm that they are not to use the fill area. February 14, 2007 — A letter from ALCHEM stating that they have retained Delta Consultants to evaluate existing berm structure. Letter also states "current thoughts are to install a synthetic barrier..." February 19, 2007 — A letter from ALCHEM regarding NOV for permit WQ0002702. Note: the NOV was for groundwater violations. The letter did not offer any real solutions but again, requested permission to remove sand to the fill area that is permitted under WQ0016338. 10 COUNTY ROWAN RIVER BASIN : REPORT TO MRO Regional Office Other : COLLECTOR(S) : W BELL DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY Chemistry Laboratory Report/ Water Quality PRIORITY ❑ AMBIENT Ej QA XD COMPLIANCE CHAIN OF CUSTODY EMERGENCY VISIT ID W❑ SAMPLETYPE 0 STREAM ❑ EFFLUENT ❑ LAKE INFLUENT ESTUARY 1 Lab Number 3W5063 Date Received: 8/12/2003 Time Received: 9:15 AM Received By Data Released : AR Date Reported: 8/20/2003 Estimated BOD Range: Station Location: UT TO SECOND CRK Seed: Chlorinated: Remarks: Station 9 Date Begin (yy/mm/dd) Date End (yy/mm/dd) Time Begin Time End I Depth - DM, DB, DBM Value Type - A, II, L Composite-T, S, II Sample Type BOD310 m /L COD High 340 m /L COD Low 335 m /L Coliform: MF Fecal 31616 /100ml Coliform: MF Total 31504 /100ml Coliform: tube Fecal 31615/100ml Coliform: Fecal Strep 31673/100ml Residue: Total 500 m /L Volatile 505 m /L Fixed 510 m /L Residue: Suspended 530 m /L Volatile535 m /L Fixed 540 m /L H 403 units Acidity to pH4.5436 m /L Acidity to pH8.3435 m /L Alkalinity to pH8.3415 m /L Alkalinity to pH4.5410 m /L TOC680 m /L Turbidity 76 NTU Coliform Total Tube "/100 mis Chloride 940 m L Chill a: Tri 32217 ti /L Chl a: Corr 32209 u /L Pheo h tin a 32213 u /L Color: True 80 C.U. Color: H 83 pH= C.U. Color: PH 7.6 82 C.U. Cyanide 720 m /L Fluoride 951 m /L Formaldehyde 71880 m /L Grease and Oils 556 m /L Hardness Total900 m /L Specific Cond. 95 umhos cm2 MBAS38260 m L Phenols 32730 u /L Sulfate 945 m /L Sulfide 745 m /L Boron Tannin & Li in u /L Hexavalent Chromium u /L Bicarbonate m /L Carbonate .m /L NH3asN610 m /L TKN an N 625 m /L NO2 plus NO3 as N 630 m /L P: Total as P 665 m /L PO4 as P 70507 m /L P: Dissolved as P 666 m /L K-Potassium m /L XX Cadmium 1027 2.OU u /L X Cr-Chromium:Total1034 25U u /L X Cu- Copper 1042 4.9 u / L ICd- X 15 u /L -Ni-Nickel1067 Pb- Lead 1051 IOU u /L X Zn- Zinc 1092 43 u /L IV -Vanadium u /L X I A-Silver1077 5.OU u /L 12000 u /L -Be llium1012 IOU u /L a-Calcium916 25 m /L RXA,I-'Alumirmm1105 o- Cobalt1037 50U u L e- Iron 1045 13000 u /L X Li-Lithium1132 25U u /L X Mg- Magnesium 92 11 m /L X Mn-Manganese 105. 2400 u L X Na- Sodium 929 6.4 m /L X Arsenic:Total1002 IOU u /L X Se -Selenium 1147 5.OU u L HA- Mercu71900 u /L Ba_Barium u /L Or anocWorme Pesticides Or ano hos horns Pesticides Acid Herbicides Base Neutral&Acid Extractable Organics TPH Diesel Range Pur eable Organics(VOA bottler 'd TPH Gasoline Range TPH BTEX Gasoline Range Ph to lankton COMMENTS: gY.vsa. rer-r-.r r rhea ne�+nntnnr r,rq+ � a "a AUG 2 2 2003 'J a'.],5 D ISION OF WATER QUALITY WATER QUALIT IELD I) COUNTY �Uf ►1 PRIORITY 1 SAMPLETY RIVER BASIN (1 ' — (� e ❑ REPORT TO: ARO FR �R6RO WaRO WiRO WSRO TS COMPLIANCE AT BM Other Shipped by: Bus, CDStaff, Other COLLECTOR(S): W Al P Estimated BOD Range: 0-5/5-25/25-65/40-130 or 100 plus �—�/ Seed: Yes ❑ No © Chlorinated: Yes ❑ No E AMBIENT ' VSTREAM ❑ EFFLUENT ❑ LAKE ❑ INFLUENT ❑ EMERGENCY ' ❑ ESTUARY @I, For Lab Use ONLY Lab Number: '500—J Date Received: V Time: Rec'd b : DATA ENTRY BY: From: Bu Courie Hand Del. CK: DATE REPORTED: STATION LOCATION: Lt- f + O 5 e c e n d C vf,•P e / REMARKS: l i D S `Ff P C1 iYi U In Cl of 03 Ly y) 5 7 000 YA � Stt�l iD' 1y► Q � O CA f jA SIf Station 0 Date Begin (yy/mm/dd) Time Begin Date End Time End Depth DM DB DBM Value Type Composite Sample Type 3(9 I :15 Pn1 A H L T S B C G GNXX 1 BOD5 310 mg/L 2 COD High 340 mg/L 3 COD Low 335 mg/L 4 Coliform: MF Fecal 31616 /100ml 5 Coliform: MFTotal 31504 /100ml 6 Coliform: Tube Fecal 31615 /100ml 7 Coliform: Fecal Strep 31673 /100ml 8 Residue: Total 500 mg(L 9 Volatile 505 mg/L 10 Fixed 510 mg/L I 1 Residue: Suspended 530 mg/L 12 Volatile 535 mg/L 13 Fixed 540 mg/L 14 pH 403 units 15 Acidity to pH 4.5 436 mg/L 16 Acidity to pH 8.3 435 mg/L 17 Alkalinity to pH 8.3 415 mg/L 18 Alkalinity to pH 4.5 410 mg/L 19 TOC 680 mg/L 20 Turbidity 76 NTU Chloride 940 mg/L Chi a 70953 µg/L Color: True 80 Pt -Co Color:(pH ) 83 ADMI Color:pH 7.6 82 ADMI Cyanide 720 mg/L Fluoride 951 mg/L Formaldehyde 71880 mg/L Grease and Oils 556 mg/L Hardness Total 900 mg/L Specific Cond. 95 MBAS 38260 mg/L Phenols 32730 µg/L Sulfate 945 mg/L Sulfide 745 mg/L NH3 as N 610 mg/L TKN as N 625 mg/L NO2 plus NO3 as N 630 mg/L P: Total as P 665 mg/L PO4 as P 665 mg/L P: Dissolved as P 666 mg/L IT Cd-Cadmium 1027 µg/L Cr-Chromium;Total 1034 µg/L Cu-Copper 1042 µg/L Ni-Nickel 1067 µg/L Pb-Lead 1051 µg/L Zn-Zinc 1092 µg(L. Ag-Silver 1077 µg/L Al -Aluminum 1105 µg/L Be -Beryllium 1012 µg/L Ca -Calcium 916 mg/L Co -Cobalt 1037 µg/L \/ Fc-Iron 1045 µg/L Li -Lithium 1132 µg/L Mg -Magnesium 927 mg/L ✓ Mn-Manganese 1055 µg/L Na-Sodium 929 mg/L Arsenic:Total 1002 µg/L Sc-Selenium 1147 µg/L Hg-Mcrcury 71900 µg/L Organochlorine Pesticides Organophosphorus Pesticides Acid Herbicides Basc/Neutral Extractable Organics Acid Extractable Organics Purgeable Organics (VOA bottle req'd) Phytoplankton Lab Use Onlv Temperature on arrival: Sampling Point % Conductance at 25°C Water Temperature °C D.O. mg/L pH Alkalinity Acidity Air Temperature °C �2-3eC/1O 5tC rja/LI q pH 8.3pH 4.5 pH4.5 pH 8.3 2 4 0 300 400 43 82242 0 Salinity 96° Precipitation (in/day) Cloud Cover% Wind Direction (Deg) Stream Flow Severity=1350 everity Wind Velocity Mean Stream Depth ft. Stream Width ft. 80 5 2 6 1351 35 64 4 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY Chemistry Laboratory Report / Water Quality W❑ SAMPLE TYPE COUNTY ROWAN PRIORITY RIVER BASIN: ❑ AMBIENT E::] QA STREAM EFFLUENT REPORT TO MRO Regional Office X❑ COMPLIANCE 0 CHAIN OF CUSTODY LAKE INFLUENT Other EMERGENCY VISIT ID ESTUARY COLLECTOR(S) : W BELL Lab Number : 3W5064 Date Received: 8/12/2003 Time Received: 9:15 AM Received By DS al o Datatteleased : AR Date