HomeMy WebLinkAbout20111013 Ver 1_CAMA Application_20111121 (2) r Appendix B � Habitat Assessment Field Data Sheets 3/06 Rev�sion 7 I�abitat Assessment F�eld Data Sheet Coastal Plain Streams �TOTAL SCORE—� Biolog�cal Assessment Unit,DWQ Duechons for use The observer�s to survey a rrummum of l00 meters w�th 200 meters preferred of stream,preferably m an upstream duechon starhng above the bndge pool and the road nght of way The segment w}uch�s assessed should represent average stream condirions To perform a proper habitat evaluaUon the observer needs to get mto the stream To complete the form,select the descnprion which best fits the observed habrtats and then cucle the score If the observed habrtat falls in between two descnphons select an mtermed�ate score A fmal habrtat score is deternuned by addmg the results from the different metncs Stream V�a. � ����� Locahon/road (Road Name )County �U.�cti�-�' Date �}� �d � �� CC# Basin ���b��'� � ���-��- Subbasm Observer(s)C 2� Type of Study �,F�sh �Benthos ❑Basmwide ❑Spec�al Study{Descnbe) Latitude 35,3��5 Longriude�p � 9���' Ecoreg�on ❑CA I�SWP ❑Sandhills O CB Water Qual�ty Temperature (q + S °C DO S �� mg/1 Conduchv�ty(carr)�µS/cm pH� Physical Characterizahon Visible land use refers to�mmed�ate area that you can see from sampl�ng locahon Check off what you observe dr�ving thru the�vatershed�n watershed land use Visible Land Use � %Forest %Residenhal %Achve Pasture %Act�ve Crops %Fa11owF�elds %Commercial %Industnal �.�_%Other Descnbe���"�°�`�1�'�Ke� Watershed land use l�Forest ❑Agnculture DUrban 0 Ammal operations upstream W�dth (meters) Stream � � Channel(at top of bank) '� 2 Stream Depth (m) Avg�_Max � ��$ ❑W�dth vanable OBraided channel �Large rrver>25m w�de ank He�ght(from deepest part of channel to top of bank) (m) � 0� Flow condit�ons ❑H�gh L�Tormal ❑Low Channel Flow Status Useful espec�ally under abnorn�at or low flow cond�hons A Water reaches base of both banks �n�mal channel subs�ate exposed � B Water fills>75%of ava�lable channel or<25%of channel substrate�s exposed ❑ C Water fills 25 75%of available channel many logs/snags exposed p D Root mats out of water ❑ E Very l�ttle water m channel mosdy present as standing pools D Turb�dziy C�Clear 0 Sl�ghtly Turbid OTurb�d �Tanmc OMilky �Colored(from dyes)�Green hnge Good potenttal for WeUands Restoration ProJect�? �YES �'NO Details �Channel�zed ditch ,CjDeeply u�cised steep straight banks C]Both banks undercut at bend OChannel filled m v�nth sedunent �,Recent overbank depos�ts �3ar development �Sewage smell ❑Excess�ve penphyton growth ❑Heavy filamentous algae growih Manmade Stab�l�zahon ❑Y ORip rap cement gabions 0 Sedunenbgrade control structure�Berm/levee Weather Condrtions aVk�-1 Cl��d� ^��Photos ON � �,Digrtal �35mm Remarks TYPICAL STREAM CROSS SECTION DIAGRtLM ON BACK 35 B1 I Channei Modificat�on re A Natural channel mimmal dredg�ng 15 B Some channel�zahon near bndge or h�stonc(>20 year old) and/or bends beguunng to reappear 10 C Extensrve channel�zatron straight as far as can see channelized ditch 5 D Banks shored with hard structure >80%of reach disrupted,u�stream habrtat gone 0 Remarks Subtotal �� II Instream Hab�tat Cons�der the percentage of the reach that�s favorable for benthos colomzahon or fish cover If>50%of the reach�s snags and 1 type�s present cucle the score of 16 Defin:hon ]eafpacks cons�st of older leaves that are packed together and have begun to decay(not piles of leaves m pool areas) Mark as Rare.Common,or Abundant CSt�cks � Snags/logs Ci Undercut banks or root mats �— Macrophytes L Leafpacks AMUUNT OF REACH FAVORABLE FOR COLONIZATION OR COVER >50% 30 50% l0 30% <l0% Score S e Score Score 4 or 5 types preseni 20 10 5 3 types present l 8 13 8 4 2 types