HomeMy WebLinkAboutUS 13/US 158 (11) Memorandum of Meeting Date November 16 2011 Place\T�me NCDOT Structures Unit Conference Room 3 00 P M , Partic�pants Bill Biddlecome USACE � Travis Wilson—NCWRC i ' David Wainwright—NCDWQ Gary Jordan—USFWS Chris Militscher—USEPA Cathy Brittingham DCM i Bill Zerman NCDOT Hydraulics Unit Andy Young NCDOT Trans Prog Management Trace Howell—NCDOT REU Mark Laugisch—NCDOT REU Mark Staley—NCDOT REU Amy James—NCDOT NEU � Bob Capehart—NCDOT Div 1 Clay Willis—NCDOT Div 1 Mark Osenbaugh—E V Williams ' Sam Blevins—McLean Contracting � Michael Wood—Catena Group Ivy Kimbrough—Catena Group � Tommy Peacock RK&K Mike Merrrtt—RK&K Matthew Cook RK&K Brad Boggs—RK&K Sub�ect NEPA\404 Merger Team—Concurrence Point 4B Meeting R 2507A — US 13 / US 158 Widemng Hertford and Gates Counties ' The 30% Hydraulic Review was held in order to reach agreement on concurrence point � 4B for the US 13 / US 158 widening in Hertford and Gates Counties The following items were discussed and conclusions reached Matthew Cook opened the meeting with a brief description of the pro�ect He then I proceeded to review the pro�ect on a sheet by sheet basis The site numbers that will be used in the future 4C package were used to distinguish the sites since there is a large number of sites on the pro�ect � Sheet 4 No�urisdictional features affected Mr Cook stated that the beginning of the , pro�ect is being reworked due to a request by NCDOT to widen the median to 46 south of the Ramp B and C tie ins on sheet 6 This would cause the pro�ect to lengthen in the southern direction beyond sheet 4 Tommy Peacock clarified this and showed the group ' the area in question on a roll plot hanging m the room Mr Cook stated that the D B � , Team will inveshgate the area to ensure no�urisdictional features are affected however none are expected in the lengthened portion Chris Milrtscher and Cathy Brittingham asked if the pro�ect to the south was in the TIP schedule Andy Young stated that it is not Sheet 5 No�urisdictional features affected Sheet 6 Wetland affected —Y 39+00 47+25 RT extending to sheet 35 (srte 1) Mr Cook asked if the wetland area inside the new quadrant B should be considered a total take Inrtial response from Bill Biddlecome and Mr Milrtscher was that general practice is to consider it a total take since it is inside an interchange Mr Militscher asked the � general size of the area in question Mr Cook stated that impact areas have not been finalized however the remaimng area inside Ramp B should be approximately an acre Mr Militscher asked how the wetland is fed and Mr Cook stated that it was the team s � assumption that it is fed by roadside ditches The group decided to not consider this area a total take Wetland affected—Y 42+00 LT (site 36) It will be a total take Stream affected —L 41+50 LT and 45+00 LT (site 2) The existing 36 RCP will be filled and a new 48 welded steel will pipe be installed by bore and�ack The 48 WS will be buried 1 0 Mr Cook stated that given the nature of the existing topography the existing pipe and the installation of the new pipe a�unction box would be required at the upstream end to offset the new pipe from the old one Mr Biddlecome verified that the existing pipe is being filled given the deep nature of its location Mr Militscher asked what was to be done with the concrete lined ditches leading to the site on the upstream side Mr Cook stated that the intention was to leave them Mr Cook also pomted out that retaining walls are being used on both sides of the road to minimize impacts He said that blow ups of this site will be mcluded in the 4C package , Sheet 7 Wetland affected—L 50+00 RT (site 36) Mr Cook said that a blow up of this srte will be included in the 4C package Sheet 8 Chowan River affected by piers of the proposed Chowan River bridge (srte 4) Mr Cook described the bridge and stated that the proposed piers would all line up wrth the existing