HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110974 Ver 1_More Info Letter_20111202 ��� .���e NCDENIt North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H Sullins Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary December 2 2011 DWQ Pro�ect# 11 0974 Wake County CERTIFIED MAIL 7010 1870 00013324 2975 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Greg Sandreuter RDU Center N 9335 Harris Corners Pkwy Suite 250 Charlotte NC 28269 Sub�ect Property RDU Center N Crabtree Creek(Crabtree Lake) [030402 27 33 (3 5) B NSW] REQUEST FOR MORE INFORMATION Dear Sir On November 1 2011 the D�vision of Water Quality(DWQ)received your applicat►on dated November 1 2011 to place fill withm or otherwise impact 0 08 acre of 404 wetland(temporary impacts)and 0 OS acre of 404 wetland (permanent impacts)for commerc�al development The DWQ has determmed that your application was incomplete and/or prov�ded inaccurate mformation as discussed below The DWQ will require addrtional mformation m order to process your application to impact streams on the sub�ect property This pro�ect is on hold and mcomplete until we receive the additional mformation requested below If we do not receive the requested mformation your pro�ect will be formally returned as incomplete Please provide the fo[lowmg mformation so that we may contmue to , revtew your pro�ect Additional Information Requested 1 Please complete Section B 3d and 3e of the PCN application stattng the purpose of the pro�ect and a descr�pt�on of the overall pro�ect 2 Correspondence from BSC Rice Associates(dated February 28 2007)and plans received by DWQ as part of the November 1 2011 PCN appl�cation depict a larger wetland area than what is md�cated on the Prelimmary Gradmg Plan submitted November 1 2011 Please explatn this discrepancy and revise maps accordmgly In addition please submit if ava�lable a s�gned survey map that corresponds to the March 10 2011 JD � 3 Thts office believes that you can avoid all �mpacts to�urisd�ct�onal wetlands on the property as you have demonstrated m the attached plans included �n the November 1 2011 PCN submittal Please explain why th�s �n no longer an option No�e hCarohna �aturally North Carolina Division of Water Qual�ty Raleigh Regional OKce Surface Water Protection Phone(919)791 4200 Customer Service Internet www ncwaterquality org 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699 1628 FAX (919)788 7159 877 623 6748 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Achon Employer—50/ Recycled/10/ Post Consumer Paper Page 2 , 4 Please show the ent�re stormwater drainage system that w�ll be servmg the re designed parktng deck �ncludmg all stormwater inlets conveyances and outlets on the stte plan 5 Please prov�de a copy of the Town of Cary s approval of the updated stormwater management plan wrth add�tional imperv�ous surface bemg directed to the wet detention pond Please submit this mformat�on w�thm 30 calendar days of the date of th�s letter Please send 5 copies of the requested �nformat�on to DWQ Central Office,Attn Karen Higgins, 1650 Mail Serv�ce Center,Rale�gh, NC 27699-1650 If we do not rece�ve this requested mformation w�thm 30 calendar days of the date of th�s letter your pro�ect will be wrthdrawn and you will need to reappty with a new appl�cat�on and a new fee This letter only addresses the appl�catton review and does not authorize any �mpacts to wetlands waters or protected buffers Please be aware that any impacts requested w�thm your appltcation are not authorized (at this time) by the DWQ Please call Lauren W�therspoon at 791 4251 if you have any questions regarding or would like to set up a meetmg to discuss this matter � S e ly � � s' Q !7� ✓ �� / Danny Sm�t Raleigh Regional Office Surface Water Protection Section Supervisor cc Jamie Shern—USACE Rale�gh Regulatory Field Office DWQ Raleigh Regional Office WeBSCaPe— 1650 Mail Service Center J�m Spangler—Spangler Environmental Inc 4338 Bland Road Raleigh NC 27609 Filename 11 0974_RDU Center IV 401_On Hold