present l7 12 7 3 1 type present 16 11 6 2 No substrate for benthos colomzation and no fish cover 0 ❑No woody vegetation u�npanan zone Remazks Subtotal�S III Bottom Substrate(silt clay sand detrrtus gravel) look at enhre reach for substrate sconng A Substrate types iruxed Score 1 gravel dorrnnant 15 2 sand domu�ant l3 3 detntus domu�ant 7 4 silt/clay/muck dorrunant 4 B Substrate homogeneous 1 nearly all gravel 12 2 nearly all sand Q 3 nearly all detntus 4 4 neazly all s�ldclay/muck 1 Remarks Subtotal �` IV Pool Var�ety Pools are areas of deeper than average maxunum depths v�nth ht[le or no surface turbulence Water velocit�es assoc�ated vrnth pools are always slow A Pools present Score 1 Pools Frequent(>30%of 100m length surveyed) a vanety of pool s�zes 10 b pools about the same size(indicates pools filling in) 8 2 Pools Infrequent(<30%of the 10(hn length surveyed) a vanety of pool sizes � b pools about the same size 4 B Pools absent 1 Deep water/run habrtat present 4 2 Deep water/run hab�tat absent 0 I- Subtotal W Remarks Page Total �� 36 62 V Bank Stab�l�ty and VegetaUon Score Score A Banks stable or no banks �usi llood pla�n 1 little or no ev�dence of erosion or bank failnre l�ttle potential for erosion l�( � B Erosion areas present 1 diverse trees shrubs grass plants healthy with good root systems 9 9 2 few trees or small trees and shrubs vegetatron appears generally healthy 7 7 3 sparse vegetation plant types and conditrons suggest poorer soil bmdu�g 4 4 4 mosfly grasses few�f any trees and shrubs h�gh erosion and fa�lure potential at lugh flow 2 2 5 little or no bank vegetahon,mass eroston and bank failure ev�dent 0 0 Tohal,�,6,�? Remarks VI L�ght Penetrahon (Canopy�s defined as tree or vegetahve cover duectly above the stream s surface Canopy would block out sunlight when the sun�s duectly overhead) Score A Stream vinth good canopy v�nth some breaks for light penetrahon 1 1 B Stream with ful!canopy breaks for hght penetrahon absent � C Stream vv�th partial canopy-sunlight and shadmg are essenhally equal 7 D Stream v�nth m�mmal canopy full sun m all but a few areas 2 E No canopy and no shadmg 0 Subtotal t� Remarks VIl R�par�an Vegetat�ve Zone W�dth Defuvhon A break m the npanan zone�s any area wh�ch allows sedunent to enter the stream Breaks refer to the near stream port�on of the npanan zone(banks) places where pollutants can duectly enter the stream Lft Bank Rt Bank Score Score A Ripanan zone intact(no breaks) l zone w�dth> l 8 meters 5� S 2 zone vindth 12 18 meters 4 � 3 zone v�ndth 6 12 meters 3 3 4 zone vtindth<6 meters 2 2 B Ripanan zone not intact(breaks) 1 breaks rare a zone vrndth> 18 meters 4 4 b zone w�dth 12 18 meters 3 3 c zone w�dth 6 l2 meters 2 2 d zone v�ndth<6 meters 1 1 2 breaks common a zone w�dth> 18 meters 3 3 b zone vsndth I2 18 meters 2 2 c zone wydth 6 12 meters 1 1 d zone vindth<6 meters 0 d Total I Remarks Page Total�_ TOTAL SCORE ��" 37 B3 Tw�ca1 Stream Cross sect�on � Ealreme Hig6 Wa1er T Normal Hfgh Wafer � - --------- iVormal Flow � � Upp B k � Lower B k Stream Width Th�s side�s 45 bank angle 38 64 3/06 Rev�s�on 7 I3ab�tat Assessment Field Data Sheet Coastal Plain Streams OTAL SCORE 8�olog�cal Assessment Umt DWQ � Duechons for use The observer�s to survey a rYUmmum of 100 meters w�th 200 meters preferred of stream,preferably m an upstream duechon starhng above the bndge pool and the road nght-of way The segment wluch xs assessed should represent average stream cond�tions To perform a proper hab�tat evaluahon the observer needs to get mto the stream To complete the form,select the descnphon wluch best fits the observed hab�tats and then cucle the score If the observed habitat falls m between rivo descnphons select an intermediate score A final habitat score�s determined by addu�g the results from the dift'erent metncs Stream_�`l,�9 V'�``"��°�Z� Locabon/road (Road Name )County�,,Q�►sd�°�' Date�) i�t! CC# Basm1.