HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190229_Meeting Minutes_20111109 i i � ���o-� � � ��� STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF'TRANSPORTATION BEVERLY�AVES PURDUE EUGENE A CONTI JR GOVERNOR SECREI'ARl November 9 2011 MEMORANDiJM TO Tim Jolu�son PE Division Engmeer IIighway Division 8 FROM Karen S Reynolds Pro�cct Plamm�g Engineer � �'-���'��- Pro�ect Development and Environmental Analysis Branch SUBJECT Pro�ect Scopmg Meet�ng M�nutes R 3830 NC 42—SR 1579 (Broadway Road) from US 421 (Horner Boulevard) m Sanford to SR 1538 (East Harrmgton Avenue) m Broadway WBS Pro�ect No 38887 Federal Aid Pro�ect No STP 0042(49) Highway Drvision 8 Lee � County � A pro�ect scopmg meetmg was held on Wednesday August 10 2011 at 10 00 a m m the Pro�ect Development & Env�ronmental Analysis Branch Conference Room of the Century Center m Raleigh The meetmg agenda and materials were distributed via e mail to the meetmg participants prior to the meetmg The meetmg agenda maps and other meetmg mater�als were also ava�lable to the meeting participants upon arrival The following were m attendance Kelly Becker NCDOT Capital Regional Traffic Ed Lew�s—PDEA Human Environment Unit John Olmger—DCE NCDOT Highway Division 8 Harrison Marshall—PDEA Human Environment Un�t Mayor ponald Andrews Town of Broadway Karen Roberson—NCDOT Trans Plamm�g Branch � Bob Bndwell Sanford/Lee County Plannmg Dir Cathryn Harris—NCDOT Right of Way Branch Jim Speer—NCDOT Roadway Design Umt Phtl Harns—PDEA Natural Environment Umt Nya Boayue—NCDOT Roadway Design Unit Elizabeth Lusk—PDEA Natural Environment Unit M�ke Stanley NCDOT Program Development Rachelle Beauregard—PDEA Nat Environment Umt Hardee Cox NCDOT Program Development Sara Easterly—PDEA Natural Environment Urut � Dourrnt Ishak—Congestion Management Urut Matt Day—Triangle Area RPO Joseph Ishak Work Zone Traffic Control Umt Romue Srruth—US ACE—Highway Division 8 Eric Midkiff PDEA Pro�ect Development Unit Chris Milrtscher—US EPA Beverly Robmson PDEA Yro� Development Umt Fcl�x Davila FHWA Central NC Engmeer John Frye—NCDOT Structure Design Unrt Mason Herndon NCDENR Drv of Water Qualrty Cyrus Parker—NCDOT Geotechmcal Unrt Gary Jordan—US FWS—Eastern Region A1 Blanton—NCllOT Loc&Survey Umt Travis Wilson—NC WLRC—Eastern Region Steve McKee—NCDOT Utililies Unrt Helen Chaney—NCDOT Bike&Ped Division Kyle Pleasant—NCDOT Utilittes Umt Naz�a Sarder PDEA Pro�ect Development Umt , Jamshid Hafshe�ame NCDOT Utiliries Umt Karen Reynolds PDEA Pro�ect Development Umt � Jurek Gedzior—Photogrammetry Unrt MAILING ADDRESS TE�Er�HONE 919 707-6000 LOCATION NCDEPARTMEN7OFTRANSPORTATION FAX JIJZSO42Z4 CENTURYCENTER PROJECT DEVEIOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1000 BIRCH RIDGE ROAD 154$MAIL SERVICE CENTER WEBSITE WWW NCDOT CaOV RALEIGH NC RA�EiGH NC 27699 1548 1 R 3830 Pro�ect Scopmg Meetmg Mmutes November 9 2011 Meetmg Purpose T'he purpose of the pro�ect scop�ng meet�ng was to discuss the improvements necessary to improve NC 42 SR 1579(Broadway Road) within the pro�ect limrts and to fairuliar�ze the NCDOT Preconstruction Unrts wrth the pro�ect study area and the proposed design requirements Pro�ect Descript�on The improvement of NC 42 (East Mam Street Broadway Road) from US 421 (Horner Boulevard) �n Sanford to NC 42 (Avents Ferry Road) and SR 1579 (Broadway Road — North Mam Street) and from Avents Ferry Road to SR 1538 (East Harrmgton Avenue) m Broadway to multi lanes wtth turn lanes at SR 1523 (Rice Road) SR 1529(Cox Mill Road)and NC 42(Avents Ferry Road) Ihe pro�ect is 5 4 miles in length Pro�ect Purpose and Need The purpose of the proposed pro�ect is to merease the traffic carrying capacity of Broadway Road by widemng the existmg two lane two way facility to a four lane two way median divided fac�lity along NC 42 from US 421 m Sanford to Avents Ferry Road and to a three lane two way facility along SR 1579 from Avents Ferry Road to East Harrmgton Avenue m Broadway The nccd for the proposed pro�ect is to reduce the accident potential along this segment of Broadway Koad witlun the pro�ect liiruts Exist�ng Condrtions This section of NC 42 is a mostly two lane two way Statewide Functional Class 4 M�nor Arterial with no control of access This section of SR 1579 is a Statewide Functional Class 5 two lane two way Ma�or Collector with no control of access The facility posts a 45 to 35 mile per hour speed lirrut with motorists traversing gently rolling tcnam within the pro�ect liintts Th�s section of Broadway Road is listed