Reported : 8/20/2003 Estimated BOD Range: Station Location: ALCHEM INC SEDIMENT BASIN EFFLUENT Seed: Chlorinated: Remarks: Station q Dale Begin (yy/mm/dd) Date End (yy/mm/dd) Time Begin Time End I Depth - DM, DB, DBM Value Type - A,11, L Composite-T, S, B I Sample Type B0D310 m /L COD High 340 m /L COD Low 335 m L Coliform: MF Fecal 31616 /100m1 Coliform: MF Total 31504 /loom] Coliform: tube Fecal 31615 /100ml Coliform: Fecal Step, 31673 /100ml Residue: Total 500 m L Volatile 505 m L Fixed 510 m L Residue: Suspended 530 m /L Volatile535 m /L Fixed 540 m /L H 403 units Acidity to pH 4.5 436 m /L Acidity to pH 8.3 435 m /L Alkalinity to PH8.3415 m /L Alkalinity to pH 4.5 410 m /L TOC 680 m /L Turbidity 76 NTU Colifonn Total Tube "/100 mis COMMENTS: Chloride940 m /L Chi a: Tri 32217 u / L Chi a: Corr 32209 u /L Pheo h tin a 32213 u /L Color: True 80 C.U. Color: H 83 pH= C.U. Color: pH 7.6 82 C.U. Cyanide 720 m /L Fluoride951 m /L Formaldehyde 71880 `n /L Grease and Oils 556 m /L Hardness Total900 m /L Specific Cond. 95 umhos cm2 MBAS38260 m /L Phenols32730 u /L Sulfate945 m /L Sulfide745 m /L Boron Tannin & Li in u L Hexavalent Chromium u /L Bicarbonate m /L Carbonate m /L NH3 as N 610 m /L TKN an N 625 m /L NO2 plus NO3 as N 630 m /L P: Total as P 665 m L PO4 as P 70507 m L P: Dissolved as P 666 m L K-Potassium m /L X Cd- Cadmium 1027 2.OU u L X Cr-Chromium:Tota11034 25U u /L X Cu- Copper 1042 19 u L X Ni-Nickel1067 92 u /L X Pb- Lead 1051 IOU u L X Zn- Zinc 1092 150 u L V-Vanadium u /L X A-Silver1077 5.OU u L X AI- Aluminum 1105 110000 u /L X Be- Beryllium 1012 IOU u /L X Ca- Calcium 916 88 m L X Co- Cobalt 1037 65 u /L' X Fe- Iron 1045 4300 u L X Li -Lithium 1132 190 u /L X Mg- Magnesium 92: 44 m /L X Mn-Manganese 105. 5200 v L X Na- Sodium 929 4.9 m /L X Arsenic:Tota11002 IOU u L X Se- Selenium 1147 5.OU u L H - Mercury 71900 u L Ba_Barium u L Or anochlorine Pesticides Or ano hos horus Pesticides Acid Herbicides Base Neutral&Acid Extractable Organics TPH Diesel Range Pur eable Organics(VOA bottle re 'd TPH Gasoline Range TPH BTEX Gasoline Range Ph to lankton iJl- lavW,vlvsnt�tap Inre®�;�� �t,-,,tnl razrra AUG 2 2 200S I�'I ION OF WATER QUALITY WATER QUA Y FI COUNTY PRIORITY SAMPLE TYPE RIVER BASIN RIVER BASIN d La — 0"�" AMBIENT ❑ STREAM [R/EFFLUENT REPORT TO: ARO FR RO O WBRO WiRO WSRO TS AT BM COMPLIANCE ❑ LAKE ❑ INFLUENT Shipped by: Bus, Dune) Staff, Other ❑ EMERGENCY I ❑ ESTUARY COLLECTOR(S): (A)A/ 6 / j� J�/� r Estimated BOD Range::.0-55/5-25/25-65/40-130 or 100 plus STATION LOCATION: A ✓ C 4% /t � Ti) C • 1 S Pd 1 %%�i j' j� hq Cy f�, e T �& e /j Sced: Ycs❑ NoL�J Chlorinated: Yes El No dMilmMoErNel.I Wd Lab Number: O V Date Received: � Time: , Rec'd b DATA ENTRY BY: -Dune From: Bu Hand Del. CK: DATE REPORTED: Station # Date Begin (yy/mm/dd) Time Begin Date End Time End Depth DM DB DBM Value Type Composite Sample Type (7 3 1 0$ I 0$ la`a5 PM A H L T S B C GNXX I BOD5 310 mg/L 2 COD High 340 mg/L 3 COD Low 335 mg/L 4 Coliform: MF Fecal 31616 /100ml 5 Coliform: MFTotal 31504 /100ml 6 Coliform: Tube Fecal 31615 /100ml 7 Coliform: Fecal Strep 31673 /100ml 8 Residue: Total 500 mg/L 9 Volatile 505 mg/L 10 Fixed 510 mg/L I I Residue: Suspended 530 mg/L 12 Volatile 535 mg/L 13 Fixed 540 mg/L 14 pH 403 units 15 Acidity to pH 4.5 436 mg/L 16 Acidity to pH 8.3 435 mg/L 17 Alkalinity to pH 8.3 415 mg/L 18 Alkalinity to pH 4.5 410 mg/L 19 TOC 680 mg/L 20 1 Turbidity 76 NTU Chloride 940 mg/L Chl a 70953 µg/L Color: True 80 Pt -Co Color:(pH ) 83 ADMI Color:pH 7.6 82 ADMI Cyanide 720 mg/L Fluoride 951 mg/L Formaldehyde 71880 mg/L Grease and Oils 556 mg/L Hardness Total 900 mg/L Specific Cond. 95 MBAS 38260 mg/L Phenols 32730 µg/L Sulfate 945 mg/L Sulfide 745 mg/L NH3 as N 610 mg/L TKN as N 625 mg/L NO2 plus NO3 as N 630 mg/L P: Total as P 665 mg/L PO4 as P 665 mg/L P: Dissolved as P 666 mg/L Cd-Cadmium 1027 µg/L Cr-Chromium;Total 1034 µg/L Cu-Copper 1042 µg/L Ni-Nickcl 1067 µg/L -Lead 1051 µg/L Zn-Zinc 1092 µg/L Ag-Silvcr 1077 µg/L AI -Aluminum 1105 µg/L Be -Beryllium 1012 µg/L Ca -Calcium 916 mg/L Co -Cobalt 1037 µg/L Fe -Iron 1045 µg/L f Li -Lithium 1132 µg/L Mg -Magnesium 927 mg/L Mn-Manganese 1055 µg/L Na-Sodium 929 mg/L Arsenic:Total 1002 µg/L Se -Selenium 1147 µg/L Hg-Mercury 71900 µg/L Organochlorinc Pesticides Organophosphorus Pesticides' Acid Herbicides Basc/Ncutral Extractable Organics Acid Extractable Organics Purgeablc Organics (VOA bottle req'd) Phytoplankton Lab Use Only Tem erature on arriv Sam lin Point % Conductance at 25"C Water Temperature *C D.O. mg/L pH AlkalinityAcidityAir Temperature "C o / Q 3' pH 5 pH 4.5 p 2 4 0/ ` 300 400 `� V 244 4314 243 2242 20 Salinity 96o Precipitation (in/day) Cloud Cover % Wind Direction (Deg) Stream Flow SeverityT135�O rbidity Severity Wind Velocity Mean Stream Depth ft. Stream Width ft. 80 5 2 6 1351 35 64 4 5io J(e) 3 °C of\ %/$ - r6/ f f C rP r,`r,ai6ark N_'dn phl 0;.2.5AAt Report to 0-0 o W WATER QUALITY SECTION CHAIN OF CUSTODY (COC) RECORD NC DENRIDWQ LABORATORY (check one): CENTRAL 1 [ ARO [ [ WaRO Page J_ of For Investigation of: i I It T h - A LC I'LTAITnr- • -�nC Sample collector (print name) i and DM-1 forms completed by: W P_ S lee e �� Sample collector's signature: �. -Ly Field storage conditions and location (when applicable): mmo,,m e Hw f�5erda+,on 4nCl 5fhf0 ,, // 5-f-o f ej Ems. 3 oC .•r4 f o fr 13 e e A C06bt W/,cP t fcVh rb/g Lab Use Only LAB NO. STATION NO. STATION LOCATION DATE SAMPLED TIME SAMPLED NUMBER OF CONTAINERS 0 o e Cf k —> u 5ffeam ciounsir $ /$/0,3 [ JL c M cn GJ ALC ta' AI Relinq ish by (signatu e): Date Time ic;mq Rec 4 e signature to ( 03 iEne • P� Relinquished by (signature): Date Time Received by (signature): ate Time Relinquished by (signature): Date Time Received by (signature): Date Time Method of Shipment circle one): State Couri Hand -delivered Federal Ex ress UPS Other: Security Type and Conditions:r4A Sealed y: (3 $/►[ 1103 � Id : �7 A Broke � INTRALABORATORY CHAIN OF CUSTODY - Lab Use Only LAB NUMBERS FROM THROUGH NUMBER BOTTLES ANALYSES REQUESTED RELINQUISHED BY: RECEIVED BY: DATE TIME lJ�rr (,�4- �i�l�lri��th19� 1\A1i t:' rttit� Y19V ems. P`4'•ri,. I.j'�:m.4:��� c"'6 QA\Forms\Sample Receiving\COC form WQ 11 t r n ! 