`31UAyt�`C' c�'�E.. Subbasm Observer(s) C�,'�- Tyge af Study T�1 Fish �enthos �Basmv�nde ❑Special Study(Descnbe) Labtude 35 3�o�4�( Long�tude � �j�ltia� Ecoreg�on ❑CA [�,SWP ❑Sandhills 0 CB Water Quality Temperaiure'a0 � °C DO Q � �S mg/I ConducUv�ty(corr)� f µS/cm pH� Phys�cal Character�zahon V�s�ble land use refers to�mmediate area that you can see from sampling locahon Check off what you observe drrving thru the watershed m watershed land use V�s�ble Land Use q� %Forest %Residenhal %AcUve Pasture %Ac ve Crops %Fallow F�elds %Commercial %Industnal 1 O %Other Descnbe�w��j�hP�G� Watershed land usel�Forest �Agnculture�Urban ❑Anunal operahons upstream W�dth (meters) Stream�Channel(at top of bank) � S Stream Depth (m) Avg(� 32 Max 9 3 ❑Width variable OBra�ded channel ❑Large river>25m wide ank He�ght(from deepest part of channel to top of bank) (m) 0 �LO Flow cond�t�ons �High [�[Normal OLow Channel Flow Status Useful espec�ally under abnom�al or low flow condihons A Water reaches base of both banks ��mal channel substrate exposed I� B Water fills>75%of ava�lable channel or<25%of channel substrate�s exposed ❑ C Water fills 25 75%of available channel many logs/snags exposed ❑ D Root mats out of water O E Very l�ttle water m channel mosdy present as standmg pools � Turb�d�ty ❑Clear l�Sl�ghtly Turb�d C]Turbid OTanmc ❑1Vl�lky �Colored(from dyes)OGreen hnge Good potent�al for Wetlands Restorat�on ProJect�� 0 YES �NO Details ❑Channel�zed drtch �Deeply mc�sed steep straight banks OBoth banks undercut at bend DChannel filled m wnth sedunent �Recent overbank depos�ts �Bar development OSewage smell ❑Excess�ve�enphyton growth �Ieavy filamentous algae growth Manmade Stabil�zabon '�JN �Y �Rip rap cement gabions D Sedunent/grade control shvcture�Bern�/levee Weather Conditions Q�V�f��4 r.t.�1��v.. '� �r S � Photos ON [�..Y C$Dig�ta] ❑35mm Remarks TYPICAL STREAM CROSS SECTION DIAGRAM ON BACK 35 65 I Channel Mod��cat�on ore A Natural channel minimal dredguig B Some channelizahon near bndge or}vstonc(>20 year old} and/or bends begmrung to reappear 10 C F.xtensrve channel�zahon stra�ght as far as can see channehzed d�tch 5 D Banks shored vv�th hard structure >80%of reach d�srupted u�sh-eam habrtat gone 0 Remarks Subtotal �� II Instream Hab�tat Cons�der the percentage of the reach that is favorable for benthos colomzahon or fish cover If>50%of the reach is snags and 1 type�s present circle the score of 16 DefimUon leafpacks consist of older leaves that are packed together and have begun to decay(not p�les of leaves m pool areas) Mark as Rare,Common,or Abundant G St�cks C Snags/logs �-.-Undercut banks or root mats � Macrophytes � Leafpacks AMOUNT OF REACH FAVORABLE FOR COLONIZATION OR COVER >50% 30 50% l0 30% <10% Score Score Score Score 4 or 5 types present 20 15 ]0 5 3 types present 18 13 8 4 2 types present 17 12 7 3 1 type present 16 11 6 2 No svbstrate for benthos colomzation and no fish cover 0 O No woody vegetehom m�panan zone Remarks Subtotal ti 3 III Bottom Substrate(silt clay sand detntus gravel) look at enhre reach for substrate sconng A Substrate types rruaed Score 1 gravel dommant l5 2 sand domuiant 13 3 detr�tus domuiant 7 4 silt/clay/muck dorrunant � B Substrate homogeneous 1 nearly all gravel 12 2 nearly all sand 7 3 nearly all detntus 4 4 nearly all silt/clay/muck 1 Remarks Subtotal� IV Pool Vanety Pools are areas of deeper than average maxunum depths v�nth]ittle or no surface turbulence Water velocihes associated w�th pools are always slow A Pools present Score l Pools Frequent(>30%of 100m length surveyed) a