HomeMy WebLinkAbout20111042 Ver 1_Public Notice_20111130 20 � 1 1042 Dennison, Laurie From Fauser Anna E SAW[Anna E Fauser@usace army mil] Sent Wednesday November 30 2011 10 44 AM Sub�ect US Army Corps of Engmeers Public Notice As you requested you are hereby notified that the Wilmmgton District United States Army Corps of Engineers has issued a Public Notice The Text of this document can be found on the Public Notices portion of the Regulatory Drvision Home Page Each Public Notice is available in ADOBE ACROBAT ( pd� format for viewing printing or download at www saw usace army mil/wetlands As with all e mail attachments be sure to check for viruses prior to opening the attachment The current notice involves The establishment of a stream and wetland mitigation bank known as the New River Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank within a 31 acre tract owned by the Thompson and Troldahl families and being developed by Restoration Systems LLC c/o Mr Worth Creech The tract is located within the floodplain of the New River on the north side of NC Hwy 24 west of Richlands Onslow County North Carolina i 1 1 1 ��� 1 � US Army Corps PU�LIC NOTICE Of Engmeers 2 � 1 1 1 0 4 2 Wilmmgton Distnct Issue Date November 30 2011 Comment Deadlme December 30 2011 Corps Action ID# SAW 2011 02198 The Wilmmgton Distnct Corps of Engmeers(Corps)has received a prospectus proposmg to establish a stream and wetland mitigation bank known as the New River Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank withm a 31 acre tract owned by the Thompson and Troldahl families and bemg developed by Restoration Systems LLC c/o Mr Worth Creech The tract is located withm the floodplam of the New River on the north side of NC Hwy 24 west of Richlands Onslow County North Carolma Specific plans and location mformation are descnbed below and shown on the attached plans The Public Notice and the prospectus are available on the Wilmmgton Distnct � Web Site at http//www saw usace army miUWetlands/Notices/Current not�ces html Sponsor Restorahon Systems LLC c/o Mr Worth Creech 1101 Haynes Street Suite 211 Raleigh North Carolma 27604 Landowners Mr and Mrs Ronald Thompson 302 Jesse Williams Road Richlands North Carolma 28574 Mr and Mrs Moms Thompson 113 Westside Lane Richlands North Carolina 28574 . Mr and Mrs Richard Troldahl 314 Jesse Williams Road Richlands North Carolma 28574 Authority The Corps will evaluate this prospectus and the establishment of the mitigation bank in accordance with the procedures outlmed m 33 CFR Part 332 Additionally tlus proposal will also be reviewed pursuant to the permittmg authorriy under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act if construction work mvolves the discharge of fill matenal in waters and/or wetlands of the Ututed States Location The current proposed bank is positioned wrthm the floodplam of the New River and the site s western boundary encompasses the New River It is located at 34° 55 19 34 N 77°37 02 38 W north of NC Hwy 24 and Jesse Williams Road intersection west of Richlands Onslow County North Carolma The site is srtuated within the Hydrologic Umt Code(HIJC) 03020302 of the Onslow Bay Watershed Boundary River Basm formerly the HUC 0303001 (New)of the White Oak River Basm Ezishng Site Condit�ons The proposed 31 acre New River bank pro�ect site is compnsed of(2) separate parcels and is located in a rural community with low density housmg agnculture and timberlands The property has been histortcally cleared stumped and ditched and is presently maintamed as pastureland An approximate 0 2 acre pond is located withm the southeast corner of the tract The proposed bank is positioned within the 100 year floodplam of the New River Hydrology from the site flows through a series of ditches that empty directly mto the nver Due to extensive pastwYng the ma�onty of the tract is void of canopy trees and understory bemg predommantly vegetated with grasses and other herbaceous cover Several soil types are mcluded witlun the bank boundanes but mostly consist of Muckalee loam a hydnc soil that is a level to nearly level poorly dramed soil located on floodplams All other mapped soil types are non hydric and are the followmg Craven fine sandy loam which may have hydric soil mclusions Norfolk loamy fine sand with 0 2 percent slopes Norfolk loamy fine sand with 2 6 percent slopes which may have hydnc soil mclusions and Pactolus fine sand wluch also may have hydnc soil mclusions Pro,ect Purpose The purpose of the proposal is to establish a stream and wetland mitigation bank witivn the 31 acre tract m order to provide compensatory mitigation for stream and ripanan wetlands tmpacts associated wrth Department of the Army authorizations made pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act Pro�ect Descript�on The bank srte is an extensively ditched floodplain of the New River Restoration and enhancement activities for perenmal streams mtermittent streams and riparian wetlands are proposed on the tract Ex�stmg ditches are being characterized as G type (gully) channels and based on undisturbed zero to first order streams m the area historic conditions for the onsite drainage ways would characterize them as D type (multi stem) channels that grade to smgle stem E type channels in their pre converted conditions Prelimmary plans show the construction of two stream types The upstream reach of Tnbutary 1 and the entire length of Tnbutary 2 are proposed for D type(mult� stem or braided) channels and the lower reach of Tnbutary 1 and the entire length of Tributary 3 will be designed for E type channel construction The existing ditches v�nll be back filled m order to facilitate the construction of the proposed channels After stream construction �s completed subsequent vegetation plantmgs will occur m order to reestabl�sh a coastal plam bottom land hardwood forest The Sponsor proposes to accomplish the followmg within the bank 1)Restore�2 000 lmear feet of perenmal stream �9951mear feet of interm�ttent stream and�15 2 acres of npanan wetlands and 2) Enhance�2 2 acres of ripanan wetlands The work is intended to generate approximately 2,995 linear feet of stream credits and approximately 16 3 credits of npanan wetlands to be used for compensatory mitigation The implementation of the plan is expected to remove nonpomt source pollution reduce downstream sediment load reestablish stream stability for transportmg watershed flows and sediment promote floodwater attenuation improve aquat�c and terrestrial habitat and restore and reestablish natural commuruty structure diversity and functional contmurty The proposed Geographical Service Area(GSA)is withm the Onslow Bay River Basm and mcludes the 03020302 8 Digit HLJC which extends from the headwaters of the New River to its mouth at the New River Inlet The sponsor who has a contract to purchase the land fee simple plans to transfer a perpetual conservation easement for long term protection and management to a potential holder At tlus point the sponsor antic�pates that the North Carolina Wildlife Habitat Foundation will hold the easement Evaluahon and Commenhng Information The Corps is solicitmg comments from the public Federal State and local agencies and officials includmg any consolidated State Viewpomt or wrrtten position of the Governor Indian Tnbes and other interested parties in order to consider and evaluate the establishment of the New River Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank Any comments received vv�ll be considered by the Corps of Engineers in evaluatmg the approval of this bank To make this decision all factors which may be relevant to the proposal will be considered mcludmg the cumulative effects thereof among those are conservation economics aesthetics general environmental concerns wetlands histonc properties fish and wildlife values flood hazards flood plam values (in accordance with Executive Order 11988) land use navigation shoreline erosion and accretion recreation water supply and conservation water quality energy needs safety food and fiber production mmeral needs considerations of property ownership and m general the needs and welfare of the people The Corps has reviewed the prospectus and has exammed all mformation provided by the sponsors Our prelimmary review mdicate the following 1)An Environmental Impact Statement will not be required 2)No listed species of fish wildlife and/or plant species (or Cnhcal Habrtat) under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 is expected to be impacted by the construchon of the bank and 3)There are no cultural or historic resources located withm the proposed pro�ect srte A no effect detertrunation for threatened and endangered species and for cultural and/or lustonc resources has been made at this time Any additional or new information may change any of these preliminary findmgs Written comments pertment to the proposed work as outlined above will be received by the Corps of Engineers Wilmmgton Distnct until Spm December 30 2011 Comments should be submitted to Mr Mickey Sugg 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmmgton North Carolma 28403 or via mternet at mickey t su�g�(a�usace army mil If you have any questions or in need of a copy of the bank prospectus please contact Mr Sugg at(910) 251 4811 y, . : -���as. ` # ' t I - - i r ` ' �` y� y _�. � 1' � -- - -�- ,'s • 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J! �v �...� i K �>� ,� d � y��� , � ,� �g�i L �4'-k i-�'`. j '"`C 3�Y�� _ _ _ ' ..���.�" ;Y. k' .e.'.-:�,.,R .x,� u,� � �. .`.�:k` . �i- � �.k� �',,.�- Y _'y" __ «. � �.���' 1��, ��, � ... - 1§ t�. — .j'_- Legend � � � �s�,..�� �_ � ,.�. � � � �,,. ] �Ne�River=asement=31.0 acres �� �"�' ,��`�4 .� � � . _ _— Perennial siream 2storetion=2000 linear feet �•'� '� x� �syc ~ � - � i �� - � � � � „ ` 4,t �• 3 t.0 r� �y,r Sf . � - � � Intermittent st2am restoration=995 linear feet ' �` u T ° � Y R _�-� , �,��' .7' z- ,r ' .-: WeUar.d enhancemenr=1 8 acres �� � ' T�'z -� t s�, .r�—� �+,'� ?'r' _- .'��, "!� � ';?