HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110848 Ver 1_Approval Letter_20111123 �� ��� ������ North Carofina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beveriy Eaves Perdue Coleen H Sullins Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary November 23 201 I DWQ Pro�ect# 11 0848 L�sa Potts � Wake County City of Raleigh PO BoY 590 Rale�gh NC Sub�ect Property Lions Park Greenway Bridge(Bridge#391) Replacement and Remova!Pro�ect Bridges Branch [030402 27 33 19 C NSW] Approval of 401 Water Quality Cert�fication and Authonzat�on Cert�ficate per the Neuse Rrver Buffer Protechon Rules(15A NCAC 2B 0233)with Add�tional Conditions Dear Ms Potts You have our approval in accordance with the attached conditions and those listed below to fill or otherw�se impact 16 linear feet of perenn�al stream channel (perrnanent �mpact) 40 Itnear feet of perennial stream channel (temporary impact) 414 3 square feet of Zone 1 Neuse Rrver basm protected r�partan buffer(permanent�mpact) 2 296 square feet of Zone 1 Neuse River basm protected buffer(temporary �mpact) 240 square feet of Zone 2 Neuse Rtver basin protected ripar�an buffer(permanent �mpact) 662 5 square feet of Zone 2 Neuse River bas�n protected buffer(temporary impact)to replace an existing greenway bridge as described tn your appl�catton rece�ved by the Drv►sion of Water Qual�ty(DWQ)on September 13 2011 (dated August 17 2011)and addrtional �nformation received by DWQ on November 8 2011 After rev�ewmg your application we have dec�ded that the impacts aze covered by General Water Qual�ty Cert�ficat�on Number(s)3821 (GC3821) The Certification(s) allows you to use Nattonwide Permit(s)NW 18 when �ssued by the US Army Corps of Engineers(USACE) Thts letter shall also act as your approved Authorizatton Cert�ficate for�mpacts to the protected r�par�an buffers per 15A NCAC 2B 0233 In addit�on you should obta�n or otherw�se comply with any other required federal state or local permits before you go ahead w�th your pro�ect�ncluding(but not l�m�ted to) Eros�on and Sed�ment Control and Non d�scharge regulations Also,this approval to proceed with your proposed �mpacts or to conduct impacts to waters as deputed m your appl�cat�on shall expire upon exp�rat►on of the 404 Perm�t Thts approval is for the purpose and design that you described �n your appl�cation If you change your pro�ect you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new appl�cation If the property �s sold the new owner must be g�ven a copy of th�s Cert�ficat�on and approval letter and is thereby responsible for complying wtth all cond�tions [f total fills for th�s pro�ect(now or in the future)exceed one acre of wetland or I 50 l�near feet of stream compensatory mitigat�on may be required as descr�bed �n 15A NCAC 2H 0506(h) Th�s approval requires you to follow the conditions I�sted m the attached certification and any add�t�onal conditions listed below NorthCarolma JVatura!!y North Carotina Droision of Water Quality Raleigh Regional Office SurFace Water Protection Phone(919)797 4200 Customer Service Internet www ncwaterquality org 1628 Mad Service Center Raleigh NC 27699 1628 FAX (919)788 7759 877 623 6748 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer—50/ Recycled/10/ Post Consumer Paper Page 2 The Add�tional Condit�ons of the Cert�ficahon are 1 Impacts Approved The follow�ng impacts are hereby approved as (ong as all of the other specific and genera(condttions of this Certification(or Isolated Wetland Permrt)are met No other impacts are approved �ncludmg mcidental tmpacts T e ot Im act Amount A roved Un�ts Plan Locat�on or Reference Stream erennial 16(lmear feet) ermanent im act PCN a e 5 of 11 Stream erenn�al 40(lmear feet)tem ora �m act PCN a e 5 of 1 1 Buffers Zone 1 2 296(s uare ft tem or im act PCN a e 7 of 11 rece�ved 11 8 1 l Buffers Zone 1 4I4 3(s uare ft) ermanent im act PCN a e 7 of 11 received 11 8 11 Buffers Zone 2 662 5(s uare ft)tem or im act PCN a e 7 of 11 received 11 8 11 Buffers Zone 2 240(s uaze ft) ermanent im act PCN a e 7 of 11 received 11 8 11 2 No Waste Spo�l Solids or F�11 of Any K�nd No waste spo�l solids or fill of any kmd shail occur in wetlands waters or r�par�an areas beyond the footprmt of the impacts dep�cted m the Pre Construct�on Notification All construct�on activ�t�es mcludmg the des�gn �nstallation operation and mamtenance of sed�ment and eros�on control Best Management Practices shall be performed so that no violat�ons of state water quality standards statutes or rules occur 3 Eros�on and sediment control practices must be �n full compliance with all specifications governmg the proper des�gn mstallatton and operat�on and matntenance of such Best Management Pract�ces �n order to protect surface waters standards a The eros�on and sediment control measures for the pro�ect must be des�gned tnstalled operated and mamtained �n accordance w�th the most recent vers�on of the North Carolma Sediment