HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110995 Ver 1_Approval Letter_20111208 ,�'";� ���� NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H Sullins Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary December 8 2011 DWQ Pro�ect# 11 0995 Wake County Hawthorne Great Bear LLC Mary Beth We�ss 1304 Hawthorne Lane Hmsdale IL 60521 Sub�ect Property Weiss Deck Addition Lynn Branch [030402 27 43 3 WS III NSW] Neuse River Buffer Rule(15A NCAC 02B 0233)Authorizahon Certificate w�th addihonal cond�hons Dear Ms We�ss You have our authorization m accordance w�th 15A NCAC 02B 0233 and any condit�ons l�sted below to impact approximately 108 ft2 of Zone 2(permanent impacts)of the protected riparian buffers to construct a deck as described wrthm your application dated November 9 2011 received by the D�vision of Water Quality(DWQ)on November 10 2011 In addition you should obtam or otherw�se comply with any other required federal state or tocal permits before you go ahead with your pro�ect mcludmg(but not lim�ted to)Erosion and Sed�ment Control Non discharge regulations This authorization cert�fication is for the purpose and destgn that you described m your appltcation If you change your pro�ect you must not�fy us and you may be required to send us a new application If the property is sold the new owner must be gtven a copy of th�s authorization letter and is thereby responsible for complying with all conditions This authorization requires you to follow the conditions I�sted below The Addihonal Conditions of the Cerhficahon are 1 Impacts Approved The follow�ng tmpacts are hereby approved as long as all of the other specific and general condit�ons of this Certificatton(or Isolated Wetland Permrt)are met No other impacts are approved includmg tncidental �mpacts Amount A roved Un�ts Plan Locat�on or Reference Zone 2 Buffers 108(s uare ft ermanent im acts PCN a e 5 of 10 2 Eros�on& Sediment Control Practices Erosion and sediment control pract�ces must be in full compliance with all spec�ficattons governmg the proper des�gn mstallation and operation and mamtenance of such Best Management Practices m order to protect surface waters standards �O�ne hC3fO11I18 Jl�atura!!y North Carotina Division of Water Quality Raleigh Regional Office Surface Water Protection Phone(919)791-4200 Customer Service Internet www ncwaterquality org 1628 Mad Service Center Raleigh NC 27699 1628 FAX (919)788 7t 59 877 623 6748 An Equal Opportunity/A�rmative Action Employer—50/ Recycled/10/ Post Consumer Paper Page 2 a The erosion and sed�ment control measures for the pro�ect must be designed installed operated and ma�ntamed in accordance wrth the most recent version of the North Carol�na Sedtment and Eroston Control Planning and Desigrr Manual b The design mstallat�on operat�on and ma�ntenance of the sed�ment and eros�on control measures must be such that they equal or exceed the requtrements specified in the most recent version of the North Carolrna Sedtment and Eros�on Control Manual The dev�ces shall be mamta�ned on all construction s�tes borrow sites and waste p�le(spoit)pro�ects mclud�ng contractor owned or leased bonow pits assoc�ated w�th the pro�ect c For borrow pit s�tes the erosion and sed�ment control measures must be destgned tnstalled operated and ma�ntamed in accordance wtth the most recent verston of the North Carolina Surface Mrnrng Manual d The reclamation measures and �mplementation must comply with the reclamat�on m accordance w�th the requirements of the Sed�mentat�on Pollutton Control Act 3 No Waste Spo�l Solids or F�It of Any Kmd No waste spoil sol�ds or fill of any kmd shal( occur �n wetlands waters or riparian areas beyond the footpr�nt of the impacts dep�cted m the Pre Construction Not�fication All construction act�v�ties mcluding the design installation operat�on and mamtenance of sediment and eros►on control Best Management Practices shall be performed so that no violations of state water qual�ty standards statutes or rules occur 4 No Sediment& Erosion Control