HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0400345_INJECTION AND WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD_20151120 wToy� Do3 �-S Rogers, Michael From: Alan Martin <Alan. --. c-rm.com> Sent: Friday, November 0, 2015 '..59 PM To: Rogers, Michael Cc: Tom Wilson; Watts, Debra; Knight, Sherri; Wang, Shuying; Jeff Gipson (JeffreyL.Gipson@energizer.com); Scott Boyle(ScottV.Boyle@energizer.corn) Subject: RE: Energizer Asheboro UIC Permit(WI0400345) Attachments: 2015-11-20 Injection Record Energizer Permit#WI0400345.pdf Michael— See the attached revised document. The previous version had pages in the incorrect order. Alan Martin ERM NC, Inc. Direct+1704-409-3444 I Main+1704-541-8345 I Mobile+1704-564-8091 alan.martin@erm.com From: Alan Martin Sent: Friday, November 20, 2015 5:54 PM To: 'Rogers, Michael' Cc: Tom Wilson; Watts, Debra; Knight, Sherri; Wang, Shuying; Jeff Gipson (JeffreyL.Gipson@energizer.com); Scott Boyle (ScottV.Boyle@energizer.com) Subject: RE: Energizer Asheboro UIC Permit (WI0400345) Michael Attached is the Injection Event Record summarizing the nitrogen injections performed during pneumatic fracturing of SVE and air sparge well boreholes. A paper copy will delivered to you next week. Let me know if you have questions. Alan Martin ERM NC, Inc. Direct+1 704-409-3444 I Main+1 704-541-8345 I Mobile+1 704-564-8091 alan.martin @ erm.com From: Rogers, Michael [mailto:michael.rogers@&ncdenr.goyl Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2015 4:31 PM To: Alan Martin Cc: Tom Wilson; Watts, Debra; Knight, Sherri; Wang, Shuying Subject: RE: Energizer Asheboro UIC Permit (WI0400345) Alan- Based upon (a.) previous communications with Thomas Slusser, (b.) additional information provided below,and (c.) a revision of number of wells to be installed is allowed per permit condition VII.3, your request to install and operate 13 air sparge and 12 SVE wells is reasonable and is,therefore,granted. Also, based upon the size of the reports below,would you please send a package containing hard copies to my attention. Thank you for your cooperation. 1 Regards, From: Alan Martin [mailto:Alan.Martin@erm.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2015 3:26 PM To: Rogers, Michael Cc: Tom Wilson; Watts, Debra; Knight, Sherri; Wang, Shuying Subject: RE: Energizer Asheboro UIC Permit(WI0400345) A file has been sent to you via the YouSendlt File Delivery Service. Download the file - Energizer Asheboro II Phase II RI Report 2012-12-18pdf Your file will expire after 7 days. Michael All pre-and post-injection VOC monitoring data collected in the proposed remediation area are presented in the Pre- Construction Report (summary—page 23). No other water quality samples have been collected since submittal of the Phase II Remedial Investigation report in December 2012. The Phase II RI report is attached by download link. Regards, Alan Martin ERM NC, Inc. • Direct+1 704-409-3444 Main +1 704-541-8345 Mobile+1 704-564-8091 alan.martin@erm.com From: Rogers, Michael [mailto:michael.rogers(a;ncdenr.gov] Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2015 2:10 PM To: Alan Martin Cc: Tom Wilson; Watts, Debra; Knight, Sherri; Wang, Shuying Subject: RE: Energizer Asheboro UIC Permit (WI0400345) Would you please provide the latest semiannual monitoring report if it has historical pre-and post-injection data. Hit reply all. Thanks. From: Alan Martin [mailto:Alan.Martin(Oerm.com] Sent: Monday, August 03, 2015 4:57 PM To: Rogers, Michael Cc: Tom Wilson; Watts, Debra; Knight, Sherri; Wang, Shuying Subject: RE: Energizer Asheboro UIC Permit (WI0400345) Some files have been sent to you via the YouSendit File Delivery Service. Download the file - Injection Permit(WI0400345) 2014-05-30 .pdf: Application for Permit-Injection Fracturing Energizer 20140505.pdf; Transmittal Letter to NC UIC - Application &Notification Packages - Final.pdf; UIC Notification-Energizer AS-SVE 20140505.pdf: 2014-07-02 Injection Record Energizer Permit i # WI0400345.pdf; 2014-10-13 Infection Record Energizer Permit# WI0400345.pdf: Energizer Asheboro Preconstruction Report 2015-01.pdf Your files will expire after 7 days. 2 Michael Per our discussion,attached via download link are several files for your reference. These include: Injection Permit(NCDENR); Application for Permit to inject nitrogen for pneumatic fracturing (ERM); Notification of Air Sparge injection (ERM); Two Injection Records(ERM); and, Pre-Construction Report(ERM) Please reply confirming you've successfully downloaded all six files and thanks for your help. Alan Martin,P.G.(NC,SC) Senior Geologist,CSM Practice ERM NC, Inc. 1 5720 Brixham Hill Avenue. Suite 120 I Charlotte, NC 28277 Direct+1 704-409-3444 I Main+1 704-541-8345 I Mobile+1 704-564-8091 alan.martin@errn.com www.erm.com The world's leading sustainability consultancy • From: Rogers, Michael [mailto:michael.roi_=ers ncdenr.Qov] Sent: Monday, August 03, 2015 9:17 AM To: Alan Martin; Wang, Shuying Cc: Tom Wilson; Slusser,Thomas; Watts, Debra; Knight, Sherri Subject: RE: Energizer Asheboro UIC Permit(WI0400345) Alan- I will have the file pulled and take a look at it. I will get back with you. From: Alan Martin [mailto:Alan.Martini-berm.com] Sent: Friday, July 31, 2015 4:48 PM To: Wang, Shuying; Rogers, Michael Cc: Tom Wilson; Slusser,Thomas; Watts, Debra; Knight, Sherri Subject: RE: Energizer Asheboro UIC Permit(WI0400345) Thank you Shuying. I was typing an email to Michael when your note arrived. Regards, Alan Martin ERM NC, Inc. Direct+1 704-409-3444 I Main+1 704-541-8345 I Mobile+1 704-564-8091 alan.rnartin0 erni.com From: Wang, Shuying [mailto:shuvinu.wana@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Friday, July 31, 2015 4:47 PM To: Rogers, Michael Cc: Tom Wilson; Alan Martin; Slusser, Thomas; Watts, Debra; Knight, Sherri Subject: FW: Energizer Asheboro UIC Permit(WI0400345) Hi Michael, 3 I am forwarding this message to you as Thomas is no longer with the program. If you need me to respond,just let me know. Shuying Shuying Wang, P.G. Hydrogeologist NC DENR Winston-Salem Regional Office Water Quality Regional Operations Section Division of Water Resources Email: shuying.wang(cz�ncdenr.gov Please note new address and telephone number 450 West Hanes Mill Road,Suite 300 Winston-Salem, NC 27105 Main Number: 336-776-9800 Direct Number: 336-776-9702 Fax: 336-776-9797 http:///ortal.ncdenr.ora/web/wq/ap s E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties From: Alan Martin [mailto:Alan.Martin@erm.com] Sent: Friday, July 31, 2015 4:33 PM To: Slusser, Thomas Cc: Wang, Shuying; Tom Wilson Subject: RE: Energizer Asheboro UIC Permit(WI0400345) Thomas Energizer is planning to initiate full-scale construction of the SVE/AS remediation system in Asheboro in late August. The existing UIC permit(WI0400345) approves 14 remediation wells though the application submitted in May 2014 requested 13 air sparge and 12 SVE wells, all of which require pneumatic fracturing via nitrogen (25 wells total). Your email of last August regarding this topic indicated that additional wells can be authorized by NCDENR without modification to the UIC permit (highlighted below). What information should we submit to request the additional 11 remediation wells for the full scale installation? Thanks in advance for your assistance. Alan Martin,P.G.(NC,SC) Senior Geologist, CSM Practice ERM NC, Inc. 15720 Brixham Hill Avenue, Suite 120 I Charlotte, NC 28277 Direct+1 704-409-3444 I Main +1 704-541-8345 I Mobile+1 704-564-8091 alan.rnartin'tierm.com WWW.ernl.com The world's leading sustainability consultancy 4 From: Slusser, Thomas [mailto:thomas.slusserancdenr.uov] Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2014 6:38 PM To: Alan Martin Cc: Wang, Shuying Subject: RE: Energizer Asheboro Permit(WI0400345) Greetings Alan, Thanks for today's discussion of the email questions below. The permit is valid for nitrogen fracking and air sparging. The language in the cover letter just broadly describes the purpose of the permit and is not a part of the permit itself. Regarding the number(14)of injection wells specified in the permit, it may not have been clear to me that the SVE wells would be fracked as well,or perhaps I excluded them by thinking that we do not issue permits for SVE wells. Regardless, this is easily fixed. Rather than modifying the permit we can authorize additional injection wells pursuant to permit condition 1.3 after reviewing the pilot test data as described in permit condition VII.3. Let me know if you have additional questions. Take care, -Thomas. ph# 919-807-6412 I fax#919-807-6480 Mailing Address: 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Physical Address: Room 640M,Archdale Building,512 N. Salisbury St.,Raleigh, NC 27604. Internet Address: http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/aps/ewpro E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Puhlic l?ecords law and may be d'isc/nsed to third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other regulation. From: Alan Martin [mailto:Alan.Martin(i erm.com] Sent: Friday, August 08, 2014 4:29 PM To: Slusser,Thomas Subject: Energizer Asheboro Permit(WI0400345) Thomas We had a couple of questions about the Energizer Asheboro UIC permit that need resolution. A copy of the permit is attached with questions/comments embedded. I've summarized below. • The cover page indicates the permit is approved for nitrogen for fracture initiation but does not mention ambient air for sparging. Both nitrogen and air are mentioned on page 1 of the permit. Please confirm the Permit text addressing both is accurate. • The Permit includes 14 injection wells but the Application for Permit(May 2, 2014) requested a total of 25 injection wells. The initial phase (pilot test) the remediation includes one air sparge well and one SVE well. The second phase (full scale implementation) includes an additional 12 air sparge wells and 11 SVE wells. All 25 of these will be pneumatically fractured via nitrogen but only the 13 air sparge wells will be injected with air for long-term groundwater remediation purposes. It seems the Permit should be modified to include the additional 11 wells to ensure the nitrogen injection is included. The SVE/AS pilot test is currently scheduled for September 11 & 12. Sorry we keep missing each other. I'll be in the office most of next week and available to discuss. Have a good weekend and thanks for your help. 5 Alan Martin, P.G.(NC,SC) ERM NC Inc. Main+1 704-541-8345 I Direct+1 704-409-3444 ; Mobile+1 704-564-8091 E alan.martin@a.erm.com From: Alan Martin Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2014 8:56 AM To: 'Slusser, Thomas' Cc: Wang, Shuying; Melanie Bartlett; Tom Wilson; Jeff Gipson (JeffrevL.Gipson a.eneraizer.com); Scott Boyle (ScottV.Bo 1eLi.eneraizer.com) Subject: Injection Record - Energizer Asheboro Permit (WI0400345) Thomas Attached is the Injection Record summarizing the recent injection activities at the Energizer Asheboro facility. This package also includes Well Construction Records for the new wells installed at the facility. Also attached is a copy of the cover letter transmitting the Well Construction Records to the DWR Information Processing Unit and the Randolph County Health Department. Paper copies of this information will be delivered tomorrow via Fed Ex to your attention. Let me know if you have questions. Thanks - Alan Martin, P.G.(NC,SC) Senior Geologist, CSM Practice ERM NC, Inc. 15720 Brixham Hill Avenue, Suite 120 ! Charlotte, NC 28277 (Note road name change as of 6/1/2014) Main +1704-541-8345 I Direct+1 704-409-3444 I Mobile+1 704-564-8091 E alan.martin,cr erni.com I W www.erm.com [AM Luigi L. The world's leading sustainability consultancy Original Message From: Slusser, Thomas [thomas.slusser a,ncdenr.e.ov] Sent: Friday, May 30, 2014 05:18 PM Eastern Standard Time To: Alan Martin Cc: Tom Wilson; Wang, Shuying; Scott Boyle (ScottV.Bovle(aenergTizer.com); Jeff Gipson (JeffreyL.Gipson(i)energizer.corn) Subject: RE: permit review Alan, Thank you for the notice of the permit and work schedule. Attached is a correctly scanned copy of the signed permit. Take care, -Thomas. ph# 919-807-6412 I fax#919-807-6480 Mailing Address: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Physical Address: Room 640M, Archdale Building,512 N.Salisbury St., Raleigh, NC 27604. Internet Address: http://portal.ncdenr.or2/web/wqlaps/aw pro '-f ../ i:. .,i.PfSd 105;70 from.t'FE 2-4-ss. -P Lr c=I ,L ..f. 1.,8 %t110r arif',7a, re-,`i.ai; .11-r <<1' !i7: 'YipEr(iESL; F'SS t`-_ P/7/53;IS e)E?.'ice .`L6 �(c;'ii`?:.. i7 E' . 6 From: Alan Martin [mailto:Alan.Martiniierm.com] Sent: Friday, May 30, 2014 5:14 PM To: Slusser, Thomas Cc: Tom Wilson; Wang, Shuying; Scott Boyle (ScottV.Bovle ii,energizer.com); Jeff Gipson (JeffrevL.Gipsonrix energizer.com) Subject: RE: permit review Thomas Per our discussion, the even pages of the permit did not get scanned. Please send at your convenience. Please note that we plan to be drilling at the site on Monday, June 2. Pneumatic fracturing activities will likely begin the afternoon of Tuesday, June 4. Thanks for pushing this through today. Alan Martin, P.G.(NC,SC) ERM NC Inc. Main +1 704-541-8345 I Direct+1 704-409-3444 I Mobile+1 704-564-8091 E aian.martin@erm.com From: Slusser,Thomas [mailto:thomas.slusser(umncdenr.stov] Sent: Friday, May 30, 2014 4:52 PM To: Alan Martin Cc: Tom Wilson; Wang, Shuying Subject: RE: permit review Importance: High Alan, I was able to meet with my supervisor to review the fracturing/sparge project. A PDF copy of the signed permit is attached. We appreciate the quick responses from you and Tom in discussing aspects of the proposed project and in providing information needed to complete our review and prepare the permit. Please review the permit and make sure you are familiar with all of the conditions and requirements. Let us know when you get started as we may want to be onsite. Take care, and have a great weekend. -Thomas. ph# 919-807-6412 I fax#919-807-6480 Mailing Address: 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Physical Address: Room 640M,Archdale Building,512 N. Salisbury St.,Raleigh, NC 27604. Internet Address: http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wqlaps/gwpro Email c0rresaandence to and;ram this address maybe subject to the North Carohna Pubic Records law and may be disclosed to third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other regulation. From: Slusser,Thomas Sent: Friday, May 30, 2014 2:40 PM To: Alan Martin Subject: FW: permit review Greetings Alan, 7 I received your voice message. As indicated below, my supervisor cancelled our appointment for late this afternoon to review the Energizer permit. I will have everything ready in case she is able to meet today. Regarding Monday, I know she has a mid-morning appointment but otherwise should be available to reschedule with me. I will keep you posted. Take care, and have a relaxing weekend, -Thomas. ph# 919-807-6412 I fax«919-807-6480 Mailing Address: 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Physical Address: Room 640M, Archdale Building,512 N.Salisbury St.,Raleigh, NC 27604. Internet Address: http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wqlaps/ewpro f-me//corresoonde,7ce to and[rum this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public L?ecords Law and:may he disc,:sed CD third mitres un ess the crntent is exempt by Statute Or other regulation. Original Appointment From: Watts, Debra Sent: Friday, May 30, 2014 11:03 AM To: Slusser, Thomas Subject: Declined: 5I permit review When: Friday, May 30, 2014 4:00 PM-5:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US &Canada). Where: la oficina de DJW Thomas I will be in a meeting most of the afternoon with Tom Reeder discussing a coal ash bill. We may need to make this Monday--O djw This electronic mail message may contain information which is(a)LEGALLY PRIVILEGED,PROPRIETARY IN NATURE,OR OTHERWISE PROTECTED BY LAW FROM DISCLOSURE,and(b)intended only for the use of the Addressee(s)names herein.If you are not the Addressee(s),or the person responsible for delivering this to the Addressee(s),you are hereby notified that reading,copying,or distributing this message is prohibited.If you have received this electronic mail message in error,please contact us immediately at(704)541-8345 and take the steps necessary to delete the message completely from your computer system.Thank you,ERM NC,Inc. This electronic mail message may contain information which is(a)LEGALLY PRIVILEGED,PROPRIETARY IN NATURE,OR OTHERWISE PROTECTED BY LAW FROM DISCLOSURE,and(b)intended only for the use of the Addressee(s)names herein. If you are not the Addressee(s),or the person responsible for delivering this to the Addressee(s),you are hereby notified that reading,copying,or distributing this message is prohibited.If you have received this electronic mail message in error,please contact us immediately at(704)541-8345 and take the steps necessary to delete the message completely from your computer system.Thank you,ERM NC,Inc. This electronic mail message may contain information which is(a)LEGALLY PRIVILEGED,PROPRIETARY IN NATURE,OR OTHERWISE PROTECTED BY LAW FROM DISCLOSURE,and(b)intended only for the use of the Addressee(s)names herein.If you are not the Addressee(s),or the person responsible for delivering this to the Addressee(s),you are hereby notified that reading,copying,or distributing this message is prohibited.If you have received this electronic mail message in error,please contact us immediately at(704)541-8345 and take the steps necessary to delete the message completely from your computer system.Thank you,ERM NC, Inc. This electronic mail message may contain information which is(a)LEGALLY PRIVILEGED,PROPRIETARY IN NATURE,OR OTHERWISE PROTECTED BY LAW FROM DISCLOSURE,and(b)intended only for the use of the Addressee(s)names herein.If you are not the Addressee(s),or the person responsible for delivering this to the Addressee(s),you are hereby notified that reading,copying,or distributing this message is prohibited.If you have received this electronic mail message in error,please contact us immediately at(704)541-8345 and take the steps necessary to delete the message completely from your computer system.Thank you,ERM NC,Inc. 8 This electronic mail message may contain information which is(a)LEGALLY PRIVILEGED,PROPRIETARY IN NATURE,OR OTHERWISE PROTECTED BY LAW FROM DISCLOSURE,and(b)intended only for the use of the Addressee(s)names herein.If you are not the Addressee(s),or the person responsible for delivering this to the Addressee(s),you are hereby notified that reading,copying,or distributing this message is prohibited.If you have received this electronic mail message in error,please contact us immediately at(704)541-8345 and take the steps necessary to delete the message completely from your computer system.Thank you,ERM NC,Inc. This electronic mail message may contain information which is(a)LEGALLY PRIVILEGED,PROPRIETARY IN NATURE,OR OTHERWISE PROTECTED BY LAW FROM DISCLOSURE,and(b)intended only for the use of the Addressee(s)names herein.If you are not the Addressee(s),or the person responsible for delivering this to the Addressee(s),you are hereby notified that reading,copying,or distributing this message is prohibited.If you have received this electronic mail message in error,please contact us immediately at(704)541-8345 and take the steps necessary to delete the message completely from your computer system.Thank you,ERM NC,Inc. This electronic mail message may contain information which is(a)LEGALLY PRIVILEGED,PROPRIETARY IN NATURE,OR OTHERWISE PROTECTED BY LAW FROM DISCLOSURE,and(b)intended only for the use of the Addressee(s)names herein.If you are not the Addressee(s),or the person responsible for delivering this to the Addressee(s),you are hereby notified that reading,copying,or distributing this message is prohibited.If you have received this electronic mail message in error,please contact us immediately at(704)541-8345 and take the steps necessary to delete the message completely from your computer system.Thank you,ERM NC,Inc. This electronic mail message may contain information which is(a)LEGALLY PRIVILEGED,PROPRIETARY IN NATURE,OR OTHERWISE PROTECTED BY LAW FROM DISCLOSURE,and(b)intended only for the use of the Addressee(s)names herein.If you are not the Addressee(s),or the person responsible for delivering this to the Addressee(s),you are hereby notified that reading,copying,or distributing this message is prohibited.If you have received this electronic mail message in error,please contact us immediately at(704)541-8345 and take the steps necessary to delete the message completely from your computer system.Thank you,ERM NC,Inc. 9 INJECTION EVENT RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources—Division of Water Resources Permit Number WI0400345 Were any wells abandoned during this injection 1. Permit Information event? ❑ Yes ❑X No _Energizer Battery Manufacturing, Inc. Permittee If yes, please provide the following information: _Energizer Battery Manufacturing Facility Number of Monitoring Wells Facility Name Number of Injection Wells _419 Art Bryan Drive,Asheboro,NC Facility Address Please include a copy of the GW-30 for each well abandoned. 