17�0 05/02/2003 09:02 7042798418 ALCHEM INC PAGE 01 ALCIH[EM, INC. 8135 RED ROAD ROCKWELL, NC 28138 704-279-7908 FAX: 704-279-8418 pdrye.alchem@cbilnternet.com FAX 1110M Mr. Wes Bell Wayne Drye FAX NUMBER. DATE 704-663-6040 5/2/2003 ....__......... ........ ........... .--....... ....... ... ............................. .... . COMPANY TOTAL NO OF PAGES fNCLUDING COVER. NCDENR PHONE NUMBER: 704-663-1699 RE: I am sending to you the Annual Residual Sampling Summary Form that was sent to Raleigh in February 2003 along with the sand analyses. I am also sending the visual inspection sheets of the lagoons. Please let us know if we can be of further help to you. Thanks, Wayne ANNUAL RESIDUAL SAMPLING SUMMARY FORM Attach this form to the corresponding laboratory analysis Please nole that your permit may contain additional parameters to be analyed than those required to be summarized on this form_ Permit Number W00016338 Facility Name ALCHEM, INC. LABORATORY 1 TBL LA80RATORY NPDES # 2) a Mt) ) (r®ouel Wr Faclifies) 3 ) WWTP Name tesidual Analysis Data Dale SarrVied (grab) or 08/09102 01/15/03 Date Corrq=ited Percent Solids II,. Jam. �L•l �C�iiii_iii• �iriYiFi W Total Phosphorus X n��PP tl �r(t/���® 02105/03 (SIGNATURE OF PREPARER) DATE I certify, under penally of law. that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel property gathered an evafualed the information submAled I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false informalion including the possib)ily of fines and imprisonmenl for knowing violations " DEM FORM SSF (10194) 05/02/2003 09:02 el, 7042798418 elementOne Pam Hester TBL Laboratory P,O, Box 589 Lumberton, NC 28359 Sample # Sample Matrix Date Sampled 1/7/03 Delivered by Picked Up Page 1 of 1 ALCHEM INC Element One Inc. 5022-C Wrightsville Ave. Wilmington, NC 28403 Phone: 910 793-0128 Fax: 910 792-6853 e1lab@hotmail.com FINAL REPORT OF ANALYSES PAGE 03 January 15, 2003 Client Project Name ALCHEM, Inc. Client Project Number TBL-12614 PO Number E1 Project Number e1274 Sample ID Lagoon #3 Sample Type Date Received 1 /9/03 Time Sampled 0800 Time Received 1345 Sampler Wayne Drye Received by CMO E1 Sample # 1274-1 Parameter Result Unit Dilution DL Method Date Aluminum 7900 mg/Kg 500 0.4 EPA 200.8 1/13/03 Arsenic < 0.4 mg/Kg 1 0.4 EPA 200.8 1/13/03 Barium 36.9 mg/Kg 1 0.4 EPA 200.8 1/13/03 Cadmium < 0.2 mg/Kg 1 0.2 EPA 200.8 1/13/03 Calcium 583 mg/Kg 20 1.6 EPA 200.8 1/13/03 Chromium 6.64 mg/Kg 1 0.4 EPA 200.8 1/13/03 Copper 2.13 mg/Kg 1 0.2 EPA 200.8 1/13/03 Lead 14.3 mg/Kg 1 0.2 EPA 200.8 1/13/03 Magnesium 126 mg/Kg 1 0:8 EPA 200.8 1/13/03 Manganese 3.30 mg/Kg 1 0.4 EPA 200.8 1/13/03 Mercury 0.067 mg/Kg 1 0.01 EPA 245.1 1/13/03 Nickel 0.554 mg/Kg 1 0.4 EPA 200.8 1/13/03 Phosphorus 43.0 mg/Kg 1 0.8 EPA 200.8 1/13/03 Selenium < 0.4 mg/Kg 1 0.4 EPA 200.8 1/13/03 Silver < 0.2 mg/Kg 1 0.2 EPA 200.8 1/13/03 Sodium 101 mg/Kg 1 0.8 EPA 200.8 1/13/03 Zinc 1.75 mg/Kg 1 0.4 EPA 200.8 1/13/03 pH 3,73 SU 1 EPA 9045C 1/13/03 en Smith, Laboratory Director NC Certifications' DW 37788 and DWQ DENR 604 05/02/2003 09:02 7042798418 ALCHEM INC PAGE 04 elementOne Pam Hes(Pr TBL Lziboratory P 0 