HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110897 Ver 1_More Info Letter_20111110 i �� �A�� NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Naturai Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H Sullins Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary November 10 2011 DWQ Pro�ect# 11 0897 Edgecombe County CERTIFIED MAIL 7010 1870 00013428 1058 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mtchael Matthews Edgecombe County Water and Sewer Distrcct No 5 201 St Andrews St Tarboro NC 27886 Sub�ect Property Wastewater Collection System for New Hope Church Road/Dunbar Road Area Key Branch [030302 28 76 5 WS IV NSW] REQUEST FOR MORE INFORMATION Dear Mr Matthews On October 6 2011 the Division of Water Qual�ty(DWQ)recerved your appl�cation dated October 5 2011 to fill or otherw�se impact 55 linear feet of mtermtttent stream channei (temporary impacts) 4 664 square feet of Zone 1 Tar River basin protected ripar�an buffer(temporary impacts) and 2 917 square feet of Zone 2 Tar R�ver basm protected r�par�an buffer(temporary �mpacts)to construct a pump stat�on and a grav�ty sewer The DWQ has determmed that your appl�cat�on was �ncomplete and/or provided �naccurate mformation as discussed below The DWQ will requ�re additional tnformat�on m order to process your app(ication to impact protected streams and buffers on the sub�ect propert�es Th�s proJect is on hold and incomplete until we rece�ve the add�tional informat�on requested below If we do not receive the requested mformat�on your pro�ect w�ll be formally returned as mcomplete Please provtde the followmg mformatton so that we may contmue to revtew your proJect Additional Informat�on Requested 1 Page 5 of 10 of the PCN appl�cation ind�cates that the stream �mpact is temporary However Plan Sheet C 7 2 shows a r�p rap lined channel detatl Will the stream be Imed with rip rap in th�s location� [f so then the PCN should reflect that th�s �s a permanent �mpact If not modify the plans accordingly 2 Page 6 of 10 of the PCN appl�cat�on ind�cates that the buffer impacts are temporary However DWQ assumes that you wtl( need a permanent corridor for mamtenance In add�tion Plan Sheet C 7 1 shows a bank stabil�zation detail ultil�zing rip rap Is th�s a streambank stab�ltzation detail or for erosion control devices� If this �s proposed for streambank stabtlizatton rip rap is considered a permanent�mpact and should be reflected as such m the PCN appltcat�on NorthCarolma JVatura!!� North Carolina Droision of Water Quality Raleigh Reg�onal O�ce Surface Water Protection Phone(919)791 4200 Customer Service Intemet www ncwaterquality org 1628 Matl Service Center Raleigh NC 27699 7628 FAX (919)788 7159 877 623 6748 An Equal Opporturnty/Affirmative Action Employer—50/ Recycled/10/ Post Consumer Paper Page 2 Please submit five copies of the information requested with�n 30 calendar days of the date of this letter Please send add�t�onal information to DWQ Central Office,Attn Karen Higg�ns, 1650 Mail Service Center, Rale�gh,NC 27699-1650 [f we do not receive this requested �nformat�on w�thm 30 ca(endar days of the date of th�s letter your pro�ect will be withdrawn and you will need to reapply w�th a new appl�cat�on and a new fee If you need addit�onal time to comp�le the informat�on requested above please email Lauren Wttherspoon (lauren witherspoon@ncdenr gov) requesting an extension and tndicate a new date for submittal Th�s letter only addresses the application review and does not authorize any �mpacts to wetlands waters or protected buffers Please be aware that any �mpacts requested withm your appl�cation are not author�zed (at th�s time) by the DWQ Please call Lauren Witherspoon at 919 791 4251 if you have any quest�ons regardmg this letter or would l�ke to set up a meet�ng to discuss th�s matter S ncere �'r��r � �/ Danny Smi Rale�gh egional Office Superv�sor Surface Water Protect�on Section cc DWQ Rale�gh Reg�onal Office F�le Copy WeBSCaPe— 1650 Ma�l Service Center DLR Raleigh Regional Office A Slade Harvm P E —The Wooten Company 301 West 14�'Street Greenville NC 27834 Filename I 1 0897_Wastewater Collechon System_401_TPBR_On Hold