2. Injection Contractor Information 4. Injectant Information _ERM NC,Inc. Nitrogen gas (Fracturing) ) Injection Contractor/Company Name Injectant Type Street Address_15720 Brizham Hill Ave, Suite 120 Concentration 100% Nitrogen gas Charlotte,_ NC 28277 City State Zip Code If the injectant is diluted please indicate the source dilution fluid. L704 )_541-8345 Area code—Phone number Total Volume Injected 5 2, 9 7 5 f t 3 3. Well Information Volume Injected per well See table attached Number of wells used for injection 22 5. Injection History Well names AS-3 through AS-13, S VE-6 Injectiondate(s) 9/9/2 015 = 10/12/2 015 through SVE-16 Were any new wells installed during this injection Injection number(e.g. 3 of 5)_4 event? ® Yes ❑ No Is this the last injection at this site? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, please provide the following information: Number of Monitoring Wells 0 I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL THE INFORMATION ON THIS FORM IS CORRECT TO Number of Injection Wells 2 2 THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND THAT THE INJECTION WAS PERFORMED WITHIN THE Type of Well Installed(Check applicable type): STANDARDS LAID OUT IN THE PERMIT. ❑ Bored ® Drilled ❑Direct-Push ❑ Hand Augured ❑ Other(specify) SIGNATURE OF INJECTION CONTRACTOR DATE Please include a copy of the GW-1 form for each Alan Martin well installed. PRINT NAME OF PERSON PERFORMING THE INJECTION Submit the original of this form to the Division of Water Resources within 30 days of injection. Form UIC-IER Attn:UIC Program, 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636,Phone No.919-807-6464 Rev. 8/5/2013 ERM NC,Inc. 15720 Brixham Hill Ave. November 20,2015 Suite 120 Charlotte,NC 28277 (704)541-8345 (704)624-7928 (fax) Mr. Michael Rogers,P.G. NCDENR-Division of Waste Management Underground Injection Control 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 ERM Via Email and FedEx Subject Injection and Well Construction Records Energizer Battery Manufacturing, Inc. Asheboro Plant II NCD000822957 Injection Permit WI0400345 Dear Thomas: On behalf of Energizer Battery Manufacturing, Inc. (Energizer), ERM NC, Inc. (ERM) is transmitting the enclosed Injection Event Record and Form GW-1 well construction records for the work conducted in accordance with the approved Injection Permit for the Energizer Battery Plant II site in Asheboro, Randolph County, NC. Please contact me if you have any questions or wish to discuss. Sincerely, an�4artin P. Project Manager Enclosures: Injection Record Well Construction Records (SVE-6 through SVE-16 and AS-3 through AS-13) cc: Shuying Wang, WQROS Winston-Salem Regional Office (electronic copy) Melanie Bartlett, NCDENR IHSB (electronic copy) Scott Boyle - Energizer Jeff Gipson- Energizer Energizer Battery Manufacturing 419 Art Bryan Drive Asheboro, NC 2015 Injection Record Permit Number WI0400345 Nitrogen Injection Volumes Pneumatic Total Volume Of Date Fracture Interval Nitrogen Injected Pressure Range SVE Wells Completed _ (ft BGS) (ft'l (psi) SVE-6 9/11/2015 6- 15 980 90-125 SVE-7 10/7/2015 10-22 1,306 140-180 SVE-8_ 9/15/2015 _ 6-20 1,642 65- 130 SVE-9 9/9/2015 , 6-20 1,632 95- 150 SVE-10_ 9/10/2015 6- 15 990 80- 145 SVE-11 9/23/2015 7- 22 1,630 120-150 SVE-12 10/12/2015 10-22 1,285 130- 160 SVE-13 10/8/2015 10-22 1,280 130- 170 SVE-14 9/30/2015 10-22 1,335 95- 140 SVE-15 9/12/2015 6- 15 985 115- 125 SVE-16 9/28/2015 10-22 1,330 90- 140 Nitrogen Injection Volumes Pneumatic Total Volume Of Date Fracture Interval Nitrogen Injected Pressure Range AS Wells Completed (ft BGS) (ft3) (psi) AS-3 9/11/2015 6-42 3,910 95-220 AS-4 9/12/2015 6-39 3,590 _ 100-230 AS-5 9/17/2015 6-54 5,220 95-260 AS-6 9/10/2015 6-42 3,980 90-230 AS-7 9/25/2015 10-46 3,920 _ 120-260 _ AS-8 10/12/2015 10-32 2,280 120- 190 AS-9 10/7/2015 s 8-32 2,612 120-200 - AS-10 10/7/2015 8-29 2,295 120-240 AS-11 9/28/2015 10-39 3,265 90-260 AS-12 10/11/2015 9-45 3,918 120-320 _ AS-13 9/27/2015 1 10-42 3,590 120-230 SVE Total 14,395 65-180(min-max) AS Total 38,580 90-320(min-max) Event Total 52,975 Client: Energizer Boring ID: AS-3 Project: Energizer Asheboro Date Started: 9/11/15 Site Location: Plant II Date Completed: 9/14/15 Project Number: 0314524 Latitude: TBD Logged By: Tom Naumann Longitude: TBD Well r -c Lithology Lithologic Description Construction Well Construction Details a a) 0 0 Concrete :: - .:. Flushmount Steel Vault Gravel iir.- ` z M-L Reddish orange clayey SILT ':!r 4 .1,nis y €E�. �. 1 @1r_tki. yrpy� 8 _ Portland/Bentonite Grout w.` :N — c up Hif =.I 8.25" Diameter Borehole — 1S s��. . j:4 ,. F:: 20 1 s, =. Z ,,;t 2" Stainless Steel Casing i ": I ML Tan fine sandy clayey SILT '• , 24 1 ':r; t4ei ::. • ;. :: xi 32 - I 1 ii= 1 •Ele Bentonite Seal L=r:a ''r:r:' Well Sand Filter Pack#3 Al - t;r�.; z;;; 2" Stainless Steel 0.010" Slot 40 --- - - - i•:.•..t k.;:r ;r:=_ Screen Brown Sandy SILT `'' ' �``, MH (PWR Auger refusal at 42.5) '*s •" I r? :ti::,,,,,,, ' End Cap 44 1 Drilling Contractor: ARS Technologies Outer Casing Depth: NA Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Total Depth (ft): 42.5 Drilling Equipment: Geoprobe 7822DT Screened Interval: 37.5' -42-5' Responsible Professional: Chris Lacko (NC Driller#3516) Depth to Water(Final): TBD , q Borehole Diameter: 8.25" Elevation (msl): TBD Es WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD f For Infernal t 1st OM1• f This form can be used for sakes or multiple 14 alto 1.Well Contractor lltformatioa: f J l / 14.WAtERZONES i r l ;14 i i - (_.'-C. r lt. ' FROM TO. i OESCReTioN 4i cll'(','onn tar Name it.- ft. Al - 5 5 tt 6 ft. ft. NC W.I1;Conuactor Certification 4wnber 15-OUTER-CASING fkw multi-cased.welts i OR LP I<R fir'molten PROM t TO DIAMETER i TRICK:NESS l MATCHER- ++ R. ft in. �+ £� C t iri.v l f�,5 1 m.t c1oi�eet net t C.o Name lit.INNER CASLNG OR TURINO(tecdber ! n7 /€FROM F TO -I DIAMETER Ii TlIICti'A'ESS MATF*eL 2.Well Construction Permit tf: ✓1 5- IL. r ft. , l rn' J 3 1 6 r 53 List anopplrcahle well permits(Le.t.vuntj•Stare,:•aRonee;.fnjecrion,WO E.' 3.Well U=se(check well use): 17.;SC N Water Supply Well: - FROM I TO7 DiAlwr[Ett r SLOTTSIZE _ THICKNESS MMATF.R1.i.L ' ❑Agricultural OAiuricipal/publit 1 S 7.Sic �t4:5 1 in-- r 6' .3 l c. 5_ . CGcotherinal(lieaiing/Cooltno Supply) r3Recidex tial Waiter Supply(Single) _ fi ft. in. Olftdastrial/Commercisi OResidential Water Supply tshared) 1ti GRO '1-FROM l TO. - .-.rdATERLAI, X:MMACEM ENT MET'HOD&AMOUNT GIrrinauon. " ft. -Tt -5 _ '3 3-S ._6 C.�,.�*: i f eAt i r'.: Non-Water Supply Well'. i- Non CMonitorina DRex:overy 535 tr. 5c,s-1t, , " "•- tkI6R' 6. o-v i'- CZ'lit) injection Welt: ft. ft. GAquifes Recharge OGrnundwuter Remediation 19.SANDIGRAKEL PACK if applicable) _ FROM TO r MATERu1 i EMPLACEMENT METHOD oAqutfer Storake and Recovery .^Salinity Barrier -F. -i 33 ft ?!rt S Germs e � 1 tel.?'a-. J, t. OAquifer Test OStormwater Drainage is It 7 Gl xperimental Tea hnology OSubsidence Control 20.DRtLLLNG LOG tattach additional Sheets if a art 1 OGeothermal(Closed.Loop) OTracer TFROM ' TO DESORPTION iMterr.Ttanin,-:>:aathviki.fl.yai.4u,etc.! ❑Geothermal(HeatingfCoolin;:Return) tAkTfKer(expiain under?t2I Remarks) 1' ft. c. ft, ( .r x t t CI' L ( 1�5�- '" ft / ft t i,1. 4.Date Welt(s)Completed: f Iy d4 4i}Well fD r (, R. el ft. f' i C;-4-i' •; `�e ! 5a.Weil Location: i' // C}�� r, r q _'ft. r i.�'it. 6-..t,rl.t'� L 16. ,Y:.,, ': ! C...(ti- r�) Z•1_.I Vim'-�'L.t,,,' t. J. ! /. eft. ft. Facile yk)n ot:Nagle / Facility illa(ifappticabiet ft. it 4t( Ai- T 11) '-� ‘ /n I ) Li-i j 511.6k A !"tC R. €L Physical Address City,aria Zip �t.t1P Nhi3ta$ t t � , . 1,-)'1,,, r yip, s� t k,� �. >, ,t: Vr.�� t ctrr: County Parrel Iden ification No.i PIN' 5b..Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minuteslsecoads or decimal degrees: 22.C•e `•ic an: (if well field,one latflonp is saffscicut) /. / / r I 5^. 6`�� 1 5- 6 n "7 t . i t S 13`� NV �r is-- 1� s-.: t of C'crtified Wall Coneractui- Date 6.is[are.)fire we!(s): el ermaneat or C 3icmporary isy.siening This form.Y.herehy cernfi,that the itel/Aj,tees(were).onsrrncred in accorrlmtcc f With 15,1'C91:'O'C.01tt0 or ISp 1 'AC't0 2(,02011 i{ellConctnrctiou standanls and Mara 7.Is this a repair to an existing well: ©Yes Or 1;1 Cory nithis re rorr;has hero provided io the will r emir if:Six ar o repair,r0/out known well consrrinrk.r artttmullon anti erplaln the nature of the repair Wier.'.Z/remark tertian or an%hc hack ofthic.frinn - 23.Site diagram or additional well details_ t You tray use the back of this paste to luny tie additional welt site details or well 8.Number of wells constructed: I construction details. You may also attach nddttiiinzl pages if tiezessaly. :For multiple InICCttnil or non-seater supply'i t/ts War with the sue ne cpar;uetian.,.you utr submit arc farm SUBM1ITAL 1NSI"E'CTIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: 't • 5 (ft,) 24n. For All Welts Submit this form within 30 days of conviction of well Foe multiple.McllsCeir all depths ifdijl-r.rt(orpmplc-3.a.oti'and 2u�)001 construction In-the foilowing: 10.Static water level below top of easing: (ft.) Ririsiou of Water Resources,information Processing Unit, )r urn t.-.1-del ii nhnv;:cosiog,ase_"--" 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC.27699 161' IL Itorehotediameter: tir.- ) C (in.) 2-lb.For Infection Wells 0N1,3': in addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above,also submit a,copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12.1►ell construction method:. -- e, _ construction to the following' ii,e.auger.rotay,cable.direct push,etc.y Division of Water Resources,I'Rdergrouad Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh.,NC 27699-1636 24c.For}Water Supple&Tnjectinn Wells: 13,,.'Yield tgpi>i), ,__ M1tc[kod of teat: Also submit one cops of this foxed within 3ti days of completion of 13h,Disinfection type: ;Amount: well construction to the county health deparmicnt of the county where. - _ constructed Fount tiW-1 ?forth carotina tleparormt ofEn.ironmctit acid uarunel Rcsnuroca-t?i"isi,:n of Water Resources R�'viscd Auguif 20 i3 Client: Energizer Boring ID: AS-4 Project: Energizer Asheboro Date Started: 9/12/15 Site Location: Plant II Date Completed: 9/13/15 Project Number: 0314524 Latitude: TBD Logged By: Tom Naumann Longitude: TBD Well t a Lithology Lithologic Description Construction Well Construction Details m CI 0illp I Concrete Gravel _. Flushmount Steel Vault 2 ML I Reddish orange clayey SILT 4 6 } . ik •'� Portland/Bentonite Grout 8 I r Ei f" rr 14 16 r ' 8.25" Diameter Borehole 18 _ 20 - ,.,.• 2" Stainless Steel Casing ML Tan fine sandy clayey SILT Art. rei ';$ i ;r 24 _ 6I*1411114;i:. - ;TAV 26 28 V* :HI U Bentonite Seal 34 -- g I ` "' r'' 36 - Well Sand Filter Pack#3 r•, 'l•rOFl 'i:r.-1 :.:1=' =. :' 2" Stainless Steel 0.010" Slot 38 ] 4; tiri Screen 4- -__- -- -- '.r.- __,°:�::f� Brown Sandy SILT �;•{ 40 MH (PWR Auger refusal at 41) •�°s"' —1 :.: �: �.�:. End Cap 42 ,." Drilling Contractor: ARS Technologies Outer Casing Depth: NA Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Total Depth (ft): 41 Drilling Equipment: Geoprobe 7822DT Screened Interval: 36' -41' Responsible Professional: Chris Lacko (NC Driller#3516) Depth to Water(Final): TBD Borehole Diameter: 8.25" Elevation (msl): TBD , WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD FarInternal Use ONLY: This immcanbrnsa l far single or multiple wells I_Well Contractor Infitrmationt jjJJ // G"+ i4.WitTERZONES t�( i (I +'`-C{.:L.-l- •FROM • TO DESCRIPTION Wel1-Ca:atraclorName ft. rt ilil- ' 35 /6 R. rc - \Cw+ell Contractor GeniScs�tian.Nnmber IS`O[11'ERCASINGtfor+nniti-rsiedwellsiORLLNERiifan ticabtei FROMM • TO. DIAMETER •, TRICILNESS I. MATERIAL ft R in. I A S `T Pv t�4 i �•y -� Compairr snit J 16.INNER C►SENG OR BRIG.1 cniher ontelvse<1-ivapt FROM t TO DIAMETER I Ttt1CICNTi$S MATERIAL' 2.Well Coratrnction Permit dtt • .S t: 3 t:` fl. i-II) Ill. ,3 t 6 .55 Liet alp apptinattle 41.41.pern,iir(i.e.Coley", rate,.-r aria n s,Injection;etc.1 It: ft in. 3.Well C.se(check welluse): 17.SCREET. - Water Supply Well: rPROM J TO DP-METER swTSIZE THICKNESS -atATERui. UAgicuttural 0Municipal/Public 36 is 9/ ft" j la ( (U .'y 1 i , .>5 OCcothermal(Healing/Cooling Supply) ❑Residential Water Supply(single) _ i judustrial/Coutrutcrcial °Residential Water Supply(shared) f8..Glinli'I F.R6M - TO 61.4T ERIAL 'EMPLACEMENT MEMO!)&A fODNE . L.lrrir ation , fL 3 01.R• ,[i Y1 r.(.r Non-Water Supply Well r2:r,+- • Z CMon.itorine O.kecovery 3.)- ft: J Y R ,1!,,,-/t& 1 c.,u, t'"'-, Injection Welt; o' ft. I °Aquifer Recharge OGrounawater Rented iation 19.SAND/GRAVEL PACK.fifrttptkablej FROM I TO. MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT'ME HOO •Aquifer Storage and'Recovery °Salinity Barrier , ft • { !t Ssi,,( i` s e.�o,.` °.Aquifer 7•cst DStorrncyater Drainage IL 1 l • ) Di eperimenisl Technology IJSubstdence Control • DRILLING LOG lanac6 additional shies testa s weal DGeothermal(Closed Loop) ❑Trut.cr rtw.t 1 TO . _OE Slimt3oN,co,o..ta.mesa.aa,turck.u. . rain size.ar.} a OGeotermal(HeFting/Cowlittj Retuum) °Other(rs.lam under i?2t Remarks) b - -5 it. r -,t;• �,? i 4.Date Vs ll(a)Completed: 9-1) L. S'Well IU# A ) 1 5 fi- Li� r ii Sa.Well Location: ! ft tt� C t -�-_y �) •t`�, �� i z..C"�i at_4—Le l-• l :�t t W/ R �..•�f L'i-U�,-..a , • �: i npocility/ow:,_niN'teM �j p Facility ID((if applicable) - ft.. n \etYi � p f 7 4)tjOJ1 �1u°, �1(t? itnC lyC� it.. If. Yhyakal Adder .City,and Z.ir l 21.REMARKS County Pucel.ldcntifieaiion No (PIN) Sh.I.atitnde.and I:ongitude in degrecslrntnutes/stcoods or decimal degrees: 22.Ce Ulm n: (Of-well feld,-one latiloog tr sufGciei t) -f . ,, 3 ,7 G`t H 7 5— z. N — 7 9r. S"1 S. !3(I c) W •` f I t t! (.t�i - - --- - Si a ofCesl i.td Well t_ont actor Pate 6.Is(are)thell(s): ar'ermanent or °Temporary ' � we - let tixr,i+egJlars Am:, /-h+:nhv nnift.rJurt-!hr 4rl1(0 wror(were]Mnrtnretcr;im txinrdr+nr. wrth/54 tie;.t(-02C,WO)or 1.A ' Ae.02C 02ntl Well Construeton Srnrxlrirel•and that o Is this a repair to an erisriag welt: DV es or iff.5.1i r+spy of rit.tweed has been provider•th-well ow,Fer. If dos is a repair,jtll'areb,atwer well ratrrtrw mint,infrmrnafiin and esplafn Flu nolti,rof the repair wsder. 2!remark section or ott the hock or this flm: 23.Site diagram or additional well details: ) You mays u se the back of this page.to provide-additional well site details or cacti R.dumber of wells constructed; t eonstroction details. You may also attach additional pares it:necessary; For'entity*INjeciofor ar rK.M-water»yarn we is O"v!l situ the same.oeetrurtlna;o»vacn nit one,çurun. SUBMITTAL INSTUCIIONS 9.Total well depth beloss land surface (7I J/ r lit) 24a. for_at1 Willa: Stitonit this font Within 30 days of completion of well !•Fir multiple wells list all Qrplki trargerens(e.wmple-39.111R'and 2(sJODI cormnusl on to the following: in,Static water levet below top orcasirg: (It.) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing 1'rtit. If water few,'is nlr,ve cosibt;,.arc"-- 1617 Mail Service Center,Rakigli,NC-27699-1617 11,Borehole diameter. ..0 ]r (in.) 24b,For Ipiettion Welts ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address to 24:1 above,also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well construction method: A ✓ci-e? construcijon to the following tic.auger,rotary,cabie,direct push,etc., r' Division of Water Resources,Lndergrnund Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SLPPI,Y WELTS-ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center;Raleigh, NC 27679-1636 24c_Far Water Supply&Injection Wells: 13a.Yield(spin) __ _ — Method oftett: Also submit one copy of this form within 3E' days of completion of 136.Disinfection type: — Amount: - 'vel.l construction to the county health department of the wanly where constructed, hint C,H,I North i;erolivaDe,1rirncuto tnerironnw__mal,dNataalResotvee:.-Oi.•u,:;nefWaterRcaoun.es Revised-hug:ut:0l._ Client: Energizer Boring ID: AS-5 Project: Energizer Asheboro Date Started: 9/16/15 Site Location: Plant II Date Completed: 9/17/15 Project Number: 0314524 Latitude: TBD Logged By: Tom Naumann Lon itude: TBD Well a Lithology Lithologic Description Construction Well Construction Details a) o 0 Concrete _ _ 114 Flushmount Steel Vault ML 4 Gravel / 1.. _ .._.. -- a; �; 4 � Reddish orange clayey SILT i e 8 • f( • ?: 12 . 2" PVC Casing 16 - 8.25" Diameter Borehole 20 i„ ML Tan fine sandy clayey SILT II! I if . i 24 - 4; Portland/Bentonite Grout ii L ' _ 28 p lR !yy!��1,•e:K. 32 - die 1 ;; in l�k,. ;x. 36i y'•' f in _ - - - 2" Stainless Steel Casing : 40 • . •:,-, I€;.