vaz�ety of pool s�zes 10 b pools about the same s�ze(mdicates pools fillmg m) 8 2 Pools lnfrequent(<30%of the 100m length surveyed) a vanety of pool s�zes � b pools about the same size B Pools absent l Deep water/run habrtat present 4 2 Deep water/run hab�tat absent � Subtotal� Remarks Page Total �`D 36 66 V Bank Stabd�ty and Vegetation Score Score A Banks stable or no banks,�ust tlood plam 1 little or no evidence of eroston or bank fa�lure little potenUal for erosion 10 10 B Erosion areas present 1 diverse trees shrubs grass plants healthy v�nth good root systems 9 � 2 few�ees or small trees and shrubs vegetation appears generally healthy 7 7 3 sparse vegetahon plant types and condihons suggest poorer soil bmdmg 4 4 4 mostly grasses few if any trees and shrnbs lvgh eros�on and fa�lure potential at lugh flow 2 2 5 little or no bank vegetat�on mass erosion and bank failwe ev�dent 0 0 Total� Remarks VI Light Penetrat�on (Canopy is defined as h-ee or vegetahve cover duecdy above the stream s surface Canopy would block out sunl�ght when the sun�s duecdy overhead) Sc re A Stream w�th good canopy v�nth some breaks for light penetrahon � B Stream v�nth full canopy breaks for light penetrahon absent 8 C Stream v►ath part�al canopy sunl�ght and shadmg are essentially equal 7 D Stream vv�th irummal canopy full sun�n all but a few areas 2 E No canopy and no shadmg 0 Subtotal L� Remarks Vll R�par�an Vegetatrve Zone W�dth Defimtion A break u►the npanan zone is any area wlvch allows sedunent to enter the stream Breaks refer to the near stream porhon of the npanan zone(banks) places where po]lutants can duectly enter the stream Lft Barilc Rt Bank Score Score A Ripanan zone mtact(no breaks) l zone v�ndth> 18 meters � �5 2 zone width 12 18 meters 4 4 3 zone w�dtt►6 12 meters 3 3 4 zone undth<6 meters 2 2 B R�panan zone not�ntact(breaks) 1 breaks rare a zone u+idth> 18 meters 4 4 b zone w►dth 12 18 meters 3 3 c zone vindth 6 12 meters 2 2 d zone vindth<6 meters ] ] 2 breaks common a zone width> 18 meters 3 3 b zone v�ndth 12 l 8 meters 2 2 c zone vv�dth 6 12 meters l 1 d zone vindth<6 meters 0 0 Total_� Remarks Page Total 3�_ TOTAL SCORE �"S 37 B7 Twical Stream Cross sechon � Factreme High Water � � Normal Hfgh W te � ---------- Norm 1 Flow Upp B k � L wer B k Stream Width 'Th�s side is 45°barilc angle 38 68 3/06 Rev�s�on 7 Hab�tai Assessment F�eld Data Sheet Cuastal Plam Streams OTAL SCORE—�1 �ological Assessment Unit DWQ Duechons for use The observer�s to survey a rrLmmum of l00 meters w�th 200 meters preferred of stream,preferably m an upstream duechon starhng above the bndge poo]and the road r�ght-of way The segment wluch is assessed should represent average stream condihons To perform a proper hab�tat evaluabon the observer needs to get mto the stream To complete the form,select the descnptron wluch best fits the observed habitats and then cucle the score If the observed hab�tat falls m between two descnphons select an wtermed�ate score A final habitat score�s deternnned by addmg the results from the cl�'erent metrics Str.eam�pU�� ���f�.t�. Locahon/road C � (Road Name )County Ij�i��C�/'� Date ��� ` �� CC# Basm �j�0�.�✓h-"� �-�-Q.&--��. Subbasm Observer(s) C� Type of Study (�F�sh [�$enthos ❑Basmv�nde DSpec�a]Study(Descnbe) ( Latitude35 3��t��p�Long�tude� ��3�1�` Ecoregion ❑CA �SWP ❑Sandhills O CB Water Qual�ty Temperature���°C DO �r �'� mg/1 Conduchvity(corr) � � µS/cm pH +�'� Phys�cal Character�zation Vis�ble land use reters to immediate area that you can see from samplmg locat�on Check off what you observe dnv�ng thrn the watershed m watershed land nse V�sible Land Use l��_%Forest %ResidenUal %AcUve Pasture %Achve Crops %Fallow F�elds %Commercial %Induslnal %Other Descnbe Watershed