HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0002702_Regional Office Historical File Pre 2018 (6)s e NCDENR North Carolina Department of En ironment and Natural Resources Division of ater Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. ullins Governor Direct r August 5, 2010 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Randall Andrews, Registered Agent ALCHEM, Inc. 2042 Buie Philadelphus Road Red Springs, NC 28138 and ALCHEM, Inc. 8135 Red Road Rockwell, NC 28138 Dee Freeman Secretary SUBJECT: Assessment of Civil Penalty for Violations of NC General Statute 143-215.1 (6) and Non -Discharge Permit No. WQ0016338 Non -Discharge permit No. WQ0002702 Case No. PC-2010-0064 NOV-2010-PC-0438 Rowan County Dear Mr. Andrews: This letter transmits notice of a civil penalty assessed against ALCHEM, Inc. in the amount of $43,018.16, which includes $1,018.16 in investigative costs. A copy of the assessment document explaining this penalty is attached. This action was taken under the authority vested in me by delegation provided by the Secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the Director of the Division of Water Quality. Any continuing violation(s) may be the subject of a new enforcement action, including an additional penalty. Within thirty days of receipt of this notice, you must do one of the following three items: 1. Please submit payment of the penalty: 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Location: 512 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-807-63001 FAX: 919-807-64921 Customer Service:1-877-623-6748 Intemetwww.ncwaterquality.org Nne orthCarolina NahlrallY An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer A ®" ALCHEM, Inc. Assessment- „ WQ0016338 and WQ0002702 August 5, 2010 Payment should be made directly to the order of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (do not include waiver form). Payment of the penalty will not foreclose further enforcement action for any continuing or new violation(s). Please submit payment to the attention of: Mr. Ed Hardee DWQ/Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 2. Submit a written request for remission or mitigation including a detailed justification for such request: A request for remission or mitigation is limited to consideration of the reasonableness of the amount of the penalty and is not the proper procedure for contesting the accuracy of any of the statements contained in the assessment document. Because a remission request forecloses the option of an administrative hearing, such a request must be accompanied by a waiver of your right to an administrative hearing and a stipulation that there are no factual or legal issues in dispute. You must execute and return to this office the attached waiver and stipulation form, the Justification for Remission Request and a detailed statement, which you believe establishes whether: (a) one or more of the civil penalty assessment factors in G.S. 143B-282.1(b) were wrongfully applied to the detriment of the petitioner; (b) the violator promptly abated continuing environmental damage resulting from the violation; (c) the violation was inadvertent or a result of an accident; (d) . the violator had been assessed civil penalties for any previous violations; (e) payment of the civil penalty will prevent payment for the remaining necessary remedial actions. Please submit this information to the attention of: , , Mr. Ed Hardee DWQ/Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Please note that all information presented in support of a request for remission must be submitted in writing. The Director of the Division of Water Quality will review the information and inform you of her decision in the matter of the remission request. Her response will provide details regarding case status, directions for payment and provision for further appeal of the penalty to the Environmental Management Commission's Committee on Civil Penalty ALCHEM, Inc. Assessment W00016338 and WQ0002702 August 5, 2010 Remissions. Please be advised that the Committee cannot consider information that was not part of the original remission request considered by the Director, and therefore, it is very important that you prepare a complete and thorough statement in support of your request for remission. 3. File a petition for an administrative hearing with the Office of Administrative Hearings: If you wish to contest any statement in the attached assessment document you must file a petition for an administrative hearing. You may obtain the petition form from the Office of Administrative Hearings. You must file the petition with the Office of Administrative Hearings within thirty (30) days of receipt of this notice. A petition is considered filed when it is received in the Office of Administrative Hearings during normal office hours. The Office of Administrative Hearings accepts filings Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., except for official state holidays. The original and one (1) copy of the petition must be filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings. The petition may be faxed - provided the original and one copy of the document is received in the Office of Administrative Hearings within five (5) business days following the faxed transmission. The mailing address for the Office of Administrative Hearings is: Office of Administrative Hearings 6714 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-6714 Telephone (919) 733-2698 Facsimile (919) 733-3478 A copy of the petition must also be served on DENR as follows: Ms. Mary Penny Thompson, General Counsel Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1601 Please mail or hand deliver a copy to: Mr. Ed Hardee DWQ/Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Please indicate the case number (as found on page one of this letter) on the petition. Failure to exercise one of the options above within thirty (30) days of receipt of this letter, as evidenced by an internal date/time received stamp (not a postmark), will result in this matter being referred to the Attorney General's Office for collection of the penalty through a civil action. Please be advised that additional penalties may be assessed for violations that occur after the review period of this assessment. ALCHEM, Inc. Assessment WQ0016338 and W00002702 August 5, 2010 If you have any questions, please contact me at (704) 663-1699 or Mr. Ed Hardee at (919) 715-6189. Sincerely, 1��-/ r Andrew H. Pitner, P.G. Environmental Program Supervisor III Aquifer Protection Section Mooresville Regional Office ATTACHMENTS cc: Ed Hardee, DWQ APS Central Office w/attachments Case # PC-2010- 0064 w/ attachments APS Central Files w/ attachments Anita LeVeaux, Attorney General's Office, Environmental Division STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF ROWAN IN THE MATTER OF: ALCHEM INCORPORATED FOR VIOLATIONS OF PERMIT NO. WQ0016338, PERMIT NO. WO0002702 AND N.C.G.S. 143-215.1 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES File No. PC-2010-0064 FINDINGS AND DECISION AND ASSESSMENT OF CIVIL PENALTIES Acting pursuant to delegation provided by the Secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the Director of the Division of Water Quality, I, Andrew H. Pitner, P.G., Environmental Program Supervisor III of the Mooresville Regional Office (MRO) Aquifer Protection Section (APS) of the Division of Water Quality (DWQ), of the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, make the following: FINDINGS OF FACT: A. ALCHEM INCORPORATED (herein referred to as ALCHEM) is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of North Carolina. ALCHEM operates a washwater recycle system and a bauxite residuals disposal (monofill) system in Rockwell, North Carolina, Rowan County. The registered agent for ALCHEM is Randall Andrews. B. The Non -Discharge Permit WQ0002702 was issued December 28, 2004. It allows ALCHEM to recycle washwater from the production of alum and to store the resulting bauxite residuals in on -site lagoons. Permit WQ0002702 expires on November 30, 2012. C. The Non -Discharge Permit No. WQ0016338 was issued Dec. 28, 2006. It allows ALCHEM to dispose of the spent bauxite residuals on site, after they meet certain conditions, or be disposed of in a subtitle D landfill. The permit was adjudicated by Alchem. A settlement agreement between Alchem and DWQ was filed on November 27, 2007, making the permit effective. Permit WQ0016338 expires on November 30, 2014. D. On April 14, 2010, the facility was inspected by DWQ staff from the Mooresville Regional Office using the permit conditions contained in the most recent permits as well as the terms settlement agreement. On April 26, 2010, a follow-up inspection of the facility was conducted by DWQ staff from the Mooresville Regional Office. Said permits contain the following relevant conditions with inspection findings: 1. WQ0002702, Condition 13 requires the recycled water to be maintained at a pH of 6.0 Standard Units as it goes to the storage lagoons. The production records do not document pH readings for all the batches. In addition, the pH readings from the three lagoons which were taken by APS staff during the April 14, 2010, inspection indicated all the values to be well below 6.0 S.I. ti- 2. WQ0002702, Condition 10 requires two feet of freeboard in all lagoons. ALCHEM staff was advised of freeboard concerns during the April 14, 2010, inspection. During the follow-up inspection on April 26, 2010, APS staff measured freeboard at four points on the northern half of lagoon #1. Freeboard measurements ranged from 11 to 22 inchs and spent bauxite solids were piled higher than the grade of the lagoon. 3. WO0002702, Condition 12 requires vegetative cover to be maintained. There was no protective vegetative cover on any of the lagoon berms during the April 14, 2010 inspection. 4. WQ0002702, Condition 22 requires maintenance of an inspection log of the recycle facility. No such log was available for review during April 14, 2010, inspection. 5. WQ0002702, Condition 28 and WQ0016338, Condition 111.6 (mis-numbered on page 5 of the permit) both require the permittee to report noncompliance. Lagoon activity records for 2009 are incomplete and noncompliant pH readings were not reported to the division. No notice was filed with the division regarding failure to maintain the required freeboard. 6. WQ00163381 Condition 111.2 requires maintenance of records tracking all application activities such as location of residuals utilization and volume disposed. A report from Delta Environmental indicated that lagoon #3 was inspected in September 2009 after cleanout but there was no docmentation in the 2009 Annual Report of where the spent bauxite went for disposal. 7. WQ0016338, Condition 111.3 requires residual analyses to be conducted twice per year for metals, pH, and phosphorus. Only one analysis for metals was included in the 2009 Annual Report. 8. WQ0016338, Condition 111.6 requires maintenance of records for five years tracking all application activities associated with the surface disposal unit, including: a) Date and freeboard level measurements. b) Source and date of residuals disposed of in the surface disposal unit. c) Cumulative volume of residuals disposed in the surface disposal unit. d) Remaining volume in the surface disposal unit. e) An estimate of remaining useful life for the surface disposal unit No records were available during the April 14, 2010, inspection to document any of these activities/evaluations. 9. WQ0016338, Condition V.1 requires maintenance of an inspection log for residuals storage, transport and the disposal facilities. No such log was available for review during the inspection on April 14, 2010. E. On June 10, 2010, DWQ issued a Notice of Violation (NOV)/Notice of Intent (NOI) to Enforce to ALCHEM, identfying violations of Non -Discharge Permits WQ0002702 and WQ00016338. F. Staff costs and expenses associated with observing the violations, defining their nature and bringing enforcement action totaled $ 1318.16. Based upon the above Findings of Fact, I make the following: II. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: A. ALCHEM is a "person" within the meaning of G.S.143-215.6A pursuant to G.S. 143-212(4). B. Permit No. WO0016338 is required by N.C.G.S. 143-215.6A. It was issued on December 28, 2006, and became effective and enforceable on November 27, 2007. The permit expires on November 30, 2014. C. Permit No. WQ0002702 is required by N.C.G.S. 143-215.6A. It was issued on December 28, 2004. The permit expires on November 30, 2012. D. ALCHEM violated N.C.G.S. 143-215.1 and Permit WQ0002702 to the manner and extent as described in Condition 13 by failing to maintain the recycled water at a pH of 6.0 Standard Units as it goes to the storage lagoons. E. ALCHEM violated N.C.G.s. 143-215.1 and Permit WQ0002702 to the manner and extent as described in Condition 10 by failing to maintain two feet of freeboard in all lagoons. F. ALCHEM violated N.C.G.s. 143-215.1 and Permit WQ0002702 to the manner and extent as described in Condition 12 by failing to maintain protective vegetative cover on lagoon berms. G. ALCHEM violated N.C.G.S. 143-215.1 and Permit WQ0002702 to the manner and extent as described in Condition 22 by failing to maintain an inspection log for the recycle facility. H. ALCHEM violated N.C.G.S 143-215.1, Permit WQ0002702 Condition 28, and Permit WQ0016338 Condition 111.6 (mis-numbered on page 5 of the permit) to the manner and extent as described by failing to report noncompliance. I. ALCHEM violated N.C.G.S. 143-215.1 and Permit WQ0016338 to the manner and extent as described in Condition 111.2 by failing to maintain records to track all application activities such as location of residuals utilization and volume disposed. J. ALCHEM violated N.C.G.S. 143-215.1 and Permit WO0016338 to the manner and extent as described in Condition 111.3 by failing to submit residuals analysis for metals twice a year in 2009. K. ALCHEM violated N.C.G.S. 143-215.1 and WQ0016338 to the manner and extent as described in Condition 111.6 by failing to maintain tracking records for all application activities associated with the surface disposal unit. L. ALCHEM violated N.C.G.S. 143-215.1 and Permit WQ0016338 to the manner and extent described in Condition VA by failing to maintain a log of inspections of the residuals stroage, transport, and disposal facilities. M. General Statute 143-215.6A(a)(2) provides that a civil penalty of not more than $25,000.00 per violation may be assessed against a person who violates or fails to act in accordance with the terms, conditions, or requirements of a permit required by N.C.G.S. 143-215.1. N. General Statute 143-215.3(a)(9) provides that the reasonable costs of any investigation, inspection or monitoring survey may be assessed against a person who violates any regulations, standards, or limitations adopted by the Environmental Management Commission or violates any terms or conditions of any permit issued pursuant to N.C.G.S. 143-215.1, or special order or other document issued pursuant to N.C.G.S. 143-215.2. O. The Regional Supervisor of the Mooresville Aquifer Protection Section, Division of Water Quality, pursuant to delegation provided by the Secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the Director of the Division of Water Quality has the authority to assess civil penalties in this matter. Based upon the above Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, I make the following: III. DECISIONS: Pursuant to N.C.G.S. 143-215.6A in determining the amount of the penalty, I have taken into account the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and considered all the factors listed in N.C.G.S. 14313-282.1. Accordingly, ALCHEM shall be, and hereby is, assessed a civil penalty of: $ 16,000.00 for one violation of N.C.G.S. 143-215.1 and Permit WQ0002702 by failing to maintain the recycled water at a pH of 6.0 Standard Units as it goes to the storage lagoons. $ 5,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 4,000.00 for one violation of N.C.G.S. 143-215.1 and Permit WQ0002702 by failing to maintain two feet of freeboard in all lagoons for one violation of N.C.G.S. 143-215.1 and Permit WQ0002702 by failing to maintain protective vegetative cover on lagoon berms. for one violation of N.C.G.S. 143-215.1 and Permit WQ0002702 by failing to maintain an inspection log for the recycle facility. for one violation of N.C.G.S. 143-215.1, Permit WO0002702, and Permit WQ0016338 by failing to report noncompliance. for one violation of N.C.G.S. 143-215.1 and Permit WQ0016338 by failing to maintain records to track all application activities such as location of residuals utilization and volume disposed. for one violation of N.C.G.S. 143-215.1 and Permit WQ0016338 by failing to submit residuals analysis for metals twice a year in 2009. $ 5,000.00 for one violation of N.C.G.S. 143-215.1 and Permit WQ0016338 by failing to maintain tracking records for all application activities associated with the surface disposal unit such as freeboard measurements, source and date of disposal, cumulative disposal, remaining volume and useful disposal life. $ 2,000.00 for one violation of N.C.G.S. 143-215.1 and Permit WO0016338 by failing to maintain a log of inspections of the residuals stroage, transport, and disposal facilities. $ 42,000.00 TOTAL CIVIL PENALTY, which is 18 percent of the maximum penalty authorized by G.S. 143-215.6A. $ 1,018.16 Investigation and Enforcement costs assessed. $ 43,018.16 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE Pursuant to N.C.G.S. 143-215.6A in determining the amount of the penalty, I have taken into account the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and considered all the factors listed in N.C.G.S. 14313-282.1, which are: 1) The degree and extent of harm to the natural resources of the State, to the public health, or to private property resulting from the violation; 2) The duration and gravity of the violation; 3) The effect on ground or surface water quantity or quality or on air quality; 4) The cost of rectifying the damage; 5) The amount of money saved by non-compliance; 6) Whether the violation was committed willfully or intentionally; 7) The prior record of the violator in complying or failing to comply with programs over which the Environmental management Commission has regulatory authority; and 8) The cost to the State of the enforcement procedures. IV. NOTICE: I reserve the right to assess civil penalties and investigative costs for any continuing violations occurring after the assessment period indicated above. Each day of a continuing violation may be considered a separate violation subject to a maximum $25,000.00 per day penalty. Civil penalties and investigative cost may be assessed for any other rules and statutes for which penalties have not yet been assessed. V. TRANSMITTAL: These Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Decision shall be transmitted to ALCHEM Incorporated in accordance with N.C.G.S. 143-215.6(A)(d). (Date) Andrew H. Pitner, P.G. Environmental Program Supervisor III Aquifer Protection Section Mooresville Regional Office JUSTIFICATION FOR REMISSION REQUEST Case Number: PC-2010-0064 County: Rowan Assessed Party: ALCHEM Incorporated Permit No. (if applicable): WO0016338 &WQ0002702 Amount assessed: $43,018.16 Please use this form when requesting remission of this civil penalty. You must also complete the "Request For Remission Waiver of Right to an Administrative Hearing and Stipulation of Facts" form to request remission of this civil penalty. You should attach any documents that you believe support your request and are necessary for the Director to consider in determining your request for remission. Please be aware that a request for remission is limited to consideration of the five factors listed below as they may relate to the reasonableness of the amount of the civil penalty assessed. Requesting remission is not the proper procedure for contesting whether the violation(s) occurred or the accuracy of any of the factual statements contained in the civil penalty assessment document. By law [NCGS 133-215.6A(f)] remission of a civil penalty may be granted when one or more of the following five factors applies. Please check each factor that you believe applies to your case and provide a detailed explanation, including copies of supporting documents, as to why the factor applies (attach additional pages as needed). (a) one or more of the civil penalty assessment factors in NCGS 143B-282.1(b) were wrongfully applied to the detriment of the petitioner (the assessment factors are included in the attached penalty matrix and/or listed in the civil penalty assessment document); (b) the violator promptly abated continuing environmental damage resulting from the violation (i.e., explain the steps that you took to correct the violation and prevent future occurrences); (c) the violation was inadvertent or a result of an accident (i.e., explain why the violation was unavoidable or something you could not prevent or prepare for); (d) the violator had not been assessed civil penalties for any previous violations; _ (e) payment of the civil penalty will prevent payment for the remaining necessary remedial actions (i.e., explain how payment of the civil penalty will prevent you from performing the activities necessary to achieve compliance). EXPLANATION: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES COUNTY OF ROWAN IN THE MATTER OF ASSESSMENT) OF CIVIL PENALTIES AGAINST ) ALCHEM INCORPORATED ) Permit No. WO0016338 and ) Permit No. WQ00002702 ) WAIVER OF RIGHT TO AN ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING AND STIPULATION OF FACTS FILE NO. PC-2010-0064 Having been assessed civil penalties totaling $43,018.16 for violations as set forth in the assessment document of the Division of Water Quality, Aquifer Protection Section dated August 5, 2010 the undersigned, desiring to seek remission of the civil penalties, does hereby waive the right to an administrative hearing in the above -stated matter and does stipulate that the facts areas alleged in the assessment document. The undersigned further understands that all evidence presented in support of remission of this civil penalty must be submitted to the Director of the Division of Water Quality within 30 days of receipt of the notice of assessment. No new evidence in support of a remission request will be allowed after 30 days from the receipt of the notice of assessment. This the day of 120 Signature ADDRESS TELEPHONE .UNITED -STATES P �RrSVOW� Z Ae'rm t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Sender: Please print your name, address, an I ZIP+4 i C= DENR DWQAqLlifer Protectioll 610 E. Center Ave., Ste. 301 All Mooresville NC 28115 p 9: III ca Ln li C A L U SES", Ln ru Postage Certified Fee $ C-3 Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Requi red) Postmark WZ gegeSIN M A E:3 Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) E3 - 0 Ln ru Toti x Randall Andrews, Registered- �'- r'u Alchem, Inc. Ir Sent 2042 Buie Philadelphus Rd. ------------ E3 ------- Stree Red Springs NC 28377 or N A?) - ------------ 'p,&�&m �:qO,00.' S�ee he,v';rsq f • Complete- Items-1, 2, and 3. Also complete ,Item 4 If Restricted Delivery Is desired. • Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. • Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Randall Andrews. Registered - Agent i - t Alchem, Inc. 2042 Buie Philadelphus Rd. Red Springs NC 28377 A..Slgnl X E3 Agent 13 Addressee B. Received by, (PrInled Name) C. Da of Delivery 6, D. Is delivery address different from item 1 ? 13 Y& If YES, enter delivery address below: 1 12 No 3. Service.,Type IMCrtlfled Mail 13 Express Mail 0 Registered 134.rdum Recelpt for Merchandise [3 Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) M, 2. Article Number ---- - ------ -- mransfe ; r from se rvice, 7009 2250 0004 3265 5271 PS Form 3811, February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-02-M-1 540 1-1 CAROLINA VAN ALCHEM, INC., Petitioner, V. NORTH CAROLINA DEPAI;CFMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES, DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY, Respondent. IN THE OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS 10 EHR 00296 10 EHR 05463 RESPONDENT'S MOTION TO RETURN CASE TO THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OR DISMISS WITH PREJUDICE NOW COMES Respondent, North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality ("DWQ"), by and through its undersigned attorney, Anita LeVeaux, Assistant Attorney General, pursuant to NC Gen. Stat. § 150B-33(8) and moves this Court to return the hearing in this contested case to the General Court of Justice in Rowan County or in the alternative, pursuant to NC Gen. Stat. § 41(b) to issue a dismissal with prejudice. In support of this Motion, the Respondent shows the following: 1. The individual cases were consolidated to be heard before the Honorable Beecher R. Gray on March 14, 2011. 2. On June 13, 2011, the parties to this contested case proceeding entered into a Consent Order which settled the contested case, signed by the Honorable Beecher Gray. Consistent with the terms therein, Alchem agreed to pay a total of seventy thousand forty-two hundred dollars and eighty-two cents ($70,042.82). A copy of the Consent Order is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A. 3. Petitioner made four (4) payments through its counsel totaling dollars ($6,000.00), leaving a balance of sixty-four thousand forty-two hundred dollars and eighty-one cents ($64,042.81) owed to DWQ. Payments were acknowledged upon receipt and copies are attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit B. 4. . Petitioner asserts without supporting documentation, that the corporation has dissolved and has no money. Upon this assertion, Respondent asked the Honorable Judge Gray to have the Petitioner appear and show cause. On April 9, 2012, Respondent filed a motion for an order directing Petitioner to appear and show cause why it should not be held in civil contempt. 5. On May 8, 2012, Respondent's motion for an order was denied in an Order from Judge Gray noting that there were no grounds for the Order. 6. Respondent has secured a copy of Petitioner's Certificate of Administrative Dissolution dated November 30, 2012. This dissolution is not a legal dissolution of the corporation. Once a corporation has been administratively dissolved, the only requirement for reinstatement is that an Application for Reinstatement be filed. 7. There is nothing in the record which shows that the Articles of Dissolution for the legal dissolution of the corporation have been tiled consistent with applicable NC Statutes including NC Gen. Stat. §§ 55-14-01 through 55-14-03. Accordingly, Respondent submits that Alchem continues to be a viable entity under the jurisdiction of OAH consistent with the above Consent Order. 8. NC Gen. Stat. § 150B-33 (b)(8) provides that. an Administrative Law Judge may issue an order returnable in the General Court of Justice, Superior Court Division to show cause why the person should not be held in contempt. Respondent asks this court to enter an order to return this case to the General Court of Justice, Rowan County, Superior Court Division. 9. In the alternative, because of Petitioner's failure to comply with the terms of this Consent Order, Respondent, pursuant to Rule 41(b), requests that the Administrative Law Judge dismiss this matter with prejudice so that legal action may be pursued in Rowan County Superior Court. WHEREFORE, Respondent prays for an Order granting its MOTION TO RETURN THIS CASE TO T -GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE or DISMISS WITH PREJUDICE. This the l day of ` , 2013. ROY COOPER Attorney Gene Anita LeVeaux Assistant Attorney General N.C. Bar No. 13667 N. C. Department of Justice Environmental Division Post Office Box 629 Raleigh, NC 27602-0629 (919) 716-6000/ Tel (919) 716-6766/Fax aleveaux a,ncdo�ov STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA IN THE OFFICE OF ADIv INISTRATIVE HEARINGS COUNTY OF ROWAN 10 EHR 0296 AM 10 EHR 5463 Alchem, Inc.