- Y= '% i p'�' 44 :O 4 rx 51!1 ! . Brown Sandy SILT 7 . MH 48 (PWR Auger refusal at 57) Bentonite Seal 9F . ::4,--- :Ni:'{ Well Sand Filter Pack#3 52 I •1r?31 :�.c. �`:•:.4 r4';^ 2" Stainless Steel 0.010" Slot :•r" Screen 56 ,,;;.. M End Cap 60 H Drilling Contractor: ARS Technologies Outer Casing Depth: NA Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Total Depth (ft): 56 Drilling Equipment: Geoprobe 7822DT Screened Interval: 51' -56' Responsible Professional: Chris Lacko (NC Driller#3516) Depth to Water(Final): TBD Borehole Diameter: 8-25" Elevation (msl): TBD R . WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD .ForIntcroal tan ONLY.; This lominan be need for sinale or msildfile wells 1.Well Contractor Information: ' .14.WATER ZONES (71/I 1.:F' L—c-1 t l'"•-, _FROM ,_TO DESCRIPTION Wcil'Otinirc,a.o.Nagle• ft. ft, ft . ' ft • •.5 LT/ 6 Ii..ouTER.comit-G tiortrialdeill wells)DIMMER lit appl'MATERIAL .A.(,-.: )et..4....A.r.,!,-...—,. ,-(.,, . 0.. ,ft. in. Compain Ntarie . _I It.INNER CASINGORTCRING,i geothermal chised,foon) . FROM 'TO °smarm ..,.THICKNESS. ',•MATERIAL' 2.Well Construction Permit ft: 1 't).:1 ft 5/, :"' a ia • 3/4 . 5 5 Lin all applirafile well penniis iz e.finmty,SinAt.Variance,fnyeetion..eic.i 42S. Oti. " . d" 4 :5<-X-14 0 .Pti(.- .3.V.ite1.st kr601(well.usen 17.SCREEN Water Supply Well: FROM TO omnat tAe 1 st.orstrx i WICKN: ESS - MATERIAL 0Agrictiltural OMurticipal/Publie• S/1 k i 5-6 ' 6:1-. • inOi 1 3/ ft. it. in:: eothertnal(HeatineCooling Suppl)) OResidential Water Simply Isinglet • , 1 1&.GROUT Olndustnal/Cominercial EIResidential Water Supply{Mated) Fiom 1 TO I MATERIAL _ EMPLACE.MENTMEITIOD&AMOUNT • 91Frigatiint — / fa. Li " Ca-., 1 lre,n,v1;r. Nun-Witter Supply Well: - 116 rt. cfel. IL _8=4,:14,1, C ra,I.,, 4 -..• CMOrtitoritig OReisayery• • Injection Welt: It. ft. 1 DAquiter Recharge OGrottruiWater Rehitediation 19.SAMGRAVEL.PACRfifiimitinablzi FROM To 1 lotATRILIAL , EmPLACEM ENT MEITIOD ET:Aquifer Storage and Reorrves). 0 Sal ihity Earner — / 7-1,'- '•.- : 6: t„., J.- ---, DAqui ter Test 051oemwater Drainage it. j ft. I nExperimental Technology OStiliskienee Control 20..DWI S INC LOci.tattachlidditional abeetaif neanicry) OGeothermal(Closed Loop) [Amber FROM i TO . [. DESCRIPTKri lector,.ticrdni"scniro.k Emu.*ire.di.) OCieolhermal(HeatingiCooling Return) DOther(eirlaio undernt Remarks) 0 ft- * t:::,- ft- 1 cl,e;-,..,,,i,4‹ 0 i.-7 i ...-- 1 ft. 'i' 1 i 4.Date Weil(!)Completed: 7-1 t-1 ') Well KW A_.. 5-- _ . I-L 9 ft' ECt6 -1<— 4, 1-+ 7.. 5a.Well Location: .4-1 5-6 l't•- 5 A.-4-1 C EiNE.r-„,,T i Z k•;- I L',..--t-jr€r-t L' C .. A/ tl,-- ft,. it. Facilitytt.4.nor Nairn. .Facility!DO Of npplicable.) fre_ fe. CO 1 A c f ey ...,,,,.._,, bi I a_ 45 ke ily--,,I Ai C. Ft ft. Physical Address,City.one.Zip it...REMARKS i k GLA.1,, OL6 iti 77 S7 3.757 471;3S- 1 ' _ County Parcel identification No:WIN) Sb.Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: _ 72.Cernfica Of well field,one let/kink is sufficient) 357, 7 , /,- 7 5. t' N -----Pi 1 S .1.31 w'sufficient) ' 9 / -/ /. --ge -1 za.s- . .. Sig. ac C'erilti4c1 Veil Cigitnictoi Date 6.Is(are)the well(s); Wm-marmot. or °Temporary By sjgrnag aii.r torn..,herelli,terri&Mai me welli....)MY21(1 6'ere-)t.!eatroict@el in iii...archnice :with 15.4 NC.4C 02C.01a0 or 15.4 Afon.-02C.c,200 Well 6,,,,,,„,,„i0„s,„„d,,,„ds,swl ih,„,, 7.is;this a repair to an existing well: GYco Or No top):of iinsi-corif let,haw"provided to die well owwer. if ih,s Is a repair,lia Calf h$01111 well con,unirianz 01,fo77na0n0 glId.e.rplain ilw•nature of the repair Lawler r2l reworks,n,rtion or nw awl-or*of flag Ann. 23.Site diagram or Additional well details; SI Nunihr_r of wells constructed: You marJ UcI!the badk of this:pagr to prow id c additional wcIl SVC.details eir Weil construction details. Yo.:may also attach additional pages if netesstu-y, far-hoaople avec-am...or oaa-wairr vapply wrIA(1n)wgh ibe same construe/14M yot?can kiibligt one form, SUBMITTAL DISTUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: . . • •(1) 24a_ For AU Wells: Submit finis Ibrrn within 30 days of completion of well Fe,-muiripf4 weit.i.iiia oil depths if ddierenr ie;rowiple....1&00 awl,v,,-21,tool construction to the'follOwing: 10-Static water Ferel below top of casing: (It) Division of Witter„Resources.Information Processing Unit, owner kee;it‘thoee casing ilNe-.'" 1617 Mail:Service.Center.:Raitigh,NC27699-1617 IL Borehole diameter: 48-^c.)C. (in.) 24b,For Injection Wells ONLY: in addition to sending.the form.to the address in 24a aboVe..also submit A cOpy of thiS farm within 30'dats.of completion of w•ell 12.Well construction method: A ,...)q-e.( .construo ion,to the following: (I.,.aweir..ri)Igi...,.-mbk,direct path etc.) " Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control PrOgrain, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center.Raleigh.NC 27699-1636 24e.For Water Supplq'&Injection Welb: 13a.Yield( pm) Method of teat; Also.submit one copy of this form Within 30 days of completion of 134.Disinfection type: Amount: well consm-tiction to the county health department of the county where- constructed. form GV,,-1 Nora!Carolina Dcnartnicni.of Euvirnmuent and Natural Resourecg-Divi.sicr,of Wet.-1/..,aourcef. Revised August 2013 Client: Energizer Boring ID: AS-6 Project: Energizer Asheboro Date Started: 9/10/15 Site Location: Plant II Date Completed: 9/14/15 Project Number: 0314524 Latitude: TBD Logged By: Tom Naumann Longitude: TBD T Well a Lithology Lithologic Description Construction Well Construction Details au 0 0 - ConcreteFlushmount Steel Vault Gravell 1 ML Reddish orange clayey SILT ' I ' II! i •n1if-, 4 .E 8 a Portland/Bentonite Grout 12 xti: '2. " ,' •, :R•k' 8.25" Diameter Borehole 16 — (. E i•�� g l ,Hl,,. 1 20 :i� I d`. `I ;. 2" Stainless Steel Casing f ML Tan fine sandy clayey SILT i ? ? r". 1rc 24 .2.: `` 1 c Y : — I 1: ilk 28 — aF;, , � {, £ ¢YE '• 32 - `ppH.4 eY k[;N .i • ' Bentonite Seal 36 s."•". '`f•� =�'`` Well Sand Filter Pack#3 � '.•r�r-1 l ':i:�: `` • 2" Stainless Steel 0.010" Slot 40 ,:-":: Screen 4:�ti S: Krt':'.: - MH Brown SandySILT `�i 's. - r ' -r End Cap i ` (PWR A ger refusal at 42) 44 i Drilling Contractor: ARS Technologies Outer Casing Depth: NA Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Total Depth (ft): 42 Drilling Equipment: Geoprobe 7822DT Screened Interval: 37' -42' Responsible Professional: Chris Lacko (NC Driller#3516) Depth to Water(Final): TBD Borehole Diameter: 8.25" Elevation (msl): TBD E WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD for Internal Use ONLY.: This 1 Doweini be need forainidevt tablkiple was 1.Well Contractor Inforntafion: 14.wiktplzotigs eitri% /4z,e1<- FROM ,. TO i DESCREPTION 'W . elt Conintetor Nam ft. R.e _ Aic - 3 5 i 6 k ft.: 1$.01.7TER:CASENG!kr arnilti.csuled aniftsj'OR LINERfilapprieablai• NC IN ril Contractor Cenificadon Number FROM l TO ' DIAMETER illteklfESS MATERIAL I As. --(-• ,,,„G , ,t_. ft, I ft. a i,-. : . 3 i 6.: 5$.-- _1 16.INNER CASING OR 1.,07.11NG ilea ihertna-1 eIoseinolil Company Name FROM • ' TO •DIAMETER. .. THICKNESS 'MATERIAL _1 2.Well Construction Permit lil; . 0 ft 37 it . - 3 1 i 5 5 , -Lka Of Lipfilioble well rnertnt0.ft mninty.e.t ,State,VarianCe„injection,etc.;' 3.WO tie(cheek well use): II SCREEN _ Water Supply Welk PROM I TO I DIAMETER ELOTSIZE -tintioves,s istArtittAt CAOlcultural OMtmicipal/Public 3 7,? il a r- a i- •15 6. 3 _ Et. ft.. i C.Geothermallt-leating/Cooling Supply) '. Residential Water Supply(Single) n. Eilndustrial/Corinercial °Residential Water Supply(shared) 41 .,-..,Gmitot,T, TO MATERIAL KostiAccusnrrr METHOD a Aritinoirr I _.. ..Oldination _ 0 .rt. : 3 3: tt: •-.1,f4,..,J.-%._ Ti ".u. '-1 Non:-Water Supply Well: °Monitoring °Recovery . . ....-- t. ,- 3 i , 3) r , bev„.4-6.11 i.c. ro.„,..,-4-71.1 ft. ft. injection Well: o Aquifer Recharge OGroundVrater RemedistiOn 19.SAND/GRAVEL PACK lit apppentfrint 'mom ...1.TO : 1:'MATERIAL '• I EMPLACT.NENTMETOOD o Aquifer:Storage and Rets.ivra DSalinity Wilier 3.1.--, 1 q cl: ..sa.1,,4 it 3 5 ra.,,, 4-i °Aquifer Test OSturrawater Drainage fr.. LI E.xperintental Technology ca'Stibsidtnce Control .2a.DRILLING LOG(attaeli.additional silents eeessitref OGeothermal(Closed Loop) °Tracer FROM 1M ' IILECRIPTIP%(cabon tinniness,srAVroac tztic.vain aim etc.] CICeothermal tHeating'.C...siling Return) DOther(explain under ir2 I Remarks) , 0 ft, 4-11.4,c_re...:±‹._ 4_Date Well(s)Completed: CI,/41-15- Well I 5 5 ef-6 1. I R. • , l_: -- t - • •-;- t ' q 'a 5a.Well Location; 21 ri' 4-(.2 ft ei,,tfet4 r k, 4 1 74-- ,../ i Efle-(i_i:•t<- -Ri Ai:C(1 C.er_ A ."4••• ft. ft. Facility_Agniter Name Facility IDn.Of applicable, fi- ft, t •q19 Ark- iii ,,r_liji C'.1 te, 11^-11A00 f‘.. M C.._ ft. FL f . Physical Addreas,City,acid Zip 21.REMARKS R-Calt4 Ot 'IN, 77,-i.3 75-67 I)35- Connty P3fCCLIdentificaticin No.IPIN1 ,, 1 j. Sb.Latitude:and Longitude ill degrees/Minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: 22.calif-50i° i if well field,one lattlong is sufficient) 3s-i -) 6'1 75 '''- N ''.7t s 1 i -,. Li ' w . .•-t..) 'it' -g 6 71 - Signat .Cerofied Well Contractor Date 6.IS(are)the well(s): Qfermanent or .0Temporaey Br signAny this form,I hereby etrtOe that the%%4101%we 01176...amtracte4in accordance with,I 5A.A1C,IC 0247,0100 or 13.4.M'4C 0,..,C.02110.Well Cryairiirt10 Standar&and that a 7.Is thiS a repair tu an esisting well: 0 Yes or eltft; en-if this record has been pror:ded to the wen owner, f,this t5 a,Ttaar,fill Out blown weir coristruction,illor a/tinily and cIplain II, nature chit repair and r,-71 mntorAx section.qr mi the hack of this ftWtn, 23,Site diagram.or additional we/I details: You rosy use the back of Otis,page to provift additional well site detallS or well B..Nninher of wells constructer) I constnalion details. You may also attach additional pages if neceSsary. For nimbi*oretton or nan-water tiapply-was Onr weth ihE ff amt.COnSfiNctimr,yeti Calf SIdifnif one form. SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below hind surface:. (-(<4. (it.) .244, for AO Wells: Submit this.lbrm witlim 30 days of completion.or Well For iinihiplo.we/Li liar all depths'if dYferott te-larnple-3@200'anti 21(31001 construction to the following! 10.Static water level below fop of casing: 00 Division of Water Reso it tees,./riforinatioti.Priters..k.ing Unit., I(water Iced is ohal.,casing,Ate"•" 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC'27699-1.617 II.Riireheite diameter' 6.ti,, (in.) 24b.For itlinction Wells ONLY: In addition'to sending the form to the address it 2,1aiabove,alim submit a:cop! of this form within 30'days of completion of well 12-Well construction Method: A„,)5 _ .1 construction to the following: (it puger,ruagy,Cable.clireci.push,en„) Division:of'N'oter Resimirees,Underground Injeetion Control Program , FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1634 Mail Service Center,Raleigh.NC 27699-1636 24c•Foe water Supply&injection%Vella; 13a.Yield(gpm) _ Method of test: - Also submit one copy of:this form within 30 days of completion of Amount 13b.Disinfection type: _ well construction to the county health department of the county where . . - constructed. Form CW-I Noah Carolina Depnrunent of Environment and?Qattara;Resources-Division of Ware.,Resources fIcrised Augasi 20.13 Client: Energizer Boring ID: AS-7 Project: Energizer Asheboro Date Started: 9/24/15 Site Location: Plant II Date Completed: 9/26/15 Project Number: 0314524 Latitude: TBD Logged By: Tom Naumann Longitude: TBD Well a Lithology Lithologic Description Construction Well Construction Details m a Concrete t,. • -,� Flushmount Steel Vault 7-1\11 Gravel N i" =Y LReddish oran a cla a SILT i ii= ) #a g Y Y ; . t 2" PVC Casing ik r x 8 c�"L- - i'Oi. lir 1 12 • , . wwe"%• .:0,. Iva Nz i'- 1`: 16 - VIIII Atiiiii ` 8.25" Diameter Borehole 'Pr Piii:14 I I : : i " 20 — , lwril. -I _ , ,�ilj i��.o Portland/Bentonite Grout ML I Tan fine sandy clayey SILT 6' � �° I 241 Imo: 3.,-. ,...„+e1a a3$! l`i Kq . 2" Stainless Steel Casing :- niE iiWir 28 asi; aryl gym:y 32 1 .s� , `r } i „ — p.:;4. ,kMw f€ 40 — 4' 41is f:g z ! t. Bentonite Seal 44 — •l' 4 '"'rf Well Sand Filter Pack#3 MFi Brown Sandy SILT r l ;:•::::I. (PWR Auger refusal at 50) :=;ti_.? t;-a :`=a =-�:= 2" Stainless Steel 0.010" Slot 48 — -1••-; `-�'•.. Screen:=, ••''.: I -1--'-- -- - — — L'•.•51 =dr:�- End Cap 52 1 Drilling Contractor: ARS Technologies Outer Casing Depth: NA Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Total Depth (ft): 50 K\----5 Drilling Equipment: Geoprobe 7822DT Screened Interval: 45' -50' Responsible Professional: Chris Lacko (NC Driller#3516) Depth to Water(Final): TBD Borehole Diameter: 8.25" Elevation (msl): TBD -WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD forinternel Ilse l)IlLY: This frmntan be used for sins:Y-or tmiitiple wells I.Well Contractor luforittatiou: 2 rr,, j 1.4 WATER ZONES,. r i'3 L=•�._L, FROM TO DESCRIPTION Well:Contractor Maine ft.. ft, rye✓ c f'a [[ ft. NC Welt Contra:mr ertificrstioo?umber i .Ott rE&CASING!for man d wills,'ORLD•ER tirappb�hte1 FROM . i TO - I DIAMETER THRINIM MATERIAL e. 4 RS IL (,:l ;�:.) ft I 1 in. CimpanyName 1&Lh`NER CASING AR TttDCNG{ectithernini cimed4 ept PROM TO 1-DIAMETER T/ICKNESS --MATERIAL: .2,Well Constrnction.Permit#: 0 ft. s- ft in. 56.it t,i 0 le t/L. List all npplicwltie-4'4 nerutiis(te,County Slate,tartan:v.lnieectran.etr) S, ' I ice q 3.Well lase lcber*welt use): 17.SCi i EN ! Water Supply Well: Mid TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE KR THICHFSS MATERIAL C]Agicuitural QMunielpal/Public qs. 5-0 .it. r.) in., ., 01 D ram]([r 5S fL OGeothermal(Rearing/CoalingSupply) QResidenrisl WaierSu l sin te) ft is , industriai/Commeurl ORecidetltial.Water Supply(Shared) IS'GR°Irr _.FRO�M: 7'O I MATERIAL. ' EMPLACEMENT METHOD&AMOUNT' Q]TTittat%un V ft t-13 it. r oc,i- ` i€44u t [fan Neater Supply Well: tit t •4- f./.3 it btea6A( k 1 rt�U. 1— QMonittning ORecovery It t 7 Injection Well: ft 1 DAquiferRecharge: QGruundwaterRemediation 1 '19.SAND/GRAVELPACCKtifappticablel FROM 't TO MATERIAL i EMPLACEMETr METHOD ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery DSalinity 3amcr . fr.. t ft C i t7AquiferTett QStorm, terDrsinuge } t U ]Lt�t:i. tt` +ru DExperimental Technology QSubsidenceControl t 20.DRILL INC LOG(nand*additional sheets if roans QGeothermol(Closed Loop) Q•fracer FROM. TO ter_'.rRirr1O'Vle tuc,L w a*dn ,id type . . ❑Geothermal(Roatine/Ctxiting.Return) QOther(txcplain under r<21 Remarks) U ff' • ftcri&C: C ,, ft- r lit, l„1 t 4..Date Weil(s)Completed: ?- "1-/5. Well rou A._.„. 7 lu t ' o t S,if Sa.Well Location; L' t 4)- t� fL 5 and d y •ci E' U Erer ,c.e('6uE:#tr C.,. Ai A h. tt: i Facility/at,,.ncr Name Fnd7ity ills(if applicable) - f ft. 411 4f 4.- rf•,!&A i.)Ctl; 41FhJ (e /liC >k it. Physical Addiesa,City' and Zip 21-REMARKS \n.sk.r, nl . 77.5"3 75-t'V Ws— County l 1.'aitC114 ntifiuiuonNa SPIN) / n 7 Sb.Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/secoeds or decimal degrees: 22,Cer<iftcRtin . tifuclt field.one let/kingissacienr) 4 / ,` 9 3s 47 7- N -79 - . k. ilq A w (i.' 1 // .4"li Signature of Certified Well Contactor Date 6.Is(are)the well(s): r1P.ermanent or D•I'emporary Es t);nilg ihis,ftirm,l hereby certify that they weil(i)wits(e erc)consfr✓cued in en cnryw>✓cc with!SA N['AC'021'.0100 or 15A//CIIC 02f .0200 Well(_otcctructirn Standanls and that a '..Is this a repair to an coating well; ElYes or tg':'lo cnp,,tf thi-rrion/has lxx•i prnsiderl is ihr well corner. 'hats to a r.7iair,ft11 alit tbwi 4r well construction i larlRatk of and explain the nonlre.0h. repair I nrler-2/surimrkr amain or on the anti ofthrsThou 23.Site diagram.or additional well details: You triay use thc.back of axis page to provide Additional well aitc delailS or well S.!'umber of welts constructed: constiuction details. You noes also attach additional pages if necessary 1•'ier mu fop&rivecoirittor rxn -tiler tialipft wells 0 51 iroh Ma.ante coeo rue6t u,}rot:tern suf;Inn one form-. 4 SUBMITTAL LNSTIJCFIONS 9,Total.well depth.below land surface: J G (ft) 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of Well For multiple.H'alhi ksr ill/.lcplh t rfrtlllerent(wowin- ,20i7•and 265400') construction kl the followine- •10..Static water ievet below top of casing- (ft) Division of W'eter Resources,Information Processing Unit, If wooer level t.S nO n.'e..`0Stng,live 1617 Mail Service Center;Raleigh,NC 2 7699-t61 7 I I.Borehole diameter, CI•G 5 (in.) 241i. For Iniecuan•Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the'Form to the address in ;t 24aabove, alio submit cop) of this form within 30 doss or completion of well. 12.Welt construction method_ t':XrJ=f eonstrui-Cion to the following: • fie.eager.rotary,colla„direct posh,etc.) Disisitin of Water Resources,Underground Injection Cnntrot Program, FOR Vk A l:R SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center_Rate gh,NC 27699-163G Zoe.For Water Supply&Injection Wells: 13a.Vicki(gpm) Method of test: Also submit one copy i of this form within 30 days of conviction of I3b,Disinfection type; Amount: well consUoctior.to the coons' health department of the county where constructed, Fours Go.-1 Muth('tirolina Department oflnvironnicni.and Natural Resource,-t'vision of Milo-Resource, Rcrised.August 2013 Client: Energizer Boring ID: AS-8 Project: Energizer Asheboro Date Started: 10/12/15 Site Location: Plant II Date Completed: 10/12/15 Project Number: 0314524 Latitude: TBD Logged By: Tom Naumann Longitude: TBD Well „., Lithology Lithologic Description Construction Well Construction Details a a> 0 o - Concrete - 5. = ,:1 Flushmount Steel Vault 2 1.. Gravel -- y' ML Reddish orange clayey SILT 4 .44 6 - 99 •1;: T. E • Lr"`. : 8 7 Portland/Bentonite Grout 10 i 12 isi4, - t •: r its 14 - £2-11x' Ia'ES z. 16 1 ; °' �` 8.25" Diameter Borehole f 18 I I , 1 `: - C 20 I ML Tan fine sandy clayey SILT I. i ''F;i ry =k 2" Stainless Steel Casing 22 sf i; 24 ;A I` ICY 26 --J a n;, t ) ..:4-E 28 ; ' Bentonite Seal 4::::.i 1-1. > 30 _ R:•'j� "`'i Well Sand Filter Pack#3 r,;>.'32 > 4a ;�;.t;1 2" Stainless Steel 0.010" Slot Fr s-. ;.r ;{ Screen - I 34 _j_l_l °s:_- �' MH 1 Brown Sandy SILT `' i 36 J """� - (PWR Auger refusal at 36) / k j4� :�' End Cap 38 - Drilling Contractor: ARS Technologies Outer Casing Depth: NA Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Total Depth (ft): 36 Drilling Equipment: Geoprobe 7822DT Screened Interval: 31' -36' ,,,. J.-,..., Responsible Professional: Chris Lacko (NC Driller#3516) Depth to Water(Final): TBD Borehole Diameter: 8.25" Elevation (msl): TBD E WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Forlreernal tee ONLY: Tis form can be used fur single or ineitipie wdfl 1.Well Contractor Information: J It'WATER2©N.ES i�r .f:P 5 L. = FROM } TO DFRERIrnoN 'WellCliaractor Nam ft:. It 1 EU tl• ^ 3 s-j l.6 fL !('WillCoraacrarterI4icxiion'umber IS.011TERCASE Gtfvrw.it;.e.,:red.vethtCtR IWEAiKap ienbtel FROM TO Di.A.METER- TAI.CKNFSS MATERIAL. Company\8tne l6.11 INNER:CASING OR 1I$flsG ijieotherntalelosed400pi ' FROM Y.TO ! DIAMETER TRICKNEM MATERLSL 2.Well Construction:Permit#: e 0 It 31 ft:. is !3/.