land use L'�Forest ❑Agnculture DUrban ❑Anunal operabons upstream W�dth (meters) Stream 2 �Channel(at top of bank) 3 � Stream Depth (m) Avg U '� Max � �' ❑Width vanable C7Bra�ded channel �Large rrver>25m w�de nk He�ght(from deepest part of channel to top of bank) {m}�_ Flow condihons ON�gh �Toimal OLow Channel Flow Status Usefiil espec�ally under abnom�a]or low flow cond�hons A Water reaches base ofboth banks mmunal channel substrate exposed I� B Water fills>75%of ava�lable channel or<25%of channel substrate�s exposed ❑ C Water fi]]s 25 75%of avai7able channel many logs/snags exposed ❑ D Root mats out of water p E Very uttle water m channel mostly present as standmg pools ❑ Turbidity �Clear ❑Sl�ghtly Turbid �Turbid OTanmc �1Vblky OColored(from dyes)OGreen tu�ge Good potent�al for Wetlands Restorat�on Pro�ect�� ❑YES �NO Details ❑Channel�zed d2tch �Deeply mcised steep s�aight banks �Both banks undercut at bend DChanne)filled m rv�th sedunent �Recent overbank depos�ts �ar development �Sewage smell ❑Excess�ve penphyton growth eavy filamentous algae growth Manmade Stab�lization �t [JY �12ip-rap cement gabions C]Sedunentlgrade control structure�Berm/levee Weather Conditions Photos �N �Y [�D�g�tal 035mm Remarks TYPICAL STREAM CROSS SECTION DIAGRAM ON BACK 35 B9 I Channel Mod►ficat�on ore A Namral channel mmunal dredgmg B Some channelizahon near bndge or lvstonc(>20 year old) and/or bends begnuung to reappear l 0 C Extensrve channel�zahon stra�ght as far as can see cha�ehzed d�tch 5 D Banks shored with hard struchue >80%of reach d�srupted mstream habrtat gone 0 Remarks Subtotal ��j II Insiream Nab�tat Cons�der the percentage of the reach that is favorable for benthos colonizahon or fish cover If>50%of the reach�s snags and 1 type is present,cucle tlie score of 16 Defimhon Jeafpacks cons�st of older leaves that are packed together and have begun to decay(not p�les of leaves�n pool areas) Mark as Rare.Common, or Abundant ,�Sticks �Snags/logs �_Undercut banks or root mats �Macrophytes G Leafpacks AMOUNT OF REACfl FAVORABLE FOR COLONIZATION OR COVER >50% 30 50% l0 30% <10% S e Score Score Score 4 or 5 types present 15 10 5 3 types present 18 13 8 4 2 tyQes present 17 12 7 3 l rype present 16 11 6 2 No substrate for benthos colomzauon and no fish cover 0 ❑No woody vegeiavom m�panan zone Remarks Subtotal a� IlI Bottom Substrate(silt,clay sand detritus gravel) look at entire reach for substrate sconng A Subsirate types rruxed Score ] gravel dorrnnant 15 2 sand dorrunant 13 3 demtus domuiant Q 4 sildclay/muck dommant 4 B Substrate homogeneous 1 uearly al1 gravel 12 2 nearly all sand 7 3 nearly all detntus 4 4 nearly all silUclay/muck 1 Remarks Subtotal_� IV Pool Vanety Pools are areas of deeper than average maxunum depths vv�th Uttle or no surface turbulence Water velocit�es assoc�ated w�th pools are always slow A Pools present Score I Pools Frequent(>30%of 100m length surveyed) a vanety of pool s�zes � b pools about the same size(indicates pools fillmg m) 8 2 Pools Infrequent(<30%of the 100m lengih surveyed) a vanety of pool sizes 6 b pools about ihe same size 4 B Pools absent 1 Deep water/run hab�tat preseni 4 2 Deep water/run hab�tat absent 0 Subtotal ,� Remarks Page Total�_ 36 6 10 V Bank Stab�Lty and Vegetation Score Score A Banks stable or no banks �ust llood pla�n 1 little or no evidence of erosion or bank fa�lure little potenUal for eros�on � 10 B Eros�on areas present 1 drverse trees shrubs grass plants healthy w�th good root systems 9 9 2 few trees or small trees and shrubs vegetation appears generally healthy 7 7 3 sparse vegetation plant types and cond�tions suggest poorer so�l bmding 4 4 4 mostly grasses few if'any trees and shrubs high erosaon and fa�lure poientaaI at lugh flow 