�Wetland 2storation=?5 6 acres �'"''-,, _�� -- � " �TerraCe�l croo struc^;-e rs -9�:,,� ., �' �'` " � � � J s �` ,: ' ';%. _ ..4'.:"' � New Rive� �: ;, -,��- ��,�� � ,.Jf a _ f„`,,P✓" ,. T�-ti `� �� z:.%' �,- r� ._ �" �. r,c "�-s i s s` � x� �. ,,r '��. Proposed stream restoration =2,995 linear feet .�� ` ��" , �; ������r� � �� "-� -,y��, , y Stream Mitigation Units generated= 2,995 SMUs ,;r, Proposed wetlanC restoration = 15.6 acres { Proposed wetland enhancement= 1.6 acres 200 100 0 200 � '�b'eilar,d Mitigation Units generated= 16.4 WMUs ' Feet I r�. Prepared for: ProjecC Titie: Drawn by: SGD � � -- ' Date: OCT2011 FIGURE '' � NEW RIVER Proposed �� RESTORATION SITE Conditions scale: 1:2400 5 ,.�^ .,u��r � Onslow County, NC Projecr. 09-002.11 � � PROSPECTUS New River Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank BANK SPONSOR: RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC � a �� J ''��F ,y� l . ..MW +<�:5 G.t.. I � � s � K�'��"�: �.,�� .f ���J+I i'� 1��r'� ��+%��,#�`,a.t�jFi`:� +��r; , �� ��� � ,,� ��. � ��s,���'�,�u�. ��u�� r �� , � � ` � � � ��:� � ,j�'� $� � +�' i t .F- �.irU-'�l �r"�� .S� Af �'41' 4. .�..eF �?� j b- .'i. I �:. 2rt 11 T T - , �-=MNN^ 'K'� � i � 0 . . �'�M��► ' �,�:�.d� � � M�"S� uu'�, ���* ��'!� "�. $� ` ��ir4 r�+- �•�� `� f�s'r .'� <>� #� , ^,i � v.�,-,�,�5 �`�",�w" -�� #x� RY�� � ; r �� �,�;� , t� � ii4 � �`�H fd�.. ���r �� . � i p�`,,�¢� �.} � � ��, �.�`,,. `� .� -� , :�' t � t � ,r .L�� ��7 ',�- ; �iM�f�R y��a� ��}�� J_ .�•7 i + , . �y�� y ���4.'� � ��a& s '+ky g'� •.,'�`�F''� xi Y�� $ � �'' :s�, �., ��' ✓"� n.� i_t�.�, " � �st Y � G. , ti � �'- ,w � � ��`�� � �. a � '��:�''"�a� ��,,� ,'�„ ` . ,<, �- ��'�;`�,��,�;. ' ,} k I�-; ..� �. ; Submitted To: U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District � � � . , � November 22, 2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Descnpt�on of the Mrtigatton Bank 1 2 Goals and Ob�ectives 1 3 Establ�shment of the Mit�gation Bank 2 4 Operation of the M�tigation Bank 2 5 Descrtptton of the Serv�ce Area for the Mitigation Bank 3 6 Need for the Mit�gation Bank 3 7 Technical Feasibil�ty of the Mitigation Bank 3 8 M�tigatton Bank Ownershtp/Long term management Strategy 3 9 Qualificat�ons of Sponsor to Successfully Complete Bank 4 10 Ecolog�cal Suitab�lity of the Bank to Achieve its ObJect�ves 5 11 Assurances of Sufficient Water Rights to Support the Long term sustainabil�ty of the Proposed Bank 5 Append�x A Supplemental Technical Report A 1 A 15 Appendix B Site F�gures Figure 1 Pro�ect Location Map Figure 2 Hydrologic Unit Map Figure 3a Topography& Drainage Area Figure 3b Deta�led Topography F�gure 4 Existing Condrtions F�gure 5 Proposed Condrt�ons F�gure 6 NRCS Soils New Rrver Stream and Wetland M�uganon Bank Table of Contents Prospectus i Th�s Prospectus has been prepared m conformance with the gu�dance given �n the federal m�t�gation rule which can be found at http//www epa gov/owow/wetlands/pdf/wetlands_mit�gatton_final_rule_4_10_08 pdf 1 Descr�ption of the M�tigat�on Bank The Bank is a 31 acre composite of two land parcels owned by the Thompson fam�ly The Bank �s predominately pasture and is situated approximately 8 9 miles east from the center of Beulav�lle and approx�mately 4 2 miles northwest from the center of Richlands in northwest Onslow County (Figures 1 5) The Bank encompasses portions of three unnamed tr�butar�es to the New R�ver which have been assigned a Best Usage Class�fication of C NSW The Bank has been cleared of nat�ve forest vegetation streams have been relocated ditched and stra�ghtened and groundwater hydrology has been lowered due to ditch�ng and channel�zmg of Bank streams and their floodplains Based on prel�m�nary analyses the Bank is best suited for the removal of agricultural practices followed by restorat�on of Bank streams wh�ch w�ll �n turn restore histortcal groundwater hydrology to the dra�ned r�partan hydr�c soils stream profiles will be elevated to restore overbank flooding capacities followed by reestabl�shing of forested wetland vegetat�on These efforts w�ll result �n the establishment of functional ecologically relevant streams and assoc�ated r�panan r�ver�ne wetland communrttes The land is located within 14 digit Hydrologic Unit and (DWQ) Targeted Local Watershed 03030001010010 (North Carolina D�vis�on of Water Qual�ty Subbasin 03 OS 02) of the White Oak R�ver Bastn and will service the USGS 8 digrt CU 03030001 � Almost 3000 stream m�tigation units (SMU s) and more than 16 wetland m�t�gat�on un�ts (WMU s) will result from these mrtigat�on efforts(See Table 1) Table 1 Summary of Stream and Wetland M�t�gat�on Un�ts Streams Wetlands T e Restorat�on Len th SMU's T e M�t� at�on Area ac WMU's Braided Perennial 2000 2000 Restoration 15 2 15 2 Intermittent 995 995 Enhancement 2 2 1 1 Total 2995 2995 Total 17 4 16 3 2 Goals and Ob�ectrves The primary goals of this stream and wetland restoration pro�ect focus on �mprov�ng water quality enhanc�ng flood attenuation and restor�ng wildlife habitat and will be accomplished by the following 1 Remov�ng nonpo�nt sources of pollution assoc�ated w�th agr�cultural production �nclud�ng a) removal of lrvestock b) cessation of broadcasting fertilizer pest�c�des and other agr�cultural materials into and ad�acent to Bank streams/wetlands and c) restoration of forested riparian wetlands ad�acent to streams to treat surface runoff 2 Reducing sedimentation w�thin on site and downstream receiving waters through a) reductton of bank eros�on vegetation maintenance plowing and hoof shear to Bank streams and wetlands b) removal of livestock from the Bank and c) restoration of forested ripanan wetlands ad�acent to Bank streams 3 Reestablishing stream stability and the capacity to transport watershed flows and sediment loads by restortng stable dtmension pattern and profile supported by natural in stream habitat and grade/bank stabilization structures New River Stream and Wetland Mitigat�on Bank pg I Prospectus 4 Promoting floodwater attenuation by a) reconnecting bank full stream flows to the abandoned floodplatn b) restor�ng secondary entrenched tr�butaries thereby reducing floodwater velocrties wrthin smaller catchment basms c) restormg depressional floodpla�n and side slope wetlands to increase the floodwater storage capacity w�thm the Bank and d) re vegetating Bank floodplams to increase frictional resistance on floodwaters crossing Bank floodplains 5 Improv�ng aquat�c habrtat by enhanc�ng streambed var�abilrty and the use of in stream structures 6 Prov�ding a terrestrial wildl�fe corridor and refuge m an area extensively developed for agr�cultural product�on 7 Restormg and reestablishing natural commun�ty structure hab�tat divers�ty and functional cont►nu�ty 8 Enhanc�ng and protecting the Bank s full potential of stream and wetland functions and values �n perpeturty 3 Establ�shment of the Bank Following a per�od of m house and field invest�gattons of stream channels and the biolog�cal chem�cal and phys�cal character�stics of the Bank s sotls hydrology and vegetation the Sponsor entered mto an agreement with the land owner(s) establishing a conservation easement to protect the aquat�c resources �n perpeturty After the new mrtigation Bank has been fully approved by the IRT including the execution of the M�tigat�on Banking Instrument the approved des�gn will be implemented by a m�t�gation construct�on company using the latest techmques in mitigat�on�mplementation The Bank will be established followmg complehon of a sertes of processes that are considered to be standard pract�ces m the mit�gat�on banking industry(green=tasks already successfully completed) • GIS landscape level Bank evaluat�on • Landowner contact • Techn�cal �nvestigations of • Soils Bank hydrology drainage features plant and an�mal commun�ties rare species rare hab�tats etc � � Bank restoration/enhancement/preservation potenttal • Land Acquisrt�on .. • Preparat�on of mrtigation plan mcluding conceptual design • Submit prospectus to the [RT for review and approval • Complete des�gn and subm�t Mitigation Plan and MBI to [RT for approval • Implementation and Monitortng 4 Operat�on of the Bank Followmg �mplementation of the Bank design an As bu�lt drawmg will be completed which will establ�sh details and dimensions of all constructed features in the new mitigatton Bank The Sponsor w�ll mamta�n ownersh►p of the Bank for seven years beyond the Bank s tmplementat�on so that annual momtor�ng activrties can be undertaken as specified in the pro�ect s Mrtigation Plan The Sponsor will contract with one or more experienced technical firms to ensure that monitor�ng tasks are performed m accordance w�th acceptable standards and pract�ces The firm w�ll be responsible for collecting groundwater hydrology data us�ng dig�tal piezometers positioned at pre determined locat�ons New Rrver Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank pg 2 Prospectus i Vegetatton will also be monitored to ensure that sufficient trees and shrubs survrve throughout the areas planted Stream physical attributes includtng m stream structures w�ll be monrtored and documented usmg photographic and other methods Where necessary macro benth�c samples will be taken and analyzed in an attempt to determine how quickly the stream s aquat�c life rebounds from its history of agr�cultural influences and from rts more recent mit�gat�on �mplementation 5 Descript�on of the Servue Area The Bank ltes withtn 8 d�git cataloging unit 03030001 known as Wh�te Oak Ol The Bank �s found near the upper limit of the catalog�ng unrt where Jones Dupl�n and Onslow Counttes �oin White Oak Ol �s wedged between several Neuse and Cape Fear R�ver Basin catalog�ng units with Cape Fear 07 prominently positioned along rts western per�meter and Neuse 04 to rts north It �s interest�ng to note that the Tar Pam R�ver Basin boundary forms the eastern perimeter of White Oak Ol The catalog�ng un�t takes all of Onslow County except the extreme west and the extreme east and rt also takes in the beachfront landscape from Caroltna Beach to Brown s Inlet �n New Hanover and Pender Counties The area of the catalogmg un�t near the proposed mitigation Bank �s rural agricultural sparsely interspersed wrth res�dential sites