‘ s 5 ixt,all a/iFilirahle well permits rear.County.Stout Yarrow-1,.Witel nn;etc) - ft is 3.Well Use(cheek well use); 17,SCREEN Water Supply Well; 1 PROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE - THICKNESS MATERIAL 7_Aerictiltutal ❑hluiticipal(Public 31 ' 16 tt• _ 'n' •t l ti `316. `7 5 l Gcx there ai(leafing/Cooling Supply) ❑Re idential Water Supply(single) it ft. _industriaVCoRimeraal 3Rcsiiextisl Water Supply(Shared) PRIS.OG%(R°1-7r Yfl .1MA.TEitIAL EMPLACES'BhT MEImemoir.h-AMOL9Nr. Nou-Water SupplyVl e11: 0 ft a ( 7 f� 1_ � fe‘li.10 &. DMonitoring DRecovix).° d 7 fi. al -ft of j f t 1' Injection Wcit; -- ft ft D A)uirer Recharge ❑Groundwatei)iemediation 19.SANDiGRAVEL PACK tif appticaMe) FROM i To- A.MATERIAL l Est ACINENT METHOD©Aquifer Storageand Rec.o%ery .�Sa)inih'Barrier c ft. 7i 6 ft 'S 2 .I, f J, 0AquilerTes't OStortiiWater:Drainage 1 1 �I ft. ft. DExpermenrai Technology 0Subsidence Control 20.DRILLING LOG(attach additional stir ifnecrosar.I IDGeotherrnal(Closed Loop) DTracttr Eft cm To -fl)E,4 isTrTIONir M.:uanaoraa•netiwekr.r,:er.i.sixe.ete4 , _D(ieothennai(Fleating/Cooline Return) !:1Othe.(explain under 821 Remarks) 6 ft .1 ` ft 1 .G: .,.,r q rt- Ft t f 4,.1)ate Well(s)Completed:r() 1 r�,f Well toff !► 5 Er B, 5a.Well Location: t `{ rr etQy Y F f i~/ fL 3 O ft }fL y C i ,/ 4 I 1*- t( FaeilitylOsenk Name Fseil w TDC(ifapplicable) ft, ft. 11.11 r{ 1. .-' for A -, €h M ft ft - P llysieatAddress,City.and 4i 21.REMARK'S Ro etc sot k -7 76- 3 757 /./e/3s— _ County easiest Ideru liicationNo.(PIN) E. Fib.Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutesls_ecoutis or decimal degrees: 22•Coleus. Orwell field,orie Tar-Wing is sufficient, S 7 4?S , - t8` 13 w lei O--'1, Sig e of Certified Well Contractor Date 6_is tare)the walks); IBermaoeut or QTernftornry de siyrnng ehir form,I heretic cerrifj that the well/xi was(urre)eorturnau<d to accortfasw.: wok ISA.V(AC 02C 011)0 or 154 ViAr•02(>_0200 yell Construction Standards ono that a 1,1's this as repair to au existing well: 17Yes or Ca'.i'or coat of Otis record baa heen provided to the well a ncr If this r o repair,fill our known wet(en tssnrcfiozr information and ATM's,the nature of the renatr under F.21 remark:$.e rat ,r.vr the hack of thislorm- 23:Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the bads of this rinse in rornvado additional well site details fir r ail 8,dumber of svel(s constructed: / construction details You may also attach additional pages if necessan. Few rahlliple injection at mni-weter supply-azl&ONLY with arc;ante consriuefinn,you urn •suhmil one fon& SUBMITTAL 1NSTtiCTIONS ;2 t 9.Tal:welldepth beloss laird surface 6-ot (ft.) 24a. For A)I Wells: .Submit this fbirn within 30 days of completion of Well rot mdtij,lewell lot al'depths r(dij*erent!example--"&'200 and 2 00 construction to the following: 10.Static water level below top of casing: (ft) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, if uviier lcyel is above casing,use" - 1617 Mail Servicr.Center,Raleigh;NC-27699-161.7 1:1_Borehole diameter: i}d a% . tin.) 24b.For loieetton Wells ONLY: In addition tO sending the form tonne address in ^ 24a--above, also submit a copy of this:form Within 31) days of Completion of well method:12.Welt construction method: 11. +.f k7 construction to the following- (i.e.sager.ratan.,cable.directpush,etc.) Division of Water Resources,tbnderground injection Control Program, FOR ATEFI St WPC) WELLS ONli s• 1636 Mail Service Crater,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 2dc.For Water Supply&Injection Wells; l3"'Yield Method of(gpm) Also submit one coin of ibis form within 34 datsofcomplelion of I3b.Disinfection type: . Amount: - well construction to the county health depaitrneni of the county where constructed. Fume G W-1 North Carolina Department of Environment mini Natural Aeiourcea-Division r•f Wa:cs.Resources Revised Augur 2033 Client: Energizer Boring ID: AS-9 Project: Energizer Asheboro Date Started: 10/6/15 Site Location: Plant II Date Completed: 10/8/15 Project Number: 0314524 Latitude: TBD La99=.:d By: Tom Naumann Longitude: TBD Well a Lithology Lithologic Description Construction Well Construction Details a> Ca 1 0 Concrete — :;:..ti. _ -- — :. Flushmount Steel Vault -— — Gravel 2 ��:::1:' •':�.' aE i titl ML Reddish orange clayey SILT � ` • 4 --i 4 ,• �:6 >, � rt i]" I w•- r-.74. ;" Portland/Bentonite Grout 8s1 k .�;. P i.; ' v � .kaiK[ji 10 3 xIi..- 12 if : d',,: .,'p::y •4�A:E 14 <I?• sx-rwf %, _ IiI:EW .,. 8.25" Diameter Borehole 16 E"'' • : 'i!.1...i: 1;,E$.1:,m... yghid I ',e ; 13 i 20 ML Tan fine sandy clayey SILT i'. u: it::, i• .. 2" Stainless Steel Casing 22 - - ; 24 — 1 •' 26 — ,S 28 Bentonite Seal .:Ve•e 30 - . a ::::};} '�.. 4 tit Well Sand Filter Pack#3 32 i'"ss - 2" Stainless Steel 0.010" Slot Screen 34 i •Y: :: ::.]] !-rl L MH y Brown Sand SILT a�;, :r,.i 36 ' Brown Auger refusal at 36} •::':r `•*' . `�--1 End Cap 38 l Drilling Contractor: ARS Technologies Outer Casing Depth: NA Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Total Depth (ft): 36 Drilling Equipment: Geoprobe 7822DT Screened Interval: 31' -36' Responsible Professional: Chris Lacko(NC Driller#3516) Depth to Water(Final): TBD Borehole Diameter: 8.25" Elevation (msl): TBD . WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For actual'Use ONLY: This form can be used for single ornrohipla wells I.WO CDntr e for Infortitaatdou JJ �� .ia,WATER ZONES • L 1 t li ) is Oft C FROM TO DESCRIPTION Wdl CorerantorName ft. it. tl)e- 1 571 6 _ ft, I NC Well,ContiaaarCertificaurm.?vumlier 16.DlflEItCARING(for Miltd nisedwt'd .I tstORlNER:(ifap licablei PROM - TO' DIAMETER TRIMNESS MATERIAL 1 m I ups TaL. /{- r`r •i+ ! i"' R ft 16.LINE CASH NG OR T UBLNG igeotltcratal closcd4Gapt • C:twiputy NameFROM 1'O DIAMETER THICKNESS •.MATERIAL 2.Well Construction Permit#: fl. 4.2) CJ I J. '!. In. . 55 to!all espplicvlclr mi1p rants(La.-Camay State,Variance lt()ecttan etc_) 3.Well Use(check well use.): l3.SCREEN ' y FROM it TO DIAMETER. SLOT SIZE MATERAL iatcr Supply Well: • - i O.Agricuitural 1Munrcilxl/llblic 3 ` j ` In ' '14 5$ d i in: IOCaerothertniil(fiCistingccooline Suppl ) ❑Reidetial Water.Supply lt.itRle) f3lndustrial/Commereia) :7::Residential Water Supply(shen l FROM ' TO --MATERIAL.. �EMPIACEMENT.MET110lt A AMOUNT O.1trigallatl 3 LL.. • 7 k- -(it?o 'l-r-.e1�1wt -.f Non->Vater Supply well: q L . l7Manilaiing ORecovery r� a 1_ r Ilk+1 .ti. ) q/x tJ i r injectioa.Well: I J CA.quiterRecharge OGroundwat i Rern diation 19..SAND/GRAYRL PACK IIIapplieable) FROM I.TO I MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT'METHOD - s_iA. uifer Storage and Recovery ❑Salinity Banter • 1. It •i 3 ic. 3 .4-4L J.) ;� C3Aquiferl'est OStotmt}^aterDrainage SLt+I r-� fe ft I 1 f El Experimental Technology ❑Subsidence Control W.DRILLING LOG;attach uddirional sheet%if orretuxrrr l OGeothermaf(Closed Loop) OTracer FROM TO ) ITEWRirrioN le....re+rd.m.r.:1J.,.rL nyt.Kahl ilia.etc.? j ❑Geothermal(Elcatins;'Cooli.n_Realm) JOthertexplainunuer821Remarks) (j Tt. 57 Fl" i e.c,"4..c.-sfr e-- 4.Date'Well(s)Completed; (1'cr-t j we,ID# ;? 5 1, `I tt cIit. 5:ff 5a Re11LocAtioe i 34 5�,, y ,hz, e ft r-/.•.y :CAL.t 6.iii e, i ?;'`, -0,`, C..6 , I:.4 ft: l 0 Factfity/Owrtef'tame. t:Faciliy It' (if applicable) N. ' ft- i � J .MKT L: Y1�1v i) .. t i 14e .tics A.,C C. ft. ft.~ Physical Address,City,and 71p }2L REMARKS County • Parcel Identification No.(MN, 513.Latitude and Longitude in degreesliniautes/se cods or decimal degrees: 22.Certiti. ion- (if well Field,otie tat/long iSAll iciest) 5. 7& ;:I75' N - LI 1 .3yC w _ / . 5 S., tore of Canted Wel)Contractor Dare 6.Is(are)the well(a):. l_W e' rmaiient or DTtmporary fly signior;this Man.I hereby u:n&that rlre wiles)was(were)con:tr ated in accordance with 15A;;t"4C'(PC.0100 or 15A RCA('(2C.`.020'Wall C'nrsiracati .Sfondarde mid that 7,Is this a repair to an existing well: t'Yes or Edo cape:ufihis r t aid has neon pnnidr_d to the well nwrrre. 1)'Ms is a repcvr,Jill cue known well construction infarttuttirin and-erplrnn the.,tat, eel Mc repair tinder=21 remarks section err Ott the t ickof Ibis form, 23:Site diagram or.additional welt details: i1 You mat?useIre back.of this page to pros�tde addiurinat well site details or wet) 8,Number or wells constructed: construction details You may also attach additional pa xi ifnecessar}.. for enrdrrprle mjectieen tr mu,-water supply was ONLY.,.N➢the saute rumttezrcaio,r,)at. cult nubnnl one forms. `"�y SUBMITTAL 1NSTUCTIONS. 9:Total well depth below land surface: 7 J (f.) 24a• For Ali Wills: Submit ibis form within 30 days of completion of well Far,nahipie well..tisi all depths ifdijfe ens!example 3ll3200'cod 2t i0(Tr construction to the following' 10,Static water level below top greasing: (fit_) Division of Water Reaw1u•cc..,Information Prticessing'Unit, lftrulerletrlu nbeme cosine:nsr"- 1.617-Mail Service Center;Raleigh,NC.27699-16I II.Borehole diameter: Li' (in,). 24b. For Injection Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the tint;,to the address in 24aabove;also submit a copyof this form within 30days or completion of Well i12.Well construction method: t 1:`(4 / _ construction to the:following, i et cc.uub .rotary cable,dime ptoh,ere• 1 Dlllssoe of Water Resources,1iadergrotiad Injection Control Program,. FOR WATER SUPPLY r1 LLlS ONLY: 1636 Malt Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27649-1636 24c.For Water Supply&injection Wells: I3ir.•l'ield(gpm) _ Method of test' Also submit ore copy of this form within 30 days of completion Of 13b.Disinfection reps Amount: - well.onstrucl.ior, to the counts health department of the county where constructed Form GW I North Carolina Dap etrttcnt alToviron,o nr and Samoa)Reepences--!)iriccon of'wow,lireourees 1-crated August 21W Client: Energizer Boring ID: AS-10 Project: Energizer Asheboro Date Started: 10/6/15 Site Location: Plant II Date Completed: 10/8/15 Project Number: 0314524 Latitude: TBD Lor reed By: Tom Naumann Lonitude: TBD Well a Lithology Lithologic Description Construction Well Construction Details a> Ci 1 0 Concrete - _ Gravel Flushmount Steel Vault ML Reddish orange clayey SILT 1 ,I. °'` 2" PVC Casing 115.1 - 1 6 i:x1. ... :i "•}: I -v s ;i 4 10 - •< :a r 1. 41 12 ° Portland/Bentonite Grout 14 —r • 16 - I8.25" Diameter Borehole 18 - - :< -' 2" Stainless Steel Casing ML Tan fine sand clayey SILT ""'• -i Y Y Y �,�.�` •ii:. 20 € ' r. - 11 »- :', a '11,1 22 'i h.: I 24 H • Bentonite Seal 26 y;'` v. ., • :.:.:.v Well Sand Filter Pack#3 28 l k: ?.1 `Lt`�:1 I € ''•'" If:s;`{ 2" Stainless Steel 0.010" Slot 30 t •,w};a—+`;`:..1 Screen y.y.,l Y.J. ."t if Tr MH Brown Sandy SILT ..::1- •- (PWR Auger refusal at 33) yIr. .,l End 34 - / Cap Drilling Contractor: ARS Technologies Outer Casing Depth: NA Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Total Depth (ft): 3311‘\'',---.., Drilling Equipment: Geoprobe 7822DT Screened Interval: 28'-33' Responsible Professional: Chris Lacko (NC Driller#3516) Depth to Water(Final): TBD Borehole Diameter: 8.25" Elevation (msl): TBD ERM WELL CONSTRUCTION.RECORD fir Internal Use ONLY: This form can lit used for single or Multiple wells I, d1 Contractor Isformatian: r 4 (j (1 �4-t- 14.WATERZANE'S ; FROM TO DESCRIPTION' Well Connecter Name Et. ft f4A 5.--Ift. , ft ._ NC Well Conitacurr Certification Number15.'OBTER CASlNG,for nforsseiveeilsi OIi LINER tifalipikable) FROM' t To- • DIAMEE Ell 1 THICKNESS• MATERIAL. ARS 'r [ - r,. jigise it ft. is Company Name 14.INNERCASSING OR TUBING tieothera l closed 3aem FROM - 1 TO :DIAMETER- THICKNESS• MATERIAL 2.•WellConstruetion Permit t#t ( ft. i S! :ft--:ft-- a 31- s k Yr q:U 4 Listallappiiaablewell permits(i.cCounry,State,Variance.-infaclian,.etc.j +Ur'^'y} - - - ' - Ft -. ft at 1' .55... 3.Well Use(check well use): ' 1.7 SCREEN Water Sltppiy Well; FROM _ TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL. DAsricultural oMuntcipab co Public g[t 3 3 fi ' .e,y in. '0 f 0, `3/4. 55 :DGeotherma1.(Heating1Coaling Su l DResidentia!WaterSu t (single) ft rt. to Dlndirstrial/Commercial oResidential Water Supply(shared) 'GOT FROM- TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD&AMOUN'T ❑.irrsiatition ft a I ft. .ct/43 J- I-lemot i Non Water Supply Well: OMonitoring l7Recovery � tc._ {' f t _L j t{ tit{ [cI v 1 y T Injection Welk ft ft. J OAquiferRecharge ❑GroundwaterRemediation 19.S.4iND/GR.AVELP"At;'ii.Ofapplicable). . ©A rifler Storage and Recovery ❑Salinity Baaiier FROM ] TO MATERIAL £MPLACEMENT.METROD 9 a ft , ft qq 17 DAqui.ferTest DStonnwaterDrainage S lfirc`� � {I .tit f`c j ft, DExperimental Technology C1Subsidehce•Control 20.DRILLING LOG lMctaek addttioonol sheeI sif aeeessan) OGeothermal(mused Loop) DTracer FROM ' TO ` DESCRIFTI N{coler.6mdnias:seiureekRpe.1 ai.six-etr,I 1;1.Geothermal i.Heatini Cool.ingReturn) DOther(explaip under#.121.Remarks) C : ft .{a di{ i1 c,de.{-i t'i 4.Date WelI(s)Completed: Io' '7 Cl/C' 'eil3 IT;IDS S 1'0 -t 1, R'• -4 ft ;1GLy .0 51 ii- 5a.Weil Location: ft. ft. ` z i 3 r al cl yey �i / -- Ldle(c 1 r et l ='i`l,r-0..1- k i 4- ft.. ft 1 FacElfty/O er Name Facility Mil(if applicable) ft ft . •._fII•i #.( . 30errl:,, 1)(1)i A c le 196(t. ., -• ft: Physical Address,City;astd'Lip 21.:REMARKS Ka I. o !0 . -7 3 ?5 C.J 1a5 County S Pared Identification No.(PIN) .5b.Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seem-ids or decimal degrees: 22:C II lion (if Well field,one latiloag is sufficient) `)5-1 7 t 1411 .. N 1— 71 g'i V 3 41 W /4r :./5— S ire ofCeilified Well Contractor Date 6..Ls(are)the nell(s): Veerrnanent or ❑Temporary By signing rhisfornt I brr fry ceriijy Mar the wellfs)was(Wm)cart:dna-led in accordance with 15A WAG'02C_0100 ar 15A M A(02.^.0200 Well Construction Standards and that a 7.Is this a repair to art existiag*'ell: DYes or trio copy nf this rscoM has been provided to the wet/Owner. If rhts Lc a repair,flit put known we/I construction iniarmattan and explain the nature gfthe repay under r21 remarks section or on tree back of this farm_ 23_Site diagram or additiopal welt details: y You may use the hack of this page to provide additional well site details or well S.Number of wells constructed: T construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. Par multiple iniecliap or ram-water supply wells ONLY'Mitlt the sane consent you can xahmit arrw j'/oa- SU.AMITTA.L.I:VST11CTIONS. 9 9.Total Well depth below land surface: 3 (ft) 24a.For AS Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For muliipfc.welts list all depths rfdifferent(example-S a2h0 and 2fa 10p') construction to the following: 10:Static water level below top of casing: MI . Division of Water Resources;Information Processing Unit; 1f+eoier level is abavc casing Use" I61:7 Mal Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1 0 1 7 II Borehole diameter: % `) ' (in.), 24b. For Inieetion Wells ONLY; In.addition to sending the form to the address in 24aabove, also.sirbritit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion cif well 12,.Well construction.method; •r j/J]�t} v:+t t' . construction to the following. (i.e auger,rotary,cable,direct pwi7,etc) ' Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control.l`rograrim, FOR WATER SUPPLY WE WELLS I ONLY: 1636_:v ail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 24e.For Water Supplr-K Injection Wells: f 3a.Yield( gpm) Method of rest;. Also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of 13b.Disinfection type; Amount: well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form f1W-I North Carolina Department ofEnsimnmeut and Natural Resources-Division of Water Resources Revised August 2013 Client: Energizer Boring ID: AS-11 Project: Energizer Asheboro Date Started: 9/27/15 Site Location: Plant II Date Completed: 9/29/15 Project Number: 0314524 Latitude: TBD Logged By: Tom Naumann Longitude: TBD Well _. Lithology Lithologic Description Construction Well Construction Details a m 0 Concrete ; 1 iy{�[:' Flush mount Steel Vault +p 6. Gravel � -- SY•r:;[ sN i yyYti � µ !— ML Reddish orange clayey SILT :-.., 2" PVC Casing - - - t' . 8 : h Portland/Bentonite Grout I•Cr, ;' 12 i•i• ' '' ..i.::::":„.1 ! y434.5 P 8.25" Diameter Borehole 16 • , r. .. . i • 20 1:N:i l lip ih 2" Stainless Steel Casing ' - i . ; 4:.,TE J — i r,, i} 4u ML Tan fine sand clayey SILT :- -1 24 - • ."`!'yam: ','E 28 - r ( i : �: a+,;i• e:r v,E IF A 32I E EH i ' w. Bentonite Seal 36 { PCCi:3:▪=A,.` ` 'tr.{` Well Sand Filter Pack#3 • •S;ti..j ti f 2" Stainless Steel 0.010" Slot .l.l •f 40 ';:__:+ : Screen MH i Brown Sandy SILT ▪ r' '•`1 _jPWR Auger refusal at 42.5; --- End Cap 44 , Drilling Contractor: ARS Technologies Outer Casing Depth: NA '''.\\..........9 Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Total Depth (ft): 42.5 Drilling Equipment: Geoprobe 7822DT Screened Interval: 37-5' -42-5' Responsible Professional: Chris Lacko (NC Driller#3516) Depth to Water(Final): TBD Borehole Diameter: 8.25" Elevation (msl): TBD ERM WELL CONS'i:RUCTION'RECORD Farina:ma/Use ONLY: 7Titis foorteao be used for stuele ormultiple wells 1.Well Contractor Information: i _ I.,. ..14.WATER ZONES • , _ ,. I -yid 1`') 1-a....C.-=74j ., FROM TO I DESCRIPTION . ft. it. •Well Contractor Name: I A)c 3.5-i -4 .1.5,OUTER:CASING{fat asultkasedwellstORLINERtirsivliralslet NC Well CoranictorCerti.‘ation r4arnb&T FROM I TO • I DIAMETER r THICKNESS j MATERIAL A.1.Z 5 1-eA.r81,,e. .-. rant:nay Name 16..INNER,CASENOOR.TEBING meothermatelosed4oaoi PROM . l TO DIAMETER _THICKNESS I MAJI RIAL 2.wa ConstrueliOnPernit#: 0 :ft. 7;s--.ft. a ill. 5cji.5/A ii ik; 1-,,,..Agpplitubiewdl.permits(Tr.I`aumv,State.{.'ariatax.litieehrta.oe.) '"" 7crt' 37 5-ft. a, . in. -7 it i 3.via Use(check Iva,Ilse): :1.7.SCREEt;i7 — 1 Water Supply Well: rRnar TO . 1 DIAMETER ,SUYI•SIZE THICIO,IESS MATERIAL Agrieultural Olvtunicipal/Publitt 1,,S.-ft. • ' '1).9- a. in'. '6(6 .3 r,6 .,f _ ft. in. OGeothermal(1.11;atinW.Cooling Supply) DReitidented6.Water Supply(single) Ift_GROIll El IndustrialiCommerciil DResidential.Water Supply(abased) raom .. - TO 1 MATERIAL .1. EMPLA CEM ENT M ETROD&AMOUNT Ellrripliort • .C ft. .3 7 ft. Non-Water Supply Welt: 3.' -41-ft.- V b44.44(k 7(6_ (..,, Dmowopp.-. r3Recnvely ._ ,.. ft. fL. 'injection Well: r.DAquittr fter.Ilaree GOrpUndwatet ReinOdiation _19,SAIlINGILWEL:PACK(if applicable) , FROM i TO .. i MATERIAL 1 EMPLACEM ENE METHOD ..4„quiter Storageond Rccovert Q$a)inity Barrier 3..571f.L.OSto cla'ift- i 5lit/3 i 1 "el /l.t3t.uter Test rrnwettz Drainage ---1- ft. • 1 172Expertmerpl Technology USubstdence Control zu..DRILLING LOG attach:additional obeets if neestdarr) DGeothertnal((lased Loop) OTracer FROM. i TO 1 Dust FUTTION t taw,tkAntatess..3 oil/r o c b4*.pc,i nth.Mc.etc.. '", rt.. --,-- ft OGeothermal(1-leating/Cooling Return) °Oilier(explain:under 4,-`21 Remarks) L b' . I, 5, '' -,ilt'iA-C!.t.e--A7f AC ! ' ..71- . 'ft. :1:-. ,1t,ii,,..1, Tr,, 4.Pate%%ell(s)Completed: 7-dl•-i 5-- Well.1Dti il i 1 (,. ft. CI ft. ,,... 1,.. _..., C (1,.•__ 5a.Well Location: ' ''-1, ‘c' ril I q 7 .e...ref • 1 t,' Ertel ci s !-:.: F....\IV '''' (..:-.) ft.. ft. 'Facility/0,4er Name Fat.ility 1D0 t if applicable . it. ft. 1 t '.i t C'' f‘ •4- kl')( \' '1,7 - . • , 7-‘ I ti , d4--/k .--1 , 'i `.)t hat. .k, c ft. ' IL Physical Address City abdZip .21.REMARKS ftaryl,. ,1 i(I ir• T1'7c 3 7 5-6'113 3-- • ,• ,......,___ _ Comm Parcel.ldr.ntification No,(YIN) b5 .A-sititiOe and Longiinde in degrees/minutes/seconds or deeinta1 degrees: 22...certifiuto. 