2 2 5 little or no banlc vegetat�on mass erosion and banlc fa�lwe evident 0 0 Total o�� Remarks V7 L�ght Penetrat�on (Canopy is defined as tree or vegetahve cover direcdy above the stream s surface Canopy would block out sunlight when the sun is directly overhead) Score A Stream v+nth good canopy v�nth some breaks for l�ght penetraUon � B Stream w�th full canopy breaks for I�ght penetrahon absent �'� C Stream v�ntb part�al canopy sunlight and shad�ng are essenhally equal 7 D Stream vinth m�mmal canopy ful]sun m aU but a few areas 2 E No canopy and no shadmg � Subtotal l� Remarks VII R�par�an Vegetatrve Zone W�dth Defin�hon A break in the npanan zone�s any area which allows sedunent to enter the stream Breaks refer to the neaz stream pordon of the rrpanan zone(banks) places where pollutants can duectly enter the stream Lft Bank Rt Bank Score Score A Ripanan zone�ntact(no breaks) Q � ] zone v►adth> I 8 meters 2 zone width 12 18 meters 4 4 3 zone andth 6-12 meters 3 3 4 zone w�dth<6 meters 2 2 B R�panan z�ne not�ntact(breaks) 1 breaks rare a zone vv�dth> ]8 meters 4 4 b zone w�dth 12 l8 meters 3 3 c zone v►adth 6 12 meters 2 2 d zone w�dth<6 meters l 1 2 breaks common a zone v�ndth> 18 meters 3 3 b zone vsndth 12 l 8 metexs 2 2 c zone vrndth 6 12 meters l l d zone vindth<6 meters 0 0 Tota] �� Remarks Page Total ��7 TOTAL SCORE �� 37 6 11 Typ�cal Stream Cross sechon � 1 E tr me Higb Water Normal Nfgh Water Normal Ftow Upp B k � IAAM B k Slream Width T1us stde�s 45 bank angIe 38 6 12 3/06 R�v�sion 7 Habitat Assessment F�eld Data Sheet Coastal Plain Streams OTAL SCORE d�ological Assessment Un�t,DWQ Duechons for use The observer�s to survey a rrummum of 100 meters with 200 meters preferred of stream,preferably m an upstream duechon starhng above the bndge pool and the road nght-of way The segment wluch�s assessed should represent average stream condihons To perform a proper habrtat evaluahon the observer needs to get�nto the sueam To complete the form,select the descnption wlvch best fits the observed hab�tats and then cucle the score If the observed habrtat falls m between rivo descnphons select an mtermediate score A final habitat score�s deternuned by adci�ng the results from the d�fferent metrics Stream U� �. rCD�!°�"�� `�� Locahon/road (RoadName )County �.2�4��° Date �� �a � �� CC# Basin�j�p'u{ic�5 (.���— Subbasm Observer(s)� Type of Study �F�sh �Benthos �Basmw�de ❑Special Study(Descnbe) Lahtude3�j�`��$ Long�tude -�F �'��'�,Ecoreg�on ❑CA �SWP ❑Sandhills 0 CB Water Qual�ty Temperature r�° � °C DO� �� mg/1 ConducUvrty(corr) ��9 2µS/cm pH � 3� Phys�cal Charactenzahon V�s�ble land use refers to immed�ate area that you can see from samphng locat�on Check off what you observe driving thru the watershed in watershed land use Visible Land Use �'�'-�' %Forest %Residenhal %Acave Pasture °lo AcUve Cr�ps %Fallow F�eids %Commercial %Industnal �_%Other Descnbe -hNn10��e� G��'-� Watershed land use�Forest ❑Agnculture�Urban ❑Ammal operahons upstream W�dth (meters) Sbream�Channel(at top of bank) � � Stream Depth (m) Avg Q (0 Max��j �Width vanabte �Braided channel OLarge nver>25m w�de �nk Height(from deepest part of channel to top of bank) (m) � 5 Flow condihons ❑H�gh i�lormal ❑Low Channel Flow Status Usefiil espec�ally under abnormal or low flow cond�bons A Water reaches base ofboth banks muumal channel substrate exposed � B Water fills>75%of available channel or<25%of channel substrate is exposed ❑ C Water f lls 25 75%of avaslable channel many logslsnags exposed ❑ D Root mats out of water O E Very little water m channel mosdy present as standing pools O Turbid�ty ❑Clear �Sl�ghdy Turb�d OTurbid OTanmc Olvl�llcy ❑Colored(from dyes)C7Green ringe Good potential for Wetlands Restorat�on Pro�ect�? ❑YES �NO Details_ Nf��(5 � Lx t�nDQvv��e..