This rural agricultural mix �s idenhcal throughout Jones Duplin and northern Onslow Counties Land use in the highly developed Jacksonv�lle area and �n the narrow beachfront area to the south are substantially different from the rural nature of the rest of the catalogmg unit 6 Need for the Bank ` A search of public records by the Sponsor �dent�fied one mrttgation bank proposed �n the 8 digrt cataloging untt 03030001 (Wh�te Oak O1) the default serv�ce area for the proposed mitigation bank The proposed New River Bank has a different ripar�an wetland credit type but will potenttally compete wtth stream credits Furthermore �t is reasonable to predict even moderate growth w�ll occur in the geographic area defined by thts hydrologic unit 7 Techmcal Feasib�hty of the Bank The technical feasibil�tv of the Bank is constdered to be reasonably assured based on several factors (1)the absence of fatal flaws such as hydrological trespass presence of rare species or thetr habitats and the absence of nationally stgnificant historical or archaeological resources and (2)the presence of hydr�c soils and the possess�on of knowledge of how best to restore suffic�ent hydrology to these areas to restore funct�onality The feas�bilrty was determined from careful srte evaluat�ons by Ax�om Env�ronmental Inc �nclud�ng b�olog�cal geotechn�cal and hydrological Furthermore the Sponsor �ntends to bring highly skilled well experienced expert�se to bear on des�gn plamm�g and �mplementatton of the Bank 8 Mit�gation Bank Ownership/Long Term Management Strategy I The Sponsor has a contract to purchase the land underly�ng the Bank m fee simple Pr�or to the first cred�t release the Sponsor will place a Conservation Easement over the proJect area The Conservat�on Easement w�ll be m the form currently used by the Wilmington D�stnct Corps of Engmeers for the long term protection of compensatory mitigat�on banks The easement will allow the Sponsor to complete all work necessary to establish the proposed stream and wetland mitigation bank and to protect it in perpetu�ty The Conservatton Easement preserves all natural areas and prohibits all use of the property inconststent with its use as mrt�garion property tncluding any activrty that would matenally alter the biolog�cal �ntegrrty or funct�onal and educational value of wetlands withm the Bank consistent with the mitigation plan The New R�ver Stream and Wetland Mrtigahon Bank pg 3 Prospectus purpose of the conservatton easement �s to assure that future use of the Bank will result m the restorat�on protection mamtenance and enhancement of wetland and stream functions described m the mrtigation plan Prior to execution of the MBI the Sponsor shall deliver a trtle opmion acceptable to the IRT cover�ng the mitigatton property The property shall be free and clear of any encumbrances that would confl�ct with its use as mitigation including but not l�m�ted to any liens that have prior�ty over the recorded preservat�on mechamsm Upon successful completion of all monitoring activ�ties on the Bank and the release of all cred�ts the Sponsor will transfer ownershtp of the Conservat�on Easement to an appropriate long term steward At this point the Sponsor ant�cipates that the North Carolina Wildl�fe Habitat Foundat�on w�ll hold the easement The final determination of a long term conservat�on holder w�ll be made in con�unction wrth the [RT and w�ll be responsible for per�odic rospection of the easement area to enforce the conservat►on provis�ons The sponsor w�ll provide funding to the easement holder to enable such acttvrty Throughout the pro�ect s l�fe cycle the Sponsor will be �mplementing principles of adaptive management and continuously assessing the progress of the proJect as �t relates to the restoration plan construction documents and monrtonng provis�ons described herein If at any t�me such plans need reviston or modification to ensure a successful restorat�on the Sponsor will not�fy the Corps and work to approprtately mod�fy pro�ect plans S�nce the primary goal of the pro�ect is to restore natural streams �n the Bank it �s not ant�c�pated that long term management (other than oversight of human act�v�ty as described above) w�ll be necessary beyond the monitoring pertod 9 Qual�ficat�ons of Sponsor RS has been a preem�nent force in the development of successful aquat�c m�t�gat�on Banks �n North Carolina for more than 15 years RS s quaLfications are best illustrated by rts track record �n selectmg high quality sites and highly sktlled technical experts in srte evaluation design and �mplementation �s well demonstrated RS has designed and implemented more than 25 wetland stream and ripartan buffer mrt�gation srtes/banks in Maryland Texas Tennessee Louisiana Pennsylvanta and North Carolina representing thousands of acres of wetlands and m�les of streams Furthermore RS prov�des financ�al surety for every pro�ect through every phase of work and each s�te �s mspected by staff at least quarterly follow�ng the completion of monitoring responsibil�ttes [ncluded among the stream and wetland mitigation pro�ects completed or tn advanced plamm�g by RS are Pro�ect State Status Anderson NC Monitormg Year 5 Angola Bay NC [n Development Bear Creek NC Post Monrtonng Big Bull Creek NC Monrtormg Year 5 Brogdon Road NC Momtoring Year 5 Brown Marsh Swamp NC � Monrtoring Year 4 Burrows Cove TN Monrtoring Year 2 � Cane Creek NC Monrtoring Year 4 Carbonton Dam NC Close Out Casey Da�ry NC Close Out Causey Farm NC Close Out The Cliffs NC In Development Columbus Swamp NC Momtoring Year 3 Cutawhiskie NC Monrtoring Year 4 New River Stream and Wetland Mit�gation Bank pg 4 Prospectus Elk Shoals NC Momtoring Year 5 Fox Run NC Monitoring Year 2 Frog Hollow NC Close Out Gatl►n Swamp NC Mon�toring Year 5 Gray Farm NC Monrtoring Year 5 Haw River NC Close Out Herman Dairy NC Under Construction Holly Grove NC Monrtor�ng Year 3 Jarman s Oak NC Monitormg Year 4 Lick Creek NC Monitormg Year 5 Lloyd NC Monitor�ng Year 5 Lowell Mill Dam NC Close Out Morgan Creek NC Mon►toring Year 3 Salisbury W�comico MD Monrtor�ng Year 4 Sleepy Creek NC Monitortng Year 5 Summrt Seep NC Under Constructton Three M�le Creek ! NC Monrtor�ng Year 3 Cranstons M�ll Pond � VA Under Construction Cripple Creek I NC Monrtaring Year 1 Bass Mountatn I NC [n Development Pancho , NC In Development Salisbury III �I MD In Development Jesuit Bend LA In Development South Lafourche I LA In Development Little Hazel I GA In Development Katy Pra�rte ' TX [n Development 10 Ecolog�cal Suitabdity of the Bank to achieve the obJect�ves of the proposed mit�gat�on bank The Bank is characterized by agricultural fields and historically modified streams and wetlands Relatively modest alterations to site streams and other features will result �n measurable ecological gams in aquatic funct�ons and values Hydrology,needed to sustain wetland functions will be restored by chang�ng some of the morphometr�cs of the ad�acent stream channel reaches Furthermore l�vestock and agricultural practices w�ll be precluded from any future encroachments into aquatic resources The Bank s ecolo��cal suitabil� as a mttigation bank lies in the fact that its aquatic resources have been degraded over the decades but its recovery through focused implementation of restoration and enhancement measures is cons�dered to be relatively simple to ach�eve Proposed mttigation approaches are very ach�evable because they do not oveneach but are guided b�y the likely h�stoncal pre agncultural attnbutes of the ex�sting streams and wetland complexes � 11 Assurance of suffic�ent water r�ghts to support the long term sustamabil�ty of the mit�gahon bank North Carol�na applies the concept of ripar�an r�ghts to water rather than water r�ghts as typ�cally applted �n more arid parts of the United States As such npar�an owners are entrtled to reasonable use of flow�ng water through their propert�es Any infr�ngement of such use may be addressed through c�vtl courts (See North Carolina Department of Natural Resources D�vision of Water Qualrty — Instream Flow Unrt Riparian Rights found at http//www ncwater org/Permrts_and_Registration/[nstream_Flow/mtroduct►on htm (last visrted November 10 2011) � New Rrver Stream and Wetland Mit�gation Bank pg 5 Prospectus I I RS believes that the Bank s locat�on should ensure that natural processes w�ll cont�nue to provide sufficient hydrology for the foreseeable future drought conditions notwithstanding Proposed modificat�ons to waters �n the contr�buting watershed would have to meet ex�st�ng regulatory requirements which should �udge such proposals in the context of impacts on downstream resources including mitigat�on banks Beyond a rel�ance on normal weather patterns and exist�ng regulatory controls there �s nothing pract�cable that a bank sponsor can do to assure perpetual ava�lability of sufficient water J l J New River Stream and Wetland Mitigat�on Bank pg 6 Prospectus Append�x A Supplemental Techntcal Report A 1 A 15 � � � New River Stream and Wetland MrtigaUOn Bank Appenda A Prospectus SUPPLEMENTAL TECHIVICAL REPORT 1 Pro�ect Goals and Ob�ectrves � This technical report details stream and wetland restoration potential at the proposed New R�ver Stream and Wetland Mrtigat�on Bank (hereafter referred to as the Bank ) The Bank �s located wrthm 14 d�g►t Catalog�ng Unit and NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) Targeted Local Watershed 03030001010010 (NCEEP 2009) This is wrthin North Carol�na Divtsion of Water Qualrty Subbasm 03 OS 02 of the White Oak River Basm and will service the USGS 8 d►grt CU 03030001 The Bank is situated approximately 8 9 miles east of Beulaville and approx�mately 4 2 mtles northwest of Richlands in northwest Onslow County(Figures 1 and 2 Appendix B) The Bank encompasses approximately 31 0 acres of pasture land (F�gures 1 and 2 Appendtx B) Within the Bank existing streams have been relocated ditched and stra�ghtened and riparian hydric soils have been cleared and dratned The Bank encompasses portions of three unnamed tributaries (UTs) to the New R�ver [North Carolma Drvis�on of Water Quality (NCDWQ) Stream Index Number 19 (1)] The Bank has been cleared of nat�ve forest vegetat�on streams have been relocated d�tched and straightened and groundwater hydrology has been lowered due to ditching of Bank streams and floodplains The pr�mary goals of this stream and wetland restoration pro�ect focus on improv�ng water quality enhancmg flood attenuation and restoring wildlife habitat and w�ll be accomplished by the followmg 1 Remov�ng nonpotnt sources of pollution assoc�ated wtth agricultural product�on �ncluding a) removal of livestock b) cessat�on of broadcastmg fertilizer pest�cides and other agr�cultural materials �nto and ad�acent to site streams/wetlands and c) restorat�on of forested r�parian riverme wetlands ad�acent to streams to treat surface runoff 2 Reduc�ng sedimentat�on wrthm onsrte and downstream rece�ving waters through a) reduct�on of bank erosion vegetatton mamtenance plowmg and hoof shear to Bank streams and wetlands b) removal of livestock from the Bank and c)restoration of forested ripar�an wetlands ad�acent to Bank streams 3 Reestablishmg stream stab�ltty and the capacity to transport watershed flows and sediment loads by restormg stable dimension pattern and profile supported by natural in stream habitat and grade/bank stabil�zation structures 4 Promoting floodwater attenuation by a) reconnect�ng bankfull stream flows to the abandoned floodplam b) restoring secondary entrenched trtbutaries thereby reducing floodwater veloc�ttes withm smaller catchment basins c) restormg depress�onal floodplam and s�de slope wetlands to increase the floodwater storage capac�ty withm the Bank and d) revegetating Bank floodplams to increase fr�cttonal resistance on floodwaters crossing Bank floodplatns 5 [mproving aquat�c habrtat by enhancing stream bed var�ab�lrty and the use of�n stream structures 6 Provtd�ng a terrestrial wildlife corrtdor and refuge in an area extensively developed for agricultural product�on , 7 Restormg and reestablishmg natural commurirty structure habitat diversity and functional continuity 8 Protecttng the Bank s full potential of stream and wetland functions and values in perpetuity These goals will be achieved by the followmg actions • Provid�ng a mmimum of 2995 Stream M�tigatton Units by o restormg approximately 1700 Imear feet of exist�ng perenmal stream channel through construction of a stable stream valley to allow for natural creation of stable D type stream systems cessat�on of current land use practices exclud�ng livestock planting with native New R�ver Stream and Wedand M�Ugat�on Bank A I Supplemental Techmcal Report forest vegetation and plugging anc�llary�drtches currently used to dratn riparian soils for agr�cultural purposes m order to restore h�storic ground water levels that �nfluence perenn�al stream hydrology o Restor�ng approximately 300 linear feet of perennial stream channel and 995 linear feet of intermittent stream channel through construction of stable single thread channel (E type)at the histonc floodpla�n elevat�on cessahon of current land use practices excluding livestock and planting wrth nattve forest vegetat�on and pluggmg anctllary drtches currently used to direct surface flow and ground water away from the h�stor�c interm�ttent channel location for agr�cultural purposes • Provtdmg 16 3 Ripar�an R�verme Wetland Mrtigation Unrts by o Restormg approximately I S 2 acres of r�par�an wetland by restormg stream �nverts to historic elevattons to rehydrate stream side wetlands el�mmatmg detrimental land use pract�ces backfilling drtches and pond and planting with nat�ve forest vegetat�on o Enhanc�ng approx�mately 2 2 acres of r�partan wetland elim�nating by el�m�nating detrimental land use practtces removal of�nvasive spec�es and plant�ng with native forest vegetahon • Protecting the Bank in perpeturty wrth a conservat�on easement Pro�ect Descr�ptton The Bank �s encompassed within two parcels utilized as pasture land and is situated �n the floodplain of the New River The Bank has been cleared of native forest vegetatton streams have been relocated d�tched and stra�ghtened and groundwater hydrology has been lowered due to ditching of Bank streams (Figure 4 Appendix B) 2 Physiography and Land Use The Bank is located �n the Carolma Flatwoods ecoregion of North Carolina within Un�ted States Geolog�cal Survey (USGS) Catalogmg Unrt 03030001 of the Whrte Oak R�ver Basin Regional physiography �s characterized by flat plams on I�ghtly dissected mar�ne terraces The ecoregion is characterized by Carolina bays swamps and low gradient streams with s�lty or sandy substrate This port�on of North Caroltna was covered by shallow coastal waters durmg the Ple�stocene and the resultant terraces and shoreline related landforms are covered typically by fine loamy and coarse loamy so�ls wrth period�cally h�gh water tables (Gnffith et al 2002) Elevat�ons withm the Bank range from 42 52 feet National Geodetic Vertical Datum [USGS Richlands NC 7 5 minute topographic quadrangle (2010) and 2 foot elevation contours generated from 2007 L�ght Distance and Rangmg (L�DAR) data] (F�gure 3b Appendix B) The primary hydrologic features of the Bank cons�st of three unnamed tnbutaries to the New Rrver and associated floodplains s�de slopes and hydric soils (Figure 4 Appendix A) The Bank provides water yual�ty functions to an approx�mately 66 acre (0 1 square mile) watershed at the Bank outfall (F�gure 3a, Appendix B) 3 Water Qual�ty The Bank is located wrthm the Cape Fear River Basin in 14 d�grt USGS Catalogmg Unrt 03030001010010 of the South Atlantic/Gulf Reg�on (NCDWQ subbasin number 03 OS 02) [F�gure 2 Appendix A]) The Bank is located ad�acent to the New River and contains unnamed tributartes to the New River which have been assigned NCDWQ Stream Index Number 19 (1) and a Best Usage Classtficahon of C NSW (NCDWQ 201 la) The reach of the New Rrver that receives waters from the New Rrver Stream and Wetland Mrtigation Bank A 2 Supplemental Techmcal Report ) Bank rece�ved a Good Fa�r rat�ng based on benth�c macromvertebrate sampling �n 2010 Sampling in 2004 also resulted m a Good Fa�r ratmg (NCDWQ 2011 b) This reach of the New R�ver is listed as Fully Supporting its �ntended uses however �t was l�sted as [mpatred and Not Supportmg fish consumption due to high levels of inercury from 2002 through 2008 (NCDWQ 2002 2004 2006 2008 and 2010b) The reach of the new R�ver located approx�mately 7 mtles downstream of the Bank is listed as impaired due to h�gh pH and h�gh levels of chlorophyll a copper and Enterrococcus (NCDWQ 2010) Streams classified as C are surtable for aquatic life propagatton and survtval fishing w�ldlife secondary recreahon and agr�culture Secondary recreation mcludes wad�ng boat�ng and other uses not mvolvtng human body contact with waters on an organized or frequent basis NSW ts a supplemental classification denot�ng waters sub�ect to growth of microscop�c or macroscopic vegetation requ�ring limitations on nutnent mputs l 4 Soils and Land Form Soils that occur wrthin the Bank accord�ng to the Soal Survey of Onslow Counry North Carolana(USDA 1992) and the Natural Resource Conservat►on Serv�ce (NRCS) Web So�l Survey (USDA 2011) are � depicted�n F�gure 6(Append�x B)and are descr�bed�n Table 1 The maJorrty of the Bank �s underlatn by soils of the Muckalee series Bank soils have been �mpacted by plowing land clear�ng and agr�cultural product�on in add�t�on to landscape alterat�ons associated wrth floodplain d�tchmg and dredgmgJstratghtening of stream channels Table 1 NRCS So�ls Ma ed withm the Bank So�l Senes H dric Status Famil Descrt tion Nonhydric Th�s series consists of gently slopmg Craven fine but may � moderately well dra�ned so�ls with slow sandy loam conta�n hydr�c Aquac Hapludults permeabiltty on the r�dges of marine terraces inclusions The seasonal high water table occurs at a depth of 24 to 36 mches This sertes cons�sts of level to nearly level Muckalee Hydric Typic Fluvaguents Poorly drained soils w�th moderate permeab�l�ty loam on flood plams The seasonal htgh water table occurs at a de th of 0 to 12 inches This series consists of level to nearly level well Norfolk loamy dramed soils wrth moderate permeabtlrty on fine sand 0 2 Nonhydr�c Typic Kandiudults broad �nterstream d�vides and r�dges on manne percent slopes terraces The seasonal high water table occurs at a de th of 40 to 72 inches Nonhydric Th�s series consists of gently slopmg well Norfolk loamy dramed soils with moderate permeabiltty on fine sand 2 6 but may Typic Kandaudults broad interstream divides and the ridges on percent slopes contam hydr�c manne terraces The seasonal high water table inclus�ons occurs at a de th of 40 to 72 �nches Nonhydric Th�s series conststs of level to nearly level Pactolus fine but may Aquic moderately well dra�ned so�ls wrth rap�d sand contain hydric Quartzapsamments Permeabilrty on the ridges of marme terraces inclusions The seasonal high water table occurs at a depth of 18 to 36 mches New River Stream and Wetland Mrtigation Bank A 3 Supplemental Techmcal Report 5 Protected Spec�es Based on the most recently updated county by county database of federally listed spec�es in North Carolma as posted by the Unrted States F�sh and Wildl�fe Serv�ce (USFWS 2011) 15 federally protected � spec�es are l�sted for Onslow County Table 2 lists the federally protected spec�es and �nd►cates �f potent�al habrtat ex�sts wrthin the Bank for each spec�es Habttat is present withm or ad�acent to the Bank for American all�gator Cooley s meadowrue and pondberry American alligator is listed as T(S/A)and is not sub�ect to Section 7 consultat►on Surveys�n su�table habitat for Cooley s meadowrue and pondberry will be conducted during the summer of 2012 One des�gnated unrt of Cr�ttcal Habrtat far piping plover is located tn Onslow County on the Bogue Inlet wh�ch �s greater than 30 miles southeast/seaward of the Bank(USFWS 2001) Table 2 Federall Protected S ecies for Onslow Count Common Name Sc�ent►fic Name Status* Hab►tat Present W�thin Bank Vertebrates American alltgator Alltgator mrsstsstpptensrs T(S/A) Yes Bald eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus BGPA No Eastern puma Puma concolor couguar E No Green sea turtle Chelonta mydas T No Leatherback sea turtle Dermochelys coraacea E No Loggerhead sea turtle Caretta caretta T No P�ping plover Charadrrus melodus T No Red cockaded woodpecker Picotdes borealts � E No Shortnose sturgeon Acrpenser brevirostrum E No West [nd�an manatee Trachelus manatus E No Plants Cooley s meadowrue Thakctrum cooleyi E Yes Golden sedge Carex lutea E No Pondberry Lindera melissrfolaa E Yes Rough leaved loosestrife Lysrmachaa asperulaefolia E No Seabeach amaranth Amaranthus pumilus T No T(S/A) Th ten d d t S m I ty f App aran tax h Ih ten d d m lanty f app aran wi h an h I st d p ( ih as Am an d I (Cmcrxly! )and I t d f prot ct BGPA P aed by h B Id and Gold E gl Prot n Att E E dang ed tax dang f xc t t}v gh t all g f an po f ang T Th en d ta�c 1 k ly bec m dang d wi h h f se bl f ur h gh ut all g f an pom f t ang New River Stream and Wetland Mrtigation Bank A 4 Supplemental Technical Report Benthic macromvertebrate samplmg was undertaken at several locat�ons wrthm the Bank on 1/14/2011 to ass�st m the hydrological classification of on s�te water resources Sampl�ng locat�ons are dep�cted on Ftgure 4(Appendix B) Results of the survey are represented below in Table 3 Table 3 Benth�cs Study �_ .