as a MaJor Thoroughfare m the Tnangle Area MPO 2035 LR 1 P and needs �mprovement The Lee County CTP des�gnated this corridor as a Complete Street pro�ect providing for profiles that mclude curb & gutter sidewalks and ' planted medians Local concern has been expressed regardmg the potential impacts of this pro�ect on the Shallow Well Church This historic church property is along NC 42 �ust east of the intersection with the US 421 Bypass and mcludes the church cemeter�es on both sides of NC 42 a parking lot in front of the church and a Boy Scout act�vity building along NC 42 east of the church NCDOT TIP Pro�ect R 2417BB The Sanford Bypass from SR 1002 to NC 42 includmg the interchange with NC 42 is complete lIP Pro�ect R 2417C The Sanford Bypass from NC 42 to NC 87 is currently under construction Development along Pro�ecl R 3830 is urban with no control of access ROW along NC 42 SR 1579 and mcluded Y lmes will be purchased to accommodate the construction of additional lanes This proposed pro�ect known locally as the Maan Street/Broadway Road Connector lmks an urbamzed area of Sanford with the Town of Broadway Th�s segment of NC 42 SR 1579 provides access to US 421 US 421 Bypass ma�or mdustnal employers sigmficant retail activity Lee County High School East Lee Middle School the Crvic Center and Central Carohna Communrty College The exist�ng right of way �s variable but mostly 60 feet m width The 2011 Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) for this section of NC 42 SR 1579 ranges from 15 800 to 5 200 veh�cles per day (VPD) The 2035 AADT for this section of NC 42 SR 1579 is forecast to range from 26 400 to 7 100 VPD The NC 42 portion of ttus pro�ect has the higher traffic volumes m both the 2011 and 2035 AADT Typical Sect�on The ex►stmg two lane two way facility will be improved to d £our lane median divided facility from US 421 in Sanford to Avents Ferry Road and to a three lane facil�ty from Avents Ferry Road to East Harrmgton Avenue m Broadway Utility mvolvement is moderate wrthin the pro�ect hmits Eight months will be needed � R 3830 Pro�ect Scoping Meeung Mmutes November 9 20]1 1 to complete pro�ect utility ad�ustments smce some areas of samtary sewer lines and natural gas lines extst along the pro�ect Water telephone cable and electric lmes also exist throughout the pro�ect Thirteen sites with�n the pro�ect lim�ts may contain petroleum underground storage tanks(USTs) A GIS search revealed 13 known structures of historical or archrtectural importancc withm the proposed pro,�ect plannmg area There are no known archaeological sites withm the proposed K 3830 plamm�g area so no archaeological mvestigation is recommended Twenty fivc school buses(50 tnps) travel this section of Broadway Road per school day Simple lane closures and flaggmg would be acceptable dunng the pro�ect construction per the Lee/Sanford Schools Transportation Director One train per day travels through the proJect limits along the Atlantic&Western Kailway mdustrial spur lme This railroad crossmg is along NC 42 between SR 1519 (Nash Street) and SR 1520 (Rosser Road) No bicycle needs are associated with ProJect R 3830 s�nce this is a high traffic business& mdustrial corr�dor Current Lee County Zoning from the pro�ect begimm�g in Sanford to the Avents Ferry Road mtersect�on mcludes Commercral Business Light Industnal Instatutzonal Residential and Residenttal Agricultura!Lnnd Uses Lee County Zonmg from the Avents Ferry Road mtersect�on to the pro�ect end m Broadway mcludes Commercial Business L�ght Industr�al and Residential Agrtcultural Land Uses The total vehicle exposure rate for the 2 92 rrule section of NC 42 was 39 7 rrullion vehicle irules traveled (MVMT) A total of 87 crashes were reported between January 1 2008 and December 31 2010 The current total fatal non fatal mght and wet crash rates are near or exceed the critical crash rates for sirrular type facilities Rear end crashes accounted for 38% (33 out of 87) of the overall reported crashes These crashes � oc,curred predorrunately at mtersections Crashes occurnng during wet conditions accounted for 28% (25 out l i of 87) of the overall reported crashes within the NC 42 section of the pro�ect lirmts Elirrunatmg or reducing traffic congestion will potentially reduce the mcidence of rear end crashes The mstallation of new pavement pavement markings adequate sight distances and advance mtersection warnmg signs may reduce the�ncidence ; of crashes occurrmg dunng wet conditions along NC 42 withm the proposed pro�ect