Measures w/n Wetlands or Waters Sediment and erosion control measures shall not be placed m wetlands or waters without pr�or approval by the Division If placement of sed�ment and erosion control dev�ces �n wetlands and waters is unavoidable des�gn and placement of temporary eros�on control measures shall not be conducted m a manner that may result m dis equilibrium of wetlands or stream beds or banks ad�acent to or upstream and down stream of the above structures All sediment and erosion control dev�ces shall be removed and the natural gade restored w�th�n two(2)months of the date that the Division of Land Resources or locally delegated program has released the pro�ect 5 Diffuse Flow Plan Approval All stormwater shall be d�rected as diffuse flow at non erosive veloc�ties through the protected stream buffers and will not re concentrate before discharging mto the stream as ident�fied w�thin 15A NCAC 2B 0233 6 Protective Fencing The outs�de buffer wetland or water boundary and along the construction corr�dor withm these boundar�es approved under this author�zat�on shall be clearly marked with orange warning fencmg (or stmilar high vis�btlrty material) for the areas that have been approved to �nfrmge with�n the buffer wetland or water pr�or to any land d�sturb�ng activ�ties to ensure compliance w�th 15A NCAC 2B 500 7 Cert�ficate of Completion Upon completion of all work approved w�thin th�s author�zat�on and any subsequent mod�ficat�ons the appl�cant is required to return the attached certificate of comp(et�on to the Wetlands Buffers Stormwater Compliance and Perm►tting Un►t North Carolina Div�sion of Water Quality 1650 Mail Serv�ce Center Rale�gh NC 27699 1650 Any d�sputes over determmations regarding this Author�zat�on(associated with the approved buffer �mpacts)shall be referred in writing to the Director w�th�n th�rty(30)days of rece�pt of th�s notice for a dec�sion Page 3 You can contest the Director s dec�ston as prov�ded tn Arttcles 3 and 4 of G S 1508 To contest the Director s dec�s�on you must file a pet�t�on for an admmistrative hearmg You may obtam the pet�tion form from the office of Adm�n�strative hearmgs You must file the petition w�th the office of Admin�strative Hearmgs withm siYty(60)days of rece�pt of this not�ce A petition �s considered filed when it ts recerved m the office of Admintstrative Hearings during normal office hours The Office of Admm�strative Hearings accepts filtngs Monday through Friday between the hours of 8 OOam and 5 OOpm except for offic�al state holidays The or�ginal and one(1)copy of the petit�on must be filed with the Office of Admin�strative Hear�ngs The petrt�on may be faYed provided the or�g�nal and one copy of the document �s received by the Office of Admmistrative Hearings w�th�n five(5)busmess days following the faxed transmiss�on The mail�ng address for the Office of Admmistrative Hearmgs �s Office of Admmistrative Hearings 6714 Ma�l Service Center Raleigh NC 27699 6714 Telephone (919) 733 2698 Facs�mile (919) 733 3478 A copy of the petition must a(so be served on DENR as follows Ms Mary Penny Thompson General Counsel Deparhnent of Environment and Natural Resources 1601 Mail Serv�ce Center Raleigh NC 27699 1601 Th�s Authorizahon shall expire five(5)years from the date of this letter This letter comp(etes the review of the No Pract�cal Alternatives determtnation under 1 SA NCAC 2B 0233 If you have any questions please call Lauren Witherspoon at(919) 791 4251 This letter does not authonze any impacts to erther Waters of the United States or Waters of the State Please contact the US Army Corps of Engmeers(USACE)or NC Drvision of Water Quality(DWQ)�f any impacts are proposed to waters on this pro�ect S cer ly �i�i� �` Danny Sm�t Surface Water Protection Section Supervisor Rale�gh Reg�onal Office Enclosures Certtficate of Complet�on cc DWQ Central Office—WeBSCaPe— 1650 Mail Servtce Center RRO Ftle Copy Jeff Teander—Custom Construction Inc 1615 Tr�ntty Road Rale�gh NC 27607 Filename 11 0995_Weiss Deck Add�hon_NBR_Approval