—_ �_� ^ w z > > �Stream Fomi and Assesment DaW_ 3 m o � � E o 0 0 � � v 3 0 �' o h — � � a c � — in o v v __ ` � t o a « � � � '�` m o NCDWQ USACEStream � �o > °' E ° °° ° L F o 0o m « x Site eamlDFoAssessmentFortn ¢ � � o u° � m LL 3 � z° 3 � � 1 29 33 24+ 24+ 3 1 1 6 to 12 1 1 4 to 6 6 ro 12 2 32 38 24+ 24+ 6 5 8to 12 12to 24 1 1 3 26 25 34 24+ 24+ 6 8 8 to 12 12 ta 24 2 1 �te lowtwns are depicted on Figure 4�Appendix B� 1 �_J � , � �— � � � NCDWQ,USACE and Benth¢data collection forms are avadable upon request_ j � _ 1 �_ I _�_�_ �j _� The Bank encompasses several unnamed tr�butaries to the New Rrver Table 4 g�ves characteristics of Bank streams the locat�ons of each are deptcted in F�gure 4(Append�x B) None of the UTs are depicted on the USGS 7 5 m�nute topographic quadrangle however UTs 1 and 2 exhibrted charactertsttcs of perenmal streams during field investigations Geomorphology scores for these streams are generally low due to historical manipulation and disturbance UT3 �s a rel�ct channel that has had water d�verted through a large ditch to flow to UT2 and has been subsequently abandoned Currently UT3 only receives flow dur�ng large storm events and overbank events of the New River Table 4 Exist�n Stream Character�stics Stream Reach USGS USGS Stream *Field Stream NCDWQ Stream Stream Order Classificat�on Classification Form Score UT 1 0 not shown erenmal 29 UT2 0 not shown erenmal 26 25 UT3 0 not shown e hemeral ZField Stream Classification and NCDWQ Stream Form Score These tributanes are not shown on the USGS 7 5 mmute topographic quadrangle and received less than 30 points on the NCDWQ Stream Identification Form however drtched and mcised streams exhibrted characteristics of perennial streams dur�ng field investigat�ons and pr�marily lack geomorphology �ndicators due to disturbance and ma�ntenance (see attached NCDWQ stream classification forms) In addrtion UT3 is a small drtch that only receives flow dur�ng large storm events and overbank events of the New River [n order to avo�d hydrologic trespass subsequent to restoratton activrt�es the reach of UT3 wrthm the Bank must be restored to carry hydrology currently d�verted into UT2 On Bank streams have been drtched straightened and exhib�t character�st�cs of typical G type(gully)and F type (widened gully) channels The lack of deep rooted nparian vegetation appears to have resulted m additional bank eroston to`the Bank channel Continued erosion wtll eventually result m lateral extension of the G type channels into F type (widened gully) channels The F type channels will cont�nue to wtden laterally unt�l the channel �s wide enough to support a stable C type or E type channel at a lower elevation and the original floodpla�n�s no longer sub�ect to regular flooding New Rrver Stream and Wetland Mrtigation Bank A 5 Supplemental Technical Report s � � Bank streams have been relocated d�tched and stra�ghtened and are currently unstable with little to no r�par�an buffer Table 5 provides a summary of a prel�mmary estimate of potent�ally stable stream attributes Prelimmary estimates of stable stream attr�butes are based primarily upon observations along the exist�ng reaches and regional curves for the Coastal Plam of North Carolina(Geratz and Sweet 2003) 6 Hydrology This hydro physiographic region �s characterized by moderate rainfall w�th prectprtation averag�ng approximately 56 inches per year (USDA 1992) Bank d�scharge appears to be dommated by a combinat�on of upstream basin catchment groundwater flow and prec�pitation Based on regtonal curves (Geratz and Sweet 2003) the bankfull d�scharge for a 0 1 square mile watershed is expected to average approximately 1 5 cub�c feet per second and occur approximately every 1 3 to 1 5 years (Rosgen 1996 Leopold 1994) Stream Classificat�on Stream geometry and substrate data have been evaluated to orient stream restorat�on based on a class�ficat�on utilizing fluvial geomorphic pr�nciples (Rosgen 1996) Th�s classificat►on stratifies streams into comparable groups based on pattern dimens�on profile and substrate character�st�cs Primary components of the class�ficahon mclude degree of entrenchment width depth raho sinuosrty channel slope and stream substrate composttion Stream classes currently associated wtth the Bank include F and G type streams Historic onsrte reaches most likely would have been classified as D type and E type stream morpholog�es D type streams are multiple channel systems descnbed as braided streams occurr�ng wrthin broad alluvial valleys D type streams are character�zed as sltghtly entrenched high w�dth/depth ratio streams exhibrtmg low sinuosity (<1 2) 0.type streams typ�cally exh�brt a senes of closely spaced rapids and scour pools formed by convergence/divergence processes Although D type channels are not typically � considered stable in the Coastal Plain physiographic province of North Carolma these stream types are cons�dered appropnate for mit�gation purposes as streams in th�s area would l�kely not support engmeered stream channels due to the lack of slope and sandy terram (USACE et al 2005) E type streams are characterized as slightly entrenched r�ffle pool channels exhibiting high sinuosity (1 3 to greater than 1 5) E type streams typ�cally exhibit a sequence of riffles and pools assoc�ated wrth a s�nuous flow pattern In North Carolina, E type streams often occur in narrow to w�de valleys wrth well developed alluvial floodplains (Valley Type VIII) E type channels are typically considered stable however these streams are sensitive to upstream dramage basin changes and/or channel disturbance and may rap�dly convert to other stream types New Rrver Stream and Wedand Mmgauon Bank A 6 Supplemental Techmcal Report Table 5 Stream Geomet and Classificat�on Attribute Pro osed D T e* Pro osed E T e DA O1 Ol Abkf 1 6 1 6 A � 6 8 6 8 WbkF g� 4� �bkf �2 �4 � / D„� 03 07 Wbkfl�bkf 40 1� FPA 60 60 ENT 7 5 15 LBH 03 07 BHR 10 � 10 Wbelt The proposed channel will consist 28 � Wbelt�Wbkf of interconnected distr�butary 7 Lm channels consist�ng of a closely 40—56 Lm�Wbkf spaced series of rapids and scour l0— l4 L pools formed by 20—28 L Wbkf convergence/divergence processes $—'7 SIN 11 13 Stream T e D T e E T e Pr po d D typ I ar m I f II han I ass at d with b a�d d st am morph I gy DA Dramage basin area(square m�les) BHR Bank height ratio [low bank he�ghdDm� Ab� Bankfull cross sect�onal area (r�ffle) (square (nffle)] feet) Wb i, Belt width(feet) A , � Ex�sting cross sectional area (riffle) (square Lm Meander wavelength(feet) feet) LP P Length from pool to pool(feet) Wb� Bankfull w�dth(r�ffle)(feet) SIN Smuosity (thalweg distance/stra�ght lme Db� Average bankfull depth(r�ffle)(feet) distance) Dm� Maximum bankfull depth(r�ffle)(feet) S W Slope of the water surface(r�se/run) FPA Floodprone area(feet) S �ie,, Slope of the valley(r�se/run) ENT Entrenchment rat�o(FPA/Wb�) Onsrte streams h�storically were charactenzed by backwater slough mulh stem channels Currently these systems have been cleared of vegetation and dredged resulting �n a drtched smgle thread channel that exhibits characterist�cs of a G type (gully) channel Bra�ded backwater slough type channels function for flood flow suppresston pollutant removal and reduced sed�mentation mto downstream recerving waters The existmg dredged channel through the h�storic backwater slough has not only hindered these �mportant water quality functions but lowered ad�acent groundwater tables thereby reducmg the area of and/or degrading assoc�ated�urisdictional wetlands D�mension Regional curves (Geratz and Sweet 2003) were util�zed to determine bankfull channel cross sectional areas of Bank stream reaches Using th�s method a departure from stabil�ty could be est�mated based on a comparison of ex�sting and proposed/stable dimension var�ables Undisturbed zero to first order streams m the area are character�zed by D type (multi stem) channels that grade to single stem E type channels Existing stream channels are characterized by single thread New River Stream and Wetland MrtigaUOn Bank A 7 Supplemental Technical Report t i overstzed and entrenched channels as �nd�cated by high bank he�ght ratios and oversized channels Measures to reduce channel size (cross sectional area) reduce bank height ratios and restore braided stream morphology should be targeted for th�s pro�ect Profile Based on LIDAR contours the onsite valley slope measures approximately 0 004 rise/run Estimated valley slopes appear typ�cal for the Coastal Plain physiograph�c reg�on of North Carolina Onsrte streams are character�zed by human man�pulation(drtching and stra�ghtening) which has resulted in water surface slopes that are equal to the valley slope In add�t�on channel mod�fications have removed channel bed morphology that supports hab�tat for aquatic l�fe survival and function Pools and riffles that support area w�ldlife