piers on the existing bridge The bridge length matches what was agreed upon in the 2A C P meeting (1121 ) Ms Brittmgham asked if the construction would be top down Sam Blevins stated that floating barges would be used for the construction Sheet 9 Chowan River affected by piers of the proposed Chowan River bridge Wetland affected —L 78+50 105+70 RT (site 5) Mr Cook pointed out that a retaining wall is being used on the right side of the road to minimize impacts Sheet 10 Wetland affected—L 78+50 105+70 RT (site 5) , Sheet 11 Wetland affected—L 78+50 105+70 RT (site 5) � Wetland affected—L 106+70 130+10 RT (srte 6) Sheet 12 Wetland affected—L 106+70 130+10 RT (srte 6) � � 1 Wetland affected—L 114+65 LT (site 7) This impact is to allow for construction of the � proposed 60 RCP It will only be mechanized clearing Mr Cook pomted out the new � equalizer pipe being installed He stated that throughout the pro�ect all existing culverts were being replaced with culverts of equal or larger size No ptpes in wetlands will be Iburied f � Sheet 13 Wetland affected—L 106+70 130+10 RT (site 6) Wetland affected—L 133+55 135+20 RT (site 8) � Wetland affected—L 136+45 138+25 RT (site 9) The equalizer was point out ( L 128+00) I Sheet 14 Wetland affected—L 136+45 138+25 RT (srte 9) Wetland affected—L 140+75 146+50 RT (srte 10) Wetland affected—L 141+05 148+25 LT (site 11) Wetland affected—L 148+65 164+75 RT (site 12) Wetland affected—L 150+30 161+70 LT (srte 13) The equalizer was pointed out ( L 143+00) Sheet 15 Wetland affected—L 148+65 164+75 RT (site 12) Wetland affected—L 150+30 161+70 LT (site 13) The equalizers were pointed out ( L 151+90 L 157+00) Mr Militscher asked about the locations of the turnarounds Mike Merritt stated that they were placed at distances of 800 Sheet 16 Wetland affected—L 148+65 164+75 RT (srte 12) Wetland affected—L 163+10 164+30 LT (site 14) Wetland affected—L 166+15 CL (site 15) This will be a total take Wetland affected—L 170+35 174+45 LT (site 16) Wetland affected—L 170+45 174+20 RT (site 17) The equalizer was pointed out ( L 173+00) Sheet 17 Wetland affected—L 177+50 178+50 RT (site 18) Wetland affected—L 179+50 186+40 RT (srte 19) Wetland affected—L 179+80 184+40 LT (srte 20) Wetland affected—L 186+75 189+15 RT (site 21) Wetland affected—L 187+80 188+95 LT (srte 22) The equalizers were pointed out ( L 180+00 L 183+00) Sheet 18 Wetland affected—L 186+75 189+15 RT (site 21) Wetland affected—L 193+85 200+00 LT & RT (site 23) This is the Buckhorn bridge(s) crossmg Mr Cook described the bridges stating that the southbound bridge (190 87 ) is longer than the northbound bridge (109 ) due to the curved alignment The bridge length matches what was agreed upon in the 2A C P meeting (110 ) Ms Brittingham asked if the construction would be top down Mark Osenbaugh said it would be Ms Brittingham also asked if the channel is navigable She stated that in a field visit in March 2009 it was determined navigable and considered AEC Mr Cook distributed pictures from August 2011 that showed a dry bed under the bridge and no defined channel Amy James stated that it is a�urisdichonal stream The group noted that the channel can be wet at times and dry at times but did not think it was navigable Michael Wood stated that he planned on taking a field visrt in the following week at which time any agency personnel would be welcome to come and make a final determination on the channel The meeting would also serve as our meeting needed to begin the CAMA permit application Mr Cook stated that the bridge will be a single span The fill slope under the bridge at one location is approximately 3 from the stream edge The D B Team stated that the bridge and abutment can be constructed without encroaching in to the stream at this location All m attendance agreed that a temporary fill in surface water would not be needed and that the construction of the bridge wtll stay out of the stream The