3 Orwell field one lattkng.is sufficteni! . . .C•7 -I -is-' \ — 7/ g'I.& /3 il ° w /7::......I , -- ‘16-•,?7-7---15— Si.V.-gtirej;;ICettifted Well COntr.dor are G.Is(are)the well( ): OPermaneot or CTemporary dy Signing Ma:limn,..f hereby cer1(5 that the$47.116,m as(were)c,u1sma4 red in accordance with OA NrAC 02(.0100 or.15.4 At-Ar int-3?200 Cell Ct:+hstravion 1Siaadurcft and that ii 7.1$this.a repair to an existing well: 0 Yes or LINb miry of thls reeurd has been provided.tu th,well palter. 0016 Ian re,hair,fill oat lnwn well colatruettoa tt,forimitiatt amlexplaiirthe nanire ofthe reptar wider'21 rat:arks...re:11aq ar ini Miel?riek ejthle form. 23:Site diagram or additional Well details: I . You may use the hack of this page 10 provide additional well site details or well B.Number Of welLs constructed: construction details. You may also attach additional pages if oeceSsary. F.or taaltialt,ihieelton or atai.wate,%apply wells ONLY wet eh,same construction;rue ca,, Submit one film SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS .-- LI) .5 94Totalsrell depth below land sal-face: 1,.. ift.) 242.. For All Wells: Submit'this form within 30 days of completion of well P61--nikkiiiit work HSI an ilipth,irdifferrat earmark-3@20.1'and.261,1001 construction to the followine. 10,Stalk Water level below top of casing: (II.) Division of Water lit0.40IITCeS,information Processing Unit, 1 f icule.,-level is phavi,caving,use' ' 16171'11.4H Service Center,Raleigh,NC.27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter: . N ,).") (in.) 241x For Inieetion Welts ONLY: M:addition to sending the fore:to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well construction method: •AL,cll.:( construdion to the,following. i 1..,s.auger,rotary,cable,(lima puSa,etc.! :Division of Water Resources.Underground Injection Control'Program, FOR WATER StiPPL`r"WELLS ONLY: 1 1636 Mail.Service Center,Raleigh,NC'27699-1636 LIe.For Water Supply&injection Wells: 13e.Yield(gpw) Nietbocl os teat: Also submit one copy of this.form ithin 30 days of completion of 13h,Disinfection type: Amount:.. _ _ _ well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed, Form(3 Vv.i North Carolina Demtrunent of Environment and Natural Resources--Division of:Water licsources Reviled.August 201 3 Client: Energizer Boring ID: AS-12 Project: Energizer Asheboro Date Started: 10/11/15 Site Location: Plant II Date Completed: 10/11/15 Project Number: 0314524 Latitude: TBD Logged By: Tom Naumann Loniitude: TBD Well II Lithology Lithologic Description Construction Well Construction Details m ci a _ - Concrete Y;:- T N. Gravel N;. Flushmount Steel Vault ML Reddish orange clayey SILT 4 L_ g y y ..: 2" PVC Casing n�; 8 1 Ti =. fir: et;, 12 — E ° 1 �. €., r V i :. 16 s 8.25" Diameter Borehole ''' y, . 20 — :SK:: phi:: `''= '�`,j Portland/Bentonite Grout 24 W.,.. -. 2" Stainless Steel Casing ML Tan fine sandy clayey SILT " •ii. y,,, 28 — ef[-:ii1"i ? •.: :: ;:1-i! a au. — I '3°, s 32 a :il r 1gt is ii e- . "":. 36 • gyp. .' , 40s` w" :,'::" Bentonite Seal J V r * _=:r) Well Sand Filter Pack#3 44 ri}:r'1 ',-t E1..-�. tee "`-:"`' . - f' ' 2" Stainless Steel 0.010" Slot € Screen 48 —1 I I 1 MH ,.ti' i:ry'..tl Brown Sandy SILT `'..w.- 1._ ;� �_ _ (PWR Auger refusal at 49) / End Cap 52 Drilling Contractor: ARS Technologies Outer Casing Depth: NA Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Total Depth (ft): 49 Drilling Equipment: Geoprobe 7822DT Screened Interval: 44'-49' Responsible Professional: Chris Lacko (NC Driller#3516) Depth to Water(Final): TBD Borehole Diameter: 8.25" Elevation (msl): TBD ERM WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Fortawrnal tRe ONLY: Iliis fixer eau be.used for single or=Angle wells 1.Well Contractor ',formation: - .7.1 c .. I I 14..VOITERZONES ik.r L.) .c 1.1I FROM i TO .1 DESCRIPTION It. ft. Well Con/rector-Name ,41(.... 3 r NC Welt CoutractotCeruficraion Number ..i5.OUTER CASING-0hr mult‘eimetweRsi OR-LINER DT slip irabie4 IDIOM .1 TO' i -DIAMETER.. _[ IIIICENESS i MATERIAL Compaq Nene 16.1NINIER CASENCOR TUBING lgstidtersitil elosed-lOop) .fltOM TO DIAMETER TIDEMCESS r - it. Sc MATERIAL 2.Well Coaatroction Permit#: r+ 0 - a '- tfo r(14) OW oltapplicable well Menai!,0.e.('ounty,State Vbrrianee,Injection,etc) . q IL. q c i .* 9 in. 5 c 3.Weil Use(Check well use): 17.k REEN -- Water Supply Well: , FROM'. TO . DIAMETER SLOTS= TMCKNISS MATERIAL r 0Agricultural OisfunicipPltPublic r-tyft. 4 7_ t., a ‘•ia. : ,O10 ' ji e), .. OCkothemial(FlmtinCooling Supply) 0 Residential Water Supply(single) ft. in. Olndustrial/Commercial EIResiclootiOlWatm Supply(shared I 1.1.FtoCmit°17 TO MATERIAL EmnAcustes-r METHOD&AMOUNT Olixination ft. ti t) ft. 1 001-- Non-Water Supply Well: - - 6 ' -11--eo1i1.r I 0Monitoring ORecovery q6 IL t•I fL Deet.464,if . l'/-4-,', 4 7 injection Well: ft. fL DAquifer Recharge EIGmundwater Ranediation 19.SAND/GRAVEL PACK(if applicable) FROM TO MATER/AL EMPLACERSIVNT METHOD i MAgoifei Storage and Recovery OSalinity Barrier , 4 Tr- ' 5 4..te ffi -,4_4-iiI-7 04quifer Tett MStorm,Anter Dramage ft. ft OFxperintental Technology OSubsidence Control - 20.DRILLING LOG:fassacli additional Shea:sir necesearsy OGeomerrnal tCloso.1 Loop) ElTracer PROM TO DESCRIPTION 0 color.hud:tuns,xiillrock 1.pr.groin size,cir..1 .. OCitothormal(IleatingiCoolirig Return) Q0ther tesplain under#2)Rea:arks) 0 ft- .`57 ft" CzA cre,k, ... -, • 5— fL , ‘.- I ( 4,Dare Weil(s)Completed:/8'•if/-IS Well illft A - rt•5 i(3. i'L (4 ft. Sc.Well Location: r4 4 / ft. .,-cto,iii, ( la,te V y 5,' II- -:,.7 i'x..,- e- \---..- r, Cz : ! ft. ft. FilityiDwrier-Ivaine / Facility 11/0(if applicable) 14 i I A-07 b(lcc.../1 bi''' #4,11e.i)o(.; iti _ ft. ft T Physical Address,Cit,„and E 5. I 21..RENARICS .kA v /014\ -77 15 3-15-6 7 1)39-1 I t - County Paroel identification Nn.(PIN) Sh,Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: 22.CertiSca- ti: (if omIl field,uric 1st/long is sufficient) 7/ Signarure of Cenified Well COMM:WC Dale 6.Is(are)the well(s): 131<rnmacat or Eifeinporary tli signnig this form.2 lie?-ein centfy that the wz11(3)mu(were;cam,riveted in accordance with z5,4 htriC(12L'WOO or ISA itY rie 112C.0200 Well Carairmilaa Sraadarc0 inns da.,1 o 7.Is this a repair to an existing well: CiVes Or ElNn copy of this record hth been provided to the well owner. Obis LA'a repair,fill out kinni•If we/icor/sirs/them reformation ond erplain the iiathre of die repair under 21 remark,.soCik)11 or on the boek'af ihkionv• 23.Site diagram.or additional well details; Vou may OSe the back of this pane to provide additional well site details or well S.Number of-wells constructed: 1 cons-auction details. YOu may also attach additional pages if necessary For multiple ioveoinh or 110M-Iv0lft,Votydy it ONLy with the same riurstrorezian,you con onimone lorat. SUBMITTAL MST(2C ri ONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: '4'''i- ' (ft.) 24a. For Jill Wells: Submit this form within Si)days of completion of well bornthlaple wells ha;all depth if ciffterern(krample-3100'and 2ciri0') construction to the following: to_Static,water level below top°leasing: (ft.) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, if wafer level is aborw cagng,me'' ' i 6E7 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11_Borehole diameter; Ck )(-C. (in-) 24b.I,or in;cc Iion Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the Rom to the address in - 1 24a above, also sub-nit a copy or i.:his form within 30 days of etunpIction of well 12.Wen construction method: h Li -e( construction to the following: 'i.e.sug:ir rotary,cable,direct push,et.:.) 1 Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, 1$0R NA ATER SUPPI,N WELLS ON IA: I 1 t 3a.Yield tgprit) Method of teat: 106 Mail Service Center,Raleigh:,NC 27694-1636 24c_For Water Supply&Injection Wells: --— -- ---- - Aiso submit one copy of this form Within 30 days of completion of 1 13h.Disinfection type.: ARMOIRE well construction to the county hmIth department of the county where I - oonstructef.: here GW-1 North Carolina Dcpotrtrnew orlFilvirorimvIt 01114 Nahoal Resources—Divisuu:of ikalee Resources ReviSed A lIgIlSi.20 13 Client: Energizer Boring ID: AS-13 Project: Energizer Asheboro Date Started: 10/8/15 Site Location: Plant II Date Completed: 10/9/15 Project Number: 0314524 Latitude: TBD Logged By: Tom Naumann Lonjitude: TBD s Well II Lithology Lithologic Description Construction Well Construction Details a) in 0 - Concrete _f - +� i -- - -- Flushmount Steel Vault _Ms:', -- Gravel ML Reddish orange clayey SILT 8 ', Portland/Bentonite Grout 12 •!11 ir 8.25" Diameter Borehole 16 — ` I F�j I' •:i • Li!:". i. 20 r t ',2,.. E 'j. 2" Stainless Steel Casing 24 s • ML Tan fine sandy clayey SILT : '•: :4 I ,,Y i f.Y�Wrykti `•",} E' k: 36 --- E ' Bentonite Seal ::..1 S r:.7- 7�� : Well Sand Filter Pack#3 .�.t4d : = l :41 i ! ..t.4 1..:,. :-..rj ,.,., 2" Stainless Steel 0.010" Slot ;.a;: k.• " Screen 111. MH Brown Sandy SILT a.s ;: — (PWR Auger refusal at 45.5) �,- 4`'`' End Cap k':_zlwE�Eaw . E 48 I Drilling Contractor: ARS Technologies Outer Casing Depth: NA Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Total Depth (ft): 45.5 Drilling Equipment: Geoprobe 7822DT Screened Interval: 40"5' -45.5' Responsible Professional: Chris Lacko (NC Driller#3516) Depth to Water(Final): TBD Borehole Diameter: 8.25" Elevation (msl): TBD ERM WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For Inipmal'Use ONLY, This form can be used for SiOtig.Or rialitiPICWOUS I.Well Contractor Information: , - - : 14.WATER ZONES nEscRiellOst.tl I i 5 i---1, i: FROM TO ll L--- We Contractor blame ft. ft... tu'L, 5 4,-- I BTILR CAS1 r IG{fo Multi-eased weillial OR EAtEESE(if appticahlet hIC Wall Contractor Certiftestaon Numb 5O = FRI:Rul TO DIAMETER TrOCTOYESS MATORtAL A Rs 1 0.,i,K, L6.; k. ft•. rt. it,. 1 ; t6..INNER CASING OR TVILING i geotherin al cloSed4boo 1 tompaoy Nam FROM i To ,DLAMETER ThscstriEss j MATERIAL 2.Well Construction Permit ti: a c,-- ft- I go.s-ft; D ft.- /‘ 5 5 /..,,,,,all applicable well perrmoi(Le,Cum),Wale,Vartamm,Inferatatt.et,i 3.Well Use( beck well,use): 17.SCREEN Water Supply Well: FROM :-TO DIAMMTER I SLOT SIZE THICKNESS ,MATERL4L °Agricultural CMunicipaliPublic -9054' /15-,5--ft_ in.0 'N- ,0(U - 3 I ‘ 5 5 ft. °Geothermal(1-leatinniCooling Supply) Eitesidadial Water Supply(single) ft. °Indtisirial/Commercial CResidesthal Water Supply(shared) tritilLOGMR"T TO MATERIAL , EMPLACEMENT METHOD&AMOUNT' °litigation • 6 fi- 360- 6 4,),.A-- -fri-epuoxil, Non-Water Supply Well: ..7.7.Monitoi•irig °Recovery 3gs-h. 3 s-ft• Be,uk-L,1,•••k i-ti,,,...);-1-y Injection Well: .•=W-.-7-:. i . _., °Aquifer Recharge °Groundwater Remediation 19.SAND/GRAYIL PACK(if applicable} FROM J To 1 MATERIAL 1 EMPLACEMENT METHOD 0 Aquifer Storage and Itecoverl °Salinity Barrier I'3`,--,ck i.LI*3-. ,--1.- 3 °Aquifer Test OStonnwater Drainage ft: ft. CExperimentai Tecimology t...--Subsidence Control ., 20.DR/LLING LOG(attach tdditimnd 3.13ek-ti if necessary i °Geothermal(Closed Loop) :Tracer ',Isom To nesciurnoN t...e ul_rr,ir....ardas,,y4,/yrarl.t2pe.crrak...al,c1.u.._. DGeothoinal(Heatiiv ::ooliog Return) °Other(explain under 1.42 I Remark ) b t '5.— ft- C t4.01.4.te 4-', f c 4,Date Well(s)Completed:/0-c1 f 5 Well ID# A I 3 ft. _ i ft. '4 ft; Cietyy 5 i I f 5a.Well',escallop: LI kft. r-4 17:c ft' C irkyy S; LI- . 1-2 Aert-,,v, tAii,?..•--; I , . .A.4 — ft. ft. Facility/Divots-Name I Facilay 1D'(if applicable) . •1 I i 11 ft. Li 1 il I/ i 1- :r..!..4.,._ f i LPL •-.1.(-elf;'--.) A.)C... ft rt. Physiest Addrcs,Citi,sad Ziff 21.REWLARKS -Counr, Parcel Identlticatitar No,(PiN.i 1 5b.Latitude and Longitude in degrees./minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: 22.cerwicati ± (ifwell fieItt,raw latilOng is stac.erdl -- ' -7-, 7 q L! 7 u N --71' -SI e 13'4 ° w S4'aW 0 of C.0rofieud Well Contractor Date 6.,4(are)the well(s): Encrnuanent or °Temporary ey..stplitt,,tlria form,I heed* A"lib that the vrellis).res(were)comPurted at accohlapre with 154Vr4C 132L..0100 or 15,4 Nr:.4i 024:,02011 Well Constrirelenf SlittlilOrtir all.!illOt it 7,Is this a repair to an existing well: Dycs or E.No cup)of tkr rect,rcl has been pannled In Lk wen mita% if,!:s is a repeat:fill oui knawn well cvnstruenan iall7rmatitnt and explain the ttailtre of his repair under•21 remarks section ni,its the back of thiVerar 23.Site diagram or additional well details: II Number of wells(Most:meted: Yoo.may use the bade of this page le provide additional skill site details or well construction details, You may also attach additional pligca if iieveaSaity. For multiple imection or non-water supply wells ONLY with M.:same construelinn.too can anbmil one 10,77f. SUBNIrITAL IA-I' INSTIONS q ,.-- 9.Total'welt depth below land surface: . ; ' t (ft) 24it. For All Vells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For enalisple wells Its:all deptht if different(example-.1...ea.00'and 2,141001 construction to the follo%ving. 10,Static water level below top°leasing: (ft) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, #Willer ICI'el IS above effsmg;WC".'' 1617 Mail SerVice Crater,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 ..,1 r.. 1 t.Borehole diameter: ill '..f'l .-.) Om) 24b.For Iniection Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 243 above,also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well i 2.Well cOostrociion method: i L)e,-(:' construction to the following ti e.:loge-rotary,cable,direct push eiz., Division of Water Resources.Underground Iniertion Control Program, 1 FOR WATER SUPPLY WELL.S()NLY: 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh:NC 27699-1636 130..Yield igpm) Itlethod of test: 24c.For irVater Sunp13-&Injection WelLs: Also submit One copy of this form within 30 days of completion of 13h.Disinfection type: Amount. well construction to the county health deparuncm ol the county where constructed. Form tiViL I North Carolina Cam=nnent of 1;nvironmcnF and Naturn1 Resources-Division oiWalc.:Resoure0.; Rev,std A ugusi 20:3 Client: Energizer Boring ID: SVE-6 Project: Energizer Asheboro Date Started: 9/11/15 Site Location: Plant II Date Completed: 9/14/15 Project Number: 0314524 Latitude: TBD Logged By: Tom Naumann Longitude: TBD Well a Lithology Lithologic Description Construction Well Construction Details a) a 0 _ - Concrete .. Flushmount Steel Vault Gravel '} 4" Stainless Steel Casing - ' Portland/Bentonite Grout 2 6 ; ML Reddish orange clayey SILT ' r= 3 - "P` Bentonite Seal 4 i% .t -:::.7 f• . l d4 �t4 S 5 � :{' ti B.fti=tip 1�▪ '�ti 7 ▪ ti 1..tiT•r;; •Lr.T • d .?•d:. 'I . r� •ltid :.`tits. 8 . . . :1▪7.Z.F:T.i7 10.25" Diameter Borehole dN. �xl•d•. ML Tan fine sandy clayey SILT :r•rs=: ::1 I f::',1:•:':::::1 {=ti 11 `;'1 - rj? 1 :?; '�d• :':, Well Sand Filter Pack#1 12 ▪„'.1 13 -� 3 t;_; .ti'. , 'i - ,::'�•' Tx. . 4" Stainless Steel 0.005" Slot _._ �r.. _ :_.; Screen 14 — 3 ti.i '.:5:4, 1 1,�.' . "SCSI ((,, 4` End Cap 16 1 Drilling Contractor: ARS Technologies Outer Casing Depth: NA • Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Total Depth (ft): 15.5 Drilling Equipment: Geoprobe 7822DT Screened Interval: 5.5' - 15.5' Responsible Professional: Chris Lacko (NC Driller#3516) Depth to Water(Final): TBD Borehole Diameter: 10.25" Elevation (msl): TBD ERM WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For lmemal lie ONLY' ' This four can be used fat single or mnmmple wafts 1.Well Contractor JRfor►nationi �_ 14-WATER ZON`!S L I li�15 {j.•Gi:t�.-lk FROM ' TO - 'DESCRIPTION We contractor.lNaine ft ft. itiC' 3 5 ft. ft. 1vC.Well Cott raetarCext ft� Nwnb ts.oaTeu ctslNG(for ncttttl.Cased waist ORLW€R tiifookl+3hte l • j • FROM •TO DIAMETER THICKLYIiSS 1 MATERIAL mix {:C_C tA.2.+p.c�ias ft,_ ft 1 sn Compeay'varte AG.EWER CASING OR TUBING txeothermal etosed-loopl ' FROM. TO DIAMETER THICKNESS l :MATERIAL 2.'Well:Cousiruetion Permit#: _ . ft. 'C ft. r. H3 ?I I t{ I ' 5 .LLo aii applicable well pernvxs tie.(„marty„Seale,Yammer*Injection,ere) ft ft is .3.Well Use(cheek well use): - 17.:suCREEN Water Supply Well: FROM TO DL METER SLOT WI TH1CK�'FSS I MATERIAL :Agricultural t7AiunicipalfPublic 5.5ft- _Icfrt ' io,: .()C`J .3 6 S CGeotbermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) DRcsideutial Water Supply(Single) . ft. m - GlndusirialrCommeraal O.Residential Water Supply(shared) _ t8.G1tUUT FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD-&AMOUNT 'Oh-Option t ft a ft. CI t� Non-Water Supply Well: pQ ![e7n t k ❑.Mon itoring 'Recovery a ( ft Ils_,At+tii�C.I " 1-1Lojection Welt: it r tL �. =A�e CAquife'Recharge OGroundwaierRemediation 19.S/I4D/CR4VEL PACE.!if applicable) 'most 1.TO 1 MATERIAL I EMPLIc atarrrairrHOb OAquiter Storiigc and Reens cry lSalinity Harrier R DAquiferTest DSrormwatml)rainage I ft 1 ❑Experimental Technology OSubsidenceControl t 20.DRILLING LOG(onset trddhtocal st sa if ocrosatr) LGeothermal(Closed Loop) ()Tracer FROM TO. DTSCTe4PMMOh feat!.Mrdncss,sotVrvekrs ,fra;n Aar:etc) fJUeothcrmal(Heatin 'Cooling Return) L712ther(explain under#21 Remarks) 6 -ft- , S—ft ,' .,.,.r.., k, /. _ . .I f-•• 4.Dale Weli(s)Completed: {:'"1 j SW V/ ell,1D# 5 i �/ r'(`t- 1 ft'- f fi- (Jc. s 5t If sa.Well Location: fL -"IL ` It ft fFaa facility/Owner er Name }� Facility 1174(ifapplicablel ft ' fi - ^1 1.j r } +J�;t 11 5 t � - j ; ft it Physical Mdrra.City_and Lip 21.REMARKS County Parcel idenuficationNo.(PIts) _ $b.Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: I ,I 22.Ce tired :I" / Orwell field,apatl!Selo*is 6tdficieutt -T-.7 177C" N --7 is 3'i e. ►Y /Q°d- 7 / S ate of Certified wall Coneaciur Date 6.is(are)the ssell(s): Bf crnaanent or GTemporary $y signing this form.1 hereby.xriih,that tine ell1.0•!lax/race)cTre4,1,0 d is a;:irrdaece with 114 Nf At'b 2C.fl/i10.or 15.4 NCAC t12C 3)30(I Will Cfnua-uei on Standar&am!that:. '..is this a repair to as existing well: DYes n! ENO co j y.Ofthis record has been provided to Inc well u,sgncr if this is .ri pa r,fill out ki awn wall ennczrts.i:"im:nr4,rtriatttm anti egrlati+the ttatate of the repair mtder:.21 r marks su:tior air on the boat(the firm. 23.Site diagram or additionat well details: You may use the back of this pane to provide additional welt site details or well S.'dumber of welts constructed• construction detail, You may also attachaddilional pages ifncei,nary. Far matlrinte hots rn or non-Water arpph•arlla.ONLY with the same construction..you can submit one form SUBMITTAL INS[UCTIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: 7 t) 0-0 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion•of well Furmukiple wells list all depths if di/ferent(e ample-1.,44W and 2re ttlfl construction to.the.fi flowing: 10.Static neater level below lop of casing: (At) Division of Water Resources,Information.Processing that,. if lather level rs above easing.ii.vi 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter: 1 )' -'i (ill) 24b,For Injection:Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in G 24a above, also submit a copy of this font, within 3(I days of completion of well 12.Well construction.method: !t t 'I •` construction to the following; he,anger,reitmv,cable,direct push,etc.} Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, FOR 'iXF R SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Seri=ice Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 24c.For Water Supply&Injection Wells: t30.Yield(gpm) Method of test: Also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of 13f>.Disinfection type: Amount: well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form pw-1 Noah Carolina Department of environment and Neural Resotsecs-Division of WMer Reacu rcrs RevIasi Attgtot 20:3 Client: Energizer Boring ID: SVE-7 Project: Energizer Asheboro Date Started: 10/7/15 Site Location: Plant II Date Completed: 10/9/15 Project Number: 0314524 Latitude: TBD Logged By: Tom Naumann Lon itude: TBD Well _, Lithology Lithologic Description Construction Well Construction Details CI a> 0 0 Concrete ' Flushmount Steel Vault - :_: :_. -- Gravel 4" Stainless Steel Casing 2 f • " - u: :4 sT; Portland/Bentonite Grout '. ' '; - ML Reddish orange clayey SILT 4 Bentonite Seal - . _.- "'1rr r.1 6 — ?'�i :'.:; r..•.: ....O... •:21.8 •••14 .:S:ti ;yJ•4., •1'•':. r.▪r.r .r:":: 10 ---- r.1 ~{f4 3.7'.r1 •.�4i': I4:..: .'S.ti ▪ r .4.*:• 10.25" Diameter Borehole 12 r:{;; r• •. ti.. •t vici. ML Tan fine sandy clayey SILT :'q' ;.:4a 14 1 j 4 ,. :•.::." ;rti:i e_S;i: 1;14:� •..•4.t. - ;:.: - :r.. Well Sand Filter Pack#1 16 — ,ti.ti r:..� :::r:, 't4% .'%1:1, k .;j;x_; 4" Stainless Steel 0.005" Slot ::r::4 ;:•:;y .::.�: Screen 20 — r:r..1] • :1 :wr:r1 wig:•} 22 • - �` End Cap _1 J 24 Drilling Contractor: ARS Technologies Outer Casing Depth: NA Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Total Depth (ft): 22 Drilling Equipment: Geoprobe 7822DT Screened Interval: 7'-22' ,,,,,,....,.,:." Responsible Professional: Chris Lacko (NC Driller#3516) Depth to Water(Final): TBD Borehole Diameter: 10.25" Elevation (msl): TBD ERM WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Far internal Use ONLY: This fotni can be Wed bc single or!multiple wells 1_/Weill Contractor/ information_ - t�fLf t� I I .WATER ZONES FROM TO _ DESCRIPMON Well CoutracurrNarne Ft. O. NC ArellContrzctorCcrtifi tutu Nta6 a 15.otrrERCASIIrtG lfee meld-Dosed wills)GR UNER'Ws able) FROM To mamma TRIMNESS MATERIAL, • rl c''‘ -7e-4.6610 c...,'tl,,. rt. a fut. Companyif16.INNER CASING OH:TUBING teentheemi,elated-loop) Name -FROM 1 TO -DIAMETER TRIMNESS MATERIAL.-- • 2.Well Construction Permit Al: - 0 tt ft' "n i(6 5 S Lisl all applkrrlile wurl permits fie County.State,Variance;Infection.eteJ K !t In. • 3.Well lust(check well use): 17.SCREEN' ii rSnpply Well ._FROM 1 TO .. DIAMETER SLITFSCEE TWlt.lurnon T MATERL4L WOfigrtcultural L)2NvnicipalfPubfic `7 a. , iY c tt l - ' r LAG J `3l t; c S , []Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) OResidential Water Supply(single) ft. ^ Olndustrial/Commercial °Residential Water Supply(shared) IH_GROUT FROM' To MATERIAL --PMYCKCEMEN'r MI{RLODh AMOUNT ❑llrts'.aion _ ./) ft.V ft.. U� Eton-Water Supply Welt - y t` ..°';'0,M i k °Monitoring °Recovery _ 3 !r-_ 5 f t n\oft;lc_ 1 fe r),1-7 Injectidp Welt: ft. t` °Aquifer Recharge. oGrolmdwater:Renediatinn 19.SAND/GRAVEL PACClifoppflctile) FROM 1 TO °Aquifer Storage and Recover- °Salinity Barrier +} c �I 4 arnrlxtxlbfxrrrll neon t _rA ram:-', (r►'-rush:e °Aquifer Test OStormwater,Drainage - fr. i N 1 °Experimental Technology °Subsidence Control 20.DRILLING.LOG;Attack additional"hewn ifDeei sar i °Geothermal(Closed Loop) CiTiacet FROM TO - DESCRJYnONiciso aeo,sollirock rm.trd+•mretc} °Geothermal!Heating/Cooling Return) °Other(explain under121 Remarks) t It , S a e;• ,lt,- is / , -..(1'- _ it ft. �-, 4.Date Well(s)Completed: /C3 7-t well S 1. ! tt F#Z z I 5aJJ. }ell Location: L,I ft. Cl� rt. Sr.L.Ati.,1 C..tc;1-e- i'- 1 4- qi 1 . ft. ft t Facility/Owner Hal= Faailisy ID if applicable) fa nQ ( Pi ysiael AAdrr_ City,and Zip r 21.REMARKS R- Aitiot..(' 7 75-3.7 -ilid35- Cooney Parcel 1dt:mifrcetian)to.INN) l _ s 5h.Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: 22 I e -fin (ifwelr field,our Iatllung is sufficient) -5, 7 t�' ° 7CG —7 ifs i 3 y a w /Q-a7/5 S' of i6ed Welt Contractor Date 6.Is(are)the well(s): cagenitartor or ©Temporary By signing this form,1 hereby Genii&that the well(s)was(were)con tmeted in occon�mec will;1SANCAC 02C.0100 or 1SA NC AC 02C.0200 Weil Construction Standards and that a 7.Is this a repair to an existing well: °Yes or 13,4o copy of this record has been,provided so:the well inset -If MIS_r:r a repair,fill pot known well&unarr.ctkirs in(orrnatton and explain the iiatxr0 of the repair ander:,21 remarks recclion or our the Poet of this form. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: ss You iray use the back of this pane to provide additional well site details or well 6.Number of wells constructed: •I construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. For multiple infection or non-muter.supply well,ONLY with the saute construction,you can submit one form. SUBMITTAL INS/UCfIt3NS StTotal well depth below land surface: (it) 2-la For Ail Wells: Submit this form within 30 clays of completion of Weil For multiple wells list all depths ifd//userene¢sample-3 00.and2@l00) conatruction to the following: 10.Static water level below top olrasing: _(ft.) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit if water Feud ie above easing use 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 37699-1617 IL Borehole diameter: I t)' (in_) 2411.L or Inicctinn Wells ONLY: Ill addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above,also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of vet1 12.Well construction method: A &-a*! - construction to the following: (Su.auger,rotary,cable.direct posh.etc.) Division of Wilier Resunrcri,Underground.injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS QNt,y: 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 24e.For Water Supply Q Ioection Welts: 13n.Yield(gpm) McWuil of teat._ Also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of 13b.:Disinfection type Amount well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed Form GW-i North Carolina.Dcpa tssrurtof Enviroruncrl and.Natural Resources-Division of Winer Resources Revised Auguu 2Rt3 Client: Energizer Boring ID: SVE-8 Project: Energizer Asheboro Date Started: 9/15/15 Site Location: Plant II Date Completed: 9/15/15 Project Number: 0314524 Latitude: TBD Logged By: Tom Naumann Longitude: TBD Well a Lithology Lithologic Description Construction Well Construction Details m 0 - Concrete .. Flushmount Steel Vault 1 rrrr. - 4" Stainless Steel Casing ...y Gravel ;. .„`2 Iii - . Portland/Bentonite Grout ML Reddish orange clayey SILT 3 Bentonite Seal I 4 •41t�' •y:Lf`' 5 — vfti j ::{?ti 14 7 f1i° 74▪;: • S ti P:. ••..., c:.4 •r`'� 10.25" Diameter Borehole 11 .:f4 4▪sr:: ML Tan fine sandy clayey SILT 'ti.... c 1.q - �.��iv, 12 -- -.� :a ''a2"1 4.4▪:q 4..,.•. 13 — ;.,,. _1 ='•=` Well Sand Filter Pack#1 14 —I ` ':``•••1 , '••� 15 • k {�• r1 -'}ac:.•. 7 l '^4' 4" Stainless Steel 0.005" Slot - 1 Istst.1 — •:f,': Screen 17 ;.-2 ' s:,j .4r• 18 - '` • 1:,:::*.t,d:•7 4 L 19 : •-•• 1 r j 20 — :4� ' ::; End Cap I 21 - , Drilling Contractor: ARS Technologies Outer Casing Depth: NA K,...._... Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Total Depth (ft): 20 Drilling Equipment: Geoprobe 7822DT Screened Interval: 5' -20' Responsible Professional: Chris Lacko (NC Driller#3516) Depth to Water(Final): TBD Borehole Diameter: 10.25" Elevation (msl): TBD ERM WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For Internal Use ONLY: This Amu mate used loran&or multiple wells; l:Well Contractor Information: 14..WATBR.ZO ZONES 6PROM _ TO I n atrrrn,. Well Catmscxorliame '- R r ft ft. / c�' S16 NC Well Contractor CtariFicaumiNumlxz IS.OIFFER CASING(farnm3si-eased wells IURLitiERfifaa 1'iaibiel FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL rt ` K,' y 1e i y tOA IL ft. in.. Company t lam / IL INNER CASING OR TURING fgenxhermal chased-less) FROM.. TO - I DIAMETER 171ICICVFSS ' MATERIAL 3,Weil Construction Permit as: 6 It. . LD tit` Li "` .,i e c S Lisp all applicable well permits(i.e.CUOMO,.5foie,Yar lain[:,Iajet bent rtc.J R. Et in. 3_Well Use(check well use); 17.SCREEN Water Supply Well: FROM I TO 1.DIAMETER SLOTSLE I THICKNESS I MATEIDAti DAglicultural 9Municipal/Pubfic ft.. 0 O. lk- Y as •cock 3►b ,5 5 OGeothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) DRcsident al Water Supply(single) R ft in. . ❑lndustri&U csiden Commcrcial DRtial Water Supply(shared) IlL.GRC+UT FRO:11 TO lWATERIAL ErartAccatui"r.METROti A AMOUNT: 01 . tato () ft ft 1 1 f.j)j 4 ftn.,M i R Non-Water Supply Well: ©Monitoring ORecovery injection Well: - ft. ft ClAquit'crRecharge i3GroundwauxRemediation ]9.SAND/GRAVEL PACK(if irpplk hlei FROM - 1 TO 1 MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD [Aquifer Storage.atid Recovery l7Sal nity Barrier DAquitbr Test QStbrmwater Drainage ft. a ft. So S�„r<,:k i r�.._,; �� _ f` 1 . GExpterimental Tccltrurtogy CI5ubside uc Control t0.DIuw NG WC to sixth additional anent'If necasarvl °Geothermal(Closed Loop) CITracer PROM -ro OESCEUI'TEON t:abr. !-.sou n rla trim.`r,ta size.etti GGeotltermai(Hearn P:ool i. Return) QO her(explain under#2 t Remotes) 0 ft' I ) II' iv.;_,r: e I 4-,f%t. +f t- F 4.Date Well(s)Completed: 71 S-.S—wdl Do S f/6 ` ! ft (L.L- - l / R ft ,I_ 5 it_ I 58.Wed Locatiou: r tt 4 '11 1 Facility/OwnerName Facility IDS(ifapplicable) 1 ft. ft 41112;kr b&gAc1 bk. AsH>_ �► Ai ft I ft. , Physical dress.City,end zip 31.REMARKS At'JD0Lp _ 175-37s-El{?3 Count} l'sreel identification No.(PIN) 5b.Latitude and Longitude in degreesImistuteslsecondsor decimal degrees: 22.Certifies (if well field,one ladlone is sufficient) 5-, -7 6` `( 7 5 ti —74 r•IS- 13`{` vt, ifi ;, t ?-/>- s- of Certified Well Contruaor Dare 6,is(are)the wcll(s): gfermaucut or oTcmporary By s/Lprrng,this form,I hereby ex.-11,6,that the> Nt)mu,(net-e)constructed in accordance with 154 NCAC 02C'.0100 or 15A NC AC 02C.0200 Wd L nnssru ion Standards and that a 7,is this a repair to an existing well: ClYes or I3No copy of Wu munebus been prodded metre well owner If this i..a repair.All not b oi,•a well cnnatmcrianinformation and r.plain she Hanna of the - repair rmderg21 remnrks section apron the bock of this firm. 23_Site diagram or additional well details: . You may use the lack of this page to provide additional welt site.details or...yell $,ltiuwbcr of wells constructed: •• construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary, For multiple injection or non-miter supply wells ONLY with the same care traction,wra can sfet>rmtniceform- SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: (9 6 (ft.) 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For inrdllple,wells lest roll depths ifdbfferenr(example-3@200 and 2@ilt0') construction to the following: III.Static water here/below top of casing: (FL) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, Ifrruice le-re1 is above casing,use" 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC.27699-1617 I I.Borehole diameter: ' V'_ - (in.) 24b.For Infection Wells ONLY:: in addition to sending the form to the address in �l 24a above. also submit a copy of this form Ait#ntt 30 days of completion of well i+l 12.Well construction method: L'.)E C constriction to the following_ (0x,auger.rotary,cattle.direct push etc:I Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, 1 FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 I 13a.Yield(gpm)_ _ _ _ Method of Ted; 24c For Water Supply&Injection wens. Also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of lab_Disinfection type• Amount well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form G W-I North Camp=Detwutrcnt of En•v,ronmenx nod Nsanal Rtsourrcr-Ds-vision of win.-ResraurrAs Revised Autust 2013' Client: Energizer Boring ID: SVE-9 Project: Energizer Asheboro Date Started: 9/9/15 Site Location: Plant II Date Completed: 9/15/15 Project Number: 0314524 Latitude: TBD Logged By: Tom Naumann Longitude: TBD Well ., Lithology Lithologic Description Construction Well Construction Details a co 0 0 - Asphalt Flushmount Steel Vault 1 -ti• '° - .l' 4" Stainless Steel Casing ., Gravel t •r .� ' ' # .` Portland/Bentonite Grout 2ML Reddish orange clayey SILT 3 Bentonite Seal 4 fti - L ti\1:1 6 L`-}r 7 :...r. :5--.1 •.;.1 -.l.J. 8 - - x: :. l 2.E1 `l:•` Sgi 10.25" Diameter Borehole 10 4 r:r<<i - r. IML Tan fine sandy clayey SILT `-•i r' ` 6:4i {:s:� 12 r1?4r1 3 . 1:47 1 .:-g _ ::i::; Well Sand Filter Pack#1 14 - 1 'm-:9 '1t;:r:+1 15 I :•s 7 ;;';fir,{ +4�i 16 • 1 ::i:•1] :'`.: . :•:zci ":::•:• 4" Stainless Steel 0.005" Slot ::-11111 ..-s:?' Screen 17 — ' 'r1 18 ! :::::::.1 ••:• 19 l 114� :rri . . 20 - i 1. - - -- i_:�_ ;:_aS End Cap 21 Drilling Contractor: ARS Technologies Outer Casing Depth: NA Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Total Depth (ft): 20 ,,.,... .....L.,/ Drilling Equipment: Geoprobe 7822DT Screened Interval: 5'-20' Responsible Professional: Chris Lacko(NC Driller#3516) Depth to Water(Final): TBD Borehole Diameter: 10.25" Elevation (msl): TBD ERM WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD 'Far Irnean l Use ONLY; This forttteati be-mod for.ci gleormultipkwells f.Welt Contra r:Information: - < / tt 14 WATER IIONES L 5 tw _PRIM TO DESCRIPTION ; Weil Conira6tarNarne- ' !;!C. - 3S/ it ft NC Well Contractor Certification NumberIs..ourER CASING(for mufti-need wells)OK LINER.lif'ayFeahlel FROM. ' TO DIAMETER THICKNESS I MATERIAL Pr R +S I ,}4.aiiyG• ~ it. ft. in Company Name rQ-4 I 16.INNER CASING ORTU ING(t otherm tt dosed-tenet _non )-ro - - DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 2.Well Construction Permit#: 0 R R. 44 is.- 3 t.1 S 5 list all applicable well permits(ix.('aunty.Slate,.Variance,Injection mcj It ft. 3 Well the(cheek well use): 17.SCREEN FROsf -I..TO DIAMETER SLOT 1 THICKNESS I. MATERIAL Water Supply well: " ` OAgricultural DMunicipal/Public ft -i)7 LI ft, c,� 1� =;0011 .3)' 5s 5 OGeothermal.(Heating/CoolingSupply) ❑Residential Water Supply(single) ft. f I `n. 0Industrial/Conunercial DRcsidential Water Supply(shamd) ta-�&Ou7' FROM TD MATERIAL - EMPLACEMENT METHOD A.AMOOAT, ©lm :lees. L) ft. t ft. (Qt..) - 3 Non Water Supply Well: i l Z..rY+ll!t $ °Monitoring_ °Recovery r9- fc L I R A{e.1t k C3C(ck t)t 4`Gj k. Ft Injection Well; G Aquifer Recharge °Groundwater Rernediation 1-19.SAND/GRAVEL PACK(ifapplicable) FROM TO ft 1 1 MATERIAL EMPLACEMENTMETROD ft ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery OSalinity Barrier . OAquiferTest DStormwaterDnaimigc ! tz i5 a' 1 _; fcl;,, t Yt I ft.❑Experimental I"echnology °Subsidence Control t I' 20.DRILLING LOG(attach addhlonet sheets if uercsarv) °Geothhermal(Closeu.Loop) °Tracer FROM TO l D[_S4tirfHl:S reaper,bantam,matrork o p..gain dr.cm] °Ge thermal(Hcatincoolinti•Return) °Other(explesn under 1121 Remarks) 0 R n , -+` ,_{ � h&l� 4.Rate Well(s)Completed: € I S 1y WeilIDt/_5 TEE to ` I 1,- t 1 ft CI ft c to l 1 sr 14-58.Nell Location: ft t ((,, t 7 t{_ Facility/Owner Name Faeitity ID6(if applicable) - - ft. ft. torci A r L1MJ bk. AS OE !U Physical Address,City,xnd Zip 21_REMARKS n A IV10 t.:POT _ 775`37C41.0-3 County Pared Ideutificttion No.(PIN) . 5h.Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: 22 Ce l" '`n (if well field,one let/tong is sufficient) -3T..-7e9 f 7C' N —7q 5-le t3Y ' w (0 d 7--/S . Sigaatiire of Certitwd Wali COuttaetor Date 6.is(are)the well(s): 43Permnnent or ©Tetnporaiy 8r signing Bus form,l hereby cerrffl:dow the i ell(e)n0$(wee)comet cft4 at acotar.mve with 15A NCAC 02C.0100 orr.154 NC,AC 02C.0200 Well Construction&ar rlards and that a 7:is this a repair to an existing well: Dyes or EtIgo copy ofthi:record/los been provider to die well owner. If this is a raparr,J/f oar Moan well construe-mot t:Janmarion and caplo n me nature oft e repair under P21 remarks section or on dye hock ofthis firm. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You-may use the-back of this page to provide additional welt site details.or well R.Number of wells constructed: - construction details: You may also attach additional pages if necessary. For multiple injection or non-water supply malty ONLY with the same consthoetion you can submit oar krrm. SUBMITTAL LNSTUCFIONS 9.Total well depth below land carfare: t)C) _go 24a. For AB Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion.of wet: For nrndriple,wile list all de toe ifiiffcrcni(tr mnyle-.3'@SOO'and 2 1001, construction to tut-following: 10.Static water level below tap of casing: (ft) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, If tearer/eve;is above casing use"4." 1.617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 I I.Borehole diameter: {t)` `7 (in.) 241r.For Iniecfron Wells ONLY: In addition to seridine the form to the addicts in 24a above. also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12-..Well construction method: 11' t'''' 'LC construction to the following: (i.e-auger,rotary,cable,(lissctpush etc.) Division of Witter Resources,Ladcrgruund injection Control Program, • FOR WATER St tPPL}.'WELLS ONLY:Y: 1636 Isl u7 Service Crater,Raleigh,NC.27699-I636 I3a 'Yield(gpmj Method of tor. 24e For Water Simply&Injection Wells: Also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of 13b.Disinfection type: Amount well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form OW-1 Nord.Carolina Depart.nctrt of E nvnnelent end Natural Remelt:es-Division of Water ltesourua Revised Angus.21)13 Client: Energizer Boring ID: SVE-10 Project: Energizer Asheboro Date Started: 9/9/15 Site Location: Plant II Date Completed: 9/15/15 Project Number: 0314524 Latitude: TBD Logged By: Tom Naumann Longitude: TBD s Well ., Lithology Lithologic Description Construction Well Construction Details a m 0 - ConcretesIP Flushmount Steel Vault - -- Gravel - l4. 11 4" Stainless Steel Casing 9 ..1 Portland/Bentonite Grout 3 - ML Reddish orange clayey SILT ilice Bentonite Seal •r-rxr• Y: •l�r�� 4rtf`: ;tip: •ti r4 5 ti: :::. rr-rr. ;.•:: r y 4 .. jsf:i .,r, •Zr:rZ 6 • Si :4;4 1 7� y'' '.r:. .r:. .. f V.": a`,:3S 8 — r'.7 ;=::r;r.,` 1:. ;Sti.:t 1i •i.e<<.. 10.25" Diameter Borehole 9 —i 1 :"4 �4.: ML :;.4.• Tan fine sandy clayey SILT r']a]++ j4=' 10 1 :r.r. • r• 'j I r::4 1 :. -::4•. } 9 •4:..ry 4 Via•' i�r:..1 r:,•.. ti I :..:R:I •:;.li Well Sand Filter Pack#1 4.•r Sf••▪ •` .:ti:.73 ``r' 4" Stainless Steel 0.005" Slot ,Sr ;r Screen 14 1 .,;•:1'j- ...5..- 15 1 L i — — — — — ;:.:1`..7 44'J End Cap 1 I 16 —1 Drilling Contractor: ARS Technologies Outer Casing Depth: NA Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Total Depth (ft): 15 , s4f,„, ......,_ . . Drilling Equipment: Geoprobe 7822DT Screened Interval: 5' - 15' ' Responsible Professional: Chris Lacko(NC Driller#3516) Depth to Water(Final): TBD Borehole Diameter: 10.25" Elevation (msl): TBD ERM WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For.Innersol Use ONLY: This form can be used for single or multiple wells I.Welt Contractor InforTnatlon: - j) x -1dWATERZONE.S L.kf .tit` FROM 1 TO ] DESCRIPTION WaCContractorName rt. I -ft. I , AIC-- ]S! 6- ft. ft. .casiNO( NC Well ConttactorCe tiEcationMasher f;�OUTE.