hab�tat also increase resistance of floodwaters and provide surface water storage mclud�ng vernal pools wetland pockets coarse textured r�ffles and an enlarged hyporheic zone Measures designed to restore braided channel complexes thereby promotmg stormwater dissipat�on benefihng water qual�ty through improved wetland funct�on and increas�ng aquat�c and terrestrial w�ldlife habrtat are expected to be targeted on these stream reaches Plan Form Bank streams have been dredged and stra�ghtened resultmg m s�nuosrty measur�ng approximately 1 0 (thalweg distance/valley distance) Due to channel ditching and straighten�ng act�vrt�es no dtst�nct repetittve pattern of riffles and pools or bra�ded channels occurs tn the existmg channel Based on plan form var�ables Bank streams contain reaches that have been degraded by 1) clearing floodplain vegetatton 2) l�vestock trampl�ng and levelmg of rel�ct channels sloughs wetland pockets and other bra�ded channel morphological features 3) straightening result�ng �n the loss of divergendconvergent channel sequences and reduction m sinuosity and 4)a subsequent reduction m the overall length of Bank channels Mrtigation efforts along degraded sections should target restoration of histor�c braided channel morphology 7 Bank Design and Implementation Constramts The presence of condittons or character�stics that have the potent�al to hmder restorat�on acttvmes on the Bank was evaluated The evaluation focused pr�marily on the presence of hazardous matertals uttl�ttes and restrictive easements rare/threatened/endangered species or crrtical hab�tats and the potential for hydrologic trespass Existing information regardmg Bank constratnts was acquired and reviewed In addition any Bank condittons that have the potenttal to restr�ct the restorat�on des�gn and �mplementat�on were documented durmg the field mvest�gat�on No evidence of natural and/or man made condirions was identified that has the potenhal to �mpede proposed restorat�on activmes 8 Pro�ect Development The primary goals of this restorat�on plan include 1) restoration of a mult� stem braided stream channel 2) restoration of riparian rtver�ne wetlands 3) enhancement of water quality funct�ons (reduce nonpomt source sedimentation and nutr�ent mputs) 4) creahon of a natural forested r�parian buffer along onsrte stream reaches 5) restorat�on of wildlife habitat associated with a rtpar�an corrtdor/stable stream system and 6) establishment of a conservation easement which will encompass all restoration act�vities and address landowner concerns New Rrver Stream and Wetland Mit�gat�on Bank A 8 i Supplemental Techmcal Report � Pr�mary activ�ties designed to restore the stream and wetland complex �nclude 1) stream restoration 2) wetland restoration and 3)vegetat�on planting(Figure 5 Appendtx B) Stream Restoratton Stream restorat�on is expected to entail 1) belt w�dth preparat�on and grading 2) spoil stockpiling 3) channel stabilization 4) channel d�version 5) channel backfill and 6) vegetatton planting Minimal channel excavation is proposed m assoc�ation with the D type streams It is ant�cipated that th�s stream type will develop within the Bank without mtervent�on Two stream types are proposed for restoration based upon physical features of the Bank The upstream reach of UT1 and the entire length of UT2 are proposed for D type channel construction The lower portion of UTl and the ent�re length of UT3 are proposed for E type channel construction D type streams were determined to be appropr�ate for the low slope upstream reaches per guidance from the NCDWQ(USACE et al 2005) UT3 and the downstream reach of UTl were selected for E type channel construction due to channel slope and necessary elevatton drop to discharge to the New River Beltwidth corridor preparation will entail cleanng and grubb�ng of the Bank Floodplains for E type channels are expected to be approximately twice the w�dth of the channel (approximately 50 to 60 feet) W�dths of the proposed valleys for D type stream channels are expected to be of a s�m�lar width (averag�ng approximately 50 feet) Material w�ll be stockp�led ad�acent to any ditches to be backfilled or will be d�str�buted to areas the landowner requests After the backwater slough has been prepped through clear�ng and grubb�ng the location of channel backfill areas and any bra�ded or single channel excavation areas will be staked and/or clearly marked Once belt width corridor floodpla�n and valley preparat�ons are complete the proposed E type channels will be excavated to the average w�dth depth and cross sectional area derived from reference reach studies and detailed measurements of the onstte reach Stream banks and the belt width area of constructed channels will be �mmed�ately planted w�th shrub and herbaceous vegetation Root mats may also be selectively removed from ad�acent areas and placed as erosion control features on channel banks and valley wall slopes Once the proposed design valley has been excavated and stab�lized abandoned channels will be backfilled util�zing spo�l matertal stockpiled from floodplain grad�ng and channel excavation Abandoned channels will be backfilled to the maximum extent feas�ble however if a deficit of backfill matertal occurs sect�ons of the abandoned channel may be left open to form closed ellipt�cal pools within the floodplain that are expected to fill over t�me Bra�ded channel construct�on w�ll be minim�zed to the max�mum extent feasible to reduce �mpacts to exist�ng and future wetland surfaces However reaches that are devoid of surface roughness or potential braided channel features may be altered through d�sking nppmg or the excavation of mult�ple channel reaches Upon completion of channel excavation or soil surface roughening erosion control measures such as seed�ng wrth erosion control vegetation andlor mulch�ng should be implemented Addit�onal stabilization may be achieved through the use of erosion control matting where necessary � � New Rrver Stream and Wetland Mmgation Bank p 9 Supplemental Techmcal Report [n stream Structures The use of in stream structures for grade control and habitat are essent�al for successful stream restoration part�cularly in the E type channels In stream structures may be placed in the channel to elevate local water surface profiles m the channel potentially flattenmg the water energy slope or grad�ent The structures would likely consist of boulder size rock vanes � hook vanes and/or step pool dev�ces designed primarily to d�rect stream energy into the center of the channel and away from banks In addit�on the structures would be placed in relatively stra�ght reaches to prov�de secondary(perpendicular) flow cells durtng bankfull events In addit�on a TerraCell drop structure �s proposed at the Bank outfall to lower Bank hydrology to �ts preconstruction elevation TerraCell is a light wetght flexible mat made of htgh dens�ty polyethylene stnps that are bonded together to form a honeycomb configuratton that is fixed �n place and filled w�th gravel or sand and planted w�th grasses and shrubs for add�tional eros�on protection The TerraCell structure forms a nickpotnt that approx�mates geolog�c controls m stream beds Wetlands Wetlands are defined by the presence of three criteria hydrophyttc vegetation hydric soils and ev�dence of wetland hydrology durmg the grow�ng season (Environmental Laboratory 1987) Portions of the Bank support�ng hydric so�ls may have h�stor�cally been characterized as palustr�ne broadleaved dec�duous pers�stent wetlands wh�ch were temporar�ly to seasonally flooded (Coward�n et al 1979) The hydrology of these systems would have come from overbank flood�ng of stream channels in close proxim�ty of the hydric soils These areas were likely to have supported Coastal Plain Bottomland Hardwoods Forest as described in Classification of the Natural Communitres of North Carolina (Schafale and Weakley 1990) However onsrte wetland areas have been �mpacted by livestock tramplmg deforestat�on groundwater draw down from drtch�ng and �ncision of Bank streams and discharge of fill mater�al and debrts onto wetland surfaces Hydr�c so�l ltm�ts w�thtn the Bank were mapped in December 2010 by a Licensed So�l Sctentists and are depicted on Figure 4(Appendix B) Riparian Wetlands The Bank conta�ns ripar�an hydric soils within floodpla�ns that have been cleared of native forest vegetation and have been �mpacted by groundwater table alterations resultmg from ditchmg dredgmg re routing of tr�butaries d�scharge of fill mater�al m the floodplam and channel �nc�sion Groundwater table fluctuat�ons occur ad�acent to interfield ditches and inc�sed channels which have effect�vely lowered the groundwater table below hydrologic thresholds outlined for wetland crrter�a Prel�minary groundwater modeling has been conducted m order to quantify ►mpacts to the groundwater table from Bank alterat�ons Approximately 17 4 acres of hydrtc soils are located with�n the Bank Approximately 15 2 acres of ripar�an hydric sotls are currently drained or excavated for an �rr�gation pond and are proposed for restoration and enhancement by filling d�tches restor�ng stream �nverts at the histor�c floodplam elevation backfilling abandoned channels and plant�ng charactertstic wetland vegetat�on Hydric soils are grey to gley m color and are highly impacted by channel �ncision and clearmg of the floodplatn Groundwater model simulations for existmg cond�tions mdicate that approximately 14 7 acres of hydric � Muckalee soils within the Bank are below�urisdtctional wetland hydrology cr�teria and are cons�dered effect�vely dra�ned due to the groundwater drawdown from relocat�on dredg�ng stra�ghtening and rerouting of onsite streams ditchmg of fields plowing of agr�cultural fields and removal of vegetation Approximately 5 acres are affected by pond excavation wrth the Muckalee so�ls and redistr�button of these hydric soils surroundmg the pond (Figure 4 Appendix B) Restoration efforts should focus on elevatmg groundwater tables through routing stream channels through the histortc floodplain reconnecting hydrolog,y within abandoned floodplains filling