�A- �� beUU��t a.r��n _ �hannel�zed d�tch eeply�ncised steep stra�ght banks �Both banks undercut at bend �Channe]filled m v,ntl�sedunent �Recent overbank depos�ts ❑Bar development OSewage sme11 �Excessrve penphyton growth ❑Heavy fiIamentous algae growth Manmade Stabilizabon �N �Y ORip rap cement,gab�ons D Sedunendgrade control s�ucture OBerm/levee Weather Condit�ons Qp/�d� G�c�ul�e��;x Photos �N 1�Y C�Dig�tal 035mm Remarks TYPICAL STREAM CROSS SECTION DIAGRAM ON BACK 35 6 13 l Channel Mod�fieat�on Score A Natural channel muumal dredguig 15� B Some channelizahon near bndge or Ivstonc(>20 year old) and/or bends begimm�g to reappear �6r C Extens�ve channel�zaUon stra�ght as far as can see channelized drtch 5 D Banks shored wrth hard structure >80%of reach d�srupted u�stream habitat gone 0 Remarks 3ubtotal�� II Instream Hab�tat Cons�der the percentage of the reach that�s favorable for benthos coloruzahon or fish cover If>50%of the reach�s snags and 1 type is present cucle the score of l 6 Defin�t�on leafpacks cons�st of older leaves that are packed together and have begun to decay(not piles of leaves m pool areas) Mark as Rare.Common,or Abundant CShcks G Snags/logs �- Undercut banks or root mats '�Macrophytes �. Leafpacks AMOUNT OF REACH FAVORABLE FOR COLONIZATION OR COVER >50% 30 50% 10 30% <10% Score Sc e Score Score 4 or 5 types present 20 I S 10 5 3 types present 18 13 8 4 2 types present 17 12 7 3 1 type present l6 I 1 6 2 No substrate for benthos colomzahon and no fish cover 0 ❑No woody vegetariom m�panan zone Remarks Subtotal_� III Bottom Substrate(silt,clay sand detntus gravel) look at enhre reach for substrate sconng A Substrate types mixed Score l gravel dorrunant 15 2 sand domuiant 13 3 detntus dommant 7 4 s�lt/clay/muck dorrnnant Q B Substrate homogeneous 1 nearly all gravel 12 2 nearly all sand 7 3 nearly all deintus 4 4 nearly all silt/clay/muck 1 Remarks Subtotal� IV Pool Var�ety Pools aze areas of deeper than average maxunum depths v�nth uttle or no surface turbulence Water velocihes associated vrnth pools are always slow A Pools present Score 1 Pools Frequent(>30%of 100m length surveyed) a vanety of pool s�zes 10 b pools about the same s�ze(md�cates pools filling in) 8 2 Pools Infrequent(<30%of the I OOra length surveyed) a vanety of pool sizes 6 b pools about the same size (} B Pools absent 1 Deep water/run habrtat present 4 2 Deep water/run habrtat absent � Subtotal Remarks Page Total ?� 36 6 14 V �ank Stabil�ty and Vegetation Score Score A Banks stable or no banks,�ust�lood piam /� l l�ttle or no evidence of erosion or bank fa�Iure little potenhal for erosion � ��Q� B Eros�on areas present 1 drverse trees shrubs grass plants healthy vsnth good root systems 9 9 2 few trees or small trees and shrubs vegetahon appears generally healthy 7 7 3 sparse vegetahon plant types and cond�tions svggest poorer so31 bmchng 4 4 4 mostly grasses few if any trees and shrubs lugh erosion and failure potenhal at lugh flow 2 2 5 little or no bank vegetahon mass erosion and bank failure evident 0 0 Total� Remarks VI L�ght Penetrat�on (Canopy�s defined as iree or vegetahve cover directly above the stream s surface Canopy would block out sunbght when the sun�s duectly overhead) ore A Stream vv�th good canopy w�th some breaks for light penetrahon l 0 B Stream vv�th full canopy breaks for]�ght penetrahon absent C Stream vv�th part�al canopy simlight and shadmg are essenhally equal 7 D Stream vinth irun�mal canopy full sun m a!1 but a few areas 2 E No canopy and no shadmg 0 Subtotal�0 Remarks VIl I2�par�an Vegetat�ve Zone W�dth Defin�hon A break m the npanan zone�s any area wh�ch allows sedunent to enter the stream Breaks refer to the near