�t ri s t t tOR L t . ersxt.fa � . FROM TD. 0LSMETER , THICIMESs MATERIAL rAiS 1 ito1y L.,0c it. ft. in. CnmpattyName i -AM.ERCMsfN(.OR"n111LNG i ofher al closed-loop) FROM TO DIAMETER 'THICKNESS MATERIAL . 2.Well Construction Pennant: 0 C R y In' 3(e S 5 List all applicable well pcnnitr lie('.oumy,&ate,Variance Injection,etc,) in. J. 3.Well Use(check well use): -.17.SCREEN Water Supply Well; • FROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE TRICKINESS J MATERIAL ❑Agricultural °Mtmieipal/Public f ft' t L fc 11 in' ,.00.E ,S.i b 6 5'. ©Geothermal(tiratinglCoolwg Supply) ©Residential Water Supply(single) ft ft ire ' - ❑lndosrnal/Commer'cial °Residential Water Supply(shared) yFR 1'GROUT OM.- TO - MATERIAL EMPLACEtMENTME TIOO.&AMOUNT y]lrrication It.' Z. ft. Lyon-Water Supply'Well: -- 1 . CA(i3L)i I ft'_rw�t.t.1 {l °Monitoring ❑Recovery _ t7C ft L !, ft- 1.r Adds YL _ 9i r0.111 Jrr Injectrou Well: ft ft °Aquifer Recharge °GroundwaterRemediation -19.SANDIGRAVEL PACK fifapplicable) 4'ROM - Ti) .MATERIAL 1 EMPLACIME11TMETrjoD ❑Aquifer Storage and Recover} °Salinity Barrier ft —r� i i7AquiferTest DStormwaterDrainage ` t� t►1C�. 1�-; t'u';4-� ft. ft. OExpenmental Technology OStibsidenoe Control - 20.DRILLING LOG sattach additional sheets ifo. ..aryl °Geothermal(Closed Loop) °Tracer FROM TO oeScRrno•iaalor.badmen.scaracttsgr.painwrya I I Geothermal(Beatm_: olie e i Co -Return) °Oher( lain mailer Remarks) e ft' r S R'y L ; ::g.4.0 .I a1r - 4.Date well(s)Completed: !-1')IS-WellJD# 5 . 5- rt• i ft Lit. I ft y 1 a - ti(-rr (L1A Sif 1- Sa.Well Location: (-I R J ,C t� r,e,h{ i� .�_[ : -, 11- `1tq ft. ft. . Fanrailv(OwnerName. !] Facility 1Df(ifapplicable) ft ft. j`I 1 12J V kit; tk. )?S l >ti T)PILOtti£- it. ft Physical R3:1rns,City.and Zip. 21.REMARKS y Ni1oL-()I 77537cGg1d35 County Pmeel ldenti5caiiooNo.(PIN) , 5b.Latitude nod Longitude in degrees/minutes/woods or decimal degrees 2.cc " tool (i f well field one lattiotw is.sufficient) si_ Of Certified Well Contractor ate 6.Is(are)the well(s): Ofermaoeut or °Temporary: si 1ng chit B) gn twat I hetehr cerit that the weikej War(Here,coarrracied in accordance with 1 SA NCAC 02C_0100 or 1.5.4 NCAC 02C.0:00 Well t~ohshticliar Standards and that a 7.Is this a repair to an existing well: °Yes or fdlito Karp)alibis recant(has been provided to the WeirOlw/dT tf this is a repair,fill pat kno.rn well construction rnkrrmation and espfain the notarr of the - repair under t21 remarks section or on tlx hack of this form 23:Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional_well site details or well Ii.Number of wells constructed: t construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. For mrdtiple injection or non-wafer ssipplt'wells ONLY with the seine con rtrutri©w,you can sutural(one fornt. SUBMITTAL DISTUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: I S (ft) 24a.For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For multiple wells list ull depths if dif fere ii(emmple-3'®200'and 2 J00) construction to the following: 10.Static water level below top of casing: (ft) Uivisiurr of Water Rtcoarces.information Processing Unit, Ijuaterlsvet is alit•c coxing cue 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter: J ()`....l'7 (in.) tab.For lnirction Wells ONLY: In.addition to sending the form to the address in /l 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12..Welt construction method: .A ,-.4r i'r construction to the following' (;;e_auger.rotary.cable,direst push,etc.) Division of Wafer.Resources,Under ground Injection Control Program, .FOR WATER SUPPLY WEI I S,ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 113a_Yid('(gpm) _ ftlithod of ft:IL .For Water Sa�.riiv$injection Wefts_ Also submit one copy of this font within 30(lays of completion of 1 13b.Uisiafnctiaa type: _ _ —_. AmouaL_ - - --- well construction.to the county health department of the county where —_ constructed. Forst GW-I North Carolina Deparattcni Of Environment and{Feudal Resouiccs-Division of Water Resources: Revised August-2013. Client: Energizer Boring ID: SVE-11 Project: Energizer Asheboro Date Started: 9/23/15 Site Location: Plant II Date Completed: 9/25/15 Project Number: 0314524 Latitude: TBD Lagged By: Tom Naumann Longitude: TBD If Well a Lithology Lithologic Description Construction Well Construction Details a) 0 - Concrete Flushmount Steel Vault '*'.ti•.ti• - Gravel i 4" Stainless Steel Casing 2 • „ . 3:r.. � ;1: Portland/Bentonite Grout ML Reddish orange clayey SILT - « .,lan 4 711 dr..,.: Bentonite Seal ' ipl'.7' �:ti ti 6 — .:ri :}i r•▪:▪•: =r.:•. 8 1:14. 1.111:: :11, •Ltiti 10 - :.:.- :_•••: • r-r rtr~r 'r•rti d ;3 fti 10.25" Diameter Borehole r.: •i:r=. 12 r;:� 1:':` i 1r1tii� ':yrti 1111: L::Za. ML Tan fine sandy clayey SILT 1.•1 1z 14 ::•r •:'r•. 1▪S • :111▪13 L▪ ;.y, Well Sand Filter Pack#1 111=: 16 =` =•:1' ::_:.. • 7' 18 - . i :::'. �`:'▪ j 4" Stainless Steel 0.005" Slot •i11-= Screen 20 ---- E• :1 :1. r`:9 •r•r:: 22 �; ^Vs:t End Cap 1 24 7 • Drilling Contractor: ARS Technologies Outer Casing Depth: NA Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Total Depth (ft): 22 Drilling Equipment: Geoprobe 7822DT Screened Interval: 7'-22' 1111\t....... ......, Responsible Professional: Chris Lacko (NC Driller#3516) Depth to Water(Final): TBD Borehole Diameter: 10.25" Elevation (msl): TBD ERM WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For Internal:Use ONLY: This form car be.inns for siaple sr+mlripk ndls L Welt Contractor Information: _ �r � La_C.fiU U.W:ATER7.oDtE4 PROM- TO- srtscturri©rr Well Corduulut'Name h ft. iti(--- 3 St6+ ft NC WellConuacxoCCerti&casian?somber 15+CIEIZER CASING(for....:+t' msfwmihiORIANER applicablelf , FROM 17Q DIAMETER ThtCImaSS MATERIAL- Company 1 16.INNER;CASING OR TUBING It '1 xtaat.alasetP inpi FROM I To I DIAMETER THICKNESS S MATERIAL _ ' 2.Well Constnielion.Periniti#:__ 0 ft' 7 ft Li 'l .2, t 6 S 5 liar nil applicable well permits(i.e.Omani Sink,Variance,injection,arc) ft. to 3.Well Use(check well use): 17.SCREEN ' WarerSuppWWeit FROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE TUICICNESS i MATERIAL _ °Agricultural ©Municipal/Public ' ft' cc',t f` 4 - i°' ,OO 3.)ri S . ft. . ft, in. ClGeotheitnat(EleatingJCooling Supply) OResidential Water Supply(single) , ❑Industrial/Cpmmercial °Residential 4Varer Supply(sham) is GttOUT iaDM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT MEITUNIA AMOUNT ❑lrri_p_ation Is fr_ 3 ft. cv-:xti I '7 1 t tY if i V Non-Water Supply Well: 0MDnitoring. ❑Recrtvery ft. �l ,.1:•«: U.>`e._tJt injection Well: ft. ft. ©Aquifer Recharge IJGioundwatcrRemediation 19.SAND/GRAVEL PACK Ilapplicable) . FROM f TO I MATERIAL i EMPtaCEmetratEtvon ©Aquifer Storage and Recovery °Salinity Ssrriec ft -S ad j Sc l 1 _z rzl.,2 4-1 EtAquifer Test OStormwater Drainage - t DExpe rimenta:Technology °Subsiidence Control It DRiLLING LOG tames additional shteta if mem:aryl OGeo hermal(Closed Loop) OTraccr _FROM T/) l nEsct rrrnvti tester,kardnns.n..Wrnsk 1,5,Cram sin,etc.} DGeotheruial(lieatini,Coolinc Return) ODther(explain under#21 Remarks) () it .. C -IL c ,.;,.-x / ;-y11.Q(f �y _ 1 ' ft; r ft, F{L4- 4:Date Will(s)Completed: 7'¢5--15-Well LD S V t., / C ft 1/4++ ft 1 C.�tkNf-:E St (i. 5a.Wcli Location: ! ' ' ft ft. t ` f ft. !�{ -,(..„,,et.- i..fl�tfl(.�i i`#. Facility/Owner Name Facility It)€(if appiicablc) h - ft. 6111 T (� At�l bk. AS 146 .#sip. AIt-- ft rt..Physical Address;City,and.Zip 2 t-REMARKS 9k Mb&Lt i? - — 775-37s11'J35 County Parcel Identification No.(PIN) Sb.Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees:. 2.1 fictr6na' (if well field,one latilonu is sufficient) Si ire of CertiSed Well irnctor ifetew Con Is(are)the w ell(s): 0.Pernsaaent or OTemporary by signing this font,1 hereby certify that the well(al trios(Were)corntrneted in....fr.. wan 154-n'CAC 02C.0100 or ISA NCAC 02C.112(10 WellCmmsrruetioa Cienmfards and flea a ' Is this a repsmr to an existing wdll GYes -or L3l$o rip,+oftis record hasheraprnridedtotheNellowner. if th/a is a repair,fill out bawd well connote-iron information and explain the nature of the repair imJcr-21 rcnwrl s sectinn or on clic buck of this form. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page in provide additional well site details or welt 8.Number of wells constructed:. I construction details.. You may also attach additional pages if necessary.. For+umdtiplc infection or iron-wale-supply we/is ONLY with the ranee to rirere ern,yi)u car sebenlrone font. `� SUBM11 I AL 1NSTIJCCIONS 9.Total well depth.below hind surface: (ft) 24a.For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For uruhi)le:wells list all depths Idtfiirent(eaammprc-S .200'and2 l00') construction to else followmg 10.Static water level below top of casing: ({L) Division of Water Resources,Information.Processing Unit, lfximser loci is abane casing,use 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 I1.Borehole diameter: I U`,-)�l (in.) 24h.For Injection Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well IL Welt constrricdott method- '•. e'en'y�� _ _ construction to the following: (i.e.auger,rotary,cable,direct push,etc.) Division.of Water Resonre .Underground injection Contra!Program. FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY. 1636 Mail Service Center.Raleigh,NC 27 699-1 636 24e.For Water Supply&Infection Welk. 13a.Yield(rpm) Method of test Also submit one copy of this fails within 30 days of completion of 13b.Disinfection type: _ _ _ Amount:_ - well construction in the county health department of the Bounty where .- — - --.constructed_ Form GW-1 Nardi Carolina Dcparnmenn of-Environment.end Natural Resomxecs-Di.asioo of WaferResonscrs p.niscd August 2017, Client: Energizer Boring ID: SVE-12 Project: Energizer Asheboro Date Started: 10/12/15 Site Location: Plant II Date Completed: 10/13/15 Project Number: 0314524 Latitude: TBD Logged By: Tom Naumann Longitude: TBD 1 L Well .. Lithology Lithologic Description Construction Well Construction Details m 0 Concrete Flushmount Steel Vault i ■• — - - i . '::r:-:.r Gravel •• ; . -t'" 4" Stainless Steel Casing 2 ••I;' °= I Portland/Bentonite Grout ML Reddish orange clayey SILT 4 e Bentonite Seal ST11 �▪-•-▪S S.S. •...R.•. 6 — ?:r~:; Lry:y 17:.qf. f_. 8 9 r . •f.f., .f.f .'f.f .•f.J-: f:f:f •.'F:r.. B L •:elF1 10 f'f' • 'r'• S.S. S.S:S ftif: tif•f•� S.S t:j`:+ f" '•f ~.�• 10.25" Diameter Borehole 12 I , t..`•�' • f.s ~1:,.ti ::: of.••, ML Tan fine sandy clayey SILT r:r4: :: oft: '..`..S 14 4r:t :4 ?. •S• S S. •S i:? .`f▪'" Well Sand Filter Pack#1 16 ;•„r7 : . :;:.-3 18 I "" '`. .,,�,f .;r•Fy ti) 4" Stainless Steel 0.005" Slot : `,;:t1 Screen 20 •$:!:f; i {: C.:'f" -xl3 ,.': •.3 S•9 S�SI 7 _ 22 — — f:f. �.='`� End Cap i 24 Drilling Contractor: ARS Technologies Outer Casing Depth: NA Ks...._....,,,.. Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Total Depth (ft): 22 Drilling Equipment: Geoprobe 7822DT Screened Interval: 7' -22' Responsible Professional: Chris Lacko (NC Driller#3516) Depth to Water(Final): TBD Borehole Diameter: 10.25" Elevation (msl): TBD ERM WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For Internal Use ONLY: This form can be used.far single or multiple wells L Well,Coatrarfitr Information: FROM TO DESCRIPTION _ Well Contractor Neme It.^ ft 5`l 6 ft. _ NC Wall Cgtazatar Certification rNumber tS6LlY'ERCjf .lformaki-asad walk;ORWIER.tlfato mbte) . - PROM I TO DIAMETER I THICKNESS. I MATERIAL Company Name / 16.INNEltCASING OR TUBING(geothermal.dosed-loopt FROM TO DIAMETER Ttl1CKNaa5 I MATERIAL➢ L Well Construction Permit#: 0 A -7 B. eiin. 1 2)(te F s 5 us,all-applicable well permits(i.e.Cnuntyy,Stale.Ynriante.injection,ere) ft, ft, is 3.Well Use(cheek welt use): IL:SCREEN WaterSuppl Real: ' FROM f TO DIAMETER MWTStZE THICKNESS , MATERIAL L]Aencniturai C7AMutticipal/Pubsc 7 ft. ad ft q i'- ,-00 ...lit 5 5 oGeothtzm eial(Heating/Cooling Supply) t3Renidentiai WatSuppiy(single) f ft. in.` E3Isdusirral/Commercial ORcsidcntial Water Supply(shared) iA GROUT tT[Old TO h1ANERIAL EMPLACEMENT ME TIOD A AMOUNT ❑trriFauon. ft• ft- I - 1+ton-Water SupplyWell: 0 /� (0 t- "� f-�.rvt jvti i R �`� k oMonftoring oRecovery -] ft. it nkoAr .^ CA ra-t)t t-r'''1 •Injection Well n ❑Aquifer Rtxltarge OGtttundwater Remedialion 19.SANWGRAYEL PACK{ffapplicabie) FROM TO MATERIAL. . f ratetACFM}MasETHOD. DAquifer Storage and Recovery ElSalinily Barrier fc f, toAqutter Test OStonowater Drainage r� �` ='4 (et t i-f CExperimental Technology DSubsiden a Control 1 - , 20.DRILLING LOG(tetdscb sddtttnnal eheete if needsary) J DGeothetmal(Closed Loop) OTracer FROM . TO DESCRIPTION{color.hen.i ilNur trim-ereto Ike,Lie4 DGaa (theallal teatintioolin Return) .JOthet{explain uric:ti2_1 Remarks) _ 0 U- ' C} R' ( =.2.4-Z ' i4 ,r{ctt 4.Date i%eli(s)Completed: IC)-(3-/Tw ell 19# 5 �C rr 4 • 1 '` ft ft S,zl.Well Location: ri. tr 1 1. I • r < r„,ne v IName Facilit,1D/(if applicable) R. ft ' II Li1i A t�14h1 b , ;S B C 146 Ftce Af__ , f 1 ft.' Physical AAdtess,City,and Zip 1 21.REMARKS .;\MD bLNf _ 7 75-37C 61Id3. Comity P.uca Identification No.(PIN) I. T Sb.Latitude and Longitude in degreeslminutcs/seronds or decimal degrees: 22.Certificatio (if well field one tat/long:is snfficieiu -35. 61' 7Cc N — '4.. 1. _i 3y° w � . /0- 7 ( Signe a of Certified Well Connector Date 6_Ls(arc)the well(s): 1 crmanent or OTeoaporary 14,signing Ihis form,.i herehy cern5 that the udF)tote(mewl constructed in acarrrlorrce w,h 15A NCAC 02C 0100 or ISA NCAC 02C.0200 Well Ciuistruclion Standards and that a 7.Is MIS a repair to an existing well:. Dyes or C31(to ropy of this recnd has been mutated to the well namer Vain.is a,emir,fill ma known weTa tnrcvr t+citmr infltntws vn and=plain the noruro of the moan-older,21 remark,section nr on the back of this farm 23.Site diagram or.additiounl well details: ( You may-USG the back of this papa to provide add tional weft site details or avcli d.Number of wel4te constructed: construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. Far multiple in/cellar-tor Hot-water supply wells ONLYwtih sire sawee cmrrbYc6a,,)'oat tar 7� r t t��r submit one forth. `SUBMI1TAL tuW n UC ONS 9.Total well depth below land surfacer (it.) 24a.For.Ali Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of Well Par militate wefts lila all depths if different(eesmple-3(20C1'and 2@100') construction to the following: IQ-Static water level below top of easing: (ft) Division of Water Rvsourres,Information:Processing Unit, If wilier/ere/is above acting,rise" " --tt 1617 Mail Service Centtt,Raleigh.,NC 27699-1617 I L Borehole diameter. /1)'ct`7 (rrt) 24h. For Injection Writs ONLY: in addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above,also submit a cops of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12.Welt construction method: :I1 ' ;e'er construction to the following: (Lc.auger._rotary,able,direct push cm.) Diiis'ton:of Waler Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mall Service Center,Raleigh,NC 2 769 9-1 63e 24c_For Water Surely dr injection Watts_ I 3s-YetC(gpm) Method of test Also submit one copy of this-form within 30 days of completion of 13b.Disinfection type: Amount: ' well construction to the county health department of the county where — _ . constructed.. Form Get'-1- North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Remaut es-Division of Wrier Resources Revised August 2013 Client: Energizer Boring ID: SVE-13 Project: Energizer Asheboro Date Started: 10/8/15 Site Location: Plant II Date Completed: 10/9/15 Project Number: 0314524 Latitude: TBD Logged By: Tom Naumann Longitude: TBD .[ Well= t, Lithology Lithologic Description Construction Well Construction Details a a> 0 0 Concrete Flushmount Steel Vault er:•}} -- Gravel 4" Stainless Steel Casing 2 Portland/Bentonite Grout ML Reddish orange clayey SILT 4 .';:sF: `i;` Bentonite Seal fti1 6 :▪ti•;:j :•'+1 :t▪i. 8 :▪?4 %.:S:ti 10 dJ%`; yf:•• l~J :.4:•.. .:Sfti r::: : r• 10.25" Diameter Borehole %12 �"` ter:;, 1• 1.55•. r;r%.• E .s• f� "s.. 1 ML Tan fine sandy clayey SILT . ,., .7::::::::: ::1 Well Sand Filter Pack#1 is ::.•:3f %Fly. acy •'r.;I •• `C.i . t ` 4" Stainless Steel 0.005" Slot t :t..•a r,, ti:::J ,.120 -1:4;•. Screen i •':L+'4" t 4-1 22 J L:::2:: • ti ''d End Cap I 1 24 1 Drilling Contractor: ARS Technologies Outer Casing Depth: NA Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Total Depth (ft): 22 Drilling Equipment: Geoprobe 7822DT Screened Interval: 7'-22' \\\.:,_,..4.." Responsible Professional: Chris Lacko (NC Driller#3516) Depth to Water(Final): TBD Borehole Diameter: 10.25" Elevation (msl): TBD FRM WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Far bueitra!list ON. This form ma be used for single or mititiple wells 1.Well Contractor lufornsatlaa - .. 34..WArEI!?.(tNF.S t 'i c S facet I To { Dt5CYtrrioN Welljj (fCoetractorNamo R. + AIL- 3 s V ft ft NC Well CantrAatcrCertific:uon Number !S OUTER CASING(far maw wens OR LINER eifapplimbiet FROM TO MAMMA L TRICK'NESS 1 MATERIAL. . 't $ ft. in. Company Name -I6.:INNER CASING 0RTUBING r4eotbermaIdomed-loop) FROM TO &war R l T I M Yestist. 2.Well Construction Permit#:_ 0 ft 7 ft. `i in. 3(f 5.5 list all applicable wdlpermita(ie-Coonot,Stale, Variance,lnjeeliwtxtc) in. 3.Well Use(check well use): 17 N. - Water Supply Well: - -PROM 1 To DIAMETER T SLOT SIZE THICKNESS AIATEPJAI: - ❑Agnctrltutat pMunjcipaVPubtic 7 n. ("7 are.. tn. .i�Q+; •3)t; s 5 - � °Geot erinal(fleating/coolingSupply) OResidential Water Supply(single) f` :a °Industrial/Commercial °Residential Water Supply(shared) is-GROUT - - FitOM I TO .MATERIAL Fl tPs ACTMENTINET#IOD&AMOUNT QtrripDOSI Non-Water Supply Well: 0 3 r t li'f` .i f-E 111'IA.i- R ]� ,-,A-0 Zr J.k I (-0.L1 r f [33vlonitpring L3lteox+yery ft. ` / Injection Well: - ft. °Aquifer Recharge °GroundwaterRemtxiietion I9.SANDIGRAYE1 PACKtifspplicnhlel FROM -I TO MATERIAL ' EMPLACE]IIENTIVIET�- • °Aquifer Storage and Recovery OSalinity Barrier s r� st C ❑Aquifer Test °Stormwater DrainagetYt7� 5' �.-r'= ( (ct �;. fr. 1 ft.OExperuneotal.Technology OSubsidence Control 1�,O.DI{Yfv LINpi LOG Calmat additional sncetsif nmrasare) LIGeothermal(Closed Loop) OTracer FROM TO -osscRirTH1lr tech-,Mwm n ,wWrackt•-,e t@!ran .etol Geothermal(tic�atinc,t:oolin¢Return) °Other(t plain under#21 Remarks) 0ft' • 5 rt L v ae..... ;.- / l Pl.t c.It- _ 4:Date Well(s)Completed: /0-7-l5-Well IDif 5 vl✓' 1 w ,`L fR. .—.0/ �, —4.i f Sn Well Location: ft '1 ft. j `' c� 9 ClS r.a to -t C tc_: {f . if 4.1.1 ft. ft. Facility/One-Name Fealty EDt(if applicable) R. ft. i 9 q\:: )) .' P l) bk .AS 146 1 i L ft• to Physical A ,City.and Zip 2L SEMMIK'3. A IOULPti 775 37ci1/a3 1 Cotia.y Parent Identification No(PIN) 5b.Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: 22. es- : (if welt lid,one tat/long is satbeientl " ✓ 'Le. f 7bct 7S c N ?6, V15' l31n w f6f d 7- `' 1,T. 5" ofCertsfed Well Contractor Data 6.Is(art)the walks): E"l1 ermaieot or DTer iporary 6v sliming Aril fart i I hereby oerrl that the art)!.