Box 589 Lumberton. NC 28359 Sraniple # Sample Matrix Dale Sampled 7124102 Delivered by Picked Up Page_ 1 of 1 Element One Inc. !3022-C W, iOhtsvillp Ave, Wilmington, NC 28403 Phone: 910 793-01 23 Fax, 910 792-6853 ellab@hutmail coin FINAL REPORT OF ANALYSES August 9, 2002 Client Project Name ALCHEM, Inc Client Project Number TBL-12141 PO Number E1 Project Number e0625 Sample ID Lagoon #3 Sample Type Date Received 7/26/02 Time Sampled 0800 Time Received 1640 Sampler Wayne Drye Received by BGH E 1 Sample # 0625-1 Palametel Result Unit Dilution DL Method Date AILP'llinUrn 10700 mg/Kg 1000 08 EPA 200.8 8/5102 Arsenic 3.05 mg/Kg 1 0A EPA 200.8 8/5/02 Barium 21.9 mg/Kg 1 04 EPA 200 8 8/5!02 C;rniuIli 2.2.0 mg/Kg 1 0.2 EPA 200,8 8/5102 (. a1(":I(irr1 95 0 mg/Kg 1 1,6 EPA 200.8 8/5/02 Chr(,)rT)iurri 81,1 mg/Kg 1 04 EPA 200 8 8/5/02 Copper 18 8 mq/Kg 1 02 EPA 200 8 8/5/02 L.uad 126 mg/Kg 1 0.2 EPA 200.8 8/5!02 Madnesiurn 25.4 rrlg/Kg 1 0 8 EPA 200.8 8i5102 Manganese 0,70 mg/Kg 1 0,4 EPA 200.8 8i`5102 rvler,,ury 0 033 mg/Kg 1 0 01 EPA 200.8 8111!0" N i c ke,1 7 36 mg/Kg 1 04 EPA 200.8 8/5/02 Phosphorus 12 8 mg/Kg 1 0 8 EPA 200 8 8/5/02 Selenium < 0.4 mg/Kg 1 0,4 EPA 200.8 8/5/02 `>ilvc:�r 0,77 mg/Kg 1 0 2 EPA 200 8 8/5102 Sodium99 0 mg/Kg 1 0 8 EPA 200.8 8/5''02 Zinc. 20.2 mg/Kg 1 0 4 EPA 200 8 8/5/02 I)H 3.4 SU 1 EPA 9045C 8/9i02 r� /�er)Srnith, Lat)oratory Director NC Certifications: DW 37788 and DWQ DENR 604 S0 39dd DNI W3HD-lV 8ib86LZvOt Z0:60 E00Z/Z0/90 05/02/2003 09:02 , 7042798418 ALCHEM INC PAGE 06 0 L 0 39Vd ONI W3HD-ld 8TV86LZVOL Z0:60 E00Z/Z0/S0 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 J .......... _.............:... _- J�� oN �Q� n-1 .,o acowb(j� • �o vS1 � alG',S` c, • ocu � Q ^ b - � 9 =� .mod _.. . ...-..�,..J.;n�3:1 Qom• . ID wd bc�aj • ON J6d �d _.. _ .. �f R ....... � n J .....� S� �........�.....; c � Cl OCR! �c,� � � ► "� � to S-1) Z�&jj 0(U ��Q:1 J �l S 80 39dd ONI W3HO-ld 8Zb86LZb0L Z0:60 E00Z/Z0/S0 Item 3. Preclusion of Best Usage On May 81h, DWQ visited the site and confirmed that in excess of 400 linear feet of stream impacts (see attached photos) occurred due to the deposition of sediment from the holding area. Large amounts of sediment was carried from this site by stormwater and deposited in to surface waters. Specifically, staff observed sediment accumulations up to 24 inches in the impacted stream. In addition, sediment deposition in the riparian areas adjacent to the stream was up to 12 inches deep. The sediment observed in the stream represents a removal of best usage and is a stream standard violation. Specifically, 15A NCAC 213 .0211 (2) states that the preclusion of best usage, which includes aquatic life propagation, biological integrity, wildlife, and secondary recreation, and agriculture, represents a water quality standard violation. This Office requires that violations, as detailed above, be abated immediately. Also please note, these violations and any future violations are subject to civil penalty assessment of up to $25,000.00 per day for each violation. This Office requests that you respond to this letter, in writing, within 