HomeMy WebLinkAbout20111013 Ver 1_Public Notice_20111201 Dennison, Laurie ,� ' 1 � � 3 From Spruill Amy W SAW[Amy W Spruill@usace army mil) Sent Thursday December 01 2011 1 54 PM Sub�ect US Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice SAW 2011 02235 The Wilmington District Corps of Engineers (Corps) has received an application from Martin Marietta Materials Inc seeking Department of the Army authorization to impact 6 69 acres of Section 404 wetlands and 58 671 linear feet of �urisdictional man made ditches associated with the development of a 649 acre open pit aggregate mine on the Craven Beaufort County border North Carolina The proposed pro�ect site is located approximately 7 miles east of U S Highway 17 on the Craven Beaufort County border in North Carolina (35 351152 N 77 041220 W) The purpose of this pro�ect is to develop a crushed stone operation to supply aggregate material to the construction industry serving the general area of Beaufort and Craven Counties in North Carolina Speafic plans and location information are described below and shown on the attached plans This Public Notice and all attached plans are also available on the Wilmington District Web Site at www saw usace armv mil/wetlands Action ID SAW 2011 02235 Issue Date December 1, 2011 Expiration Date December 31, 2011 Applicant Martin Marietta Materials, Inc 2710 Wycliff Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 � 1 \\ -- 1t� 1 3 � � i ��� i US Army Corps PUBLIC NOTICE Of Engmeers Wilmmgton District Issue Date December 1 2011 Comment Deadline December 31 2011 Corps Action ID# SAW 2011 02235 The Wilmington Distnct Corps of Engmeers(Corps)has received an apphcahon from Martin Marietta Mater�als,Inc seelang Department of the Army authorization to impact 6 69 acres of Sechon 404 wetlands and 58,6711mear feet of�urisdichonal man made ditches associated vv�th the development of a 649-acre open pit aggregate mme on the Craven-Beaufort County border North Carolma Specific plans and location mformahon are descr�bed below and shown on the attached plans This Public Nohce and all attached plans are also available on the Wilmington Distnct Web Srte at www saw us�ce army mil/wetlands Apphcant Martm Marietta Matenals, Inc 2710 Wycliff Road Raleigh,North Cazolma 27607 AGENT(if appl�cable) Kimley Horn and Associates Inc Post Office Box 33068 Raleigh North Carolma 27636 Authortty The Corps will evaluate this applicat�on and decide whether to issue, conditionally issue or deny the proposed work pursuant to applicable procedures of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act — Location � The proposed pro�ect srte is located approximately 7 miles east of U S Highway 17 on the Craven-Beaufort County border in North Carolma(35 351152 N 77 041220 W) Access to the property is east from U S Highway 17 on C C Road approxunately 6 miles and then south on Schull 2 Road approximately 2 5 miles The srte is located on the dramage basm divide between the Neuse River and Tar Pamlico River Basms � Existing Srte Coudihons r The pro�ect site is 1 664 acXes m s}�e The site is entirely loc�ted m a contiguous 90 000 acre area converted and managed for silviFulture(loblolly pine)and is currently owned and managed by the Weyerhaeuser Corporanon The managed pine plantation is located on the topogra�luc lugh pomt and mter stream divide between the Neuse River(HIJC 03020202)and the Tar Pamlico River(HUC 03020104)basuis and is generally well dra�ned by an elaborate ditch dramage system The pro�ect site contauis 180 19 acres of �urisdictional wetlands and 99,0591mear feet of man made drauiage drtches wluch are considered�ur}sdict�onal wate�s regulated by the U S Army Corps of Engineers under the Clean Water�ct A�urisdichonal deternunat�on was made by the USAC�,m Mazch 2008 and stream onginahon deternunat�ons by the North Caxohna Division of Water Quality(NCDWQ)were conducted in 2005 and 2010 Applicant's Stated Purpose The purpose of ttus pro�ect is to develop a crushed stone operation to supply aggregate material to the construchon industry serving the gen�ral area of Beaufort and Craven Counties in North Cazolma ProJect I)escript�on The applicant proposes to develop a 649-acre open pit aggregate mme,processmg plant and overburden stockpile areas within the 1,664 acre site over the course of approximately 50 years Total impacts for the built out condit�on of the muie include 6 69 acres of�unsdichonal non npanan wetlands and'S8 671 lmear feet of�unsdictional man made drtcb.es To mingate for the proposed impacts the applicant proposes to restore 6 75 acres of non npanan wetland via payment mto the North Carolma Ecosystem Enhancement Program(NCEEP) Other Required Authorizahons This notice and a�1 applicable apphcation matenals aze bemg forwarded to the appropriate State agencies for revxew The Corps r�nll generally not make a final permit decision until the North Carolma Dxvision of Water Quahty(NCDWQ)issues,denies ar waives State Certificarion reqi,ured by Sechon 401 of the Clean Water Act(PL 92 500) The receipt of the applicahon combmed with the appropnate application fee at the North Carolina Division of WaterQuahty central office m Raleigh will conshtute irutial receipt of an application for a 401 Water Quality Certification A waiver vtinll be deemed to occur if the NCDWQ fails to act on this request for certification within sixty days of the date of the receipt of ttus notice m the NCDWQ Cen�ral Offi�e Addit�onal u�formation regarding the Clean Water Act�e�fication may pe reviewgd�t the NCDWQ Central