-, Petitioner, ) CONSENT ORDER V. ) } N.C. Dept. of Environment and Natural ) Resources, Division of Water Quality, ) Respondent. ) EXHIBIT it A The Honorable Beecher R. Gray, Administrative Law Judge of the Office of Administrative Hearings and counsel for the parties were heard in open court upon the calendaring of the above contested case hearing on March 4, 2011. This matter was brought before the Honorable Beecher R. Gray after the parties successfully mediated the contested case issues on March 4, 2011. The parties, Alchem, Inc. ("Petitioner"), and the North Carolina Division of Water Quality ("DWQ") of the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, ("Respondent"), hereby enter into this "Consent Order" in order to resolve this matter in controversy, as set out below, pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. § 150B-31(b). This matter comes within Respondent's purview as it relates to matters which concern Petitioner's Non -discharge Permits WQ0016338 and WQ0002702 and two Assessments of Civil Penalties in the amounts of twenty-seven thousand twenty-four dollars and sixty-five cents ($27,024.65) including $1,024.65 in investigative costs and forty-three thousand eighteen dollars and sixteen cents ($43,018.16) including $1,018.16 in investigative costs resulting in a total Assessment of Civil Penalties in the amount of seventy thousand forty-two dollars and eighty- one cents ($70,042.81). The undersigned further agreed that the Office of Administrative Hearings shall retain its jurisdiction over this Consent Order until this civil penalty assessment is paid in full consistent with the terms set out below, or on or before March 31, 2014. NOW, THEREFORE, without any trial of fact or law in this matter, in mutual consideration of the covenants set forth below, and with the consent of the parties, it is hereby OREDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that: Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction to hear this case pursuant to N.C. 150B-23 and 130A-22(e). ie been correctly designated and are properly before the Office of Administrative Hearings. The Office of Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter. 3. The Petitioner will pay a total of seventy thousand forty-two dollars and eighty-one cents, $70,042.81 ("Settlement Amount % which includes investigative costs. 4. The Settlement Amount shall be paid in thirty-six monthly payments, beginning April 1, 2011, of $1,500.00 per month for the first twelve months; and $2,168.45 for the remaining twenty-four months to DENR, the Division of Water Quality. 5. The payments shall be paid by check made payable to the "North Carolina Department Environment and Natural Resources" or to "DENR, Division of Water Quality" at the following address: Anita LeVeaux Attorney General's Office Environmental Protection Division 9001 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-9001 6. The breach of any condition of Paragraphs one, two, three or four by Petitioner will render immediately due and payable the Total Civil Penalty Assessment, seventy thousand, forty-two dollars and eighty-one cents, $70,042.81, the. Petitioner will be given credit for all prior payments. 7. Petitioner and DENR expressly stipulate and acknowledge that, by entering into this Agreement, the sole issue in any action by DENR is to collect the Total Civil Penalty Assessment amount of the civil penalty assessment, as set out above; in accordance with the terms of paragraph four above and will be limited to the Petitioners' compliance with the terms of this Agreement. Only as it relates to the matters before this tribunal, i.e., Case PC-2009-0121, NOV-2009-PC-0470; and Case PC-2010-0064, NOV-2010-PC- 043 8. 8. DENR agrees to accept the Settlement Amount in complete satisfaction of the civil penalty assessments subject to the terms of this Agreement, i.e., "the permit conditions violations of 2009 and 2010" only DENR Case No. PC-2009-0121, NOV-2009-PC-0470; and Case PC-2010-0064, NOV-2010-PC-0438. Z5 Nothing in this Agreement shall restrict any right of Respondent to take action against Petitioner for any pending or future violations as it relate No.8 above. 10. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties and is entered into knowingly, intelligently, and voluntarily. 11. Defendant Alchem, Inc. shall, on or before April 1, 2011, pay $1,500.00, monthly for the first twelve months and $2168.45 for the remaining twenty-four months consistent with the terms of this Consent Order. 12. The parties shall comply with all terms of this Consent Order. 13. Nothing in this Consent Order shall restrict the right of Petitioner to contest a new or subsequent enforcement action arising outside of the aforesaid rules and regulations. 14. The Court shall retain continuing jurisdiction in this case until all parties have complied with all provisions of this Consent Order. Full compliance with the terms and conditions of this Consent Order as set forth, above, shall complete this matter. 15. The contempt provisions of Article 2, Chapter SA of North Carolina General Statutes shall be available to enforce this Consent Order. 16. This Consent Order may be signed out -of -court, out -of -term, out -of -county and out -of district. 17. Judge Beecher R. Gray and the parties further agreed that the deadline for completion of payments shall be on or before the March 31, 2014. THEREFORE, with the consent of the parties as evidenced by the signatures below, it is hereby ordered that the Respondent will make a payment of $1,500.00, monthly for the first twelve months and $2168.45 for the remaining twenty-four months until the total Settlement Amount has been paid starting April 1, 2011. Failure to make timely payments will result in the full and complete payment of the civil penalty assessed becoming due and payable to the Respondent, i.e., seventy thousand forty-two dollars and eighty-one cents ($70,042.81) minus any and all prior payments. This the day of March 2011. Av"nqko /'? Beecher R. Gray Administrative Law Judge Presiding Office of Administrative Hearings Roy Cooper Attorney General Anita LeVeaux Assistant Attorney for Respondent L7s*L I\, rlhk� , as �kvl Woodson, Sayers, Lawther Short, Parrott, Walker and Abramson, LLP Attorney for Petitioner Andrew H. Pitner Randall Andrews Environmental Program Supervisor III President, DWQ, Aquifer Protection, MRO Alchem, Inc. Petitioner A copy of the foregoing was mailed to: Sean C Walker Woodson Sayers Lawther Short Parrott & Walker LLP PO Box 829 `Salisbury, Arc 28145 ATTORNEY FOR PETITIONTR Anita LeVeaux Assistant Attorney General NC Department of Justice 9001 Mail Service Center Raleigh, ArC 27699-9001 ATTORNEY FOR RESPONDENT -Thus the 14th day of June, 2011. Office o£Admimstrative Hearings 6714 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-,6714 (919) .4,313000 KVY GVVtrirt[ nrrORNEY GENMIAl- ..airs= �Oyo�J s EXHIBIT ��. B State of North Carolina Department of Justice 111"PL Y TO: Amanda Foster linvironmenlal DiAMoo 11'0 BOX 629 Telephone: 919i716-6600 Ralelg4l, North Carolina Fax: 9191116.6767 27602 Nlay 19, 2011 Mr. Sean C. Walker Attorney at Law PO" Box 829 Salisbury, north Carolina 28145-0829 SUBJECT: Civil Penalty Assessment Payment for- Alchenr, Inc., 10 ERR 0296, 10 - EFIR 5463, Rowan County Dear Mr. Walker: This letter acknowledges receipt of check number 27012, dated April 15, 2011, in the amount,of $1,500.00 and check number 27036, dated May 2, 2011, in the amount of S1,500.00, which leaves a balance due of $67,042.81. In accordance with the Consent Order the settlement amount shall be paid in thirty-six monthly payments, beginning April 1, 2011, of$1,500.00 por month for the first twelve months, and S2,168:45 for the reinaining twenty-four months. Thank you for your payment and it will be credited to the account. For your convenience you will find enclosed a self-addressed envelope for your next: payinent. Please Mote that all checks should be nlarle hnhabie to. NCDLNR. Sincerely,' Amanda Foster Program Assistant Enclosure cc: Anita LeVeaua y�`fMSTN nHo' f State of North Carolina ROY COOPER Department of Justice /Vi"170ANilY GENERAL PO Box 629 Raleigh, North Carolina 27602 June 21, 2011 Mr_ Sean C. Walker Attorney at Law PO Box 829 Salisbury, North Carolina 28145-0829 RE ++ 4i........ 10, 1J1\'1]11111 r�iepnono: 919/716-66 m nix:,)igni6-o767 SUBJECT: Civil.Penalty Assessment Payment for-,41chen:, Ine., 10 EHR 0296, 10 EHR 5463, Rowan County Dear Mr. Walker; This letter acknowledges receipt of check number 27094, dated June 6, 2011, in the amount of $1,500.00. Thank you for your payment and it will be credited to your account. As a reminder, there is still a balance of$65,542.81 due on tits account. For your convenience you will bind enclosed a self-addressed envelope for your next payment. Sincerely, Amanda Foster Program Assistant Enclosure cc: Anita LeVeaux 0 NITORMY GENERAL a State of North Carolina Del)artment of justice PO Box 629 Raleigh, North Carolina 27602 June 30, 2011 -Mr, Sean C. Walker Attorney at Law PO'Box 829 Salisbury, North Carolina 28145-0829 RIPPLY TO: Amanda Poster 1'sitvirotlnlanlal Division rdephone: 919/716.6600 Fax: 919n16-6767 SUBJECT: Civil Penalty Assessment Payment for- Alchem, Inc., 10 EHR 0296, 10 EHR 5463, Rogan County Dear Mr. Walker: This letter acknowledges receipt of check number 27137, dated June 27, 2011, in the amotint of $1,500.00. Thank you for your payment and it will be credited to your account. As a reminder, there is still a balance of $64,042.81 due on the account. For your convenience you will find eficlosed a self-addressed envelope for your next payment. Enclosure Sincerely, Amanda Foster Program Assistant cc: Anita LeVeaux 0 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, Anita LeVeaux, do hei eby certify that a copy of the foregoing MO1 wiN I U icr_, t UIUN 'I'I-IIS CASE TO "TI-IE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE or DISMISS WITH PREJUDICE has been served upon Petitioner by depositing a copy of the same in the care and custody of the United States Postal Service, first-class mail, postage prepaid and addressed as follows: Sean C. Walker, Esq. Woodson Sayers Lawther Short Parrott & Walkrk, LLP Post Office Box 829 Salisbury, NC 28145 ATTORNEYS FOR THE PETITIONER This the fkday of �fa, 2013. ROY COOPER Attorney GeiA. ral' __. Anita LeVeaux Assistant Attorney General rH CAROL INA )WAN ALCHEM, INC., Petitioner, M NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES, DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY, Respondent. IN THE OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS 10 EHR 00296 10 EHR 05463 ORDER THIS CAUSE came before the undersigned Administrative Law Judge on a Motion to Return Case to the General Court of Justice or Dismiss with Prejudice. For good cause shown, it appears to the Court that the motion should be allowed. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that this case be returned to the General Court of Justice pursuant to NC Gen. Stat. 150B 33-(b). This the day of , 2013. Beecher R. Gray Administrative Law Judge 103 Sean C. Walker, Esq. Woodson Sayers Lawther Short Parrott R. Walerk, LLP Post Office Box 829 Salisbury, NC 28145 ATTORNEYS FOR THE PETITIONER Anita LeVeaux Assistant Attorney General N. C. Department of Justice Environmental Division Post Office Box 629 Raleigh, NC 27602-0629 ATTORNEYS FOR THE RESPONDENT Subject: Attachments: LeVeaux, Anita [ALEVEAUX@ncdoj.gov] Friday, January 11, 2013 8:27 PM Pitner, Andrew; Finley, Peggy Alchem Motion Alchem Motion.pdf Andrew and Peggy: Please note the attached consistent with our discussion earlier this week. Also, as discussed, if a matter at this site needs immediate attention be mindful you would simply make a request for injunctive relief. Call if you have any questions. Best, Anita ATE OF NORTH CAROLINA IN THE OFFICE OF "i i 's?' ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS COUNTY OF ROWAN Alchem, Inc., Petitioner, V. N.C. Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality, Respondent. l 10 EHR 0296 10 EHR 5463 CONSENT ORDER The Honorable Beecher R. Gray, Administrative Law Judge of the Office of Administrative Hearings and counsel for the parties were heard in open court upon the calendaring of the above contested case hearing on March 4, 2011. This matter was brought before the Honorable Beecher R. Gray after the parties successfully mediated the contested case issues on March 4, 2011. The parties, Alchem, Inc. ("Petitioner"), and the North Carolina Division of Water Quality ("DWQ") of the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, ("Respondent"), hereby enter into this "Consent Order" in order to resolve this matter in controversy, as set out below, pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. § 150B-31(b). This matter comes within Respondent's purview as it relates to matters which concern Petitioner's Non -discharge Permits WQOO16338 and WQ0002702 and two Assessments of Civil Penalties in the amounts of twenty-seven thousand twenty-four dollars and sixty-five cents ($27,024.65) including $1,024.65 in investigative costs and forty-three thousand eighteen dollars and sixteen cents ($43,018.16) including $1,018.16 in investigative costs resulting in a total Assessment of Civil Penalties in the amount of seventy thousand forty-two dollars and eighty- one cents ($70,042.81). The undersigned further agreed that the Office of Administrative Hearings shall retain its jurisdiction over this Consent Order until this civil penalty assessment is paid in full consistent with the terms set out below, or on or before March 31, 2014. NOW, THEREFORE, without any trial of fact or law in this. matter, in mutual consideration of the covenants set forth below, and with the consent of the parties, it is hereby OREDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that: 1. The Office of Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction to hear this case pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. §§ 150B-23 and 130A-22(e). 