wetlands will be affected however the stream will not Wetland affected—L 197+25 198+65 RT (site 24) This will be a total take Sheet 19 Wetland affected—L 206+55 209+40 LT (site 25) Wetland affected—L 207+10 209+10 RT (srte 26) Wetland affected—L 211+65 218+75 LT (site 27) The equalizers were pointed out ( L 208+00 L 212+50) Mr Cook distributed pictures of the swale downstream of the equalizer at —L 212+50 as it was photographed in August 2011 He then showed a picture taken November 2011 The swale has been dug out approximately 4 0 in the ground resulting in standing water Sheet 20 Wetland affected—L 211+65 218+75 LT (site 27) Wetland affected—L 215+70 217+30 RT (site 28) Wetland affected—L 221+80 226+35 RT (site 29) Wetland affected—L 223+65 237+05 LT (srte 30) The equalizer was pointed out ( L 226+00) Mr Cook pointed out the drtch at—L 220+25 LT It drains towards the roadway fac�lrty In its existmg state it looks like it (according to the plans) should meet a cross pipe at — L 216+45 No pipe was observed in the field It was determined in the field that the ditch eventually transitions from a 4 depth to nothing as it disperses mto the wetland at approximately —L 215+75 LT The proposal from the D B Team is to ditch through the wetland from the location the ditch meets the fill slope to the wetland it currently feeds Bill Zerman asked if the existing elevations could be met Mr Cook stated that the ditch would be less than 0 30% in slope, however the area had been surveyed extensively and the existing elevations would be held at the ditch tie points The wetland would in no way be drained by the ditch The current pattern would be maintained This was agreed upon by all in attendance Sheet 21 Wetland affected—L 223+65 237+05 LT (site 30) Wetland affected—L 231+20 233+85 RT (srte 31) Wetland affected—L 240+05 244+30 RT (site 32) Sheet 22 Wetland affected—L 240+05 244+30 RT (site 32) The equalizer was pomted out( L 242+00) � Sheet 23 Wetland affected—L 255+30 255+40 LT (site 33) Mr Cook stated that the ditch at —L 256+65 RT has been labeled different ways in different files The original wetland file the D B Team received and a file provided by Mr Young on November 10 2011 show rt as a�urisdictional stream A file provided by Ms James on November 8 2011 does not show rt as a�urisdictional stream Mr Cook stated that he checked the NRTR and it is not labeled as a �urisdictional stream in it either Ms James stated that it is not�urisdictional , Sheet 24 No�urisdictional features affected Sheet 25 Wetland affected—L 286+80 288+90 RT (site 34) The equalizers were pointed out ( L 287+20) Sheet 26 28 No�urisdictional features affected Sheet 29 Wetland affected—L 342+15 344+90 LT (site 35) Stream affected —L 341+65 LT & RT (site 35) Mr Cook stated that this stream has been labeled different ways in various files also Ms James verified that it is indeed a �urisdictional stream on both sides of the road It is a tributary to Jady Branch Mr Cook said that rt will be a 72 RCP buried 1 0 Sheet 30-34 No Jurisdictional features affected Sheet 35 Wetland affected—Y 39+00 47+25 RT extending to sheet 6 (site 1) Sheet 36-37 No�urisdictional features affected Additional comments /questions Ms Brittingham asked if we expected any early utility work in upland areas Mr Cook stated that at this time we don t expect any however we do not have plans from the utility companies yet If any early upland work is needed all agencies would be contacted prior to any land disturbance Any impacts from them will be included in the package Mr Biddlecome stated that a Section 10 would be needed for the new AT&T lme installed under the Chowan River Ms Brithngham asked when we anticipated the 4C C P meehng Mr Cook stated January 2012 Mr Biddlecome asked about the Coast Guard permit Mr Wood stated that we planned on submitting all permits at the same time The meeting was ad�ourned R\Hydra Lcs\DOCUMENTS\R 2507A 4B M t doc