$)uMs(laic)constructed is occorrkmce with 15A NCAC O2C.0100 or 15A NCAC 02C.0200{Yell Construction Sleuth:tar and mot a 7.Is this a repair toan existing wel&. CYes or &l o copy of lair rearm has been ptstde4 to tzar well owner. if Aix r a repair,fill oar known well construccron jotioe arwn and explain the',rare of the 23 Site diagram or additional well details: under%'21 remarks section or on the back of&Isla m. age You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well 8.Number of wells constrecicd construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. I or multiple injection or non-Watersvpply.it ells ONLY with the same cantimcdor.you can canna farm SUBM TrAL INSTUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below laud surface. da (ft) 2da.for All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For multiple wells list all depths if different(eren,dn-3@2#0'and 2@1O0Z construction to the following: HU.Static water level below top of casing: (R:) Division.o€Water Resources.Informal-iota Processing Unit, If avatar kc+el is attire cq.ing,,rse',' 1617 Mail Service Center.Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 I I.Borehole diameter. 1 0`d t- (in.) 24b.For Ini ectioo Was ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this funs within 30 days of completion of well IL Well construction merhod: A u c e"- -— construction to the following' t.e.eager,rotary,table,three push.0ti.) Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELIS ONLY - 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh.NC 27699-1636 Method'of tact 24c.For Water J SnrMl. &Irction Wells: I3a.Yield(gpm) __- - Also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of 13b 'Disiufeetion type: --- -- — .-_. AmttsurE welt construction to the county health department of the county where . t — constructed_ Firm GA'-7 North Caroline Depannicni of Environment and Natural Ftn.wa,cen-Division of Water Resources Revved August 201' Client: Energizer Boring ID: SVE-14 Project: Energizer Asheboro Date Started: 9/30/15 Site Location: Plant II Date Completed: 10/1/15 Project Number: 0314524 Latitude: TBD Logged By: Tom Naumann Lon itude: TBD Well +. Lithology Lithologic Description Construction Well Construction Details a. a) CI 0 - Concrete ,,..: Flushmount Steel Vault :::: -- Gravel '`' 4" Stainless Steel Casing 2 ,3f 1. t'''.;' Portland/Bentonite Grout ML Reddish orange clayey SILT F 4 Bentonite Seal ;: tL••.A- :. .:yf:76 ti�f i 8 �'"•• ••:•r ••r•r• •tier •r•r.. 10 1%.. -L•4• S•S•. =.4;. 'f.k 10.25" Diameter Borehole 12 — '..: arc:: — s ML ....sq., ti s; Tan fine sandy clayey SILT ;:�:9 !#-: 14 -•'+?'4 :r;?f :•:.•: :;:5 — a {c.:33 r:":`7 ;44 Well Sand Filter Pack#1 16 1....jlll7 •:1V.fi .�'^ i . 1 `•-••I 18 .?:,-� — :i���,y� ;.-:;a :•:; 1 4" Stainless Steel 0.005" Slot t 7-::4 :- r:::4 Screen 20 ;c4`1 ;'`w `-1 .: S 22 r••r..••: �'-` End Ca p 24 , • Drilling Contractor: ARS Technologies Outer Casing Depth: NA Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Total Depth (ft): 22 Drilling Equipment: Geoprobe 7822DT Screened Interval: 7' -22' Responsible Professional: Chris Lacko (NC Driller#3516) Depth to Water(Final): TBD Borehole Diameter: 10.25" Elevation (msl): TBD ERM WELL.CONSTRUCTION RECORD for Inienial Use ONLY: ' Tr:;form call bo wed for single or multiple wills I.Well Contractor Information: - - C,�fy f j/ I4.WATEILZONES. r l7 £•) t t- FROM [TO D1;9CR7fRO1V Well Ctxuratxnt Name ft ft '�� ]t� f R f EL 'C Well Contractor Certification NumberIS.OUTER.CASING Roc.multi-c d wellSi OR LINER Y ps bIcl FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS i MATERIAL A 4,C i ;et.6I,, r a, ft ft. iv, Comm.Name 1 16.INNER.CASING OR;TLIBIMG(raweraalriosea-tuopl FROM To - DIAMETER. 'IRICETIESS ,.MATERIAL 2.Well Construction Permit lt: I (j e. -7 ft- V Li in. 3 I E , S5 List oil applicable urn perarits r e.County,Stole,.Variance,injection,etc) - ft. ft. I is. 3.Well Use:(check well use): 1.7..SCREEN I Water$tspply Well: _FROM TO ad.,. ur. ,0.,-- I G 5 5 DIAMETER ' SLOT 17 IThMAMMALCKNESS MAMMAL°A�cricidtural C7?vfitnicipaUl'ubtic te. at7 Htatin Cooting Sv Supply(use) ti ft,.DGeoihermal ( t� pAtS') dRtsi;lefttjaS Watrr DlndustriavComroercinl CResidential Water Supply(snared) t&cot FROM TcAir o MATERIAL �.EMPLACEMENT METHOD,&AMOLRFF Obligation & ft- 7 re- Q r+3t. t +CZ .3A,-tr. 1 i" Non-Water Supply Well: ft 1 ElMonitoring CJRecovery ! .1{,an e l2 9 rA LI i E Injection Well: fL R. DAqui£erRecharge oGroundwaterRerriediation Bt.SAND/GRAVEL PACK iifsppiicatiiei FROM . _TO I MATERIAL [EMPLACEMENT Pitman OAquifer Storage and Recovery [Salinity Barrier ft [3A mfec Test OStormwatt r Drainage t�t 1 • . 4- 0(-ct`t•I-Lr q ft. r, . DExpenmental Technology °Subsidence Control 20.'DRILLING LOG Y,attachaddeuanalabeetaift:ermaar+)_ OGeothetmal(Closed Loop) °Tracer rROM _To i DE.SCRieTiOM(toter.hardness.aoiliracts+Zve-raw try err,} OGeothennal(Hcating'Cooling Return) °Oiher(r iplain:uundc[#21 Remarks) , 0 rc. . C G �1. ,c;:2Ti; / r-2,.,pYLG.i 1- 4:Date Well(s)Completed: 10-I-,5—Well ID# 5 V 6 l fi A ft fa4 t L L- . I LiC—6 1_.' 51 1 t. - Sa.Well Location: i ft ' it �{( _ a _.s,t,,,,d..r, C_14-/e S 14- ft. ft. facility/OwnerName FaciiityIDA(ifapplicable) fr.CI r v- q ; bk. A5 N6%e u Ai E._ ft. t� Physical A ,City.and Zip 2L REMARKS (Opt)I- ii - 775-37s6iiJ3 County Parcel identification No.(PIN) 1 Sb.Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/secoads or decimal degrees: 22.Ca Jtifieati (if well field.one lotions tS sufSicieral 1{ tt //•/ I'f } e .) 761.- t.1 7 5 c N — II r 5Jc7 l3 l a w }/.�, • �i __. JV d7"IA SiQ�11Rti of Certified Well Contractor Date 6.Is(ore)the well(s): f311ermanent or °Temporary By sisming this fares,I hereby.cerlify Mon the well(f'Mar(were)cwcwrucred anr accordance with 154 NCAC DIC:0/lit1 or 154 NCAC D.0.02011 Well Construction Standards And that e 7.is this n repair to an existing well: /Yes or 1111qn copy of the mew-cities been provided to the well owner. if dos a a repair fill cm,known well construction information and explain the nature of the repair under 21 remarks section or on she hock of sins form. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You tours use the back of'this tinge to provide hddititsnal well site details or well 8.Number or-wells constructed: I cottstruct3on details.. You may alstt attach additional page%if necessary.. For nrulirple injection or non-water supply wells ONLY-with th.the same c n:mutt on.you eon submit one farm, SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS 9.Totai well depth below land surface: 0 t (ft.) 2.4a. For MI Weller Submit this form within 30 drys of completion of well For inn tirde,;vu.lies all dept/n ldfTernd(rsmnple-30200'and 2C1l101 construction to the following: 10.Static water level below top of easing: (ft) Division of Water Resources,information Processing Unit. *water level is above carats,use' " 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 1I.'Borehole diameter: F 0• c .C,s . (in.) 24b. I"r:r Injection Wells©'IL2' In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well I2,Well construction method: A t'',jt d -- Construction tb the following: (i.e,surer,minty.cable,direct ptstt ex.) Division of Water Resources,Underground injection Control Program, FOR WATER R SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Soviet Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 24e For Sharer Supply&Injection.Welts_ t3a.Yield(gr.) Metbod of teat: Also submit one copy of this horn within 30 days of completion of 13b.Disinfection type: _ _ _ Amount won construction to the county health department of the county where F! constructed. Form GW-I. North Carolina Deparimcat ofEariraneocta and Natural Resources-Diviner:of Waxer Resoitrom l,cvire4 Au¢osi 2013 Client: Energizer Boring ID: SVE-15 Project: Energizer Asheboro Date Started: 9/12/15 Site Location: Plant II Date Completed: 9/13/15 Project Number: 0314524 Latitude: TBD Log•ed By: Tom Naumann Longitude: TBD Well ,., Lithology Lithologic Description Construction Well Construction Details a m 0 Concrete Flushmount Steel Vault •.?S„ :tiff ;{4. -- Gravel #' 4" Stainless Steel Casing � :° :.r ° Portland/Bentonite Grout 2 ML Reddish orange clayey SILT : .. 3 -- Bentonite Seal I 4 �L 1` r•r• ! 1.1.1 t:t • f..., :d: -gig;••o •x r^: 6 .• 4• ..1,• 7tt•t .;j::::, ..4,1 8 • l ( rr� ti•": '.. '•3 tr1 10.25" Diameter Borehole II I ML Tan fine sandy clayey SILT st=. tia;r. ::"�1''1 11;5 10 —1 / + ¢sj :} .i t -.1.5 ttt i :s'::A Well Sand Filter Pack#1 12 • :.:: 1 ~?:: 1 ;q 13 .. :`=` 4" Stainless Steel 0.005" Slot =~',? : .1 Screen 14 7 ;3.it� ti'S�•. 15 - — :;1 End Cap 16 Drilling Contractor: ARS Technologies Outer Casing Depth: NA Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Total Depth (ft): 15KN....—.4:4-) Drilling Equipment: Geoprobe 7822DT Screened Interval: 5' - 15' Responsible Professional: Chris Lacko(NC Driller#3516) Depth to Water(Final): TBD Borehole Diameter: 10.25" Elevation (msl): TBD E WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For I /Tito ONLY: This form can be used for she or atanple wells L Well Ctmtradnr Information: art, L.�t.G�I : ,w Id..WATERzorras PROM TO l DESCRIMIoN Well ConrtaetorName Sr. R, C 3 S/-6 ft { ft. NC Well Contractor Certification Number15.OUTER CASING(for malii cased wens)OR LINER(Hap t'I'dhie) f� -FR©M - -TO - DIAM.lTER. THICKNEStS .M.A'rERIAL ,1\eS �.eci,tt-L1s,ci'o-s ft ft L - l Company Name 16.INNERCASMDR.TUBING/ccethereal cimed400ni. FROM TO -1 DWA 4EIER.. -._ THICXNESS- I MATERIAL Z Well Construction Permit II: 0 R 5 R L to •2 (6 . .S S i itt all applicable well perrrtits(1.t.County.State.Variance,Injection.etc) N. ft. us. 3.Well Use(check well use): 17 SCREEN WrilerSn Supply Well: FROM I To INi�1I1PiER SLOTSIZE THICKNESS - MATERIAL I col ' ft J rt L.I In. -t]L�1J -3)6 55 DAgrictiitural Dlfunicipal/Pubtic 7 7 1 , DGeothenual(Heating/Cooling Supply) ClRtsidcntial Water Supply(single) ! ft to 1 iolndustrial/Commercial °Residential Water Supply(shared) ierxa!ttR+:GDttit 70 MATERIAL EMlLACEME9'tr 7trETrtOtt&AM©IR`T I Oh-6mq= 6 R l 2 b• C i Q i.X..t t T 1 rY!- Non-Water Supply Went II . [IMonitoring ❑Recovery - rt. ? fz j 7 f 7r'n�a:1a� c rr F u, 07 Injection Well: ft D. , Cl Aquifer Recharge oGroundwaterRenrediation 19.SAND/GRAVEL PACK Ktfappriabiel FROM `TO MATERIAL. I. EMPlACEMENTMETHOD °Aquifer Storage and Recovery °Sanctity Barrier C ft V{ t.9S :1- (r lit ft. ft. A- °AqutfcrTest DStormwaterDrainage ft. I ExperjmertiatTochnology ❑SubsidenceContrtit 20.:DRILLING LOGiatiseh additional sheeting_u .)_ OGeuthei mal(Closed Loop) °Tracer eao'o to omania.,ano:•ticeionbanmesa,soW,uckrr..tralo,oz;et�, CGe othermal O4eating/Cooting Return). r°Ot3ter(explain.under#21�R`emarks) C n- 5 t`. ; ,,, ..e.. .r. 14 v1;a.(1 4.Date Welt(s)Completed: /—I J-f 7 Well ID# 5 V" (] 5 ft. - V�.�L L a.Well Location: LI fr' ( 17 tm. S, n4 lr 1 ..-t -t • I0 ft_ r �; It- +z Facility/Owner Name Facility[Di(if applicable) ft ft j CM /a t M i bk. As f466101.0L .ti p rl rival AAdres5,City,and zip z1.REMARKS . 9\ ,hUbU1,-() -7 75-37c-'j 0 35 _ County Parcel Identification NO.(PIN) 5h,Latitude and Longitude is degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: 22.Certif-icafi . (if well Said,one fmflong is sufficient) ''5,7eq'r75`' N —ief• VIE 51 ° W z - - In-27-75 Si a of Certified Well Contractor bate 6.Is(are)the well(s):i#ermanegt or °Temporary Sy signing this form.l hereby vet-till thar the we1141 tier)lucre)concrincied in accnrdenu: with 15A IVCAC 02C.0104 or 15A NC.AC 02C.0200 Well Constre.cfion Sia donis and that a 7,Is this a repair to an existing well: DYe5 or Ellio rape of this record has ken provided thesrell owner if acts u a repair,fill par hntnen well awaitvclioe information and eyrinin the'name of rime repair under`21 return:section or on the hack of l/ti�farm. 23..Site diagram or additional well detail: You may use the beck of his pttoe to provide additional well site details or-+Y dr S.Number of wells constructed: t construction details_ You may also attach additional pages if necessary. Formgh�ale injectnn or non-water supply wens ONLY with the same construction,jr it can stmbmurule fbltri, I SUBMITTAL INSTUCCIONS 9.'fotsltwill depth.below land surface: (_ C (ft} 24a For All Wells:. Submit this form within 30 days of completion of welt For multiple vas list all depths if-different(=armpit-3ltt00'and 2(p)100't construction to time following- Id.Static water keel below top of casing: (D.) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing tint If water level it above casing are ° I617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27499-1617 IL Borehole diameter: t U` '`� (its) 2-4b.For injection Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in /l 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well construction method: ft c:u=\e construction to the following: (i.e.auger,roury,cable,direct peals.etc) -Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY; 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-I636 24c.For Water Snpplc&Injection Wells: I3re_Yield(gpm) Method of teat Also submit one copy of ibis form within 30 days of completion of 13b_Disinfectiontype _ _ Amount will construction to the email' health department of the county where constructed. Form SW-I. Worth Caroline Depwimem of Em-iraument and Natural Resources-Division of Water Resources Revised Artduat 2n13 Client: Energizer Boring ID: SVE-16 Project: Energizer Asheboro Date Started: 9/28/15 Site Location: Plant II Date Completed: 9/29/15 Project Number: 0314524 Latitude: TBD Log ed By: Tom Naumann Longitude: TBD Well a Lithology Lithologic Description Construction Well Construction Details m 0 - Concrete ,;_N Flushmount Steel Vault ix r € 4" Stainless Steel Casing Gravel ,T, 2 Yv _ ;- - Portland/Bentonite Grout ML Reddish orange clayey SILT 4 Bentonite Seal _ . ':•v- sw J• 6 :.•:.; f..f. to rr7 tihr 8 — E ' 71 I I ifyl:J• ••j'• 1 (J'1,1' }1«I 1 1.4•1 •J'f~ •'r .;' 10.25" Diameter Borehole 12 .l :::::::-:• :.I. 1.4•: 4 - I t i. J;.•AJ�I ;Jt• •R. `•J lSJ•. ML Tan fine sandy clayey SILT :4,. 9:4ti 14 . • ti:4 :.•.°•. f • •i �:5:1 8 .y-e- R.:..y r q' : y •J,::•, Well Sand Filter Pack#1 16 i :::: ▪J J` visi ::ti „ti=:, is fti. 18 - I 1 ::••, ., ,r;•; 4" Stainless Steel 0.005" Slot i �•'7q �~=``''a Screen 20 : ::::: i ....::S:.-„i t�-'- . ~--'j End Cap 24 1 Drilling Contractor: ARS Technologies Outer Casing Depth: NA Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Total Depth (ft): 22 Drilling Equipment: Geoprobe 7822DT Screened Interval: 7' -22' � Responsible Professional: Chris Lacko (NC Driller#3516) Depth to Water(Final): TBD Borehole Diameter: 10.25" Elevation (msl): TBD R t WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD par taierml=liu'014Ly Thh as=can mild fairingle ionailtiolo wells' I.Well Cantracmr Informstiote 1 D, ":t4 WR7 ER S . 5 f - TO . _.C_.R.E.,P. Well.t« tetti Npoe I IL;' . f --NC/ J -.1.5diDTIM ARINGf[erow-REi:We+lae�tiORLINERferAip�. .icy..' Its Weil Cvntta CcaiftCeu'irsn tsomber .FROM ; to . .. DIAMETER . TRICIT ESS . I AERIAL etu:Tion4t4inic., '- fLII hNR-CA3( E TtI Gfieot �i.do lo4), Fon .. :: �. : i DIAMETER. �"r}lcrceSs MAMMAL .. = Z.WE11 CO:WT.0cdon'Petmit& j to aft appfkabie veil termits r.['.o,oiiy:Sake;.V.aarignce 7lieetiart, - . 3:Well T1ttc(ebeck:.wlaA ttsee). WaterSuppl- • PROW . TO . AIADIEE:R STAIT'St • THICKNESSlilti^'IERtAL 0h ttittaal E.Iivtttnutigat/Paibiic 1It' , d a rc twr t.?ca • r '16 • $Si' It. • •• :ft fn. - ,PG4iligt1iialiffeitingirtiOling Supply} DR;sideotia1 Water Supply(sing1e) . . Dibdttoria7dCpmmercial �CLRe;tientiutWatera 7R.cRot/x :: • "tRtdAi• _ TQ • .tItA:TFIe'TAt;.- F.9M1Pt:A4EdfP1'l7(itE7ttOD&AA30F3A7.. 1311tVatton & L R. Note-WVotrkSupply Weil . ( - i J( 's .- / ti✓+fIk i t114.nitoriug... C1Recoverbr. . 3 Injection W e[i:, 4f.' it„. LIGteiunttwaterRtmtzliatiott t9 SA?WG tV€LrAACKfifiipp1,able) • . plltluift l ecfiarge 'FRttM '" TO' MATERIAL : EM ACEtF3t3NT11t IOte t7Aquit`eiStois eandRecover pSalinity$atrier ao r� • lMtuiferTest. 17Stonir terDtairrage f `�t y • O.. QE cperimental Tachnology caibs Bence Conte i • ' 29.131II LING.IsIG'tattsch ad$it l sheets if oe=vkw3 . " iGeatifermai(Closed Loop) QTracer 'nomAD., DI DTIO ieclat.hardaes srai,ioekkk Pe:f?f6tfos.eeri DDGeottlennal 1IieatIll4Co eng[lsnini) OQthct(etplsin material Ilt masks)' ❑ cw . 5 n , tvr3,ie Bz..a _A"}((ia.l't^ . _ L. 4,Date Weil()Completed: -f''d t'l r}:Wt{l,ln#.. S L7 f 6 t: £c . • 1 - L Ck; e-1StI+" 5e Well Lt>itia>}: d f4" •t FionyyOwner'tdame 4eiciliiyll3 (ifeoplimblej ft. it q11 t1 b h .,, ASL - If. .ft. Physical Aar.iiiss,City;sod 7.lp _ ti .21.REIlbiliKS` 9 tO.L 7 75 3.7cc tl Ii . Co my Parcel ldentification No.(PIN) Sh.Latitude atrtt Longitude in degneestmioutetiviconds or derirn;al degrees: ZZ.ccetifi+eatiotr (if aell Sel&one lniTioak ii suifcienr) • : .. -J5'.7. :`f`� .5 e" N —71r I$ 3`. e; w • _ t 14 s' .6:6 iWell.Contraetesr- Date - 6.Is(are)thewet s), t3fermeuent or EDTem oP6 ra iI fY fly siSwiirYg 7itla fvwitr,t hewrbrt rretff}r ihat.thr well/s�was{aeiti,cnu#wevcied in gcrorr&rrtoe. Wilt 1SA:'A'C.AC d2C23100 or ISA NC:iC be 02C.0200 f alf.lrvrutniotioit,Seauiiontt anti plat a 7.1 this p repair to.an tai#S4ug*elk tiY'es or Lego cop}wif alit record ho. en prrn drii to the self saner. if lkiS!,a pir,fill.tet fst wn well owoir leflnn ilrfararalroe and eej Lein Ike llorsgre off . repriir eeteler'21-rpm,*seutiin or on dre bockof t(irsfonit. 23.Site diagram or additional well details; You inay.use the:ba:ek.of this pose to provide additional watt site details or wolf S.Number of wells constructed: tronsiniction details_You may also attach additional Oases ifneecessary.. For errnitlpte iir4e4goil or noc..Oeer sitpp?J'•!'elrt ONLY,aohh the eart+e.ciestireelion,yo+r eons : sabfait altefoni • S€BMI!iALI- ONS. . . 9 Tettal well dcptla below land sedate: r- l (it,) 240,for AR.Welts: Submit this form**bin 30.days of completion of Will Fat ovefii a yell%hatall'ot pf e1uAs�rlrgerrnr(i"iample-3�zlao"ard2�ttk7'j ronsquetiar3tStli4fislloiling tfl.Static water lest below top olding (ff,) VilvitionafWiiter Resoarecs,.Information Processing Unit, if lower 14r+etr',".abo.-c casnsin we'.," 14.1711680.4rervta Center,Raleigh,NC27699-I6i7 I1.Rotehttiei eliia der:. t" . (ia) 2411 For Ist tion•Wells ONLY: In addition to seltding the form tp the address in. n/� 24a above;OLIO.snbinit a copy of ibis form: within 30 days of"completion of well 12.Well construct➢on m d_etho F l ay , - coostrucri*n to the following: (i:e.super,Mari,cible,direckpi6t "ere) . Division of Water Reson ees,thinierground Injection Control Program.: Ft?R Y4'w1TLr1Y St)!'P 7i WEBS ONLY: r ISM Malt.Sery1ce.Center,Rateigk 14C 2769t 463f, I3#_Yield(ggmj Method of test 24c.For Wager Supply&Infection Waist Also submit one copy of this farm'within 30(Wing completion of ill etitisiniction to the county health department of the county'where 136 t?isinfectioa tine:. A.intient: eonsinrcieri. Faso GW-t Norih.C,rolioi Deoartmeeor of Yanaroament and Nmwal Resoun e-Blois*,of Water Rrsneiroes Ser.-1sta Aogust,201"-.