2. All parties have been correctly designated and are properly before the Office of Administrative Hearings. The Office of Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter. 3. The Petitioner will pay a total of seventy thousand forty-two dollars and eighty-one cents, $70,042.81 ("Settlement Amount"), which includes investigative costs. 4. The Settlement Amount shall be paid in thirty-six monthly payments, beginning April 1, 2011, of $1,500.00 per month for the first twelve months, and $2,168.45 for the remaining twenty-four months to DENR, the Division of Water Quality. 5. The payments shall be paid by check made payable to the "North Carolina Department Environment and Natural Resources" or to "DENR, Division of Water Quality" at the following address: Anita LeVeaux Attorney General's Office Environmental Protection Division 9001 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-9001 6. The breach of any condition of Paragraphs one, two, three or four by Petitioner will render immediately due and payable the Total Civil Penalty Assessment, seventy thousand, forty-two dollars and eighty-one cents, $70,042.81, the Petitioner will be given credit for all prior payments. 7. Petitioner and DENR expressly stipulate and acknowledge that, by entering into this Agreement, the sole issue in any action by DENR is to collect the Total Civil Penalty Assessment amount of the civil penalty assessment, as set out above; in accordance with the terms of paragraph four above and will be limited to the Petitioners' compliance with the terms of this Agreement. Only as it relates to the matters before this tribunal, i.e., Case PC-2009-0121, NOV-2009-PC-0470; and Case PC-2010-0064, NOV-2010-PC- 043 8. 8. DENR agrees to accept the Settlement Amount in complete satisfaction of the civil penalty assessments subject to the terms of this Agreement, i.e., "the permit conditions violations of 2009 and 2010" only DENR Case No. PC-2009-0121, NOV-2009-PC-0470; and Case PC-2010-0064, NOV-2010-PC-0438. s Agreement shall restrict any right of Respondent to take any enforcement Petitioner for any pending or future violations as it relates to Alchem. See 10. This Agreement shall be binding -upon the parties and is entered into knowingly, intelligently, and voluntarily. 11. Defendant Alchem, Inc. shall, on or before April 1, 2011, pay $1,500.00, monthly for the first twelve months and $2168.45 for the remaining twenty-four months consistent with the terms of this Consent Order. 12. The parties shall comply with all terms of this Consent Order. 13. Nothing in this Consent Order shall restrict the right of Petitioner to contest a new or subsequent enforcement action arising outside of the aforesaid rules and regulations. 14. The Court shall retain continuing jurisdiction in this case until all parties have complied with all provisions of this Consent Order. Full compliance with the terms and conditions of this Consent Order as set forth, above, shall complete this matter. 15. The contempt provisions of Article 2, Chapter SA of North Carolina General Statutes shall be available to enforce this Consent Order. 16. This Consent Order may be signed out -of -court, out -of -term, out -of -county and out -of district. 17. Judge Beecher R. Gray and the parties further agreed that the deadline for completion of payments shall be on or before the March 31, 2014. THEREFORE, with the consent of the parties as evidenced by the signatures below, it is hereby ordered that the Respondent will make a payment of $1,500.00, monthly for the first twelve months and $2168.45 for the remaining twenty-four months until the total Settlement Amount has been paid starting April 1, 2011. Failure to make timely payments will result in the full and complete payment of the civil penalty assessed becoming due and payable to the Respondent, i.e., seventy thousand forty-two dollars and eighty-one cents ($70,042.81) minus any and all prior payments. This the ®T day of March 2011. Beecher R. Gray Administrative Law Judge Presiding Office of Administrative Hearings Roy Cooper Attorney General,.-- C Anita LeVeaux Assistant Attorney General for Respondent Andrew H. Pitner Environmental Program Supervisor III DWQ, Aquifer Protection, MRO SeVriV lker, Esq. WOWO , Sayers, Lawther Short, P tt, Walker and Abramson, LLP Attorney for Petitioner Randall Andrews President, Alchem, Inc. Petitioner o O W u] Cv (D CD W aq E 0 Uj Q c LLI Z A copy of the foregoing was mailed to: Sean C Walker Woodson Sayers Lawther Short Parrott & Walker LLP PO Box 829 'Salisbury, NC 28145 ATTORNEY FOR PETITIONER Anita LeVeaux Assistant Attorney General NC Department of Justice 9001 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27-699-9001 ATTORNEY FOR RESPONDENT This the 14th day of June, 2011. .�W 02 Office of Administrative Hearings 6714 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-6714 (919) 4313000 Fax: (919) 431-3100 RECEIVE® JUN 15 2011 N.C. ATTORNEY GENERAL Environmental Division PLEASE PRIs 1 CLEARLY OR TYPE 0 TH CAROLINA Y OF (1) ROWAN (2) ALCHEM INC (your name) PETITIONER. V. (3) NCDENR h1rD-T I G S -SEP '. 20M var!S(1r�t.rr�t� PETIT tiNALJF: �:�!_' . ' ` t FOR A ' CONTESTED CASE HEARING , (The State agency or board about RESPONDEN which V u are complaining) t I hereby ask for a contested case hearing as provided for by North C';tn,ltna Cieneral Statute § 150B-23 because the Respondent has: (Briefly state facts showing how you belie, e I uu have been harmed by the State agency or board.) _ Re _NOV-2010—PC-0438 , Cased PC_2010-0064. The^person who wart chore �t the —III ��5 —Jason Desiato. Jason Desiato is a crintirtal; U- showed me records that showed ewer tt to be within limits. He stole all of he records and was fired for stealin on A r_il 12g aware The entity that should bear this fide is Jason Desiato. P — -- aware of this, 4S $ er16ALCHEM ersonnel. were involved. I have made NCDENR personne (4) Amount in controversy '+ 18 �f applicable) (If more space is needed. attach additional pages.) (5) Because of these facts. the State agency or board has: (check at let,,, ,ute from each column) —X deprived me of property; _ordered me to pay a fine or civil penalty; or —X —exceeded its authorit-, or jurisdiction; _- otherwise substantially prejudiced my rights: —acted erroneously; AND P _failed to use proper procedure; ,}acted arbitrarily or capricioush: or (6) Date: 8-31-10 _Xlaw or al to act as required by l' (71 1,wi phone number: (910) 84 r 121 (8) Print your full address: 8135 Red Rd. Rockwell, NC 28138 (9) Print your name: Randall street adrews box) —------_ _-_ (city) (state) ('-ip) (10) Your signature: i }<iIIn a 11y-A X U lfli- .rl _ - ------ - - You must mail deliver a COPY' of this Petition board to determinene the name of thto the State a€e1 ,, aboard named on line (3) of this form e person to be served. You should contact the agenc. ,,, ERT I certify that this Petition has been served on the State agency o bIr,l 11am, OFed oS by pICtEg a copy of it with the United States PO , with sufficient postage affixed OR by delivering it to the named agcn: „r board: .>tal Service {name of person served) — (I2) _NCT)FNR — (13) 1601 Mail Service Center (state agency or board listed on line3)-------- (streetaddress/p.o. box) ---- . Ralezgh NC 2769 _ (city) (state) — tzi� code -- ------ 04)Thisthe 31 _day of_ A ust _ -- '" IV - When you have completed this form, you MUST mail or deliver the ORIGINAL AND ONE C'OPV to the Office of Adn Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-6714. unistrative Hearings. H-06 (0s/l o) heet NCDENR Correspondence Tracking System 00309201003963 Summary Petition for a Contested Case Hearing: Alchem, Inc. v. DENR,�� Received 09/07/2010 via Letter Legal issue for Mary Penny Thompson Issued 08/31/2010 by Randall Andrews of Alchem, Inc. ** For Recipient Use Only ** To: Date: / Respond By: Please: Prepare a reply for my signature and return to me. Reply, noting the letter was referred to you by me. * Prepare a reply for the Govemor's signature and return to me. Reply, noting the letter was referred to you by the Govemor. For your information. Take appropriate action - Note and file. Note and return to me. Note and see me about this. Your comments and/or recommendations. "Copy to Secretays Office Remarks Page 1 of 1 http://ibeam.enr.state.ne-us/os/dts/print.do?dispatch=crsdProfile&id=3963 9/8/2010 Y it August 5, 2010 MEMORANDUM TO: Ed Hardee, APS, LAU FROM: Andrew Pitner, MRO, APS 01 PREPARED BY: Peggy Finley & Ellen Huffman, MRO, APS - SUBJECT: Enforcement Case - PC-2010-0064 Violation of Permit No. WQ0016338 and WQ0002702 ALCHEM, Inc. Attached is the enforcement package sent to ALCHEM, Inc. on August 5, 2010, with supporting documentation concerning violations of the subject permits. The violations resulted from ALCHEM's failure to comply with permit conditions. This Office is issuing a penalty. The attached material should be self-explanatory; however, if you have any questions, please contact Peggy Finley or me. Attachments m of Page 1 Summafy See attached Compliance Inspection Report CHECKLIST FOR PERMIT VIOLATIONS 1. Copies of the Permits (#WQ0016338, WO0002702) are attached. 2. The violator is ALCHEM, Incorporated. Mr. Randall Andrews is the agent for the company. Mr. Randall Andrews 2042 Buie Philadelphus Road Red Springs, North Carolina 28377 3. This enforcement involves violations of non -discharge Permit conditions and general statute G.S. 143-215.1. 4. Copies of correspondence are attached. 5. Copies of chain -of -custody. Not applicable 6. The violation is not due to a power failure or by-pass of any treatment facility. 7. Are violations chronic and/or due to a single operational upset? The permittee has received Notices of Violation and has been subject to enforcement in the past for most of these same issues. The violations are not associated with a single operational upset. 8. Were any specific notifications submitted concerning noncompliance? A NOV/NOI was sent on June 10, 2010, which documented the subject permit violations and indicated that an enforcement recommendation would be prepared. A response to the NOV/NOI was received by the MRO on 9. Cost of the investigation: 20 hours by Ellen Huffman for preparation of enforcement report at $28.00/hour = 560.05 5 hours by Peggy Finley for preparation of enforcement report at $26.21/hour = 131.03 10 hours by Andrew H. Pitner, for supervisory review at $34.81/hour = 348.07 1 hour for clerical processing at $10.93/hour = 10.93 Certified Mail 2 @ $5.54 /ea. = 11.08 Total $ 1061.16 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY CIVIL PENALTY ASSESSMENT FACTORS Violator: Alchem Incorporated County: Rowan Case Number: PC-2010-0064 Permit Numbers: W00002702 and W00016338 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) ASSESSMENT FACTORS The degree and extent of harm to the natural resources of the State, to the public health, or to private property resulting from the violation; Impacts to groundwater and surface water at the facility have been documented, including contamination of neighboring water supply wells. Violations associated with this enforcement case include failure to keep process water at a pH of 6 or above, which has been a chronic problem at the facility. While the pH problem in the lagoons may be related to groundwater contamination issues at the site, it is not clear that this directly contributed to groundwater contamination. That there are existing issues with contamination at the site and that Alchem has demonstrated unwillingness to correct the problems is a very significant factor in this assessment. The duration and gravity of the violation; The facility has had a lengthy history of non-compliance. The permittee has been cited repeatedly over the last few years for recordkeeping deficiencies, pH violations and, failure to maintain the required lagoon freeboard. This is considered a significant factor. The effect on ground or surface water quantity or quality or on air quality; Groundwater and surface water at and near the facility have been impacted by Alchem's operations. The degree to which the current violations are related to those impacts is not clear. This is considered a moderately significant factor. The cost of rectifying the damage; The cost to rectify damage from these violations is not clear. This is considered a moderately significant factor. The amount of money saved by noncompliance; It is difficult to quantify the amount saved from failure to document the required information and have it available to DWQ inspectors. Missed analytical samples would be in the low hundreds of dollars. Establishing and maintaining vegetative cover would likely be in the hundreds of dollars. The cost to properly maintain the pH of the recycle water as required is estimated to be in the thousands of dollars. This is considered a moderately significant factor. Whether the violation was committed willfully or intentionally; d 7) 8) The violations were willful and intentional. Alchem has a lengthy history of noncompliance and been aware of the regulatory requirements of their permits from previous inspections, Notices of Violation, enforcements, and settlement agreements. This is considered extremely significant. The prior record of the violator in complying or failing to comply with programs over which the Environmental Management Commission has regulatory authority; and The ALCHEM facility has an extensive