Office 401 Oversight and Express Pernuts Un.tt 1650 Ma.tl S�rvice Center Raleigh North Carolina 27699-1650 All persons desuing to make comments regarding the �� � �` 2 , ,� �' � � -. �� �, � 4 � � applicahan fo�c�rt�f}cat�on w}c�eF Section 401 of the Clean Water Act should do so in wntmg delive;�d to the Nqrtb Caro�a Divislo�of Water Quality(NCDWQ), 1650 Ma�l Service Cente�,Raleigh,North�arolma 27699 1650 Attent�on Mr Ian McMillan by December 31,2011 �-� w Essenhal F�sh Habitat � Ttus not�ce�11�}at�s the Essent�al��sh Habitat(�FH)consultahon requ�rements of the Magnuson S���ns Fishery Conservat�on and Management Act The Corps irutial deternunat�on is that the proposed pro�ect will not adversely impact EFH or associated fishenes managed by the South Atlanhc or Mid Atlant�c Fishery Management Councils or the National Manrie Fishenes Service Cultural Resources ! ,� � The Corps has consulted the latest pubhshed version of the Nahonal Register of Histonc Places and is not aware that any registered properties or properties listed as being eligible for mclusion thereui are located withm the pro�ect area or will be affected by the proposed work Presently unknown archeological scientific,prehistonc or histoncal data may be located wrthm the pro�ect area and/or could be affected by the propased work � � Endangered Species�' �y t^ � � ° M }� ' � � � � � � The Corps has reviewed the pro�ect a�ea,examuied all informahon provided by the apphcant and consulted the latest North Cazolina Natural Hentage Database Based on available informahon the Corps has determmed pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973 that the proposed pro�ect will have no effect on federally listed endangered or threatened species or their formally designated cntical habrtat k b ��( �� 2��' cr � v Evaluahon .�^- d.�.t.5. .. t-��,. .H __ .. !�'I� y j k �` P � I S�� � 1 � The decision whether to issue a permrt vv�ll be based on an evaluation of the probable impacts mcluding cumulative unpacts of the proposed act�vrty on the public interest That decision vv�lrreflect the national concern for both protectaon and utilizahon of important resources The benefit which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the proposal must be balanced agamst its r�asonably foreseeable detnments All factors wluch may be relevant to the propos�l will be consic�ed mcluduig the cumulat�ve effects thereof,�p�g tho$e�re�o�servatton economic$ aesthe��c� general environmental concerns wetl�ds,htstonc pxoperhes;fish and wildlife values flood hazards flood plam values(m acco�dance vv�th Execuhve Order 11988) land use,'navigat�on shorelme erosion and accret�on,recreahon,water supply and conservation water quality energy 3 J�i � �rk ! h�l� i � � a''^ � � ° i ._� �r E !�� � s_ _ r_____. � t _ _� �ti�) � �r t � � i �, j � , � S� �7+' �"5`'•^ '�r t � � '`'�M.f�k r � � �r� � 4 ''' �, -S � Zr f^ }q Y �f S� 7 need� safety,�ooc�and fiber product�on,mineral needs considerations of property ownerslup,and,m general the needs and welfare of the people For acUvit�es mvolvmg the discharge of dredged or fill matenals in waters of the Umted States the evaluation of the impact of thg activrty on the publi�mterest will mclude apphcahon of the Envuonmenta�P�a�ection Agency;s 404(b)(1)guidelules v�` ��.� �� � ���� -� � Commentu►g In�p�naahon a, �, The Corps of Engmeers is solicitmg comments from the public Federal State and local agencies and officials, mcluding any consolidated State Viewpomt or wntten position of the Governor Indian Tnbes and other interested parties m order to consider and evaluate the impacts of fi�h��proposed activit„y Any comments received will be considered by the Corps of Engirieers to determme whether to issue modify condrtion or deny a permrt for tlus proposal To make ttus decision,comments are used to assess impacts on endangered species,lustonc properhes,water qual�ty general env�ronmental effects and the other public mterest factors listed above Comments are used m the preparation of an Envuonmental Assessment(EA}andlor an Environmental Impact Statement(EIS) pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act(NEPA) Comments are also used to determme the need for a public heann�and to determine the overall public mterest of the proposed actav t� { r , , �� �Y! � T„ ) 4A f t ��}, f � .... �3.,� �x�trs33.._.W w Nn T}f t.�� I..r L 4�'F I Any person ma�y request,}n wr�tuig,withm the comment pe�to�d specified m this notice that a pubhc heanng be held to cous�der tjle application Requests for public hearmgs shall state vv�th particulanty the reasons for holdmg a public heanng Requests for a public heanng shall be granted unless the Distnct Engmeer determines that the issues raised are insubstantial or there is otherwise no valid mterest to be served by a heanng Wntten comments pertment to the pro�osed work, as outlined above v�nll be received by the Corps of�Enguaeers, Wilnuugton Distnct,junt�l'Spm,I�ecember 31, 2011 Comments should be submitted to Mr William Wescott Post Office Box 1000 Waslungton North Caroluia 27889'� � � �,�-=� �1 � `�(��'� � � a�- �..s� � h � � ��,i� �, r � �� �a,��� � ° u i �x �� r��� � `' ' � o� ..�n ,....�n�.. �...z...., a'�' r ,.�.�... _ r..31�.4��I i) ��3 t �&#� '� ��x� ��I l ,k�� 1� '��jf�l ���� ,�, t� � `����' � I a� � �_ �f�� F���-�,�� �' ��i'{�� ' 1 � �.�, � ��....��,=�- �- `�3f , � �.,� __ �..3� ,� � � ,,�� ] 1 .1 i � , � 'a[S F'��'J'Y.cs}. •�Y W� 9 �� 1��� � .� z � --�y�� 1��44 �+��i I t � t " ���'�' � i ��. � , 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