HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110601 Ver 1_More Info Letter_20111108 �� ��� NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H Sullins Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary November 8 2011 DWQ Pro�ect # 11 0601 Wake County CERTIFIED MAIL 7010 1870 0001 3428 1041 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Carl Dawson City of Rale�gh Publ�c Works 222 West Hargett Street Raleigh NC 27602 Sub�ect Property North Hills Drive Culvert Repa�r Mme Creek [030402 22 33 14 C NSW] REQUEST FOR MORE INFORMATION Dear Mr Dawson On June 24 2011 the Div�sion of Water Qual�ty(DWQ)rece�ved your appl�catton dated June 22 2011 and on October 6 2011 rece�ved additional supportmg mformat�on to fill or otherw�se �mpact 108 lmear feet of perenn�al stream channel (permanent�mpacts) 30 imear feet of perenntal stream channel (temporary impacts) 6 300 square feet of Zone 1 Neuse R�ver basin protected ripar�an buffer(temporary impacts) and 2 800 square feet of Zone 2 Neuse River protected r�par�an buffer(temporary �mpacts)to prov�de repa�r of an existmg RCP culvert system that is showmg s�gns of structural failure The DWQ has determined that your appl�cations were incomplete and/or provided maccurate informat�on as discussed below The DWQ w�tl requ�re add�tional information in order to process your application to impact protected streams and buffers on the sub�ect property Th�s pro�ect is on hold and mcomplete unt�l we rece�ve the additional informat�on requested below If we do not receive the requested information your pro�ect w�ll be formally returned as �ncomplete Please provtde the fol(owmg tnformat�on so that we may continue to review your pro�ect Add�tional Informat�on Requested 1) Please prov�de an agent author�zation letter for the appl�catton s�gnature 2) PCN Section E 1 a should be checked YES and 1 b shou�ld be checked NO s�nce there w�ll not be an mcrease �n �mpervious surface Please rev�se and resubmit th�s page of the PCN applicatton i 3) F�gure 4(buffer �mpact map)does not show the proper eYtent of buffer and/or buffer impacts The r�par�an buffer should extend m a 50 foot rad�us outward from the culvert outlet on the south s�de of North Hills Dr�ve No ehCarolma , dl�aturall� North Carolina Diws�on of Water Qual�ry Raleigh Reg�onal Office Suriace Water Protection Phone(919)791 4200 Customer Service Internet www ncwaterqualiry org 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699 1628 FAX (919)788 7159 877 623 6748 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer—50/ Recycled/10/ Post Consumer Paper Page 2 and the from the culvert mlet on the north s�de of North Hills Dnve In addit�on the buffer w�th�n the clear�ng l�mits that are depicted on Plan Sheet 6 of 12 does not match the r�par�an buffer impact map Please rev�se maps and the buffer impact table m the PCN applicat�on to reflect the correct buffer impacts and be sure to tndicate whether they are permanent or temporary �mpacts FYI—you can exclude eY�sting imperv�ous surface(i e the stdewalk) from buffer �mpacts 4) Plan Sheet PPl o For temporary impacts you are requ►red to plant two hardwood spec�es at a density of 320 trees/acre surv�v�ng after three years o Please �nclude the area north of North H�IIs Drive in your planting plan o Rev�se Plan Sheet PP1 and resubmit Please submit five copies of this �nformatton within 30 calendar days of the date of this letter Please send add�honal�nformahon to DWQ Central Oftice,Attn Karen H�ggms, 1650 Ma�l Servue Center,Raleigh, NC 27699 1650 If we do not receive this requested mformat�on with�n 30 calendar days of the date of thts letter your pro�ect w�ll be withdrawn and you w�ll need to reapply w�th a new app(tcat�on and a new fee If you need additional time to comp�le the information requested above please email Lauren Witherspoon (lauren witherspoon@ncdenr gov)request�ng an extens�on and md�cate a new date for submittal Th�s letter only addresses the applicat�on rev�ew and does not author�ze any impacts to wetlands waters or protected buffers Please be aware that any tmpacts requested with�n your applicat�on are not authonzed (at this time) by the DWQ Please call Lauren W�therspoon at 919 791 4251 �f you have any questions regard�ng this letter or would (ike to set up a meet�ng to discuss th�s matter S ce ely ��n � � � Danny Smit Rale�gh R ional Office Superv�sor � Surface Water Protect�on Section cc DWQ Rale�gh Regional Office File Copy WeBSCaPe— 1650 Ma�l Servtce Center Steve Sands—US Infrastructure of Carol�na [nc 1043 E Morehead Street Su�te 203 Charlotte NC 28204 hilcname I 1 0601_North Hills Dnve Culvert Repau_401_NBR_On Hold I