record of non-compliance, including NOV 10/25/1990, NOV 01/07/2002, NOV 03/15/2002, NOV/NRE 05/12/2003, NOV 08/19/2003, NOV/NRE 01/12/2005, NOV/NRE 09/20/2005, NOV/NRE 01/06/2006, NOV/NRE 12/20/2006, NOV/NRE 12/20/2006, NOV/NRE 3/25/08, NOV/NRE 6/2/09. This is considered extremely significant. The cost to the State of the enforcement procedures. The cost to the State in bringing about this enforcement action is as follows: 20 hours by Ellen Huffman for preparation of enforcement report at $28.00/hour = 560.05 5 hours by Peggy Finley for preparation of enforcement report at $/hour 10 hours by Andrew H. Pitner, for supervisory review at $/hour 1 hour for clerical processing at $10.93/hour Certified Mail 2 @ $5.54 /ea. This is considered a moderately significant factor. Date Total \ .a Supervisor blame = 131.03 = 348.07 = 10.93 11.08 $ 1061.16 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY -- CIVIL PENALTY ASSESSMENT Violator: ALCHEM, Inc. County: Rowan Case Number: PC-2010-0064 ASSESSMENT FACTORS 1) The degree and extent of harm to the natural resources of the State, to the public health, or to private ( ) not significant ( ) moderately significant( ) significant (x) very significant ( ) extremely significant 2) The duration and gravity of violation; ( ) not significant ( ) moderately significant(x) significant( ) very significant ( ) extremely significant 3) The effect on ground or surface water quantity or quality or on air quality; ( ) not significant (x) moderately significant ( ) significant ( ) very significant ( ) extremely significant 4) The cost of rectifying the damage; ( ) not significant (x) moderately significant ( ) significant () very significant( ) extremely significant 5) The amount of money saved by noncompliance; ( ) not significant (x) moderately significant( ) significant ( ) very significant ( ) extremely significant 6) Whether the violation was committed willfully or intentionally; ( ) not significant ( ) moderately significant( ) significant ( ) very significant (x) extremely significant 7) The prior record of the violator in complying or failing to comply with programs over which the Environmental management Commission has regulatory authority; and ( ) not significant ( ) moderately significant( ) significant ( ) very significant (x) extremely significant 8) The cost to the State of the enforcement procedures. ( ) not significant (x) moderately significant ( ) significant ( ) very significant () extremely significant Date Andrew H. Pitner, P.G. REMISSION FACTORS ( ) Whether one or more of the civil penalty assessment factors were wrongly applied to the detriment of the petitioner; ( ) Whether the violator promptly abated continuing environmental damage resulting from the violation; ( ) Whether the violation was inadvertent or a result of an accident; ( ) Whether the violator had been assessed civil penalties for any previous violations; and ( ) Whether payment of the civil penalty will prevent payment for the remaining necessary remedial actions. .r«m Andrew . i ner, P.G. Alchem, Corporate Office 2042 Buie Philadelphus Road Red Springs, NC 28377 Tel. 910-843-2121 - 800-522-2944 Fax 910-843-5789 rfcVP.semr.net June 28, 2010 Inc. . % Sales and n05upring 8135 Red Road Rockwell, NC 28138 Tel. 704-279-7908 - 800-462-2586 Fax 704-279-8418 alchcmin ti?windstream.net Mr. Andrew 1-1. Pitner, P.G. Environmental. Program Supervisor NC Department of Environmental & Natural Recourses Division of Water Quality 610 East Center Ave Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 RE: Notice of Violation (NOV) and Notice of Intend (NOI) to Enforce NOV-2010-PC-0438 WQ0002702, WQ0016338 Rockwell. Rowan County Letter dated June 10, 2010 Dear Mr. Pitner, ru JUL - 2 2010 I am in receipt of the above referenced letter. As of May 17, 2010, 1 have assumed the responsibilities of plant engineer at this facility. Please also be advised, there is an ongoing criminal investigation for embezzlement and thief by employee at Alchem, on some of the past management, Mr. Robert Wolcott and Mr. Jason Desiato. I have been placed onsite to get environmental and manufacturing issues resolved. Therefore, I wish to respond to your letter in paragraph form. WQ0002702: Condition #13 requires the recycled water to be maintained at a pH of 6.0 Standard Units as it goes to the storage lagoons: Regarding the pH readings, Trent Tidwell is currently certified to take these readings. Your letter states that Trent made the comment, "he has not been onsite to inoniior the pJJ .for less than 18 months". However Trent states this statement is false. I have discussed this with Trent and he stated that his statement was taken entirely out of context. Trent may be the only person certified to take pl-I readings, and. Trent has been onsite each and every day, Monday — Friday. He may not havc�bc(5-n—here-,the entire time, each day, however, it would be irrelevant for someone to simple sit atthe lagoon and constantly monitor the pH. The pI-1 was checked continu6usly_—arid¢re6orded. These records were believed to be allegedly stolen by Mr. Jason Desiato upon his departure. As of today, there has been a. mixer tank to provide additional treatment to raise our pH discharge. Furthermore, we have contacted NCDENR in an attempt to schedule an onsite visit to assist us with getting more people certified. In your letter you state, ".41chemhas never achieved compliance for pH on the reactors prior to this time, ivhich is the reason the 1 lagoons continues to have loin pH". It is our opinion that this statement is false. Alchem �'aL was washing the sand in the reactor and then discharging it to recycle this water. We feel h that if anyting differently was believed, it was a misunderstanding by NCDENR. WQ0002702 Condition #14 .requires a site -life estimate for the fill area. You stated in your letter, "It iiws noted again that the monofrll area has been crud continues to be extensively modified and gradedIt ti>>c7s apparent to stc{ff dw-ing this inspection and from revieiv of'pasi inspection photos that significant grading activity has taken place. " We totally disagree with this statement. To our knowledge, the site -life .has not been reduced, and the fact that Alchem has not been given permission to fill areas sincelQ signing the settlement agreement filed November 27, 2007, is false. We believe that 7' Alchem has not offered any site -life; therefore, this is a non -issue. �f WQ0002702 Condition #10 requires two feet of freeboard in all lagoons. When NCDENR arrived, it had only been a few days since we had an enormous rainfall. R L, This water is recycled and used. As far as maintaining two feel of freeboard, Alchem has 1 in fact maintained a two feet of freeboard. The area that NCDENR is measuring, has some ��i'�') sand stocked. piled in the area, which was done in an attempt to dry it out. However. the current :fl eeboard is still in the area of two feet. WQ0002702 Condition #12 required vegetative cover to be maintained. / Alchem has spent thousand of dollars in seed and mulch in and around the top of these ^n� vegetative embankments. At this time, we are forwarding samples to NC State University 'for their recommendation in obtaining vegetative cover in this area./� J �Wr Q0002702 Condition #22 requires maintenance of an inspection log of the recycle All of our environmental logs have allegedly been stolen b Mr. Jason Desiato, in. an g g Y a attempt to cause Alchem further financial harm. This is also part of the ongoing criminal investigation, between Rowan County Sheriff's Department, Mr. Desiato, and Mr. r� ��`�, Wolcott. r WQ0002702 Condition 428 requires the pennittee to report noncompliance `1 Alchem continues to believe that we were in constant compliance; however we can not offer any validity due to the fact that our environmental records have been allegedly stolen by Mr. Desiato and Mr. Wolcott. We feel these were stolen to further Alchem's potential' environmental problems. Yet, Alchem is maintaining a current book with copies in a locked filing cabinet on a daily basis. WQ0016 38 Condition 111.2 required maintenance of records tracking all application `— activities such as location of residuals utilization and volume disposed.91 0 NCDENR is suggesting that the spent bauxite "sand" was disposed. To this date, none of this material has ever left Alchein's property, to my knowledge or to the knowledge of Mr. Randall Andrews, as I have discussed this matter with him. Furthermore, Mr. Trent Tidwell, plant manager, has no knowledge of any of this material being disposed of or /Z,� leaving otu• property. It is Alchem's believe that any sand that is on the property is at the p1l of 6.0. In additional, you stated, "If available, please provide documentation of disposal of the lagoon #3 Again, we are not aware of any disposal. Furthermore, this 1 would probably be obtained in any stolen and/-.ort red envi'ronill6ntal records that Mr. Desiato and Mr. Wolcott may have taken in aft allegedly thief. WQ0016338 Condition 1.11.3 requires residual analyses to_bc conducted twice per year for metals, pH and phosphorus. We believe this did occur, however we are in the process of locating records, as we believe this is again part of the records that were allegedly stolen by Mr. Desiato and Mr. Wolcott. WQ0016338 Condition 111.6 requires maintenance of records for five years tracking all application activities associated with the surface disposal unit including (a, b, c, d, and e) WQ0016338, Condition V.1 requires logging of inspection of the residual storage, transport ai disposal facilities. l� tems listed in, a, b, c, d, and e, were onsite approximately 60 — 90 days ago. Once again, we feel that these records are part of the allegedly thief my Mr. Desiato & Mr. Wolcott. Alchem has started a new e of environmental record keeping so this will not happen � YP p g PP CJ again in the future. C� � ��s � fi ' - Once we started the criminal investigation on Mr. Desiato and Mr. Wolcott, it is Alchem's final believe that even though these two gentlemen have different last names, they are in fact brothers whom had a criminal plot to cause Alchem, environment and financial harm by allegedly stealing these records upon their departure. We are working diligently with the Rowan County Sheriff and our attorneys to make every legal effort to recover these stolen documents. Upon my arrival, I have constructed and installed an 8-inch thick concrete wall, to contain the Alum manufacturing area. We intend on moving our pumps and piping of this area in approximately 30 days and installing an epoxy coating to further stop potential leakage. At this time, the existing containment walls appear to be water tight and in good working order. Furthermore, Alchem is working to improve its manufacturing process so that a reflection. of improved enviromnental stewardship will apply. We have come to the conclusion that over the past several years, the past plant managers at Alchem have not performed and fulfilled their duties as I feel should have been. In addition, with the ongoing criminal investigation for the alleged. embezzlement and thief by employee, Alchem is working diligently through. the court system to obtain these records in which we feel have been stolen. We are also working diligently. to get Alchem back in compliance with the requirement ofNCDENR. Alchem has purchased thousands of dollars of equipment to get the process of total compliance moving forward. There are several other factors that are in the design stage at this time, to improve environmental stewardship at this facility. The statements made by Mr. Robert "Bob" Wolcott, that the materials were, ordered, was probably false, yet the ownership of Alchem had no idea this brataken place,.�The ownership has taken aggressive means and methods at thus time to get the- c-onstruction process moving forward, which is visually apparent. We request that these facts be taken in consideration aiid that any civil fines may be reconsidered, as Alchem is an employer to appmximatelye - q, d high paying jobs in Rowan County, in a time when jobs are extremely scarce and`fhe employiiient rate is high. ;j +' r 'a a Upon your next visit-, Alchern wishes to demonstrate some of the changes that have been made to correct these problems. Sincerely, Alchem, Inc. Charles D. Andrews Plant Engineer J. x ALCHEM, INC. Corporate Office 2042 Buie Philadelphus Road Red Springs, NC 28377 Tel. 9io-843-2121 — 800-522-2944 Fax 9io-843-5789 rfa@semr.net July 1, 2010 Mr. Andrew Pitner Regional Environmental Supervisor NCDENR Division of Water Quality Mooresville Regional Office 610 East Center Ave. Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Permit #: WQ001633)8 Dear Mr. Pitner: I K1 Sales and Manufacturing 8135 Red Road Rockwell, NC 28138 Tel. 704-279-79o8 — 800-462-2586 Fax 704-279-8418 wolcott_r@yahoo.com U g., SI C JUL ® 2 2010 V' Just for the record. While I was at ALCHEM on numerous occasions Jason Desiato showed me a log book that was a recording of pH reading form the sampling port in the reactor and from the various lagoons. All of the readings were on various days and various months. All of the readings were above 6.0 on the pH scale. If the book was not at ALCHEM when the inspection was done then it was stolen by Jason Desiato. While at ALCHEM Jason stole at least the following: Money, truck tires, fuel, records, and equipment. He even stole a book that had engine filter numbers and he stole the copies of ALCHEM's permits. ALCHEM personnel are currently working on a list of stolen items to give to the Rowan County Sherriff's department. His brother, Robert Wolcott embezzled over $400,000, and left the company a financial wreck. ALCHEM personnel are working on a list of stolen items that were removed by Robert and Denise Wolcott. Robert and Denise were fired on February 8, 2010. Jason was fired on April 12, 2010. I plan to send you a copy of the Rowan County Sherriff s report. I should have this next week. e ---- Best regards, ALCHEM, INC. Randall F. Andrews, President ams ealv> - ALCHEM, INC. Corporate Office 2042 Buie Philadelphus Road Red Springs, NC 28377 Tel. 9io-843-2121 - 800-522-2944 Fax 910-843-5789 rfa@semr.net July 1, 2010 Mr. Andrew Pitner Regional Environmental Supervisor NCDENR Division of Water Quality Mooresville Regional Office 610 East Center Ave. Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Permit #: WQ0016338 Dear Mr. Pitner: Sales and Manufacturing 8135 Red Road Rockwell, NC 28138 Tel. 704-279-7908 - 800-462-2586 Fax 704-279-8418 wolcott_r@yahoo.com J0L ® 2 2010 MWM - Ac!t. ffer Protection Quite some time ago I wrote to you asking that we be allowed to perform the residuals analysis only once per year. You were going to send this request to someone in Raleigh. I have not heard back from anyone on this. Would you advise me if you have heard anything or if you can tell me who to send this request to. Best regards, ALCHEM, INC. Eo��� Randall F. Andrews, President ams ALCHEM, INC. Corporate Office 2042 Buie Philadelphus Road Red Springs, NC 28377 Tel. 910-843-2121 — 8o0-522-2944 Fax 9io-843-5789 rfa@semr.net July 1, 2010 Mr. Andrew Pitner Regional Environmental Supervisor NCDENR Division of Water Quality Mooresville Regional Office 610 East Center Ave. Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Permit #: WQ0016338 Dear Mr. Pitner: Sales and Manufacturing 8135 Red Road Rockwell, NC 28138 Tel. 704-279-79o8 — 800-462-2586 Fax 704-279-8418 wolcott_r@yahoo.com DU JUL - 2 2010 C1FNR MRO DWQ - Aq,±Par 1'rotoction Just for the record. While I was at ALCHEM on numerous occasions Jason Desiato showed me a log book that was a recording of pH reading form the sampling port in the reactor and from the various lagoons. All of the readings were on various days and various months. All of the readings were above 6.0 on the pH scale. If the book was not at ALCHEM when the inspection was done then it was stolen by Jason Desiato. While at ALCHEM Jason stole at least the following: Money, truck tires, fuel, records, and equipment. He even stole a book that had engine filter numbers and he stole the copies of ALCHEM's permits. ALCHEM personnel are currently working on a list of stolen items to give to the Rowan County Sherriff's department. His brother, Robert Wolcott embezzled over $400,000, and left the company a financial wreck. ALCHEM personnel are working on a list of stolen items that were removed by Robert and Denise Wolcott. Robert and Denise were fired on February 8, 2010. Jason was fired on April 12, 2010. I plan to send you a copy of the Rowan County Sherriff's report. I should have this next week. Best regards, ALCHEM, INC. J Randall F. Andrews, President ams ALCHEM, INC. Corporate Office 2042 Buie Philadelphus Road Red Springs, NC 28377 Tel. 910-843-2121 -- 8o0-522-2944 Fax 910-843-5789 rfa@semr.net July 1, 2010 Mr. Andrew Pitner Regional Environmental Supervisor NCDENR Division of Water Quality Mooresville Regional Office 610 East Center Ave. Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Permit #: WQ0016338 Dear Mr. Pitner: Sales and Manufacturing 8135 Red Road Rockwell, NC 28138 Tel. 704-279-7908 — 800-462-2586 Fax 704-279-8418 wolcott_r@yahoo.com D u re. Q V JUL - 2 2010 DWQ -Aquifer Protection Quite some time ago I wrote to you asking that we be allowed to perform the residuals analysis only once per year. You were going to send this request to someone in Raleigh. I have not heard back from anyone on this. Would you advise me if you have heard anything or if you can tell me who to send this request to. Best regards, ALCHEM, INC. Randall F. Andrews, President ams Pitner, Andrew From: Angela Scott [angela@semr.net] Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2010 4:23 PM To: Pitner, Andrew Subject: Scan_Doc0012.pdf - Adobe Reader Attachments: Scan_Doc0012.pdf; LTR-NCDENR-AP10.doc; LTR-NCDENR-AP9.doc Please see attached documents from Randall Andrews 1 PfflWi-U*1 i. Corporate Office 2042 Buie Philadelphus Road Red Springs, NC 28377 Tel. 910-843-2121 - 800-522-2944 Fax 910-843-5789 rfag?sernnnet June 28, 2010 Mr. Andrew I I. Pitner, P.G. Environmental Program Supervisor NC Department of Environmental & Natural Recourses Division of Water Quality 610 East Center Ave Suite 301 Mooresville. NC 28115 RE: Notice of Violation (NOV) and Notice of Intend (NOI) to Enforce NOV-2010-PC-0438 WQ0002702, WQOO16338 Rockwell, Rowan County Letter dated June 10, 2010 Dear Mr. Pitner, Sales and (Manufacturing 8135 Red Road Rockwell, NC 28138 Tel. 704-279-7908 - 800-462-2586 Fax 704-279-8418 alcheminc@,wind stream. net I am in receipt of the above referenced letter. As of May 17, 2010, I have assumed the responsibilities of plant engineer at this facility. Please also be advised, there is an ongoing criminal investigation for embezzlement and thief by employee at Alchem, on some of the past management, Mr. Robert Wolcott and Mr. Jason Desiato. I. have been placed onsite to get environmental and manufacturing issues resolved. Therefore, I wish to respond .to your letter in paragraph form. WQ0002702: Condition #13 requires the recycled water to be maintained at a pI I of 6.0 Standard Units as it goes to the storage lagoons: Regarding the pH readings, Trent Tidwell is currently certified to take these readings. Your letter states that Trent made the comment, "he has not been onsite to monitor the pH for lens than 18 months". However Trent states this statement is false. I have discussed this with Trent and he stated that his statement was taken entirely out of context. Trent may be the only person certified to take pH readings. and Trent has been onsite each and every day, Monday — Friday. He may not have been here the entire time, each day, however, it would be irrelevant for someone to simple sit at the lagoon and constantly monitor the pH. The pH was checked continuously, and recorded. These records were believed to be allegedly stolen by Mr. Jason Desiato upon his departure. As of today, there has been a mixer tank to provide additional treatment to raise our pl-I discharge. Furthermore. we have contacted NCDENR in an attempt to schedule an onsite visit to assist us with getting more people certified. In your letter you state, "Alchetrt has never achieved compliance for• pff on the reactors prior to this time, which is the reason the lagoons conlin-nes• to have lost, pH". It is our opinion that this statement is false. Alchem was washing the sand in the reactor and then discharging it to recycle this water. We feel that if anvthing differently was believed, it was a misunderstanding by NCDENR. WQ0002702 Condition 914 requires a site -life estimate for the fill area. You stated in your letter. "It isas noted again that the monofill area has been and continues to be extensively modified and graded. It was apparent to staff dt.trirrg this inspection. and from reviein of pasl inspection photos that significant grading activity has taken place. " We totally disagree with this statement. To our knowledge, the site -life has not been reduced, and the fact that Alchem has not been given permission to fill areas since signing the settlement agreement filed .November 27. 2007, is false. We believe that Alchem has not offered any site -life; therefore, this is a non -issue. WQ0002702 Condition 410 requires two feet of freeboard in all lagoons. When NCDENR arrived, it had only been a few days since we had an enormous rainfall. This water is recycled and used. As far as maintaining two feel of freeboard. Alchetn has in fact maintained a. two feet of freeboard. The area that NCDENR is measuring, has some sand stocked piled in the area, which was done in an attempt to dry it out. however, the current freeboard is still in the area of two feet. WQ0002702 Condition #12 required vegetative cover to be maintained. Alchem has spent thousand of dollars in seed and mulch in and around the top of these vegetative embankments. At this time, we are forwarding samples to NC State University for their recommendation in obtaining vegetative cover in this area. WQ0002702 Condition #22 requires maintenance of an inspection log of the recycle facility. All of our environmental logs have allegedly been stolen by Mr. Jason Desiato, in an attempt to cause Alchem further financial hann. This is also part of the ongoing criminal investigation. between Rowan County Sheriff's Department, Mr. Desiato, and Mr. Wolcott. WQ0002702 Condition 9.28 requires the pennittee to report noncompliance Alchem continues to believe that we were in constant compliance; however we can not offer any validity due to the fact that our environmental records have been allegedly stolen by Mr. Desiato and Mr. Wolcott. We feel these were stolen to further Alehem's potential .environmental problems. Yet, Alchem is maintaining a current book with copies in a locked filing cabinet on a daily basis. WQ0016333 Condition 111.2 required maintenance of records tracking all application activities such as location of residuals utilization and volume disposed. NCDENR is suggesting that the spent bauxite "sand" was disposed. To this date, none of this material has ever left Alchem's property, to my knowledge or to the knowledge of Mr. Randall Andrews. as I have discussed this matter with him. Furthermore. Mr. Trent Tidwell. plant manager, has no knowledge of any of this material being disposed of or leaving our property. It is Alchem's believe that any sand that is on the property is at the pH of 6.0. In additional, you stated, "If available, please provide doCltmentalion of disposal of the lagoon #3 ". Again, we are not aware of any disposal. Furthermore, this would probably be obtained in an}' stolen Lind/or altered environmental records that Mr. Desiato and Mr. Wolcott may have taken in an allegedly thief WQ0016338 Condition I I L 3 requires residual analyses to be conducted twice per year for metals, pi and phosphorus. We believe this did occur. however we tare in the process of locating records, as we believe this is again part of the records that were alleoedly stolen by Mr. Desiato and Mr. Wolcott. WQ00161 )8 Condition 111.6 requires maintenance of records for live years tracking all application activities associated with the surface disposal unit including(a. b, C. d, and e) WQOOI 6338, Condition V.1 requires loggino of inspection oi' the residual storage, transport and disposal facilities. Items listed in, a, b. c. d, and e, were onsitc approximately 60 — 90 days ago. Once again, we feel that these records are part of the allegedly thief my Mr. Desiato & Mr. Wolcott. Alchem has started a .new type of environmental record keeping so this will not happen main in the future. Once we started the criminal investigation on 'vir. Desiato and Mr. Wolcott, it is Alchem's final believe that even though these two gentlemen have different last names, they are in fact brothers whom had a criminal plot to cause Alchem. environment and financial harm by allegedly stealing these records upon their departure. %Vc are working diligently with the Rowan County Sheriff and our attorneys to make every legal el'fort to recover these stolen documents. Upon my arrival, I have constructed and installed an 8-inch thick concrete wall, to contain the Alum manufacturing area. We intend on moving our pumps and piping of this area in approximately 30 days and installing an epoxy coating to further stop potential leakage. At this time, the existing containment walls appear to be water tiaht and in good working order. Furthermore. Alchem is working to improve its manufacturing process so that a reflection of' improved enviromnental stewardship will apply. We have come to the conclusion that over the past several years, the past plant managers at Alchem have not performed and fulfilled their duties as I feel should have been. In addition, with the ongoing criminal investigation for the alleged embezzlement and thief by employee, Alchem is working diligently through the court system to obtain these records in which we feel have been stolen. We are also working diligently to get Alchem back in compliance with the requirement of NCDENR. Alchem has purchased thousands of dollars of eduipment to get the process of total compliance moving forward. There are several other factors that are in the design stage at this time. to improve environmental stewardship at this faciliiy. The statements made by Mr. Robert "Bob" Wolcott, that the materials were ordered, was probably Use, yet the ownership of Alchem had no idea this was taken place. The ownership has taken aggressive means and methods at this time to get the construction process moving forward, which is visually apparent. We request that these facts be. taken in consideration and thatany civil fines may be reconsidered, as Alchem is an employer to approximately 20 good high paying lobs In Rowan County, in a time when jobs are extremely scarce kind the unemployment rate is high. Upon your next visit, Alchem wishes to demonstrate some of the changes that have been made to correct these problems. Sincerely, Alchem, Inc. Charles D. Andrews Plant Engineer ALCHEM, INC. Corporate Office 2042 Buie Philadelphus Road Red Springs, NC 28377 Tel. 910-843-2121 — 800-522-2944 Fax 910-843-5789 rfa@semr.net July 1, 2010 Mr. Andrew Pitner Regional Environmental Supervisor NCDENR Division of Water Quality Mooresville Regional Office 610 East Center Ave. Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Permit #: WQ0016338 Dear Mr. Pitner: Sales and Manufacturing 8135 Red Road Rockwell, NC 28138 Tel. 704-279-7908 — 8o0-462-2586 Fax 704-279-8418 wolcott_r@yahoo.com Quite some time ago I wrote to you asking, that we be allowed to perform the residuals analysis only once per year. You were going to send this request to someone in Raleigh. I have not heard back from anyone on this. Would you advise me if you have heard anything or if you can tell me who to send this request to. Best regards, ALCHEM, INC. Randall F. Andrews, President ams �zati. `%Yi 7�'n t. ALCHEM, INC. Corporate Office 2042 Buie Philadelphus Road Red Springs, NC 28377 Tel. 910-843-2121 — 8o0-522-2944 Fax 9io-843-5789 rfa@semr.net July 1, 2010 Mr. Andrew Pitner Regional Environmental Supervisor NCDENR Division of Water Quality Mooresville Regional Office 610 East Center Ave. Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Permit #: WQ0016338 Dear Mr. Pitner: Sales and Manufacturing 8135 Red Road Rockwell, NC 28138 Tel. 704-279-7908 — 800-462-2586 Fax 704-279-8418 wolcott_r@yahoo.com Just for the record. While I was at ALCHEM on numerous occasions Jason Desiato showed me a log book that was a recording of pH reading form the sampling port in the reactor and from the various lagoons. All of the readings were on various days and various months. All of the readings were above 6.0 on the pH scale. If the book was not at ALCHEM when the inspection was done then it was stolen by Jason Desiato. While at ALCHEM Jason stole at least the following: Money, truck tires, fuel, records, and equipment. He even stole a book that had engine filter numbers and he stole the copies of ALCHEM's permits. ALCHEM personnel are currently working on a list of stolen items to give to the Rowan County Sherriff s department. His brother, Robert Wolcott embezzled over $400,000, and left the company a financial wreck. ALCHEM personnel are working on a list of stolen items that were removed by Robert and Denise Wolcott. Robert and Denise were fired on February 8, 2010. Jason was fired on April 12, 2010. I plan to send you a copy of the Rowan County Sherriff s report. I should have this next week. Best regards, ALCHEM, INC. Randall F. Andrews, President ams � -r-Tv" I --> rrry -02. A ALCHEM, INC. Corporate Office Sales and Manufacturing 2042 Buie Philadelphus Road 8135 Red Road Red Springs, NC 28377 Rockwell, NC 28138 Tel. 9io-843-2121-- 800-522-2944 Tel. 704-279-7908 — 800-462-2586 Fax 910-843-5789 Fax 704-279-8418 rfa@semr.net wolcott_r@yahoo.com Tvv m wq A kP-4 Pitner, Andrew From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Ms. Scott & Mr. Andrews, Pitner, Andrew Thursday, June 17, 2010 3:59 PM 'Angela Scott'; 'rfa@semr.net' Huffman, Ellen; Finley, Peggy; Hardee, Ed RE: NOV 2010-PC-0438 ALCHEM An extension for your response to the subject NOV is acceptable. Your response is now due to the Mooresville Regional Office no later than July 1, 2010. Andrew Pitner From: Angela Scott [mailto:angela@semr.net] Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 11:23 AM To: Pitner, Andrew Subject: NOV 2010-PC-0438 ALCHEM Good Morning Mr. Pitner, Mr. Andrews is in receipt of the Notice of Violation dated June 10, 2010. We are asked to respond to this NOV within 10 days of receipt. Due to overwhelming amount of information required for this response, Mr. Andrews would like to ask if ALCHEM could have an additional 10 days to prepare this response. Please let me know if this will be acceptable. Thank you. Angela Scott ALCHEM, INC. 2042 Buie Philadelphus Rd. Red Springs, NC 28377 Phone: 910-843-2121 ext. 24 Fax: 910-843-5789 email: angela(apsemr.net UNITED STATES POSTAi, SERVICE ;...., ,. r- a., t. -. a" first -Glass Mail ...- ?osta9e 84 ees- Paid AJ :.... pt-S" Itll�r H _ 11SP � 1�0 1 1.•tltl 4lA.1�. • Sender: Please print your name, address; �fh&ZI O r 0 DENR DWQ Aquifer Protection 610 E. Center Ave., Ste. 301 Mooresville NC 28115 �-► �_ -- c FILE North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Dee Freeman Governor Director, Division of Water Quality Secretary 7 June 10, 2010 Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested Alchem Incorporated 2042 Buie Philadelphus Rd. Red Springs, NC 28377 Attention: Randall Andrews Subject: Notice of Violation (NOV) and Notice of Intent (NOI) to Enforce r; NOV-2010-PC-0438 WQ0002702, W00016338 �' r Recycle System, Monofill Rockwell, Rowan County Dear Mr. Andrews: Chapter 143, North Carolina General Statutes, authorizes and directs the Environmental Management Commission of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources to protect and preserve the water and air resources of the State. The Division of Water Quality (division) has the delegated authority to enforce adopted pollution control rules. This letter is a standard notification and is intended to advise you of the legal requirements under North Carolina law. On April 14, 2010, staff from the Mooresville Regional Office, Aquifer Protection Section (Ellen Huffman, Peggy Finley, and Maria Schutte) conducted an inspection of the Alchem facility in Rockwell. Follow- up visits were conducted on the afternoon of April 14 and again on April 26. As a result of these events, the facility was found to be in violation of conditions of the subject permits and the November 27, 2007, Settlement Agreement. This NOV also includes violations found in the review of annual report for 2009. Specific violations are discussed below: WQ0002702, Condition #13 requires the recycled water to be maintained at a pH of 6.0 Standard Units as it goes to the storage lagoons. The pH readings for the last 18 months have not been performed under supervision of a person certified to take pH. Trent Tidwell is the only person at Alchem currently certified and he stated that he has not been on site to monitor pH for the last 18 months. Production records indicate that not all batches have been analyzed for pH. Billy, one of the alum production operators, stated when he takes pH readings, they have been taken from the top of the reactor instead of the sampling port and are therefore not representative of a "washed" batch of bauxite. While this may be acceptable for your internal process control, this does not represent material going to the lagoons and this is a violation of permit WQ0002702, Condition 13, and the settlement agreement filed November 27, 2007. According to Trent Tidwell, the new mixer tank was recently installed to provide additional treatment Division of Water Quality/ Aquifer Protection Section/ Mooresville Regional Office 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 1a�Otle Phone: 704-663-16991 Fax: 704-663-60401 Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 lei oTthCarolina Internet: vwN.ncwaterquality.org 11%'h` ally An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer Aldieil N_OV 1NOI June 10, 2009 (washing/neutralization) of the spent bauxite from the reactor in order to achieve a pH of 6.0 or greater as required by both permits and the settlement agreement. This information indicates that ALCHEM has never achieved compliance for pH from the reactors prior to this time and is the reason that the lagoons continue to have a low pH. It must also be concluded that none of the reactions documented in the 2009 annual report were properly neutralized as required by the permits and the 2007 settlement agreement. pH readings of the lagoons were taken by MRO APS staff at the time of this inspection - all three lagoons have pH readings well below 6.0 S. U. (see inspection report). WQ0002702, Condition #14 requires a site life estimate for the fill area. It was noted again that the monofill area has been and continues to be extensively modified and graded. It was apparent to staff during this inspection and from review of past inspection photos that significant grading activity has taken place. This activity has made the previously submitted site -life report invalid. The latest site -life evaluation was performed by DELTA Environmental in August of 2009. This report was never submitted as requested in the July 2009 NOV/NOI, but a copy was recently obtained by the MRO. The report reflects that, at that time, the site -life had been reduced from 9.5 years to 6 years. Please explain why the site life has been reduced as ALCHEM has not been given permission to use the fill area since the signing of the settlement agreement filed November 27, 2007, Another site -life evaluation of the fill area will need to be performed as soon as possible to determine if there is any site life left. W00002702, Condition #10 requires two feet of freeboard in all lagoons. Alchem staff was advised of freeboard concerns during the April 14th inspection. During the follow-up visit on April 26, 2010, APS staff measured the freeboard at four points in the northern half of lagoon #1. Freeboard measurements to the liquid surface ranged from 11 to 22 inches and spent bauxite solids were piled higher than the lagoon walls. Grading around the lagoons has negated the relevance of the markers on the staff gauges required in Condition #11 of this permit. Maintaining proper freeboard has been a non-compliance issue at this site in the past as documented in previous inspections. Inadequate freeboard was not reported to the MRO prior to the inspection. WQ0002702, Condition #12 requires vegetative cover to be maintained. There is no protective vegetative cover on any of the earthen basin embankments (lagoon berms) as required and this has been an ongoing issue as documented in the previous inspections in 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, and 2005. WQ0002702, Condition #22 requires maintenance of an inspection log of the recycle facility. There is no inspection log being maintained and it is not clear that inspections required by Condition #21 have occurred. WQ0002702, Condition #28 requires the permittee to report noncompliance. A review of the 2009 Annual Report reflects inconsistencies with pH readings when compared to the additional information request received in November 2009 for the previous NOV, and the lagoon pH report submitted in August 2009. Basically, Alchem has submitted data covering the same time period on three occasions with differing pH readings recorded in each submittal. In all cases, these data do not reflect pH values found by DWQ during the inspections of the lagoons. Lagoon activity records submitted for 2009 are incomplete. No report was filed regarding failure to maintain required freeboard. WQ0016338, Condition 111.2 requires maintenance of records tracking all application activities such as location of residuals utilization and volume disposed. Production records (volume produced) for 2009 and lagoon volumes, are not consistent. Records submitted by DELTA, indicate that lagoon # 3 was inspected on September 15, 2009, but there is no documentation in the Annual Report of where the spent bauxite from lagoon #3 was disposed. Please note that Lagoons #1 and #2 were cleaned out and inspected in 2008, Given the changes in the volume of the fill area and no evidence that Alchem has properly neutralized the residuals going to the E-A Alchem NOWNOI June 10, 2009 lagoons, the Division believes that acidic residuals from lagoon #3 were disposed of in the fill area. If available, please provide documentation of disposal of the contents of lagoon #3. WQ0016338, Condition 111.3 requires residual analyses to be conducted twice per year for metals, pH, and phosphorus. Only one analysis for metals was submitted for the 2009 annual report. WQ0016338, Condition 111.6 requires maintenance of records for five years tracking all application activities ssociated with the surface disposal unit, including: a) Date and freeboard level measurements - no records were available during the inspection. b) Source and date of residuals disposed in the surface disposal unit — no disposal to the fill area was reported. c) Cumulative volume of residuals disposed in the surface disposal unit — no disposal to the fill area was reported. d) Remaining volume in the surface disposal unit — no records were available during the inspection. e) An estimate of remaining useful disposal life for the surface disposal unit — invalidated by continuing activity noted in inspection (also see WQ0002702, Condition 414 above). If W00016338, Condition 111.6 (mis-numbered on page 5 of the permit) requires notification of noncompliance. pH, record keeping, etc., have been non -compliant for all of 2009 and not reported as such. If available, please provide documentation of any notification to the Mooresville Regional Office of noncompliance and of written reports filed. WQ0016338, Condition V.I. requires logging of inspections of the residuals storage, transport and disposal facilities. There is no inspection log maintained at the facility. Failure to comply with conditions in a permit may result in a recommendation of enforcement action, to the Director of the Division of Water Quality who may issue a civil penalty assessment of not more that twenty- five thousand ($25,000) dollars against any "person" who violates or fails to act in accordance with the terms, conditions, or requirements of a permit under authority of G.S. 143-215.6A. Please note that each day a violation continues may be considered a separate violation, subject to additional civil penalties. As a_result of the violations described in this Notice, this office is considering a recommendation for a civil penalty assessment to the Director of the Division. If you wish to present an explanation for the violations cited, or if you believe there are other factors that should be considered, please send such information to me in writing within ten (10) days following receipt of this letter. Your response will be reviewed, and, if an enforcement action is still deemed appropriate, it will be forwarded to the Director and included for consideration. Should you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 704/235-2180 or via email at: Andrew. Pitner@hcdenr.gov. Sincerely, Andrew H. Pitner, P.G. Environmental Program Supervisor Enclosure: Inspection Report Cc: Trent Tidwell, Alchem Incorporated, 8135 Red Road, Rockwell, North Carolina 28138 MRO-APS Files DWQ-APS Land Application Unit, Raleigh Anita LeVeaux, AG Office K3 Mate