agricultural field New River Stream and Wetland Mit�gation Bank A 10 Supplemental Technical Report � d�tches removmg Itvestock and planttng with native forest vegetation Mitigation efforts should allow the floodplain to perform wetland functions such as flood flow suppression nutr�ent cycl�ng pollutant removal and prov�sion of native species habitat Vegetation Planting Deep rooted r�par�an vegetat►on may be restored withm the entire Bank Planting vegetat�on on cleared stream banks is proposed to reestabl�sh vegetation community patterns withm the stream corr�dor assoctated side slopes and transition areas Revegetating the floodplain and riparian wetland areas will prov�de stream bank stab�lity shade and cool surface waters filter pollutants from ad�acent runoff and provide hab�tat for area w�ldlife The Bank �s expected to be planted with natrve hardwood spectes character►st�c of a Coastal Plain Bottomland Hardwoods Forest (Blackwater Subtype) as described tn Classrficatton of the Natural Communrties of North Caroltna(Schafale and Weakley 1990) Scar�fication of floodplam surfaces may be required prior to planting Var�ations m vegetative planting may occur based on topographic locattons and hydraul�c conditions of the so�l Vegetat�ve species compositton should mimic reference forest data and onBank observations Spec�es expected for this pro�ect may include the follow�ng elements amertcan elm(Ulmus americana) elderberry(Sambucus canadensis) amer�can holly(Ilex opaca) g�ant cane(Arundrnarra grgantea) american sycamore(Platanus occidentalrs) green ash(Fraxinus pennsylvanica) bankers dwarf willow(Saltx cotteli) hackberry(Celtis laevigata) b�tternut hickory(Carya cordtformis) �ronwood(Carpinus carolin�ana) black gum(Nyssa sylvahca) paw paw(As�mana triloba) `� black willow(Saltx ragra) r�ver birch(Betula n�gra) buttonbush(Cephalanthus occrdentalis) tag alder(Alnus serrulata) black walnut(Juglans nigra) water htckory(Carya aquatrca) cherrybark oak(Quercus pogoda) water oak(Quercus nrgra) dec�duous holly(Ilex decidua) willow oak(Quercus phellos) 9 Monitormg Stream Monitorm� E type streams w�ll require annual fall monitor�ng that wtll include development of channel cross sections � on r�ffles and pools pebble counts and a water surface profile of the channel The data will be presented in graphic and tabular format Data to be presented w�ll mclude 1)cross sect�onal area, 2)bankfull w�dth 3) average depth 4) max�mum depth 5) w�dth to depth ratio 6)water surface slope 7) smuosrty and 8) stream substrate composition A photographic record of preconstruct�on and post construction condit�ons will also be comp�led Stream measurements are not proposed in associatton with D type streams due to typ�cal character�st�cs of a D type stream as consist�ng of multiple braided channels D type stream systems are not conduc�ve to measurement of pattern dtmens�on and profile therefore the stream will be visually assessed and photographically documented annually to sem� annually and any potenttal problem area(s) will be ident�fied if a problem area �s noted during the review the area will be evaluated to determine the corrective action required to resolve the problem � New Rrver Stream and Wetland Mitiganon Bank A 11 Supplemental Techn�cal Report � 1 Based on agency gu�del�nes (USACE et al 2005) success cntena for Coastal Plam streams should be commensurate w�th the restoration of rtpar�an river�ne bottomland wetland commun�ty Th�s would entatl restorat�on of hydrolog�cal characteristics �nclud�ng saturat�on or inundation for at least 12 5 percent of the growmg season Therefore groundwater monitoring gauges will be installed to take measurements after hydrolog�cal modificat�ons are performed at the Srte Hydrological sampling w�ll continue throughout the growmg season at �ntervals necessary to sat�sfy the �ur�sd�ctional hydrology success crrteria w►thtn the restorarion area(USEPA 1990) Stream Success Crrtena Success criteria for stream restoration will mclude 1) successful classification of the reach as a functiomng stream system (Rosgen 1996) and 2) channel var�ables indicative of a stable stream system (bank he�ght ratio not exceed�ng 1 2 and entrenchment ratio no less than 2 2) Annual fall monitonng w�ll �nclude development of channel cross sections on r�ffles and pools The data will be presented in graphtc and tabular format Data to be presented will include 1)cross sectional area 2) bankfull w�dth 3) average depth 4) maximum depth and 5) width to depth rat�o A photographic record of preconstruct�on and post construction condit�ons wtll also be compiled Visual assessment of in stream structures will be conducted to determ�ne if fa�lure has occurred Fa�lure of a structure may be �ndicated by collapse of the structure undermm�ng of the structure abandonment of the channel around the structure and/or stream flow beneath the structure In addit�on visual assessments of the entire channel wtil be conducted �n each year of monitoring as outl�ned �n NCEEP Monitoring Requrrements and Reporting Standards for Stream and/or Wetland Mitrgatron Areas of concern wtll be depicted on a plan view figure identifytng the location of concern along wrth a written assessment and photograph of the area Hvdrolo�v Monitormg Groundwater mon�tor�ng gauges w�ll be mstalled to take measurements after hydrological modifications are performed at the Site Hydrological sampling wtll cont�nue throughout the grow�ng season at intervals necessary to sat�sfy Jurisdictional hydrology success criteria (EPA 1990) The quant�ty and location for monitoring wells will be approved by the IRT Hvdrology Success Cr�teria Target hydrological charactertst�cs mclude saturat�on or �nundat�on for 12 5 percent of the grow�ng season dunng average climatic cond�tions Durtng grow�ng seasons w�th atypical climat�c conditions groundwater gauges in reference wetlands may dictate threshold hydrology success criter�a These areas are expected to support hydrophyt�c vegetat�on If wetland parameters are margmal as indicated by vegetat�on and/or hydrology momtoring a Jurisdictional determmat�on will be performed Ve�etation Monitoring Durmg quant�tative vegetat�on sampl�ng sample plots(10 meter by 10 meter) will be installed wrthin the Site as per guidelines establtshed �n CVS EEP Protocol for Recordrng Vegetatron Versron 4 0(Lee et al 2006) [n each sample plot vegetat�on parameters to be mon�tored mclude spectes compos�tion and species density Visual observations of the percent cover of shrub and herbaceous species will also be documented by photograph New River Stream and Wedand MiUgation Bank A 12 Supplemental Technical Report i Ve�etation Success Cr�teria After plant�ng has been completed m winter or early sprmg an m�tial evaluation will be performed to venfy planting methods and to determine �nrtial spec�es composrt�on and densrty Supplemental planting and addrt�onal Srte modificahons will be�mplemented �f necessary During quantitative vegetation sampl�ng sample plots(10 meter by 10 meter)wtll be mstalled w�thin the S�te as per guidelines establ�shed in CVS EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Versaon 4 0(Lee et al 2006) In each sample plot vegetat�on parameters to be mon�tored �nclude species composit�on and spec�es densrty Visual observations of the percent cover of shrub and herbaceous species will also be documented by photograph An average density of 320 stems per acre of Character�st�c Tree Spec�es must be surviv�ng in the first three monrtor�ng years Subsequently 290 Characteristic Tree Species per acre must be surv�v�ng m year 4 260 Character�stic Tree Species per acre m year 5 and 210 Characteristic Tree Species per acre�n year 7 In addit�on planted vegetation must average 10 feet m height in each plot at year 7 smce this Srte is located in the Coastal Plain 10 Contmgency Stream In the event that stream success criterta are not fulfilled a mechanism for contingency will be implemented Stream contingency may mclude but may not be l�mited to 1) structure repair and/or installat�on 2) repatr of d�mension pattern and/or profile variables and 3) bank stabil�zation The method of contmgency w�ll be dependent upon stream variables that are not in compl�ance wrth success criteria Primary concerns which may�eopardize stream success �nclude 1) structure failure 2) headcut migration through the Site and/or 3)bank erosion Hydrolo��c Contingency Hydrologic contmgency may include so�l surface modificat�ons such as constructton of ephemeral pools and deep rippmg of the sotl profile installation of berms to retard surface flows and/or maintenance to areas of the wetland Recommendations for contmgency to establ�sh wetland hydrology may be �mplemented and monitored until Hydrology Success Criter�a are achteved In the event that beaver become a nu�sance with�n the Srte beaver management will be inrtiated and continued on an as needed bas�s in accordance wrth North Carol�na W�Idlife Resource Commission(NCWRC)rules and regulat�ons Ve�etation Contin�ency If vegetatton success critena are not achieved based on average density calculations from combined plots over the entire restoration area supplemental plantmg may be performed with tree spec�es approved by regulatory agencies Supplemental planting may be performed as needed until achievement of vegetat�on success criter�a New River Stream and Wetland MmgaUOn Bank A 13 Supplemental Techmcal Report 11 References Cowardm Lewts M V Carter F C Golet and E T LaRoe 1979 Classificat�ons of Wetlands and Deepwater Habrtats of the United States U S F�sh and Wildlife Service U S Government Pnntmg Office Washington D C Environmental Laboratory 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual Tec,hnical Report Y 87 1 Unrted States Army Engmeer Waterways Experiment Stat�on Vicksburg Mississippt Geratz J W and W V Sweet 2003 Bankfull hydraul�c geometry relattonsh�ps and recurrence �ntervals for North Carolma s Coastal Plam Journal of Amertcan Water Resources Associat�on Volume 3 No 4 pp 861 871 American Water Resources Assoc�ation Griffith G E J M Omerntk J A Comstock M P Schafale W H McNab D R Lenat T F