20 days of receipt of this Notice. Your response should address the following items: - Please provide a map that details the number of linear feet of stream channel impacted by sedimentation. You should also provide maps indicating the accumulations of sediment in the stream, the impacts streamside (riparian) areas, and any wetland impacts. You should plan to restore the stream and riparian areas. This will require you develop a restoration plan for the streams and riparian zone (streamside areas). This issue should be addressed immediately. Also, must contact the Division of Land Resources and discuss whether these efforts will require a modification to the erosion and sediment control plan. It is also required that that you contact the MRO for guidance with respect to stream restoration efforts. Please keep in mind that many portions of the stream will require laborers to remove the sediment by hand. - A Restoration Plan for the stream and buffer impacts should be submitted to Mooresville Regional Office for our review. This plan should include the following: 1) Stream - This plan should detail sedimentation removal methods and a Physical Monitoring Plan. In this plan you should 1) specifically address the location of the riparian area to be restored, 2) the sedimentation depths in both the stream and riparian areas, 3) methods of sediment removal, 4) locations of spoil placement and stabilization, 5) a time line with dates that explains when the restoration will be started and completed, 6) report on how you can ensure that future impacts to stream and the riparian zone will not occur. - Please clearly indicate what efforts you have taken to temporarily stabilize the stream banks and streamside areas. This issue should be addressed immediately in order to help avoid additional stream standard violations. Also please clearly indicate if you are currently compliance with your permit NCGO10000. Also, please provide monitoring records as requested in Item I above. It is required that you contact the Mooresville Regional Office of the Division of Land Resources at (704) 663-1699, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at (828) 271 -7980 ext. 5. These contacts are necessary to ensure that _your restoration efforts are in compliance with Land Resources and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act requirements. Thank you for your attention to this matter. This Office is planning to send a recommendation for enforcement to the Director of the Division of Water Quality regarding these issues and any future/continued violations that may be encountered. Your response to this correspondence will be considered in this process. Should you have any questions regarding these matters, please contact Mike Parker or myself at (704) 663- 1699. Sediment filled stream channel on right side of photo. Deposition in "flood plain". Approximately 1+ acres was observed to be impacted in addition to the stream channel. Deposition at the edge of the complainants yard approximately 300 feet downstream from Alchem. Deposition of sediment 400+ ft. downstream of Alc�pm.