liiruts The total vehicle exposure rate for this 2 62 mile section of SR 1579 was 14 36 million vehicle rrules traveled (MVMT) A total of 28 crashes were reported between January 1 2008 and December 31 2010 The current total fatal non fatal and mght crash rates for this section of SR 1579 are below the statewide and cntical crash rates for similar type facilrties although the wet conditions crash rates substantially exceed the statewide crash rate Lane departure crashes which generally include run off road fixed ob�ect head on sideswipe and overturn crashes compnsed approximately 39% (11 out of 28) of the overall reported crashes witlun this section of the pro�ect litmts The pro�ect should address lane departure crashes by widening the existing roadway improving roadway super elevation widening roadway shoulders improving pavement delmeation and extendmg the clear zone widths of SR 1579 The installation of new pavement pavement marlangs adequate sight distances and advance mtersection warnmg signs may reduce the incidence of crashes occurnng durmg wet conditions along SR 1579 within the proposed pro�ect litruts i Mapp�ng Several large scale color GIS based v�cmity maps overlaymg aenal photography were displayed throughout the scopmg meetmg Structures No ma�or stream crossings exist within the pro�ect lirruts Several tributaries are piped under Broadway Road NC Drvision of Water QuaLty The pro�ect is located wrthm the Cape Fear River Basin The pro�ect could potenrially impact Lrttle Buffalo Creek and six other minor stream crossings NCDWQ recommends sediment and erosion control BMPs be implemented in accordance with Descgn Standards tn Sens�ttve Wntersheds to reduce the risk of nutrient � runoff into Little Buffalo Creek NCDWQ also requests that roadway design plans provide for stormwater � � � ` R 3830 Pro�ect Scopmg Meetmg Mmutes November 9 201 I runoff treatment m BMPs as detailed m the most recent version of NCDWQ Stormwater Best Management Practices Pro�ect D�rechon The pro�ect design topics discussed durmg the remainder of this meeting were as follows 1 The existmg two lanc two way facility will be improved to a four lane two way median divided facility from US 421 m Sanford to Avents Ferry Road and to a three lane two way facilrty from Avents Ferry Road to East Hamngton Avenue in Broadway The 2035 Design Year traffic pro�ections warrant a four lane two way median divided cross section along the NC 42 portion of Pro�ect R 3830 The Triangle Area RPO favors 14 foot lanes m the three lane cross section and the outside lanes of the four lane cross sect�on with Share the Road signuig and sidewalks on both sides of Broadway Road where sidewalks were planned for R 3830 Curb & gutter sections should be constructed withm the Sanford and Broadway city and town lirruts w�th shoulder section constructed in the rural portions of R 3830 See the attached cross sect�ons 2 The proposed nght of way width along R 3830 will vary from 80 feet to 100 feet and will be purchased as necessary There is no existing or proposed access control along R 3830 3 Hunter Drive can be routed to the west further away from Gilbert Lett Dnve 4 Due to the low anricipated environmental impacts along R 3830 this pro�ect will not be a NCDO1 Merger Process candidate The pro�ect document will be an EA versus a CE for the open d�sclosure of the ant�cipated amount of environmental impacts for a 5 4 �rule long roadway pro�ect and for the clear disclosure of the associated public involvement needs Additionally a CP 4A14B type meet�ng (M�mrruzation of Environmental Impacts and Hydraulic Review Meetmg) could be held to address the associated hydraulic/stream&wetland impacts A nationwide penrut is currently anticipated 5 The City of Sanford has requested to cost share sidewalk construction along R 3830 from the pro�ect begmning to the Thornwood Mobile Home Park �ust east of East Lee Middle School The Town of Broadway has requested to cost share sidewalk construction from the cunent sidewalk section at F�rst Bank to link the Broadway Elementary School with Lett Farruly Park inside the town lirruts 6 In the R 3830 Demographic Study Area 11 5% of the population is Spamsh spealcmg mdividuals who speak English less than very well This percentage is more than double the Limited English Speakmg Populations (LEP) threshold so both translation of vital proJect documents and interpreters at public meetings are required 7 The Demographic Study Area is over 50% non white with the Hispame population