HomeMy WebLinkAbout19960849 Ver 2_Triage Comments_20070501~l-~~. ~~-e,~- ~ • Data `~ ~~ i I C'•~~ Who Roviowad:~'r ~6 _
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Plan Detail7ncompiete - .
^ Please provide a Ioaation map for tho project.
^ Please show all scream impacts including aIi fiI1 elopcs, dissipaters, sad bank stabilization on tho site plan.
^. Flease show aII wetland impacts including fill slops on the site plan.
^ Please indicate all buffo impacts on the alto plan.
^ please indicate proposed lot Iayout as overlays on the site plea.
^ .Please indicate the locatign of the protected buffare as arverlays on the site plan. '
^ Please locate elI isolated ornon-isolated wetlands, •sirearns and other wateas of the State as overlays on the site plan.
^ Ploesa provide cross section details showing the provisions for aquatlo life passage
^ Please locate any planned•sewer lines on the site plan. '
^ Please provide tike location of say proposed stormwatar management practkes as required by QC
^ Please provide detail for the stonnwatar management practicos as required by C3C . .
^ Please specify tho porceat of project iinpervlousness aroa based on the osdmated builtrout oonditions.•
^ Pleaseiadicata all stormwat%o~lIe on tho aiteptai3.
^ Plegae~indioato the diflbse flow provision measures do the site plan.
^ Pleaso indicate whother•or not the propoAod impaats already bears oorlductod.
Avoidance,and/or Aiinimizatton i~fot Provitl~d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ' •
^ • Thd labeled as ~~ on the plena dons not appear to be necessary. Pleaseeliminate the . or prbvlde sdditlonal .
informatioa~as to ~aliy it is nnoessary for this pro,~ect ; . .
• .~[] T6ia Office belies~es that the lelseled on the pleas as can be moved, or reoonfigurod to avoid tho ilnpaots to the
• . Please revise tho plane to avoid thq impacts.
^, ~ Tbis'Office believos•that the . •lalieled on the plans as• can be moved or rxonflgurod to ;rniaimize the impacts tp tho
• . Pleaso rouses the pleas to minimizo tho impacts. .
^ The etormweter discharges ax the location oh the pleas labeled will. not provide diilhso flow through tho buffer because
. Please Fev}se the plans sad providq oelculations to •show that di~se flow vViri be.achieved Ohrough the entire huffier, if it
is not poasiblo to achieve•diflbse flova- thmugh.the entire buffer then it may bs nooessaryto~ provide atormwater raansgamsat
practices that r~aove nuirtonts:boforo the stormwatcr can be discharged through the. buffer. ' , .
~ _
^•. Thd application fee was irisufSeiont because over 150 feet of stroam and/or.ovec 1 acre oi~wetlend'impacts wero requested. Pleaso
provide ~ .' 'Ibis additional fee must be receives} before your applicatiS~a can be reviewed. ' . .
^ Please completeto Suction(s) on tho application. -
^ ,,
^ Pleaseprovide s signed copy of the application.'
^ Ploaso provide ~ copies of the application, . copies of•the site pleas and other supporting information:
. ^ ~ Ploasesubmit electronic CXU Sloe ahowiztg ~ ;.via: eiuail to ian.mamillan®no~il.net and CDe ~ .
li'tittgation c ~ s : "~~, A~-
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^ of compensatory mitigation is rcquirod for this project. ~ Please provido'a componsatoiy mitigation plan. The ~
plan must conform~to tharequirements in 1 S A NCAC 2A :0500 •and must be approprlato to the type•of impacts proposed. ~ •
. J
^ Please indioato ~which'404 Permit the USACE would use to authorize this project. ' .
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