of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resource; Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue, Governor Dee Freeman, Secretary Coleen H. Sullins, Director OWDISCHARGE COMPLIANCE INSPEECTIO Recycle System & Bauxite Residuals Monofill GENERAL INFORMATION Owner: Randall Andrews County: Rowan . Project Name: Alchem, Inc. Permit No. WQ0002702 Issuance Date: Dec. 28, 2004 Expiration Date: Nov. 30, 2009 Note: Session Law 2009-406 extended this permit to 11-30-2012 Permit No. W00016338 Issuance Date: Dec. 28, 2006 Expiration Date: Nov. 30, 2011 Note: Session Lanni 2009-406 extended this permit to 11-30-2014. Permittee Contact: Trent Tidwell, Operations Mgr. Telephone No. 704/279-7908 Reason for Inspection X ROUTINE COMPLAINT X FOLLOW-UP OTHER Inspection Summary: The last inspection for this facility was April 30, 2009 and resulted in an enforcement Action. This enforcement action is currently being adjudicated. This inspection finds the facility in violation. Staff from the Mooresville Regional Office, Aquifer Protection Section (Ellen Huffman, Peggy Finley, and Maria Shutte) conducted an inspection on April 14, 2010. Follow-up visits took place on the afternoon of April 14 and again on April 26. These events revealed that ALCHEM is non -compliant with conditions in both subject permits and the 2007 settlement agreement. It was noted that as of March 2010, Trent Tidwell is currently in charge as operations manager. Bob Wolcott is no longer working for ALCHEM. Jason De Siato was present for part of the inspection. Production records for 2010 that cover production from Jan. 1, 2010 to March 29, 2010 were reviewed. These records reflect that pH is not taken after every completed reaction. The validity of pH readings from the sampling port as recorded in the production batch book are questionable since plant personnel stated that pH readings were taken on samples of spent bauxite from the top of the reactor instead of from the sampling port as required by the settlement agreement. Trent Tidwell stated that he has been "on the road" for the last year and a half and has riot been involved in plant operations. DWQ Laboratory Section records from May 2007 indicate that Trent Tidwell is the lab supervisor. Based on this, DWQ concludes that no one with certification has been present to oversee collection of pH or observe that pH has been collected properly or to see that the pH meter was properly calibrated before testing. continued ALCHEM Inspection April 14, 2010 Inspection Summary continued: Page 2 The pH of the lagoons and the storm -water pond was monitored by MRO APS staff during this inspection. pH readings were recorded as: lagoon #1- 2.21 S.U. Lagoon #2- 3.39 S.U. lagoon #3 appeared to have just liquid in it and had a pH of 2.96 S.U. The storm -water basin had a pH of 3.69 S.U. The water from the storm -water pond is pumped into the plant for production water. At this time it is unclear as to why the storm -water pond continues to have a low pH. The validity of pH readings for lagoon #1 as recorded in the production batch book appear questionable because pH readings taken by MRO during this inspection reflect much lower results. A pile of dirt approximately 20 ft tall is being stored on the fill area (this dirt has been placed there since the last site -life of the fill area was performed). It was stated that the intended use for this dirt is for road maintenance. The source of the dirt is currently unknown. All three lagoons do not have any protective vegetation for erosion control as required by permit WQ0002702. Past inspections (2005-09) conclude that this continues to be an ongoing problem meeting this permit requirement. Record Keeping review A review of the 2009 Annual report reflects serious inconsistencies with pH readings when compared to the additional information request received in November 2009 for the previous NOV, and the lagoon pH report submitted in August 2009. Basically, data reflects numbers that are internally inconsistent. Lagoon activity records submitted for 2009 are incomplete. There was no pH log -or record of calibration to verify that the pH meter being used for compliance monitoring has been calibrated before each use. See inspection summary. Treatment The reactor near lagoon #1 was supposed to have been repaired (reference inspection and photos from Oct. 14, 2008). Mr. Wolcott had stated at that time that the material to repair the reactor had been ordered. An observation made by Peggy Finley on April 14, 2010, during a reaction, noted that the reactor still leaks and that the leaking water has a pH of 3.86 S.U. and was being diverted by a ditch dug into the ground to the front of the chemical tank area. There is no proper containment for the reactor or any of the tanks on site. Per Trent Tidwell, the new tank recently installed (see photo next page) is to try to provide additional treatment to the spent bauxite from the reactor to achieve a pH of 6 as required by both permits and the settlement agreement. Based on this information, DWQ concludes that ALCHEM has never achieved compliance for pH from the reactors and inadequate process control is the reason that the lagoons have a low pH and that all reactions from 2009 were never neutralized as required by the permits and settlement agreement. This does not support the pH readings that were submitted in the annual report for 2009. Residuals Storage Lagoons Lagoon #1 has a pH of 2.20 S.U. and is currently receiving spent bauxite. Lagoon #2 has a pH of 3.39 S.0 and appears to be about 1/3 full of spent bauxite. Lagoon # 3 has been cleaned out and is about 1/3 full of (what appears to be) water. The liquid in #3 has a pH of 2.96 S.U. Despite efforts to establish a vegetative cover on the outer walls of the lagoons as noted in the last inspection, they remain effectively devoid of such vegetation for erosion control. See comments in inspection summary. During the April 14 visit, Trent Tidwell was advised of freeboard concerns. During the follow-up visit on April 26, APS staff measured the freeboard at four points in the northern half of lagoon #1. Freeboard measurements to liquid surface ranged from 11 to 22 inches and spent bauxite was piled higher than the lagoon walls. Freeboard issues have been problematic during past inspections as well and grading has rendered the markers invalid. ALCHEM Inspection April 14, 2010 Page 3 Transport of Residuals It was stated that no residuals have been removed from the lagoons this year (January 1, 2010, to the present). Residuals Fill Area and Storm -water Basin As noted in the photos below, most of the fill area has been graded to meet berm level. The latest site -life evaluation was performed by DELTA in August of 2009. This report was not received by this office as requested in the July 2009 NOVNOI. A copy has just been retained by the MRO and reports that the site -life has been reduced from 9.5 years to 6 years indicating that additional material has gone to the fill area. Since that report, it appears that even more.grading activity has taken place and a very large amount of what appears to be fill dirt is currently being stored on top of the fill area. A third site life evaluation of the fill area will need to be re -calculated to determine if there is remaining space. These photos were taken during this inspection. Photo 1-Reactor pump April 14, 2010. Photo 2-Fill area April 2010 Photo 1- Note the white substance on the ground. Trent stated the material was lime to help neutralize the leaking water from the reactor. . ALCHEM Inspection April 14, 2010 Page 4 Recordkeepinc A review of the batch production log for January through March 2010 documents pH readings as being taken at the sampling pert. Plant personnel stated that the pH was taken from the top of the reactor. The log also reflects pH of >6.0 in the lagoon. pH taken by APS staff at the time of this inspection show pH as being much iower. It was stated by both Trent and Jason that there is no calibration log book for the pH meter. Jason stated that he takes the meter to a lab once a year for calibration. Chet Whiting (lab certification inspector, MRO) had supplied ALCHEM with calibration instructions, pH method instructions which include calibration as a requirement to perform pH, and the forms for this certification requirement in 2008 but, no one has kept this log as instructed. Cornkliance Monitoring Groundwater monitoring required by permit WQ0002702 is currently being conducted on a quarterly schedule as part of continuing groundwater investigation for 2L violations. Reports have been submitted by John Reuscher with DELTA Environmental. Follow-up Inspection Upon being notified that the mixer was in operation, Peggy Finley revisited the site on April 26 and observed the collection of a sample from the mixer port. A pH measurement was taken by ALCHEM personnel. The result was noted to be 7.18 S.U. 07/06/2010 -10:22 7042168701 ROWAN CO SHF OFFICE PAGE 02 NFC OVA7.'YsHERIFFSaFFIC INCID�ENVINVESTIGATION OCA L" I DEPORT 10-ooa9i8 D000001Nonti to / ime Reported S M T W F$ Bidcnt(s) nay Yr 03 27 2010�� N - A11 Other At Found S M ;C W T f Month Day r lm� L,vdt KK,�townTLarcerry ant FiKb+�ident D 03 27 2010 09:41)Firs 03 .25 2010 14.00 Hra. Location of IncidentO T Et[Noml tae Traet 8100-BLKRedIld, RockweliNC A ident Premise TypcVictim.Residence ,2811Y Z03 Typc How Attacked or Committed BEHIND,6ULLDING/ALLEY []Single gamily Evlulti Family MO Method ©f.rintry/No Force, Tlrej?/.411 Other Forcible []Yes Weapon /Tools pN/A # of Victims Typc l� Nc Unkntowrrinot Stated 'u �jPerson 1XIBusiness' Society ❑ Government 1 ❑Financial Institute 1 1�None []Minor [I Broken Qi asS of Teeth Drug/Alcohol Use: V I ❑Religious ©L.E. Officer Line of Duly Other/Unknown dSevcreLacerations 0Yes munknown Internal r1unconscious Other Major Victim/Busincss Namc (Last, First, Middle) MN* /A C T V1 ALCUEEMINC Victim of Crimc;9 DOB / Ago Race Sex Relationship Resident Status I ToOffendcr 1 ❑Resident M 1 RR mNon-Residen Home Address Unknown Rome Phone Employer Namres c/Adds 9usinws .Plione I Mobile Pltone CODES: V- Victim Denote V2 V3 0 = TYpe: ®Person (]Business QSoci 1 O F ode Name (,Last, First, Middic) T P TTDWELL, EARL 7'REN.T R meAddress S Etployer Name/Address I N Type: 13Pemon EIRusiness QSocie C V Code I Name (Last, First, Middle) 0 L EEV Home A.ddresa 0 _ Status L = Last S " Stolen R = Recovered D = Damaged Z - Codes Check "OJ" column ifrccovered £or other'uriadiction Victim fl 1 DCI lStfttUS I Vntuc AT I rvrV ,400.OF) l I f I fir:'NGRATOR P R 0 1' E R T Y R = Reporting person (if odier Line lnsorujp L-Keng10US 4_IL.E. Uff.icer Line of Business Plroi = Burned C = Counterfeit / Forgcd F = Found DOB / Age 48 Race Sex ?� IM DOB / Age UNKNUWN Number of Vchiclos Stolen p Number Vehicles Recovered 0 Total Stolen Va1uc; $1,400.00 a ROACH, J..8; CS00088'71 officer signalure Supervisor �ttstore Complainant Signature Case Status Case Disposition: URLEMON, J S.RCS000664 ® Further lnvestigation Mrifounded OLocated QExtraditionDeclined Itus ❑,1,tractive ❑Cleared by Attest ORef ise to Cooperate l] Closed/Cteared Elarawd by Arrest by Another Agency DCI-�pUF l7lClosed/Leads Exhaustcd Death of OffenderrAFrosecution Declined Fa e I We / 92 07/06/2010 10:22 7042168701 ROWAN CO SHF OFFICE PAGE 01 To: ROWAN COUNTY Y SHERIFF'S OFFICE 232 NORTH MAIN STREET, SALISBURY, NORTH CAROLINA 28144 TELEPHONE: 704-21.6-8700 FAX: 704-216-8701 Fax # : t6 - lD() From -. Date Pages , Remarks: (Including Cover Page(s) Notice: The information contained in this facsimile message is legally privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the individual or entity above. If the reader of this message Is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or Copy of this telecopy is strictly prohibited. If you have received this teleoopy in error, please immediately notify us by telephone and return the original message to us at the address above via the United States Postal Service. Thank You, 704-216-8700 Facslmlle Farm R05012b10g,pdf Batch # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Annual report Date of 2008 Reaction reaction sent to samp.port pH Prod. Records. Lagoon # recld 08/04/2009 Add. info report NOV-PC-0470 Sampling Port lagoon pH recd 11/20/2009 3/3/2008 3 3/4/2008 3 3/5/2008 3 sp-7:12 3/6/2008 3 3/7/2008 3 3/10/2008 3 3/11/2008 3 sp-6.87 sp-6.87 .: _ 3/12/2008 3 3/13/2008 3 3/14/2008 3 3/17/2008 3 3/18/2008 3 sp-6,.89 sp-6.89 3/19/2008 3 3/20/2008 3 3/21/2008 3 3/24/2008 3 sp-7.2 sp-7.2 - 3/25/2008 3 3/26/2008 3 3/27/2008 3 3/28/2008 3 3/31/2008 3 4/1/2008 3 sp-7.1 sp77.1 - 4/2/2008 3 4/3/2008 3 4/4/2008 3 4/7/2008 3 — -- 4/8/2008 3 sp-7.11 sp-7.11 4/9/2008 3 Apr-08 3 4/11/2008 3 4/14/2008 3 sp-7.05 sp-7.05 ` 4/15/2008 3 4/16/2008 3 4/17/2008 3 s 4/18/2008 3 4/21/2008 3 4/22/2008 3 sp-6.98 sp-6.98 4/23/2008 3 - 4/24/2008 3 425/2008 3 4/28/2008 3 4/29/2008 3 sp-6.39 4/30/2008 3 -- 5/1/2008 3 _ 5/2/2008 3 - 5/5/2008 3 sp-6.89 sp�6.58 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 5/6/2008 3 - - 5/7/2008 3 5/8/2008 3 5/9/2008 3 sp76.6' 5/11/2008 3 5/12/2008 3 5/13/2008 3 sp-6.92 5/14/2008 3 5/15/2008 3 sp-6.22 - 5/16/2008 3 5/19/2008 5/20/2008 g 3 5/21/2008 3 - sp-629. 5/22/2008 3 ` 5/23/2008 3 5/26/2008 3 sp-6.49 5/27/2008 3 sp-7.1 5/28/2008 3 5/29/2008 3 5/30/2008 3 sp-6.44 6/2/2008 3 - 6/3/2008 3 6/12/2008 3 ,a 6/4/2008-6/13/2008 reactor down _ 6/16/2008 3 6/17/2008 3 6/18/2008 3 6/19/2008 - 3 6/20/2008 1 6/23/2008 1 6/24/2008 1 6/25/2008 1 6/26/2008 1 - 6/27/2008 1 6/30/2008 1 7/1/2008 1 7/2/2008 1 sp-6`43 _ 7/3/2008 1 7/8/2008 1 7/9/2008 1 7/10/2008 1 sp-6.44 7/11/2008 1 " - - - - - 7/14/2008 1 7/15/2008 1 7/16/2008 1 7/17/2008 1 sp-6.71 7/18/2008 1 721/2008 1 _ 7/22/2008 1 7/23/2008 1 7/24/2008 1 sp-6.5 3.43 2,35 I 1-no water I I 1-no water I I 1-no water I v o a a 010 c ti M m v m m cn n r1 in, v I i m m 1n i n V1 1p N l0 N tD M 1n n �..3y n N i0 N O N to a--1 .�. 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