stream porhon of the npanan zone(banks) places where pol3utants can duectly enter the stream Lft Bank Rt Bank Score Score A Ripanan zone mtact{no breaks) l zone v�ndth>l S meters 5 5 2 zone width 12 I8 meters (� � 3 zone v�ndth 6 12 meters 3 4 zone vv�dth<6 meters 2 2 B R�panan zone not�ntact(breaks) 1 breaks rare a zone v�ndth> 18 meters 4 4 b zone vv�dth 12 18 meters 3 3 c zone vtndth 6 12 meters 2 2 d zone w�dth<6 meters 1 1 2 breaks common a zone width> 18 meters 3 3 b zone w�dth 12 18 meters 2 2 c zone vv�dth 6 12 meters 1 1 d zone w�dth<6 meters 0 0 Total � Remarks Page Total� TOTAL SCORE �_ 37 6 15 Typ�cal Stream Cross sect�on l Ealreme H gh Waler � Na ma!High Wat r N rmal Flow —_ — UpP B k � Low B k sn m Width Th�s side is 45 bank angle 38 6 16 Append�x E North Carollna Ecosystem Enhancement Program In-Lieu Mitigation Acceptance Letter (October 25, 2011) _ ✓ a°�se nt PROGRAM October 25,2011 Paxton Badham Martm Manetta Matenals 2710 Wycliff Road Raleigh NC 27607 Exp�ration of Acceptance Apri125 2412 Pro�ect Martm Marietta Materials Vanceboro Srte County Beaufort/Craven The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the North Carotu►a Ecosystem Enhancement Program(NCEEP)is willmg to accept payment for compensatory mitigation for unpacts associated wrth the above referenced pro�ect as mdicated ui the table below Please note that this decision does not assure that partictpation u�the NCEEP wtli be approved by the permit issumg agencies as mrttgation for pro�ect unpacts It is the responslbilrty of the applicant to contact these agencies to determine if payment to the NCEEP will be approved You must also comply wrth all other state,federal or local�overnment permrts,regulations or author�zanons associated wrth the proposed activ�tv mcludmg SL 2009 337 An Act to Promote the Use of Compensator�Mitigation Banks as amended by S L 2011 343 This acceptance is val�d for six months from the date of this letter and is not transferable If we have not rece►ved a copy of the issued 404 PermifJ401 Certification/CAMA permit with�Q this time frame,this acceptance w�ll expire It is the apphcant s responsibility to send copies of the permrts to NCEEP Once NCEEP receives a copy of the permit(s)an invoice will be issued based on the requ�red mrtigahon in that pernut and payment must be made pnor to conductmg the authonzed work The amount of the In Lieu Fee to be paid to NCEEP by an applicant is calculated based upon the Fee Schedule and pohcies listed at www nceep net Based on the information supplied by you m your request to use the NCEEP the unpacts that may requve compensatory mitigation are summanzed ui the fotlowing table The amount of mitigahon requued for this impact is determmed by perm2ttmg agencies River CU Stream(feet) Wetlands(acres) Buffer I Buffer II Basin Location (Sq Ft) (Sq Ft) Cold Cool Warm Ri ar�an Non Ri arian Coastal Marsh Impact Tar Pamlico 03020104 0 0 0 0 6 69 0 0 0 Upon recetpt of payment EEP will take responsibilrty for providu►g the compensatory mitigation The mitigation will be performed in accordance wrth the N C Department of Envu�onment and Natural Resources Ecosystem Enhancement Program In Lieu Fee Instnunent dated July 28 2010 Thank you for your mterest in the NCEEP If you have any questions or need addrtional mformation please contact Kelly Williams at (919)716 1921 Smcerely �, �u�.�� .�- Micha llison Deputy Duector cc Karen Higgu�s NCDWQ Wetlands/401 Unrt Will�am Wescott USACE Washmgton Ian McMillan NCDWQ Wetlands/401 Umt Doug Huggett NCDCM Morehead Crty Chad Evenhouse agent File �oY � P�o Dcc�Sta� � � ��c;t� North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program 1652 Mad Service Center Raleigh NC 27699 1652/919 715 0476/www nceep net