twice the county average The R 3830 study area poverty level is over 5% above the county average Pro�ect preparations must ensure that traditionally underserved populations be meamngfully mvolved in the R 3830 pro�ect planning decision malcing process Pro�ect design issues to be resolved include 1 Approval of the exact four lane and three lane cross sections for the two portions of R 3830 2 NC,UO 1 calculation of the cost shanng estimates associated wrth the sidewalks for both The City of Sanford and The Town of Broadway 3 The Hunter Drive/Broadway Road intersection relocation design � � R 3830 Pro�cct Scoping Mcetmg Mmutes November 9 2011 Other Items The cit�zens m the communit�es of Sanford Broadway and in Lee County in the proposed pro�ect study area had the opportumty to offer the�r input concernmg any potential R 3830 pro�ect impacts durmg a citizens informational workshop held on the afternoon and evemng of Tuesday October 11 2011 m the East Lee Middle School m Sanford These proposed pro�ect improvements and the pro�ect study area were also discussed with the pro�ect area local officials in the Broadway Commumty Center in Broadway prior to the presentation of the proposed proJect scope to the local citizens Local officials were m favor of the proposed pro�ect tmprovements as were most pro�ect area citizens The few citizens who were opposed to the R 3830 improvements were concerned that they would lose their homes or busmesses due to the potential right of way requircd to construct the improvements to the NC 42 segment of this pro�ect This group of pro�ect area citizens favored no such pro�ect improvements to Broadway Road m the NC 42 segment of the pro�ect Additionally there was some concern by a few members of the Shallow Well Church as to whether any of the graves close to Broadway Road would have to be moved to construct the R 3830 improvements Thank you to all who participated m our R 3830 Pro�ect Scoping Mectmg and meetmg preparations These meeting irunutes relate the topics discussed Please contact me at the address on the title sheet via e mail at kre n�oldsna�ncdot� or by telephone at (919) 707 6038 with any comments concerns or revisions to these meetmg nvnutes by Wednesday November 30 2011 i � � � � � R 3830 Pio�ect Scopmg Mcclmg Mmutes November 9 201 I Attachments cc Kelly Becker PE NCDOT Rcgtonal Traffic Safety Engmeer Capital Region John Olmger PE NCDOT Highway Division 8 Construction Engmeer Robert Stone II PE NCDOT Highway Division 8 Operations Engmeer Marty T�llman PE NCD01 Highway Division 8 Resident Engineer Alison Whitescll PE NCDOT Highway Div�s�on 8 Pro�ect Manager Art Kmg N(.DOZ Highway D�vision 8 Environmental Officer Brad Bass NCDOT Division 8 Right of Way Office Mayor ponald Andrews Town of Broadway Bob Bridwell Sanford/Lee County Plannmg&Development Director Jim Speer PE NCDOT Roadway Design Umt Nya Boayue PE NCDOT Roadway Design Umt Mike Stanley PE NCDOT TIP Development Unit Hardee Cox NCDOT TIP Development Unrt David Chang PE PhD NCDO 1 Hydraulics Umt Phil Hams PE PDEA Natural Environment Unit Elizabeth Lusk PDEt\Natural Environment Unit Rachelle Beauregard PDFA Natural Environment Unit Sara basterly PDEA Natural Environment Umt Dourrut Ishak NCDOT Congestion Management Unit Joseph Ishak PE NCDOT Work Zone Traffic Control Umt Eric Midkiff PE PDEA Pro�ect Development Unrt Beverly Robmson PD�A Pro�ect Development Unrt Ted Walls PE PDEA Pro�ect Development Umt Cyrus Parker LG PE NCDOT Geotechnical Umt A1 Blanton PE PLS NCDOT Location& Survey Unit Kyle Pleasant NCDOT Utilities Unit Jurek Gedzior PLS NCDOT Photogrammetry Umt Ed Lewis PDFA Human Environment Urut Harrison Marshall PDEA Human Environment Unit Kimberly Hinton PDEA Human Environment Unit Karen Roberson NCDOT Transportation Plamm�g Branch Kumar Trivedi PE—NCDOT Bike&Pcdestrian Drviston Helen Chaney NCDOT B�ke&Pedestrian Divis�on Ronme Srruth PE US ACE NCDOT Highway Drviston 8 Chris Mil�tschcr—US EPA Felix Davila Yh FHWA NCDOT Central NC Engmeer Gary Jordan—US FWS NCDOT Eastern Region Travis W�lson—NC WLRC NCDOT Eastern Region Matt Day Triangle Area Rural Plamm�g Orgamzation David Wa�nwnght NC DENR—Drvision of Water Qualrty Mason Herndon NC DENR Division of Water Quality �V ) I i� + �� i � � � / � 1 � � a � � � � r ``_'�.�..-^--" '�2- E a. � � i -� � ��N���¢ ��d r� '' S� �- j � 1_-- -, � aw �� 1 � � �� s,C'2� �.� `4�5�d ,� ��,{.- � � �•� 3 � v �'�r P �r ' / -,�._.�'` � � ` s� ��y� �"� � �- � ( • .�-a � 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