MacPherson J B Glover and V B Shelbourne 2002 Ecoregions of North Carolina and South Carolma U S Geolog�cal Survey Reston Virgima Lee M T R K Peet S D Roberts and T R Wentworth 2006 CVS EEP Protocol for Recordmg Vegetat�on Vers�on 4 0 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Ecosystem Enhancement Program Raleigh North Carol�na Leopold L B 1994 A V�ew of the River Harvard Universrty Press Cambridge MA 298 pp � North Carol�na Divis�on of Water Quality(NCDWQ) 2011 a North Carol�na Water Bodies Report (onlme) Available http//h2o enr state nc us/bims/reports/reportsWB html [January 24 2011] North Carol�na Department of Environment and Natural Resources Rale�gh North Caroltna Div�sion of Water Quality(NCDWQ) 2011b Basinwide Assessment Report White Oak River Basin (onl�ne) Available http//portal ncdenr or web/wq/ess/re orts [January 24 2011] North Carolma Department of Environment and Natural Resources Raleigh North Carolma North Carolzna Divis�on of Water Quality(NCDWQ) 2010 Ftnal North Carolina 2010 Integrated � Report Categor�es 4 and 5 Impaired Waters (2010 Integrated 305(b) and 303(d) Report) (online) Available http//portal ncdenr or web/wq/ps/mtu/assessment [January 24 2011] North Carolma Department of Environment and Natural Resources Raleigh North Carol�na North Carolina Drvision of Water Qualrty(NCDWQ) 2008 Final North Carolina Water Qual�ty Assessment and Impaired Waters L�st (2008 [ntegrated 305(b) and 303(d) Report) (online) Ava�lable http//portal ncdenr or web/wq/ps/mtu/assessment [January 24 2011] North Carolma Department of Env�ronment and Natural Resources Raleigh North Carolma North Carolma Division of Water Qualrty(NCDWQ) 2006 Final North Carolina Water Qualrty Assessment and [mpaired Waters List (2006 303(d) Report) (online) Ava�lable http//portal ncdenr or�/web/wq/ps/mtu/assessment [January 24 2011] North Carolma Department of Environment and Natural Resources Raleigh North Carolma North Carolina D�vision of Water Quality(NCDWQ) 2004 Final North Carolma Water Qualrty Assessment and [mpaired Waters List (2004 303(d) Report) (onlme) Available ht�t //portal ncdenr or web/wc�/ps/mtu/assessment [January 24 2011] North Caroltna Department of Environment and Natural Resources Raleigh North Carolina New River Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank A 14 Supplemental Techmcal Report North Carolma Div�s�on of Water Quality(NCDWQ) 2002 Final North Carolina Water Qual�ty Assessment and Impaired Waters List (2002 303(d) Report) (onlme) Available http//portal ncdenr or web/wq/ps/mtu/assessment [January 24 2011] North Carol�na Department of Env�ronment and Natural Resources Raleigh North Carolina North Carolma Ecosystem Enhancement Program(NCEEP) 2009 EEP s Targeted Local Watersheds (onl�ne) Available http//www nceep nedpa�es/lwp htm [January 24 2011] North Caroltna Department of Environment and Natural Resources Rale�gh North Carolina North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program(NCEEP) 2001 Watershed Restorat�on Plan for the White Oak River Basm(onlme) Available http//www nceep net/services/restplans/white oak_2001 pdfhttp//www nceep net/services/lwps/ cape_fear/RBRP Cape Fear 2008 pdf[January 25 2011] North Carol�na Department of Environment and Natural Resources Raleigh North Carol�na Rosgen D 1996 Appl�ed R�ver Morphology W�Idland Hydrology(Publisher) Pagosa Spr�ngs Colorado Schafale M P and A S Weakley 1990 Classification of the Natural Communmes of North Carolina Th�rd Approximation North Carolina Natural Heritage Program D�vis�on of Parks and Recreat�on N C Department of Env�ronment Health and Natural Resources Raleigh North Carol�na Skaggs R W 1980 Drainmod Reference Report Methods for Design and Evaluation of Dratnage Water Management Systems for So�ls with H�gh Water Tables Prepared for the U S Department of Agr�culture South National Techn�cal Center Fort Worth Texas Skaggs R W and A Tabrtz� 1986 Des�gn Dra�nage Rates for Estimat�ng Dra�n Spactngs in North Carolina ASAE Paper Number 84 2055 Skaggs R W D Amatya R O Evans and J E Parsons 1994 Characterizations and evaluation of proposed hydrologic criteria for wetlands Journal of Sotl and Water Conservation 49 (5) 501 510 Skaggs R W et al 2002 Methods to Determine Lateral Effects of a Dra�nage Ditch on Wetland Hydrology ASAE Annual International Meetmg/C[GR XVth Worid Congress Paper Number 020602 United States Department of Agriculture(USDA) 1992 So�l Survey of Onslow County North Carolma Sotl Conservation Service United States Department of Agriculture(USDA) 2011 Web Soil Survey(online) Available http//webso�lsurvev nres usda�ov/app [January 25 2011] Soil Survey Staff Natural Resources Conservation Servtce United States Department of Agr�culture Unrted States Fish and W�ldlife Service (USFWS) 2011 Endangered Species Threatened Species Federal Species of Concern and Cand�date Species Onslow County North Carohna (online updated September 22 2010) Available http//www fws gov/nc es/es/countvfr html [January 24 2011] United States F�sh and W�ldlife Serv�ce New Rrver Stream and Wetland Mmgauon Bank A 15 Supplemental Techmcal Report Append�x B S�te F�gures Figure 1 Pro�ect Locat�on Map Figure 2 Hydrologic Unit Map Figure 3a Topography& Drainage Area F�gure 3b Detailed Topography Figure 4 Ex�sting Condrtions Figure 5 Proposed Condrt�ons Figure 6 NRCS Soils New River Stream and Wetland Mrtigation Bank Append�x B Prospectus � ; i _.._____..,; II I � .,,. 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I', Iti� � 10 5 0 10 20 30 �, � �k Miles 'u Prepared for: Project: Title: Drawn by: SGD `'�' FIGURE � Date: Ma 2011 NEW RIVER Hydrologic Unit Y RESTORATION SITE M8p Scale: 1:450,000 2 n.wm tr.ro++�enu�,r•: Onslow County, NC Project: 09-002.11 q.i + z ` f„y ` i ':I i` a � t" . 3� ,��. '� R, �' �I C���"!`�_ � r'r �, N Y � �� . �,�,���� _ '°� � 4Y �-.tl��.j � ��f �i � . ,�,� - I 1 � . � ����.� ',��"� .� `�it� s '�a'��"",�-e���� t I Y �f�,,,, � ti y '� ...- � �w -r � 4�Yo � � ° � � _ { � � i 1t ;+-'� ' ..:- � . �. ����' �� '� ` �� f, _j �t+ `�, J' � � ��� ��,i 5 I� i �i � }V f+�,�� } {• � �. �� � I' ki�.� � � �L�'"�� �,y�C+� r � � ��4.. � y `--�� �' ����� ��� "9�� T � ' � � . � � ,_._ � ;, , , ., �,� '�- 4 '. � � - �i t i�i� ���F�t� j���1,�'��',� �� ;� �„ 4 ,��. , ��r `�' . 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Prepared for: Project: Title: Drawn by: SGD �^���~' P 9 p y ocr 20�� FIGURE ��f NEW RIVER To o ra h Date: RESTORATION SITE Drainage Area Scale: 1:7200 3a """"t'•'°"""a'"` Project: 09-002.11 Onslow County, NC 50.. 4S �,�:� a .� � , �;� ��� � N '�;'r �, _ _, -�� � ; �, , • tD r . r } �, i . . ., . � . j3- '�� "_��� ��_., � . � �c�""`n��t���� t�,' .� Q,� . ., . �. . r:y 2 �•. � � : .- '° `y. ." ,�°,;��: 'i ,. :�"`s ,,c"'., .�.� �„P���� `���. O r�I� � 1�� ..� �� �t �dy� .k � A�@' Y��<"" � . F r � a ..i_' �� 'R � ��„� y� �' a �` 1 g'� F���Je��. � !' .T a��� �^_<.i.�'�� ,� �t � i Q1 ,�` � �'�, .v;, C`�' r �'� � _ _ �!�'� ; � rn ' �« A �� " .: a�:. C {� � , : ... �; ` �. y� .. 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' � �`r. � ta� .�:\ .,' _ Y, Legend �� � ' � �� ;� j �New River Site � _'��,L� i "` '��� #^ Digital elevation model ' 't ° � _ G' �High: 74 feet , . ��� � r r_ � � . ;, �.;.�� � � �"�'� Low:37 feet �, ,. 4 �w�. � �!� � 4? � 2-foot elevation contours -- �= -4=.: a ��: ` � � . �� Background Imagery source: �`'�',� ',, , �� 2010 aerial photography provided by the NC OneMap `�� �` �'�5 , ; '�',�, Program (online, supported bythe NC Geographic "�'�,�, ,�� ,r �,�� '° � ��.��� - Information Coordination Council)overlain with the ` Onslow County Digital Elevation Model (DEM)and 2-foot elevation contours generated from 2007 Light Distance and Ranging (LiDAR)data obtained from the NC Floodplain Mapping Program and provided by 200 100 0 200 400 600 the NC Department of Transportation. -���� Feet _ - � Prepared for: Project: Title: Drawn by: SGD NEW RIVER Detailed �ate: NoV 20�� FIGURE RESTORATION SITE Topography Scale: 12400 3 b ""°'"�"„°„"""'`" Project: 09-002.11 Onslow County, NC y�� .a-� ��y� .iE1...� ' . 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'���', � � � �ll£/' r- � •��� .�, � 1r � ��.., •.. ,t� ��� Proposed stream restoration =2,995 linear feet � Stream Mitigation Units generated= 2,995 SMUs � Proposed wetland restoration = 15.2 acres °'� '�° , -. Proposed wetland enhancement=2.2 acres 200 100 0 200 Wetland Mitigation Units generated= 16.3 WMUs Feet Prepared for: Project: Title: Drawn by: SGD �` � FIGURE NEW RIVER Proposed �ate: NOV 2011 RESTORATION SITE Conditions Scale: 1:2400 5 "'"'"°"m"""�."` Project: 09-002.11 Onslow County, NC /�UB Ir ; ' ' � �. �� N oA N � � �`, �' �A`� _ , � � ,� �; � ^� +':E �. �� ,. � ';.�_. -- � y K, � � ..� � P' � o .. .,,r.; � f'a" rr j . .� � t._�flP 3� :.:� �;� ` Ty� � ���:: ��� '' ;,,j - CrC � `` �L. ��s� �� _ �`. ;'`• �'. .ti ��"`� `: ;;j ,{. t. � �r � .. , �i. S` . . ' . .. � �. _ . . ... _. . � � � ...' . �� � `. ., ". :; �, tigp_. `. `_'�- ' '_ � Pa ,'�ti r , ;E � ',�:4 3�_? ` . � ; ,,.�;.. ,_ , .� _ , ' ,.� _ � . �..� _ , �. 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AUB �� � ���'• 4``��. �f ' �: ° � I � ,;� . � � - , � - � ... . � . %��. . . . -- . - . . - . - t . - �� . .. .. , � 1 � � y , �, v£ , N oA , _ _ � s . ; �,. , Natural Resource Conservation Service(NRCS1 Soils �=�"', Au6 Alpin fine sand "i , � � , � .sr � � , , CrC Craven fine sandy loam w � +z Mk Muckalee loam ,t � ` .� �ti''� .,=�_ ��,y�,;�•• NoA Norfolk loamy fine sand(0-2 percent slopes) � � �, � NoB Norfolk loamy fine sand(2-6 percent slopes) �;.� �� Pa Pactolus fine sand - .��. � �� .-�, •�,. �. Legend ��c � .a� �,� �No6 � ..yi' �.� '� �1 � �. s � It��� Streams digitized from the Soil Suroey of Onstow County(1992) � X;" � ' � �� �� �New River Restoration Site easement `�"� ' '� � .�.�� � r � �NRCS soils boundary ''`f�,� , - } �1 Hydric soils ±� ���� ,t:{=f '���� � 200 100 0 200 400 L 1 Soils that may include hydric inclusions Feet Prepared for: Project: Title: Drawn by: SGD NRCS Date: NOV 2011 FIGURE NEW RIVER Soils RESTORATION SITE Map Scale: 1:3000 6' "�""°�"'°"�"�""` Project: 09-002.11 Onslow County, NC