and Eros�on Control Plamm�g and Design Manual b The des�gn �nstallation operat�on and mamtenance of the sed�ment and erosion control measures must be such that they equal or exceed the requirements spec�fied m the most recent vers�on of the North Carolina Sediment and Eros�on Control Manual The dev�ces shall be maintamed on all construction srtes borrow sites and waste pile(spoil)pro�ects �ncludmg contractor owned or leased borrow p�ts assoc�ated w�th the pro�ect c Suffic�ent matertals required for stab�lizat�on and/or repair of erosion control measures and stormwater routing and treatment shall be on site at all t�mes 4 Sed�ment and Eros�on Control Measures Sed�ment and eros�on control measures shall not be placed m wetlands or waters w�thout prior approval from the Div�sion If placement of sed�ment and erosion control devices in wetlands and waters �s unavoidab(e des�gn and placement of temporary eros�on control measures shall not be conducted in a manner that may result m d�s equ�libr�um of wetlands or stream beds or banks ad�acent to or upstream and down stream of the above structures All sed�ment and erosion control dev�ces shall be removed and the natural grade restored w�thm two(2) months of the date that the Drvis�on of Land Resources or locally delegated program has released the pro�ect . Page 3 5 Diffuse Flow All stormwater shall be dtrected as diffuse tlow at non eros�ve velocit�es through the protected stream buffers and will not re concentrate before discharg�ng mto the stream as identified within 15A NCAC 2B 0233(5) 6 Protective Fencing The outs�de buffer wetland or water boundary and along the construction corr�dor within these boundartes approved under th�s author�zation shal( be clearly marked with orange warn�ng fenc�ng (or sim�lar high visibility material) for the areas that have been approved to infnnge w�th�n the buffer wetland or water pr�or to any land disturbing activities to ensure compl�ance with 15 NCAC 2H Sect�on 0500 7 Not�fication of Pro�ect Commencement Please not�fy Lauren W�therspoon at(919) 791 4251 or lauren witherspoonna ncdenr�ov.of the proposed start date of the pro�ect 8 Cert�ficate of Complet�on Upon completion of all work approved w�th�n the 401 Water Quality Cert�ficat�on or applicable Buffer Rules and any subsequent modtficat�ons the appl�cant is requtred to return the attached cert�ficate of complet�on to the Wetlands Buffers Stormwater Compl�ance and Permitting Unit(WeBSCaPe) North Carolina Div�sion of Water Qual�ty 1650 Mail Serv�ce Center Rale�gh NC 27699 1650 V�o(ations of any cond�tion herem set forth may result m revocation of th�s Certification and may result m cr�mmal and/or civil penalties The authorizat�on to proceed with your proposed �mpacts or to conduct �mpacts to waters as depicted �n your appl�cat�on and as author�zed by this Certification shall expire upon exp�rat�on of the 404 or CAMA Perm�t If you wish to contest any statement m the attached Cert�ficatton you must file a petit�on for an admmistrat�ve hearmg You may obtam the petit�on form from the Office of Administratrve Hearmgs You must file the petit�on w�th the Office of Admm�stratrve Hearmgs withm s�xty(60)days of rece�pt of this not�ce A petrt�on is considered filed when rt is recerved m the Office of Administrative Heanngs dur�ng normal office hours The Office of Administrat�ve Hearings accepts filings Monday through Fr�day between the hours of 8 OOam and 5 OOpm except for offic�al state holidays The or�gmal and one(1)copy ofthe petition must be filed with the Office of Administrahve Hearings J The pet�t�on may be faxed provided the onginal and one copy of the document is received by the Office of Adm�nistrative Hear�ngs withtn five(5)business days following the fa�ced transmission The mailmg address for the Office of Admtn�strative Hearmgs �s Office of Adm�nistrat�ve Hearings 6714 Matl Service Center Rale�gh NC 27699 6714 Telephone (919) 431 3000 Facsim�le (919) 431 3100 . Page 4 A copy of the pet�tion must also be served on DENR as follows Ms Mary Penny Thompson General Counsel Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1601 Mail Service Center Rale�gh NC 27699 1601 Unless such a petit�on is filed this Certtficat�on shall be final and binding Th�s letter completes the review of the Dtvis�on of Water Qual�ty under Sect�on 401 of the Clean Water Act and the Neuse R�ver basm r�par�an buffer protection rule as described w�thin 15A NCAC 26 0233 If you have any quest�ons please telephone Lauren Witherspoon at 919 791 4251 Sinc ly �� � � �� Danny Smith Surface Water Protection Section Superv�sor Rale�gh Reg�onal Office Enclosures GC 3821 Cert�ficate of Complet�on cc Er�c Alsmeyer—USACE Rale�gh Regulatory F�eld Office DWQ Central Office—WeBSCaPe— 1650 Ma►I Service Center RRO File Copy Pamela K�sfier PE—Dewberry& Davis Inc 2301 Rexwoods Dr�ve Rale�gh NC 27607 Filename 11 0848_Lions Park Greenway Bndge Replacment_401_NBR_Approval